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& © RAY OF! 7K on Luminoun objects i Luminoun objects ove. objects Heck generete, Hsin oum Aight. The sum fb ovr exemple of a Luminous object. ° FNon=Luminows objects!— non - Lurminown objects oe Tas. objects trod, do mot heise. -tuarir cum source of Ugict energy omd ae eunmnoe emit Ugiet ovnd ove. not reapanai bla her virion. ovjects com only he vinible clus to Lum noun objects. Exe Exomple'- The. moon, plarcts Ray model of light: Light, Electromagnetic. same. san EkcHhle tied nator, of Light t- =? Hague wefers ty electromagnetic vradiotion tat can loo, detected “Foe Mumm eye: : aa Fe Ligut leo hon tue property ob a partels.. WY Ly the imtenrity often light varies clapendigg ae toe number om particles, he pattictes ob light owed a photon”, = TLE) he _ sAhPy To Uae = aed AVE : ‘ a pe Ligie Leer Epcacl b4 ABout 300,000 kilometers per = Bx102 915 ee women in a netans Such ovr otter Space. where 0 matter to present, gta traveln straiguifastoond ,tle to called Rect linea Motion ob gut: ae Ly covarat Photena in. a single. Line cometitate « gue Ray, PD Several Ligh Rays committe, a Bonn ab Ugut ae a ot change. [2 A+ crossing point, Alvection of range toe mca Particte nakGne. om light © cn Thasry by Eivatsi= “Newiens conpunctar Theory’ we OG ER Minute. particlar lect) ‘a PP ESA Coutsien Sy ear pn cteon C4 oS ee pvicclacom é tsi es = Blostie cottisim, Metal Surgace (oa a ‘ tes ee @ scanned with Oken Scanner © Wolo po WE SEE THINGS 2! a] ar a Ligh source iB O ight yo eothe Fi aa our face. vo : Reflection ap aster wittg 29 ire wt Bouncing ba te ii tee Ui Gourncing back ob Hee cen ordi oba shigg 8 Tita she hele it bits tee sumtoce pon ot Reflection = ® speuutom Reflection: Spe culor Refles | Guirver Like reflection of waver, su SS pared ction on regulon reflection, 14 tos ch. ev Light , $rem a sur gae, = bi ffane reflection isin reflection ob Maite er tua waves on partielen fram asuir fact (uel tract oT MAC onthe surgace! x sexttered at many ernglen rebum Avon 0% # one omgle or intre come of specsttors wefloctio. 1 ve / Ea ar tablectien, ions k Refte 29% \ ogi,reyveetion , jwoter Laws of Resftestion “Thetaws ob yeflection determine tun -redlectim ob incident rans on reflecting surtaces, Like mirrers, Sreotn mead sur irtn, on clear water’ Te laws of Yeflection states tet 7 Tae. incident vay, Te Reflected Ray omd -te, Normal alt te in tue, some plane >The congle ot incidence(Zi= The. angle a} ref locton(£4) LAWS OF REFLECTION: AStLaw'= The incident rug, tue Reflected Roy omd tee Veemal all lig, in ‘tus sam plone. d an tefoction | 3 rae oh os PAL tae. omgten one, manawred i Fea boy S1om non mod etm of | Traidenee, @ scanned with Oken Scanner | Newton's Conpurcles Law —> Porrticlen Db Merentwm Comemvation principle, antofmls oS Rectilimeovr Propagation ok- Wight > => Menentum come vation Princ ple, | Con ramgemt aie fog | as Binsin TE Elontie, oLter 1 Psing = nia) Psin@ = Pp sinee in = Sino CE] a DMM BH Fomrnentye ae a Momurnctum comer vor ove pista + (Feet Jalang-wngemt ° Sini Pe A AE Sere =p a Ty sini = Hg SF @ Find tne Le ob ~veflection Le) twrougin Second wher Came a areal @) A reuy a6 Uguct tonnobting in ~jus. civection £ (Fp V3 GIG tnciclanct on & Plane! mirror. Abter