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Antibiotic Israeli government votes to limit court power

could slow

some cost Judicial overhaul begins,

but next steps unclear

Post-sex pill may fuel BY S TEVE H ENDRIX

drug resistance even as it
helps prevent infections JERUSALEM — Israeli lawmakers
voted Monday to limit the Su-
preme Court’s ability to strike
down government actions, deliv-
BY F ENIT N IRAPPIL ering a long-sought goal of the
country’s ascendant right-wing
Public health officials are de- movement. The measure was
ploying a powerful new weapon pushed through despite months
in the war against rising sexually of civil unrest, international con-
transmitted infections: a com- demnations, and pleas from busi-
mon antibiotic that works as a ness and security leaders to seek
morning-after pill. consensus in a deeply divided
It is the latest advancement as society on the verge of chaos.
the sexual health field shifts to Lawmakers methodically vot-
preventive medicine — not just ed down 140 amendments from
condoms, abstinence and tests — the opposition, just as they had
as the best hope for quashing the shouldered through more than
pathogens that can spread during 1,000 objections in a week of
sex. preliminary maneuvering and
For the past decade, people more than six months of nation-
have been able to have unprotect- wide protests.
ed sex with a low risk of contract- Prime Minister Benjamin ne-
ing HIV thanks to daily pills tanyahu — just hours after leav-
known as PrEP, or pre-exposure ing the hospital where he had an
prophylaxis. But they were still emergency pacemaker implanted
susceptible to bacterial bugs, in- — sat calmly through the voting
cluding the recent spike in syphi- as shouts of derision rained
lis, gonorrhea and chlamydia — maHmoUd IlleaN/aP around him, occasionally leaving
until now. authorities use a water cannon to disperse people demonstrating against plans by the israeli government to overhaul the country’s for consultations. He took several
Recent studies show the anti- judicial system. Protesters had been camping in the heat of central Jerusalem for days, awaiting parliamentary action on the measure. phone calls, including from Is-
biotic doxycycline taken after sex- raeli President Isaac Herzog, who
ual encounters works as a post- was trying to broker a last-
exposure prophylaxis to prevent
those infections. But experts are Ally’s defiant turn to the right minute compromise.
But in a dramatic parliamenta-
also worried about unintended
consequences. The Centers for puts White House in a tight spot ry session, with shouts of
“Shame!” chanted by demonstra-
Disease Control and Prevention tors outside the Knesset and by
plans to release guidelines later BY M ERYL K ORNFIELD with increasing anger at Israel opposition members inside, the
this summer for deploying the from within Biden’s party and prime minister’s coalition of
treatment, known as DoxyPEP, in The Israeli parliament part- even among some in the Ameri- right-wing, religiously conserva-
hopes of addressing fears among ed ways with President Biden can Jewish community. tive and ultranationalist parties
medical professionals that pre- on Monday in taking its explo- “It is unfortunate that the stood steadfast.
ventive use would fuel antibiotic sive vote to weaken Israel’s vote took place today,” White Shortly before 4 p.m. local
SEE infections On a14 Supreme Court, rebuffing House press secretary Karine time, after opposition members
weeks of pleas from the presi- Jean-Pierre told reporters in a had left the chamber in protest,
dent not to do so without first gentle but unmistakable re- government loyalists voted 64-0
building consensus and creat- buke. “It happened with the in the 120-seat body to change

DNA testing ing tension between the United

States and one of its closest
slimmest possible majority.”
While the U.S.-Israel relation-
Israel’s Basic Law, stripping the
Supreme Court of some of its

casts doubt
allies. ship remains strong, she add- powers of judicial review. It was a
The White House responded ed, “the core of that relation- first victory in a more expansive
by issuing unusually clear signs ship is certainly on democratic plan to rein in the judiciary,

on verdicts of displeasure with Prime Min-

ister Benjamin netanyahu’s ac-
values — shared democratic
values and interests, and that
abIr SUlTaN/ePa-efe/SHUTTerSTock

israeli Prime Minister benjamin netanyahu, left, sits with Yariv

which has long been a thorn in
the side of Israel’s right wing.

in ’97 killing
tions, as it sought to balance will continue to be the case.” levin, deputy prime minister and minister of justice, during a “The courts will continue to be
longtime U.S. support for Israel SEE biden On a20 meeting of the Knesset to vote on the changes. SEE israel On a20

Lawyers for 3 prisoners

say results in Pa. case
point to unidentified man
A defense of diversity fell
to an o∞ce that lacks it
U.S. government lawyers arguing cases before
In 1997, 70-year-old Henrietta
nickens died after she was beaten
the Supreme Court are disproportionately White
in the one-bedroom apartment
where she lived alone in the BY T OBI R AJI U.s. solicitor
Philadelphia suburbs. There was AND T HEODORIC M EYER General
evidence she may have been sexu- elizabeth b.
ally assaulted. When Solicitor General Eliza- Prelogar
Authorities accused a group of beth B. Prelogar defended college argued an
teens and young men, most of affirmative action programs be- affirmative
whom are Black, in the killing, fore the Supreme Court in Octo- action case in
alleging they broke into nickens’s ber, she cited the lack of diversity october.
home, robbed her of $30 and then in a group of people the justices
brutally hit her and left her to die. know well: the lawyers who argue “When there is that kind of
One had dated nickens’s grand- before them. gross disparity in representation,
daughter. Just two of 27 lawyers who ap- it can matter and it’s common
Three of the accused have al- peared before the court over the sense,” she told the justices.
ways maintained their inno- next two weeks would be women, Her argument didn’t sway the
cence, even as they have spent Prelogar told the justices — a sta- court’s conservative majority,
more than half of their lives tistic that she argued could lead which ruled last month that Har-
behind bars. now, attorneys for HeIdI levINe for THe WaSHINgToN PoST women to wonder whether they vard and the University of north
the men say newly tested DnA have a shot at arguing before the Carolina’s affirmative action pro-
evidence shows that the trio was Wreckage in Odessa Supreme Court. grams were unconstitutional.
wrongly accused and strongly A view of the Transfiguration Cathedral in the Ukrainian port city after Russian missiles ripped Prelogar cited only the dearth It did garner the attention of
suggests a stunning conclusion: of women and not of Black and the court’s three liberal justices,
apart the church. Odessa has faced nightly attacks since Russian President Vladimir Putin
A yet unidentified man is the true Hispanic lawyers arguing before who cited Prelogar’s remarks in a
culprit. canceled a grain deal last week. As debris was cleared from the cathedral, one of many monuments the court, but her message in a dissent, warning that “inequality
The attorneys say the case has badly damaged in the city, Ukraine launched drone attacks in Moscow and Crimea. Story, A12 case dealing with race-conscious in the pipeline to this institution,
SEE convictions On a4 admissions programs was clear. SEE diversitY On a8

In the News spain’s election, in

which the far-right Vox
tHE rEgiON
Hyundai is offering Inside
party lost votes com- free anti-theft upgrades
tHE NAtiON ment looms. A6 pared with 2019, showed to owners of certain HEAltH & SCiENCE
a grizzly bear killed a President biden is set the country has little in- models at a drive- Bright light fight
woman just outside Yel- to announce the estab- terest in re-embracing through clinic in D.C. B1 Pollution from intense,
lowstone National Park lishment of a national extremism. A11 thieves are targeting energy-efficient leds
in Montana, officials monument dedicated to restaurant valet stands isn’t good for the night
said. A2 Emmett Till, whose tHE ECONOmy and running off with car sky — or our health. E1
from laws to stan- 1955 murder helped over the past two years, keys, increasing costs
dards, Florida Gov. Ron spark the civil rights lawmakers have redi- St ylE
and potential dangers of
DeSantis (R) is shaping movement. A9 rected roughly $2.3 bil- a night out. B1 A mom’s support
and limiting what stu- lion in federal water a former congresswoman
dents learn about Black tHE wOrlD funds to pet projects. A13 OBituAriES advocates for her
history. A3 the thames sailing a cap on deducting dorothy Goodman, 97, transgender son. C1
Many GoP voters in Barge Match is the state and local taxes is co-founded the Wash-

Iowa said they are stand- world’s second-oldest the latest sticking point ington International BuSiNESS NEwS ....................... A13 CONTENT © 2023
ing behind Donald sailing competition and in House Republicans’ School, which empha- COmiCS ....................................... C6 The Washington Post / Year 146, No. 53557
Repopulation efforts Thousands of Trump in the 2024 is largely about preserv- attempt to reshape tax sized a functionally bi- OBituAriES.................................B5
OpiNiON pAgES.........................A17
volunteers in Maryland raise oysters and then presidential election, ing Britain’s maritime policy, reopening a di- lingual approach to all SpOrtS.......................................D1
history. A10 vide in the party. A15 subjects. B1
help relocate them to the Chesapeake Bay. B1 even as a third indict- tElEviSiON ................................. C4
wOrlD NEwS............................A10
A2 eZ Re the washington post . tuesday, july 25 , 2023

for home delivery comments
Woman killed by grizzly bear near Yellowstone
or concerns contact us at
washingtonpost.com/subscriberservices or BY T IMOTHY B ELLA park in separate incidents in 2011
send us an email at and 2015. More than 40 people
homedelivery@washpost.com or call A woman was killed in Mon- have been injured in bear attacks
202-334-6100 or 800-477-4679 tana after she encountered a since 1979, the park says.
TO SUBScRIBE grizzly bear on a trail near Yel- “More people have died by
800-753-Post (7678) lowstone National Park, officials drowning or suffering thermal
said. burns from hot springs than
TO ADVERTISE The victim was discovered on aggressive bears,” the Park Serv-
Classified: 202-334-6200
a trail near West Yellowstone, ice said. “For all park visitors
Display: 202-334-7642 Mont., in the Custer Gallatin combined, the chances of being
National Forest, on Saturday injured by a grizzly bear are
MAIN PHONE NUMBER morning “following an apparent approximately 1 in 2.7 million
bear encounter,” according to a visits. The risk is significantly
TO REAcH THE NEWSROOM statement Monday from the lower for people who don’t leave
Metro: 202-334-7300; Montana Department of Fish, developed areas or roadsides,
metro@washpost.com Wildlife and Parks. and higher for anyone hiking in
national: 202-334-7410; Officials say grizzly bear tracks the backcountry.”
national@washpost.com were at the scene where they Before the woman was found
Business: 202-334-7320; found the woman, who has not dead on Saturday, the Montana
business@washpost.com been publicly identified, on the Department of Fish, Wildlife and
sports: 202-334-7350; Buttermilk Trail. The trail is Parks had recently confirmed
sports@washpost.com located about a mile west of the sightings of grizzly bears that
investigative: 202-334-6179; national park. hadn’t been seen in some places
investigations@washpost.com “FWP wardens and bear spe- in years, “and in some cases more
style: 202-334-7535; cialists, along with staff from than a century.”
style@washpost.com other agencies, found that the “Vigilance is important for
Reader advocate: 202-334-7582; woman had wounds consistent those who live and recreate in the
readers@washpost.com with a bear attack,” the agency outdoors,” Quentin Kujala, chief
said in a statement posted to Whitney shefte/the Washington Post of conservation policy for the
TO REAcH THE OPINION PAgES Facebook. “They also found A grizzly bear at the Grizzly & Wolf Discovery Center just outside Yellowstone National Park in West department, said in a July 17
Letters to the editor:
letters@washpost.com or call
tracks from an adult grizzly bear Yellowstone, Mont., in 2017. The woman killed by a bear was found on a trail near West Yellowstone. news release. “This is a busy time
202-334-6215 and at least one cub near the of year for bears and our field
opinion: site.” Service recommends that people according to the National Park Wyoming was found dead near staff are responding to calls in
oped@washpost.com The hiker was believed to be “keep at least 100 yards away Service. A federally protected Yellowstone in May in a case that these particular areas and across
Published daily (issn 0190-8286). alone during the encounter, offi- from bears at all times and never species of brown bear that once sparked outrage among bear the state.”
PostMasteR: send address changes to
the Washington Post, 1301 K st. nW, Washington,
cials said, and no bear spray or approach a bear to take a photo.” roamed large swaths of the watchers and environmental ac- Since all of Yellowstone is
D.C. 20071. firearms were found at the scene. Spokespeople with Custer Gal- mountains and prairies of the tivists concerned about how the considered bear territory, the
Periodicals postage paid in Washington, D.C., and “FWP staff express sincere latin National Forest, the Mon- American West, the grizzly bear animal was found with a disfig- Park Service says there are tips
additional mailing office.
condolences to the family and tana Department of Fish, Wild- now remains in a few isolated ured face. The case remains un- visitors can follow in a place
friends of the hiker who was life and Parks, and Yellowstone locations in the Lower 48 states, der investigation by federal and where “your safety cannot be
killed,” the agency wrote Mon- National Park did not immedi- including Yellowstone. state officials. guaranteed.”
day. ately respond to requests for The grizzly bear population Grizzly bears can weigh any- In addition to keeping at least
In response to the visitor’s comment. has “expanded in abundance and where between 200 to 700 100 yards away from a grizzly
death, officials with the Custer The woman’s death following a distribution in Montana in re- pounds and adults are about 3.5 bear and not taking photos of the
Gallatin National Forest, which grizzly bear encounter comes cent years,” which has proved to feet at the shoulder when stand- animal, park officials urge visi-
is part of the Yellowstone eco- days after an Arizona woman be a challenge for residents, ac- ing on all fours, according to the tors to never feed bears and to
system, issued an emergency clo- visiting Yellowstone was gored cording to the Montana Depart- Park Service. The bears can climb honk your horn and drive away
sure order for some areas of West by a bison as she was walking ment of Fish, Wildlife and Parks. trees, swim and run up and to discourage a bear from ap-
Yellowstone because of “human/ away from the animal. The gor- “This [expansion] enhances downhill up to 40 mph. They are proaching or touching your car.
bear safety conditions.” Several ing, which left Amber Harris, 47, the long-term prospects for pop- typically larger and have a “much Officials have also recommended
roads and trails are closed until with significant injuries to her ulation sustainability by increas- more aggressive behavior” than that people make noise to scare a
Aug. 25 because of bear activity, chest and abdomen, was the first ing the likelihood of connectivity black bears, the Park Service bear away and carry bear spray, a
according to the U.S. Forest Serv- incident of its kind at Yellow- between recovery zones,” the de- says. nonlethal deterrent used to stop
ice. stone in 2023; several events partment said on its website. While bear attacks at Yellow- aggressive behavior in the ani-
“The purpose of this Order is made headlines last year for “However, because grizzly bears stone are rare, the park averages mals that’s been proven to “re-
to protect public health and safe- visitors being attacked for being can damage property and injure about one bear attack a year, duce human injuries caused by
ty from unsafe conditions result- too close to the bison. people, their closer proximity to officials say. Eight people have bears and the number of bears
ing from bear activity in the The estimated grizzly bear human habitation poses new been killed in bear attacks at killed by people in self-defense.”
area,” officials wrote. population has increased inside challenges for Montanans.” Yellowstone since the national The Montana agency recently
It’s unclear how close the the Yellowstone ecosystem in re- Even with the increased popu- park was established in 1872, reiterated arguably its most im-
Download The woman was to the bear during cent years. It rose from 136 in lation, grizzly bears are still faced data shows. Three visitors were portant piece of advice: “Don’t
the encounter. The National Park 1975 to a peak of 1,063 in 2021, with danger. A grizzly bear in killed by grizzly bears inside the approach a bear.”
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articles for offline reading in My TEXAS Grande intended to stop in its lawsuit that the barrier policy.” l A July 24 Page One article about
migrants from crossing the U.S.- was built without the federal Biden officials had given hurdles facing President Biden’s
Post, browse the daily print edition
and scroll through our the Discover
DOJ sues state over Mexico border. authorization that is legally Abbott until Monday to respond push for green energy incorrectly
tab to find stories that interest you. floating border barrier Abbott ordered the required under the Rivers and to a letter requesting that he reported the number of
installation of a 1,000-foot chain Harbors Act, which bars the commits to quickly removing the renewable energy projects
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The Justice Department on of orange buoys earlier this obstruction of U.S. waterways. buoys. But the Texas governor rejected at the state and local
and Play store, subscribers enjoy
Monday announced a lawsuit month at a busy area for illegal “We allege that Texas has continued to defend the use of level as tracked by the Renewable
unlimited access. against Texas and its governor, crossings near Eagle Pass, Tex. flouted federal law by installing floating barriers despite the Rejection Database. A total of 79
Greg Abbott (R), over the use of The barrier is one component of a barrier in the Rio Grande threat of a lawsuit. projects have been rejected this
a floating barrier along the Rio “Operation Lone Star,” Abbott’s without obtaining the required — Maegan Vazquez year, not 547. The article also
$4 billion campaign to bus federal authorization,” Associate incorrectly said the number of
migrants to northern U.S. cities Attorney General Vanita Gupta NEW HAMPSHIRE rejections had risen 15 percent
while deploying Texas state said in a statement announcing from last year. Fewer projects
police officers and National the lawsuit. “This floating GOP ex-senator Ayotte have been rejected so far this year
Guard troops to the border. barrier poses threats to to run for governor compared with the total from
Texas officials have lined the Rio navigation and public safety and 2022, when 138 were rejected.
Grande’s banks with new presents humanitarian concerns. Former senator Kelly Ayotte
obstacles, including stacked Additionally, the presence of the (R-N.H.) announced Monday l A July 22 A-section digest item
LABOR DAY WEEKEND | AUGUST 30SEPTEMBER 3, 2023 shipping containers and thickets floating barrier has prompted that she is running for New about Alabama’s newly adopted
of concertina wire. diplomatic protests by Mexico Hampshire governor, seeking to congressional districts said that
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The Justice Department says and risks damaging U.S. foreign succeed Gov. Chris Sununu (R), the percentage of Black voters
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would not run for reelection The map lowers, rather than
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an Immediate Impact
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— John Wagner
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with no
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Hoover Police Chief Nicholas
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Thursday July 13. My client did call: 202-334-6000, and ask to be
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Politics • History • Culture • More
tuesday, july 25 , 2023 . the washington post eZ re A3

Politics & the Nation

All the ways DeSantis is trying to rewrite Black history
proof he wants to accurately teach become overly focused on the neg-
history. ative aspects of U.S. history in
Florida’s GOP governor DeSantis has based his White recent years, especially the
is shaping and limiting House bid on modeling a federal wrongs and violence done to
agenda that mimics how he has Black people. He said DeSantis is
what students can learn governed in Florida. He has em- fighting against what he called a
phasized using government pow- depressing, harmful and inaccu-
er to shape corporate and aca- rate trend.
BY H ANNAH N ATANSON demic positions on controversial “The balance was just not
social issues, especially diversity there,” he said, “in terms of teach-
It is increasingly difficult to say and sexuality. ing our kids what actually hap-
what Black history means in Flori- The initial strength off DeSan- pened.”
da. tis’s landslide reelection as gover- Some historians take issue with
A host of laws and policies en- nor has faded in early polls as this characterization.
acted during the controversial ad- Republicans have rallied around Donald Ritchie, former histo-
ministration of Gov. Ron DeSantis former president Donald Trump rian of the U.S. Senate who has
(R) hem in teachers on all sides, after his multiple indictments. written history textbooks since
requiring them to give — or stay The DeSantis campaign is now the 1970s, said America has a long
away from — certain lessons, on working to recalibrate its spend- tradition of justifying slavery. He
penalty of possibly losing their ing, events and media strategy, said the “moonlight and magno-
jobs. A 2022 law mandates stu- with a special focus on pulling off lia” school of thought held sway
dents may not be made to “feel an upset in Iowa’s first-in-the-na- from the 1860s to the 1960s, as-
guilt, anguish, or other forms of tion nominating contest. serting that plantations were love-
psychological distress” because Teachers are already contact- ly places in which enslavers treat-
they were forced to reflect on bad ing Spar of the Florida Education ed the enslaved like family.
acts committed in the past by Association about the standards, Only in the 1960s through the
members of their race. And now, he said, sharing worry and frus- 1990s did historians begin to reas-
according to curriculum stan- tration. If educators fail to teach sess that rosy picture, relying on
dards released last week, Florida to the standards, they could lose 1930s-era interviews with former
students must learn that enslaved hannah Beier for the Washington Post their teaching certificate, Spar enslaved people as well as run-
people “developed skills” that Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) speaks at the Moms for Liberty summit in Philadelphia on June 30. said. He added that by attacking away slave advertisements in
“could be applied for their person- DeSantis has guided state lawmakers to adopt laws restricting teaching about sex, gender and racism. teachers’ certificates, Florida’s newspapers and records docu-
al benefit” — an assertion that government could also make it menting enslaved people’s rebel-
immediately drew fire from histo- governor of New Jersey. Times’s 1619 Project from class- history. In addition to mandating very hard for erring teachers to lions. The consensus, Ritchie said,
rians. “Enslavement wasn’t a training rooms. DeSantis spoke to the that teachers detail the benefits of get school jobs in other states. was overwhelming.
Over the past three years, De- ground for job placement. It was board before its meeting, telling slavery for the enslaved, these For mother Stephana Ferrell, “They began to get a slave’s
Santis, a candidate for the Repub- an institution that was horrific,” the members that “some of this standards — approved unani- meanwhile, the standards added perspective, and it’s much darker,”
lican presidential nomination, said LaGarrett King, a professor at stuff is, I think, really toxic” and mously by the Florida Board of weight to fears that children in the Ritchie said. “The benefits of slav-
has led his state through a rapid- the University at Buffalo and that “we will not let them bring Education last week — specify state, including her elementary- ery were entirely to the slaveown-
fire reevaluation of Black history founding director of the school’s nonsense ideology into Florida’s that, when talking about mob vio- schoolers, are not learning true, ers. Enslaved people did not ben-
education. In that time, Florida Center for K-12 Black History and schools.” lence against Black citizens, full history, with serious conse- efit from slavery; that is a point of
has adopted laws restricting the Racial Literacy Education. The campaign has since shifted teachers must mention “acts of quences for their and the nation’s view that has been pretty much
teaching of race; repudiated an Asked about the cascade of crit- to state lawmakers. Between 2021 violence perpetrated against and future. Ferrell, who directs the refuted.”
Advanced Placement course that icism and the administration’s and 2023, the Republican-domi- by African Americans.” Florida Freedom to Read Project, Still, over the weekend, Red-
DeSantis blasted as “woke”; re- track record on Black history nated legislature — with DeSan- The standards also say teachers which advocates against book fern, the DeSantis spokesperson,
jected a host of math and social more generally, DeSantis press tis’s guidance and encouragement must highlight positive contribu- bans in schools, said people have sent The Washington Post a mes-
studies textbooks partly for al- secretary Jeremy Redfern sent a — adopted a raft of laws restrict- tions made by Black leaders such advised her to supplement her sage justifying the new state stan-
leged references to critical race link to tweets he posted quoting ing teaching about sex, gender, as Booker T. Washington and tell children’s education with outside dards.
theory; and, in late July, approved William B. Allen, a member of race and racism. fifth-graders about the “resilien- reading. The message linked to an Ency-
a set of history standards empha- Florida’s African American His- One such measure that took cy” of Black Americans, such as “But if my children decide they clopedia.com entry titled “Crafts
sizing the benefits of slavery for tory Standards working group, in effect in July 2022, known as the their efforts to help enslaved peo- want to go to college out of Flori- and Slave Handicrafts: An Over-
the enslaved. support of the curriculum he “Stop WOKE Act,” prohibits ple escape through the Under- da,” she asked, “will their applica- view.” The first sentence of the
DeSantis’s initiatives have di- helped develop. Contacted for teaching that an individual, by ground Railroad. Florida is one of tion be viewed the same way as entry states, “There is ample evi-
vided and riveted not only his comment, Allen, a Black professor virtue of his or her race or color, 12 states with a law requiring the another student in another area of dence regarding the production of
state, but also the nation. Some emeritus at Michigan State Uni- “bears responsibility for . . . ac- teaching of Black history, per a the country who did have a more crafts by slaves in the American
warn of an erasure of the reality of versity, wrote in an email that the tions committed in the past by tally by Education Week. DeSan- robust education and an under- colonies and during the antebel-
Black lives. “They are whitewash- goal of the standards is to tell the other members of the same race.” tis’s “Stop WOKE Act” reiterated standing of our shared history?” lum period in the Untied [sic]
ing history and the African Ameri- truth. Signing this law in April 2022, that teachers must discuss “the To others, though, DeSantis is a States.”
can experience in the United “It is correct that people held in DeSantis promised: “We are not history of African Americans” — hero.
States,” said Andrew Spar, head of slavery both arrived with and de- gonna use your tax dollars to an element of the legislation tout- Flaugh of the Florida Citizens isaac arnsdorf and Lori rozsa
the Florida Education Associa- veloped skills that inured to their teach our kids to hate this country ed by the governor’s supporters as Alliance said schoolteachers have contributed to this report.
tion. personal benefit and accomplish- or to hate each other.”
Yet others laud these measures ment,” Allen wrote. “I stand be- That same month, the Florida
as a needed corrective to liberal hind the work of the group in its Department of Education also re-
bias in education. “The governor literal rendering.” jected 54 math textbooks, some
and the Department of Education DeSantis has spoken out in re- for alleged references to critical
is teaching history in a balanced cent days to back up the stan- race theory. The department con- CALL TODAY FOR A FREE QUOTE

way, not from a one-sided point of

view that the United States is an
dards. He told a group of reporters
and supporters Friday that en-
ducted a similar review of social
studies textbooks this spring, (240) 335-7050
oppressive nation,” said Keith slavement sometimes led to job deeming more than 30 unaccept-
Flaugh, co-founder and CEO of opportunities. “They’re probably able, some because they conflict
the Florida Citizens Alliance, a going to show some of the folks with state laws on race education.


