Phosphorus Immobilisation in Sediment by Using Iron Rich By-Product As

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Science of the Total Environment 864 (2023) 160820

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Phosphorus immobilisation in sediment by using iron rich by-product as

affected by water pH and sulphate concentrations

Lei Xia , Toon van Dael, Benoit Bergen, Erik Smolders
Division of Soil and Water Management, KU Leuven, Kasteelpark Arenberg 20, 3001 Leuven, Belgium


• Water acidification increased P mobilisation

from unamended sediment under anoxic
• Water acidification accelerated reductive
dissolution of Fe(III) under anoxic condi-
• P mobilisation from amended sediment was
more affected by higher water pH.
• High sulphate promoted P release from
unamended sediments under anoxic condi-


Editor: Filip M.G. Tack Iron (Fe) rich by-product from drinking water treatment plants can be added to rivers and lakes to immobilise phos-
phorus (P) in sediment and lower eutrophication risks. This study was set up to investigate the P immobilisation effi-
Keywords: ciency of an Fe rich by-product as affected by the pH and sulphate (SO4) concentration in the overlying water. Both
Fe rich by-product factors are known to inhibit long-term P immobilisation under anoxic conditions. A static sediment-water incubation
was conducted at varying buffered water pH values (6, 7 and 8) and different initial SO4 concentrations (0–170 mg SO4
L−1) with or without Fe rich by-product amendment to the sediment. In the unamended sediment, the P release to the
Sulphate overlying water was highest, and up to 6 mg P L−1, at lowest water pH due to higher reductive dissolution of Fe(III)
oxyhydroxides. The Fe rich by-product amendment to the sediment largely reduced P release from sediment by factors
50–160 depending on pH, with slightly lowest immobilisation at highest pH 8, likely because of pH dependent P sorp-
tion. The total sulphur (S) concentrations in the overlying water reduced during incubation. The P release in un-
amended sediments increased from 2.7 mg L−1 to 4.2 mg L−1 with higher initial SO4 concentrations, suggesting
sulphide formation during incubation and FeS precipitation that facilitates release of P. However, no such SO4 effects
were found where Fe rich by-product was applied that lowered P release to <0.1 mg L−1 illustrating high stability of
immobilised P in amended sediments. This study suggests that Fe rich by-product is efficient for P immobilisation but
that loss of Fe in low pH water may lower its long-term effect.

1. Introduction reduced functioning, biodiversity and water quality deterioration

(Schoumans et al., 2014). Moreover, the associated harmful algal
Excessive phosphorus (P) loading into water systems causes eutrophica- blooms produce toxic substances to animals and humans (Carpenter,
tion which poses a series of threats to the water ecosystems, including 2005; Ding et al., 2022). Therefore, P loading must be reduced to con-
trol eutrophication. The P sources in surface waters are categorised as
⁎ Corresponding author. external P, such as wastewater discharge and run-off from agricultural
E-mail address: (L. Xia). fields, and internal P, which is P released from the sediment resulting
Received 19 September 2022; Received in revised form 18 November 2022; Accepted 6 December 2022
Available online 13 December 2022
0048-9697/© 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
L. Xia et al. Science of the Total Environment 864 (2023) 160820

