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Discipline Lvl Name Prerequisite Effect Cost Attribute Ref

Bond to an animal to make other

1 Bond Famulus OOO Charisma V5 245
Animalism powers more effective
1 Sense the Beast Sense anger, hunger, and Beasts – Resolve V5 245
2 Atavism Force an animal into fear or rage frenzy O Composure Teeth 3
2 Feral Whispers Speak to and summon animals O/– Manipulation, Charisma V5 246
3 Animal Succulence Feed more effectively on animals – – V5 246
Animalism 3 Scent of Prey Detect mortals who saw breaches O Resolve Sabbat 47
3 Quell the Beast Shut down a target's drives and desires O Charisma V5 246
3 Unliving Hive Obfuscate 2 Other Animalism powers affect insects – – V5 246
4 Subsume the Spirit Possess an animal O/– Manipulation V5 247
5 Animal Dominion Control large groups of animals OO Charisma V5 247
When you would frenzy, make someone
5 Drawing Out the Beast O Wits V5 247
else frenzy instead
1 Heightened Senses Augment natural senses – Wits, Resolve V5 249
1 Sense the Unseen Detect supernatural effects – Wits, Resolve V5 249
2 Obeah Fortitude 1 Calm mortals and heal willpower O / OW+ Composure Comp 24
2 Premonition Receive prophetic visions O/– Resolve V5 249
2 Unerring Pursuit Dominate 1 Track a victim through their reflection O Resolve Sabbat 46
3 Eyes of Beasts Animalism 2 See through the eyes of animals O – FoL 148
3 Scry the Soul See the aura of a person's soul O Intelligence V5 250
3 Share the Senses Borrow another's senses O Resolve V5 250
4 Spirit's Touch View impressions of past events O Intelligence V5 250
5 Clairvoyance Know everything about an area O Intelligence V5 251
5 Possession Dominate 3 Possess a human OO Resolve V5 251
5 Telepathy Read minds and project thoughts O / OW Resolve V5 252
Unburdening the Dominate 3, Remove/shield against Stains, make
5 OOS Composure Comp 24
Bestial Soul Obeah Dominate easier, restore Humanity
1 Cat's Grace Always keep your balance – – V5 252
Dodge against Firearms and take minor
1 Rapid Reflexes – – V5 253
actions for free
2 Fleetness Add Celerity to Dexterity checks O – V5 253
3 Blink Move far before taking an action O Dexterity V5 253
3 Traversal Run across liquids or walls O Dexterity V5 253
4 Draught of Elegance Give Celerity to others O – V5 254

Discipline Lvl Name Prerequisite Effect Cost Attribute Ref

4 Unerring Aim Auspex 2 Make ranged attacks at Difficulty 1 O – V5 254
5 Lightning Strike Make melee attacks at Difficulty 1 O – V5 254
5 Split Second Retcon the ST's narration of events O – V5 254
1 Cloud Memory Remove a few minutes of memories – Charisma V5 255
1 Compel Force someone to take one action – Charisma V5 255
2 Mesmerize Impose a command O Manipulation V5 255
2 Dementation Obfuscate 2 Inflict willpower damage in conversation O Manipulation V5 255
2 Domitor's Favor Prevent thralls from defying the bond O – Comp 25
2 Slavish Devotion Presence 1 Penalize attempts to affect your thralls – – Cults 104
Dominate 3 The Forgetful Mind Rewrite memories O Manipulation V5 257
3 Submerged Directive (Mesmerize?) Set a trigger for Mesmerize – – V5 257
4 Ancestral Dominion Sorcery 3 Control your direct descendants O Manipulation Cults 104
4 Rationalize Victims rationalize their behavior – – V5 257
4 Tabula Rasa Erase a victim's entire memory OOS+ Resolve Sabbat 47
