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Learning Area Science

Learning Delivery Modality Modular Distance Modality (Learners-Led Modality)

School Grade Level Grade 6

Teacher Learning Area Science
Teaching Date Quarter First Quarter
Teaching Time No. of Days 5 days

I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, learners are expected to:

● Describe techniques in separating mixtures such as decantation, evaporation, filtering,
sieving and using magnet
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding of different techniques to separate mixture

B. Performance Standards The learners should be able to separate desired materials from common and local products

C. Most Essential Learning Describe techniques in separating mixtures such as decantation, evaporation, filtering, sieving
Competencies (MELC) and using magnet
(If available, write the indicated
D. Enabling Tell the benefits of separating mixtures from products in the community
(If available, write the attached
enabling competencies)

II. CONTENT Techniques in Separating Mixtures

1. Handpicking
2. Winnowing
3. Threshing


A. References
a. Teacher’s Guide Pages

b. Learner’s Material

c. Textbook Pages The New Science Links Worktext in Science and Technology 6 pp. 56 - 95
d. Additional Materials LMRDS-Science DLL Zip Files_ with watermark Government Property
from Learning
Resources https:
Science and Heath 6
Science in our World 6 ( K-12 Worktext )
Cyber Science Worktext in Science and Technology 6, pp. 41-42
B. List of Learning
Resources for
Development and
Engagement Activities
A. Introduction
What I Need to Know?

In this lesson, the pupils will be able to describe techniques in separating mixture througn
handpicking, winnowing and threshing.

It is here to help you master the different techniques and benefits of separating mixture. The
scope of this lesson permits it to be used in many different learning situations.

What is New
Activity 1: Have you ever seen your mother picking out impurities by hand from rice grains?

(Please see attached activity sheet and answer

the guide questions.)

Activity 2: Study carefully the given situation then write your responses from the given questions
in a separate sheet of paper.

The woman in the picture tries to separate the rice from the seed coat.

(Please see attached activity sheet

for the Guide Questions)

Activity 3: Read the situation then write your answer from the given questions.

(Please see attached Activity Sheet

for the Guide Questions)

B. Development What I Know?

A. Draw a smiley face beside the mixtures that can be separated through
1. water and alcohol
2. sliced mixed fruits
3. mixed nuts
4. nails and iron strips
5. stones and pebbles

B. Study carefully the following pictures. Check the mixtures that can be separated by the
help of the wind and cross if it can’t.
1. 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.

5. 10.

C. Look at the following set of pictures. Identify which picture can be separated by
threshing. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. 4.




What is in?

A. Observe carefully the given picture. Think of how you help mother in separating rice
from husks. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.


Mother uses her hand in picking insects and

small stones from the rice. Today, she wants to
separate rice from husks, how will you help her
to do that?

B. Identify the names of materials in a mixture. By using the materials provided give four
sets of mixtures out of the said materials. Fill in the table below.

pebbles Example Mixture 1 Mixture 2 Mixture 3 Mixture 4

soy beans Mixture of
mongo seeds corn and
rice rice
stones marbles

What is it?

■ Hand picking is also called Physical Manipulation or Manual Separation. The components
should be big enough to be pick-up by hands. It is the most commonly used method of separation.
For instances, a mixture of grains and corn can be separated through picking by using our bare

Handpicking is a convenient method of separating substances, when the quantity of impurities is

usually not very large. This method of handpicking can be used for separating slightly larger sized
impurities like the pieces of dirt, stone, and husk from wheat, rice or pulses. This method is used
only when unwanted material is in small quantity. Moreover, shape, size, or colour of the
unwanted material is different from that of the useful materials. For instances, a mixture of grains
and corn can be separated through picking by using our bare hands.
Most methods have their advantages and limitations. The advantages of handpicking and its
disadvantages have been mentioned below:
Examples of mixtures that can be separated through picking:
- grains and mongo seeds
- nails and pins
- sliced fruits
- rice grains and pebbles

Advantages of Handpicking:
● This method doesn’t need any special machinery for the separation of substances.
● It takes less time when used for a small quantity.

Disadvantages of Handpicking:
● It is not feasible for large quantity of substances.
● It is only possible when substances are visibly different in size.
► Answering Guide Questions:
■ Winnowing is used to separate heavier and lighter components of a mixture by wind or by
blowing air. This method is commonly used by farmers to separate lighter husk particles from
heavier seeds of grain.

Winnowing is a farming method developed by ancient people for separating grain from chaff. It is
also used to remove weevils or other pests from stored grain. Threshing, which is the loosening of
grain or seeds from the husks and straw, comes before winnowing. It is the method in which
heavier components of mixture are separated from the lighter substances with the help of the wind.
Ancient people use circular basket towards the wind to separating grains from husk after the
process of threshing.

Advantages of Winnowing

● This method doesn’t require any machines for its functioning. It is completely based on human
activity and hence it takes less time to process and definitely very cheap.

Disadvantages of Winnowing
● Winnowing is defined as a method in which heavier components of the mixture are separated
from the lighter substances with the help of wind but this process does not work for materials
heavier than grains like stones.

■ Threshing is the method that generally used by the farmers to separate the grains from the stalks
after harvesting. The dried stalks are beaten or threshed to separate the grains. However, in large
farms threshing is done by using threshing machines.

Advantages of Threshing

● It saved the use of physical labor and increased agricultural output. For example, the mechanical
reaper could cut in a day as much as five men could cut with cradles and 16 men with sickles.
Disadvantages of Threshing
■ Poor laborers had to face the loss of jobs and starvation because single machine could do the
work of scores of laborers.
C. Engagement
What is more?

Understanding Winnowing as One Technique of Separating Mixtures.

I. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Which of the following statements describe how winnowing is done in separating mixtures?
I. Grains are tossed in front of a fan.
II. Winnowing can be done without fans.
III. Mixture of rice grains and hulls is placed in a bilao or circular basket and then shaken and
A.I and II only
B.II and III only
C.I and III only
D.I, II and III
2. Which of the following can be winnowed?
A. Pizza
B. Mixed nuts
C. Rice and Hulls
D. Iron peeling and saw dust
3. How will you describe winnowing as one technique or method of separating mixtures? It is done
by __________.
a. using a magnet
b. involving heat in separation
c. letting the mixture settle for a while
d. tossing grains in a circular basket in front of a fan
4. A technique of separating mixture which is used to separate heavier and lighter components of a
mixture by wind or by blowing air.
a. picking
b. magnetism
c. filtering
d. winnowing
5. To separate the rice hulls and rice grains, which process is applicable?
a. picking
b. magnetism
c. filtering
d. winnowing

Understanding Handpicking as One Technique of Separating Mixtures.

II. Describe how the following mixtures can be separated, through picking or not.
_____ 1. nails and stones
_____ 2. lemon juice
_____ 3. chocolates and marshmallows
_____ 4. pepper seeds and mongo seeds
_____ 5. corn and palay grains

III. Answer the following questions:

1. If every tiny nuts were accidentally dropped on a pale of sand, how could you quickly separate
the nails from the sands? ____________________________________

2. The members of your family ate different kinds of fruits. When they were done eating, you
gathered the seeds from some of the fruits and put these in a basin. Later, your father asked you to
separate the seeds according to kind. How will you separate each kind of seed?
What I can do?

Activity 1: Read the passage carefully then do the science Journal below.
Mr. Dennis Ovilla, a good farmer in Nueva Ecija harvested his rice plants in season. He
gathered them carefully. He has a bountiful harvest. He wanted to separate the rice grains
from the rice husks and straw. Visualize then describe the method and material that he
should use in separating rice grains or seeds from the husk after the process of threshing.

Activity 2: Describe picking as one technique in separating mixture by filling in the chart.

Activity 3: Benefits from Handpicking and Winnowing at Home

Activities that use handpicking and Benefits

winnowing at home
What else I can do?

A. Draw a heart if the picture describes winnowing and an arrow if not. Write your answer
in a separate sheet of paper.

1. 4.

2. 5.


B. Answer the given questions.

1. In our house, how will you help mother separates stones and insects from rice ?
2. Father wants only red card from his mixed colored cards. How will you help him remove red
cards from other cards?
3. What other common solid mixtures that can be separated using handpicking?
4. What are the advantages of handpicking in separating mixtures?
5. What are the disadvantages of handpicking?

C. Complete Me
Complete the Semantic Web by describing how hand picking, winnowing and threshing techniques
can be done.

Ways of Separating Mixture

D. Assimilation
What I Have Learned?

A. Fill in the blanks to make the statement in describing winnowing as a way of separating
mixtures correct.

Winnowing is one _____ the technique in _____________ ______________ by using a tool

called _______________.

B. Fill in the blanks with words or phrases that will complete the science concepts learned
in today’s lesson. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.

1. _____________ technique is used to separate heavier and lighter components of a mixture by

wind or by blowing air. This method is commonly used by farmers to separate lighter husk
particles from heavier seeds of grain.
2. Winnowing is a farming method developed by ancient people for separating grain from chaff.
It is also used to remove weevils or other pests from stored grain.
3.____________, which is the loosening of grain or seeds from the husks and straw, comes
before winnowing.
4. It is the method in which ________ components of mixture are separated from the
___________substances with the help of the wind.
5. Ancient people use ____________ towards the wind to separating grains from husk after the
process of threshing.

C. Tell whether the following sentences is an advantage or disadvantage of separating

mixtures. Put a √ on the space provided.
1. Used to separate smaller solid particles from larger solid particles
______ Advantage _______ Disadvantage
2. Poor laborers had to face the loss of jobs and starvation because single machine could do the
work of scores of laborers.
______ Advantage _______ Disadvantage
3. This method doesn’t need any special machinery
for the separation of substances.
______ Advantage _______ Disadvantage
4. It is only possible when substances are visibly different in size.
______ Advantage _______ Disadvantage
5. This process does not work for materials heavier than grains like stones.
______ Advantage _______ Disadvantage

What I can Achieve?

Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Tomas and his farmers removed rice grains from the stalks of rice plants. The rice grains are
still covered with brown sheets called hulls. Which is useful in taking away hulls from newly
milled rice?
a. using fan c. picking with our bare hands
b. makes use of magnet d. sifting and sieving
2. Which of the following statements describe how Winnowing is done in separating mixtures?
I. Grains with hulls are tossed in front of a fan.
II. Winnowing can be done with the use of flowing water.
III. Mixture of rice grains hulls is placed in a circular basket and then shaken
and tossed.
a. I and II
b. I and III
c. II and III
d. I, II and III

3. Which of the following statements describe winnowing in separating mixtures?

a. Use strainers in separating residues in teas.
b. The method of separating mixtures using mesh wire.
c. The use of circular basket in removing hulls from rice grains.
d. The process of separating immiscible components like gasoline and water.
4. The following describes how winnowing is done in separating mixtures EXCEPT one. Which
is it?
a. It can be done with the help of wind.
b. Grains with hulls are tossed in front of a fan.
c. The use of circular basket in removing hulls from rice grains.
d. The process in settling the solutes at the bottom of the container.
5. How will you describe winnowing in the separation of mixtures?
a. Using pan in removing grains from stones or pebbles.
b. Make use of mesh wire or sifter in separating mixtures.
c. Inclined table shaker is used in separating crops of different sizes.
d. Used by farmers to separate lighter husk particles from heavier seeds of grain.
6. Which of the following pictures describe winnowing in separating mixtures?

a. c.
b. d.

7. Which of the following materials is used in winnowing technique in separating mixtures?

a. c.

b. d.

8. Which of the following mixtures can be separated using winnowing method?

a. oil and vinegar
b. cream and milk
c. noodles amd hot water
d. rice grains with rice hulls
9. A technique of separating mixture which is used to separate heavier and lighter components of
a mixture by wind or by blowing air.
a. picking
b. magnetism
c. filtering
d. winnowing
10. Which of the following mixtures can be winnowed?
a. Pizza
b. Mixed nuts
c. Rice and Hulls
d. Iron peeling and saw dust

V. REFLECTION Now I understand that__________________________________.

Now I realize that ______________________________________.