lection , it travels along te direction Ly ChB). Te lo. ob inddamce. ts EE a ee eg ayn @ scanned with Oken Scanner wo pianis. WAlHTarS A and B ovve, atlpned powallel to car, otonieivan Shoum inte. figures ALigut res in Prudent ot- om ange ae aba int gin [imlede. ome. Cord of AFT: planc. of tnuclemes. cobreciclin wi ty “tue. plac of fue figure. The. maxi num member Ot Finten tus roy Jumelergoes ves lection Cincludéng tes. first Ono bedere. ib exytrger cute 2m “@as C80 @22 Bx No. 66 Reflection = 2G m. as tomo" t= aD Pie OR x= GR Noob Reflect en = Gg AVE Khe on fnuelent on one dq omnbnrer omd 4 Tue, valeee, oe OA rps (wee t=2013) @) tue plome. mirvers ovre. Inclined at to". Arey" imirved ot omgle Basler reflection. tals on. Seccr reflected frim tuere povrattel de fist rin Sof Ouse son at : . x= yo =)O=S0 , 8) "Two nujrreh ove. inclined to each otter Suen tant ara of a re let on tus. fst minor omd pevallal ‘tp tose stern Oh Yeflected frem-tua second mirror perallel te tue. fist wire | le, petween tur two ne ao (Sloe ® usr “Bee os 6 Aminor » in; Shape. ob the mirror omd after 4 “ aes ohne pt” ag Mears parntint te 35 . Glhive) Cl.) Grm. 3 ze PR ae ot (8) jen cl tee % yrange asin gg = ax ie Ag @ scanned with Oken Scanner ox 6 eh ee oglu ob ve flectte G) Ta the given Figuie, tue omgle ob ye flection i Novae! @Dnow, ¥ 30° = @ eo" salt | | 7 te [DEVIATION PRODUCED BF PLANE NERROR | : go n- Ut) 5= e- (a Beal vor b yorAred =e Miner b re : ects INS TE By & (anced on(eus) somnedt) yp alad yotated & Rdflectedt rz Bs om eng Le. ES aew) on(cer) Oar ct ve! she, ninco ine Agere 5 Neal about fire, psi t @) Comicler fue situation shou 1) tue ne mirror M shold Ply endian Pee Tel tuad tue reflected wey jovizerntal b> @30" @ sor SOI @ys 207 Jo ~—e ont? ee, 8) A becom of Ligue from a sowree | 1 in ciclene men mally on A plane miner ficedat a cortadn distance. x from the sourel’. The beam ih reflected hack. ar & spb om a Seale. placed Gust above, tere se Le Wolam tun menu & votes torough a math emgle & tue spot mtu scale, Ob tae. Light i pound te move, twrcughy 91 Ab-tance. yo post The omgle @ lagiven bby: Ox § OY Ok ex 3 ‘ Mh =tem26 Bo small tand Yo sine e=ac) axis ip incident on & porabolle ee ; atin Suffered : ea ob bigs , cme ving povauel to a‘ at paint p on shiten in figure. Te omgke ob-staviat x To abter replection i 120°. tne —colerbiinacten BPN) Pim yet derail [20 = 160 —2i ate bo C= 80° 30) 7 Slopesme-fomo =". 4 ae @ scanned with Oken Scanner & =an-alita) —O (90 -a)490-x)+0 = 10" gb-ap.yomv-+0 =156" (O=a] —@ Uigeni ” @omd@) from eg between mivTIAs, O= Ange Janz minions one onranged “ Such % Faz ob Mgise on tar first mtinoy ect om omgle & ts reflected ~fowarda ond agter being aeftected frm second mincr Tae rag: Fae age. betesoem aes Oss 4) Two Tnciolent> Seconel murror 4) vokich of-tut plocving , statement br correct? @ Arg ob re lon is inclependent 04 Angle. of incidence oe on Ye Dangle of alatin: ar © Arg 10 malrror fe KASAI ors Above a) ae ise bye miner ante whteh a Lgit rays > cnciclerds ssb-tus. ne by rotated S an Shown in yds ids find oa, fy s Sader mivor ae brotated » ngte, ay wo) “tua. vetlect ee Oo © 90° @ 120° ye i or 9 ge 40" 220 toe) + 40%) > Bo%elocksslse. Qaeco @ scanned with Oken Scanner —|CONcEPT OF OBJECT AND_IMAGIE a Obkject:- Tater section point of incictence. rp fr calted object. = 7 a iree Falco e309 Ui ante ferseetion Ray which esrme 7 emverging) sok olject ombtuan . 