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The Anatomy of Medical Terminology


Online edition

Lewis Stiles & Stephen Russell

Radix Antiqua
© 2020 Lewis Stiles and Stephen Russell; 1st print edition © 2015 by Lewis Stiles and Stephen Russell

All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner
whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher.

ISBN: 978-1-988941-43-1

Printed in Canada.

First printing of this edition 2017; this printing, 2020

Radix Antiqua Publishing

Hamilton ON
Claudio imbrifero

INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

CHAPTER 1: TERMINATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.1 Divide and Define 4
1.2 Ambiguous Terms 8
1.3 Confusables 9
1.4 Generating Words 10
1.5 Latin Practice 11
1.6 Gender 12
1.7 A Short History of Blurgiatics 13

CHAPTER 2: GENERAL ANATOMY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

2.1 Provide a Synonym 22
2.2 Fill-in-the-Blank 22
2.3 Analogies 23
2.4 Latin Anatomical Phrases 25
2.5 Latin Phrases Naming Medical Problems 25
2.6 Divide and Define 26

CHAPTER 3: MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

3.1 Provide a Synonym 34
3.2 Fill-in-the-Blank 34
3.3 Analogies 35
3.4 Latin Anatomical Phrases 36
3.5 Latin Phrases Naming Medical Problems 37
3.6 Divide and Define 38
3.7 Divide and Define (Review) 46
3.8 Divide and Define (Latin Phrases) 46

CHAPTER 4: NERVOUS SYSTEM; EYE AND EAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
4.1 Provide a Synonym 48
4.2 Fill-in-the-Blank 48
4.3 Analogies 49
4.4 Latin Anatomical Phrases 50
4.5 Latin Phrases Naming Medical Problems 51
4.6 Divide and Define 52


5.1 Provide a Synonym 60
5.2 Fill-in-the-Blank 60
5.3 Analogies 61
5.4 Latin Anatomical Phrases 63
5.5 Latin Phrases Naming Medical Problems 63
5.6 Divide and Define 64

CHAPTER 6: RESPIRATORY SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

6.1 Provide a Synonym 74
6.2 Fill-in-the-Blank 74
6.3 Analogies 75
6.4 Latin Anatomical Phrases 76
6.5 Latin Phrases Naming Medical Problems 77
6.6 Divide and Define 78
6.7 Pluralize 82
6.8 Divide and Define (Diminutives) 83
6.9 Gender and Number 83
6.10 More Practice with Gender 84

CHAPTER 7: ORAL-DENTAL SYSTEMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

7.1 Provide a Synonym 88
7.2 Fill-in-the-Blank 88
7.3 Analogies 89
7.4 Latin Anatomical Phrases 90
7.5 Latin Phrases Naming Medical Problems 91
7.6 Divide and Define 92
7.7 Divide and Define (Latin Phrases) 97

CHAPTER 8: BONES OF THE HEAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
8.1 Provide a Synonym 100
8.2 Fill-in-the-Blank 100
8.3 Analogies 101
8.4 Latin Anatomical Phrases 102
8.5 Latin Phrases Naming Medical Problems 103
8.6 Divide and Define 104
8.7 Divide and Define (Review) 108
8.8 Divide and Define (Latin Phrases) 109

CHAPTER 9: DIGESTIVE SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

9.1 Provide a Synonym 112
9.2 Fill-in-the-Blank 112
9.3 Analogies 113
9.4 Latin Anatomical Phrases 114
9.5 Latin Phrases Naming Medical Problems 115
9.6 Divide and Define 116
9.7 Divide and Define (Review) 123

CHAPTER 10: URO-GENITAL SYSTEMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125

10.1 Provide a Synonym 126
10.2 Fill-in-the-Blank 126
10.3 Latin Anatomical Phrases 127
10.4 Latin Phrases Naming Medical Problems 128
10.5 Divide and Define 129

CHAPTER 11: PSYCHOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139

11.1 Provide a Synonym 140
11.2 Fill-in-the-Blank 140
11.3 Latin Anatomical Phrases 141
11.4 Latin Phrases Naming Medical Problems 142
11.5 Divide and Define 143
11.6 Divide and Define (Latin Phrases) 147
11.7 Plurals and Singulars 148

CHAPTER 12: SUBSTANCES (ET CETERA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
12.1 Provide a Synonym 150
12.2 Fill-in-the-Blank 150
12.3 Latin Anatomical Phrases 151
12.4 Latin Phrases Naming Medical Problems 152
12.5 Divide and Define 153

CHAPTER 13: PREPOSITIONAL PREFIXES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165

13.1 Provide a Synonym 166
13.2 Fill-in-the-Blank 166
13.3 Analogies 167
13.4 Latin Anatomical Phrases 168
13.5 Latin Phrases Naming Medical Problems 169
13.6 Divide and Define 170

ANSWERS TO ALL EXERCISES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175

APPENDIX: SAMPLE EXAMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241

Sample Exam — Multiple Choice 242
Sample Exam — Written Answers 261
Twenty Sample Terms Translated with Explanations 267


This book is meant for use with The Anatomy of Medical Terminology (Stiles and Russell,
Radix Antiqua, 2017; subsequently referred to as AMT). While some students may be able
to learn the combining forms with their definitions, as presented in AMT, by some feat
of brute memorization, experience shows that most of us will learn them best by doing a
large number of repetitive exercises. This observation also holds true for the learning of the
principles by which combinations of those combining forms (that is, the complex words
and phrases of contemporary Medical Terminology) are to be translated.
Therefore, each chapter of AMT is represented here by a corresponding Workbook chapter
containing three main kinds of practice exercises. The value of doing these thoroughly while
studying the AMT chapter in question cannot be overstated, as they are designed so that
each set of exercises gives not only practice with the forms learned in that chapter but also
a review of much of what has been learned in previous chapters. Note that an Answer Key is
provided for each set of exercises.
Chapter 1 is anomalous, but generally speaking each Workbook chapter consists of the
following exercise types.
Preliminary Exercises
Designed to help students get started, these exercises are perhaps the most helpful for the
elementary project of memorizing individual combining forms and their translations. They
include a variety of subtypes, most of which are also well-represented in the course’s online

2 Introduction

Latin Exercises
These exercises, to be tackled when students are fairly comfortable with the previous
set, give practice with the Latin words and two types of Latin phrases that are found in
contemporary Medical Terminology. In addition, each of these sets provides still more
practice and review of many of the combining forms presented in the corresponding AMT
Translation Exercises
Finally, each chapter of the Workbook has a comprehensive set of translation exercises,
designed not only to reinforce memorization of the individual combining forms but also—
and especially—to give plenty of practice in using the basic principles of whole-word
translation. In many ways these are the core of the Workbook, and they have been used in
this form since the first edition of AMT appeared in 1993. Note that the numbering of these
exercises is carefully keyed to that of the corresponding AMT chapter, for ease of reference.
Additional practice is readily available. One option is to do the regular exercises
“backwards;” for example, translate the definitions generated by doing the regular
translation exercises (once they have been checked) back into Medical Terminology.
Because of the large number of synonymous forms, however, care must always be taken to
ensure that the newly generated term is at least a plausible one, if it differs from the term
given in the original exercise.
As an advanced exercise on the other hand, any word in the regular exercises can be looked
up in a large medical dictionary, and the definition found there can be compared to the
one generated by the formulaic conventions of AMT. Imaginative students (particularly
those with a sense of humor) can also invent words (of varying degrees of plausibility) and
challenge their colleagues to translate them; if this is done in pairs or small groups it will
obviously further facilitate memorization of the combining forms.
In addition, the Workbook has an Appendix containing two recent final exams (also with
Answer Keys), one used at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon and the other used
at McMaster University in Hamilton. Each has both drawbacks and advantages from a
tester’s point of view, but together they represent the two main types of examination most
appropriate for testing knowledge of this material. Answers to a selection of similar final
exam questions are also discussed here.
Finally, we would like to thank the students whose use of these exercises in various
iterations have helped us to shape them into their present form; and we are especially
grateful to Kyle McLeister for his help in the making of this book.
4  Chapter 1: Terminations


(Note that the numbering in the bracket refers to Part A in the textbook.)

1.  x-itic (14) ________________________________________________________________________

2.  x-itogen (14, 74)__________________________________________________________________

3.  x-orrhectic (15)___________________________________________________________________

4.  x-o-schistic (16)__________________________________________________________________

5.  x-iastic (17)______________________________________________________________________

6.  x-otic (19)________________________________________________________________________

7.  x-o-pathologic (20 & 61)___________________________________________________________

8.  x-o-pathologist (12 & 20 & 61)______________________________________________________

9.  x-o-megalic (21)__________________________________________________________________

10.  x-o-phagist (12 & 22)_____________________________________________________________

11.  x-o-genetics (23 & 60)____________________________________________________________

12.  x-o-poietic (24)__________________________________________________________________

13.  x-o-poietin (13 & 24)_____________________________________________________________

Exercises for Chapter 1  5

14.  x-o-kinetic (25)__________________________________________________________________

15.  x-o-kinin (13 & 25)_______________________________________________________________

16.  x-o-kinetics (25 & 60)_____________________________________________________________

17.  x-o-kinetometry (25 & 63)_________________________________________________________

18.  x-algic (26)______________________________________________________________________

19.  x-odynogenesis (23 & 27)_________________________________________________________

20.  x-o-plegic (28)___________________________________________________________________

21.  x-o-penic (29)___________________________________________________________________

22.  x-orrhagic (30)__________________________________________________________________

23.  x-o-malacic (31)_________________________________________________________________

24.  x-o-necrotic (32)_________________________________________________________________

25.  x-o-stenotic (33)_________________________________________________________________

26.  x-o-sclerotic (34)_________________________________________________________________

27.  x-optotic (35)____________________________________________________________________

28.  x-agral (36)______________________________________________________________________

6  Chapter 1: Terminations

29.  x-orrheic (37)___________________________________________________________________

30.  x-edematous (38)________________________________________________________________

31.  x-o-celalgia (26 & 39)_____________________________________________________________

32.  x-o-lithectomy (40 & 58)__________________________________________________________

33.  x-o-lithiasis (17 & 40)_____________________________________________________________

34.  x-o-spasmic (41)_________________________________________________________________

35.  x-o-spasmia (41)_________________________________________________________________

36.  x-ismic (42)_____________________________________________________________________

37.  x-ectopic (43)___________________________________________________________________

38.  x-ectatic (44)____________________________________________________________________

39.  x-o-dysplastic (46)_______________________________________________________________

40.  x-o-trophic (47)__________________________________________________________________

41.  x-o-dystrophic (48)______________________________________________________________

42.  x-atrophic (49)__________________________________________________________________

43.  x-asthenic (50)__________________________________________________________________

Exercises for Chapter 1  7

44.  x-o-therapist (12 & 51)____________________________________________________________

45.  x-iatrics (52 & 60)________________________________________________________________

46.  x-iatrist (12 & 52)________________________________________________________________

47.  x-o-centetic (55)_________________________________________________________________

48.  x-orrhaphic (56)_________________________________________________________________

49.  x-otomist (12 & 57)_______________________________________________________________

50.  x-ectomize (1 & 58)______________________________________________________________

51.  x-ectomist (12 & 58)______________________________________________________________

52.  x-ostomize (1 & 59)______________________________________________________________

53.  x-o-geneticist (12 & 23 & 60)______________________________________________________

54.  x-ologic (61)_____________________________________________________________________

55.  x-ologist (12 & 61)________________________________________________________________

56.  x-o-metrics (60 & 63)_____________________________________________________________

57.  x-o-pectin (13 & 65)______________________________________________________________

58.  x-o-lytic (66) (therapeutic)________________________________________________________

8  Chapter 1: Terminations

59.  x-o-lysin (13 & 66) (diagnostic)____________________________________________________

60.  x-o-tropism (67)_________________________________________________________________

61.  x-o-tropin (13 & 67)______________________________________________________________

62.  x-o-tropismic (67)_______________________________________________________________


The following adjectives can each refer to more than one noun. Provide all possible
translations. (The numbers in parentheses are keyed to the textbook numbering.)

1.  x-o-phagic (22, 68)________________________________________________________________

2.  x-otomic (57, 69) _________________________________________________________________

3.  x-ectomic (58, 70)_________________________________________________________________

4.  x-o-scopic (62, 71)________________________________________________________________

5.  x-o-clastic (18, 72)________________________________________________________________

6.  x-o-static (53, 73)_________________________________________________________________

7.  x-o-pathic (20, 75)________________________________________________________________

8.  x-o-plastic (45, 54)________________________________________________________________

9.  x-o-graphic (64, 76, 77)____________________________________________________________

Exercises for Chapter 1  9

10.  x-o-metric (63, 78)_______________________________________________________________

11.  x-o-tropic (81)___________________________________________________________________

As above; the terminations within each of the following groups are easily confused, but note
that remembering English derivatives or cognates will often help you to distinguish them.
(The numbers in parentheses are keyed to the textbook numbering.)

1.  x-orrhexis (15) (break)_____________________________________________________________

2.  x-orrhagia (30) (hemorrhage)______________________________________________________

3.  x-orrhea (37) (diarrhea)___________________________________________________________

4.  x-orrhaphy (56) (rhapsody)________________________________________________________

5.  x-optosis (35)_____________________________________________________________________

6.  x-ectopia (43) (topography)________________________________________________________

7.  x-ectasia (44)_____________________________________________________________________

8.  x-o-genesis (23) (generator)________________________________________________________

9.  x-o-poiesis (24) (poetry)___________________________________________________________

10.  x-o-plasia (45) (plastic)___________________________________________________________

11.  x-o-plasty (54) (plastic surgery)____________________________________________________

10  Chapter 1: Terminations

12.  x-iastic (17)_____________________________________________________________________

13.  x-iatric (52) (psychiatric)__________________________________________________________

14.  x-o-trophic (47) (atrophy)_________________________________________________________

15.  x-o-tropic (81) (tropical)__________________________________________________________


Given “tele” = “distant (things),” generate appropriate scientific terms for the following

1.  the recording of distant words______________________________________________________

2.  an instrument for recording distant words___________________________________________

3.  a record of distant words___________________________________________________________

4.  one who records distant words_____________________________________________________

5.  p.t. the recording of distant words___________________________________________________

6.  the measurement of distant things__________________________________________________

7.  an instrument for examining distant things__________________________________________

8.  pertaining to the examination of distant things_______________________________________

Exercises for Chapter 1  11


Given the bracketed information following the first word of each group below, divide, define
and give the gender of the following Latin words.

1.  omphalitis (the inflammation of the navel)

omphalus (82)________________________________________________________________

omphalica (3)_________________________________________________________________

omphaloideus (10)____________________________________________________________

2.  mammoplasty (the surgical repairing of the breast)

mamma (83)__________________________________________________________________

mammarius (6)_______________________________________________________________

mammarium (6)______________________________________________________________

3.  brachial (pertaining to the arm)

brachium (84)_________________________________________________________________

brachialis (2)__________________________________________________________________

brachiale (2)__________________________________________________________________
12  Chapter 1: Terminations

4.  encephalomalacia (the softening of the brain)

encephalon (85)_______________________________________________________________

encephalicum (3)______________________________________________________________

encephalicus (3)_______________________________________________________________

Determine the gender of each of the following English words (all borrowed from Latin), and
supply a related word with a different ending.

1.  colloquium______________________________________________________________________

2.  alumnus_________________________________________________________________________

3.  datum___________________________________________________________________________

4.  phenomenon____________________________________________________________________

5.  cranium_________________________________________________________________________

6.  radius___________________________________________________________________________

7.  vertebra_________________________________________________________________________

8.  rectum__________________________________________________________________________

9.  retina____________________________________________________________________________
Exercises for Chapter 1  13

10.  anus___________________________________________________________________________

11.  scrotum________________________________________________________________________

12.  phallus_________________________________________________________________________

13.  vagina__________________________________________________________________________

14.  uterus__________________________________________________________________________

15.  calculus________________________________________________________________________


(Numerically keyed to Part A in the textbook.)
Divide and translate all the words in this story which appear in bold type.
As is now well known, Martians at birth are inanimate objects which can be said to begin life
only when some of their components begin to blurgize. The blurgal tissues thus produced
quickly differentiate into blurgic organs, blurgous fluids, blurgary or blurgar appendages,
miscellaneous blurgan, blurgine and blurgac body parts and—most remarkably of all—
blurgoid cell-like structures. (1-10)
Unfortunately, the first Martian with whom we came into contact immediately exploded.
This problem was tentatively, if a bit uselessly, diagnosed as blurgia; the blurgist of course
had only a few small scraps of blurgin to work with. The second Martian also exploded,
but slightly more slowly, so that it was possible to observe that he was suffering (for a
nanosecond or two) from a rare form of blurgitis which quickly blossomed (so to speak)
into full-scale blurgorrhexis; at least one example of blurgoschisis may have occurred
during this process, but this (extremely) transient case of blurgoschistiasis has not been
confirmed. If this line of research had turned out to be productive, it may have someday
been possible to modify our initial diagnosis: some form of blurgoclastic blurgosis may be
the real culprit. (11-19)
It was soon proposed that whatever the underlying blurgopathy, nothing can very
satisfactorily explode without undergoing a (rapid) burst (so to speak) of expansion, so that
some degree of blurgomegaly might be involved. The extreme expedient of blurgophagy
14  Chapter 1: Terminations

(only resorted to when one of us claimed that our ancient “Father of Medicine” had himself
sometimes tasted the excrement of his patients) led nowhere, as after only a mouthful or
two of exploded Martian the blurgophagist turned green, vomited, and refused to discuss
what in a later unguarded moment he did call a “really weird trip.” (20-22)
After the explosion of the third, fourth and fifth Martians, enough material was finally
gathered that two teams were able to independently pursue promising lines of research
based on the hope that at least one Martian might be able to be put together out of the (now
rather more plentiful) bits of the first five. Sad to say, neither simulations of blurgogenesis
nor optimizations of the necessary conditions for blurgopoiesis resulted in objects which
truly exhibited blurgokinesis. (Initially exciting blurgokinetoid quiverings were later
discovered to be due to some of the bits having been too long out of the fridge.) (23-25)
The new objects, however, at least did not explode. Thus they could be subjected to various
forms of blurgokinetogenesis, most promisingly by the application (by means of electric
shock) of blurgalgia and blurgodynia on alternate days. This approach was hampered by
the dawning realization that none of us even knew at that time whether the reconstituted
objects were themselves blurgs, merely blurgary or not even remotely blurganoid—
which brought us pretty close to back to the beginning. “If only we could find a working
blurgalizin or even some definite, indisputable blurgicoidous material of any kind to work
on!”, was our cry, and wilder and wilder theories ran amok. Some of us began to darkly
mutter about how the rest were suffering from “blurgistoplegia.” The real problem, of
course, was again lack of refrigeration: blurgopenia was setting in, leaving us with more and
more theories and less and less actual stuff to theorize about. (26-29; and review)
Finally we got a sixth Martian, and for unknown reasons, this one did not explode, exactly.
It did, however, suffer from apparent blurgalorrhagia, occasional blurgicomalacia, and
(in very general terms) systemic blurgosonecrosis; this was often preceded (depending
upon the apparent system) by blurgarostenosis, blurganosclerosis, or blurgacoptotic
blurgoidagroidia. When the blurgorrhagic symptoms let up, blurgorrhea was sometimes
seen. Occasional blurgedema resulted in blurgocele (something I hope you never have to
see). Blurgoliths exuded during blurgedematocele were either the result or the cause of
blurgospasticoid blurgismus. (30-42)
The seventh Martian lived even longer (nearly two minutes), and so we were able to observe
slower processes of decay. Blurgectopia, for example, seemed to either cause or be caused
by blurgectasia, so that we were again divided into two camps (“blurgistoschisis!”, cried the
wits), one diagnosing blurgectopic blurgectasia and the other swearing by blurgectatic
blurgectopia. Normal (we guessed) blurgoplasia (sometimes of course confused with
blurgopoiesis) was observed in the first minute or so, but it was followed in every case by
blurgodysplasia; similarly, apparently normal blurgotrophy gave way to various forms
of blurgodystrophy and blurgatrophy (although this last problem may well have only
Exercises for Chapter 1  15

been blurgasthenia). But the most exciting result of the seventh Martian was that, because
he didn’t explode at all, we were able to harvest what we were pretty sure were whole
blurgs and even a litre or so of pure blurg (we hoped). With this material, the possibility of
blurgotherapy seemed assured. (43-51)
But the eighth and ninth Martians exploded again (one quickly, one slowly—don’t ask) and
then there were no Martians at all for a while. But the tenth Martian seemed to be fading
even more slowly than the seventh, so we fed him bits of (putative) blurg and (putative)
blurgal bits and injected it or them with blurgotherapeutic blurgins—by the sixth minute
we could confidently say that the slow dying had become even more slow and that the
field of blurgiatry had truly begun! “Blurgonecrotostasis at Last” was the blogline; and
“Blurgoplastic Blurgicocentesis Comes of Age.” Blurgorrhaphic Clinics sprang up in
anticipation, and Learned Chairs in Blurgotomy, Blurgectomy and Blurgostomy were
confidently endowed in the expectation of a population explosion of (non-exploding, yet
sick) patients. Blurgics was becoming a respectable calling, and blurgologists, previously
scarce, were a dime a dozen. (52-61)
The next dozen Martians, of course, exploded upon arrival. Undaunted, we pioneers
persevered. Upon the surviving Martian and their child (if only that were the right word)
we performed blurgaloscopies and blurgotometries and even blurgonecrotographies.
Where blurgalopexy was the unfortunate result of our blurgopexies, to avoid the old
trouble of rapid blurgolysis we figured out that a timely blurgosolysis on just the right
blurgic tissues might do the trick; and when a single nth-to-the-nth-plus-three Martian
(apparently the “sister” of the aforementioned “child”) survived into the eleventh minute,
the whole new field of blurgotropism was opened up by researchers who inadvertently
discovered blurgophages living on the improperly sanitized blades of blurgotomes,
blurgectomes and blurgostomes (sort of like paper-punchers, but only sort of ). Frantic
work with blurgoscopes followed, and when we finally got some more non-exploding (but
satisfactorily sick) Martians, we discovered a whole range of blurgoclasts, blurgostats and
(finally!) a nearly limitless set of blurgalopathogens. Though blurgopaths remained in
short(lived) supply, our blurgographs lit up again, and our computers crashed from the
sheer mass of blurgograms; and the blurgometers hummed! (62-78)
Unfortunately (and this again is well known, now; which didn’t help much then!), as
time passed and a Martian or six—it was getting harder to tell—survived for nearly half
an hour, we began to realize that the blurgotogens were seriously outnumbering the
blurgiatrogens, that blurgonecrotogenic blurgoses were becoming far more common
than blurgiatrogenous cures, that, in short, more and more Martians (or Martian) were (or
was) exploding than ever before, and in ever fewer minutes; and finally we had to concede
that whatever blurgotropic therapies we tried turned into blurgotropic disasters. It was
when we Venusians (or we the Venusian) began to explode too that we began to compose
this hastily assembled “Discharge Summary” in the fond hope that a (putative) life form
16  Chapter 1: Terminations

from the third planet may someday visit, and, seeing a blurgus here, a blurga there, the
odd blurgum lying under a pathetic blurgon, might amid the whole blurgeous mess find
in this document something useful, just before he, she, it (or they) also begins (or begin)
exploding. (79-86)
All that remains now is to describe and define in detail the essential nature of blurg itself,
the fascinating process called blurgization, and the resulting blu. . .
[NOTE: The rest of this document apparently didn’t survive the explosion. Or explosions]

1 blurg-ize

2-9 blurg-al, blurg-ic, blurg-ous, blurg-ar,

blurg-ary, blurg-an, blurg-ine, blurg-ac

10 blurg-oid

11 blurg-ia

12 blurg-ist

13 blurg-in

14 blurg-itis

15 blurg-o-rrhexis

16 blurg-o-schisis

16 & 17 blurg-o-schist-iasis

18 blurg-o-clast-ic

19 blurg-osis

20 blurg-o-pathy

21 blurg-o-megaly

22 blurg-o-phagy

22 & 12 blurg-o-phag-ist

23 blurg-o-genesis
Exercises for Chapter 1  17

24 blurg-o-poiesis

25 blurg-o-kinesis

25 & 10 blurg-o-kinet-oid

23 & 25 blurg-o-kinet-o-genesis

26-27 blurg-algia, blurg-odynia

Review blurg-ary




28 & 12 blurg-ist-o-plegia

29 blurg-o-penia

30 blurg-al-o-rrhagia

31 blurg-ic-o-malacia

32 blurg-os-o-necrosis

33 blurg-ar-o-stenosis

34 blurg-an-o-sclerosis

35 blurg-ac-optot-ic

36 etc. blurg-oid-agr-oid-ia

30 blurg-o-rrhagic

37 blurg-o-rrhea

38 blurg-edema

39 blurg-o-cele

40 blurg-o-lith-s
18  Chapter 1: Terminations

38-39 blurg-edemat-o-cele

41 blurg-o-spast-ic-oid

42 blurg-ismus

43 blurg-ectopia

44 blurg-ectasia

Review blurg-ist-o-schisis

43 & 44 blurg-ectop-ic blurg-ectasia

44 & 43 blurg-ectat-ic blurg-ectopia

45 blurg-o-plasia (blurg-o-poiesis)

46 blurg-o-dysplasia

47 blurg-o-trophy

48 blurg-o-dystrophy

49 blurg-atrophy

50 blurg-asthenia

51 blurg-o-therapy

51 & 13 blurg-o-therapeut-ic blurg-in-s

52 blurg-iatry

53 & 32 blurg-o-necrot-o-stasis

54-55 blurg-o-plast-ic blurg-ic-o-centesis

56 blurg-o-rrhaph-ic

57 blurg-o-tomy

58 blurg-ectomy

59 blurg-ostomy
Exercises for Chapter 1  19

60 blurg-ics

61 & 12 blurg-o-log-ist

62 blurg-o-scopy

63 blurg-o-metry

64 & 32 blurg-o-necrot-o-graphy

65 blurg-al-o-pexy (diagnostic from


blurg-o-pexy (therapeutic from con-


66 blurg-o-lysis (diagnostic from con-


blurg-os-o-lysis (therapeutic from


67 blurg-o-tropism

68 blurg-o-phag-e

69 blurg-o-tom-e

70 blurg-ectom-e


71 blurg-o-scop-e

72 blurg-o-clast

73 blurg-o-stat

74 & 20 blurg-o-path-o-gen-s

75 blurg-o-path-s

76 blurg-o-graph-s

77 blurg-o-gram-s
20  Chapter 1: Terminations

78 blurg-o-meter-s

Review blurg-ot-o-gen


79 & 32 blurg-o-necrot-o-genic blurg-os-es

80 & 52 blurg-iatro-gen-ous

81 blurg-o-trop-ic

82-85 blurg-us, blurg-a, blurg-um, blurg-on

86 blurg-eous <Venusian typo, for

22  Chapter 2: General Anatomy


Provide a synonym for each of the following words.

1.  omphalotherapy__________________________________________________________________

2.  somometrics_____________________________________________________________________

3.  pedogram_______________________________________________________________________

4.  gonoplasty_______________________________________________________________________

5.  stethoscopic_____________________________________________________________________

6.  chiratrophy______________________________________________________________________

7.  prosopogram_____________________________________________________________________

8.  epidermolytic____________________________________________________________________

9.  omodynia________________________________________________________________________

10.  cytoplasia_______________________________________________________________________

Fill in the blanks to complete both the definition and the medical term or terms.

1.  cells = ectopia

2.  a digit = phagy

3.  the eyelid = ectasia

Exercises for Chapter 2  23

4.  the body = dystrophy

5.  the head = iatry

6.  the nose = genesis

7.  the skin = itis

8.  the face = stenosis

9.  the hand = stasis

10.  an arm = edema

Complete the following analogies.
1.  If cephaledema is the swelling of the head,
then the swelling of the limbs is_______________________________________________________

2.  If trichomegaly is the enlargement of hairs,

then the enlargement of the nose is ___________________________________________________

3.  If omphalogenesis is the production of the navel,

then the production of the hair is _____________________________________________________

4.  If dactylosis is an abnormal condition involving the digits,

then an abnormal condition involving the skin is_______________________________________

5.  If pedopathy is a disease of the foot,

then a disease of the elbow is ________________________________________________________

6.  If mastopexy is the fixation of a breast,

then the fixation of the navel is _______________________________________________________
24  Chapter 2: General Anatomy

7.  If onychodystrophy is the defective growth of the nails,

then the defective growth of the arm is ________________________________________________

8.  If otogenous is produced by the ear,

then produced by the nose is ________________________________________________________

9.  If prosopospasm is a spasm of the face,

then a spasm of the eye is ___________________________________________________________

10.  If brachiodysplasia is the defective formation of an arm,

then the defective formation of a foot is _______________________________________________

11.  If theletrophy is the growth of a nipple,

then the growth of the neck is ________________________________________________________

12.  If arthrectopia is the displacement of the joints,

then the displacement of the digits is _________________________________________________

13.  If cheirostasis is the stopping of the hands,

then the stopping of the elbow is _____________________________________________________

14.  If glutitis is the inflammation of the buttocks,

then the inflammation of the eyelid is ________________________________________________

15.  If cytonecrosis is the death of cells,

then the death of the skin is__________________________________________________________

16.  If melogenesis is the production of limbs,

then the production of the ear is______________________________________________________

17.  If omotrophy is the growth of the shoulder,

then the growth of the chest is _______________________________________________________

18.  If mastopexy is the adhesion of a breast,

then the adhesion of the knee is ______________________________________________________
Exercises for Chapter 2  25


Fill in the blanks to complete the definitions.

1.  fascia thoracica = the fascia the

2.  musculus brachialis = the muscle the

3.  tuberositas glutealis = a tuberosity a

4.  margo cephalicus = a margin the

5.  fovea dermatica = a pit the

6.  regio facialis = the region the

7.  arteria umbilicalis = an artery the

8.  tractus somaticus = a tract the

9.  os pedale = a bone a

10.  fissura onychica = a fissure a


Fill in the blanks to complete the definitions.

1.  arthritis enteropathica = the intestine

2.  otalgia dentalis = a tooth

3.  cheiritis glandularis = a gland

26  Chapter 2: General Anatomy

4.  dermatitis nasalis = the nose

5.  cephalalgia pharyngotympanica = the middle ear and pharynx

6.  ophthalmia hepatica = the liver

7.  arthritis urethr-itica = the urethra

8.  arthritis myc-otica = a fungus


1a. anthropokinetics _________________________________________________________________

1b. anthropometrist_________________________________________________________________

1c. anthropophagy___________________________________________________________________

2a. somasthenia_____________________________________________________________________

2b. somatotrophic___________________________________________________________________

3a. dermatodysplasia________________________________________________________________

3b. dermolysin (diagnostic)_______________________________________________________

4a. epidermatoplasty_________________________________________________________________

4b. epidermopoiesis _________________________________________________________________

4c. epidermotropic __________________________________________________________________

Exercises for Chapter 2  27

5a. cytoclastic_______________________________________________________________________

5b. cytogenic________________________________________________________________________

5c. cytonecrosis _____________________________________________________________________

5d. cytopenia_______________________________________________________________________

5e. cytostatic _______________________________________________________________________

5f. cytotherapy ______________________________________________________________________

6a. arthralgic________________________________________________________________________

6b. arthrostomy_____________________________________________________________________

6c. arthrocele _______________________________________________________________________

7a. acrodermatosis__________________________________________________________________

7b. acromelic _______________________________________________________________________

8a. melagra _________________________________________________________________________

8b. melalgia ________________________________________________________________________

9a. cephaledema____________________________________________________________________

9b. cephalocentesis__________________________________________________________________

9c. cephalometrics __________________________________________________________________

28  Chapter 2: General Anatomy

10a. trichomegaly ___________________________________________________________________

10b. trichopathic ____________________________________________________________________

10c. trichorrhexis ___________________________________________________________________

11a. blepharorrhaphy _______________________________________________________________

11b. blepharoptosis__________________________________________________________________

11c. blepharostat ____________________________________________________________________

12a. ophthalmatrophy_______________________________________________________________

12b. ophthalmograph________________________________________________________________

12c. ophthalmolith __________________________________________________________________

12d. ophthalmoplegic________________________________________________________________

13a. otiatrics ________________________________________________________________________

13b. otogenous _____________________________________________________________________

13c. otolithiasis_____________________________________________________________________

13d. otosclerotic ____________________________________________________________________

14a. rhinologist _____________________________________________________________________

Exercises for Chapter 2  29

14b. rhinorrhagia____________________________________________________________________

14c. rhinoscope _____________________________________________________________________

15a. prosopectasia___________________________________________________________________

15b. prosoposchisis__________________________________________________________________

15c. prosopospasm __________________________________________________________________

16a. faciobrachial____________________________________________________________________

16b. faciocervical____________________________________________________________________

16c. faciostenosis ___________________________________________________________________

17a. cervicodynia____________________________________________________________________

17b. cervicothoracic_________________________________________________________________

18a. trachelology____________________________________________________________________

18b. tracheloschisis _________________________________________________________________

19a. omagra________________________________________________________________________

19b. omarthritis_____________________________________________________________________

20a. brachialgia _____________________________________________________________________

30  Chapter 2: General Anatomy

20b. brachiocephalic ________________________________________________________________

21a. anconitis_______________________________________________________________________

21b. anconoid ______________________________________________________________________

22a. cheirarthritis____________________________________________________________________

22b. cheiropodalgia _________________________________________________________________

23a. dactylography__________________________________________________________________

23b. dactylosis ______________________________________________________________________

24a. onychodystrophy________________________________________________________________

24b. onychomalacia_________________________________________________________________

24c. onychopathology _______________________________________________________________

24d. onychophagist__________________________________________________________________

25a. thoracometry___________________________________________________________________

25b. thoracopathy___________________________________________________________________

25c. thoracotomy____________________________________________________________________

26a. stethograph____________________________________________________________________
Exercises for Chapter 2  31

26b. stethoscopy____________________________________________________________________

27a. mastatrophy ___________________________________________________________________

27b. mastectomy ____________________________________________________________________

27c. mastopexy (therapeutic)_________________________________________________________

27d. mastotic_______________________________________________________________________

28a. mammogen____________________________________________________________________

28b. mammotropin _________________________________________________________________

29a. theleplasty _____________________________________________________________________

29b. thelorrhagia ____________________________________________________________________

30a. omphalogenesis ________________________________________________________________

30b. omphalorrhea __________________________________________________________________

31a. umbilectomy ___________________________________________________________________

31b. umbilical ______________________________________________________________________

32a. gluteal _________________________________________________________________________

32b. glutitis _________________________________________________________________________

32  Chapter 2: General Anatomy

33a. gonarthrosis____________________________________________________________________

33b. gonarthrotomy _________________________________________________________________

34a. podedema _____________________________________________________________________

34b. podiatry________________________________________________________________________

35a. pedopathy______________________________________________________________________

35b. pedometer _____________________________________________________________________

34  Chapter 3: Musculoskeletal System


Provide a synonym for each of the following words.

1.  osteostenosis_____________________________________________________________________

2.  cleidoschisis_____________________________________________________________________

3.  coracoiditis______________________________________________________________________

4.  spinogram_______________________________________________________________________

5.  spondylotic______________________________________________________________________

6.  syndesmosolytic__________________________________________________________________

7.  talocalcaneal_____________________________________________________________________

8.  chondrosclerosis_________________________________________________________________

9.  myosectasia______________________________________________________________________

10.  tenonectopic____________________________________________________________________

Fill in the blanks to complete both the definition and the medical term or terms.

1.  the Achilles’ tendon = pexy (therapeutic)

2.  a bone = clasis

3.  the hair = cyte

Exercises for Chapter 3  35

4.  the sacrum = penia

5.  the calcaneus = scopy

6.  the shoulder blade = gram

7.  the kneecap = metry

8.  the pelvis = orrhexis

9.  the femur = malacia

10.  the skull = edema

1.  If trichocyte is a cell of the hair,
then a cell of the skin is _____________________________________________________________

2.  If osseorrhexis is the rupturing of bone,

then the rupturing of the skull is _____________________________________________________

3.  If claviplasia is the formation of the collar bone,

then the formation of the ulna is _____________________________________________________

4.  If acromiotrophy is the growth of the acromion,

then the growth of the rib is__________________________________________________________

5.  If spinopathy is a disease of the spine,

then a disease of bone is_____________________________________________________________

6.  If cranialgia is pain involving the skull,

then pain involving the shoulder blade is _____________________________________________
36  Chapter 3: Musculoskeletal System

7.  If humerography is the recording of the humerus,

then the recording of the radius is ____________________________________________________

8.  If rachopenic is p.t. a deficiency of the spine,

then p.t. a deficiency of the spinal cord is ______________________________________________

9.  If sternocentetic is p.t. the surgical puncturing of the sternum,

then p.t. the surgical puncturing of the vertebra is ______________________________________

10.  If cubitoptosis is the downward displacement of the elbow,

then the downward displacement of the hip is _________________________________________

11.  If pelvitis is the inflammation of the pelvis,

then the inflammation of the tarsus is ________________________________________________

12.  If desmomegaly is the enlargement of the ligament,

then the enlargement of the ischium is _______________________________________________

13.  If cephalitologist is one who studies the inflammation of the head,

then one who studies the inflammation of the wrist is __________________________________

14.  If ostein is a substance of bone,

then a substance of hair is ___________________________________________________________


Divide and define the following Latin phrases.

1. musculus facialis__________________________________________________________________

2. tendo umbilicalis__________________________________________________________________

3. cartilago tibialis___________________________________________________________________

4. ligamentum calcaneum____________________________________________________________

5. os musculare_____________________________________________________________________
Exercises for Chapter 3  37

6. musculus thoracicus_______________________________________________________________

7. cartilago sacralis__________________________________________________________________

8. tendo astragalaris_________________________________________________________________

9. os patellare_______________________________________________________________________

10. musculus pubicus________________________________________________________________


Fill in the blank to complete the definition.

1.  chondromalacia cystica = the bladder

2.  myelitis ependymalis = the ependyma

3.  dermatitis seborrheica = sebum

4.  arthritis pyogenica = pus

5.  myelitis hemorrhagica = blood

6.  arthropathia pulmonalis = a lung

7.  dermatosis cancerosa = cancer

8.  dermatitis xer-otica = something dry

9.  ophthalmitis granularis = a granule

38  Chapter 3: Musculoskeletal System


1a. osteomalacic____________________________________________________________________

1b. osteectopia______________________________________________________________________

1c. osteopenic_______________________________________________________________________

1d. osteosclerosis____________________________________________________________________

1e. osteometry ______________________________________________________________________

2a. ossein __________________________________________________________________________

2b. osseous_________________________________________________________________________

3a. skeletogenesis___________________________________________________________________

3b. skeletology ______________________________________________________________________

4a. craniocele_______________________________________________________________________

4b. cranioclast______________________________________________________________________

4c. cranioscopy_____________________________________________________________________

4d. craniostenosis___________________________________________________________________

4e. craniotome ______________________________________________________________________

5a. cleidocostal______________________________________________________________________
Exercises for Chapter 3  39

5b. cleidagra________________________________________________________________________

5c. cleidotomy ______________________________________________________________________

6a. clavicotomy _____________________________________________________________________

6b. clavicular________________________________________________________________________

7a. acromioscapular_________________________________________________________________

7b. acromiothoracic_________________________________________________________________

8a. coracoidoacromial _______________________________________________________________

8b. coracoclavicular _________________________________________________________________

9a. humeroulnar ____________________________________________________________________

9b. humeral ________________________________________________________________________

10a. cubitocarpal ___________________________________________________________________

10b. cubitalis _______________________________________________________________________

11a. ulnoradial ______________________________________________________________________

11b. ulnaris _________________________________________________________________________

12a. radiohumeral___________________________________________________________________

12b. radioulnar _____________________________________________________________________

40  Chapter 3: Musculoskeletal System

13a. carpophalangeal ________________________________________________________________

13b. carpoptosis ____________________________________________________________________

14a. phalangophalangeal ____________________________________________________________

14b. phalangectomy _________________________________________________________________

15a. scapuloclavicular _______________________________________________________________

15b. scapulopexy (therapeutic)________________________________________________________

16a. rachiocentesis__________________________________________________________________

16b. rachischisis ____________________________________________________________________

16c. rachiograph ____________________________________________________________________

17a. spinogram _____________________________________________________________________

17b. spinalis ________________________________________________________________________

18a. myelalgia ______________________________________________________________________

18b. myelodysplasia _________________________________________________________________

18c. myeloplegia ____________________________________________________________________

18d. myelorrhagia ___________________________________________________________________

19a. spondylarthrosis ________________________________________________________________

Exercises for Chapter 3  41

19b. spondylosis ____________________________________________________________________

20a. vertebrochondral________________________________________________________________

20b. vertebroiliac ___________________________________________________________________

20c. vertebrosacral___________________________________________________________________

21a. costosternoplasty _______________________________________________________________

21b. costicervical____________________________________________________________________

22a. sternoscapular__________________________________________________________________

22b. sternoclavicularis _______________________________________________________________

23a. xiphocostal_____________________________________________________________________

23b. xiphodynia _____________________________________________________________________

24a. coxarthropathy _________________________________________________________________

24b. coxotomy______________________________________________________________________

25a. pelvifemoral____________________________________________________________________

25b. pelvimetry _____________________________________________________________________

26a. iliopelvic_______________________________________________________________________

26b. iliofemoroplasty ________________________________________________________________

42  Chapter 3: Musculoskeletal System

27a. ischiopubic_____________________________________________________________________

27b. ischiocele ______________________________________________________________________

28a. pubococcygeal__________________________________________________________________

28b. pubotibial______________________________________________________________________

29a. sacrocoxalgia ___________________________________________________________________

29b. sacroiliitis ______________________________________________________________________

29c. sacrovertebral___________________________________________________________________

30a. coccygodynia___________________________________________________________________

30b. coccygeus______________________________________________________________________

31a. acetabulectomy_________________________________________________________________

31b. acetabular______________________________________________________________________

32a. femorocele_____________________________________________________________________

32b. femoroiliac _____________________________________________________________________

33a. patellofemoral__________________________________________________________________

33b. patellectomy____________________________________________________________________
Exercises for Chapter 3  43

34a. tibiocalcanean __________________________________________________________________

34b. tibiotarsal______________________________________________________________________

35a. fibular _________________________________________________________________________

35b. fibulocalcaneal_________________________________________________________________

36a. tarsophalangeal_________________________________________________________________

36b. tarsectopia _____________________________________________________________________

37a. calcaneotibial___________________________________________________________________

37b. calcaneodynia __________________________________________________________________

38a. talofibular______________________________________________________________________

38b. talocalcanean __________________________________________________________________

39a. astragalocalcanean______________________________________________________________

39b. astragalotibial__________________________________________________________________

40a. chondrocyte____________________________________________________________________

40b. chondrodermatitis______________________________________________________________

40c. chondrodystrophy_______________________________________________________________
44  Chapter 3: Musculoskeletal System

40d. chondroid______________________________________________________________________

40e. chondronecrosis________________________________________________________________

40f. chondropathology_______________________________________________________________

40g. chondroplastic _________________________________________________________________

41a. cartilagotropic __________________________________________________________________

41b. cartilaginoid ___________________________________________________________________

42a. myasthenic_____________________________________________________________________

42b. myatrophy _____________________________________________________________________

42c. myectopia _____________________________________________________________________

42d. myocytolysis (diagnostic)________________________________________________________

42e. myogenic_______________________________________________________________________

42f. myophage______________________________________________________________________

42g. myospasmia ___________________________________________________________________

43a. muscular_______________________________________________________________________

43b. musculotropic __________________________________________________________________

Exercises for Chapter 3  45

44a. tenontagra _____________________________________________________________________

44b. tenostosis______________________________________________________________________

44c. tenotomize _____________________________________________________________________

45a. tendinous______________________________________________________________________

45b. tendo calcaneus ________________________________________________________________

46a. desmectasis____________________________________________________________________

46b. desmorrhexis __________________________________________________________________

47a. syndesmorrhaphy_______________________________________________________________

47b. syndesmitis_____________________________________________________________________

48a. ligamentous____________________________________________________________________

48b. ligamentopexy (therapeutic)______________________________________________________

49a. aponeurositic___________________________________________________________________

49b. aponeurotic____________________________________________________________________

50a. achillorrhaphy__________________________________________________________________

50b. achillodynia ____________________________________________________________________

46  Chapter 3: Musculoskeletal System


1.  cephalopelvic____________________________________________________________________

2.  stethomyositis____________________________________________________________________

3.  facioscapulohumeral______________________________________________________________

4.  acro-osteolysis (diagnostic)________________________________________________________


1.  musculus brachioradialis__________________________________________________________

2.  musculus coccygeus______________________________________________________________

3.  musculus gluteus_________________________________________________________________

4.  musculus iliacus__________________________________________________________________

5.  musculus sternalis________________________________________________________________

6.  musculus tarsalis_________________________________________________________________

48  Chapter 4: Nervous System; Eye and Ear


Provide a synonym for each of the following words.

