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Joe McKenna

How łośayhello A Howto tespondto news
A >>p22
How to śayPhone nuńbers & email B How to śaydateŚ
B >>p23
ad4tesśes >>p.5
How to give yout name and addtess C Howto desc be habits
C >>p24
) >p6
How to stań a convetsation fl How to describe a tyPical day
I' >)P25
Skills Ptactice >>pP89 Skills Ptactice )>pp 26-27
self check I )>pt6 p79
self Ćheck4 >>

How to uŚe English in the classtooń A How to inttoduce PeoPle

A )>p.28
How to inttoduce Yout family B How to desctibe peoPle and objects
B >>p29

lłow to describe peoPle C How to ask fot thinBs in shoPs

c >)P30
>> p12

How to talk about the time D How to ask about People's inteteśts
D >)p.31
pP.r4 r5
Skills Practice >> skills PBctice )>pp.32 33
Selfcheck 2 >> selfcheck 5 )>p80

How to aśkfol infotmation A How to ask about pticeś

A > > p3 4
How to talk about countdes B How to oldet food in a cafć
B >>
>>p 7'7 P35
How to say whete you are in town C How to talk about food
C >)p.36
Howto talk about language skills D How to offet things
D >>p37
>>p 19
skills Practice )>p-2o 21 Skills Practice >)pp38-39
selfcheck 3 )) pt8 SeLfcheck 6 >)p.81


A How łotalk about free-time activitieś

10 A How to continue a Ćonvetsation
>>p40 >>P58

B How to talk about the weathet B How to talk abouta career

)>p41 )>p.59
C How to describe abilities C How to talk about what happened
)) p.42 )>p60

D How to talk about likes and dislikes D How to talk about life stodes
>)p43 > > p6 1
Skills Practice >>
pp 44 4s Skills Practice >)pp 62-63
Selfcheck7 >>p82 self Ćheck1o >>

A How to invite and reply

11 A How to make suggestions
>>p46 >>P64

B How to say what to weai B How to say whatb wrong

>>p47 >)p65
C How to say what's happening c How to comPate thingś
>>p 4 8 >>p66

D Howto des.ribe actions It How to undetstand opinions

>>p.49 >>P.6l
pp 5o-5r
Skills Practice >> Skills Practice >>
pp 68-69
SelfcheckI >>p83 Self check u >>p.86

I A How to ask fol ttansPott infotmałion
T2 A Howto make a appointment
>>p52 >>p70

B How to give an.l follow directionś B How to say how you feel
>)p.53 >>P7r
C Howto ask about and descdbe a How to talk abouł futute
holiday >)p.54 aEangementś >> p.72
D How to tell a słoly How to talk about intentions
>>p55 >>p13
Skills Ptactice >>
pp-56 57 Skills PEctice )>p.74J5
Self check9 )>p84 Selfcheck t2 )>p87

Self checks key >)pp 88-90 Audio ŚcriPts >>

pp.9194 Itregular verbs >>

How to say hello
v 8leetingphiases ! Ihythmandstl€ s s

VocabularygreetinBphrases 3 Put the conversationin order

J& tr oopsl He]lo,]ennif€ I HoW are yorL?
r Match the p]ctllresand phrases Ll Hello,BobrMy name'sJennferl
I Im fne too
! ],mńne thanks And you?
E t.łetloagan, lulral

Ptonunciation rhythm and stress

1 Good aftemoonl 2 cood eveningl 3 Good mornin8l B
Completethe conversatlons 4 lA.1' List€ n and tick / the name, you h€ a l
What,syournam€ aga]n oops Whats
|H'€ And you My name,s
Day 1

B Hellol ,
A My nam€ s Bob
B Sonyi I
A Bob My nam€ ' s lob N]ceto meet youl
Day 2
B He l l o a8ar n . l i m
A H€ l lo, ]ennifel 4 Bo b
B! I Hello Bob How are youT
A Im fne, thanks 6
B T,mńne
! rtaine ! Drew
D rane ! Hugh
! cermaine ! Stu
5 listen a8ain Wliteth€ names
A H € lo 'go o d mo mng W hat3yo L| nam e]
B ! pLo '€ o o d mo r g |Vly.J -e5
A Nic€ t o r neetyo u| M yname'ś ]

And you? compl€ t e th€ conversation

A l'm Alan How are yoLrT

How welt can you say heuo and ask people's names now?
Go backto th€ and tick '/ the hne again

How to say phone numbers & email addresses

: .:..ssvesmy,you|'hb, hPl v ]ett€ r s and

Ptonunciation letters and numbers Grammar possessives my, yout,his,her

A (
sten and correĆtthe mistakes 4 Completethe conversationswlth thesewords
.].: numb€ I s
my h€ r hiś your
] Jc,27BtLlinRd
'.'' ..- 3\4óó52 I A Hellol What's
, r.PA,3stfatfordP ..... ..0997411 19!1r name?
B I'm Craig And youi
, : .RS,glBrsbaneAve... .. .... . .4065589
A name',s
'''' ... .. ..' '22L3074
B Nic€ to meet you|
:-,arl addresses

Patty iou20@buzby

ne 2 B Mml What's

B And what's

www qgetwell,co,u k
phone number?
A Its 17 3374

VocabularVlettersand numbers
ll 3 A Mm | \,Ą/hat,s

'-, 1 , = B Serge
.= 3 x =2+

B I dont know
:.5 5-1ą 2 .26

:-1 U. 11

1..-',ie 13'25 1+'1.13.5 q'ń t 5 2+

My is Ret
What s your nameT
.:-:s the message?
:''5.ą 13'15'18 1+.q.1ą.7] What,syour phon€ numb€ I ?
And what'syour email addresr?
': 13 118-5 25'15-21?

:.: rour own messagein numbers

How well c:
How to give your name and address
c pronouns and possesslvesj ple sent simple of b€ E v parts of an addless; numbels 20+ p stiess in questions

vocabulary numberszo+ 4 completethe sentenc€ s wlth youl ans\^rels

A exercrse3 and these rords
hrs her rny our their
1 Wllte the answ€ r s in numbers
l thilt€ e n + nine = 22
2 forty -three = 7 I'm flom G€Imany.
3 twenty seven+ seventeen= name's Helga
4 eighty ńv€ - frfteen =
5 a hundred and rix + twelve =
6 a hundl€d and thilty sixty.ńv€ =
7 e]€ven + foity two =
8 ninety nine ten =
9 a hundred four =
10 slxty sev€n + th[ty.foul =
2 Complet€ the closswold
A cross 282 516 731 850 944
Down 149 322 433 694
from Poland
flom Russia' name,ss€ r gei

frcm China names are lee and TinB

fTomcanada. namesaI€ MaIc arld C1ail

Ptonunciation stressiR questions

Match the questionsand answ€ r s
1 E What,s youJ first nam€7 a PAIMER
2 ! urhat's your sumame? b 42 Ashford Strcet,Toronto
3 D How do you spe[ that? c
a ! \^rheleaI€ you ftom? d
5 ! what's your ad&ess? e Canada
6 lc.l> list€ n and check
Grammar ptonouns and possessives; 7 rist€ n a8ain and copy the stless
present simple of be +
3 Match the pronouns with dm, is, or are A nd yo u? Ą1'^.| .h"q 'o 1' I o ^lF'P. ' ' e
I I am=fm
3 sh€

How w€ ] t can you glve your name and addless now7

co backto the and tick / the line again

FIowto start a conversation

simp]e of }€ EEtr
' -=ć:1i

vocabutary Polite Wolds and phlases 3 Match 1 6 with a-t

Ą t @ łre you
:, .te the conversatrons
wlth thesewords
-r ihanks rorry thankyou excuseme
.::. 3 ! ],Ą/hatk
ą ! where are
s ! Is your mum € old aI€ you?
f youI phone numb€r?
4 M J tch .he ąr \V pl\ W i.]. .] . qJ | 5 ' F'"'c 5 . ]
-:-iow are you,lames? a L| 1\0,tm srngle
': .:n ńne' And you7
c ! o77oo 9oo443
-:- le]]o,Miss lones d ! No, my namek ]an
; :-i Ms lonesl e ! Yes, she is
f ! I'm from rondon
I'm latel
i iat s OK, sit down

what s your name again?

-:, ii, Sa]]y.I'm lake

ctammat presentsimple of be [ilt- il

L: r:rhne the cotrectwords

You lxcuse me,

B Y€ s , ] am And you?
ou " - (ol dp l a ) ,.w- " e v o u r p 4 o r rr g l a ' l d You I m frcm What,syour nam€ ?
'jfa Robelts is/ar€ Amelican He,s/shet sin8]e B My names Uldch
j ^ y r;tF' | F a n o .a o l m H e ' 5r o i Ą r r e ..j 1
:. /He! Irench!
:B Nice to meet youlAre you ma ied?
-'J M 'U l F go" H .' ' ||Ś J .o u .i * y
'1 o .1 s .o t d rd
. iurope Is/Are he singlef Yes, thatk right I'm/He's B No, t'm not Im single

]'!.t Gibson and Robyn Glbson is/are smg]€ SorI].

B YeŚ,please
.at,s not ń8ht We,relThey,le matied
::jn€ Dion am/ls canadian she isnt/alen't slng]e,
Unit 1 Skills Practice

Read for detail listen for key wotdsand phrases

Ą !t
1 Readthe busln€ s s calds and comPlet€ the tab]e 3 ls.t) listen and comP]€ t e thesefoIms


Ivana Kuznetsov
Dep tnentofotganicChemistr! age

LrlltsaRylokfZ No\.8orod, RuŚsia

l E L : 6671321 r v l rL k u z n e s o v @l e na c ru
Hone address /!4!rLe/4j\!!j131,
śz3 571z]L
PO BrianJ. Wilson Eni'l

otL . 17, QueenSt/Tofo,rto, Canada

lDŃ NED31ą|"zH

. T e 0 90 9 8 7 9 0 9 8 1
' E ń a i : b j \ł i s o i @p q oni e t

,!! !!! !!4

Enrique Delgado I Sa.s Represeftatve
. | , ]Ji fan. r ć.ó 4 A ' ' 8 c 7 l a d rd . s Pa . 3LbdPeŚafąhąś ^.ł
| ' 09. l 'E c99ó
' e Ć e ! J] q 5 F.n F
e. t!rr",
Yyonne Chąnut

T e l al 6j Ż, 6a0l fa
'"l/ 'Ydnn(.!sl1]ing arelohd
H.meaddreJś+, cothedral s+, ccł^k
Name Country
TelephÓne)o) 13oa
rnail sĆor{er@x|vńet

960 oi2o

listen again Match the phraseswith the conversauons

Nołv wńte your oMrnbusiness cald' Use your dictionaly
to checkyour job in English 1 ! sorry7
2 ! Can you just repeatthat?
. E How do you spel.your surnamel
4 ! Couldyou spell that for me7
5 E Two mol€ questions
6 ! four more questions,please
Checkthe audio scripi on >>p91

Reail and check information Read for aletail

- :r / the true sentencesand correctthe false sentences 9 Read th€ ]€ t tel and co[ect s€ n tences 1-8
l':rvan is 45. He'sJ5
: :-:-s irom Utrecht, in Holland ,/ 15' cąrLtL. Faą.{
: phonenumb€ I is 632579,10
= :: ,ian is manied 24 1al
Deą. He!ŁL,
:. homeis in Pretoria
r.: has no email address HelLa!HN are yoa?

r::n, frIstname is Collins ThiJ ł d PhÓtó3rąPL,. rf fue iLs.ltLaLd.Th.Ł Óther PerPLe

ri passpoll numberis 2o273oo i|L thŁ Pi.tare ąreyves, ąĄdJrhąM They're ńy
frten* fve.r tł a stdet ]aere,
'ąLdrą ą^,łh.j fró Bebtafu,
d|'dJahąM drŁ akÓ lt4deLt! T'.y'rL ąrded,
ąAd lhŁY,rŁf fu E*hą|Ly, We ąre it ą .ąfć hąviĄ!
ltrite personal information ]nLh I ĄŁ|')PŁÓPIeevŁry dąy ttj lreąt!
! Therej Ąr t.LLPhóĄŁ i|' fuy .ÓóM, bnt fuy ńÓb|LL
- Ąnńber i 077aa 1a0 781,
' . :: the form wiih your personaldetails
Lf y,]La.
Ńą|L, tr .ąLL ThŁre
ąre cafuPLfeB błLth,he
IĄżer|&t IL thŁ hÓt.t,
My ŁfuąlL add.eŚ i[
5ąy heLLatr Tafu ąwd


z Gillian is in England
.:: doesit say on forms in your language?Are any 3 Yves and Sandn are maded
::1i the same or similar? 4 Johannis from BelBium
5 Gillian is in class
6 Thereis a telephonein her rcom
7 Sandrasmob e number is o77oo9oo 887
8 There are computels in the cafó

wdte an address

10 Put this addressin order

! Ireland
! 4, cathedral st
E Mr s collins

u Wnte a friend'sname and address

Now try the setf checkon >>
How to use English in the classroom

vo".bol.rg English in the classloom Grammar imperatives

1 Complete the words with a, e, i, o, ar u 3 comp]ete the instructions łvith the best word
read write listen opelr c ose look ask
1 open the umbrella
2 a question
3 on the board
4 the windovv
5 to the cD
1PqnĆ11 2 p ct r 3 mbr 11 6 at the clock
/ the exercise

Pronunciation countingsyllables
4 Say the words aloud and write them in the corect box
$re5+ien Monday afternoon underline Wednesday
Umbre|laanswer evening Eng|9h We€ k end
Thursday Saturday

7d sk 8ch 9t ch r 10 b rd
5 2A.1) listen and check
R€ a d the conversationsPut ihe questions in order 6 Listen again and repeat
A Excusemel Xnglish in whatk this
1What'Ś this in Englis Anil you? wrlte the rnstructionsin your
listen and check
A Sorry? please that
Match the rarordsand the pictures

B A picture
A spell you do how ihat Work !/ith a partner
Underline the corect word
B P.I.C.TU R !,
Thank youl

op-"nthe window, pleasel

B s]o\^Ilythat can say p]eas€ you

Open the window

B Thank you that wdte please you can

A Yes rook at ihe board


F{owto introduce your family

vocabularyfamily !t Grammar possessive's;demonstratives

-2 ]ntrcduc€ the o]ivel family' comp]etethe sentences
-- TL. Oliver l"-ily *+ 1 That s Mark Hrs wrfe s name} Carolme
2 Thls ls luca sister CaiUin
3 That,scaro]in€ ch dren
caitlm and Luca
4 This is Caitlin father Mark
5 Thesetwo are Mark and calo]in€ They Cartlin and luca

o o , F . wo o . e( o I l r r
L r ( a l f e) Mark and carolin€

Complet€ ihe sentences 71ththb, that' these,oI those

I That 's my dog

4 is my daughter
5 's my husband


', .he tlu€ s€ n tences and

. :he false gentences
--:. s Mark's father
,:.:s Markśsan
- :r rs Caitlins sister

':r,.:s Lucas mother

And you? Answerthe questions

youl motheL5 nam€ 7

::,. :s Luca and Calthns father

Whatk yotll father's name?

,: - . and luca are Mark and

]: :'e 5 pal€ n ts
How to describepeople
c adjectives;articles d, dn v peoplejlobs p linkin8 words together

1 completethe words
3b f


11 m


Grammar adjectives; atticles a, an 4 Undel]ine th€ corlect answels

! 1 sh€ , s young .oman/a vounA woman
2 Completethe phraseswith d or dn 2 She isnt marded/a marned
I a university student 5 young Doy 3 Th€ man is a rctiI€ d engineel/rctiredengineer
2 marned couple 6
4 He'staxi driver/a taxt driver
4 5 They,rea divorcedcoupl€ / a coupledivorced

3 Comp]ete the texts with the phlases fiom € x elcise ,

7 He isn't a rich/rich

Thesearefriendswholivein Switzerland.
His Pronunciation linking words togethel
narneis Klausandhernameis LoujseThey C
aren'tmaffed She's22yearsoldandshe's 5 zc.l> Llst-"nand draw the linking symbol
1 a universtty
studen!-He'sabout30 and 1 His giI]ftienŁls'arLlng]ish teaĆhel
hes r at the localhospital.
3 sh€ , s an engineel
4 The shop assistantis sixteenyears old
rnyfliendsfromUniv€ r sity Ę h.vf' iPn.l i< ! Óńórl ..+^r

They?e l Theirnamesare ń
T i <tP n : o: i ń 2hd r Fr F: t

AnnieandPaul.T h€ y hav€ no chj|dren'

a computerengineer, And you! write aboutyourfriends and family.
andshe's5 pr
. a mary EłdnrpleMy grandpalentsare old They aren'tr1ch
schoo!teacher My best filend
My boy / girlfriend
she,s37 and sh€ ' s divorced.
Thisi5 Fran{oise' My husband/ wfe
she hastwo chlldren:6 My brother/ s$t€ I
of sixanda girlof sixteen.
sheisnl rich. My father
S hes 7 My moth€r


Itow to talk about the time

ć llf?cfions of

Yocabulart time 3 complet€ the sentences with at or on

$ 1 Football Focus is ar.Tvl!Ą Monday 4| 9 oo'

! JJ) rrsten and tick / the t]m€ you hear ) relebtiL)Sing"^ q an lv tupsdayevenir8

19 30
Ea Z Ea ! Ea! 3 Iren.h Class is on TV2 a 45 Monday
rY Shop is on TV2 2ooo Tresday

O ii iil
-)- evenmg
J oL l b!
5 Your Do.tol ls on TVI Monday moming
6 My Family is artTV2 19oo Tuesday
Ea l [w Ea !
@ Ea!
@ 7 Car Drivers 1s Tuesday 9-45on TV2

Pronunciation stressin corrections
-rl b!
@ b!
@ 4 2D.2) listen and underline the different information in

l k it on TVr?
No, it's on TV2
Gtammar prepositionsof time af, on
No, it's on Monday evening
3 Is it on Tresdaymomingl
No, it's on Monday morning
TVI 4 ]Ś it at six o,clock?
8.30 News 8.45 FrenchClass No, ii's at twelve o'clock
9.00 Football
Focus 5 Is it at ten past eight)
I0.30 YourDoctor of the Day No, it s at t\,venty past eighi
9.45 Car Drivers 6 Is it at ńve to nine?
No, it's at ńve to ten
7 Is it the news?
wl No, it's the footbail
rE.30 19.00 [4yFamily 5 listen again and copy the stressDo you use stresslike
19.30 Celebrity 19.45 News this in your lan8uageT
Singers 20.00 TV Shop
20.30 I00-question
Quiz What time is rt7 lt's half past eight.

ls your class at six o'c]ock7

It s at u 45 on Monday moning
: .-..e1oa ąuestion Quiz is on Monday evening
! ofthe Day ts on l\resday morning
_ -itsewife
-_.r- is no newson TV201 Molday no.rrrg
:źebntySingersis anTv2 at Lg30
-- is on TV2
I --shopClass is on TV2 at 8.45

Unit 2 Skills Practice

Listen for detail Read and understand

2S.1)listen and match the messagesand the places 8 Perd Araserrarl"e.1o'de
. . r. Ą | .| ś h 1h d ooLtol'9
i".iiirriiiiiiiiisliliii.i.r r,
Iisten agatn Wdte the days and times in the table

I ikemy new clas a o tllstudyw thSato m,P ab o,and

Pau a our teachel,sname Ś j|m We |ookat the pictures
in the bo o kandllm tels us thew o r ds Nex t,w e rep eatthe
words togeLhel Then We Iten to conveśations on the cD
W e ha V€ a c o nv e6 a t o n wi t h o ur pa r t ne' a nd jim |5 t e n 5
H e ! e h ur il w e ar enghto r w r o ng lttfunto work wth
a partnerlSometmes we read textsfrom the book and
write ańswerstÓ the queŚt]ons f We don,t !ndeBtand,
lBten again and completethe informatDn we a s k t he t ea c herques t i o ns ,a nd he
Doctor Watsons ofńce IJ he| psU s Do y ÓU r em em beI o U I c a ś es
a t s c ho o ? T hes e c a $ es a . e dl f f er ent l
the moment The doctol is avai]abl€ on Tuesday
, ftom

tisten for key words

5 2s.2>listen to lric and numberthe Dictr.ues

6 Listen asain Match the Dhraseswith the names

1@E lric a a shop assistant
2 E I Maria b I'm a desi8ner
3 D E Annie & Paul c she isn t ńch
a E E Flanęoise d 2'Faff €H
5 EE Klaus &rouise e they arent marrled
f primary schoolteacher
g not my wife
h these are fiiends
i a ma ied couple
j she's divorced
7 check the audio scńPt on >>p 91


lłrite a messageof introduction oldel the words to make sentencesabout st€tra

D Mccaltney' R€ m embel fu]] stops() and CAPITALletters
! ,: r:, krow thesefamous people?Match r-4 with the i this stella mccartney ls
2 she's designer enghsh an
: :: i5 Anastacia Shes an Amedcan singer She's 32 3 her a father singer is
4 shes33 she's yeal, manied old and
5 h€ I rs alasdhail name husband,s
: j5 sade She,san Eng]ish singel and sh€ , s 47 6 they son havc a baby
::r; old Her fathe/s from Nigeria She's dlvorced
HF r il,oh t pr'( n rm p 1<rlr
Thls is Stella Mccartney She's
.- rśRonaldinho He,s a Blafi]ian footbal]el and he,s
r:ars old H$ gLrltuiend
is a model-
and they hav€ a young son:]oeo
- -j i5 Ben Stiller and hrs wife He's 40 and he's an
:-:!ican actor His wife's name is Christine She's an

Phlases in the gaPs in ex€ r cise 9

: : i i r 'o ch i l dr e n
:: : -'rugnrer

t2 Thrnk of ten Iobs famous people do (singer,actor, etc )

Wdte them in your language, and write ihe Inglish
translation Use your drctionary.

tB sml slnBer
DizlÓnana o,lÓ|d study Pe, studenti d1nglese

13 r,Vritesix sentencesabout a famous p€Ison flom your

This ts
He's / She's

14 Checkyour writin8 for fuli stopsand capitalletters

Now try the Seffcheckon >>

How to ask for information
v places P wordstress

VocabularY Places P edd .he . o r /" .d o ". P ' tne v o r d5.n ord .
Ą A lxcuse mel
1 lind the p]ac€ s in the puzz]e B Yes?
A are please the where to eis
1 Whereare the toilets.please
B Toiletsi

B I upstairs they're ihrnk

A Thank youl

A lxcuse me platlorm

T RTOSU c B 5 ls platform this

A Ah, thank youl

TATA xto M A Excus€ me Manchester thjŚ

B No, it isn't It,sneal the cafó
T UO]OP TBU s cafó the Whel..'s
]t,s ovel th€r€
AKTR TER s Thank youl
Pronunciation word sttess
I c THOAH Atl c
c X TOLE 4 3A.1>Listenand writ€ th€ s e wolds in the gaps
(hemist's bookśhop i?laff€ k ef
E s I]PUBU ATR te ephones p atform car park exii
cafć mUsicshop caśh machines
1 ]s thig the tlain to MdnĆhpJteI ?
No, that trams on 4
2 lxcuse m€ I Wherc ale the
Theyre overthere,near the
3 Where'sthe pl€ a se?
]t,supstairc'near th€
4 xxcus€ me, is this the
No, it lsnt ]tk over thele' n€ a l the

. . F 'L s € l 5 Excus€ me, łvh€ I e ale the

2 co .lp| p lp ló\ ó.'ó.. p ' ń |\d p l al e . 'o '
1 The train is on platfolltLs They re near the
5 listen again Wdie the words in the corrcctbox
3 Hav€ dinnel ln a

5 Park your car in a

6 Have a drink rn a

How well can you dsk for information about places nolral

.i ow to ill;l]:ł a'lłoitl::i:

aou!'ljiIieE,l'i'ajtio'lLż.i'il]ei' 4 Underhnethe correctlvord

A 1".1o:]:l'
. i -.. countrieswith the flags
I .r" 4 !c anada 7 Ll- SouthAfrrca
! Łeru 8!
a' I Lnlna e! BIazil


': .he nationalities ofthe countlies in exerc$€ 1
: :ir dlctlonary.
1 Tokyois ! /u.. caprtaloflapan
2 Iapaneseis i /th. languageof lapan
3 China is a /tlr. country near ]apan
4 Kobe is l/r|. clty n€ a r osaka
6 Iapanis a! /1lreisland

Glammar articies .r, f,ll,t, (,u Prgnunciation ! illeei

ffuE !:'l
5 |isten and Wnte thegewolds in the corr€ c t box
t+ PorlugLreseEgyirl Egypilar
i s an
-indi lirpan JapaneseChira Chir.s.
].JelvDe]hi is th€
.a .4. ..4
he rupee is th€

:::.tal of India 6 ]-Lten agaj n and l€ p € a t

r-:r:ncy of India

How well can you talk about .ountries now?

