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L1 Introduction
Marlætiiig 1s very lmpnrbint to the sacœxs of a buslness. Prfnre people cnn
buy a product nr service they have to hiow ahout in however, insrhnttng
entnâs more than |ust testing people iinow wnat your company has In offer.
Throughout I:hIs paper, J wlE define markedtig. offerhig my j›ersonal
delhiltlon as well as more /érmal deflnl¢lons from oilier sources.
Furthermore. I wilt explaln to I:Ite reade dte \mpertance of marketing to
organlaadonat success gh'Iug real werld examples In support of biB
explanadon. The field of markedng can Indude aiany diin I bet\e•e,
Pioneer, the mo•t boportant bit•g whiclt it sIi••kt inchule i•comat nks0oa
wldt ciutowt9P4 @ to the vslug id benehln of using that gar6culsr
company's {noducts and servlets. It shnuld help to eslnbllslt the business’s
nkhe In the Indusoy and dBrlnguBh It f\'om orher such buslnesses.

Companles in Iftie bi4uetry make paper and œnvelerl paper grorlu¢ls,

tzicluükig papecboard. œn”ugated an4 gegerboard conœkieæ. œalad gaperc,
end gapez• bay W¡0r qozrtgania8 tnctude Georgia-Par InfemadoneT

Psper, ttIiziberJy•CIark Neenah Paper,and West Itock (all hased In dte U5), æ
well as Domœr (Canada),QI HokLlegs gapan), and Sœra 6nœ [Flnland).

8ashunâhæa Grouîx (The "Cempariy”} was Tncorjorated in 8axgIad+Ah as a

commenced coniriwrcial operation in 1995 aud also went inte Ihe public
t•sue oleh ree and dcb•nbire8 i the some yes'. The •hates ol'the C•mp•oy
are JBted in dte Dbalm and Chldagong srock Rsckaoges oFBarigladesfu

2|P• se
1. 2 1it4 RflffTAR CE OP THf STUDY

Many voTabTe opinion ard feedback haw been can out though the say. T F
conWnX his errgfasie on the ogintorrs ard Ifiodback received 6om the
color, color sayseusd czd becom bpT to Basfiszrdl¥sra Groug.
• Society can be aware rogBrding prods proc and Acting sW\cgfis oF

• Tarot cieiorr›rr will be g•'ste regarding cm avsil»6lc Omrrotbrol activities

t.3 Ofljtolvzs OF Ttl£ STUDY

The iniin ubjcciov of ihâ ihmis is to unilym tic tnaneiing mix ot â*shand&ni
paper prottt*'ts to achieve ihr rroio cbjeetim, ihr study covers ihr follou'ing
specify objeci :

• To identity end aiaiy>: narFcling mix aspects of Bishundtiani paper

• To highlight the company pm file of £fas hurdfxirn paper prndm is to ident ify

• To revccl the poait ion of cWmur x*w on Boshu xtlazra paper prodWs in

• To FmJ Ilx problem ed rrekc tie rcoommzdaTore for solving tic


• 5Quce oltnfonmafon:

Pdmary dala have been collected by Intewtewlng the dealers and Sales
Execwtves by questtonrialre & oral conversation wlth the respectlve qersonneT‘s
of disoibuciop.

8) Secondary sautes

Secondary data have been collected fñ›rn W prevl0us skies or disoibtrtlon

channel of the company, different texts, research Ondlngs, magazines, anlcles

Ïg The Research Me glogy: Tn de protedore of prlmary dan eglTectio

three apgroec es mere ted and thèse are:

While cofTecting the piimary data the instant resqonse mere Round and it cas
possible for næ to observe the real situation.

Analysis: The œllected data were they analyled and findings were placed in
dlfferent thapters.

blasters oF Business Adminis&abon (NBA) ia a professional course. be

pr8etlcał aspect- After ‹DmpleŁion of the theoreö ral course a student is

requIreă æ work far gathering practical knowledge to anywhere base on
h1s/her ma¡or area œ that it can be aware of that one. According to choice I

During čie period of MBA ț›rogram I have communlœted with all person of
the enrire ßrrn. That is why In shorr I can say that I haó a great œmperency œ
haye an in dept knowledge oŁ be overall operaõonał acõvtóee and
fluncóons pracóces by markeõng.

I.6 Limitation oíthe Study

klarkeóng deparŁroent is ver sensiôve area and it hasa ver Fee scope for
the Internship student to do work Nost of rhe worM area üaseü on onIlne
and software system for that dala œllected From face to łăce œnverslon and
some hand outprovided by ihe Invesmient officer.

L1miarions ehe thesis are as follows:

' Limitation of ônte was one oF the mosr iniporant Factors Iór œlłecting
üata. A longer üme per1od woulü have ensureă to collect more
informaóon in deŁaiłn

6 łnFormaóon 6eoecy ig one of be most criõcal problems. disclosing of

informaoon ina markeong inyriru õon is highly resnicted. die hinders
to descrlbe the divisional actlvldes In deœllr