1.  gangliitis_________________________________________________________________________

2.  neuronecrosis____________________________________________________________________

3.  neuroglial________________________________________________________________________

4.  sympathetolysis__________________________________________________________________

5.  opticitis__________________________________________________________________________

6.  pupillotomic_____________________________________________________________________

7.  corneostomic____________________________________________________________________

8.  ciliarectomy______________________________________________________________________

9.  lacrimorrheic____________________________________________________________________

10.  choriosclerotic__________________________________________________________________

Fill in the blanks to complete both the definition and the medical term or terms.

1.  a ganglion = pexy (diagnostic)

2.  membranes = necrosis

Exercises for Chapter 4  49

3.  the iris = lysis (therapeutic)

4.  the ciliary body = scopist

5.  a nerve cell = dysplasia

6.  the lens = sclerosis

7.  the tear sac = itis

8.  tears = genetic

9.  the meninges = edematous

1.  If ependymopoiesis is the formation of the ependyma,
then the formation of the cerebellum is _______________________________________________

2.  If membranonecrosis is the death of a membrane,

then the death of an iris is____________________________________________________________

3.  If dacryocystospasm is a spasm of the tear sac,

then a spasm of nerves is ____________________________________________________________

4.  If tympanopathic is p.t. a disease of the middle ear,

then p.t. a disease of the sympathetic nerves is_________________________________________

5.  If vagotrophic is p.t. the growth of the vagus nerve,

then p.t. the growth of the hammer is _________________________________________________

6.  If coreopectic is p.t. the fixation of the pupil,

then p.t. the fixation of the anvil is ____________________________________________________
50  Chapter 4: Nervous System; Eye and Ear

7.  If phacocentetic is p.t. the surgical puncturing of the lens,

then p.t. the surgical puncturing of the neuroglia is _____________________________________

8.  If myringostomic is p.t. the making of an opening in the tympanic membrane,

then p.t. the making of an opening in the uvea is ________________________________________

9.  If neurasthenia is the lack of strength of nerves,

then the lack of strength of the stirrup is _______________________________________________

10.  If optectopic is p.t. the displacement of the eye,

then p.t. the displacement of the membrane is _________________________________________

11.  If retinopoiesis is the formation of the retina,

then the formation of the vagus nerve is _______________________________________________

12.  If choroidatrophy is the lack of growth of the choroid,

then the lack of growth of the ciliary body is ___________________________________________

13.  If conjunctivosis is an abnormal condition involving the conjunctiva,

then an abnormal condition involving a membrane is __________________________________

14.  If canthometric is p.t. the measurement of the canthus,

then p.t. the measurement of the lens is _______________________________________________


Divide and define the following Latin phrases.

1. nervus retinalis____________________________________________________________________

2. membrana cerebellaris____________________________________________________________

3. musculus ocularis_________________________________________________________________

4. cartilago pubica___________________________________________________________________
Exercises for Chapter 4  51

5. tendo pelvicus____________________________________________________________________

6. membrana thoracica_______________________________________________________________

7. os otale __________________________________________________________________________

8. cartilago vertebralis________________________________________________________________

9. tendo spinalis_____________________________________________________________________

10. meninx nervosa__________________________________________________________________


Divide and define the following Latin phrases.

1. meningitis sympathica_____________________________________________________________

2. chondrosis costalis_________________________________________________________________

3. arthropathia neurogenosa__________________________________________________________

4. arthritis neuropathica______________________________________________________________

5. rhinorrhagia membranosa_________________________________________________________

6. otorrhea cerebrospinalis___________________________________________________________

7. encephalitis myalgica______________________________________________________________
52  Chapter 4: Nervous System; Eye and Ear

8. myelitis neurooptica_______________________________________________________________

9. myelopathia cervicalis spondylotica_________________________________________________


1a. encephalolith____________________________________________________________________

1b. encephalomyeloradiculoneuritis___________________________________________________

1c. encephaloclastic_________________________________________________________________

1d. encephalitogenic_________________________________________________________________

2a. cerebrocerebellar________________________________________________________________

2b. cerebrosclerosis__________________________________________________________________

2c. cerebrostomy____________________________________________________________________

3a. cerebellospinal___________________________________________________________________

3b. cerebellar_______________________________________________________________________

4a. membranolysis (diagnostic)_______________________________________________________

4b. membrana costalis_______________________________________________________________

4c. membrana ossea_________________________________________________________________

Exercises for Chapter 4  53

4d. membrana pupillaris_____________________________________________________________

4e. membrana musculosa____________________________________________________________

4f. membrana tympanica_____________________________________________________________

5a. meningeorrhaphy________________________________________________________________

5b. meningorrhea___________________________________________________________________

5c. meningoencephalocele_______________________________________________________

6a. ependymocyte___________________________________________________________________

6b. ependymopathy_________________________________________________________________

7a. neurasthenic_____________________________________________________________________

7b. neurectasia______________________________________________________________________

7c. neurocranium___________________________________________________________________

7d. neuroretinopathy________________________________________________________________

8a. nervus thoracicus________________________________________________________________

8b. nervus fibularis__________________________________________________________________

8c. nervus facialis____________________________________________________________________

54  Chapter 4: Nervous System; Eye and Ear

8d. nervus ophthalmicus_____________________________________________________________

9a. gangliocyte______________________________________________________________________

9b. ganglioplegic____________________________________________________________________

10a. neuronophage__________________________________________________________________

10b. neuronotropic__________________________________________________________________

11a. gliophagy_______________________________________________________________________

11b. gliosis _________________________________________________________________________

11c. neurogliocyte___________________________________________________________________

12a. radiculectomy__________________________________________________________________

12b. radiculoneuritis_________________________________________________________________

13a. sympathicotherapy______________________________________________________________

13b. sympatholytic (diagnostic)_______________________________________________________

14a. vagosympathetic________________________________________________________________

14b. vagotropism____________________________________________________________________

14c. vagovagal_______________________________________________________________________
Exercises for Chapter 4  55

15a. ophthalmodesmitis______________________________________________________________

15b. ophthalmophacometer__________________________________________________________

15c. ophthalmencephalon____________________________________________________________

16a. optics _________________________________________________________________________

16b. optomyometry__________________________________________________________________

16c. opticociliary____________________________________________________________________

17a. oculoplastic____________________________________________________________________

17b. oculopupillary__________________________________________________________________

17c. oculometroscope________________________________________________________________

18a. corectopia______________________________________________________________________

18b. coreoplasty_____________________________________________________________________

19a. pupilloscope____________________________________________________________________

19b. pupilloplegia___________________________________________________________________

19c. pupillograph____________________________________________________________________

20a. keratocentesis__________________________________________________________________
56  Chapter 4: Nervous System; Eye and Ear

20b. keratoscleritis___________________________________________________________________

20c. keratoconjunctivitis_____________________________________________________________

21a. corneoiritis_____________________________________________________________________

21b. corneosclera____________________________________________________________________

22a. sclerokeratoiritis________________________________________________________________

22b. sclerectome ____________________________________________________________________

23a. retinography____________________________________________________________________

23b. retinomalacia___________________________________________________________________

24a. uveitic _________________________________________________________________________

24b. uveoscleritis____________________________________________________________________

25a. iridectomize____________________________________________________________________

25b. iridokinetic_____________________________________________________________________

26a. cyclokeratitis___________________________________________________________________

26b. cycloplegic_____________________________________________________________________

27a. ciliogenesis_____________________________________________________________________
Exercises for Chapter 4  57

27b. cilioretinal______________________________________________________________________

28a. chorioretinopathy_______________________________________________________________

28b. choriocyclitis___________________________________________________________________

29a. conjunctivoplasty_______________________________________________________________

29b. conjunctivodacryocystostomy ____________________________________________________

30a. canthal ________________________________________________________________________

30b. canthorrhaphy _________________________________________________________________

31a. phacolysis (diagnostic)___________________________________________________________

31b. phacosclerosis __________________________________________________________________

32a. dacryorrhea____________________________________________________________________

32b. dacryostenosis__________________________________________________________________

33. lacrimotomy_____________________________________________________________________

34a. dacryocystalgia_________________________________________________________________

34b. dacryocystocele ________________________________________________________________

34c. dacryocystoptosis_______________________________________________________________
58  Chapter 4: Nervous System; Eye and Ear

35a. tympanic_______________________________________________________________________

35b. tympanomalleal________________________________________________________________

36. mallear _________________________________________________________________________

37a. incudomalleal__________________________________________________________________

37b. incudostapedial_________________________________________________________________

38. stapediotenotomy _______________________________________________________________

39a. myringodermatosis______________________________________________________________

39b. myringostapediopexy (therapeutic)_______________________________________________

60  Chapter 5: Circulatory & Lymphatic Systems; Glands


Provide a synonym for each of the following words.

1.  hemorrhagic_____________________________________________________________________

2.  plasmatoid_______________________________________________________________________

3.  aorticostatic______________________________________________________________________

4.  valvotomy_______________________________________________________________________

5.  vasotic___________________________________________________________________________

6.  phlebectomic____________________________________________________________________

7.  angiostomy______________________________________________________________________

8.  varicoid_________________________________________________________________________

9.  glandulotherapy__________________________________________________________________

10.  lienorrhexis_____________________________________________________________________

Fill in the blanks to complete both the definition and the medical term or terms.

1.  a vein = pathy

2.  lymph = orrhea

3.  a capillary = kinetic

Exercises for Chapter 5  61

4.  the lymph nodes = atrophy

5.  the pulse = graphy

6.  a varix = malacic

7.  the heart = spasm

8.  the pericardium = ology

9.  blood = in

10.  an artery = orrhectic

1.  If rhinencephalon is the part of the brain involving the nose,
then the part of the brain involving the ear is ___________________________________________

2.  If otocranium is the part of the skull involving the ear,

then the part of the skull involving the spine is _________________________________________

3.  If hematencephalon is a collection of blood in the brain,

then a collection of blood in the eye is _________________________________________________

4.  If thrombocytopoietic is p.t. the formation of platelets,

then p.t. the formation of plasma is ___________________________________________________

5.  If cardismus is a spasm of the heart,

then a spasm of a varix is ____________________________________________________________

6.  If lienosclerotic is p.t. the hardening of the spleen,

then p.t. the hardening of the aorta is _________________________________________________
62  Chapter 5: Circulatory & Lymphatic Systems; Glands

7.  If valvulotherapy is treatment by means of a valve,

then treatment by means of an artery is _______________________________________________

8.  If sanguinorrhea is the flowing of blood,

then the flowing of lymph is _________________________________________________________

9.  If splenoplasty is the surgical repairing of the spleen,

then the surgical repairing of a ventricle is _____________________________________________

10.  If hematokinesis is the movement of blood,

then the movement of secretions is ___________________________________________________

11.  If adenostomy is the making of an opening in a gland,

then the making of an opening in the thyroid gland is ___________________________________

12.  If gonadatrophic is p.t. the lack of growth of the gonad,

then p.t. the lack of growth of the parotid gland is _______________________________________

13.  If aortiatry is the healing of the aorta,

then the healing of the spleen is ______________________________________________________

14.  If varicedema is the swelling of a varix,

then the swelling of a vein is _________________________________________________________

15.  If thrombopoiesis is the formation of a clot,

then the formation of a capillary is ____________________________________________________

16.  If glandulostat is something which stops secretions from a gland,

then something which stops secretions from the thymus is ______________________________

17.  If thyrin is a substance of the thyroid gland,

then a substance of the pineal gland is ________________________________________________

18.  If adenotome is an instrument for cutting a gland,

then an instrument for cutting a capillary is ____________________________________________
Exercises for Chapter 5  63


Divide and define the following Latin phrases.

1. ganglion sympatheticum___________________________________________________________

2. os costale_________________________________________________________________________

3. musculus sternothyroideus_________________________________________________________

4. glandula conjunctivalis____________________________________________________________

5. valvula lymphatica________________________________________________________________

6. vas sanguineum___________________________________________________________________

7. membrana tympanica_____________________________________________________________

8. tendo calcaneus___________________________________________________________________

9. ligamentum iliofemorale___________________________________________________________

10. vena ciliaris______________________________________________________________________


Divide and define the following Latin phrases.

1. thrombocytemia hemorrhagica_____________________________________________________

2. thrombosis cardiaca_______________________________________________________________

3. varix arterialis_____________________________________________________________________
64  Chapter 5: Circulatory & Lymphatic Systems; Glands

4. arteriosclerosis cerebralis__________________________________________________________

5. arteritis brachiocephalica__________________________________________________________

6. meningitis lymphocytica___________________________________________________________

7. encephalitis hemorrheica__________________________________________________________

8. cardiomyopathia ventricularis______________________________________________________

9. thrombophlebitis iliofemoralis______________________________________________________

10. myelitis hemorrhagica____________________________________________________________


1a. hematosteon____________________________________________________________________

1b. hematocytopenia________________________________________________________________

1c. hematomyelitis__________________________________________________________________

1d. hematotympanum_______________________________________________________________

1e. hematomphalocele ______________________________________________________________

1f. hemorrhagenic___________________________________________________________________

1g. hematinogen____________________________________________________________________

1h. hemostat________________________________________________________________________
Exercises for Chapter 5  65

1i. hematinemia_____________________________________________________________________

1j. hemophthalmus__________________________________________________________________

2a. sanguinopoietic__________________________________________________________________

2b. sanguineous_____________________________________________________________________

3a. hemoglobinemia_________________________________________________________________

3b. hemoglobinolysis (diagnostic)_____________________________________________________

4a. plasmacytosis____________________________________________________________________

4b. plasmatherapy___________________________________________________________________

4c. plasmotropic____________________________________________________________________

5a. thrombogenic____________________________________________________________________

5b. thrombokinetics_________________________________________________________________

5c. thromboplastic___________________________________________________________________

5d. thrombotic______________________________________________________________________

6a. thrombocytopathic_______________________________________________________________

6b. hemorrhagic thrombocythemia____________________________________________________

7a. sphygmocardiograph _____________________________________________________________

66  Chapter 5: Circulatory & Lymphatic Systems; Glands

7b. sphygmometroscope _____________________________________________________________

8a. cardiagra________________________________________________________________________

8b. cardiectasis______________________________________________________________________

8c. cardiodynia______________________________________________________________________

8d. cardiopericarditis________________________________________________________________

8e. cardioptosis_____________________________________________________________________

8f. cardiovalvulotome________________________________________________________________

9a. aortorrhaphy____________________________________________________________________

9b. aortosclerosis____________________________________________________________________

10a. valvuloplasty___________________________________________________________________

10b. valvula lymphatica______________________________________________________________

10c. valvula venosa__________________________________________________________________

11a. ventriculomyotomy_____________________________________________________________

11b. ventriculovenostomy____________________________________________________________

12a. pericardiocentesis_______________________________________________________________

12b. pericardiostomy________________________________________________________________
Exercises for Chapter 5  67

13a. myocarditic_____________________________________________________________________

13b. myocardosis____________________________________________________________________

14a. angiectatic______________________________________________________________________

14b. angiectopia_____________________________________________________________________

14c. angiodystrophy_________________________________________________________________

14d. angiospastic____________________________________________________________________

15a. vasculolymphatic_______________________________________________________________

15b. vasotropic______________________________________________________________________

15c. vas capillare____________________________________________________________________

15d. vas lymphaticum________________________________________________________________

15e. vas sanguineum retinale_________________________________________________________

15f. vas nervosum___________________________________________________________________

16a. arterionecrosis__________________________________________________________________

16b. arteriorrhexis___________________________________________________________________

16c. arteriovenous___________________________________________________________________

16d. arteriostosis____________________________________________________________________
68  Chapter 5: Circulatory & Lymphatic Systems; Glands

16e. arteria brachialis________________________________________________________________

16f. arteria iliaca ____________________________________________________________________

17a. phlebolith______________________________________________________________________

17b. phlebophlebostomy_____________________________________________________________

17c. phlebothrombosis_______________________________________________________________

18a. venous_________________________________________________________________________

18b. vena lienalis____________________________________________________________________

18c. vena muscularis_________________________________________________________________

18d. vena thoracoacromialis__________________________________________________________

l8e. vena thyroidea__________________________________________________________________

19a. capillarectasia__________________________________________________________________

19b. lymphatic capillary______________________________________________________________

19c. capillaroscopy__________________________________________________________________

20a. varicoid________________________________________________________________________

20b. varix lymphaticus_______________________________________________________________

20c. varicocelectomy_________________________________________________________________
Exercises for Chapter 5  69

21a. cirsectomy_____________________________________________________________________

21b. cirsophthalmia_________________________________________________________________

22a. lymphatogenous________________________________________________________________

22b. lymphocythemia________________________________________________________________

22c. lymphorrhea____________________________________________________________________

22d. lymphedema___________________________________________________________________

22e. lymphostasis___________________________________________________________________

23a. lymphangiophlebitis_____________________________________________________________

23b. lymphangiectatic________________________________________________________________

24a. lymphadenocele ________________________________________________________________

24b. dermatopathic lymphadenopathy_________________________________________________

25a. splenemia______________________________________________________________________

25b. splenolymphatic ________________________________________________________________

25c. splenomyelogenous_____________________________________________________________

25d. splenoptosis____________________________________________________________________

25e. splenorrhagia___________________________________________________________________
70  Chapter 5: Circulatory & Lymphatic Systems; Glands

26a. lienal__________________________________________________________________________

26b. lienomyelomalacia______________________________________________________________

27a. endocrinasthenic_______________________________________________________________

27b. endocrinotherapy_______________________________________________________________

27c. endocrinotropic_________________________________________________________________

27d. crinin__________________________________________________________________________

28a. hormonopoiesis________________________________________________________________

28b. hormonopexic__________________________________________________________________

29a. adenalgia_______________________________________________________________________

29b. adenocyte______________________________________________________________________

29c. adenomalacia___________________________________________________________________

29d. adenomegaly___________________________________________________________________

29e. adenosclerosis__________________________________________________________________

30a. glandulous_____________________________________________________________________

30b. glandula tympanica_____________________________________________________________

30c. glandula lacrimalis______________________________________________________________

Exercises for Chapter 5  71

31a. pinealocyte_____________________________________________________________________

31b. pinealism______________________________________________________________________

32a. hypophyseotropic_______________________________________________________________

32b. hypophysectomize______________________________________________________________

33a. parotitic _______________________________________________________________________

33b. parotin_________________________________________________________________________

34a. thyrochondrotomy______________________________________________________________

34b. thyrocardiac____________________________________________________________________

34c. thyroparathyroidectomy_________________________________________________________

34d. thyrolytic (diagnostic)___________________________________________________________

34e. thyroidism _____________________________________________________________________

35a. parathyroidopathy______________________________________________________________

35b. parathyroidin___________________________________________________________________

36a. thymocyte _____________________________________________________________________

36b. thymin ________________________________________________________________________

37a. adrenalism_____________________________________________________________________
72  Chapter 5: Circulatory & Lymphatic Systems; Glands

37b. adrenokinetic___________________________________________________________________

37c. adrenalinogenesis_______________________________________________________________

38a. suprarenotropic_________________________________________________________________

38b. suprarenopathy_________________________________________________________________

39a. insulinopenic___________________________________________________________________

39b. insulinemia____________________________________________________________________

40a. gonadotropin___________________________________________________________________

40b. gonadectomize_________________________________________________________________
74  Chapter 6: Respiratory System


Provide a synonym for each of the following words.

1.  nasoplasty_______________________________________________________________________

2.  pulmonorrheic___________________________________________________________________

3.  bronchoplegia____________________________________________________________________

4.  spirometric______________________________________________________________________

5.  epiglottiditic_____________________________________________________________________

6.  rhinopharyngostenotic____________________________________________________________

7.  diaphragmoclasis_________________________________________________________________

Fill in the blanks to complete both the definition and the medical term or terms.

1.  the larynx = path

2.  the nasopharynx = scopic

3.  the mediastinum = itic

4.  the trachea = stenotic

5.  the bronchi = plegic

6.  the diaphragm = graph

Exercises for Chapter 6  75

7.  the pleura = spasm

8.  the nose = static

9.  the septum = orrhaphic

10.  the lungs = edematic

1.  If rhinoplasty is the surgical repairing of the nose,
then the surgical repairing of the trachea is ____________________________________________

2.  If pneumotome is an instrument for cutting the lung,

then an instrument for cutting something involving an antrum is ________________________

3.  If rhinopharyngoscopy is the examination of the nasopharynx,

then the examination of the septum is ________________________________________________

4.  If mediastinostomy is the making of an opening in the mediastinum,

then the making of an opening in the trachea is ________________________________________

5.  If laryngopharyngoscopy is the examination of the pharynx, involving the larynx,

then the examination of the larynx, involving the pharynx is _____________________________

6.  If pleurostomy is the making of an opening in the pleura,

then the making of an opening in the neck is ___________________________________________

7.  If pneumopexy is the adhesion of the lung,

then the adhesion of the mediastinum is ______________________________________________

8.  If osteoclast is something which breaks a bone,

then something which breaks the septum is ___________________________________________

9.  If neurosis is an abnormal condition involving nerves,

then an abnormal condition involving an antrum is ____________________________________
76  Chapter 6: Respiratory System

10.  If pneumonometry is the measurement of the lung,

then the measurement of the bronchus is _____________________________________________

11.  If nasorrhaphy is the suturing of the nose,

then the suturing of the larynx is ______________________________________________________

12.  If phrenopath is one with a disease of the diaphragm,

then one with a disease of the pleura is ________________________________________________

13.  If pneopathy is a disease of breathing,

then a disease of the sinuses is _______________________________________________________

14.  If pharyngostasis is the stopping of the pharynx,

then the stopping of the nose is ______________________________________________________

15.  If hemorrhagia is the rapid flowing of blood,

then the rapid flowing of air is ________________________________________________________

16.  If nasostomy is the making of an opening in the nose,

then the making of an opening in the pharynx is _______________________________________

17.  If epiglottography is the recording of the epiglottis,

then the recording of the lung is ______________________________________________________


Divide and define the following Latin phrases.

1. membranae cerebrales_____________________________________________________________

2. ganglia sacralia____________________________________________________________________

3. musculi nasales___________________________________________________________________

4. ossa facialia_______________________________________________________________________

5. vas lymphocapillare_______________________________________________________________
Exercises for Chapter 6  77

6. vasa sanguinea____________________________________________________________________

7. glandulae ciliares__________________________________________________________________

8. ossicula cranialia__________________________________________________________________

9. vena glutealis_____________________________________________________________________

10. ossa tarsalia_____________________________________________________________________


Divide and define the following Latin phrases.

1. pneumonia pleuritica______________________________________________________________

2. conjunctivitis membranosa_________________________________________________________

3. arthropathia osteopulmonaria______________________________________________________

4. dermatitis nasalis__________________________________________________________________

5. cephalalgia pharyngotympanica____________________________________________________

6. thyroiditis lymphatica______________________________________________________________

7. bronchitis laryngotrachealis________________________________________________________

8. bronchiectasis capillaris____________________________________________________________

9. varix lymphaticus_________________________________________________________________
78  Chapter 6: Respiratory System

10. pneumonia malleosa_____________________________________________________________


1a. rhinogenous_____________________________________________________________________

1b. rhinonecrosis____________________________________________________________________

1c. rhinorrhaphy ____________________________________________________________________

2a. nasobronchial___________________________________________________________________

2b. nasoantrostomy__________________________________________________________________

3a. sinobronchitis___________________________________________________________________

3b. sinusoid_________________________________________________________________________

4a. septectomy______________________________________________________________________

4b. septum nasale___________________________________________________________________

4c. septum cartilagineum_____________________________________________________________

5a. antronasal_______________________________________________________________________

5b. antrum cardiacum_______________________________________________________________

5c. antrum tympanicum______________________________________________________________

6a. pharyngismus___________________________________________________________________
Exercises for Chapter 6  79

6b. pharyngolaryngitis_______________________________________________________________

6c. pharyngoconjunctivitis___________________________________________________________

7a. rhinopharyngocele_______________________________________________________________

7b. nasopharyngeal__________________________________________________________________

7c. rhinopharyngolith________________________________________________________________

7d. nasopharyngolaryngoscope_______________________________________________________

8a. epiglottic ________________________________________________________________________

8b. epiglottidean____________________________________________________________________

9a. laryngocentesis__________________________________________________________________

9b. laryngopathy____________________________________________________________________

9c. laryngoplasty____________________________________________________________________

9d. laryngoptosis____________________________________________________________________

10a. trachealgia_____________________________________________________________________

10b. tracheostenosis_________________________________________________________________

10c. tracheobronchomegaly__________________________________________________________
80  Chapter 6: Respiratory System

10d. tracheostomize_________________________________________________________________

11a. bronchiectatic__________________________________________________________________

11b. bronchoplegia__________________________________________________________________

11c. bronchorrhagia _________________________________________________________________

12a. pneumonedema________________________________________________________________

12b. pneumonemia__________________________________________________________________

12c. pneumotropism_________________________________________________________________

12d. pneumocephalon_______________________________________________________________

13a. pulmoaortic____________________________________________________________________

13b. pulmonary_____________________________________________________________________

13c. pulmonologist__________________________________________________________________

14a. pleuralgic______________________________________________________________________

14b. pleurorrhea____________________________________________________________________

14c. pleuropericarditis_______________________________________________________________

15a. phrenodynia____________________________________________________________________
Exercises for Chapter 6  81

15b. phrenospasm___________________________________________________________________

16a. diaphragmatocele_______________________________________________________________

16b. diaphragmata___________________________________________________________________

17a. mediastinitis____________________________________________________________________

17b. mediastinoscopic_______________________________________________________________

18a. spirography_____________________________________________________________________

18b. spirometry_____________________________________________________________________

19a. pneoscope_____________________________________________________________________

19b. pneograph_____________________________________________________________________

20a. pneumatics_____________________________________________________________________

20b. pneumatotherapy_______________________________________________________________

20c. pneumomalacia_________________________________________________________________

20d. pneumohemopericardium_______________________________________________________

20e. pneumoencephalomyelography__________________________________________________
82  Chapter 6: Respiratory System


1.  sinus_________________________________ 8.  phalanx_______________________________

2.  myrinx_______________________________ 9.  iris___________________________________

3.  umbilicus____________________________ 10.  malleus______________________________

4.  ulna__________________________________ 11.  septum______________________________

5.  sternum______________________________ 12.  larynx_______________________________

6.  astragalus_____________________________ 13.  nasal sinus___________________________

7.  vertebra______________________________ 14.  sinus nasalis_________________________

15.  septum cartilagineum____________________________________________________________

16.  ligamentum tibiale_______________________________________________________________

17.  musculus pubococcygeus________________________________________________________

18.  musculus sternalis_______________________________________________________________

19.  vena brachiocephalica___________________________________________________________

20.  vena cervicalis___________________________________________________________________

21.  arteria brachialis________________________________________________________________

Exercises for Chapter 6  83


1.  bronchiolus______________________________________________________________________

2.  bronchiolitis_____________________________________________________________________

3.  bronchiolectasis__________________________________________________________________

4.  bronchioli_______________________________________________________________________

5.  venulae__________________________________________________________________________

6.  lienculus_________________________________________________________________________

7.  lingula (ling- = tongue)____________________________________________________________

8.  septulum________________________________________________________________________

9.  pediculus________________________________________________________________________


Give the gender and number of the following words, and (on the analogy of words like
“musculus” and “valvula”) give their English forms.

1.  bronchiolus______________________________________________________________________

2.  vestibulum______________________________________________________________________

3.  capsulae_________________________________________________________________________

4.  lobuli____________________________________________________________________________
84  Chapter 6: Respiratory System

5.  granulae_________________________________________________________________________

6.  folliculus_________________________________________________________________________

7.  pedunculi________________________________________________________________________

8.  ductulus_________________________________________________________________________

9.  vesiculae_____________________________________________________________________


As accurately as you are able, divide and determine the gender of the following plural words
(all borrowed from Latin), give the corresponding singular form, and (where possible)
supply a related word with a different ending.

1.  colloquia________________________________________________________________________

2.  alumni__________________________________________________________________________

3.  alumnae_________________________________________________________________________

4.  indices__________________________________________________________________________

5.  phenomena______________________________________________________________________

6.  personae________________________________________________________________________

7.  data_____________________________________________________________________________

8.  calculi___________________________________________________________________________
Exercises for Chapter 6  85

9.  errata___________________________________________________________________________

10.  psychoses_______________________________________________________________________

11.  agenda_________________________________________________________________________

12.  addenda________________________________________________________________________

13.  corrigenda______________________________________________________________________

14.  appendices_____________________________________________________________________

15.  genitalia____________________________________________________________________
88  Chapter 7: Oral-Dental Systems


Provide a synonym for each of the following words.

1.  mentostomy_____________________________________________________________________

2.  stomotic_________________________________________________________________________

3.  cheilorrhaphic___________________________________________________________________

4.  linguopectic______________________________________________________________________

5.  uraniscomalacia__________________________________________________________________

6.  staphylostenotic__________________________________________________________________

7.  odontagra________________________________________________________________________

8.  ulitis____________________________________________________________________________

9.  amelopenia______________________________________________________________________

10.  pulpoplasia_____________________________________________________________________

Fill in the blanks to complete both the definition and the medical term or terms.

1.  a tooth = lithic

2.  dentin = penic

3.  the periodontium = ectopic

Exercises for Chapter 7  89

4.  the gums = ectatic

5.  the palate = megalic

6.  gums = iatrist

7.  the uvula = phage

8.  the periodontium = cele

9.  the enamel = malacic

10.  cementum = in

1.  If glossoscopic is p.t. the examination of the tongue,
then p.t. the examination of the jaw is _________________________________________________

2.  If maxillosclerosis is the hardening of the upper jaw,

then the hardening of a tooth is ______________________________________________________

3.  If odontonecrosis is the death of a tooth,

then the death of something involving the lower jaw is __________________________________

4.  If gingivospasm is a spasm of the gums,

then a spasm of the periodontium is __________________________________________________

5.  If cementoplasty is the surgical repairing of the cementum,

then the surgical repairing of dentin is ________________________________________________

6.  If amelotropism is the tendency to preferentially affect enamel,

then the tendency to preferentially affect the tongue is __________________________________
90  Chapter 7: Oral-Dental Systems

7.  If maxillomandibula is the part of the lower jaw involving the upper jaw,
then the part of the upper jaw involving the lower jaw is _________________________________

8.  If linguopath is one with a disease of the tongue,

then one with a disease of the cheek is ________________________________________________

9.  If odontomaxilla is the part of the upper jaw involving teeth,

then the part of the lower jaw involving teeth is _________________________________________

10.  If adamantinotomy is the cutting of enamel,

then the cutting of the jaw is _________________________________________________________

11.  If periodontectopia is the displacement of the periodontium,

then the displacement of the tongue is ________________________________________________

12.  If ulotomic is p.t. the cutting of the gums,

then p.t. the cutting of the lip is _______________________________________________________


Divide and define the following Latin phrases.

1. ganglia thoracalia_________________________________________________________________

2. os nasale _________________________________________________________________________

3. glandulae linguales________________________________________________________________

4. venae maxillares__________________________________________________________________

5. arteria buccalis____________________________________________________________________

6. valvula venosa____________________________________________________________________

7. venae pulmonales_________________________________________________________________
Exercises for Chapter 7  91

8. musculus buccopharyngeus________________________________________________________

9. os odontoideum___________________________________________________________________

10. sinus maxillaris__________________________________________________________________


Divide and define the following Latin phrases.

1. otalgia dentalis____________________________________________________________________

2. cheilitis glandularis________________________________________________________________

3. bronchosis hemorrhagica__________________________________________________________

4. pneumonia lymphocytica__________________________________________________________

5. arthritis vertebralis________________________________________________________________

6. chondria calcanea_________________________________________________________________

7. myelopathia spondylotica cervicalis_________________________________________________

8. conjunctivitis membranosa_________________________________________________________

9. rhinorrhea cerebrospinalis_________________________________________________________

10. meningitis optica_________________________________________________________________

92  Chapter 7: Oral-Dental Systems


1a. gnathologic______________________________________________________________________

1b. gnathostomatics_________________________________________________________________

2a. maxillopalatine__________________________________________________________________

2b. maxillary________________________________________________________________________

3a. mandibulopharyngeal____________________________________________________________

3b. maxillomandibular_______________________________________________________________

4a. genian__________________________________________________________________________

4b. geniocheiloplasty________________________________________________________________

5a. mentolabial_____________________________________________________________________

5b. mentoplastic____________________________________________________________________

6a. stomatomalacia__________________________________________________________________

6b. stomatitides_____________________________________________________________________

6c. stomatotomy____________________________________________________________________

7a. oronasal_________________________________________________________________________

7b. oropharynx______________________________________________________________________
Exercises for Chapter 7  93

8a. cheilophagia_____________________________________________________________________

8b. cheilognathouranoschisis _________________________________________________________

9a. labiograph_______________________________________________________________________

9b. labiomental_____________________________________________________________________

10a. buccogingival___________________________________________________________________

10b. buccomaxillary_________________________________________________________________

10c. buccostomy____________________________________________________________________

11a. glossotrichia____________________________________________________________________

11b. glossoptosis____________________________________________________________________

12a. linguogingival__________________________________________________________________

12b. linguodental____________________________________________________________________

13a. palatognathous_________________________________________________________________

13b. palatoplegia____________________________________________________________________

14a. uranoschisis____________________________________________________________________

14b. uranostaphylorrhaphy___________________________________________________________

15a. staphyloptosis__________________________________________________________________
94  Chapter 7: Oral-Dental Systems

15b. staphylotome___________________________________________________________________

16a. uvulectomy_____________________________________________________________________

16b. uvula palatina__________________________________________________________________

17a. cionitis ________________________________________________________________________

17b. cionorrhaphy___________________________________________________________________

17c. cionoptosis_____________________________________________________________________

18a. odontalgic______________________________________________________________________

18b. odontogen_____________________________________________________________________

18c. odontolithiasis__________________________________________________________________

19a. dentia__________________________________________________________________________

19b. dentibuccal_____________________________________________________________________

20a. periodontics____________________________________________________________________

20b. periodontoclasis________________________________________________________________

21a. gingivolabial____________________________________________________________________

21b. gingivostomatitis _______________________________________________________________

22a. ulatrophy_______________________________________________________________________
Exercises for Chapter 7  95

22b. ulhemorrhagia__________________________________________________________________

23a. dentinoid______________________________________________________________________

23b. dentinosteoid___________________________________________________________________

24a. amelogenic_____________________________________________________________________

24b. amelogenin____________________________________________________________________

25a. adamantina ____________________________________________________________________

25b. adamantine ____________________________________________________________________

26a. pulpitides______________________________________________________________________

26b. pulpodontics___________________________________________________________________

27a. cementin ______________________________________________________________________

27b. cementocyte____________________________________________________________________

28a. axiobuccocervical_______________________________________________________________

28b. axiobuccolingual________________________________________________________________

28c. axiocervical_____________________________________________________________________

28d. axiolabiolingual_________________________________________________________________

28e. axiolinguocervical_______________________________________________________________
96  Chapter 7: Oral-Dental Systems

29a. distobuccopulpal________________________________________________________________

29b. distopulpolingual_______________________________________________________________

29c. distolinguo-occlusal_____________________________________________________________

30a. mesiobuccopulpal______________________________________________________________

30b. mesiogingival___________________________________________________________________

30c. mesio-occlusodistal_____________________________________________________________

31a. incisolabial_____________________________________________________________________

31b. incisolingual____________________________________________________________________

32. occlusocervical__________________________________________________________________

33. labiocervical_____________________________________________________________________

34a. labiolingual_____________________________________________________________________

34b. labiogingival____________________________________________________________________

35a. buccoaxiogingival_______________________________________________________________

35b. buccodistal_____________________________________________________________________

36a. linguomesial____________________________________________________________________

36b. linguo-occlusal_________________________________________________________________
Exercises for Chapter 7  97

37a. gingivolinguoaxial_______________________________________________________________

37b. gingivoaxial____________________________________________________________________

38a. pulpodistal_____________________________________________________________________

38b. pulpomesial____________________________________________________________________


1.  arteria thoracoacromialis__________________________________________________________

2.  venae ciliares_____________________________________________________________________

3.  ligamentum ulnocarpeum_________________________________________________________

4.  nervi thoracici____________________________________________________________________

5.  musculus coracobrachialis_________________________________________________________

6.  arteriae conjunctivales____________________________________________________________

7.  ligamenta sacroiliaca______________________________________________________________

8.  ligamenta sternopericardiaca______________________________________________________

100  Chapter 8: Bones of the Head


Provide a synonym for each of the following words.

1.  atloclastic________________________________________________________________________

2.  temporomastitis__________________________________________________________________

3.  petrosopenic_____________________________________________________________________

4.  sphenometry_____________________________________________________________________

5.  zygomatectopic__________________________________________________________________

6.  thrombauxis_____________________________________________________________________

7.  arteriocirrhosis___________________________________________________________________

8.  ethmectomy_____________________________________________________________________

9.  phleborrhexis____________________________________________________________________

10.  vasogram_______________________________________________________________________

Fill in the blanks to complete both the definition and the medical term or terms.

1.  the frontal and parietal bones = sutura

2.  bone = ethmoidale

3.  the rapid flowing of = lacrim

Exercises for Chapter 8  101

4.  and ethmoid bone = lacrimal

5.  the occiput = ostomic

6.  the cheek = elcosis

7.  the trachea = ocleisis

8.  a gland = cirrhotic

9.  the heart = auxis

10.  a cell = toxicosis

1.  If sphenoptosis is the downward displacement of the sphenoid bone,
then the downward displacement of the frontal bone is _________________________________

2.  If occipitorrhexis is the rupturing of the occiput,

then the rupturing of a suture is ______________________________________________________

3.  If atlectasia is the distention of the atlas,

then the distention of the styloid process is ____________________________________________

4.  If lacrimectomy is the cutting out of the lacrimal bone,

then the cutting out of the temporal bone is ____________________________________________

5.  If stylodysplastic is p.t. the defective formation of the styloid process,

then p.t. the defective formation of the mastoid process is _______________________________

6.  If petrosopenia is a deficiency of the petrous part of the temporal bone,

then a deficiency of the squamous part of the temporal bone is __________________________
102  Chapter 8: Bones of the Head

7.  If cephalauxis is the enlargement of the head,

then the enlargement of the nose is ___________________________________________________

8.  If vasocleisis is the closure of a vessel,

then the closure of an artery is _______________________________________________________

9.  If stylelcotic is p.t. the ulceration of the styloid process,

then p.t. the ulceration of the tongue is ________________________________________________

10.  If cerebrotoxin is a substance poisonous to the brain,

then a substance poisonous to a nerve is ______________________________________________

11.  If myelapheresis is the removal of bone marrow,

then the removal of hemoglobin is ____________________________________________________

12.  If encephalenchysis is the injection of fluid into the brain,

then the injection of fluid into the heart is _____________________________________________

13.  If omphalelcosis is the ulceration of the navel,

then the ulceration of the epidermis is ________________________________________________

14.  If zygomaticoclasis is the breaking of the zygomatic bone,

then the breaking of the parietal bone is _______________________________________________

15.  If temporalodynia is pain in something p.t. the temporal bone,

then pain in something p.t. the ethmoid bone is ________________________________________

16.  If frontectomy is the cutting out of the frontal bone,

then the cutting out of the atlas is _____________________________________________________


Divide and define the following Latin phrases.