Go backto the Student5tsook)) p,9 andti€ k / the line a8ain 11
How to say where you are in town
c plurals v things and placesintown

vocabulary thinBs and placesin town 6 Completethe phases with in or on

1 ]NIit€ these \^IoIdsin the corlect box
tei woń"ł'r |otrJe chulch st|eet chidren
5upermarket lorry factory bus waiter
blke worker reśtaurant ofńce driver schoo

I on his bike 5 the park

2 Write ńv€ mol€ wolds in the box€s Use your dictionaly,

2 a car 6 the bus
Grammar plurals
3 łvlite the p]ula]s fÓr these wolds
1 cny ĆItles 5
2 country 6 ofńce
3 langua8e 7 the table
4 cinema 8

1 (dljve4 drivers inthe1l (car) Ćdls

2 (p€ r son) in (shop)
3 (fam1]y) in (cinema)
a (worket rn (factory) 4 c]asŚ 8 the p]attorm
s (ch d) in (church)
Match the signs with the peop]ein ex€ r cise 4 Pronunciation plural endings
7 3C.1>listento the sinsular and the Dlural W te A or B

I B house houses o! glass glasses

rt El E
a E shop shops g!
5 E chulch Ćhulches
list€ n again and Iepeat

il rt


w to talk about language skills

.:lie Ejl jrdo, don't v

Grammar present simple TE ? do, don't 3 chen and ]un ar€ stud€ n ts in a Gelman class Write their

: : : : ihe Ćonver9ation\arithdo or don,Ł 1 read / quite well

! : you speak rngllsh7 We!!9!! !3śI!!cn quite weLl
2 v/rlte / not very \,vell
you undertand Inglish?
I undeFtand a little 3 undertand / very well
you Iead lng]iŚh)
4 speak/alrtile
you write Inglish?
: Iw te alittle 5 plonounce/ not very W€ l L
you like EnglishT

Pronunciation sue s or shoe I

Vocabulary phrases describing
-::iguage ability 4 Is th€ under]inedsound/s/oI {/7say theseWolds a]oud
and writ€ them inth€ collect box
Russian France fu 5outhAfrican swedish
Swahili nationality curreng/ Egypllan

Checkyour answe$ in your dictionary Pnctise saying

ou? Wńte thlee sentenc€ s abou

txample I speakInglish quite well

:- : : śtudentin a Chlnesec]ass Undel]ineth€ co[ect

::1r chinese quite we]]/qulte\"re]lchin€ s €

1- :e a ]jtt]echin€ s € / chinese a little
:]:.Etand vely we]]chinese/chln€ s e vely we]]
:. i speakchinese very well /vely \,\,e]1 chines€
-::rorrncequite \,\,e1] chln€ s e/chinese quite lve]]
!-.i!' a ltttle vocabulary/vocabularya little

Unit 3 Skills Practice

listen for key information Read and understandmessages

A !
r 3s.l) Listento6ve convelsations
Tick/ th€ P1ac€ s 5 Is the informatloncorrectTrook at the map and
yor.rhear writ€ t/ue ol'alse
ltoi]ets E chemistk ! southstr€ e t exit 1 Th€ taxis are neal the south streetexit flalse
Tll.tlc .+^n |-1""łó ! cash machines 2 The iaxis are n€ a l the bookshop
2 rrsten again and wlite th€ p]acesin the 8aPs 3 Th€ toilets ale neal th€ chemist's
4 Therc ale Phon€ s in the suPelmalket
5 The pub is n€al the muslc shop
6 Thele ale no cashmachin€ s at the
o o
7 On T\resdays,the centreis closed
otO 8 The centreis open on Sundays
6 ]^rhe|e are they? Match the i€xt m€ssages lt'rih the
letters a-e on the map

lf.t TI il
a3 O o I'matthebus l'm inthe I'mat the
stoPin the chenist's,
the public nearthe
Back Street Shopping Centre
Pnones. toilets,

l A t4 5

o PE N IN G HoU Rs ,Ą,] o N J ./ s a tu r d o |]9 a a o ó aapn :

5 |] ] 1 Ó a ]ya: a a a n 1 5 a a p n :

3 listen again Put the wolds in oId€ I

1a he r c i s s to p th e r e b l l s n e a r
I} lbęIe a bus stop near hete 7
2 the look cash machincs ihe.e arc

3 I have me dont my with glasses

4 \hoD n n p e n .,e o rh e r o f t h e .n d Lhe


5 it oh ls yes her€

4 check the audio scripton >>p.9r


fl Read:iorke:rilrforrnation Write quiz questions

ęB M
- h rhA h^+ąl< o n'l +] r. ..'."|" 9 Make a llst often countries Wdte th€ nationahtres
fam y with three young children and a dog Use your dictionary.
.ey tlav€ l by tlain
. . rnidd]e a8ed coupl€ They are in a car and want to
r alk aroundthe city
: . coup]€ The \Mantto go out in the €vening

I ' l:fse car Pa|k

l :!d mułU mŚ

I chinese,rndian,

ro comp]ete the text \,vith th€s€ wolds

What's cu|rency nat|onaIity+€ language

This is the scottish /lag The
\ i. , ofscotland is the pound The l
Xnglish and the a is Scottish
But 5 the Ćapita]of scot]and?
t arltmminC pool
a London b Cardiff c Edinburgh
11 Correci the text Add CAPITAI letters

buenos air€ s and the language is spanish but Ihat,sthe

clllrency of argentina?
b P€ s o c dollal
Write a qurz question about another country l/r'rite three

!!!Łiqthę flag.

:::.ine thle€ or foul wolds you dont know Use youl

r -::-.ary to look up thell meanng
13 Check your sentencesfor capltal letters

Nowtry the Selfcheckon p78

How to respond to news
c preposrtrons
ofplaceat v

Vocabula{ sitns vocabulargresponsesto news

Ą !
1 lind the e]even9ignsand wdte th€ m b€ l ow Match 1 10 with a-j
I E The football'son in ive minutesbut
2 ! l'm at the supermarketand
\ { p r i c es o ldo ut o Penro,
rr, _ 3 ! My carl My carl
half,txe ŚupeLmarket ą ! we have a
,\- c
ta ) L l rvryslsrernas
b L l we ger marneo
7 ! My fathe/s
8 ! My cat
)tu e ! schoolis
10! tt's9 30
a evelythmg is haĘrice toda)r ],m sorly]/ That,sgleai
b new carL oh nol / oh really?
c tk Tiffier Good luckl/oh nol
d lt's not in the car paikl Oh no /Good luckl
e a new baby' That,sgr€ a t|/],m soIIy|
Whele can you seeth€ signs?]Nritea differentPlacefol f and my exam, at ten o clock Good luckl/rNe]]done
eacnslgn g on MondayLt'm sorryL/Goodluckl
Comp1ete Wtth someof the signsfiom
the sentenĆes h closedtoday. Well donel/Thats great!
i isn't very well Thats greatl/I'msorry
j in b€ d oh lealty?/Vr'€ 1 ldone|
FoIthe nelĄrsin ex€ r cis€ 4, undel1ineth€ best r€ s ponse

Pronunciation responsesto news

6 4A .1>| slp'r d'd hp,I yo I c1 s .o pv L c

Write your Eood news and your bad news

1A Do you have a room for tonight,please?

B ],m so[y, we have nÓ VdĆdn.les fol tonlght

]s it € 5 fol the cinema tomorrownight7

B N o, € , 50| It , s on sunday n€ h ts
3 llight BD33,is

4 A Do yollhave youl tick€ t ?

B No, the machine is

5 ]'m sorry,the offlc€ is

on Monday at nine o'clock
6 A ]s that the toil€ t 7
B No, th€ sign on the door says '


How to say dates

Vo.abulaty months and ordinal numbers 4 Complete the sentenceswith dt, tn, or on
A 1 lĄihen's the cinema? It,s ol1 May 31st 4]. 9 pm
I -. 1owthe instructions and complete the pr.rzzle 2 And the theatre? That's May 27th 83o
] rvnte the ]ast lettel of th€ fust month Tv] me evenmB
: lvnte the thild ]ett€I ofthe thild month ! 3 l^4lens the Iestaulant? That,s ]une, th€
: ivnte the ńIst letter of the foulth month.
.lvnte ! pm
1 the second]ett€ r ofth€ s€ v enth month ! 8th, 73o
: Wnte the last letter of the ninth montlr ! 4 And the doctor? It's 9 30 May 24th
: ivnte the sixth ]ett€r ofthe t\^,elfthmonth ! 5 And ihe dentistT lt's May r1st 115
- \{nte th€ fouńh lettel of the sixth month ! 6 Oh, and my cerman examT It's 43o the
! Vvńte the fimt ]ettel of the second month ! afternoon lune loth
] ;ind th€ monih rn the lettels' ^ 7 And the train io BerlinT Thats lune,
5m, lopm
Ptonunciation /0/ 8 \r'r'hens the partyl lt's 8pm June 3rd
ord€ r the wolds to make qu€ s tions
E-I) risten and write the dates
A brthday is youI daie what
!Ł!ev9!!]rplAL 4
5 B It s on lebruary 12th
6 A time Xnglish what your class is

-;-en asain and leDeat Pnctise th€ /0/sound B It's at 10 30

shopping day you what go do
Grammar prepositionsof time at, in, on
B on lridays
holidays your when are summer
B They're in August
iir :' '


ts B|.|nday dląąą|J 1ą3a

fi 1n 3Ó qŁ|raĄ dąfr
How to describehabits

vo".t''t.'y molning habits 4 Wdte the complete qu-"stions

Ą I Wherc / work Where does he ork ? In a factory
1 Wdte thesephĘses in the colleĆtbox 2 When / ńn.5h .Ąolk
1:evvon(breakfast backto bed up for a run At nve rn the mormng
to th€ kitchen a ,hower dr€ s sed tea or coffee What time / get up
About eleven o'clock
l^/hat/ have for breakfast
Coffeeand toast
What / do aft.-r breakfast
He readsthe nel ,spaper
6 play football ? No, he doesnt

Grammat Plesent simPle with hel śhe

l it 7 When / get up late
2 Re dd . h e t e J - Lar d p L|' h e p ' c I U re ś
ir oldel'
Pronunciation ńnal -5

Completethe lines with thesewords and phrases

TV the house ate for a run the mai
herteeth early work fruit for breakfast
l He wakes up ealy
2 sh€ g€ts uP
3 He checks

5 He has
6 She leaves
7 He lĄ,atches
8 Shebrushes
9 He nnishes
6 4C.1>listen and check
7 List€n a8ain and rePeat coPy the Pronunciation
Tom I is a bit different He works in a factort not
ln an ofńc€' and he WoIks at ni8ht H€ r 7olk
at nine in th€ ev€ning and r at five in the
u'llere do you rvork / studyT
molning When h€ gets hom€, h€ a a showel
and 5 to bed At aboutel€ v en o,c]ock, he gets
What time do you 8et up ln the mornn8)
up and has breakfast:coffeeand toast.After breakfasthe
6 the nel^.spapel oI7 to th€ news
B Do you have a big breakfast?
on the radio. Then he tennis with fircnds, or
languages His ne1, lan8uage
When do you leave home?
is ]talian it s his third foreign language At the
weekendhe getsup late and 1o TV
complet€ the text with these velbs in the cofect foIm
b€ 8o watch finish study p|ay have
read start listen


-{owto describea typical day

of flequenĆy P lea1/eij] oI ]iye ii
' -.:.i

ll Glammar adverbs of freouenrrr old€ r the words to make questions
A iob lrłe your you do
1 Do vau llke 1/ouriob
t u'ó hr1 +( ńf| } A l.|inn<
, o'( B It'sOK
. : a coff€ e b r e a k t h € b o ,, th e c |o c k
. L ó .| p.<
A u,hen holiday ,voLr on go do
| ó n F ' . ' 'n :] ó t < n f" Ln c h

B U'J a / |r A 'B | | 'o f.'|' ó' || D ó' Fr r bP r

A usrLally you go do lYher.

B To th€ beach oI to anoth€ r countly'

A ftiends family with yo! or go do

B With friends
A ho]iday car the yoLt do on us€

B Yes,always

Pronunciation leąve |i,./or live hi

4 4D.1t Say thesewords aloud and write them in the

th]ś mean sleep pęgpe Ęt€ n !!Bh repśą!

thlng three

look at 9 drive
check your ans\,\,els
in your dictionary.Practisesaying
.: .ne gentenc€ s with the advelbŚ in brackets
: :Irv€s to wolk (always) He a|\r|avsdriveŚ ta \^/o|k,
Anil you? Answer the questionsin exercrseJ
' .: :.rjv€ s eal]y foI wolk (not ofte.)
: .op
" !r afr P nat t t \e e o v [ o ' 6 0 k
= -ł.rlc r|p npvrcn?hAr /.frAnl

ate for his coffee break (never)


. .es lunch for two hours (often)

.śtensto the boss (notusua]ly)


-: :ołs atthe clock (alwayt

Unit 4 Skills Practice

Read and understand

1 Match th€ pictules wlth the paraglaphs
se]ina ts a ten yeal old gil] \^rhohves with h€r E
bloth€ r s and sistels, hel palents' glandmother, and
uncle and aunt The family live in a small village in
. 'I oD d d. o L r Fy I d ' ,. b I " " l ' I a ' l - o g e l n € ' e " .ly || -l..
moming, at about six o'clock
At s€ v en o,c]ock,after breakfast, th€ adu]ts leave ULe
vi]]age Th€ men work in the ńe]ds, and the women
get \ /ater and firewood
se]ma and one ofh€ I sisiels ctean ihe hous€ ' wash fsl
the dlshes' and tak€ the sma]] chr]dlen to anolnel

Al - gh. o. l o1 .-
' r b o e s Lo s L o o l l e s t.r Fo r ')
Pelson in the famj]y Who goes to schoo] The childr€ n
of. " - \ " / p 1" ,.p . o u - ro e i ( . e s h r o F o r a o I .r ep
At ha]f past tlvelve, th€ chi]dlen go home to have
lunch Selrna urually has an hour to do her homework
before she goes back to school in the afternoon
Aft€ n oon c]assesaI€ flom halfpast two to ńve
f The fami]y com€ back home aftel \^roIk]ate in the
aftemoon, about haff paŚt six They have dinnel neal
the ńIe Aftel dmne! the 5ma]1childlen often p]ay
together, the schoolchildren do their homework and
th€ adu]ts have conversations with thef friends They
usually go to bed at about halfpast nine

2 Und€I]ine thlee oI foul wolds you dont kno\^r'Guess

iheir meaning' and then cheĆk in your dictlonary

tisien for key words

! 4 J ' | e1 dr d m dt l | . ] e ddy Ś J ' d t 1 F r o t n. t l e 5
i [A Mondav a ]taly
2 ! Tu€ s day b cermany
3 ! wednesday
4 ! rhu$day d Holland

6 ! Saturdayand Sunday

listen to the b€ g mning ofthe intelview again comp]etE

A So, ]ack, you,Ie a lolly dlivel Te]]me 4Łqut

J Normal week? anv

norma]w€ € k s| Y€ a h, WeI"] usual]y\ńrolk

6 Checkthe audio scripton > p 92


Reaalfor aletail write aboutyour day

" l=:: jl1as emai]and complet€ the tab1e 9 Readpart ofciselle's email.
Flnd and corrccteight more
c. Plli. o mrct2te q

r C sellel
: , are you? I'm reallylool(ng forwardto your visit 'm very busy,
:: don'thave mUchnme to see you. I Workthreemornngs a W€ e (
.:m eight t ||two, thatśN4onday, Wednesday'and Frday' and the ..1uisuaHy 9o shop nq on
]..eI two days Iwork n the afternoonand evenng, [romthre€ ti|
I a ways have lunchat two o'clock,even on Saturdays. Whenmost po€ p |€
'rrnraliy go shoppingon Thursdaymorninqs.On l,4onday and
:'Jay afternoonsI often9o to the gym to get some exercise,usualy are at work N/]yfavourit€ day
:::bout five o'clock.Oh, and I have my Frenchclasson Tuesday
.]rJl nqs' |n the eveningsI ik€ to stay Wensdaytoo Thats when I

:: .ome, but on Fridayand Saturday I often qo out on rny byke Two

:.if ngs I qo out wlth my friends And
:=i.rrday is my day for gettng up late. : days a week I go to a dr v ng
.ave breakfastabouthalf past ten on
::r!rday mornrngsMaybeSundayis i school.Nrlyfahtercan'tdnve
._. best day to comel
i now,so I have drivrnqlesons
to help my famly

10 complet€ the sent€nces aboutyoul

8,00 2,00 2.00
I always

9, OO-1100 2.00 I 00 -9 , 0 0
I often

ffiNN LO0-2,00
I dont ofien

ffi\NN 9, 30- t 1 ,3 0 2,00

I usually

KNN 8.00,2.00 2,00 50 0

'r03o 2,00
] nev€ I

1l cheĆkyour Wr'ting for spe11in8

E '^"tt,reorfake
'= do€ s nt wolk at the la/eekend True
,1.e doesnl have lunch on lbesdays
:..e goes shopping one day a week
:.. goesto th€ gym on Mondays
:.: (tlr.lip< xlpń.h nn 11rEc.llwc

:... goesout every night

:r. Saturday momings she has breakfast very early.

Nowtrythe setfcheckon >>
How to introduce people

vocabulary Phrases to intloduce people ] Co .r ie|e LheLo n

"bo U. 'l
€ p.o p]e 1 i|^ pp .tL ' l
1 ord€ r the wolds to make sentenĆes
and questions
1 me you lem€ m bel da Do vou rememberme
2 boyfiiend know my you do

3 whai's again sorry name your

4Imsorrybut your name dont I remember

5 and them meet come

crammar objectpronouns
2 completeth€ s€ n tences With these\ĄIords Bilt Whos thatTI dont know r hlm
tsri us ihem t him her me Maggie That's Dick 2 wolks in my ofńce H€ sits

B And who s that woman next to I ?Idont

M That,sMaya I think she,sDick,sgillfli€ n d

B And that coup]eoverther€ ? v\ihoale 5 ?
M Dont ask 6 l]dontkno!/7 |
Ji ' ])kńŃJAPr]ilŃ{rliilłlr.+.'nś1!|dltilłiŃlł:,l.ł
ri{! B rook! Th€re's cathy'
1 I know vou , but you dont kno\ r M I dont remember B
B Don'tyou79 liv€ s neal us, oPPositethe
n€ l 4rspapelshop
M oh' y€s

M No,thanks I dont reallylike ro

Pronunciation vowels a, e, i, o, u
2 Shelikes , but he doesnt like C
MatĆh the vowel with the pronunciation Use youI

J. i: ,,

\ /hich \"rordshave the same vor rel sound?Match the

wolds Wth the ]€ttel
dą, t* boJ. g€ yotl ru e thlee know two
3 We know , but they don'tknow ńVe b|ue eight nine speak schoo drive say
P|ay name show |ik€ me."t

4 | h" doB l } F . j \e C \i l d I e ' b LL|h e y d o n ' t.ł P 6 Checkyour ansvrer in your dictionary.


