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• News anchor ~ JANNATT

• smu~ ARADHYA
• citizen~ PRISHA
[Spotlight on NA]

JANNATT : Good afternoon, viewers. Today, we're discussing the

disadvantages of mass media and its impact on our society.

[Spotlight on SMU]

ARADHYA: (Scrolling through social media) Look at this news

article! It claims that a new miracle cure has been discovered. I
must share it with everyone

[Spotlight on CC]

PRISHA: (Approaches SMU) Excuse me, I couldn't help but

overhear. Have you veri ed the credibility of that article?

ARADHYA: Well, it seems credible. It's gaining a lot of traction on

social media.

PRISHA: It's essential to be cautious. Mass media can sometimes

spread misinformation or promote unveri ed claims. Let's not
contribute to the spreading of false info.

JANNATT: (Nods) Prisha is right. The draw of sensational news can

overshadow the need for veri cation and critical thinking. It's crucial
to rely on reputable sources and engage in fact-checking before
sharing information.

ARADHYA: (Re ecting) You're both right. I should be more

responsible and mindful of what I share. Quality and accuracy
should always come rst.

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