English Project Work

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My Mother at Sixty-Six -"Kamla Das"

A word or phrase that is used in
an imaginative way to show that
somebody/something has the
same qualities as another thing
Eg: a late winter’s
It is characterised by the use of
moon(mother’s pale and
words having similar vowel
withered face has been compared
sounds consecutively.
to winter’s moon as the winter’s
moon is the symbol of death and Eg: doze, open mouthed
ailling beauty)

The use of words with
similar consonant sounds in
a sentence or a particular
It the practice of representing
objects, qualities, etc. as
Eg: she was as old as she
humans, in art and literature;
an object, quality, etc. that is Literary looked but soon

represented in this way.

Eg: Young Trees

It is an expression which describes a
person or thing as being similat to
someone or something else.
1) like that of a corpse
The use of the same letter or
2) as a late winter's moon
sound at the beginning of words
that are close together. REPETITION :
Eg: 1.) My Mother at Sixty-Six When a certain word, sentence or
2.) all I said was, see you soon phrase is written more than once
in a poem.
Eg: I did was smile and smile
and smile……

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