Eow to describepeople and objects

! :rrE v adiectives E man td ot men/el

E*"uot.'y adjectives crammat orderof adjectives

. -.: opposltes 2 Put the words in the correctorder
1 taxi a black blg a big biacktaxi
2 old buses grey
1 orpv .fń . p( +lll

4 big
5 ta]] four trees green
6 bike a
7 fat two cats
8 man a blond
9 a black umbrella blB
Match the phrasesin exercise, with the things inthe picture
ć)i a,
-l: bike

::g bik€

E rY )
::ll tree

Plonunciałion mdn /,elo! men lel

Say theseWolds a]oudand write them in th€ corlect box

--a clock
g€ t bĘ have cat ,pe I bank text gue55
E fact very friend bad ag? n

5 check your answ€ I s in your dictionaly Practisesayingthe woIds

E In my hom€ ' I've got a new and a bl8 l ve also Bot

a black and a \/hite I havent
or a tali

How to ask for things in shops

vocabulaty ofńce supplies Grammar I t you I we I they have got

l compl€ t e the crosswold 2 comp]ete th€ s€ntenc€s with the collect folm of have
1 We,Ę got two sons' but w€ got a daughte:
2 you got a car7
No, i
E .""P' l E ..,
!.ń'.--tr .] 3 th€ y got any childlen?
\*i{tl rti Yes.they Thev pot a daushter

4 I got a computer, but I got a pdnte.

Put th€ \^7olds
in older to make th€ quesiions and answel:
I car you a got have
Have v9u gat a ca!
No, motorbike a Bot Tve

2 chL]dlen any 8ot you hav€

Yes, tł.ro boy gll]s Bot and \,\,e,ve a

ł ont rrw +|Pv nc+c }lwp

Yes, a t\4ro got cats they've and mouse

y' Vocabulary shoppingphrases

4 Maich the questionsand anslłrels
1 E Have you got any coiour ink?
2 ! rxcuse me, can you h€ l p m€ ?
3 ! Black or colour?
4 E AnythinB else?
) | EOw mUCnls tnat/
a That'sall, thanks
b Tbenty-seven euros
. łJń.+*<€r++.{].
d co]our'pleas€
e Y€ s , of cou6e

E Can I heip youT


-{owto ask about people'sinterests


;. r
he l she l it has got

P<+inn< rnrl r n<vr ar c

B Pronunciation stresstiminB

3C omp]etethe sente.ceswith th€ s € wolds

= :-,e you Bot a watch? n ce 6 ho use do g w atch
: i l r : c c l r F o ń t rń }rP r h ] o)
' I I've got a bike but I havent got a j4t1
:. thp hńtAl dń+ r .!r n!rl.7
2l\p Botr clo(kb..l wanttog-
l::s s he cook?
-:! he got any petsi Bot o cat bu- d rd.r-
4]ve gota flat but I wanttobuya
]].s he hk€ an1ma1s7 5 ],v€ 8ot a wife but she isnt ve|y
.:r she got a car?
=. ] .Pn.i] !n.l l n^+ph^Ól.
' 4 5D.1)hsten and check Copythe stress

And you? oescrineyour room

r 'o .nD ]" M ].o a.r ą ga| J b.d' . |pbo "'o

' : :1e doesnt drive


, : r ;. nr. rrrrpc rn/ l $,r r

.o. . o]d afi pu l p . o u r n e ' Śg a l 0 " e t o Ąe

Unit 5 Skiils Praetice

Read and understand Listentor key phrases

$ n
1 Readthe puzzle and completethe chart 5S.1tListento peoplemeeting
Tick / the number of speakers
Th€ smith family ]ive at Numbel l' and th€y,ve got t!"ro chi]drcn a!1 !, !3 !a
t\F rra l) i' t1p \o L- oppo i.. r\elr hd\" o-p ."pra8F.\rld b!r !z fl : Da
Thls teenag€ I hasnt got any pets H€ r boyftiend]lvesat NumbeI 5 ĆD 1 !, !3 D4
Th€ ]on€s fami1y live at the oth€I end of the stle€t, at Numbel 6 Match the conversatlons with
They hav€ n i got any childr€ n , but they'v€ got p€ t s: two cats and the people
a dog The Molina fami]y ]ive n€xt to the Joneses They,ve got t\ĄIo ! lenny meetsRicardoand llena
! stella meetssheila
children, who play wlth the three children in the house opposlte
! Henry meetsMr Patel
The Molina children also play wrththef pet rabbit

The Pate]family hve n€ x t to the smiths They,veBot two dogs conversationslvith the phrases
The dogsdont like the Smiths grey cat The Kowalski family live 1 ! Comeand meet her
oPPositethe ]onesesTh€ y 've got one teenagechi]d and thlee cats 2 ! Comeand me€ t him
3 E Do you Iemembelm€ ?
The fami]y oppositeth€ smiths ale the Dixons' and th€ y te got 4 L l lnls ]s my wre
a big black car Therrneighboursat Number 4 have got a blg grey 5 E Do you knorv my brother?
Lar bLL Lhe_Figlbou" Jr \u*bFr 6 h"ve1l goi i 'r* -ley vp gol 6 ! sony, vrhat's your name agar.
a motorbikeThe boy in the hous€ oppositeWou]dlike to lide that
Readand listen to the
motorbik€ His palents have goi an o]dblue car
Correctfive more mistakes
The family oppositeihe Mo]inashave got two cals, on€ for the husband
and one for the wife Thet neighbourc at Number l have got a red car A Mr Pate]|łldheale youf
B Fin€ ' thanks' Mike And youl
],mńne, thank you Do you
kno!/ my brotherHenryi
fam,\' SntIh family famrly
B No, I dont think so
chrldren children chiIdren.L!qŁ
Comeand meet her Henry,
transport transport transport ihis is MI Pate]'youl n€ i ghbou.
Mr Patel, Henry, my father
c Nice to meet youl

6 Checkthe audio scrrpton >>p9,

family family farnily

children children children

pets pets rabbit I Pets


p a'? ł
. i, .l.i Iind th€ s e words in th€ texts
1 a Word that means sdturday and Sunday jrcśkenLl
2 th€ oppositeof słor|
: : : 3Ó t b g b u e e ye s .n d s h o rtb |o wnh a i r s h e |l v e 5in 3 a woId thai m€ a ns the
: ' :: n e xi dooran d s h ewo f k si n th e o c a h a i r d re s ser s 4 a placewithtrees and Bras,
: ]it.n gÓeśto an ndlan restau|ant'and she ikes green
:: -..9s gÓi a tt e brown dog that 9hetakesfor a Wa k 5
: afternoon she readsfashion nragazlnesand isters 6
::" no mu si cat t h e we e k e n d
7 two types of music

- :: i . t b !e e ye san d s h o rth a l r s h e wo r k sl n t h e
' 'n \ r . d I l p. , I n e ,ef o o d .b u t s \p d o p < r 'Cro 9
. r y oft e n she i s i e n s t op o p m u s k a n d re a d s th e
: !. r pe r e ve r ydays h e s g o t a b i g d o g ,a n d s h e t a k es
::1Ć par ke ve l ymo m i n g T:l'l
., '.)
-:: 3ot bl ow ne ye , a r d o n 8 b o n d h ż i rs h e |i v e s 9 Pui apostlophes (,)in the t€ x t
_ : : i l ai ne xt door a n ds h e \ a s t l d e n t a t th e l o c a l
r le'' 5l o r | ar d ÓJ ld' bU- ']Fś .
Bo t o ve|/blL.e} .. ne
:. st y s he doe s n' tl i k ed o g s ,b u t s h e s g o t a s m a l ^ o'
:: . at cal e d B or i s s h e u s u .l y b u y sa n e w,p a p e r rn an ofńce and he loves ]talian food H€ dllnkg Ied r]ne
:-: .:;c5 it in a cafć wjth a cup of coffee
eveIy lare€ k end He doesnt r^7atch
much TV but he ]ikes a

good ńlm His names H€ n Iy- h€ s my dad and hes oK

10 Think oft€ n ad]ectivesin youl]anguage to descńbe

p€ o p]e Wlite the adjectives and the |ng]ish tlans]ation
Use your dictionary
simP ót'.o .a ](iiÓl
L \r. . \. . -i rr, L 1r f, /

i.i i i| l l.l/.] . !l!. . n ł;j


u Wnte a descdptionofa fiiend oI som€ o n€ ln your

f2milv \^hr+p ńv4 cpnrpn.ą.

tz check youl sentenc€ s foI apostroph€ s Do you use

"oo'|'ophe''1t\F 'alre W!v n yo.l ]Jn8 'd8€?

NoW try th€ self check on I o

How to ask about prices

vocabutary food and drink Add thes€ wolds to the table ln exelcise2
Ą pens perfume newspapers CDs paper
I Complete the crossword ink batteries pencils
Comp]eteth€ qu€stions With ls or are
i How much ]Ł the Wine7

€ 'R.'@ 2 How much
3 Ho1. much
4 How much
the nI'noFś)

the coffee?
the newspaper?
5 How much th€ pens7
U\J 6 Ho\ł/much the milk?
7 How much the choco]at€ s 7
Pui the conversation in order.
A E How much are the biscuits,please?
ł ! rrere you are
A ! oK ]a lke two cups of coffee and tł\'opackets
A E How much is the coffee?
B D Thank you
B ! That's€ 4 60' P]ease
B ! It,s€ 1 3o
B ! They,Ie €1 a packet'

Ptonunciation sentencestress

6A.t>Listenal1dunde ine th€ stlessedwolds'

Htud mrr.L .-. rlta.ncna)

How much is the r 7ine7

' ml
They're one euro tv/enty,
and ńve ninety nine
Check the audio script on )>p 92 listen again and copy
the stress


Grammar countable and uncountable

2 Wnte the wolds fiom the crcsswold in the cor€ct box


:{owto order food in a cafć

v food P spellings ee andea

vocabularyfood completethe conversationwith thesewords

A .ny *-ń kc some lrave p|easedon,t WoL|d
A rldn I h€ l p you7
.t u " Y' o . o / a ć u o B fd) som€ chicken]egs\^,thtomato saLad
A soĄ| \,vehaven'tgot 3 chick€ n today but
Tevegot I tomato salad
B V{e11,can I 5 somefrsh7
With chipsT
B No, thank you I 6 like chips
oK, that,s ńsh l"rith tomato sa]ad l yo'r like
anl,thing to tuink?
: . . .]ght wolds and wńte them b€ l ow
B Just a cup oftea, 3
and chips 5 c 1€ 8 s
A Thank you!
andjam 6 a pi€
andeggs jt satad
Pronunciation spellings ee and ei,.
ca](e (
. jhrases from € x elcise 1in the 5 say th€ s e words aloud and wlite them in the collect hox
- Baps
tree ]'feak week speak p€ a 5 blead cheeśe
three steak tea beans p|€ a se great

t€ a coffee
6 Check youl anslvels ln youl dictionary Practis€ sayln8

:E-aBmat sofne, any

And you? nrint auoutyoul n€ x t s}oppingt|l]r
l//hatdo you need)
..:.-:er aboutthe picture
1 We dont needany milk

wśEgat somemeat
We!p!EL1gat any eggs

How to talk about food
c thefe is'thefe a|e v food P .er=,ól

vocabulary food 3 lrurite questions with the ror.

A in bGck€ t s |ook at pictule lr a.:
1 compl€t€ the \^rords
| (onians)Are there any annr:

2 (eggsl

3 (yoguń)

4 Gic€ )

5 (appl€ s )

W 6 Gllgar)

W u
Pronunciation -er = :

4 Urderline all the words endir;

so she buys him a flower,

she s€ n ds him a lettel,
but he never sendsan answer
Grammar there is, there are 5 6C.1)Listen and repeat
B Practisethe /e/sound

2 Y/rite s€ntenc€s aboui th€ dlffelences

] ]n A | h e | e ' s a, n e ,* e ' b d Lh e ,e' 5 ąLa n ) p o s l o
2 In B therearen'ta$/ aranaes
to offer things

GE.Ęrnat much, mąny, ą lot oI vocabulary offeringphrases

'.1-J -' Tr-F \ó. Ipncps U\F r.'J(h' fr a n)' a| a lol oI' 3 Orderthe words io make questions
A coffee cup like you of would

B Yes'P1eas€
A milk tak€ gugar you and do

B ]ust sugar,thanks
A toast like any you would
B Yes,please
A or want jam butter you do

B Butter is fine,thanks
A Tlythese cakes th€ y ,re de]icious|
B SoIIla I donl rcalty like cakes

Pronun.iation unstressedwords
ą, ol, some, ąnd, with, of
4 comP]€te the phnses with these \,\,ords
hke b{rł+efegg, Water sugar pizza legs coffee
brcad and butter
piece of

with milk
What lĄ,ould you
br€ a d 6D.l) listen and check
apples 6 listen again and notice the unstless€ d wolds

Unit 6 Skills Practice

l Match the 7olds with the € x amp]es. Which l€ s taulant is best fol these people?
1 E m€ a l a bł€a]rfasffiinń€f 1 'I \^iant a ch€ap 3.coulse lunch in the city centle , .Ł
z ! course D apples,olang€ s 2 My boyfri€ n d doesnt eat meat,
c chicken, steak
3 'I need food for six children and one adult '
4 ! veg€ t ables d ńrct, second,desset
s ! meat e peas,carrots,omons 4 'I want an eally 1unch' alound e]even ot]oĆk
5 'AIv u,ifP nrefPrq fn^a
Read about six restaurants and answer the questions
l W . h . . h" P Śl aU "a n I .l o s e so 1 M o n d a y ś ) 4 6 'lrue'reuniversity students, and weA like a cheap
dinner beforethe ńlm'
,/ Wh 'h . p\ l aL 'a n . o l ' Frs r a l ' p ..e - o o d l
7 ,My girtfriend loves live music
3 \Ąhich rcstaunnts ale in the same stleet?
8 " ve gol only l^dlfa r I ou ro pa. bF{orc m}

4 Wh:th lestdLlan' doe5 not olfel beel ol Vłine]

5 Wh .h *estau-ar' ro- oDenon <urdays) Undelline thre€ or foul wolds you dont kno1^7'Guess
's therr meanmg, and then check in your diCrionary.
6 \Ąhrch lestaulant offels cheap drmks?
7 Which restawant is expensivel
8 Wh|ch.Ps|dU%1rŚ opFr everyday? ano

ET PASO oIiver'scafóbar
MEXICAN RESTAURANT 47 Gr ant 5t Tel.39 4 7 t8 2

Tfy ou| lamous chilli con cąfne!

Italian restaurant |0am 2am | ' l Ó n Sa t
Pasta, plzf(ł,Italia17ti11(:

open 7 daysa week, Special children'sme'ls 2 courseunches€ 3 0

12pm.-12am- weds 6 7 30 all food halfprice Cocktails, wine, beers,
c1os€ d Tuesdays hot meals, tea, coffee
Specialpricesfor students
19,Kings Road (near cinema) 44, Pebble St ( eIt to blłsst&tian)
Tel 347 5961 ni 8.374491 A wormwelcome

E E tr
Chineserestąurąnt Fine French food and wine
Chinese food 3-coursedinner only € 99 No meat,nshor eggs
3-coursemenuof the day€ 1 2 No a coholcdnnks
fromour own garden
Openełet4 dat1. Open Tues Sun 6 p.m. l2a.m.
12 p.m.2 a.n. ?lease phone Evenintmeakr6 p.m.-10.30p.m.
to rcseryelour tąb|e cIosedW€ d nesdays
107lueensutaq- 664 8329 l.lA Grall sreel 34ó 7]95 37 PARKS]DE - IEL 329 4485
(nextro Cenrfa tfain statiof)

:isten .: Write
'- p ' 1 o r o I l ' o l vpTą| o.' \L.1bpfIrF pi.|''P 5 complet€ the t€xt \^rithth€se l./olds

My favouńte r Jood
is chrnesefried nce n.t...
lt,s got dce, and ih€ l e's
Ż some

egg'diff€ l ent v€ g etab]es

and sa]t But ther€ isnt
a butter m it
The Chlnesedont use butter

R€ a d about]imŚ favoulite food correcte]ghtmole


My fi.fite food is ]talian It'scall€ d risotto and

my ant makes a deliciousone ]t'sgot rice and beens

and meet,and lots ofvegetables- onyons,carctr,

peaz and tomatoes oh, and some cheasetoo

And we usually have a bot]€ of r€ d wrn€ with it

: .
-hefirst conversationin order
- - Thank you, madam
. . wou]d you ]ik€ any \^/ine?
- . k the food all dght, madaml
- - i'Vould you like a botrle or glassT
- Red or white?
: tes, thank you ]t,sńne
: Ąh Ves Dlease
: oh, eI,a bott]€ P]€ a se A bott]€ ofled wine
: Red,please l0 y,Irite five seniences about your favourite food
::k the audio script on )r My fąv?uL!ś:b9Ljs

11 Checkyour u'riting for spelling mistakes

Now try ihe Selfcheckon

How to talk about free-time activities

Vocabulaty leisure activities


1 Wdte the words eften go swim not
What thel€ ev€ r buy
1 IL!lti ng
A How r o]'ten do you hav€
2s holidays/
B Usua]]ytwiĆea year - inAugust
5c do you usually do?
6r B We]],I som€times r
7 ar th€ beach' you know,
what do you do a )
9 as B ] often go ńshing ] go fol a
10 the p
Ua w I go to a restaurantabouttwice
i2 t t
2 Wr i l " l . W o. d' r . o .n FY .* .t ś e' i ' L ] e c o rl e c . b o,{ A Do you 6 go sarlmg?
B No,7 rea]]y.It'svery

A Do you 3 gifts for

your family?
B Oh,yesl Ah^raysl

3 Add any more words you kno\,v At|il you? Answ€ I the questions
ln exercBe 5
Readth€ text and put the pictules in oidel

How to talk about the weather
t:: How a b out

VocabularYweather WIit€ a sugg€ s tion fol eachpictule Use let,s

:. the weathertable and ans\rerthe questions

Haw about?oiną 5
26" New Delhi
lelhe shaps?

44' T e h ra n

18 " Tokyo

" iiri 24' Wartaw

' .-, the \ reatherlike in

Its ratnvand caol

Put the conversaiionin order

A ! HoW abouta gam€ oftennis?
A ! we]],roller-skatingis warml let's go roller skatinB
l' o'r. What'h"'I weoo.ooay/
Grammar Let,s...,How ąbout ''' A E oK you mak€ a su88€ s tion|
v B ! I dont kno\'v' \Ąrhatwould you like to do?
:.4ine the correctwords B ! ret'sjust stay inl
= r : l : wF / } r Av ' ń o c Ó m F .ńffF e! B D oh, it's cloudy and coldl
aboutwatch/watching TV? B ! t havent got any roller skates
.. s go/Boingfor a walkl
- .\ dboL. , o F .rL \. p J) Pronunciation/w
::: Bo hshmg/fish
_ !. h ^ , l t
C fn r a /ln n k)
5 Underlinethe rrords with the sound,$1
::, gorng/goto the parkl
Weath€ r what answer qUeśt]on windy When
-:',!' abouta DVD/get a DVD?
snow week swim view where how why write
:: s pleying/play basketballl
-:.'v aboutreading/I€ a d inthe galden7 in your dictionary.Practisesaying
6 Checkyour ansrarers
the words

How to describeabilities
c can, cdn'ij adverbs v abilitrcs P

vocabulary abilities 4 \Mit€ sentences about Bob and Luc}.

1 Match the verbs and the nouns
. Canyou drive?
1 @ play t Can you usea computer? anrl work
2 ! climb t Do Iouwantto learnChinese? with us!
3 ! cook
a ! dlaw

6 ! ddve
./ =yeś,
8 E understand

b a picLL- " pe .o1.a , obt",r dr a-ir dl

c anotherlanguage
a aooq nclr mprr ri.p /rn n pr
e awa]], atle€ ' a mountain writ€ bU'ine''|€ t ter'
f a short conversation'a long t€ r t teadchines€
o {as+łń']']-]#+ę-]i*ę].r#l. speakChinere
h the piano,the guitar
l Bob can drive,but not veryn/ell
Grammal cąn' can't; advetbs 2
2 C o41p- l - l \ p. on \ p rs a t o t v ,tl o?a ta n t 4
satomi Ana| I needyoul h€ l p] 6
Ana ]Nhat s ł\.Ion87
s ] r Ćan,t do my homewolk| Pronunciation can, cąn't
A Why not? (
S Ir understand 5 comP]eteth€ sentences\ariththes€ wolds
this part fast Spanish anything name btł3 football
A Yes,you r I shecandńvea r bus ,
S No,I a l ]t'svery
dfficultl 5 you do itf and she can understandr
Oh,I6 do it, but she .an't cook a
but it's not my homeworkl she cant play 5
Oh, pleasellt's late and . he . rn'r mu o I
-na 'p mrmhFr
] lĄ'ant to go out
6 ?c.lf ltten and repeat Copythe pronunciationof can
A l l ri o h t . l l h d l rt
let'srcad it together
And you? write n"e sentenc€s aboutthin8s that you
3 comp]ete the sentenĆeswith the adverbs
1 H€ can speak Anbic vely dowly slow
2 She can climb a tree easy
l | . ar ś l . ar p'
bu r ro | V e l y good
4 H€ can dlive' but bad
5 They can swim, but not very quick
to talk about likes and dislikes

bcabulaty likes and dislikes 4 old€r the wolds to make questions

A do cooking like you
m-E gaps with these verbs 1Do vou like capt]]]ą
{E-Ę watching isteningto takin8 fi€ € t tńE B Noi very muchl
Eo.E t al ki ng pl ayi n g d o i n g A Ćook you mea]s What can
: r.l=iino fti€nds, peoP]e
: - homewolk, houseu.olk' ex€rcBe Ham and eggs,sausages,toastedsandwiches-the
] calds' video games, spońs A do you at doing what iik€ weekends
ractio,music, CDs r7
_ dancing, fishrng, swimming B Watching TV and meeting friends
to friends, on the phone, on the Intem€t A exe(cise do any do you
TV DVDS,football
ł photos, the do8 for a walk B Not rcalli/'sometim€ s I8o fol a swim
the you do ho]idays enjoy lĄ,hat doing m
ślE śthel wods you know] or look in youl dictionar}r' B sitting on the b€ a ch with a ]on8drink|
thin8s dishke you do łvhat
Gratnmar like cloinq lihe sth
] dont lik€ houseworkoI homewolk And I dont like
6- tlp words rn lhe Lonp.t place in the listening to my daughter's musicl
ą03ś tąkLa
] ]*e|but l don t like |them for a łvalk] Ptonunciation hate /h/
7D.1) listen and underline where you hear the sound /M
I like on TV and I love them at the cinema
films, ,atching 1 Hetlo Henryl
2 hous€ and home
I love to the beach but I dont like 3 half an hour
gońg, the mountains
4 Who works hardT
I like books but I donl enjoy. 5 Shehatesthe housewo*l
reaolng,magaun€ s 6 Whens your holiday?
7 i need heĘ Iith my homewolk|
I love to friends but I dont like the
Intemet listen aBain and repeat
talking, using

I enjoy a Bood but I donl likel


I like spots but I don't like theml

watchin& playmB

I love tea but I dont like it


t enjoy but I hate do8l

eatin& biscuits

Unit 7 Skills Practice

Listen for key information

I ?S.l>listen and numbel the places.
tr tars tr part
tr aisco ! shops
tr hotel ! cinema
tr river ! nairaresser's
tr carpark ! restauranis
tr gv* ! s ,imming pool
list€ n a8ain and Put the questions
E Ail rightT
E Any qu€stions7
! oK?
E can you se€ that?
E Have you got that?
Checkthe audio script on >>p93

