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In cmd
netsh int tcp set global rss=disabled

netsh int tcp set global rss=enabled (if using checksum offloading)

netsh int tcp set global chimney=disabled

(removed from 1809+)

netsh int tcp set global autotuning=disabled

netsh int tcp set global autotuning=normal (for internet speeds above 100mbs)

netsh int tcp set supplemental Internet congestionprovider=CTCP

netsh int tcp set global ecncapability=disabled

(enable if you have bad packet loss)

netsh int tcp set global timestamps=disabled

netsh int tcp set global initialRto=2000

netsh int tcp set global rsc=disabled

netsh int tcp set global nonsackrttresiliency=disabled

netsh int tcp set global maxsynretransmissions=2

netsh int tcp set global fastopen=enabled

netsh int tcp set global fastopenfallback=enabled

netsh int tcp set global hystart=enabled

(new to 1809 enabled by default needs testing has nothing to do with gaming leave enabled)

netsh int tcp set global pacingprofile=off

As above does not work for some systems

Run CTCP.reg file

Check my google drive
Check cmd settings
In cmd
netsh int tcp show global

Check settings below

Receive-Side Scaling State - disabled

Receive-Side Scaling State - enabled (if using checksum offloading)
Chimney Offload State - disabled
Receive Window Auto-Tuning Level - disabled
Receive Window Auto-Tuning Level - manual (for internet speeds above 100mbs)
Add-On Congestion Control Provider - ctcp
ECN Capability - disabled
RFC 1323 Timestamps - disabled
Initial RTO - 2000
Receive Segment Coalescing State - disabled
Non Sack Rtt Resiliency - disabled
Max SYN Retransmissions - 2
Fast Open - enabled
Fast Open Fallback - enabled
Hystart - enabled
Pacing Profile - off

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