Activity Sheet

Activity 2: Guide Questions:

1. What process of separating mixture is being described?

2. What materials can you use to do so?
3. How will you apply that technique in separating mixtures?
4. What other mixtures can be separated by winnowing? Why?
5. What properties of materials to be separated are appropriate for winnowing?
Activity 3:

Situation: The farmers try to separate grain from the stalks.

Guide Questions:
1. What process of separating mixture is being described?
2. What materials can you use to do so?
3. How will you apply that technique in separating mixtures?
Learning Area Science
Learning Delivery Modality Modular Distance Modality (Learners-Led Modality)

School SAN ANTONIO 1 E/S Grade Level Grade 6

Teacher Learning Area Science
Teaching Date Quarter First Quarter
Teaching Time No. of Days 5 days

I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, learners are expected to:

● Describe techniques in separating mixtures such as decantation, evaporation, filtering,
sieving and using magnet
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding of different techniques to separate mixture

B. Performance Standards The learners should be able to separate desired materials from common and local products

C. Most Essential Learning Describe techniques in separating mixtures such as decantation, evaporation, filtering, sieving
Competencies (MELC) and using magnet
(If available, write the indicated
D. Enabling Tell the benefits of separating mixtures from products in the community
(If available, write the attached
enabling competencies)

II. CONTENT Techniques in Separating Mixtures

1. Sieving
2. Using Magnet


A. References
a. Teacher’s Guide Pages

b. Learner’s Material

c. Textbook Pages The New Science Links Worktext in Science and Technology 6 pp. 56 - 95
d. Additional Materials LMRDS-Science DLL Zip Files_ with watermark Government Property
from Learning
Resources https:
Science and Heath 6
Science in our World 6 ( K-12 Worktext )
Cyber Science Worktext in Science and Technology 6, pp. 41-42
B. List of Learning
Resources for
Development and
Engagement Activities
A. Introduction
What I Need to Know?

In this lesson, the pupils will be able to describe techniques in separating mixture througn
sieving and using magnet.

It is here to help you master the different techniques and benefits of separating mixture. The
scope of this lesson permits it to be used in many different learning situations.

What is New?
A. Study carefully the given situations then write your responses from the given questions
in a separate sheet of paper.

1. A construction worker prepares a mixture of cement and sand

for finishing the wall of the building. He needs fine sand to do this.
How would you help him make the sand fully fine without gravel?
Observe what the construction worker did.

Guide Questions:
a. What process of separating mixture is being described?
b. What materials can you use to do so?
c. How will apply that technique in separating mixtures?
d. What other mixtures can be separated by sieving? Why?
e. What properties of materials to be separated are appropriate for sieving? Why?

B. How would you separate mixture that has metallic components?

Guide Questions:
a. What process of separating mixture is being described?
b. What materials can you use to do so?
c. How will apply that technique in separating mixtures?

B. Development
What I Know?

A. Observe carefully the given pictures. Draw a happy face if it

can use to separate smaller solid particles from larger solid particles and a sad
if it can’t. Draw your answer in a separate sheet of paper.

1. 4.
7. 10.

2. 5. 8.

3. 6.

B. State which method of separation can be used for each of the following mixtures.
1. iron nails and plastic paper clips
2. rice grains and rice hulls
3. green peas and corn beats
4. nail and pins
5. sunflower seeds and squash seeds
What is in?

A. What method of separating mixtures does each picture describe. Write whether
winnowing or hand picking. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.


2. 5.


B. Name the materials that are metallic or non-metallic that can be found inside your house.
Metallic Materials Non-Metallic Materials

What is it?

► Answering Guide Questions:

Sieving is used to separate smaller solid particles from larger solid particles with the use of mesh
wire, sifter or strainer.

Sieve plates have meshed or perforated bottoms which allow only particles of a specific size to
pass through it. The size of mesh can vary from one place to another depending upon its
application. For example, sieving is also used for separation of husk and stone from wheat. Here
we use sieve plates having a greater mesh size in comparison to the one used for separation of
flour. Mesh wire, sifter or strainer , filter are also used in this method. Net is also used in
catching fish to get fish out of the water.

Sifter Strainer Filter Mesh wire

Magnetism is an invisible force that can attract (or repel) certain materials, such as iron and
steel. This force is called magnetic field and is created by magnets. What is magnet? Magnets are
objects made of magnetic materials that produce a magnetic field. Magnets pull other objects made
of magnetic materials towards them. They will either attracts or repel other magnets.
Magnetism is a process of separating mixture which magnetically susceptible material is
attracted from a mixture using a magnetic force. It is a form of separating mixtures which involves
using a magnet to attract another magnetic object away from the substance it is in. Some examples
of separating magnetic substances from no magnetic substances are: separating iron nails from
glass chippings and separating iron paper clips from saw dusts. Magnetic separators are used in
factories. Materials are put on a conveyor belt that is spun by magnetic wheels. As the objects are
moved upside down the non-magnetic objects fall off and the magnetic ones stay on. This
separation technique can also be useful in mining as it is attracted to a magnet.

Moreover, magnetic separator is also used in milling. It removes metal species in wheat, in
order to ensure safety at work. To remove metal content from wheat to protect other machines
safety. And to remove metal powder mixed in flour during milling process and to ensure product
purity, magnetic separation is needed before finished product packaging.

C. Engagement
What is more?

Understanding Sieving as One Technique of Separating Mixtures.

A. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Your mother wants to cook delicious spaghetti. How will help her separate the pasta from the
hot water? Describe the method of separation that she will use to do that task?
a. sieving
b. melting
c. picking
d. winnowing
2. Sand and gravel may be separated from each other through using _________.
a. magnet
b. filter paper
c. mesh wire
d. circular basket

3. Which of the following mixtures can be separated by sifting or sieving?

I. Flour and rice
II. Hulls and rice
III. Sand and pebbles
IV. Rice flakes and corn
a. I and II
b. II and III
c. I and III
d. I, II and IV
4. To get the smaller particle of flour for baking, leaving larger particles of flour in the sifter above
the screen. What kind of separating mixture is it?
a. picking
b. winnowing
c. magnetism
d. sieving or sifting
5. To separate rocks into different sized particles for road building and other construction projects,
which method is applicable?
a. picking
b. winnowing
c. magnetism
d. sieving or sifting
B. Benefits of Sieving in the community

Activities that use sieving Benefits

1. Answer the following questions.

A. What are the different activities in the community that use sieving?
B. What are the importance/benefits of sieving in the community?

What I can do?

A. Study carefully the given situations. Make use of the best method
that needs to use for the following scenes. Use the given chart.
Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.
Problem Solution Chart
Mr. Revilla wanted to do
the following tasks:
How will you help him?
 Remove the noodles from the hot
water to prepare the spaghetti. 1.
 Remove the brewed leaves from
the hot tea. 2.

 Get the coarse particles in the flour

to make it fully fine. 3.

 Catch only the big fish into the sea 4.

 Separate the pebbles in the sand to 5.

mix it in the cement.

B. Situation:
Andrea Rose wants to remove the staple wires on the rice that she will be cooking. Using her
knowledge on the process of separating mixtures she is using magnet to repel the staple wire from
the rice.

1. Do you think Andrea Rose will be successful in her plan? _________
2. How would you describe the process of separating mixture through magnet? _________
3. An object that has the ability to attract the other substance is called ________. 4. In the given
situation, what is considered as the magnetic object? _________
5. Since rice does not repel with the magnet, what kind of substance is it? ________

What else I can do?

A. Draw an arrow up if the picture describes sieving and an arrow down if not.
Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.

1. 4.
2. 5.


B. Benefits of using magnet in activities in the community

D. Assimilation
What I Have Learned?

A. Fill in the blanks with words or phrases that will complete the science concepts learned
in today’s lesson. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.

1. __________is a technique used to separate small solid particles from larger ones.
2. _________ plates have meshed or perforated bottoms which allow only particles of a specific
size to pass through it.
3. ___________, ___________ and ___________ are some materials used in sieving method.
4. The sand particles are much ________ than the gravel so fall through the holes in the sieve.
5. In separating noodles from hot water, removing brewed leaves from the tea, getting the course
particles from the fine flour , removing bigger particles of pebbles from the sand and catching
fish using net with enough size of holes to get the bigger fish out of the water are some tasks the
need to make use of ____________ method.

B. Tell if the following pictures can be separated using magnet. Choose your answer
between YES or NO. Encircle it.



What I can Achieve?

I. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.

1. What is the accurate method in sorting different substances in a coarse mixture like pebbles
and sand?
a. Use the fan.
b. Make use of mesh wire.
c. Make use of heat and light.
d. Do the manual separation or hand picking.

2.Which of the following statements describe how sieving is done in separating mixtures?
a. Separate juice from a mixture.
b. The removal of solid particles in a solvent.
c. It can be done with the use of sifter or mesh wire.
d. Mixture of rice grains hulls is placed in a circular basket and then shaken and tossed.

3.Which of the following statements DOES NOT describe sieving in separating mixtures?
a. Use strainers in separating residues in teas.
b. The method of separating mixtures using mesh wire.
c. The use of circular basket in removing hulls from rice grains.
d. The process of separating coarse particles from fine materials.

4.The following describes how sieving is done in separating mixtures EXCEPT one. Which is it?
a. It can be done with the help of wind.
b. Make use of sifter in separating mixtures.
c. Separate coarse particles using mesh wire.
d. The process of removing bigger particles from flour.

5.How will you describe sieving in the separation of mixtures?

a. Using pan in removing grains from stones or pebbles.
b. Make use of mesh wire or sifter in separating mixtures.
c. Inclined table shaker is used in separating crops of different sizes.
d. Used by farmers to separate lighter husk particles from heavier seeds of grain.

II. Choose which of the following are magnetic. Put (√) in the blank if magnetic and (X) if
______1. Zipper _______ 6. Iron paper clip
______2. Thumbtacks _______ 7. Gold ring
______3. Nails _______ 8. Paper
______4. Stainless knife ________9. comb
______5. pencil _______10. Plastic glass

III. Tell the benefits of separating mixtures for the following techniques.
1. Sieving
Advantages: ____________________________________
2. Use of Magnets
Advantages: ____________________________________

V. REFLECTION Now I understand that__________________________________.

Now I realize that ______________________________________.
Learning Area Science
Learning Delivery Modality Modular Distance Modality (Learners-Led Modality)

School SAN ANTONIO 1 E/S Grade Level Grade 6

Teacher Learning Area Science
Teaching Date Quarter First Quarter
Teaching Time No. of Days 5 days

I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, learners are expected to:

● Describe techniques in separating mixtures such as decantation, evaporation, filtering,
sieving and using magnet
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding of different techniques to separate mixture

B. Performance Standards The learners should be able to separate desired materials from common and local products

C. Most Essential Learning Describe techniques in separating mixtures such as decantation, evaporation, filtering, sieving
Competencies (MELC) and using magnet
(If available, write the indicated
D. Enabling Tell the benefits of separating mixtures from products in the community
(If available, write the attached
enabling competencies)

II. CONTENT Techniques in Separating Mixtures

1. Filtration
2. Decantation
3. Sedimentation


A. References
a. Teacher’s Guide Pages

b. Learner’s Material

c. Textbook Pages The New Science Links Worktext in Science and Technology 6 pp. 56 - 95
d. Additional Materials LMRDS-Science DLL Zip Files_ with watermark Government Property
from Learning
Resources https:
Science and Heath 6
Science in our World 6 ( K-12 Worktext )
Activity Sheets –LMRDS
Cyber Science Worktext in Science and Technology 6, pp. 41-42
B. List of Learning
Resources for
Development and
Engagement Activities
A. Introduction
What I Need to Know?

