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As an example of the application of this system,

consider alloy 7075. Its nominal composition is

5.6% zinc, 1.6% copper, 2.5% magnesium, 0.3%

chromium, and the remainder aluminum and

impurity traces. If it is designated 7075-O, it is in

a soft condition produced by annealing at 775 8F for

a few hours. If it is designated in a hard temper,

7075-T6, it has been solution heat-treated at 870 8F

and aged to precipitation-harden it at 250 8F for

about 25 h.

A similar designation system is used for cast

alloys. Casting alloys may be sand or permanent-

mold alloys.

5.16.2 Finishes for Aluminum

Almost all finishes used on aluminum may be

divided into three major categories in the system

recommended by the The Aluminum Association:

mechanical finishes, chemical finishes, and coat-

ings. The last may be subdivided into anodic

coatings, resinous and other organic coatings,

vitreous coatings, electroplated and other metallic

coatings, and laminated coatings.

In The Aluminum Association system, mechan-

ical and chemical finishes are designated by M and

C, respectively, and each of the five classes of

coating is also designated by a letter. The various

finishes in each category are designated by two-

digit numbers after a letter. The principal finishes

are summarized in Table 5.11.

5.16.3 Structural Aluminum

Aluminum alloys are used in structural appli-

cations because the strength-to-weight ratio is often

more favorable than that of other materials.

Aluminum structures also need a minimum of

maintenance since aluminum stabilizes in most


Wrought-aluminum alloys for structural appli-

cations are usually precipitation-hardened to

strengthen them. Typical properties of some

aluminum alloys frequently used in structural

applications are in Table 5.12; the range of

properties from the soft to the hardest available

condition is shown.

Structural aluminum shapes are produced by

extrusion. Angles, I beams, and channels are

available in standard sizes and in lengths up to

85 ft. Plates up to 6 in thick and 200 in wide also

may be obtained.

There are economic advantages in selecting

structural aluminum shapes more efficient for

specific purposes than the customary ones.

For example, sections such as hollow tubes,

shapes with stiffening lips on outstanding

flanges, and stiffened panels can be formed by


Aluminum alloys generally weigh about 170

lb/ft3 , about one-third that of structural steel. The

modulus of elasticity in tension is about 10,000 ksi,

compared with 29,000 ksi for structural steel.

Poisson’s ratio may be taken as 0.50. The coefficient

of thermal expansion in the 68 to 212 8F range is

about 0.000013 in/in

Ecuaciones diferenciales lineales / 99 6.1 La ecuación lineal general / 99 6.2 Un teorema de

existencia y unicidad / 100 6.3 Independencia lineal / 102 6.4 El Wronskiano / 103 6.5 Solución
general de una ecuación homogénea / 106 6.6 Solución general de una ecuación no homogénea /
107 6.7 Operadores diferenciales / 109 6.8 Leyes fundamentales de operación / 111 6.9 Algunas
propiedades de los operadores diferenciales / 113 6.10 Suplemento para computadora / 115 Contenido / vii 7 Ecuaciones lineales con coeficientes constantes / 117
7.1 Introducción / 117 7.2 La ecuación auxiliar: raíces distintas / 117 7.3 La ecuación auxiliar: raíces
repetidas / 120 7.4 Una definición de exp z para valores complejos de z / 123 7.5 La ecuación
auxiliar: raíces complejas / 125 7.6 Una observación acerca de las funciones hiperbólicas / 127 7.7
Suplemento para computadora / 132 8 Ecuaciones no homogéneas: coeficientes indeterminados /
134 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 Construcción de una ecuación homogénea a partir de una solución
específica / 134 Solución de una ecuación no homogénea / Método de coeficientes
indeterminados / Solución por inspección / 144 Suplemento para computadora / . 150 8F, about

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