5 Mass Manipulation Affect groups with other powers O – V5 257
5 Terminal Decree Dominate commands can be suicidal – – V5 257
1 Resilience Add Fortitude to health levels – – V5 258
1 Unswayable Mind Add Fortitude to mental resistance – – V5 258
2 Enduring Beasts Animalism 1 Give Fortitude to animals O/– Stamina V5 259
2 Obdurate Potence 2 Become briefly immovable O Wits, Stamina Teeth 3
Subtract Fortitude from superficial
2 Toughness O – V5 258
damage before halving
2 Valeren Auspex 1 Heal other vampires' health O / OD+ Intelligence Comp 25
Fortitude 3 Defy Bane Turn aggravated damage to superficial O Wits V5 259
Fortify the Inner
3 Resist Auspex and similar powers – – V5 259
4 Draught of Endurance Give Fortitude to others O – V5 259
Damage removed by Toughness is
4 Shatter Toughness O Stamina Cults 104
redirected to the attacker
5 Flesh of Marble Ignore one source of damage per turn OO – V5 259
5 Prowess from Pain Add physical damage to attributes O – V5 260
1 Cloak of Shadows Go invisible, but cannot move – – V5 261
1 Silence of Death Silence all sounds – – V5 261
Discipline Lvl Name Prerequisite Effect Cost Attribute Ref
2 Chimerstry Presence 1 Create distracting hallucinations O Manipulation Comp 25
2 Unseen Passage Go invisible and move around O – V5 261
2 Ventriloquism Auspex 2 Project your voice to one person only O Wits FoL 148
3 Fata Morgana Presence 2 Create elaborate hallucinations O Manipulation Comp 26
3 Ghost in the Machine Obfuscate affects technology – – V5 262
Mask of a Thousand
3 Appear visible but unremarkable O – V5 262
Obfuscate Dominate 1, Apply Mask of 1000 to a person who
3 Mask of Isolation O Manipulation Sabbat 48
Mask of 1000 doesn't know about it
Prevent someone from perceiving any
3 Mental Maze Dominate 1 O / OOO Charisma Cults 85
exits or means of escape
4 Conceal Auspex 3 Conceal objects (up to house-sized) O Intelligence V5 262
Cloak of
4 Vanish Disappear even while directly observed – Wits V5 262
5 Cloak the Gathering Affect groups with Obfuscate O Wits V5 263
Mask of a
5 Imposter's Guise Thousand Appear as a specific individual O Wits, Manipulation V5 263
1 Ashes to Ashes Disintegrate a corpse O Stamina Cults 204
1 Binding Fetter Detect ghostly fetters – Wits Cults 204
1 Shadow Cloak Manipulate shadows (gives bonuses) – – Chicago 293
1 Oblivion's Sight See in darkness and perceive ghosts – – Chicago 293
2 Arms of Ahriman Potence 2 Use shadows to attack O Wits Chicago 294
2 Fatal Precognition Auspex 2 Prophesize someone's death O Resolve Cults 204
2 Shadow Cast Create shadows (gives bonuses) O – Chicago 293
Where the Shroud Sense the strength of the Shroud, and
2 O Wits Cults 205
Thins reduce ceremony difficulties if it's thin
3 Aura of Decay Decay everything around O Stamina Cults 205
Oblivion 3 Passion Feast Fortitude 2 Feed on wraiths, draining Passion – – Cults 206
3 Shadow Perspective Project senses through shadows O – Chicago 294
3 Touch of Oblivion Decay a living or unliving body O Strength Chicago 294
4 Necrotic Plague Cause damage over time O Intelligence Cults 206
4 Stygian Shroud Impose darkness on an area O – Chicago 295
Pull someone through their shadow into
4 Umbrous Clutch OS Wits Sabbat 49
Discipline Lvl Name Prerequisite Effect Cost Attribute Ref
5 Shadow Step Teleport between shadows O – Chicago 295
5 Skuld Fulfilled Re-impose old injury or sickness OO Stamina Cults 207
