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Bricks to be used shall measure 230x115x75mm shall be of regular shape with sharp edges, perfectly
normal and straight. Only bricks of one standard size and manufacturer shall be used.

The mortar shall be Cement Mortar in specified proportions with such amount of water to give desirable
workable plasticity/consistency.

The ingredients of the mortar shall be perfectly pure, free from foreign materials and shall be initially
mixed in dry state, only necessary amount of potable water being added to the requisite amount of
mixture which can be consumed within a period of 30 minutes.


The accessories required for the job shall be of approved type(s) and consist of the following:

I) Scaffolding either improvised or tubular along with all specials.

II) Tools required by masons and plants, tools/machines required for mixing of mortar, dewatering and
plants tools for carrying /handling/hoisting the mortar, bricks etc.

III) The equipment for sprinkling of water and for curing work.


The whole assembly of scaffolding shall be properly tied together with horizontal pieces over which the
scaffolding planks shall be fixed. The scaffolding shall allow easy and convenient approach to every part
of the work and movement materials and men and shall be safe for all works related to this type of
Roofing work.


Soaking: Before use, all bricks shall be soaked by immersing in approved clean water for such a period;
for the water to just penetrate the whole depth of the bricks, so that bricks will not absorb water from
the mortar.

Alternatively bricks may be adequately soaked in stacks by profusely spraying with clean water at
regular intervals for a period not less than six hours; for keeping them wet to the satisfaction of site
engineer-in charge. (Soaking not to absorb more than 20% by the weight of dry brick or till such time the
bubbles stop coming from the bricks).

I) Before starting with any brick work the surfaces on which the brick work is to be freshly laid, all such
surfaces shall be cleared and wetted, with enough quantity of clean water.

II) When the brick work is to be freshly started with laying of the first course the center line and face line
of the brick walls, the position of piers, columns, corners, jambs, joints/junctions etc. Involved and as
shown on the plan/s shall first be marked by scratching the lines or dots over the specified type mortar.
This layout of the brick walls shall be properly checked with necessary working drawings and got
approved from the Architect or his/her representative.

lll) In bonding of the walls only specified sound bricks shall be used, unless otherwise specified the
brickwork shall be laid in 'English Bond' for brick wall with thickness of one brick and above. For ½
(115mm thick) brick thick walls the brickwork shall be laid in 'Stretcher Bond'.

lV) The walls shall be raised truly to plumb. Deviation from vertical shall not exceed 6 mm per 3 meter
height within a story. Deviation in verticality in total height of any wall of building more than one story
in height shall not exceed 12 mm.


I) Brick work shall be done in such a way that all joints are full of mortar, leaving no crevices/cavities. All
vertical and horizontal joints of the brick work shall be of 10 mm to 12 mm thickness. Deviation from the
specified thickness of all joints shall not exceed 20% of specified thickness


I) as the brick wall is raised all face joints of the brickwork shall be raked to the depth of 10-15 mm by
suitable raking tools during the progress of the work when the mortar is still green so as to provide key
for the subsequent Plastering or pointing work.


The brick work after completion shall be allowed to set for a period of 24 hours after which the curing
shall commence, by approved clean water.

All that brick work shall be properly protected by providing suitable and adequate coverings where the
mortar is green or has not set properly, especially to prevent such work from being washed away in case
of rain. If any damage occurs, the same shall have to be made good by the contractor at his own cost
and to the satisfaction of the site engineer-in charge.

Masonry work shall be properly and adequately cured by approved methods by keeping the masonry
work constantly moist on all faces for a minimum period of7/10days or as specified / instructed by the
Architect or his/her representative.

Should the mortar perish that is become dry or powdery through neglect and or of curing, or where
poor quality bricks have been used or masonry be hollow or the work not done according to plan and
specifications, the work shall be pulled down and rebuilt by the contractor at his own expenses.


It shall be the sole duty and responsibility of the contractor to be vigilant and careful as a regard the
exact verticality, horizontality, plane, alignment of the brick work. These factor being mostly related
with stability of the wall.

Under no circumstances the member/s of scaffolding (in case of single scaffolding) be supported on
freshly completed brick work.


All one brick thick work and of more thickness shall be paid in units of cubic meters and half brick thick
work shall be paid in unit of square meters.

13. RATE

I) The rate shall include cost of all materials (including their wastages) all labor and men power, all tools,
plants, machines, scaffolds, equipment, hoisting arrangements and all other operation(s) and
precautions described here-to-before and such other items/acts incidental to satisfactory completion of
brick work as specified.

II) Except the cost of materials such as reinforcing bars, iron or other metal fixtures, pipes, outlets of
water and such other items which are to be encased /embedded/built in cement mortar/cement
concrete and are erected/laid along with the brick work at their specified/required position. But costs of
all material (mortar/concrete), labor, equipment, operations/acts necessary for their secured
positioning shall be included in the rate.

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