1. arteria stylomastoidea_____________________________________________________________

2. vasa maxillaria____________________________________________________________________

3. sutura nasomaxillaris______________________________________________________________
Exercises for Chapter 8  103

4. labium mandibulare_______________________________________________________________

5. ligamentum stylomandibulare______________________________________________________

6. musculus sternocleidomastoideus__________________________________________________

7. os suturale________________________________________________________________________

8. sinus sphenoparietalis_____________________________________________________________

9. sutura squamomastoidea__________________________________________________________

10. venae ethmoidales_______________________________________________________________


Divide and define the following Latin phrases.

1. arteritis temporalis________________________________________________________________

2. meningeopathia cerebrospinalis____________________________________________________

3. sinusitis frontalis__________________________________________________________________

4. osteopathia myelogenosa__________________________________________________________

5. arthropathia neuropathica_________________________________________________________

6. thrombosis arterialis_______________________________________________________________

7. bronchitis capillaris________________________________________________________________
104  Chapter 8: Bones of the Head


1a. frontomaxillary__________________________________________________________________

1b. frontotemporal __________________________________________________________________

2a. parietosphenoid _________________________________________________________________

2b. parietosquamosal ________________________________________________________________

3a. occipitocervical __________________________________________________________________

3b. occipitomental___________________________________________________________________

4a. atlantomastoid___________________________________________________________________

4b. membrana atlantooccipitalis______________________________________________________

5a. temporofacial____________________________________________________________________

5b. ligamentum temporomandibulare_________________________________________________

6a. mastoideocentesis________________________________________________________________

6b. mastoidotympanectomy__________________________________________________________

6c. masto-occipital__________________________________________________________________

7a. stylohyoid_______________________________________________________________________

7b. stylostaphyline___________________________________________________________________
Exercises for Chapter 8  105

8a. petrositis________________________________________________________________________

8b. petrosquamosal__________________________________________________________________

9a. squamo-occipital________________________________________________________________

9b. squamozygomatic________________________________________________________________

9c. squamosphenoid_________________________________________________________________

10a. sphenoidal_____________________________________________________________________

10b. sphenostomy___________________________________________________________________

10c. sphenotribe____________________________________________________________________

11a. zygomaticosphenoid____________________________________________________________

11b. zygomaxillary___________________________________________________________________

12a. ethmofrontal___________________________________________________________________

12b. ethmoidolacrimal_______________________________________________________________

13. ossa lacrimalia___________________________________________________________________

14. nasofrontal______________________________________________________________________

15. maxilloethmoidectomy___________________________________________________________

16. temporomandibular _____________________________________________________________

106  Chapter 8: Bones of the Head

17a. suturae craniales ________________________________________________________________

17b. sutura ethmoidomaxillaria_______________________________________________________

17c. sutura squamosa________________________________________________________________

17d. sutura parietomastoidea_________________________________________________________

17e. sutura nasalis___________________________________________________________________

17f. sutura sphenozygomatica ________________________________________________________

18a. hyoepiglottic____________________________________________________________________

18b. hyoglossal______________________________________________________________________

19a. mastauxe_______________________________________________________________________

19b. onychauxis_____________________________________________________________________

20a. pneumonocirrhosis_____________________________________________________________

20b. cardiocirrhosis__________________________________________________________________

21a. arthrokleisis____________________________________________________________________

21b. rhinocleisis_____________________________________________________________________

22a. thymelcosis_____________________________________________________________________
Exercises for Chapter 8  107

22b. omphalelcosis__________________________________________________________________

23a. hemoglobiniferous______________________________________________________________

23b. sanguiferous____________________________________________________________________

23c. ossiferous______________________________________________________________________

24a. hemotoxicosis__________________________________________________________________

24b. cytotoxicosis____________________________________________________________________

25a. cytotoxic_______________________________________________________________________

25b. myelotoxic_____________________________________________________________________

26a. splenotoxin_____________________________________________________________________

26b. thymotoxin_____________________________________________________________________

27a. ototoxicity______________________________________________________________________

27b. myelotoxicity___________________________________________________________________

28a. hemapheresis___________________________________________________________________

28b. thrombocytapheresis____________________________________________________________

29a. rhinenchysis____________________________________________________________________
108  Chapter 8: Bones of the Head

29b. cirsenchysis____________________________________________________________________

30a. rachiocampsis (diagnostic)_______________________________________________________

30b. dactylocampsodynia____________________________________________________________

31. osteocamp______________________________________________________________________

32a. sympathicotripsy________________________________________________________________

32b. ulotripsis_______________________________________________________________________

33. osteotribe_______________________________________________________________________


1.  geniohyoid_______________________________________________________________________

2.  labiologic________________________________________________________________________

3.  cytotoxicity______________________________________________________________________

4.  adrenotoxin______________________________________________________________________

5.  thyrotropin______________________________________________________________________

6.  meningoradicular________________________________________________________________

7.  craniomeningocele_______________________________________________________________
Exercises for Chapter 8  109

8.  cleidomastoid____________________________________________________________________

9.  osteothrombophlebitis____________________________________________________________

10.  dactyledema____________________________________________________________________

11.  crinogenic______________________________________________________________________

12.  arthroneuralgia__________________________________________________________________

13.  acrotrophoneurosis______________________________________________________________

14.  ossiculectomy___________________________________________________________________

15.  ossiculum______________________________________________________________________


1.  os pneumaticum_________________________________________________________________

2.  os frontale_______________________________________________________________________

3.  ossa cranialia_____________________________________________________________________

4.  os temporale_____________________________________________________________________

5.  ossa costalia______________________________________________________________________

6.  venae brachiocephalicae__________________________________________________________

110  Chapter 8: Bones of the Head

7.  nervi occipitales__________________________________________________________________

8.  musculus omohyoideus___________________________________________________________

9.  arteriae ethmoidales______________________________________________________________

10.  glandula pinealis________________________________________________________________

11.  glandulae suprarenales___________________________________________________________

12.  glandula thyroidea_______________________________________________________________

13.  glandulae parathyroideae_________________________________________________________

112  Chapter 9: Digestive System


Provide a synonym for each of the following words.

1.  abdominocentesis________________________________________________________________

2.  laparotomy______________________________________________________________________

3.  visceral__________________________________________________________________________

4.  stomachodynia___________________________________________________________________

5.  epiplectomic_____________________________________________________________________

6.  cecenchysis______________________________________________________________________

7.  rectorrheic_______________________________________________________________________

8.  sialostasis________________________________________________________________________

9.  choliferous_______________________________________________________________________

10.  coprorrhagic____________________________________________________________________

Fill in the blanks to complete both the definition and the medical term or terms.

1.  the common bile duct = lith

2.  the saliva = penic

3.  the sigmoid fold = auctic

Exercises for Chapter 9  113

4.  excrement = orrheic

5.  feces = genetic

6.  chyle = cirrhotic

7.  the appendix = gram

8.  the intestine = ics

9.  saliva = in

10.  bile = ologist

1.  If anticardiotic is operating against an abnormal condition involving the heart,
then operating against an abnormal condition involving the lungs is ______________________

2.  If transdermectomic is p.t. the cutting out of something through the skin,
then p.t. the cutting out of something through the epiglottis is ____________________________

3.  If intervascular is located between vessels,

then located between teeth is ________________________________________________________

4.  If paraspinal is beside the spine,

then beside the septum is ___________________________________________________________

5.  If circumrenal is p.t. something around the kidney,

then p.t. something around the pleura is ______________________________________________

6.  If periphlebic is surrounding the veins,

then surrounding the retina is ________________________________________________________
114  Chapter 9: Digestive System

7.  If epihepatotic is p.t. an abnormal condition involving something upon the liver,
then p.t. an abnormal condition involving something upon the hammer is ________________

8.  If peripneumal is surrounding the lungs,

then surrounding the radius is _______________________________________________________

9.  If entodentotic is p.t. an abnormal condition involving something inside the teeth,
then p.t. an abnormal condition involving something inside the veins is ___________________

10.  If hypergastromalacic is p.t. the excessive softening of the stomach,

then p.t. the excessive softening of the vagus nerve is ____________________________________

11.  If extralienal is outside the spleen,

then outside the vertebrae is _________________________________________________________

12.  If pregastric is located before the stomach,

then located before the neck is _______________________________________________________

13.  If infrathoracic is below the chest,

then below the sclera is _____________________________________________________________

14.  If subrenostomic is p.t. the making of an opening in something below the kidney,
then p.t. the making of an opening in something below the cerebellum is __________________

15.  If antiencephalitic is against the inflammation of the brain,

then against the inflammation of the aorta is ___________________________________________

16.  If paracardiosclerotic is p.t. the hardening of something beside the heart,

then p.t. the hardening of something beside the head is _________________________________

17.  If circumcorneal is around the cornea,

then around the arteries is ___________________________________________________________

18.  If postgastric is behind the stomach,

then behind a ventricle is ____________________________________________________________


Divide and define the following Latin phrases.

1. valvulae anales____________________________________________________________________
Exercises for Chapter 9  115

2. arteria gastroduodenalis___________________________________________________________

3. ganglion thoracicum splanchnicum_________________________________________________

4. glandulae esophageae_____________________________________________________________

5. ligamentum hepatocolicum________________________________________________________

6. musculus puboanalis______________________________________________________________

7. sinus rectales_____________________________________________________________________

8. venae esophageales_______________________________________________________________

9. sutura sphenozygomatica__________________________________________________________

10. ossa parietalia___________________________________________________________________


Divide and define the following Latin phrases.

1. thrombosis mesenterica venosa_____________________________________________________

2. varices gastroesophageales_________________________________________________________

3. arthritis enteropathica_____________________________________________________________

4. arteritis visceralis__________________________________________________________________

5. phlebitis enterocolica lymphocytica_________________________________________________

6. colomalacia hemorrhagica_________________________________________________________
116  Chapter 9: Digestive System

7. sinusitis maxillaris_________________________________________________________________

8. bronchostenosis membranosa______________________________________________________

9. pneumonia dermalis______________________________________________________________

10. mastorrhea glandularis___________________________________________________________


1a. celiac___________________________________________________________________________

1b. celiotomy_______________________________________________________________________

1c. celiomyotomy____________________________________________________________________

2a. abdominocentesis________________________________________________________________

2b. abdominoscopy__________________________________________________________________

3a. ventral __________________________________________________________________________

3b. ventroptosis_____________________________________________________________________

4a. laparogastrostomy________________________________________________________________

4b. laparoscope_____________________________________________________________________

4c. laparosplenectomy_______________________________________________________________

5a. peritonealgia____________________________________________________________________
Exercises for Chapter 9  117

5b. peritoneopericardial______________________________________________________________

6a. mesenteriorrhaphy_______________________________________________________________

6b. mesenteriolum__________________________________________________________________

7a. splanchnicectomy________________________________________________________________

7b. splanchnology___________________________________________________________________

8a. viscerotropic_____________________________________________________________________

8b. viscerotrophic___________________________________________________________________

9a. esophagectasia___________________________________________________________________

9b. esophagocele____________________________________________________________________

10a. gastrotoxin_____________________________________________________________________

10b. gastrojejunostomy (two definitions)_______________________________________________

10c. gastroenterocolitis_______________________________________________________________

10d. gastradenitis____________________________________________________________________

11a. stomachic______________________________________________________________________

11b. stomachodynia_________________________________________________________________

12a. cardiopyloric___________________________________________________________________
118  Chapter 9: Digestive System

12b. cardiectomy____________________________________________________________________

13a. pyloroduodenitis________________________________________________________________

13b. pylorostenosis__________________________________________________________________

14a. omentosplenopexy (therapeutic)__________________________________________________

14b. gastrosplenic omentum__________________________________________________________

15a. epiploplasty____________________________________________________________________

15b. epiploenterocele________________________________________________________________

16a. duodenohepatic________________________________________________________________

16b. duodenolysis (therapeutic)_______________________________________________________

17a. cholecystoptosis________________________________________________________________

17b. cholecystocholangiogram________________________________________________________

18a. choledocholith__________________________________________________________________

18b. choledocholithotomy____________________________________________________________

19a. cholangiolitis___________________________________________________________________

19b. cholangiogastrostomy___________________________________________________________

20a. hepatocyte_____________________________________________________________________
Exercises for Chapter 9  119

20b. hepatodystrophy________________________________________________________________

20c. hepaticolithotripsy______________________________________________________________

20d. hepatopath_____________________________________________________________________

20e. hepatophage___________________________________________________________________

20f. hepaticocholedochostomy________________________________________________________

20g. hepatotoxicity__________________________________________________________________

20h. hepatocholangioenterostomy____________________________________________________

21a. pancreatic______________________________________________________________________

21b. pancreatin_____________________________________________________________________

21c. pancreatogenous________________________________________________________________

21d. pancreatolithotomy_____________________________________________________________

21e. pancreotherapy_________________________________________________________________

21f. pancreaticogastrostomy__________________________________________________________

22a. enteraden______________________________________________________________________

22b. enterocleisis____________________________________________________________________

22c. enteroptotic____________________________________________________________________
120  Chapter 9: Digestive System

22d. enterokinin_____________________________________________________________________

22e. enterostasis_____________________________________________________________________

22f. enterostomal____________________________________________________________________

22g. enterotoxigenic_________________________________________________________________

22h. enterotoxemia__________________________________________________________________

23a. jejunoileitis_____________________________________________________________________

23b. jejunojejunostomy (two definitions)_______________________________________________

24a. ileocolitis_______________________________________________________________________

24b. ileac___________________________________________________________________________

25a. colitides________________________________________________________________________

25b. colonorrhagia___________________________________________________________________

25c. colohepatopexy (therapeutic)_____________________________________________________

26a. cecosigmoidostomy_____________________________________________________________

26b. cecocolon______________________________________________________________________

27a. typhlostenosis__________________________________________________________________

27b. typhlolithiasis__________________________________________________________________
Exercises for Chapter 9  121

28a. appendicocele__________________________________________________________________

28b. appendices epiploicae___________________________________________________________

29a. sigmoidoscope__________________________________________________________________

29b. sigmoidopexy (therapeutic)______________________________________________________

30a. proctorrhea_____________________________________________________________________

30b. proctospasm___________________________________________________________________

31a. rectal__________________________________________________________________________

31b. rectischiac______________________________________________________________________

32a. anococcygeal___________________________________________________________________

32b. anoderm_______________________________________________________________________

33a. sphincterismus_________________________________________________________________

33b. pharyngoesophageal sphincter___________________________________________________

34a. sialolithotomy__________________________________________________________________

34b. sialophagy______________________________________________________________________

34c. sialotic_________________________________________________________________________

35a. ptyalocele______________________________________________________________________
122  Chapter 9: Digestive System

35b. ptyalectasis_____________________________________________________________________

36a. chymous_______________________________________________________________________

36b. chymorrhea ____________________________________________________________________

37a. chylomediastinum______________________________________________________________

37b. chylorrhea_____________________________________________________________________

37c. chylopoietic____________________________________________________________________

38a. cholestatic______________________________________________________________________

38b. cholohemothorax_______________________________________________________________

38c. cholelithic______________________________________________________________________

39a. bilin ___________________________________________________________________________

39b. bilious _________________________________________________________________________

40a. coprophagous__________________________________________________________________

40b. coprolith_______________________________________________________________________

41a. fecaloid________________________________________________________________________

41b. fecalith_________________________________________________________________________

42a. stercobilinogen_________________________________________________________________
Exercises for Chapter 9  123

42b. stercoral appendicitis____________________________________________________________

43a. scatemia_______________________________________________________________________

43b. scatologic______________________________________________________________________

44. hepaticodochotomy______________________________________________________________

45a. tracheostoma___________________________________________________________________

45b. pharyngostoma_________________________________________________________________


1.  iridoplegia_______________________________________________________________________

2.  achillorrhaphy___________________________________________________________________

3.  splenectomize____________________________________________________________________

4.  cleidarthritis_____________________________________________________________________

5.  phalangophalangeal______________________________________________________________

6.  myelocytosis_____________________________________________________________________

7.  chondrolysis (diagnostic)__________________________________________________________

8.  aponeurotome___________________________________________________________________

9.  hemocytometer__________________________________________________________________
124  Chapter 9: Digestive System

10.  lymphocytotic___________________________________________________________________

11.  choriocele______________________________________________________________________

12.  ductus venosus__________________________________________________________________

13.  ductus parotideus_______________________________________________________________

14.  ductuli biliferosi_________________________________________________________________

15.  ductus lymphatici_______________________________________________________________

16.  ductus arteriosus________________________________________________________________

17.  arteria colica____________________________________________________________________

18.  arteriae gastricae________________________________________________________________

19.  ligamentum hepatoduodenale____________________________________________________

20.  ligamenta sacrococcygea_________________________________________________________

126  Chapter 10: Uro-Genital Systems


Provide a synonym for each of the following words.

1.  testiculosis_______________________________________________________________________

2.  vesiculectomy____________________________________________________________________

3.  phallotomic______________________________________________________________________

4.  ovopenic________________________________________________________________________

5.  ovarial___________________________________________________________________________

6.  tubectomic______________________________________________________________________

7.  uterodysplasia____________________________________________________________________

8.  cervicectomy_____________________________________________________________________

9.  vaginocleistic_____________________________________________________________________

10.  episiorrhaphy___________________________________________________________________

Fill in the blanks to complete both the definition and the medical term or terms.

1.  the loin = pathic

2.  the spermatozoa = lysis

Exercises for Chapter 10  127

3.  the vagina = ectatic

4.  the ovary = auctic

5.  the renal pelvis = atrophic

6.  the scrotum = cirrhosis

7.  the uterus = sclerotic

8.  the testes = apheretic

9.  the bladder = orrhaphy

10.  the kidneys = edematic


Divide and define the following Latin phrases.

1. arteria ovarica____________________________________________________________________

2. ganglia renalia____________________________________________________________________

3. glandulae uterinae________________________________________________________________

4. ligamentum genitoinguinale________________________________________________________

5. musculi anorectoperineales________________________________________________________

6. sinus renalis______________________________________________________________________
128  Chapter 10: Uro-Genital Systems

7. venae vesicales____________________________________________________________________

8. arteria iliolumbalis________________________________________________________________

9. ligamentum inguinale_____________________________________________________________

10. musculus puboprostaticus________________________________________________________


Divide and define the following Latin phrases.

1. arthritis urethritica________________________________________________________________

2. chondromalacia cystica____________________________________________________________

3. nephritis arteriosclerotica__________________________________________________________

4. nephropathia membranosa_________________________________________________________

5. urethritis glandularis______________________________________________________________

6. colitis uremica____________________________________________________________________

7. ophthalmia hepatica_______________________________________________________________

8. hepatitis cholangiolitica____________________________________________________________

9. hematuria vesicalis________________________________________________________________

10. nephrosclerosis arteriolaris________________________________________________________

Exercises for Chapter 10  129


1a. lumbocolostomy_________________________________________________________________

1b. lumboinguinal___________________________________________________________________

2a. inguinodynia____________________________________________________________________

2b. inguinoabdominal_______________________________________________________________

3a. perineorrhaphy__________________________________________________________________

3b. perineovaginorectal______________________________________________________________

4a. genitourinary____________________________________________________________________

4b. genitoplasty_____________________________________________________________________

5a. uredema________________________________________________________________________

5b. uronephrosis ____________________________________________________________________

5c. urelcosis________________________________________________________________________

5d. uricolytic (diagnostic)_____________________________________________________________

5e. uroureter________________________________________________________________________

5f. uropathogen_____________________________________________________________________
130  Chapter 10: Uro-Genital Systems

5g. uricocholia______________________________________________________________________

5h. urogenous_______________________________________________________________________

6a. uriniferous______________________________________________________________________

6b. hematuria_______________________________________________________________________

6c. lithuresis________________________________________________________________________

7a. uratic _________________________________________________________________________

7b. uraturia_________________________________________________________________________

8a. ureapoiesis______________________________________________________________________

8b. ureametry_______________________________________________________________________

9a. urobilinoiden (“en” = “in”)________________________________________________________

9b. urobilinogenemia________________________________________________________________

10a. nephroptosis___________________________________________________________________

10b. nephrophagiasis________________________________________________________________

10c. nephrotonephritis_______________________________________________________________

10d. nephrosclerosis_________________________________________________________________
Exercises for Chapter 10  131

10e. nephroses______________________________________________________________________

10f. nephrotoxicity___________________________________________________________________

11a. renogastric_____________________________________________________________________

11b. renal hematuria_________________________________________________________________

12a. pyelectasis______________________________________________________________________

12b. pyeloplasty_____________________________________________________________________

13a. pelviureteral____________________________________________________________________

13b. pelviotomy_____________________________________________________________________

14a. ureterocelectomy_______________________________________________________________

14b. ureterocystoscope_______________________________________________________________

14c. ureterosigmoidostomy___________________________________________________________

15a. cystatrophia____________________________________________________________________

15b. cystauxe_______________________________________________________________________

15c. cysticolithotripsy________________________________________________________________

15d. cystolithiasis____________________________________________________________________
132  Chapter 10: Uro-Genital Systems

15e. cysticorrhaphy__________________________________________________________________

15f. cystoschisis_____________________________________________________________________

16a. vesicopubic ____________________________________________________________________

16b. vesical hematuria_______________________________________________________________

16c. vesicouterine___________________________________________________________________

17a. urethritis cystica________________________________________________________________

17b. urethropexy (therapeutic)________________________________________________________

17c. urethrotome____________________________________________________________________

17d. urethritis glandularis____________________________________________________________

18a. spermatocele___________________________________________________________________

18b. spermatopathia_________________________________________________________________

18c. spermophlebectasia_____________________________________________________________

18d. spermatorrhea__________________________________________________________________

18e. spermotoxin____________________________________________________________________

19a. seminin________________________________________________________________________
Exercises for Chapter 10  133

19b. seminologist____________________________________________________________________

20a. oscheolith______________________________________________________________________

20b. oscheitis_______________________________________________________________________

21a. inguinoscrotal__________________________________________________________________

21b. scrotectomy____________________________________________________________________

22a. orchialgia______________________________________________________________________

22b. orchidotherapy_________________________________________________________________

22c. orchiocele______________________________________________________________________

23. testoid _________________________________________________________________________

24a. epididymitis spermatogenosa_____________________________________________________

24b. epididymo-orchiditis____________________________________________________________

25a. vasoepididymostomy____________________________________________________________

25b. vasovasostomy__________________________________________________________________

26a. vasovesiculectomy______________________________________________________________

26b. vesiculography__________________________________________________________________
134  Chapter 10: Uro-Genital Systems

27a. gonecystopoietic________________________________________________________________

27b. gonecystolith___________________________________________________________________

28a. spermatocystitis_________________________________________________________________

28b. spermatocystectomy____________________________________________________________

29a. prostaticovesical________________________________________________________________

29b. prostatovesiculitis_______________________________________________________________

30a. phallic _________________________________________________________________________

30b. phallocampsis (diagnostic)_______________________________________________________

31a. penischisis _____________________________________________________________________

31b. penoscrotal_____________________________________________________________________

32a. balanorrhagia___________________________________________________________________

32b. balanoplasty____________________________________________________________________

33a. oocytin_________________________________________________________________________

33b. oogenetic______________________________________________________________________

34a. oval _________________________________________________________________________

Exercises for Chapter 10  135

34b. ovotherapy_____________________________________________________________________

35a. menometrorrhagia______________________________________________________________

35b. menotropins____________________________________________________________________

35c. emmeniopathy__________________________________________________________________

35d. stomatomenia__________________________________________________________________

35e. mastomenia____________________________________________________________________

36a. oophorrhagia___________________________________________________________________

36b. oophorogenous_________________________________________________________________

37a. ovariocentesis__________________________________________________________________

37b. ovariorrhexis___________________________________________________________________

38a. salpingitic______________________________________________________________________

38b. salpingolysis (therapeutic)_______________________________________________________

39a. tubo-ovarian____________________________________________________________________

39b. tubouterine ____________________________________________________________________

40a. hysterostomatocleisis____________________________________________________________
136  Chapter 10: Uro-Genital Systems

40b. hysterometry___________________________________________________________________

40c. hysterotrachelorrhaphy__________________________________________________________

40d. hysterogram____________________________________________________________________

41a. metrocolpocele_________________________________________________________________

41b. metromalacia___________________________________________________________________

41c. metroperitoneal_________________________________________________________________

41d. metrostenosis__________________________________________________________________

41e. metrophlebitis__________________________________________________________________

42a. uterine ________________________________________________________________________

42b. uterorectal_____________________________________________________________________

43a. cervicovesical___________________________________________________________________

43b. cervicocolpitis__________________________________________________________________

44a. tracheloplasty___________________________________________________________________

44b. trachelopexy (therapeutic)_______________________________________________________

45a. colpostat_______________________________________________________________________
Exercises for Chapter 10  137

45b. colpoceliocentesis_______________________________________________________________

46a. vaginoscopy____________________________________________________________________

46b. hysterovagino-enterocele________________________________________________________

47a. clitoridauxe_____________________________________________________________________

47b. clitorimegaly___________________________________________________________________

48a. vulvovaginitis___________________________________________________________________

48b. vulvopathy_____________________________________________________________________

49a. episiostenosis___________________________________________________________________

49b. episioperineoplasty_____________________________________________________________

50a. nymphohymeneal_______________________________________________________________

50b. nymphectomy__________________________________________________________________

51a. hymenorrhaphy_________________________________________________________________

51b. hymenotomy___________________________________________________________________
140  Chapter 11: Psychology


Provide a synonym for each of the following words.

1.  urogenic_________________________________________________________________________

2.  renopath_________________________________________________________________________

3.  pyelorrhagia_____________________________________________________________________

4.  cystitic___________________________________________________________________________

5.  semenotherapy___________________________________________________________________

6.  scrotoptosis______________________________________________________________________

7.  psychotic________________________________________________________________________

8.  oneiromania_____________________________________________________________________

9.  narcophilic_______________________________________________________________________

10.  pharmacomaniac________________________________________________________________

Fill in the blanks to complete both the definition and the medical term or terms.

1.  the mind = tropic

2.  the emotions = therapy

3.  drugs = phile

Exercises for Chapter 11  141

4.  dreams = mania

5.  disease = esthetic

6.  emotions = anesthetic

7.  ideas = graphic

8.  a drug = leptic

9.  blood = lagnic

10.  epilepsy = iasis


Divide and define the following Latin phrases.

1. venae uterinae____________________________________________________________________

2. sinus urogenitalis__________________________________________________________________

3. musculi rectourethrales____________________________________________________________

4. ligamentum uteroovaricum________________________________________________________

5. ganglia lumbalia__________________________________________________________________

6. arteria testicularis_________________________________________________________________

7. sutura sphenofrontalis_____________________________________________________________
142  Chapter 11: Psychology

8. ossa suturalia_____________________________________________________________________

9. labium maxillare__________________________________________________________________

10. lingua sphenoidalis_______________________________________________________________


Divide and define the following Latin phrases.

1. enterocolitis pseudomembranosa___________________________________________________

2. nephritis nephrotoxicotica_________________________________________________________

3. hepatitis cholestatica______________________________________________________________

4. arthritis enteropathica_____________________________________________________________

5. colitis lymphocytica_______________________________________________________________

6. varices gastricae___________________________________________________________________

7. thrombosis mesenterica arterialis___________________________________________________

8. sinusitis ethmoidea________________________________________________________________

9. arteritis umbilicalis________________________________________________________________

10. conjunctivitis hemorrhagica_______________________________________________________

Exercises for Chapter 11  143


1a. psychalgic_______________________________________________________________________

1b. psycholepsy_____________________________________________________________________

1c. psychotolytic____________________________________________________________________

1d. psychopath______________________________________________________________________

1e. psychosomatic___________________________________________________________________

2a. phrenology______________________________________________________________________

2b. phrenoplegia (two definitions)_____________________________________________________

3a. ideal ____________________________________________________________________________

3b. ideophrenia_____________________________________________________________________

4a. neurasthenic_____________________________________________________________________

4b. neurotigenic_____________________________________________________________________

4c. neuropsychiatrist_________________________________________________________________

5a. erotogenesis_____________________________________________________________________

5b. erotic___________________________________________________________________________

6a. nyctalgia________________________________________________________________________
144  Chapter 11: Psychology

6b. nyctophobia_____________________________________________________________________

6c. nycturia_________________________________________________________________________

7a. hypnotherapy____________________________________________________________________

7b. hypnodontics____________________________________________________________________

8a. oneiroscopy_____________________________________________________________________

8b. oneirophrenia___________________________________________________________________

9a. narcotic_________________________________________________________________________

9b. narcohypnia_____________________________________________________________________

9c. phlebonarcosis___________________________________________________________________

10a. pharmacopsychosis_____________________________________________________________

10b. pharmacokinetics_______________________________________________________________

10c. pharmacoendocrinology_________________________________________________________

11a. esthesiogen_____________________________________________________________________

11b. esthesioneure___________________________________________________________________

11c. esthesioneurosis________________________________________________________________

12a. anesthesimeter_________________________________________________________________
Exercises for Chapter 11  145

12b. anesthetic______________________________________________________________________

12c. visceral anesthesia______________________________________________________________

13a. hallucinosis____________________________________________________________________

13b. hallucinogen___________________________________________________________________

14a. nosophobe_____________________________________________________________________

14b. nosotherapy____________________________________________________________________

14c. nosotropic______________________________________________________________________

15a. hysteroerotic____________________________________________________________________

15b. hysteroepileptogenic____________________________________________________________

16a. epileptoid______________________________________________________________________

16b. epileptologist___________________________________________________________________

17a. pseudesthesia__________________________________________________________________

17b. pseudochylous__________________________________________________________________

17c. pseudonarcotic_________________________________________________________________

17d. pseudocephalocele______________________________________________________________

17e. pseudo-osteomalacia____________________________________________________________
146  Chapter 11: Psychology

18a. cardiophobia___________________________________________________________________

18b. urophobia______________________________________________________________________

19a. nyctophobe_____________________________________________________________________

19b. erotophobe_____________________________________________________________________

20a. nosophilia______________________________________________________________________

20b. nyctophilia_____________________________________________________________________

21a. hemolysophilic_________________________________________________________________

21b. cytophilic______________________________________________________________________

22a. pharmacophile_________________________________________________________________

22b. coprophile_____________________________________________________________________

23a. cytophil________________________________________________________________________

23b. coprophil______________________________________________________________________

24a. coprophiliac____________________________________________________________________

24b. hemophiliac____________________________________________________________________

25. pharmacomania_________________________________________________________________

26a. nosomanic_____________________________________________________________________
Exercises for Chapter 11  147

27b. erotomaniac____________________________________________________________________

28a. trichoesthesia___________________________________________________________________

28b. somatesthetic___________________________________________________________________

28c. glossokinesthetic________________________________________________________________

29a. acroanesthesia__________________________________________________________________

29b. trichoanesthesia________________________________________________________________

30a. thymoleptic____________________________________________________________________

30b. narcolepsy_____________________________________________________________________

31a. urolagnia ______________________________________________________________________

31b. coprolagnia ____________________________________________________________________


1.  syndesmosis tibiofibularis_________________________________________________________

2.  diaphragma urogenitale___________________________________________________________

3.  arteriae gastricae_________________________________________________________________

4.  nervi rectales_____________________________________________________________________

148  Chapter 11: Psychology


Make singulars into plurals and plurals into singulars.

1.  syndesmosis tibiofibularis_________________________________________________________

2.  diaphragma urogenitale___________________________________________________________

3.  arteriae gastricae_________________________________________________________________

4.  nervi rectales_____________________________________________________________________

150  Chapter 12: Substances (et cetera)


Provide a synonym for each of the following words.

1.  aerogram________________________________________________________________________

2.  nucleapheresis___________________________________________________________________

3.  fibrogenous______________________________________________________________________

4.  mucorrheic______________________________________________________________________

5.  adiposophage____________________________________________________________________

6.  acetopenic_______________________________________________________________________

7.  lactorrhagic______________________________________________________________________

8.  saccharemia_____________________________________________________________________

9.  hyalophagy______________________________________________________________________

10.  pseudosarcoma_________________________________________________________________

Fill in the blanks to complete both the definition and the medical term or terms.

1.  a fibre = otomy

2.  pus = penia

3.  wax = dysplasia

4.  acid = phagic

Exercises for Chapter 12  151

5.  sweat = philia

6.  air = kinetic

7.  starch = genetics

8.  tissues = omatous

9.  flesh = oncus

10.  the liver = omatous


Divide and define the following Latin phrases.

1. arteria hyaloidea__________________________________________________________________

2. glandula sebacea__________________________________________________________________

3. ligamentum mucosum_____________________________________________________________

4. membrana vitrea__________________________________________________________________

5. pericardium fibrosa________________________________________________________________

6. venae jejunales____________________________________________________________________

7. sinus prostaticus__________________________________________________________________

8. septum rectovaginale______________________________________________________________
152  Chapter 12: Substances (et cetera)

9. musculus pubovesicalis____________________________________________________________

10. arteria perinealis_________________________________________________________________


Divide and define the following Latin phrases.

1. meningioma lymphomatosum______________________________________________________

2. arthritis pyogenica_________________________________________________________________

3. seborrhea adiposa_________________________________________________________________

4. proteinuria hematogenosa_________________________________________________________

5. chondroma fibromyxoideum_______________________________________________________

6. keratosis arsenicalis_______________________________________________________________

7. pneumonia eosinophilica__________________________________________________________

8. dermatitis seborrheica_____________________________________________________________

9. lipomatosis renalis________________________________________________________________

10. hepatitis pseudoalcoholica________________________________________________________

11. hemangioma hemosideroticum____________________________________________________

Exercises for Chapter 12  153


1a. hydrokinesitherapy_______________________________________________________________

1b. hydromeningocele _______________________________________________________________

1c. hydropneumothorax______________________________________________________________

2a. hygromatous____________________________________________________________________

2b. hygremometry___________________________________________________________________

3a. aeroneurosis_____________________________________________________________________

3b. aerourethroscope________________________________________________________________

4a. physohydrometra________________________________________________________________

4b. physocephalia___________________________________________________________________

5a. sarcomatosis_____________________________________________________________________

5b. sarcopoietic_____________________________________________________________________

6a. histoclastic______________________________________________________________________

6b. histohematogenous ______________________________________________________________

6c. histohydria______________________________________________________________________

7a. synovectomy_____________________________________________________________________
154  Chapter 12: Substances (et cetera)

7b. synovin _________________________________________________________________________

7c. membrana synovialis_____________________________________________________________

8a. epithelitis_______________________________________________________________________

8b. epitheliomatous__________________________________________________________________

9a. karyoklasis______________________________________________________________________

9b. karyostasis______________________________________________________________________

9c. karyorrhectic____________________________________________________________________

10a. nucleotoxin_____________________________________________________________________

10b. nucleololus_____________________________________________________________________

11a. fibroadenia_____________________________________________________________________

11b. fibromectomy__________________________________________________________________

11c. fibrillogenesis___________________________________________________________________

12a. inolith _________________________________________________________________________

12b. inochondritis___________________________________________________________________

12c. inosuria________________________________________________________________________

13a. elastolytic______________________________________________________________________
Exercises for Chapter 12  155

13b. elastofibroma___________________________________________________________________

13c. membrana fibroelastica__________________________________________________________

14a. mucocele_______________________________________________________________________

14b. mucoenteritis___________________________________________________________________

14c. mucosanguineous_______________________________________________________________

15a. myxedematous _________________________________________________________________

15b. myxocystitis____________________________________________________________________

16a. blennorrheal___________________________________________________________________

16b. otoblennorrhea_________________________________________________________________

17a. serogastria______________________________________________________________________

17b. serologist_______________________________________________________________________

17c. nephrotoxic serum______________________________________________________________

17d. serohepatitis____________________________________________________________________

17e. serositides______________________________________________________________________

18a. lipomyxoma____________________________________________________________________

18b. lipuric _________________________________________________________________________

156  Chapter 12: Substances (et cetera)

18c. lipophil________________________________________________________________________

19a. adipopectic_____________________________________________________________________

19b. adiposalgia_____________________________________________________________________

19c. adiposis cerebralis_______________________________________________________________

20a. steatosis________________________________________________________________________

20b. steatomatosis___________________________________________________________________

20c. steatolytic______________________________________________________________________

21a. pimeloma______________________________________________________________________

21b. pimeluria ______________________________________________________________________

22a. seborrheic______________________________________________________________________

22b. sebiferous______________________________________________________________________

22c. sebotropic______________________________________________________________________

23a. cerolipoid______________________________________________________________________

23b. ceruminoma___________________________________________________________________

24a. cholesterohydrothorax __________________________________________________________

24b. cholesterolemia_________________________________________________________________
Exercises for Chapter 12  157

25a. hidradenitis____________________________________________________________________

25b. hidrocystomatosis_______________________________________________________________

26a. pyencephalus___________________________________________________________________

26b. pyoblennorrhea_________________________________________________________________

26c. pyophysometra_________________________________________________________________

26d. blepharopyorrhea_______________________________________________________________

27a. lithocystotomy__________________________________________________________________

27b. lithuresis_______________________________________________________________________

28a. keratinocyte____________________________________________________________________

28b. acrokeratosis___________________________________________________________________

29a. alcoholemia____________________________________________________________________

29b. alcohololysis____________________________________________________________________

30a. alkalotic________________________________________________________________________

30b. alkalitherapy___________________________________________________________________

31a. purinometer____________________________________________________________________

31b. purinolytic_____________________________________________________________________
158  Chapter 12: Substances (et cetera)

32a. amyloidosis____________________________________________________________________

32b. amylophagy____________________________________________________________________

33a. acidophilic_____________________________________________________________________

33b. acidogenic_____________________________________________________________________

33c. acidulous ______________________________________________________________________

34a. acetimeter______________________________________________________________________

34b. acetolysis_______________________________________________________________________

35a. ketoplasia______________________________________________________________________

35b. ketogenic______________________________________________________________________

36a. galactocele_____________________________________________________________________

36b. galactogen_____________________________________________________________________

37a. lactiferous______________________________________________________________________

37b. lactotrope______________________________________________________________________

38a. oleotherapy_____________________________________________________________________

38b. oleoperitoneography____________________________________________________________

39a. glycorrhea _____________________________________________________________________

Exercises for Chapter 12  159

39b. glycopenia_____________________________________________________________________

40a. saccharolytic____________________________________________________________________

40b. saccharogalactorrhea____________________________________________________________

41a. opsonocytophagic_______________________________________________________________

41b. opsinogenous__________________________________________________________________

42a. myelinogeny____________________________________________________________________

42b. myelinotoxicity_________________________________________________________________

43a. porphyrobilinogenuria___________________________________________________________

43b. porphyrinopathy________________________________________________________________

44a. eosinopenia____________________________________________________________________

44b. eosinophilopoietin______________________________________________________________

45a. gelometer______________________________________________________________________

45b. gelatinoid______________________________________________________________________

46a. zymic _________________________________________________________________________

46b. zymoscope_____________________________________________________________________

46c. enzymopathy___________________________________________________________________
160  Chapter 12: Substances (et cetera)

47a. pepstatin_______________________________________________________________________

47b. pepsiniferous___________________________________________________________________

48a. proteopectic____________________________________________________________________

48b. nephrogenous proteinuria_______________________________________________________

49a. albuminocholia_________________________________________________________________

49b. albuminurophobia______________________________________________________________

50a. pyogenic peptonuria_____________________________________________________________

50b. hepatogenous peptonuria________________________________________________________

51a. collagenogenic__________________________________________________________________

51b. collagenitis_____________________________________________________________________

52a. fibrinogenopenic________________________________________________________________

52b. fibrinophilic____________________________________________________________________

53a. toxemic________________________________________________________________________

53b. toxigenicity_____________________________________________________________________

54a. arseniasis______________________________________________________________________

54b. arsenicophagy__________________________________________________________________
Exercises for Chapter 12  161

55a. metallesthesia__________________________________________________________________

55b. metalliferous___________________________________________________________________

56a. crystalloid______________________________________________________________________

56b. crystalluria_____________________________________________________________________

57a. membrana hyaloidea____________________________________________________________

57b. hematogenous hyalin____________________________________________________________

57c. hyalophagy_____________________________________________________________________

58a. vitreous________________________________________________________________________

58b. vitrectomy _____________________________________________________________________

59a. calciokinetic____________________________________________________________________

59b. calcipyelitis_____________________________________________________________________

60a. anthracotic_____________________________________________________________________

60b. anthracoid_____________________________________________________________________

61a. cupruretic______________________________________________________________________

61b. cupremia ______________________________________________________________________

62a. siderophilous___________________________________________________________________
162  Chapter 12: Substances (et cetera)

62b. trichosiderin____________________________________________________________________

63a. lactoferrin______________________________________________________________________

63b. ferrotherapy____________________________________________________________________

64a. stannosis_______________________________________________________________________

64b. stanniferous____________________________________________________________________

65a. thioiodotherapy_________________________________________________________________

65b. thiopectic______________________________________________________________________

66a. kalemia________________________________________________________________________

66b. cytokalipenia___________________________________________________________________

67a. iodimetry______________________________________________________________________

67b. iodoventriculography____________________________________________________________

68a. azoturic________________________________________________________________________

68b. azotometer_____________________________________________________________________

69a. phosphatoptosis________________________________________________________________

69b. phosphonecrosis________________________________________________________________

70a. halodermia_____________________________________________________________________
Exercises for Chapter 12  163

70b. halophilic______________________________________________________________________

71a. oxymyohematin_________________________________________________________________

71b. oxypurine______________________________________________________________________

72a. conifibrosis_____________________________________________________________________

72b. pneumoconiosis ________________________________________________________________

73a. mastochondroma _______________________________________________________________

73b. lipomatoid_____________________________________________________________________

73c. fibromatogenic _________________________________________________________________

74a. oncotropic_____________________________________________________________________

74b. oncocytic______________________________________________________________________

74c. blepharoncus___________________________________________________________________
166  Chapter 13: Prepositional Prefixes


Provide a synonym for each of the following words.

