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An Institute for Civil Services


Time Allowed : Three Hours. Maximum Marks : 250

1.Harappan civilization was spread through a large area. Many factors were responsible for
its downfall. What were they ?

2. Describe the salient features of Chola art.

3. Assess the importance of Champaran satyagraha.

4. How did Buddhism influence Ashoka in decision making and governance?

5. Discuss the various aspects of social legislation introduced by the East India Company in
the first half of the 19th century ?

6. Assess the growth and development of Technical Education during the British rule.

7. Describe how in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century people of 'depressed
classes' became more assertive under leaders like Jyotiba Phule and Periyar.

8. How did the 'mansabdari' system develop as the 'steel frame' of the Mughal empire?

9. Discuss the contribution of various organisations in the Social and Religious Reform
Movement during the nineteenth century.

10. How can one explain Gandhi's 'rise to power'?

11. What do you understand by Environmental Impact Assessment and Social Impact

12. Describe the characteristics of Monsson forests.

13. The droughts and its outcomes in India are the result of both the physical and the human
factors. Discuss.

14. "India needs a Third Green Revolution, but with a different approach." Elaborate.

15. What are wet-lands? Discuss their importance.

16. What do you understand by soil erosion? Discuss its causes.

17. What is zoogeography? Describe the zoogeographic realms of the world.

18. Define ecumene and discuss the development of the present status of the world

19. Write on the vertical distribution of natural vegetation of Himalayas.

20. Account for the environmental problems of lagoon ecosystem for tourism development.

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