conservative education advocacy that eventually parlayed, you In early 2023, the Education BUY ONE
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Each of the DeSantis adminis- ing things later in life,” DeSantis sion of the College Board’s long-
tration’s actions on Black history said, addressing an almost all- planned AP African American
has drawn harsh blowback from
not only the political left, but also
many educators and historians.
White crowd. He said the stan-
dards are “rooted in whatever is
studies course, contending it
lacked “educational value.” De-
Santis declared the class a form of
Last week’s release of the stan-
dards was no exception. It earned
The governor’s intervention
into the teaching of Black history
“indoctrination.” DeSantis’s bash-
ing of the AP course led at least PAY LATER
bipartisan political condemna- dates at least to summer 2021. four other states to launch reviews
tion, too, from figures such as Vice
President Harris (D) and GOP
That June, the state Board of Edu-
cation banned “critical race theo-
of the program, The Washington
Post reported.
presidential candidates Will ry,” a catchall term used on the Most recently came the
Hurd, a former congressman from right to denote various teachings 216-page state academic stan-
Texas, and Chris Christie, a former about race, and the New York dards, which encompass Black INCLUDING INSTALLATION

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A4 eZ re the washington post . tuesday, july 25 , 2023

Three serving life to request

new trials, citing DNA tests
coNvicTioNs from A1 their DNA seems absurd.” lung disease, which led to Nick-
Delaware County District At- ens’s death in the minutes or
striking parallels to the infamous torney Jack Stollsteimer does not hours after the attack.
1989 rape of a Central Park jogger, contest the new DNA evidence The examiner also discovered
in which a group of Black and but is opposing the motion to semen in Nickens’s rectum, but
brown teens were charged and vacate the convictions. His office found little other evidence of
later exonerated in a case that argues in a brief that the DNA injuries consistent with sexual
became a glaring example of ra- tests would not have changed the assault, according to the prosecu-
cial bias in the justice system. The outcomes of the men’s trials — the tor’s brief. Nickens’s daughter
attorneys are hoping for the same chief legal standard for the relief would testify at trial that her
outcome in the Pennsylvania the defendants are asking for. mother did not have any known
case. Prosecutors argue it was re- male companions.
Attorneys for the national In- vealed during the legal proceed- An informer also told police
nocence Project, the Pennsylva- ings that DNA found on Nickens’s she overheard mcElwee, Grasty,
nia Innocence Project and Centu- body did not match any of the Johnson and Chappell discussing
rion, a group that works on inno- alleged perpetrators, so the new their involvement in Nickens’s
cence cases, will now test their tests would not be enough to killing, according to the prosecu-
theory, which is rejected by pros- change jurors’ minds. Stollsteim- tor’s brief.
ecutors, when they ask a judge at er’s office declined to comment In an effort to gain evidence on
a Tuesday hearing to vacate the before the hearing. Grasty, Chester Police Detective FamIly PHotoS

convictions and order new trials. “Absent compelling evidence Todd Nuttall reached out to the samuel Grasty, Derrick chappell and Morton Johnson, seen in undated photos, were convicted in the
The new tests did not find the of innocence, the trial court’s narcotics division to see if they 1997 murder of Henrietta Nickens, 70, of chester, Pa. They will get a new hearing in court on Tuesday.
DNA of any of the four men verdict should not be disturbed,” had anything on mcElwee, who
prosecuted — morton Johnson, a prosecutor wrote in a brief. was mildly intellectually disabled ter said she talked to her mom At all three trials, prosecutors Nickens’s relatives did not re-
Derrick Chappell, Samuel Grasty “The postconviction DNA evi- and had an IQ of 69, according to until about 11 p.m. that night. revealed that the DNA found on turn calls for comment.
and richard mcElwee — in Nick- dence is neither compelling nor is a brief by Johnson’s attorney. mcElwee’s mother testified at tri- Nickens’s body did not match any The men spent the decades
ens’s apartment, despite a violent it evidence of innocence.” Nuttall learned that mcElwee al that he was home by 10:30 p.m. of the defendants, but offered no that followed filing appeals and
struggle there that the attorneys had twice sold drugs to undercov- Vanessa Potkin, an attorney definitive explanation for how it attempting to challenge their
argue would have left traces. The A heinous murder er officers without being charged, with the Innocence Project repre- got there. They called it a “mys- convictions from prison. At
men’s DNA was also not found on Nickens, who was Black, lived so he brought mcElwee in and senting Johnson, said mcElwee tery” at one trial. times, the men filed their own
the only piece of physical evi- about 35 minutes southwest of interrogated him about Nickens’s was vulnerable to manipulation They also alternately suggest- motions. Kenyett LeBue, John-
dence allegedly linking them to Philadelphia. killing, according to Johnson’s because of his age and mental ed that Nickens might have had son’s sister, said the intervening
the crime, a green jacket left at She spent the evening of oct. 9, brief. for two hours, mcElwee capacity and because he possibly consensual sex before her attack; years have been difficult.
the scene. 1997, with her daughter, the denied involvement, but even- faced a lengthy sentence. mcEl- that Johnson, Grasty and Chap- LeBue and Johnson lost a sis-
The men’s attorneys say the daughter’s boyfriend and her tually implicated himself and his wee and his family did not re- pell might have picked up a used ter in a fire and morton’s incar-
tests plainly point to an alternate granddaughter eating dinner and friends in the slaying. spond to multiple requests for condom and deposited the semen ceration has been like another
suspect. They contend that an- playing cards in her apartment, on the night of the killing, comment. on Nickens to cover up their death in the family, LeBue said.
other man, whose genetic materi- according to the prosecutor’s mcElwee told investigators, he “Police are bringing in, interro- crime; or that another person He’s missed graduations, family
al is now known to have been in brief. After leaving, the daughter served as a lookout while John- gating and putting pressure on could have entered Nickens’s reunions and a memorial service
several places at the crime scene, talked to Nickens by phone until son, Grasty and Chappell broke mcElwee,” Potkin said. “Essen- apartment after the trio left and for his sister. LeBue described her
raped and killed Nickens. 11 p.m., she later testified at trial. raped her as she lay dying or after brother as outgoing, witty and
The new tests for the first time Nothing was amiss. she was dead, according to the sarcastic. He was the baby of the
revealed that that man’s DNA was But when the daughter re- brief by Grasty’s attorney. family.
mixed with Nickens’s on her bed, turned the next day, she found a “We now have the DNA evidence that really shows Paul Casteleiro, an attorney “It’s been hard on the family.
where blood was spattered and a scene of horror. She testified that with Centurion who is represent- It’s really hard,” LeBue said. “We
can of mace was nearby. The same Nickens’s front door was un- this was done by one unknown person. The ing Grasty, called those possibili- can’t get back those memories we
genetic profile also was found on locked and that when she went ties “preposterous.” could have made.”
the green jacket and on a chewed inside the apartment, it looked defendants have been excluded from everything.” “Their original theory … was Johnson is now 43 and has
straw in a jacket pocket, indicat- “like a tornado hit it.” Nilam Sanghvi, an attorney with the Pennsylvania Innocence Project that the person whose semen is in spent more than two decades in
ing it belonged to the man and Blood was spattered on a wall who is representing Chappell this woman’s rectum is the per- prison, like the other defendants.
not the defendants, attorneys ar- and the bed, items were scattered son who did this,” Casteleiro said. Chappell is 41 and Grasty is 46.
gue. everywhere and Nickens was “They went ahead and did the The defendants eventually got
The same unknown man’s ge- dead, lying facedown on the floor, into the back door of Nickens’s tially, the whole case rests on the [DNA] testing and the theory the innocence groups to take up
netic profile was previously iden- according to the prosecutor’s apartment and robbed her of $30, word of an intellectually disabled didn’t comport with the guy they their cases. Under Pennsylvania
tified in semen recovered from brief. Nickens’s underwear had according to Johnson’s brief. The teenager facing life in prison.” wanted to pin it on, so they just law, defendants can request post-
Nickens’s rectum during her au- been removed and was found day after the statement, Chester abandoned the theory even conviction testing or retesting of
topsy in the late 1990s. Attorneys near the body, according to a brief police charged mcElwee with Trials and a push for though the evidence supports it.” DNA evidence if they meet cer-
for the defendants argue that the by Grasty’s attorney. murder, sex crimes and other innocence Johnson and Chappell were tain criteria. Prosecutors agreed
semen was likely the result of The daughter also testified counts. Two years after Nickens’s kill- offered deals before trial that to the new round of testing in
sexual assault because Nickens that she noticed something that Nuttall did not respond to mes- ing, Johnson, Grasty and Chap- would have given them six-to-12- 2021.
had no boyfriend and was in poor was not there the night before: a sages seeking comment. pell were charged with murder year sentences, but both rejected After the results were returned
health. green jacket draped on a TV. Authorities dropped the sex and other counts. The men faced guilty pleas and decided to mount last year, the men’s attorneys filed
The unknown man’s genetic Police were called and Nick- charges against mcElwee after a separate trials that played out in cases for their innocence, accord- the motions to vacate their con-
profile has been run through a ens’s family told investigators DNA test ruled out him, Johnson, 2000 and 2001. ing to Johnson’s brief. Johnson, victions. The judge could decide
law enforcement DNA database that Grasty, who was 20 and lived Chappell and Grasty as contribu- Prosecutors argued that Grasty Chappell and Grasty were all on the motions Tuesday, but is
but has produced no hits to date. nearby, might be involved in the tors to the semen found on Nick- was angry that Nickens’s grand- found guilty of murder and sen- more likely to issue a ruling in the
Nilam Sanghvi, an attorney slaying because the granddaugh- ens’s body. daughter had said she was preg- tenced to life in prison. weeks or months to come.
with the Pennsylvania Innocence ter had recently told Grasty she As part of a plea deal, mcElwee nant with his child, so he per- After the final sentencing for Potkin said Johnson, who was
Project who is representing was pregnant by him and he agreed to testify against Johnson, suaded his cousin and friends to Johnson in 2002, Nickens’s fam- held in pretrial detention, would
Chappell, said the new evidence didn’t believe he was the father, Grasty and Chappell in exchange rob Nickens, according to the ily expressed relief. The Philadel- have served less than four more
rules out any known forensic according to the prosecutor’s for a reduced sentence of six to 12 prosecutor’s brief. mcElwee testi- phia Inquirer reported at the years after sentencing if he had
links between the convicted men brief. Grasty is a cousin of John- years, according to Johnson’s fied against the three other defen- time that Nickens’s sister, Estella accepted the plea deal from pros-
and the crime. son, then 18, and friends with brief. mcElwee was sentenced in dants in each of their trials, laying Payne, cried and held a framed ecutors. He would have been
“We now have the DNA evi- Chappell and mcElwee, who were 1999. out his account of the break-in. photo of her sister outside the home from prison long ago.
dence that really shows this was both 15. The attorneys for Johnson, During two of the trials, Nut- courtroom. “Because he maintained his
done by one unknown person,” The medical examiner ruled Grasty and Chappell have raised tall and witnesses offered testi- “I hope this family will be able innocence, exercised his right to a
Sanghvi said. “The defendants Nickens’s death a homicide and doubts about mcElwee’s story. mony that the green jacket found to heal,” Payne said. “I hope these trial and had hope in the system
have been excluded from every- found that she had blunt-force They point out that he told inves- in Nickens’s apartment looked young men repent of their sins and a belief that truth would
thing. The notion that [the] four injuries to her face and head. The tigators the break-in occurred at like one owned by Grasty, linking and ask the Lord to forgive them.” prevail, he ended up punished
… could somehow commit this examiner found that the injuries 10 p.m. and lasted five to 20 the defendants to the scene of the Nickens’s son, Edward, said infinitely more than if he falsely
crime without leaving a trace of aggravated preexisting heart and minutes, while Nickens’s daugh- crime. simply: “Justice has been served.” admitted guilt,” Potkin said.

Vaccine politics may be to blame for excess Republican deaths, study finds
BY D AVID O VALLE filiation and were to change it lic Health.
from the Democratic Party to the The release of the Yale study
The political maelstrom swirl- republican Party that they would comes as the vaccine rollout and
ing around coronavirus vaccines be more likely to die from covid- policies under President Biden
may be to blame for a higher rate 19,” Wallace said. have faced criticism by some re-
of excess deaths among registered researchers also pointed out publicans, including members of
republicans in ohio and florida that more than 50 million Ameri- the republican-led House Select
during the coronavirus pandem- cans have yet to get an initial Subcommittee on the Coronavi-
ic, according to a study published coronavirus vaccine and that rea- rus Pandemic.
monday. sons often extend “beyond politi- In florida, Gov. ron DeSantis
The report in the journal JAmA cal beliefs or party affiliation (r) pushed the rollout of vaccines
Internal medicine underscores alone.” Surveys have shown re- early in the pandemic. But as he
the partisan divide over coronavi- publicans lagged in vaccination prepared to mount a bid for the
rus vaccines, which have saved rates, including for booster shots. republican presidential nomina-
lives but continue to roil Ameri- Kff estimated that between June tion, DeSantis displayed in-
can politics even as the pandemic 2021 and march 2022, at least creased hostility toward vaccines,
has waned. 234,000 covid-19 deaths could petitioning for a state grand jury
Yale University researchers have been prevented if people had to investigate supposed wrongdo-
found that registered republi- received a primary series of vacci- ing related to vaccines. The flori-
cans had a higher rate of excess nations. da Health Department even is-
deaths than Democrats in the The Yale study adds to a grow- sued a “health alert” on mrNA
months following when vaccines ing body of research indicating vaccine safety, which drew sharp
became available for all adults in that republican messaging on rebukes.
April 2021. The study does not vaccines and other public health Public health officials fear
directly attribute the deaths to measures such as mask-wearing, mixed messaging on coronavirus
covid-19. Instead, excess mortal- limiting crowds and social dis- vaccines by republicans is shap-
ity refers to the overall rate of tancing may have led to prevent- ing attitudes toward the vaccines
deaths exceeding what would be able deaths. in dangerous ways.
expected from historical trends. andreW WelSH-HUggInS/aP Last year, a study from re- In a nationwide survey pub-
The study examined the deaths supporters of legislation to prohibit public and private employers from requiring vaccinations or searchers at the University of lished in march by the University
of 538,139 people 25 and older in punishing workers who don’t receive them rally at the ohio statehouse in columbus in August 2021. maryland and University of Cali- of South florida, only 49 percent
florida and ohio, between Janu- fornia at Irvine published in of republicans said they were
ary 2018 and December 2021, with researchers said the gap in or whether someone had been Health Affairs concluded that re- “very” or “somewhat confident”
researchers linking them to party excess death rates was larger in vaccinated. The data did not look publican-majority counties expe- that coronavirus vaccines are
registration records. researchers counties with lower vaccination at voters who had no party affilia- rienced nearly 73 additional safe, contrasted with 88 percent
found the excess death rate for rates and noted that the gap was “We have all these tion and was limited to florida deaths per 100,000 people rela- of Democrats. Stephen r. Neely, a
republicans and Democrats was driven primarily by voters in and ohio, which aren’t neat com- tive to majority Democratic coun- professor at USf’s School of Pub-
about the same at the start of the ohio. The results suggest that data points that really parisons to other states. ties through october 2021. The lic Affairs who conducted the sur-
pandemic in march 2020. differences in vaccination atti- The excess death rates between study suggested that vaccine up- vey, said the Yale study was im-
Both parties experienced a tudes and the uptake among re- highlight the relevance groups could be affected by other take accounted for only 10 per- portant because it highlighted
sharp but similar increase in ex- publican and Democratic voters factors, such as differences in cent of the republican-Democrat how sharply partisanship over
cess deaths the following winter. “may have been factors in the of sound public health education, race, ethnicity, under- gap in deaths. coronavirus vaccine safety and
But after April 2021, the gap in severity and trajectory of the pan- lying conditions and access to “We have all these data points efficacy has led to unnecessary
excess death rates emerged, with demic” in the United States. policy.” health care, said Wallace, an assis- that really highlight the relevance deaths.
the rate for republicans 7.7 per- In their paper, Yale researchers Neil Jay Sehgal, associate tant professor at the Yale School of sound public health policy,” “It’s one of the most telling
centage points higher than the Jacob Wallace, Jason L. Schwartz professor at the University of of Public Health and the lead said Neil Jay Sehgal, who led the metrics I’ve seen in how the politi-
rate for Democrats. for republi- and Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham Washington School of Public Health author. maryland study and is now an cization of the pandemic has
cans, that translated into a 43 cautioned the data did not in- “We’re not saying that if you associate professor at the Univer- played out in the real world,”
percent increase in excess deaths. clude individual causes of death took someone’s political party af- sity of Washington School of Pub- Neely said.
tuesday, july 25 , 2023 . the washington post EZ RE A5

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A6 eZ re the washington post . tuesday, july 25 , 2023