from historical loading. Internal P can be released under anoxic conditions: 2. Materials and methods
e.g. the decay of algae may lead to depletion of oxygen in the water, which
in turn can cause reductive dissolution of iron (Fe)(III) oxyhydroxides and 2.1. Materials
subsequent liberation of P that previously accumulated in the sediment.
This way, internal P loading can prolong eutrophication risk for several Surface sediment samples were collected from a stream in an agricul-
decades ahead (Chen et al., 2018). tural area (50°58′50.5”N, 3°16′29.3″E) in Flanders, Belgium. The stream
Chemical immobilisation by using Fe rich sorbents is often used has a high long-term total dissolved P (TDP) concentration of 1.4 mg P
approach to control internal P loading (Cooke et al., 2005; Wang et al., L−1 (van Dael et al., 2020). Sediment was collected from the top 5 cm
2021). This is because Fe rich sorbents not only have a strong affinity for using a shovel and stored in a box at 4 °C. Before use, the sediment was
P, but also have no toxic effects on the natural environment when added wet sieved (6.3 mm) to remove gravel and undecomposed organic debris
appropriately (Randall et al., 1999), they are readily available and thus and homogenized. This sediment was chosen based on its significant respi-
are beneficial to low-cost eutrophication mitigation. One of the Fe rich sor- ration rate in an earlier incubation experiment (Van Dael et al., 2020), indi-
bents that has received considerable attention is the Fe rich by-product gen- cating that anoxia was likely to occur. A sub-sample of sediment was
erated from treatment of drinking water. When the anaerobic groundwater extracted with 0.2 M acid ammonium oxalate (pH = 3) in the dark at a
is pumped up from an aquifer, the ferrous Fe (Fe(II)) in the raw water is solution-solid ratio of 50 L kg−1 under 2 h of shaking, to determine the
oxidised to ferric Fe (Fe(III)) and amorphous Fe(III) oxyhydroxides form content of poorly crystalline Fe and the associated P (Schwertmann,
as sludges or coated on filter sand (Chardon et al., 2012). This Fe rich by- 1991). The used sediment has oxalate extractable Fe (Feox) of 5.8 mg g−1
product has high P adsorption capacity, and has been used to immobilise and oxalate extractable P (Pox) of 1.2 mg g−1, which is equivalent to a
P in the lake sediments and P rich soil (Koopmans et al., 2020; Wang molar P/Fe ratio of 0.37.
et al., 2017), to remove P from wastewaters (Lambert et al., 2021) and ag- A high Fe and slightly alkaline by-product was collected from the drink-
ricultural drainage (Vandermoere et al., 2018). Previous studies show that ing water facility of De Watergroep in Belgium. It contained 234 mg Fe g−1,
the P adsorption capacity of this Fe rich by-product is positively related to 1.3 mg Al g−1 and 1.1 mg P g−1 measured by Inductively Coupled Plasma
the amount of reactive Fe (i.e., oxalate extractable Fe) and surface area Mass Spectroscopy (ICP-MS, Agilent 7700×, Agilent Technologies) after
(Bai et al., 2014), and its Fe stability is negatively related to the amount aqua regia digestion. Most of Fe in collected by-product (40 %) was amor-
of bioavailable Fe (i.e., citrate-ascorbate extractable Fe (unpublished phous Fe(III) oxyhydroxides, i.e., oxalate extractable Fe. The pH of the pure
data)). Therefore, Fe rich by-products with relatively high oxalate extract- Fe rich by-product is 8.3. A phosphate adsorption study was performed
able Fe but low citrate-ascorbate extractable Fe should be priorly selected showing that this product has a high P sorption capacity (8.3 g P kg−1 prod-
as P sorbent for sediment remediation. uct), a high affinity at low P concentration (i.e., solid-liquid distribution
Apart from the inherent properties of the Fe rich by-product, environ- coefficient KD, 2.1 L g−1) while ascorbic acid reducible Fe is 22 % of oxalate
mental factors, such as water pH, temperature and redox conditions may extractable Fe (Xia, 2022). The Fe rich by-product was sieved over 2 mm
also strongly affect the efficiency of the Fe rich by-products (Wang et al., before use.
2016). In general, acid conditions are beneficial to P adsorption by Fe
rich by-product as protonation of mineral surfaces enhances sorption of 2.2. Microcosm experimental setup
negatively charged phosphate ions through electrostatic adherence (Bai
et al., 2014; Yang et al., 2006). However, acid conditions can promote the The effects of the pH and SO4 concentration on P immobilisation by Fe
reductive dissolution of Fe(III) oxyhydroxides, thereby facilitating release rich by-product under anoxic conditions were studied in a sediment incuba-
of P that is previously bound to the Fe(III) minerals (Tang et al., 2020). tion experiment. The homogenized sediments were put into 1.1 L polypro-
Consequently, the net effect of pH of overlying water on sediment P release pylene pots (diameter 9.5 cm) to a height of 5 cm (550 g wet sediment and
following Fe rich by-product treatment remains uncertain. 54 % moisture content). The Fe rich by-product was added and mixed with
In addition to pH, the effect of sulphate (SO4) reduction to sulphides on Fe the top layer of sediment (0–1 cm). The Fe rich by-product was added to the
reduction in sediment and subsequently P release needs attention because sediment at a dose of 6 %, that dose decrease the average sediment molar
SO4 might accumulate in freshwaters due to acid depositions and industrial P/Fe ratio of the total 5 cm sediment from 0.37 to 0.2, this dose was
wastewater input (Zak et al., 2006). It is well established for marine sedi- found to be efficient for P immobilisation in previous study (unpublished
ments that the high SO4 concentrations have a role on limiting P immobilisa- data). The sediment not amended with Fe rich by-product served as a con-
tion, less of this is clear in wetlands or freshwater sediments with lower SO4 trol treatment. Then about 600 mL (about 6 cm height) of 1 mM CaCl2
concentrations. Several lines of evidence suggest that increasing SO4 might solution with different pH or SO4 concentrations was gently added, without
mobilise P because of different potential pathways including (1) Fe(II) disturbing the sediment, to all control and Fe rich by-product treatments.
sulphides precipitation lowering Fe(II) and facilitating Fe(III) reductions; The addition of 1 mM CaCl2 to the overlying water was used to mimic the
(2) sulphide reducing Fe(III) minerals to soluble Fe(II) with concurrent P ionic strength of most freshwaters and was used on line with earlier and
release with sulphide oxidised to elemental sulphur (S) (Peiffer et al., 2015; similar sediment incubation experiments (Smolders et al., 2017). Two
Zhang et al., 2022). Sulphate reduction is affected by the SO4 concentration, experimental groups were prepared: (1) pH group: the water pH of 6, 7
with increasing SO4 concentrations, more P is mobilised (Chen et al., 2016; and 8 were maintained by using 5 mM of 2-(N-morpholino) ethanesulfonic
Kwon et al., 2014). At very high SO4 concentration, high SO4 reduction in acid (MES buffer, pH 6), 3-(N-morpholino) propanesulfonic acid (MOPS
the deep anoxic sediments may influence P release from surface sediments buffer, pH 7) and 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid
under oxic conditions (Hansel et al., 2015). For instance, Chen et al. (2021) (HEPES buffer, pH 8), respectively. The pH adjustment was conducted
showed that internal P loading increased by a factor six when the SO4 concen- daily with 0.1 M NaOH or 0.1 M HCl; (2) sulphate group: the overlying
tration increased from 970 to 2600 μM under oxic conditions. Hence, it is nec- water (without pH buffer) was supplemented with different levels of SO4,
essary to investigate what extent of SO4 concentration would impact such P i.e., no addition, 90 mg SO4 L−1 (i.e., 30.0 mg S L−1) and 170 mg SO4
release in sediments amended with high Fe rich by-product. L−1 (i.e., 56.7 mg S L−1), by dissolving Na2SO4 in the overlying water.
The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of water pH These SO4 levels were selected based on the mean value and 95 percentile
and increasing SO4 concentrations on P dynamics at the sediment-water in- of SO4 concentrations in Flemish surface waters (
terface (SWI) after Fe rich by-product amendment. A microcosm incubation Each treatment was performed in duplicate.
experiment was performed at three pH levels and three SO4 levels. Overly- The pots were closed with lids to avoid aeration and were incubated in
ing water sampling, high-resolution diffusive equilibrium in thin film (DET) controlled temperature rooms (20 ± 1 °C). During the incubation, the over-
and microelectrode techniques were employed to capture the dynamic lying water was sampled after 3, 5, 7, 11, 15, 19, 23, 27 and 31 days. Water
character of P, Fe, as well as dissolved oxygen (DO) at a fine scale. samples were taken at 1 cm above the SWI, then filtered (0.45 μm), and

