2022-Zhu Et Al - Compression Behavior e Estrutura de Um Loess Por Ciclos de Umedecimento e Secagem

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Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101165

Technical Paper

Compression behavior and structure of undisturbed Q2 loess under

wet-dry cycles
Jianghong Zhu a, Shuxian Han a, Huyuan Zhang a,b,⇑
College of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China
Key Laboratory of Mechanics on Disaster and Environment in Western China (Lanzhou University), Ministry of Education, Lanzhou 730000, China

Received 1 August 2021; received in revised form 1 May 2022; accepted 15 May 2022


In the Loess Plateau of China, the undisturbed Q2 loess is in a state of wet-dry cycles due to seasonal rainfall and groundwater level
fluctuations. The root cause of large deformation and poor stability of engineering foundation caused by wet-dry cycles or load com-
pression lies in the distinctive structure of loess. In this paper, the effects of wet-dry cycles and initial water content on the compression
deformation and compression coefficient of undisturbed Q2 loess were analyzed. Based on the structural parameter at the macro-level
and the microscopic morphology and pore size distribution at the micro-level, the effects of wet-dry cycles and initial water content
on the structure were analyzed from two aspects, and the influence mechanism was discussed. Meanwhile, based on the relationship
between microstructure and unsaturation, the impact of wet-dry cycles on the soil–water characteristic curve was determined. The results
show that the wet-dry cycles and initial water content were positively correlated with the compression deformation and compression
coefficient of the undisturbed Q2 loess, but negatively correlated with the structural parameter and water retention. These parameters
were stable under the 2 wet-dry cycles. With the increase in initial water content, the sensitivity of wet-dry cycles to the compression
deformation, structural parameter, and water retention gradually decreased. The sensitivity of initial water content to the compression
deformation, structural parameter, and water retention gradually reduced with the increasing wet-dry cycles. Moreover, the influence
mechanism of wet-dry cycles and initial water content on the macro-parameters and structure was mainly weakening the particle cemen-
tation strength. With the increase in initial water content, the decreasing range of the inter-aggregate cementation strength and intra-
aggregate cementation strength under the influence of wet-dry cycles decreased. With the increase in wet-dry cycles, the decreasing range
of the inter-aggregate cementation strength and intra-aggregate cementation strength under the influence of initial water content
Ó 2022 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Japanese Geotechnical Society. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license

Keywords: Undisturbed Q2 loess; Wet-dry cycle; Initial water content; Compression behavior; Structure

1. Introduction in the world, covering some 631,000 km2 of its mainland

or 6.6% of its total area (Fig. 1). The loess is generally
Loess is an aeolian sediment deposited under arid and thicker than 100 m over large areas of the Loess Plateau,
semi-arid conditions in the Quaternary Period (Zhang, and its strata are divided into Q4, Q3, Q2, and Q1 strata
1980; Pye, 1995). China has the largest loess distribution from top to bottom (Liu, 1965; Derbyshire and Mellors,
1988). The Loess Plateau has an arid climate with little
and concentrated precipitation, which is the primary source
Peer review under responsibility of The Japanese Geotechnical Society. of groundwater recharge. The periodic variations of cli-
⇑ Corresponding author at: College of Civil Engineering and Mechanics,
Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China. mate can cause dynamic variations of precipitation infiltra-
E-mail address: zhanghuyuan@lzu.edu.cn (H. Zhang). tion and groundwater level. The groundwater level rises in

0038-0806/Ó 2022 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Japanese Geotechnical Society.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
J. Zhu et al. Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101165

Fig. 1. Loess distribution in China and the research area.

the period of concentrated precipitation and decreases in cause is that loess has a special structure. Hereby, the com-
the dry season, resulting in the loess near the groundwater pression behavior and structure of loess under wet-dry
level being in wet-dry cycles. Loess is highly water-sensitive cycles are critical parameters in engineering stability analy-
and generally has superior strength under natural condi- sis. The variations in the compression behavior and struc-
tions (Wang et al., 2015; Liu et al., 2022). However, after ture of loess should be paid attention to in the research
being subjected to wet-dry cycles, the loess structure is of wet-dry cycles.
destroyed (Liu et al., 2010; Yan et al., 2017), which has In the previous construction of the Loess Plateau, the
an irreversible deterioration impact on the mechanical projects were built in the surface of the loess strata, namely
properties of the loess, resulting in a decrease in the stabil- the Q4 and Q3 strata. Due to the collapsibility of loess in
ity of the loess slopes and buildings near the groundwater the Q4 and Q3 strata, scholars have mainly paid attention
level, and causing serious harm to human production and to the compression behavior and structure of the Q4 and
engineering construction in the area (Shi et al., 2016; Q3 loess (Jiang et al., 2014b; Mu et al., 2020; Zuo et al.,
Wang et al., 2020; Sun et al., 2021). Therefore, the influence 2020), as well as the mechanical properties of the Q4 and
of wet-dry cycles on the mechanical properties of loess has Q3 loess in the wet-dry cycles (Li et al., 2018; Xu et al.,
traditionally been an important content of the stability 2020b; Jiang et al., 2021). But there are few studies on
analysis in the engineering construction of the Loess the wet-dry cycle, compression behavior, and structure of
Plateau. Q2 loess without collapsibility, and the few related studies
Presently, there are numerous studies on the wet-dry have been carried out mainly on remolded soil but not
cycle of loess, which have mainly focused on the relation- undisturbed soil (Ng et al., 2017; Xu et al., 2021). With
ship between compressive strength, shear strength, and the rapid development of the Loess Plateau, an increasing
wet-dry cycle (Li et al., 2018; Xu et al., 2020b; Jiang number of projects have been built in the deep Q2 strata.
et al., 2021; Qin et al., 2021). However, few studies have In the whole Loess Plateau, many groundwater levels are
been conducted on the effects of wet-dry cycles on compres- located in the Q2 strata, and the undisturbed Q2 loess is
sion behavior and structure. Loess is a strong structural in a state of wet-dry cycles (Dai and Guo, 2020; Zhu
soil with well-developed pores and an under-compacted et al., 2021). Hence, it is necessary to take the undisturbed
structure (Sun, 2002; Karam et al., 2009; An et al., 2018). Q2 loess as the research object in the study of the compres-
Wet-dry cycles or load compression can cause large defor- sion behavior and structure under the wet-dry cycles.
mation and poor stability of engineering foundations in the In this paper, the undisturbed Q2 loess in Qingyang City
Loess Plateau (Jia et al., 2013; Xue et al., 2021). The root of the Loess Plateau was taken as the research object. The
J. Zhu et al. Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101165

wet-dry cycle and one-dimensional consolidation tests were (a)

carried out to study the influence of wet-dry cycles on the
compression deformation and compression coefficient of
undisturbed Q2 loess. Meanwhile, by analyzing the rela-
tionship between wet-dry cycles and structural parameter,
the influence of wet-dry cycles on the structure was studied
from the macro level. Based on the analysis of microscopic
morphology and pore size distribution characteristics, the
influence of wet-dry cycles on the structure was studied
from the micro-level, and the influence mechanism of
wet-dry cycles on the compression behavior and structure
was discussed. Besides, based on the relationship between
microstructure and unsaturated property, the impact of
wet-dry cycles on the soil–water characteristic curve
(SWCC) of undisturbed Q2 loess was analyzed to further
discuss the influence of wet-dry cycles on the structure. (b)