Read and understand

a brochure
Readthe brochureand wdte th€ s e h€ a din8s tloliilay Ont,elub
in ihe conect place
Pets Adultt YoungChildren Teenagert
. Watłsameslntheói|dren,s poo, 3 00to . Dancedasses lnihedlsco,
momings fr._
6 00every aftsnoon(lnbadweather, thae 9 30tÓ1200
1 Th€ r e alent any dancec]asses adivitiesareintheqym)
" summer sludycasses,momings frcm
sportś activliesn thegym'everymorninq 900101100
Adr.rltsuse the gym in lr o m9 00tol0 30 Waterspońs lntheswimming poo|2!.:
TVrcomWith ń|dren'schannek 5 00everyday. Competitionsatweek f
Young childrcn have cinema Readnqroonr with(omcs,pkturebooks (2qr cups:13 l5yearord !;
l6 1 7 y e.- )
fitms three days a week D isco fr o8m
001012 .0 0 ,
They offel study c]asŚes
WedFril 00 Cinema
wth 5 differentfilms
for adults
rcomw lhbook andmagar.
6 There are rMatersports
for teenagers on Fridays
Adults hav€ danceclassesin
the disco
i.*{-,'_-:_:- ---__)
.Readn9roomwith internationa . speciaareanthepark
Teenagerscan go to the dlsco newspapersan0magaanes
Dancec asesandexercissinthegym,
YounBchildren play sports evermo
y r ning
fr o ml0 30to l2l0 . Trainins
(2gr o ups'18
30year o ldsjo ver
30t dos(sat)orcar(sun)
. Cinemawith5 diffsentI lmsevery week
10 DoBs and cats have training

lead an interview Tick / the things Lizzi€ ]ikes
1 Z talkinc abouthels€ E 5 D cooking
ń! ; =: '.: rnterurewWith a dancel 2 ! hellĄ'olk 6 ! g€ttmg up ]at€
3 ! breakfastin bed 7 ! washmg dEhes
4 ! visiting friends 8 ! her dogs
Match the words With their m€ a nin8s Then checkin

1 E star a boring
b told you cant do something
3 E rehearse . e +:ffi

4 E housework d do somethlngagain and again

5 ! du to get b€ttel
6 ! not allowed e work you do at home (cooking,
cteaning )
f do a pla]a concert, etc in front

Write about a day off

9 Completethe text with thesephrases
on their |astday off twefńdńthś or p|aysports
hafan holr workon Sundays
Jożois fiom Pońugal lvery summel he spendsl trło
months pickin8 glap€ s on a falm in lnnce Th€ days
are ]ong' ftom six in th€ molning to srx in the evening,
but the larork€Is hav€ two houls for lunch They a19o
have r for breakfast at eight o clock in the
morning,and they dont r Sundayis thejr
=enriewer Now, lizzie, could I just ask you day ofi and they usually play music or go for a walk
j=i€ Hi| My nam€,s lizzie Bop| ],m the star of my They dont watch TV a
i,1 F grouo r^anlLo,ay IjLsL Lovpyo r' loao and the oihers have a party and say Boodbyeuntil
') Lre be(l .naga-'lp in .hes-op.l rea y 'rd8d-;n"
next year
-:lking about myself and my life, you kno\at
- hank you can you te]] our rcaders about your rMork?
: - work very hard but I really love it- rNe only perform
'-'vo or thlee nights a week, but we Ieh€alse armost
:very day sometimes for twelve hours a day Maybe
at's Why I ]ove my day, off too| I ]ik€ g€tting up ]ate
,i the moming, at about eleven o'clock I enjoy reading
ihe newspaperand havin8 my breakfastin bed You
,e P' .no\ dd}c l do1'| h o v p t'T p |o rt. o ŚPT h l 18ś
: : s€e And \^rhate]sedo yotl do łvhen you,re not
: I ]1te]]youwhat I dont do:I dont do the housełvork l0 \ /hat do you do Thenyou have a day offl Wdte four or
L.]te:t'l dont |€ a ]]y]ike'hopp 18 p|lhA. eł.Fpi
foI cloth€ s , of coulse| oI cookingoI washing the
drshes Sometimes I visit my fiiends and family at the
weekend,but l like staying at home too Maybe you
thĘk ],m a bit du]]|] a]so]ik€ spendingtime ,ith my
dogs Tjust ]ovethose dÓ8s they'Iemy best ftiends
They can be a problemthough - I have my meals in
r*laLrar l. "nd ofi-r i\evle not allohedto Bo ir
rr Check your writing for mistakes

Nowtry the Selfcheckon p8,

How to invite and reply
e Iatike , wauld you like. 1 v socialphrases ! Joland to

vocabularv social phrases 2 Put th€ convelsation in order

Ą A E Hi,lerry Are you busy)
1 complet€ the sent€ n ces with these phnses A ! It's1130
for a drink k* to the shops A ! oK, no problem
to the park to the gym for a coffee A ! Yeah' I n€ e d som€ things
to ihe cinema to the pool for a run A ! I,m going to th€ shops Wou]d yor.r]ike to com€?
B E ł!'hat time is it7
B E oh dearl solry but I hav€ n t goi tlme ] need to
start cookinglunchl
B ! No, not rea11y.why?
B ! The shopsi

Grammar I'"..,WouMyou lihe ...?

3 Underline the correct words
1 Would you like dance/to dance?
2 IA hke a drink/dinking
3 Th€ y ,d ]iketo go to Paris/gofol Parisfor the \^Ieek€ n c
2 t'm Boing 3 Shesgoing 4 Would you like a coffee?/ have coffee?
5 Would you like go out/to go out for a meal?
fe! a n/aik
6 We'dlike an apple/havinBan apple
7 She'd]ike b€ / to be alone
8 ]a ]ik€ go a wa]k/a wa]k
( 9 l/{ouldyou like gomg/to go to the park)

Pronunciation fot andto

4 comp]ete the s€ntencęs w1thfat to'four, aI two
1 A Yr'€ usualy have a snack at about jpll o,clock
B ]tk ten
2 A W€,Ie going the football match
B Ohl I'dlove go ihe matĆh
4 She'sgoing 5 I'm going 6 lNe're Boing
a sandwich Would you like on.
B I,d]ike Please|on€ ham' one cheese
lNe're gomg a ddnk Would you ]ik€

B I'd love come,bui I ve got

tomorow InBlish and maths
8A.l> Listenand Ieadthe audlo sĆIipton >>p93
6 listen again and notice the differentpronunciationof
for /four a:ILdto / twa

7 We,I€ going 8 Hes Boing 9I'mgoing

How to say what to wear
i -relatives v family; ctothes P shirt /3tlotshort 1.:l

vocabutary family; clothes Grammar imperatives

Ą !
: th€ sentences 3 Match th€ lnstruĆtionswith the signs
-..:]ete Use your dictionaĄ.'

Llcy dd lohnaren$errnd brother

t,Iichael is Bemards father

I ls Helen! uncle
is B€ I naId,s auni
is ]ohn,sbIoth€ r .in.]aw
is Theresasnephew
1E cross th€ stleetl
2a Don't crossthe strc€ t |
is Michael'sniece 3! Dont swim here
a ! Dnve thls \,\,ayl
5 ! Don t drive this \,\,ayl
6 L l-l€ a ve your pets outside|
za Dont use your mobile phonel
Dont smokein herel
e! Dont make ńIes herel
10! Be car€ f u]|

Pronunciation shirt hl or short lTrl

, C
8B.1>list€ n and undel]inethe corect Wolds
1 ] cant ńnd my !ŁĘE/ sholtsl
2 We'regoingto work/walk this afiemoon
3 What'sthat bird/board onthe treeT
4 Sheliv€ s on the third/foulth floor
5 Muml Wh€ I e ale my footba]]sho s / shjlts?
6 W hJ t t ' m " do Vo U Ś i d. , j' g W dI P I g)
7 smithl Is this youl board/bird7
8 What's the third/fourth country on the map?
and c Iisten again and repeat
: ano 1I
An.l you? Answ€ I the qu€ s tions
ano s
: and sh 1 What aI€ you weadng today]
and a dr
7 Wl to r '^ 'r .e'
sk and "l "r p)o I LJ o u.:-.lo llF

3 And for Śummel?

How to say what's happening
G present continuous Etr. v actionvelbs l ingł!/

vocabularv action verbs Pronunciation .ing lĄ

Ą (
1 ]^7riteth€ .inq folm of the velbs 4 Complete the phrases with these
1 sit sittiną 4 look at
bath bike car exerciseś dinnel
2 ddnk 5 play 8 use
fiot]rĘ palk 5peakin8 you
I laugh 6 dance 9 Writ€
1 something anything - nothia
t rprd iro ui t'no
Grammat presentcontinuousTl!-lPl
3 diiving a
2 ComDletethe sentences\a/iththe Dresentcontinuous Use the verbs in exercise1 4 łva]kingin the
5 riding a
1 H€ ! s'ttin4 on a desk
6 making
2 She
7 doing
3 He
8 having a
sh€ ln a notebook?
9 thinklng about
5 he th€ phonel
6 She Ć0mputeIgames 5 ac.l> Llstenand check
p cn cr + 2 l l +LP n Lr r q c.
7 He
8 They photos Antl you? Answerihe qu.-stions
9 He coffe€ Use youl djctionaIy lf n€ c essaly.

1 Wh€ n do you go dancing)

I often ga danc]]1gąt the weeEe]lL

2 Do you usua]]ywlite ]€ t tels

\r'/haido you drink when you

go outT

Completethe conversation
what r ate vau doLną (you/ do),da ins? 4 What sportsdo you play7
B S h If (I/listen to)the neighboursl
B Mrs ]ones 4 (talk)to som€ o n€
(Śhe/say)? Wh€ r € ln the c]assloom do you
usually sit)
Ghe/talk)to Mr lones
oh, 7 (they/talk)aboutusl

6 What makes you lau8h?

ow to describeaetions
: . ]:3.nt simp]e and pres€ n t continuous ! contrastive stress

G'"...' present simple and plesent contlnuous Prgnunciation

Ą contrastive sttess
.lerline the conect wods
1 Usua]ly'Tench€ q Ę].]p/1, getti.8 up at 8 oo' complet€ the sentenceswith
but today qheshavins/she has breakfastat 8 oo
2 Toddv Śd| h*.t Toddy'" 8o go c lre she ilry h r her us
iJj lrer lrlnr i rcy she he
Shealways js taking/tak€ s a notebook, v!'e,I€ watchrng them, but
but today she'staking/she takesa map,too
arent watchinB !L
Sheusually arnves/is arriving at work at 9 oo,
but today she,sgo]ng/,h€ goesto the alryort He's looking at her, but
]th 11oo and she \ĄIaits/is\ĄIa]tLn8 fol someone rsnt looking at
Usua]]yshe is having/has a coff€ € bleak at u oo She]tkeshim, but
Most days she looks/is ]ookingat a computelsĆreen doesn'tlik€
Todayshe looks at/is looking at a mans face He always phones her, but
Shenormally is golng/goeshome after work
neverpnones L
but today sh€ fli€ s /is flylng to anothel countł..
Shels havjng/lraSan lnt€ I estin8 daytoday| 5 łVe sometlmes invit€ them, but
dont invite I
]-'.Leteth€ texi with the velbs in bmcketsin th€ Presentsimp]eoI pres€ n t
6 she talks about him, but
doesnt talk about
4 8D.1' Listenand cheĆk
copy th€ stless
Alrd you? Completetlr. scntcnces
1 Usua]]y] \łea.
bur todayI'm uieanng

l'm .Loing it

3 rlsually 1
-..-e r a
" " pe cr al age n tH. i s h f ei 5 i n re r e s r i n 8 h e r' rppti (mee,) but today
: ::€ o P]e, he , (travel)to differentPIaces,and he
(eaq ditrerenrfood. The only problem is chat his work !s a
ł .l : :an nevertel| peoP|ewhar he is rea||ydoing when he meets them'

'i|l'|,1 :.Jay hel in Prague,in the cze€ h RePUb|rc'Today he! a tourist:

(wea4jeansand boots,a pinkshirtand glasses.He
kłry) a camera and a gulde book' He,s got a meeting
"':- : c ock At 10.45,he is in a cafć near tbe church Th€ r e are three
-: Je One man is ar thewndow He 6 (drink)cotree.
- doorT (wrire)in a notebook.Anotherman
(watch)rheTv on rhewall.He c (-*.)
, a pink shirt and glasses,and has a camera and gurdebook
--: -cots,
-::-roFer looks and lool(s ar rhe man 'What ro (vou do)

How w€Il can you descTibeactions now?

Go back to th€ student's Book )>p 83and tiĆk the lin€ again. 49
Unit 8 Skills Practice

Read for detail listen for detail

r Read the text Are the tips for men (M),vromen (W) or 85.l>A spy ś watching a man in the station Listenand
men and \,vomen(Mw)? tick / the man he is describmg


Is ]t inlorLanl lro}v you dreŚ ai an inLĆrvics' ls it oI{ Lo
$'eal]ens and l' Tirllei is !n int€ N Esfr roT
fl big Londo'1co'nlłnv she tl !]is it js lerJ inrpoltani: .son1c
!€ o p]e colle |o 9n intclYioŃ iI the wrolg c]ot}cs,'she says
.I ncrc| giv€ ajol to a nr.n
nl shońs and Slidah, rvoln'
nr r niniskft, or {itone in icans. Here ar ien tils' to help
vou nr your lext lrt€rrfw

I We a/d, !l t d d t l Ef o 6
D o n l w e af j e am
Yo L are q 0 n q to a r
ec i
]nierv eW, noŁ to the pLb! :
2 weaf dafk sroesard


R HaVea ńo|ma lrairstye' ir

.ł Ta(e off yout |ratbdore .
greenr L

Ę Don,iVreara /ot oJ l^ Fn _ i.|!l .' ' "] A' 1ól"

t\, - , rn l

a racrofyt00,weaf
comfotabe, c ean i
c o t h e s b u i n o t] ear sl :.

listen again Completethesephrases\,/iththe adjective!
2 wlnte true orfake you hear.
1 ]t,s good to wear b]ack l'eans,but not b]ue ones |q]!ą 1 a tall

2 jenny Tinker thinks hołv you dless at z hair

intervielvsis important
3 Ii is OK to clean youl shoes in the interview 3a
4 A tong skirt is good,bui not a shorl skirt tie
5 creen hair is goodfor interviews 5
6 Leave your hat at home
6 Check the audio scdpt on >>p 93
7 Ye]]owshoesale 8ood'but not black on€ s
3 Underline three or four rvords you dont know.
Guessthen meaning,and then checkin your dictionary.

Read film reviews write a review
the texts and the plctures 9 Completethe text with thesewords
|ove got hal putś borin8 i9

Fi m title: Diva

D ir ecto rJ ear J a.qLesBe nex

r r H Esr o RY,J ulesI s a po stman
He ls Inr wlih CynLlria, wlrois an
operasinqerGhe is tlreDlva).He i
a |o to fpfo bemsW hen so nl€ b o dyr
avideotapein hispostbaq.
r r H E Fr LMTlr
, isBa mar vello us
fi m.I tt

# DlV
n RearWindow
5 oveandaction Thef nr is fresr,and
: a -ringJamesStewart RATTN G *****
.'iE5r0R YAI mani ve s i n h i s a p a ń m ennatW l r e e |c l ra H ei rc a n ,L 10 Read the text Underline three more adiectlves
: {. f ur ofs t andH e spe n d s a l l htilns r e s i ttilnngh i s wh e e l c haif,
o o' ot hpł'do'' Pó ' o n ,e e n a|' o ' J e n e ' !|o o |' i' n Fi nrtit e: Snakes0n A Plane
: raparimentsNecanseethencoo(n9,eaLrnq/ playir!withtheir
: c |en- an da| gu]ng on e d a ' h e s € s a m a n a |! ' u e W thh|s Wfe,
: l łle l r e can , t se e i l r e WHi eret h i n c Lh e m a nhk h s M te . D lfecto -:
D avdR E s
_-EAcr0Rs:In nryopinion, Stewartis excellent tTHEsToRY:Hund|edsof danoeŁous snakesa|e
0n a p ane,andsor san FBI asenLNevileFynn

fi Blacknain
(SamueL Jackson).He rs takrnqan inrpoftanL
Ridey Scott 1989 w iLnessto Lo sA r r gees.0nly
:,.r'in9lvllchaeDougas Llr eplane (il
andkll thesfa(esbefo r ethey
BEsroRY , AnAme r i c a nc p o a ntf a v e kt o J a p a n wi tahJ a p anese a I theterfifed passengers
:- nlnal But tlrecrminalesapesInthearpofL, andth,"poljceman TTH EFI LM , is a sily film yo ucanento ythe
: ps theJapanesepoke to lindhimagan aciior and havea goodlaugh
-HEAcroRs:Dou!as ls anotlrer American policeman lvth a b s
w€l] j^fuitea short revievv
u Th]nk of a ńlm vou kno1^7

| łmalie Jean-Pierre
Jeunet,2001 Flhn ht e:

: arrifgAudreyTautou Dlrector
-HEsToRY :
Amć| i ]Ve
e aos n e a n d W o |k|nsa c a f ó s h e s € € s th €
:i ie cuslonrcrs evefydayandsheofLenthinc abouLa d ffeient ]^łitethle€ sentencesaboutthe story:
' r a l i fe w i t hoveS he s p e n d soato f u m en a .n q o th e r p e ope

Write three sent€ n ces about\^7hy

you ]iked or dldnt ljke
! l"rhe€lĆhall a talk in an angry way wrth
th€ ńlm:
J argue
I criminal get a\^reyfrom somebody,
eg a Porceman
I superb a€hair.iYi+l:t{*€eH€rs€fteen€

v€ r y good
a personwho does somethin8 72 check your s€ n tences fol mistakes can you add one or
againstthe law

Nolv try the selfcheck on ^ p 8l

How to ask for transport information
v transport, instiuĆtion phnses P polite intonation

vocabutaryinstruetionphrases vocabulary transpo*

J& B
1 Match the placesand the insiructions Start at the Gare 2 Wńte th€ tlanspolt Wolds
du Nord


1 E Takethe B or D train line south to Chateletres

J .l oP |n I d. tne
'..ó. ' ' 'e- o
ńfth stopWest
2 ! Takethe m€ t lo' Lin€ 4, south ]t,s13stopsafter that
v ^ ' l a ^ h . + r p A /] + ó .LrńĆ p + /.rń(

E Tak€ the B train ]ine south It,sone stop after Pronunciation polite intonation

St Miche] Notle Dam€

! Tak€ the B train ]ine south to st Miche] Notle p ( P 'o. '.oe /D
9 A . 1 > L ! e' Do t \ F' pP dł F r Ś
Dame chang€ to anoth€ r tlain' the c ]ine,and ' o L . dpo | |
l ts r'.l.. r"' ro* .dn.gĄ o h. n^.'. |n p|p:'e

z @ t,.l..l"' | o ń. dn. 8 " ' o 1 A r r . l ól r r p |p l'ó

! Take the metro, rine 4, north Get off at the next
stop Changeto Line 2, and go west cet off at the 3 ! lxcuse me' hol./can ] 8et to th€ airyoIt' p]eas€ ?
next stop, and \Ą'a]kfrcm theIe z !' l . | 9 el e' 1 o W . a n. 8 e. t o . neą l po ' .'p .J'p
! Take the metlo' Line 4, south Get off at Rćaumur ' ! r' , ę . F' 1 o l ^ gF-t o | l p1 0 o | a |'p P "'F '
SćbastopolChangeto rine 3, and 8o lv€ s t lt,sthe o ! .' .ę..' gp-t o i 1 F1 0 ' D. | a l'p P "'F '
fourth stop 'oW'"n
7 ! |xcuse me, how can ] g€ t to th€ palk, p]ease)
a općra d TouI Iiff€l 8 ! |xcuse me, how can 1 g€ t to th€ palk, p]ease7
e Montpalnass€
Ć e}aftPs{Fes f la sorbonne listen a8ain Copy the polite intonation

!{ow to 1,:.:,'ui: :.i t t ']l .ii i '
] 3cesintown, dlleĆtions P linkm8 wo rds together

Vocabulary rrll.are:lt tlilr:..

:rmplet€ the Ćrosswold

'lc)t. Ą

9 .r-E
i s€

t 'iiHf, rI r\-

t '../-Ą aPo\

Vocabulary c-itFcLtiolis ii I Ptonunciation iil-1r::1;.::'i..'

-r]npletethe directio.s 3 l]'..!i.list€ n \r'r'heIe
one WoIdends With a consonan1
lrom the bank in Argyle Streetto the health centre sound and th€ next wold beglnsWith a vowel sound,
Go along Atgle Stleet ]Ł MitĆhe]]stleet
rurn letl, and go on ]t's at the 1 ]t'sthe irst left._atthe comer
the ]€ f t 2 Th€ I e's a bank at the comel
. irom G]asgowBIidBeto st lnoch shoppng centr€ : ] The post ofic€ is just opposite
Go along IamaicaStreetand tum into 4 Go straighton and tum ]eft at th€ ]ights
loward Street co straight 5 The map says there'san a galterynear here
6 ]t,saclossthe bridgeand on the l€ f t
irom st Enoch underground station to the post offrce 7 Tum right again into Un]on str€ € t
ao of the stationinto Argyle Street,and 8 ] thmk thel€,s a tourist information office jn the statlon
]eft Th€ post officejs the
4 |isten agai. and r€ p eat Do you ]ink \^rords
]i].ethis in
the bank youl1an8uag€ ?

'". !:-:y+

}" ĘZf-:

How well can you give and foltow directions nowt

Go backto the Studen s BooL)>])E9 and tick / the tme again. 53
How to ask about and describe a holiday

Vocabulaty adjectives; holidays Pronunciation is, wds,ą're,wete

A c
eresś€1jt the wrong adjective 4 Complete the phnses with r or are.
1 The 7eaihel is 1ove]y Warm no.Ę hońb1e The beach is nice
2 The people are bodng unftiendly crowded polite The boys fun
3 The beach is crowded quiet polite empty The water
4 fhehor"l ' clean comfortable wet ln the hohday sun
5 The roomis small dilty uncomfońab]e ftiendly
6 The food is uncomfortable cheap dehcious awful But my parents
7 'lhp'lop'a.A e,(pe.lś.Ve tu]. del.cious bonr8
8 Th€ ni8ht]ife is empty fantastic cheap a]Ą'fu]
Write these adjectives in the con€ct box
clean ffiy lovely beautiful comfortable horrible
bo ng unfriendly polite exciting uncomfortable
awful deliciour interesting fantastic

comp]ete th€ phrases ,th was ol we/e

The food u/ds good
The \ reaiher great
The drinks cheap

cramma! past simple of be EtrE But our daughter there

was' wefe, wąsn,t,wefen,t But our daughter
3 comPlete the conveBation 7ith was, welą w6sn,l

I Wele you in another country?

B Yes, I , \
r you alone?
B N o, I4
your boyft iend rarlthyou?
B Yes, he 6
A 7 you on a beachl 6 9C.1>rist-"nand check.
'| listen again and rcpeat Notice the pronounciation of
B N o, r r e 3
rs,wast are, a\d wete
you in the mountains?
B Yes, we lo
the weatherlike? I
B TtD very coldl 2 lr'r'ereyou in a hotel?
A B you walking in the mountains? 3 lNas there any rainT
B No wer4 4 1N€ r e the peoplenice?
A 15 you skiin8l 5 What was th€ food ]ike)
B Yes, that,s dghtl vr'€ 16 skirng| 6 Would you lite io go backł
7 Why/why not?