• Due to lack at experience, thei e is a ckance of having some mistake In

the thesis but Best elTorr ł\as been applied œ avoid any kInã of mistake.
¥' 8ashunühara 6roug Is not Tarnished wtŁh adequate kitten document
i-elated to this thesis.
2.1 background of the company
The Bashundhara ßroug has snarled operaoon as a real estate venture
known as "Bashur<lhara” undo Lhe Łułełage ofŁhe Gzaup's fired conœrn- The
East West Property Development [Pvt) Ltd in 19B7 this proiect ‹urned out
Ø bea very su¢cegsful one anó łtad helped œ grov'' the trust and confidence
of be urban people In "Bashundharo". Dhaka's soaring popułaôon, œupłed
wIIJi a vtslbIy slow growth of hotislng led in the landmark success of
Bashundhara. Driven by the upshoæ of rhis success, Bashundhara geared up
to inyest In riew fields, incłuding manufacrurźng and tzad1ng More
enterprises were esabllshed In the early 1990s, covering diverse acttvltles
Involving the producaon cement paper and pulp, rissue paper, steel, LP Gas
bonding and disrrłbuoon, anó a trading company, among crhecs. The group
experienced this berrtendous growth ina span of less Than 10 yeørs. O'uring
thls period, additional schemes on land devebpment and real estare were
launched and lose projects foaseó more sharply on increasing
responsiveness Ło cłient needs. The Group's first publicly-traüed company,
the kleghna Cement Mtlk Łimmd, Is currently listed on ńie uoo stock
exchanges ef Bangladesh. Yhe Group hae o\red 20 maler concœns located in
different areas oF be œun . be mułd•faceŁed shopping mall anó
recreaõon ¢enŁer calłeó the 8asfiunÂhara Cily has added splendor Ło The
growth of rhe group. The Bashundhara Clty LIeveIepment Lat is one srep
ahead In the longsranóing growrh co strengthen links wirh rhe general people
the unique olTerłng of commercial operations and recreaôon
facilities under slngle rœf. East West kledia Group Łtd Is the mass meãia
enterprise of rhe 8ashundkara Gruug rhat was esrab1isI›ed in 2009. It now
owns Bangle dailies• "The KałerKontho" and Whe Bangladesh ProóÂin”,
EngIlsh newspaper the "Dally sun" and bilingual online portal
“”. The media keuse is also planning to launch aFm Oadio
and a œłevieion chased sœn. be groug hcs come a long way in reachinB
these goals by Ilstenlng to client neeüs, łearnlng rest-hme lessons from past
prejecø, Innovating and paroierlng. Through major Investment
underœkingg, Bashunóhara has rneaningfúlly conŒtbu •d to Ote economÿs
sŁabiłiÇ in hnancial and mpiŁøł market. Underlying all oŁ the groug/’s
acrlvłdes are rhe œnirnon threads of ckange, flexibility and fostering closer
des włrh tke Government, the Cily Corporation aud their clients. klost of irs
prejecæ have been svc‹:efis srories- d›Is fact alone is erough ro justify a seuse
of confidence In the Grouy’s luture,

2.2 Mission and Vision

The era of infôrmadon and communlcatlon Technology has changed the
wo red Ñ \h a frac\ion and now œrnmunicatîon has emerged æ rhe key æ
tzaÂe and development The rapid development où informaôon and
¢omrnunieaôon tecltnofo@ bas turned the world into a global yiT)ege.
Moreover globalizaoon and ttc all universal impacts on sæted and their
economics have made life more comgeaôve, compels anü technology Âriven.
Proxintity has turned meaningless as the world is non on the öp of a finger
and ls the ulriniate focus of a narlon. In\er-sate trading deg-
endence, invegonent potcnoab and free flow of information and raw
materiaTs haye made de world thriving on The edge of œmpeôôven ess. Atos
'staytng cornpetidve' ls the key to survlval In today's world o£business where
qualily rules and sœndacd pr+ducts and services sneak in shedding yhysical
boundarîes. Non, the recenz gIoba1 recesson anü ils Impacts have shown yet
anoñier challenge anü the botter slde of the globalizahon. But üespiie the
global challenges and Iæ impacts on local economy, Bashundkara Group has
kepz on im Forward march with vistonary goal, best use of lls human
resources and meôcuTous gÏanning, Veyied rang er products wILh ensured
sandard, gualiry services anä mosr ePecove managérial elTiclencies have
made rhe company a market leader in rhe respecôve sectors of bts operation.
Keeping main foEus on business expoaion and growth in the moss
prospective seci ms, rhe gtoup ls conünuorsly taMng up prolects to make it
the largest conglomerate in the business arena of Bangladesh desgite fast-
changing business tzend and rriclg' eikeôan. The œmpony’s aime and
objectives have always remained the sante- to serre people wirti maximum
sarisfacüon and keep on working fôr rhe greater welfare où rhe people and
the coun . 5riTT each and every Baahundhara Group companws care for
their clients as Their obligaôon and r-ustomer saôsfactton remziTns the key to
their success. The esæblished mission and visions of Bashundluira group arc
so far Take Ais-
• Creaong afforóable houeing Łor Ote geo płe.
• Fostering bener Ilvtng environment and pleasant sur-roundin$s
• EneurinB en iz^o nmenasl bałance and susBinabitiĘ
• Usln$ re-cycled rew materials in indusfry
• Developing ą meaningful parbiership się orhers for óevelopment
• Provióing a beaer work con4idon kar fhe słaff ntembers.
2.3 Organograni of the organization