As 3rd indictment looms, many in GOP stand by Trump

L. Noem was running in the
primary, but she’s not committed
He retains support even to supporting anyone yet. She
among voters weary of does, however, know she doesn’t
want Trump again.
legal woes, rhetoric “I feel like he’s just gone off the
deep end,” she said. “And we need
somebody who wants to repre-
BY S ABRINA R ODRIGUEZ sent us as a whole and not just
BooNE, Iowa — Vickie Farmer, Carl McKnight, 72, blocked the
66, knows her presidential candi- summer sun at the fair with a red
date of choice comes off as “abra- bucket hat that read “Trump
sive, offensive and sometimes won.” McKnight remains a loyal
looks orange,” but she’s all-in for Trump supporter and doesn’t
Donald Trump for a third time — think “we should gamble on
especially in the face of what she somebody else.”
sees as a never-ending legal witch He said he understands that
hunt. some people are turned off by
Randy Mitchell, 70, is tired of Trump’s personality and all the
all the controversy surrounding negative headlines around him,
Trump — he thinks the former but he personally doesn’t think
president’s legal troubles are a Trump has “ever made a wrong
farce — but he concedes that he decision” and feels he’s a “winner
will vote for him again if he’s the who bounces back.” He’s already
2024 GOP nominee. had conversations with several
But Amy Rohe, who’s in her GOP voters in his community to
mid-40s, thinks the Republican urge them to support Trump even
Party — and the country — needs if they don’t like him because he
someone fresh with new ideas can keep the country out of war
who isn’t pushing a personal and get the economy back on
agenda. She voted for Trump track.
twice but doesn’t plan to support On Trump’s legal battles, he
him again. Too much baggage, feels people should give him the
she says. benefit of the doubt. But it does
During a hot, sunny weekend keep McKnight up at night to see
at the Boone County Fair — where indictments piling up for Trump
hundreds of Iowans came togeth- — not because it’s affecting his
er to eat funnel cakes and corn PhoTos by Jordan gale For The WashingTon PosT support but because he worries
dogs and to watch their children Watermelon is passed out Saturday at Iowa’s Boone County Fair, where interviews with GOP voters show Donald Trump continues to have it’s having an impact on other
and grandchildren show off ani- a tight grip on the Republican Party, even as he faces another potential indictment over his efforts to overturn the 2020 election. supporters.
mals from their family farms — “Nobody wants to waste their
the range of Republican voters’ passing by for its informal poll. she said, sitting next to a table she DeSantis and Scott were visibly in “Trump might be very self-cen- vote if they think you can’t win,”
views on Trump, the undisputed GOP voters were asked to drop set up with her husband to sell second and third place. Other tered, but he’s not bought and McKnight said.
front-runner in state and nation- their kernel in labeled jars for the scented wax melts and other candidates had no kernels or just paid for by the ‘deep state.’ They In New Hampshire, a similar
al polls, was on full display. Inter- primary candidate they plan to home goods. “I think there’s a a few. A day earlier, the final tally can’t buy him, and that’s why they picture emerged in conversations
views with GOP voters in the support. smear campaign to try to keep showed Trump with 54 kernels, want to get rid of him,” Loew said. with GOP voters attending events
rural county, which Trump car- The 70-year-old pointed to him from getting into office.” DeSantis with 8 and Scott with 7. “This new stuff they’re pulling for Pence. Several said the indict-
ried by double-digit percentage Trump’s jar — which clearly had Farmer wouldn’t weigh in on Outside in the afternoon sun, out again about Jan. 6, they’re ments against Trump were not a
points in 2016 and 2020, show more kernels than the rest — and the Jan. 6 insurrection but said sporting a “Let’s go Brandon” just doing to try to put him in a significant factor in their think-
that Trump continues to have a said he had mixed feelings about she didn’t think the 2020 election T-shirt, Rob Loew, 47, said he position that he can’t campaign ing about the upcoming primary.
tight grip on the party, even the former president. He called was carried out “legally and fair.” would be backing Trump again in as much and he’s going to be in Even those who are open to
among those who have grown Trump a “promise keeper” who “If indeed he tried to overturn the 2024 election even though and out of court.” supporting an alternative candi-
weary of his rhetoric and legal “gets things done” and said he it, I don’t blame him,” Farmer he’s convinced that his vote Roxanne and Harold Bickel- date did not cite the indictments
troubles. still has a hat that Trump auto- said, adding that she would “ab- doesn’t matter and elections are haupt, both 72, were less inclined as a reason, and several viewed it
Even with the backdrop of graphed at a rally in 2016. But he solutely” back Trump in the Iowa rigged. to defend Trump, as they sat as an example of a weaponized
Trump facing another potential said he wished Trump would stop caucuses in January. He said he was convinced the waiting for their grandchildren, Justice Department.
indictment over his efforts to picking fights with everyone. Many Boone County fairgoers, indictments were all aimed to who came to the fair to show off “The whole thing is very, very
overturn the 2020 election, many “I’m worn out by all the contro- like Farmer, were supporting hinder Trump from picking up their family’s animals including tragic for our country,” said Bren-
GOP voters wrote off the former versy,” Mitchell said as he leaned Trump. Dozens of kernels were in more momentum on the cam- goats, horses and rabbits. The da Dolan, 74, a registered Repub-
president’s legal challenges as on the table with fliers for GOP his jar at the GOP booth, while paign trail. couple, who have been married lican in Florida, who attended a
part of a continued liberal smear candidates including Florida for 50 years, voted for Trump garden party for Pence in New
campaign and said it didn’t im- Gov. Ron DeSantis, Sen. Tim twice and will vote for him again Hampshire and is undecided.
pact the image — positive or Scott (S.C.), businessman Vivek if it’s a matchup between Biden “There may have been wrongdo-
negative — they already have of Ramaswamy, former U.N. ambas- and Trump, but they don’t neces- ing, but it reeks of election inter-
him. Some, however, said they sador Nikki Haley and former sarily like Trump as a person. ference, unfortunately. The tim-
were tired of all the drama sur- vice president Mike Pence. “If he “I can’t say I like the guy, but I ing is bad. Everything is bad
rounding Trump and are increas- makes it through, I’ll probably … did like the way he ran the about it. … It’s a terrible distrac-
ingly open to other candidates as I just don’t know if I’ll support country,” Harold said as he sipped tion, it’s a distraction for the
they look to 2024. him in the caucus. I get tired of it.” on a Gatorade and sat in the country, it’s a distraction for him.
In a Fox Business survey of Mitchell said he’s curious to shade beside his wife. “I think he My heart breaks for his family.”
Iowa Republicans released Sun- learn more about Ramaswamy could’ve handled [Jan. 6] better Warren Ignacio, a Republican
day, Trump continued to domi- and Scott but isn’t convinced than what he did. But until you’re voter in Massachusetts who plans
nate the GOP primary field, gar- about the hype around DeSantis, in that situation, how do you to support Pence, described the
nering support from 46 percent who remains a distant second in know for sure how you’d handle Trump indictments as “humiliat-
of likely Republican caucus-goers most polls. He said, however, that it?” ing to the country, to the Ameri-
and leading the field by 30 per- he thinks all of Trump’s recent His wife nodded. “They’re just can people. These committees
cent. The same poll found that legal troubles are part of a “witch kind of picking on him. Yeah, I’m coming up with false or making
Trump is seen as the candidate hunt” that stem from him “pok- sure some of what’s being said up things, making up different
with the best chance of defeating ing the bear all the time.” Mitchell he’s probably done. But all of our rules, just to affect this election
President Biden. added that the Jan. 6, 2021, attack presidents have got something.” and just for one guy. Because he’s
Trump is facing two live indict- on the U.S. Capitol was a “farce” Meanwhile, Rohe is less invest- not liked. He’s not liked because
ments: Manhattan District Attor- and that the Justice Department ed in whether Trump is innocent he did good.”
ney Alvin Bragg’s indictment ac- was after Trump. He worries it or guilty of trying to overturn the Other voters said that they
cusing Trump of paying hush will impact Trump’s chances of election or inciting the insurrec- were waiting for more informa-
money to an adult-film actress winning. tion on Jan. 6. She wants the tion about the indictments.
before the 2016 election and spe- Just a few booths down, Farm- country to move on. Instead, she’s Reggie Pettitt, another New
cial counsel Jack Smith’s indict- er heard that the local GOP was more concerned about the safety Hampshire Republican who at-
ment in Florida in June accusing handing out kernels for the corn of the country and of her 11-year- tended the Pence town hall and is
Trump of mishandling classified poll and she made her way to the old son Tommy. open to supporting Trump again,
documents. Another potential in- booth to drop one in Trump’s jar. “We don’t need to continue to said he has “some significant
dictment from Smith’s investiga- “He’s the only choice, in my rehash all this stuff,” she said questions with regard to the tim-
tion could come as early as this opinion,” she said. after her son participated in a dog ing of things.”
week into Trump’s attempts to Farmer has been a Trump sup- obstacle-course competition with When asked whether the in-
overturn the 2020 election, while porter from the start, but in the his 2-year-old dog Lucy. “It’s slow- dictments factor into his candi-
an Atlanta-area district attorney years since Biden came into of- ing us down from progressing date choice, Pettitt said, “I
is investigating efforts to over- fice, her support for the former and moving forward like America wouldn’t disregard that, I
turn Trump’s electoral defeat in president has only grown. She does. I hope there’s somebody wouldn’t ignore that.”
Georgia. said she’s most worried about the fresh on both sides for us to have “If something surfaces eviden-
Mitchell, who has been in- economy, because she sees her good luck to move forward. Be- tiary in one of those, or multiple
volved with the Boone County adult children living paycheck to cause there’s a lot of baggage all pieces of evidence, that could
Republican Central Committee paycheck and at times struggling around.” sway me to a position where I’m
for more than a decade, sat be- to juggle food and gas costs. So far, Rohe is a fan of the considering it more heavily,” he
hind the local party’s booth in the “I was very happy with the way national security-focused mes- said.
air-conditioned vendor area on things were going. I don’t think sage she’s heard from North Da-
Saturday afternoon and handed he is guilty of nearly all of the Roxanne and Harold Bickelhaupt voted for Trump twice and said kota Gov. Doug Burgum and Marianne leVine in new hampshire
out kernels of corn to fairgoers things they’re accusing him of,” they would vote for him again in a matchup with President Biden. wishes South Dakota Gov. Kristi contributed to this report.

Biden campaign beefs up data, analytics operation and I are thinking about it is not
in terms of any one tool or
platform, but making sure that
ensure we’re reaching the right
people in the right ways to win in
the way that we’re talking to Siegel and Schwenzfeier will
BY T YLER P AGER advisers behind that strategy to a growing number of ways to son door knocking. And it will voters across platforms and join only a handful of staffers
top positions in his reelection contact them. decide who would make the best across tools is coherent, and then working directly on Biden’s cam-
During the 2020 Democratic effort, part of a broader effort to “The reason that I’m excited messengers in each case — elect- keeping track of all of that and paign at this point. Since it
primary, Joe Biden’s campaign make data and analytics central about our roles, and the role of ed officials, celebrities, commu- making sure that we understand launched in April, the campaign
had scant resources and stunted to his push for a second term. data and analytics and strategy nity leaders or friends and fam- where we’re meeting voters and has built only a skeletal staff,
momentum as it braced for dis- Becca Siegel, who served as generally this time, is that there ily. who we still need to talk to,” she part of a strategy to rely heavily
appointing finishes in Iowa and chief analytics officer for the are just more options for how we “The work of persuading vot- said. on the Democratic National
New Hampshire. As the cam- 2020 campaign, was named a reach people,” said Siegel, who ers and turning out voters is That, Schwenzfeier added, is Committee, state parties and out-
paign prepared for the make-or- senior adviser to lead those ef- joined the White House after the everlasting,” Siegel said. “It goes “a huge logistical and infrastruc- side groups. The goal is to save
break moment of Super Tuesday, forts, and Meg Schwenzfeier, 2020 campaign to work on covid on at all times. From the day the ture undertaking.” money by taking advantage of
when 14 states would hold pri- who was the data science direc- response. “To keep them all orga- election is over in 2020 to now, Julie Chavez Rodriguez, changes in campaign finance
maries or caucuses, a small tor, will serve as chief analytics nized and in alignment with our there’s work to be done.” Biden’s campaign manager, said rules.
group of staffers in the Philadel- officer. strategy requires more support And data findings can lead to integrating data and research The Biden campaign has been
phia headquarters suggested a Political campaigns have in- and more leadership as these strategy. On Super Tuesday 2020, into the campaign’s overall strat- operating out of the DNC’s offices
plan to maximize Biden’s pros- creasingly employed data scien- options grow and change.” the innovation of the data team egy will be a priority, calling in Washington, but some staffers
pects. tists and engineers to better The Biden team’s emphasis on was to focus on congressional Siegel and Schwenzfeier “two of will soon begin to work out of a
The strategy called for pouring understand the electorate and these efforts is clear: Siegel and districts that award delegates on the brightest minds in the Demo- campaign headquarters in Wilm-
resources such as ads, endorse- inform decisions on where to Schwenzfeier are among the first a winner-take-all basis, maximiz- cratic Party.” ington, Del.
ments and media into specific spend time and money. The staffers to be hired by the cam- ing the impact of even a small “Both Becca and Meg were “We don’t believe that data can
congressional districts where Biden campaign says those ef- paign, which is trying to run a Biden win. instrumental in President Biden answer every single question or
Biden could sweep the delegate forts will be turbocharged this lean operation as long as possi- Schwenzfeier oversaw data and Vice President Harris’ 2020 solve every problem or make
haul rather than splitting it with cycle, becoming central to how ble. and analytics for the Democratic victory, presenting a clear and every decision for a campaign,”
other candidates. The plan suc- the campaign targets and con- Siegel said the team will re- Senatorial Campaign Committee accurate picture of the electorate Siegel said. “It’s more we want to
ceeded: On March 3, Biden won nects with voters over the next 16 search how and where people get during the 2022 midterms, when and getting it right when it use it to the best of its abilities
nearly 100 more delegates than months. their information, then tailor its Democrats expanded their Sen- mattered most,” she said in a and inject it into all the places
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), cata- As software programs become messages to particular kinds of ate majority, and said one of the statement. “With their leader- where we can use it and make
pulting him from underperform- smarter and more powerful, they voters. The campaign will deter- biggest challenges for campaigns ship, our campaign will use data sure that people have the very
er to likely nominee. are increasingly able to provide mine whether to reach out to is keeping up with Americans’ to take a holistic view of all the best information possible when
On Monday, President Biden’s nuanced profiles of specific them through direct mail, televi- ever-changing media habits. ways we are interacting and they are making strategic cam-
campaign elevated two of the groups. And technology provides sion spots, digital ads or in-per- “I think the way that Becca communicating with voters, to paign decisions.”
tuesday, july 25 , 2023 . the washington post EZ RE A7

‘Oppenheimer’ may have exaggerated the threat of an Earth-ending bomb

BY M ARK J OHNSON “There was a third option, ingly remote — but still valid —
however, that was kept under possibility that instead of watch-
In a chilling, existential, bi- wraps, top secret, discussed only ing the ball bounce back, he
zarrely comic moment, the new behind closed doors,” Dudley could see it pass through the
movie “Oppenheimer” revives an wrote. “This was the possibility of wall.
old question: Did Manhattan triggering a vast nuclear accident Aditi Verma, an assistant pro-
Project scientists think there was when and if a fission device was fessor of nuclear engineering and
even a minute possibility that detonated.” Dudley went on to radiological sciences at the
detonating the first atomic bomb explain that, in an interview with University of Michigan, put it
on the remote plains of New writer Pearl Buck published in this way: “What a physicist
Mexico could destroy the world? 1959 in the American Weekly, means by ‘near zero’ would be
The long, strange history of Manhattan Project physicist Ar- zero to an engineer.”
what came to be known as the thur H. Compton had acknowl- In the 2000s, scientists en-
“atmospheric ignition” scenario edged that there was a concern countered a similar problem of
has been distorted over the years, that Earth would be vaporized. terminology as they prepared to
and the movie distorts it further. “It would be the ultimate ca- generate high-speed particle col-
The nightmarish idea was this: tastrophe,” Buck quotes Comp- lisions at the Large Hadron
The tremendous fireball generat- ton as saying. Collider in Geneva. Talk surfaced
ed by the bomb is so great that it Dudley’s essay also recounted that the activity might generate a
heats nitrogen atoms in the at- a story that on the day of the test, black hole that would devour
mosphere to the point that their “as zero hour approached” Gen. Earth.
atomic cores, called nuclei, fuse. Groves was annoyed to find Man- As outlandish as the notion
The energy released causes more hattan Project physicist and was to many scientists, the nu-
nuclei to fuse, triggering a run- Nobel Prize winner Enrico Fermi clear research organization
away reaction that sets the at- making bets with colleagues CERN felt obliged to deal with
mosphere ablaze. about whether the bomb would the fear, noting on its website
And this is the way the world ignite the atmosphere, “and, if so, that “some theories suggest that
ends. whether it would destroy only the formation of tiny ‘quantum’
Except that it didn’t. And phys- AP New Mexico or the entire world.” black holes may be possible. The
icists knew it wouldn’t, long be- The first atomic explosion at Project Trinity in New Mexico in July 1945. The “near-zero” chance of (Some experts have suggested observation of such an event
fore the Trinity test on July 16, doomsday that was quoted in the movie just means not impossible to some physicists in the field. Fermi’s actions may have been would be thrilling in terms of our
1945, at the Alamogordo Bomb- more of a joke, or an example of understanding of the Universe;
ing Range, about 210 miles south tion of such a conversation be- Alamos, “didn’t believe it from A 1979 study by scientists at gallows humor.) and would be perfectly safe.”
of the secret Los Alamos, N.M., tween Oppenheimer and the gen- the first minute” but nonetheless the University of California’s The Bulletin of the Atomic In other words, any black hole
laboratory. eral in the historical record. performed the calculations con- Lawrence Livermore Laboratory Scientists printed letters critical created by the collider would be
“This thing has been blown out “Did the actual exchange hap- vincing the other physicists that examined the question of wheth- of the essay, then a full rebuttal far too small to pose any risk to
of proportion over the years,” pen at that moment? No, I don’t such a disaster was not a reason- er a nuclear explosion might from Bethe himself, in which the the planet.
said Richard Rhodes, author of think so,” said Alex Wellerstein, able possibility. trigger a runaway reaction in the physicist quickly dismissed the Scientists say such disaster
the Pulitzer Prize-winning book an associate professor at Stevens “I don’t think any physicists atmosphere or oceans. In page idea that an atomic blast could scenarios are sometimes the
“The Making of the Atomic Institute of Technology in seriously worried about it,” said after page of mathematical equa- ignite the atmosphere or ocean as price of crossing new thresholds
Bomb.” The question on the sci- Hoboken, N.J., and author of the John Preskill, a professor of theo- tions, the scientists described a “nonsense.” He wrote that “Buck of discovery.
entists’ minds before the test, he 2021 book, “Restricted Data: The retical physics at California complex set of factors that made had completely misunderstood” The discussions and calcula-
said, “wasn’t, ‘Is it going to blow History of Nuclear Secrecy in the Institute of Technology. atmospheric ignition effectively Compton. tions on the issue of atmospheric
up the world?’ It was, ‘Is it going impossible. Still, more than a decade later, ignition were entirely appropri-
to work at all?’” Probably the easiest to grasp is Bethe found himself asked about ate given the situation and “en-
In the movie, one scene has J. the fact that, even under the the same issue in an interview capsulates the fear of the un-
Robert Oppenheimer, director of “I don’t think any physicists harshest scenarios, far more en- published in Scientific American. known,” said Daniel Holz, a
the laboratory, seeking to reas- ergy would be lost in the explo- “It is such absolute nonsense,” he University of Chicago physics
sure his boss, Gen. Leslie Groves, seriously worried about it.” sion than gained, wiping out any repeated, “and the public has professor and co-chair of the
on the eve of the test. Upon John Preskill, professor of theoretical physics at California Institute of chance to sustain a chain reac- been interested in it … and board at the Bulletin of the
investigation, Oppenheimer tells Technology, regarding the catastrophic potential of early atomic bombs. tion. possibly it would be good to kill it Atomic Scientists that sets the
him, physicists have concluded In 1975 and 1976, the dooms- once more.” Doomsday Clock.
that the chances the test detona- day issue flared up again in the “You don’t often talk in cer-
tion will destroy the world are United States.” Still, the discussions and cal- Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists What scientists tainties,” he said. “You talk in
“near zero.” Realizing the news “But were there discussions culations persisted long after the when the journal published “The are really saying probabilities. If you haven’t done
has alarmed, not reassured, the like that? I believe so,” he added. Trinity test. In 1946, three Man- ultimate catastrophe,” a shocking Fascination with this dooms- the experiment, you are hesitant
general, Oppenheimer asks, hattan project scientists, includ- essay by H.C. Dudley, a professor day scenario may stem, at least in to say, ‘This is impossible. It will
“What do you want from theory The ultimate catastrophe? ing Teller, who would later be- of radiation physics at University part, from a misunderstanding of never happen.’ … It was good to
alone?” At a conference in the summer come known as the father of the of Illinois Medical Center in what physicists mean when they think it through.”
“Zero would be nice,” the gen- of 1942, almost a full year before hydrogen bomb, wrote a report Chicago. Dudley reported that say “near zero.” The branch of Rhodes added that he hopes
eral replies. Los Alamos opened, physicist concluding that the explosive during World War II, “eminent physics known as quantum me- the “Oppenheimer” movie will
Oscar voters may decide next Edward Teller raised the possibil- force of the first atomic bomb scientists” had offered President chanics, which deals with matter not lead people to doubt the
March that director Christopher ity of atomic bombs igniting wasn’t even close to what would Franklin D. Roosevelt two op- and light at the atomic and scientists on the Manhattan
Nolan made the correct dramatic Earth’s oceans or atmosphere. be required to trigger a planet- tions: either accept the possible subatomic scale, does not rule Project.
choice. But no physicists or histo- According to Rhodes’s account, destroying chain reaction in air. slavery of the Nazis, the scientists out any possibilities. For exam- “They knew what they were
rians interviewed for this story Hans Bethe, who headed the The report was not declassified said, or develop and explode ple, if a boy tosses a rubber ball at doing,” he said. “They were not
recalled coming across any men- theoretical division at Los until 1973. atomic bombs. a brick wall, there is an exceed- feeling around in the dark.”
A8 eZ Re the washington post . tuesday, july 25 , 2023

The slow road to a more diverse solicitor general’s o∞ce


too, will deepen.”

