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दक्षिण मध्य रेलवे SOUTH CENTRAL RAILWAY

वरिष्ठ सेक्शन इंजीननयि / टी.आि.डी / मार्ाापूि र्ा र्ायाालय


No. MRK/TrD/ T-02 /2023-24/05 Date: 23-06-2023


Sub: - Monsoon instruction 2023 (Safety circular no.01/2023) dated 11.04.23.

Ref: - CEDE E.219/TrD/Circulars/ Vol. VII. on dated 11.04.2023.

1. Pre-Monsoon checklist for OHE

S.NO. Item NO. Target Completed Remarks
quantum quantum
I Ensure removal of banners /hoardings /kite threads in --- 0
the vicinity of OHE.

ii Identify loose trees /weak trees /bushes creepers 06 03 SSE/PWAY/MRK

nearer to the tracks (including in private lands) and
advise engineering depart. Of immediate cutting of not arranged to
truck /removal of entire tree. trees which are with in cut trees. joint
h+6 Meters and leaning towards track are to be inspection done.
removed on priority. suck trees to be identify jointly
by engineering and TRD. Engineering department to
obtain permission from forest department, wherever
Iii Ensure trimming of tree branches towards track such 15 10 SSE/PWAY/MRK
that there is clear distance of 6 Meters from center
line of track not arranged to
cut trees. joint
inspection done.
Iv Identification and attention of any critical leaning 0 0
V Check the condition of embankments for any erosion --- ----
of soil with respect stability of OHE mast. in case of
soil erosion, stone pitching to be done by engineering
dept. list of loc. to be advised to Eng. Dept. by Sr.
DEE/TRD. Ensure proper drainage of rain water
surrounding the OHE foundation, by clearing by Eng.
Dept. to avoid weakening of OHE foundations.
Vi Condition of tracks that is any sinkage of track or good good
breakage of rails etc. at entry /exit of tower wagon
Vii Pollution prone areas –porcelain insulator cleaning to 0 0
be ensured, with priority at cement /clinker / saline
/chemical industrial areas. at these polluted areas,
composite insulators of 1600mm creepage length be
planned by division at the earliest
Viii Replace broken or chipped insulators 0 0
Ix Removed bird nest on all portals structures ,traction --- 4
masts and TTC’s
X Check earth resistances of platform steel structures, 05 05
platform fencings, FOB’s, COP’s ETC. and attend if
IER is more than 10 ohms. inspection of FOB’s
/ROB’s for availability of protective screens, for no
cracks or openings in the floor as well as opening
between protective screen and floor of ROB’s /FOB’s
particularly in locations above OHE, and get them
attend by Eng. Dept. if required. close any holes on
ROB which are above OHE to avoid falling of water
during raining season
Xi Identify cables / wires hung loose across FOB’s nil nil
/ROB’s and remove if not secured properly
Xii Inspect and attend arrears of restricted clearances nil nil
below FOB’s and ROBs as per approved profile
Xiii Activate all ATD’s to check free movement 257 257
Xiv Ensure condition of bonds Ensured during Ensured during
FP, foot plate, FP, foot plate,
tower car tower car
movement movement
Xv Ensure free swiveling action and plumbing of Ensured during Ensured during
cantilever assembly FP,AOH/IOH FP,AOH/IOH
Xvi Clean section insulators particularly in pollution NIL NIL
prone areas or where uses of diesel under wire is
Xvii Ensure prescribed clearance at PTFE neutral sections. ENSURED ENSURED
check earth connection to earth electrode at PTFE
Xviii Census of CB’s heaving more frequent tripping – NO Frequent NO Frequent
identify causes and take required action tripping’s tripping’s
Xix Condition of motor trolleys and tower cars to be Tower car in Tower car in
reviewed and defect if any to be attended good condition good condition
Xx Working of DG sets and availability of adequate Ensured ensured
diesel oil to be ensured
Xxi Ensure structural soundness of height gauges at all 06 06
level crossings. advise defects if any to Eng. Dept.
Xxii Identify vulnerable 33 KV and above power line Nil nil
crossings including guarding likely to fall on OHE
and get it rectified with the help of concerned
xxiii To advise SSE P way and SSE signals to ensure and Advised to Advised to
not to remove any bonds on rails, OHE mast, pipe SSE/PWAY SSE/PWAY
lines, hand rails etc. Which are provided bonding and and and
earthing as removal may lead to accident to railway SSE/SIG/MRK SSE/SIG/MRK
staff and passengers and their staff and their staff
counseled counseled
Xxiv to advise SSE P Way not to keep released rail parallel Advised no Advised no
to the track touching each other and also, if long rails parallel to rails parallel to
panels of rails are lying near track, they should be track track
connected with bonds till removal from sites
Xxv Ensure joint check with S&T at all yards for proper Ensured and Ensured and
bonding is done and defects noticed are attended on attended on attended on
priority. priority priority