1.  paraphlebic______________________________________________________________________

2.  epigalactotic_____________________________________________________________________

3.  suprapyloric_____________________________________________________________________

4.  hypomembranoplasty_____________________________________________________________

5.  extracytonecrosis_________________________________________________________________

6.  encraniopathy____________________________________________________________________

7.  prepseudoepileptic_______________________________________________________________

8.  retrosternal______________________________________________________________________

9.  protrichophagic__________________________________________________________________

10.  interrenal_______________________________________________________________________

Fill in the blanks to complete both the definition and the medical term or terms.

1.  the liver = supra

2.  the gallbladder = epi

Exercises for Chapter 13  167

3.  the kidney = circum

4.  the stomach = post

5.  the chest = infra

6.  the lungs = inter

7.  the skin = hypo

8.  breathing = anti

9.  the inflammation of the gonads = pre

10.  the heart = peri

1.  If circumvasculomalacia is the softening of something around a vessel,
then the softening of something around the wrist is _____________________________________

2.  If subrenorrhaphy is the suturing of something below the kidney,

then the suturing of something below the esophagus is _________________________________

3.  If epiosteon is something upon a bone,

then something upon the skull is _____________________________________________________

4.  If subrenostomy is the making of an opening in something below the kidney,

then the making of an opening in something below the hyoid bone is _____________________

5.  If infracystoschisis is the splitting of something below the bladder,

then the splitting of something below a vein is _________________________________________

6.  If epihepatosclerotic is p.t. the hardening of something upon the liver,

then p.t. the hardening of something upon the lacrimal bone is __________________________
168  Chapter 13: Prepositional Prefixes

7.  If supracholecystedema is the swelling of something above the gallbladder,

then the swelling of something above the renal pelvis is _________________________________

8.  If hypercionorrhaphy is the suturing of something above the uvula,

then the suturing of something above the jaw is________________________________________

9.  If paraphrenodynia is pain in something beside the diaphragm,

then pain in something beside the frontal bone is ______________________________________

10.  If hypodermatotrophy is the insufficient growth of the skin,

then the insufficient growth of the pylorus is ___________________________________________

11.  If endohepatodystrophy is the defective growth of something inside the liver,

then the defective growth of something inside the heart is _______________________________

12.  If infrabuccometry is the measurement of something below the cheek,

then the measurement of something below the chest is _________________________________

13.  If perityphlotome is an instrument for cutting something surrounding the cecum,

then an instrument for cutting something surrounding the gums is _______________________

14.  If encostalgia is pain involving something inside a rib,

then pain involving something inside the canthus is ____________________________________


Divide and define the following Latin phrases.

1. ligamenta intercarpalia____________________________________________________________

2. arteria supraduodenalis____________________________________________________________

3. vena prepylorica__________________________________________________________________

4. musculi suboccipitales_____________________________________________________________

5. sutura intermaxillaris______________________________________________________________
Exercises for Chapter 13  169

6. os epitympanicum_________________________________________________________________

7. membrana suprapleuralis__________________________________________________________

8. venae paraumbilicales_____________________________________________________________

9. arteriae retroduodenales___________________________________________________________

10. vasa intrapulmonaria_____________________________________________________________

11. ganglion sublinguale_____________________________________________________________


Divide and define the following Latin phrases.

1. thrombosis intracranialis___________________________________________________________

2. osteosarcoma parosteale___________________________________________________________

3. dermatitis periocularis_____________________________________________________________

4. nephropathia hypokalemica________________________________________________________

5. chondrodystrophia hyperplastica___________________________________________________

6. hepatitis hypoxica_________________________________________________________________

7. hypoxia histotoxica________________________________________________________________

8. ophthalmoplegia supranuclearis____________________________________________________
170  Chapter 13: Prepositional Prefixes

9. chondroma periosteale____________________________________________________________

10. angiomatosis encephalofacialis____________________________________________________

11. pericarditis postpericardiotomica__________________________________________________


1a. hyperalbuminemia_______________________________________________________________

1b. hypermenorrhea_________________________________________________________________

1c. hypertrichosis____________________________________________________________________

1d. hypernephritis___________________________________________________________________

1e. hyperpneic______________________________________________________________________

2a. epimenorrhagia__________________________________________________________________

2b. epicranium______________________________________________________________________

2c. epicardiolysis (therapeutic)________________________________________________________

3a. supra-acromial___________________________________________________________________

3b. suprahepatic____________________________________________________________________

4a. hypostomia______________________________________________________________________

4b. hypocytosis______________________________________________________________________
Exercises for Chapter 13  171

4c. nervus iliohypogastricus__________________________________________________________

5a. subendocardial__________________________________________________________________

5b. subglossitis______________________________________________________________________

5c. subgingival______________________________________________________________________

6a. inframandibular_________________________________________________________________

6b. infrapsychic_____________________________________________________________________

7a. pericolic_________________________________________________________________________

7b. periosteotome___________________________________________________________________

8a. circumcorneal___________________________________________________________________

8b. circumoral______________________________________________________________________

9a. parencephalon___________________________________________________________________

9b. parodontal______________________________________________________________________

9c. paratyphlitis_____________________________________________________________________

10a. extracystic______________________________________________________________________

10b. extraperiosteal__________________________________________________________________

11a. exocranioptogenic______________________________________________________________
172  Chapter 13: Prepositional Prefixes

11b. exenteritis______________________________________________________________________

11c. exostosis cartilaginea____________________________________________________________

12a. exopathy_______________________________________________________________________

12b. exothymopexy (therapeutic)______________________________________________________

13a. ectoscopy______________________________________________________________________

13b. ectental________________________________________________________________________

14a. endocardium___________________________________________________________________

14b. endocardiopathy________________________________________________________________

14c. endepidermis___________________________________________________________________

15a. encelialgia______________________________________________________________________

15b. encanthis______________________________________________________________________

16a. intracostal______________________________________________________________________

16b. intraserous_____________________________________________________________________

17a. entocele________________________________________________________________________

17b. entophthalmia__________________________________________________________________

17c. entoretina______________________________________________________________________
Exercises for Chapter 13  173

18a. precirrhotic_____________________________________________________________________

18b. prevesical______________________________________________________________________

18c. predentin______________________________________________________________________

19a. promyelocyte___________________________________________________________________

19b. prochondral____________________________________________________________________

19c. properitoneal___________________________________________________________________

20a. retrorectal______________________________________________________________________

20b. retrosinus______________________________________________________________________

21a. postencephalitic________________________________________________________________

21b. posthepatic ____________________________________________________________________

22a. transventricular_________________________________________________________________

22b. transepithelial__________________________________________________________________

23a. interlabial______________________________________________________________________

23b. interfemoral____________________________________________________________________

23c. interureteric____________________________________________________________________

24a. syncholia_______________________________________________________________________
174  Chapter 13: Prepositional Prefixes

24b. syndactylia_____________________________________________________________________

24c. synosteology____________________________________________________________________

25a. anticholesteremic_______________________________________________________________

25b. antihemorrhagic ________________________________________________________________

25c. antisialic_______________________________________________________________________
176  Answer Keys: 1.1

1.  x‑it/ic — p.t. (= pertaining to) the 23.  x‑o‑malac/ic — p.t. the softening of x
inflammation of x 24.  x‑o‑necr/ot/ic — p.t. the death of x
2.  x‑it/o/gen — a substance which produces 25.  x‑o‑sten/ot/ic — p.t. the narrowing of x
the inflammation of x
26.  x‑o‑scler/ot/ic — p.t. the hardening of x
3.  x‑o/rrhect/ic — p.t. the rupturing of x
27.  x‑o/pt/ot/ic — p.t. the downward
4.  x‑o‑schist/ic — p.t. the splitting of x displacement of x
5.  x‑iast/ic — p.t. the abnormal presence of x 28.  x‑agr/al — p.t. gouty pain in x
6.  x‑ot/ic — p.t. an abnormal condition 29.  x‑o/rrhe/ic — p.t. the flowing of
involving x (something from) x
7.  x‑o‑path/o/log/ic — p.t. the study of the 30.  x‑edemat/ous — p.t. the swelling of x
diseases of x
31.  x‑o‑cel/alg/ia — pain involving the
8.  x‑o‑path/o/log/ist — one who studies the protrusion of (something through) x
diseases of x
32.  x‑o‑lith/ec/tom/y — the cutting out of a
9.  x‑o‑megal/ic — p.t. the enlargement of x calculus in(volving) x
10.  x‑o‑phag/ist — one who ingests x 33.  x‑o‑lith/ias/is — the abnormal presence
11.  x‑o‑gen/et/ic/s — the science of the of a calculus in(volving) x
production of x 34.  x‑o‑spasm/ic — p.t. a spasm of x
12.  x‑o‑poi/et/ic — p.t. the formation of x 35.  x‑o‑spasm/ia — an abnormal condition
13.  x‑o‑poi/et/in — a substance which forms involving spasms of x
x 36.  x‑ism/ic — p.t. a spasm of x
14.  x‑o‑kin/et/ic — p.t. the movement of x 37.  x‑ec/top/ic — p.t. the displacement of x
15.  x‑o‑kin/in — a substance which moves x 38.  x‑ec/tat/ic — p.t. the distention of x
16.  x‑o‑kin/et/ic/s — the science of the 39.  x‑o‑dys/plast/ic — p.t. the defective
movement of x formation of x
17.  x‑o‑kin/et/o/metr/y — the measurement 40.  x‑o‑troph/ic — p.t. the growth/
of the movement of x nourishment of x
18.  x‑alg/ic — p.t. pain in or involving x 41.  x‑o‑dys/troph/ic — p.t. the defective
19.  x‑odyn/o/gen/es/is — the production of growth of x
pain in(volving) x 42.  x‑a/troph/ic — p.t. the lack of growth of x
20.  x‑o‑pleg/ic — p.t. the paralysis of x 43.  x‑a/sthen/ic — p.t. the lack of strength of x
21.  x‑o‑pen/ic — p.t. a deficiency of x 44.  x‑o‑therap/ist — one who specializes in
22.  x‑o/rrhag/ic — p.t. the rapid flowing of treatment by means of x
(something from) x
Answer Keys: 1.3  177

45.  x‑iatr/ic/s — the science of the healing of 55.  x‑o/log/ist — one who studies x
x 56.  x‑o‑metr/ic/s — the science of the
46.  x‑iatr/ist — one who heals x measurement of x
47.  x‑o‑cent/et/ic — p.t. the surgical 57.  x‑o‑pect/in — a substance which fixes x
puncturing of x 58.  x‑o‑lyt/ic — p.t. the separation of the
48.  x‑o/rrhaph/ic — p.t. the suturing of x adhesions of x
49.  x‑o/tom/ist — one who cuts x 59.  x‑o‑lys/in — a substance which
50.  x‑ec/tom/iz/e — to cut out x disintegrates x
51.  x‑ec/tom/ist — one who cuts out x 60.  x‑o‑trop/ism — the tendency to
preferentially affect x
52.  x‑o/stom/iz/e — to make an opening in x
61.  x‑o‑trop/in — a substance which
53.  x‑o‑gen/et/ic/ist — one who specializes preferentially affects x
in the science of the production of x
62.  x‑o‑trop/ism/ic — p.t. the tendency to
54.  x‑o/log/ic — p.t. the study of x preferentially affect x

1.  x‑o‑phag/ic — p.t. the ingestion of x or p.t. 7.  x‑o‑path/ic — p.t. a disease of x or p.t. one
something which ingests x with a disease of x
2.  x‑o/tom/ic — p.t. the cutting of x or p.t. an 8.  x‑o‑plast/ic — p.t. the formation of x or p.t.
instrument for cutting x the surgical repairing of x
3.  x‑ec/tom/ic — p.t. the cutting out of x or 9.  x‑o‑graph/ic — p.t. the recording of x or
p.t. an instrument for cutting out x p.t. an instrument for recording x or p.t. a
4.  x‑o‑scop/ic — p.t. the examination of x or record of x
p.t. an instrument for examining x 10.  x‑o‑metr/ic — p.t. the measurement of x
5.  x‑o‑clast/ic — p.t. the breaking of x or p.t. or p.t. an instrument for measuring x
something which breaks x 11.  x‑o‑trop/ic — preferentially affecting x
6.  x‑o‑stat/ic — p.t. the stopping of x or p.t.
something which stops x

1.  x‑o/rrhex/is — the rupturing of x 4.  x‑o/rrhaph/y — the suturing of x
2.  x‑o/rrhag/ia — the rapid flowing of 5.  x‑o/pt/os/is — the downward
(something from) x displacement of x
3.  x‑o/rrhe/a —the flowing of (something 6.  x‑ec/top/ia — the displacement of x
from) x 7.  x‑ ec/tas/ia — the distention of x
178  Answer Keys: 1.4

8.  x‑o‑gen/es/is — the production of x 12.  x‑iast/ic — p.t. the abnormal presence of x
9.  x‑o‑poi/es/is — the formation of x 13.  x‑iatr/ic — p.t. the healing of x
10.  x‑o‑plas/ia — the formation of x 14.  x‑o‑troph/ic — p.t. the growth/
11.  x‑o‑plast/y — the surgical repairing of x nourishment of x
15.  x‑o‑trop/ic — preferentially affecting x

1.  telegraphy 3.  telegram 5.  telegraphic 7.  telescope
2.  telegraph 4.  telegraphist 6.  telemetry 8.  telescopic

1. omphal/us the navel Masculine
omphal/ic/a p.t. the navel Feminine
omphal/oid/e/us resembling the navel Masculine
2. mamm/a the breast Feminine
mamm/ar/i/us p.t. the breast Masculine
mamm/ar/i/um p.t. the breast Neuter
3. brachi/um the arm Neuter
brachi/al/is p.t. the arm Masculine or Feminine
brachi/al/e p.t. the arm Neuter
4. encephal/on the brain Neuter
encephal/ic/um p.t. the brain Neuter
encephal/ic/us p.t. the brain Masculine

1. colloqui/um Neuter colloqui/al, colloqui/al/ism
2. alumn/us Masculine alumn/i, alumn/a, alumn/ae
3. dat/um Neuter dat/a
4. phenomen/on Neuter phenomen/al
5. crani/um Neuter crani/al
6. radi/us Masculine radi/al, radi/ate
7. vertebr/a Feminine vertebr/al, in/vertebr/ate
8. rect/um Neuter rect/al, rect/ify, di/rect
9. retin/a Feminine retin/al
10. an/us Masculine an/al
Answer Keys: 1.7  179

11. scrot/um Neuter scrot/al

12. phall/us Masculine phall/ic
13. vagin/a Feminine vagin/al
14. uter/us Masculine uter/ine
15. calcul/us Masculine calcul/ate


1 blurg‑ize to become blurgs

2‑9 blurg‑al, blurg‑ic, p.t. blurgs

blurg‑ous, blurg‑ary,
blurg‑ar, blurg‑an,
blurg‑ine, blurg‑ac

10 blurg‑oid resembling blurgs

11 blurg‑ia an abnormal condition involving blurgs

12 blurg‑ist one who specializes in blurgs

13 blurg‑in a substance of blurg

14 blurg‑itis the inflammation of a blurg

15 blurg‑orrhexis the rupturing of the blurg

16 blurg‑o‑schisis the splitting of the blurgs

16 & 17 blurg‑o‑schist‑iasis the abnormal presence of the splitting of blurgs

18 blurg‑o‑clast‑ic p.t. the breaking of blurgs

19 blurg‑osis an abnormal condition involving blurgs

20 blurg‑o‑pathy a disease of blurgs

21 blurg‑o‑megaly the enlargement of the blurg

22 blurg‑o‑phagy the ingestion of blurgs (Note that "ingestion" is

almost never a procedure performed by medics;
x‑o‑phagy is regularly a Diagnostic termination!)

22 & 12 blurg‑o‑phag‑ist one who ingests blurg

23 blurg‑o‑genesis the production of blurgs

24 blurg‑o‑poiesis the formation of blurgs

180  Answer Keys: 1.7

25 blurg‑o‑kinesis the movement of blurgs

25 & 10 blurg‑o‑kinet‑oid resembling the movement of blurgs

23 & 25 blurg‑o‑kinet‑o‑genesis the production of the movement of blurgs

26‑27 blurg‑algia, blurg‑odynia pain in a blurg (or—who knows?—maybe "pain

involving blurgs")

Review blurg‑ary p.t. blurgs

blurg‑an‑oid resembling something p.t. blurgs

blurg‑al‑iz‑in a substance which makes something p.t. a blurg

blurg‑ic‑oid‑ous p.t. something resembling something p.t. blurgs

28 & 12 blurg‑ist‑o‑plegia the paralysis of one who specializes in blurgs (the

sophisticated humor exhibited here by the Venu-
sian scientists makes the Venusians’ loss the harder
to bear)

29 blurg‑o‑penia a deficiency of blurg

30 blurg‑al‑orrhagia the rapid flowing of something p.t. the blurg; or the

rapid flowing of something from something p.t.

31 blurg‑ic‑o‑malacia the softening of something p.t. blurg

32 blurg‑os‑o‑necrosis the death of something p.t. the blurgs

33 blurg‑ar‑o‑stenosis the narrowing of something p.t. a blurg

34 blurg‑an‑o‑sclerosis the hardening of something p.t the blurg

35 blurg‑ac‑optot‑ic p.t. the downward displacement of something p.t.


36 etc. blurg‑oid‑agr‑oid‑ia an abnormal condition involving something

resembling gouty pain in something resembling a

30 blurg‑orrhagic p.t. the rapid flowing of blurg; or p.t. the rapid flow-
ing of something from blurgs

37 blurg‑orrhea the flowing of blurgs; or the flowing of something

from a blurg

38 blurg‑edema the swelling of the blurgs

Answer Keys: 1.7  181

39 blurg‑o‑cele the protrusion of the blurg (gross!); or (grosser!) the

protrusion of something through a blurg

40 blurg‑o‑lith‑s calculi (or calculuses) in (or involving) a blurg

38‑39 blurg‑edemat‑o‑cele the protrusion of something involving the swelling

of a blurg; or the protrusion of something through
something involving the swelling of blurgs

41 blurg‑o‑spast‑ic‑oid resembling something p.t. a spasm of blurgs

42 blurg‑ismus a spasm of the blurg

43 blurg‑ectopia the displacement of blurg

44 blurg‑ectasia the distention of blurgs

Review blurg‑ist‑o‑schisis the splitting of those who specialize in blurgs (see

on 28 above)

43 & 44 blurg‑ectop‑ic blurg‑ectasia the distention of the blurg, p.t. the displacement of

44 & 43 blurg‑ectat‑ic blurg‑ectopia the displacement of a blurg, p.t. the distention of


45 blurg‑o‑plasia (blurg‑o‑poi- the formation of blurg


46 blurg‑o‑dysplasia the defective formation of blurgs

47 blurg‑o‑trophy the growth/nourishment of the blurg (although the

one guy who tried to feed one got his hand bit off,
so let's say "the growth of...")

48 blurg‑o‑dystrophy the defective growth of a blurg

49 blurg‑atrophy the lack of growth of blurgs

50 blurg‑asthenia the lack of strength of the blurg

51 blurg‑o‑therapy treatment by means of blurg (or blurgs)

51 & 13 blurg‑o‑therapeut‑ic substances of blurg, p.t. treatment by means of

blurg‑in‑s blurgs

52 blurg‑iatry the healing of blurgs

53 & 32 blurg‑o‑necrot‑o‑stasis the stopping of the death of the blurg

182  Answer Keys: 1.7

54‑55 blurg‑o‑plast‑ic the surgical puncturing of something p.t. a blurg,

blurg‑ic‑o‑centesis p.t. the surgical repairing of blurgs

56 blurg‑orrhaph‑ic p.t. the suturing of blurgs

57 blurg‑o‑tomy the cutting of a blurg

58 blurg‑ectomy the cutting out of the blurg

59 blurg‑ostomy the making of an opening in a blurg

60 blurg‑ics the science of blurg

61 & 12 blurg‑o‑log‑ist one who studies blurgs

62 blurg‑o‑scopy the examination of blurg

63 blurg‑o‑metry the measurement of blurgs

64 & 32 blurg‑o‑necrot‑o‑graphy the recording of the death of blurgs

65 blurg‑al‑o‑pexy (diagnostic the adhesion of something p.t. the blurgs

from context)

blurg‑o‑pexy (therapeutic the fixation of the blurg

from context)

66 blurg‑o‑lysis (diagnostic the disintegration of a blurg

from context)

blurg‑os‑o‑lysis (therapeu- the separation of the adhesions of something p.t.

tic from context) blurgs

67 blurg‑o‑tropism the tendency to preferentially affect blurgs

68 blurg‑o‑phag‑e something which ingests the blurg

69 blurg‑o‑tom‑e an instrument for cutting blurg

70 blurg‑ectom‑e an instrument for cutting out a blurg

blurg‑ostom‑e an instrument for making an opening in blurg

71 blurg‑o‑scop‑e an instrument for examining the blurg

72 blurg‑o‑clast something which breaks the blurg

73 blurg‑o‑stat something which stops blurg

74 & 20 blurg‑o‑path‑o‑gen‑s substances which produce diseases of blurgs

Answer Keys: 2.2  183

75 blurg‑o‑path‑s ones with a disease of blurg

76 blurg‑o‑graph‑s instruments for recording blurgs

77 blurg‑o‑gram‑s records of blurgs

78 blurg‑o‑meter‑s instruments for measuring the blurg

Review blurg‑ot‑o‑gen a substance which produces an abnormal condi-

tion involving blurg

blurg‑iatro‑gen‑s substances which produce the healing of blurgs

79 & 32 blurg‑o‑necrot‑o‑genic abnormal conditions involving blurgs, producing

blurg‑os‑es the death of blurgs

80 & 52 blurg‑iatro‑gen‑ous produced by the healing of blurgs

81 blurg‑o‑trop‑ic preferentially affecting blurgs

82‑85 blurg‑us, blurg‑a, blurg‑um, a blurg


86 blurg‑eous <Venusian typo, p.t. the blurgs

for "blurg‑eus">

1.  omphalotherapy = umbilotherapy, 6.  chiratrophy = cheiratrophy
umbilicotherapy 7.  prosopogram = faciogram
2.  somometrics = somatometrics 8.  epidermolytic = epidermatolytic
3.  pedogram = podogram 9.  omodynia = omalgia
4.  gonoplasty = gonyoplasty 10.  cytoplasia = cytopoiesis
5.  stethoscopic = thoracoscopic

1.  the displacement of cells = cytectopia 7.  the inflammation of the skin = dermatitis;
2.  the ingestion of a digit = dactylophagy dermitis
3.  the distention of the eyelid = 8.  the narrowing of the face =
blepharectasia prosopostenosis; faciostenosis
4.  the defective growth of the body = 9.  the stopping of the hand = chirostasis;
somatodystrophy; somodystrophy cheirostasis
5.  the healing of the head = cephaliatry 10.  the swelling of an arm = brachiedema
6.  the production of the nose = rhinogenesis
184  Answer Keys: 2.3

1.  If cephaledema is the swelling of the 10.  If brachiodysplasia is the defective
head, then the swelling of the limbs is formation of an arm, then the defective
meledema. formation of a foot is pedodysplasia or
2.  If trichomegaly is the enlargement of pododysplasia.
hairs, then the enlargement of the nose is 11.  If theletrophy is the growth of a
rhinomegaly. nipple, then the growth of the neck is
3.  If omphalogenesis is the production of the trachelotrophy or cervicotrophy.
navel, then the production of the hair is 12.  If arthrectopia is the displacement of the
trichogenesis. joints, then the displacement of the digits
4.  If dactylosis is an abnormal condition is dactylectopia.
involving the digits, then an abnormal 13.  If cheirostasis is the stopping of the
condition involving the skin is dermatosis hands, then the stopping of the elbow is
or dermosis. anconostasis.
5.  If pedopathy is a disease of the foot, then a 14.  If glutitis is the inflammation of the
disease of the elbow is anconopathy. buttocks, then the inflammation of the
6.  If mastopexy is the fixation of a breast, then eyelid is blepharitis.
the fixation of the navel is omphalopexy or 15.  If cytonecrosis is the death of cells, then
umbilopexy or umbilicopexy. the death of the skin is derm(at)onecrosis.
7.  If onychodystrophy is the defective growth 16.  If melogenesis is the production of
of the nails, then the defective growth of limbs, then the production of the ear is
the arm is brachiodystrophy. otogenesis.
8.  If otogenous is produced by the ear, then 17.  If omotrophy is the growth of the
produced by the nose is rhinogenous. shoulder, then the growth of the chest is
9.  If prosopospasm is a spasm of the thoracotrophy or stethotrophy.
face, then a spasm of the eye is 18.  If mastopexy is the adhesion of a breast,
ophthalmospasm. then the adhesion of the knee is gonopexy
or gonypexy.

1.  fascia thoracica = the fascia p.t. the chest 6.  regio facialis = the region p.t. the face
2.  musculus brachialis = the muscle p.t. the 7.  arteria umbilicalis = an artery p.t. the navel
arm 8.  tractus somaticus = a tract p.t. the body
3.  tuberositas glutealis = a tuberosity p.t. a 9.  os pedale = a bone p.t. a foot
10.  fissura onychica = a fissure p.t. a nail
4.  margo cephalicus = a margin p.t. the head
5.  fovea dermatica = a pit p.t. the skin
Answer Keys: 2.6  185

1.  arthritis enteropathica = the inflammation 6.  ophthalmia hepatica = an abnormal
of the joints, p.t. a disease of the intestine condition involving the eye, p.t. the liver
2.  otalgia dentalis = pain in the ear, p.t. a tooth 7.  arthritis urethr‑itica = the inflammation
3.  cheiritis glandularis = the inflammation of of the joints, p.t. the inflammation of the
the hand, p.t. a gland urethra
4.  dermatitis nasalis = the inflammation of 8.  arthritis myc‑otica = the inflammation
the skin, p.t. the nose of the joints, p.t. an abnormal condition
involving a fungus
5.  cephalalgia pharyngotympanica = pain in
the head, p.t. the middle ear and pharynx

1a.  anthrop/o/kin/et/ic/s — the science of the 5e.  cyt/o/stat/ic — p.t. the stopping of cells
movements of humans 5f.  cyt/o/therap/y — treatment by means of
1b.  anthrop/o/metr/ist — one who measures cells
humans 6a.  arthr/alg/ic — p.t. pain in a joint
1c.  anthrop/o/phag/y — the ingestion of 6b.  arthr/o/stom/y — the making of an
humans opening in a joint
2a.  som/a/sthen/ia — the lack of strength of 6c.  arthr/o/cel/e — the protrusion of a joint
the body
7a.  acr/o/dermat/os/is — an abnormal
2b.  somat/o/troph/ic — p.t. the growth/ condition involving the skin of the
nourishment of the body extremities
3a.  dermat/o/dys/plas/ia — the defective 7b.  acr/o/mel/ic — p.t. the limbs, involving the
formation of skin extremities
3b.  derm/o/lys/in — a substance which 8a.  mel/agr/a — gouty pain in a limb
disintegrates skin
8b.  mel/alg/ia — pain in a limb
4a.  epi/dermat/o/plast/y — the surgical
repairing of the epidermis 9a.  cephal/edema — the swelling of the head

4b.  epi/derm/o/poi/es/is — the formation of 9b.  cephal/o/cent/es/is — the surgical

the epidermis puncturing of the head

4c.  epi/derm/o/trop/ic — preferentially 9c.  cephal/o/metr/ic/s — the science of the

affecting the epidermis measurement of the head

5a.  cyt/o/clast/ic — p.t. the breaking of cells 10a.  trich/o/megal/y — the enlargement of
5b.  cyt/o/gen/ic — producing cells
10b.  trich/o/path/ic — p.t. a disease of the hair
5c.  cyt/o/necr/os/is — the death of cells
10c.  trich/o/rrhex/is — the rupturing of the
5d.  cyt/o/pen/ia — a deficiency of cells hairs
186  Answer Keys: 2.6

11a.  blephar/o/rrhaph/y — the suturing of the 17b.  cervic/o/thorac/ic — p.t. the chest and
eyelid neck
11b.  blephar/o/pt/os/is — the downward 18a.  trachel/o/log/y — the study of the neck
displacement of the eyelid 18b.  trachel/o/schis/is — the splitting of the
11c.  blephar/o/stat — something which stops neck
the eyelid 19a.  om/agr/a — gouty pain in the shoulder
12a.  ophthalm/a/troph/y — the lack of growth 19b.  om/arthr/it/is — the inflammation of the
of the eye joint of the shoulder
12b.  ophthalm/o/graph — an instrument for 20a.  brachi/alg/ia — pain in the arm
recording the eye
20b.  brachi/o/cephal/ic — p.t. the head and
12c.  ophthalm/o/lith — a calculus involving arm
the eye
21a.  ancon/it/is — the inflammation of the
12d.  ophthalm/o/pleg/ic — p.t. the paralysis elbow
of the eye
21b.  ancon/oid — resembling an elbow
13a.  ot/iatr/ic/s — the science of the healing of
the ear 22a.  cheir/arthr/it/is — the inflammation of
the joints of the hand
13b.  ot/o/gen/ous — produced by the ear
22b.  cheir/o/pod/alg/ia — pain in the foot and
13c.  ot/o/lith/ias/is — the abnormal presence hand
of a calculus involving the ear
23a.  dactyl/o/graph/y — the recording of
13d.  ot/o/scler/ot/ic — p.t. the hardening of something involving the digits
the ear
23b.  dactyl/os/is — an abnormal condition
14a.  rhin/o/log/ist — one who studies the involving the digits
24a.  onych/o/dys/troph/y — the defective
14b.  rhin/o/rrhag/ia — the rapid flowing of growth of the nails
something from the nose
24b.  onych/o/malac/ia — the softening of the
14c.  rhin/o/scop/e — an instrument for nails
examining the nose
24c.  onych/o/path/o/log/y — the study of the
15a.  pros/op/ec/tas/ia — the distention of the diseases of the nails
24d.  onych/o/phag/ist — one who ingests
15b.  pros/op/o/schis/is — the splitting of the nails
25a.  thorac/o/metr/y — the measurement of
15c.  pros/op/o/spasm — a spasm of the face the chest
16a.  faci/o/brachi/al — p.t. the arm and face 25b.  thorac/o/path/y — a disease of the chest
16b.  faci/o/cervic/al — p.t. the neck and face 25c.  thorac/o/tom/y — the cutting of the chest
16c.  faci/o/sten/os/is — the narrowing of the 26a.  steth/o/graph — an instrument for
face recording something involving the chest
17a.  cervic/odyn/ia — pain in the neck 26b.  steth/o/scop/y — the examination of the
Answer Keys: 3.2   187

27a.  mast/a/troph/y — the lack of growth of 30b.  omphal/o/rrhe/a — the flowing of

the breasts something from the navel
27b.  mast/ec/tom/y — the cutting out of a 31a.  umbil/ec/tom/y — the cutting out of the
breast navel
27c.  mast/o/pex/y — the fixation of a breast 31b.  umbilic/al — p.t. the navel
27d.  mast/ot/ic — p.t. an abnormal condition 32a.  glute/al — p.t. the buttocks
involving the breasts 32b.  glut/it/is — the inflammation of the
28a.  mamm/o/gen — a substance which buttocks
produces something involving the breast 33a.  gon/arthr/os/is — an abnormal condition
28b.  mamm/o/trop/in — a substance which involving the joint of the knee
preferentially affects the breasts 33b.  gon/arthr/o/tom/y — the cutting of the
29a.  thel/e/plast/y — the surgical repairing of joint of the knee
a nipple
34a.  pod/edema — the swelling of the foot
29b.  thel/o/rrhag/ia — the rapid flowing of
something from a nipple 34b.  pod/iatr/y — the healing of the feet

30a.  omphal/o/gen/es/is — the production of 35a.  ped/o/path/y — a disease of the foot

the navel 35b.  ped/o/meter — an instrument for
measuring the foot

1.  osteostenosis = ossostenosis, osseostenosis 6.  syndesmosolytic = syndesmolytic,
2.  cleidoschisis = claviculoschisis, desmolytic, ligamentolytic
clavicischisis, clavischisis 7.  talocalcaneal = astragalocalcaneal
3.  coracoiditis = coracitis 8.  chondrosclerosis = cartilaginosclerosis,
4.  spinogram = rachiogram, rachigram, cartilagosclerosis
rhachigram, rhachiogram 9.  myosectasia = myectasia, musculectasia
5.  spondylotic = vertebrotic 10.  tenonectopic = tenectopic, tenontectopic,
tendectopic, tendinectopic

1.  the fixation of the Achilles’ tendon = 6.  a record of the shoulder blade =
achillopexy (therapeutic) scapulogram
2.  the breaking of a bone = osteoclasis; 7.  the measurement of the knee‑cap =
osseoclasis; ossoclasis patellometry
3.  a cell of the hair = trichocyte 8.  the rupturing of the pelvis = pelviorrhexis;
4.  a deficiency of the sacrum = sacropenia pelvorrhexis
5.  the examination of the calcaneus = 9.  the softening of the femur = femoromalacia
calcaneoscopy 10.  the swelling of the skull = craniedema
188  Answer Keys: 3.3

1.  If trichocyte is a cell of the hair, then a cell 8.  If rachopenic is p.t. a deficiency of the
of the skin is dermatocyte or dermocyte. spine, then p.t. a deficiency of the spinal
2.  If osseorrhexis is the rupturing of cord is myelopenic.
bone, then the rupturing of the skull is 9.  If sternocentetic is p.t. the surgical
craniorrhexis. puncturing of the sternum, then p.t. the
3.  If claviplasia is the formation of the collar surgical puncturing of the vertebra is
bone, then the formation of the ulna is vertebrocentetic or spondylocentetic.
ulnoplasia. 10.  If cubitoptosis is the downward
4.  If acromiotrophy is the growth of the displacement of the elbow, then the
acromion, then the growth of the rib is downward displacement of the hip is
costotrophy. coxoptosis.
5.  If spinopathy is a disease of the spine, 11.  If pelvitis is the inflammation of the pelvis,
then a disease of bone is oss(e)opathy or then the inflammation of the tarsus is
osteopathy. tarsitis.
6.  If cranialgia is pain involving the skull, 12.  If desmomegaly is the enlargement of
then pain involving the shoulder blade is the ligament, then the enlargement of the
scapulalgia. ischium is ischiomegaly.
7.  If humerography is the recording of the 13.  If cephalitologist is one who studies the
humerus, then the recording of the radius inflammation of the head, then one who
is radiography. studies the inflammation of the wrist is
14.  If ostein is a substance of bone, then a
substance of hair is trichin.

1.  musculus facialis = the muscle p.t. the face 7.  cartilago sacralis = the cartilage p.t. the
2.  tendo umbilicalis = the tendon p.t. the sacrum
navel 8.  tendo astragalaris = the tendon p.t. the
3.  cartilago tibialis = the cartilage p.t. the tibia talus
4.  ligamentum calcaneum = the ligament p.t. 9.  os patellare = the bone p.t. the knee‑cap
the calcaneus 10.  musculus pubicus = the muscle p.t. the
5.  os musculare = the bone p.t. the muscle pubis
6.  musculus thoracicus = the muscle p.t. the
Answer Keys: 3.6   189

1.  chondromalacia cystica = the softening of 6.  arthropathia pulmonalis = a disease of the
cartilage, p.t. the bladder joint, p.t. a lung
2.  myelitis ependymalis = the inflammation 7.  dermatosis cancerosa = an abnormal
of the spinal cord, p.t. the ependyma condition involving the skin, p.t. cancer
3.  dermatitis seborrheica = the inflammation 8.  dermatitis xerotica = the inflammation
of the skin, p.t. the flowing of sebum of the skin, p.t. an abnormal condition
4.  arthritis pyogenica = the inflammation of involving something dry
the joint, producing pus 9.  ophthalmitis granularis = the inflammation
5.  myelitis hemorrhagica = the inflammation of the eye, p.t. a granule
of the spinal cord, p.t. the rapid flowing of

1a.  oste/o/malac/ic — p.t. the softening of the 4e.  crani/o/tom/e — an instrument for cutting
bones the skull
1b.  oste/ec/top/ia — the displacement of a 5a.  cleid/o/cost/al — p.t. the ribs and collar
bone bone
1c.  oste/o/pen/ic — p.t. a deficiency of bone 5b.  cleid/agr/a — gouty pain in the collar bone
1d.  oste/o/scler/os/is — the hardening of 5c.  cleid/o/tom/y — the cutting of the collar
bone bone
1e.  oste/o/metr/y — the measurement of 6a.  clav/ic/o/tom/y — the cutting of the collar
bones bone
2a.  osse/in — a substance of the bones 6b.  clav/i/cul/ar — p.t. the collar bone
2b.  osse/ous — p.t. the bones 7a.  acr/om/i/o/scapul/ar — p.t. the shoulder
3a.  skelet/o/gen/es/is — the production of the blade involving the acromion
skeleton 7b.  acr/om/i/o/thorac/ic — p.t. the chest and
3b.  skelet/o/log/y — the study of the skeleton acromion
4a.  crani/o/cel/e — the protrusion of 8a.  corac/oid/o/acr/om/i/al — p.t. the
something through the skull acromion and coracoid process
4b.  crani/o/clast — something that breaks the 8b.  coraco/clav/i/cul/ar — p.t. the collar bone
skull and coracoid process
4c.  crani/o/scop/y — the examination of the 9a.  humer/o/uln/ar — p.t. the ulna and
skull humerus
4d.  crani/o/sten/os/is — the narrowing of the 9b.  humer/al — p.t. the humerus
skull 10a.  cubit/o/carp/al — p.t. the wrist and elbow
190  Answer Keys: 3.6

10b.  cubit/al/is — p.t. the elbow 19b. spondyl/os/is — an abnormal condition

11a.  uln/o/radi/al — p.t. the radius and ulna involving the vertebrae
11b.  uln/ar/is — p.t. the ulna 20a. vertebr/o/chondr/al — p.t. cartilage and
the vertebrae
12a.  radi/o/humer/al — p.t. the humerus and
radius 20b. vertebr/o/ili/ac — p.t. the ilium and the
12b.  radi/o/uln/ar — p.t. the ulna and radius
20c. vertebr/o/sacr/al — p.t. the sacrum and
13a.  carp/o/phalang/e/al — p.t. the phalanges the vertebrae
and wrist
21a. cost/o/stern/o/plast/y — the surgical
13b.  carp/o/pt/os/is — the downward repairing of the sternum and ribs
displacement of the wrist
21b. cost/i/cervic/al — p.t. the neck and ribs
14a.  phalang/o/phalang/e/al — p.t. two
phalanges 22a. stern/o/scapul/ar — p.t. the shoulder
blade and sternum
14b.  phalang/ec/tom/y — the cutting out of a
phalanx or phalanges 22b. stern/o/clav/i/cul/ar/is — p.t. the collar
bone and sternum
15a.  scapul/o/clav/i/cul/ar — p.t. the collar
bone and shoulder blade 23a. xiph/o/cost/al — p.t. the ribs and xiphoid
15b.  scapul/o/pex/y — the fixation of the
shoulder blade 23b. xiph/odyn/ia — pain involving the xiphoid
16a.  rachi/o/cent/es/is — the surgical
puncturing of the spine 24a. cox/arthr/o/path/y — a disease of the
joints of the hip
16b.  rach/i/schis/is — the splitting of the spine
24b. cox/o/tom/y — the cutting of the hip
16c.  rachi/o/graph — an instrument for
recording something involving the spine 25a. pelv/i/femor/al — p.t. the femur and
17a.  spin/o/gram — a record of the spine
25b. pelv/i/metr/y — the measurement of the
17b.  spin/al/is — p.t. the spine pelvis
18a.  myel/alg/ia — pain involving the spinal 26a. ili/o/pelv/ic — p.t. the pelvis and ilium
26b. ili/o/femor/o/plast/y — the surgical
18b.  myel/o/dys/plas/ia — the defective repairing of the femur and ilium
formation of the spinal cord
27a. ischi/o/pub/ic — p.t. the pubis and
18c. myel/o/pleg/ia — the paralysis of ischium
something involving the spinal cord
27b. ischi/o/cel/e — the protrusion of
18d. myel/o/rrhag/ia — the rapid flowing of something through the ischium
something from the spinal cord
28a. pub/o/coccyg/e/al — p.t. the coccyx and
19a. spondyl/arthr/os/is — an abnormal pubis
condition involving the joints of the
vertebrae 28b. pub/o/tibi/al — p.t. the tibia and pubis
Answer Keys: 3.6   191