In this lesson, the pupils will be able to describe techniques in separating mixture
througn filtration, decantation, sedimentation and centrifugation.

It is here to help you master the different techniques and benefits of separating mixture. The
scope of this lesson permits it to be used in many different learning situations.
What is New?

Activity 1: Do carefully the given activities then write your responses from the given questions in
a separate sheet of paper.
(Please see attached Activity Sheet about Decantation and answer the Guide Questions)

Activity 2: Separating through Filtration

(Please see attached Activity Sheet and answer the Guide Questions)

Activity 3: How does Sedimentation occur in mixing powdered chalk in a glass of water?
(Please see attached Activity Sheet and answer the Guide Questions)
B. Development
What I Know?

A. Observe carefully the following pictures. Draw a heart shape beside the
mixtures that can be separated by the decantation and an oval if it can’t.

1. 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.

5. 10.


Ask: What can you say about the picture?

Can you tell the different parts or objects that
you see in the picture?

C. Solve the puzzle.

What is in?

A. Observe carefully the given picture. Think of how you help mother in cleaning rice before
it cooks. What do you think is the method used in cleaning rice? Write your answer in a
separate sheet of paper.


Mother uses her strainer to separate pasta

from hot water. The process involved is
sieving. Today, she wants to separate water
from the rice in the pot to clean it before
cooking, how will you help her to do that?
What does the picture show?

► Answering Guide Questions:

Decantation is a process for the separation of mixtures of immiscible liquids or of a liquid and a
solid mixture such as a suspension.
Decantation can also be used for liquid mixtures. It is used when separating two
or more immiscible liquids. Once the mixture components have separated by
forming layer between them in a container, the lighter liquid is poured off
leaving the heavier liquid behind.

What is it?

Filtration is the process of separating solid substances from a liquid through the use of a filter
paper or any cloths that can be used as a filtering medium. These solid residues are trapped by the
filter paper or cloth, which allow the liquid substances to pass through in the process.

1. filter – an apparatus containing a filter medium

2. filter medium – example filter paper or cloth
3. residue – a usual small amount of something that remain after a process has been completed or
a thing has been removed
4. filtrate – something that remain after a process has been completed or a thing has been removed
5. immiscible liquids– liquids that do not dissolve very well in each other such as oil and water
6. separating funnel – a separatory funnel, also known as separation funnel, separating funnel, or
colloquially sep funnel, is a piece of laboratory glassware used in liquid-liquid extractions to
separate (partition) the components of a mixture into two immiscible solvent phases of different

Apparatuses to be used in filtering:

1. funnel
2. cloth / filter paper
3. iron stand and iron ring
4. beaker / Erlenmeyer flask / any container

The Separating Funnel

In this technique, two liquids that do not dissolve very well in each other (immiscible liquids) can
be separated with the concept of unequal density. A mixture of oil and water, for example, can be
separated by this technique. It works like this:

Sedimentation is a form of separating substances. This process involves letting an insoluble

substance (a substance that will not dissolve in a solvent) settle at the bottle of a solvent. An
example of this is if you mix chalk and water, the chalk will settle at the bottom of the glass after
being mixed in because it does not dissolve in water.

There are two processes of sedimentation. They are decanting and centrifuging.
DECANTING- this process is somewhat the easiest of the two. It involves letting the mixture
settle for a while. The heavier, insoluble substances will settle at the bottom of the liquid. A clear
liquid will be left at the top. Once it is taken out You have decanted the liquid. The impure
substances are left behind.

CENTRIFUGING- is a way of speeding up the process of sedimentation. A centrifuge, found in a

laboratory, consists of many test tubes spinning at high speeds which inevitably forces the
insoluble substance to the bottom quicker. A washing machine is a good example of this process. It
spins quickly and water flies out through the holes in the sides and the clothes stay in the washing

C. Engagement
What is more?

Understanding Decantation as One Technique of Separating Mixtures.

A. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Which of the following statements describe how decantation is done in separating mixtures?

I. Water is suspended at the bottom.

II. The components in the mixture settled at the bottom.
III. Allowing solvents to stay at the bottom of the container.
IV. Mixture of rice grains and hulls is placed in a bilao or circular basket and then shaken and
A.I and II only C.I and III only
B.II and III only D.I, II and III
2. Which of the following mixtures needs decantation in separating their individual component?
A. Pizza C. Sand and pebbles
B. Rice and water D. Iron peeling and saw dust
3. How will you describe decantation as one technique or method of separating mixtures? It is
done by __________.
A. using a magnet
B. involving heat in separation
C. letting the material settled for a while
D. tossing grains in a circular basket in front of a fan
4. A technique of separating mixture which is used to separate liquid from the solid and liquid
A. picking C. decantation
B. magnetism D. winnowing
5. To separate liquid from the mixtures, which process is applicable?
A. picking C. filtering
B. magnetism D. decantation

B. Check the statements that describe the process of separating mixture through funnel.
_____ 1. Immiscible liquids can be separated through the use of the separating funnel.
_____ 2. Liquids that do not dissolve very well in each other can be separated through funnel.
_____ 3. liquids
_____ 4. Separating funnel is used in separating immiscible liquids.
_____ 5. Mixture

C. Use the Venn Diagram. Write one advantage and one disadvantage for the following

Filtration Decantation Sedimentation

What I can do?

Activity 1


You are about to cook rice. Get ready with 1 cup of rice and 1 pitcher of water. Wash rice first
in the pot before cooking. How will you do the washing of rice using decantation process
before cooking it? Act it out.


Illustrate the way you wash the rice with water and how you remove the dirty water from the
rice before you cook it. Use the sketch box below.

Rubrics: Earned Points

Original and concept-related 5
Original but not quite related to the given topic 4
Convey incomplete idea 3
Show unclear idea 2
Have no idea at all 1
Activity 2

Study the picture carefully then think of how is removing oil from the seawater is done during oil
spill? What material or tool is used in the decantation process?

