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📖 AVTC3_Unit 2_ Noticing and analyzing TRENDS

UNIT 2: Noticing & Analyzing TRENDS

(Line & Bar graphs)
II. While-writing
Task 1:
Graph A – Cars
Graph B – Coal
Graph C – Oil
Graph D – Wheat
Graph E – Electrical goods
Graph F – Textiles

Task 2:
1. NC. Overall, the earnings of Bernie’s Buns and Robbie’s Bakery increased from 2000 to
2010, but the income of Lovely Loaves decreased.
2. NC. From 2000 to 2003, Bernie’s Buns experienced a fluctuation in earnings and then the
income remained stable at just under £40,000 until 2006.
3. C
4. C
5. NC. After that, Robbie’s Bakery’s income rose dramatically to nearly £100,000 in 2008.
6. C
7. NC. Lovely Loaves’ earnings fluctuated around £90,000 from 2000 to 2004.
8. NC. Lovely Loaves’ earnings decreased sharply to just over £40,000 in 2008.
9. C

Task 3:
1. from
2. to
3. at
4. of
5. in
6. at
7. to
8. at
9. between
10. and
📖 AVTC3_Unit 2_ Noticing and analyzing TRENDS

III. Post writing

Task 1
1. Line chart.
2. The amount of wood products in the UK from 1980-2000.
3. Three lines: paper & packaging , sawn wood, and wood pulp.
4. Blue line: paper & packaging; Red line: sawn wood; Green line: wood pulp.
5. Production (in million tonnes).
6. Period of time (year).
7. Paper & packaging: upward trend; sawn wood and wood pulp: downward trends.
8. Some of the most important features of this graph:
Production Highest point Lowest point
(million tonnes) (million tonnes)
Paper & packaging 350 240
Sawn-wood 200 130
Wood pulp 175 150

9. Body paragraph should have 2 main parts:

The first paragraph shows the amount of paper & packaging (measured in tonnes), compared to
sawn wood and wood pulp in a ten-year period (from 1980 to 1990).
The second paragraph shows the major trends of wood products (paper & packaging, sawn
wood, and wood pulp) in the year 2000.

Task 2
1. Bar chart.
2. The number of passengers who used three different means of transport.
3. There are three bars/year in the graph (tram, bus, and train)
4. Blue, green and yellow bars provide the number of tram users, bus users, and train
users in order.
5. Periods of time (in a year)
6. Number of passengers (in thousands)
7. Tram: upward trends (from 2012 to 2015); bus: fluctuated trends; train: downward
8. Some of the most important features of this graph:


📖 AVTC3_Unit 2_ Noticing and analyzing TRENDS

Means of transport Highest point Lowest point

(thousands) (thousands)
Tram 95 15
Bus 55 40
Train 77 12

9. Body paragraph should have 2 main parts:

The first paragraph shows the highest number of passengers using trains compared to those
who used buses and trams in 2012. Besides, this part shows the biggest changes of tram, bus,
and train users in 2015.
The second paragraph shows the major trends of passengers of three types of transport in 2013
and 2014 and shows the most popular means of transport – bus.


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