Vice-Chairman Vice-Chairman Vice Chairman 'Vice chairman

Managing Director

Managing Oirector

Sr. OY Managing

DY Managing
2.4 JFtajor Concerns
The ßroup nowhasover airzcen major concerns, Tlteee erte rpr|sDB are •
1. Base West Property DeyeJo pment Ltd
2. Meghna Cement Mills Ltü
3. Bashundhara paper TüI1ls Ltd
4. eashundhara LP Gas Ltd
5. 8ashundhara Cig' Development Lld
6. ßashundhara Steel komplex Ltd
7. Bashundhara 1 ndustrial Complen Ltd
8. Bashundhara Steel and Engineering Ltd
9. Baehundhara Logisdcs Ltd
10.Bashundhara Foundation
1 1.Bashundhara Convention Center
t2.Bashundhara Dredging Co.Ltd
t3.Bashundhara Technical Insdtute
14.Bashundhara Food and Beverage (nausoies Ltd
l5. Suiidarbari Industrial komplex Ltd
i6. Bashundhara Cement 1 ndustries Ltd
17. Easy West Media Croup

The Group has currendy 8100 employees. Besides dlrect employment they
are going ro generate some new sne• of employments.

2.6 Wea!th
Current value of the total assets of the enterprises of Bashundhara Group
would be about Tit 15000 million which Is equivalent to epyroxlntately US
C300 mII1Ion. Toral turnover of the business amounts ro around Tk 1G000
million equivalent to US S 32S million.
In Bangledesh, I ree mam sources raw Ntateriałs are used Ło manufa¢ture
paper are Wood accounr Łor 3096, Waste Paper 3996 and Agro based Raw
Ma\eriab 3l96 Tlte current Glohal reguirement 1s to pro °¢t the env1ronment
and saving of trees ro conrrol Głobal war ining which is the threat to mankind.
Khanna Pager Miał is responding to Ęhis wal[ of thc óay and «sfng Paper re
¢ycling procesu co racer rhe need of pager. Papec rec'rcłing is że proccas of
turning saste pager info new paper producB. here arethree categqries oŁ pag-
er that can be useó as feedsŁocks for making recycłed gaper miał broke, pre-
consumer waste, sąd post-consumer waste. bill broke łs paper trimnilngs
ana other paper scmp from the manufacrure of paper, and is recycłed
inŁernclly in a paper miJt. Pre•consumer wae • is maceric1 which leć rhe paper mill
but '•'as i4łsrarded before łt was ready for consurner use. Post-cor›sumer waste is
marenał disrarded after coWmer use, such asold comJgated containera (OCH, ołd
magarlnes, ola n*włt;›apers [0ŁłP), alice paper. and t•iephone ąir•cton*s, ana
ldenñaT mixed paper (RFIP). At KhnTMR Pgper MiTTs we produce the finest dualif
wood free and chlorine free paper with stcte oF act zeehnology and mortises. The
Paper products can be used for malting Note Books ,test BooTt$, Novels,
£zaminat1on MarerM, Envelopes, Computer 8usriormry, Annual Iteports. |oumaTs,
DlazJcg Lcafiacs / MaJters, Calendar Wr\t\ng p Photocnpy\ngerc.
A lot oF papers disintegrate when gut In water. For some papers this Is not a
problem For hygienlc papers that woutd be a disaałer. Certain papers are thereFore
treated with wet strength agents, for instance se that apaper handkerchief does not
breah jim after you sneeze your nose into it (imagine whut coutd happen in the
fiollowlng raw materials used in papermnking wiil be described
• Fibres
• Water
• Rerenoon a Idg
• Dyes
• PTuorescenL w€ Mining; agents {PWA}Shdng agent

• Werstrength agent
• Other auxiliary chemkals used e Influence paper progenies

gas|tundhara paper Is a pre6act which promim to provide Its customer Ge bee

booh(bound binding) is Fulfilling tote need of rustottiers by provldlng a Superior

quality fordaiTy OfficiaTacéviy and Educaéonâ! acéviy.

{bF Productguxllty:
A quaTTy produez is d\Mculr co debt as Tt wlT] mean different things to each
consumer. 'I'he challenge fer all Arm s V to set their guallty level and enscre that it
meets the ezpecwoons of their tezget marI‹ec Tn general quality is made up oF
wnglbTe Features (features that can be sem) eg, performance, appearance, strength
and intangible features such as WputatiDD and excTusiv\ty. Tn &1 circumstances a
product*e quaTley ahouTd be co@azent w\zh other elements oF the markeOz\g mic
For example a premium based prlclng strategy will requlre a 4uaIIry product ro

8xemptes of7artgtbte 9uallq› dentures:

fteiinbil ity

• OorablIJty and strength

• Appearance and nnlsh
c Longevlty
Examples oftniangtbta 9uel Ity Features:
• product reputation
• Cetebritjf Endorsement
• Pubilc image of die product, brand or company producing It

@[ Page
• the pm•Juct is viewed as «» excIaiv‹ Item, difficult for ri«x< y«•nIc to
access or buy

• There are many bed cflLs of T\avJng procedures chat produce quality goods
nnfl services, incJ\\ding;
e Increase in sales
e Good bus4neas reputation

• 0 ptirri to charge a hirer price than remytitnrs with "beer’ quail y

• Reduction n overall busliiess costs dur to less wastage aiid rectification

{c} Product Packaging:

Packing refers to ihc dn slgiiJ ng and the contal nrr or w rapper for a p rnducr I i is one
oi the tools mhm can atrracr consumers to buy the product. BASHUI'4DHAM also No tT\
cii' packaging very wcTT. The Bask undo ara A4 paper page color is blu. pink yeTTuw,
green anJ pa¢Rage0 in such a way that it I •\ Xs attractive Tn the consumer and
Bashundhara also ensures tT\e safety ofrhis producc bypackaging ie
Bashundhara paper products information
(fiourEe of inteniewing dealer by quesdonnaTre)

pnprrt8.25“•1 t.75”) Wruptf r

( 5 Rlm)
SOA Sheet 25t1f-

This is Baahundhara muld gaper industries Id (BP1L).commences im
commercJaT oqeraôon in meet The Tnneasing Âemand of gaper

product bath In Internaüonal market .Bashundara Group

Installs the 2 paper machines with a capaciry per year 2.1 million tons .about
50%(1niIl11on rons) outcomes of the whole production capaclty of rhe is
prlnring unit and A4 paper and ùie rest is œared and Iighrw«ighr coated
gaper. rhe unlt will run rhe ewn poser Beneradon support of2S-5 megs •'att
capaCiÇ.æ graduée the quaIi\¿' paper wi& Cqmpeoove price, weE ground and
precipiœred calcium carbofiaze .yeah oùincegôon 1993(producôon
sarted 1997] yearTy producôon cagactty 3S000muLocaôon

xli t‹i»d «r paper products has also be Installé .rhe con\emporary unit added.
Another one was insrall year of Inceprlon 1995,unit-3 In munshlgon} disd•Ict
TfiH tabie shawn only for A4 paper, demy paper, All khata SKU.
Tabie: Sales reœrds of Bashundhara paper products:
(Source of iziœwJewing regionaT saTeg manager by guegüonnaire}


Total Şales recor¢l

,Source oFlntervlewlng regional sales manager by quesdonnalreJ

"Bashundlura Group has been exporting over the 19 countries arourrl of the
world" With irs proó u¢ts of international standards, BPkIL has already made
a mark on the overseas marŁeta In exporô ng pager and gager-make
gra6ucts, alongside catering to the domeeõ c óemand," says a news release.
PresenÜ y, BPML exgorŁs peger anrt paper•based products to some Asian anü
Afrkan counFłes like India, Sri Lanka, Łhe USE, MauriôuS and Tunisia.
"InirIaIIy, Dynamics Gulf of rhe U/tE w411 take ntłnłmum 500 tonnes oF
Bashundhara tlssues from us. It will be a big auainrnent of our economy."
says MosœfizurRahman, deputy managing director of 8ashundhara Grou9.
"We hope rhat rhe ecport volume will incwarc fîtrther," he adds.

.ßesliurdfero Paper I\4ills Ltd (ßł'MŁ), e cemern ot ßasliuixtlørs Grow, ore of

ltte tirgvsi brines congbiooraics of the eour4ry, will o›jx›rt at least TOO lone

>t I r s<I<r.
I u.hutxIIxira ¢iioi4t 6s recently ¢xî›oa€ its cubur țxiî›cr. cań›onŁss paIx'r.
1incar ț›aîer atxI emit îuPcr as well as tiss+c prodt<1s io Sri Lab:a.ficshuidInni
Gioy is exporting 48 moic tones of cañ›onlcss ne;›er t« tfe nrintiny

Em. i‹ Ins rigidin cxi›eninj; psprr uidcr public nrrcurcrrent to Sri Lake

Beshutdharu Gicup is oying to ener ill AFru«n destinutioi 4s th 'j on is

Th Company lopes la strengthen \fi›a kountry•' ecoasmy b§' investing a §mz del

At first IOshuixlhora psncr Prado:re inuodwcs itsclF la th market they scl
markcl skiming prLing becsise ihcy lad th qualiiy prodixi. Thy set high
Irte br Dsshurxllur4 f›at›cr nro‹l L till mw they arc tbll‹›wing skimming
ptx'inn strategy lien ether cx1siing bninds As cwr re knows hat th market is
prte sensitive tloi“s wiry Bashurdlsite nay prodo s sfoukl set the price es

pra•e, T I aV gig a bgk at tfx• awvcy Jpfo we '•'iI] see lhtt most of respondents
also said that IL's prinng ia not ezceTTent Not only this but also most oF Paper
brands almnst set the reaso noble price then Bashundharo paper for paper
produrz In this case consumers are getting more benefit Front Bashundhara
p i per prodU cIs by 8* n s *he s!m l^F ^^O^^t *^°* ^* *!8* R^^!!ñ’, a S^^*dn C^
or quality etc. their quality per<eprion Is good enough thaf's why they are
do1ng charge rhe hiylt price for their produce

Discount and Allowance Pricing:

Discount Ts a sFaight reductloti in price on purcf¥sses during a stated period
of rime or of larger quanLtLies. Discount can be avallable In various fbrnts-
cash discount guandty dlscounL functional dlscounc seasonal discount
Although cash discount For thelr consumer like, per rim A4 paper has 20tk
scratch card .it I as ensured tk20 olT upon purchase of any tk270 or tkZ50
ĘgC. &łłoWncg iB E4mooonal money paió by mąnufacrurera ro rełaiłer in
retum fór an agzeerrtent ro feature the manufacturer’s products in some way,
Allowances are of two Łypes: Łmde in ałłowances and promoŁźonał
o1łowancem Bashundhara proxldes promoóonal ołIo'amnces In same cases.
Psychological Pricing:
A psychotoglcal prlcing strate$y relies on fhe nature odłtuman psychology to
make prices appear more atcracrivc to consumers.
Koi apmg1e: A Bas]yund&ra A4 pdper is avaiTahle at taka 23Qtk in zfTe
markec Double A gaper is 340taka. Ae Bashundhara has a well csab1ish•d
repu abon lor its quality people are going to buy a Baskundham paper,
because at a Tom grice AenDoubbTe AA. A4 paper. tltey are ger6ng quality
for that is the s@etegy Bashundhara follows. Bashundhra Exercise book is

available at tk25 whlch a part of pncing cues £hst sets in a Way ‹r i ranges
among tI‹20, so psychological prking exlsts.

