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You want to sell these things. Write your " asking price" for each item.

• Dow choose the things you want to buy. Get the best price for each
one. Then write what each item "Sold for on the price tog.

A: How much does the watch

CLOCK cost?

Asking Price 50 soles B. Its price is so soles

Sold for: 45.00 soles A: ohhh! that's too expensive

B: I can have it up to 45 soles
A: OK boy you
B: The watch is all your

Asking price: 50 soles A: How much is the price of the flower bouquet?
Sold for: 40 soles B. The bouquet of flowers is sosoles they are notund plen
A. Nothing less?
B. Up to 40 soles.
A. It's ok
buy it
B. Hove this is all yours.

TEDDY A: How much is the price of the Teddy?

Asking price B: The stuffed animal is 25 soles

Sold for A: What is your last price.

25 soles B. I can leave you up to 20 Soles

20 soles A: nothing leas?

B Do that is your last price.
A: Phonograph price?

Asking price: 200 so B. It is at 200 sols.

Sold for: 190 so A: I only have 150 soles.

B: I can leave you up to 190 soles
A: It's ok i buy it.
B: Here this is all yours.


A: I law much is the price of the lamp?

Asking Price: 80 so
B: It is at 80 ades it is current
Sold for: 75 so
A: It too expensive
B: I can lower it up to 75 so.
A: Ohh! ok i buy it
B. Here it is with its box thank


A: what is the price of the box of discs?

Asking price: 100 so. B. It price is 100 so.
Sold for: 80 so. A: I only have 50 so.
B: Not wey cheap I can have it up to 80 so.
A: It´s ok I buy it
B: Here is the box is all yours thanks.

A: Rocking chair price?

Asking price: 125 so.
B. If the price of the table is 125 so
Sold for: 110 so.
A: Something less than
B. I can leave up to 110 ades because it is
made of special wood
A: It's ok I take it.


A: What is the price of the bags?

B: Anyone is 30 so.
Skin price: 30 so
A: If I take two. Wathing leoss?
Sold for: 25 so.
B: Oth! It's fine if you take woo!"'!)
loave it at 25 soles each.
A: okay can you give me the
green and the transparentone
B: Ok here it is tank you por
your purchase
A: Vase price?

Asking Price: 30 sdes. B: The vase is at 30 so

Sold for: 25 soles A: Something less?

B. I can leave it to 25 soles
A: It's ok i buy it.
B: Here this is all yours.

A: What is the price of The microscope?
Askin price 300 side
B: "ies, how about the price is 300 soles, it is the
Sold for 280 soles
A: Ohhh! It's too expensive latest generation
B: I bue it up to 280 soles and it's all yours
A. It's ok I buy it because it's last generation
B: Here this is all yours

A: What is the price of the green bicycle?
Askin Price: 150 soos
B Ahh! The bike is 150 ades negotiable
Sold for: 120 sols
A: Ohhh! and why is it so expensive only have 100 sdes
B. Give me 120 sda and it's yours
A: It's ok "" buy you because I like the color
B: Thank your for purchasing.

Askin price A: Hello price of the dress and the pants?
Drass 40 soles B: If the dress is at 40 sdes and the pants
Green Suncater : 25 soles A: what material are they.
Pants: 30 sdes B: The drees is cotton and the pants are wool
flower Skirt: 20 soles. A: If I buy both, how much will you love me?
Orange Sold: 30 so. B. I have you up the dress and up to 25 Ides the for po
sold for: A. I's ok buy both
dress: 35 so
pants: 25 so
green swctaer: 20 so
flower skirt: 15 so
orange blouse: 25 so

Askin Price A: Price the basket and the vase?
Vase: 15 so B: If the basket is at 20 soles and the vase at 10 so.
Basket: 20 so A: Why are they so expensive there is no discount?
Cash register: 15 so B: I can leave you up to 10 so for the basket because it is made of
Label: 50so special matinal vase abo at the same price
A: How nice I buy bath

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