But a similar lack of diversity to
the one Prelogar pointed out in
her argument has persisted for
years in the solicitor general’s of-
fice, which is part of the Justice
Department and represents the
federal government before the Su-
preme Court.
over the past dozen terms,
nearly three-quarters of Supreme
Court arguments made by lawyers
in the office have been delivered
by men, according to an analysis
by The Washington Post.
more than 80 percent have
been made by White lawyers, ac-
cording to the analysis of the of-
fice’s attorneys whose race could
be confirmed. No Hispanic lawyer
has argued a case for the office
since 2016. No Black lawyer has
done so since 2012.
Prelogar declined an interview
request for this story, and the
Justice Department declined to
comment on the record.
But Prelogar told The Post in a
statement last year that “there is
more work to be done to ensure
that we reflect the American peo-
ple as we represent them before
the Court” and that she was com-
mitted “to seeking out, hiring, and
retaining outstanding attorneys
who fully represent our Nation’s
Prelogar has taken steps since
the Senate confirmed her in 2021
to make the office more diverse.
But the years-long absence of
Black and Hispanic lawyers from
the office demonstrates the gla-
cial pace of change even in an
office whose leader says she is
committed to diversity and who
works for a president who has dANA VeRkOuteReN/Ap

promised “to build an administra-

tion that looks like America.” ABOVE: A courtroom sketch qualifications could help diversify
Among the challenges are fed- depicts Solicitor General the office.
eral hiring rules that forbid taking Elizabeth B. Prelogar “The vast majority of attorneys
race or gender into account as arguing before the Supreme come from one to two law schools,
well as a low turnover rate among Court in November 2021. have the same set of clerkships
lawyers in the office, the vast ma- RIGHT: Prelogar appears and are already connected to,
jority of whom are civil servants, before the Senate Judiciary quote unquote, ‘the right people’
not political appointees. Committee during a 2021 who can help get their foot in the
Critics argue that the office’s hearing on her nomination to door,” Khan said. “There are
preference for hiring former Su- serve as U.S. solicitor many, many talented attorneys of
preme Court clerks — who histori- general. Among the obstacles color who would thrive in the
cally have been disproportionate- she faces in efforts to boost office but are outside of those
ly White — has made it harder to diversity in her office are networks and thus never get con-
achieve diversity. federal hiring rules that sidered, especially those who are
Neal Katyal, who served as act- forbid taking race or gender first-generation.”
ing solicitor general during the into account as well as a low (Three of the five lawyers Prel-
obama administration, said the turnover rate among lawyers ogar has hired went to Harvard
office needs racial and ethnic di- in the office, the vast Law School, and all of them are
versity — along with diversity of majority of whom are not former Supreme Court clerks.)
political views, religion and sex- political appointees. Days, who served as solicitor
ual orientation — to make the best general under President Bill Clin-
arguments before the court. ton, tried to hire lawyers from a
“You are arguing your case to broader range of backgrounds, ac-
nine justices who come from a cording to Beth Brinkmann, a
variety of different perspectives,” lawyer in the office whom he
said Katyal, who is Indian Ameri- tasked with assessing its hiring
can. “And to have a workforce that practices. He made changes based
is attuned to those differences in on her recommendations, which
ideology, approach, outlook and included considering more appli-
background makes for much bet- cants who hadn’t clerked for Su-
ter advocacy strategy.” preme Court justices as well as
Advocates for a more diverse ROd lAmkey/piCtuRe AlliANCe/CONsOlidAted News phOtOs public interest lawyers.
Supreme Court bar also argue the “That increased the number of
solicitor general’s office has a spe- preme Court justice. Veterans of the solicitor gener- A historic role applicants, resumes and inter-
cial responsibility to reflect the al’s office, meanwhile, said that The position of solicitor gener- views and ultimately led to more
country it serves. Prelogar’s record diversifying the government’s Su- al was created in the aftermath of diverse hiring, including, for ex-
“The solicitor general is often There are about 21 lawyers in preme Court litigators is not as the Civil War in part to defend the ample, two women who now are
referred to as the 10th justice. The the solicitor general’s office, in- easy as critics may make it seem. constitutionality of the newly en- judges on the D.C. Circuit — Judge
lawyers in the office represent us, cluding five deputies and 15 or 16 While Prelogar and her princi- acted Civil rights Act of 1866. [Cornelia] Pillard and Judge [Pa-
the United States,” said Juvaria assistants. Prelogar has filled five pal deputy, Brian fletcher, are po- Union veteran Benjamin Bristow tricia] millett,” she said. “Ensur-
Khan, the founder of the Appel- openings during her tenure. litical appointees, the other law- became the country’s first solici- ing that the focus of hiring is on
late Project, which seeks to help one of them, Luke mcCloud, is yers in the office are civil servants, tor general in 1870. demonstrated quality and experi-
more lawyers of color do appellate a Black man. Next term, he’s set to and Prelogar is forbidden by fed- The office has been a spring- ence rather than just traditional
work. “Because they represent the make his first Supreme Court ar- eral law from taking race or gen- board for the careers of notable credentials is important.”
people, they should prioritize de- gument since joining the office. der into account while hiring. lawyers from underrepresented But Brinkmann’s hiring recom-
veloping an office that reflects all Three of them — Yaira Dubin, many lawyers in the office also backgrounds. mendations don’t seem to have
our people and the diversity of the Aimee Brown and Caroline flynn tend to stay for years or even President Lyndon B. Johnson had a lasting effect.
country.” — are White women. The fifth, decades, limiting the number of selected Thurgood marshall to be Donald Verrilli, who served as
Lawyers and academics who Ephraim mcDowell, is a White openings to be filled. the first Black solicitor general in solicitor general for five years
follow the court closely said that man. michael Dreeben, a former dep- 1965 before nominating him to during the obama administra-
diversifying the solicitor general’s The number of arguments de- uty solicitor general who worked the Supreme Court two years lat- tion, succeeded in hiring more
office could have an outsize effect livered before the court by women in the office for more than two er. President Barack obama chose women, including Prelogar and
on the diversity of the broader in the office has gone up under decades, said those constraints Elena Kagan as his solicitor gener- rachel Kovner, who is now a
group of lawyers who argue be- Prelogar, in part because solici- mean “you can’t really expect the al in 2009, making her the first federal judge. But he said he
fore the court, in part, because tors general typically argue many solicitor general’s office to turn woman to hold the position per- wished he’d done more to attract
lawyers in the office appear so cases themselves. Women argued the world upside down over- manently, before nominating her racially diverse lawyers to the
often. Lawyers who argue before 40 percent of the office’s Supreme night.” to the Supreme Court the follow- office.
the Supreme Court are dispropor- Court cases during the 2022 term, Dreeben praised the job done ing year. “I probably would have picked
tionately White and male. according to The Post’s analysis. by Prelogar given the constraints. Prelogar is the second woman up the phone and called judges
The simplest way to diversify That’s higher than the overall “I think that current leadership to be confirmed by the Senate as and asked them about their law
the Supreme Court bar “is to di- share of arguments delivered by is doing a great job with it,” he solicitor general. (Barbara Under- clerks more aggressively,” Verrilli
versify the SG’s office,” said Noah women — 23 percent — before the said. wood served as acting solicitor said. “I would have picked up the
feldman, a Harvard Law School court last term. Still, advocates for diversity are general for five months in 2001, phone and called my colleagues,
professor and former Supreme racial diversity is another sto- becoming impatient with the pace but President George W. Bush did former colleagues in the private
Court clerk. ry. of change. not nominate her to lead the office sector who were leaders of the
Lawyers in the office made
more than a third of the 155 oral
“You are arguing your White lawyers argued 84 per-
cent of the office’s Supreme Court
“It’s really disheartening, espe-
cially around issues that acutely
Two other Black men, Wade H.
appellate practices, and asked
them whether they can identify
arguments delivered during the
court’s most recent term. many
case to nine justices cases during the most recent term
and Asian American lawyers ar-
affect women of color, when there
are no women of color arguing
mcCree Jr. and Drew S. Days III,
have served as solicitor general
some up-and-coming lawyers of
color and encourage them to ap-
veterans of the office, in turn, go
on to work in Supreme Court
who come from a gued 16 percent, according to an
analysis of the attorneys whose
before the court,” said fatima
Goss Graves, the president and
since marshall. Noel francisco,
whom President Donald Trump
ply and that sort of thing. I really
didn’t do much of that, and I look
practices at prominent law firms.
“The SG’s office is the most
variety of different race The Post was able to confirm.
Prelogar and all five of her depu-
chief executive of the National
Women’s Law Center.
nominated in 2017, was the first
Asian American confirmed as so-
back on it and think that would
have been something I should
important training ground for
lawyers to get stand-up experi-
perspectives. And to ties are White.
Some conservatives have ex-
And one former lawyer in the
office argued progress had not
licitor general.
But the rank-and-file lawyers in
have done.”
He praised Prelogar for the ef-
ence arguing cases in the Su-
preme Court relatively early in
have a workforce that pressed skepticism that increas-
ing racial and gender diversity
only slowed, but also gone into
reverse in some ways.
the office have been slower to
forts she’s made so far.
“I think the presence of an Afri-
their career,” roman martinez, a
member of the law firm Latham &
is attuned to those would lead the office’s lawyers to
make better arguments.
“The reason for that is, disap-
pointingly, all the leadership posi-
Katyal, the former acting solici-
tor general, said he worked hard
can American lawyer in the office
could be a spur to other African
Watkins’s Supreme Court and ap-
pellate practice, wrote in an email.
differences in ideology, “It’s possible that having people
of multiple races in the room
tions in the solicitor general’s of-
fice are held by White lawyers,”
to persuade more women and
lawyers of color to apply while he
American lawyers applying and
thinking that they’ve got a real
“It’s very hard to do that from
scratch in private practice with-
approach, outlook when you’re writing your briefs
and preparing for the argument
the lawyer said, speaking on the
condition of anonymity to discuss
led the office, speaking with Su-
preme Court justices, judges, law
shot,” Verrilli said.
feldman, the Harvard profes-
out having SG office experience.”
martinez, who worked in the
and background could make the briefs better and
the arguments better,” said Brian
a sensitive issue. “most of the ar-
guments done in the office are
professors, leaders of Supreme
Court practices at law firms and
sor, is more skeptical.
“Because I’m a long-term opti-
solicitor general’s office between
2013 and 2016, was the last
makes for much better fitzpatrick, a former clerk to Jus-
tice Antonin Scalia and a profes-
done by the leadership positions
— the deputies and the SG. So,
Justice Department officials to
identify potential recruits.
mist, I have hope,” he said. “In the
short term, I’m also a realist.”
Hispanic lawyer in the office to
argue before the court, according
advocacy strategy.” sor at Vanderbilt Law School. “I’m
certainly open to that. But I just
unlike during much of the obama
administration and all of the
But while he succeeded in hir-
ing more women, he didn’t recruit
“We’re still very far from where
we ought to be,” he added.
to The Post’s analysis. The last Neal Katyal, don’t think we should engage in Trump administration, there is any lawyers of color.
Black lawyer to do so, Leondra acting solicitor general during the racial discrimination based on not a single person of color in the Some lawyers said considering dave Clarke and Anu Narayanswamy
Kruger, is now a California Su- Obama administration speculation.” oSG leadership.” candidates with a wider range of contributed to this report.
tuesday, july 25 , 2023 . the washington post eZ Re A9

Biden to establish line for the car.”

A few nights later, Carolyn Bry-
ant’s husband, Roy Bryant, and his

national monument half brother, J.W. Milam, drove to

the home of Emmett’s great-uncle,
Mose Wright, and demanded that

honoring Emmett Till Emmett come out.

The men pulled Emmett from
his bed and tussled over Emmett
wanting to put on his shoes,
BY D E N EEN L . B ROWN The locations slated for the Wheeler Parker said. They
monument are: the Roberts marched Emmett out of the house
President Biden will announce Temple Church of God in Christ in and told his grandfather they
on Tuesday the establishment of a Chicago, where Till’s funeral was “would bring him back if he wasn’t
national monument dedicated to held and his mother decided to the one,” he recalled. “My grandfa-
Emmett Till, whose 1955 murder allow the undertakers to show his ther said he heard a light voice,
helped spark the civil rights move- body; the Tallahatchie County like a woman’s voice, who said,
ment, according to a White House Courthouse in Sumner, Miss., ‘That’s the one.’”
official. where those accused of killing him “That was the last time we saw
The United States is at long last were acquitted by an all-White him alive.”
acknowledging the momentous jury; and a Tallahatchie River Three days later, on Aug. 31,
role that 14-year old Till and his bank in Mississippi, where the 1955, Emmett’s body was pulled
mother, Mamie Till-Mobley, teenager’s body was found. from the Tallahatchie River. He
played in shaping American his- “This new national monument had been tortured, beaten and fa-
tory, Marvel Parker, who co- is the physical evidence and a liv- tally shot. His skull was crushed,
founded the Emmett Till and ing testimony to the legacy of one one eye was dislodged and a cot-
Mamie Till-Mobley Institute, said family whose unimaginable trag- ton-gin fan was tied around his
in an interview. edy led our nation one step closer Rogelio V. solis/AP neck with barbed wire.
“Emmett and Mamie are finally to the arc of justice,” said Brent A worker removes a tarp covering a statue of 14-year-old Emmett Till, whose 1955 murder helped spark Till-Mobley demanded that his
being recognized for his tragic Leggs, executive director of the the civil rights movement, during its unveiling in Greenwood, Miss., on Oct. 21. battered and bloated body be re-
death and her heroism to allow the African American Cultural Heri- turned home to Chicago, where
world to see his mutilated body in tage Action Fund and senior vice had grown up in Chicago, that he back to 1955 and the conditions As they left, Carolyn Bryant, the she then opened his casket during
the casket in 1955, which is said to president of the National Trust for should be careful around White that were in America, and espe- store clerk, walked out front. “Em- his wake and funeral to “let the
have become the catalyst for the Historic Preservation. “We en- people and to obey his uncle. cially in the South.” mett loved to make people laugh, world see” what hatred and racism
civil rights movement,” Parker courage the world to learn from The Rev. Wheeler Parker Jr., On Aug. 24, 1955, Emmett and and so he whistled,” Wheeler Park- had done to her only son.
said. this history, reckon with what Till’s cousin, says the family was his cousins decided to buy candy er said. What happened that night is
The Emmett Till and Mamie caused harm and continue the hesitant. and snacks at Bryant’s Grocery and Wheeler Parker said he was something everybody needs to
Till-Mobley National Monument work to prevent the same trauma “They did not want Emmett to Meat Market in Money, Miss, stunned. “He gave the wolf whistle know, Wheeler Parker said. The
will include sites in Mississippi from ever happening again.” go,” said Wheeler Parker, the au- where people often gathered to and we could not believe it,” he national monument, he said, will
and Chicago, the White House offi- In August 1955, Mamie Till- thor of “A Few Days Full of Trou- play checkers on the porch outside. said. “If there was any way possi- help people understand the racist
cial said, speaking on the condition Mobley put her only son on a train ble: Revelations on the Journey to Wheeler Parker says he remem- ble, we would have disappeared. terror they faced in the South.
of anonymity ahead of the public to Mississippi, warning him that Justice for My Cousin and Best bers thinking as Emmett entered We knew that he had violated the “The things they were afraid could
announcement about the monu- the state was a boiling pot of rac- Friend, Emmett Till.” He added: the store, “I hope he got his lan- Southern mores. That was not happen,” he said, “were exactly
ment. ism. She reminded Emmett, who “To understand that, you had to go guage right.” good at all. So we all made a bee- what happened.”

Agencies the case.

A Justice Department attorney
told a judge in federal court in
and stepfather were present. All
three declined to comment on the
game players.
Dozens of highly classified doc-
uments have been leaked online,
senior-most official in govern-
ment and one of the most junior
members of the military.
by a desire to keep them informed
about the war in Ukraine and to
reveal to them information not

to review Boston that the documents are

held by “a number of other gov-
ernment agencies,” each of which
The hearing comes after Teixei-
ra pleaded not guilty last month to
a six-count indictment accusing
revealing sensitive information
intended for senior military and
intelligence leaders. In an exclu-
Teixeira’s attorneys have ar-
gued that the Justice Department
has applied an uneven hand to the
generally available to the public.
A friend who said he received
the documents from Teixeira on

Discord must be consulted before authori-

ties can hand over the material to
Teixeira’s attorneys, a laborious
him of illegal retention and trans-
mission of national defense infor-
mation in a leak case that raised
sive investigation, The Washing-
ton Post also reviewed scores of
additional secret documents Teix-
two cases and that their client
should not stay in jail awaiting
trial since the far wealthier Trump
Discord said the airman under-
stood that the information was

evidence and usually slow process that is

typical for cases featuring classi-
fied information.
alarms about the government’s
ability to keep sensitive military
secrets. He faces years in prison.
eira is said to have shared with
friends, though most of those ma-
terials have not been made public.
is not being held in custody.
The indictment alleges Teixeira
disclosed information based on
“He knew what he was doing
when he posted these documents,
of course. These weren’t acciden-
The materials Teixeira is al- A 21-year-old from North Digh- Teixeira is accused of violating “sensitive U.S. intelligence, gath- tal leaks of any kind,” the friend
BY S HANE H ARRIS leged to have leaked pertain to ton, Mass., Teixeira has been in the same section of the Espionage ered through classified sources said. He added that Teixeira never
AND D EVLIN B ARRETT operations by numerous intelli- jail since his April arrest after FBI Act that former president Donald and methods.” intended for the information to be
gence agencies, including the CIA agents traced to him photos post- Trump is charged with violating, The descriptions of documents widely known and was not trying
BOSTON — Jack Teixeira, the Air and the National Security Agency. ed online of classified documents. among other crimes, for allegedly Teixeira allegedly shared are con- to expose potential wrongdoing
National Guard member charged “The government is working as Authorities say he worked as an IT stashing classified documents at sistent with those obtained by The by the government. Rather, he
with sharing hundreds of classi- expeditiously as possible,” Christi- professional at a military base in his post-presidency home in Flor- Post that friends of Teixeira said seemed motivated by a desire to
fied documents with friends on- na A. Clark, the trial attorney, told Cape Cod, Mass., and abused his ida. he posted on Discord, with what demonstrate his superior knowl-
line, is unlikely to stand trial for U.S. District Judge Indira Talwani, top secret clearance by illegally Trump has pleaded not guilty he believed was a trusted circle of edge of current events, based on
several months owing to what who agreed to reconvene for a sharing U.S. intelligence assess- in that case, and the two criminal associates who would not share his access to classified informa-
federal prosecutors described status update in two months. ments and other sensitive infor- matters have prompted numer- the information more broadly. tion.
Monday as the large amount of Teixeira did not appear in the mation on Discord, a social media ous comparisons about the re- Those friends said in recent inter-
sensitive information related to courtroom, but his father, mother platform popular with video spective treatment of the once- views that Teixeira was motivated Barrett reported from Washington.






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A10 eZ re the washington post . tuesday, july 25 , 2023

The World
in gRaVESEnd, England

ne of the oldest sailing races
in the world is the america’s
Cup. Right behind is the
Thames Sailing Barge Match. The
america’s Cup competitors race
$10 million space-age hydrofoils
that are so fast their crews are
required to wear helmets. The
Thames barges are like 100-year-
old “bathtubs with sails,” accord-
ing to crew members, who drink
tea during the race.
The barge skippers are highly
competitive, in their own way, but
their race is now largely about the
preservation of British tradition,
recalling a time when thousands
of these craft plied the River
Thames, transporting cargo —
coal, barley, rubbish — under red
ocher sails.
Only a couple dozen barges sur-
On a clammy Saturday this
month, eight of them appeared in
the early morning haze, ghosts of
the maritime past — but real.
They cast off from gravesend, a
Thames-side town that boasts the
oldest remaining cast iron pier in
the world and was once a muster-
ing point of British imperial sea
power, but today, not so much.
Some of the barge skippers
cranked up their auxiliary diesels
to hurry to the starting line, four
miles downriver. Others, having
no engine, coasted along.
The brawny boats looked like
what they were: hard workers.
They were designed to ferry
enormous loads in their holds, up PhoTos by James forde for The WashingTon PosT

and down the Thames and its The barge Niagara can be seen from the deck of the Wyvenhoe sailing ship during the recent Thames Sailing Barge Match, the world’s second-oldest sailing competition.
nearby rivers and estuaries, in

The last of the Thames barges race

shallow, shoaling waters, subject
to notorious tides and nervous among those that have ben-
wind. efited from public money is Pudge,
With their flat-bottomed hulls, a veteran of the “little Boat” evac-

to preserve British maritime history

steadied by leeboards instead of a uation of dunkirk, France, in the
keel, the barges could be easily early days of World War ii.
settled in the shoreside mud on a The barge was towed across the
low tide for loading or unloading. English Channel at night and en-
While they were “in trade,” they countered an explosion near the
hauled brick, cement, timber, French beaches that lifted her out
sand, coal, grain and gunpowder. Competition recalls a time when thousands of these workhorses with their distinctive red sails of the water, according to records
They ran barley to london’s brew-
ers and wheat to its bakers. When transported enormous loads on busy waterways. Only a couple dozen of them remain. maintained by the Thames Sailing
Barge Trust. “She came down the
the city’s transport was dominat- right way up,” her skipper recount-
ed by horse and carriage, the barg- hour. That’s nowhere close to to finish at gravesend. But as the long-ago decommissioned mud before being revived by en- ed.
es brought in straw and hauled america’s Cup racers, which can fleet reached Canvey island, the Coalhouse Fort, built in the mid- thusiasts. Pudge helped save the lives of
away manure — in what was do 50 mph. But it’s pretty fast for already light winds slackened, and 19th century to protect the estuary asked why the modern-day 160 soldiers.
known as “hay up, dung down” an ordinary sailboat — and nearly the race committee shortened the from the French. owners are obsessed with the There was nothing quite so dra-
trade. as fast as the average cruising course. By the time the fleet turned The fort would have witnessed barges and dedicated to keeping matic on the most recent match
“They were practical boats, but speed of modern container ships. to race back, the crews were trying the heyday of the sailing barges. them afloat — and racing — Walsh day. Toward the end of the race,
clever, suited to their task,” said “Ease away the sheets!’ called to keep up with seaweed that slid according to the Society for Sail- said, “We British have salt in our the wind finally filled in and the
Richard Walsh, 80, a former own- out Wyvenhoe skipper gerard past them in the tide. ing Barge Research, 4,860 barges veins.” barges made pace. The finish line
er of the barge Wyvenhoe, who Swift, who grew up on a Thames all this was happening in the were built for trade from the 18th He mentioned that the barges was by Three daws pub, serving
was on board as a guest on match barge in the 1960s. narrow confines of navigable wa- century to World War i. There preserved “the maritime tradition the waterfront trade since the
day. Wyvenhoe had a smart down- terways busy with commercial were maybe 8,000 in all, including of this island nation.” 1450s. Wyvenhoe finished second
He pointed out the ingenious wind start, and as the barge gath- traffic, as container ships, sand smaller vessels that were unregis- Walsh thought maybe the barg- in her class.
rigging that makes them among ered speed, the skipper at the dredgers, tug boats and ferries tered. es had something to teach the Jim dines, her owner, who had
the largest sailing vessels in the wheel coaxed her on, “let’s go, girl, made their way through the race. almost all have been lost, aban- world — that cargo could still be been roving fore and aft all day,
world that can be handled by a let’s go.” The Thames remains a working doned or dismantled. moved by wind. “Why don’t we do finally had a moment to talk. He
crew of two — or, as the lore has it, The barges were well-matched. river — its low banks, by turns, a a few of the ones still around it again?” he said. “Maybe we joked that he works to keep the
“a man, a boy and a dog,” though Racing in three classes, they smudged watercolor of marsh and spent decades in ignominy — as could save the planet.” boat afloat.
many were husband-and-wife fought each other for the lead. The birds, then the harder angles of houseboats and dockside restau- The cost of restoring and pre- He crewed on a barge at age 12
teams. two barges in the coasting class, industry. We passed the Tilbury rants. Others have done their turn serving the sailing barges is be- and wanted to buy one when he
“The racing made the barges gladys and Pudge, kept up a day- Sewage Treatment Works and the as corporate training venues. yond the means of most patrons. was 19 but didn’t have the money.
even better,” Walsh said. long tacking duel. london gateway, one of the larg- Wyvenhoe was made to look as Some of the boats have continued He served as an engineer in the
The Thames Sailing Barge The race was supposed to run 43 est ports for container ships in though she was blown up in the to deteriorate while fundraising merchant marine for years,
Match has been running since nautical miles — starting in lower Britain. opening sequence of the James efforts languish. Walsh named aboard oil tankers. He now runs a
1863 — with pauses for economic Hope Reach and heading downriv- There are low hills, which are Bond movie “The World is not nine barges in recent years broken boatyard on the Blackwater River
recessions and world wars. it er past Southend-on-Sea to the actually landfills, and the shut- Enough.” up for scrap: Felix, Scone, Vigilant, and bought Wyvenhoe in 2018.
started with a barge owner named north Oaze Buoy before returning tered Coryton Oil Refinery and Others took a long nap in the Venture … “The steel was paper thin,” he
Henry dodd, who made his for- recalled. Today, below decks, the
tune hauling rubbish — and prob- salon is half polished wood and
ably inspired Charles dickens’s half a construction site.
character noddy Boffin, the “They just get under your skin,”
wealthy london “golden dust- said dines, 54, remembering see-
man,” in the novel “Our Mutual ing the barges on the quay as a boy.
Friend.” “They are just a big square big old
dodd noticed that skippers on box. But they sail so well.”
the river would often try to best The barges are huge — his is 80
each other, and he decided to for- feet long and 20 feet wide — but it
malize the competition, according can dance around the river like a
to a historical account by Frank skiff. He thought the barges per-
Carr, a onetime director of Brit- fectly evolved, perfectly at home in
ain’s national Maritime Museum. their home waters.
Soon the ship yards were playing He knows that every few years
with hull shapes and sail plans, one disappears. “But people are
and barge owners were vying for still looking after them and they’re
prize money and boasting rights. rebuilding them so they’ll keep
in a fresh breeze, the barges are Wyvenhoe owner Jim Dines operates the winch during the Thames Sailing Barge Match, which has been running since 1863, with going. i dunno. i don’t see that
capable of 12 knots, or 14 miles per pauses for economic recessions and world wars. Dines bought Wyvenhoe in 2018. The steel, he recalled, was “paper thin.” they’ll ever disappear, i hope.”

