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1/ On the Sales worksheet, perform the following tasks:

a/ Use the data in cells A5:B23 to plot a 3-D Clustered Column chart.
b/ Modify the chart so that October is shown on the horizontal axis.
c/ Change the style to Style 10, display the legend to the left.
d/ Add the data in cells C5:C23 (November) to the chart.
e/ Format the numbers on the vertical axis with no decimal places.
2/ On the Seattle worksheet, perform the following tasks:
a/ Change the color of the chart to Color 3 in the Monochromatic palette
b/ Add data labels in percentage format at Inside End of the chart.
c/ Move the chart to a new sheet named "Chart"

3/ On the January worksheet, in cells P4:P34, add Line Sparklines to summarize the rainfall for each day ove
with Dark Red color.

4/ On the January worksheet, in cells C35:O35, add Column Sparklines to summarize the rainfall for each ho
High Points and the Low Points.

5/ On the Sales worksheet, insert a picture from file Logo2.jpg (in the exercise folder) above the data range, m
to cover cells A1:C2, add text "Company Logo" to the Title of the picture Alt Text .

6/ On the January, insert a Cloud shape covering cells H1:K2, resize it to the 0.6" height and the 2.5" width,
Blue, Accent 1 style. Move the text "Rainfall" into the shape, change the font size to 20pt.

7/ On the Seattle worksheet, add a Pyramid List SmartArt to the left of the data range, enter the text of cells A
turn to the shapes, change SmartArt color to Colored - Fill, Accent 3.
the rainfall for each day over hours. Show all markers

marize the rainfall for each hour over days. Mark the

lder) above the data range, move and resize the picture
Text .

" height and the 2.5" width, apply the Subtle Effect -
size to 20pt.

range, enter the text of cells A5:A8 (Air Quality) in

Category October November
Berry bushes 376.50 338.85
Bonsai supplies 175.40 157.86 October November
Bulbs 1,595.09 1,435.58 2,500
Cacti 119.00 107.10 2,000
Carnivorous 134.30 120.87 1,500
Fertilizers 321.65 289.49 1,000
Flowers 1,188.25 1,069.43 500
Grasses 335.90 302.31 0
s s s
Ground covers 426.55 383.90 s h e l i e l b c ti u s r s s s
p B u Ca ro z e er s e s s l
Herbs 709.05 638.15 bu up o l i w s v er rb ro on es
y s v o a e t r e
r i i ti F l r o H on nd os dg
Pest control 1,422.13 1,279.92 er sa rn er G dc c e R e
B n a F t od h s
Rhododendron 579.02 521.12 o
C un es od s/ oil
B ro P b S
Roses 639.86 575.87 G R
h ru
Shrubs/hedges 1,164.90 1,048.41
Soils/sand 1,361.40 1,225.26 October
Tools 1,949.22 1,754.30
Trees 2,159.24 1,943.32
Wetland plants 148.00 133.20
Total 14,805.46 13,324.91
October November

rs rs s s
ze w e s s e er rbs rol on s s d
o a ov He nt dr os e g e n ol s e s t s
Fl Gr c a
co en R hed / s To Tre l an
n d d s
u t
s do / il p
ro Pe ho u bs S o n d
G R r la
Sh et
Air Quality Index Report
Seattle, WA - 2007

Air Quality Days Percent

Unhealthy 55 15%
Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups 59 16%
Moderate 100 27%
Good 150 41%
Total 364
15%; 15%

41%; 41% Unhealthy

16%; 16% Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups

27%; 27%
Rainfall Rainfall
Day 5:00 AM 6:00 AM 7:00 AM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:00 PM
1 2117 1989 1544 2408 1921 1505 1687 2391
2 1128 1109 1354 1115 2277 1432 1559 2103
3 1228 1350 1662 1758 1892 1710 1709 1889
4 2295 2496 1964 1793 1138 1592 1811 1479
5 1866 1631 1631 1136 1959 2275 2348 1355
6 1234 1536 2348 1208 2109 2382 2487 2464
7 1608 1825 1851 1037 2259 2091 2211 1195
8 1903 2014 1451 1283 2243 1266 1746 2243
9 2275 2360 1392 1511 1942 1639 2018 2468
10 1039 2191 1729 1028 2278 1044 1936 1233
11 1569 1069 1487 1155 2434 2181 1721 2235
12 1773 1782 1224 2401 2426 1514 1526 1086
13 2108 1511 1916 2488 1459 1703 1706 2083
14 1512 2319 2239 1063 1164 2115 1469 1629
15 1003 1283 1874 1512 1238 1993 2390 2040
16 2007 1864 2088 1228 2023 1186 1585 1422
17 1016 2400 1039 1024 1107 2178 1445 1452
18 1794 2291 2166 1966 1650 1899 1931 2124
19 1904 2424 1799 2332 1089 1132 1045 1203
20 2035 2174 1123 2277 1400 2468 1287 2146
21 1288 2321 1171 1884 2292 2437 2465 1936
22 1577 1235 1742 1089 2203 2143 1073 1795
23 1987 1349 2170 1728 2426 1015 1227 1762
24 1868 2459 1380 1390 2270 1336 1886 1541
25 1058 1541 1753 1740 2360 2308 2167 1131
26 2016 2412 1128 1477 1184 2104 1513 1222
27 1640 2180 1904 1048 1531 1541 1858 1744
28 2363 1340 2113 1350 1814 2358 1613 1519
29 2398 1324 1572 2264 1335 2002 1495 1423
30 2225 1178 1633 1148 1640 1872 1581 1431
31 1726 1794 2020 1777 1016 1405 1845 2108
1:00 PM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM
1486 2075 1626 1326 1612
2493 1317 1519 1836 1439
1495 1405 1513 1493 1997
2339 1839 2416 1838 1403
1346 1947 2098 1163 1410
1755 2086 1261 1989 2338
1395 1727 1171 1753 1029
1385 1414 1675 2274 1765
2247 2493 1827 2261 1861
1677 1988 1690 1649 1784
1534 1407 1187 1581 2355
1478 1943 1028 1988 1892
2305 2348 1662 2218 2257
2398 1970 1665 1343 1471
1366 1422 2344 1144 1011
1486 2232 1907 2001 1919
1506 1605 1925 2223 1136
1166 1630 2178 1185 1915
1364 2346 1654 1483 1866
1578 1476 2411 1721 2173
2138 1043 2265 1660 1949
1960 1874 1312 1332 1920
2352 1383 2144 1583 2223
1774 1911 2079 2269 1688
1146 1966 2120 2038 2380
1484 1385 2271 1842 2453
1605 1280 1937 1013 1817
1938 1665 1104 1065 1934
2190 2170 2282 1920 1743
2024 1423 1972 1674 1700
1597 1846 1737 2024 1914

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