Promotional pricing is temporarily pricing produce below die disc price, and
somedmes even below cost ro Increase short run sales.

Table 01: Price comparison of Bashu ndhara A4 paper.

{5ource of intervlewing dealer by quesdoa na ire)
Table 02: Price comparison of Bashundhara Demy Paper.

Table 03: Price comparison of Exercise Book.

: Changing price of Bashundhara paper products.

it has been found that frequent changing price of Bashundhara

paper product for some reayon
• Hartal/5rrike.
• Transportafion cosL
• Taxation.
• Increasing Supplier bargaining power.
• Weadter problem.
• fiornetlrne government Imposes yarTuus policies in business. And
businessmen are to abide by those policies carefully .
• Increasing price of Raw materials

In all of this produce in which we have done market research, it is evident

that Bashundhara paper pro‹Iuct Is providing \he consumers wirh rtie best
pro6uW IE is vital for Bashundhara paper product as quaTity@Brand, is be
only rool there Itey have a superioi advantage over a\fler braodr, But it

22 [ I' a i;
oiusr be noted Cat œnsuuiers are sant ro gel stperior producrs at
reasonable price. So 8ashundham needs to Ind a fine balance beween price
and quality as they moye forward in the coming years.

The Bashundhara has already captured aTT over the count.
Ir has dTsTbuted dia qzoducz from urban ¥o rural area, gTT people are air
habiuiated w4th Iliat produce As ir Is a consumer products so every people
needs it From child to old, eech person feels its necessity. So ids coverage aTT
over the conva• y and all hinds of peopJe, And finally ic has also enabled ro do
diat Almost it Follows mass segmenarion.
The company has vast dlsltlbudon channel .they malnrain dllTerent type of
dtsoJbuâ on channel Ion different produce Aa key thtnk 8aehundhara paper
products convenient geod, we will go fbr intensive markedng Sor rtiis
producttttey wJII disFlbu£e Tt through our authorized deader or thelr target
market who wiTT sell it to as much retailer as they ce. 3Tfis distribution
policy will help to make our product available at everywhere in their target
market 8ashundhata Group distribute rheir product from their warehouse
which is situated in klegfirssghat ,sonargaon .Narayongonj .they have re
regio n wick dipu

:Dis¢ribution system of Bashundhara Paper Products


Companies spend coitslderable rlnie In planning such activities. However, in

order to enhance the eFectlvenesa of these ac0vioes, manufacturers should
undersænd œnsuifier and reæller interpreraü ons ofl their promn#onaI
acriviües. The srudy here pertains æ œasvmeYs percepüons regarding sales
promotion. Some past researches have suggested that promotion irseIf has an
effect on the perceived vałue of the bra nd. Th is is because promn bn us
proĞde uąliœrian benegts suck as mončtary savings, aóóed value, Inueased
quallly and commence as well as hedonic benefit such as entertainment
expłoradon «»d «ir- xpressłon

Bashundhara paper pro ducts does have a lot of TV ad verö xements but with
catrhy and iøeffectim tagliøe such as ' Fo r the people, f'or the country ’, They
abo used en\oüenal and radonal apgeal to sn lke čie audience anda eare
Their eocia| meóia presence 1s sbonØy. However key give very łlmiœd and
frequent print nwóia ads on newspapers.

Promotional Tools:
Advertising is the paid presentaõ on and pronviö on of ideas, geeds, or
services by a« idenüfied sponær in a ntass medium. Examples include prtnt
ads, radio, •łevision, billboard, direcŁ mail, brochures and catalogs, signs, iz-
store displays, gosrers, mobile adds, meoon pictures, weh BcBes, banner aăs,
Sales Promotion is ntedia and non-media markeüng communication
used for a pre-determlned halted IJme to Increase consutuer demand,
simulate marked demand or Improve product ovailobiiłŁy. Examples include
coupons, sweepstakes, contests, f›roducr samples, rebates, rie-Ins, self-
Ilquidaüng premiums, traăe shows, wade-ins, and exhłbłttons.
Public relations or publicity z informahon about a firm’s pmã urts
and services carried by a rhird party In an indirect way. This Includes free
publiUty as well as paid elTorŁs to simulate rtiscussion and tnteresc It can be
accomplished by planting a signihcant news sery Indirectly In \he meóia, or
presenting Ir favorably Iżirough press releases or œrporaæ anniversary
parôes. Examples incIude ne paper anó msgazine arócłes. IVs and raüio
presenœüons, chariæble Conrribuoons, speeches, issue adverõsing.
businesses and nonprofits to comrrtunicate óirecôy @ the wstomer, with
methods such as mobile messaging, enialL inieracrive consumer websites,
online dlsplay ads. Eiers. caalog distribution, promotional leuers, and
outdoor adverdsing.
BASHUNDHARA uses Advertisements, publicity programs and sales
promotional programmers as well. For example: they use Social media, te|
evisiorI and radio zo promote Deir producu