Di gest

ALgeRiA gReeCe Evacuations were also ordered offensive against al-Shabab last Sudanese general warns Kenya Sudanese general Yassir al-atta
overnight on the western island year to try to recapture against sending peacekeepers: in comments to troops.
Wildfires kill 34, ‘We are at war’ with of Corfu, on the island of Evia extremist-held territory and a top Sudanese general violently
including 10 soldiers flames, premier says and in a mountainous area in the dismantle the financial network rejected a Kenyan-led proposal Rights group reports atrocities
southern Peloponnese region. that funds the fighters. that East african peacekeepers in Mali: Mali’s army together
Wildfires sweeping across a week-old wildfire on the The Rhodes fire roared down help end the war in Sudan, with suspected mercenaries
parts of algeria have killed 34 greek resort island of Rhodes mountain slopes, burning homes Ecuadoran mayor slain by suggesting in a video released from the shadowy Russian group
people, including 10 soldiers, the tore past defenses Monday, and cars and leaving livestock gunman: The mayor of the Monday that any such troops Wagner have committed
interior Ministry said Monday, forcing more evacuations as dead on the roadside. no serious Ecuadoran Pacific port city of would not make it home alive. summary executions, lootings,
as a heat wave spreads across strong winds and successive heat injuries to people were reported, Manta was shot dead Sunday, The Sudanese army and the forced disappearances and other
north africa and Southern waves fueled three major fires but hospitals and health authorities said, in a brazen paramilitary Rapid Support abuses, a leading human rights
Europe. elsewhere in greece. volunteers provided first aid to attack that stunned the political Forces it is fighting have received group said Monday. The abuses,
The defense Ministry said the The latest evacuations were tourists and others, mostly for establishment. Police said 38- multiple international mediation according to witnesses
10 soldiers were killed and 25 ordered in south Rhodes after heat and dehydration. year-old agustín intriago, who offers, but none has succeeded in interviewed by Human Rights
others were injured as they 19,000 people, mostly tourists, — Associated Press was reelected mayor in February, ending the fighting that broke Watch, included the killing of at
fought fires in the resort area of were moved over the weekend had been inspecting public out april 15. This month, igad, least 20 civilians, among them a
Beni Ksila, east of algiers. out of the path of the fire that Suicide bomber kills 25 soldiers works at the time of the assault. an East african regional bloc of woman and a 6-year-old, during
it wasn’t immediately clear reached several coastal areas in Somalia: a suicide bomber it was not clear why he was which Kenya is a member, an operation in the Mopti region
over what period of time the from nearby mountains. it was targeted a military training attacked, though police said he proposed an initiative that by “scores of Malian and ‘white’
casualties happened, but the the country’s biggest evacuation academy in Somalia on Monday, had reported receiving threats. would include the deployment of foreign soldiers.” Mali has
fires have been burning for effort in recent years. killing 25 soldiers in the capital, Regional police commander peacekeepers in Sudan’s capital, struggled to contain an islamist
several days. about 1,500 people “We are at war — completely Mogadishu, a senior army officer Edwin noguera said a gunman Khartoum. The Sudanese army extremist insurgency since 2012.
have been evacuated so far. focused on the fires,” Prime said. More than 40 others were got out of a stolen truck and has repeatedly rejected the The country had been receiving
Some 8,000 firefighters were Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis wounded in the bombing at the opened fire on intriago, hitting initiative, accusing igad of help from French forces, but the
battling to bring the flames said during a debate in Jalle Siyad military academy, the him and a woman described as a supporting the RSF. “leave the military government, which took
under control, said authorities, Parliament. a government officer said. al-Qaeda’s affiliate “collateral victim.” Both died. East african forces where they power in a 2021 coup, ousted the
who have launched a judicial spokesperson said an average of in East africa, al-Shabab, The shooter escaped, but the are. Bring the Kenyan army ... i French in 2022 and welcomed up
probe into the causes of the fires. 50 new wildfires have broken out asserted responsibility. Somali driver was wounded by return swear to god, not one of them to 1,000 Wagner group fighters.
— Reuters, Associated Press daily for the past 12 days. authorities launched a new fire and was captured, he said. would make it back,” said — From news services
tuesday, july 25 , 2023 . the washington post ez re A11

Election shows Spain still has little interest in reembracing extreme right
Simón said. “But it’s also possible
that there was a certain moderate
Instead of playing an voter who was hesitating between
expected kingmaker role, the PP and the Socialist Party, but
who, because of this potential
far-right Vox lost votes alliance, chose not to vote for the
PP again.”
Sánchez and his Socialists still
BY A NTHONY F AIOLA have problems of their own. Their
AND B EATRIZ R ÍOS path to governance leads through
the Catalonian pro-independence
MADRID — For drag queen Onyx, party Junts per Catalunya. But on
makeup on Spain’s election day Monday, a state public prosecutor
became war paint. In a blitz of asked a judge on the Spanish
Twitter videos, she rallied liberals Supreme Court to issue an arrest
to the polls to defeat the anti- warrant against one of the move-
LBGTQ+, anti-feminist climate ment’s most prominent leaders
deniers of the far-right Vox party. and the former president of Cata-
By 1 a.m. — amid losses for the lonia, Carles Puigdemont, who is
far right and surprising gains for being prosecuted for his partici-
the left — she addressed her pation in the organization of an
followers in triumph. “It was all illegal referendum for independ-
worth it,” Onyx said in another ence in 2017.
video blast. “Congratulations to Puigdemont fled to Belgium
all my queers, brave fighters and and is now a member of the
bold ones who had [the guts] to European Parliament. He was re-
go and vote. You did what you cently stripped of his parliamen-
should do, which is to exercise tary immunity so he could be
your democratic right. Ole!” prosecuted. Belgium will have to
If election night here proved proceed with the arrest warrant,
anything, it’s that Spain — a though it could take months. It
nation with some of the most only adds pressure to the neces-
recent memories in Europe of sary negotiation between Sán-
extreme-right repression, from chez and the Catalonian pro-
the Francisco Franco era that independence political forces,
ended in 1975 — still has little who could now include a pardon
interest in reembracing the radi- among their demands.
cal right. On Sunday, the left-wing Es-
Vox only marginally underper- oscAr Del Pozo/AFP/getty ImAges querra Republicana de Catalunya
formed expectations in Sunday’s Alberto Núñez Feijóo, leader of Spain’s center-right Popular Party, addresses supporters at the party’s headquarters in Madrid. His party leader Gabriel Rufián suggested
race, winning a handful fewer came in first in Sunday’s elections but without enough votes to govern on its own or with far-right Vox as its sole partner. Sánchez would have to choose
seats than some analysts predict- between “Catalonia or Vox” if he
ed. But when compared with its bling — with their best shot at When Vox formed a decade based violence,” arguing women middle of vacation season and a wants support, suggesting the So-
last national showing in Novem- power some sort of tactical agree- ago, it capitalized on growing are not the only victims and men brutal heat wave. cialists would need to grant an
ber of 2019, the result stood as a ment with small regional parties. Spanish nationalism in the face of not the only abusers. Some activ- “The big surprise was that the independence referendum in Cat-
stark defeat. The party slipped The incumbent Socialists, led Catalonia’s then-active separatist ists fear that could jeopardize Socialist Party was three points alonia to avoid a government that
from 15 percent to 12 percent of by Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, movement. It attracted extreme funding for safe houses for wom- stronger than what the polls told includes the far right. Few see the
the vote and lost 19 of its 52 pre- outperformed expectations, fin- voters even then. But it also ben- en who experience domestic vio- us,” said Pablo Simón, a noted Socialist leader as willing to go
liminary seats. In one region ishing with 1 million more votes efited from Spaniards fearful of lence. Spanish political guru at Madrid’s that far — but a referendum may
where Vox is already co-ruling in than in 2019, though coming in losing territorial integrity. The PP once refused to do Carlos III University. “Three also be the starting point of nego-
local government — Castilla y second in this year’s more frac- With a relative lull now in the business with Vox. But it has points stronger and 1 million tiations, not an end.
León — it lost five of its six seats. tured results. independence movements, Vox begun to leverage the far right in more votes than expected. That For the moment, however, the
The extent of the party’s losses The left may have the better — has adopted an approach to poli- regions such as Valencia to hold for me is the key that explains this Spanish left — including one par-
meant that it couldn’t play the though still difficult — chance at tics more reminiscent of Florida back the left and enter co-govern- result.” ticular Madrid drag queen — is
predicted role of kingmaker on cobbling together a government. Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) — target- ing political alliances. In doing so, Another factor turning the breathing a little easier.
election night. In fact, the pros- If no one can, Spain would ing liberal thought wherever it it has offered concessions — tide, Simón said, could have been Vox’s losses put it below the
pect of a coalition with the far head to a new round of elections. may be. In one community where allowing Vox, for instance, to moderate voters who were deeply threshold of representation need-
right may have been more of a It will probably take weeks or Vox recently won local control, it push its demands to remove averse to the idea of a right-wing ed to present legislative censures
liability than an asset for the months to find out. has banned nonofficial stan- “ideology” from classrooms. coalition including Vox. Smaller, such as no-confidence votes with-
center-right Popular Party (PP), Amid all the murkiness, it dards, including the rainbow LG- Analysts cited the risk of a harder-left parties also lost some out the aid of other parties, or
which came in first in Sunday’s seems clear that Spain — which BTQ+ flag, from public buildings. national PP-Vox alliance as one ground Sunday, suggesting that launch appeals before Spain’s
elections but without enough over the past five decades It wants to give parents the right factor that galvanized the left and Spanish voters appear to be re- Constitutional Court, as it has
votes to govern on its own or with morphed into a bastion of pro- to pull their children from school saw the Socialists fare better than jecting extremes. against Spain’s abortion and
Vox as its sole partner. gressiveness — remains resistant lessons they deem offensive and expected. Voter turnout was up, “It’s possible this [threat of a transgender laws.
In the chaos of the hung parlia- to the sort of far-right resurgence determine assigned reading. It at about 70 percent, compared government with Vox] activated “We are relieved,” Onyx said in
ment delivered by Spanish voters, that has emerged in other parts of has vowed to change local codes with about 66 percent in Novem- voters on the left who did not go telephone interview Monday.
the PP and Vox are now scram- Europe and the United States. to do away with the term “gender- ber 2019. And this was in the to vote in the previous elections,” “Spain has spoken.”

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A12 eZ re the washington post . tuesday, july 25 , 2023

Ukraine defiant as Russia repeatedly strikes Odessa, wrecks grain facilities


ODeSSa, Ukraine — If the largest

cathedral in this besieged port city
survived Joseph Stalin, it will sur-
vive Vladimir Putin, said Myroslav
Vdodovych, the chief priest of
Transfiguration Cathedral, less
than a day after a barrage of Rus-
sian missiles ripped the church
apart alongside 24 other architec-
tural monuments across the city.
Odessa, a critical southern port
city, has been under nightly mis-
sile attacks since Russia’s presi-
dent last week canceled a deal
brokered by the United Nations
and Turkey that allowed Ukraine
to export its grain, lessening a
global food crisis that had put a
strain on the developing world.
Ukraine has responded with de-
fiance — launching drone attacks
on buildings in Moscow and on an
ammunition depot in Crimea —
while cleanup crews and parishio-
ners cleared debris from the ca-
thedral’s littered floors.
“You can damage a church, you
can kill a man but you can’t de-
stroy the faith,” said Vdodovych,
wearing a black robe and a hard
hat as dust swirled through a hole
in the cathedral’s roof left by a
missile still buried two stories be-
neath the altar.
At the start of his brutal war,
Putin harbored hopes of occupy-
ing Odessa, a historically Russian-
speaking city known as the “pearl
of the Black Sea” for its beautiful
architecture and history as a vi-
brant, multiethnic cultural center.
But Russia’s military faltered and
failed even to seize Mykolaiv, the
capital of the region directly east
of Odessa, and the two cities have PHoTos by Heidi Levine for THe WasHingTon PosT

become symbols of resilience. In- ABOVE: Workers use a crane inside the Transfiguration Cathedral, which was heavily damaged in a Russian missile attack alongside 24 other architectural monuments in the
stead, Moscow blocked the ports, Ukrainian city of Odessa. BELOW: People sweep the floor of the cathedral, which was first destroyed in 1936 during a Stalinist campaign to rid the Soviet Union of religion.
aiming to strangle Ukraine’s agri-
cultural sector until the grain deal of its roadway with an attack using since the demise of the deal allow- dermine grain exports. U.N. Secre-
brought relief. naval drones. ing Ukraine to ship its grain tary General António Guterres
The Kremlin had threatened for The latest wave of Russian through the Black Sea. called on Russia to return to the
months to kill the deal and finally strikes in Ukraine destroyed grain The Russian strikes, carried out deal because of the devastating
did so last week, days after warehouses along the Danube by drones, sent global wheat and impact it was having on “vulner-
Ukraine carried out a strike on the River on Monday, an export route corn futures rising on fears that able countries struggling to feed
Crimean Bridge, destroying part that has become more important Russia’s latest offensive will un- their people.”
Romanian President Klaus Io-
hannis denounced the strikes. “I
strongly condemn the recent Rus-
sian attacks against the Ukrainian
civilian infrastructure on Danube,
very close to Romania,” Iohannis
tweeted, adding that the attacks
posed “serious risks to the security
in the Black Sea.”
In Odessa, the missile barrages
killed at least one person and in-
jured several more while wrecking
CHARTER SPONSOR cars, blowing out windows and
damaging other sites including them priests, but the Church Shattered glass fell from the 17th
Zhvanetsky Boulevard, the House didn’t disappear because we have and 18th floors of a tall building in
of Scientists and a number of his- the support of God,” he added. Russia’s capital, Russian officials
torical mansions. The Russian Defense Ministry said. The wreckage of a second
“Russians deliberately aimed denied responsibility for the ca- drone was found on Komsomol-
their missiles at the historic city thedral strike, saying it only at- sky Prospect, a thoroughfare in
center of Odessa, which is under tacked areas where “terrorist acts” central Moscow. Mayor Sergey
the UNESCO protection. Every- were plotted. “All targets sched- Sobyanin said two nonresidential
thing that was built with hard uled for attack were destroyed,” it buildings were struck but there
work by great architects is now said. (Russia has repeatedly hit were no casualties.
being destroyed by cynical inhu- civilian targets in Ukraine, includ- Additionally, the Russian De-
mans,” said Oleh Kiper, head of ing residential buildings and hos- fense Ministry said Ukraine at-
Odessa’s regional military admin- pitals.) tacked Crimea, the peninsula in-
istration. Ukraine, which has received vaded and annexed by Russia in
The Transfiguration Cathedral missile defense systems from the 2014, with 17 drones, but the min-
was first destroyed in 1936 during West but has to ration their use istry said most were disabled by
a Stalinist campaign to rid the because of shortages, has strug- air and electronic defenses. Three
Soviet Union of religion. “They gled to block Russia’s repeated drones fell on Crimean territory,
tried to blow it up multiple times, strikes on Odessa. Ukrainian Pres- and there were no casualties, the
but the walls were so thick they ident Volodymyr Zelensky has ministry said. The Washington
couldn’t do it,” said Vdodovych, condemned Russia’s attacks, say- Post could not independently veri-
the chief priest. ing that “there can be no excuse fy the account. Russia uses Crimea
Instead, authorities filled an ad- for Russian evil.” as a base for its forces and the
jacent clock tower with explosives, “As always, this evil will lose and Crimean Bridge as a crucial link
“then blew it up and the clock there will definitely be a retalia- for supplies coming from Russia.
tower fell onto the church,” tion to Russian terrorists for Odes- The wreckage in Odessa was far
Vdodovych said. sa,” Zelensky said Sunday. “They worse than in Moscow or Crimea.
The Soviets’ persistence was will feel this retaliation.” Parishioners of Ukraine’s ca-
only matched by a stoicism that Hours later, drones struck thedral worked diligently to clean
the people of Ukraine carry with buildings in Moscow, a rarity giv- the floor of the church’s less dam-
them today, he said. “Stalin killed en the limited range of most of aged entryway so it could be used
so many people, thousands of Ukraine’s unmanned aircraft. for upcoming services.

U.N. Command, North Korea in talks

about U.S. soldier who crossed border
BY J ENNIFER H ASSAN tary demarcation line between King’s return. McCaul said he
the two Koreas on Tuesday, De- doubted King was “defecting” but
Conversations have started fense Secretary Lloyd Austin told added that the soldier was prob-

with North Korea’s military about reporters at the Pentagon last ably “running from his problems”
Travis King, a U.S. soldier who was week. when he chose to sprint into

detained after he intentionally King, who served as a cavalry North Korea. “That was the wrong
crossed from South Korea, Lt. scout with the 1st Armored Divi- place to go,” McCaul said.
Gen. Andrew Harrison, a British sion, was scheduled to return “When they take an American,
deputy commander of the U.S.-led home to Texas after being pun- particularly a soldier, captive,
multinational command that ished for misconduct while serv- they exact a price for that,” Mc-
oversees the Korean War truce, ing in South Korea but never Caul said of the North Korean
said at a news conference Monday. boarded his flight, a U.S. official government.

9 am to 8 pm “The conversation has com-

menced” between the U.N. Com-
mand and the Korean People’s
told The Washington Post last
week, speaking on the condition
of anonymity because of the sensi-
King’s family told the Associat-
ed Press that they were confused
about his decision to dart across
Army “through the mechanisms tivity of the matter. the border. “I don’t understand
Walter E. Washington Convention Center of the armistice agreement,” Har- While King is the first Ameri- why he would do that, because it
rison said in Seoul. The Korean can known to be held in North seemed like he was on his way
Visit loc.gov/bookfest to learn more. War, fought from 1950 to 1953, Korea in almost five years, the back here to the United States,”
ended in an armistice rather than state has a long history of detain- King’s uncle Myron Gates said.
a peace treaty, and both Koreas ing foreign nationals, charging “He was on his way home.”
technically remain at war. them with myriad offenses and King’s grandfather Carl Gates
Conversations Stories for Book Harrison said King’s welfare is often using them as bargaining described him as “a nice, quiet
with authors children Signings of paramount concern and de- chips or for propaganda. guy” and called on the U.S. govern-
clined to give details about the After almost a week without an ment to save his grandson.
conversations with North Korea. update from Pyongyang, concerns Travel to North Korea for Amer-
Free for Readers of All Ages citing their sensitivity. Harrison
said he “remained optimistic” but
about King’s safety are growing.
House Foreign Affairs Commit-
icans is restricted under a 2017
State Department order imposed
added that “none of us know tee Chair Michael McCaul (R-Tex.) because of security concerns.
where this is going to end.” told ABC News on Sunday that he
P0357 3x12 King, 23, “willfully and without was worried about the “price” alex Horton, Michelle ye Hee Lee and
authorization” crossed the mili- North Korea may demand for Leo sands contributed to this report.
tuesday, july 25 , 2023 . the washington post eZ Re A13

