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Learning Area Science

Learning Delivery Modality Modular Distance Modality (Learners-Led Modality)

School Grade Level Grade 6

LESSON Teacher Learning Area Science
EXEMPLAR Teaching Date Quarter Second Quarter
Teaching Time No. of Days 2 days

The learners should be able explain how the organs of each organ system work together;

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrate understanding of how the major organs of the human body work together
to form organ systems
B. Performance Standards The learners should be able to make a chart showing healthful habits that promote proper
functioning of the musculo-skeletal,integumentary,digestive,circulatory,excretory,respiratory and
nervous systems
C. Most Essential Learning
explain how the organs of each organ system work together;
Competencies (MELC)
(If available, write the
indicated MELC)
D. Enabling Competencies
(If available, write the
attached enabling

II. CONTENT Musculo-Skeletal System


A. References
a. Teacher’s Guide Pages pp. 1- 8

b. Learner’s Material Pages

c. Textbook Pages
d. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources

B. List of Learning Resources for .

Development and
Engagement Activities
A. Introduction
What I Need to Know?
Have you seen a house being built?
What did the carpenters build first?
Does the framework make the house stand?
Does it also give a definite form to the house?

How will you compare that to the human body?

Is there a framework that provides structure to the human body?

In this lesson the leaners will understand and explain how musculo-skeletal system works and also
how to make good care of it.

What is New?

Direction: Identify the parts of skeletal system

Are all those bones play important roles in your daily activities?
B. Development

What I Know?

The learners answer 10-item test (write your answer in your notebook)

A. Give 5 primary functions of Skeletal System


2. ________________________________________________


4. ________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________

B. Give 2 illnesses that can be related to skeletal system



C. Rearrange the jumbled letters inside the box to from the correct word being described by
the group of words at the right.

Do it in your notebook.

8. H B O N S E I P – located just below the waist

9. S P I L A N C O M N L U – consists of 26 vertebrae

10. R B I G A C E – consists of 12 ribs on each side of the body

What is in?

I. Let the pupils cut the pictures (pictures to cut attached the end of the LE) and try to put
them altogether

Guide questions:

1. Can the body function well if one of the bones is missing?

2. Will muscle support itself without the bone?
3. Identify the different parts of Musculo-Skeletal System
4. How do skeleton functions? Refer to Science for Daily Use pp.3-8

What is it?

The Musculo-Skeletal System is like a

frame. It gives your body shape and support. It support your body as you move. Some bones
protect some vital parts or internal organs of your body. Some bones enable the body to make
different movement.

The bone forming the head is the skull or cranium. It is like a

built-in helmet is made up of eight bones that have grown
together. You have about 206 bones in your body. As a baby
you had more than 300 bones.
The skull protects the brain. It is hard and strong but it can
be cracked if it receives a severe blow.

The jawbones support the teeth and gums enabling us to bite and chew our food. The
backbones or the spinal column holds your head and body straight. It consist of 26 separate bones
called vertebrae with disk made of cartilage.

The cartilage prevents these bones from hitting each

other when you move. The vertebrae protect the spinal cord.
There are 7 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar 1 sacrum and 1
coccyx vertebrae. If you look closely at one vertebra you
will see a hole in its center through which the spinal cord

The vertebrae are separated by cartilage which prevents these

bones from hitting each other when you move. The backbone
protects the spinal cord. Your backbone is your main
support. The vertebrae in your backbone let you move in
different ways.
The skeletal system serves many important functions; it
provides the shape and form for the body, support and
protection, allows bodily movement, produces blood for the
body, and stores minerals. The number of bones in the
. human skeletal system is a controversial topic

Humans are born with over 300 bones; however, many bones fuse together between birth and
As a result, an average adult skeleton consists of 206 bones. The number of bones varies
according to the method used to derive the count. While some consider certain structures to be a
single bone with multiple parts, others may see it as a single part with multiple bones.
There are five general classifications of bones. These are long bones, short bones, flat bones,
irregular bones, and sesamoid bones. The human skeleton is composed of both fused and
individual bones supported by ligaments, tendons, muscles and cartilage.

It is a complex structure with two distinct divisions; the axial skeleton, which includes the
vertebral column, and the appendicular skeleton

The skeletal system serves as a framework for tissues and organs to attach themselves to.
This system acts as a protective structure for vital organs. Major examples of this are the brain
being protected by the skull and the lungs being protected by the rib cage.

Located in long bones are two distinctions of bone marrow (yellow and red). The yellow
marrow has fatty connective tissue and is found in the marrow cavity.
During starvation, the body uses the fat in yellow marrow for energy. The red marrow of
some bones is an important site for blood cell production, approximately 2.6 million red blood
cells per second in order to replace existing cells that have been destroyed by the liver. Here all
erythrocytes, platelets, and most leukocytes form in adults. From the red marrow, erythrocytes,
platelets, and leukocytes migrate to the blood to do their special tasks.