Rddio: Kor the purpose of business, rhis channel is rhe best because ofl
Bashunóhara buóget Timitatfons. Promoóng Arough radio frase de Towest cost-per-
coatacr ofall channels and óie highest i each as vell.
Radio channets Il\‹e ”Radlo Foorh" & ”Raüio Today" In Bangladesh are
eyoTúng and tzying to grovtding mare anrt mare Pich enterlatnment to de
audíence. Radio is accessible to glaces even wirÏi no elecwlciry In the furthest
rural areas of Bangladesh.
Newspaper: Thus channeT Iór promoóon aTso has refaóvely Tou cost-per-
conact and 1s a very grod way to reach large number of audlence wt0iln
short óme and Little effort D\Jr'^B the Rrst few months of business of
BASIJUI\fOHARA çrlnt ads on the fren¢ pages o£ newspapers and evenrually
aher public awareness has been crea\ed,
Bashunóhara sTow4y mot to the Pater pages and Pater stop guttlug grint ads.
Future print ads in rhe newsgapers will only be grovided fór price changes
and new product norlflcations.
Pamphlets & Leaflets: Bashundhara pTon is to hire Feelancers and
send them to popular schools and coTTages to hand out Tenets after school
ends.‘Tke Tealem will config Bashundhara product olTerlngs and price.
Allowance: rromorionat money pan by Oie manuFacrurws ro retailers in
rerurn for an agreement to feature die manufacturer preducrs in some
way.recently It has been found that 8ashundhara group Is practices such way
Promotional Budget:
Ptethods for setting Total budget
Promotional budgets are often determined using a trio re slmplisdc
approach, such as detœmining how much money is avallable or basing
promoôonaT expenditures on a perœnage of o company's or brand's sales
revenue. At th is stage, fiie budget ts oRen only tentative a nd may not be
finalizcd undl specific promoô onal mix so”atcgIes are dcvcloped.
Eau r enmmon meù ioö s are used to set lire æta1 budget for advertlsing
t. Abordable method: Companies use tfils method, at the level of their
aITordabili\y. Srnall businesses often use this method wiùi the logic rhat the
company œnnnt spend more on adverrlslng than the amount lt has IeIY after
the other expensee.
z. Pezcentage of Sales method: In this method, companies set
tlteir budget at a cœtain percentage oùcurrent or farecasted sales. The
perœntage of sales merhod is simple to use and helps management think
about Ille reladonshlps between promotion spending. selllng price, and
profit per unit
3. Compeddve Parll:y method: atdng budgets to match œmpedtors’
oudays and funds. They monlær comperitors’ adverdsing and follow il
4. Objective and Task method The most Togical buôget serông ntelîiod ls the
objecôve an tank mezhoü whereby The company sels ils qrorroôon budget
based on what l1 wants to accompltsh wI\fi prornodon. This me\Cod enælls
deftning speclflc prornodon objectives, the lasks nœded to achieve rhæe
objecôves and esrimaông the Poste oùperforming thèse lasks.

Tn the survey on the dealers OF Bashundhara paper product IN Dha\‹a, T have

fallen the opinion of respondents ebout The marltet posidon Bashundhzra
paper product klost of rhe respondents said Bashundhara paper Product Is
in I?ie First or second position In I:fie markec Only a few o£ them said
Bashundhara payer product is in ¢he second position.

Demand For paper in Ohaka based on Brand.

Bashundhara- 58s6
T.K- 1396
Ambor- Be
0THIiI\S- 596

(Source: Cyber


According to Hie ylnlon of most of the heaters, lt Is assu med

Bashundhara paper product la tn the secnnd or Pirat pnsitinn in the
marlceC So In order to exist In the mazlwt fer a leng ctme axd te Grab
the flrst postman Bashundhara paper shrcild rake some pragmatic
steps Quality products have to be 1 ntrodueed, good aeration xhould be
ma$ntal ned with the dealers, conHnuous monitoring sjr4tem xhoutd be
inltlated. ’made 1 n“ sfimild be 1 nscribed on the products, price should
be some everywhere, one dealer sbould be employed at a par0cular
rzgloni effecdvc promodenaf plan must be talccn.

4.3 Current Marhet Status:

/tIdiough Bashundhara Paper is a growing bi and, it is yet to establish itself as

the ntarkec leader. jn facc ic sdlT has a long way co go.

Table: Market Comparison

: (So urre of field survey)


7.H Low

We can see from the above table that clearly overall Bashundhara leaJs and
have a significant lead when it carries to these yaTues. They have been in the
market For years and Itave done remarkably Io capture nearly one-fourd of
tht totalhomeappt$ncem$rtet

Information› about Oealer network!

Exclusive dealer: Iho$e who diswibutor only safe Basñundhara papa
product rhey are \rnowri as ezcTue iye dealer. key are get extra 296

fiion escluslve deader: Those who disb'ibutor safe different pmduct wtflt
paperproduct they are know\m as non exclusive deader. They cannot get any
extra commission

Number of total dealer:

In Bangladesh Bash undtara group have rota i 395 Dealer. IS0 dealer 1s
exclusive &Z4S Is non exclusive a ler. Area wise they allocated lheir
dlswlbutor channel In 11 zone.

Zone area ofdlscributors.

