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Senkichi Azuma Sethu Nights of L.A.

Tzimisce Extortionist Getting his business to Resource 5 and A

Anarch 12th

●●● 
● 

●●● 
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  

Kindred 
●● 
● 

Katana 
●●  

 Coercion 

●●● 
  
●  

●●● 
●● 

●●  Botany 

●  

Dominate 
●● Protean 
●● Animalism 
Cloud Memory Eyes of the Beast

Mesmerize Vicisitude

  

 
● ● ● ● ●   
●●●●  
      

Dark Pack © Paradox Interactive 2020

Senkichi Azuma Sethu Nights of L.A.

Do not torture Leave no clues to what you are. Sekai

Do not murder Protect your possesions with fervor Officer Sato

Don't turn your back on an Anarch in Always pay your debts.


Resource 
●●● 
● 
Ghoul Enma 
●●● Add 2 D10 2

Ghoul Kazu 

●●● none
HFA (Alcohol) 
● 1 superficial

 lvl 1

Haven 2 6 xp 
●● Com 19 Covetousness
Armory 3 9xp 
●●● Grounded. Until possessing what you desire, you
-- You suffer aggravated Willpower suffer a 2-dice penalty for any action not
damage equal to Bane Severity when to ownership
 resting in a place, in which you are not
 surrounded by your possession.

 Lucian Kinczllers

 1950

 70+

 1985

 35

Repulsive 
●● Yakuza, Security Service and
Weapons Dealer
Enemy Escaped Victim 

15xp/ 15xp

Dark Pack © Paradox Interactive 2020


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