Another function of bones is the storage of certain minerals. Calcium and phosphorus are
among the main minerals being stored. The importance of this storage "device" helps to regulate
mineral balance in the bloodstream. When the fluctuation of minerals is high, these minerals are
stored in bone; when it is low it will be withdrawn from the bone.
A tendon is a tough, flexible band of fibrous connective tissue that connects muscles to bones.
The extra-cellular connective tissue between muscle fibers binds to tendons at the distal and
proximal ends, and the tendon binds to the periosteum of individual bones at the muscle's origin
and insertion. As muscles contract, tendons transmit the forces to the relatively rigid bones, pulling
on them and causing movement. Tendons can stretch substantially, allowing them to function as
springs during locomotion, thereby saving energy.

different types of muscles:

a. Skeletal muscles- Skeletal muscle, also called voluntary muscle, in vertebrates, most common
of the three types of muscle in the body. Skeletal muscles are attached to bones by tendons, and
they produce all the movements of body parts in relation to each other.

b. smooth muscles- Smooth muscle, also called involuntary muscle, muscle that shows no cross
stripes under microscopic magnification. It consists of narrow spindle-shaped cells with a single,
centrally located nucleus.

c. cardiac muscles- Cardiac muscle, also called myocardium, in vertebrates, one of three major
muscle types, found only in the heart.

C. Engagement
What is more?

Activity 1: Make me alive

The learner puts color to the parts of human skeleton and identify by putting in the boxes the
muscle that attaches to it.
Activity 2: List things to do in order to properly take care of our bones

1. ________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________

What I can do?

I. Write SM if the statement pertains to smooth muscles, CA if cardiac muscles and SK

if skeletal muscles.
_____1. These are muscles found only in heart.
--------2. They are striated and involuntary.
--------3. They are striated and voluntary.
--------4. They are muscles of internal organs.
--------5. The muscle cell of this type contains only one nucleus.

II. Write some activities that will make your muscle strong?
Ex. Exercise daily

2. __________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________

4. __________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________
What else I can do? (Additional Activities)

From your answer to the previous activities make table showing healthy habits to
promote proper functioning of your musculo-skeletal system
Healthy habits to promote proper functioning

Skeletal System Muscle

1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4

5 5

D. Assimilation
What I Have Learned?

Complete Me:

The ________________________is like a frame. It gives your body shape and

support. It support your body as you move. Some bones protect some vital parts or internal
organs of your body. Some bones enable the body to make different movement. The bone
forming the head is called _________ or ____________ that protects the brain. The
____________ protects the teeth and gums. The human is born with __________ bones
and when they grow older the bone reduces to an average ______________. There are
three types of muscles that the bone is supporting namely; _____________,
______________, __________________

What I can Achieve?

Activity I
Matching type: Match the parts of the skeletal system in column A with the
functions in column B.

Column A Column B
1. Skull a. the inner layer of the bone that contains yellowish
2. Spinal column substance which manufacture blood cells in the body.
3. Bones b. protects the spinal cord
4. Hinge joint c. a rigid case that protects the brain
5. Ball and socket d. allows movement in all direction
e. allows movement in one direction

Activity 2
Direction: Supply the missing words. Choose your answers in the box .

muscles smooth muscular cardiac pairs

The ______system consist of all muscles in the body. Muscles have three kinds:______,______
and skeletal. Muscles always work in _____.If one muscle contracts the opposite relaxes.
_______help the body move and do work. Good food, exercise, rest, and good posture are
necessary to make muscles strong and healthy.

V. REFLECTION I understand that__________________________________.

I realize that ______________________________________.
Learning Area Science
Learning Delivery Modality Modular Distance Modality (Learners-Led Modality)

School SAN ANTONIO 1 E/S Grade Level Grade 6

LESSON Teacher Learning Area Science
EXEMPLAR Teaching Date Quarter Second Quarter
Teaching Time No. of Days 2 days

The learners should be able explain how the organs of each organ system work together;

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrate understanding of how the major organs of the human body work together
to form organ systems
B. Performance Standards The learners should be able to make a chart showing healthful habits that promote proper
functioning of the musculo-skeletal,integumentary,digestive,circulatory,excretory,respiratory and
nervous systems
C. Most Essential Learning
explain how the organs of each organ system work together;
Competencies (MELC)
(If available, write the
indicated MELC)
D. Enabling Competencies
(If available, write the
attached enabling

II. CONTENT Integumentary System


A. References
a. Teacher’s Guide Pages Science 6 Module by Loredo R. Marcial

b. Learner’s Material Pages

c. Textbook Pages
d. Additional Materials from Pictures, google photos
Learning Resources

B. List of Learning Resources for .

Development and
Engagement Activities
A. Introduction
What I Need to Know?