29a. sacr/o/cox/alg/ia — pain in the hip and 39a. astragal/o/calcane/an — p.t. the calcaneus
sacrum and talus
29b. sacr/o/ili/it/is — the inflammation of the 39b. astragal/o/tibi/al — p.t. the tibia and talus
ilium and sacrum 40a. chondr/o/cyt/e — a cell of cartilage
29c. sacr/o/vertebr/al — p.t. the vertebrae and 40b. chondr/o/dermat/it/is — the
sacrum inflammation of the skin and cartilage
30a. coccyg/odyn/ia — pain in the coccyx 40c. chondr/o/dys/troph/y — the defective
30b. coccyg/e/us — p.t. the coccyx growth of cartilage
31a. acetab/ul/ectom/y — the cutting out of 40d. chondr/oid — resembling cartilage
the acetabulum 40e. chondr/o/necr/os/is — the death of
31b. acetab/ul/ar — p.t. the acetabulum cartilage
32a. femor/o/cel/e — the protrusion of the 40f. chondr/o/path/o/log/y — the study of the
femur diseases of cartilage
32b. femor/o/ili/ac — p.t. the ilium and femur 40g. chondr/o/plast/ic — p.t. the formation of
33a. pat/ell/o/femor/al — p.t. the femur and cartilage or p.t. the surgical repairing of
kneecap cartilage
33b. pat/ell/ec/tom/y — the cutting out of the 41a. cartilag/o/trop/ic — preferentially
kneecap affecting cartilage
34a. tibi/o/calcane/an — p.t. the calcaneus and 41b. cartilagin/oid — resembling cartilage
tibia 42a. my/a/sthen/ic — p.t. the lack of strength of
34b. tibi/o/tars/al — p.t. the tarsus and tibia a muscle
35a. fib/ul/ar — p.t. the fibula 42b. my/a/troph/y — the lack of growth of a
35b. fib/ul/o/calcane/al — p.t. the calcaneus
and fibula 42c. my/ec/top/ia — the displacement of a
36a. tars/o/phalang/e/al — p.t. the phalanges
and tarsus 42d. my/o/cyt/o/lys/is — the disintegration of
the cells of a muscle
36b. tars/ec/top/ia — the displacement of the
tarsus 42e. my/o/gen/ic — producing muscle
37a. calcane/o/tibi/al — p.t. the tibia and 42f. my/o/phag/e — something which ingests
calcaneus muscle
37b. calcane/odyn/ia — pain in the calcaneus 42g. my/o/spasm/ia — an abnormal condition
involving spasms of the muscles
38a. tal/o/fib/ul/ar — p.t. the fibula and talus
43a. mus/cul/ar — p.t. muscles
38b. tal/o/calcane/an — p.t. the calcaneus and
talus 43b. mus/cul/o/trop/ic — preferentially
affecting muscle
192  Answer Keys: 3.7

44a. tenont/agr/a — gouty pain in a tendon 47b. syn/desm/it/is — the inflammation of a

44b. ten/ost/os/is — the ossification of a ligament
tendon 48a. ligament/ous — p.t. a ligament
44c. ten/o/tom/iz/e — to cut a tendon 48b. ligament/o/pex/y — the fixation of a
45a. tendin/ous — p.t. a tendon ligament
45b. tendo calcane/us — a tendon p.t. the 49a. apo/neur/os/it/ic — p.t. the inflammation
calcaneus of the aponeurosis
46a. desm/ec/tas/is — the distention of a 49b. apo/neur/ot/ic — p.t. an aponeurosis
ligament 50a. achill/o/rrhaph/y — the suturing of the
46b. desm/o/rrhex/is — the rupturing of a Achilles’ tendon
ligament 50b. achill/odyn/ia — pain in the Achilles’
47a. syn/desm/o/rrhaph/y — the suturing of a tendon

1.  cephal/o/pelv/ic — p.t. the pelvis, 3.  faci/o/scapul/o/humer/al — p.t. the
involving the head (= p.t. the pelvis of a humerus, shoulder blade and face
pregnant woman, involving the head of a 4.  acr/o/‑oste/o/lys/is — the disintegration of
fetus) the bones of the extremities
2.  steth/o/my/os/it/is — the inflammation of
the muscles of the chest

1.  mus/cul/us brachi/o/radi/al/is — (the 4.  mus/cul/us ili/ac/us — (the iliac muscle)
brachioradial muscle) the muscle p.t. the the muscle p.t. the ilium
radius and arm 5.  mus/cul/us stern/al/is — (the sternal
2.  mus/cul/us coccyg/e/us — (the coccygeal muscle) the muscle p.t. the sternum
muscle) the muscle p.t. the coccyx 6.  mus/cul/us tars/al/is — (the tarsal muscle)
3.  mus/cul/us glut/e/us — (the gluteal the muscle p.t. the tarsus
muscle) the muscle p.t. the buttocks

1.  gangliitis = ganglionitis 6.  pupillotomic = coreotomic, corotomic
2.  neuronecrosis = nervinecrosis 7.  corneostomic = keratostomic, kerostomic
3.  neuroglial = glial 8.  ciliarectomy = ciliectomy, cyclectomy
4.  sympathetolysis = sympatholysis, 9.  lacrimorrheic = dacryorrheic
sympathicolysis 10.  choriosclerotic = choroidosclerotic
5.  opticitis = optitis, ophthalmitis, oculitis
Answer Keys: 4.3   193

1.  the adhesion of a ganglion = gangliopexy; 5.  the defective formation of a nerve cell =
ganglionopexy (diagnostic) neuronodysplasia
2.  the death of membranes = 6.  the hardening of the lens = phacosclerosis
membranonecrosis 7.  the inflammation of the tear sac =
3.  the separation of the adhesions of the iris = dacryocystitis
irolysis; iridolysis (therapeutic) 8.  p.t. the production of tears = dacryogenetic;
4.  one who examines the ciliary body = lacrimogenetic
ciliaroscopist; cilioscopist; cycloscopist 9.  p.t. the swelling of the meninges =

1.  If ependymopoiesis is the formation of 8.  If myringostomic is p.t. the making of an
the ependyma, then the formation of the opening in the tympanic membrane, then
cerebellum is cerebellopoiesis. p.t. the making of an opening in the uvea
2.  If membranonecrosis is the death of a is uveostomic.
membrane, then the death of an iris is 9.  If neurasthenia is the lack of strength of
iridonecrosis or ironecrosis. nerves, then the lack of strength of the
3.  If dacryocystospasm is a spasm of the tear stirrup is stapediasthenia.
sac, then a spasm of nerves is neurospasm 10.  If optectopic is p.t. the displacement of
or nervispasm. the eye, then p.t. the displacement of the
4.  If tympanopathic is p.t. a disease of the membrane is membranectopic.
middle ear, then p.t. a disease of the 11.  If retinopoiesis is the formation of the
sympathetic nerves is sympathetopathic retina, then the formation of the vagus
or sympathopathic or sympathicopathic. nerve is vagopoiesis.
5.  If vagotrophic is p.t. the growth of the vagus 12.  If choroidatrophy is the lack of growth of
nerve, then p.t. the growth of the hammer the choroid, then the lack of growth of the
is malleotrophic. ciliary body is ciliaratrophy or ciliatrophy
6.  If coreopectic is p.t. the fixation of the or cyclatrophy.
pupil, then p.t. the fixation of the anvil is 13.  If conjunctivosis is an abnormal
incudopectic. condition involving the conjunctiva,
7.  If phacocentetic is p.t. the surgical then an abnormal condition involving a
puncturing of the lens, then p.t. the membrane is membranosis
surgical puncturing of the neuroglia is 14.  If canthometric is p.t. the measurement of
neurogliocentetic or gliocentetic. the canthus, then p.t. the measurement of
the lens is phacometric.
194  Answer Keys: 4.4

1.  nervus retinalis = the nerve p.t. the retina 6.  membrana thoracica = the membrane p.t.
2.  membrana cerebellaris = the membrane the chest
p.t. the cerebellum 7.  os otale = the bone p.t. the ear
3.  musculus ocularis = the muscle p.t. the eye 8.  cartilago vertebralis = the cartilage p.t. the
4.  cartilago pubica = the cartilage p.t. the vertebra
pubis 9.  tendo spinalis = the tendon p.t. the spine
5.  tendo pelvicus = the tendon p.t. the pelvis 10.  meninx nervosa = the meninx p.t. the

1.  meningitis sympathica = the inflammation 6.  otorrhea cerebrospinalis = the flowing of
of the meninges, p.t. the sympathetic something from the ear, p.t. the spine,
nerves involving the cerebrum
2.  chondrosis costalis = an abnormal 7.  encephalitis myalgica = the inflammation
condition involving the cartilage, p.t. the of the brain, p.t. pain in the muscles
ribs 8.  myelitis neurooptica = the inflammation of
3.  arthropathia neurogenosa = a disease of the spinal cord, p.t. the eye, involving the
the joints, produced by the nerves nerves
4.  arthritis neuropathica = the inflammation 9.  myelopathia cervicalis spondylotica = a
of the joints, p.t. a disease of the nerves disease of the spinal cord, p.t. the neck
5.  rhinorrhagia membranosa = the rapid and p.t. an abnormal condition involving
flowing of something from the nose, p.t. a the vertebrae

1a.  en/cephal/o/lith — a calculus in the brain 2b.  cerebr/o/scler/os/is — the hardening of
1b. en/cephal/o/myel/o/rad/i/cul/o/neur/ the brain
it/is — the inflammation of the nerves, 2c.  cerebr/o/stom/y — the making of an
radicles, spinal cord and brain opening in the cerebrum
1c.  en/cephal/o/clast/ic — p.t. the breaking of 3a.  cereb/ell/o/spin/al — p.t. the spine and
something involving the brain cerebellum
1d.  en/cephal/it/o/gen/ic — producing the 3b.  cereb/ell/ar — p.t. the cerebellum
inflammation of the brain 4a.  membran/o/lys/is — the disintegration of
2a.  cerebr/o/cereb/ell/ar — p.t. the a membrane
cerebellum and the cerebrum 4b.  membran/a cost/al/is — a membrane p.t.
the ribs
Answer Keys: 4.6  195

4c.  membran/a oss/e/a — a membrane p.t. a 10a. neuron/o/phag/e — something which

bone ingests nerve cells
4d.  membran/a pup/ill/ar/is — a membrane 10b. neuron/o/trop/ic — preferentially
p.t. the pupil affecting nerve cells
4e.  membran/a mus/cul/os/a — a membrane 11a. gli/o/phag/y — the ingestion of neuroglia
p.t. a muscle 11b.  gli/os/is — an abnormal condition
4f.  membran/a tympan/ic/a — a membrane involving the neuroglia
p.t. the middle ear 11c.  neur/o/gli/o/cyt/e — a cell of the
5a.  mening/e/o/rrhaph/y — the suturing of neuroglia
the meninges 12a.  rad/i/cul/ec/tom/y — the cutting out of a
5b.  mening/o/rrhe/a — the flowing of radicle
something from the meninges 12b.  rad/i/cul/o/neur/it/is — the
5c.  mening/o/en/cephal/o/cel/e — the inflammation of the nerves and radicles
protrusion of something through the 13a.  sym/path/ic/o/therap/y — treatment by
brain and meninges means of the sympathetic nerves
6a.  ep/en/dym/o/cyt/e — a cell of the 13b.  sym/path/o/lyt/ic — p.t. the
ependyma disintegration of the sympathetic nerves
6b.  ep/en/dym/o/path/y — a disease of the 14a.  vag/o/sym/pathet/ic — p.t. the
ependyma sympathetic nerves involving the vagus
7a.  neur/a/sthen/ic — p.t. the lack of strength nerve
of the nerves 14b.  vag/o/trop/ism — the tendency to
7b.  neur/ec/tas/ia — the distention of preferentially affect the vagus nerve
something involving a nerve 14c.  vag/o/vag/al — p.t. two parts of the vagus
7c.  neur/o/crani/um — the part of the skull nerve
involving the nerves 15a.  ophthalm/o/desm/it/is — the
7d.  neur/o/retin/o/path/y — a disease of the inflammation of the ligaments of the eye
retina involving the nerves 15b.  ophthalm/o/phac/o/meter — an
8a.  nerv/us thorac/ic/us — a nerve p.t. the instrument for measuring the lens
chest involving the eye
8b.  nerv/us fib/ul/ar/is — a nerve p.t. the 15c.  ophthalm/en/cephal/on — the part of the
fibula brain involving the eye
8c.  nerv/us faci/al/is — a nerve p.t. the face 16a.  opt/ic/s — the science of the eye
8d.  nerv/us ophthalm/ic/us — a nerve p.t. the 16b.  opt/o/my/o/metr/y — the measurement
eye of the muscles of the eye
9a.  gangli/o/cyt/e — a cell of a ganglion 16c.  opt/ic/o/cili/ar/y — p.t. the ciliary body
9b.  gangli/o/pleg/ic — p.t. the paralysis of a and the eye
something involving a ganglion 17a.  ocul/o/plast/ic — p.t. the surgical
repairing of the eye
196  Answer Keys: 4.6

17b.  ocul/o/pup/ill/ar/y — p.t. the pupil and 25a.  irid/ec/tom/iz/e — to cut out the iris
the eye 25b.  irid/o/kin/et/ic — p.t. the movement of
17c.  ocul/o/metr/o/scop/e — an instrument the iris
for examining and measuring the eye 26a.  cycl/o/kerat/it/is — the inflammation of
18a.  cor/ec/top/ia — the displacement of the the cornea and ciliary body
pupil 26b.  cycl/o/pleg/ic — p.t. the paralysis of the
18b.  cor/e/o/plast/y — the surgical repairing ciliary body
of something involving the pupil 27a.  cili/o/gen/es/is — the production of the
19a.  pup/ill/o/scop/e — an instrument for ciliary body
examining the pupil 27b.  cili/o/retin/al — p.t. the retina and ciliary
19b.  pup/ill/o/pleg/ia — the paralysis of body
something involving the pupil 28a.  chori/o/retin/o/path/y — a disease of the
19c.  pup/ill/o/graph — an instrument for retina and choroid
recording the pupil 28b.  chori/o/cycl/it/is — the inflammation of
20a.  kerat/o/cent/es/is — the surgical the ciliary body and choroid
puncturing of the cornea 29a.  con/junct/iv/o/plast/y — the surgical
20b.  kerat/o/scler/it/is — the inflammation of repairing of the conjunctiva
the sclera and cornea 29b. con/junct/iv/o/dacry/o/cyst/o/stom/y
20c.  kerat/o/con/junct/iv/it/is — the — the making of an opening between the
inflammation of the conjunctiva and tear sac and the conjunctiva
cornea 30a.  canth/al — p.t. the canthus
21a.  corne/o/ir/it/is — the inflammation of 30b.  canth/o/rrhaph/y — the suturing of the
the iris and cornea canthus
21b.  corne/o/scler/a — the part of the sclera 31a.  phac/o/lys/is — the disintegration of the
involving the cornea lens
22a.  scler/o/kerat/o/ir/it/is — the 31b.  phac/o/scler/os/is — the hardening of
inflammation of the iris, the cornea and the lens
the sclera
32a.  dacry/o/rrhe/a — the flowing of tears
22b.  scler/ec/tom/e — an instrument for
cutting out the sclera 32b.  dacry/o/sten/os/is — the narrowing of
the tear sac
23a.  retin/o/graph/y — the recording of the
retina 33.  lacrim/o/tom/y — the cutting of the tear
23b.  retin/o/malac/ia — the softening of the
retina 34a.  dacry/o/cyst/alg/ia — pain in the tear sac

24a.  uve/it/ic — p.t. the inflammation of the 34b.  dacry/o/cyst/o/cel/e — the protrusion of
uvea the tear sac

24b.  uve/o/scler/it/is — the inflammation of 34c.  dacry/o/cyst/o/pt/os/is — the downward

the sclera and uvea displacement of the tear sac
Answer Keys: 5.3  197

35a.  tympan/ic — p.t. the middle ear 38.  sta/ped/i/o/ten/o/tom/y — the cutting of
35b.  tympan/o/malle/al — p.t. the hammer the tendon of the stirrup
and middle ear 39a.  myring/o/dermat/os/is — an abnormal
36.  malle/ar — p.t. the hammer condition involving the skin of the
tympanic membrane
37a.  incud/o/malle/al — p.t. the hammer and
anvil 39b.  myring/o/sta/ped/i/o/pex/y — the
fixation of the stirrup involving the
37b.  incud/o/sta/ped/i/al — p.t. the stirrup tympanic membrane
and anvil

1.  hemorrhagic = hematorrhagic, 6.  phlebectomic = venectomic
sanguinorrhagic, sanguorrhagic 7.  angiostomy = vasostomy, vasculostomy
2.  plasmatoid = plasmoid 8.  varicoid = cirsoid
3.  aorticostatic = aortostatic 9.  glandulotherapy = adenotherapy
4.  valvotomy = valvulotomy 10.  lienorrhexis = splenorrhexis
5.  vasotic = vasculotic, angiotic

1.  a disease of a vein = phlebopathy; 6.  p.t. the softening of a varix = cirsomalacic;
venopathy varicomalacic
2.  the flowing of lymph = lymphorrhea; 7.  a spasm of the heart = cardiospasm
lymphatorrhea 8.  the study of the pericardium =
3.  p.t. the movement of a capillary = pericardiology
capillarokinetic 9.  a substance of blood = hematin; hemin;
4.  the lack of growth of the lymph nodes = sanguinin; sanguin
lymphadenatrophy 10.  p.t. the rupturing of an artery =
5.  the recording of the pulse = arteriorrhectic

1.  If rhinencephalon is the part of the brain 3.  If hematencephalon is a collection of
involving the nose, then the part of the blood in the brain, then a collection
brain involving the ear is otencephalon. of blood in the eye is hematoculus or
2.  If otocranium is the part of the skull hematophthalmus.
involving the ear, then the part of the skull
involving the spine is spinocranium or
rachiocranium or rhachiocranium.
198  Answer Keys: 5.4

4.  If thrombocytopoietic is p.t. the formation of an opening in the thyroid gland is

of platelets, then p.t. the formation thyroidostomy or thyrostomy.
of plasma is plasmatopoietic or 12.  If gonadatrophic is p.t. the lack of growth
plasmopoietic. of the gonad, then p.t. the lack of growth
5.  If cardismus is a spasm of the heart, of the parotid gland is parotatrophic or
then a spasm of a varix is cirsismus or parotidatrophic.
varicismus. 13.  If aortiatry is the healing of the aorta, then
6.  If lienosclerotic is p.t. the hardening of the the healing of the spleen is spleniatry or
spleen, then p.t. the hardening of the aorta lieniatry.
is aorticosclerotic or aortosclerotic. 14.  If varicedema is the swelling of a varix,
7.  If valvulotherapy is treatment by means then the swelling of a vein is venedema or
of a valve, then treatment by means of an phlebedema.
artery is arteriotherapy. 15.  If thrombopoiesis is the formation of a
8.  If sanguinorrhea is the flowing of blood, clot, then the formation of a capillary is
then the flowing of lymph is lymphorrhea capillaropoiesis.
or lymphatorrhea. 16.  If glandulostat is something which stops
9.  If splenoplasty is the surgical repairing of secretions from a gland, then something
the spleen, then the surgical repairing of a which stops secretions from the thymus is
ventricle is ventriculoplasty. thymostat.
10.  If hematokinesis is the movement of 17.  If thyrin is a substance of the thyroid
blood, then the movement of secretions is gland, then a substance of the pineal
endocrinokinesis or crinokinesis. gland is pinealin.
11.  If adenostomy is the making of an 18.  If adenotome is an instrument for cutting
opening in a gland, then the making a gland, then an instrument for cutting a
capillary is capillarotome.

1.  ganglion sympatheticum = a ganglion p.t. 7.  membrana tympanica = the membrane p.t.
the sympathetic nerves the middle ear
2.  os costale = a bone p.t. the ribs 8.  tendo calcaneus = the tendon p.t. the
3.  musculus sternothyroideus = the muscle calcaneus
p.t. the thyroid gland and the sternum 9.  ligamentum iliofemorale = the ligament p.t.
4.  glandula conjunctivalis = the gland p.t. the the femur and the ilium
conjunctiva 10.  vena ciliaris = the vein p.t. the ciliary body
5.  valvula lymphatica = the valve p.t. lymph
6.  vas sanguineum = a vessel p.t. blood
Answer Keys: 5.6  199

1.  thrombocytemia hemorrhagica = the 6.  meningitis lymphocytica = the
abnormal presence of platelets in the inflammation of the meninges, p.t. the
blood, p.t. the rapid flowing of blood cells of the lymph
2.  thrombosis cardiaca = an abnormal 7.  encephalitis hemorrheica = the
condition involving a clot, p.t. the heart inflammation of the brain, p.t. the flowing
3.  varix arterialis = a varix p.t. an artery of blood
4.  arteriosclerosis cerebralis = the hardening 8.  cardiomyopathia ventricularis = a disease
of an artery, p.t. the cerebrum of the muscles of the heart, p.t. a ventricle
5.  arteritis brachiocephalica = the 9.  thrombophlebitis iliofemoralis = the
inflammation of an artery, p.t. the head, inflammation of a vein, involving a clot,
involving the arm p.t. the femur and the ilium
10.  myelitis hemorrhagica = the inflammation
of the spinal cord, p.t. the rapid flowing of

1a.  hemat/oste/on — a collection of blood in 2a.  sangu/in/o/poi/et/ic — p.t. the formation
a bone of blood
1b.  hemat/o/cyt/o/pen/ia — a deficiency of 2b.  sangu/in/e/ous — p.t. the blood
cells of the blood 3a.  hem/o/glob/in/em/ia — the abnormal
1c.  hemat/o/myel/it/is — the inflammation of presence of hemoglobin in the blood
the spinal cord, involving blood 3b.  hem/o/glob/in/o/lys/is — the
1d.  hemat/o/tympan/um — a collection of disintegration of hemoglobin
blood in the middle ear 4a.  plasm/a/cyt/os/is — an abnormal
1e.  hemat/omphal/o/cel/e — the protrusion condition involving cells involving the
of the navel, involving blood plasma
1f.  hem/o/rrha(g/o)/gen/ic — producing the 4b.  plasm/a/therap/y — treatment by means
rapid flowing of blood of plasma
1g.  hemat/in/o/gen — a substance which 4c.  plasm/o/trop/ic — preferentially affecting
produces a substance of blood plasma
1h.  hem/o/stat — something which stops 5a.  thromb/o/gen/ic — producing clots
blood 5b.  thromb/o/kin/et/ic/s — the science of the
1i.  hemat/in/em/ia — the abnormal presence movement of clots
of a substance of blood in the blood 5c.  thromb/o/plast/ic — p.t. the formation of
1j.  hem/ophthalm/us — a collection of blood clots
in the eye
200  Answer Keys: 5.6

5d.  thromb/ot/ic — p.t. an abnormal 12a.  peri/cardi/o/cent/es/is — the surgical

condition involving clots puncturing of the pericardium
6a.  thromb/o/cyt/o/path/ic — p.t. a disease of 12b.  peri/cardi/o/stom/y — the making of an
platelets opening in the pericardium
6b.  hem/o/rrhag/ic thromb/o/cyt/hem/ia — 13a.  my/o/card/it/ic — p.t. the inflammation
the abnormal presence of platelets in the of the myocardium
blood, p.t. the rapid flowing of blood 13b.  my/o/card/os/is — an abnormal
7a. sphygm/o/cardi/o/graph — an instrument condition involving the myocardium
for recording the heart involving the 14a.  angi/ec/tat/ic — p.t. the distention of a
pulse vessel
7b.  sphygm/o/metr/o/scop/e — an 14b.  angi/ec/top/ia — the displacement of a
instrument for examining and measuring vessel
the pulse
14c.  angi/o/dys/troph/y — the defective
8a.  cardi/agr/a — gouty pain in the heart growth of a vessel
8b.  cardi/ec/tas/is — the distention of the 14d.  angi/o/spast/ic — p.t. a spasm of a vessel
15a.  vas/cul/o/lymphat/ic — p.t. lymph
8c.  cardi/odyn/ia — pain in the heart involving vessels
8d.  cardi/o/peri/card/it/is — the 15b.  vas/o/trop/ic — preferentially affecting
inflammation of the pericardium and vessels
15c.  vas cap/ill/ar/e — a vessel p.t. capillaries
8e.  cardi/o/pt/os/is — the downward
displacement of the heart 15d.  vas lymphat/ic/um — a vessel p.t. lymph

8f.  cardi/o/valv/ul/o/tom/e — an instrument 15e.  vas sangu/in/e/um retin/al/e — a vessel

for cutting the valves of the heart p.t. blood and p.t. the retina

9a.  aort/o/rrhaph/y — the suturing of the 15f.  vas nerv/os/um — a vessel p.t. nerves
aorta 16a.  arteri/o/necr/os/is — the death of an
9b.  aort/o/scler/os/is — the hardening of the artery
aorta 16b.  arteri/o/rrhex/is — the rupturing of an
10a.  valv/ul/o/plast/y — the surgical repairing artery
of a valve 16c.  arteri/o/ven/ous — p.t. the veins and
10b.  valv/ul/a lymphat/ic/a — a valve p.t. arteries
lymph 16d.  arteri/ost/os/is — the ossification of an
10c.  valv/ul/a ven/os/a — a valve p.t. a vein artery

11a.  ventr/i/cul/o/my/o/tom/y — the cutting 16e.  arteri/a brachi/al/is — an artery p.t. the
of the muscle of a ventricle arm

11b.  ventr/i/cul/o/ven/o/stom/y — the 16f. arteri/a ili/ac/a — an artery p.t. the ilium
making of an opening in a vein of a 17a.  phleb/o/lith — a calculus in a vein
ventricle 17b.  phleb/o/phleb/o/stom/y — the making
of an opening between two parts of a vein
Answer Keys: 5.6  201

17c.  phleb/o/thromb/os/is — an abnormal 23b.  lymph/angi/ec/tat/ic — p.t. the distention

condition involving clots involving a vein of lymph vessels
18a.  ven/ous — p.t. a vein 24a. lymph/aden/o/cel/e — the protrusion of a
18b.  ven/a lien/al/is — a vein p.t. the spleen lymph node
18c.  ven/a mus/cul/ar/is — a vein p.t. a 24b.  dermat/o/path/ic lymph/aden/o/path/y
muscle — a disease of the lymph nodes, p.t. a
disease of the skin
18d. ven/a thorac/o/acr/om/i/al/is — a vein
p.t. the acromion and chest 25a.  splen/em/ia — the abnormal presence of
blood in the spleen
18e. ven/a thyr/oid/e/a — a vein p.t. the
thyroid gland 25b.  splen/o/lymphat/ic — p.t. the lymph and
19a.  cap/ill/ar/ec/tas/ia — the distention of a
capillary 25c.  splen/o/myel/o/gen/ous — produced by
the bone marrow and spleen
19b.  lymphat/ic cap/ill/ar/y — a capillary p.t.
lymph 25d.  splen/o/pt/os/is — the downward
displacement of the spleen
19c.  cap/ill/ar/o/scop/y — the examination of
the capillaries 25e.  splen/o/rrhag/ia — the rapid flowing of
something from the spleen
20a. varic/oid — resembling a varix
26a.  lien/al — p.t. the spleen
20b. varix lymphat/ic/us — a varix p.t. lymph
26b.  lien/o/myel/o/malac/ia — the softening
20c.  varic/o/cel/ec/tom/y — the cutting out of of the bone marrow and spleen
something involving the protrusion of a
varix 27a.  endo/crin/a/sthen/ic — p.t. the lack of
strength of secretion
21a.  cirs/ec/tom/y — the cutting out of a varix
27b.  endo/crin/o/therap/y — treatment by
21b.  cirs/ophthalm/ia — an abnormal means of secretions
condition involving the eye, involving a
varix 27c.  endo/crin/o/trop/ic — preferentially
affecting secretion
22a.  lymphat/o/gen/ous — produced by the
lymph 27d.  crin/in — a substance of a secretion
22b.  lymph/o/cyt/hem/ia — the abnormal 28a.  hormon/o/poi/es/is — the formation of
presence of cells of lymph in the blood hormones
22c.  lymph/o/rrhe/a — the flowing of lymph 28b.  hormon/o/pex/ic — p.t. the fixation of
22d.  lymph/edema — the swelling of
something involving lymph 29a.  aden/alg/ia — pain in a gland
22e. lymph/o/stas/is — the stopping of 29b.  aden/o/cyt/e — a cell of a gland
something involving lymph 29c.  aden/o/malac/ia — the softening of a
23a.  lymph/angi/o/phleb/it/is — the gland
inflammation of the veins involving 29d.  aden/o/megal/y — the enlargement of a
lymph vessels gland
202  Answer Keys: 6.1

29e.  aden/o/scler/os/is — the hardening of a 34e.  thyr/oid/ism — a condition caused by the

gland malfunction of the thyroid gland
30a.  gland/ul/ous — p.t. a gland 35a.  para/thyr/oid/o/path/y — a disease of
30b.  gland/ul/a tympan/ic/a — a gland p.t. the the parathyroid glands
middle ear 35b.  para/thyr/oid/in — a substance of the
30c.  gland/ul/a lacrim/al/is — a gland p.t. parathyroid glands
tears 36a.  thym/o/cyt/e — a cell of the thymus
31a.  pine/al/o/cyt/e — a cell of the pineal 36b.  thym/in — a substance of the thymus
gland 37a.  ad/ren/al/ism — a condition caused by
31b.  pine/al/ism — a condition caused by the the malfunction of the adrenal glands
malfunction of the pineal gland 37b.  ad/ren/o/kin/et/ic — p.t. the movement
32a.  hypo/phys/e/o/trop/ic — preferentially of secretions from the adrenal glands
affecting the pituitary gland 37c.  ad/ren/al/in/o/gen/es/is — the
32b.  hypo/phys/ec/tom/iz/e — to cut out the production of a substance of the adrenal
pituitary gland glands
33a.  par/ot/it/ic — p.t. the inflammation of the 38a.  supra/ren/o/trop/ic — preferentially
parotid gland affecting the adrenal glands
33b.  par/ot/in — a substance of the parotid 38b.  supra/ren/o/path/y — a disease of the
gland adrenal glands
34a.  thyr/o/chondr/o/tom/y — the cutting of 39a.  insul/in/o/pen/ic — p.t. a deficiency of a
a cartilage involving the thyroid gland substance of the islets of Langerhans
34b.  thyr/o/cardi/ac — p.t. the heart and 39b.  insul/in/em/ia — the abnormal presence
thyroid gland of a substance of the islets of Langerhans
34c. thyr/o/para/thyr/oid/ec/tom/y — the in the blood
cutting out of the parathyroid and thyroid 40a.  gonad/o/trop/in — a substance which
glands preferentially affects the gonads
34d.  thyr/o/lyt/ic — p.t. the disintegration of 40b.  gonad/ec/tom/iz/e — to cut out the
the thyroid gland gonads

1.  nasoplasty = rhinoplasty 5.  epiglottiditic = epiglottitic
2.  pulmonorrheic = pulmorrheic, 6.  rhinopharyngostenotic =
pneumorrheic, pneumonorrheic nasopharyngostenotic
3.  bronchoplegia = bronchiplegia 7.  diaphragmoclasis = diaphragmatoclasis,
4.  spirometric = pneometric phrenoclasis
Answer Keys: 6.3   203

1.  one with a disease of the larynx = 6.  an instrument for recording the diaphragm
laryngopath = phrenograph; diaphragmograph;
2.  p.t. the examination of the nasopharynx diaphragmatograph
or p.t. an instrument for examing the 7.  a spasm of the pleura = pleurospasm;
nasopharynx = nasopharyngoscopic; pleurismus
rhinopharyngoscopic 8.  p.t. the stopping of the nose = rhinostatic;
3.  p.t. the inflammation of the mediastinum = nasostatic
mediastinitic 9.  p.t. the suturing of the septum =
4.  p.t. the narrowing of the trachea = septorrhaphic
tracheostenotic 10.  p.t. the swelling of the lungs =
5.  p.t. the paralysis of the bronchi = pneumonedematic; pneumedematic;
bronchoplegic; bronchiplegic pulmonedematic; pulmedematic

1.  If rhinoplasty is the surgical repairing of 7.  If pneumopexy is the adhesion of the lung,
the nose, then the surgical repairing of the then the adhesion of the mediastinum is
trachea is tracheoplasty. mediastinopexy.
2.  If pneumotome is an instrument for 8.  If osteoclast is something which breaks a
cutting the lung, then an instrument for bone, then something which breaks the
cutting something involving an antrum is septum is a septoclast.
antrotome. 9.  If neurosis is an abnormal condition
3.  If rhinopharyngoscopy is the examination involving nerves, then an abnormal
of the nasopharynx, then the examination condition involving an antrum is antrosis.
of the septum is septoscopy. 10.  If pneumonometry is the measurement
4.  If mediastinostomy is the making of an of the lung, then the measurement
opening in the mediastinum, then the of the bronchus is bronchometry or
making of an opening in the trachea is bronchimetry.
tracheostomy. 11.  If nasorrhaphy is the suturing of the
5.  If laryngopharyngoscopy is the nose, then the suturing of the larynx is
examination of the pharynx, involving laryngorrhaphy.
the larynx, then the examination of 12.  If phrenopath is one with a disease of the
the larynx, involving the pharynx is diaphragm, then one with a disease of the
pharyngolaryngoscopy. pleura is pleuropath.
6.  If pleurostomy is the making of an opening 13.  If pneopathy is a disease of breathing,
in the pleura, then the making of an then a disease of the sinuses is sinopathy
opening in the neck is trachelostomy or or sinusopathy.
204  Answer Keys: 6.4

14.  If pharyngostasis is the stopping of the 16.  If nasostomy is the making of an opening
pharynx, then the stopping of the nose is in the nose, then the making of an
rhinostasis or nasostasis. opening in the pharynx is pharyngostomy.
15.  If hemorrhagia is the rapid flowing of 17.  If epiglottography is the recording of the
blood, then the rapid flowing of air is epiglottis, then the recording of the lung
pneumatorrhagia. is pneumonography or pneumography or
pulmonography or pulmography.

1.  membranae cerebrales = the membranes 6.  vasa sanguinea = the vessels p.t. blood
p.t. the cerebrum 7.  glandulae ciliares = the glands p.t. the
2.  ganglia sacralia = the ganglia p.t. the ciliary bodies
sacrum 8.  ossicula cranialia = the little bones p.t. the
3.  musculi nasales = the muscles p.t. the nose skull
4.  ossa facialia = the bones p.t. the face 9.  vena glutealis = the vein p.t. the buttock
5.  vas lymphocapillare = the vessel p.t. the 10.  ossa tarsalia = the bones p.t. the tarsus
capillaries, involving lymph

1.  pneumonia pleuritica = an abnormal 6.  thyroiditis lymphatica = the inflammation
condition involving the lungs, p.t. the of the thyroid gland, p.t. lymph
inflammation of the pleura 7.  bronchitis laryngotrachealis = the
2.  conjunctivitis membranosa = the inflammation of the bronchi, p.t. the
inflammation of the conjunctiva, p.t. the trachea, involving the larynx
membrane 8.  bronchiectasis capillaris = the distention of
3.  arthropathia osteopulmonaria = a disease the bronchi, p.t. the capillaries
of the joints, p.t. the lungs, involving a 9.  varix lymphaticus = a varix p.t. lymph
10.  pneumonia malleosa = an abnormal
4.  dermatitis nasalis = the inflammation of condition involving the lungs, p.t. the
the skin, p.t. the nose hammer
5.  cephalalgia pharyngotympanica = pain in
the head, p.t. the middle ear, involving the

1a.  rhin/o/gen/ous — produced by the nose 1b.  rhin/o/necr/os/is — the death of
something involving the nose
Answer Keys: 6.6  205

1c.  rhin/o/rrhaph/y — the suturing of the nose 8b.  epi/glottid/e/an — p.t. the epiglottis
2a.  nas/o/bronch/i/al — p.t. the bronchi and 9a.  laryng/o/cent/es/is — the surgical
nose puncturing of the larynx
2b.  nas/o/antr/o/stom/y — the making of 9b.  laryng/o/path/y — a disease of the larynx
an opening in something involving an 9c.  laryng/o/plast/y — the surgical repairing
antrum of the nose of the larynx
3a.  sin/o/bronch/it/is — the inflammation of 9d.  laryng/o/pt/os/is — the downward
the bronchi involving the sinuses displacement of the larynx
3b.  sinus/oid — resembling a sinus 10a.  trach/e/alg/ia — pain in the trachea
4a.  sept/ec/tom/y — the cutting out of a 10b.  trach/e/o/sten/os/is — the narrowing of
septum the trachea
4b.  sept/um nas/al/e — a septum p.t. the nose 10c.  trach/e/o/bronch/o/megal/y — the
4c.  sept/um cartilagin/e/um — a septum p.t. enlargement of the bronchi and trachea
cartilage 10d.  trach/e/o/stom/iz/e — to make an
5a.  antr/o/nas/al — p.t. the nose and antrum opening in the trachea
5b.  antr/um cardi/ac/um — an antrum p.t. 11a.  bronch/i/ec/tat/ic — p.t. the distention
the heart of the bronchi
5c.  antr/um tympan/ic/um — an antrum p.t. 11b.  bronch/o/pleg/ia — the paralysis of the
the middle ear bronchi
6a.  pharyng/ism/us — a spasm of the 11c.  bronch/o/rrhag/ia — the rapid flowing
pharynx of something from the bronchi
6b.  pharyng/o/laryng/it/is — the 12a.  pne/umon/edema — the swelling of the
inflammation of the larynx and pharynx lung
6c.  pharyng/o/con/junct/iv/it/is — the 12b.  pne/umon/em/ia — the abnormal
inflammation of the conjunctiva and presence of blood in the lungs
pharynx 12c.  pne/um/o/trop/ism — the tendency to
7a.  rhin/o/pharyng/o/cel/e — the protrusion preferentially affect the lungs
of the nasopharynx 12d.  pne/um/o/cephal/on — a collection of
7b.  nas/o/pharyng/e/al — p.t. the air in the head
nasopharynx 13a.  pulm/o/aort/ic — p.t. the aorta and
7c.  rhin/o/pharyng/o/lith — a calculus lungs
involving the nasopharynx 13b.  pulmon/ar/y — p.t. the lungs
7d.  nas/o/pharyng/o/laryng/o/scop/e — an 13c.  pulmon/o/log/ist — one who studies
instrument for examining the larynx and lungs
14a.  pleur/alg/ic — p.t. pain involving the
8a.  epi/glott/ic — p.t. the epiglottis pleura
206  Answer Keys: 6.7

14b.  pleur/o/rrhe/a — the flowing of 18b.  spir/o/metr/y — the measurement of

something from the pleura something involving breathing
14c.  pleur/o/peri/card/it/is — the 19a.  pne/o/scop/e — an instrument for
inflammation of the pericardium and examining something involving
pleura breathing
15a.  phren/odyn/ia — pain in the diaphragm 19b.  pne/o/graph — an instrument for
15b.  phren/o/spasm — a spasm of the recording something involving breathing
diaphragm 20a.  pne/umat/ics — the science of air
16a.  dia/phragmat/o/cel/e — the protrusion 20b.  pne/umat/o/therap/y — treatment by
of (something through) the diaphragm means of air
16b.  dia/phragmat/a — (several) diaphragms 20c.  pne/um/o/malac/ia — the softening of
17a.  medi/ast/in/it/is — the inflammation of the lungs
the mediastinum 20d.  pne/um/o/hem/o/peri/cardi/um —
17b.  medi/ast/in/o/scop/ic — p.t. the a collection of blood and air in the
examination of the mediastinum pericardium
18a.  spir/o/graph/y — the recording of 20e. pne/um/o/en/cephal/o/myel/o/graph/y
something involving breathing — the recording of the spinal cord and
brain, involving air

1. sinuses or sinus 8. phalanges 15. septa cartilaginea
2. myringes 9. irides 16. ligamenta tibialia
3. umbilici 10. mallei 17. musculi pubococcygei
4. ulnae 11. septa 18. musculi sternales
5. sterna 12. larynges 19. venae brachiocephalicae
6. astragali 13. nasal sinuses 20. venae cervicales
7. vertebrae 14. sinus nasales 21. arteriae brachiales

1. bronch/i/ol/us — a little bronchus 5. ven/ul/ae — little veins
2. bronch/i/ol/it/is — the inflammation of the 6. lien/cul/us — a little spleen
little bronchi 7. ling/ul/a — a little tongue
3. bronch/i/ol/ec/tas/is — the distention of 8. sept/ul/um — a little septum
the little bronchi
9. ped/i/cul/us — a little foot
4. bronch/i/ol/i — little bronchi
Answer Keys: 7.1   207

bronchiolus masculine singular bronchiole
vestibulum neuter singular vestibule
capsulae feminine plural capsules
lobuli masculine plural lobules
granulae feminine plural granules
folliculus masculine singular follicle
pedunculi masculine plural peduncles
ductulus masculine singular ductule
vesiculae feminine plural vesicles

colloqui/a neuter colloqui/um colloqui/al, colloqui/al/ism
alumn/i masculine alumn/us
alumn/ae feminine alumn/a
indic/es masc./fem. index indic/ate
phenomen/a neuter phenomen/on phenomen/al
person/ae feminine person/a person/al
dat/a neuter dat/um
calcul/i masculine calcul/us calcul/at/ion, calcul/at/or
err/at/a neuter err/at/um err/or
psych/os/es masc./fem. psych/os/is psych/ot/ic
ag/end/a neuter ag/end/um ag/ent
add/end/a neuter add/end/um add/it/ion, add/it/ive
corrig/end/a neuter corrig/end/um in/corrig/ible
appendic/es masc./fem. appendix appendic/it/is
gen/it/al/ia neuter gen/it/al/e x‑o‑gen/es/is,

1.  mentostomy = geniostomy 6.  staphylostenotic = uvulostenotic,
2.  stomotic = stomatotic, orotic cionostenotic
3.  cheilorrhaphic = labiorrhaphic 7.  odontagra = dentagra
4.  linguopectic = glossopectic 8.  ulitis = gingivitis
5.  uraniscomalacia = uranomalacia, 9.  amelopenia = enamelopenia,
palatomalacia adamantopenia, adamantinopenia
10.  pulpoplasia = pulpopoiesis
208  Answer Keys: 7.2