L. Xia et al. Science of the Total Environment 864 (2023) 160820

measured for soluble reactive P (SRP) by using the molybdate blue method SRP at pH 6 increased by 70 % compared to that at pH 7 and pH 8. No sig-
(Murphy and Riley, 1962). A subsample was acidified (1 % HNO3) and nificant difference in SRP release was found between pH 7 and pH 8 (p >
analysed for major elements (total dissolved Fe) and total sulphur (TS) 0.05). Amending Fe rich by-product to sediments sharply decreased SRP
using ICP-MS. The pH of overlying water was measured daily by using a concentration at all pH conditions (Fig. 1b), with P reduction factors
pH meter (Metrohm, Belgium) inserted at about 1 cm above the sediment 50–160 depending on pH (Table S1). The effect of pH on SRP concentration
surface. The DO profile was measured at 0.2 cm intervals from the top in the Fe rich by-product treatment was opposite to that in the control,
down to the SWI after 7, 19 and 31 days of all treatments by using a O2 i.e., P release increased with increasing pH of the overlying water.
micro sensor (tip diameter 100 μm; Unisense, Denmark) mounted on a Unlike SRP, the release of Fe was only affected by water pH and pH ×
motor driven micro manipulator. Fe rich by-product, but not by Fe rich by-product alone (Table 1). The dis-
The diffusive equilibrium in thin film (DET) was used to measure the P solved Fe concentration and the rate of Fe release were considerably higher
concentration in sediment pore water at mm-scale vertical resolution. The at pH 6 compared to that at pH 7 and 8, while no significant Fe release were
DET devices were prepared according to Baken et al. (2015b), i.e., a plastic found in the Fe rich by-product treatment at pH 7 and 8, compared to the
probe of 17 cm long and 3.5 cm wide (DGT Research Ltd) was assembled control at same pH conditions (p > 0.05 for both pH conditions, Fig. 1d).
with a polyacrylamide diffusive gel and covered by a cellulose nitrate mem-
brane (Amersham™ Protran®, 0.45 μm pore size). The principle of DET is 3.1.3. Vertical distribution of P and Fe in sediment-water profiles
the equilibration of the diffusive gel with the surrounding water, which al- The effect of pH and Fe rich by-product addition on the vertical distribu-
lows to retrieve a snapshot of the local concentration in sediment pore tion of TDP and total dissolved Fe at SWI is shown in Fig. 2. Only the TDP
water (Davison et al., 2002). All DET probes were soaked in 0.01 M NaCl and total dissolved Fe concentrations of the surface sediment layer
solution and deoxygenated using nitrogen gas for at least 16 h prior to de- (at SWI to 1 cm below SWI) were selected to test the treatment effects
ployment in the sediment. The DET probes were inserted into the sediment (Table 1) because the treatment effects on porewater TDP and total dis-
at day 19. After a 24 h deployment, the probes were retrieved and immedi- solved Fe dynamics in this layer were expected to be the most significant
ately dismantled. The diffusive gel was cut into slices of 3 mm × 18 mm due to direct contact with buffer solution and due to Fe rich by-product
with a cutter. Each slice of DET diffusive gel was eluted in 1 mL of 1 M addition to surface layer. There was no significant pH effect on TDP concen-
HCl for at least 24 h and the elution was measured for total dissolved P tration in the deeper layer (i.e., 10 mm below the SWI) (p > 0.05).
(TDP) and total dissolved Fe by using ICP-MS. Similar treatment effects were found for total dissolved Fe in the pore
water as in the overlying water (Table 1), i.e., decreasing pH significantly
2.3. Data analyses enhanced Fe in the sediment pore water (Fig. 2c-d), and Fe rich by-
product addition remarkably reduced TDP in the sediment pore water,
The P reduction factor quantifies the reduction of SRP after addition of even below the 10 mm zone of Fe rich by-product incubation (Fig. 2b).
Fe rich by-products and is calculated by Eq. (1). The acid reductive dissolution increased pore water TDP in the sediment
only in the control (Fig. 2a, p < 0.001), while no significant pH effect on
Pcontrol TDP concentration in the pore water was found in the sediment with Fe
P reduction ¼ ð1Þ
Ptreatment rich by-product addition (Fig. 2b, p > 0.05).