How to tell a story

G'....' Past simPle E regular -ed Ptonunciation

Ą -ed endints
:€ the past forms ofth€ s € velbs 4 ComP]etethe s€ n tences with
! happeI. happened 6 decide
I look 7 stay town busstop umbrella
way rrin h.-lp question
] notic€ 8 play
H€ l^/aitedat the
9 talk
; walk 10 want
]t stłted to
: .omp]ete the stoly ll/ith the velbs ftom exelc$€ 1

He openedhis
HrIt.hYś? DIwt tą!]. tr Ar''e ąb04, h'lLidayt! We had a terńbLe holiday
LąśżYear' LeŻ ,eIL Y,LL Ńhft r haDpened We ,l
''1e A voice asked him to
ą litfere],'f hllidąY, Ja u)e ) tó 3Ó Lą|r'LPiĄ!.We
' ą .ąwLPśLte
,Łąr th. beĄŁh. It |,/ąśą beąatif}Ll
^, 5 He answeredher
PLą.e, VerY q 1et We ą lat, We vJeĄtfLśhiL! ąnd
tvriwL|4Lin!,ąWł we wew rąilin! aw !ó,|re śfutąIIbaątś k ŃąJ 3reąt!
Th€y walked into

They talk€ d all th€

And who knołvsłvhathapp€ n ed

after thatl
5 9D.1>risten and ch€ c k
R€ P eat the 'ed velb,
red ||L the ,Jed, o4r teĄu otran,!! Thąt Ńą! oar teĄf iW th,Ł !eą!!

lrner the words to make the beginning ofNiqhtmareHorel

up I walked hill the
!!!ked up the Litt
I Hotel to Nightmare the

- i see couldnt but be]] the

: knocked waiied I and

: ihe windy cold in and night

.f window looked the I

r inerc but any wasnt light

Unit 9 Skills Practice

Readabout a holiday 3 Match 1 8 with a-h?

fl a They w€nt fol a wa]k
r Match the Picturcs and the words Us€ your dictionary f ffar LsLano b They visited friends

t Ę-.' Ę^ Ę] il
r Lt LasTrersrano
4 ! cork
They played Bolf

% @ffis{iir
I abear 2 a coast 3 aco* 4 an islaflo
6 !
7 E sku]l
€ ]t Ęin€ d a lot
Newcastlet/est f They w€ n t sai]ing'
g They W€nt to the chulch
8 E Va]€ n tia Is]and h They had lunch
2 Read the te\.t ard dra rthe route on the map
Listen for generalmeaning
4 9S.1>listen to Sanh talking abouther holiday in France
Put the events in order

. New(xrle

a ! travelled into the mountains

'ĄnYJrieĄd! Ńeał tr lrdąad ldn |'18rŁrtd viit thŁ b ! arived at the youth hostel
bea\tiJ\L r)uf .óąn' They !ta|.,ed their hrluąy ąt cark, c ! watched a woman working
1ley ltąYe,l therŁ f|r two dayr ał,d vi:ited the chąrch d ! talked a lot
ąn,ł thŁ śh.óP'J ThŁy ąlJó v/eĄf by b6 ta BIą|xŁy CąJtle. e E travelled to Lyon
ThŁ|IthŁy ,rą,/elL.db./ .ąr t0 Bąltiflu]re auż yew a
ełayfłhing The nat day thzy Ńehż ta the t\ŃL af 1 Sanhs flighi was expensive
SLłII. Thee thŁy ttąveLledbY b\ąt .|v'd !ąile,ł aĄ7 2 She Bot a flight to lyon
fr Be4r kLąnd' ThŁ ilLdthŁr v'ląś 3óa,ł thee, śathey 3 She tlavelled east into the mountains
Ń.W l0r ą kry ŃąlŁ, .fhŁtr
ILY't .'trP Ńą! vdbda 4 She met a tulend Irom vrork
Hand ow the fawal'tl &t,4 Óf Klrry, Thły wan*d 5 Her fńend s name was Blian
ta v/,|,c|Lą|;!!y|4bi|' thŁ Ła, bąt if rdi.|IedąIl dąy' 6 It rained every day.
k rdih.l very aft.|L iw thiś Pąrt 0l Ireląfutr!Alter thąt,
risten again and completethe text
thŁY '|toPPedat Cąltlek]Ąnf', where thzy hzd lLtwlt
We]],I went to llance .bl].
Tey' żhŁYŃ.Ąż ta NeŃcfutle WeJt fr yiJ:x śanŁj1ud!,
I stayed in youth hosiels, you know, where
ąn-dJ'|aaILyth.Y ąrń'/ed ąt Li'Weriłk ThŁfu they PLdye.(
lntś nf
,a!r, ąhd viJite,l thŁ cąśtleąĄd thŁ 3ift śfu1T11@Y
e"jayed thŁtr hnLi,łąYvery |raLW and they t€ u you a]]th€ to visit
7 Check the audio scńpt on > p 93
Read aifl,drLrillderstandL
it slic:t.ri : ; W r it e , r : : l i. r i1 t -ir i; : , i:
..l '
3 Readthe storyandputthe paragraphs
in order 10 The high]rghted Wolds ale spe]]€ d wlong
can you correct themT
W hen lw asr 4, myfamlly,my aunt and o ncle,and m y

myco sr nsa visitedP o r tuga tw aso ur fir 5tho lid ay

r-li^ t,^'" i1'10t|.e'Lo n|'y'dnd -W lśve't e\ g W eśray ed

1- in a big ho u5eW itha sw immingpo o l The P € o p|eWere
ver y fr en|y'the w € a thel W .5 5unny and ho T,aJ r otne

to o dw asdelico us W ew enifo r o ngw alks o n the

bee.l- .r y To the| a']d . v J r t d d 5o m. ś ho ppir8

and myfather r ead his bo o k5 W e all bo ughtgifts

to take ho me |tw as an esP € n sive ho day,bui not

on hel ńrst day' she and the oiher toudsts ]€ f t th€ fo r me ldidn't payfo r
hotel earlyin the moming on a specialsafan bus 'tl
Th€ y w€ n i wlth a suide' and h€ answeled a]]theil 11 Are the highlighted words nouns of adjectivesl
questionslveryone had their camerasreadyto take Use your dictionary.
photosof the anlmals F\nfrń 1a
uncleOt , (no ! t
E My ftiend Danas a dentist She\Ą,orkshard and ,.r he o L he
mak€ s a ]ot ofmoney sh€ lsnt malried and she hlsband otforra!. t - !n(1. fd ul
hasnt got any brotherso. sisters,so she'sgoi a lot
of fr€e tlme Maybe that's \^7hyhel favourite hobby
is travelling
12 Thlnk about a hohday when you \ĄIele a ch d
! rveryone was woried becausethe elephants Make not€ s in the tab]e
were very big, and the bus r/as very small BLlt
th€ n somethin8incledib]ehappened one ofthe
elephantspushedthe bus out ofthe mud and onto
the Ioad The toudsts smi]€ d and ]aushed'and
Dana took somewonderful photos
I Dana visits a differentcountry everyyear,ano
]aŚt yeal she decidedto go to Afuica,to Kenya s}e
Wantedto go on safari,to seeth€ wi]d anima1s

I Suddenlythere was a problem The bus was

stuck in the mud It cou]dntmov€ forwa]usol
backwards And th€ n ihlee enormouselephants What wasth€ weathelIike?
apP€ a r€ d The touriŚts ł\,elev€ r y happy and took
lots of photos But then the elephantscame near
the bus and the tourists\"rereall qulet
l:tch the lvolds vrlth th€ t meanings
E cuide a som€ t hn8 you like domg Write aboutyour holiday
: hobby when you ar€n t \^rorkin8
- b
very brg
: I mud
: ] € n olmous
"€]fł]fyedaj}€ lri*p+a€e
unhappy aboutsomething 14 Checkyour wdting for spelling mistakes
thai could happen

Nowtry the Selfcheck on p8J

How to continue a conversation
c past simple

Grammat pastsimpleE Match th€ answels With the questionsin exercise2

A a E To Dublin
Match the questionsand answ€ r s
1 E When was the last time you weni away? c E lt \,\,asntvery good
2 ! Where did you Bo?
3 ! Where drd you stay? e ! rhe museum
4 ! Who did you meetT f ! A lot of questions
5 ! Did ihey have a goodtime? g ! Aftel t€n o,c]ock
6 ! Did you s€€ anything intelesting?
/ L ] Ulo you Duyan}Ęnmg? Pronunciation stressin wh- questions
8 ! U/hen did you come home?
a They saidthe \,veather wasni very good 4 Match th€ sentenceswith the rcsponses
b Yes,We bought som€ gifts in the vi]]age
1 E l m€ t my n€ bossthis molning|
c We met some fiiends ihere '
2 ! They rarentto a Thai restaurant
d Yes, we saw a lot of animals
3 ! My brother phoned
e We came back late on Sunday evening
f .A.+ńi+}#.ł{ff
a ! We went shoppinC yesterday
5 E His childrenwere on TVI
g We stayed in a hotel
6 E My parents are here
h ]r'r'ełvent to th€ mountains
7 E She went away last summer
Write questions for the missinB information 8 ! ]tt not lainin8 nołv'
The schoolchildren went al ray for the day last \,veek Oo .a
rhey went Lo l\Fy spentdl day rr -he a When did they com€?
tos r lil\t |l ey V|Ś|rFd
tte . b ł\'hat did you think?
al o tre}
c ]/\Ihat did they eatT
enjoyed it a lot Then they met r
d Wh€ie did sh€ Eo?
famous TV personality. fantasticl They asked her e What did you buyT
j and 5|e .o.d'l em Śore Very:n.e'es||rg f What did
stońes At one o,clock they had ]unch, but the children 8 When did it stop?
said r In the aftemoon,they rent h What did he say?
shopping Julia bought 6 for her parents and 5 1oA.1>Listen and Ćheck'coDv the stless
cperI a lol of'norey I inally..l-pyw- rl lo i1e
d rd \ aw d rew 'lm Ju l a s a d i . w ar a D i D o v 'l pr -!pv

' and went strai8htto b€ d

1 did the schaolchlldrcnqa

2 What


llow to talk about a career
; :-: simpte legulal and irre8ular v caleerś

Gtammar past simple regular Vocabulatycareers

and irregular C
r-. the past sjmpleform ofthe velbs 5 comp]etethe phras€ s

8 meet
9 see
10 s€ l l
11 start
12 work
th€ past slmpl€ v€ ń s
:::.p]ete the text \^71th ftom

' ].ł r lpft schoo]whenhe Was 16 He f

: :! as a bus driver,but then he r
l" I Ld."'.\e w,rlF, fortr"-eyed',
a gnl in the restaurant,and they got
=lTjedUnfoltunat€ \ . th€ y got divorcedten months
=:r that, when he 6 his \^rif€ in a cal\^Iith
.']!]1eI man chuĆk 7 the aImy to folg€ t his
lltl school
.ns bL . h e s I
: r.r y to " " y - ro d ,\" r
r : rvent back to normal life A few months late! he got
dr al
:aey ftom an aunt, , a restaurant and
b his o\ĄInI
hrs o\/n busmessflve years after that, he
nch and rr th€ business No\"r
. l w r r trnÓ l h^ń} : hńl't Ll< llfA

Ptonunciątion wfote /L/or rode /d/

:::'1} List€ n and undel]ine the colleĆt WoId

: rvrote/rode home
:ae rides/wdtes like an adult
'. . .e 1d . F r _ " e r , r g ..t .o " \Fr b r- h d " )
=.a tsBat man / abadma n l
' :ia ha r d/ he afi l obl
: rey went to town/downthis moming

' : ::t the audio script on >)p94 Listen again and

2 aw

How to talk about what happened

Grammar pastsimple!E Nothing - she called the police

A s po]ice th€ say she did larhat to
1 Completethe sentenceswith theseverbsin the past
simpl€, ńfft in the positive and then m the ne8ative She said lt was an accident
write fid€ pay get drink |eave put s end th€ happened what in
'I He rode his bike to school, but he sl&l4t
A I dor . kr owl lhF naytDr.r .s on -onighr
/rde it home S Oohl \rvhat channel?
2H e an MP3 playerfor hrs birthday but
3 Comp]eteth€ po]icemansquestions
3 she the WoIkeIs'but sh€
them W€]]
4 They tea and coffe€' but th€y
any alcohol
s She to her father, but she
to her brother
6 He poisonin the fooą but he
it in ihe drinks

the hotel
Readthe conversation oldel the wolds to mak€ questrons
Ana I sr]^d ,F,rlv BoodTV orog."rr^F asr nig]^l r Whele/go y€ s telday Włeredid vaD ąo vesterdąv ?
Satomi it about was \ rhat
When/ńnish wolk
A It lĄ'as about a woman who was angry with hel Tńnished at s'x o,c]ock
go straighthome
s anBry she lras \^rhy No,I didnt I went shoppingfirst
4lĄhichsho ps/visit
A He a]Wayscame home ]ate she didnlknowwher€ A lot of shops I dont rememberthe names

S do did what she Nobody

kill your husband
She called a private detective
s h€ I he te]] did what
Ptonunciation didnt
He to]d he| the man was łvith anothel womall
s did the what do wlfe
4 1oc.1>Listenand I€ p € a t the poem Noticethat didn,t

she killed her husbandl Tommy was a waiter

s poison drd use she
Who didn t like his boss
He didnt really hate her
No Sheprepareda bath for him But he didn t ke€p hls job
s bath die in husband her ihe did

YeslHis wife pushedan electricfan into the water.

s body do she did what the rarith

How to talk about life stories

vocabulary education comp]eteth€ sentenceswith 7oldsfrom the crosswold

Ą I Shestudiedlterdture for t\ ro years and got a
: :rrnpletethe crossword di
2 He did fouryears of c
and Aot a d
Whenyou are e|ĆvĆn
oltwe|Ve'you 8o
3 She studied h at h
but she didnt llke it very much
'J-r. Youget this qualifcationafteryou study
fÓlthree o| foulyea6 at univeuiiy
Whenyou arefouf orfveyou Boto
3 Write the yea rs m words
Year you,ay.
i9o 8

Pronunciation /s/ or /z/

4 roD.I>Listen and undel]in€ the ioIdsyou hear

1 qec!P!4ś oI greenpeas
2 blue ice or blue eyes
3 Polic€ j
4 Yes, Mhs or Yes,Ms
5 a ptace in the theatre or plays in the theatre
6 this book

2 Cood morning/ Bonjour/ Buehosdias 5 Checkthe audio scipt on >>p94 risten agam and
3 |r sÓme P|,śe.Órdaryschoo|is ca||ed

'At_ 5 ForexŹmpe,oxfold, Ha&a|d,La sorbonne

t o 8et thB qualiicationif you study

ll 1789/ 1911/ 19)9 45

Unit 10Skills Practice

Reailatta,.,taerstanda life stoty Readthe teń again wlite true o|fa|se

fi 1 MunĆh was bom in oslo
I Read about Xdvard Munch and complete the tert with 2 His mother,brotherand sisterdied
3 He studiedart after he went to Pads
for the next 2lJ yea15
4 He returnedto Norway when he was rll
5 H€ bui]t a museum fol his paintings
ai age 18
w h e n h e di e d i n 1 9 4 4 Listen for detain
4 t0s'l' Ljst€ n and answel th€ questions
Eelvąręl Munch born in a sma| towl' | |\orway
in 1aćl 1 when he was '"'a boy
h s |am y ńoved to
the captal, Oslo His norher d ed wher he was five,
and then he a|so]os!oie othis brońerŚ ańd a s|ste[
, he wenr ro uriveBity to study
engineering, but he had heath prob emśTher lhe iext yeat
he decidearo chańgecareerand
beĆońea Painter He studed alt for abour iour yearsbefore
movi n g!o P afs n 1 8 8 5
I What drdnl she tryto krlLthe vet wrthT
he |ivedbetweenPariśand Ber|in'
This is when he paintedtre ScEa,, his most famors p crure
When he was 15' he had more hea|thPlob emŚ, and weit
ba. | t o | i \ e r \ Ó | l a h i s |i l e.h d rg p d J .d h . P J |nr 'lg\
becańe Ieśś
a!agun b ! poison c!aknif€
ÓfoŚ|o buih a mu5eumfor his arl |n 200.1,thievesstoh
Iłe sł.dŹ flom the museum,but po|ce fourd the Pa nting 2 How many tlmes did she try?
i n 2006 a!two
b ! thre€
c ! four
3 rl/hat happenedin ihe endi
a ! she escaped
b ! th€ v€ t died
c E the police got her
Listen and put the questionsin order
a ! t lhy not?
b ! So what dd she do)
c E And?
d ! she shothim?
e ! so did she kill him in the end)
f ! Didnt she stopth€ n ?
Readthe summał..Listenagain and conect foul mole

The teg 'as sick,so the woman iook it to the doctor's

c]inic,but t died she tded to ki]]the vet' ńfft \'vith
Do|.o1ed ra8a.i| ó
d Do|\onAo
and thnd with a kmfe
Gu€ s s the meanlng ofihe highli8hted lvolds cheĆk in .LP .l . |LP l ' r .l r n c.r r n +

n ^n

Read a job advert write biodata
Ę f,)
it .ha fa) ;lhd< 1 n +Lc ..r r P .r nlr .. 11 Readaboutsonia Gandhi and completethe t€ x t With
g€ t b App]iĆations
to c You need

u' ::':':::":^"::?::::-'
re quire s A MA N A G E R I
soNIA CANDHI W3sbolnin rh€ northor]ti } h 191ó
]]]l9Ó4.s])emetRJjiv GJndhirn Callbrjd8csoniar dłd
Rajivl\crcbothstudents'lhe couplegotmarriedlburyears
latcr,r moved(oIndiaSolia r R4iv hrd two
f orPOLAN D chiklren.a boy a a girl sonia becamern
lndian cjrir in l9El lvl.rn)peopk in the
I Gardhi larrily wcrepoliricians.5
a university
degreeInchernistry Rativ was dif{crenrHe workedas a prlor
goodEnglish, fluentPolish and Sonialvorkedat home In 1982
minirnum 5 years eNperience Ralrv starteda careerin polnics lwo
to be goodat workingn a team yearslatersomeoneassassharedllś
goodcomputer skills nother the Indrarprine ninistcr The
candhi farnilytrada historyol rragedy
6 sonias trusbandwas also
aseśina(edi'r l991 In ]s9E,
sonir linally begin a carcer
ir poliucsand todJyshe is the
leadero{a largepoliticalparty.

OliverPastila 12 Match the łvordsWiih thet meaninss Th€ n ch€ c k in

your dictionary
by post: WilcoxErnpoyment,
1 E ciiiz-"n a a person who flies a plane
44 BreadSi, LondonW6
2 ! Pilot b a personat the top of a group
by tax 4176-339 42A5
3 ! assassinate c.aPers€ńtrit}+ł]€natj€ńaItr
by ema : iobofiers@wrlcoxnet
5 ! ]ead€ r d kill an importantor famousperson
r€ f ercncenumberss 43784

Think of a personwho is importantfor you Make notes

m the table below
: .:1 the highlighted words in the adve with the Topic

. ' ".' ,t| 19yoL ]]e d'r f ta .n a a Ą Ea ) a o P\p " |i e ń ( e

: :usrness organiuation eary life

::al's a languagevery well

trrcy for hotels and resiaurants
-. ru dont pay for doctorsor hospitals
;::y gooo
. gToupof peopl€ who $rork togethel t4 Non. wńte trve oI six sent€ n ces of blodata R€ m ember to
::iLities/thingsthat you can do \,/e]l
, . ,_or s t^oo gar -p. tLe wo.t of oLherpeop,e

- -:1{ your answersin your dicttonary

15 Check your rriting carefully.

Nołvtlythe seffcheckon )) p 85
How to make suggestions
G toa big,notbiq enauqh v ho]iday accommodaiion; suggestions P stress in lon8 wordŚ

vocabulary holidayaccommodation
1 lind six types of ho]iday accommodation and .!vdt€

bedand breakfast

IT E S E t F , C A T

compl€ t € the sentences wlth the ho]iday accommodatlon

4 My tea
5 This p]ac€
1 r€ t 's stay in a bed a'd bredkfdst W€ can eat ]unch and
6 Thls taxi

] ]ov€ sleeplng ln a when \ re go

I'm too old
The has evelything we n€ e d, and
rlrp'Fq cnr.r f., r.. rpnr<

I dont hke stayin8 in a , because I

dont want to cook and c]€ a n on holiday'
6 Letk stay in a 5 star
bed all day and get room service

Grammal łoo + adjective;

flat+adjective+enough 7 This museum
3 comp]eteth€ s€ n tences wrth iro oI not enouqhand th€ 8 Thls place
adjective 9 Th€ shops

Pronunciation stressin long words

4 uA'l> Listenand wlite the number of syl]ab]€ s
1 aq'ectiv€ J 5 lnt€ffielł/
2 conversatron 6 sentences
7 syllables
4 information 8 vocabulary
5 Wdte th€ wolds in th€ colleci box

Thls rcom isn'twarm enough

Th€ ring is too ex,ensive
Th€ pa*lng space

6 rist€ n again and Iepeat

How to say what's wrong
r |: / many'notenoua,Ę v Iooms andfuniture

Vocabulary rooms and Grammat. too much l |nąny + noun,

:urniture not enougn + Ilo1.rrl
Ana and satomi aIe havrng a palty fol 20 p€ o p]e
:-:]ete ihe € s iate agent,sadveIt Wdte Sent€ n c€ s vrlth ioo and enough
.] Therearen,tenÓuah
: - .lrairs cooker cupboard
i:: shower sink sofa table 2lErearetoolaaw chars
5 food
'7 cDŚ
8 spac€ for danĆin8

Pronunciation long and short vowel sounds

3 Y./nt€ thesewolds in the correctbox Use your dictionaly.
. E STATE AGENT . gyffi +ay Vi€ w town golf b€ a ch park tea
TO RENT shop wa k sink hot farm drve plrb
:rge flaL near towr centfe

::rrooms (2 doubte,I single)

] ]j: ba th|oomw i 'h r t oi l Ć t qym 1o3lrl1l

: , washbash,

.: )nd bathroom with toilct,

r and 5w
4 Plactis€ sayin8 the wolds
ng room w'th os
And you? wite an estateagent'sadvert fo. you. nome

How to comparethings
c compaiatives v adjectres E -er

Vocabulary adjectives CompaleFlank's car and Ricky,scal Use thes€ adjectives

A k dirty comfortable old good expensive bad
1 lind ten aą'ectives in the puzz]e and match them lvith Frank \i,.
the opposites

ODEO oooo0 E
I Rickvk mr is faster than Frank's
2 warm
3 sho
Pronunciation -er endings
a old-fashioned (
5 big
4 uc.r> Readand listen to the poem
Undel]ine the wolds thai end in .eŁ
7 old
8 fat
9 Ćheap
10 uncomfońabl€

Gnmmar comparatives
2 Underline the correct \,\,ords
1 His brother'sfater/fatterthan he is 5 Listenagain and repeatthe poem
2 cities on the north coastare cooler/morecool than
cities in th€ south And you? write two thmgs you have which are
3 My bed is more comfortabl€ /comfoltablel than the I warm mv caat. mi/ iacket
hoiei bed
2 ner"r
4 Your room is mole Warm/łvarmelthan my rcom
5 Tom is better/moregoodthan Ha y
6 Thai tabie is dirtyer/dirtjerthan oul table 4 old fashioned
7 Johns dog is more small/smaller than the 5 dńy
6 soft
The new brid8eis longer/morelong than the old one
7 ch€ a p
8 comfortable
9 modern

to understand opinions

Yocabulary furniture; adjectives ! lvlite supellativ€ sentences Use the adjectives fiom

Ę.-h th€ fumiture and th€ Iooms som€ wolds match

1-ze than one room
1- chair dininBtable desk coffeetable

: aetuoom bed
I lLil Lhe chealgsa C is the most expgltlve

i!=e mole fulńtule words in each p]ac€ Use youl

-_tionary the wlong adjective-
: This rs a vely comfońable/exPensive/fastsofa
: ]is ca] is t}E most mod€In/happiest/most o1dfashioned

] YouIblother is the biggest/o]dest/1ow€ s tstudentin E

Jle classl
ł fdans deskis the strongest/fastest/most
modem in
the ofńce
; Which is the most exciting/mostle]ańn8/most useful

. That'sthe besi/stlongest/wolstnewspap€ r i know

- which tlain is the most modem/fastest/softesti
! ln summer, Biarritz is the most useful/most expensive/
nost attnctive place on the coast
; in many coutries, the bus is the cheapest/most useful/
strongestkind of transport

Grammar superlatives
d ildte the suDerlative form ofthe adiectives
: cheap lbe chlelprst
I long
; shoń
I modern
i old-fashioned
a hot Pronunciation lwl lvl lbl lpl
3 high 6 Complete the phrases wlth w, v, b, or p
9 low 1 a łoit]€ of qlne
2 a late of eans
l0 expensive
3 a iece of a er
4 a onderful rew
5 a hite athroom ash asin
6 we ha € ink, white, or ]ack she] es
7 Check the audio script on >)p 94
8 11D.1>risten and repeat

Unit 11Skills Practice

Read and un.lelstąnd traveItips

Readabouttlave]]ingin ]ndia MatĆhthe headingswith the Para8raPhs

[t Read ;r .:ala ogL!e

4 rr'\rrite
these words in your languag.