5 Tenebrous Avatar Become a shadow OO – Chicago 295
5 Withering Spirit Erode a target's will OO Resolve Cults 208
Ashes to
1 Gift of False Life Reanimate a corpse to perform one task O Resolve Cults 208
1 Knowing Stone (Unknown) Scry a ghost's location from its name O Resolve FoL 259
1 Summon Spirit Binding Fetter Summon a ghost with its fetter O Resolve Cults 209
1 Traveler's Call Sight, Alert another Shalimite to your location O Resolve Cults 93
Awaken the Where the
2 Create a small programmable minion O Resolve Cults 209
Homuncular Servant Shroud Thins
2 Blinding the Alloy Eye Shadow Cast Become undetectable by cameras O Resolve Sabbat 52
Where the
2 Compel Spirit Force a spirit to obey O Resolve Cults 210
Shroud Thins
Where the
3 Fortezza Sindonica Ward an area against wraiths OOO Resolve Trails 173
Shroud Thins
3 Harrowhaunt Aura of Decay Haunt a building to repel mortals OHH+ Resolve Sabbat 51
3 Host Spirit Aura of Decay Invite a spirit into your body for power O Resolve, Composure Cults 211
Where the
3 Knit the Veil Make the Shroud impenetrable O Resolve Trails 174
Shroud Thins
Ceremonies Shadow
3 Name of the Father Perspective, Paralyze someone with despair O Resolve Cults 94
Reanimate obedient, long-lasting
3 Shambling Hordes Aura of Decay OH Resolve Cults 212
"Necrotic Corrupt a mortal's blood so it increases
4 Befoul Vessel OH Resolve Sabbat 52
Touch" Hunger when tasted
Necrotic Anchor a ghost to haunt a person or
4 Bind the Spirit OH Resolve Cults 212
Plague location
Fatal Cause someone to relive a particular
4 Death Rattle O Resolve Trails 174
Precognition wraith's death
4 Split the Shroud Tear open the Shroud OH Resolve Cults 213
Discipline Lvl Name Prerequisite Effect Cost Attribute Ref
5 Ex Nihilo Spirit, Split Cross into the Shadowlands OOOW Resolve Cults 213
the Shroud
5 Lazarene Blessing Skuld Fulfilled Put a wraith in a body and bring it to life OH Resolve Cults 214
5 Pit of Contemplation Avatar, Create a doorway into Oblivion itself OH Resolve Cults 94
1 Lethal Body Unarmed attacks do agg to mortals – – V5 264
1 Soaring Leap Jump enormous distances – – V5 264
2 Prowess Add Potence to damage dealt O Strength V5 264
3 Brutal Feed Drain a person in seconds – – V5 264
Potence 3 Spark of Rage Presence 3 Add Potence to rolls to induce rage O Manipulation V5 265
3 Uncanny Grip Hold onto any surface O – V5 265
4 Draught of Might Give Potence to others O – V5 265
5 Earthshock Create a shockwave OO – V5 265
5 Fist of Caine Unarmed attacks do agg to everything O – V5 266
1 Awe Add Presence to Charisma – Manipulation V5 267
1 Daunt Intimidate people and ward off attacks – – V5 267
1 Eyes of the Serpent Protean 1 Paralyze someone with eye contact – Charisma Anarch 185
2 Lingering Kiss Biting gives bonuses but also addiction – – V5 267
3 Clear the Field Dominate 3 Force everyone to leave the area O Composure FoL 177
3 Dread Gaze Terrify an individual O Charisma V5 267
Presence 3 Entrancement Cause infatuation O Charisma V5 268
3 True Love's Face Obfuscate 3 Appear as whoever the target loves O Manipulation Cults 85
4 Irresistable Voice Dominate 1 Dominate doesn't require eye contact – – V5 268
4 Magnum Opus Auspex 3 Imbue Awe or Daunt into an artwork O+ (Unclear) Teeth 3
4 Summon Summon a specific person O Manipulation V5 268