Economy & Business

States lose federal water funds as o∞cials redirect money
ting it into wealthier communi-
38 states and territories ties, that often are White commu-
nities, that don’t need the money
have been shortchanged as much,” said Erik Olson, the
$660 million, data shows senior strategic director for
health and food at the Natural
Resources Defense Council.
The EPA declined multiple re-
BY T ONY R OMM quests for comment.
The congressional earmarks
Members of Congress have re- also took the form of grants, even
directed roughly $2.3 billion in though states typically provide
federal water funds toward polit- such money in the form of loans,
ical pet projects over the past two offering exceptions for the needi-
years, cutting at times into the est applicants. That, in effect,
money that could have been allowed wealthier communities
made available for poorer, needi- to receive support under better
er communities. financial terms than they other-
As a result, 38 states and terri- wise would have, according to
tories have been shortchanged Timothy Male, executive director
about $660 million in federal of the Environmental Policy In-
water aid, according to data ob- novation Center.
tained and analyzed by The Raising the issue in a March
Washington Post, illustrating letter to the Biden administra-
how the system often has reward- tion, Male estimated that 200
ed politically well-connected law- congressional earmarks in 2023
makers in some of the wealthiest aided communities “wealthier
areas nationwide. than the statewide average in-
The problem is expected to come.” Those cities and towns,
worsen in the coming fiscal year, according to EPIC, “would have
as House Republicans eye a been eligible for loans, but not
$1.7 billion cut to the overall grants,” if Congress had not inter-
funding that Washington sends fered.
states for their water needs. That The beneficiaries included the
could complicate a new national city of Bellaire, Tex., just outside
push to replace lead pipes, repair Houston, which scored $2.4 mil-
wastewater facilities and im- lion to replace its water lines last
prove other aging infrastructure year. With an average household
— an urgent task at a moment income exceeding $200,000 an-
when the United States is grap- nually, Bellaire normally might
pling with extreme heat and oth- have had to take a loan. Instead, it
er consequences of a fast-warm- received a federal grant, thanks
ing planet. michael s. Williamson/the Washington Post to Democratic Rep. Lizzie Fletch-
Every year, Congress appropri- Guillermo Paz and Jose Olivera put together pipe sections that will be used to drain a flooded catch basin in Alexandria in 2021. er.
ates money for two key federal Clarissa Robles, a spokeswom-
water funds that are overseen by thanks to a bipartisan 2021 infra- ing — on top of other state and ly” to secure that money because Indiana, the cut totaled roughly an for Fletcher, said in a state-
the Environmental Protection structure law that greatly in- federal spending — still fell far Alaska has had “significant un- $45 million; in Texas, the reduc- ment that it is “important to our
Agency, which then distributes creased federal water spending short of the country’s estimated met needs for decades now, and tion exceeded $65 million. Each constituents to have the ability to
grants to states. Since 2022, the for five years. Eventually, though, needs. The infrastructure law in- didn’t receive the resources” un- of the states declined or did not advocate for their needs and
federal allocation has totaled that money will run out — leaving cluded about $15 billion specifi- der the formula that normally respond to requests for com- receive funds directly.”
roughly $5.5 billion, amounting local officials with fewer federal cally to replace lead pipes, for awards water aid. ment. In an interview, Male noted
to a literal and figurative drop in dollars to address infrastructure example, though analyses from “Some would look at last year’s For some states, though, the that such earmarks are legal. “It
the bucket for a nation with an needs. groups including the Brookings accounts for Alaska and say, headaches have been more than may be unfair, but it’s an elected
estimated $625 billion backlog in The fiscal situation could Institution suggest it could cost ‘That’s rather eye-popping; it financial in nature: The congres- representative’s prerogative,” he
projects just to provide cleaner, worsen more rapidly under a bill three times as much to solve the seems out of line given Alaska’s sional earmarks appear to benefit said, adding: “Millions of dollars
reliable drinking water. advanced by House Republicans problem. population,’ ” she said. “But what wealthy communities over needi- are going to communities that
Before states receive any mon- last week: The measure would “There continues to be a huge far too many people fail to recog- er ones, raising the specter that are very, very wealthy.”
ey, however, members of Con- slash federal water spending by gap between the funding and the nize in my state [is] we’re not the process could be worsening Entering the coming fiscal
gress can skim off the top of the more than half and reserve nearly need,” said Jeffrey Diehl, chief repairing existing infrastructure, the country’s racial and economic year, earmarks are expected to
funds. Using a legislative tool every dollar remaining for ear- executive of the Rhode Island we’re not replacing, we’re putting divides. surge again: Lawmakers this
known as earmarks, lawmakers marks — creating a combination Infrastructure Bank. in water and sanitation for the In states such as Maryland, spring requested more money
can reserve federal water aid for of fiscal constraints next year The result is a vast and grow- first time.” Massachusetts and Virginia, few- than is likely to be available in the
specific projects in their home that state officials have described ing water spending gap, one that Nationally, lawmakers secured er than 20 percent of congres- program. A key water-related
communities. Only after that as devastating. has created a yearly competition more than $1.4 billion in clean sional water earmarks in the spending bill in the GOP-con-
does Washington divvy up and States “are worried about this among lawmakers for still-scarce water and drinking water ear- 2023 fiscal year went to commu- trolled House would earmark
distribute a smaller pool of re- trend, the direction that it’s go- funds. marks in the most recent fiscal nities that are considered disad- about 88 percent of these funds
maining cash among the states. ing,” said Gary Bingenheimer, a Since 2022, California has year, nearly double the amount in vantaged, according to an analy- in 2024, while slashing overall
In some parts of the country, the top official at the Illinois Envi- reaped a windfall in federal water 2022. But for every state that saw sis circulated within the Biden spending by $1.7 billion. The
result of that congressional med- ronmental Protection Agency. spending: The state’s two Demo- significant funding gains, others administration and later ob- Senate plans to consider its own
dling is a net cut in funding — “But if it continues, and our cratic senators — Dianne Fein- experienced surprising losses. tained by The Post. Members of legislation this week.
creating, in effect, a system of grants continue to be reduced, stein and Alex Padilla — last year In Colorado, the first sign of Congress decided where to send At an early hearing on the bill,
water winners and losers. and the bipartisan infrastructure helped secure more than $32 mil- trouble surfaced in 2022: Keith those dollars, not state officials, House Democrats lambasted the
In Illinois, for example, ear- law money ends, then what do we lion in water-related earmarks, McLaughlin, executive director who might have directed them to GOP approach, arguing that cuts
marks last year shortchanged the do?” according to a Post analysis of of the Colorado Water Resources areas in greater need. could damage work nationally to
state $14.7 million in federal aid For many Americans, the na- spending data. In total, those and and Power Development Author- The unpublished federal study upgrade the country’s infrastruc-
to improve clean water systems, tion’s water needs are laid bare in other earmarks helped the state ity, said he “came close to running aimed to explore whether ear- ture and respond to climate
according to state data and rec- its harrowing past tales of fail- obtain roughly $43 million more out of loan money” to fund proj- marks had comported with an change.
ords compiled by the Council of ures — from the lead contamina- than it would have if lawmakers ects. In that first year Congress executive order signed by Biden “These are not numbers on a
Infrastructure Financing Author- tion that long has plagued Flint, had not intervened last year, an allowed earmarks, the state’s del- in 2021 that aims to deliver page,” said Rep. Rosa L. DeLauro
ities, known as CIFA, which rep- Mich., to the recent images of analysis from CIFA shows. egation did not take home 40 percent of all federal benefit (Conn.), the top Democrat on the
resents local officials. Illinois has brown liquid flowing from spig- Diana Marin, a spokeswoman enough aid to make up for what programs to cities and towns in House Appropriations Commit-
some of the greatest water needs ots in cities such as Jackson, Miss. for Padilla, said in a statement Colorado lost to other states, greatest need. In total, it found tee. “These are basic life necessi-
in the country, including the The stories share a theme of that the earmarks reflected the putting local officials in a place that earmarks in 18 states last ties that we have a simple obliga-
second-most lead pipes in the persistent neglect, exacerbated in senator’s ongoing work “to ad- where “we almost had more re- year failed to meet that bench- tion to protect for the American
United States, a recent federal a country that only recently has dress decades of underinvest- quests than we had dollars avail- mark, depriving disadvantaged people.”
analysis shows. grappled with economic short- ment and the needs of the 40 mil- able,” according to McLaughlin. communities of an estimated Republican aides say the cuts
The flood of congressional re- comings that trace along lines of lion Californians he represents — The state’s shortfall ultimately $79 million in water aid. won’t be damaging, because the
quests also siphoned away criti- race and class. including nearly one million who totaled about $20 million, he The White House goal does not 2021 infrastructure law still pro-
cal water money from Puerto After decades of underinvest- are without access to safe drink- said. While its immediate effects apply to the money authorized by vides states with additional water
Rico, even as the U.S. territory ment, Congress in 2021 offered a ing water.” may have been blunted by one- Congress. Many states also set funding. If the bill becomes law,
continued to rebuild from the massive financial reprieve: Dem- The same dynamic played out time aid under the infrastructure their own definition for what though, CIFA predicts that 43
devastation of Hurricane Fiona ocrats and Republicans approved in Alaska, which saw a roughly law, McLaughlin added that Colo- qualifies as “disadvantaged,” states would each receive less
in 2022. Over the past two fiscal roughly $55 billion to improve $73 million boost to its water rado could be in dire financial marking a break with the Biden than $1 million in drinking water
years, Puerto Rico received water access, supply and treat- funding over the past two years straits if the trend continues at its administration’s view. Still, ex- aid to use as they see fit — a
roughly $26.6 million less than it ment as part of a sprawling thanks to the combination of current pace. perts said the finding illustrates staggering drop some states say
would have without earmarks, infrastructure package signed direct federal funding and con- “There are more projects than the unintended consequences of they can’t afford.
according to CIFA data shared into law by President Biden. The gressional earmarks. Most of the we can fund,” he said. “We’re the earmarking practice, which In Colorado, McLaughlin of-
with The Post. The territory — measure channeled most of that increase was attributable to ear- within a year or two of running removes the decision from the fered an ominous warning as he
whose officials did not respond to money through two federal pro- marks sponsored by Republican out of loan funds. That is an hands of state leaders or federal expressed dismay with the ex-
a request for comment — does grams that annually write checks Sen. Lisa Murkowski, a veteran issue.” agencies. pected uptick in earmarks and
not have voting representation in to states — one focused on drink- lawmaker who serves as a top Over the past two fiscal years, “The earmarks basically are the potential cut in spending.
Congress. ing water and the other focused appropriator in the chamber, ac- Pennsylvania similarly received taking the money away from “We’re really close to having to
For now, most states and terri- on clean water, which includes cording to spending records. about $36 million less than it low-income communities that re- make some tough decisions on
tories have still been able to wastewater systems. In an interview, Murkowski would have received if lawmakers ally need the funding most to fix projects,” he said, “and tell people
finance their water projects, Yet the burst of one-time fund- said she had labored “aggressive- had not allowed earmarks. For their drinking water — and put- no.”

Di gest

FinAnCe UBS on Monday said it CRYPtoCuRRenCY anything with the news media role at FTX and relationship That fee would be determined
would tighten up operational that could interfere with a fair with Bankman-Fried. by the amount of uninsured
UBS to pay millions and risk management FTX founder agrees to trial. That would include Federal prosecutors filed a deposits a bank held at the end
to U.S., U.K. regulators discipline at Credit Suisse after gag order in fraud case statements about the credibility scathing letter accusing of last year.
it completed its takeover of its of witnesses, information that Bankman-Fried of leaking the
UBS has been ordered to pay smaller rival. FTX founder Sam Bankman- isn’t admissible at trial, and material to the newspaper to FedEx pilots have rejected a
$388 million to British and U.S. UBS said in May, just before Fried has agreed to a gag order anything that could influence “cast Ellison in a poor light, and tentative contract deal with the
regulators over Credit Suisse’s completing the deal, that it was largely preventing him from public opinion about the case. advance his defense through the parcel delivery firm and the two
dealings with private investment setting aside $4 billion for publicly discussing his case after Bankman-Fried, who is press.” sides will reopen negotiations,
firm Archegos Capital potential lawsuits connected to prosecutors accused him of accused of orchestrating a — Bloomberg News probably under the supervision
Management, the Swiss bank its Credit Suisse takeover. trying to discredit their star multibillion-dollar fraud at his of the National Mediation Board,
said on Monday. Although unable to levy fines, witness, Caroline Ellison. now bankrupt crypto exchange, Also in Business the company and the pilots
The settlement is the first of Swiss financial regulator FINMA The order still needs to be found himself under new The Federal Deposit Insurance union said Monday. The
several that UBS could have to has ordered corrective measures approved by U.S. District Judge scrutiny last week after a story Corp. on Monday called on tentative FedEx deal included a
pay after it last month closed its in the wake of the Archegos Lewis A. Kaplan, who has in the New York Times about some banks to fix their financial 30 percent pay increase and a
takeover of Credit Suisse, affair, including changes to the summoned the former chief Ellison’s diary. Ellison, who statements for “incorrectly” 30 percent increase to the pilots’
inheriting the collapsed bank’s bank’s compensation culture executive to appear in court pleaded guilty to fraud in a deal reducing the amount of legacy pensions. Earlier this
legal battles. that take more account of risk Wednesday. The judge will deal with prosecutors, was the CEO uninsured deposits. The month, United Airlines and its
Under the agreement, UBS appetite. with the “adequacy and of Alameda Research — FTX’s banking crisis earlier this year pilots — also represented by the
said Credit Suisse, now a The British fine is the highest continuation” of Bankman- hedge fund affiliate. She also at has prompted regulators to draft union — announced a tentative
subsidiary of the bank, has levied by the Prudential Fried’s bail, suggesting his house one point dated Bankman- new rules to make the industry deal that included a cumulative
agreed to pay the Federal Regulation Authority, part of the arrest could be in jeopardy. Fried. more resilient. In May, the FDIC pay increase of up to
Reserve $269 million. Bank of England, to date, and According to the proposed The story was based on had said it would charge a 40.2 percent. American Airlines
It will also pay the Bank of comes after it found Credit order, filed Monday in federal Ellison’s writings in Google Docs “special assessment” fee to and the Allied Pilots Association
England $119 million, bringing Suisse had breached four of its court in Manhattan, Bankman- and in personal journals. The recoup losses to its deposit are revising their tentative deal
the total payments to “fundamental rules.” Fried and other parties would be excerpts appeared to reveal insurance fund from the following the United agreement.
$388 million. — Reuters banned from discussing Ellison’s ambivalence about her collapse of three U.S. banks. — From news services
A14 eZ re the washington post . tuesday, july 25 , 2023

Antibiotic pill shows promise in preventing STIs want and however much sex they
want as safely as possible,” said
Boghuma Kabisen Titanji, an in-
In London, Joey Knock said he
started buying DoxyPEP outside
of official channels, a common
fectious diseases specialist in practice among some gay
infecTions from A1 Atlanta. “And if DoxyPEP would Europeans, last winter after regu-
allow them to do it, then I have no lar bouts of gonorrhea.
resistance — and the rise of drug- problem offering it.” But he limits his use to higher-
resistant superbugs. Nick, a 35-year-old resident of risk nights, such as when he has
“It’s the first major interven- Lafayette, Ind., said he recently unprotected sex in dark rooms
tion we’ve had for STIs since the started taking DoxyPEP for peace with strangers.
vaccine for human papillomavi- of mind, knowing he would be “I’m someone who was averag-
rus” nearly two decades ago, said less likely to get an infection as he ing an STI a month,” Knock, 33,
Jonathan mermin, who leads STI has frequent condomless sex. said. “I’ve done the risk analysis
prevention for the CDC. “But it is HIV was no longer a concern for me, but it also benefits other
a new intervention, and because because he has been taking PrEP people if me taking DoxyPEP
of that, there are potential ben- for a decade, said Nick, who spoke means I don’t get chlamydia, then
efits and potential risks.” on the condition that his last I don’t pass chlamydia around.”
Doctors, public health officials name not be used so he could In San francisco, the first ma-
and sexual health clinics have candidly discuss his sex life. But jor jurisdiction where public
embraced preventive pills as a he has endured uncomfortable health officials recommended
realistic way to curb STIs because bouts of syphilis and chlamydia. DoxyPEP, providers noticed pa-
they preserve pleasure while pro- “If you are taking HIV PrEP, tients taking a similar approach:
tecting partners. Some doctors why not take another extra kind Using it after higher-risk sexual
have started prescribing it to a of safeguard, too?” he said. “It’s encounters rather than every en-
narrow segment of the gay com- like a security blanket.” counter.
munity considered at elevated As the country considers how “We need to do more analysis to
risk for STIs. widely to distribute DoxyPEP, see if that could be making Doxy-
“Just like PrEP was a game public health officials and activ- PEP less effective or if perhaps
changer, this empowers individu- ists are worried it will be the latest people are making really good
als to make choices about their medical advancement to roll out decisions about when to use it,”
sexual health,” said Jorge roman, in an inequitable way, following said Stephanie Cohen, who leads
senior director of clinical services similar racial gaps seen with PrEP STI prevention for the San fran-
rich Pedroncelli/AP
at the San francisco AIDS foun- and mpox vaccinations. federal cisco Department of Public
dation, one of the first to widely The antibiotic doxycycline, when used immediately after sex, helps prevent sexually transmitted officials say PrEP users are dis- Health.
distribute DoxyPEP. “It doesn’t infections, but some in the medical community worry widespread use could fuel drug-resistant strains. proportionately White, even The San francisco AIDS foun-
always have to be about con- though most new HIV cases are in dation, which says it has connect-
doms.” differences could play a role, but study using DoxyPEP as frequent- time to call out, ‘This is what Black and Latino people. The CDC ed more than 1,800 people to
Doxycycline is already used as health officials say other studies ly as 20 times a month. more data stigma is. This is what bias is.’ ” estimates that most mpox cases DoxyPEP, does not limit the anti-
a front-line antibiotic treatment suggest doxycycline becomes con- is needed to understand the long- Proponents of DoxyPEP said it have been in Black and Latino biotic to people who have recently
for chlamydia and, occasionally, centrated enough in vaginal fluid term effects — for individuals as offers a long-needed solution to a men but that only a third of vac- contracted a sexually transmitted
for syphilis and gonorrhea. But its to confer protection against STIs. well as broader communities, he spike in STIs. The CDC recorded cine doses have gone to them. infection but counsels patients on
use for prevention has drawn con- Experts say that it’s too early to said. more than 2.5 million cases of LGBTQ+ health providers are the unknown risks of antibiotic
cerns that it would no longer be conclude that DoxyPEP won’t “If you keep exposing a patient syphilis, gonorrhea and chlamyd- already reporting disparities, resistance.
effective in patients who use it work for women and that more to antibiotics like doxycycline, ia in 2021, up from 1.8 million in with White patients more likely to Anu Hazra, co-medical direc-
regularly and that it may facilitate research is needed. Another pos- you are raising the risk of that 2011. ask about DoxyPEP and Black and tor of Howard Brown Health, an
the evolution of antibiotic- sible explanation is women en- patient being colonized or infect- In 2021, 36 percent of syphilis Latino patients less likely to be LGBTQ+ health provider in
resistant strains of the pathogens. rolled in the Kenyan study may ed with a resistant strain some- and gonorrhea cases were in men familiar with it. Chicago, said that antimicrobial
The drug’s proponents say not have consistently used doxy- time in the future,” Hyun said. who have sex with men, according During a discussion about resistance is “probably the largest
these concerns are overblown be- cycline after sex. researchers Some LGBTQ+ health provid- to the CDC. The CDC says these DoxyPEP at the STD conference, public health threat we have” but
cause the criteria for eligibility note that early studies that found ers suspect doctors may be using disparities cannot be explained one state health official noted that doxycycline for a small group
are often narrow: Transgender PrEP ineffective in protecting concerns about antibiotic resis- by differences in sexual behavior that those who can afford to travel of people pales in comparison
women and men who have sex African women from HIV were tance to mask discomfort with alone. When people have a small- to Puerto Vallarta, a popular vaca- with the rampant use of antibiot-
with men — and only if they have eventually explained by poor ad- condomless gay sex. They note er pool of potential sexual part- tion destination among some gay ics in the meat industry and other
condomless sex and contracted herence to the drug regimen rath- that syphilis has yet to become ners with higher rates of STIs, Americans, can buy doxycycline sectors.
an STI in the preceding year. er than biological differences. resistant to penicillin since the they are more likely to have sex to stockpile for themselves and He and other experts say vac-
Those were the demographics researchers studying antibiotic became the front-line with someone with an infection. their friends because the antibiot- cines to prevent STIs could be
recruited for a study of 500 pa- DoxyPEP are scrutinizing wheth- treatment for the STI in the 1940s. Cases in cisgender women and ic is available over the counter in another game changer that does
tients in San francisco and er it could also render antibiotic And they point out doxycycline is heterosexual men also have been mexico. But experts say concerns not carry the same baggage as
Seattle that found DoxyPEP effec- treatments less effective. The U.S. widely used for other reasons, rising. about antibiotic resistance would antibiotics. A recent study show-
tive. The study found a roughly 65 study found a slight increase in including long-term acne treat- Experts say everyone would make it difficult for over-the- ing that a vaccine for meningitis
percent reduction in syphilis, antibacterial resistance, which ment and malaria prevention. benefit from DoxyPEP being lim- counter sales to occur in the can also reduce the likelihood of
gonorrhea and chlamydia cases the study’s authors said merits “We have used doxycycline for ited to those most at risk because United States. contracting gonorrhea offers
in those who used the antibiotic long-term attention. But they also multiple other things,” Shira that would break chains of trans- mermin, the CDC official, said promise on that front. But
between 2019 and 2022, mirror- said the finding should be tem- Heisler, medical director of the mission early and reduce the like- equity is a top concern as the DoxyPEP offers an immediate so-
ing results from European stud- pered by the fact that doctors Detroit Public Health STD Clinic, lihood of infections spreading agency crafts its guidance for the lution to an ongoing problem and
ies. would also be administering few- said during a may conference of more broadly. use of DoxyPEP. It would be es- could be pared back if antibiotic
Another study of DoxyPEP use er antibiotics if people avoid the National Coalition of STD Some physicians say allowing sential to ensure the medication resistance emerges, Hazra said.
by cisgender women in Kenya catching and spreading STIs. Directors. “And I think specifical- people to have worry-free sex is a is available in clinics serving peo- “We are seeing rising rates of
between 2020 and 2022 did not David Hyun, director of the ly now being like, ‘We are not worthy goal on its own. ple at the highest risk for STIs, he STIs across the board for nearly a
find the treatment effective, a Antibiotic resistance Project at going to do it because of antimi- “my goal as a physician is to said, and to raise awareness out- decade now. What we are doing
result that surprised and the Pew Charitable Trusts, said he crobial resistance’ when it’s spe- make sure my patients are able to side of medical settings, such as now is not working,” Hazra said.
stumped researchers. Anatomical was concerned by patients in the cifically related to STIs is a good have whatever type of sex they on dating apps. “We need to try something new.”

During Crisis
Tucson Mayor Regina Romero (D)
Wednesday, July 26 at 3:00 p.m.
Tucson’s mayor outlines how her city is
navigating this summer’s sweltering heat
waves and addresses other ongoing
challenges in her city from water
conservation to affordable housing.
To register to watch, visit:
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tuesday, july 25 , 2023 . the washington post eZ re A15

Fight over ‘SALT’ cap snags Republican tax bill, reopens GOP policy rift
BY J ULIE Z AUZMER W EIL initiatives key to the House GOP owners pay on their business is that we would provide relief on
agenda this year. income effectively does not count the federal level, and then these
A group of moderate Republi- Given the party’s slim House toward the federal SALT cap. state legislatures and city coun-
cans is demanding a tax cut for majority, passage of the mea- Only North Dakota, Delaware cils keep adding to their big,
residents of their largely blue sures will require virtually every and D.C. have not enacted or bloated bureaucracies year after
states, snagging a House effort to Republican vote. proposed such a workaround, year.”
extend an array of tax cuts adopt- “If they want to move a tax bill according to the American Insti- The SALT Caucus’s efforts to
ed during the Trump administra- forward, they’re going to need tute of Certified Public Accoun- modify the House bill are just the
tion and reopening simmering the votes of those from New tants. beginning of a longer push to
divides in the Republican Party York,” said Rep. Anthony D’Es- In a 2018 analysis, the Tax include SALT changes in future
over tax policy. posito (R-N.Y.), who represents a Policy Center noted that the tax legislation.
Forming what they call the Long Island district with some of SALT cap made a meaningful As written, the Republican tax
SALT Caucus, the Republicans the highest local property taxes difference only on the incomes of bill stands little chance of pas-
are working with a group of in the country. “If they need our the top 20 percent of earners. It sage with or without SALT
Democrats to achieve a single vote, if they want our vote, we forecast that removing the cap changes. Instead, the Republi-
goal: Undoing a 2017 provision should really be having sincere would save taxpayers in the top can-led House and Democrat-led
that capped the amount taxpay- and legitimate conversations quintile an extra $2,500 a year on Senate will attempt to compro-
ers can deduct from their federal about how we include SALT.” average and those in the top 1 mise on a tax bill later this year.
income taxes for state and local The median household in percent about $30,000 a year. The end result could combine
taxes (abbreviated as SALT). D’Esposito’s Nassau County pays eva DeiTch for The WashingTon PosT Even some members of the some Republican goals, such as
President Donald Trump’s sig- more than $10,000 in annual Homes in Kingston, N.Y. Parts of New York state have some of the SALT Caucus acknowledge that extending business tax cuts, with
nature tax law limited that de- property taxes. So do households highest local property taxes in the country. would be a big giveaway to some Democratic goals, like in-
duction to $10,000. That sum in Falls Church, Va.; New York high-income households. Rep. creasing the size of the child tax
affected fewer people in red City; and six other counties in the his 176-member caucus would gives blue states and cities an Nicole Malliotakis (R-N.Y.), a credit, that have fans on both
states where tax rates tend to be New York and New Jersey sub- oppose eliminating the SALT cap. incentive to cut taxes. member of the SALT Caucus who sides of the aisle.
lower and many more people in urbs. (In the vast majority of U.S. “I don’t see how the votes Some observers are skeptical sits on the Ways and Means Malliotakis said she would be
blue states with higher rates, counties, the median household’s would be there,” Hern (R-Okla.) that the SALT deduction has Committee, said she wants to willing to vote for the current
including New York, New Jersey property tax bill is below $4,000.) said in an email. much influence on local policy. study other options, such as pro- House bill in hopes of adding
and California. “I have too many constituents The SALT cap has inspired “The states affected by [the SALT hibiting people above a certain changes to the SALT cap later in
Now, Republican House mem- leaving Long Island for places endless arguments since Repub- cap] have Democratic control. high income threshold from tak- talks with the Senate.
bers from those states are threat- like Florida and the Carolinas,” licans approved it in 2017. Those They’re not going to run out and ing any SALT deduction at all “A bipartisan caucus can work
ening to vote against a tax pack- said Rep. Nick LaLota (R-N.Y.). opposed to the cap see it as a cut taxes on their highest income while allowing a larger deduc- together to push for it to be on
age approved in June by the “One of the ways we can blunt targeted jab at blue states by earners,” said Richard Auxier, an tion for the middle class. Mall- the table during negotiations,”
House Ways and Means Commit- that is having a higher SALT Republican lawmakers and a analyst at the nonpartisan Tax iotakis said she also wants to Malliotakis said, noting that Sen-
tee unless a provision is added to deduction.” pain point for some middle-class Policy Center. explore ways to use federal dol- ate Majority Leader Charles E.
raise the SALT cap. As written, But adding a provision to raise homeowners with high local tax Instead, many states have lars to directly pressure states Schumer (D) also hails from New
the measures would restore ex- the SALT cap would alienate bills. Those in favor of the cap passed laws to get around the and cities to cut their taxes. York.
pired tax cuts for businesses some other Republicans. Rep. include some lawmakers on the SALT cap — especially for busi- “It’s these Democrat-run cities “I imagine that Schumer
passed under Trump and repeal Kevin Hern, who chairs the con- left, who say unchecked deduc- ness owners. Almost every state and states that continue to pick- would be supportive and help-
climate-oriented tax credits servative Republican Study Com- tions are a giveaway to the rich, with an income tax has changed pocket taxpayers,” Malliotakis ful,” she said. “My constituents
passed under President Biden — mittee, said the “vast majority” of and those on the right, who say it its state law so that the taxes said. “One of my biggest concerns are his constituents.”