Peope cloth€ s AccornrnodationTransport Food Us€ youl dictionaI}r'
2 Match the highlighted lvolds with the deńnitions
1 not cheapbut not too expensive ;l
2 the money you can spend on your holiday
3 a plant we use to make clothes
4 to keepyou safe @
5 a kmd of meat
6 befor€ the date you want to tIave]
3 check the information Write true orldhe
1 It,s difńcult to buy food \^rhenyou trave] by tlain ldke
z In India you n€ e d to dlive on the ]€ f t
3 TLc r. !rp . ^ w^,r r lr L.<fFl< in r n.li2
4 It,sa 8oodidea to w€ a r nylon c]othes
5 Ther€ s excel]entvegetarianfood in ]ndia
6 Peop]eln th€ north often eat with their hands'
7 Itt safeto drink all krnds of water
8 lnglish is the marn languagein India
5 Look at the rnformation and

Visit... The questionis: do you have a big budgetor a smaubldget? BIKE

i arlril By ai. Ilishh are availablebetlveeDthe major cities in hdja
By tlain: trains arc the moŚt popr]]a.transpolt for ]onBdist@ces
Tneyle cheaPblt aLwaysvery b!sy' Buy you.tic]€t four oI five
days]! advance Don t woEy abolt rood peÓpie selLiood at

By tB: cheap bdt alwayśdowded

By brycle cheap and healthy, but don t forget tnar h L1dla BIKE
Peopie d.iv€ on the left|
You ce find evelyLnrn8 from ńve sta| hoEls in the bjg citjes and
touris! attractions to smaU family{un hotels at reasonable prices
Yolth hostels are aLsocheap,cLea, dd hFndly.ln smakr
towns, it\ a good rdea to see Lhe rcom belore yo! decide m !touNTAIN
3 > wei ght 1 6 k g

cottoo ls gÓod fo| the hlgh temp€ratu.€s' but nylon Ćan be very
> a l um i ni umf r a m e
lncomfortabLelfyoure visiring the moutains jl the norrb, take
wrm clotbes Renember: L\e hL8ler you travel, tle cooler e
temPelatlre at ni8ht. lor your reet' take sanda]śfor the notter
areas and Lhe Ćoaśr,and boots for the mountains A hat or cap
to protect your head is also a good rdea
Which bik€ has
spacefor bagsT
Indian cooldDg js one of the wonders of the wolldl h dre south,
there are del'c'ous veg€tarnn disheŚ wjth rice or potatoes Which is the
Remembef that people in Lhe solth often eat with their hods
You nnd meat dishes nore o|te! iD the nort]r DoD't fo1€et the 3 Which is the lightestT
Lamb dNhes ed co]d yogurt drhkl one other jmPÓrtant thhg:
i! is safestto dink botded water
most gears?
\r'r'hichon€ inc]udes
Everyone outside ofthe big cities is fńendly ify@ tly to
a pump in the price?
coDmunicate with lhem LaĘlage can be a problem there are
17 mdn langlages but you can lsualy nid someone who Which on€ do

Listen lDx dEtail. write aboutyourhome
],:]tchthe wolds and pictur€ s Use your dictionaly if 12 Completethe text with thesephrases
; lot of noise fromthe livingroom
l .m 1p <hń"( *ic+.:]+.f+lili*

We ]ive in a flat ln r a qull! pqrt ofton|n ].t's

live minutes walk from the park and ten minutes
Thereisnt much traffic,
and thel€ aren'ttoo many nei8hbouls,so thele isnt
r We live on the fourth floor,
and \4recan seethe nver I
at the otherend ihe bigBestoom
orreof th€ Wa 5 opposjte
ihe TV
My favourte room is the living room ttt
! in the flat and it s \"rhere\re
sDendmost ofour time. There'sa comfortablesofa on
and the bookshelves
At one end theres a dining table and chairc,and
:l ! ! kitchen
tl ! tr a g1a9Śdoorthat openson to
th€ ba]conyTheret a coffe€ tab]ein the middle' and
.f pi1lołvs
' , Iisten to a man talkin8 abouta plobl€ m ,\FrFare.o.sor pnotograph. or 3
]:r / th€ \^rolds you hear ln exercise6 overoołi|8 d. .hepl.o.oglapl s al o tFm..rbF.'-g- .
;ten again and choosethe best answer peopleand places
The angry man is in 13 łVriteaboutyouI hom€ lilst, descdbethe locationofyour
b a hotel c an apanmenr home' and second your favoulit€ room
rhe man says he has I live
b flv€
Th€ reason fol the plob]em is:
a the man b the telephone c the receptionist
l.:atchthe objectsand ihe problems
I ftiaee a there arent enough
b there isnt any
My favalr& lqplj E-
I toilet paper
I heatins d it's dirty
I towets
: ::tenagain and comp]eteth€ sentences
: My fami]y and I ale in apańment number six, and
t4 check your w ting for mrstakes Show your rvdting to
anotherstudentand read his or hers Horarcan you make
: ]ust a moment Pleas€ cou1dyou youls b€ t tel?
slov y?
Now, could you just give
at the apaItm€ntl
And what'sthe apartment?
:1eck the audio scdpt on )>lr 94

p 86
Now try the selfcheck on >>
How to make an appointment

Vocabularl siBns VocabularV times of the day

Ą !
1 Complete the cross\a/ord 3 look at Immas diarv. Ans ier the questions $rith these

tomoflow night mid-morningtomorrow
ńrst thin8tomorrowmorning earlytomorrowevening
latetomorrowmorning ńiffi€fioffow
the day aftertomorow


I When does Emmas Lar po to Lhe mecnamcT

Mid afterfiaontafia aw
2 When doesthe cleanin8lady amve?

3 When is h€I appointm€nt $7ith the doĆiol7

4 When is hel apPointment ,ith the bank manag€r?

5 When does she go shoppmgT

6 W l ^ en 5 } P r a DDo i ] ^ | nP n' W I I h r he ha l r o rP śq e l)

Complete the sentenceswith words from exercise 1

7 When does she Bo to the theatte)
1 If I dont know the price,I ask the shorkeerel
2 If I need an eye iest, I go to the
Ptonunciation intonation to ask
3 When I need some extra money, I talk to the
and confirm
4 uA.l> Listen and ł\,IiteA (ask)or c (confum)
4 If I Bet toothache, I go to see the
I E Ine dentists 6 !Nne{hińV
5 When my doB isnt well, I take him to seethe 2 ń Ine dentists z ! ,qnt.ou'luL.,
r L r ur Indav rorrrnq E L_tAn houl later
6 When my har's too long t vlsrt the 4 L l Or lrdav rrornnp 9 L-.1lor coflee
7 r the car doesnt \a/o& I mak€ an appointment 5 L l r\'ne rh -y lO L-.1lor coflee
with the 5 Checkthe audio script on >)p.94
l- rry 5or has d p'ob]ema' s.hoo]'I .J.r.lo hlś 6 listen again and copy the pronunciation

How to say how you feel

vocabulary the body 3 Match th€ suggestions

A t Etr! oont a aday aff
: Complete the instructions. 2 !D stay b 8€ + dp

E d go out

f in bed
g go to work
4 complete the Ćonvelsation with th€s€ worus
headache don't fine housework much dcne rłf€]ct
A Hellol What's r w/ong with youT
B I'vegot a stomach, I think I ate too
tast n€ht
E A Hmm Vfhy 4 you take some medicine?
B I dont iike medrcinel
A Yes,but thrs is very goodt lbke it 5 a glass
of water . - Is that better?
B Hey yesll feel6 nowl
A That'sgleat|You can get up and do th€ 7
B Oh nol Tthink I'm getting a 3

Pronunciation short and long vowels

Put your two hq4d.L on your hccd C
Put yor.uńght h onyoul st 5 Say these words atoud and write them in the correct box
yourlefth on your b hit łeaft cat hand arm back car 5tan
Put your h between your I half park
, and your
Ę on your f
Put your right f on your h , and your
left a round your n
Put your two h on your b
Put your two f round your n _ and
your h on your st
- and count to lool
Ę s+'y friend pain head they
game weather eight
p vocabulał phrases to say how you feel

I Uatch the problems kg tta!

: E!tr I feel a rt's a headache
2! I dontfeel b back palns
j E! r think c ffiłe
: D! lve got d well
e rca]ly ill
f a stomach ache
g awtut Ch€ L k vo LJ a1sw els in yo ur o ictio natV P I dcI i\Fś ay in8
h it's flu

How to talk about future arrangements
G present continuous futule P sentencestIessin questionŚ

G'....' Plesent continuous futule 3 lvan and Madna are on holiday in Bali Complete the
1 Y./nt€ the velbs m the continuous folm
Activities Prcgrdmme
1 rlo doing 6 play
7 put
8 come G o s hÓP P l nt i n U bud' r he a r l i s ś . v i | a 8 e
Drive to Lake Barul
9 take
10 h€ ] p
Have lunch a! Singaraia
2 completethe conversationswith the .orrectform of be Vs i r r he wa l er r em pl e a r B edl gul
+ a verb from exerclseI
B ul gi r r s a ! l he m a f k er i n Denpa s a r
satomi so What r 4ą yo[ 49!Ig this H a v e di nne. r r K r m B ea c h
warch dance Perfo.mance aŁ sanu.
weekend, Iimi
]im oh, ]otsof things]My we€ k end sialts early
. )l at. h drensołL'
1 on Monday, they dre going sbpppjL in Ub.ud
2 After that, they to lake Batur
s oh yeah?
3 on Tr€ s da]. they at Singarata
J Yeah,it's my nleces birthday,and I promised
I would go But rI' dinner for
at Bedugul
friends this evening,so I have to go to the
q l r . n r l ! + F , \^ r|+ a h ^r,+ v^ rr, 5 On r rednesday, they
6 In the evenm8 ihey at Kuta Beach
s Me) oh,4I' away for the ,7 At night, th€y
weekend V{e rvant to visit Wales 5vr'e
th€ six o,clocktlainto Cardiff
] Rea]]y)I hoPe you hav€ a goodtime] Pronunciation sentence stress in
4 l2c.1>List€ n and copy th€ stless
t What are you doing next week?
Mark Are you busy tomorrow,Ana? where are you going?
Ana !r, yeah 6l' tennis who are you meetingT
mid-moming,and then in the aftemoonmy what are you eatingT
to stay for a fe I 2 ł\'/hen are you going on holiday7
days What arc you doing? Where are you staying?
1/hat are you doing?
M 3We' a party on Saturday
1/ho are you taking?
nlght' and wanied to łnow if you'd]iketo
And you? An,WeIthe qu€ s tions in € x eIcise 4
A GreatlIA bve tol Do you need any helpT
M Yr'€[' ,w€,
fumture in anotherroom so thete'senougn
spac€ to danĆerojrue'
everythingmid afteinoon,so ifyou can come
aboutthat time' that Wou]db€ gleat You can
b ng your fiiendtool
A OK Why dont you give me the address?

How to talk about intentions

Grammar going to lol f\ture intentions 3 Wdte complete sentencesfor the notes Use going ta
Ą or present connnuous
1 complet€ the questionsand answels using 9oln9 to 1 sie's qainLta phane Helen
7 what ,7revau ąaing ta be (be)łVhenyou grow uP? 2 She'smeetinalahn at the airroft on Fridav
(not/be) a doctor 3
(be) a footballerl 4
(go) on holiday?
(visit) th€ nolth of Gelmany
Wp ( r o t/s t.) l i r l f e s o Lt n
(do)with the carT
He vocabulary lifestyle
(not/dnnk) B
4 M atch I Sw itha h
4 What (study)at university?
1 E quit W€€nT
I (think) about it for a while 2 E get b
(not/ deĆide)
unti] next year 3 tr do a cvm
Read Cathy s notes Wnte I for intention, or A for a tr lose $notoft8
arrangement ńt
6 tr play t
i i
j"t 8
8 E tuink h healthy food

I Ptonunciation understandfast speech

MLe+ dah^ a+ +,'L aiĘo.+, Fri 1 P |\,| C
12D.1)Ilsten and wrrte. (fast)or N (nolmal)
1 E she do€sn1 ,ant to go
ąa s,'aę?i^ą hiĄn uu ,aM,ńda\ N).f'i^ą [Fl Śhp aópcn'r M,'nr ró on
'? fl Hp'c o^'no +. (rnn cm.Lino

+aLLĆhiacL^+a de^+isłtor ĄĄeir aępoi*ł/u.eńs:1 a ! H€ , s coincto stopsmokinc

Ę fl I +"l""-" "".|-r^,l"-
6 ! I want to ]eav€ early today'
5 h.Ave?aru^+s, a+ s.}'aa|Fd Ą3a 7 E ]hey al€ n t 8oin8to ]lstento you|
8 E They ar€ n t going to ]lstento you|
ho.Ł i^ +he ą^fde,^ Checkthe audio scnpt on >>p94 Practisesaying the fast

ąo +o Pau|a,sAŁdli^ą
- S^+ | 3a a.M.

Sił Joatt anJ cz|ał/

Unit 12Skills Practice

Listenfor detail
l 12s.t>List€ n to foul peoP]€ makin8 aPpointments
Complete the table


Match the questionswith th€ conversatlong

a ! \rvhenłvou1dyou lik€ the appointment?
b ! That s Fridala isn t it?
c E Did you say Tuesda).7
d ! What's th€ prob]em?
e ! xlev€ n o,clock?
f ! Is that the bank?
g ! Did you say sev€ n o'Ć]ockl
h ! 'ftvelv€ o'clock on Monday?
listen to the irsi conversaibnagain put the words in

manager speal the to p1easeto appointm€ n t
2 One momentplease OK,
\ĄIhjch WeIe day thinLing you of ,Ót /ahĆĄ aĄ .!
.ć a/L(ę.s . ahJ
3 som€ time żĄ.
tte r.treekend befoE
4 Right' ihank you Mr BIun€I That,s next

eleven Thulsday in at molnlng th€

+a $|'
4 check ihe audio scńpt on )>p94 ęł.fuLilbL. ĄÓL\.L ąaiY
L^aos. ĄrL. xa+|,..'s P.L.eń an
sL. ąau a+ +^LPlań s+ , | .
Rearlfordetail |,Ąa^JA41
+^LshaPPiną.L^+.L a+ | 3a
5 Read the notes and complete Mark's diary

Chester Amateur
f6 u,"a^y )7 tu"ra^y 2B Football Club
9 /2 Morrintt Morrin?
t 2 00 NEXT MATCH:
n/?h/" 3 30 a.3o
Read adverts write a letter
Wdte these \^rordsin th€ advelts 9 Read th€ wedding invitation Complet€ Maikas Iep]y
garage hairdresrer'soptician's ruperr.afket \,\,ithth€s€ words
company happy 1irttatieF
trE show \,!onderful

Gatewavs wavesn curls

'\\r / N
\\rcl(ornc Lo)our l(xral r,,J., sp." ., .,,,1D...,Jr.,.1.,
.. l;1. r.
"lJ '."
.-"" r. LL.;.*JJ;,,g
:cok lor the pricesn red ." s,,r-J". J"l\
This week,Ś śpccia| offer| "s "..7
FRESHFOOD AT onc lrREE Ćhild's haltĆut
"r,,. "tL.[
FABULOUSPRICES. tor evory adulr cusromer at Sr ,\{ a, vl ClLr . L
arderbyphone oronthe nrerner
B|] l lplbinn)1.r)i ł,r]u L"",",,
o penl,lon - S at 9
a m 9pm. o*1;,f
Sunda ys
11am. 5pm
",,1,,h,,",.d, LA"w"t,",,,,
E tut.
\r u r s a l 9 . rn 6 p nr a,tu,]
Tel 689 rfl 9

fr I
Insight "ąĄ,I ,aa \e.y aj |h lar inr ]la1,o ą |a ! a ^
:llsoNs Ń.ddL|14, I Ńą! very f

ta30 tÓ thŁ v]eddiv,

lfyou cant readthese ./ We repairall kindsof ca.. 5,JąthAfuerL.ą:farą v']eŁk,ąnd I reąIlycąit

adverts,we can helpll /Fast and reliableserylce. La! 'Ąąybe YaĄ .ąL 6
ue thŁ Ńeddih! Phat1lraPfuŃhewI .ahe bą.K.
ofgloŚes FR EE O L CH ANGE I hÓPe yln ha|e ą 1
contocl len'es day!
Ihe best !e/eĆl'o.i' town
fron anly t]a AN APPONTI\4ENT.
Come ond see usr
Calllor an appointment
O pe n on-Fri 9.30-5. 30 Te . 685 7791
45 S ou t h S t . 10 lmagine you get ihis lnvitaiion to a party,bur you canr
(opporirerhe post orfice) 8o. V/ńte youl own ]ett€r'

Pleąse come to Satomi's llitńday pany.

rnswer the questions P]ace. ?5 Fafń+a| ęoal
: \Ą/hiĆhplacecloseson Wednesdays? b D arc: F.ila4 L7+ s/.p+-Ł|rb?'.
] Which two placeshav€ specia]offers? Tim€ : |0P ft
: \Ą/hattime do€ s the oPticians c]ose? Briflg ą óot.le!

- WhiĆh place has its own ł\'ebsite) Dear Satomi,

; \4/hatdo I get f I make an
appointment at the garageT
. Where can I orderby phonei
- How much do rcading glassescost?
: Which p]aceis near€ s t to th€ cmema?
:1d€ I lne three wolds you dont know Guesstheil
:.eanings,and check in your dictionary u Checkyour wnting for mrstakes

Now trythe selfcheckon >>

p 87

3 WIite th€ numbels How confident are youl
I 1\ eleven 519 I can understand
23 ! some 'ords
776 ! with help
48 872 ! vrh€n ] ]isten aBain
E everything
Orderthe words to make sentences and questions
] nlmF nń'rr 'h rt < Wdting
2 ji m@ t e l e ]me u Ł a d d l e s s h i s js €ma Do this wTiting exerĆisea8ain
Workbook>>p 9 exercise11
3 for thanks coJfee the How conńdent are youl
] can wńte
4 lt 5p€ ] ] you how do
! \ rith help
5 ph on e my is number
! łVithsomemistakes
! with no mistakes
What are you going to do nowl
a Nothing I'm happy.
5 Wlite the l€ t iels with the same soundln the corr€ c t box b Ask my teacherfor help
+vi kbnfd Ć Pnctise my leading/ ]istening/
wn ng
' It
Student'sBook >>pp 6-14
Workbook )>pp I 9
MultiRom listening section
s.łVw ouP'com/elt/result
Check your answerson >)p.88.
What aI€ you 8oin8 to do now?
a Nothing I'm happy.
b Revrsegrammar/vocabulary/pronunciation and try again
c Ask anotherstudent/my teach€ l fol he]p
To revise go to ..
student,sBook Revi€ ! \I >>p 15 Grammal Bank >>p 136
lr'Jorkbook)) pp 4 7

76 selfchecks
R€ a d this text again
Workbook >)p 14 exercise 8
How conńdentare you7
I can understand .
! somewords
E with help
! when I read again
! everythjng

Workbook>>p14 audio script 2S.1>
Wolkbook >>pq audio scdpt 2S.2>

,'ocabulary How confident are you?

; comp]eteth€ sent€ n ces Wlth thesewords ! some r,^.ords

nrafried rich o d single young divorced E wlth help
1 Th€f daught€r is vely she,s thre€ ! when I tisten again
E ev€rything
2 My brotheris His wife's name is lleanor
3 David is He has a big apartment in New York
m)n P p'\ \pvpr V ńve
-e '' rot he"Luśb;hd.oW ']hey ale Do this wdting exerciseagain
6 My sistel,s,5 and she,snot mari€ d , she,s Wo*book >>p15 exercise13

ł Comp]etethe phlases\"riththe cofect wold How confident are you?