2one area of fiismihutors”

sc zone name
01 Dhalxa Nozth Dhaka hiorth, Gaalpur
0X DhaHe South6 Eaat Dliam Seutn &Eset,Hunstifgeri]
ua Dftakx Weat DliakR West, /BQ D5
ranna,oatore, uinajpu r
sberpur.Janiaipur,zaage u
tax's eezar, itangamatl,t em
& Barfa,Ctia ndpur,f4oaWaII
ii eoristiai Panapur,snoia.ñnrguna

Socugla sre eorbules tfat are unxlw Io the cort€+ny. p«›dwt or divison in
qi<siioit Son esamolcs cf slrcngtla wouM be Ileviug s key sc*mist on joke t
¢am tfat las a unique skill eel er klowloJgc them u'ill make jout mw Product u

Thr sinngih peivs of pro4mts are Qn ü be-

l. \¥e em slroag oaoagh wih tecfmbgical skil
2. Ciur csätin8 conyetly is oix' oNfc best ¥editg bratxls b the cooxg'.

4. Hidxr qiu€fl<d t›emmal Red imialrmenr

5. Ac txtn strong diriribuiion clunrcl whi¢h fclps e dclivct from

Wcokmsscs em jia‹ if ot›posite — some cxarngbs itxIw:Ie bck oF e t›sIen‹ ur

relying on uma\cm›d dñ coverics, having ixi clear manufacturing /›n>:ess or
sigtiiFtcent glocess issue, or ml hevinn oknt sgcciI\c io flu orcs you efc moving

Tim wccknxs goitrs air immbixd bebw-

I. lt ä a jener of weeliass as was ä 4 t<w produ:c

Onj›onunitics oukl inclixt¢ en incmase in ifn disease Iltoug flat our rnw
rm›dix•t is espect¢d la address, the opening oF a new gbbel narkcl clot the
prodix't cen Fulfill . or e low tâders1 gratt la trip sd›sidize flu cost of your

W[ Page
dnig or tleelmenL Orne oçij›ortuniîies are id<utified, s ptan e ok< sdvaaaw of

On opporiurñ ñ are po¥fd eta bcbw-

1. It’s a gieai opponuniy ie introdm Paper predmt in intñ inl aad
tñ i•l
2. We can tame or nggo popuktñ u

Tlasao couB inelalc corpoole tr•b in this area by a\/nr cornp¢tiag conyanies.
tow ugubifsns tIa\ wouE make ii difEiculi xi yt appiova), edvelse pIess
garnered by any prealttoumeiznnts of wlaf you an working oa, or x bss oFsny
pps oF finding for Iln yiojc¢t

3. F4re¥¥i œltpctitots/bml cottpeliols

Th dñ gram atos swOT aælysû :

the saengla aixl wed‹mses of cuuent aixl goentbi œcpe\iloo. This arafysä
providas bouh en ofknsivs aizt dekasiw saatcgic conlca tlaough wh\ch æ
klcrsify oliportunities ard \hreeis C4upscitor profilîrig coeleæcs 8lI of tie
relevant sources of cong›et¥or enetysis iulo on Samework ici tla s\g›pon of
efficient sIa'I efboiw slzalcgy Ibrmubfion, in¥tlcnaluafion. uonia›ri¥ig srd

00 } P a g e
Tfcrc are abo sorrx' fbrciyn com\pctiers. On some elisting cott¥•eIiIor is —
”Xanal\ili ”wxt e\ter yetcaél coiq›ctiots aw:
A T.K efxl
b) on@or
We Iof›c we cen pruvi4c the but gialiiy gioJtci tion nur comlilurs utxl we
wd caniurc he brpsl ponk•n nF Paper itarkcl.

r«m ‹ ‹ Ck«: «/• ‹œ,# 6,‹zo%N ‹ ‹o z°, mu |*5t WWJ ‹ ‹,Mnzo%

resgonden¥ are nœ satkMd.16% aæ vory goodg0% are mc•deraŒg satlsMd and Ł4% are sadsflcd.

from Łfie &Ie•G: it zs rouné that îW of éte csgJmdrnŁc fiŁghJy saósflrd wńh Łfie Pr1co any of
so 09


dlstrlbu4 Ion syste m Bashund har a paper p+odu rt.20% re Yponde nts are not sat Isfle d. y6 'K are

Total resp-on0ent * no oi M spon4ent Y Per‹e n£cge of To tai


rt arr+ Th o tgb1u-s. iz *s fou nd thot Fas of I ru re spondc n\* nigh4y s at i‹T nd with ‹ho morn onion oI
aMIv It ie s of eas hund h ara p open pyodurt Z Bs responds nt s ar e not satisf leo,1o• are very
good.2d k are moderately saw isFfed and 1OF aie satisfied.
Following problems nf the Sludy have been idendfied:
• k\oet of the Respondent believes Oiar Better qualitj/ paper is more
considerable in paper industry and orhec preférred to the clleno rhan

• Pricee of BP pagers are noc reasonable as oflmajo7iI§''g opinion here

io compedtors are oPerlng wirh a reasonable price to rtielr

• Bashund\iara paFers quali\y is beto•r rhan orher existing paper

product brands.
• Most of rhe resyondena are remaining 6efore buylng ensure quality
of pager proauc‹and other oftEem preferred another rhing.
• Ma}orlry' ottota1 respondent are agree wlrh that proizodonal actlvltles
oc6ng very Important part
• i tost ofrhe customers are satisfied using BP Paper.
• k\ost of be customers are uot hIgh1y sads»ea with 8ashundhara 's
dieLribubon zryeter

3g [ P a g e
5.2 Recommendations :
• Government should Impose resbficdon on lrnpordng Paper.