The skin is the largest organ in the body. In

humans, it accounts fir about 12% to 15% of total body
weight and covers 1.5 m2 – 2m2 of surface area.

In this lesson the learners should be able

 to understand and explain the function of
integumentary system.
 to make a chart showing healthful habits that
promote proper functioning of integumentary system.
What is New?

Activity: Arrange the given letters to form the correct body part. Write the words in the

1. K S I N

2. A H R I

3. I A N L S

4. G A L N S D

5. E R N S V E

B. Development

What I Know?

The learners will answer 10-item test (Write you answer on your notebook)

Activity 1:
A. Give the 2 layers of the skin


2. _____________________________________________

B. Choose the letter of the correct answer

3. Forms the outermost layer of the skin providing initial barrier to the ecternal environment.
a. Epidermis b. Dermis c. Hypodermis d. Papillary

4. The deepest kayer of the skin.

a. Epidermis b. Dermis c. Hypodermis d. Papillary

5 Pigment cells in stratum basale layer of the epidermis that do not desmosomes with
a. Melanocytes b. Parasites c. Papillary d. Cotex

Acivity 2: Give 5 functions of Integumentary System (Skin)

6 ________________________________ 9 ___________________________________

7 ________________________________ 10 ___________________________________

8 ________________________________
What is in?

The learners look at the picture and make them write down what they notice.

1. What will happen if human has no skin?

2. What illnesses do you think a human will get when his muscle is exposed to virus or bacteria?

3. Do you think man is more beautiful when he has no skin?

What is it?

The human skin (integumen) is composed of a minimum of two major layers of the tissue: the
epidermis and dermis. The epidermis forms the
outermost layer, providing the initial barrier to the
external environment. The dermis comprises two
sections, the papillary and recticular layers and
contains connective tissues, vessels, glands, follicles,
hair roots, sensory nerve endings ans muscular

The hypodermis is the deepest layer, it is primarily

made up of adipose tissue.
(see attached module pages 3-6 for teachers guide in
discussing the parts of the skin)

Structure of the Skin

1. Epidermis
Two epridermal layers are:

1. Stratum corneum
In cells, cytoplasm replaced by Keratin---making the skin waterproof
First line of defense against bacteria. Thickest on palm of hands, soles of feet

2. Stratum germinativum
Innermost epidermal layer, contains Melanocytes- cells that contain a pigment Melanin, melanin
is reponsible for the skin color (black, brown, white etc.)

Exposure to sunlight may lead to skin defect and worse cancer.

Other cells of the Epidermis

 Tactile Cells
 Dendritic Cells
 Melanocytes

2. Dermis

Dermis is thicker inner layer of the skin that contains:

 Connective Tissue
 Blood vessel
 Nerve Endings
 Muscle
 Hair follicles
 Oil and Sweat glands
 Fat Oils

Subcutaneous Layer- lies under the dermis but not really part of integumentary system, it
contains half of the body’s stored fat

Nails- formed in the bed nail matrix epidermal cells fused together and fill with kerartin
Sweat Glands- Perspiration is 99 % water, it is distributed over the entire skin surface. Large
numbers under the arms, palms of hands, soles of feet and forehead. May be activated by head,
pain, fever and nervousness.

Sebaceous Glands- Secret Oil (sebum) that protects and lubricates the skin.

Functions of Integumentary Glands

The integumentary system has multiple roles in maintaining the body’s equilibrium. All body
system work in an interconnected manner to maintain the internal conditions essential to the
function of the body. The skin has an important job of protecting the body and acts as the body’s
first line of defense against infection, temperature and other challenges to homeostasis.

Functions include the following:

 Protect body’s internal living tissue and organs
 Protects against invasion by infectious organisms
 Protect the body from dehydration
 Helps excrete waste materials through perspiration
 Stores water, fat glucose, vitamin D

(complete list of function see attached module)

C. Engagement
What is more?

Name my parts
Choose answer from the box below

What I can do?

Material: Magnifying lens or Cellphone with camera
1. Stretch the skin on your hand. Examine your skin very closely by using magnifying lens or a
cellphone camera (zoom it to enlarge the photo then take a picture)

2. Go out into the open space and play. Feel your skin. Take picture of your skin after you play
1. Print the picture of your skin before and after you play and paste it in the box

2. What do you see on the surface of your skin?



3. What function do the pores perform?



4. After playing, observe your skin. What did you notice?



5. Where does perspiration come from?



What else I can do? (Additional Activities)

Activity: make table showing healthy habits to promote proper functioning of

your integumentary system
Healthy habits to promote proper functioning of skin

Integumentary System
(SKIN) 3

D. Assimilation
What I Have Learned?

Activity 1
Dissect Me:

The learners will give the definition of Integumentary system and its parts.