2. Test materials and methods

2.1. Test materials

The loess samples used in the study were taken from

Dongzhi tableland, Qingyang City, China (Figs. 1 and 2).
The soil at the sampling site is Q2 loess (known as Lishi
loess in China), which has a yellow color. Some basic phys-
ical properties of the loess sample are listed in Table 1. The
soil particle size distribution test was conducted using a
laser particle size analyzer Mastersizer 2000 (UK) with
Hydro200G, which showed that the loess sample consists
mainly of silt (approximately 76.7%) with some clay (ap-
proximately 21.7%) (Table 1, Fig. 3a). Using the classifica-
tion method proposed by Gibbs and Holland (1960), it was
found that the loess sample belongs to silty loess based on
the plasticity properties (Table 1, Fig. 3b). Moreover, the Fig. 2. Sampling site (a) Topography (modified from Zhang, 1980) (b)
X-ray diffraction test showed that the mineralogical com- Lithological profile.
positions of the loess sample are predominantly quartz,
mica, and feldspar, with a small amount of dolomite and 1.54 ± 0.01 g/cm3, the minimum water content of Q2 loess
calcite (Fig. 4). is 10.8%, and the water content of Q2 loess is mostly
between 15.8% and 25.5%. That is to say, the dry density
2.2. Sample preparations of Q2 loess near the groundwater level is consistent, but
its water content is different owing to the difference in the
The loess samples used in the one-dimensional consoli- occurrence environment. Therefore, the dry density of the
dation tests were all cylindrical, with a height of 20 mm loess samples in this study was 1.54 ± 0.01 g/cm3, and
and a diameter of 61.8 mm. Although the undisturbed loess the initial water content was controlled to 10%, 15%,
samples were taken as the research objects in this study, the 20%, and 25%, respectively.
relevant parameters of the remolded loess samples and sat- The undisturbed loess samples were prepared by the cut-
urated undisturbed loess samples were needed in analyzing ting ring method. First, loess samples with different water
the structural parameter (Shao et al., 2008; Wu et al., content and consistent dry density were taken on-site,
2020). Thus, the preparation of the two samples was also sealed, and shipped to the laboratory. Then, the undis-
carried out in this study, and the pertinent parameters of turbed loess samples were directly cut into the prescribed
the two samples were only used to obtain the structural shape with cutting rings and wrapped with plastic film.
parameter. The preparation process of all loess samples The basic physical properties of the undisturbed loess sam-
strictly complied with the Chinese National Standard ples are shown in Table 2. Finally, the undisturbed loess
GB/T50123-2019 (SAC, 2019). samples were sealed and cured for more than 48 h to pre-
Through a large number of exploration boreholes for pare for the subsequent wet-dry cycle tests.
the Q2 loess at the sampling sites, it was found that The remolded loess samples were prepared by the static
the dry density of Q2 loess near the groundwater level is compaction method. First, the loess samples were dried,
J. Zhu et al. Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101165

Table 1
Some properties of the Q2 loess
used in this study.
Property Value
Specific gravity 2.72
Dry density/(g/cm3) 1.54
Free swelling rate/% 11
Atterberg limits
Liquid limit/% 31.18
Plastic limit/% 18.69
Plasticity index 12.49
Particle size distribution
Sand 0.075–2 mm/% 1.6
Silt 0.005–0.075 mm/% 76.7
Clay less than 0.005 mm/% 21.7
Main minerals
Quartz/% 51
Mica/% 20
Feldspar/% 10
Calcite/% 4
Dolomite/% 2
Clay minerals/% 13
Main chemical
Naþ þ K þ þ Ca2þ þ Mg2þ / 19.2

4 þ Cl /(mg/kg) 5.9

crushed, and passed through a 2 mm sieve. Then, the dried

loess samples were humidified with water, and the water
content was controlled to 10 ± 1%, 15 ± 1%, 20 ± 1%,
and 25 ± 1%, respectively, and the loess samples passed
through a 2 mm sieve. Then, the loess samples were pressed
into the cutting rings based on the set dry density (1.54 ± 0.
01 g/cm3) and water content. Finally, the remolded loess Fig. 3. Some physical properties of the Q2 loess (a) Particle size
distribution (b) Categorization based on plasticity properties.
samples were sealed and cured for more than 48 h to pre-
pare for the subsequent wet-dry cycle tests.
The preparation of saturated undisturbed loess samples 35000
Q:Quartz M:Mica F:Feldspar C:Calcite D:Dolomite
was to saturate the undisturbed loess samples with a given CM:Clay minerals
number of wet-dry cycles. Many studies vacuumized loess 30000 Q2 loess
samples before saturation, and assumed that vacuum satu-
ration had little effect on the micro–macro structure of
Intensity / a.u

loess samples (Jiang et al., 2011; Fan et al., 2017; Xu 20000

et al., 2020a; Xu et al., 2020c). Therefore, the undisturbed
loess samples were vacuumized before saturation in this 15000
study. First, filter paper and porous stone were placed on
and below the undisturbed loess sample and clamped
together in the steel fixture. Then, the undisturbed loess 5000 M
samples were placed in a vacuum saturator and saturated F D
with distilled water. Finally, the saturated undisturbed 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
loess samples were sealed to prepare for the subsequent
one-dimensional consolidation tests. 2
The longitudinal wave velocity is affected by the dry Fig. 4. Mineralogical compositions of the Q2 loess.
density, water content, and internal structure of soil
(Fratta et al., 2005; Liu et al., 2020; Zhang et al., 2021). 2.3. Wet-dry cycle tests
The longitudinal wave velocities of all prepared samples
were tested prior to the wet-dry cycle tests. The same type Previous studies have demonstrated that the mechanical
of samples must satisfy the conditions of similar longitudi- properties of many loess tended to be stable after two wet-
nal wave velocities. dry cycles (Ni et al., 2020; Xu et al., 2020b; Bai et al., 2021;

J. Zhu et al. Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101165

Table 2
Basic physical properties of undisturbed loess samples and test procedure for wet-dry cycles.
Target initial water Actal initial water Initial dry density/ Specific Initial void Initial saturation Cycle Cycle
content/% content/% (g/cm3) gravity ratio degree number amplitude
10 9.2 1.54 2.72 0.77 32.66 0 –
10.7 1.55 2.72 0.75 38.56 1 10–28.1%
10.4 1.55 2.72 0.75 37.48 2
9.4 1.54 2.72 0.77 33.37 3
15 15.5 1.54 2.72 0.77 55.02 0 –
14.9 1.54 2.72 0.77 52.89 1 10–28.1%
14.2 1.54 2.72 0.77 50.41 2
15.8 1.55 2.72 0.75 56.93 3
20 19.5 1.54 2.72 0.77 69.22 0 –
19.7 1.54 2.72 0.77 69.93 1 10–28.1%
19.2 1.54 2.72 0.77 68.16 2
20.7 1.54 2.72 0.77 73.48 3
25 25.3 1.53 2.72 0.78 88.48 0 –
25.9 1.54 2.72 0.77 91.94 1 10–28.1%
24.3 1.54 2.72 0.77 86.26 2
24.1 1.55 2.72 0.75 86.84 3

Qin et al., 2021; Ye et al., 2021). Although some loess came homogenization and equilibrium. Hence, in the wet-dry
from different places and periods with different disturbance cycle test, the sealing time was determined to be 48 h after
states, the number of wet-dry cycles in which the mechanical humidifying or dehumidifying to the target water content.
properties began to stabilize all varied from two to one due A complete wet-dry cycle process mainly consists of six
to the increase in initial water content or cycle amplitude. operation steps, as shown in Fig. 5. The wet-dry cycle test
This indicated that the type of loess has little effect on the was carried out under non-boundary constraints. Due to
number of wet-dry cycles in which the mechanical proper- the low content of clay minerals (Fig. 4, Table 1), the vol-
ties begin to stabilize. Therefore, although the undisturbed ume measurement showed that even without boundary
Q2 loess was not taken as the research object in the previous constraints, the loess samples exhibited small swelling
wet-dry cycle studies, this study could refer to the cycle set- and shrinkage deformation in the wet-dry cycle test, and
tings in these studies, with the cycles of 0, 1, 2, and 3, respec- the variation in dry density was less than 0.03 g/cm3.
tively. In addition, through extensive exploration and
sampling of Q2 loess at the research site, it was found that 2.4. One-dimensional consolidation tests
the minimum water content of Q2 loess was 10.8% near
the groundwater level, and the water content of saturated The one-dimensional consolidation tests were used to
Q2 loess was between 27.8% and 28.1%. Hence, the maxi- measure the compression deformation of the loess samples
mum water content was set to 28.1% and the minimum with given wet-dry cycles. The test instrument was a WG
water content was set to 10% during the wet-dry cycles. triple high-pressure consolidometer apparatus (Fig. 6).
The pre-test was carried out prior to the wet-dry cycle During the test, the pressure transmitting plate was sur-
test. In the pre-test, after completing the given number of rounded by wet towels to avoid evaporation of water in
wet-dry cycles, the diameters of the loess sample at 5 differ- the loess sample (Saengthongthip and Nuntasarn, 2019),
ent heights (including the top and bottom surfaces) were and the pre net vertical stress of the loess sample was
measured with vernier calipers, with 3 places at each 1 kPa. The net vertical stress of 12.5, 25, 50, 100, 200,
height, totaling 15 places. The diameters at different heights 300, 400, and 800 kPa was applied to the loess sample in
were roughly the same, and the difference between the aver- sequence, and the vertical deformation was recorded at
age diameter of 15 places and that of 6 places (3 places on the specified time node. The deformation rate under each
the top surface and 3 places on the bottom surface) was level of net vertical stress was not more than 0.01 mm/h
small, less than 1 mm. Therefore, in calculating the volume as the stability standard, and the net vertical stress was
of the loess sample in the wet-dry cycle test, the calculated increased step by step until the end of the test. After the
diameter was the average diameter of 3 places on the top test, the void ratio corresponding to each level of net verti-
surface and 3 places on the bottom surface, which did cal stress was calculated. The one-dimensional consolida-
not need to be corrected. Meanwhile, the calculated height tion tests were carried out per the Chinese National
was the average height of 6 places on the loess sample. In Standard GB/T50123-2019 (SAC, 2019).
addition, in the pre-test, it was found that when the loess
sample was sealed for 48 h after humidifying or dehumid- 2.5. Microstructure tests
ifying to the target water content, the difference in water
content at different parts in the loess sample was less than The central parts of the undisturbed Q2 loess samples
1%, and the volume reached stability, achieving water with 0 and 3 wet-dry cycles were cut carefully into cubes
J. Zhu et al. Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101165

of less than 2 cm3 and then dehydrated in a freeze dryer between the matrix suction, wm, and its water content, wf
(FD-2A) using liquid nitrogen at a temperature below (Leong et al., 2002; Bicalho et al., 2015; Zhang et al.,
70 °C. Subsequently, the microstructure of the loess sam- 2017). Previous studies have shown that wm calibration
ples was tested by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) curves of W42 filter paper are similar (Bicalho et al.,
and nitrogen physical adsorption. 2015). Therefore, the equations proposed by Leong et al.
(2002) were used in this study to estimate wm, expressed
2.6. SWCC tests as follows:

The undisturbed Q2 loess was an unsaturated soil. When 2:909  0:0229wf ðwf P 47%Þ
logwm ¼ ð1Þ
subjected to wet-dry cycles, structure variations could lead 4:945  0:0673wf ðwf < 47%Þ
to variations in unsaturated properties. The SWCC is an
essential unsaturated property, and its difference is essen-
tially caused by the structural difference of the soil (Wang
et al., 2013; Zhu et al., 2022). The pore structure and pore 3. Test results
size are the main factors affecting the SWCC. Thus, by ana-
lyzing the influence of wet-dry cycles on the SWCC of 3.1. Compression behavior
undisturbed Q2 loess, the influence of wet-dry cycles on
the structure could be discussed. 3.1.1. Compression curve
The SWCCs of undisturbed Q 2 loess with an initial The void ratio of undisturbed Q2 loess decreased rapidly
water content of 25% under 0, 1, 2, and 3 wet-dry cycles at first and then slowly with the increase in net vertical
and undisturbed Q2 loess with an initial water content of stress, as well as with the increase in wet-dry cycles
10% under 0 and 3 wet-dry cycles were determined by the (Fig. 7). Before the wet-dry cycles, under the same net ver-
filter paper method (Leong et al., 2002; Bicalho et al., tical stress, the void ratio of undisturbed Q2 loess gradually
2015; Zhang et al., 2017). In the tests, the loess samples decreased and the compression deformation gradually
were divided into 6 types, 8 of each type, totaling 48 increased with the increase in initial water content. When
loess samples. The same type of loess samples were air- the initial water content increased, the compression curves
dried or humidified, and the water content was con- of undisturbed Q2 loess under 1, 2, and 3 wet-dry cycles
trolled to 7%, 10%, 13%, 15%, 17%, 20%, 23%, and tended to coincide, and the void ratios of undisturbed Q2
25%, respectively. Once the target water content was loess under 1, 2 and 3 wet-dry cycles were all closer to that
reached, the loess samples were sealed for 48 h for water under 0 wet-dry cycles under the same net vertical stress. In
homogenization in preparation for subsequent SWCC particular, the compression curves of undisturbed Q2 loess
tests. with an initial water content of 25% under 1, 2, and 3 wet-
One of the most common ash-less filter papers, i.e., dry cycles were close, and the maximum difference between
50 mm diameter Whatman No. 42 (W42), was adopted their void ratios remained about 0.02 under the same net
and pre-dried in the oven. To obtain matrix suction, three vertical stress. This indicated that the sensitivity of wet-
stacked filter papers (one W42 filter paper sandwiched dry cycles to the void ratio and compression deformation
between two 60 mm diameter protective filter papers) were of undisturbed Q2 loess decreased with the increase in ini-
carefully placed in direct contact with the bottom of the tial water content.
loess sample. In addition, a polyvinyl chloride (PVC) block To intuitively express the variation of void ratio with
(50 mm  50 mm  20 mm, about 60 g) was placed on the net vertical stress and wet-dry cycles, a three-
top surface of the loess sample. The PVC block was used dimensional surface was established with void ratio, net
for two reasons: to increase contact between the bottom vertical stress, and wet-dry cycles as three-dimensional
of the loess sample and the filter papers for matric suction variables (Fig. 8). The angle between the three-
measurement, and to shorten the equilibration time by dimensional space surface and the horizontal plane
reducing the space in the airtight container. Subsequently, decreased with the increase in initial water content, again
the whole loess sample and filter papers were transferred indicating that the sensitivity of wet-dry cycles to the void
into a 300 mL (90 mm in diameter and 50 mm in height) ratio and compression deformation of undisturbed Q2
airtight plastic container for 14 d. During this period, the loess gradually decreased as the initial water content
dry filter paper in the container was initially allowed to increased. Otherwise, the decreasing range of the void
absorb water until it reached a hydraulic equilibrium with ratio in the undisturbed Q2 loess under the wet-dry cycles
the loess sample. At the end of this test, the loess samples showed a trend of first increasing and then gradually flat-
and W42 filter papers were dried at 105 °C to measure their tening with the increase in net vertical stress. And the
water content, and the corresponding matrix suction values decreasing range of the void ratio under the net vertical
were calculated. stress also showed the same variation with the increase
The inferred soil suction depends highly on the water in wet-dry cycles. The effect of wet-dry cycles on the void
retention curve (also known as the calibration curve) of ratio and compression deformation was less than that of
the W42 filter paper, which defines the relationship net vertical stress, and the difference between the two
J. Zhu et al. Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101165

Fig. 5. Wet-dry cycle process.

3.1.2. Void ratio decrement

The decrease in the void ratio of the undisturbed Q2
loess under the net vertical stress varied with the wet-dry
cycles and initial water content. To quantitatively analyze
the influence of wet-dry cycles and initial water content
on the void ratio and compression deformation of undis-
turbed Q2 loess, the void ratio decrement was defined
(Jiang et al., 2014b; Mu et al., 2020; Zuo et al., 2020).
The void ratio decrement refers to the variation range of
the void ratio in the undisturbed Q2 loess under the net ver-
tical stress, and its expression is as follows:
eo  ef
De ¼  100; ð2Þ

where De is the void ratio decrement, %; eo is the void ratio

at a net vertical stress of 12.5 kPa; and ef is the void ratio at
a net vertical stress of 800 kPa.
For undisturbed Q2 loess with initial water contents of
10% and 15%, the void ratio decrement showed an increas-
ing trend from 0 wet-dry cycles to 2 wet-dry cycles, and its
increasing range gradually decreased (Fig. 9). However,
after 2 wet-dry cycles, the void ratio decrement remained
unchanged. For undisturbed Q2 loess with initial water
contents of 20% and 25%, the void ratio decrement
increased from 0 wet-dry cycles to 1 wet-dry cycle, but
Fig. 6. Structure of the consolidometer apparatus (modified from SAC,
remained constant after 1 wet-dry cycle. Combined with
Fig. 7, it could be shown that with the increase in initial
water content, the number of wet-dry cycles in which the
void ratio decrement and compression deformation of
effects gradually increased with the increase in initial
undisturbed Q2 loess began to stabilize had a decreasing
water content.
trend. It also showed that with the increase in initial water
J. Zhu et al. Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101165

content, the sensitivity of wet-dry cycles to the void ratio (a) 0.78
decrement and compression deformation of undisturbed 0 cycles
0.76 1 cycle
Q2 loess gradually decreased. Moreover, the void ratio 2 cycles
decrement of undisturbed Q2 loess increased with the 3 cycles

increase in initial water content during 0 and 1 wet-dry 0.72

Void ratio
cycles, but tended to coincide for different initial water con- 0.70
tent during 2 and 3 wet-dry cycles. Combined with Fig. 7, it 0.68
could be shown that the sensitivity of initial water content 0.66
to the void ratio decrement and compression deformation 0.64
of undisturbed Q2 loess gradually decreased with the 0.62
increase in wet-dry cycles. 0.60
0 200 400 600 800 1000
3.1.3. Compression coefficient Net vertical stress / kPa
The compressibility of undisturbed Q2 loess was evalu- (b) 0.78
0 cycles
ated by the compression coefficient within the range of 0.76 1 cycle
100 kPa and 200 kPa for net vertical stress (Fig. 10) 0.74
2 cycles
3 cycles
(SAC, 2011). At the same initial water content, the com-
pression coefficient of undisturbed Q2 loess showed a sharp