5 Jamel teen ferent, u rain) Set Umage, from Ref lated Object Cancion Rats really meet) . , f i \ 6 Virtual a 277 Mintel | Read wo OS Object Leebbeeted | aaa, oe SGrrechly weet | Creatas) sek nip cto whem A lasorm 64 Lait iy incident an a plone mire it bon eal images turned. The. incielent beam ur “ : ONVera ni ® Diver : & 1 i a cible. @ rormation ob veal tage, by a plane eaicrren tn UPS b_2~ Virtuod me Hara mage. omd object a+ @) 2, ges on LB RR titer TER J @ scanned with Oken Scanner geal object Opcom see tee 4 image: wvaittuod — age eae ee Ee ead “ey un : on beh tht. veqion Fee jad, soser ¥er7S, eye to “tue edgen ob mitre wing On Te, vainimum lnciguet ob ce plu. ninrrer +e sex. okject’s full hata in ith Wo ,where yh tre heigl of object Burt tu min Showld tor. placed in a fixed Eenditin!- Upper Edge i te eetuesn Headatidtye “fe epeh ets = | Hindrrer = OUty) H. = dary) 1 Homan ' Homan = 2 Hrdyver . Womivrey = Limon = FD Soneept aumtio - Minimum helgit ot tu ; 2 pl rer | Ginsd on Fee vail of a oem in tole pune pace Yor Sok tte centre ot tus vom Com bee tee ful jn ob the walt behind hin, | is methind -the hetgnt oF wau, @ scanned with Oken Scanner 4 AARC amd 4 Boo somi = emi, 7 eal 4 St int ee so! le 7 virtual Tmage thee NO a qrleal rene bei fee chy fest oul tow 1H) msn 0-78 pees esse Dest j : See ee eee Q)A point Sowres. ob Light Bin placed ot oe utr Be ot -ta centre ob Arminer of widtw J Many m ‘Amon walke in ford of-tus nairrm olang a Ai ne. pooled totus wihrror od adictomes, QL from ito Shy in Siguee. The greater dictones- over which he com see. tre image ob-tus Uguet saree [inten patra be aa @sd @ sod @ad Appticostion of bere. quertion E \ k dass a) A-mom tgo om Wigh Homds in fret 2b 4 plane. valour. Hb OY ante. ak wie ob sgoem Srom “tus Storr ees; waininum longte ob tue plone mt coor Fee Nm tote, fmage 1 @ecrem' @Oitoem. \@Boem WD 3hoenm, 160 = 1g. = gocm. a ‘ = por " H @ scanned with Oken Scanner “ond — bil am ate Gr, hy em | ) A mon issiomaing ino im Araom 6} lend dlistamet, Sm “from ome well . Onitue, “iret | hemging + Finel tue. minimum size 0b ml crequtvect ee LF mon wlll ee. able. fo seo. crete ae ee ad wall bn, | @asm Gea Drm. AAG CGA BOR ea omer = Fema a = eee a evs wre meq _[| 4 DF ADF Bs OE dO aad } a =a —b- Bam+xrn a ran B= Gad uht atb nail 23> SAtSh 3 = (ath) g20n af Pao bmp site bh, mivrom iret, Neturrop TM As og MATION BY PLANE MIRROR *- | Natuna of tow. Tages: | Objet az indian = centersvction point od Tacident Ruy m= Trilersection point ob Reflectert Rays (emaodjeet) warty corag 4 AL , S f Laderat Tver sion = The ienage formed by o plant naivor suffers | te teyal= Inversion, ive, left 15 turned to id stunned WtOLebt with Terpect te objec a te can read Se peneiaganl 3 cea Lebt wigtd Rialt Lege i, 2 | Lap ABC 798A auject F mage @ scanned with Oken Scanner Rigut hathd G “ aL pet hahd ral 4 2 erty. d pe pe ote ox % 21° ; 4 x eutant, uy 2 sae i, Wey Tie y Reference, ° 3 S 9 3 é Storndovrd. clock @ 35, = 12:00 = 6 Mot@ tae me with tee Stometovre ele@e . 