Integumentary System is ________________________________________________



Activity 2
Find my purpose

The learners will write the functions of the Integumentary System




Activity 3
You love me when you protect me

The learners will give at least 2 ways to protect the skin





Learning Area Science

Learning Delivery Modality Modular Distance Modality (Learners-Led Modality)

School SAN ANTONIO 1 E/S Grade Level Grade 6

LESSON Teacher Learning Area Science
EXEMPLAR Teaching Date Quarter Second Quarter
Teaching Time No. of Days 2 days

The learners should be able explain how the organs of each organ system work together;

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrate understanding of how the major organs of the human body work together
to form organ systems
B. Performance Standards The learners should be able to make a chart showing healthful habits that promote proper
functioning of the musculo-skeletal,integumentary,digestive,circulatory,excretory,respiratory and
nervous systems
C. Most Essential Learning
explain how the organs of each organ system work together;
Competencies (MELC)
(If available, write the
indicated MELC)
D. Enabling Competencies
(If available, write the
attached enabling

II. CONTENT Digestive System


A. References
a. Teacher’s Guide Pages

b. Learner’s Material Pages

c. Textbook Pages The New Science Links – Evelyn Castante Padpad, pp. 129-138
- Science for Daily Use – Grade 4 pp.30 – 33
- The World of Science- 4 – pp. 27-33
- Science and Health – 4 – pp. 75 - 82

d. Additional Materials from -

Learning Resources -

B. List of Learning Resources for .

Development and
Engagement Activities
A. Introduction
What I Need to Know?

You eat your food today, you feel full and satisfied. You now wonder what happens to the food
you it inside your body

In this lesson the learners should be able to understand and explain how the digestive system
The learners should give ways to properly take care of our digestive system
What is New?

Direction: Show the picture of Digestive system

Ask the following questions:

1. What is the picture about?

2. What are the organs you see?
3. What are the functions of these organs?
4. Are these organs play a great role to our daily life? How?

B. Development

What I Know?

The learners answer 10-item test (write your answer in your notebook)

A. Give 5 organs included in Digestive System


2. ________________________________________________


4. ________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________

B. Give 5 foods you should not eat that harm your digestive system?



4. _______________________________________________

5. ______________________________________________

What is in?

2. Get something to eat. Observe what you are doing and answer the following questions below :

• What did you do with the food in your mouth?

• What changes occur in the mouth?
• Where does the food go from the mouth?
• Into what organ will the food go from the esophagus?
• What do you think will happen to the food in the stomach?
• From the stomach where do you think the food go?
• What do you think will be the changes of the food in the small intestine?
What is it?

Digestion –is the process of breaking down food into nutrients, which the body uses for energy,
growth and cell repair. It consists mainly of a long muscular tube called the digestive tract. This
starts at the mouth, continues via esophagus and stomach, to the intestines and ends at the anus.
The system also relies on the pancreas, liver and gall bladder to help digest the food. .Accessory
organs of the digestive system include the teeth, tongue, salivary glands, liver, gallbladder and
Organs of Digestion:
1. Mouth – it is the first part of the digestive system composed of teeth and the tongue. The
tongue and the teeth are involved in the digestion of food in the mouth. There are different kinds of
teeth and performs different functions in the digestion
• Incisors – front teeth with sharp edges for biting and cutting the food.
• Canines – pointed teeth which grip and tear the food.
• Premolars – crush and grind the food
• Molars – flat teeth used for chewing the food.

2. Esophagus – is a long muscular tube that connects the pharynx to the throat to the
stomach. The walls of the esophagus is lined with smooth muscles that contracts rhythmically to
move the food through the digestive system in the process of peristalsis.
3. Stomach – is a large J-shaped organ at the end of the esophagus, on the left side of the
body. The capacity of the stomach is 50ml when empty and can expand up to 2 to 4 liters when
full.The end of the stomach has a sphincter muscle that closes and opens to allow the flow of from
the esophagus to the stomach.
4. Small intestine- is the long coiled connected from the stomach. If it is stretched, it is
about seven meters long. It has villi, small like finger projections that protrude in the lining of the
intestinal wall to increase the absorptive area. The absorption of the nutrients occurs in the small
intestine with the help of villi.

There are three parts of the Small Intestine:

• Duodenum – the upper 20 cm. connected to the stomach
• Jejunum – is about 2.5 meters long.