1.  p.t. a calculus involving a tooth = 6.  one who heals gums = uliatrist; gingiviatrist
odontolithic; dentolithic; dentilithic 7.  something which ingests the uvula =
2.  p.t. a deficiency of dentin = dentinopenic staphylophage; uvulophage; cionophage
3.  p.t. the displacement of the periodontium 8.  the protrusion of the periodontium; the
= periodontectopic protrusion of something through the
4.  p.t. the distention of the gums = ulectatic; periodontium = periodontocele
gingivectatic 9.  p.t. the softening of the enamel =
5.  p.t. the enlargement of the palate = enamelomalacic; amelomalacic;
palatomegalic; uraniscomegalic; adamatinomalacic; adamantomalacic
uranomegalic 10.  a substance of cementum = cementin

1.  If glossoscopic is p.t. the examination of the 7.  If maxillomandibula is the part of the lower
tongue, then p.t. the examination of the jaw involving the upper jaw, then the part
jaw is gnathoscopic. of the upper jaw involving the lower jaw is
2.  If maxillosclerosis is the hardening of the mandibulomaxilla.
upper jaw, then the hardening of a tooth 8.  If linguopath is one with a disease of the
is odontosclerosis or dentosclerosis or tongue, then one with a disease of the
dentisclerosis. cheek is buccopath.
3.  If odontonecrosis is the death of a tooth, 9.  If odontomaxilla is the part of the
then the death of something involving the upper jaw involving teeth, then the
lower jaw is mandibulonecrosis. part of the lower jaw involving teeth is
4.  If gingivospasm is a spasm of the gums, odontomandibula.
then a spasm of the periodontium is 10.  If adamantinotomy is the cutting of
periodontospasm. enamel, then the cutting of the jaw is
5.  If cementoplasty is the surgical repairing of gnathotomy.
the cementum, then the surgical repairing 11.  If periodontectopia is the displacement of
of dentin is dentinoplasty. the periodontium, then the displacement
6.  If amelotropism is the tendency to of the tongue is linguectopia or
preferentially affect enamel, then the glossectopia.
tendency to preferentially affect the 12.  If ulotomic is p.t. the cutting of the gums,
tongue is glossotropism or linguotropism. then p.t. the cutting of the lip is labiotomic
or cheilotomic.
Answer Keys: 7.6  209

1.  ganglia thoracalia = the ganglia p.t. the 6.  valvula venosa = the valve p.t. the vein
chest 7.  venae pulmonales = the veins p.t. the lungs
2.  os nasale = the bone p.t. the nose 8.  musculus buccopharyngeus = the muscle
3.  glandulae linguales = the glands p.t. the p.t. the pharynx, involving the cheek
tongue 9.  os odontoideum = the bone resembling a
4.  venae maxillares = the veins p.t. the upper tooth
jaw 10.  sinus maxillaris = the sinus p.t. the upper
5.  arteria buccalis = the artery p.t. the cheek jaw

1.  otalgia dentalis = pain in the ear, p.t. the 6.  chondria calcanea = an abnormal
teeth condition involving the cartilage, p.t. the
2.  cheilitis glandularis = the inflammation of calcaneus
the lip, p.t. a gland 7.  myelopathia spondylotica cervicalis
3.  bronchosis hemorrhagica = an abnormal = a disease of the spinal cord, p.t. an
condition involving the bronchi, p.t. the abnormal condition involving the
rapid flowing of blood vertebrae and p.t. the neck
4.  pneumonia lymphocytica = an abnormal 8.  conjunctivitis membranosa = the
condition involving the lungs, p.t. cells of inflammation of the conjunctiva, p.t. the
lymph membrane
5.  arthritis vertebralis = the inflammation of 9.  rhinorrhea cerebrospinalis = the flowing
the joints, p.t. the vertebrae of something from the nose, p.t. the spine
involving the brain
10.  meningitis optica = the inflammation of
the meninges, p.t. the eye

1a.  gnath/o/log/ic — p.t. the study of the jaws 3b.  max/ill/o/mand/i/bul/ar — p.t. the lower
1b.  gnath/o/stomat/ic/s — the science of the and upper jaws
mouth and jaws 4a.  geni/an — p.t. the chin
2a.  max/ill/o/palat/in/e — p.t. the palate and 4b.  geni/o/cheil/o/plast/y — the surgical
upper jaw repairing of the lip and chin
2b.  max/ill/ar/y — p.t. the upper jaw 5a.  ment/o/labi/al — p.t. the lip and chin
3a.  mand/i/bul/o/pharyng/e/al — p.t. the 5b.  ment/o/plast/ic — p.t. the surgical
pharynx and lower jaw repairing of the chin
210  Answer Keys: 7.6

6a.  stomat/o/malac/ia — the softening of 14b. uran/o/staphyl/o/rrhaph/y — the

something involving the mouth suturing of the uvula and palate
6b.  stomat/itid/es — several conditions 15a.  staphyl/o/pt/os/is — the downward
involving the inflammation of something displacement of the uvula
involving the mouth 15b.  staphyl/o/tom/e — an instrument for
6c.  stomat/o/tom/y — the cutting of a mouth cutting the uvula
7a.  or/o/nas/al — p.t. the nose and mouth 16a.  uv/ul/ec/tom/y — the cutting out of the
7b.  or/o/pharynx — the part of the pharynx uvula
involving the mouth 16b.  uv/ul/a palat/in/a — the uvula p.t. the
8a.  cheil/o/phag/ia — the ingestion of palate
something involving the lips 17a.  cion/it/is — the inflammation of the
8b.  cheil/o/gnath/o/uran/o/schis/is — the uvula
splitting of the palate, jaw and lip 17b.  cion/o/rrhaph/y — the suturing of the
9a.  labi/o/graph — an instrument for uvula
recording something involving the lips 17c.  cion/o/pt/os/is — the downward
9b.  labi/o/ment/al — p.t. the chin and lip displacement of the uvula
10a.  bucc/o/gingiv/al — p.t. the gums and 18a.  odont/alg/ic — p.t. pain in the teeth
cheek, or p.t. or formed by the buccal and 18b.  odont/o/gen — a substance which
gingival walls of a tooth cavity produces teeth
10b. bucc/o/max/ill/ar/y — p.t. the upper jaw 18c.  odont/o/lith/ias/is — the abnormal
and the cheek presence of calculi involving teeth
10c. bucc/o/stom/y — the making of an 19a.  dent/ia — an abnormal condition
opening in the cheek involving the teeth
11a. gloss/o/trich/ia — an abnormal condition 19b.  dent/i/bucc/al — p.t. the cheeks and
involving hair involving the tongue teeth
11b. gloss/o/pt/os/is — the downward 20a.  peri/odont/ic/s — the science of the
displacement of the tongue periodontium
12a. lingu/o/gingiv/al — p.t. the gums and 20b.  peri/odont/o/clas/is — the breaking of
tongue, or p.t. or formed by the lingual the periodontium
and gingival walls of a tooth cavity 21a.  gingiv/o/labi/al — p.t. the lips and gums
12b.  lingu/o/dent/al — p.t. the teeth and 21b.  gingiv/o/stomat/it/is — the inflammation
tongue of the mouth involving the gums
13a.  palat/o/gnath/ous — p.t. the jaw and 22a.  ul/a/troph/y — the lack of growth of the
palate gums
13b.  palat/o/pleg/ia — the paralysis of the 22b.  ul/hem/o/rrhag/ia — the rapid flowing of
palate blood from the gums
14a.  uran/o/schis/is — the splitting of the 23a.  dent/in/oid — resembling dentin
Answer Keys: 7.6  211

23b.  dent/in/oste/oid — resembling bone and 30a.  mesi/o/bucc/o/pulp/al — p.t. or formed

dentin by the mesial, buccal and pulpal walls of
24a.  amel/o/gen/ic — producing enamel a tooth cavity
24b.  amel/o/gen/in — a substance which 30b.  mesi/o/gingiv/al — p.t. or formed by the
produces enamel mesial and gingival walls of a tooth cavity
25a.  a/damant/in/a — p.t. the enamel [Latin] 30c.  mesi/o/‑occlus/o/dist/al — p.t. or formed
by the mesial, occlusal and distal surfaces
25b.  a/damant/in/e — p.t. the enamel of a tooth
31a.  incis/o/labi/al — p.t. or formed by the
26a.  pulp/itid/es — several conditions incisal and labial surfaces of a tooth
involving the inflammation of the pulp
31b.  incis/o/lingu/al — p.t. or formed by the
26b.  pulp/odont/ic/s — the science of the incisal and lingual surfaces of a tooth
teeth and pulp
32.  occlus/o/cervic/al — p.t. the occlusal
27a.  cement/in — a substance of the surface of a tooth, involving the cervix of
cementum a tooth
27b.  cement/o/cyt/e — a cell of the cementum 33.  labi/o/cervic/al — p.t. the labial surface of
28a.  axi/o/bucc/o/cervic/al — p.t. or formed the cervix of a tooth
by the axial, buccal and cervical walls of a 34a.  labi/o/lingu/al — p.t. the lips and the
tooth cavity tongue; or p.t. or formed by the labial and
28b.  axi/o/bucc/o/lingu/al — p.t. or formed by lingual surfaces of a tooth
the axial, buccal and lingual surfaces of a 34b.  labi/o/gingiv/al — p.t. or formed by the
tooth labial and gingival walls of a tooth cavity
28c.  axi/o/cervic/al — p.t. or formed by the 35a.  bucc/o/axi/o/gingiv/al — p.t. or formed
axial and cervical walls of a tooth cavity by the buccal, axial and gingival walls of a
28d.  axi/o/labi/o/lingu/al — p.t. or formed by tooth cavity
the axial, labial and lingual surfaces of a 35b.  bucc/o/dist/al — p. t. or formed by the
tooth buccal and distal surfaces of a tooth; or
28e. axi/o/lingu/o/cervic/al — p.t. or formed p.t. or formed by the buccal and distal
by the axial, lingual and cervical walls of a walls of a tooth cavity
tooth cavity 36a.  lingu/o/mesi/al — p.t. or formed by the
29a. dist/o/bucc/o/pulp/al — p.t. or formed lingual and mesial surfaces of a tooth; or
by the distal, buccal and pulpal walls of a p.t. or formed by the lingual and mesial
tooth cavity walls of a tooth cavity
29b.  dist/o/pulp/o/lingu/al — p.t. or formed 36b.  lingu/o/‑occlus/al — p.t. or formed by the
by the distal, pulpal and lingual walls of a lingual and occlusal surfaces of a tooth
tooth cavity 37a.  gingiv/o/lingu/o/axi/al — p.t. or formed
29c.  dist/o/lingu/o/‑occlus/al — p.t. or by the gingival, lingual and axial walls of a
formed by the distal, lingual and occlusal tooth cavity
surfaces of a tooth
212  Answer Keys: 7.7

37b.  gingiv/o/axi/al — p.t. or formed by the 38b. pulp/o/mesi/al — p.t. or formed by the
gingival and axial walls of a tooth cavity pulpal and mesial walls of a tooth cavity
38a.  pulp/o/dist/al — p.t. or formed by the
pulpal and distal walls of a tooth cavity

1.  arteri/a thorac/o/acr/om/i/al/is — an 5.  mus/cul/us corac/o/brachi/al/is — a
artery p.t. the acromion and chest muscle p.t. the arm and coracoid process
2.  ven/ae cili/ar/i/ae — the veins p.t. the 6.  arteri/ae con/junct/iv/al/es — the arteries
ciliary body p.t. the conjunctiva
3.  ligament/um uln/o/carp/e/um — a 7.  ligament/a sacr/o/ili/ac/a — the ligaments
ligament p.t. the wrist and ulna p.t. the ilium and sacrum
4.  nerv/i thorac/ic/i — the nerves p.t. the 8.  ligament/a stern/o/peri/cardi/ac/a —
chest the ligaments p.t. the pericardium and

1.  atloclastic = atlantoclastic 6.  thrombauxis = thrombomegaly
2.  temporomastitis = temporomastoiditis 7.  arteriocirrhosis = arteriosclerosis
3.  petrosopenic = petropenic 8.  ethmectomy = ethmoidectomy
4.  sphenometry = sphenoidometry 9.  phleborrhexis = venorrhexis
5.  zygomatectopic = zygomaticectopic 10.  vasogram = angiogram

1.  the suture between the frontal and parietal 6.  the ulceration of the cheek = buccelcosis
bones = sutura parietofrontalis 7.  the closure of the trachea = tracheocleisis
2.  the ethmoid bone = os ethmoidale 8.  p.t. the hardening of a gland =
3.  the rapid flowing of tears = lacrimorrhagia adenocirrhotic; glandulocirrhotic
4.  p.t. the lacrimal and ethmoid bone = 9.  the enlargement of the heart = cardiauxis;
ethmoidolacrimal; ethmolacrimal cardauxis
5.  p.t. the making of an opening in the occiput 10.  the poisoning of a cell = cytotoxicosis
= occipitostomic

1.  If sphenoptosis is the downward 2.  If occipitorrhexis is the rupturing of the
displacement of the sphenoid bone, then occiput, then the rupturing of a suture is
the downward displacement of the frontal suturorrhexis.
bone is frontoptosis.
Answer Keys: 8.4  213

3.  If atlectasia is the distention of the atlas, 10.  If cerebrotoxin is a substance poisonous
then the distention of the styloid process to the brain, then a substance poisonous
is styloidectasia or stylectasia. to a nerve is neurotoxin or nervitoxin.
4.  If lacrimectomy is the cutting out of the 11.  If myelapheresis is the removal of bone
lacrimal bone, then the cutting out of the marrow, then the removal of hemoglobin
temporal bone is temporectomy. is hemoglobinapheresis.
5.  If stylodysplastic is p.t. the defective 12.  If encephalenchysis is the injection of
formation of the styloid process, then fluid into the brain, then the injection of
p.t. the defective formation of the fluid into the heart is cardienchysis.
mastoid process is mastodysplastic or 13.  If omphalelcosis is the ulceration of the
mastoidodysplastic. navel, then the ulceration of the epidermis
6.  If petrosopenia is a deficiency of the is epidermatelcosis or epidermelcosis.
petrous part of the temporal bone, then 14.  If zygomaticoclasis is the breaking of the
a deficiency of the squamous part of the zygomatic bone, then the breaking of the
temporal bone is squamosopenia or parietal bone is parietoclasis.
15.  If temporalodynia is pain in something
7.  If cephalauxis is the enlargement of the p.t. the temporal bone, then pain in
head, then the enlargement of the nose is something p.t. the ethmoid bone is
rhinauxis or nasauxis. ethmoidalodynia or ethmalodynia.
8.  If vasocleisis is the closure of a vessel, then 16.  If frontectomy is the cutting out of the
the closure of an artery is arteriocleisis. frontal bone, then the cutting out of the
9.  If stylelcotic is p.t. the ulceration of the atlas is atlectomy or atlantectomy.
styloid process, then p.t. the ulceration of
the tongue is glosselcotic or linguelcotic.

1.  arteria stylomastoidea = the artery p.t. the 6.  musculus sternocleidomastoideus = the
mastoid process and the styloid process muscle p.t. the mastoid process, the collar
2.  vasa maxillaria = the vessels p.t. the upper bone, and the sternum
jaw 7.  os suturale = the bone p.t. a suture
3.  sutura nasomaxillaris = the suture between 8.  sinus sphenoparietalis = the sinus p.t. the
the maxilla and the nasal bone parietal bone and the sphenoid bone
4.  labium mandibulare = the lip p.t. the lower 9.  sutura squamomastoidea = the suture
jaw between the mastoid process and the
5.  ligamentum stylomandibulare = the squamous part of the temporal bone
ligament p.t. the mandible and the styloid 10.  venae ethmoidales = the veins p.t. the
process ethmoid bone
214  Answer Keys: 8.5

1.  arteritis temporalis = the inflammation of 5.  arthropathia neuropathica = a disease of
the artery, p.t. the temporal bone the joints, p.t. a disease of the nerves
2.  meningeopathia cerebrospinalis = a disease of 6.  thrombosis arterialis = an abnormal
the meninges, p.t. the spine and the brain condition involving a clot, p.t. an artery
3.  sinusitis frontalis = the inflammation of the 7.  bronchitis capillaris = the inflammation of
sinus, p.t. the frontal bone the bronchi, p.t. the capillaries
4.  osteopathia myelogenosa = a disease of the
bones, produced by the bone marrow

1a.  front/o/max/ill/ar/y — p.t. the maxilla and 6c.  mast/o/‑oc/cipit/al — p.t. the occiput and
the frontal bone mastoid process
1b.  front/o/tempor/al — p.t. the temporal and 7a.  styl/o/hy/oid — p.t. the hyoid bone and
frontal bones styloid process
2a.  pariet/o/sphen/oid — p.t. the sphenoid 7b.  styl/o/staphyl/in/e — p.t. the uvula and
and parietal bones styloid process
2b.  pariet/o/squam/os/al — p.t. the squamous 8a.  petr/os/it/is — the inflammation of the
part of the temporal bone, and to the petrous part of the temporal bone
parietal bone 8b.  petr/o/squam/os/al — p.t. the squamous
3a.  oc/cipit/o/cervic/al — p.t. the neck and and petrous parts of the temporal bone
occiput 9a.  squam/o/‑oc/cipit/al — p.t. the occiput
3b.  oc/cipit/o/ment/al — p.t. the chin and and the squamous part of the temporal
occiput bone
4a.  atlant/o/mast/oid — p.t. the mastoid 9b.  squam/o/zygomat/ic — p.t. the zygomatic
process and the atlas bone and the squamous part of the
4b.  membran/a atlant/o/oc/cipit/al/is — the temporal bone
membrane p.t. the occiput and atlas 9c.  squam/o/sphen/oid — p.t. the sphenoid
5a.  tempor/o/faci/al — p.t. the face and a bone and the squamous part of the
temporal bone temporal bone
5b.  ligament/um tempor/o/mand/i/bul/ar/e 10a.  sphen/oid/al — p.t. the sphenoid bone
— the ligament p.t. the mandible and 10b.  sphen/o/stom/y — the making of an
temporal bone opening in the sphenoid bone
6a.  mast/oid/e/o/cent/es/is — the surgical 10c.  sphen/o/trib/e — an instrument for
puncturing of the mastoid process crushing or rubbing the sphenoid bone
6b.  mast/oid/o/tympan/ec/tom/y — the 11a.  zygomatic/o/sphen/oid — p.t. the
cutting out of the middle ear and mastoid sphenoid and zygomatic bones
Answer Keys: 8.6  215

11b.  zyg‑(oma‑t)‑/o/max/ill/ar/y — p.t. the 20a.  pne/umon/o/cirrh/os/is — the

maxilla and the zygomatic bone hardening of the lungs
12a.  ethm/o/front/al — p.t. the frontal and 20b.  cardi/o/cirrh/os/is — the hardening of
ethmoid bones the heart
12b.  ethm/oid/o/lacrim/al — p.t. the lacrimal 21a.  arthr/o/kleis/is — the closure of
and ethmoid bones something involving a joint
13.  oss/a lacrim/al/ia — the lacrimal bones 21b.  rhin/o/cleis/is — the closure of
14.  nas/o/front/al — p.t. the frontal and nasal something involving the nose
bones 22a.  thym/elc/os/is — the ulceration of the
15.  max/ill/o/ethm/oid/ec/tom/y — the thymus
cutting out of the ethmoid bone, 22b.  omphal/elc/os/is — the ulceration of the
involving the maxilla navel
16.  tempor/o/mand/i/bul/ar — p.t. the 23a.  hem/o/glob/in/i/fer/ous — bearing
mandible and the temporal bone hemoglobin
17a.  sut/ur/ae crani/al/es — the sutures p.t. 23b.  sangu/i/fer/ous — bearing blood
the skull 23c.  oss/i/fer/ous — bearing bones
17b. sut/ur/a ethm/oid/o/max/ill/ar/i/a — 24a.  hem/o/tox/ic/os/is — the poisoning of
the suture between the maxilla and the the blood
ethmoid bone
24b.  cyt/o/tox/ic/os/is — the poisoning of
17c. sut/ur/a squam/os/a — the suture p.t. the cells
squamous part of the temporal bone
25a.  cyt/o/tox/ic — poisonous to cells
17d. sut/ur/a pariet/o/mast/oid/e/a — the
suture between the mastoid process and 25b.  myel/o/tox/ic — poisonous to the bone
the parietal bone marrow

17e. sut/ur/a nas/al/is — a suture p.t. the nasal 26a.  splen/o/tox/in — a substance poisonous
bone to the spleen

17f. sut/ur/a sphen/o/zygomat/ic/a — the 26b.  thym/o/tox/in — a substance poisonous

suture between the zygomatic bone and to the thymus
the sphenoid bone 27a.  ot/o/tox/ic/ity — the ability to poison the
18a.  hy/o/epi/glott/ic — p.t. the epiglottis and ear
hyoid bone 27b.  myel/o/tox/ic/ity — the ability to poison
18b.  hy/o/gloss/al — p.t. the tongue and hyoid bone marrow
bone 28a.  hem/ap/her/es/is — the removal of blood
19a.  mast/aux/e — the enlargement of a breast 28b.  thromb/o/cyt/ap/her/es/is — the
19b.  onych/aux/is — the enlargement of the removal of platelets
216  Answer Keys: 8.7

29a.  rhin/en/chys/is — the injection of fluid 31.  oste/o/camp — an instrument for bending
into the nose bones
29b.  cirs/en/chys/is — the injection of fluid 32a.  sym/path/ic/o/trips/y — the crushing of
into a varix the sympathetic nerves
30a.  rachi/o/camps/is — the curvature of the 32b.  ul/o/trips/is — the rubbing of the gums
spine 33.  oste/o/trib/e — an instrument for crushing
30b.  dactyl/o/camps/odyn/ia — pain or rubbing bones
involving the curvature of the digits

1.  geni/o/hy/oid — p.t. the hyoid bone and 9.  oste/o/thromb/o/phleb/it/is — the
chin inflammation of the veins, involving clots,
2.  labi/o/log/ic — p.t. the study of lips involving a bone
3.  cyt/o/tox/ic/ity — the ability to poison 10.  dactyl/edema — the swelling of the digits
cells 11.  crin/o/gen/ic — producing secretions
4.  ad/ren/o/tox/in — a substance poisonous 12.  arthr/o/neur/alg/ia — pain involving the
to the adrenal glands nerves of a joint
5.  thyr/o/trop/in — a substance which 13.  acr/o/troph/o/neur/os/is — an abnormal
preferentially affects the thyroid glands condition involving nerves involving the
6.  mening/o/rad/i/cul/ar — p.t. the radicles growth/nourishment of the extremities
and meninges 14.  oss/i/cul/ec/tom/y — the cutting out of
7.  crani/o/mening/o/cel/e — the protrusion little bones
of the meninges through the skull 15.  oss/i/cul/um — a little bone
8.  cleid/o/mast/oid — p.t. the mastoid
process and collar bone

1.  os pne/umat/ic/um — a bone p.t. air [=a 8.  mus/cul/us om/o/hy/oid/e/us — the
bone with air cavities] muscle p.t. the hyoid bone and shoulder
2.  os front/al/e — the frontal bone 9.  arteri/ae ethm/oid/al/es — the arteries p.t.
3.  oss/a crani/al/ia — the bones p.t. the skull the ethmoid bone
4.  os tempor/al/e — the temporal bone 10.  gland/ul/a pin/e/al/is — the pineal gland
5.  oss/a cost/al/ia — the bones p.t. the ribs 11.  gland/ul/ae supra/ren/al/es — the
adrenal glands
6.  ven/ae brachi/o/cephal/ic/ae — the veins
p.t. the head and arms 12.  gland/ul/a thyr/oid/e/a — the thyroid
7.  nerv/i oc/cipit/al/es — the nerves p.t. the
occiput 13.  gland/ul/ae para/thyr/oid/e/ae — the
parathyroid glands
Answer Keys: 9.3  217

1.  abdominocentesis = ventrocentesis 6.  cecenchysis = typhlenchysis, typhlochysis,
2.  laparotomy = celiotomy cecochysis
3.  visceral = splanchnic 7.  rectorrheic = proctorrheic
4.  stomachodynia = gastralgia, gastrodynia, 8.  sialostasis = ptyalostasis
stomachalgia 9.  choliferous = biliferous
5.  epiplectomic = omentectomic 10.  coprorrhagic = stercororrhagic,
stercorrhagic, fecorrhagic

1.  a calculus in the common bile duct = 6.  p.t. the hardening of chyle = chylocirrhotic
choledocholith 7.  a record of the appendix = appendicogram;
2.  p.t. a deficiency of the saliva = sialopenic; appendogram
ptyalopenic 8.  the science of the intestine = enterics
3.  p.t. the enlargement of the sigmoid fold = 9.  a substance of saliva = sialin; ptyalin
10.  one who studies bile = cholologist;
4.  p.t. the flowing of excrement = scatorrheic bilologist
5.  p.t. the production of feces = coprogenetic;
stercogenetic; stercorogenetic;

1.  If anticardiotic is operating against an 4.  If paraspinal is beside the spine, then
abnormal condition involving the heart, beside the septum is paraseptal.
then operating against an abnormal 5.  If circumrenal is p.t. something around the
condition involving the lungs is kidney, then p.t. something around the
antipulmonotic or antipulmotic or pleura is circumpleural.
antipneumonotic or antipneumotic.
6.  If periphlebic is surrounding the veins,
2.  If transdermectomic is p.t. the cutting out then surrounding the retina is periretinal.
of something through the skin, then p.t.
the cutting out of something through the 7.  If epihepatotic is p.t. an abnormal
epiglottis is transepiglottidectomic or condition involving something upon
transepiglottectomic. the liver, then p.t. an abnormal condition
involving something upon the hammer is
3.  If intervascular is located between vessels, epimalleotic.
then located between teeth is interdental
8.  If peripneumal is surrounding the lungs,
or interodontal.
then surrounding the radius is periradial.
218  Answer Keys: 9.4

9.  If entodentotic is p.t. an abnormal 14.  If subrenostomic is p.t. the making of an

condition involving something inside the opening in something below the kidney,
teeth, then p.t. an abnormal condition then p.t. the making of an opening in
involving something inside the veins is something below the cerebellum is
entovenotic or entophlebotic. subcerebellostomic.
10.  If hypergastromalacic is p.t. the excessive 15.  If antiencephalitic is against the
softening of the stomach, then p.t. the inflammation of the brain, then against
excessive softening of the vagus nerve is the inflammation of the aorta is antiaortitic
hypervagomalacic. or antiaorticitic.
11.  If extralienal is outside the spleen, then 16.  If paracardiosclerotic is p.t. the hardening
outside the vertebrae is extravertebral or of something beside the heart, then p.t. the
extraspondylic. hardening of something beside the head is
12.  If pregastric is located before the
stomach, then located before the neck is 17.  If circumcorneal is around the cornea, then
pretrachelic or precervical. around the arteries is circumarterial.
13.  If infrathoracic is below the chest, then 18.  If postgastric is behind the stomach, then
below the sclera is infrascleric. behind a ventricle is postventriculic.

1.  valvulae anales = the valves p.t. the anus 6.  musculus puboanalis = the muscle p.t. the
anus and the pubis
2.  arteria gastroduodenalis = an artery p.t. the
duodenum and the stomach 7.  sinus rectales = the sinuses p.t. the rectum
3.  ganglion thoracicum splanchnicum = a 8.  venae esophageales = the veins p.t. the
ganglion p.t. the chest and p.t. the viscera esophagus
4.  glandulae esophageae = the glands p.t. the 9.  sutura sphenozygomatica = the suture
esophagus between the zygomatic bone and the
sphenoid bone
5.  ligamentum hepatocolicum = the ligament
p.t. the colon and the liver 10.  ossa parietalia = the parietal bones

1.  thrombosis mesenterica venosa = an 3.  arthritis enteropathica = the inflammation
abnormal condition involving a clot, p.t. of the joints, p.t. a disease of the (small)
the mesentery and p.t. the veins intestine
2.  varices gastroesophageales = the varices 4.  arteritis visceralis = the inflammation of an
p.t. the esophagus and the stomach artery, p.t. the viscera
Answer Keys: 9.6  219

5.  phlebitis enterocolica lymphocytica = the 7.  sinusitis maxillaris = the inflammation of
inflammation of a vein, p.t. the colon and the sinus, p.t. the upper jaw (or p.t. the
the small intestine, and p.t. the cells of the maxilla)
lymph 8.  bronchostenosis membranosa = the
6.  colomalacia hemorrhagica = the softening narrowing of the bronchi, p.t. a membrane
of the colon, p.t. the rapid flowing of the 9.  pneumonia dermalis = an abnormal
blood condition involving the lungs, p.t. the skin
10.  mastorrhea glandularis = the flowing of
something from the breasts, p.t. a gland

1a.  celi/ac — p.t. the abdomen 7a.  splanchn/ic/ec/tom/y — the cutting out of
1b.  celi/o/tom/y — the cutting of the something p.t. the viscera
abdominal wall 7b.  splanchn/o/log/y — the study of the
1c.  celi/o/my/o/tom/y — the cutting of a viscera
muscle through the abdominal wall 8a.  viscer/o/trop/ic — preferentially affecting
2a.  abdomin/o/cent/es/is — the surgical the viscera
puncturing of something involving the 8b.  viscer/o/troph/ic — p.t. the growth/
abdomen nourishment of the viscera
2b.  abdomin/o/scop/y — the examination of 9a.  es/o/phag/ec/tas/ia — the distention of
the abdomen the esophagus
3a.  ventr/al — p.t. the abdomen 9b.  es/o/phag/o/cel/e — the protrusion of
3b.  ventr/o/pt/os/is — the downward something through the esophagus
displacement of the abdomen 10a.  gastr/o/tox/in — a substance poisonous
4a.  lapar/o/gastr/o/stom/y — the making of to the stomach
an opening in the stomach, through the 10b.  gastr/o/jejun/o/stom/y — the making
abdominal wall of an opening between the jejunum and
4b.  lapar/o/scop/e — an instrument for stomach, or an opening made between
examining the abdominal wall the jejunum and stomach
4c.  lapar/o/splen/ec/tom/y — the cutting out 10c.  gastr/o/enter/o/col/it/is — the
of the spleen, through the abdominal inflammation of the colon, intestine and
wall stomach
5a.  peri/ton/e/alg/ia — pain in the 10d.  gastr/aden/it/is — the inflammation of
peritoneum the glands of the stomach
5b.  peri/ton/e/o/peri/cardi/al — p.t. the 11a.  stomach/ic — p.t. the stomach
pericardium and peritoneum 11b.  stomach/odyn/ia — pain in the stomach
6a.  mes/enter/i/o/rrhaph/y — the suturing of 12a.  cardi/o/pyl/or/ic — p.t. the pylorus and
the mesentery the cardiac part of the stomach
6b.  mes/enter/i/ol/um — a little mesentery
220  Answer Keys: 9.6

12b.  cardi/ec/tom/y — the cutting out of the 20c.  hepat/ic/o/lith/o/trips/y — the crushing
cardiac part of the stomach, or the cutting of a calculus involving the hepatic duct
out of the heart 20d.  hepat/o/path — one with a disease of the
13a.  pyl/or/o/du/o/den/it/is — the liver
inflammation of the duodenum and 20e.  hepat/o/phag/e — something which
pylorus ingests something involving the liver
13b.  pyl/or/o/sten/os/is — the narrowing of 20f.  hepat/ic/o/chol/e/doch/o/stom/y — the
the pylorus making of an opening (or an opening
14a. oment/o/splen/o/pex/y — the fixation of made) between the common bile duct
the spleen and omentum and the hepatic duct
14b.  gastr/o/splen/ic oment/um — the 20g.  hepat/o/tox/ic/ity — the ability to poison
omentum p.t. the spleen and stomach the liver
15a.  epi/pl/o/plast/y — the surgical repairing 20h.  hepat/o/chol/angi/o/enter/o/stom/y —
of the omentum the making of an opening (or an opening
15b.  epi/pl/o/enter/o/cel/e — the protrusion made) between the intestine and the
of the intestine and omentum hepatic duct
16a.  du/o/den/o/hepat/ic — p.t. the liver and 21a.  pan/creat/ic — p.t. the pancreas
duodenum 21b.  pan/creat/in — a substance of the
16b.  du/o/den/o/lys/is — the separation of pancreas
the adhesions of the duodenum 21c.  pan/creat/o/gen/ous — produced by the
17a.  chol/e/cyst/o/pt/os/is — the downward pancreas
displacement of the gallbladder 21d.  pan/creat/o/lith/o/tom/y — the cutting
17b. chol/e/cyst/o/chol/angi/o/gram out of a calculus involving the pancreas
— a record of the bile ducts and the 21e.  pan/cre/o/therap/y — treatment by
gallbladder means of something involving the
18a.  chol/e/doch/o/lith — a calculus involving pancreas
the common bile duct 21f.  pan/creat/ic/o/gastr/o/stom/y — the
18b.  chol/e/doch/o/lith/o/tom/y — the making of an opening (or an opening
cutting out of a calculus involving the made) between the stomach and the
common bile duct pancreatic duct
19a.  chol/angi/ol/it/is — the inflammation of 22a.  enter/aden — a gland of the intestine
the little bile ducts 22b.  enter/o/cleis/is — the closure of the
19b.  chol/angi/o/gastr/o/stom/y — the intestine
making of an opening (or an opening 22c.  enter/o/pt/ot/ic — p.t. the downward
made) between the stomach and a bile displacement of the intestine
duct 22d.  enter/o/kin/in — a substance which
20a.  hepat/o/cyt/e — a cell of the liver moves something involving the intestine
20b.  hepat/o/dys/troph/y — the defective 22e.  enter/o/stas/is — the stopping of
growth of the liver something involving the intestine
Answer Keys: 9.6  221

22f.  enter/o/stom/al — p.t. the making of 29b.  sigm/oid/o/pex/y — the fixation of the
an opening in the intestine, or p.t. an sigmoid fold
opening made in the intestine 30a.  proct/o/rrhe/a — the flowing of
22g.  enter/o/tox/i/gen/ic — producing something from the anus
something poisonous to the intestine 30b.  proct/o/spasm — a spasm of the rectum
22h.  enter/o/tox/em/ia — the abnormal 31a.  rect/al — p.t. the rectum
presence in the blood of a poison caused
by the intestine 31b.  rect/(o)ischi/ac — p.t. the ischium and
23a.  jejun/o/ile/it/is — the inflammation of
the ileum and jejunum 32a.  an/o/coccyg/e/al — p.t. the coccyx and
23b.  jejun/o/jejun/o/stom/y — the making
of an opening (or an opening made) 32b.  an/o/derm — [note the irregular ending]
between two parts of the jejunum the skin of the anus

24a.  ile/o/col/it/is — the inflammation of the 33a.  sphincter/ism/us — a spasm of the

colon, involving the ileum sphincter

24b.  ile/ac — p.t. the ileum 33b.  pharyng/o/es/o/phag/e/al sphincter

— the sphincter p.t. the esophagus and
25a.  col/itid/es — several conditions involving pharynx
the inflammation of the colon
34a.  sial/o/lith/o/tom/y — the cutting out of a
25b.  col/on/o/rrhag/ia — the rapid flowing of calculus involving saliva
something from the colon
34b.  sial/o/phag/y — the ingestion of saliva
25c.  col/o/hepat/o/pex/y — the fixation of the
liver and the colon 34c.  sial/ot/ic — p.t. an abnormal condition
involving saliva
26a.  cec/o/sigm/oid/o/stom/y — the making
of an opening (or an opening made) 35a.  ptyal/o/cel/e — the protrusion of
between the sigmoid fold and the cecum something involving saliva

26b.  cec/o/col/on — the part of the colon 35b.  ptyal/ec/tas/is — the distention of
involving the cecum something involving saliva

27a.  typhl/o/sten/os/is — the narrowing of the 36a.  chym/ous — p.t. chyme

cecum 36b.  chym/o/rrhe/a — the flowing of chyme
27b.  typhl/o/lith/ias/is — the abnormal 37a.  chyl/o/medi/ast/in/um — a collection of
presence of a calculus in the cecum chyle in the mediastinum
28a.  ap/pend/ic/o/cel/e — the protrusion of 37b.  chyl/o/rrhe/a — the flowing of chyle
the appendix 37c.  chyl/o/poi/et/ic — p.t. the formation of
28b.  ap/pend/ic/es epi/plo/ic/ae — chyle
appendices p.t. the omentum 38a.  chol/e/stat/ic — p.t. the stopping of bile
29a.  sigm/oid/o/scop/e — an instrument for 38b.  chol/o/hem/o/thorax — a collection of
examining the sigmoid fold blood and bile in the chest
222  Answer Keys: 9.7

38c.  chol/e/lith/ic — p.t. a calculus involving 42b. stercor/al ap/pend/ic/it/is — the

bile inflammation of the appendix, p.t. feces
39a.  bil/in — a substance of bile 43a.  scat/em/ia — the abnormal presence of
39b.  bil/i/ous — p.t. bile excrement in the blood
40a.  copr/o/phag/ous — p.t. the ingestion of 43b.  scat/o/log/ic — p.t. the study of
feces excrement
40b.  copr/o/lith — a calculus involving feces 44.  hepat/ic/o/doch/o/tom/y — the cutting of
a duct involving the hepatic duct
41a.  fec/al/oid — resembling something p.t.
feces 45a.  trach/e/o/stom/a — an opening made in
the trachea
41b.  fec/al/‑o/lith — a calculus involving
something p.t. feces 45b.  pharyng/o/stom/a — an opening made
in the pharynx
42a.  sterc/o/bil/in/o/gen — a substance
which produces a substance of the bile
involving feces

1.  irid/o/pleg/ia — the paralysis of the iris 11.  chori/o/cel/e — the protrusion of
2.  achill/o/rrhaph/y — the suturing of the something through the choroid
Achilles’ tendon 12.  duct/us ven/os/us — a duct p.t. a vein
3.  splen/ec/tom/iz/e — to cut out the spleen 13.  duct/us par/ot/id/e/us — a duct p.t. the
4.  cleid/arthr/it/is — the inflammation of the parotid gland
joints of the collar bone 14.  duct/ul/i bil/i/fer/os/i — little ducts
5.  phalang/o/phalang/e/al — p.t. two bearing bile
phalanges 15.  duct/us lymphat/ic/i — ducts p.t. lymph
6.  myel/o/cyt/os/is — an abnormal condition 16.  duct/us arteri/os/us — a duct p.t. an
involving the cells of the bone marrow artery
7.  chondr/o/lys/is — the disintegration of 17.  arteri/a col/ic/a — an artery p.t. the colon
cartilage 18.  arteri/ae gastr/ic/ae — arteries p.t. the
8.  apo/neur/o/tom/e — an instrument for stomach
cutting the aponeurosis 19.  ligament/um hepat/o/du/o/den/al/e — a
9.  hem/o/cyt/o/meter — an instrument for ligament p.t. the duodenum and liver
measuring the cells of the blood 20.  ligament/a sacr/o/coccyg/e/a — the
10.  lymph/o/cyt/ot/ic — p.t. an abnormal ligaments p.t. the coccyx and sacrum
condition involving cells of lymph
Answer Keys: 10.3  223

1.  testiculosis = testosis, orchiosis, orchidosis 6.  tubectomic = salpingectomic
2.  vesiculectomy = gonecystectomy, 7.  uterodysplasia = metrodysplasia,
spermatocystectomy hysterodysplasia
3.  phallotomic = penotomic 8.  cervicectomy = trachelectomy
4.  ovopenic = oopenic 9.  vaginocleistic = colpocleistic
5.  ovarial = oophoric 10.  episiorrhaphy = vulvorrhaphy,

1.  p.t. a disease of the loin = lumbopathic 7.  p.t. the hardening of the uterus =
2.  the disintegration of the spermatozoa = hysterosclerotic; metrosclerotic;
spermatolysis; spermolysis uterosclerotic
3.  p.t. the distention of the vagina = 8.  p.t. the removal of the testes =
colpectatic; vaginectatic testiculapheretic; testapheretic;
orchiapheretic; orchidapheretic
4.  p.t. the enlargement of the ovary =
ovariauctic; oophorauctic 9.  the suturing of the bladder =
vesicorrhaphy; cystorrhaphy;
5.  p.t. the lack of growth of the renal pelvis = cystidorrhaphy
pelvatrophic; pelviatrophic; pyelatrophic
10.  p.t. the swelling of the kidneys =
6.  the hardening of the scrotum = renedematic; nephredematic
oscheocirrhosis; scrotocirrhosis

1.  arteria ovarica = an artery p.t. the ovaries 6.  sinus renalis = the sinus p.t. the kidney
2.  ganglia renalia = the ganglia p.t. the kidney 7.  venae vesicales = the veins p.t. the bladder
3.  glandulae uterinae = the glands p.t. the 8.  arteria iliolumbalis = an artery p.t. the loin
uterus and the ilium
4.  ligamentum genitoinguinale = a ligament 9.  ligamentum inguinale = a ligament p.t. the
p.t. the groin and the genitals groin
5.  musculi anorectoperineales = the muscles 10.  musculus puboprostaticus = the muscle
p.t. the perineum, the rectum and the p.t. the prostate and the pubis
224  Answer Keys: 10.4