where, Pcontrol and Ptreatment are SRP concentrations in the control and Fe rich 3.2. Phosphorus mobilisation as affected by increasing SO4 concentrations
by-product treatments, respectively (mg P L−1).
Statistical analyses were performed using the JMP® Pro version 16.0.0. 3.2.1. pH and DO concentrations in overlying water
The treatment effects on P and Fe in the overlying water and porewater The pH values were significantly higher in the Fe rich by-product treat-
were analysed with general linear regression models with time and depth ment than in the control at different SO4 concentrations (Fig. 3 and
added as a random factor. The effects of pH/sulphate concentrations, Fe Table 1). The pH of a pure Fe rich by-product in 0.01 M CaCl2 mixture
rich by-product addition and their interaction on P and Fe in the overlying was 8.3, explaining the effect of Fe rich by-product on pH. The DO in the
water and pore water were analysed with two-way ANOVA followed by water layer above the sediments readily decreased with depth and was
Tukey HSD post-hoc test. The correlation between water properties was completely depleted at 1–2 cm above the SWI (Fig. S3). The DO concentra-
analysed with Pearson correlation. tion generally decreased with time and small differences in DO concentra-
tions were observed among treatments.
3. Results
3.2.2. Concentrations of TS, P and Fe in the overlying water
3.1. Phosphorus mobilisation as affected by water pH The concentration of TS is the sum of concentration mainly SO4 and
traces of organic soluble S and sulphides. The TS decreased substantially
3.1.1. pH and DO concentrations in overlying water in the control and Fe rich by-product treatment with Na2SO4 addition
The solution pH values closely matched the target pH values within (Fig. 4). The theoretical starting TS is 30.0 mg L−1 (i.e., 0.9 mM, S1) and
0.3 pH units during the entire period (Fig. S1), mean pH values in the un- 56.7 mg L−1 (i.e., 1.8 mM, S2). That concentrations decreased by factor
amended sediments were 6.2, 7.0 and 7.9 while in Fe rich by-product 2–3 in the unamended treatments while that decrease was smaller in the
amended ones the mean values were 6.3, 7.2, and 7.9. In general, the Fe rich by-product amended ones.
most acid pH 6.0 required daily acidification while the most alkaline one Increasing SO4 significantly impacted SRP concentration in the overly-
needed daily alkalinisation to limit pH drifts. The DO in the water layer ing water (Table 1), but only in the control, not in the Fe rich by-product
above the sediments readily decreased with depth and was already treatment (Fig. 4c-d). In the control, the P concentration in the overlying
completely depleted by day 7 at 1–2 cm above the SWI (Fig. S2). The DO water in the control_S2 was increased by about factor 2, compared to the
at 1–2 cm above SWI remained extremely low until the end the experiment, control_S0 (Fig. 4c). The Fe rich by-product addition significantly reduced
and the DO above that layer was also generally decreasing with time. P concentration in the overlying water to, on average, below 0.1 mg P
L−1, and this P reduction by Fe rich by-product was not affected by SO4
3.1.2. Concentrations of P and Fe changes in the overlying water concentrations (p > 0.05, Fig. 4d).
The treatment effects water pH and Fe rich by-product addition had a The total dissolved Fe concentration increased rapidly during the first
significant effect on P and total dissolved Fe dynamics in the overlying week to maximum values of about 6 mg L−1 in the control at all SO4 con-
water (Fig. 1, Table 1). Acidification of overlying water significantly centrations (Fig. 4e). The same trend of Fe release was found in amended
enhanced the internal P release (Table 1). The average concentrations of sediment as in the control, but with much lower concentrations (Fig. 4f).