5. Large intestine or colon – is a large coiled tube attached to the end of the small intestine.
It is only about 1.5 meters long, which includes the colon, rectum, and appendix and twice as wide
as the small intestine. The last 20 or 30 centimeters of the colon are called rectum.
Steps of Digestion Process:
1. The process of digestion begins when we put a morsel of food in our mouth.
2. The softened food is rolled into a ball called the bolus and is pushed by the tongue into
the throat.
3. Movement of the food occurs due to a wave-like contraction known as peristalsis.
4. A sphincter known as the lower esophageal sphincter, relaxes and the food enters the
5. The hydrochloric acid present in the stomach converts the food into chyme.
6. The chyme enters the part of the small intestine known as the duodenum.
7. The bile helps in breaking down fats and the pancreatic juice breaks down other food
8. Most of the nutrients from the food are absorbed in a part of the small intestine known as
the jejunem. The food particles are further broken down inside the jejunem.
9. The larger food particles that cannot be absorbed move through the ileo-cecal valve and
enter the large intestine or colon.
10. The colon absorbs water, manufactures minerals and produces mucus. This food is
considered as waste formed into feces.
11. The waste or feces moves into the last part of the large intestine known as the rectum.
C. Engagement
What is more?

Activity 1: What Am I?
Identify the organs of digestion being described. Select your answer from the list.

Organs Description
___________1. a long coiled connected from the stomach.
___________2. a long muscular tube that connects the pharynx to the throat to the stomach
___________3.a large J-shaped organ at the end of the esophagus, on the left side of the body
___________4. a large J-shaped organ at the end of the esophagus, on the left side of the body
___________5. a large coiled tube attached to the end of the small intestine

Activity 2: You Can Describe What You Know

Describe the organs of digestion by writing the function of each organ at the right column..
Choose your answer from the list.

a. It tears and grind the food into pieces

Organs b. Absorbed the food in its wall
Mouth c. Collect undigested food and form feces
Esophagus d. A narrow tube that allows the food to push
Stomach down to the stomach
Small intestine e. Changed the food into chyme
Large intestine

What I can do?

Paste the function or description in a sentence strip with the pictures of each organ on
your notebook

It is compose of teeth and tongue that

tears the food into pieces

It pushes the food down to the esophagus

It is a large coiled attached to the small


A narrow coiled tube about seven meters

long connected to the stomach.

Forms and store feces

It is composed of duodenum, jejunum and

It makes digestion complete

It is the organ where digestion begins

II. Write something to eat to make your digestive system healthy


2. __________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________

4. __________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________

What else I can do? (Additional Activities)

Activity I: Know my sequence

Arrange the following statements according to the process of digestion and absorption in the
body .number each of the steps according to the sequence it occurs.

________water is absorbed
________food is broken into smaller pieces
________ nutrients pass through the blood stream
________ waste are removed from the body
________ food is liquefied and digested into forms that cell can use

Activity 2: What you do affects my function

Write good or healthy habits to promote proper digestive system


D. Assimilation
What I Have Learned?

Complete Me:

Digestion starts in the __________. The food is changed into ______ form. The
__ ___ softens the food. The partially digested food enters the _______. It then goes to
the _______ .The food is further changed into _______form in the ________ so that the
______can carry it into the different parts of the body. Undigested parts of the food are
pushed into the ______where they remain until the feces are expelled by a ________

What I can Achieve?

Choose the letter of the correct answer

1. When is the body able to use the food it takes?

a. When it reaches the stomach

b. When it reaches the intestine
c. When it reaches the blood
d. When it reaches the cells

2. It is the organ where digestion starts

a. Mouth c, stomach
b. Small intestine d. large intestine

3. What happens to the food during digestion?

a. It is changed to liquid
b. It disappears
c. It is separated from water
d. It is removed from the body.

4. In which part of the digestive system are proteins digested completely?

a. Stomach c. small intestine

b. Large intestine d. esophagus

5. In which part of the digestion system does digestion end?

a. Mouth c. stomach
b. Small intestine d. large intestine

V. REFLECTION I understand that__________________________________.

I realize that ______________________________________.

Learning Area Science

Learning Delivery Modality Modular Distance Modality (Learners-Led Modality)

School SAN ANTONIO 1 E/S Grade Level Grade 6

Teacher Learning Area Science
LESSON Teaching Date Quarter Second Quarter
EXEMPLAR Teaching Time No. of Days 2 days

The learners should be able explain how the organs of each organ system work together;

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrate understanding of how the major organs of the human body work together
to form organ systems
B. Performance Standards The learners should be able to make a chart showing healthful habits that promote proper
functioning of the musculo-skeletal,integumentary,digestive,circulatory,excretory,respiratory and
nervous systems
C. Most Essential Learning
explain how the organs of each organ system work together;
Competencies (MELC)
(If available, write the
indicated MELC)
D. Enabling Competencies
(If available, write the
attached enabling

II. CONTENT Respiratory System


A. References
a. Teacher’s Guide Pages

b. Learner’s Material Pages

c. Textbook Pages The New Science Links – Evelyn Castante Padpad, pp. 142-148
The World of Science – 5 – pp. 19 – 27
Integrated Science for Young Explorers – 5 – pp. 20 - 29
d. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources

B. List of Learning Resources for

Development and
Engagement Activities
A. Introduction
What I Need to Know?