Giving Voice
Cristina García
Author, “Vanishing Maps”

Tuesday, July 25 at 12:00 p.m.

The award-winning author discusses her new

book, her work spotlighting the Cuban diaspora
and her mark on Latino literature.

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wapo.st/garciajuly2023 or scan
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A six-part podcast | no-knock warrants can destroy lives.
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A16 eZ re the washington post . tuesday, july 25 , 2023


Congress managed to raise the

debt limit this year to prevent a
For federal government, els, which were set in an omnibus
spending law in December, are
slightly higher than what Biden
and McCarthy agreed to spend for
such as Social Security, Medicare
and Medicaid.)
But since then, senior Republi-
cans have again pushed for more
U.S. government default. Law-
makers are working to reach
agreement on next year’s budget
by Sept. 30 to prevent a federal
fiscal threats far from over 2024 during the debt ceiling
standoff, making a temporary ex-
tension less palatable for Republi-
cans seeking cuts.
cuts, citing inflation as a reason to
cut government spending. House
Appropriations Chair Kay Grang-
er (R-Tex.) said in a statement that
shutdown. The debt ceiling deal also in- the debt ceiling deal “set a top-line
The House could begin voting Although Congress raised the debt ceiling and avoided default, cluded automatic changes to the spending cap” but “not a floor” for
as soon as this week on some of
the spending bills to fund the
lawmakers face another challenge: Reaching a budget deal by Sept. 30 spending caps McCarthy and
Biden agreed on if the appropria-
the following year’s government
funding. Negotiators remain par-
government for next year; the tions bills haven’t all been passed ticularly divided over the appro-
Senate is working on the bills, too. by Jan. 1. That could translate into priations bill that primarily funds
The debt ceiling deal, reached cuts in defense spending and an the Education Department, the
in May by President Biden and increase in nondefense spending Labor Department and the De-
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy over current levels if a continuing partment of Health and Human
(R-Calif.), specified that most of resolution is in effect. Services, according to Hoagland.
the federal government should be “By clawing back $115 billion in
funded at essentially flat levels for 3. Who would be affected by a unnecessary, partisan programs,
the next two years. government shutdown? we will refocus government
But some House Republicans Government shutdowns affect spending consistent with Repub-
say that bipartisan agreement most federal workers. During the lican priorities,” Granger said in a
only means the government won’t last shutdown, which started in statement.
spend more than the caps — and December 2018, roughly 800,000 Democrats have ridiculed the
that spending less is just fine. workers were sent home without idea they should vote for a lower
Many GOP leaders are pushing pay. (Once the shutdown ends, spending number than what Mc-
to limit funding for the 2024 fiscal workers are typically compensat- Carthy and Biden agreed to in
year to what the budget was in ed in full for their missed pay- May. Bobby Kogan, senior direc-
2022, which would mean a $115 checks.) Workers who are deemed tor of federal budget policy at the
billion cut that Democrats reject. “essential” continue to work un- left-leaning think tank the Center
“The agreement reached on the paid. Other impacts can include for American Progress, said the
debt limit set a number for appro- shutting down national parks, re- GOP appeared to be trying to
priations for upcoming fiscal cipients missing food stamp pay- force Democrats to make conces-
year, but that number is looked at ments, and disruptions to envi- sions on other matters in ex-
by the Senate as the floor and ronmental and food inspections. change for sticking to the original
looked at by the House as the Unlike a default, U.S. bond pay- spending agreement.
ceiling,” said Bill Hoagland, sen- ments to creditors are not at risk. “Republicans reneged on the
ior vice president at the Biparti- deal so they could defund, dam-
san Policy Center, a Washington- 4. When was the last age, or destroy vital programs and
based think tank. Republicans government shutdown? investments,” said Rep. Brendan
control the House of Representa- The most recent government F. Boyle (Pa.), the top Democrat on
tives, while Democrats control shutdown started in December the budget committee, in a state-
the Senate. “There’s still a lot of 2018 during a dispute between ment. “MAGA extremism has put
differences.” Trump and House Democrats us on the path toward a shut-
A government shutdown over the proposed U.S.-Mexico down.”
would not be as calamitous as border wall. It lasted 34 days,
breaching the debt ceiling, but it which made it the longest shut- 6. What else do lawmakers
would affect hundreds of thou- down in U.S. history. disagree about?
sands of federal workers and, de- Minh Connors/the Washington Post The shutdown ended when de- Beyond the top-line number,
pending on how long it lasts, A government shutdown would not be as calamitous as breaching the debt ceiling would have lays hit major East Coast airports Democratic and Republican law-
potentially impact the broader been, but it could affect hundreds of thousands of federal workers. as unpaid air traffic controllers makers have numerous disagree-
U.S. economy. did not report to work. ments about what should be in
Roughly 800,000 federal work- next year’s federal budget.
ers missed two consecutive pay- reached in time. But that could each of which funds a different signed into law by the Sept. 30 5. What is the main The House Republicans’ push
checks during the longest govern- change if the deadline draws clos- part of the federal government. deadline could shut down. So far, disagreement? for lower spending has led them
ment shutdown in 2019, amid a er without a deal. In many recent years, some or none has passed the full House or The core issue is how much to seek cuts to the Internal Rev-
rift between President Donald all of these 12 different bills have the full Senate. money the government should enue Service, the Securities and
Trump and House Democrats 1. When is the next been rolled into a single “omni- spend next year. Exchange Commission and the
over funding for the U.S.-Mexico government shutdown bus” package and approved to- 2. How else could a Under the debt ceiling deal Consumer Product Safety Com-
border wall. A government shut- deadline? gether. government shutdown be reached by McCarthy and Biden, mission, among other federal
down can also interfere with criti- Congress and the Biden admin- But McCarthy promised con- avoided? Republicans agreed to raise the agencies. Democrats have also
cal federal services, such as food istration have until Sept. 30 to servatives that in return for their Even without a spending deal, debt ceiling in exchange for keep- sharply criticized the proposed
safety inspections and the opera- avoid a government shutdown. support for his bid to become lawmakers could agree to pass a ing funding flat for most domestic cuts to the education budget,
tions of the Internal Revenue That’s when the federal fiscal year speaker, the House would handle “continuing resolution” that spending programs, which would which Rep. Rosa L. DeLauro
Service. ends. The 2024 fiscal year begins each bill on its own. would keep the government oper- amount to an inflation-adjusted (Conn.), the top Democrat on the
For now, aides on Capitol Hill Oct. 1. Any parts of the government ating at the current levels for cut. (The deal did not affect feder- House Appropriations Commit-
of both major parties remain con- Lawmakers are trying to ap- funded by appropriations bills whatever length of time they al programs funded outside the tee, said would lead to 22,000
fident an agreement will be prove 12 appropriations bills, that haven’t passed and been choose. The current spending lev- annual appropriations process, fewer teachers.

IRS says it will end most unannounced visits by agents to taxpayers’ homes
doors each year, according to officers unannounced only in un- citizens’ doorsteps. While the rev- cent months, by focusing on high safety and security, that will help
New policy, prompted by agency staff. The new policy will
reduce these visits to no more
usual circumstances, such as cas-
es in which the delinquent tax-
enue agents who historically did
the door-knocking never carried
earners known to have not paid
their taxes.
us bring good people in to the
safety fears, will reduce than a few hundred per year, and payer might hide money “beyond guns, some Republicans have The agency has also vowed to The union representing IRS
door knocks sharply only under unusual circum-
the reach of the government” and
agents were planning to seize
falsely claimed the agency was
spending billions to hire thou-
update its computer systems so
that tax data in the future can be
employees pushed for the
Instead of making house calls assets. sands of gun-toting officers to analyzed by artificial intelli- “The safety of IRS employees is
to taxpayers who have ignored Safety concerns have long collect people’s taxes. gence. The upgrades should help of paramount importance and
BY J ULIE Z AUZMER W EIL overdue tax notices in the mail, dogged the door-knockers. More IRS officials said that the fund- flag tax cheats in a more sophisti- this decision will help protect
the agency will send letters that than 30 years ago, the IRS said, ing to hire more revenue officers cated manner than random au- those whose jobs have only grown
Internal Revenue Service instruct taxpayers to schedule a agents were assaulted hundreds would be on the order of hun- dits. more dangerous in recent years
agents will no longer make unan- visit with a revenue officer, it of times in a year, making them dreds of workers, not tens of Ending the door-knocking because of false, inflammatory
nounced visits to taxpayers’ explained. the most-attacked federal law en- thousands, and it will instead practice will help recruit tax ex- rhetoric about the agency and its
homes, the agency said Monday, “This is the right thing to do forcement officers. It even told enable the agency to better iden- perts to work for the agency, IRS workforce,” National Treasury
in a policy shift meant to protect and the right time to end it,” IRS them they could use fake names tify and contact taxpayers who staff predicted. Employees Union President Tony
employees’ safety amid concerns Commissioner Danny Werfel said for their own protection. owe significant debts without re- “These are some of the hardest Reardon said in a statement.
about potentially irate taxpayers in a statement. “We have the tools But recent rhetoric from Re- sorting to in-person visits. Last jobs in government. … There is a Werfel also noted that scam
answering the door. we need to successfully collect publicans opposed to last year’s week, the agency boasted that its better way of doing it,” IRS artists have knocked on doors
Since at least the 1950s, rev- revenue without adding stress increase in IRS funding has growing workforce collected spokesman Terry Lemons said. falsely claiming to be IRS agents
enue agents have knocked on with unannounced visits.” raised more concerns about $38 million in tax debts from just “Another advantage is that if — a fraud that should be easier to
tens of thousands of taxpayers’ The agency said it would send agents showing up announced on 175 high-income taxpayers in re- people have a greater sense of detect under the new policy.




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tuesday, july 25 , 2023 . the washington post eZ Re a17

FaReed ZakaRia

The threat from

far-right populism
still lingers
hen I speak to people about right-wing
populism these days, I notice that many
tend to believe that it’s old news. Popu-
list leaders captured the world’s atten-
tion in 2016 with the Brexit referendum and then,
later that year, with Donald Trump’s election
victory. Now, seven years later, many seem to feel it
is past its prime. Trump was defeated in 2020 and is
under indictment. Brexit has been a messy failure; a
majority of Britons now regret that it passed.
Though it’s true that some populist heroes and
causes have been battered, the core appeal of the
movement persists and has actually gained ground
in recent months.
Consider Spain, which was one of those countries
long thought to be immune to right-wing populism
because (like Germany) it once suffered under a
right-wing autocracy. The conservative party Vox,
founded a decade ago, was long seen as too extreme
to make real inroads in the political system. Today, it
is the country’s third-largest party. In May, it
doubled its vote share in regional and local Raymond Boyd/getty Images

elections, and it now governs in many places. In The Fat Boys — Buffy, Prince Markie Dee and Kool Rock Ski — perform at the Arie Crown Theater in Chicago in January 1985.
Sunday’s election, the party didn’t do quite as well
as expected — yet it maintained its status as the theodoRe R. Johnson

How the music of summer

third-strongest force in parliament. Though its
chances of participating in government have nar-
rowed, it could still end up playing a role in a
conservative coalition.
In Germany itself, the Alternative for Germany

is healing the nation

(AfD), once seen as taboo, has won back-to-back
local elections in the country’s east. Nationwide, it is
now polling in second place, roughly tied with the
Social Democrats, Germany’s main leftist party. In

Italy, the birthplace of fascism, Giorgia Meloni of
the far-right Brothers of Italy party has been serving went to my first concert at 9 years old. It was rich with engaging and novel experiences. One of arrived, and its trademark sounds thumped in
as prime minister since October. Though she has the mid-1980s, and rap was entering the the features of Drake’s tour is a performance of our chests. I was too young to articulate what my
moderated her stance in many ways, Meloni mainstream. Grocery stores sold records, some of his older songs with a hologram of his soul needed. I could only feel it: the cultural
continues to praise the Movimento Sociale Italiano, and, while I was shopping with my mother, younger self. Audiences look on in awe as they affirmation from being right in the thick of it.
a now-defunct fascist organization to which she an album cover caught my eye. Three big dudes rap and sing along to music from a decade ago. At Connected.
once belonged. hovered over a pizza while holding a burger, soda Swift’s stadium concerts, middle-schoolers trade Some people fear that technology, instead of
and ice cream. A miniature version of the guys — friendship bracelets with fans twice their age, all enhancing this profound experience, will replace
clad in black-and-white prison uniforms straight euphoric to be glimpsing — and singing with — it. I think the covid shutdown taught us how
out of a “Three Stooges” skit — stood in the pizza their idol in the company of tens of thousands of insufficient that would be. The popular Verzuz
The one issue always at the heart box sharing a slice. Emblazoned across the top new besties. And when Blue Ivy, Beyoncé’s concert series — streamed live on Instagram at
was the group’s name: Fat Boys. daughter, appears onstage to dance with her the height of the pandemic — was a moment for
of the rise of modern far-right The Fat Boys concert was held in a hotel mom, little girls explode with joy, doing the same the culture, but it was nothing compared with
ballroom. My best friend invited me to go with choreographed moves from their seats. the particular alchemy of an in-person concert. A
populism: immigration. Everywhere him and his adult cousins. I begged my parents Engagement matters. Ours is a society that recent study found that those who’ve watched
for permission, and though they didn’t know requires frequent positive community participa- virtual concerts treasure the individual experi-
you look, you see that fears of much about the music, they had a feeling that a tion if it’s to be resilient against the forces pulling ence; social engagement was least important for
rap concert was probably not the place for a us apart. Scholars have explored the impact of them. Technology can make convenience more
uncontrolled immigration have fourth-grader. But when I showed them the attending concerts, and they’ve found such ben- attractive than connection.
ridiculously comedic cover art and introduced efits as an increased sense of belonging and The Fat Boys bounced after about three songs.
produced political rewards for the them to the group’s signature beatboxing, they improved well-being. Concert audiences “experi- I never learned why they left so abruptly. As we
gave in. They must’ve thought my attempts to enced feelings of togetherness,” researchers re- exited, people were saying the group was forced
‘anti-globalists.’ mimic the human percussion — at the dinner port. Sharing a love for something facilitates a to vacate the stage because the room had exceed-
table, during shootarounds with friends, at path to connection. ed maximum occupancy. Others, seeking a more
church (until my mother gave me The Look) — At the same time, concert attendance serves as sensational story to tell, suggested fights had
Sweden and Finland have both seen the rise of sounded so silly that this group must be for kids. a public affirmation of one’s sense of self. Music broken out. Whatever it was, we had waited for
far-right parties that are gaining strength and That concert is a memory I’ll always treasure. can be “a means to help formulate identities and hours to enjoy a 15-minute performance — yet I
political power. The Dutch political system now has Countless children are making their own first- meet certain emotional needs” — critical espe- rode home on Cloud 9. There was something
several populist parties, some brand-new, and the concert memories this summer. On social media, cially to the development of young people. At a about being in that room, with that crowd, that
tensions produced by their rise recently led to the I’ve seen the light come on in the eyes of kids and stage of life in which everyone is seeking to fit in made this little suburban kid from the other side
resignation of that country’s longest-serving prime teens at Beyoncé, Taylor Swift and Drake con- somewhere, shared music is a crew, a family, a of town feel that I belonged — that there was a
minister, Mark Rutte. In France, some polls show certs, among others. For many, the coronavirus nation. At concerts, individually meaningful mo- place for me beyond my own world.
Marine Le Pen winning the next presidential pandemic delayed the experience of sharing time ments converge into collective joy. People — We are a nation with plenty of places to
election. and space with thousands of people who love the especially young people — bond over creative convene and commune but with a dwindling
Why is this happening? Europe is going through same songs. And aside from how technologically expression and the sheer excitement of being interest in doing so with people who are different
tough times. Russia’s war on Ukraine and the advanced a major concert is now, I’m most struck alive together. from us. The folks who traffic in stoking conflict
resulting sanctions against Russia have affected by the diversity of the crowds. Maybe there is Back in that hotel ballroom, the Fat Boys were intentionally target the places where we gather
Europe more severely than any other part of the some social and civic magic to be found in our running extremely late. The crowd grew antsy. across our differences: concerts, the movies,
world. The continent has been forced to abandon its return to shared, in-person experiences. When “Five Minutes of Funk” blared through the sports. The pandemic separated us out of neces-
addiction to cheap Russian energy and find alterna- Social scientists have identified four themes speakers to distract us, my friend’s cousins sity. Those days are over now, and legions are
tives, usually more costly. The rest of its trade with that help explain the attraction of concerts and hoisted us on their shoulders. I cannot describe turning out to share powerful experiences this
Russia has also collapsed. Meanwhile, cheap energy, the significance of attendance. The most promi- the joy. The whole room was dancing. Everyone summer. The crowds teeming with excitement
new subsidies and a better regulatory environment nent is the experience, followed by the engage- was dressed like the people we saw in magazines remind us — and teach a new generation — that
are making some European companies think about ment, the novelty and, lastly, the practical rea- and videos. It was a vibe, with kindred spirits. constructive shared experiences are necessary
moving their factories to the United States. sons. That makes sense to me. Summer 2023 is The place was a frenzy when the group finally for a strong and cohesive society.
But it’s not really about economics. Spain’s
economy is healthy; the country grew at 5.5 percent
last year, and its inflation rate is among the lowest
in the euro zone. But that growth is varied, and
there are parts of the country such as Aragon — Jim geRaghty
Spain’s Ohio — where deindustrialization has left
people feeling dispossessed. Regions like Aragon
exist all over Europe, and they add to a sense of
despair and frustration with the country’s establish-
As Daniel Snyder shows, character is destiny — eventually
ment and the European Union’s elites. The war in
Ukraine has also led many in the E.U. to worry about efore the Trump years, conservatives often worst team gets the first pick in the following year’s and shaking hands and then betraying at the first
the price they are paying for a conflict that, they argued that “character is destiny,” a quote draft of new players. It is hard to be consistently opportunity.
think, doesn’t directly threaten them — especially sometimes attributed to the Greek philoso- excellent for many years in a row, and it should be One of the worst tragedies of all this is how
because that is what many populist leaders tell pher Heraclitus or the 19th-century English similarly hard to be consistently terrible for many unnecessary it was. Snyder didn’t have to act this
them. author George Eliot. years in a row. Under Snyder and a rotating carousel way to build a winner. He didn’t have to act this way
If I had to point to one issue, however, it is the one Then a notoriously temperamental and patholog- of hyped coaches and high-priced free agents, the to become rich. At seemingly every juncture, he
that has always been at the heart of the rise of ically lying, egomaniacal, twice-divorced former Redskins — then the Washington Football Team and chose to treat people badly just because he could.
modern far-right populism: immigration. Every- casino owner won the GOP nomination in 2016, and then the Commanders — accumulated a record of Had he been a nicer, more honest person who was
where you look, you see that fears of uncontrolled many on the right convinced themselves that “eh, 164 wins, 220 losses and two ties, with a postseason more respectful of others, the team might not have
immigration have produced political rewards for maybe character isn’t all that connected to destiny record of two wins and six losses. been better on the field, but the organization’s
the “anti-globalists.” Covid-19 destabilized many after all.” reputation would be better.
developing countries in the Southern Hemisphere, And Lord knows, in both national public life and Character is destiny — eventually.
which then exacerbated poverty and violence as our personal lives, we’ve seen nice guys finish last. No wonder the Commanders ranked last in the
those countries struggled. The Ukraine war has We’ve seen the unscrupulous and unethical prosper. A lot of people lose their jobs; NFL in average home attendance last year, and the
caused a once-in-a-lifetime movement out of that The #MeToo scandals demonstrated that the country stands of FedEx Field now regularly look like a home
country on one side of the world, while Venezuela’s has no shortage of powerful, famous and wealthy almost none see parties thrown game for the Eagles, the Giants and even the lowly
brutal crackdown has led to another of similar men who are creeps and abusers. It is all too easy to New York Jets. Who wants to root for an underper-
magnitude on the other. Climate change adds to this grow cynical and believe that ethics and good throughout the metropolitan area forming team that’s constantly getting in trouble off
toxic brew. When you put it all together, you end up judgment hold people back and that in our society, the field and that reportedly has an internal culture
with a historic movement of people across the much as in a fetid pond, the scum rises to the top. to celebrate their departure. that seems as decadent as the late Roman Empire?
world. But the rise and fall of so many infamous In one last insult, as the fans were celebrating a
Global leaders are struggling to mitigate the characters in our national life suggests the aphorism new owner, the NFL announced Thursday that
problem. The Biden administration has taken just needs a little tweaking: Character is destiny — As many fans despairingly observe, the team had Snyder sexually harassed a team employee and
several measures to address the crisis at the border eventually. more names than playoff wins during the Snyder era. oversaw team executives who deliberately withheld
with Mexico, and, as a result, the flow of migrants And if you doubt that, consider Daniel Snyder, But quite a few NFL teams have struggles, and millions of dollars in revenue from other clubs. He
into the United States in recent months has slowed now the ex-owner of the Washington Commanders. their owners aren’t nearly as detested and villain- agreed to pay a $60 million fine.
considerably. It is working with other governments Sure, Snyder walks with $6 billion, and he gets to ized. It’s the off-the-field issues that made the team If you could go back in time to 1999 and ask the
in the Western Hemisphere to tackle some of the sail away on his superyacht with a built-in Imax an embarrassment to loyal and patient fans who then-34-year-old new owner Snyder what he hoped
issues that are driving out-migration. British Prime theater. But he was already fabulously wealthy when once made up arguably the most impassioned fan to achieve over the next 21/2 decades, he would have
Minister Rishi Sunak is trying to forge a new asylum he began as owner. And now, by just about every base in the league. described the opposite of this embarrassing mess.
policy that would move illegal asylum seekers to measure other than his balance sheet, he’s poor. The Redskins-turned-Commanders faced wide- Snyder wanted to win, and like many people, he
Rwanda or elsewhere for evaluation. Greek Prime Snyder can’t buy himself a better reputation or a spread claims of sexual harassment, verbal abuse probably wanted to be celebrated as an icon of
Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis has pledged to extend better record, or the trust of fans, any of his former and a toxic workplace culture. Emails revealed Jon intrepid virtues. He probably wanted respect, admi-
an existing wall between Greece and Turkey by business partners or anyone else in professional Gruden, a coach-turned-TV analyst, wrote racist and ration, prestige and maybe to stir a little envy.
more than 100 kilometers over the next few years to sports. He cashed in but lost everything else along misogynist comments to Bruce Allen, then the Today, you might want Snyder’s wealth, but you
tamp down illegal border crossings. the way. president of the team. Snyder sued fans for backing would never want to be him. He ends his tenure as
But I worry that, as the pressures for migration Snyder’s reign was a colossal failure, and the out of season-ticket purchases during a recession one of the most widely despised figures in Washing-
increase, the rhetoric from the right will get louder team’s performance on the field would be bad and sued Washington City Paper for defamation, ton — ever. A lot of people lose their jobs; almost
and noisier. Trump is well aware that hostility enough. Perhaps fans of the then-Redskins were ultimately dropping the suit. He reportedly collected none see parties thrown throughout the metropoli-
toward immigration was his ticket to the White spoiled by a spectacular run of success, including “dirt” on other owners and NFL Commissioner tan area to celebrate their departure.
House in 2016. And at some point, as the dema- three Super Bowls between 1983 and 1992, and Roger Goodell. A team employee described Snyder’s It’s a sad, sordid, outraging and depressing story.
gogues raise their rhetoric and scare more people, should have been prepared for some lean years. But philosophy to The Post’s Sally Jenkins as saying But Dan Snyder’s character wouldn’t allow any other
the center will not hold. the National Football League is built for parity; the whatever the other person wants to hear, smiling outcome.
a18 eZ re the washington post . tuesday, july 25 , 2023