L. Xia et al. Science of the Total Environment 864 (2023) 160820

Fig. 1. The effect of the pH in the overlying water on SRP and total dissolved Fe concentrations in the overlying water. The first column is the SRP (a) and Total dissolved Fe
(c) concentrations in the control. The second column is the SRP (b) and Total dissolved Fe (d) concentrations in the Fe rich by-product treatments. Error bars denote standard
error of the means (n = 2).

The maximum total dissolved Fe concentration only reached a maximal

1 mg L−1, and the peak values of total dissolved Fe were generally inversely
proportional to SO4 concentrations.
Table 1
Results of analysis of the effects of Fe rich by-product addition on surface and pore 3.2.3. Vertical distribution of P and Fe in sediment-water profiles
water P and Total dissolved Fe concentrations. Data were analysed with a two-way Similar treatments effects were found in TDP concentration in the sedi-
ANOVA with the amount of Fe (with or without addition) and environmental con- ment pore water as in the SRP concentration in the overlying water
ditions (pH at 6, 7, 8 or SO4 addition at 0, 90 and 170 mg SO2−
4 L ) as fixed factors. (Table 1). Increasing SO4 concentrations enhanced TDP release from the
Overlying water Porewater (surface sediment in the control where the TDP concentration in the surface
to 1 cm below SWI) 10 mm layer in the control_S2 was factor 2 higher than in the control_S0
SRP (mg Fe (mg pH TDP (mg Fe (mg
(Fig. 5a). The Fe rich by-product addition also significantly reduced TDP
L−1) L−1) L−1) L−1) concentration in the sediment pore water (Fig. 4b), the vertical profile of
TDP was characterised by the absence of steep gradient at the SWI, remain-
pH treatment
Effect of pH p < 0.01 p< / p < 0.05 p< ing low and stable up to depths of 20 mm below the sediment.
0.001 0.001 The pore water total dissolved Fe concentrations increased with depth,
Effect of Fe rich by-product p< 0.579 / p< p< with a maximum concentration reached at 20–30 mm depth (Fig. 5c-d).
0.001 0.001 0.001
Amending Fe rich by-product to the surface sediment layer increased Fe
pH × Fe rich by-product p < 0.01 p < 0.01 / p< 0.494
0.001 concentrations in the pore water, while increasing SO4 concentration had
no effect on pore water Fe concentrations (Table 1).
Sulphate treatment
Effect of SO4 p< 0.814 0.448 p< 0.633
0.001 0.001 3.3. Relations between different overlying water properties
Effect of Fe rich by-product p< p< p< p< p<
0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 The correlation analysis showed that pH played dominated role in total
Sulphate × Fe rich p< 0.902 p < 0.05 p< 0.886 dissolved Fe and SRP changes in the overlying water (Fig. 6). Overall, the
by-product 0.001 0.001
water pH was negatively correlated with total dissolved Fe in the overlying

L. Xia et al. Science of the Total Environment 864 (2023) 160820

Fig. 2. The TDP in sediment pore water in the control (a) and Fe rich by-product treatment (b), and the total dissolved Fe in the sediment pore water in the control (c) and Fe
rich by-product treatment (d) at different pH after 19 days. The location of the sediment-water interface (SWI) is represented by zero. The Fe rich by-product was mixed in the
top 10 cm below the SWI. Error bars denote standard error of the means (n = 2).

water regardless of SO4 concentrations (Fig. 6a). The water pH was also reduce P release from sediments under anoxic conditions. This was
negatively correlated with SRP, but only in the control without amend- expected because the molar ratio of oxalate P over Fe in the sediment was
ment, while a positive correlation between water pH and SRP was observed significantly reduced from 0.37 to 0.20 by adding this by-product to the
in the Fe rich by-product treatments (Fig. 6b). sediment (see Section 2.2). Kleeberg et al. (2013) showed that P can be
When analysing the correlations separately in the control and Fe rich efficiently bound as long as the molar ratio of P/Fe in sediment was smaller
by-product treatments at different SO4 conditions (Table S2), we also than 0.2. van Dael et al. (2020) also demonstrated that in anoxic sediment,
found that TS has significantly positive correlations with SRP in the control. the P release remained below environmental limits if the molar P/Fe ratio
This correlation, however, was not present after Fe rich by-product addi- was lower than 0.12. At sufficiently higher molar P/Fe ratio, P released in
tion. However, no correlations were found between TS and total dissolved the sediment can still be bound to the residual Fe(III) oxyhydroxides even
Fe in both control and Fe rich by-product treatment. though part of Fe(III) is reduced to soluble Fe(II). This also can be clearly
seen from the P and Fe changes in sediment with Fe rich by-product addi-
4. Discussion tion at pH 6 (Fig. 1) where the Fe release was about factor 2 higher in the
amended sediments, while the P was not released and the concentration
4.1. The addition of Fe rich by-product consistently reduced P release from remined below 0.1 mg L−1, compared to unamended sediments.
sediments Phosphorus dynamics from the sediment to overlying water are domi-
nated by concentration gradient induced pore water diffusion (Yao et al.,
In this study, the application of Fe rich by-product as amendment 2016). In unamended sediment, the P concentration depth profiles had
strongly reduced P concentrations in the overlying water to below environ- larger concentration gradients at the SWI (Figs. 2a and 5a), thus leading
mental limit of 0.1 mg L−1, achieving P reduction factor of 50 to 160 to a stronger upwards diffusion of P towards the overlying water than in
depending on the pH and SO4 concentration in the overlying water amended sediment (Figs. 2b and 5b). This indicated that immobilisation
(Table S1), which confirms that Fe rich by-product addition can efficiently of TDP in the pore water by Fe rich by-product addition created a barrier