Activity 1: Let pupils perform inhale and exhale.

Ask the following questions;

• What organs are involved in breathing?
• Why do you breathe?
• What do you call the activity of breathing?

In this lesson the learners should be able to understand and explain how respiratory system
What is New?

Direction: Show the picture of Respiratory System

Guide questions:

• What are the organs of the upper respiratory tract?

• Trace how the air in the upper respiratory tract travel.
• What are the organs found in the lungs which help in breathing
• Present the path of the air in the lungs using picture
• What happened to the air in the blood?
B. Development

What I Know?

Rearrange the following letters tp form the correct word

a. ENOS -____________________________________

b. PXNHARY -________________________________

c. LRYANX -__________________________________]

d. ATCHRAE -_________________________________

e. UNGLS -____________________________________

f. IBORHCN -_________________________________

g. MDAPIHRGA -______________________________

What is in?

Activity: Let’s get Physical

Learners will count how many breaths per minute they take after completing various activities
such as:
Jump roping for two minutes
Running up the stairs
Hopping on one foot for two minutes
Record data in their notebook

Guide questions:

1. What do you feel after the activities?

2. Have you felt that your lungs expanded?

3. Do you breathe rapidly? Why do you think it happens?

What is it?

Respiration is the process of exchanging gases with the environment. It includes the intake of
oxygen and its delivery to the cells of the different parts of the body and its removal and release of
carbon dioxide.
Main Parts of the Respiratory System
1. Nasal Cavity
The nostrils are the opening into the nasal passages that are lined with hairs called cilia. The cilia
filter the dust and other particles present in the air. They also protect the nasal passages and other
regions of the respiratory tract. The blood vessels inside the lining of the nose warms and
humidifies the air.
2. Pharynx and Larynx
The pharynx is also called the throat. It is the common passageway for both food, water and air.
Below the epiglottis is the larynx or voice box. The larynx contain two vocal chords that vibrate
when air passes by them. With our tongue and lips, we convert these vibrations into speech. The
larynx is the main site for sound production. Two ligaments called vocal chords can be stretched in
varying extents across the opening of the larynx. To prevent food from entering the windpipe or
trachea, the epiglottis closes the larynx when swallowing. This prevents food and water to enter the
3. Trachea- is known as windpipe. It is made up of muscles and elastic fibers with rings of
cartilage lined with cilia. The trachea filters the air we inhale and branches into the bronchi.
4. Bronchi- are two tubes that carry air into the lungs. Bronchial tubes also branch into
smaller tubes called bronchioles. Bronchioles branch off into alveoli. Alveoli are grape-like
structures at the end of bronchioles. The alveoli have thin walls that are surrounded by blood
vessels. The bronchioles and the alveoli together make up the lungs. The alveoli increase the
surface of the lungs for greater exchange of gases to collect more oxygen. It also protects the lungs
from bacteria and other harmful microorganisms.
5. Lungs – the lungs are located in the chest cavity surrounded by the rib cage. The lungs are
the main organ of the respiratory system. This is where exchange of gases occurs. This is the site
where oxygen is taken in and carbon dioxide is expelled out. Each lung is covered with pleural
membrane. This membrane produces slippery fluid that allow the lungs to glide freely during
6. Diaphragm –is a dome shaped muscle that controls breathing, which located at the bottom
of the lungs. During respiration, the diaphragm flattens out and pulls upward, making more space
for the lungs. When we inhale or breathe in, the diaphragm contracts and pulls downward. This
movement increases the space in the lungs, which pulls air into it. When we exhale or breathe out,
the diaphragm expands. This movement reduces the amount of space for the lungs and forces air

The Path of Air

A. Air in the Upper Respiratory Tract
• As you inhale, air enters the nose or mouth. The air is filtered, warmed, and humidified in
the different parts of the upper respiratory tract.
• The air passes through the pharynx, larynx, then into the trachea and into the lungs.
B. Air in the Lungs
• Inside the lungs, air enters through the bronchial tubes and to the alveoli.
• When air goes into the air sacs, oxygen goes to the wall of the air sacs then through the
walls of the blood vessels and to the blood.
C. Air in the Blood
• Oxygen is now in the blood and the same time carbon dioxide carried by the blood goes
through the blood vessel walls and into the air sacs.
• The carbon dioxide in the blood is exchanged or traded with the oxygen in the air sacs.
• The blood then takes the oxygen to the rest of the body cells while carbon dioxide that
passes in the air sacs leaves the body when you exhale
C. Engagement
What is more?