5 Majesty Prevent all opposition and aggression OO Charisma V5 268
5 Star Magnetism Presence works through technology O – V5 269
1 Eyes of the Beast Transform eyes to see in darkness – – V5 269
1 Weight of the Feather Become weightless – Wits V5 269
2 Feral Weapons Grow claws or enhance natural fangs O – V5 270
2 Vicissitude Reshape your body in various ways O Resolve Comp 27

Discipline Lvl Name Prerequisite Effect Cost Attribute Ref
3 Earth Meld Meld into soil O – V5 270
Dominate 2,
3 Fleshcrafting Apply Vicissitude to others O Resolve Comp 27
3 Shapechange Turn into a human-sized animal O – V5 270
Protean 3 Visceral Absorption Sorcery 2 Absorb human remains into yourself O Strength Sabbat 49
Dominate 2,
4 Horrid Form Turn into a monstrosity O – Comp 28
4 Metamorphosis Shapechange Turn into any animal O – V5 271
5 Heart of Darkness Fortitude 2 Remove your heart to prevent staking AA / OO – Cults 85
5 Mist Form Turn into a cloud of mist O - OOO – V5 271
Animalism 2, Experience everything in a one-mile
5 One with the Land OO Wits, Resolve Comp 28
Earth Meld radius while melded
5 The Unfettered Heart Prevent staking or get free from it –/O – V5 271
1 Corrosive Vitae Corrode inorganic material O+ – V5 272
Shape the Sanguine
1 Sculpt blood into any desired shape – Manipulation Teeth 3
1 A Taste for Blood Get information from blood – Resolve V5 272
2 Extinguish Vitae Make another vampire hungrier O Intelligence V5 273
3 Blood of Potency Increase Blood Potency temporarily O Resolve V5 273
Sorcery 3 Scorpion's Touch Turn blood into venom O+ Strength V5 273
3 Transitive Bond Bond via blood in a container or mortal O – Sabbat 49
4 Theft of Vitae Steal blood from a distance O Wits V5 274
5 Baal's Caress Turn blood into stronger venom O+ Strength V5 274
5 Cauldron of Blood Boil blood inside a target's body OS Resolve, Dexterity V5 274
5 Reclamation of Vitae Reclaim the vitae from your ghouls S+ – Sabbat 50
1 Beelzebeatit Rid an area of animals O Intelligence Sabbat 50
1 Blood Walk Learn a subject's name, gen, and sire O Intelligence V5 276
1 Bloody Message Show a message to a type of person O Intelligence Streets 77
1 Clinging of the Insect Walk on walls and ceilings O Intelligence V5 276
1 Coax the Garden Bahari Awaken plants to hinder enemies O Intelligence Cults 55
1 Craft Bloodstone Create a magical tracking beacon O Intelligence V5 276
1 Dampen the Fear Cainite Suppress natural fear of fire O Intelligence Cults 67
1 Herd Ward (Minor) Ward a person against others' feeding O Intelligence Streets 77
Discipline Lvl Name Prerequisite Effect Cost Attribute Ref
Ward a letter so only the intended
1 Letter Ward O Intelligence Streets 77
receipient can read it
Wake with Evening's
1 Wake up if disturbed during the day O Intelligence V5 276
1 Ward against Ghouls Create a ward against ghouls O Intelligence V5 277
Calling the Aura's
2 Chicago Interrogate the memories of the dead O Intelligence Folios 171
Communicate with
2 Speak telepathically to your Sire O Intelligence V5 277
Kindred Sire
Eat someone's eyes and tongue to know
2 Eyes of Babel S Intelligence V5 277
all languages they know
Illuminate the Trail of
2 See a target's path O Intelligence V5 277
2 Ishtar's Touch Intoxicate a target to lower inhibitions O Intelligence Cam 168
2 Truth of Blood Learn whether statements are truthful O Resolve V5 277