Fig. 3. The pH changes in the overlying water in control (a) and Fe rich by-product treatment (b) at increasing SO4 conditions during the 31 days of incubation. Error bars
denote standard error of the means (n = 2).

L. Xia et al. Science of the Total Environment 864 (2023) 160820

Fig. 4. The effect of increasing SO4 concentration on the dynamics of TS (a), SRP (c) and total dissolved Fe (e) in the overlying water of control, and TS (b), SRP (d) and total
dissolved Fe (f) in the overlying water of Fe rich by-product treatment. Error bars denote standard error of the means (n = 2).

at several millimetres below the SWI, thus inhibiting the upward migration However, the efficacy of Fe rich by-product on internal P control can be
of TDP from sediment to the overlying water. In addition, a Fe(II)/SRP affected by water properties and needs to be discussed further.
molar ratio in the porewater > 2 has been suggested to efficient removal
of released P by newly formed Fe(III) oxyhydroxides at the SWI (Gao 4.2. The effect of pH on reductive dissolution of Fe and P immobilisation by Fe
et al., 2020). In this study, the molar Fe/TDP ratio (as proxy of Fe(II)/ rich by-product
SRP) in amended treatments was mostly >4, while it was <2 in the control
(Figs. S4 and S5), indicating that upon reoxygenation of Fe(II), newly The different total dissolved Fe concentrations and P reduction factors
formed Fe(III) oxyhydroxides at the SWI can efficiently scavenge upward by Fe rich by-product at different pH (Fig. 1 and Table S1) indicated that
diffusing P and thus serve as an efficient “iron curtain” (Ma et al., 2017). the Fe and P release from sediment were largely affected by pH in the over-
Overall, adding Fe rich by-product to the sediment can be an efficient lying water. In this study, higher Fe concentrations in the overlying water
way to control the internal P release, thus mitigating eutrophication. and the pore water at pH 6 compared to these at pH 7 and pH 8 (Figs. 1

L. Xia et al. Science of the Total Environment 864 (2023) 160820

Fig. 5. The TDP in sediment pore water in the control (a) and Fe rich by-product treatment (b), and the total dissolved Fe in the sediment pore water in the control (c) and Fe
rich by-product treatment (d) under increasing SO4 concentrations after 19 days. The location of the sediment-water interface (SWI) is represented by zero. Error bars denote
standard error of the means (n = 2).

and 2) illustrated that lower pH promoted reductive dissolution of Fe(III) The first order rate constant kFe at which this re-oxidation occurs is depen-
oxyhydroxides, as reported in many other studies (Khan et al., 2019; dent on the DO concentration and the pH (Eq. (3)) (Baken et al., 2015a).
Maranguit et al., 2017; Zhang et al., 2021). This is because more protons
can be provided at lower pH, thus facilitating microbial reductive dissolu- kFe ¼ k  ½O2   ðOH − Þ2 ð3Þ
tion of Fe(III) oxyhydroxides while degrading organic matter (CH2O)
(Eq. (2)). Thus, under identical DO concentrations, the Fe re-oxidation rates are
factor 102 larger at pH 7 compared to that at pH 6. Similar observations
4FeðOH Þ3 þ 8H þ þ CH 2 O→4Fe2þ þ CO2 þ 3H 2 O ð2Þ have been reported in the field, during summer (high pH and high temper-
ature), the dissolved Fe(II) is completely oxidised after surfacing (Van Der
Grift et al., 2014).
In addition, decreased adsorption of reduced Fe(II) on the surface of The concurrent release of P and Fe in overlying water and pore water
minerals at lower pH induced more Fe release to the overlying water (Figs. 1 and 2), and their correlations in the unamended sediment
(Wang et al., 2018). At higher pH, lower Fe concentration in the overlying (Fig. S4a-c) illustrated that P concentration changes in response to changes
water could be explained by a combination of reasons. On the one hand, in water pH can be explained by the associated changes in the Fe concentra-
lower pore water Fe concentrations at higher pH than at lower pH tion. The higher mobilisation of P under slightly acid conditions as com-
(Fig. 2) indicated that there is less Fe reduction at higher pH, thus less pared to that under neutral and slightly alkaline conditions indicated that
reduced Fe diffusing to the overlying water. Flynn et al. (2014) showed water acidification promoted the dissolution of Fe(III) oxyhydroxides and
that microbial reduction of Fe(III) such as ferrihydrite and goethite was subsequent P release. This effect has been well documented in flooded
less thermodynamically favorable when pH was higher than 7. On the acidic soils (e.g., paddy soils) where microbial-mediated reduction of Fe
other hand, lower Fe concentration in the overlying water could be a conse- (III) oxyhydroxides and associated Fe(II) mobilisation resulted in substan-
quence of faster re-oxidation of Fe(II) at higher pH in the overlying water. tial P release (Khan et al., 2019; Kögel-Knabner et al., 2010; Maranguit