Void ratio
increase trend from 0 wet-dry cycles to 2 wet-dry cycles, but
stabilized after 2 wet-dry cycles. With the increase in wet-
dry cycles, the difference in the compression coefficient of 0.66
undisturbed Q2 loess with different initial water content 0.64
decreased, that is, the sensitivity of initial water content 0.62
to the compression coefficient of undisturbed Q2 loess 0.60
0 200 400 600 800 1000
decreased. The number of wet-dry cycles in which the com-
Net vertical stress / kPa
pression coefficient began to stabilize was distinct from the
number of wet-dry cycles in which the compression defor- (c) 0.78
0 cycles
mation began to stabilize. This was mainly because the 0.76 1 cycle
2 cycles
range of the void ratio was different in the two analysis pro- 0.74 3 cycles
cesses, resulting in different stable variation ranges (Jiang 0.72
Void ratio

et al., 2014b; Xu and Coop, 2016; Zuo et al., 2020). In addi- 0.70
tion, under the same wet-dry cycles, with the increase in ini- 0.68
tial water content, the compression coefficient of
undisturbed Q2 loess increased gradually, but the increas-
ing range decreased gradually. With the increase in initial
water content, the sensitivity of wet-dry cycles to the com- 0.62

pression coefficient of undisturbed Q2 loess gradually 0.60

0 200 400 600 800 1000
decreased. Net vertical stress / kPa
Although the compression coefficient of undisturbed Q2 (d) 0.78
loess increased under wet-dry cycles, it was still between 0.1 0 cycles
and 0.5 MPa1. So the undisturbed Q2 loess under wet-dry 0.76 1 cycle
2 cycles
cycles belonged to medium compressive soil (SAC, 2011). 0.74 3 cycles
During construction near the groundwater level of the Q2 0.72
Void ratio

loess strata, the compression coefficient of the undisturbed 0.70

Q2 loess after 2 wet-dry cycles should be considered in the 0.68
calculation of the foundation settlement during engineering 0.66
design (Table 3). 0.64
3.2. Structure
0 200 400 600 800 1000
3.2.1. Structural parameter Net vertical stress / kPa
Soil structure is comprised of soil particles and pores
Fig. 7. Compression curves (a) 10% initial water content (b) 15% initial
connected by cementing materials, including particle water content (c) 20% initial water content (d) 25% initial water content.
arrangement, particle connection, and pore distribution
characteristics (Dexter, 1988; Alonso et al., 1990). The
structural parameter is the quantitative parameter obtained which can comprehensively reflect and characterize soil
by soil mechanics methods to characterize soil structure, particle connection and arrangement at a macro-level
J. Zhu et al. Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101165

(a) (Shao et al., 2008; Wu et al., 2020). The larger the struc-
tural parameter, the stronger the soil structure. The strain
0.78 0.7497 structural parameter was selected for structural quantifica-
0.76 0.7364
tion as follows:
ss =so sr  ss
0.72 0.6965
mp ¼ ¼ ; ð3Þ
Void ratio

0.70 0.6832 so =sr s2o

0.66 0.6433 where So is the strain of the undisturbed sample under a
0.64 0.6300 certain stress, %; Ss is the strain of the saturated undis-
0 800
1 500
turbed sample under a certain stress, %; and Sr is the strain


of the remodeled sample under a certain stress, %.



2 ls



With the increase in initial water content, the number of


3 0

wet-dry cycles in which the structural parameter of undis-

turbed Q2 loess began to stabilize had a decreasing trend,
0.78 0.7477 and the sensitivity of wet-dry cycles to the structural
0.76 0.7349 parameter of undisturbed Q2 loess gradually decreased
(Fig. 11). In particular, for the undisturbed Q2 loess with
0.72 0.6965 an initial water content of 25%, when the net vertical stress
Void ratio

0.70 0.6837 was small (less than 25 kPa), the structural parameter had a
small decreasing trend from 0 wet-dry cycles to 1 wet-dry
0.66 0.6453 cycle, and entered a stable state after 1 wet-dry cycle. How-
0 800
ever, when the net vertical stress was large (greater than
0.62 700
1 500
600 25 kPa), the influence of wet-dry cycles on the structural


parameter was small. Besides, with the increase in wet-










dry cycles, the variation in the structural parameter gradu-


3 0

(c) ally decreased under the influence of initial water content,

that is, the sensitivity of initial water content to the struc-
0.78 0.7521 tural parameter of undisturbed Q2 loess gradually
0.76 0.7398 decreased.
The structural parameter of undisturbed Q2 loess under
0.72 0.7027 different wet-dry cycles varies with the net vertical stress, as
Void ratio

0.70 0.6904 shown in Fig. 12. With the same wet-dry cycles and initial
water content, the structural parameter of undisturbed Q2
0.66 0.6533 loess first decreased rapidly and then stabilized with the
0.64 0.6410
20 800
0.6 700
1 500










3 0

(d) 16
Void ratio decrement / %

0.78 0.7569 14
0.76 0.7439
0.72 0.7047
Void ratio

0.70 0.6917
10 w=10%
0.66 0.6526 w=15%
0.64 0.6395 w=20%
70 0
800 8 w=25%
1 50 0

40 0








0 1 2 3

3 0

Fig. 8. Variation of void ratio with wet-dry cycles and net vertical stress Wet-dry cycles
(a) 10% initial water content (b) 15% initial water content (c) 20% initial
water content (d) 25% initial water content. Fig. 9. Variation of void ratio decrement with wet-dry cycles.

J. Zhu et al. Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101165

increase in net vertical stress. The decreasing range was Table 3

negatively correlated with initial water content and wet- Compression coefficient.
dry cycles. In addition, it could be found from Fig. 12 that Initial water content/% Compression coefficient/MPa1
when the slope of the curve was less than 0.002, the struc- 0 cycles 1 cycle 2 cycles 3 cycles
tural parameter tended to vary smoothly with the net ver- 10% 0.1210 0.1974 0.2509 0.2428
tical stress. Thus, the curve with a slope greater than 0.002 15% 0.1449 0.2208 0.2596 0.2643
was assumed to be the reduced structural parameter seg- 20% 0.1763 0.2231 0.2651 0.2669
ment, and the curve with a slope less than 0.002 was the 25% 0.1804 0.2322 0.2658 0.2667
stable structural parameter segment. With the increase in
initial water content, the net vertical stress at the boundary
between the reduced structural parameter segment and
increase in wet-dry cycles, the decreasing range of the par-
stable structural parameter segment decreased continu-
ticle cementation strength under the influence of initial
ously. For undisturbed Q2 loess with initial water contents
water content gradually decreased. With the increase in ini-
of 15%, 20%, and 25%, the net vertical stress at the bound-
tial water content, the decreasing range of the particle
ary was 100, 50, and 25 kPa, respectively. For undisturbed
cementation strength under the wet-dry cycles gradually
Q2 loess with an initial water content of 10%, the net verti-
decreased, and the number of wet-dry cycles in which the
cal stress at the boundary was 200 kPa under 0 and 1 wet-
particle cementation strength began to stabilize had a
dry cycles, and 100 kPa under 2 and 3 wet-dry cycles.
decreasing trend. For undisturbed Q2 loess with initial
water contents of 10% and 15%, the number of cycles for
3.2.2. Particle cementation strength and particle the particle cementation strength to stabilize was 2. For
arrangement strength undisturbed Q2 loess with initial water contents of 20%
In the process of applying the net vertical stress, the and 25%, the number of cycles for the particle cementation
structural parameter in the initial stage (small net vertical strength to stabilize was 1. In addition, the particle
stress) mainly reflected the particle cementation strength arrangement strength varied little during the application
(Shao et al., 2004, 2008; Wen and Yan, 2014; Wu et al., of net vertical stress (Shao et al., 2004, 2008; Wen and
2020). The larger the structural parameter, the better the Yan, 2014; Wu et al., 2020). By comparing the structural
particle cementation strength. However, in the later stage parameters in the initial and later stages of the net vertical
(high net vertical stress), the particle cementation strength stress application process, it could be found that the struc-
was partially lost, the particle arrangement strength began ture strength was mainly dominated by the particle cemen-
to play a role, and the structural parameter mainly reflected tation strength, the particle arrangement strength played a
the dual effects of the particle cementation strength and secondary role, and the particle cementation strength was
particle arrangement strength (Shao et al., 2004, 2008; much greater than the particle arrangement strength. The
Wen and Yan, 2014; Wu et al., 2020). Hence, the variation influence of wet-dry cycles and initial water content on
in the particle cementation strength could be judged by the structure of undisturbed Q2 loess was mainly to vary
analyzing the structural parameter in the initial stage of the particle cementation strength.
the net vertical stress application process in Fig. 12. Wet- By analyzing the compression curves in Fig. 7, it was
dry cycles and initial water content both reduced the parti- found that in the initial stage of net vertical stress applica-
cle cementation strength of undisturbed Q2 loess. With the tion, the compression deformation was mainly dominated
by the particle cementation strength in the undisturbed
Q2 loess structure (Shao et al., 2004; Wen and Yan,
0.28 2014). Under the low net vertical stress, the variation of
0.26 compression deformation with wet-dry cycles was in accor-
Compression coefficient / MPa-1

dance with that of particle cementation strength with wet-

0.24 dry cycles, and the variation of compression deformation
0.22 with initial water content was also the same as that of par-
ticle cementation strength with initial water content. Fur-
thermore, in the later stage of net vertical stress
0.18 application, the compression deformation was mainly
0.16 dominated by the joint action of particle cementation
strength and particle arrangement strength in the undis-
0.14 w=15%
w=20% turbed Q2 loess structure (quantitatively expressed by the
0.12 w=25% structural parameter) (Shao et al., 2004; Wen and Yan,
2014). Under the high net vertical stress, the variation of
0 1 2 3 compression deformation with wet-dry cycles was consis-
Wet-dry cycles tent with that of structural parameter with wet-dry cycles,
and the variation of compression deformation with initial
Fig. 10. Variation of compression coefficient with wet-dry cycles.
J. Zhu et al. Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101165