1.  arthritis urethritica = the inflammation 6.  colitis uremica = the inflammation of the
of the joints, p.t. the inflammation of the colon, p.t. the abnormal presence of blood
urethra in the urine
2.  chondromalacia cystica = the softening of 7.  ophthalmia hepatica = an abnormal
the cartilage, p.t. the bladder condition involving the eye, p.t. the liver
3.  nephritis arteriosclerotica = the 8.  hepatitis cholangiolitica = the
inflammation of the kidney, p.t. the inflammation of the liver, p.t. the
hardening of the arteries inflammation of the small bile ducts
4.  nephropathia membranosa = a disease of 9.  hematuria vesicalis = the abnormal
the kidney, p.t. a membrane presence of blood in the urine, p.t. the
5.  urethritis glandularis = the inflammation of bladder
the urethra, p.t. a gland 10.  nephrosclerosis arteriolaris = the
hardening of the kidney, p.t. a small artery

1a.  lumb/o/col/o/stom/y — the making of 5c.  ur/elc/os/is — the ulceration of the urinary
an opening (or an opening made) in the tract
colon, through the loins 5d.  ur/ic/o/lyt/ic — p.t. the disintegration of
1b.  lumb/o/inguin/al — p.t. the groin and uric acid
loins 5e.  ur/o/ureter — a collection of urine in the
2a.  inguin/odyn/ia — pain in the groin ureter
2b.  inguin/o/abdomin/al — p.t. the abdomen 5f.  ur/o/path/o/gen — a substance which
and groin produces a disease of the urinary tract
3a.  peri/ne/o/rrhaph/y — the suturing of the 5g.  ur/ic/o/chol/ia — an abnormal condition
perineum involving bile and uric acid
3b.  peri/ne/o/vagin/o/rect/al — p.t. the 5h.  ur/o/gen/ous — produced by urine
rectum, vagina and perineum 6a.  ur/in/i/fer/ous — bearing urine
4a.  gen/it/o/ur/in/ar/y — p.t. the urinary tract 6b.  hemat/ur/ia — the abnormal presence of
and genitals blood in the urine
4b.  gen/it/o/plast/y — the surgical repairing of 6c.  lith/ur/es/is — the passage of calculi in the
the genitals urine
5a.  ur/edema — the swelling of the urinary 7a.  ur/at/ic — p.t. urates
7b.  ur/at/ur/ia — the abnormal presence of
5b.  ur/o/nephr/os/is — an abnormal urates in the urine
condition involving the kidneys and
urine 8a.  ur/e/a/poi/es/is — the formation of urea
8b.  ur/e/a/metr/y — the measurement of urea
Answer Keys: 10.5  225

9a.  ur/o/bil/in/oid/en — a substance 14c.  ureter/o/sigm/oid/o/stom/y — the

resembling urobilin making of an opening (or an opening
9b.  ur/o/bil/in/o/gen/em/ia — the abnormal made) between the sigmoid fold and a
presence of a substance which produces ureter
urobilin, in the blood 15a.  cyst/a/troph/ia — the lack of growth of
10a.  nephr/o/pt/os/is — the downward the bladder
displacement of the kidney 15b.  cyst/aux/e — the enlargement of the
10b.  nephr/o/phag/ias/is — the abnormal bladder
presence of something which ingests 15c.  cyst/ic/o/lith/o/trips/y — the crushing of
something involving the kidney a calculus involving the cystic duct
10c.  nephr/ot/o/nephr/it/is — the 15d.  cyst/o/lith/ias/is — the abnormal
inflammation of a kidney involving an presence of a calculus in the bladder
abnormal condition involving a kidney 15e.  cyst/ic/o/rrhaph/y — the suturing of the
10d.  nephr/o/scler/os/is — the hardening of a cystic duct
kidney 15f.  cyst/o/schis/is — the splitting of the
10e.  nephr/os/es — several abnormal bladder
conditions involving the kidneys 16a.  vesic/o/pub/ic — p.t. the pubis and
10f.  nephr/o/tox/ic/ity — the ability to poison bladder
the kidneys 16b.  vesic/al hemat/ur/ia — the abnormal
11a.  ren/o/gastr/ic — p.t. the stomach and presence of blood in the urine, p.t. the
kidney bladder
11b.  ren/al hemat/ur/ia — the abnormal 16c.  vesic/o/uter/in/e — p.t. the uterus and
presence of blood in the urine, p.t. the bladder
kidneys 17a.  urethr/it/is cyst/ic/a — the inflammation
12a.  pyel/ec/tas/is — the distention of the of the urethra, p.t. the bladder
renal pelvis 17b.  urethr/o/pex/y — the fixation of the
12b.  pyel/o/plast/y — the surgical repairing of urethra
the renal pelvis 17c.  urethr/o/tom/e — an instrument for
13a.  pelv/i/ureter/al — p.t. the ureter and cutting the urethra
renal pelvis 17d.  urethr/it/is gland/ul/ar/is — the
13b.  pelv/i/o/tom/y — the cutting of the renal inflammation of the urethra, p.t. glands
pelvis 18a.  spermat/o/cel/e — the protrusion of
14a.  ureter/o/cel/ec/tom/y — the cutting out something involving spermatozoa
of something involving a protrusion of 18b.  spermat/o/path/ia — a disease of the
the ureter spermatozoa
14b.  ureter/o/cyst/o/scop/e — an instrument 18c.  sperm/o/phleb/ec/tas/ia — the
for examining the bladder and a ureter distention of a vein, involving semen
18d.  spermat/o/rrhe/a — the flowing of
226  Answer Keys: 10.5

18e.  sperm/o/tox/in — a substance poisonous 27b.  gon/e/cyst/o/lith — a calculus involving

to spermatozoa a seminal vesicle
19a.  semin/in — a substance of semen 28a.  spermat/o/cyst/it/is — the inflammation
19b.  semin/o/log/ist — one who studies of the seminal vesicles
semen 28b.  spermat/o/cyst/ec/tom/y — the cutting
20a.  osche/o/lith — a calculus involving the out of the seminal vesicles
scrotum 29a.  pro/stat/ic/o/vesic/al — p. t. the bladder
20b.  osche/it/is — the inflammation of the and something p.t. the prostate
scrotum 29b.  pro/stat/o/vesic/ul/it/is — the
21a.  inguin/o/scrot/al — p.t. the scrotum and inflammation of the seminal vesicles and
groin prostate
21b.  scrot/ec/tom/y — the cutting out of 30a.  phall/ic — p.t. the penis
something involving the scrotum 30b.  phall/o/camps/is — the curvature of the
22a.  orchi/alg/ia — pain in the testes penis
22b.  orchid/o/therap/y — treatment by means 31a.  pen/i/schis/is — the splitting of the penis
of secretions from the testes 31b.  pen/o/scrot/al — p.t. the scrotum and
22c.  orchi/o/cel/e — the protrusion of a testis penis
23.  test/oid — resembling a testis 32a.  balan/o/rrhag/ia — the rapid flowing of
something from the glans penis
24a.  epi/didym/it/is spermat/o/gen/osa —
the inflammation of the epididymis, 32b.  balan/o/plast/y — the surgical repairing
produced by spermatozoa of the glans penis
24b.  epi/didym/o/‑orchid/it/is — the 33a.  o/o/cyt/in — a substance of an egg cell
inflammation of the testes and 33b.  o/o/gen/et/ic — p.t. the production of
epididymis eggs
25a.  vas/o/epi/didym/o/stom/y — the making 34a.  ov/al — p.t. an egg
of an opening (or an opening made) 34b.  ov/o/therap/y — treatment by means of
between the epididymis and vas deferens eggs
25b.  vas/o/vas/o/stom/y — the making of an 35a.  men/o/metr/o/rrhag/ia — the rapid
opening (or an opening made) between flowing of something from the uterus,
two parts of the vas deferens involving the menses
26a.  vas/o/vesic/ul/ec/tom/y — the cutting 35b.  men/o/trop/in/s — substances which
out of the seminal vesicles involving the preferentially affect menstruation
vas deferens
35c.  em/meni/o/path/y — a disease of
26b.  vesic/ul/o/graph/y — the recording of the something involving menstruation
seminal vesicles
35d.  stomat/o/men/ia — vicarious
27a.  gon/e/cyst/o/poi/et/ic — p.t. the menstruation from the mouth
formation of the seminal vesicles
35e.  mast/o/men/ia — vicarious menstruation
from the breast
Answer Keys: 10.5  227

36a.  o/o/pho‑r/o/rrhag/ia — the rapid flowing 43a.  cervic/o/vesic/al — p.t. the bladder and
of something from the ovaries the cervix (of the uterus)
36b.  o/o/phor/o/gen/ous — produced by the 43b.  cervic/o/colp/it/is — the inflammation of
ovaries the vagina and cervix (of the uterus)
37a.  ov/ar/i/o/cent/es/is — the surgical 44a.  trachel/o/plast/y — the surgical repairing
puncturing of an ovary of the cervix (of the uterus)
37b.  ov/ar/i/o/rrhex/is — the rupturing of an 44b.  trachel/o/pex/y — the fixation of the
ovary cervix (of the uterus)
38a.  salping/it/ic — p.t. the inflammation of 45a.  colp/o/stat — something which stops
the uterine tube something involving the vagina
38b.  salping/o/lys/is — the separation of the 45b.  colp/o/celi/o/cent/es/is — the surgical
adhesions of the uterine tube puncturing of the abdomen, through the
39a.  tub/o/‑ov/ar/i/an — p.t. the ovaries and vagina
uterine tubes 46a.  vagin/o/scop/y — the examination of the
39b.  tub/o/uter/in/e — p.t. the uterus and vagina
uterine tubes 46b.  hyster/o/vagin/o/‑enter/o/cel/e — the
40a.  hyster/o/stomat/o/cleis/is — the closure protrusion of something involving the
of the mouth of the uterus intestine, vagina and uterus
40b.  hyster/o/metr/y — the measurement of 47a.  clitorid/aux/e — the enlargement of the
the uterus clitoris
40c.  hyster/o/trachel/o/rrhaph/y — the 47b.  clitor/i/megal/y — the enlargement of the
suturing of the cervix, involving the clitoris
uterus 48a.  vulv/o/vagin/it/is — the inflammation of
40d.  hyster/o/gram — a record of the uterus the vagina and vulva
41a.  metr/o/colp/o/cel/e — the protrusion of 48b.  vulv/o/path/y — a disease of the vulva
the vagina, involving the uterus 49a.  episi/o/sten/os/is — the narrowing of the
41b.  metr/o/malac/ia — the softening of the vulva
uterus 49b.  episi/o/peri/ne/o/plast/y — the surgical
41c.  metr/o/peri/ton/e/al — p.t. the repairing of the perineum and vulva
peritoneum and uterus 50a.  nymph/o/hymen/e/al — p.t. the hymen
41d.  metr/o/sten/os/is — the narrowing of the and the nymphae
uterus 50b.  nymph/ec/tom/y — the cutting out of the
41e.  metr/o/phleb/it/is — the inflammation of nymphae
the veins of the uterus 51a.  hymen/o/rrhaph/y — the suturing of the
42a.  uter/in/e — p.t. the uterus hymen
42b.  uter/o/rect/al — p.t. the rectum and 51b.  hymen/o/tom/y — the cutting of the
uterus hymen
228  Answer Keys: 11.1

1.  urogenic = urinogenic, uronogenic 6.  scrotoptosis = oscheoptosis
2.  renopath = nephropath 7.  psychotic = phrenotic
3.  pyelorrhagia = pelvorrhagia 8.  oneiromania = oneirophilia
4.  cystitic = cystiditic, vesicitic 9.  narcophilic = narcomanic
5.  semenotherapy = seminotherapy, 10.  pharmacomaniac = pharmacophiliac
spermatotherapy, spermotherapy

1.  preferentially affecting the mind = 6.  p.t. the lack of perception of emotions =
psychotropic; phrenotropic neuranesthetic
2.  treatment by means of the emotions = 7.  p.t. the recording of ideas = ideographic
neurotherapy 8.  p.t. a seizure involving a drug =
3.  one with a morbid fondness for drugs = pharmacoleptic
pharmacophile 9.  p.t. sexual gratification involving blood =
4.  a morbid fondness for dreams = hematolagnic; hemolagnic; sanguilagnic;
oneiromania sanguinolagnic
5.  p.t. the perception of disease = nosesthetic 10.  the abnormal presence of epilepsy =

1.  venae uterinae = the veins p.t. the uterus 6.  arteria testicularis = an artery p.t. the testes
2.  sinus urogenitalis = a sinus p.t. the genitals 7.  sutura sphenofrontalis = the suture
and the urinary tract between the frontal bone and the
3.  musculi rectourethrales = the muscles p.t. sphenoid bone
the urethra and the rectum 8.  ossa suturalia = the bones p.t. the suture
4.  ligamentum uteroovaricum = a ligament 9.  labium maxillare = the lip p.t. the upper jaw
p.t. the ovaries and the uterus 10.  lingua sphenoidalis = the tongue p.t. the
5.  ganglia lumbalia = the ganglia p.t. the loins sphenoid bone

1.  enterocolitis pseudomembranosa = the 3.  hepatitis cholestatica = the inflammation of
inflammation of the colon and (small) the liver, p.t. the stopping of bile
intestine, p.t. a false membrane 4.  arthritis enteropathica = the inflammation
2.  nephritis nephrotoxicotica = the of the joints, p.t. a disease of the (small)
inflammation of the kidney, p.t. the intestine
poisoning of the kidney
Answer Keys: 11.5  229

5.  colitis lymphocytica = the inflammation of 8.  sinusitis ethmoidea = the inflammation of
the colon, p.t. cells of lymph a sinus, p.t. the ethmoid bone
6.  varices gastricae = varices p.t. the stomach 9.  arteritis umbilicalis = the inflammation of
7.  thrombosis mesenterica arterialis = an an artery, p.t. the navel
abnormal condition involving a clot, p.t. 10.  conjunctivitis hemorrhagica = the
the mesentery and p.t. an artery inflammation of the conjunctiva, p.t. the
rapid flowing of blood

1a.  psych/alg/ic — p.t. pain involving the mind 6c.  nyct/ur/ia — an abnormal condition
1b.  psych/o/leps/y — a seizure involving the involving urine, involving night
mind 7a.  hypn/o/therap/y — treatment by means of
1c.  psych/ot/o/lyt/ic — p.t. the disintegration sleep or hypnotism
of something involving an abnormal 7b.  hypn/o/‑odont/ic/s — the science
condition involving the mind of something involving teeth and
1d.  psych/o/path — one with a disease of the hypnotism
mind 8a.  oneir/o/scop/y — the examination of
1e.  psych/o/somat/ic — p.t. the body, dreams
involving the mind 8b.  oneir/o/phren/ia — an abnormal
2a.  phren/o/log/y — the study of the mind condition involving the mind, involving
2b.  phren/o/pleg/ia — the paralysis of
something involving the mind, or the 9a.  narc/ot/ic — p.t. an abnormal condition
paralysis of the diaphragm involving stupor
3a.  ide/al — p.t. ideas 9b.  narc/o/hypn/ia — an abnormal condition
involving sleep and stupor
3b.  ide/o/phren/ia — an abnormal condition
involving the mind and ideas 9c.  phleb/o/narc/os/is — an abnormal
condition involving stupor and
4a.  neur/a/sthen/ic — p.t. the lack of strength something involving the veins (refers to
of the nerves intravenous drug use)
4b.  neur/ot/i/gen/ic — producing an 10a.  pharmac/o/psych/os/is — an abnormal
abnormal condition involving the condition involving the mind involving
emotions drugs
4c.  neur/o/psych/iatr/ist — one who heals the 10b.  pharmac/o/kin/et/ic/s — the science of
mind and emotions the movement of drugs
5a.  erot/o/gen/es/is — the production of 10c.  pharmac/o/endo/crin/o/log/y — the
sexual desire study of secretions, involving drugs
5b.  erot/ic — p.t. sexual desire 11a.  esth/es/i/o/gen — a substance which
6a.  nyct/alg/ia — pain involving night produces perception
6b.  nyct/o/phob/ia — a morbid dread of night 11b.  esth/es/i/o/neur/e — a nerve involving
230  Answer Keys: 11.5

11c.  esth/es/i/o/neur/os/is — an abnormal 19a.  nyct/o/phob/e — one with a morbid

condition involving the nerves, involving dread of night
perception 19b.  erot/o/phob/e — one with a morbid
12a.  an/esth/es/i/meter — an instrument for dread of sexual desire
measuring loss of perception 20a.  nos/o/phil/ia — a morbid fondness for
12b.  an/esth/et/ic — p.t. loss of perception disease
12c.  viscer/al an/esth/es/ia — the loss of 20b.  nyct/o/phil/ia — a morbid fondness for
perception, p.t. the viscera night
13a.  hallucin/os/is — an abnormal condition 21a.  hem/o/lys/o/phil/ic — having an
involving hallucination affinity for something involving the
13b.  hallucin/o/gen — a substance which disintegration of the blood
produces hallucinations 21b.  cyt/o/phil/ic — having an affinity for cells
14a.  nos/o/phob/e — one with a morbid 22a.  pharmac/o/phil/e — one with a morbid
dread of disease fondness for drugs, or one with a
14b.  nos/o/therap/y — treatment by means of propensity to do something involving
something involving a disease drugs
14c.  nos/o/trop/ic — preferentially affecting a 22b.  copr/o/phil/e — one with a morbid
disease fondness for feces
15a.  hyster/o/erot/ic — p.t. sexual desire, 23a.  cyt/o/phil — something with an affinity
involving hysteria for cells
15b.  hyster/o/epi/lept/o/gen/ic — producing 23b.  copr/o/phil — something with an affinity
epilepsy and hysteria for feces
16a.  epi/lept/oid — resembling epilepsy 24a.  copr/o/phil/i/ac — one with a morbid
fondness for feces
16b.  epi/lept/o/log/ist — one who studies
epilepsy 24b.  hem/o/phil/i/ac — one with a propensity
to bleed, or having a propensity to bleed
17a.  pseud/esth/es/ia — the false perception
(of something) 25.  pharmac/o/man/ia — a morbid fondness
for drugs
17b.  pseud/o/chyl/ous — falsely p.t. chyle
26.  nos/o/man/ic — p.t. a morbid fondness for
17c.  pseud/o/narc/ot/ic — falsely p.t. an disease
abnormal condition involving stupor
27.  erot/o/man/i/ac — one with a morbid
17d.  pseud/o/cephal/o/cel/e — the false fondness for something involving sexual
protrusion of something through the desire
28a.  trich/o/esth/es/ia — the perception of
17e.  pseud/o/‑oste/o/malac/ia — the false something involving hair
softening of the bones
28b.  somat/esth/et/ic — p.t. the perception of
18a.  cardi/o/phob/ia — a morbid dread of the body
something involving the heart
18b.  ur/o/phob/ia — a morbid dread of urine
Answer Keys: 12.2  231

28c.  gloss/o/kin/esth/et/ic — p.t. the 30a.  thym/o/lept/ic — p.t. a seizure of the

perception of the movement of the thymus
tongue 30b.  narc/o/leps/y — a seizure involving
29a.  acr/o/an/esth/es/ia — the loss of stupor
perception of the extremities 31a.  ur/o/lagn/ia — sexual gratification
29b.  trich/o/an/esth/es/ia — the loss of involving urine
perception of something involving the 31b.  copr/o/lagn/ia — sexual gratification
hair involving feces

1.  syn/desm/os/is tibi/o/fib/ul/ar/is — a 3.  arteri/ae gastr/ic/ae — arteries p.t. the
ligament p.t. the fibula and tibia stomach
2.  dia/phragma ur/o/gen/it/al/e — a 4.  nerv/i rect/al/es — nerves p.t. the rectum
diaphragm p.t. the genitals and urinary

1.  syn/desm/os/es tibi/o/fib/ul/ar/es 3.  arteri/a gastr/ic/a
2.  dia/phragmat/a ur/o/gen/it/al/ia 4.  nerv/us rect/al/is

1.  aerogram = physogram 6.  acetopenic = acidopenic, acetipenic
2.  nucleapheresis = karyapheresis 7.  lactorrhagic = galactorrhagic
3.  fibrogenous = inogenous, inosogenous 8.  saccharemia = glycemia
4.  mucorrheic = mucosorrheic, myxorrheic, 9.  hyalophagy = vitreophagy, vitrophagy
blennorrheic 10.  pseudosarcoma = pseudosarconcus
5.  adiposophage = adipophage, lipophage,
liparophage, steatophage, pimelophage

1.  the cutting of a fibre = fibrotomy; inotomy; 6.  p.t. the movement of air = aerokinetic
inosotomy 7.  the science of the production of starch =
2.  a deficiency of pus = pyopenia amylogenetics
3.  the defective formation of wax = 8.  p.t. a tumor involving tissues = histomatous
cerodysplasia; ceruminodysplasia 9.  a tumor involving flesh = sarconcus
4.  p.t. the ingestion of acid = acidophagic; 10.  p.t. a tumor involving the liver =
acetophagic; acetiphagic hepatomatous
5.  a morbid fondness for sweat = hidrophilia
232  Answer Keys: 12.3

1.  arteria hyaloidea = an artery p.t. something 6.  venae jejunales = the veins p.t. the jejunum
resembling glass 7.  sinus prostaticus = a sinus p.t. the prostate
2.  glandula sebacea = a gland p.t. sebum 8.  septum rectovaginale = a septum p.t. the
3.  ligamentum mucosum = a ligament p.t. vagina and the rectum
mucus 9.  musculus pubovesicalis = a muscle p.t. the
4.  membrana vitrea = a membrane p.t. bladder and the pubis
something involving glass 10.  arteria perinealis = an artery p.t. the
5.  pericardium fibrosa = the pericardium p.t. perineum

1.  meningioma lymphomatosum = a tumor 7.  pneumonia eosinophilica = an abnormal
involving the meninges, p.t. a tumor condition involving the lungs, p.t.
involving lymph something with an affinity for eosin
2.  arthritis pyogenica = the inflammation of 8.  dermatitis seborrheica = the inflammation
the joints, producing pus of the skin, p.t. the flowing of sebum
3.  seborrhea adiposa = the flowing of sebum, 9.  lipomatosis renalis = an abnormal
p.t. fat condition involving a tumor involving fat,
4.  proteinuria hematogenosa = the abnormal p.t. the kidney
presence of protein in the urine, produced 10.  hepatitis pseudoalcoholica = the
by the blood inflammation of the liver, falsely p.t.
5.  chondroma fibromyxoideum = a tumor alcohol
involving cartilage, resembling mucus and 11.  hemangioma hemosideroticum = a tumor
fibers involving the vessels of blood, p.t. an
6.  keratosis arsenicalis = an abnormal abnormal condition involving iron and
condition involving the cornea, p.t. blood

1a. hydr/o/kin/es/i/therap/y — treatment by 2a. hygr/omat/ous — p.t. a tumor involving
means of movement, involving water moisture
1b. hydr/o/mening/o/cel/e — the protrusion 2b. hygr/em/o/metr/y — the measurement of
of the meninges, involving fluid the abnormal presence of moisture in the
1c. hydr/o/pne/um/o/thorax — a collection of blood
air and fluid in the chest 3a. aer/o/neur/os/is — an abnormal condition
involving nerves, involving air
Answer Keys: 12.5  233

3b. aer/o/urethr/o/scop/e — an instrument for 11b. fibr/om/ec/tom/y — the cutting out of a

examining the urethra, involving air tumor involving fibers
4a. phys/o/hydr/o/metr/a — a collection of 11c. fibr/ill/o/gen/es/is — the production of
water and gas in the uterus little fibers
4b. phys/o/cephal/ia — an abnormal condition 12a. in/o/lith — a calculus involving fibers
involving the head and gas 12b. in/o/chondr/it/is — the inflammation of
5a. sarc/omat/os/is — an abnormal condition cartilage, involving fiber
involving a tumor involving flesh 12c. in/os/ur/ia — the abnormal presence of
5b. sarc/o/poi/et/ic — p.t. the formation of something involving fiber in the urine
flesh 13a. elast/o/lyt/ic — p.t. the disintegration of
6a. hist/o/clast/ic — p.t. the breaking of tissue elastic tissue
6b. hist/o/hemat/o/gen/ous — produced by 13b. elast/o/fibr/oma — a tumor involving
blood, involving tissue fibers and elastic tissue
6c. hist/o/hydr/ia — an abnormal condition 13c. membran/a fibr/o/elast/ic/a — a
involving water, involving tissue membrane p.t. elastic tissue and fiber
7a. syn/ov/ec/tom/y — the cutting out of a 14a. muc/o/cel/e — the protrusion of
synovial membrane something through a mucous membrane
7b. syn/ov/in — a substance of synovia 14b. muc/o/enter/it/is — the inflammation of
7c. membran/a syn/ov/i/al/is — a membrane the small intestine, involving mucus
p.t. synovia 14c. muc/o/sangu/in/e/ous — p.t. blood and
8a. epi/thel/it/is — the inflammation of the mucus
epithelium 15a. myx/edemat/ous — p.t. the swelling of
8b. epi/thel/i/omat/ous — p.t. a tumor something, involving mucus
involving epithelium 15b. myx/o/cyst/it/is — the inflammation of
9a. kary/o/klas/is — the breaking of something the bladder, involving mucus
involving a nucleus 16a. blenn/o/rrhe/al — p.t. the flowing of
9b. kary/o/stas/is — the stopping of something mucus
involving a nucleus 16b. ot/o/blenn/o/rrhe/a — the flowing of
9c. kary/o/rrhect/ic — p.t. the rupturing of a mucus from the ear
nucleus 17a. ser/o/gastr/ia — an abnormal condition
10a. nucle/o/tox/in — a substance poisonous involving the stomach and serum
to nuclei 17b. ser/o/log/ist — one who studies serum
10b. nucle/ol/ol/us — a little, little nucleus 17c. nephr/o/tox/ic ser/um — serum
11a. fibr/o/aden/ia — an abnormal condition poisonous to the kidney
involving glands and fiber 17d. ser/o/hepat/it/is — the inflammation of
the serous coat of the liver
234  Answer Keys: 12.5

17e. ser/os/itid/es — several conditions 26a. py/en/cephal/us — a collection of pus in

involving the inflammation of a serous the brain
membrane 26b. py/o/blenn/o/rrhe/a — the flowing of
18a. lip/o/myx/oma — a tumor involving mucus and pus
mucus and fat 26c. py/o/phys/o/metr/a — a collection of gas
18b. lip/ur/ic — p.t. the abnormal presence of and pus in the uterus
fat in the urine 26d. blephar/o/py/o/rrhe/a — the flowing of
18c. lip/o/phil — something with an affinity for pus from the eyelid
fat 27a. lith/o/cyst/o/tom/y — the cutting of the
19a. adip/o/pect/ic — p.t. the fixation of fat bladder, involving calculi
19b. adip/os/alg/ia — pain involving fat 27b. lith/ur/es/is — the passage of calculi in the
19c. adip/os/is cerebr/al/is — an abnormal urine
condition involving fat, p.t. the brain 28a. kerat/in/o/cyt/e — a cell of a substance of
20a. steat/os/is — an abnormal condition horn (keratin)
involving fat 28b. acr/o/kerat/os/is — an abnormal
20b. steat/omat/os/is — an abnormal condition involving horn, involving the
condition involving tumors involving fat extremities
20c. steat/o/lyt/ic — p.t. the disintegration of 29a. alcohol/em/ia — the abnormal presence
fat of alcohol in the blood
21a. pimel/oma — a tumor involving fat 29b. alcoholo/lys/is — the disintegration of
21b. pimel/ur/ia — the abnormal presence of
fat in the urine 30a. alkal/ot/ic — p.t. an abnormal condition
involving alkali
22a. seb/o/rrhe/ic — p.t. the flowing of sebum
30b. alkal/i/therap/y — treatment by means of
22b. seb/i/fer/ous — bearing (in the sense of alkalis
“producing”) sebum
31a. pur/in/o/meter — an instrument for
22c. seb/o/trop/ic — preferentially affecting measuring something involving purine
31b. pur/in/o/lyt/ic — p.t. the disintegration of
23a. cer/o/lip/oid — resembling fat and wax purine
23b. cer/umin/oma — a tumor involving wax 32a. amyl/oid/os/is — an abnormal condition
24a. chol/e/ster/o/hydr/o/thorax — a involving something resembling starch
collection of fluid and cholesterol in the 32b. amyl/o/phag/y — the ingestion of starch
33a. acid/o/phil/ic — having an affinity for acid
24b. chol/e/ster/ol/em/ia — the abnormal
presence of cholesterol in the blood 33b. acid/o/gen/ic — producing acid
25a. hidr/aden/it/is — the inflammation of a 33c. acid/ul/ous — p.t. a little acid (slightly
gland, involving sweat acidic)
25b. hidr/o/cyst/omat/os/is — an abnormal 34a. acet/i/meter — an instrument for
condition involving a tumor involving a measuring something involving acid
cyst involving sweat
Answer Keys: 12.5  235

34b. acet/o/lys/is — the disintegration of acid 44a. eos/in/o/pen/ia — a deficiency of eosin

35a. ket/o/plas/ia — the formation of ketone 44b. eos/in/o/phil/o/poi/et/in — a substance
bodies which forms something with an affinity
35b. ket/o/gen/ic — producing ketone bodies for eosin
36a. galact/o/cel/e — the protrusion of 45a. gel/o/meter — an instrument for
something involving milk measuring jelly
36b. galact/o/gen — a substance which 45b. gelat/in/oid — resembling a substance of
produces milk jelly
37a. lact/i/fer/ous — bearing milk 46a. zym/ic — p.t. an enzyme
37b. lact/o/trop/e — something which 46b. zym/o/scop/e — an instrument for
preferentially affects something involving examining enzymes
milk 46c. en/zym/o/path/y — a disease of enzymes
38a. ole/o/therap/y — treatment by means of 47a. peps/(in/o/s)tat/in — a substance which
oil stops something involving pepsin
38b. ole/o/peri/ton/e/o/graph/y — the 47b. peps/in/i/fer/ous — bearing pepsin
recording of the peritoneum, involving 48a. prot/e/o/pect/ic — p.t. the fixation of
oil protein
39a. glyc/o/rrhe/a — the flowing of something 48b. nephr/o/gen/ous prot/e/in/ur/ia — the
involving sugar abnormal presence of protein in the
39b. glyc/o/pen/ia — a deficiency of sugar urine, produced by the kidney
40a. sacchar/o/lyt/ic — p.t. the disintegration 49a. album/in/o/chol/ia — an abnormal
of sugar condition involving bile and albumin
40b. sacchar/o/galact/o/rrhe/a — the flowing 49b. album/in/ur/o/phob/ia — a morbid
of milk, involving sugar dread of the abnormal presence of
41a. opson/o/cyt/o/phag/ic — p.t. the albumin in the urine
ingestion of cells, involving opsonin 50a. py/o/gen/ic pepton/ur/ia — the abnormal
41b. opsin/o/gen/ous — produced by opsonin presence of peptone in the urine,
producing pus
42a. myel/in/o/gen/y — the production of
myelin 50b. hepat/o/gen/ous pepton/ur/ia — the
abnormal presence of peptone in the
42b. myel/in/o/tox/ic/ity — the ability to urine, produced by the liver
poison myelin
51a. colla/gen/o/gen/ic — producing collagen
43a. porphyr/o/bil/in/o/gen/ur/ia — the
abnormal presence in the urine of a 51b. colla/gen/it/is — the inflammation of
substance which produces a substance of something involving collagen
bile and porphyrin 52a. fibr/in/o/gen/o/pen/ic — p.t. a deficiency
43b. porphyr/in/o/path/y — a disease of of a substance which produces fibrin
something involving porphyrin
236  Answer Keys: 12.5

52b. fibr/in/o/phil/ic — having an affinity for 62b. trich/o/sider/in — a substance of iron,

fibrin involving hair
53a. tox/em/ic — p.t. the abnormal presence of 63a. lact/o/ferr/in — a substance of iron,
poisons in the blood involving milk
53b. tox/i/gen/ic/ity — the ability to produce 63b. ferr/o/therap/y — treatment by means of
poisons iron
54a. arsen/ias/is — the abnormal presence of 64a. stann/os/is — an abnormal condition
arsenic involving tin
54b. arsen/ic/o/phag/y — the ingestion of 64b. stann/i/fer/ous — bearing tin
arsenic 65a. thi/o/iod/o/therap/y — treatment by
55a. metall/esth/es/ia — the perception of means of iodine and sulfur
metal 65b. thi/o/pect/ic — p.t. the fixation of sulfur
55b. metall/i/fer/ous — bearing metal 66a. kal/em/ia — the abnormal presence of
56a. crystall/oid — resembling crystal potassium in the blood
56b. crystall/ur/ia — the abnormal presence of 66b. cyt/o/kal/i/pen/ia — a deficiency of
crystals in the urine potassium, involving cells
57a. membran/a hyal/oid/e/a — a membrane 67a. iod/i/metr/y — the measurement of
resembling glass iodine
57b. hemat/o/gen/ous hyal/in — a substance 67b. iod/o/ventr/i/cul/o/graph/y — the
resembling glass, produced by blood recording of a ventricle, involving iodine
57c. hyal/o/phag/y — the ingestion of glass 68a. a/zot/ur/ic — p.t. the abnormal presence
58a. vitr/e/ous — p.t. glass of nitrogen in the urine
58b. vitr(e)/ec/tom/y — the cutting out of 68b. a/zot/o/meter — an instrument for
something resembling glass measuring nitrogen
59a. calci/o/kin/et/ic — p.t. the movement of 69a. phos/phat/o/pt/os/is — the downward
calcium displacement of phosphates
59b. calc/i/pyel/it/is — the inflammation of the 69b. phos/ph/o/necr/os/is — the death of
renal pelvis, involving calcium something, involving phosphorus
60a. anthrac/ot/ic — p.t. an abnormal 70a. hal/o/derm/ia — an abnormal condition
condition involving carbon involving the skin, involving salt
60b. anthrac/oid — resembling something 70b. hal/o/phil/ic — having an affinity for salts
involving carbon 71a. oxy/my/o/hemat/in — a substance of
61a. cupr/ur/et/ic — p.t. the passage of copper blood, involving muscle and oxygen
in the urine 71b. oxy/pur/in/e — p.t. purine and oxygen
61b. cupr/em/ia — the abnormal presence of 72a. coni/fibr/os/is — an abnormal condition
copper in the blood involving fibers and dust
62a. sider/o/phil/ous — having an affinity for 72b. pne/um/o/coni/os/is — an abnormal
iron condition involving dust, involving the
Answer Keys: 13.3  237

73a. mast/o/chondr/oma — a tumor involving 74a. onc/o/trop/ic — preferentially affecting

cartilage, involving the breast tumors
73b. lip/omat/oid — resembling a tumor 74b. onc/o/cyt/ic — p.t. cells of a tumor
involving fat 74c. blephar/onc/us — a tumor involving the
73c. fibr/omat/o/gen/ic — producing a tumor eyelid
involving fibers

1.  paraphlebic = paravenous 5.  extracytonecrosis = exocytonecrosis,
2.  epigalactotic = epilactotic, hypergalactotic, ectocytonecrosis
hyperlactotic 6.  encraniopathy = endocraniopathy,
3.  suprapyloric = hyperpyloric intracraniopathy, entocraniopathy
4.  hypomembranoplasty = 7.  prepseudoepileptic = propseudoepileptic
submembranoplasty, 8.  retrosternal = poststernal
inframembranoplasty 9.  protrichophagic = pretrichophagic
10.  interrenal = internephric

1.  above the liver = suprahepatic 6.  between the lungs = interpneumonal;
2.  upon the gallbladder = epicholecystic interpulmonary
3.  around the kidney = circumrenal; 7.  below the skin = hypodermic;
circumnephric hypodermatic
4.  behind the stomach = postgastric; 8.  against breathing = antipneic
poststomachic 9.  before the inflammation of the gonads =
5.  below the chest = infrathoracic; infrastethic pregonaditic
10.  surrounding the heart = pericardiac;

1.  If circumvasculomalacia is the softening 3.  If epiosteon is something upon a bone,
of something around a vessel, then the then something upon the skull is
softening of something around the wrist is epicranium.
circumcarpomalacia. 4.  If subrenostomy is the making of an
2.  If subrenorrhaphy is the suturing of opening in something below the
something below the kidney, then kidney, then the making of an opening
the suturing of something below the in something below the hyoid bone is
esophagus is subesophagorrhaphy. subhyostomy or subhyoidostomy.
5.  If infracystoschisis is the splitting of
something below the bladder, then the
238  Answer Keys: 13.4

splitting of something below a vein is 10.  If hypodermatotrophy is the insufficient

infraphleboschisis or infravenoschisis. growth of the skin, then the insufficient
6.  If epihepatosclerotic is p.t. the hardening growth of the pylorus is hypopylorotrophy.
of something upon the liver, then p.t. the 11.  If endohepatodystrophy is the defective
hardening of something upon the lacrimal growth of something inside the liver, then
bone is epilacrimosclerotic. the defective growth of something inside
7.  If supracholecystedema is the swelling the heart is endocardiodystrophy.
of something above the gallbladder, 12.  If infrabuccometry is the measurement
then the swelling of something above of something below the cheek, then
the renal pelvis is suprapyeledema or the measurement of something below
suprapelviedema. the chest is infrathoracometry or
8.  If hypercionorrhaphy is the suturing of infrastethometry.
something above the uvula, then the 13.  If perityphlotome is an instrument for
suturing of something above the jaw is cutting something surrounding the
hypergnathorrhaphy. cecum, then an instrument for cutting
9.  If paraphrenodynia is pain in something something surrounding the gums is
beside the diaphragm, then pain in pergingivotome or periulotome.
something beside the frontal bone is 14.  If encostalgia is pain involving something
parafrontodynia. inside a rib, then pain involving
something inside the canthus is

1.  ligamenta intercarpalia = the ligaments 7.  membrana suprapleuralis = the membrane
between the (bones of the) wrist above the pleura
2.  arteria supraduodenalis = an artery above 8.  venae paraumbilicales = the veins beside
the duodenum the navel
3.  vena prepylorica = a vein (located) before 9.  arteriae retroduodenales = the arteries
the pylorus behind the duodenum
4.  musculi suboccipitales = the muscles 10.  vasa intrapulmonaria = the vessels inside
below the occiput the lungs
5.  sutura intermaxillaris = the suture between 11.  ganglion sublinguale = a ganglion below
the maxillae the tongue
6.  os epitympanicum = the bone upon the
middle ear

1.  thrombosis intracranialis = an abnormal 2.  osteosarcoma parosteale = a tumor
condition involving a clot inside the skull involving flesh and bone, (located) beside
the bone
Answer Keys: 13.6   239

3.  dermatitis periocularis = the inflammation 8.  ophthalmoplegia supranuclearis = the

of the skin, surrounding the eyes paralysis of the eye, p.t. something above
4.  nephropathia hypokalemica = a disease of the nucleus
the kidneys, p.t. the abnormal presence of 9.  chondroma periosteale = a tumor involving
insufficient potassium in the blood cartilage, surrounding a bone
5.  chondrodystrophia hyperplastica = the 10.  angiomatosis encephalofacialis = an
defective growth of the cartilage, p.t. the abnormal condition involving a tumor
excessive formation of something involving vessels, p.t. the face, and
6.  hepatitis hypoxica = the inflammation of involving the brain
the liver, p.t. insufficient oxygen 11.  pericarditis postpericardiotomica = the
7.  hypoxia histotoxica = an abnormal inflammation of the pericardium, p.t.
condition involving insufficient oxygen, the cutting of something behind the
poisonous to the tissue pericardium (or after the cutting of the

1a.  hyper/album/in/em/ia — the abnormal 4c.  nerv/us ili/o/hypo/gastr/ic/us — a nerve
presence of excessive albumin in the below the stomach, involving the ilium
blood 5a.  sub/end/o/cardi/al — below something
1b.  hyper/men/o/rrhe/a — the excessive inside the heart
flowing of the menses 5b.  sub/gloss/it/is — the inflammation of
1c.  hyper/trich/os/is — an abnormal something below the tongue
condition involving excessive hair 5c.  sub/gingiv/al — below the gums
1d.  hyper/nephr/it/is — the inflammation of 6a.  inf/r/a/mand/i/bul/ar — below the lower
something above the kidney jaw
1e.  hyper/pne/ic — p.t. excessive breathing 6b.  inf/r/a/psych/ic — below something
2a.  epi/men/o/rrhag/ia — the rapid flowing of involving the mind
excessive menses 7a.  per/i/col/ic — surrounding the colon
2b.  epi/crani/um — something upon the skull 7b.  per/i/oste/o/tom/e — an instrument for
2c.  epi/cardi/o/lys/is — the separation of the cutting something surrounding a bone
adhesions of something upon the heart 8a.  circ/um/corne/al — around the cornea
3a.  sup/r/a‑/acr/om/i/al — above the 8b.  circ/um/or/al — around the mouth
9a.  para‑/en/cephal/on — something beside
3b.  sup/r/a/hepat/ic — above the liver the brain
4a.  hypo/stom/ia — an abnormal condition 9b.  para‑/odont/al — beside the teeth
involving something insufficient
involving the mouth 9c.  para/typhl/it/is — the inflammation of
something beside the cecum
4b.  hypo/cyt/os/is — an abnormal condition
involving insufficient cells 10a.  ex/tr/a/cyst/ic — outside the bladder
240  Answer Keys: 13.6