• Packaging must be rich and language of packaging will be as per

respecüve couna-Ies language.
• Conünuing parüclpaœ te the inrernarional trade fair.
• E'mpłoyeeg should be communicated properly about óifferenc

• Baehundhara Group showed use Pte efficient promorżonał looks for

burr awareness about Their Paper producL
• Top level management should provide fœdback on the performance
of employees for Intprovernenc
• Bashundhara Group should be more concerned abeut rheIr pricing
straregy ro capnire all the buyers.
• Bashundhara Group should improve Łheir ¢onöołłłng and monłtorźztg
so Łhar They can delivery product żn õrne Ło tile consumer.
• 5a1es should be escib1lshed on a weeNy bash Ins •aã of months basls
to proving ftexIbł1I\y In stock management
• To ensure a high level at products acceptance, rhe company should
provide adequate gaining la țhe manages and workem anó guide
them roward the right objecttyee. Also, they should be given a
sufficient6 owledBe about stab management

S.3 Conclusion
Bangladesh has a huge market for consumer preduc1s and marker is
łntroóuclng new hrands yraduaily. Consumer products are œnimon here for
a leng Ome. Some of \he aspect of behavioral paoern ef consumers have
been highlighted here. his srudy is rrtainły Focus on so fiye dtIfi•rent asgecłs oF
marked; consumer behavior anó future &enó.

We can see dynamic aspecm of this topic alter this anałysis. 8o many finóing
are available not. Here, only The product quałity is nod eyeing Along
wllfi product quality, prontoôonal tools and consumers" menaIIȘ and their
belief are resporlsłbłe in decision maMng and preferences In selecõng their
requlreá products
Baskunókara Grgup oF Industries carries good branding image owr \he
counoy. Their brand buiTóing etrategtes are veTT defineó. No enhance the
markez share and Createa inaz#eE leadership, de company should Iócus on
the abat-menóoned Issues. If de business can uóTiae sucs contenta, then it
'* s°'^B become an uncon zined category in the most diversifleü FOCS' oF
Bangladesh. The quallç of product ntust be maintalneü and promoóonal
s6etegies must be modiI¿ byday.

• lfortler. P & Armstrong G (2009) Principles of larketing: Plarlie0ng

kIi< 13*' Fdition, np S2-54.
• Kortler. P & Armstrong C. (3009) PrJnciplcs of kIaf*iet1 p
Convertience product, 13° edit!on, pg 226-227
• ftortter, P & Ar rnnrotig G t200 9) Principles of flarketlny Prlcl ng
Srmtegy, l3• Edit4on, pp 294291.
a Xortler, P 6 Armstrong, C (200a) Pnnciples of Varkenng: I\4arkering
mation, 13a edition, pt i9z-z0l.
• ftortter, f• & A rrrat rong, C ( 2009) Principles of HarLetl
n caution channel, 13a edition, pt 339•3+s.
a Rortler, P & Arrnsrrong, G (2009) Prtnciples oF klaAecing; Pzomotton
lix, 13° Edition pp 42B.
a Kortler, P & Armstrong, G (z009) Principles of IHarkefing: MoY
/tnalys/ 13" Edlt/on, pg 5Z•S-4.

a Porter, fd\cheT E (2008) Harvard Business Review : Flve Fares oF fdodeT,

• .wiIó
• httg://mdrIorim,weebIy<om/busines¥-poIicy--stracegy.kfml
07: am, 0‹/07/Z016

a) H\ghly DB g-cc
c\ Ncaml

c) H@ly Agree

Q•2 Hers' siiûfxxí arc you wih Dusiurdham pupcr product?

a) Vciy Satüíîed
b1 Satsfkd

dj Urcciüficd

Q•3 How' do yøu feel aboin BøshurxlŁnro pnpcr prodini'?

by ExccJcni
cj Fair
dj Superb
c) No Idea

Q•J Arc you ütäíicd with the prodix:i desk of Bashurxllnm Group'?
:i) Very Satäíîcd
by Satäíied

dj Ure«iöficd
c) Vcn/ Urs«\üficd
!-5 Am salñfxd wilt \Iu nrice of Basliudloia t›sner prodtcl’*
e) Very SetâFcd

Q-6 Does Raskaxitefs oFcretc e kirnal Fcrfbmoixe carngettenl sysl rr/!

a) Yes

Q-7 As miñ6xi wilt tie preset ditrbzño spicm of BesMhi ra Fupcr

c) I•/c€hsr
dj unified
c) Very Umaflsfied

Q-S Imfx'aie yoix Act of sots8ctbn on he pmiroliotol amivtiw of

c) very Lluarkficd
Optimising supply chains




ID NÔ. MOsOrOooo5
Æ Sítucty on
Marketing Secategies
in M&Æ-Infosofc Pvt.
SÈ rșute M ad errs Pøacłices of
Devefopmerr ł an d £rrtpfemerttatzon

tndzvicgual Project

Fine Horzte International Group

Real Estste Company


EM BA ż itrate§țy• øn¢ł leadership Program

+'ROv. ANI+tw +‹AaE


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