(a) 14 (a) 14
P=12.5 kPa
0 cycles
12 P=25 kPa 12 1 cycle
Structural parameter

P=50 kPa

Structural parameter
2 cycles
10 P=100kPa
P=200 kPa
10 3 cycles
8 P=400 kPa 8
P=800 kPa
6 6
200 kPa
100 kPa
0 1 2 3 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Wet-dry cycles
Net vertical stress / kPa
(b) 14 (b) 14
P=12.5 kPa
12 P=25 kPa 0 cycles
Structural parameter

P=50 kPa 1 cycle

Structural parameter
10 P=100kPa 2 cycles
P=200 kPa 10 3 cycles
8 P=400 kPa
P=800 kPa
2 100 kPa
0 1 2 3 0
Wet-dry cycles 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Net vertical stress / kPa
(c) 14
P=12.5 kPa (c) 14
12 P=25 kPa
0 cycles
Structural parameter

P=50 kPa 12
P=100kPa 1 cycle
Structural parameter

P=200 kPa 2 cycles

P=300kPa 10 3 cycles
8 P=400 kPa
P=800 kPa 8
2 50 kPa
0 1 2 3
Wet-dry cycles 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
(d) 14 Net vertical stress / kPa
P=12.5 kPa (d) 14
12 P=25 kPa
Structural parameter

P=50 kPa 0 cycles

10 P=100kPa 12 1 cycle
Structural parameter

P=200 kPa 2 cycles

P=300kPa 10 3 cycles
8 P=400 kPa
P=800 kPa
6 8

4 6

2 4

0 2 25 kPa
0 1 2 3
Wet-dry cycles 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Fig. 11. Variation of structural parameter with wet-dry cycles (a) 10% Net vertical stress / kPa
initial water content (b) 15% initial water content (c) 20% initial water
content (d) 25% initial water content. Fig. 12. Variation of structural parameter with net vertical stress (a) 10%
initial water content (b) 15% initial water content (c) 20% initial water
content (d) 25% initial water content.

J. Zhu et al. Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101165

water content was in line with that of structural parameter retention gradually decreased with the increase in wet-dry
with initial water content. cycles.
When the net vertical stress was greater than 25 kPa, the Three commonly used models, namely van Genuchten
wet-dry cycles had little effect on the structural parameter model (Genuchten, 1980), Fredlund-Xing model
of the undisturbed Q2 loess, that is, the wet-dry cycles (Fredlund et al., 1994), and Gardner model (Gardner,
had little effect on the particle cementation strength of 1958), were selected to fit the SWCCs obtained from the
the undisturbed Q2 loess. In undisturbed loess, particles tests. It was found that the curve based on the Gardner
are in contact with adjacent particles through cementation model was poorly fitted, while the fitting using the van
bonds. The structure of undisturbed loess is largely stabi- Genuchten model and Fredlund-Xing model showed better
lized by cementation bonds between particles other than performance with the correlation coefficients above 0.99.
matrix suction or meniscus (Barden et al., 1973; Gao, Due to limited space, only the fitting curves of these three
1981; Lei, 1987; Derbyshire and Mellors, 1988; Jiang models to the SWCC of undisturbed Q2 loess with an initial
et al., 2014a). Before the wet-dry cycles, the net vertical water content of 25% under 3 wet-dry cycles are presented
stress of 25 kPa was too small to destroy a large number in Fig. 15. The correlation coefficient of the van Genuchten
of cementation bonds, and the undisturbed Q2 loess had model was 0.995 and that of the Fredlund-Xing model was
good particle cementation strength and high structural 0.993.
parameter. However, when the net vertical stress was The van Genuchten model and Fredlund-Xing model
greater than 25 kPa, many cementation bonds were are suitable for silt and clay, while the Gardner model is
destroyed, and the degree of damage to the cementation generally applicable to coarse-grained soils (Gardner,
bonds increased with the increase in net vertical stress 1958; Genuchten, 1980; Fredlund et al., 1994). The undis-
(Jiang et al., 2014a; Shao et al., 2018). So the particle turbed Q2 loess is mainly composed of silt and clay, which
cementation strength of the undisturbed Q2 loess before belongs to silty loess (Fig. 3). Thus, the van Genuchten
the wet-dry cycles was low under the net vertical stress model and Fredlund-Xing model were suitable for fitting
(greater than 25 kPa), and gradually decreased with the the SWCCs of undisturbed Q2 loess under wet-dry cycles.
increase in net vertical stress. Therefore, the weakening The van Genuchten model is expressed as follows
effect of wet-dry cycles on the low particle cementation (Genuchten, 1980):
strength was not obvious under the net vertical stress hs  hr
h¼h þ hr ; ð4Þ
wb ið11bÞ
(greater than 25 kPa), that is, the wet-dry cycles had little
effect on the structural parameter of undisturbed Q2 loess 1þ a
when the net vertical stress was greater than 25 kPa.
where h is the volumetric water content, %; w is the matrix
3.3. SWCC suction, kPa; a and b are the fitting parameters; hs is the
saturated volumetric water content, %; and hr is the resid-
The volumetric water content of undisturbed Q2 loess all ual volumetric water content, %.
decreased with the increase in matrix suction, and the The Fredlund-Xing model is given by the following
decreasing range gradually decreased (Figs. 13 and 14). equation (Fredlund et al., 1994):
With the same volumetric water content, the matrix suction    m
lnð1 þ w=wr Þ 1
of undisturbed Q2 loess gradually decreased with the h¼ 1 hs ; ð5Þ
lnð1 þ 106 =wr Þ ln½e þ ðw=cÞn 
increase in wet-dry cycles, indicating that the water reten-
tion of undisturbed Q2 loess decreased under the wet-dry where c, n, and m are the fitting parameters; and wr is the
cycles (Fig. 13). The SWCCs under 2 and 3 wet-dry cycles matrix suction at residual volumetric water content, kPa.
coincided, thus the water retention of undisturbed Q2 loess The fitting parameters of the SWCCs of the undisturbed
was stable after 2 wet-dry cycles. Furthermore, under the Q2 loess under wet-dry cycles are presented in Tables 4 and
same volumetric water content, the matrix suction of 5. In the van Genuchten model, the wet-dry cycles and ini-
undisturbed Q2 loess gradually decreased with the increase tial water content had a large effect on a, but little on b. In
in initial water content, indicating that the water retention the Fredlund-Xing model, the wet-dry cycles and initial
of undisturbed Q2 loess decreased with the increase in ini- water content had a great influence on c, but little on n
tial water content at the same wet-dry cycles (Fig. 14). and m. In particular, both a and c were negatively corre-
Under the same volumetric water content, the variation lated with the wet-dry cycles and initial water content.
in the matrix suction of the undisturbed Q2 loess under
the influence of wet-dry cycles decreased when the initial 4. Discussions
water content increased, and the variation in the matrix
suction under the influence of initial water content also 4.1. Applicability of test results
decreased when the wet-dry cycles increased. Therefore,
the sensitivity of wet-dry cycles to the water retention grad- In this study, the wet-dry cycles were carried out without
ually decreased with the increase in initial water content, boundary constraints. However, the in-situ Q2 loess near
and the sensitivity of initial water content to the water the groundwater level undergoes wet-dry cycles under
J. Zhu et al. Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101165