Lung Model Apparatus

Clear plastic jar or big soft drink bottle
1 big round balloon
2 rubber bands
Glass or plastic tubing (empty ballpoint pen case)
2 small round balloons
Pair of scissors

1. Make a hole at the bottom of the jar or plastic bottle.
2. Prepare two empty ballpoint pen cases. Insert a small balloon at one end of the plastic tubing.
Fasten the balloon tightly using a rubber band. Push the plastic tubing halfway to the hole. See to
it that the small balloon will not touch the lid of the jar.
3. Seal the side of the plastic tubing with clay or plasticine so that the air can only enter through
the opening of plastic tubing.
4. Get the big balloon and cut a circular sheet to a size fitted to the opening of the jar or bottle.
5. Stretch and fasten the balloon to the mouth of the bottle using the rubber bands.
6. When the model is ready, pull the balloon at the base of the bottle. Observe what happens to
the small balloons inside the bottle.

What I can do?

Below is the step-by-step path of air through the respiratory system, but the steps are
not in correct sequence. Put them in order, numbering them from 1 to 8.

______ Air enters the alveoli.

______ Carbon dioxide passes out of the blood stream, and is eventually exhaled.

______Cilia and mucus trap tiny particles found in the air, and warm and moisten the air.

______ Air moves through smaller and smaller passageways called bronchi.

______ The trachea, or windpipe, then carries the air to the lungs.

______ Air enters the nose.

______ Oxygen passes into the blood stream.

______ Air moves down the throat, or pharynx.

What else I can do? (Additional Activities)


The learners make song, poem or story out of their learnings and write it on their notebook. The
piece should include parts of respiratory system and their function. They can also include in their
piece activities that help respiratory system work properly
D. Assimilation
What I Have Learned?

Activity 1: Complete Me:

___________is the process of exchanging gases with the environment. It includes the intake of
_________and its delivery to the cells of the different parts of the body and its removal and release

Activity 2: Breathe-in, Breathe-out

Now that I help you in breathing and delivering needed oxygen in your body can you please, to
bring back the favor name all my primary parts? You must know me by the way.

2. ___________________________________________________


4. ___________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________

6. ___________________________________________________

What I can Achieve?

Choose the letter of the correct answer:

1. Contains two openings lined with cilia where air passes in and out of the body
a. Nose b. mouthc. diaphragm d. lungs

2. The organ where exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide occur

a. diaphragm c. lungs
b. bronchial tubes d. trachea

3. It is also known as the voice box and is the main site for sound production
a. Pharynx b. larynxc. lungs d. trachea

4. It is located at the bottom of the lungs which expands when we exhale and contracts
when we inhale.
a. Lungs b. trachea c. diaphragm d. larynx

5. What system is responsible for the exchange of carbon dioxide between the atmosphere
and between the blood and the body cells.

a. Digestive system c. respiratory system

b. Circulatory system d. immune system

V. REFLECTION I understand that__________________________________.

I realize that ______________________________________.
Learning Area Science
Learning Delivery Modality Modular Distance Modality (Learners-Led Modality)

School SAN ANTONIO 1 E/S Grade Level Grade 6

LESSON Teacher Learning Area Science
EXEMPLAR Teaching Date Quarter Second Quarter
Teaching Time No. of Days 2 days

The learners should be able explain how the organs of each organ system work together;

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrate understanding of how the major organs of the human body work together
to form organ systems
B. Performance Standards The learners should be able to make a chart showing healthful habits that promote proper
functioning of the musculo-skeletal,integumentary,digestive,circulatory,excretory,respiratory and
nervous systems
C. Most Essential Learning
explain how the organs of each organ system work together;
Competencies (MELC)
(If available, write the
indicated MELC)
D. Enabling Competencies
(If available, write the
attached enabling

II. CONTENT Circulatory System and Nervous System


A. References
a. Teacher’s Guide Pages

b. Learner’s Material Pages

c. Textbook Pages Science 6 - p. 118

Science Link (System of the Human Body )
Into The Future : Science and Health – p. 2 – CIRCULATORY SYSTEM
d. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources

B. List of Learning Resources for

Development and
Engagement Activities
A. Introduction
What I Need to Know?

Ask the following questions;

• Are these photos look familiar?
• What do you think these photos represent?
• What do you think are there function to keep us alive?

In this lesson the learners should be able to understand and explain how circulatory system
What is New?

Direction: Show pictures of circulatory system organs

Direction: On your notebook without labeling them, describe in your own words these
Example: Their colors and shapes.



B. Development

What I Know?
1. Arrange the letter to form the name of the organ of the circulatory system.


2. From the arranged words above, you may get your answer to the following questions
____________4. The red fluid that flows all through a human body .
____________5. The organ that pumps blood to the different parts of the body.
____________6. It is the road and highway systems of the blood .
____________7. It transports gases , nutrient and other substances different parts of the body.
____________8. It is the called the “, river of life”.
____________9.The tubular passageways of the blood .
____________10.It beats 70 – 80 times per minute so as to distribute blood to the different parts
of the body .