Fig. 6. Correlations between the water pH and total dissolved Fe concentrations (a) and SPP concentrations (b) in the overlying water in control and Fe rich by-product
treatments at different pH values and initial SO4 concentrations in solution.

L. Xia et al. Science of the Total Environment 864 (2023) 160820

et al., 2017). However, many other researchers found the opposite effect, consequently enhance the SO4 reduction (Chen et al., 2016). In addition,
i.e., an increased P release with increasing pH (Gao, 2012; Wang et al., the slower decrease of TS (Fig. 4b) and lower SO4 reduction rate (Fig. S6)
2013a; Wu et al., 2014). Wu et al. (2014) found that more P was mobilised in the sediment amended with Fe rich by-product compared to the sediment
under alkaline conditions than acid conditions, and the least amount of P without amendment indicated that the increase of Fe(III) in the sediment was
was observed under pH neutral. This difference in pH effects on P release likely causing a delay in the reduction of SO4. Similar effects were found by
from our study might be related to redox conditions. Their experiment Xia et al. (2019) where a drop in SO4 concentration in the treatment with
was conducted under aerobic conditions, which means that reductive disso- Fe(III) was delayed for 7 days compared to the treatment without Fe(III).
lution of Fe(III) oxyhydroxides was unlikely to occur. Thus, the effect of pH When Fe(III) and SO4 are both available as electron acceptors, dissimilatory
on P desorption due to ligand exchange between phosphate ions and Fe(III) reduction is preferred compared to SO4 reduction as indicated by the
hydroxyl ions was more important than the availability of sorption sites. reduction potential Eh and the Gibbs free energy ΔG (Peter et al., 2016;
However, the P mobilisation as effected by pH in the sediment with Fe Zhu and Schwartz, 2011). Hence, in the sediment with Fe(III) addition,
rich by-product addition was different from that in the control, i.e., P more Fe(III) would be reduced first and reduction of SO4 probably started
release increased by increasing the pH of the overlying water, albeit that later when the Fe reduction reached equilibrium as shown in Fig. 4.
this release is only minor, all P releases were 1–2 orders reduced due to The correlation analysis for overlying water properties indicated that
Fe rich by-product (Fig. 1). The higher Fe concentration in the pore water most likely, the combined effects of Fe and SO4 reduction induced P
of amended sediment at pH 6 compared to that at pH 7 and pH 8 mobilisation in the sediment without amendment (Table S2). Previous stud-
(Fig. 2d) demonstrated that water acidification did enhance the reductive ies demonstrated that the redox cycle of Fe(III) oxyhydroxides regulates P
dissolution of Fe(III) oxyhydroxides as discussed above, but at the same dynamics (Chen et al., 2018). Here, the high P concentration in the overlying
time the associated P did not increase (Fig. 2b). This is because sufficient water (Fig. 4) and sediment pore water (Fig. 5) under high SO4 concentra-
Fe in the sediment amended with Fe rich by-product can effectively trap tion could be related to the sulphide-induced abiotic reduction of Fe(III)-P
released P even though the Fe(III) were partially reduced under anoxic con- complexes (Maynard et al., 2011). Similar effect of elevated SO4 on P
ditions. When P release is mainly controlled by P sorption, increasing pH mobilisation has also been found in lakes (Chen et al., 2021, 2016), wetlands
might release more P (Fig. 1b). The effect of increasing pH on P desorption (Maynard et al., 2011) and lowland rivers (Zak et al., 2006). In treatments
has also been reported from sediment amended with other P sorbents such without SO4 addition, the P concentration decreased after a period of net
as lanthanum modified bentonite (LMB) (Kong et al., 2021), lanthanum increase, a trend that was found in similar incubation tests (van Dael et al.,
modified zeolite (Li et al., 2019) and aluminum (Al)-based materials 2020; Xia et al., 2021). This decrease in P could be explained by re-
(Huser et al., 2016; Li et al., 2017). Kong et al. (2021) investigated the effect oxidation of Fe(II), forming Fe(III) which can re-immobilise P, or vivianite
of water pH (i.e., pH 6, 7, and 9) on P dynamics after LMB amendment at precipitation. However, with SO4 addition, reduced sulphides can efficiently
the SWI and showed that the highest P release and lowest P immobilisation precipitate Fe(II) and form FeS, leaving less Fe(II) to be re-oxidised to Fe(III)
efficiency were found at pH 9. This is because that the adsorption capacity and re-immobilise P or to precipitate with P as vivianite (Wu et al., 2019).
of LMB is largely reduced compared to the pH range of 5–7 as indicated by The reduction in TS over time (e.g decrease from 1.8 to 0.8 mM in Fig. 4a)