I can \Ą'rlte
h past t€ n
! with help
past € 1 even
! on my own
I 55o t tosix ! \ĄIlthsome mistakes
4 6 4a t to seven ! \ 'ith no mistakes
5 12ooam ale you Boing to do now?
a Nothing I'm happy
:!onunciation h a<L mw rp a. hp r f. r \plr
. Pr:. rr(P mw rPrarro / lrcrp r .J
; Saythe wolds a]oud Underlinethe stl€ s sed sy]]able
Exampte I\ner\ty
1thiy 5 nineteen To practisego to .-.
2 ffty 6 seventeen Student'sBook >)ppr6 ,4
3 sixteen vr'orkbook )>pp r4-r5
7 forty
4 ninety 8 fourteen MultiRom ristening sectlon
],!'wwoup com/elt/Ęsult
:heck your answer on )) p.88.
, nat are you gomg to do now?
a Nothing I m happy.
! Revis€ glammal/vocabulary/plonunciationand try again
. Ask anoth€ I student/ my teachelfol h€ l p
l. revise Bo to ...
:.ldentkBook Revrew> p r5 Grammar Banl >>p 137
.ikbook >>pplo-r3 \

:l very r rell too.I also speal(6

Completethe sentences
1 The ]an8uag€ and natrona]ity
na of the peop]efiom ]blkey is
2 The of Rrl
ofRussia is Moscow E somewords
3 The nationa]ity of th€ peop]efrom chrna is ! with help
4 The D when I listen again
of Germany is the euro
! €velythinB
5 Washin8ion is the captal of USA.
4 Conect the spelling mistates Writint
1 I speakPofiugese
2 I speakFranceand a little German Do this writin8 ex€ I cise again
3 I'm Brasilian and I live in Sao Paulo Wo*book >)p 2l € x elcise 12
4 The nationality of the people from peru is peruian How conńdent are youl
s Berlin is the capitel of cermany. I can write
D with help
Pronunciation !
5 Read the texts aloud Put th€ undei]ined u.olds in the cofiect box
! wiih som€ mistakes
A |xcuse me, whele aI€ ihe toi]ets,please? What are you goin8 to do nowl
B Theyle overthere near platform12 a Nothing I'm happy.
A Excus€ me' \łrhele'sthe p!b, p]ease7 b Ask my teacher for help
B It s upstairs,near the chemistk c Plactis€ my r€ a ding/listening/
A Ixcuse me, where are the taxis,please?
B Taxis?They'rcnear the lailńeld streetexit To practisego to ..
student'sBook >>pp 26 34
A Excuseme, is this the train to London?
Workbook >>pp 20-21
B Sorry Tdont know
MuttiRom listening section
wwwoup com/elt/result
check your answeis on >>p.88
What ale you going to do nowł
a Nothing I m happy.
b Revis€ glammal/vocabu]ary/plonunciationand try agam
c Ask anotherstudent/my teacherfor help
To revise Bo to ...
Student'sBook Review >>p35 crammar Bank >>p.r38
1 lo*book >>pp 16-19 w.ww.oup com/elt/result

78 Selfchecks

How conńdent ale youl
I cal1undertand

! with help
D when I read again
tr everlthing

listen to this audlo agan
Wotkbook)>p 26 audio scdpt 4S.1>
are youT

! some rords
E with help
E whenI iistena8ain
! everlthing

Do this lt'riting exelcis€ again
2 workbook )>p 27 exercise 10
How conńdent are you?
] can writ€
6 ! with help
! on my o\arn
Tl wi+lr cómp micr]}4c
Pronunciation ! with no mistakes
5 Say these words aloud and wdte them in the correct box What are you going to do now?
{!. łeave sit frrth eat lree bea.h chip th rg rpe a Nothing t'm happy.
]. mv rp9.hpr fĄr Ipln
c Pmctisemy reading/listenrng/
wn ng
To piactise go to...
Student'sBook >>pp36-44
workbook >)pp 16 27
MultiRom listenin g section
Check your answers on >>p 88.
lĄJhatale you 8oin8 to do nowl
a Nothing I'm happy.
b Revisegrammar/vocabulary/pronuncratlonand try again
c Ask anotherstudent/my teacherfor help
To revise Bo to ...
Student,sBook R€ v iełV >>p 45 GIammaI Bank >>p 139
lvorkbook )>pp2r-r5

setfchecks 79

3 Matchl5witha e
1 [ oo you know my gillfii€nd Kate? is Richard
2 ! My names Al ltt o name again?
3 ! steven, thls you r€ m ember me? writing
4 ! Sory, what s your d come and meet h€ r Do this w tlng exerciseagain.
s ! Hi walter Do
Wo*book >>p 33 exercise 11
4 older the łVoldsto make sentenc€ s and questions
How confid€n,t ale you?
1 has 5mal1 eyes 8I€ y sh€
I can wlit€
2 Edc got cat bLg black has a
3 an car old red he drives E $rith help
4 blonde woman know you the ta]] do ? ! on my own
5 got hair dark lrank has long. ! with some mistakes
! vdth no mistak€ s
Pronunciation What are you going to do nol,v?
a Nothing I'm happy
5 Wdte th€ wolds in th€ cofect box
h AqL mw tp2.lrar f^r haln
complqte wnte evening h€ noie phone use c Practisemy rcadrng/listening/
P|ac€ śtudentWlne \ĄIIiting

Studeni'sBook >)pp 46-54

Workbook>>pp 32 33
MultiRom ristening section
check your answerson )) p.89.^esult
What are you going to do nowT
a Nothing I'm happ].
b Reviregrammar/vocabulary/pronunciation and try again
Ć Ask anotheIstud€ n t/my teachelfor h€ l p
To rcvise go to
Student'sBook Revrew>>p 55 crammar Bank >>p 14o
Wo*book >>pp 28 31 www€ s ult

80 setfĆhecks
Readihls text aBain
Iris Have you got lany/much? wolkbook >>p38 € x elclse 2
Sue Ye!
How conńdent ale youł
Iris 1\^' |. This is your milŁ is that oK7
l can understand
IS ! with h€]p
D when 1r€ a d again

Iisten to this audio aBain
Workbook)>p39 audlo ,cript 65.1>
How conńdent ale you7
I can understand
E some words
E with help
! when I listen again
! everlthing
3 Complete these sentenceswith the correct word writing
1 For b- a Iot of peoplego to th€ bals to dńnk onnge juice or coffee Do this rriting exercise again
with milk, al1deat smalt cakes. workbook >>p39 exercis€ 10
I |heydonL d nkruchI .aroil^eyneveror;^m.
3 DontgoforL befolet 70ot]ock- you can't g€ t of ihe How conf,dent arc you?
day' before that I can wdte
4 Th€ ńrst c is soup,są]ador vegetab]es ! \Ą,ithhe]p
5 The evening m is at nin€ or ten o,c]ock ! on my own
4 Correctth€ spellingmistakes \arithno mistakes
1 Are theie any potatosin a Russiansalad?
2 Ar€ thele any carots? What are you going to do now?
3 I would like a cheese sandwiche a Nothlng I'm happy.
4 W€ need appelsand bananas b Ask my teacherfor help
5 Would you ]lke a biscit \Ą,ithyour coffee7 c Practisemy reading/listenrng/
Pronunciation To practisego to...
5 Underline the /5isound Studentk Book >>pp56 64
Workbook>>pp 38-39
yogllt potato superma*et tomato salad suBar MultiRom list€ n ing section
check your answerson )) p.89. www'oup.(om/elt/result

What are you going to do now?

a Nothing I'm happy.
b Revisegnmmar/vocabulary/pronunciationand try agarn
c Ask anothel student/my teacherfol h€ l p
To revise Bo to ..
Studentt Book Review >)p 65 Grammar Bank >>p r41
Workbook>)pp34-37 www

selfchecks 8l

6 I want to the guitar Do this writing exercise again.

4 Completethe sentenceswith these roros. Wotkbook )>p.45 exercise 10
windy wet snowy icy dry cloudy How confident are you?
1 The weath€ I ls vely hot and My flowels need watel' ] can wńte
2 ]t'svery today- perfectfor sk ngl ! with help
3 Be careftil ifyou go roller-skating. The roads are very ! on my 01m
4 lt's very in England it lains a the time E with some mistakes
5 tt's not a goodday for Bolfbecauseit's very ! with no mistakes
6 voL ca.'t 9eet}e Śur tooaybe(aucPlt s vely
What are you going to do now?
a Nothing I'm happy.
Pronunciation b Ask my teach€ I for he]p
5 Undel]inethe stlessedsyllablem eaĆhwoId c Plactisemy reading/listening/
averaBe photoBraph
gard€ n ing typica] Student'sBook >>pp 66 74
Prano newsPaper Woikbook >>pp 44-45
MultiRom List€ n ing section
check your answe$ on >>p.89. Www'ouPcom/ettłesult
What are you goinB to do nowT
a Nothing I m happy.
b Revisegnmmar/vocabulary/pronuncrationand rry again
c Ask anoth€ I student/ my teachelfol help
To r€ v ise Bo to '''
Student'sBook Revie\r >>p.75 crammar Bank >)p 142
l'orkbook )) pp 40 43 łvwwouP com/elt/rcsult

82 Selfchecks
Readthes€ texts again
Woikbook >>p 50 exelcis€ 1
Workbook >>p 51exercise 7
How conńdent are youl
I can understand
! some \ rords
! vrith help
Tl , ^rhP. l rFra aorin

E everything

audro agam
>)p50 audio script 8S,1>

3 Match 1-5 łvith a.e
1 E I'm łveaIingsanda]s, a a suit and tie
2 E We re going to a redding b or a skirt
3 D At work I \,vear c a warm coat and a hat.
4 ! ] cou]dweal a dless d so don'tweal tlain€ r Ś Writing
5 E Tt'svery cold Wear e not boots
Do this writing exerciseagain
4 comPlet€ the sentenc€s with th€s€ words workbook >>p 51exelĆise11
to on for to about
How conńdent are you?
1 JohJl'slistening the radio I can łvdte
2 We need to think the grammar.
3 can you Śit that chail? ! with hetp
4l'mgoing a vralk ! on my own
Tl uiith (^mp m,<t.L'p(
5 Wete going the gym this afternoon
! with no mistakes
What are you going to do now?
a Nothing Im halpy.
5 Put thesewords in the corect box b Ask my teacherfor h.]p
beałd bird shott shłt fu| Wa|k Wo|k four c Practis€ my Ieading/Listenirg/
To practisego to . .
siudent'sBook )) pp76 84
Workbook> pp5o sl
MultŃom List€ n ing sectton
wwwoup com/ett/result
Check youl answers on )) p.89.
'lvhat are you goinB to do nowl
a Nothing I'm happy.
b Revisegrammar/vocabr ary/pronuncratronand try again
c AsL anotherstudent/my teacherfor help
To revise go to ...
student,sBook Revl€ \ ĄI>>p 85 Glammar Bank > p 143
,vorkbook>>pp46 49

Selfchecks 83


3 walkL the road
4 Go out o the door and into the strcet
Ę T ]r Fn ń (| n . t '. |. I t Ą t r F Ę Ls e Lm

4 Underline the correct łvolds

A ]^tat was th€ weath€ I ]ike?
walm and 1sunny/cl€ a n
B P€ I fect It \^'/as Do thrs Wńting exelcise again
A iNhere did you stayT A hotel? l,/Vorkbook>>p 57 exercise 13
B Yeah, a sma1]hot€ t Nice and 2quiet/nolsil l^ritha beautifu] gad€ n and a
3love]y/boling view ofthe beaĆh and the countryside How conńdent are you?
A Was the beach nic€ ? ] can Wńte
B Yeah, ade]icious/b€ a utifu], yeah And rt wasnl 5clowded/dry' ! with heip
E on my own
Tl u7'th (^h. ńre|rl.Pc
Ptonunciation with no mistakes
5 Put the words in the corect box What are you going to do now?
a'|€ d c|osed ended ooked knocked started stopped waited a Nothing I'm happy
b Ask my teacher for help
c Practisemy reading/ltstening/

student'sBook >>pp 86-94

łvorkbook >>pp 56 57
MuttiRom listening section
Checkyour answers on >>p.89. www'
What are you going to do nowl
a Nothing I m happy.
b R€ v ise glammal/vocabulary/pronunciationand try a8ain
c Ask anotherstudent/my teacherfor help
To revise go to .
Student'sBook Review >>p 95 Grammar Bank >>p 144
Woikbook >>pp 5r-55 wwwoup com/elt/result

84 selfchecks

Read these texts again

: Did Workbook)>p.62exercise1
2 Wołkbook >>p'63 exeIcise 8
4 How conńdent ale you)
] can und€ I stand
! somewords
illlte past
E l\.ith help
! when 1 read again
! everylhmg

I and studiedcerman
2 and went to university. Writing
3 and had a Ćhild
4 Do this rriting exercise again
and wo*€ d in many countńes
5 and got a job in a hospital WoIkbook>>P 63 exercis€ 14
HoW conńdent ale you7
1800 I cal1 write
1919 7999 ! ,ith help
1984 zArf !
! r/vithsome mistakes
2008 1933
tr v/ith no mistakes
Pronunciation What a1eyou going to do now?
a Nothing t'm happy
Do the undellined lettels make a /V oI a u / soundi \łńte the \,\,ordsin th€ b Asł my teacherfor he1p
c Practisemy r€ a ding/]istening/
1i€ v € facts hi! p|a!ś studies was this quiz \Ą'Iiting
To pnctise Bo to ...
student'sBook >>pp96 1o4
lzl Workbook> pp6, 63
MultiRom listening s€ c tion
:heck youl answerson >)p.89. wvrw.oup'com/eltłesult
,lhat are you going to do now?
a Nothing Im happy
b Reviseglammar/vocabulary/pronunciationand try again
c Ask anothel stud€ n t/my teachelfor helP
lo revise go to ...
:iudent'sBook Revi€ \ ^r)>p 1o5 Grammar Bank >>p 145
'volkbook )>pp'58 61 wł'w.oup'com/elt/Iesult

Selfchecks 85
3 Mat ch15w i t ha- €
1 D You stay for the night and oniy have bl€akfast
2 E You have a flat and you cook and clean
3 ! You sleepoutside
4 !Acampsitelsaplace
5 ! The ńve.stal hote]has
h ] n : ś p l f . : tF r ńo ln a rt m ph +
Do this witing exerciseagain.
c Whele peop]eput thef t€ n ts
Workbook >>p 69 exercise 13
d a ba! pool,and restaurants
e in a bed and breakfast How conńdent ale you?
I can \,vdte
4 comP]etethe s€ n tences u.ith thesewolds
ift washbas ! r'./ithh€lp
n handmade antique shelf
! on my 01,n
1 Ine e da
! with some mistakes
2 Ther€ is a smal] in the bathlooln ! With no mistak€ s
3 This tab]e i5 t\,vohundl€ d years o]d
4 The chairc \'vere by my father He loved making things What are you going to do now?
5 Y/e have to wa]k up the stairsbecauseth€ is broken a Nothmg I m happy.
b Ask my teacher for help
c Prachsemy reading/listening/
Pronunciation wriirnS
5 Und€ r lin€ the stressed5y11abl€in eachword
attractive fantastic fiiendly student'sBook >>pp 106 114
comfortable beautlful modem Workbook)>pp 68-69
delicious uCly MuliiRom listening section
www oup com/elt/result
check youl ansłv€ I s on >>p 90
What are you going to do nowT
a Nothrng I'm happy.
b Rcvisegrammar/vocabulary/pronunciation and try again
c Ask anoth€ l student/ my teachelfol help
To revEe go to
student'sBook R€ v jełv )>p1l5 GrammarBank >>p146
1/orkbook)>pp64 67 www

86 selfchecks
Readthesetexts again
l workbook >>p74 ex€rclse 5
2I' Workbook>>p75 exercise6
4 How contrdent are youl
5 I can understand
! with help
! wh€ n 1 Ieadagain
oy Ó,Ćiock
playmg -!
u everFfing
4 Listenint
5 lEten to this audio again
Workbook)>p74 audio scnpt 12S1>
Voc How conń.lent ale you?
] can und€ I stand '
! som€ wolds
E with help
E when i listen again
E everything
Do this wdting exerciseagain
ł Unde ine the cofiect wolds
Workbook>>p75 exercise10
1 I dont fee]good/1v€ 1 1
2 I think I'm/it'sflu. How conńdent are youl
3 Im going to phonein ill/srck I can nrite -
4 He's goingto take/make a day off worl ! \arithhelp
5 Mary's not in ihe officebecauseshes on sick teave/holiday. ! on my own
! with som€ mistakes
; !onunciation ! with no mistakes
: Match th€ v/olds with the sounds' lĄ/hat are you 8oing to do now?
i E feel a Nothing I'm happy
a /.e./
2 Dfill b Ask my teach€ l frl he]p
b /e/
I trfun c Plactisemy Ieadjng/iisteĘi.g''
c t.ol
.1 Dhat wn1lng
d /or/
5 lheań e /e/ To pnctise go to ..
5 lnot f /i.:l student'sBook > ppr6 ua
I ! note ghl Wo*book >>pp74 75
3 lpain h/,{/ MultiRom Llsteningsectron
I lpen i tDl www'oup-com/elt/resutt

:::ck youl answ€$ on )) P.9o.

-:i are you going io do now?
\othing l'm happy
levise grammar/vocabutary/pronunciation and try again
ask anothel student/my t€ a cher for he]p
.eYisego to .
::]1it Book Revrew> p r25 crammar Bank >>p147
:lr.ook > ppto 73
Selfchecks 87
2 quarter

l ]n am e ! + L W e ] L L y l 1 H € d oes.'t wort a t weet en dq

2 T'rn 5 mdnight 2 Do you worL in a bankt
lis 3,/
r M\ '' ,
" 8- di- ,-d ""d b . . I - ' ..
5i Ś1Ś
5 5 l t h ir ty te€ t h
6 My f2 !!ty
llty 5 H€ ńni9hes wo* at five
7 numbers 3 srxteen 6 Does she work at weekendi
2l1 l1Ś
Ś : 4 49ly 21at
z: L a t
2 vo!
vo! 2aL
II whats
t i".t, ? n
) you r "
V ocąL. J . ńl

2 ihrF.3lusua lly 3 I usually

J seventeen 2 always
2 I nL / L r
nńeteen 4 ńiten
6 fiftv flve : :'"
7 s Ćvi nt ys i x :b: ,.śpear
--.. 4 1cancel]ed
8 twelve 2 oluel

Pronuncjation j a 5 1i:/ leave,eat,flee, beach,see
ł1' ]ive,sit'ńfth,ĆhiP'thing
1j;\ . Vocabulary
: '-:'':' unit 5
v,, ; :fi#i" Grammar
Unit2 ś;ł:.*" 'lr* *
Glammal 4 1 I speat Pońu8ueŚe 3 HBve
lch and a Ljttl€ German 4 havent
n and r live n seo raulo 5 have
t]ity Ófthe peoplefrom 2 1 tke
vian 2 dÓeŚnt
: .aPital of Germany. 3 hasnt
2 1 Their Pronuncratron
5 dÓeś
2 His 5 .. to ets'!]atform' chĆmiŚts,
] our taxiŚ' exit Vocabulary
4 yÓul . Pub'tlan 3 1 d
5 her 2e
6My 3 a
3lyou ngs '
2 mallńd 4 1 she has Śma]l grey eyeŚ
3 nch 2 Eric has got abigblack cat
4 otd 3 He drives an old red car
5 divorced 4 Do you know the taLtblonde
6 sngle womanl
5 Frank has got long darkhajr

88 self checksanswerkey
unit 9
2 GIammar
3 t1
4 2
5 3
6 4

t had

I did

I 1 left

Unit 8

Are there any potatoes in a Ru$ian

3 doesnt unde$tand 5 . aŚ].ed' dosed' ]ooked
2 Are there any .dtotś? knocked, stopped
) I wo!]d ]ike a cheeŚe sandwi.h endĆd' Śiańed, waLted
4 We need appl.s and bananas
5 Would you like a bisNit with your
2 1 Is the gi wearing blue Ieans? ttnillr10
2 Aie the 8iil s friends wearinB Śkirts?
] Are the mu$cians wća.jngjackets? l go
4 I,m not using a diĆtionary 2 Did
' Pgtaro s They aren't wearin8 their sandals
Vocabulaiy 4 gor
3le 5 didnt
suSg! 2d. l Whele was Pab]Ó Neiuda bom]
3a 2 What was his rcal name?
Unit 7 3 Whele dld he 8Ó iÓ liveż
5c 4 When didhe write his f,6t poem?
5 when dldhewmthe Nobel Prire foi
1 r My proŁ]emis I can'tŚwjm
3 What time do you have lun.h? Vocabulary
4 I enloy watching footbaLl on Tv I 1c
5 she Ćan swim vely quickly'
6 Tom can do it easily
'7 / 5 b:/ boad, shoń' wa]|' fou.
/3' bird, Śhirt' ful, wo* 5d
2 I shall

selfchecksanswerkey 89
3le 51f
2b 2B
4 1 sher 6i

5 lift



90 setf checksansweYkey
Audio scripts

ztt,f 5 Thes. d€ friendg who live jn

Ił E
E!m, is that with a t or a G? ]s jt on Tv1? No, it'Ś on Tv2 switzerlmd His name jŚ K]aus
B wth a G Gl' douŁle L' |A'N ts t on Monday morning? and he! name is Louise They
la.t A G I, double t, lA N And your No, it'Ś on Monday evąing den t mrie.l She's 22 year
A Hello, 8ood mo'njr8l What,Ś tu jt on Tresday molrug? old and a unjveEity student
No, fs on Monday mornjng He's about ]o, and het adÓĆtor
B HeUo, Bood monjngL My
B oh no, no lm not l,m Śing1e No, itl at tw€tve oaoct
A Nic. to meet you! My nahe s A Trc mote queśtionś.what's
B HeUo, Drewl Ni.e to meet youl B 976 )Ę 91a
No, it's at twenty paŚt eight t
A 9.?.6,!.4 ]'9' L8 And yÓur 3A,1
tE.t paspolt numbei Is t]xs tlre tlan to Mach€ste.f
E My pasport number tust a No' that tJań,Ś on platfo|h 4
384 6652 moment Ah yes: sA 5ÓÓ255 Exase me!Where are the
A sA- 5 double o, 2 double 5 2ś.1
499 7411
406 5339 Thank you very much 1 This is a rccorded message
DoĆtor Watson s ofńce is closed Theyte owl tha€, ned tne enŁ
at the moment The doctor whe.ds ue .aJć' please?
3 A Now, MI colljns, fou moiś is available on Tu€ s day.ńd Itt uPgtats' neł tlre musjc shop
queśtions, !l€$€. l^Ihatt Thursday ewnings, flom six E{use me, rŚ t}s fie c& Pat7
o clo.L to nine oclock That's No, it isnt lt's ova tnue, ńefu fi€
lresday and Thu.sday evenings
A colld you śP.ll that fol m6?
B S.E.A-N Ixcuse me, wnere are the .sh
A s E A No (Ęe ? 2 Hello soEy, bui we are now
! can you jBt ĘPeąt that? Theyte ned the boobhop
jiom Tr€sday to lliday' in the
A Your age How old are you?
mornings, between half past tE.l
A Thirty onĆ And your młiia] nn€ and haltpast two Thai's
lś.l 'Itl€sd2y to fuday' 9 ]o to 2 ]o
what,s your ńlst namei clajre
wnat's your rltame? A RrBht - mdrEd And 3 This js a recordedme ŚŚa8e
Eow do you sldl that? P-A-I-M- quesijon number four Thant you for caltng PLease
ER what,s youl Passpoń Ćall a8an i. shoP oPenjn8
włEre ale you from? canada times The shop is open every
lMhat's your address? 42 Ashford B I dont r€ńeńber You hav€ day Monday to Saturday, hjne
otlock to half past four in the :tc.t
A oh yes, youte right here it aJternoon Thank you
tś.l Ń!!!m' it's er R]22B168]RI,
1 A Good momrng, sr. You. 4 This ls BriŚtolsteet Pljmaly
doub1€ 2 7 ]{, 6.8 Thmk you school sorly, but the ŚĆhoo1iŚ
closed at the moment Please
rt Ćal]1atel The schoo] is oPen
A How do you speu you