2. PRE –MANSOON check list –PSI

S.NO. Item NO. Target Completed Remarks
quantum quantum
i Replace silica gel in the breathers of circuit breakers , interrupters , Checked Checked
power transformers and auxiliary transformers All are in All are in
good good
condition condition
Ii Check the gaskets of all cubicles of switch gears in switching stations 22 22
and traction substations to arrest water seepage
Iii Check and clean water drain arrangements at all switching posts for 5 5
free outlets of rain water and record the condition in a register
Iv Check the functioning’s of heaters in the cubicles of all the 22 22
equipment in the traction substations and switching stations and
record in concerned registers
V Check earth resistances of auxiliary transformers etc., and attend. 21 21
ensure joint checking of vulnerable AT loc. with depot in charge level
of general services &TRD /PSI for uninterrupted signal supply
Vi Ensure condition of bridging interrupters insulators 1 1
Vii Check the healthiness of the lightning arrestors in lightning prone 23 23

3. Joint action by SSE /Signals, SSE/OHE&PSI, and SSE/Electrical maintenance.

S.NO. Item NO. Target Completed Remarks
quantum quantum
i To ensure joint inspection of power supply arrangement from 21 21
auxiliary transformers to CLS panel at station , LC gates ,IB’s and
auto hut and also 230 V AC supply for connection to earth at TSS
Ii To ensure availability of backup power supply to the signaling system 7 7
in case of failure of power supply from AT’s
Iii To ensure battery backup from communication equipment at 5 5
TSS/SP/SSP in the event of failure of 230V AC supply
Iv All the Z bonds across Glued joint /insulation joints or available Ensured Ensured
intact and effective. all the bonding strips passing underneath the
positive rail of track circuit of provided with insulation sleeves
V At supply at CL’s panel – default setting to be changed from UP AT Double Double line
to DN AT every 15 days in double /triple line sections line
Vi In electrified territory , in cyclone ,hurricane /strong wind condition , Informed Informed
the LOCO pilot /motor man shall keep is special watch on the to CCC to to CCC to
pantograph of his own as well as passing electric trains and report any counsel counsel
abnormality as soon as possible to TPC /TLC. If he notices any series crew at crew at
defect in the pantograph which are likely to cause damage to OHE, he GNT GNT
shall stock the train forth with and convey details to the TPC /TLC on
duty and Panto to lowered.

4. Action by OHE/PSI Depot in-charge.

S.NO. Item NO. Target Completed Remarks
quantum quantum
Vii He shall NIL NIL
(a) Arrange for foot patrolling of the section being affected by the
floods erosion of soil on embankments, exposing of mast
foundation etc.

(b) Ensure sufficient stock of boulders, sand, empty cement bags

etc. by SSE/P way, for use on exposed mast foundation and to
avoid erosion of soil.
Viii Keep all the breakdown vehicles such as tower cars, trucks, jeeps, Tw-1 Tw-1
motor trolleys, wiring train etc., in good fettle, and keep stock of
good amount of diesel. Head lights of all breakdown vehicles to Pickup van - Pickup van -
be kept in good working conditions including spare lamps. 01 01
Ix Ladder trolleys, breakdown T&P, tree cutting machines with full Kept ready Kept ready
fuel, axes, saws, ladders and emergency tools with full
components to be kept ready.
X Temporary mast to be identified and checked for availability of 02 02
complete assembly and ready to use. All the OHE breakdown
material like temporary mast, conductors, insulators, fittings shall
be loaded in to breakdown vehicles and kept ready.
Xi In case of any RC communication / SCADA failures, switching 4 4
stations to be identified and manning to be arranged on need
Xii Generator sets, portable flood lights, lighting arrangement for Generator Generator
tower cars, trucks to be kept in good fettle. set-01 set-01

Lighting in Lighting in
tw-02 no’s tw-02 no’s
Xiii Walkie talkie sets, hand torch etc., to be kept in good charging Kept in good Kept in good
condition, emergency telephones and CUG mobile phones to be condition condition
kept ready.
Xiv During restoration of the breached spot, tower car to be deployed - -
at both ends of the breached spot.
Xv Have foot plate and arrange foot patrolling to see bonding, Foot plate Foot plate
earthing or likely hood of any tree coming near OHE / fall on SSE-02 times SSE-02 times
OHE. SSE should get them rectified any such situation which
effects safety of staff and train operations. Bonding, Bonding,
earthing earthing
ensured in ensured in
foot foot
patrolling patrolling
fortnightly fortnightly
Xvi ADEE(TRD) of division headquarters has to station himself in --- ---
the traction power control room to keep close liaison with all
other branches. The said officer will be responsible for taking
prompt action depending on the situation. In case ADEE /TRD is
also required to move to site or not available at HQRs, other
officers available at Divisional HQRs namely Sr. DEE/M, Dy.
CEE/CON., DEE/CON./ADEE/CON. In that order shall man the

JONNAKU Digitally signed

Date: 2023.06.23
DA BABU 09:18:40 +05'30'


C/-ADEE/TRD/MRK For kind information.

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