2 we i 3 F 2 a 9100 ww oe 3:00 Eee 9:00 QY 81 20° 10See s TA 3:39 92 [Number ob Prager bucte too poralle] Mirrors “g es Trace. oh aet NOTE 7 axCm @ scanned with Oken Scanner 6 To TWO TNE NupiBER OF SMA GES BE =? 360° Total image, © Lant tine, % = 360° image coins {ele team (“4) a seem fo" DY, 2a Dvoraie @ scanned with Oken Scanner ' O= Anglo. ede Tk MOT —Tpsition ob objet [Vatu ob a= 380° “gapmemnatri on een syn cyl Even number | Symmatrl : add wumber | AL = primer odd mumber =| SS [cy mmerri coll coms t+—— — rams 0 moms oe peecnoy cg 9g) Oraroceneirctnar vated Yet tae vase te a Bd punt tategen @lap-teo mires ome, kept ‘inelined ot 60°40 each otis omnd ab is placoct od tee middle p-tartetal number ob imager forme 45 ony @six five O©xfur @ three = a =G 3c O-3) = 5 A) Two anirrong inclined “fr cach eturr ack on eungle mare, Whock ig tal, namber ob images formed ? es @2 we G2 z 260 35° <> ode 9} An object iy plated _symmatri tpetwenn. too plema. rAbrorAs eas eae eT stgrved ie” a Ae @ 5 _ Oy 360" ; _ —s n= => eymmetrical 3 ng ok Tonager ped = aa = Era QA RULED placed botwern-two plane. mirrors inchined a emnangliect (692) ms. wamber o& imager Fermect is 2 @s 4 @ nz fe £6 SD nUobimeger= N-L=G-3=5 a 7 20 10 2(even 30 rereb images Peds . psmage 86 40 moh imagen = 12-3 =G) covmlele, @ scanned with Oken Scanner A) Find tee vat tusmbax of imagen 360° me seDnea=e en-t ne, ob imagen = tat DP Pod Bs person ig in aroom whore, coiting avnd “hoo acljacert| welll ovre. sirrers. Hous many imagen ane. O formed. os wed TR Oe oe seuacent wall | eciling> Bimage, (Sat) +rlobyect) > 341 -—@ Doak. Totutmaye = 3+ ¥=2 8) Aqure shows * peinct Che ltt distance. from My bh acm ordtrat fom Mei gem, find the distorten et fire Treat frage from the foo mirrors consicering Hae -pbje ct placed betwash tee parallel wertors ar dit 4 Srectien Ler rely A @ scanned with Oken Scanner is ic Sel en abe paint Tae ae Tans aE om ange, 6 prduce Jammer oh tragen produced whan Bis ctacyeantd to 6=30" i, |@9. g @1o : nn @1r 30° = 60-30 ~39, 360 i: a ee cas Ma = a5 (evan) ne obi mages = 14 N= (Asymmetical)= 5 (Given) - 30 =q2. sssa70 & Noe o> me crimager Q) the wires Ahan omge © precluces & immges ob a feint: Telus obimags precucd when 6 eb veaaed to P36 h IB are os imagen preduced azpend on placemont of object bps the pag tage Emmet =8 ; image formed = 11 the Above * jane miners inclined ait none oa | sect ix placed petwaon Hos aan objet % paced between ikegen formed ip By teen Te gto can ctear. Tt the” eT a 5, a indidention ° 20. 5° 3% 5 @ 60° Saat OS gw tee SO Hy Oot i ob ‘ 360) oe Oo ee a a ng go = oh rege DE | GA) se whose Q)| Imager am eject placed beteeen. too plane, pavers: omen fra Nee agit ond ance te me | @steaig@t He ® Patabela ive © Blupse. nd @ scanned with Oken Scanner | 6 | : SER ToRHe Rigg iirla, arg) J Srection, aA Ja} @ ~ een Wey. = rea xent ost nae ie ¢\ > Rigel voted. | vy Folin Fuse eum atten wJteetion Campy _ on Tneetent Pay = oe ae donot eaingey tis. plore. ob tmebintor “He tee unit vector deny inclelont ‘rey , a eleng nermel crn Fg be Te WSN ysetey S olong ye Seeded “vag fot wel ab tue. — mut be true , @®%, A =0 OA; <0 Es RIA Bx) x4 <0 4 PPR OR = SIP aS ™ wren CLE | a 0 = %° | | eexg0'=0 @ scanned with Oken Scanner dy : are wae TIGRE CS Talo on a wire along 8 Vartan THF =k mpormal on inciclenes. pont 5 aoa T+. pind