45 thickness, the displacement constraint has little effect on

w=25%, 0 cycles the structure variation and shrinkage deformation of the
40 w=25%, 1 cycle soil. The critical thickness of homogeneous Xiashu loess
Volumetric water content / %

w=25%, 2 cycles was 1.5 cm (Zeng et al., 2019). The loess samples in this
35 w=25%, 3 cycles
study and Xiashu loess were both of aeolian origin with lit-
30 tle difference in particle size and mineral composition
25 (Table 1) (Zeng et al., 2019; Lin et al., 2021). Hence, the
shrinkage properties of loess samples were not significantly
20 different from those of Xiashu loess, and the critical thick-
ness of homogeneous loess samples should be about
1.5 cm. Since the thickness of the loess sample was greater
10 than the critical thickness, the displacement constraint had
little influence on the structure variation and shrinkage
5 deformation of the loess sample during the drying process.
1 10 100 1000 10000 10000
That is to say, there was little difference between the effect
Matrix suction / kPa
of drying process on the structure of loess samples under
Fig. 13. Variation of SWCC with wet-dry cycles. non-boundary constraints and that on the structure of in-
situ Q2 loess under displacement constraints and small con-
fining pressure.
45 During the humidification process, the swelling defor-
w=10%, 0 cycles
40 w=25%, 0 cycles mation of the loess sample without boundary constraints
Volumetric water content / %

w=10%, 3 cycles was larger than that of the in-situ Q2 loess under boundary
35 w=25%, 3 cycles constraints. However, due to the small swelling deforma-
30 tion of the loess sample, it could be inferred that the
boundary constraint has little effect on the swelling defor-
25 mation of the in-situ Q2 loess during the humidification
20 process, and then the effect of the humidification process
on the swelling deformation of the loess sample under
15 non-boundary constraints and that on the swelling defor-
mation of the in-situ Q2 loess under boundary constraints
were not significantly different. Therefore, there was little
5 difference between the swelling and shrinkage deformation
1 10 100 1000 10000 100000
of the loess sample in the wet-dry cycles without boundary
Matrix suction / kPa constraints and that of the in-situ Q2 loess under the wet-
Fig. 14. SWCCs under different wet-dry cycles and initial water content.
dry cycles with displacement constraints and small confin-
ing pressure. The influence of wet-dry cycles on the com-
pression behavior and structure of loess samples without
boundary constraints. It has been found that the influence boundary constraints can be used to reflect that on the
of wet-dry cycles on the mechanical properties of samples
under non-boundary constraints was greatly different from
that under displacement constraints and large confining
45 Measured value (w=25%, 3 cycles)
pressure, but it had little difference from that under dis-
Fitting curve of van Genuchten model
placement constraints and small confining pressure 40
Volumetric water content / %

Fitting curve of Fredlund-Xing model

(Zangl and Likos, 2016; Yin et al., 2017; Liang et al., Fitting curve of Gardner model
2018; Hu et al., 2019). It could be inferred that the com-
pression behavior and structure of loess samples affected 30
by wet-dry cycles under non-boundary constraints might
not be significantly different from those of in-situ Q2 loess
affected by wet-dry cycles under displacement constraints 20
and small confining pressure.
Wet-dry cycles include drying and humidification pro- 15
cesses. During the drying process, the influence of displace- 10
ment constraint on the structure variation and shrinkage
deformation of soil under small confining pressure weakens 5
1 10 100 1000 10000 100000
gradually with the increase in soil thickness (Zeng et al.,
Matrix suction / kPa
2019; Al-Jeznawi et al., 2021; Lin et al., 2021; Cuadrado
et al., 2022). If the soil thickness is greater than the critical Fig. 15. Fitting of the SWCC.
J. Zhu et al. Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101165

compression behavior and structure of in-situ Q2 loess Table 5

under displacement constraints and small confining pres- Fitting parameters of the Fredlund-Xing model.
sure. This was not contradictory to the effect of boundary Initial water content/% Cycle number c n m R2
constraints on samples under wet-dry cycles in previous 10 0 141.02 0.85 0.61 0.993
studies (Zangl and Likos, 2016; Yin et al., 2017; Liang 3 35.66 1.01 0.63 0.994
et al., 2018; Hu et al., 2019). Moreover, the test results of 25 0 125.38 0.78 0.69 0.996
1 44.56 0.86 0.63 0.997
this study are applicable to in-situ Q2 loess with displace- 2 34.75 0.89 0.68 0.994
ment constraints and small confining pressure, such as 3 33.81 0.99 0.63 0.993
the undisturbed Q2 loess located in the surface of the slope.

4.2. Microscopic morphology loess can be divided into inter-aggregate pores and intra-
aggregate pores based on their states (Gao, 1981; Lei,
The strength of the undisturbed Q2 loess structure was 1987). The inter-aggregate pores are the pores existing
mainly dominated by the particle cementation strength, between the particles, and their pore sizes are generally
and the influence of wet-dry cycles and initial water content greater than 200 nm. The intra-aggregate pores are the
on the structure strength was mainly to vary the particle pores existing inside the aggregate particles, which are 1–
cementation strength. Consequently, in this microstructure 3 order of magnitudes smaller than the inter-aggregate
study, the influence mechanism of wet-dry cycles and initial pores, and their pore sizes are generally less than 200 nm
water content on the compression behavior and structure (Gao, 1981; Derbyshire and Mellors, 1988; Jiang et al.,
of undisturbed Q2 loess was discussed from the perspective 2014a). Therefore, the microstructures in loess can be
of particle cementation strength. In addition, there was lit- divided into inter-aggregate structures and intra-
tle difference between the structure variations of the loess aggregate structures based on their states, and the particle
samples in this study under the wet-dry cycles without cementation strength can be divided into inter-aggregate
boundary constraints and those of the in-situ Q2 loess cementation strength and intra-aggregate cementation
under the wet-dry cycles with displacement constraints strength. The inter-aggregate structures are the structures
and small confining pressure. Therefore, the influence between the particles, and the intra-aggregate structures
mechanism obtained based on the microstructure varia- are the structure inside the aggregate particles. The inter-
tions in the wet-dry cycles without boundary constraints aggregate cementation strength is the cementation strength
is suitable for in-situ Q2 loess with displacement constraints between the particles, and the intra-aggregate cementation
and small confining pressure. strength is the cementation strength inside the aggregate
Microstructures are extremely small-scale structures particles. In this study, the microscopic morphology of
that are revealed by an optical microscope magnified more the particles and inter-aggregate pores in the undisturbed
than 25 times (Barden et al., 1973; Gao, 1981). The Q2 loess was observed by SEM, which was used to discuss
macrostructure is the structure that can be observed with the inter-aggregate structures and inter-aggregate cementa-
the naked eye or a magnifying glass, and variations in tion strength. The nitrogen physical adsorption method
the microstructure can reflect variations in the macrostruc- was used to measure the pore size distribution curve of
ture and mechanical properties. The microstructure of loess the intra-aggregate pores to analyze the intra-aggregate
consists of particles, cementation bonds, and pores. Loess structures and intra-aggregate cementation strength.
particles include mineral particles and aggregate particles Under the same initial water content, compared with the
composed of clay by calcium carbonate cementation undisturbed Q2 loess under 3 wet-dry cycles, the particles
(Fig. 16) (Gao, 1981; Derbyshire and Mellors, 1988). Par- of the undisturbed Q2 loess before the wet-dry cycles were
ticles are in contact with adjacent particles through cemen- contacted closely, and the inter-aggregate pores were com-
tation bonds in undisturbed loess, and cementation paratively small and scattered (Fig. 17). Reflected in the
materials are always carbonate and clays (Barden et al., macroscopic aspect, the inter-aggregate cementation
1973; Gao, 1981; Lei, 1987; Derbyshire and Mellors, strength in the undisturbed Q2 loess before the wet-dry
1988; Jiang et al., 2014a). Different particles and contact cycles was high, and the inter-aggregate structures had rel-
relations result in different pore forms. The micropores in atively high compression resistance and structural parame-
ter. In the first wet-dry cycle, water penetrated into the
Table 4
Fitting parameters of the van Genuchten model. undisturbed Q2 loess along the pores during humidifica-
tion. Under the water-soil interaction (Sun, 2002; Jia
Initial water content/% Cycle number a b R2
et al., 2013; Li et al., 2018), it lubricated, dissolved, and
10 0 110.18 1.28 0.979 softened the carbonate and clays connected between parti-
3 26.95 1.27 0.996
25 0 105.46 1.28 0.980
cles, breaking many cementation bonds between particles.
1 33.15 1.25 0.989 Thus, some large aggregate particles were decomposed into
2 24.14 1.27 0.992 many small aggregate particles, the contact edges between
3 25.03 1.27 0.995 particles developed from irregular to smooth, and the
J. Zhu et al. Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101165

