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Writing Task 1

The bar chart provides information about amount of students who chose university subjects in 2005.
The chart groups students according to subjects and divides these subjects groups into male and female
category. According to this table, you can easily see that there were some differences between the
male's and female's choices.

The number of female who chose their favorite subjects ranged from the highest number of just under
25 thousands to the lowest number of just under 5 thousands. Female chose most in social sciences,
languages and their least favorite choice was in Mathematics.

There was a significant difference between the amount of males who chose subjects at University. Males
are more interested in Sciences, Mathematics and Literature than Females. The most popular subject
chosen by male is sciences with around over 20 thousands. Languages was the subject had the lowest
choice by male student. Futhermore, languages was also the subject had the biggest difference between
males and females with around over 15 thousands. Humanrities was the subject had similar figure of
choice with over 10 thousand of both.

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