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1. Tell me about a memory you have with your family?

2. Would you change something about your family?

3. What is your opinion about getting married or starting a family?
4. What is your opinion about working in the family business?
5. What is your opinion about taking work home?
6. Tell me about your family? Who do you live with? What kind of activities do you do
7. What do you think about families getting divorce? Do you agree?
8. Do you think people should spend more time with their families?
9. Do you think that kids should study the whole night for tests?
10. Do you think it’s a good idea that teens have jobs to help their families?
11. What do you think is the best age to get married?
12. Read the paragraph and talk about it in the interview:

Importance of Family

More than that, a family offers stability. This is especially important during times of
change or crisis. The financial stability is guaranteed by the family. This is important
for both children and adults.
A family is the source of emotional strength. This is important for both children and
adults. It is a place where traditions are passed down from generation to generation.
A family is a place where relationships are built and strengthened and lifelong
friendships are formed.

The bonds of a happy family are strong. They are based on love, trust and respect.
These bonds can withstand the test of time. A family that is based on these
principles is a blessing. Wherever these bonds are found, there is happiness.

I love my family because they are always there for me. They support me in everything
I do. They help me when I am struggling. They believe in me even when I don’t believe
in myself. They are my biggest fans. Additionally, I love my family because they are
fun to be around. We enjoy spending time together. We have a lot of fun traditions.
We also have a lot of inside jokes. Lastly, I love my family because they accept me
for who I am.

They don’t try to change me. They love me unconditionally. My family is the most
important thing in my life. I am so grateful for them. They have taught me so many
valuable lessons. I wouldn’t be who I am today without them. I am so lucky to have
them in my life.

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