inter-aggregate pores were constantly generated. During of each pore (Kanopoulos et al., 1988; Vairalkar and
the subsequent drying, the meniscus water that played a Nimbhorkar, 2012). Finally, the area of each pore in the
role in stabilizing the soil skeleton decreased, resulting in binary image was extracted, and the apparent porosity
a decrease in the stability of the soil skeleton (Cheng (the ratio of the total pore area to the total image area)
et al., 2020; Mu et al., 2020; Zhang et al., 2020). The fine and the number of inter-aggregate pores in the SEM image
and loose particles and impurities in the undisturbed Q2 were statistically obtained (Fig. 18).
loess seeped out along the pores together with free water The apparent porosity and number of inter-aggregate
and meniscus water, accompanied by the generation of sec- pores were positively correlated with the initial water con-
ondary pores (Li et al., 2018; Xu et al., 2020b; Jiang et al., tent and wet-dry cycles. Comparing the apparent porosity
2021), which further weakened the inter-aggregate cemen- and number of inter-aggregate pores in the undisturbed
tation strength. Thus, it could be judged that the compres- Q2 loess under the two types of wet-dry cycles, when the
sion resistance and structural parameter of the inter- initial water content gradually increased from 10% to
aggregate structures in the undisturbed Q2 loess decreased 25%, the difference in apparent porosity was 8.3%, 7.6%,
rapidly during the first wet-dry cycle. With the increase in 6.0%, respectively, and the difference in number was 800,
wet-dry cycles, the cementation bonds between the particles 739, and 578, respectively, all of which were gradually
were constantly destroyed, the inter-aggregate pores were decreasing. It could be speculated that with the increase
continuously generated, and the inter-aggregate cementa- in initial water content, the damage degree of wet-dry
tion strength was gradually weakened. Finally, after 3 cycles to the cementation bonds between particles gradu-
wet-dry cycles, the particles of the undisturbed Q2 loess ally decreased. Therefore, with the increase in initial water
were mainly granular, small, and loosely arranged, and content, the difference in the inter-aggregate cementation
there were many inter-aggregate pores. The compression strength of the undisturbed Q2 loess under different wet-
resistance and structural parameter of the inter-aggregate dry cycles gradually decreased. This led to a gradual
structures decreased to a lower level. decrease in the sensitivity of wet-dry cycles to the compres-
Referring to the methods of Jiang et al. (2014a) and She sion resistance and structural parameter of the inter-
et al. (2019), MATLAB was used to preprocess SEM aggregate structures in undisturbed Q2 loess when the ini-
images by gray correction and noise reduction. In particu- tial water content increased.
lar, Gaussian blur was used to effectively reduce image Before the wet-dry cycles, with the increase in initial
noise and level of detail, which was a smoothing filter using water content, the increase in water caused the dissolution
the image and Gaussian function as convolution (Hummel of carbonate and clays between the particles in the undis-
et al., 1987; Chen and Ma, 2009; Flusser et al., 2015). Then, turbed Q2 loess (Jia et al., 2013; Li et al., 2018; Xue
the threshold was determined, the gray level greater than et al., 2021). The cementation bonds between the particles
the threshold was set to 255 as the foreground, and the gray were destroyed, some large aggregate particles were dis-
level less than the threshold was set to 0 as the background, solved into small aggregate particles, the inter-aggregate
thus separating the foreground (pores) from the back- pores increased, and the inter-aggregate cementation
ground (particles) and converting the original image into strength was weakened (Fig. 17a-17c). The same was true
a binary image. Then, the gray level in the neighborhood for the variations in Fig. 17d-17f. Hence, with the increase
of the pixel was averaged by the Sobel algorithm, and the in initial water content, the compression resistance and
first-order differential processing was carried out to detect structural parameter of the inter-aggregate structures
the edge points of the pores and determine the distribution decreased under 3 wet-dry cycles. Comparing the apparent
porosity and number of inter-aggregate pores in the undis-
turbed Q2 loess with three kinds of initial water content, it
could be found that from 0 wet-dry cycles to 3 wet-dry
cycles, the maximum difference in apparent porosity was
4.3%, 2.0%, respectively, and the maximum difference in
number was 385, 163, respectively, which were all decreas-
ing (Fig. 18). It could be speculated that the increase in ini-
tial water content destroyed the cementation bonds
between particles in 0 wet-dry cycles more than that in 3
wet-dry cycles. Consequently, the difference in the inter-
aggregate cementation strength of the undisturbed Q2 loess
with different initial water content under 3 wet-dry cycles
was less than that under 0 wet-dry cycles. This led to a
decrease in the sensitivity of initial water content to the
compression resistance and structural parameter of the
inter-aggregate structures in undisturbed Q2 loess with
the increase in wet-dry cycles.
Fig. 16. Schematic diagram of pore structures (modified from Gao, 1981).
J. Zhu et al. Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101165

Fig. 17. SEM images of the undisturbed Q2 loess with different initial water content under wet-dry cycles (a) 10% initial water content, 0 cycles (b) 15%
initial water content, 0 cycles (c) 25% initial water content, 0 cycles (d) 10% initial water content, 3 cycles (e) 15% initial water content, 3 cycles (f) 25%
initial water content, 3 cycles.

4.3. Pore size distribution characteristics 24.55 nm, respectively, and the peak intensity gradually
increased and the increasing range gradually decreased.
Fig. 19 indicates the pore size density curves of the intra- This indicated that before the wet-dry cycles, with the
aggregate pores in the undisturbed Q2 loess with different increase in initial water content, the increase in water pro-
initial water content calculated by the Barret-Joyner- moted the dissolution of carbonate and clays inside the
Halenda (BJH) method during the nitrogen physical aggregate particles (Jia et al., 2013; Li et al., 2018; Xue
adsorption (Dong and Zhang, 2011). All pore size density et al., 2021), the destruction of the cementation bonds,
curves presented two peaks, which showed the pore size and the increase in pore size of the intra-aggregate pores
of the first micro-pore family of 4.1 nm in the undisturbed (Table 6). As a result, the intra-aggregate cementation
Q2 loess with different initial water content before the wet- strength was gradually reduced, the intra-aggregate struc-
dry cycles. However, with the increase in initial water con- tures were weakened, and the compression resistance and
tent, the peak intensity of the pore size of the first micro- structural parameter of the intra-aggregate structures were
pore family gradually increased, and the increasing range reduced. In addition, with the increase in initial water con-
gradually decreased. In the undisturbed Q2 loess with ini- tent, the volume and size of the intra-aggregate pores grad-
tial water contents of 10%, 15%, and 25%, the pore size ually increased under the 3 wet-dry cycles, which weakened
of the second micro-pore family was 9.58, 11.51, and the intra-aggregate cementation strength and decreased the
J. Zhu et al. Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101165

(a) destroyed by water-soil interaction under the wet-dry

cycles (Sun, 2002; Jia et al., 2013; Li et al., 2018), which dis-
0 cycles
solved the carbonate and clays inside the aggregate parti-
Number of inter-aggregate pores

3 cycles
1600 cles and destroyed the cementation bonds inside many
aggregate particles, resulting in the formation of intra-
aggregate pores and the combination of some small intra-
aggregate pores to form large intra-aggregate pores. With
the increase in volume and size of the intra-aggregate
800 pores, the intra-aggregate cementation strength was weak-
ened, which led to a decrease in the compression resistance
and structural parameter of the intra-aggregate structures.
However, with the increase in initial water content, the
increasing range of the volume and size in the intra-
0 aggregate pores under the wet-dry cycles gradually
10 15 25
decreased (Table 6). It could be speculated that the damage
Initial water content / % degree of wet-dry cycles to the cementation bonds inside
(b) the aggregate particles gradually decreased with the
Apparent porosity of inter-aggregate pores / %

25 increase in initial water content. Therefore, the sensitivity

0 cycles
of wet-dry cycles to the intra-aggregate cementation
3 cycles strength decreased with the increase in initial water con-
20 tent. As a result, the wet-dry cycles became less sensitive
to the compression resistance and structural parameter of
15 the intra-aggregate structures with the increase in initial
water content.
In combination with the discussions in Sections 4.1 and
10 4.2, it was found that the wet-dry cycles and initial water
content could promote the inter-aggregate cementation
5 strength and intra-aggregate cementation strength to be
weakened. Reflected in the macroscopic aspect, both the
wet-dry cycles and the initial water content could cause
0 the compression resistance and structural parameter of
10 15 25
the undisturbed Q2 loess to decrease. However, with the
Initial water content / % increase in initial water content, the sensitivity of wet-dry
Fig. 18. Inter-aggregate pores (a) Number (b) Apparent porosity. cycles to the inter-aggregate pores and intra-aggregate
pores decreased, resulting in a decrease in the sensitivity
of wet-dry cycles to the inter-aggregate cementation
compression resistance and structural parameter of the strength and intra-aggregate cementation strength. When
intra-aggregate structures. However, the variations in the the wet-dry cycles increased, the sensitivity of initial water
volume and size of the intra-aggregate pores with the content to the inter-aggregate pores and intra-aggregate
increasing water content under the 3 wet-dry cycles were pores also decreased, resulting in a decrease in the sensitiv-
less than those before the wet-dry cycles (Table 6). It could ity of initial water content to the inter-aggregate cementa-
be inferred that the increase in initial water content tion strength and intra-aggregate cementation strength.
destroyed the cementation bonds inside the aggregate par- Reflected in the macroscopic aspect, as the initial water
ticles before the wet-dry cycles more than that in the 3 wet- content increased, the sensitivity of wet-dry cycles to the
dry cycles. This led to a decrease in the sensitivity of initial compression resistance and structural parameter of undis-
water content to the intra-aggregate cementation strength turbed Q2 loess decreased. When the wet-dry cycles
with the increase in wet-dry cycles. As a result, the initial increased, the sensitivity of initial water content to the
water content became less sensitive to the compression compression resistance and structural parameter of undis-
resistance and structural parameter of the intra-aggregate turbed Q2 loess also decreased.
structures with the increase in wet-dry cycles.
At the same initial water content, the pore size of the 4.4. Relationship between SWCC and microstructure
second micro-pore family in the pore size density curve
under 3 wet-dry cycles was larger than that under 0 wet- When the water content was high, there was much water
dry cycles, and the two peak intensities of the pore size den- in the pores, and the water film at the contact point of soil
sity curve under 3 wet-dry cycles were larger than those particles was well connected. The water content decreased
under 0 wet-dry cycles (Fig. 20). This indicated that the rapidly with the increase in matrix suction, the water film
intra-aggregate structures of the undisturbed Q2 loess were at the contact point of soil particles became closed, and
J. Zhu et al. Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101165