2 Unseen Underground Become invisible while underground O Intelligence FoL 128
2 Ward against Spirits Create a ward against intangible things O Intelligence V5 277
Warding Circle against
2 Create a warding circle against ghouls OOO Intelligence V5 278
2 Web of Hunger Steal blood from everyone underground O Intelligence FoL 137
3 Bladed Hands Milwaukee Turn your hands into knives OO Intelligence Folios 174
3 Communal Vigor Sabbat Increase pack's BP to match priest's O Intelligence Sabbat 50
3 Dagon's Call Rupture blood vessels remotely O - OOO Resolve V5 278
Deflection of the
3 Prevent one staking attempt O Intelligence V5 278
Wooden Doom
3 Essence of Air Fly for a limited time O Intelligence, Strength V5 278
3 Eyes of the Past Chicago See a scene from the past O Intelligence Folios 172
3 Fire in the Blood Cainite Torture someone by heating their blood O Intelligence Cults 67
Sorcery 3 Firewalker Protect targets against fire O Intelligence V5 279
Rituals 3 Galvanic Ruination Destroy electrical equipment in an area O Intelligence Sabbat 51
3 Gentle Mind Chicago Prevent another vampire from frenzying O Intelligence Folios 172
3 Haunted House Milwaukee Make people think a building is haunted OOO Intelligence Folios 175
3 Herd Ward (Major) Ward a herd against others' feeding O Intelligence Streets 77

Discipline Lvl Name Prerequisite Effect Cost Attribute Ref

Illusion of Peaceful Conceal the cause of death, as long as
3 Chicago O Intelligence Folios 172
Death it's not exsanguination
3 Illusion of Perfection Milwaukee = Mask of 1000 Faces (Obfuscate 3) O Intelligence Folios 174
3 One with the Blade Make a weapon impervious to harm O+ Intelligence Cam 168
3 Sanguine Watcher Milwaukee Create an animal spy O Intelligence Folios 174
3 Sleep of Judas Special Put a vampire into a drugged sleep (Unknown) Intelligence Streets 77
Lupines entering an area are forced into
3 The Unseen Change Chicago O Intelligence Folios 172
wolf form
3 Ward against Lupines Create a ward against werewolves O Intelligence V5 279
Warding Circle against Create a warding circle against
3 OOO Intelligence V5 279
Spirits intangible things
Defense of the Sacred
4 Protect an area against sunlight O Intelligence V5 279
4 Eyes of the Nighthawk See through a raptor's eyes O Intelligence V5 279
4 Incorporeal Passage Become insubstantial O Intelligence V5 280
Innocence of the Nicolai's Conceal diablerie and vampirism from
4 O Intelligence Folios 172
Child's Heart secret Scry the Soul (Auspex 3)
4 Protean Curse Chicago Turn someone into a bat O Intelligence Folios 173
Rending the Sweet Unearth a vampire using Earth Meld
4 Chicago O Intelligence Folios 173
Earth (Protean 3)
4 Ward against Cainites Create a ward against vampires O Intelligence V5 280
Warding Circle against Create a warding circle against
4 OOO Intelligence V5 280
Lupines werewolves
5 Creatio Ignis Cainite Ignite your arms without taking damage O Intelligence Cults 67
5 Eden's Bounty Bahari Drain blood from a one-mile radius O Intelligence Cults 56
Escape to True Set up two circles, allowing you to OOOOOOOOO
5 Intelligence V5 280
Sanctuary teleport from one to the other OOO (12)
5 Heart of Stone Remove emotions and prevent staking OA Intelligence V5 281
Shaft of Belated Enchant a stake to cause Final Death,
5 OO Intelligence V5 281
Dissolution even if it misses the heart