tae. unit vector le ofl etecl ies enteete: - a nett ae Og EHH) O-HE ag BG obo 5 ist alon ey igus incltert om tee [a 2) Plane. mivrer es Gos EG ee Find tus unit veetor tinge . ahi ng hee % O4=7-G Ligttt agter veftection — in LY divectin. : As plone. (y—2) 4¥divection 4 x— divection change. ceeur in LF alivection, ¥ +o Mitre, UW +o Mirror @ scanned with Oken Scanner ma), micros Taetitg 4 Geer Ben Hy | N ; i$ NOTE ATE ior 4 trevetled oduttorce Our to Han Image -troveled adistone. GA) in D Nore srals. tom, onject apn 2am] s i ae A corperas* [NOTE'- Th LT component ob velouty ot trimmer toy, tus ob Velocity ot srage is Win tw Gm direction @ scanned with Oken Scanner o fis) “TNS ao —— ‘so%n| 5 7 Fomje Tenage. SpenkiotPimage Wel x Zamls onl oH) — is = G04 as a anys. : amis : TOME als =e dems palace ora 7s. a ror, The. plone. ninwor A psint object & kept im front of a plone oe doing SHM ob ampli tule, sem, Tae. plane. eds yield & norrnod fo tue mirror. The. amptitucle, ob THe YN a 4 pel tect us sbject j, always infront oF mmbrrer The. ampli exleng nb ‘ Bic D scm. Of SHM of the. mage io ABGjemn. a eee Bem Extreme . ig Upton, | gem opt} fo Reem Esp Mean Eee Tonge 4) A plana. milrren where, vedlecting surface. br povraues -to Teepe] plans. ismoving whth velvety i +3744)%) mis. Am object b meving write vepciny id Fem The. velocity ob “tee image be ins +9%) mis B (a dad tems Oat 33 -oy ms @ (1 +9 -2) mb, U7 compeneret 0b spooel ab iver hove Ne € bbect om Hmege. Pee SF Nive. ne ebteet en teage LAY aye hon om epgscten smage C1") velocity of object OTT -&) verity a bimage , : i ULE lord Fete at to tun, plane ob wl ee % 7 t+ FHoK Oe eee : sae home eee 0 Seve = oie We = q <2 \- FR emg ur =] @ scanned with Oken Scanner 42 | a <<< ore )| & person “moran with a velouty v to worrela aplane NEL. With : nim IB, Velotity clog Win imdbe, move tonerele av @v @3 Ox z Relative veloc ib vey v | fesee “@ eg ee OD A bal bs pryjected from bp ep tee tabi with aalle “a at em emg dh incdinocken f rotien ob rmege. oF HAN WG SS @ twat be projectita Relodtty . Velocity Brunt be Heaigut line omd vertical ey e Mut be straight line cmd hori Hey be stralgat fine 4 crouse oo Fee me aetna eI a. Buca. woo ff f Mam a x tug im fugue Fayre ke Stevne at “tur, centre etween toa Loolls \F tpacon Ai fxd. ametie Wigh. what is yaininum site oF @ plane wand Fed on-tue, walt indrort of lM,ib he i, tp sea tee fal lulgnt ot Loa we liind Gan? @o2em tin @am, anoz ta - 4 tr ere ais | [de Ot) [ | | | sana a ae | | : +orb ge gatrb+ath , ge yar b) : (arb)=4m- @ scanned with Oken Scanner ts is mang wits velocity @ [ait3d rah) ms @ai +aG 42%) mls © Renee rei ako] s. obrttus. plane. mirrors jeer by winer My | Hagia 8 Jems | (aye ai) emis Yeni Dems @ a(ai- i) ems | me QA plone. wir rer i sept p approacting ts mbrrcr rregmrtacte Sy valmttye. @ 205%. IS S300 Nowject ve-qectt? Veet > Frage @ ame te Te Yetocity Yt image i+ IA point object fom ro) 45 by moving-trwortcle a plone. vAird ta. feed of *mage BA pane. PUTIET AVIS Reema as Te _prallel SORE ne (eats MIS) Bytes wae ah aye oojet et ome ocean a ind? Q es a | o> 4 whit Sp cool Gem|s in frort ob aconbin® Fgers) - ele abimage of ste object yeloctive, te Image, Frm d relay Hy Paemig 1) one" rai Oca gems) [Zot 4esseot= QL do yarn. A point