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Accounting Equation

Rules of Accounting equation at a glance

S. No. Transaction Accounts Affected
Assets Liabilities & Capital
1. Capital brought in cash Cash Increase (+) Capital increases (+)
Or Assets (+)
2. Drawing Cash decreases (–) Capital decreases (–)
Or Assets (-)
3. Fixed Asset Purchased
(i) for cash Cash (–), Asset (+) No, Treatment

(ii) on credit Fixed Asset (+) Liability (+)

4. Goods purchased
(i) for cash Cash (–); stock (+) No, Treatment

(ii) on credit Stock (+) Liability (+)

5. Payment to creditors Cash (–) Liability (–)

6. Sales of goods
(i) Cost Rs. 4,000 Stock (–) Rs. 4,000; Capital (+) Rs. 1,000 Profit
sold for cash Rs. 5,000 Cash (+) Rs. 5,000

(ii) Cost Rs. 5,000, sold to Stock (–) Rs. 5,000; Capital (+) Rs. 1,000 Profit
Ram on credit Rs. 6,000 Debtors (+) Rs. 6,000

(iii) Cost Rs. 9,000, sold for Stock (–) Rs. 9,000; Capital (–) Rs. 1,000 Loss
cash Rs. 8,000. Cash (+) Rs. 8,000

7. Cash received from debtors Cash (+), Debtors (–) No, Treatment
8. B/R drawn on Debtors B/R (+), Debtors (–) –
9. B/P accepted by creditors – B/P (+), Creditors (–)
10. Redemption of Loan
(i) by cash Cash (–) Loan (–)

(ii) by issuing share No, Treatment Loan (–); Capital +

11. Purchase return Stock (–) Creditors (–)
12. Expenses
(i) Salary paid Cash (–) Cap. (–) as exp. is a loss

(ii) Salary outstanding Creditor (+), Capital (–)

or Salary unpaid

(iii) Salary Prepaid Cash (–); salary prepaid (+) (Salary O/s) as exp. is a loss

(iv) Salary paid includes salary prepaid (+) Capital (+) as exp.
prepaid salary Charged be reduced
13. Income (e.g. Interest)
(i) Cash received Cash (+) Capital (+) as it is gain

(ii) Interest accrued Accrued Int. (+) Capita (+) as gain

(due but not received)

(iii) Interest received in Cash (+) Int. received in advance

advance (Unearned) (Liability) +
14. Adjustments for: – Capital (No effect) as
Interest on Capital Rs. 200 (i) Exp. will reduce cap.
by Rs. 200
(ii) Int. on cap. will
increase cap. by Rs. 200
15. Interest on drawing Rs. 200 Capital (No effect) as
– (i) Income will increase
capital by R 100
(ii) Int. on Drawing will
reduce cap. by R 100
16. Depreciation on fixed Fixed assets (–) Capital (–) as depreciation
assets is a loss.
17. Bad debts Debtors (–) Capital (–) as bad debts is
a loss.
18. Discount received Cash (–) Rs. 1,700 Creditors (–) Rs. 1,800;
(Paid Rs. 1,700 to creditor, Capital (+) Rs. 100 as
Ram in full settlement of his discount received is a
claim Rs. 1,800) income
19. Discount allowed Cash (+) Rs. 1,800; Capital (–) Rs. 100 as
(Received Rs. 1,800 from Debtors (–) Rs. discount allowed is a loss.
debtor, Ram in full 2,000
settlement of Rs. 2,000)
20. Sales Return- Goods costing Stock (+) Rs. 200; Capital (–) Rs. 100 (Profit
Rs. 200 sold for Rs. 300 is Debtors (–) Rs. 300 is reduced)
21. Interest on Loan Cash (–) Capital (–)
22. Paid Interest on Bank Loan Bank (–) Rs. 15,000 Bank Loan (–) Rs. 12,000
Along with installment Capital (–) Rs. 3,000 as
(3,000 + 12,000) interest paid is a loss

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