10b.  ex/tr/a/per/i/oste/al — outside 18a.  pr/e/cirrh/ot/ic — (occurring) before the

something surrounding a bone hardening of something
11a.  ex/o/crani/opt/o/gen/ic — producing 18b.  pr/e/vesic/al — situated before the
something involving the eye and bladder
something outside the skull 18c.  pr/e/dent/in — something (occurring)
11b.  ex/enter/it/is — the inflammation of before dentin
something outside the intestine 19a.  pr/o/myel/o/cyt/e — a cell of something
11c.  ex/ost/os/is cartilagin/e/a — the (occurring) before bone marrow
ossification of something outside 19b.  pr/o/chondr/al — (occurring) before
something, p.t. cartilage cartilage
12a.  ex/o/path/y — a disease of something 19c.  pr/o/per/i/ton/e/al — (situated) before
outside something the peritoneum
12b.  ex/o/thym/o/pex/y — the fixation of 20a.  re/tr/o/rect/al — behind the rectum
something outside the thymus
20b.  re/tr/o/sin/us — something behind a
13a.  ect/o/scop/y — the examination of sinus
something outside something
21a.  post/en/cephal/it/ic — after the
13b.  ect/ent/al — inside and outside inflammation of the brain
14a.  end/o/cardi/um — something inside the 21b.  post/hepat/ic — behind the liver
22a.  trans/ventr/i/cul/ar — through a ventricle
14b.  end/o/cardi/o/path/y — a disease of
something inside the heart 22b.  trans/epi/thel/i/al — through the
14c.  end/epi/derm/is — something inside the
epidermis 23a.  in/ter/labi/al — between the lips

15a.  en/celi/alg/ia — pain involving 23b.  in/ter/femor/al — between the femora

something inside the abdomen 23c.  in/ter/ureter/ic — between the ureters
15b.  en/canth/is — something inside the 24a.  syn/chol/ia — an abnormal condition
canthus involving something (occurring) with bile
16a.  in/tr/a/cost/al — inside a rib 24b.  syn/dactyl/ia — an abnormal condition
16b.  in/tr/a/ser/ous — inside serum (referring involving the digits (being joined)
to a chemical) together

17a.  ent/o/cel/e — the protrusion of 24c.  syn/oste/o/log/y — the study of bones

something inside something (being joined) together

17b.  ent/o‑/ophthalm/ia — an abnormal 25a.  ant/i/chol/e/ster/em/ic — against the

condition involving something inside the abnormal presence of cholesterol in the
eye blood

17c.  ent/o/retin/a — something inside the 25b.  ant/i/hem/o/rrhag/ic — against the rapid
retina flowing of blood
25c.  ant/i/sial/ic — against saliva
242  Appendix: Sample Exams


1. hydroectatometer
a. an instrument for measuring the displacement of water

b. the measurement of the displacement of water 

c. an instrument for measuring the distention of something involving water 

d. the measurement of the distention of something involving water 

e. an instrument for measuring the displacement of something involving water 

2. peritransthoracal
a. something beside something through the chest 

b. surrounding something through the chest 

c. surrounding and through the chest 

d. something surrounding something through the chest 

e. beside something surrounding the chest 

3. laparohalocinesis 

a. the movement of salt, involving the abdominal wall
b. the movement of salt, involving the abdomen
c. an abnormal condition involving the movement of salt in the abdomen
d. an abnormal condition involving the movement of salt in the abdominal wall
e. the movement of salt in the abdomen
4. gnathoclastiastic
a. p.t. the healing of the breaking of the jaw 

b. p.t. an abnormal condition involving something that breaks the jaw 

c. p.t. the healing of something involving the breaking of the jaw 

d. p.t. the abnormal presence of something involving the breaking of the jaw 

e. p.t. an abnormal condition involving the breaking of the jaw 

5. transthoracotic
a. through an abnormal condition of the chest 

b. through the chest and an abnormal condition 

c. p.t. an abnormal condition through the chest

d. p.t. an abnormal condition involving something through the chest 

e. through an abnormal condition involving the chest
6. phrenomediastinopneopenia
a. a deficiency of breathing, involving a substance of the mediastinum and the mind 

b. a deficiency of air, involving a substance of the mediastinum and the diaphragm 

c. a deficiency of air, involving the mediastinum and the diaphragm 

d. a deficiency of breathing, involving the mediastinum and the mind
e. a deficiency of breathing, involving the mediastinum and the diaphragm 

2018 Multiple Choice  243

7. arthraledema neuranesthetica
a. the loss of perception of something p.t. the nerves, p.t. the swelling of the joints 

b. the swelling of the joints, p.t. the loss of perception of the nerves
c. the swelling of something p.t. the joints, p.t. the loss of perception of the nerves 

d. the loss of perception of the nerves, p.t. the swelling of something p.t. the joints 

e. the loss of perception of the nerves, p.t. the swelling of the joints 

8. hepatocholangioenterostomy
a. the making of an opening between the bile duct and liver 

b. the making of an opening in the bile duct, involving the liver 

c. to make an opening through the intestine and the hepatic duct 

d. the making of an opening through the bile duct and liver 

e. the making of an opening between the intestine and the hepatic duct 

9. prephlebitis
a. the inflammation of something in front of the diaphragm 

b. the inflammation of the veins in front of something 

c. something before the inflammation of the diaphragm 

d. something before the inflammation of the veins
e. before the inflammation of the diaphragm 

10. hypermenorrhea
a. the excessive flowing of something from the chin 

b. the excessive flowing of the menses 

c. the flowing of something from something above the chin 

d. the flowing of something above the menses 

e. the excessive flowing of something from above the menses
11. coracoidoplasticist
a. one who studies the surgical repairing of something resembling coracoid process 

b. one who specializes in the science of the surgical repairing of the coracoid process 

c. one who specializes in the science of the surgical repairing of something resembling
the coracoid process 

d. one who specializes in the surgical repairing of the coracoid process

e. one who studies the surgical repairing of the coracoid process 

12. infracardiomyosotomy
a. inside the cutting of a muscle of the heart
b. the cutting of something p.t. muscle of something below the heart 

c. the cutting of the muscle of something below the heart 

d. inside the cutting of a muscle below the heart 

e. the cutting of a muscle inside the heart

244  Appendix: Sample Exams

13. hyperhyalemia
a. the abnormal presence of excessive glass above the blood 

b. above the abnormal presence of excessive amounts of the hyoid bone in the blood 

c. the abnormal presence of glass above the blood 

d. the abnormal presence of an excessive amount of something resembling glass in the

e. the abnormal presence of excessive amounts of the hyoid bone in the blood 

14. costaloptotiasis
a. the abnormal presence of an abnormal condition involving the eyes and the ribs 

b. the abnormal presence of the downward displacement of the ribs 

c. the abnormal presence of an abnormal condition involving the eyes and something
involving the ribs 

d. the abnormal presence of something involving the downward displacement of the

e. the abnormal presence of the downward displacement of something p.t. the ribs 

15. hy(o)iatrotropin
a. a substance that preferentially affects the healing of the hyoid bone 

b. a substance that grows/nourishes something involving the healing of the hyoid bone 

c. a substance that grows/nourishes something involving the healing of something re-
sembling glass
d. a substance of the growth/nourishment of something that heals the hyoid bone 

e. a substance that preferentially affects the healing of something resembling glass 

16. antrosclerotolytic
a. p.t. the disintegration of something involving the hardening of an antrum 

b. p.t. the separation of adhesions of the hardening of something involving an antrum 

c. p.t. the disintegration of something p.t. an abnormal condition involving the sclera
and involving an antrum
d. p.t. the separation of adhesions of the hardening of an antrum
e. p.t. the disintegration of something involving the hardening of something involving an
17. hysterostomatocleisis
a. the closure of the mouth of the uterus
b. the breaking of the mouth of the uterus 

c. the breaking of something involving the stomach, involving the uterus
d. the closure of the stomach, involving the uterus
e. the breaking of something involving the mouth of the uterus
18. extrastaphylostomosis
a. an abnormal condition involving the cutting of something outside bone fat 

b. an abnormal condition involving the mouth, involving something outside the uvula 

c. an abnormal condition involving the cutting of bone, involving something outside fat 

d. outside an abnormal condition involving the mouth, involving the uvula 

e. an abnormal condition involving the cutting of bone, involving something outside the

2018 Multiple Choice  245

19. rhachiodysplastic myelodynia

a. pain involving the bone marrow, p.t. the defective formation of the vertebra 

b. pain in the limbs, p.t. the defective formation of the spine
c. pain in the spinal cord, p.t. the defective formation of the spine 

d. pain involving the spinal cord, p.t. the defective formation of the vertebra 

e. pain involving the limbs, p.t. the defective formation of the spine
20. pneumonomembranae
a. the membranes of the lung 

b. the part of the lung involving a membrane 

c. a membrane and a lung 

d. a collection of air in the membranes
e. a membrane of the lung 

21. carpalomalacectomy
a. the cutting of the soft part of the wrist 

b. the cutting out of the soft part of the wrist 

c. the cutting out of something involving the softening of the wrist 

d. the cutting out of something involving the softening of something p.t. the wrist 

e. the cutting out of something involving the soft part of the wrist 

22. parainguinoschisis
a. the splitting of something around the loin
b. the splitting of something beside a substance of the groin

c. the splitting of something beside the groin 

d. the splitting of something around the groin

e. the splitting of something beside a substance of the loin 

23. pseudocholecystitis
a. falsely inflaming the common bile duct
b. a false inflammation of the common bile duct 

c. falsely inflaming the gallbladder 

d. a false inflammation of the gallbladder 

e. a false inflammation of the bile ducts 

24. blepharalomyosogenous
a. producing something p.t. the muscles of the eyelids 

b. produced by the muscles of the eyelids 

c. produced by something p.t. the muscles of the eyelids 

d. produced by the muscles of something p.t. the eyelids 

e. p.t. something the produces the muscles of the eyelids 

246  Appendix: Sample Exams

25. laparocardiostomy
a. the making of an opening in the cardiac part of the stomach through the abdominal

b. the cutting of an opening in the cardiac part of the stomach through the abdominal

c. the making of an opening in the abdominal wall, involving the heart
d. the making of an opening in the abdominal wall, involving the cardiac part of the

e. the cutting into the heart through the abdominal wall

26. spondylomyogenic
a. produced by the muscles of the spine 

b. producing the muscles of the vertebrae 

c. p.t. a substance that produces the muscles of the spine 

d. producing the muscles of the spine 

e. produced by the muscles of the vertebrae 

27. cartilaginostotogram
a. a record of the ossification of cartilage 

b. a record of an abnormal condition involving bone and a substance of cartilage
c. a record of an abnormal condition involving bone and cartilage

d. a record of the ossification of a substance of cartilage 

e. a record of an abnormal condition involving ossification of a substance of cartilage 

28. endonephroptosis
a. an abnormal condition involving the eye, involving something inside the (optic) nerve 

b. an abnormal condition involving something inside the eye, p.t. the nerves 

c. an abnormal condition involving the downward displacement of something inside the

d. inside the downward displacement of something inside the kidney 

e. the downward displacement of something inside the kidney
29. cyclicostatin
a. a substance of bone, p.t. the cystic duct 

b. a substance that makes an opening in something p.t. the cystic duct 

c. a substance that makes an opening in something p.t. the ciliary bodies

d. a substance of bone, involving something p.t. the ciliary bodies
e. a substance that stops something p.t. the ciliary bodies 

30. cerebralorrheic
a. p.t. the rapid flowing of something p.t. the brain 

b. p.t. the flowing of something in the brain 

c. p.t. the flowing of something from the brain 

d. p.t. the flowing of something p.t. the brain 

e. p.t. the rapid flowing of something from something p.t. the brain
2018 Multiple Choice  247

31. vasa brachialia thoracica

a. a vessel p.t. an arm and p.t. the chest
b. the vessels of the chest p.t. the arm
c. the vessels p.t. an arm and p.t. the chest 

d. the vessels of the arm and p.t. the chest 

e. a vessel of the arm and p.t. the chest 

32. omosokinetotherapy
a. treatment by means of the movement of the bones, involving the shoulders 

b. treatment by means of something involving the movement of the shoulders 

c. treatment by means of the movement of the shoulders 

d. treatment by means of the movement of something p.t. the shoulders

e. treatment by means of the movement of the bones of the shoulders 

33. hypnotopharmacist
a. one who studies drugs, involving an abnormal condition involving sleep 

b. one who specializes in the science of drugs, involving an abnormal condition involv-
ing sleep 

c. one who studies drugs, involving the ear and sleep 

d. one who specializes in the science of drugs, involving an abnormal condition involv-
ing something p.t. sleep 

e. one who specializes in drugs, involving an abnormal condition involving sleep
34. entoscheorchiorrhaphy
a. the suturing of the testes, inside the scrotum 

b. the suturing of the testes, involving something inside the scrotum 

c. the suturing of the testes, scrotum, and intestine 

d. the suturing of the inside of the scrotum, involving the testes

e. the suturing of the testes, scrotum, involving the intestine 

35. hyoepiglottic
a. p.t. something below something (that is) upon the tongue 

b. p.t. something upon the tongue, involving the hyoid process 

c. (located) upon the tongue, involving the hyoid process 

d. p.t. the epiglottis and hyoid bone 

e. p.t. something that is below the epiglottis 

36. pneumatencephala
a. the part of the brain involving the lungs 

b. a collection of air in the brain 

c. collections of air in the brain 

d. the part of the brain involving the lung

e. p.t. the brain, involving the lungs 

248  Appendix: Sample Exams

37. thrombocytemia brachiocephalica

a. an abnormal condition involving platelets in the blood, p.t. the brain, involving the arm 

b. the abnormal presence of platelets in the blood, p.t. the brain, involving the arm 

c. an abnormal condition involving platelets in the blood, p.t. the head, involving the arm 

d. the abnormal presence of platelets in the blood, p.t. the head, involving the arm 

e. the abnormal presence of cells of clots in the blood, p.t. the head, involving the arm 

38. hemolysoid
a. a collection of blood in the lymph glands

b. resembling something that disintegrates blood
c. resembling secretions of lymph in the blood 

d. a collection of blood in the lymph nodes
e. the part of the lymph nodes involving blood
39. renalohypophyseopenia 

a. a deficiency of secretions from the pituitary gland, involving something p.t. the kid-

b. a deficiency involving insufficient gas, p.t. the kidneys 

c. a deficiency of secretions from the pituitary gland, involving the kidneys 

d. a deficiency of something below the pituitary gland, p.t. something p.t. the kidneys 

e. a deficiency of something involving insufficient gas, p.t. the kidneys 

40. vasa adenalia
a. the vas deferens 

b. the vessel of the glands 

c. the vessels of the glands

d. the vessel p.t. the glands 

e. the vessels p.t. the glands 

41. venulae hypogastricae
a. the veins of something below the stomach
b. the veins below something p.t. the stomach 

c. the little veins of something below the stomach 

d. the little veins below the stomach 

e. the little veins p.t. something insufficient about the stomach 

42. hyalinuresis
a. the abnormal presence of a substance of the hyoid in the urine 

b. the abnormal presence of a substance of something involving glass in the urine 

c. the passage of a substance resembling glass in the urine 

d. the passage of a substance of the hyoid in the urine

e. the abnormal presence of a substance of glass in the urine 

2018 Multiple Choice  249

43. hepaticolithotomy
a. the cutting of a calculus from the liver 

b. the cutting of a calculus involving something p.t. the hepatic duct 

c. the cutting out of a calculus from the liver 

d. the cutting out of a calculus involving the hepatic duct 

e. the cutting of a calculus of the liver
44. myelorrhexis vertebralis
a. the vertebra p.t. the rupturing of something involving bone marrow 

b. p.t. the vertebra, involving the rupturing of something involving the spinal cord 

c. the rupturing of something involving bone marrow, involving something p.t. the verte-

d. the rupturing of the spinal cord, p.t. the vertebra 

e. the vertebra p.t. the rupturing of the spinal cord 

45. metrosalpingotic
a. p.t. an abnormal condition involving the measurement of the uterus 

b. p.t. an abnormal condition of the uterine tube and the uterus 

c. p.t. an abnormal condition involving the measurement of salt in the uterine tube 

d. p.t. an abnormal condition of the uterus and the uterine tube 

e. p.t. an abnormal condition involving the uterine tube and the uterus 

46. lienemic
a. p.t. the abnormal presence of something involving fat in the blood 

b. p.t. an abnormal condition involving blood in the spleen 

c. p.t. the abnormal presence of fat in the spleen 

d. p.t. the abnormal presence of blood in the spleen 

e. p.t. an abnormal condition involving fat in the blood 

47. lingula pulmonalis
a. the little tongue p.t. the lung 

b. the little tongue of the lung

c. the little part of the lung, p.t. the tongue 

d. the lung of the little tongue 

e. the tongue p.t. the lungs 

48. pseudonarcotic
a. p.t. an abnormal condition involving a false stupor 

b. falsely p.t. the death of something 

c. falsely p.t. an abnormal condition involving stupor 

d. falsely p.t. an abnormal condition involving drugs 

e. p.t. an abnormal condition involving a false drug 

250  Appendix: Sample Exams

49. hypocytotrophic
a. the insufficient growth of a cell
b. below the growth of something involving a cell
c. below the insufficient growth of a cell
d. p.t. the growth of an insufficient cell
e. p.t. the insufficient growth of a cell
50. prosopanesthesiolagnia
a. sexual gratification involving the loss of perception of the face 

b. the disintegration of something involving the loss of perception of the face
c. an abnormal condition involving sexual gratification involving the loss of perception
of the face
d. an abnormal condition involving the disintegration of something involving the loss of
perception of face

e. an abnormal condition involving sexual gratification involving the perception of the
51. periosteotribe
a. an instrument for surrounding the crushing of bone 

b. an instrument for crushing the surrounding bone 

c. an instrument for rubbing the surrounding bone 

d. an instrument for crushing something beside bone 

e. an instrument for crushing something surrounding bone 

52. cubitolithiastic
a. p.t. the abnormal presence of a calculus in something involving the elbow 

b. p.t. the healing of a calculus in the elbow 

c. p.t. the healing of a calculus involving the elbow 

d. p.t. the abnormal presence of a calculus involving the elbow 

e. p.t. an abnormal condition involving a calculus in the elbow

53. somoplastopenic
a. p.t. a deficiency of the surgical repairing of something p.t. the body 

b. p.t. the stopping of the formation of the body
c. p.t. a deficiency of the formation of the body 

d. p.t. the stopping of the surgical repairing of the body 

e. p.t. a deficiency of the downward displacement of the body 

54. osteopathia myelogenosa
a. diseases of the bone, produced by the bone marrow 

b. an abnormal condition involving a disease of the bone, involving the bone marrow 

c. a disease of the bone, produced by the bone marrow 

d. an abnormal condition involving a disease of the bone, involving the spinal cord 

e. diseases of the bone, produced by the spinal cord 

2018 Multiple Choice  251

55. oneirerotophobia
a. an abnormal condition involving a morbid dread of dreams 

b. an abnormal condition involving a morbid dread of sexual desire, involving dreams 

c. a morbid dread of ears, involving dreams 

d. a morbid dread of sexual desire, involving dreams 

e. a morbid dread of dreams 

56. ectonephruria
a. the abnormal presence of urine inside the kidneys 

b. the abnormal presence of urine in something outside the kidneys 

c. an abnormal condition involving urine in something outside the kidneys 

d. the abnormal presence of urine outside the kidneys 

e. an abnormal condition involving urine inside the kidneys 

57. gonyoepidermorrhaphic
a. p.t. the suturing of the epidermis of the knee 

b. p.t. the suturing of the epidermis of the chin 

c. p.t. the suturing of the epidermis, involving the chin 

d. p.t. the suturing of the epidermis, involving the knee 

e. p.t. the suturing of the epidermis and the chin 

58. prosopognathotropism
a. preferentially affecting the jaws of the face 

b. the tendency to preferentially affect the jaws of the face 

c. the tendency to preferentially affect the jaw of the face
d. the tendency to preferentially affect the jaws, involving the face 

e. preferentially affecting the jaws, involving the face 

59. sutura parietomastoidea
a. sutures of the mastoid bone and parietal bone 

b. the suture between the mastoid process and the parietal bone 

c. a suture of the mastoid bone and parietal bone 

d. the sutures between the mastoid process and the parietal bone 

e. a suture of the mastoid process and parietal bone 

60. postdiabetes
a. (occurring) after diabetes 

b. p.t. after diabetes 

c. p.t. something (occurring) after diabetes 

d. something (occurring) after diabetes 

e. behind something involving diabetes 

252  Appendix: Sample Exams

61. pneumonia pleuritica

a. the abnormal presence of air in the lungs, p.t. the inflamed pleura 

b. an abnormal condition involving the lungs, p.t. the inflammation of the pleura 

c. an abnormal condition of the lungs, p.t. the inflammation of the pleura

d. the inflammation of the pleura, p.t. an abnormal condition involving the lungs
e. an abnormal condition involving the lungs, p.t. the pleura
62. omphalelcosis
a. an abnormal condition involving the ulceration of the eyes 

b. an abnormal condition involving the ulceration of the navel
c. the ulceration of the eyes

d. the ulceration of something p.t. the navel 

e. the ulceration of the navel 

63. sialemia
a. an abnormal condition involving salt in the blood 

b. an abnormal condition involving blood in the saliva 

c. the abnormal presence of blood in the saliva 

d. the abnormal presence of salt in the blood 

e. an abnormal condition involving saliva in the blood 

64. enterocholosis
a. an abnormal condition involving something inside the bile 

b. an abnormal condition involving the colon, involving the intestines 

c. an abnormal condition involving bile, involving the intestines 

d. an abnormal condition involving something inside the colon 

e. an abnormal condition involving something inside the scrotum 

65. epibrachialopexy
a. the excessive fixation of something upon the arm 

b. the adhesion of something upon something p.t. the bronchus 

c. the fixation of something upon something p.t. the arm 

d. the fixation of something upon something p.t. the bronchus 

e. the adhesion of something upon the bronchus 

66. supradermatocyte
a. a cell of something above the skin 

b. a cell of the skin above 

c. a skin cell of something above 

d. the cells above the skin 

e. a cell above the skin 

2018 Multiple Choice  253

67. hepaticocytophagous
a. p.t. a cell which ingests something p.t. the hepatic duct 

b. p.t. a cell which ingests the liver 

c. p.t. a cell which ingests cells of the liver 

d. p.t. the ingestion of cells of something p.t. the hepatic duct

e. p.t. the ingestion of cells of the hepatic duct 

68. hypohematinemia
a. an abnormal condition involving an insufficient substance of blood in the blood 

b. an abnormal condition involving a substance of blood in something below the blood 

c. the abnormal presence of blood in something below the blood 

d. the abnormal presence of an insufficient substance of blood in the blood 

e. an abnormal condition involving a substance of insufficient blood in the blood 

69. episioperineoplasty
a. the surgical repairing of something surrounding a new condition and excessive saliva

b. the formation of the something surrounding a new condition and excessive saliva 

c. the surgical repairing of something upon the vulva 

d. the formation of the perineum and vulva
e. the surgical repairing of the perineum and vulva
70. cartilaginogen
a. something which produces a substance of cartilage 

b. the production of a substance of cartilage 

c. a substance which produces a substance of cartilage 

d. producing a substance of cartilage 

e. a substance which produces cartilage 

71. precoreometric
a. before the measurement of the cornea 

b. p.t. the measurement of something in front of the cornea 

c. p.t. the measurement of the cornea in front of something 

d. before something p.t. the measurement of the pupil

e. p.t. the measurement of something in front of the pupil 

72. uraturia
a. an abnormal condition involving the ureter 

b. the abnormal presence of something involving urate 

c. the abnormal presence of urea in the urine

d. an abnormal condition involving the urea 

e. the abnormal presence of urate in the urine

254  Appendix: Sample Exams

73. arteriae hypotyphlicae

a. the arteries p.t. something involving insufficient cecum 

b. the arteries of something below the cecum 

c. the arteries below the cecum 

d. below the cecum, p.t. the arteries 

e. something below the cecum, p.t. the arteries

74. celiorrhaphic
a. p.t. the suturing of something involving the abdominal wall 

b. p.t. the suturing of the ciliary body 

c. p.t. the suturing of the abdomen 

d. p.t. the suturing of something involving the ciliary body 

e. p.t. the suturing of the abdominal wall

75. trachelovertebrae
a. the vertebra of the trachea
b. the vertebrae of the neck

c. the part of the neck involving the trachea 

d. the vertebra of the neck 

e. the part of the neck involving the vertebra 

76. seropneumonitis
a. the inflammation of the serous coat of the lungs

b. the inflammation of the lungs, p.t. serum 

c. the inflammation of something involving air, involving flesh 

d. the inflammation of the lungs, involving flesh
e. the inflammation of something involving air, involving serum 

77. circumthorax
a. something (that is) around the chest 

b. the part of the chest involving the varix 

c. p.t. something (that is) around the chest 

d. a collection of varixes/varices in the chest
e. p.t. the chest and a varix
78. venae pulmonarohypogastrici
a. the vein of something below the stomach and the lungs 

b. the veins below the stomach, involving something p.t. the lungs 

c. the veins of something below the stomach and the lungs 

d. the veins below the stomach and the lungs
e. the vein below the stomach, involving something p.t. a lung
79. retrokeratodysplasia
a. something after the defective formation of the pupil 

b. something after the defective formation of the cornea
c. an abnormal condition involving the defective formation of something behind the

d. the defective formation of something behind the cornea
e. the defective formation of something behind the pupil
2018 Multiple Choice  255

80. postcholedochectopic
a. p.t. the displacement of something behind the hepatic duct 

b. p.t. the displacement of something behind the common bile duct 

c. after the displacement of the gallbladder 

d. p.t. the displacement of something behind the bile duct
e. after the displacement of the bile duct
81. nephritis nephrotoxicotica
a. the poisoning of the kidneys, as a result of inflammation of the kidney 

b. the inflammation of the kidney, p.t. the poisoning of the kidney 

c. the poisoning of the kidneys, p.t. the inflammation of the kidney 

d. the inflammation of the kidney, (that is) poisonous to the kidney
e. the poisoning of the kidneys, leading to the inflammation of the kidney
82. intraencephalocentetic
a. p.t. the surgical puncturing of something inside the brain 

b. p.t. something inside the surgical puncturing of the head 

c. inside the surgical puncturing of something inside the brain 

d. p.t. the surgical puncturing of something inside the head
e. p.t. something inside the surgical puncturing of the brain
83. septum osseum nasale
a. the bone of the septum p.t. the nose 

b. a septum of the nose and the bones and the nose
c. a septum p.t. the bones and p.t. the nose
d. a septum of the nasal bonesc
e. a septum p.t. the bones of the nose
84. anticyticoplastic
a. something (acting) against the formation of cells 

b. (acting) against the surgical repairing of cells 

c. (acting) against the formation of something p.t. cells 

d. something (acting) against the formation of something p.t. cells
e. (acting) against the formation of cells
85. nervi brachiohyperanconales
a. the nerves above the elbows, involving the arm 

b. the nerves p.t. something above the elbows, involving the arm 

c. a nerve of something above the elbows, involving the arm

d. the nerves of something above the elbows, involving the arm
e. a nerve above the elbows, involving the arm
86. parotism
a. a spasm of something beside an abnormal condition 

b. a condition caused by the malfunction of the parotid cartilage 

c. a spasm of the parotid bone 

d. a condition of the parotid bone, cartilage, and gland
e. a condition caused by the malfunction of the parotid gland
256  Appendix: Sample Exams

87. interclavicodystrophy
a. the lack of growth of something between something p.t. the collar bone 

b. the lack of growth of something among the collar bones 

c. the defective growth of something between something p.t. the collar bone 

d. the defective growth of something between the collar bones
e. the lack of growth of something between the collar bones
88. chondromalacia cystica
a. an abnormal condition involving the softening of cartilage, p.t. the bladder
b. p.t. the softening of cartilage, p.t. the cystic duct
c. p.t. the softening of cartilage, involving the bladder
d. the softening of cartilage, p.t. the bladder
e. the softening of a substance of cartilage, p.t. the bladder
89. otorrhea myalgica
a. pain in the muscles, p.t. the flowing of something from the ear
b. pain in the spinal cord, p.t. the flowing of something from the ear
c. the rapid flowing of something from the ear, p.t. pain in the muscles
d. pain in the muscles, p.t. the rapid flowing of something from the ear
e. the flowing of something from the ear, p.t. pain in the muscles
90. subendophrenic
a. below something inside the diaphragm 

b. something below something inside the diaphragm 

c. below the inside of the diaphragm 

d. something below the inside of the mind 

e. p.t. something below the inside of the mind 

91. musculi brachiosubclavici
a. the muscles of something below the arm and the collar bone 

b. the muscle below the collar bone, involving the arm 

c. the muscles of something below the collar bone, involving the arm 

d. the muscle below the arm, involving the collar bone 

e. the muscles below the collar bone, involving the arm 

92. costa sternocoracoidalis
a. the ribs p.t. the coracoid process, involving the sternum

b. the ribs of the coracoid process, involving the sternum 

c. the rib p.t. the coracoid process, involving the sternum 

d. the ribs p.t. the sternum, involving the coracoid process 

e. the rib of the coracoid process and the sternum
93. preinfracarditic
a. p.t. the inflammation of something in front and something between (the parts of) of
the heart 

b. before the inflammation of something between (the parts of) the heart
c. before and below the inflammation of the heart 

d. p.t. the inflammation of the heart, involving something in front and below
e. before the inflammation of something below the heart 

2018 Multiple Choice  257

94. hypoxia histotoxica

a. the poisoning of tissues, p.t. the abnormal presence of excessive oxygen 

b. an abnormal condition involving insufficient oxygen, poisonous to the tissue 

c. poisoned tissues, involving insufficient oxygen 

d. the abnormal presence of insufficient oxygen, p.t. the poisoning of tissues

e. poisoned tissues, involving excessive oxygen 

95. arthralitis enteropathica
a. a disease of something p.t. the (small) intestine, p.t. the inflammation of something
p.t. the joints 

b. the inflammation of the joints, p.t. something inside a disease of the (small) intestine 

c. the inflammation of something p.t. the joints, p.t. a disease of the (small) intestine 

d. a disease of something p.t. the (small) intestine, p.t. the inflammation of the joints 

e. the inflammation of the joints, p.t. a disease of the (small) intestine 

96. hemangioma hemosideroticum
a. a tumor involving vessels of blood, p.t. saliva and blood 

b. tumors involving vessels of blood, p.t. an abnormal condition involving iron and blood

c. a tumor involving vessels of blood, p.t. iron and blood 

d. a tumor involving vessels of blood, p.t. an abnormal condition involving iron and

e. a tumor involving the vessels of blood, p.t. an abnormal condition involving saliva and

97. proscleriatric
a. before the abnormal presence of something in front of the sclera 

b. p.t. the abnormal presence of something in front of the sclera 

c. before the healing of the sclera 

d. p.t. the healing of something in front of the hardening of something 

e. before the healing of something in front of the sclera
98. neurosomyosotic
a. p.t. an abnormal condition involving the muscles, involving something p.t. the nerves 

b. p.t. an abnormal condition involving the muscles, p.t. bone and involving the nerves 

c. p.t. an abnormal condition involving the bones and the muscles of something p.t. the

d. p.t. an abnormal condition involving the muscles, involving the nerves 

e. p.t. an abnormal condition of something involving the muscles and the nerves 

99. preosteosclerotic
a. before the hardening of the bones
b. before the bone, involving something p.t. the hardening
c. p.t. an abnormal condition involving the hardening of something in front of the bones
d. before the hardening of something involving the bones
e. the hardening of something in front of the bones
258  Appendix: Sample Exams

 ligamenta omalia

a. the ligaments of the shoulder
b. p.t. the ligaments and the shoulders
c. the ligaments p.t. the shoulder
d. the ligament p.t. the shoulder
e. the ligament of the shoulders

#1-10 #51-60
cbadd ecedb edccd badbd
#11-20 #61-70
bcdea eabca beccc aedee
#21-30 #71-80
dcdda baeed eeceb aabdb
#31-40 #81-90
cdebd cdbae bacca eddea
#41-50 #91-100
dcdde dacea ecebc dcaac
Divide and Define

1. paracardiac_____________________________________________________________________

2. musculi brachiohypocubitales____________________________________________________

3. vas cervicale____________________________________________________________________

4. chirodactylotogenic______________________________________________________________

5. cranialectomodysplastic__________________________________________________________

6. patellochondrostotic_____________________________________________________________

7. lacrimorhinon___________________________________________________________________

8. arthralectatogenous______________________________________________________________

9. hyperadenorrheic________________________________________________________________

10. acrotomalgic____________________________________________________________________

11. ophthalmoencephalon___________________________________________________________

12. carpalokinetotherapy____________________________________________________________

13. endopneumogram_______________________________________________________________

14. cytonecrotic prosopostomatoplasty________________________________________________

262  Appendix: Sample Exams

15. osteocytatrophic_________________________________________________________________

16. metrocentetic___________________________________________________________________

17. renopathogeneticist______________________________________________________________

18. neurosomyosotic________________________________________________________________

19. hepaticitis_______________________________________________________________________

20. cerebelloplastopenic_____________________________________________________________

21. myocytinogen___________________________________________________________________

22. postosteosclerotic________________________________________________________________

23. laparogastricostoma_____________________________________________________________

24. onychoclastiastic________________________________________________________________

25. omphalorrhagotropism___________________________________________________________

26. colorrhaphic____________________________________________________________________

27. neuritoplegia cerebredematosa___________________________________________________

28. chylokinetostatin________________________________________________________________

29. cholecystostomize_______________________________________________________________

30. capillarostenototropic____________________________________________________________
Written Answers  263

31. cholegaster______________________________________________________________________

32. septum osseum nasale__________________________________________________________

33. cheiloplastotherapy______________________________________________________________

34. otomyasthenic__________________________________________________________________

35. vesicorrhectic___________________________________________________________________

36. ossa omalia_____________________________________________________________________

37. ossiculectomic__________________________________________________________________

38. hysteropathologic________________________________________________________________

39. somataloptotic__________________________________________________________________

40. podagral________________________________________________________________________

(Note that some questions have more than one “right” answer)
1. para-cardi-ac — beside the heart
2. muscul-i brachio-hypo-cubit-al-es — muscles below the elbows, and involving the arms;
muscles p.t. the arms and below the elbows
3. vas cervic-al-e — a vessel p.t. the neck
4. chiro-dactyl-ot-ogen-ic — producing an abnormal condition involving the digits of the
5. crani-al-ectom-odysplast-ic — p.t. the defective formation of something involving the cut-
ting out of something pertaining to the skull
6. patell-o-chondr-ostot-ic — p.t. the ossification of the cartilage of a kneecap
264  Appendix: Sample Exams

7. lacrimo-rhin-on — a collection of tears in the nose

8. arthr-al-ectat-ogen-ous — produced by the distention of something p.t. a joint
9. hyper-aden-orrhe-ic — p.t. the flowing of excessive secretions from a gland; p.t. the exces-
sive flowing of secretions from a gland
10. acr-otom-alg-ic — p.t. pain involving the cutting of an extremity
11. ophthalmo-encephal-on — the part of the brain involving the eyes
12. carp-alo-kinet-otherapy — treatment by means of the movement of something p.t. the
13. endo-pneum-ogram — a record of something inside a lung
14. cyto-necrot-ic prosop-ostomat-oplasty — the surgical repairing of the mouth, involving
the face, p.t. the death of cells
15. osteo-cyt-atroph-ic — p.t. the lack of growth of cells of bone
16. metro-centet-ic — p.t. the surgical puncturing of the uterus
17. reno-path-ogenet-ic-ist — one who specializes in the science of the production of a dis-
ease of the kidney; one who specializes in the science of the production of diseases of
the kidney
18. neur-os-o-myos-ot-ic — p.t. an abnormal condition involving muscles, p.t. nerves
19. hepat-ic-itis — the inflammation of the hepatic duct
20. cerebello-plasto-pen-ic — p.t. a deficiency of the formation of the cerebellum; p.t. a defi-
ciency of something involving the formation of the cerebellum
21. myo-cyt-in-ogen — a substance which produces a substance of cells of muscle
22. post-oste-osclerot-ic — after the hardening of bones
23. laparo-gastr-ic-ostoma — an opening made in something p.t. the stomach, through the
abdominal wall
24. onycho-clast-iast-ic — p.t. the abnormal presence of the breaking of the nails; p.t. the ab-
normal presence of something involving the breaking of the nails
25. omphal-orrhag-o-trop-ism — the tendency to preferentially affect the rapid flowing of
something from the navel
26. col-orrhaph-ic — p.t. the suturing of the colon
27. neur-it-opleg-ia cerebr-edemat-os-a — the paralysis of something involving the inflam-
mation of nerves, p.t. the swelling of the brain
28. chylo-kineto-stat-in — a substance which stops the movement of chyle
29. cholecyst-ostom-ize — to make an opening in the gallbladder
30. capillar-ostenot-o-trop-ic — preferentially affecting the narrowing of capillaries
31. chole-gaster — a collection of bile in the stomach
Written Answers  265

32. sept-um osse-um nas-al-e — the septum p.t. a bone and p.t. the nose; the septum, p.t.
bone, p.t. the nose; the septum, p.t. the nose, p.t. bone
33. cheilo-plast-o-therapy — treatment by means of the surgical repairing of the lips
34. oto-my-asthen-ic — p.t. the lack of strength of the muscles of the ears; p.t. the lack of
strength of the muscles involving the ears
35. vesic-orrhect-ic — p.t. the rupturing of the bladder
36. oss-a om-al-ia — the bones p.t. the shoulder
37. oss-icul-ectom-ic — p.t. the cutting out of little bones
38. hystero-path-olog-ic — p.t. the study of a disease of the uterus; p.t. the study of the diseases
of the uterus
39. somat-al-optot-ic — p.t. the downward displacement of something p.t. the body
40. pod-agr-al — p.t. gouty pain in the foot
1. endo-oste/-ot-ic
ӹӹ p.t. an abnormal condition involving
ӹӹ something inside bones

not to be interpreted as
ӹӹ (located) inside
ӹӹ an abnormal condition involving
2. post-omphal/-atroph-ic
ӹӹ p.t. the lack of growth of
ӹӹ something behind the navel

not to be interpreted as
*post/-omphal-atroph/-ic (although
this is actually plausible)
ӹӹ (occurring) after
ӹӹ the lack of growth of the navel

3. hyper-thyroid/-em-ia
ӹӹ the abnormal presence in the blood of
ӹӹ excessive secretions from the thyroid
not to be interpreted as
ӹӹ the abnormal presence in the blood
ӹӹ something involving something
above the thyroid
4. anti-cyto-path/-ogen-ic
ӹӹ producing
ӹӹ something (operating) against a disease
of cells
not to be interpreted as
ӹӹ producing a disease of
ӹӹ something against cells

268  Appendix: Sample Exams

5. om/-endo-thorac-ic
ӹӹ (located) inside the chest,
ӹӹ involving the shoulder

not (as if endo-omo-thorac-ic)

ӹӹ (located) inside the chest and
6. peri-oste/-otom-ic
ӹӹ p.t. the cutting of
ӹӹ something surrounding bones

not to be interpreted as
ӹӹ surrounding
ӹӹ the cutting of bones

7. viscer/-otrop-ic
ӹӹ preferentially affecting
ӹӹ the viscera

not to be interpreted as
ӹӹ p.t.
ӹӹ the tendency to preferentially affect
the viscera
8. anti/-hem-uret/-ic
ӹӹ operating against
ӹӹ the passage of blood in the urine

not to be interpreted as
ӹӹ p.t. the passage in the urine of
ӹӹ something against blood

9. inter-chondr/-oplas-ia
ӹӹ the formation of
ӹӹ something between cartilages

not to be interpreted as
ӹӹ the formation of cartilage
ӹӹ between things

10. ven-ae / esophago-cardi/-al-es

ӹӹ the veins
ӹӹ p.t. the cardiac part of the stomach and
not to be interpreted as
ven-ae *esophago/-cardi-al-es
ӹӹ ... p.t. the heart and esophagus
Twenty Sample Terms Explained  269

11. nerv-i / entero/-sub-gastr-ic-i

ӹӹ the nerves
ӹӹ below the stomach,
ӹӹ involving the intestine

not to be interpreted as
ӹӹ (located) below the stomach and
12. pre/-ot-ic/-ot-ic
ӹӹ (occurring) before an abnormal condi-
tion involving
ӹӹ something p.t. the ear

not to be interpreted as
ӹӹ p.t. an abnormal condition involv-
ӹӹ something p.t. something before
the ear
13. intra-/aden-oido/-cent-et-ic
ӹӹ p.t. the surgical puncturing of
ӹӹ something inside
ӹӹ something resembling a gland

not to be interpreted as
ӹӹ p.t. the surgical puncturing of
ӹӹ something resembling
ӹӹ something inside a gland

14. intra-thoraco/-scop-ic
ӹӹ p.t. the examination of
ӹӹ something inside the chest

not to be interpreted as
ӹӹ (located) inside
ӹӹ the examination of the chest

15. vas-a / aden/-al-ia

ӹӹ the vessels
ӹӹ p.t. glands

not to be interpreted as
ӹӹ an abnormal condition involving
ӹӹ something p.t. glands
270  Appendix: Sample Exams

16. peri/-peri-card/-it-ic
ӹӹ p.t. the inflammation of
ӹӹ something surrounding the pericardium

not to be interpreted as
ӹӹ surrounding the inflammation of
ӹӹ the pericardium

17. infra-gastr/-ot-ic
ӹӹ p.t. an abnormal condition involving
ӹӹ something below the stomach

not to be interpreted as
ӹӹ (located) below
ӹӹ an abnormal condition involving
the stomach
18. hydro/-chole-cyst/-is
ӹӹ a collection of water
ӹӹ in the gall bladder

not to be interpreted as
ӹӹ collection of water and bile
ӹӹ in a cyst/the bladder

19. physo/-hypo-physeo/-gram
ӹӹ a record of the pituitary gland,
ӹӹ involving gas

(as if *physo-hypo-physo-...)
ӹӹ ...something below gas involving
20. suprarenalo/-therap-y
ӹӹ treatment by means of secretions from
ӹӹ the adrenal gland

not to be interpreted as
ӹӹ treatment by means of
ӹӹ something above the kidney
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Radix Antiqua is a non-profit publisher that provides educational materials both in print and
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especially the languages, literatures, and histories of the ancient Greeks and Romans.

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