What is in?

Activity: Bloody Doctor

Suppose you are a doctor in and you have a patient that has an accident and you try to save his life.
You notice that he has difficulty breathing. What signs will you look to know he will survive.

Let’s have a play, record his

1. heart beat

2. get his blood type

3. Check for pulses

What is it?
The Circulatory System is composed of three powerful organs which are the heart , blood and
blood vessels .
It is a system that is responsible in the distribution of oxygen, water and food nutrient needed
by the body. One, organ that in the Circulatory System is the heart. It is a pear – shaped like

organ that pumps blood to the different parts of the body. Its alternating and contracting movement
causes the blood to circulate in the body. This also makes the beating of 70 – 80 per minute.
Another , organ is the red fluid that flows all through the body and as such it called the ,” the river
of life .” And another organ that comprise the Circulatory System is the blood vessels. Blood
vessels are tube like highways and roads that serve as the passageways of the blood.

The circulatory system is an important system .It comprises the heart , blood and blood
vessels . Each organs function relatedly so as to help each other in working responsibly .The
organs work like a team work .It means that without the other , part the body would not be able to
The blood depends on the heart so it could circulate and could reach to the different parts of
the body . The blood vessels likewise becomes the road or the passageway of the blood .And
without the heart the blood would not be purified , eventually the body parts will not get the
needed oxygen and nutrients.
C. Engagement
What is more?

Activity: You circulate back and forth

Fill in with the correct word to complete the dialogue .

Heart : Hello , everyone ! I am your dearest heart , I pump b_______ into the different
parts of your b______
How are you blood vessel?
Blood vessel : I am fine my dear heart. I work every now and then because I am the
p_______way of the blood.
I am a t______organ of the body.
Blood : Yes , b________ vessel I am always thankful of you for making a way for me
every minute and every second all through out.
Blood vessel : You’re welcome blood. Is it true that you are called the r_______ of life?
Blood : Yes , I am ! And we are the organs of the c__________ system.

What I can do?

Direction fill in the blanks and give food that are good for the heart, blood and blood

Activity 1: Let’s talk heart to heart

The________ is a hollow muscular organ .Its size is the same as your
_______ and located in middle of the chest cavity.
It contracts so as to push________ out of the heart to every parts of the
The heart is a powerful organ of the __________ system . It continues
pumping blood as long as the person is alive.
It pumps _______ passing through its passageway called the blood

-Food that is good for the heart:

Activity 2: The liquid that supports life

The ________ is the red liquid substance that flows out of a cut
in the body whenever one is wounded . The ________ carries substance which help
regulate body function . Without the pumping action of the _________ the blood
would not be able to reach the different parts of the __________. Thus, it passes
through the blood __________ for circulation.

-Food that is good for the blood:

Activity 3: I keep you blood from flowing to the right direction

The _________ vessels are the passageways of the _________ .
They are all found all over the body of a person. There are three kinds blood
vessels in the body these are the _________ , the veins and the _________.
The arteries carry blood away from the _________ . The veins are blood
________ that carry bright red blood with oxygen from the lungs into the
_______ .The _________ are the smallest blood ________ which is responsible in
the exchange of water , gases , _________ and waste materials that takes place
between the _________ and the tissues .

-Food that is good for the blood vessel

What else I can do? (Additional Activities)


The learners make song, poem or story out of their learnings and write it on their notebook. The
piece should include parts of circulatory system and their function. They can also include in their
piece activities that help circulatory system work properly

D. Assimilation
What I Have Learned?

Activity: Complete Me:

Fill in with the correct word to form the concept of the selection

Circulatory ___________

The __________system is made up of the _________ the blood and

the__________vessels . The _________ is a pear – shaped muscular organ that
pumps __________ to the different parts of the body. The __________ is a red
fluids that flows through the blood ___________so as to reach to the different
What I can Achieve?

I. Identify what organ is being describe

________1 . The tubes through which the blood flows.
________2 . The red fluid that flows inside the blood vessels .
________3. The organ that pumps blood to the different parts of the body
________4. The three major organs of the circulatory system.
________5. Known as the transport system of the body.

II. Choose the letter of the correct answer

6. It is a system that is responsible in the distribution of oxygen, water and food nutrient needed
by the body
a. respiratory system b. digestive system c. circulatory system d. nervous system

7. It is a pear – shaped like organ that pumps blood to the different parts of the body.
a. heart b. stomach c. liver d. esophagus

III. Write down the 3 major composition of circulatory system



10. ____________________________

V. REFLECTION I understand that__________________________________.

I realize that ______________________________________.

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