Answer: _____________________________________________________________________

What else I can do?

A. Encircle the number of the statement that describes decantation and cross if not. Write your
answer in a separate sheet of paper.

1. It is used in changing water in the aquarium.

2. This method allows liquid to float in the water.
3. The solutes in the mixtures suspended at the bottom.
4. The substances in the mixtures dissolved evenly in water.
5. The process of allowing water to stay at the bottom of the container.


D. Assimilation
What I Have Learned?

A. Fill in the blanks with words or phrases that will complete the science concepts learned in
today’s lesson. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.

1.______________ is a process for the separation of mixtures of immiscible liquids or of a liquid

and a solid mixture such as a suspension.
2. When the solid matter suspended at the bottom of the container the __________ from the
mixture is removed.
3. In separating immiscible liquids decanting or ___________ is also used in separating the liquid
from the solid matter.
4. During oil spill, a _____________ is used during decantation process.
5. _______________ is a process of separating mixtures by removing a layer of liquid, generally
one from which a precipitate has settled.
6. A mixture of ___________ solid in liquid is allowed to stand. If the solid is denser than the
liquid, it ___________at the bottom if kept undisturbed for some time.

B. Choose the answer in the word bank below.

1. It is a separating technique that separates insoluble substances to a solvent? ______________
2. A combination of two or more substances is called ____________.
3. A machine that helps us save our time and effort during laundering. ______________
4. It is a kind of sedimentation process which involves letting the heavier insoluble substance to
settle at the bottom of the liquid. _____________
5. A substance that will not dissolve in a solvent is called ____________.


What I can Achieve?

A. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Miss Denise will change the water in the aquarium. How will you help her clean the aquarium
and put clean water in it? By using __________.
a. decantation c. make use of magnet
b. using strainer d. picking with our bare hands
2. Which of the following statements describe how decantation is done in separating mixtures?
I. Use the hose in doing it.
II. It can be done with the use of flowing water.
III. Removing water from the mixture once the solutes settled at the bottom.
IV. Letting the sediments or solutes settled at the bottom of the container.
a. I and II c. III and IV
b. II and III d. I, II and III
3. Which of the following statements describe decantation in separating mixtures?
a. Use strainers in separating residues in teas.
b. The method of separating mixtures using mesh wire.
c. The use of circular basket in removing hulls from rice grains.
d. The process of taking away liquid from the mixtures of solid and liquid.
4. The following describes how decantation is done in separating mixtures EXCEPT one. Which is
a. It can be done with the help of wind.
b. Grains with hulls are tossed in front of a fan.
c. The use of circular basket in removing hulls from rice grains.
d. The process in settling the solutes at the bottom of the container.
5. How will you describe decantation in the separation of mixtures?
a. Using pan in removing grains from stones or pebbles.
b. Make use of mesh wire or sifter in separating mixtures.
c. Inclined table shaker is used in separating crops of different sizes.
d. It is used to remove liquid state of matter from a mixture by settling the substance at the bottom.
6. A way of separating two liquids that do not dissolve very well in each other (immiscible liquids)
can be separated with the concept of unequal density. A mixture of oil and water, for example, can
be separated by this technique.
a. decanting c. winnowing
b. filtration d. handpicking

7. A technique of separating mixtures which process involves letting an insoluble substance (a

substance that will not dissolve in a solvent) settle at the bottle of a solvent.
a. evaporation c .decantation
b. Magnetism d. filter paper
8. A process of separating mixture that involves letting the mixture settle for a while. The heavier,
insoluble substances will settle at the bottom of the liquid. A clear liquid will be left at the top.
a. evaporation c. magnetism
b. decantation d. centrifugation
9. Which of the following pictures describe the process of decantation?

a. c.

b. d.

10. In describing decantation as one technique in separating mixtures, which of the given pictures
below DOES NOT describe decanting?

a. c.

b. d.

B. Tell if the following sentences show benefits of separating mixtures. Copy the sentence
then write it in your notebook.
• Through decantation we can easily separate the liquid substance to the
insoluble materials
• Decantation process can separate the solid to solid mixtures
• Separating water to the uncooked rice is easier and faster through decantation
• Bits of gold are collected after sedimentation and decantation process

V. REFLECTION Now I understand that__________________________________.

Now I realize that ______________________________________.
Activity Sheet
Activity 1: Experimentation
1 cup of soil
1 pitcher of water
1 medium sized jar
1. Pour water in the jar
2. Pour soil in the jar
3. Shake it for 10 seconds
4. Let the soil settle at the bottom
5. Once the soil settled at the bottom, separate the water from the jar.
Guide Questions:
1. How will you separate the water from the soil?
2. What process of separating mixture is used?
3. How will apply that technique in separating mixtures?
4. What other mixtures can be separated by decanting? Why?
5. What properties of materials to be separated are appropriate for decantation?


Learning Area Science
Learning Delivery Modality Modular Distance Modality (Learners-Led Modality)

School SAN ANTONIO 1 E/S Grade Level Grade 6

Teacher Learning Area Science
Teaching Date Quarter First Quarter
Teaching Time No. of Days 5 days

I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, learners are expected to:

● Describe techniques in separating mixtures such as decantation, evaporation, filtering,
sieving and using magnet
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding of different techniques to separate mixture

B. Performance Standards The learners should be able to separate desired materials from common and local products

C. Most Essential Learning Describe techniques in separating mixtures such as decantation, evaporation, filtering, sieving
Competencies (MELC) and using magnet
(If available, write the indicated
D. Enabling Tell the benefits of separating mixtures from products in the community
(If available, write the attached
enabling competencies)

II. CONTENT Techniques in Separating Mixtures

1. Evaporation
2. Distillation
3. Chromatography
4. Crystallization


A. References
a. Teacher’s Guide Pages The New Science Links Worktext in Science and Technology 6 pp. 56 - 95

b. Learner’s Material

c. Textbook Pages The New Science Links Worktext in Science and Technology 6 pp. 56 – 95,
pp. 83 - 93
d. Additional Materials LMRDS-Science DLL Zip Files_ with watermark Government Property
from Learning
Resources https:
Science and Heath 6
Science in our World 6 ( K-12 Worktext )
Activity Sheets –LMRDS
Cyber Science Worktext in Science and Technology 6, pp. 41-42
B. List of Learning
Resources for
Development and
Engagement Activities
A. Introduction
What I Need to Know?