Haghseresht et al. (2009). Similarly, Li et al. (2017) also found that in the is clearly larger than the removal of Fe(II) from solution (about 0.1 mM in
sediment with addition of zeolite/hydrous Al oxide composite, an increase control and even as low as 0.01 mM in Fe rich by-product treatments),
in P release with increasing pH was clear when pH exceeded 8. These could i.e., these trends do not obey FeS formation in water. However, the FeS
be explained by the fact that appearance of hydroxyl ions at high pH may might precipitate in the sediment before Fe(II) is released to the overlying
compete for adsorption sites with P. water. This is quite likely as the pore water Fe concentrations peak to over
Taken together, within pH range of 6–8, the effect of pH on P release 1 mM in the deeper horizons and are depleted at the surface, i.e., there is
from sediment depend on the P/Fe ratio in the sediment. In the unamended considerable diffusion of Fe(II) from the sediment towards the SWI where
sediment with less sorption sites (i.e., higher P/Fe ratio), the P release FeS might form. Our results indicate that current SO4 levels in freshwaters
under anoxic conditions was enhanced at more acid conditions, while for such as Flemish lowland rivers are high enough to induce significant sul-
the amended sediment with more sorption sites (i.e., lower P/Fe ratio), phate reduction in sediments and P release during summer low flow periods.
the P release under anoxic conditions increased at more alkaline conditions. The P release from sediments with Fe rich by-product addition was con-
However, on the long-term, higher reductive dissolution of Fe under more siderably decreased and was, in contrast to control, not affected by elevated
acid conditions could result in faster loss of Fe, and thus loss of P retention SO4 concentrations (Fig. 4d). The significantly low P release after addition
capacity, compared to more alkaline conditions, which would be detrimen- was mainly due to abundant Fe(III) oxides in the sediment to bind P as
tal the long-term efficiency of Fe rich by-product as a P binding remediation discussed in Section 4.1. Besides, reoxidation of Fe(II) and subsequent P
technique. adsorption to newly formed Fe(III) oxides could also lead to low P concen-
tration in the water column. The higher pH in the overlying water due to
4.3. The effect of increasing sulphate concentrations on Fe and P dynamics at the the addition of the alkaline Fe rich by-product (Fig. 3b) resulted in lower
SWI total dissolved Fe concentration in the overlying water (Fig. 4d) due to
faster Fe(II) reoxidation at higher pH (Flynn et al., 2014). This hypothesis
A previous study has reported that intermediate SO4 concentrations can be evidenced by higher total dissolved Fe concentration in the sediment
(9.6–28.8 mg SO4 L−1) in freshwater systems can already greatly promote pore water (Fig. 5d), but lower total dissolved Fe concentration in the over-
the release of internal P under anoxic conditions (Caraco et al., 1989). lying water (Fig. 4f) in amended treatments, compared to non-amended
Therefore, elevated SO4 concentrations and consequently enhanced SO4 treatments (Figs. 5c and 4e). Therefore, a combination of abundant sorp-
reduction has gained interest as an important mechanism regulating the tion sites, and faster Fe(II) reoxidation in amended sediment contributed
biogeochemical cycle of P, especially under hypoxic conditions (Holmer to low P release to the overlying water. Moreover, the P reduction by Fe
and Storkholm, 2001). In this study, the decreasing concentration of TS in rich by-product was not affected by increasing SO4 concentrations. Wang
the overlying water (Fig. 4a-b) indicated the likely occurrence of SO4 reduc- et al. (2013b) has shown that P immobilisation by Fe in drinking water
tion as a result of sediment respiration. The SO4 concentration is an impor- treatment residual had high stability under the effect of hydrogen sulphide.
tant factor determining the rate of SO4 reduction (Saxton et al., 2021). The This could be mainly explained by that Fe(III) in amended sediment was
decrease in the SO4 concentration was larger at larger initial concentrations efficient for P immobilisation even though part of Fe could be lost due to
indicating a higher SO4 reduction rate (Fig. S6), this was consistent with Fe reduction and subsequent precipitation of Fe(II) with sulphide. There-
other studies (Chen et al., 2016; Zak et al., 2006; Zhou et al., 2022). fore, providing new sorption sites by amending Fe rich by-product to sedi-
The reduction of SO4 is mediated by SO4-reducing bacteria (SRB), and ment could be a promising technology for the control of internal P release in
higher SO4 concentrations can increase the numbers of SRB, which would high sulphate water columns.

L. Xia et al. Science of the Total Environment 864 (2023) 160820

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