(a) dry cycles promoted the increase in the volume of inter-

aggregate pores and intra-aggregate pores in undisturbed
Pore size density function dV/d(lgd) / (cm3/g)

0.06 w=15% Q2 loess. It could be inferred that when the initial water
4.10 nm
w=25% content was the same, the pore water in the inter-
0.05 aggregate pores and intra-aggregate pores could flow more
conveniently under the wet-dry cycles (Hoffmann et al.,
0.04 11.51 nm
(9.58+1.93 nm) 24.55 nm
2007; Gallage and Uchimura, 2010), and the water reten-
0.03 (9.58+14.97 nm) tion of the undisturbed Q2 loess decreased. Thus, in the
low and high matrix suction ranges, with the same volu-
0.02 9.58 nm metric water content, the matrix suction of the undisturbed
Q2 loess gradually decreased with the increase in wet-dry
cycles (Fig. 13). Moreover, the water retention of the undis-
0.00 turbed Q2 loess was stable in the low and high matrix suc-
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 tion ranges after 2 wet-dry cycles. It could be judged that
Diameter / nm the structure and size of inter-aggregate pores and intra-
(b) 0.07 aggregate pores in undisturbed Q2 loess tended to stabilize
Pore size density function dV/d(lgd) / (cm3/g)

4.10 nm w=10% in 2 wet-dry cycles (Wang et al., 2013; Zhu et al., 2022). As
0.06 w=15% a result, the macroscopic parameters related to compres-
sion behavior and structure were stable during the 2 wet-
dry cycles, which was not contradictory to the results of
24.64 nm
0.04 the one-dimensional consolidation and microstructure
(11.51+13.13 nm)
11.51 nm 29.01 nm tests.
0.03 (11.51+17.50 nm) With the increase in initial water content, the volume of
inter-aggregate pores and intra-aggregate pores in undis-
turbed Q2 loess gradually increased. It could be inferred
0.01 that under the same wet-dry cycles, with the increase in ini-
tial water content, the pore water in the inter-aggregate
0.00 pores and intra-aggregate pores could flow more conve-
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
niently (Hoffmann et al., 2007; Gallage and Uchimura,
Diameter / nm
2010), and the water retention of the undisturbed Q2 loess
Fig. 19. Pore size density curves of the undisturbed Q2 loess with different decreased. Therefore, in the low and high matrix suction
initial water content by BJH method (a) 0 cycles (b) 3 cycles. ranges, with the same volumetric water content, the matrix
suction of the undisturbed Q2 loess gradually decreased
with the increase in initial water content (Fig. 14). In addi-
the pore water in the soil was also in a closed state (Figs. 13
tion, the sensitivity of the wet-dry cycles to the SWCC
and 14) (Derbyshire and Mellors, 1988). When the water
gradually decreased when the initial water content
content was low, a small amount of pore water remained
increased, and the sensitivity of the initial water content
in the small pores in a closed state, and a small variation
to the SWCC gradually decreased when the wet-dry cycles
in the water content caused a large variation in the matrix
increased. It could be inferred that the sensitivity of the
suction of the soil.
wet-dry cycles to the pore structure gradually decreased
In the SWCC of the low matrix suction range (0–
with the increase in initial water content, and the sensitivity
1000 kPa), the pores affecting the water retention of the soil
of the initial water content to the pore structure gradually
are the inter-aggregate pores (Fredlund and Rahardjo,
decreased with the increase in wet-dry cycles (Wang et al.,
1993; Hoffmann et al., 2007). In the high matrix suction
2013; Zhu et al., 2022). These were not inconsistent with
range (1000–100000 kPa), the pores that affect the water
the analysis of the structural parameter and
retention of the soil are the intra-aggregate pores
(Fredlund and Rahardjo, 1993; Wang et al., 2013). Wet-

Table 6
Microstructure parameters of the undisturbed Q2 loess by BJH method.
Cycle number Initial water content/% Cumulative pore volume/(cm3/g) Average pore size/nm
0 10% 0.025 7.048
15% 0.034 7.689
25% 0.037 7.783
3 10% 0.039 7.213
15% 0.044 7.808
25% 0.046 7.819

J. Zhu et al. Soils and Foundations 62 (2022) 101165

(a) the micro-level, the effects of wet-dry cycles and initial

water content on the structure of undisturbed Q2 loess were
Pore size density function dV/d(lgd) / (cm3/g)
0 cycles
0.06 3 cycles analyzed from two aspects, and the influence mechanism of
4.10 nm wet-dry cycles and initial water content on the compression
0.05 behavior and structure of undisturbed Q2 loess was dis-
cussed. Meanwhile, based on the relationship between
11.51 nm microstructure and unsaturated property, the influence
0.03 (9.58+1.93 nm) mechanism of wet-dry cycles and initial water content on
the SWCC was determined. Additionally, the research
0.02 9.58 nm
results obtained in the wet-dry cycles without boundary
0.01 constraints are applicable to in-situ Q2 loess with displace-
ment constraints and small confining pressure. The main
0.00 conclusions are as follows:
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Diameter / nm
(1) With the increase in initial water content, the increas-
(b) 0.07 ing range of the compression deformation and com-
Pore size density function dV/d(lgd) / (cm3/g)

0 cycles
4.10 nm pression coefficient in the undisturbed Q2 loess
0.06 3 cycles
under the influence of wet-dry cycles decreased grad-
0.05 ually, and the number of wet-dry cycles in which the
compression deformation began to stabilize had a
11.51 nm
24.64 nm decreasing trend, but the compression coefficient
(11.51+13.13 nm) tended to be flat after 2 wet-dry cycles. In addition,
with the increase in wet-dry cycles, the increasing
0.02 range of the compression deformation and compres-
sion coefficient under the influence of initial water
content decreased gradually.
0.00 (2) With the increase in initial water content, the number
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
of cycles in which the structural parameter of undis-
Diameter / nm turbed Q2 loess varied from a decreasing trend to
(c) 0.07 an approaching stable trend under the wet-dry cycles
Pore size density function dV/d(lgd) / (cm3/g)

4.10 nm
0 cycles tended to decrease. The sensitivity of wet-dry cycles
0.06 3 cycles
and net vertical stress to the structural parameter
0.05 decreased gradually. Moreover, with the increase in
wet-dry cycles, the sensitivity of initial water content
0.04 24.55 nm 29.01 nm and net vertical stress to the structural parameter
(24.55+4.46 nm) decreased gradually.
(3) In the low and high matrix suction ranges, with the
0.02 same volumetric water content, the matrix suction
of undisturbed Q2 loess was negatively correlated
0.01 with the wet-dry cycles and initial water content.
The relationship between matrix suction and volu-
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 metric water content tended to be stable after 2
Diameter / nm wet-dry cycles. Moreover, with the increase in initial
water content, the sensitivity of wet-dry cycles to
Fig. 20. Pore size density curves of the undisturbed Q2 loess with different
wet-dry cycles by BJH method (a) 10% initial water content (b) 15% initial
the SWCC gradually decreased. The sensitivity of ini-
water content (c) 25% initial water content. tial water content to the SWCC gradually decreased
with the increasing wet-dry cycles. The van Genuch-
ten model and Fredlund-Xing model were suitable
5. Conclusions for fitting the SWCCs of undisturbed Q2 loess under
wet-dry cycles.
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water content on the compression deformation and com- was mainly dominated by the particle cementation
pression coefficient of undisturbed Q2 loess were studied. strength, and the particle arrangement strength
Based on the structural parameter at the macro-level and played a secondary role. The influence of wet-dry
the microscopic morphology and pore size distribution at

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