5 Simulacrum Gate Teleport a large number of vampires OH+ Intelligence Sabbat 51
5 Transferring the Soul Oblivion 5 Let a Diablerized vampire take control O Intelligence FoL 13
Warding Circle against
5 Create a warding circle against vampires OOO Intelligence V5 282
1 Far Reach Minor telekinesis O Resolve V5 284
Discipline Lvl Name Prerequisite Effect Cost Attribute Ref
1 Gaoler's Bane Contort to escape restraints O – Teeth 10
1 Haze Create a cloud of mist O – V5 285
1 Portable Shade Prevent damage from sunlight O Stamina Sabbat 53
2 Envelop Blind and suffocate a target O Wits V5 285
Red's Flamin' Hot
2 Turn any blood into an accelerant – – Teeth 10
2 Counterfeit 1 Counterfeit a first-level discipline – – V5 285
3 Concoct Ashe Imbue memories into Ashe O – Cults 45
Thin-Blood 3 Concoct Ashe Ashfinder Produce Ashe from a vampire's ashes – Intelligence Cults 45
Alchemy 3 Defractionate Turn fractionated blood drinkable again – – V5 286
3 On-Demand Sunburn Burn another vampire with sunlight O – Sabbat 53
3 Profane Hieros Gamos Transform a target into their ideal self O Resolve V5 Errata
3 Stay the Falling Sand Freeze objects in time momentarily O Resolve Teeth 10
3 Counterfeit 2 Counterfeit a second-level discipline – – V5 286
4 Airborne Momentum Fly for a limited time O Strength V5 287
4 Discipline Channelling Concoct Ashe Imbue disciplines into Ashe – – Cults 46
4 Hollow Leg Poison a vampire, preventing feeding – Intelligence Teeth 10
4 Counterfeit 3 Counterfeit a third-level discipline – – V5 287
5 Awaken the Sleeper End a vampire's torpor early – – V5 287
5 Counterfeit 4 Counterfeit a fourth-level discipline – – V5 287
Discipline Lvl Name Prerequisite Effect Cost Attribute Ref
Discipline Lvl Name Prerequisite Effect Cost Attribute Ref
Discipline Lvl Name Prerequisite Effect Cost Attribute Ref
Discipline Lvl Name Prerequisite Effect Cost Attribute Ref
Discipline Lvl Name Prerequisite Effect Cost Attribute Ref
Discipline Lvl Name Prerequisite Effect Cost Attribute Ref
Discipline Lvl Name Prerequisite Effect Cost Attribute Ref
Discipline Lvl Name Prerequisite Effect Cost Attribute Ref
Discipline Lvl Name Prerequisite Effect Cost Attribute Ref
Discipline Lvl Name Prerequisite Effect Cost Attribute Ref
Discipline Lvl Name Prerequisite Effect Cost Attribute Ref
Discipline Lvl Name Prerequisite Effect Cost Attribute Ref
Discipline Lvl Name Prerequisite Effect Cost Attribute Ref
Discipline Lvl Name Prerequisite Effect Cost Attribute Ref
Discipline Lvl Name Prerequisite Effect Cost Attribute Ref
Discipline Lvl Name Prerequisite Effect Cost Attribute Ref
Discipline Lvl Name Prerequisite Effect Cost Attribute Ref
Discipline Lvl Name Prerequisite Effect Cost Attribute Ref
Discipline Lvl Name Prerequisite Effect Cost Attribute Ref
Discipline Lvl Name Prerequisite Effect Cost Attribute Ref
Discipline Lvl Name Prerequisite Effect Cost Attribute Ref
Discipline Lvl Name Prerequisite Effect Cost Attribute Ref
Discipline Lvl Name Prerequisite Effect Cost Attribute Ref
Discipline Lvl Name Prerequisite Effect Cost Attribute Ref
Discipline Lvl Name Prerequisite Effect Cost Attribute Ref
Discipline Lvl Name Prerequisite Effect Cost Attribute Ref
Discipline Lvl Name Prerequisite Effect Cost Attribute Ref
Discipline Lvl Name Prerequisite Effect Cost Attribute Ref

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