B R A ,HA I.] O
z every datr,Monday to ftiday,
fiom 8 30 jn $e morning io
ita.t gd
A l - A ,HA ! "JOThankyou 4 3Ó jn the aftemoon That's Airls
ż{y]lab]ewords questDn' 8 ]o to 43Ó Thank you
Monday wedneŚdaJi anŚwei' ts.t
evenjng,lnglish, weekend, fa.2
1 Hi hy name,s !ńc I,m fiom A Excuse m€ Is tłrel€ a bB stoP
B No, thińy five lranĆe 1ń ż' yeais old, md
A And whele ale you Ęom7 3.syuablewords: aftemoon, I'm singtr l live with ńy B A bus siop? Yes, madm Ii s just
under]ine,uhbr€lla' saturday parents And my Iob? Well, lm
AH O, double 1, A N D Thank A can you show me on ńe maP?
you And your emaiLi Do you
HiŚ girfriend iŚ an Eh8liŚh B Yes, of ĆÓuBe A'' that's it there
have an email addrcssT 2 This is my girlfirend, Maria No,
B Yes,it's, er, mawara@ mt my wife - my Bnrriend l That,s ńght
belanda net Thaib M A I,
r1erpalents are designers she s 4, she s from Italy, and
A Tha.rt youvery much
W A R A at B II, ANDA Śhet a śhoPassistant
TheshoPaŚistant is sjxt€ e nyean ! These two are myfiEnds
B Yes?
B YeŚ' thatt ń8ht Dot net from university They'r€ a
A Dot net Ri8htlThMkyou, sn
My boytiend is a good actor ffiie.t c@ple Their Mmes
A I need some cash,and I can't
ńnd any Ćash machn€s
2 A Good eveningl Miss van de! fD.l ar€ AnnE and Paul They have
B oh WelL er' look' the ĆaŚh
no Ćhjldren He's an en8me€I'
madlineŚ ale thele, erm, A4
a comPutel en8jneer' and Śheh A oh I see A4 Thanksl
A This is hotel le.eption a schoo] teacheĘ a ldhary
speaking I'm sory, bui I B Yesl
can t rcad your Miting on 5 lt's twenty past four 4 This is lranlose She! 37 and
6 lt's about ńre otlocł, um, yes' A Icant see the map prcperlt
the form could I just check divolced she has twÓ and I don t have my Elases
'hebd!en: a young boy of six
with m. could you tell me
and a 8[] of sjxteen sh€
where the to ets de?
A Thankyou Could you tell me lich she,s an ofńce worker

Audio scripts 9l
B The toilets? Erm, thai s $em Monday ] drive to rłouand for a b A Eello renny! Do you A oh real]y' W€1L' I,ve 8ot m
contańer' and I tal.e' take that apple, but I dont like apples
A lighty eight? B E!m, sorry no,ldoni E Sol
B No, A 8' nea! the sup€Imarkei A And how loh8 B the trip) A oh Jennyl My namds Ricardol A Welł I want some crisps Can
A oh' sory! A8 Thank yÓu vely About a day, I ŚuPPose' yeah' B fucar.lo JuŚt a moment I give you my apple, and you
' a d ay o r 5o A n y w ay s o l h l n - tue you Ricky Maruin) 8ive me th€ cńsPs?
A Excuse me! ],m lÓotrn8 fol the Holland on Monday,then, e! I A Yes,that! ght!RiĆky B How many do you wantt
sLeepń Germany on Tuesday Marin, from s.hool A HÓw many? !rm' the bag of
B oh yeŚ Thafs' er' 42' a1the nj8hl you knÓq and then B oh yes, I remember you now.
other end of the shoppinB on Wednesday' er, I8o froń Long blon.l hai! blue eyes B Oh, O( Heie you are
.entre Near ihe totlets Germany to the nÓńh of ltaly, Youve sot short haji how,
A So when do you arirveln ttaly?
I l fl m l u c l y , I g e t th er e o n A Yes Oh, and $js is my wife,
Wednesday night, but it alt
depends, you tnoq the trafńĆ, 3 A Anna!Its lovelyto see you
A Do you know if there s a B NiĆe to meet you' llena! I ltt goo.l to see you too, tolu
. A Who s that woman over A WÓuld you lrke a cuP of
A Yeah,right. And afte!lia1y7
B !rm, juŚt a moment Lett have
t Weil usually l BouptoAustna,
a ]ook at the maP chemjŚt's oh B Yes, please, l.l love one
you łnm' Thatt qute neaĘ so
yeŚ' it is! A7 neń to the A over th€Ie' next io the A Do you take hi1k7
I can relax on Thubday, maybe
window The woman with
A Ę nei1 to tfu bookshoP Thaks| 8o ror a run u the evenmg long brown hat and gleen
A An, so you have, er' like a br€a}

B Ah, ihats sheiLa We work A There are some sandwjĆhes
t Yeal! usuatly Not always, you
together at the ofnce on the table. lutter or jam
knowl SometjmesI have to go
to anothe! countrv.
ł4.1 B Yes come and m€et hel B Thank you, that s great
A And Fndays? What do you do
The football's on jn ńve mjnuteŚ she a, thŃ is my Wife' ste]la A są tell me your news
but the Tv is out of order ohno Stella, thrs is Sheila 4 A Oh, hello Bob How are youl
J Well" on lridays the usuaL thing
A&c Njce to m€et youl
I,m at the Śupermalket md s to come back to FlanĆe and l Fńe thmks' Jeff' !im' listen'
A sorry what s you name have you 8ot any eg8Ś?
evelything is hau.Pńce today' maybe do a small local job
A You mean you arrive n lrance A lggsT
My car! My can lt's noi in the ca. B Yean, my gjrlfriendk here for
A so you work at the ofnce
]unĆtl and I havent Bot any
wrth Bill?
A So your family - what about
we have a new Ćar!. oh rea]]y? the familyT Do you see theh A How many do you wani?
My siŚter has a new baby' . That,s E Four would be Breau

We get maried on Monday!

t Maybe on Satudays and
Sundays, when I m at home
in France But sometimes I'm
6 A
O( Anythtng elsel
WeLl'e!m, Śu8ai
How much Śu8ar do you
away from home for two or 6A.t
My father's n bed Oh reallyl three weełŚ, so I don'i Śee them How much ale the .!iŚPc? B A cup of sugar would be
My cat isnt vely well I'm soryl How mu.h is the wine?
A So do you like driving you They're one euro tweaty, A o K , l wo nt be a se con d
schÓo] ts c]osedtoday,.].lrat,s
E Than]ś vely muĆh!
welll ]t'Ś not easy' The houls 6C.t
lt's 9 3Ó and my exam's at ten
' are long dd the money isnt so My sigtĆr ]jłes an actoĘ
otloct - Good Luckl ,
Śo she buys hjh a flower
/tl.t she Śends him a letter
1 the seventh of April ! but he nereI sends an ahŚwer tc.t
2 the frfteenih ofApljl
] th€ fouńh ofAu8ust
t 6D.r
4 the twentieth of Au8uŚt lD.t somelread and butter and she Ćan undeBtand spanislr
5 the third of oĆtober I've got a bike but I haven t got but she .an t Ćook an}.thin8'
6 the ninth of october she c l play football,
I,v€ aot a .lock but I wet to g€t Md Śhe .aĘ t remembe. my
He wakes up early. ]Ve tot a Ćat but I,d lather have
Wnat would you lilc? 7D,r
He Ćhecl.sthe maj] I ve got a flat but I wut to buy a
she Boes for a run
rl€ has fruit for breakfast I ve got a vrtfe but she iśn,tvery 6S.r
she leaves the houŚe 1 A IŚ th€ food a]]ri8ht, madam7 she hateŚ the housewo!].!
E Yes' thanl. you lt'gńne
she bruŚhes hel teeth 5ś.1 A Wou]dyou lj].€ any wine? I need help with my homewortl
He ńnishes work a A Mr Patell llow are youl
45.1 B Ine, thanks, MiLe. And vou?
welcome to the Holdav Out
A so, Jack, you re a lony .lriver A wete ńne' thank you' Dó you
A Would you like a bottle o. c]ubj \r'/ea.e open six ńonths
Tell me about yoE nomal know my brothe! HenryT
a yea! and offo activities for
B No' ] don'i thirrł so
E oh er' a bottle pleaŚe A a1LdifferĆntaBe 8DuPs Idjust
Normat week) I .lont hav€ any A cońe and meet him
bottle Óf rcd wine liLe to take a moment to explan
' noma] weełŚ| Yeah' we]]' l HenĄ| thts is MJ Pate], out
A Thank you, madam th€ ńap of the .lub fÓr you'
usuaUy work Monday to Friday, neiShbour Mr PateL Henrv
Number one on your map is the
but, em' it! often re€ ł .nds my blother. 2 A Hello, Jane !łaveyou 8ot any main hotel building that s the
too I mean, fo. example, I live hotel at numbe. one And, erh,
in lrance, yÓt knoq and' e! on opposlte the hotel is the car park
We have spaces for 2oo cars, you

92 Audio scripts
inowi So, nrber eleven is the aD.t 9C.t tol.t
@I Park NoW neń to that you w€'re watchiĘ them,butthey
cm see the, er, cinema at number she ńdes ]ike an adu]t
twelve, and the disco at nmber I{el lootńg at h.! but she isnt We Ś€nt ho a aift fol her
ten lŁve you tot that? Thafs
tne cinema at number trelve, she Lkes him, but he doeŚnt lil€ But my Płents fue here
4d disco at humber ten Erm, But my Parenis fue her€
now; let me see' ah yes' neń to rle always phoneshs, but rlE They went doM ihis morning
the hÓtel re have the shopPing
The weatlEr was great toc.t
centre, that s, er, restaulants at we sometjmeŚinvite th€m' but The dńnłŚ w€Ie cneaP
number two, MdbarŚ ńeń door
The bars oPened Lat€ Who itidn't LLe hB bose
at number four - all lightl The Śhe ta1ts about fum' but he But ou darghter was tnere
bars at ńumber four' yes Thai He did!,t really hate h€r
But ou dauBhter was there But he iliiln't kee! his job
means the shops are at number
thlee' and the hairdreŚŚer's is aś.1 9D.t
A can you hearńe al1right7 toD.l
at number f,ve OIO That brinBs He waited at the bus stop
us to number sjx, the gym, next D Yes I'm inthe Śtaiion DeŚcrilre
to the Śhoppn8 cenile That,s rle oPened his mb.€ua
ri8ht! TlDt,Ś the gym, wrth lots A oK Hes about sixty yea6 old A voiĆe asked him to help
of activities,spolts, dd exercises YeŚ' Śjxty Het a tau man, with ne answered ho question
for everyonel opposite the Blan is greyhail śho 8]rcyhatr He's They walked into town
the parŁ .En you se€ thatl That's holding a magazine No, not a They talked all the way.
numbe! eight, the pa* And then masazne,sorry a newsPaPer And who łnows what haPPened tos.t
h€xt to the płk is the sw]hńin8 B O( What s he wearinE? A Dtd you see the ńlm on Tv 1a9t
poo1 Yes' that's number nńe' the A Um' he,swearing a Ćoat'a lon8 niBht?
blact .oat rie's noi wearjng a 9S.t
swimmin8 pool linaLly on the B No, I didnt t w- <tudlrg
.ight' you Ćan see the fuvel wyle sutt' but he js weąIin8 a shiń WeLl, I went to Frmce last
Mdtie YeŚ'thatt lt8ht,a shiń sllJr]rer on a .heaP holiday.
Thai's number Śeven We use l stayed in youth hoŚtels' you I I had an exam this momirgl
the nver fo! boating and alŚo for and tje Maybe aua& Lie AnYWay what happenedT
B ]s he caryTg ary'ihiĘ? knoq where yą .e meet ]ots
swi'mh8 Any qBtionś? No? of young Peolle, mą e!, they teLl A This womd had a cat, ńEhtŻ
w."ll, that s all, thmk you lł/e A Yes,I thńk het calryin8 a B OK
you al1 the tood llaces to vrsrt
hope you enjoy you. Śtay With I was travelling alone' I meaĘ A And ther€ was someth'n8
uŚ ]f you do have any quesiions, B Is he wearingSlassesl wrong witn tne cat, so she took
I jusi wahted a break The f,st
our Śtaff wi]1 be very haPPy to day l got a Ćheap fl€ht to ryon
l Hmm thB is difńcu]t Thele
are 1oiŚ of hen that loo].the md then tavelled west into the
same What about hiŚ shÓeŚ? mÓuntajns fantastiĆ The
real Ćountrysde 'ust of lrance! lots I Oh nol
A oh] Eds weańn8 white shoeŚ' A Yes, and then the womm
white shoes,n@ I remember! of small towns with thei! castles
and traditionŚ And then' one day wanted revenSe on the vet
aa.t jn tne midd]e of !rdĆe, t met a B lut vets don t till animals!
A we uŚually have a snac]<at friend Óf mine ]tom unjversityl A I łnow, but she thou8ht the vet

9 It was inĆredible| I arived at thig was bad and didnt heb tne cat
l ltt ten to foul now let,Ś eat youth hostel, and there was Bnar! B so what di.l she do?
waiting fo! the place to openl A W€]t' she sent him a box of
A Wele going to the football 94.1 So we ta1Led and talked about Ćhoco]ates PoEoned cho.olates
r lxcuse me, I get to the But he didn't eat them
B oh! I,d ]ove to 8o to th€ match| friends and work and family it
was just Sreat! And another day I
A wete going for a sandwich 2 lxcuse me' how Ćanl Bet to th€ A He didntlike chocolateslHe
found this amazń8 ĆeiMics shoP
Would you ljLe one? gave th€m to someone else, and
B l'd ]ike two p]eas€ j one ham' in a litt]e village you łnow how
I rxcuse me, how can I get to the that peBon nearly dr€d
I love ceramics and I spent ihe
day watching thiŚ woman make B Di.Lal sh. stoP theńl
A We,re goń8 fol a dink! Wou]d 4 lxcuse me, how can I Eet to the A No, nol The vet wasn t dea.l, so
herthngs Ah, and I was very
tucky with the weather Inthe she didnl stop she sent him a
B I.l love to Ćome,but t've 8ot 5 rxcus€ ńe' how can ] 8et to the book with pÓjson€ d pages
whole three weeLs I was there, it
two exams tomoEow - !n81iŚh only rained twlce I cantwatto
6 lxase me' how Ćan I 8et to the go back ]t was suĆh a wondeńul A YeaĘ but he didni tike ihe
booŁ so he didn1 even oPen it
tE.t 7 lxose me, how can I get to the l No luĆk Witn the Poson' eh?
We're gojng to work this

Whatt that board on the tleel

8 Excugeme, how Ćant 8et to the
10 B so did Śhe }:Lll him !r tlE errd'
A well, she got.eally angry ed
went to the vet s chnic uth
she liveŚ on the third floor tB.t toa.t a 8u She waited at tne door,
Mum! Where are my football ]tt the ń$t left at the corner ] m€t my new bo$ thB momtn8]
and when the vet cme out
Ther€t a bank at the colner
What time do you stłt wor]dngl The poŚt ÓfEce s lust oPPosjie They went io a Thai restauant
A She trEd, but the gxn didn t
smith! lŚ this your bjrd? Go straight on and tun left at
What's the fourth country on the the ljghts
The ma! sa}s thele'g an ań
A Y€an' so in the end, the Po]i.e
we went ŚhoPPing yesterday'
ac.t It,s ałos the b.idEe and on
somethjng- arything- nothng B Hmm, Śhame I mEs€d rt
rłs childlen were on Tv|
readng writing- speaking Turn riSht a8ain into Union Street
I thint there s a touist
information ofńĆe in the stahon
she went away last summer

Audio s.ripts 9l
A YeŚ' we1l how about Śeven
this evenin8?
B Djd you Śay Śeven o,c]ock? Is
there anytnjng earlier than

A Em, o.1y at 41t, madm

3 on Fljday mornń87 B 4507
4 on Fiday morhjń8 A No, madam - 4 !5
B Anl Au right' e! 4 15is ńne
A And younare PleaŚe)

A A]1right, MŚ lohnson We,ll

ttc.t expect you today at 4 15
B Thant you vely muĆh!
The days be.ome shorter not longer !2C.1 3 A Good afternoon, Wilson s
The weatner becomes.old.r n.r What aE you doing nut @ek?
Where are you Bomg? I Ah, yes, erm, I've got a
hŚide i9 warmĆ! than outside who are you meetń87 problem with ihe Ćar
His eyes be.ome sruller then close A Erm, whatt the probleml
sLeepthe wńter sleeP when are you somg on holtd+ B I dont know The .ar doesnt
Wait for a better life in the sprin8 Whele are you stayń87 wo . could you have a lool<
uD.r 4 You ll need to make an
a bottle of win€
a ptate ofbeans appointment, Im afEid let
ttD.1 me see l cd give you a
a piec€ of paPel 1s h e d o e Śn tw an tto g o time for next week
a wondeńUt vEw 2 She doesntwanna go
a white bathloÓń washbasin I Hes gonna stop smoking A,madm Today is
we have PinŁ white' or b]a.} shelves 4 tte s going to sto! smokinS
1lś.l 5 I wanna t€ave ear]y today' B All.rght How about
A Fafńeld Ho]iday Apanm€nts 6 I wani to leave early today
cM r h+ youT 7 They alen t 8oiĘ to listen to youl A Monday Monday lunch
B EI' yeŚI YeŚ you can! My fmj]y 8 Th€y aen't 8onna ]isten to you] time, em, iwelve o clo.L
md I are jn apartment number l2ś.t
B nłe1ve o,.lock on Mondayl
Śjx, and we haE a I'oblem A YeŚ, madam can I have your
1 A Bń88s Bank' Kin8 stleet
A And what s the problem? brtuch. can I help !ou7
B As a ńattel of fact' the.€ łe B Erm, Weavet iehny weav,"r
several problems A iight' thank you MŚ weave(
A Yes,sir This is Briggs BMt
A oh dea. What,Ś Won8f We'll see you on Monday
B rlm,I? Iike to małe an
E Th€ fijd8e doesnt worl the appointnent to speak to the
kitchen is dtty, therds no to et 4 A Unisex fiairdresse. CanI
PaPel the heatńg is too hot A one fumeńt, Please '''
A Ir, just a moment please Could l YeŚ, p1eaŚe I? like an
oI(, which day weĘ you
you rePeat trBt more slowly7 aPpońtmeńt to 8et my hai.
B The fnd8e doegnt worł E E! ŚÓme tite thiś w6eĘ
before the week.nd A one moment, please tjght
B The kitĆheh n drlty A Would ThurŚday be a]l right7 M/h€n would that be for?
B Drd you say luesday? B Have yor got anything for
A NÓ, Śorry Thu.sday! tomorow aftemoonT
A I'm sorry sir Wete al1 full for
B The temperature! too hot The A At eleven in the mo.ning? tomorrow. I.M give you a
heatjng is too high time for ihe day afier
A All iight An].thiĘ elsef B That'sldday' iŚnt t?
B There arent enough towels in D That,Ś ńn€ My nme'Ś Brunel
the bathroom 4 Right, thanł you M! Erunel. B OK so, e., what time then?
A Uh huh Now eh, could you ahat's n.ń ThM.Iay at A Is six in the afternoon all
juŚt give me yoE nańe? right?
dleYen ir the mdnirt
B JoneŚ, ]onathan Jones B Thursdav at eleven otlock B h' yeg' that Śomds ńne
A Right MJ lores Andwhat ijm€ A And you name please?
did y@u aEive at tne apartmentt E oh' ŚoEy' elm, David Taylor
B HalĘast four thiŚ afternoon 2 A Baybidge DentiŚt cood
A Thank you, Mr Taylo! That s
A And whatt the trumb.r ot your Friday 27th at six p m
B !rm' 8ood mornń8l rrm' ]
B Number 6 I totd you that at the need to Śee a dentist
A Yes Youdliketomake an
A Yes, you did. well, Mr rones, you
do hav€ a plob]em B Please l,ve got tlrlŚ teribLe
B I tnowl I told you that as we11i
tŚnt anybody golng to do A I see When would you lite

A oh yeŚ' MJ ]oneslYou.e ń B ooÓh' as soon as PoŚstbleL

the wron8 apartment Your
rcsepation is for apartment
number 16,not number 6l
Djdnt you come to reception
when you arrivedT
B What? ReceptiÓn? l! well, yeŚ,
I'm sure we did - didn! wP?

94 Audio scripts
Irregular verbs

vero ( ro*aitcęt cnłuml

be wa5 make coYa fu IEś colu.Ir|Ir
made aJd tEś 'idde
meet met '@-'eĘ
break oroKe put put pijt
buy boughti b.:l/ read read,red
can could,/kod/ nn8 rang
come came run run
cut cut say said/sed/
do did 5ee saw,/sat
draw Setl 50t0
drink oranK send sent
dnve drove srng sang
eat ate srt sat
find found sleep slept
forget forgot speak spoke
get 80r spend spent
grve Save stand stood/stod/
go SWtm swam
have na0 take took/tok/
hear heard,ih3rd/ tell toid
know knewnju:' think thought
learn learnt understandunderstood
tearneo wakeup wokeup
leave left wear wore
lose lost wnte wrote

. . 1, :: .' .: ' : .' 1 ,,: |: ,.' .) : .,^ .,1 :..'l a' ta
- t . ) t ji t., :.:.


tsBN 974 0 l9 4304943

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