In this lesson, the pupils will be able to describe techniques in separating mixture througn
evaporation, distillation, chromatography and crystallization.

It is here to help you master the different techniques and benefits of separating mixture. The
scope of this lesson permits it to be used in many different learning situations.

What is New
To further understand the techniques of separating mixture through evaporation, distillation,
chromatography and crystallization pupils will perform the following activities:

Unlocking of Difficulties:
1. Evaporation - is the process of which water changes from a liquid to gas or vapor
2. Distillate – is the liquid formed from the condensation of the vapor.
3. Crystallization – is the process of formation of large crystals in pure state from their solutions
4. Chromatography – is a technique of separating two or more dissolved solids which are present
in a solution in very small quantities.

Activity 1: Dry It Up!

(Please see attached Activity Sheet and answer the Guide Questions)

Activity 2: Paper Chromatography

(Please see attached Activity Sheet and answer the Guide Questions)
B. Development What I Know?

A. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on a separate sheet of
1. Which is the best way to get salt from a salty water?
a. evaporation
b. filtration
c. distillation
d. magnetism
2. Where does the liquid go during evaporation process?
a. below the ground
b. up
c. inside the salt
d. none
3. Why can water be separated from inky water by simple distillation?
a. Water and ink have different boiling points.
b. Water evaporates, leaving the ink particles behind.
c. Ink evaporates, leaving the water behind.
d. Ink does not mix with water.
4. Which of the statements below describes evaporation?
a. It is a process where solvent changes from vapour or gas state to a liquid state.
b. It is a process where solvent changes from liquid state to a vapour or gas state.
c. It is a process where solid changes from solid state to a vapour or gas state.
d. It is a process where solid changes from vapour or gas state to a liquid state.
5. Which is the best way to get salt from a salty water?
a. evaporation b. filtration c. distillation d. Magnetism

B. Draw a smiley face beside the pictures that can be separated through distillation.

1. __________ 3. _________ 5.

2. __________ 4. _________

C. How would you separate each of the following mixtures?

1. salt and powdered charcoal - ____________
2. air pollutants mixed with water - ___________
3. plant extract - _____________
4. muddy water - _____________
5. sugar solution - _____________

What is in?

What is Evaporation?
Evaporation is the processes of changing the phase of liquid water to water vapor. This can
also be used in separating a mixture of an insoluble material from one which is soluble like the
mixture of water, sand and salt.
Evaporation occurs everyday, both in natural and manmade environments. Evaporation
occurs most often in the oceans around the world .One by product of evaporation can be used to
seas from the season your food. Salt is extracted from the seawater.

Evaporation is the process by which water and other liquids changes from a liquid state
to a vapour or gas state. Evaporation is great for separating a mixture (solution) of a soluble solid
and a solvent. The process involves heating the solution until the solvent evaporates (turns into
gas) leaving behind the solid residue.

What is Distillation?
Distillation is the separation of a mixture of liquids with low boiling points. It involves
evaporation and condensation of the liquids. The liquid wiht the lowest boiling point boils first,
evaporates and condenses. The distillate is the liquid formed from the condensation of the water
Look at the diagram below. It shows the process of simple distillation. The mixture of liquids
in the flask is tube into the test tube in the beaker with cold water. The cold water cools the vapor,
transforming the vapor heated. The liquid with the lowest boiling point boils and evaporates. The
vapor passes through the delivery into a liquid. The process is continued until all the liquids to be
collected have evaporated and condensed.

Did you know that gasoline, kerosene, diesel oil and lunricating oil are obtained through
fractional distillation?
Fractional Distillation is a method used for separating a mixture of liquids with a small range
of boiling points. The components are separated one after another in a decreasing order of boiling
points. Petroleum industries use this technique on a large-scale basis to separate the various
components of crude oil. Crude oil is separated into fractions of gasoline, kerosene, lubricating oil
and other components.
The diagram shows the products obtained from the fractional distillation of crude oil. Below
the name of each product is the boiling range of that substance.
What is it?

What is Chromatography?
One method of separating mixtures is chromatography. Chromatography is used when
only very small amounts of the mixture are available. It is based on the varying degrees of
attraction the different components of the mixture have for the solvent. In the preceding activity,
you used paper chromatography with alcohol as the solvent. The component dyes of the ink are
attracted to alcohol in varying degrees. Hence, they moved along with the alcohol as it moved up
the paper. The stronger the attraction of a dye to alcohol, the farther it traveled up the paper.
Hence, the spots are found at different distances from the starting line.

What is Crystallization?
Crystallization is used to obtain pure sugar crystal from a mixture. In this method
concentrated sugar mixture is left to cool so that sugar in the mixture is allowed to form as crystals.
Sugar cannot be separated out from its solution by evaporation because sugar can be burned by

C. Engagement
What is more?

Understanding Evaporation as One Technique of Separating Mixtures.

A. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Which is the best way to get salt from a salty water?
a. evaporation b. filtration c. distillation d. magnetism
2. Where does the liquid go during evaporation process?
a. below the ground b. up c. inside the salt d. none
3. What is the process by which water changes from a liquid to gas or vapor?
a. Filtration c. Evaporation
b. Mixture d. Decantation
4. Read and understand: “At the end of every day, we wipe off the blackboard with wet sponge to
make it clean and ready to use for the next day. After a few minutes, the water disappeared. Where
do you think the water goes? Why?
a. The water disappeared because of the hot temperature.
b. The water disappeared because of evaporation.
c. The water disappeared because it is the way it used to be
d. Never mind of the water
5. Which is the correct order for obtaining salt from a mixture of sand and salt?
a. Dissolving in water – evaporation
b. Evaporation – filtration – dissolving in water
c. Filtration – dissolving in water – evaporation
d. Dissolving in water – filtration – evaporation

B. Separation Methods/Distillation
True/False Questions:
1. Think carefully about the following statements. Are they true or false?
Circle your answer.
a. In filtration, the filtrate is always a pure liquid. True/False
b. Drinking water can only be obtained from seawater by
distillation. True/False
c. The fractional distillation of miscible liquids is only possible
if the liquids have different boiling points. True/False
d. Paper chromatography is a physical method for separating
mixtures. True/False
e. Mixtures have fixed melting and boiling points. True/False

2. Name the techniques which are suitable for separating the following mixture.

Situation Separation Technique

a. To obtain drinking water from muddy
b. To separate petrol from crude oil
c. To remove leaves from a swimming
d. To obtain pure sugar from a solution
e. To determine whether the colouring in
a fruit juice is a single substance or a
mixture of coloured substance
f. To separate sodium chloride from
g. To produce dray milk from milk
h. To obtain pure honey from the beehive.

What I can do?

A. Answer the following questions.

1. What do you call the process by which water changes from a liquid to gas or vapor?
2. Making salt is an example of separating mixture through _________.
3-4. What are the two solutions in the mixture of making salt? _________& _________
5. How would you describe the process of separating mixture through evaporation? _____

B. Illustrate inside the box in your own understanding how the mixture of salt and water is
separated through evaporation.

C. Match the statements in Column A with the statements in Column B.

Column A Column B
1. The process of removing coloured a. Sedimentation
dyes from blue black ink.
2. The process of removing common salt b. Fractional
from its aqueous solution
3. The process of obtaining nitre crystals c. Crystallization
from an aqueous solution of nitre and
common salt
4. The process of obtaining drinking d. Chromatography
water from sea.
5. The process of removing suspended e. Evaporation
particles from river water.
f. Distillation

What else I can do?

A. Using the Venn Diagram compare the following technique in separating mixtures.
Evaporation vs. Distillation

Chromatography vs. Crystallization

B. From the situations in the box. Select the situations that relates the separating of mixture
in real life situation. Write them on your paper.

1.The salted fish (Ginamos) was preserved by salt and are used as viand
to some people.
2. Children are watching their favorite television show.
3. The gardener water the plants regularly.
4. The family safely drink purified drinking water from their water dispenser.
5. Motorized vehicles that carry passengers to their place of destination.

D. Assimilation
What I Have Learned?
A. Complete the Semantic Web and write down the different ways of separating mixtures.


B. Fill in the blanks with words or phrases that will complete the science concepts learned
in today’s lesson. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.
1. _____________ technique used to separate a dissolved solid from liquid.
2. _____________ used to obtain pure sugar crystals from a mixture.
3._____________ is a method used when there’s only a small amount of mixture available.
4. It is a technique in which it involves evaporation and condensation of the liquids.
5. _____________ is a method used for separating a mixture of liquids with a small range of
boiling points.

C. Draw a happy face and telll if the suggestion made in order to maximize the use of
separated materials is a good suggestion and sad face if it is not a good suggestion.
1. Throw sea shells in the compost pit after eating.
2. Leave rice hulls/husks in an open area and take that material for granted
3. Cook macaroons out of dried desiccated coconut
4. Throw rice chaff in the drainage
5. Put rice hulls/husks in your plants

What I can Achieve?

A. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following is not indicative of a good crystallization solvent?
a. It will not dissolve impurities at all, or it will dissolve them very well.
b. It will not react with the solute.
c. It will be very volatile.
d. It dissolves the solute readily at room temperature.
2. Which of the following is not a method of separation?
a. Extraction c. Distillation
b. Gas chromatography d. Diazotization
3. The final product from the process of crystallization is isolated by:
a. Extraction c. Vacuum filtration
b. Gravity filtration d. Gas chromatography
4. Another method used occasionally for drying crystals is _______.
a. vacuum desiccator c. water bath
b. hot plate d. gas bath
5. Which method is the best for separating sodium chloride from a solution of sodium chloride
in water?
a. Filtration c. Crystallization
b. Fractional distillation d. Paper chromatography

B. Tell what technique is being shown by the following pictures.

1. 2. 3.
V. REFLECTION Now I understand that__________________________________.
Now I realize that ______________________________________.

Activity 1: Dry it Up!

Hand sanitizer ( alcohol )
Ball pen

1.Draw a table

2. Put some sanitizer ( 1 teaspoon ) on your palm and rub it for 3 minutes then
observe after.
3. Put some water (1 teaspoon ) on your palm and rub it for 3 minutes then
observe after.
4. Record your data on your paper.

Guide Questions.
1.Describe what after rubbing your hands with hand sanitizer?
2.What happen to sanitizer?
3.What process/ method did you use to remove the sanitizer to your hands?

Activity 2: Paper Chromatography!

ruler small glass jar
pencil toothpick
white bond paper black ball pen/marking pen


Do the following:
1. Cut out from the bond paper a rectangle measuring 3 centimeters wide
and 15 centimeters long.
2. Use the pencil draw a line lightly 3 centimeters from one end of the
rectangle. Make sure that you do not puncture the paper with the
pencil tip.
3. Use the toothpick to collect ink from the ball pen or marking pen.
4. Spot it along the line you drew on the paper. Do this by pressing the ink
covered tip of the toothpick very briefly against the paper. Make sure that
only a tiny dot is formed on the paper.
5. Pour the alcohol into the glass jar. The alcohol level should be lower than
3 centimeters.
6. Carefully place the paper in the glass jar with the spotted portion nearest
The bottom of the jar. Do not disturb it. Observe what happens.

Guide Questions:

1. What did you see on the piece of paper after you left it in the jar?
2. What colors were produced from the black ink? What do you think these
colors are? _____________________________________________________

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