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Demographic Transition Model

Large numbers of children Post Industrial To compensate for high

become a financial burden Phase I infant mortality, the
rather than an asset. population experiences high
birth rates.

Population momentum will High levels of affluence and The population grows very
cause a period of high growth economic development. High Phase 2 slowly or remains at a stable
because it takes at least one numbers of elderly people may growth rate because of high
generation for people to adjust create a tax burden. death rates and high birth
to reduced infant mortality. rates.

Total fertility rates are high. Life expectancy is short and Population grows rapidly
infant mortality rates are high. Phase 3 because birth rates are high
and death rates drop due to
improved medical care,
sanitation and food

More time is spent pursuing Family planning is limited even Population growth begins to
education and availability of with improved medical care. Phase 4 slow as birth rates decline
birth control allows people to and death rates remain low.
have smaller families.

Total fertility rates decrease Replacement level fertility rates Pre-Industrial Low birth rates and low
due to increased education approach 2. death rates cancel each other
opportunities for women. out.

Country- US Country- Italy Transitional Life expectancy is high.

Growth rate begins to decline Growth rate is zero or negative Industrial Population numbers decline
as birth rates fall below death

Growth rate is low Growth rate is very high Often a subsistence economy Country- Lesotho
where child labor is valued CBR= 25/ CDR= 23
and increased family size is
an economic advantage.

Growth rate is low or zero Country- Congo

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