ovject vod B= Csh 168 dois mH e mn equ ehegeet oct oe = va techy . e) 10.3 Sao mls a Ws a @ 10.8 mls ; 3 aomls 23) Cire with velocity tomls owned : rrr om >v 90° ing! @ scanned with Oken Scanner tate & Find The Velocity 98 anti nage, fram by oven My Oy | Bt Cn ow SAD 2 ater | ek A 4 m ide que RW sje x } fae ew “ta | Sheet | ! G AVa Ave, BVO) ee | SRS Ore a3, 4 } Fee day fiom ML UD men inwage. icon otro’ ay fy [QING | a) Find Tae qerte ah Merease. of beaytes ob Sractons ORE Qreting © sary = "ea = cols (aseenyps fine @®: ? > semis ARBRE. GED HPO e time le dx 2 2 da, =£ oh 2 Se bvccmls eeursentere ( RO) =K t eo convey, Seodse ewe ved mirwr 1S Opyrt of a hollow gpheres . PT reflection leaker place Sram tre inner Surface uen ine mover ‘Called wmneave 5 1 | TY outer sumface acts OVS reflecton Hie @ scanned with Oken Scanner QEEINITIONS EOR SPHERICAL MTREOR. 23 \ 1 ( y . "Pole io omy point on tue reflecting surface. of tue. mitrer. For CATERERS Wertelas than stan central Qev tun mbrrar jee Seetion of-tue mirrer Suchon MM! =| ib tus centres ebthe sphere of} wel Fue mirror A poets lo tus yudineR ob tus sphare, of whieh tet —: = =| panenpal= ona tus Lipline Sp, oining “tus pas. ovnd centre o- cumvocture. of the, rirter, : - —_—% _eepeinstend SE arin, uu mmlirrey bh & pork. é om image. port F an tae. principal ats feral Ovjectis at infiwitg (Perright Rays parallel to Principal arin) Laweb Reflection zh | Fon Small omg le. ob tmneidences (RO => CoE focal length f= R- R® @ scanned with Oken Scanner | Vay 1 dq gp | ndcse edt Jy [| tind -tus distance Sbekuean pole, ae Yeflection, f= R-Be oa | f+ PR =07 : Find twa diivtwmee. los pela. amd point from where- of Pownen apler ‘reflection, A | (Ry =p-& = R= FR near * 8 area 2 pe Re eR(S= ee) NS = Focal Aumgts is tue clistance. pF petwean pol p omd focus F along “fw. prineipal aris, Fowl le rqth of Spravical a [fess] gts oF Sp pr= = BY mirror bt. Ogormartere all Cigets Enso Aperhie), (n 12 FEPAE, 5 stu ethective. diameter of -tus tight v-flecting agen 6 ts nirior, " f GR (| Letontlal Rawys those. varys wluich make small amgle witr mortal al (Sint og micdend ‘and hence avre close. to principal ads, SS Sear to Principal Axis EAE > sma eungle. £ Small aperture. | Focal Hone. Istue. plome paming “trou focus ome penpenciculoyr +0 Huts pin cipal” axis ( Eo E tprericad pal vera @ scanned with Oken Scanner Obbject= Placed ot inf Tmege Yeo, Inverted amd ¢, ge rel, Tnverted , Drinlall in between @ ond F tmida ord Morject> Placed ot C | Fwagey veal, inverted Placed at Zmager veal inverted, YT {echurned) ol iniettitm is Object placed in between Fond c Smage © -veal, inverted, ebslomreed Beyond € [maps amd <0 @ scanned with Oken Scanner on ORE Faced beteoee : Trnagey— el ond eed eects ae Simage! Virtual, erect. q (mya) Semwe:iny Convex '~ [GeMcone. Minor; ve-wivtual object omd Real Bia) Uso ne veohel | po—vie eee Ro—Riv ° 7 @=VDx ROSVIY” VosRt VO > VE U70@> v0 Vodou sph yw -— tee ain ee convex, SPHERICAL ABERRATION ane ou» aays ovte. incident on asphesicod omivear in a direction. parable! Ue ails ha rergindl rasp lies tus rays incident on “mivior rant lone fe tial er (foun at ou point neareat ortne mirver called fur arginal foeun (Fm)» org? 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