michaEl RamiREz



oded balilty/aP

Protesters block traffic on a highway crossing Tel Aviv on Monday.

Mr. Netanyahu steps



closer to the cli≠ A long failure on climate

The July 21 Metro article “Farm, coast-
line pollution part of Moore’s targeted
mand on extremely hot days, when every-
one is running their air conditioners.
The need for larger batteries and more
range is especially compelling for luxury
Chesapeake Bay cleanup” reminded me EVs, such as the $140,000 Lucid Air Grand
The ruling coalition’s judicial maneuvering fuels a crisis. that the efforts to clean up the Chesa- Touring, criticized for having a big battery

peake Bay and its estuaries are a sobering providing a “whopping 516-mile range.”
OR MONTHS, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin In more than 30 weeks of street demonstrations, the indicator of our inability to address hu- Who would pay that much for a car that
Netanyahu was warned of the consequences. He movement has developed financial, social, political and man impact on our environment. could not be used for a road trip?
was strongly urged to negotiate a deal over the psychological resources, and the protests are sure to As a volunteer for the organization Long-range batteries have become es-
proposal to emasculate the Israeli Supreme Court, continue. The most popular chant at the demonstrations Save the Bay in the early 1970s and sential, given the poor state of charging
a misguided power grab advanced by his far-right has been: “If there’s no equality, we’ll take down the subsequent efforts to address the degrad- capacity and the amount of time needed
coalition. On Monday, the first part of the legislation was government. You picked the wrong generation to tangle ed bay, I heard so many excuses for not to charge an EV. So, even with a long-range
approved by the Knesset. It appears Mr. Netanyahu went with.” Yes, these are probably not voters who support making contributions or changes in life- EV, a road trip can be a hassle. With a
over a cliff. What now? Mr. Netanyahu and his extreme religious and nationalist styles to stop the deterioration. I doubt short-range EV, such a trip would be all
Mr. Netanyahu and his coalition have ignited a coalition partners, but there are rumblings of dissent many people have the courage or forti- but impossible.
political crisis of immense proportions, perhaps the most even in his own Likud party ranks. tude required to make a difference. Bob Benna, Potomac
consequential in Israel’s history. Massive protests against The passage of the legislation on Monday abolishes the The environmental conditions and
the judicial reform have filled Israel’s streets for months, court’s ability to nullify actions it deems “unreasonable.” challenges we face are far more dire than
and the vote brought open resistance from not only But that is only the first step for this coalition, which also the pollution of the Potomac and the Protecting workers from heat
Israel’s progressive and secular Jews but also other would like to gain control of the committee that selects Susquehanna rivers, yet we have not
bastions of the establishment. judges and, with the judicial system no longer a achieved anywhere near the public The July 17 front-page article “In Texas,
Large businesses and unions are planning strikes and counterweight to the executive, open the way to even awareness that is required to alter the a deadly heat with no breaks” shone a
closures. A former head of Israel’s security service, the more far-reaching goals such as annexation of the West climatic changes. What we are left with critical light on the need for more legal
Shin Bet, was among those on the streets protesting after Bank, which Palestinians envision as a future state. are reactive-responsive patchwork ap- protections for those working in extreme
the vote. Nadav Argaman said he came to “mark the end” This presages a grim future. Mr. Netanyahu, having proaches that will only address our cur- heat. It overlooked, however, important
of Mr. Netanyahu’s rule. “Bibi has a coalition, but he brought Israel to this point, should immediately seek to rent, individual realities rather than real- legal protections already in place.
doesn’t have the people. He’s lost the people,” he said. A open negotiations with the opposition on some compro- ize more far-reaching solutions. For instance, 15 states and D.C. have
letter signed by more than 1,100 air force reserve officers mise over the just-passed legislation, which won’t Much misplaced blame and ire will be paid sick-time laws allowing workers to
declared, “The legislation, which allows the government become law until signed by the president. Mr. Netanyahu assigned to our government for these take time off for illness or preventive care,
to act in an extremely unreasonable manner, will harm could use the upcoming Knesset recess for talks. He conditions, suggesting that the govern- including if they feel sick related to heat
the security of the State of Israel, will break the trust and should signal that he and his coalition will not attempt to ment is something other than ourselves. or air quality. Three states have laws that
violate our consent to continue risking our lives — and unilaterally ram through the rest of the judicial reform If we could not affect the conditions of allow paid leave for any reason. Colora-
will very sadly leave us with no choice but to refrain from package. our rivers, streams and bays with decades do’s and Minnesota’s laws will soon allow
volunteering for reserve duty.” Dozens of former top If he proceeds without compromise, the risks are great. of effort, what chance, if any, do we have workers to take paid time off to care for a
security officials — including former heads of the Israel He endangers Israel’s security, further splinters an of positively affecting the climate? Mak- family member whose school or day care
Defense Forces, Mossad and Shin Bet — sent a letter already badly divided body politic and strains Israel’s ing any appreciable, beneficial dent in is closed for inclement weather, and many
declaring, “The legislation is shattering the common relationship with the United States, which has repeatedly our inevitable environmental challenges states allow use of sick time when an
foundation of Israeli society, tearing the people apart, called on him to compromise. Much damage has already will take societal changes (consumption, employee’s workplace or their child’s
dismantling the IDF and causing grievous harm to been done. Mr. Netanyahu should not throw more fuel on production and economy) that we, as school is closed for a public health emer-
Israel’s security.” this dumpster fire but start to find a way out of the crisis. corporations and as Americans, simply gency, which can include dangerous heat.
refuse to make voluntarily. Pregnant people, who, according to the
Derek Havens, Mason Neck Centers for Disease Control and Preven-
tion, are more likely to get heat-related
illnesses, also have new nationwide pro-

Inflation has taken a pause Mr. Tuberville’s principles

In his July 20 Thursday Opinion col-
tections. The Pregnant Workers Fairness
Act requires employers to provide accom-
modations for limitations related to preg-
umn, “Tuberville is holding the military nancy, childbirth and related medical
But the Fed should not let up yet. chain of command hostage,” Hugh Hewitt conditions. Examples might include extra

missed the point of the hold by Sen. Tom- breaks to rest in the shade or drink water
HE FEDERAL RESERVE is almost certainly my Tuberville (R-Ala.) on military promo- or a temporary transfer to an indoor
going to lift the benchmark interest rate Wednes- tions. position. Too many workers are still un-
day to nearly 5.5 percent, a stunning rise from Yes, the senator disagrees with taxpay- aware of their rights. We must continue to
practically zero in March 2022. The Fed was too er money being used to fund travel for educate workers while pushing for heat
slow to recognize inflation’s painful bite, which reached abortions, a change that came about in standards and a nationwide sick-time
more than 9 percent year-over-year last summer, but the October via a memo from Defense Secre- law.
Fed’s credibility has been restored. The central bank tary Lloyd Austin. The larger issue here is Sarah Brafman, Washington
acted aggressively, helping cool inflation to a fairly one of supreme importance: Who has the The writer is national policy director at
tolerable 3 percent. authority to make such a change? The A Better Balance.
Now, the path is murkier. As anyone alive in the 1970s Constitution vests all legislative powers
knows, the biggest danger is to give up too soon. Fed in Congress, not the defense secretary. If
Chair Jerome H. Powell has made this case repeatedly. “Is the Biden administration wants to fund American ideals
there a risk that we would go too far? Certainly, there is a abortion or abortion-related travel, it
risk, but I wouldn’t agree that it’s the biggest risk to the should work to get Congress to change the To an American who has spent years
economy. The bigger mistake to make would be to fail to policy, especially because 10 U.S. Code living abroad, Fareed Zakaria perfectly
restore price stability,” he said last July. That’s still true 1093, the law that prevents such expendi- laid out in his July 15 op-ed, “The old
today. tures, has been in place since 1984. consensus on U.S. foreign policy is dead,”
The Fed needs to project that it’s still in inflation- Mr. Tuberville should be applauded, the practical risks of the Republican Par-
fighting mode. Congress gave the central bank two goals: not derided, for protecting the authority ty’s increasingly isolationist approach to
maximum employment and price stability. With the of every lawmaker, from either party, to foreign policy. But more should be said
unemployment rate at a half-century low, jobs still easy to make laws for the people they are elected about the moral implications of the GOP
obtain and labor force participation of Americans ages to represent. turning its back on the rules-based inter-
25 to 54 at the highest level since 2002, the Fed deserves Kristen Ullman, Alexandria national order.
an A grade on employment but a C on price stability. Yes, The writer is president of the Eagle Foum. Those not standing with Ukraine in the
there has been significant improvement, but inflation is face of a genocidal attack by Russian
still well above the 2 percent target. President Vladimir Putin are the moral
Even more troubling, the inflation gauge that strips The case for big EV batteries equivalent of those in the late 1930s and
out volatile food and energy prices is sitting at 4.8 per- early 1940s who opposed the “lend-lease”
cent. Inflation, like unabated mold, has a tendency to I disagree that the batteries used in program and whose isolationist “it’s not
return, and spores of it are still lurking in the services electric vehicles are getting too big, as our problem” agenda provided aid and
side of the economy: restaurants, travel, entertainment, Jabin botsford/the Washington Post contended in the July 20 analysis “Bigger comfort to the Nazis until the United
car insurance. Fed Chair Jerome H. Powell in D.C. on March 7. EV batteries are overkill — for most Amer- States finally joined the war. That values
Of course, Mr. Powell and his fellow board members icans and the planet.” The purpose of — not just interests — play an active role in
cannot be blind to what is going on in the rest of the 2019, bringing rates down somewhat during the Trump larger batteries is to increase the range an U.S. foreign policy is, if not unique, at least
economy. There’s rightly concern about the Fed trigger- trade wars, and took fast action in March 2020 when the EV can be driven before needing a charge. rare. The idea that the United States, at
ing an unnecessary recession by raising rates too high. pandemic began. The article noted that “87 percent of all minimum, tries to be on the right side of
But so far, the economy and labor market have been far Some have suggested reconsidering the 2 percent driving days in the United States” could be history in the post-World War II era is
more resilient than expected. In fact, recession fears are inflation target. It is an arbitrary number that New satisfied with an EV with a range of central to who we are as modern Ameri-
fading. More and more economists and business leaders Zealand policymakers came up with around 1990. But 73 miles. cans. It’s also important to the way we are
are starting to believe inflation can subside without this is not the moment to change it. The Fed’s credibility Many, if not most, Americans take long viewed abroad, particularly by our allies,
substantial pain in which millions of workers have to lose has been a major factor in helping inflation cool. The road trips from time to time, and their and to our soft power more broadly.
their jobs and incomes. This resilience gives the Fed public now believes the Fed will win this fight. Abandon- vehicles must be suitable for such trips, no The increasing isolationism among Re-
leeway to hike more if needed. ing the target now risks undermining that hard-won matter how infrequent. This is akin to the publicans isn’t just a danger to the inter-
If the economy starts to deteriorate rapidly, Mr. Powell confidence. capacity needed by an electric utility for national order; it’s a betrayal of the very
will likely reconsider. He has a proven knack for pivoting. Wall Street expects this to be the last rate hike in this peak loads. Though demand on most days idea of what the United States stands for
He shows both humility and a recognition that economic series. But what matters most is that the Fed do what’s might be moderate, the power company in the modern era.
forecasts have a poor track record. He reversed course in needed to ensure inflation returns to target. must have enough capacity to meet de- Oliver Kendall, Barcelona

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tuesday, july 25 , 2023 . the washington post eZ Re a19

bRian bRoomE EugEnE Robinson

Jason Aldean? Slavery was an

Spare me the atrocity, not an
small-town apprenticeship
lorida’s decision to teach in schools
that slavery in this country was of

“personal benefit” to some enslaved
m not here to talk about Jason people is obscene revisionism. It is
Aldean’s country song “Try like teaching that though Abraham Lincoln
That in a Small Town.” I’m not might have been assassinated, at least the
a fan. I’m just here to pat you performance at Ford’s Theatre that night was
on the back if you’re one of the many first-rate.
Americans, like me, who ran from For those who doubt this obscenity is actu-
small-town life and never looked ally in the curriculum, look no further than
back. Page 6 of Florida’s 2023 academic standards
I’m from a small town in Ohio. I’ve for teaching social studies: “Instruction in-
blocked out many of my memories of cludes how slaves developed skills which, in
the place. I spent my childhood there some instances, could be applied for their
in the 1970s and 1980s, and I do personal benefit.”
remember playing outside and being It was Gov. Ron DeSantis, running for the
surrounded by friends when I was a GOP presidential nomination as an “anti-
child. I remember the summers wokeness” Savonarola, who inspired this
when we got sprayed with the garden latest effort to both-sides slavery. (Months
hose and the winters full of snowball ago, the state rejected an Advanced Place-
fights and forts. ment course on African American studies,
But none of that makes up for saying it “significantly lacks educational val-
what the place really was. gINts IVUsKaNs/aFP/getty Images
ue.”) On Friday, DeSantis blamed the state
All the Black people lived on one A service member trains at the Mezaine military training ground in Latvia on Sept. 10, 2022. Department of Education — “I wasn’t in-
side of town, and all the White volved,” he claimed — but also defended the
people lived on the other. Our LEE hockstadER abomination: “They’re probably going to
churches were separate. We went to show that some of the folks that eventually
school together, but it was at school
that I was called or heard the n-word
from White students on a weekly
basis. The racism of my small town
NATO’s front-line nations parlayed, you know, being a blacksmith into
doing things later in life.”
Where to begin? I’ll start with my own
family history. One of my great-great-grand-
was naked and powerful; seething
hatreds were baked into its soil. And
when all the steel jobs disappeared,
leaving many on welfare, in poverty
face a rising Russian threat fathers, enslaved in Charleston, S.C., was in-
deed compelled to learn to be a blacksmith.
But he had no ability to “parlay” anything,
because his time and labor were not his own.
or desperate, those hatreds deepened They belonged to his enslaver. He belonged to
RiGa, Latvia

and the n-word flew more freely than tin gazes across the street at the Russian buildup needed to achieve that goal with his enslaver.
ever. n the day tens of thousands of Embassy, his face a grotesque skull against the political will and available resources of To pretend my ancestor was done some
As I got older and realized that I Russian soldiers stormed into a blood-red background. The image cap- most of the alliance’s member states. The sort of favor by being taught a trade ignores
was gay, my small town became for Ukraine last year, U.S. paratroop- tures the loathing Russia inspires for many prognosis is not encouraging. the reality of race-based, chattel slavery as
me a coffin lined with razor blades. ers from the 173rd Airborne Bri- Latvians, whose grandparents and great- Across most of Europe, years of anemic practiced in the United States. He was sold
But it wasn’t just my sexuality that gade, kitted out in full battle gear, landed at grandparents were rounded up by Soviet military spending produced rickety armed like a piece of livestock at least twice that I
made it uncomfortable. I was differ- the airport here in Latvia — a boots-on-the- forces and deported en masse to Siberian forces and meager weapons stockpiles. know of. To say he “developed skills,” as if he
ent. I thought differently. I began to ground symbol of Washington’s commit- concentration camps during and after Arming Ukraine has emptied arsenals had signed up for some sort of apprenticeship
question the things I had been ment to defend its most vulnerable NATO World War II. across the continent. Defense industry pro- program, is appallingly ahistorical. As was
taught, and I found no one in my allies in Europe. Russian propagandists train their ven- duction in the United States and Europe is true for the millions of other enslaved African
hometown who offered good an- On paper, that commitment has been om at the Balts — “Nazis” is a favorite inadequate to the task of arming and Americans, anything he achieved was in spite
swers. I was just told to be quiet: by ironclad since the U.S.-led alliance extend- epithet — and were enraged when Latvia, equipping the additional brigades Cavoli of his bondage.
my teachers, by my friends, by my ed its collective security umbrella guaran- shortly after the full-scale invasion of wants. And new investment to juice weap-
church and even by my parents. And tee to Latvia and its sister Baltic states, Ukraine, ordered the destruction of a So- ons assembly lines will take years to bear
then the smothering feeling set in, Lithuania and Estonia, almost 20 years viet Red Army monument in downtown fruit.
the wondering whether there was ago. In practice, fulfilling that promise Riga. It’s also unclear who will provide the To pretend my ancestor
more to life than what I was being would be a nightmare, given the current The Balts are bulking up their Lillipu- tens of thousands of additional NATO
shown. And I knew I had to escape. I lack of resources and the rising threat of tian defenses to prepare for a Russian quick-reaction troops Cavoli wants, given was done some sort of favor
wanted to meet different kinds of Russian aggression, which has mounted invasion, which many consider plausible that about two-thirds of NATO countries
people, I wanted different experi- exponentially. Neither Washington nor its within three to five years. Determined not fail to meet the alliance’s minimum target by being taught a trade
ences, I wanted to learn new things, European allies are ready. to be a free-rider in NATO, Latvia has raised of spending 2 percent of national output
and none of that was going to happen NATO reckoned drowsily for years with defense spending from 1 percent of gross annually on defense. ignores the reality.
in a small town in northern Ohio. I Moscow’s rising threat, then got a wake-up domestic product to 2.3 percent of GDP At Adazi, a base near Riga, a Canadian-
couldn’t wait to leave. call when Russian President Vladimir over the past decade; has reinstated the led NATO battalion is earmarked to grow
Putin launched his ruinous attack on draft; and is buying U.S.-made missiles and by a couple thousand troops to reach bri- What was the reality? In the years right
Ukraine 17 months ago. In its annual sum- German air defense systems. Insiders say gade strength, about 4,000 soldiers. Even before the Civil War, there was an enterprise
mit last week, the alliance adopted the defense minister is the only official who that modest upgrade will take at least three in Charleston known as “Ryan’s Mart” —
As I got older and 4,000 pages of secret plans to prepare hun- doesn’t break a sweat during the govern- years. By then, Moscow might already have colloquially called “Ryan’s n----- jail.” Occupy-
dreds of thousands of U.S. and other rapid- ment’s annual budget negotiations. reconstituted its own brigades depleted in ing the width of an entire block, the premises
realized that I was gay, reaction troops from bases across Europe But Latvia, the size of West Virginia and Ukraine. consisted of an open yard surrounded by four
to defend front-line states, including the with a population under 2 million, shares The outlook was no more heartening buildings. There was a four-story barracoon,
my small town became Baltics. The mission: “deterrence by deni- 240 miles of borders with Russia and its when I visited Lielvarde Air Base in Latvia, or barracks, where Black men, women and
al,” meaning stopping Russian troops be- vassal state Belarus. Its own forces would where a small fleet of U.S. Blackhawk heli- children were housed, usually in chains,
for me a coffin lined fore they can seize an inch of NATO terri- be scarcely a speed bump if Russia did copters trains to ferry combat troops to the pending sale. There was a free-standing
tory — and potentially subject the bloc’s invade. The Latvian navy, whose offensive front to repel invaders. It depends on a kitchen so the merchandise could be fed.
with razor blades. front-line states to the risk of atrocities like capacity consists of five small patrol boats, supply line so flimsy that spare rotor blades There was a small morgue for lost inventory.
those committed in Ukraine. “is a coast guard, frankly,” according to its take up to three weeks to arrive from U.S. And in front, where buyers entered, there was
But those plans, and the dollars, euros commander, Capt. Maris Polencs. factories. “In a crisis, we’d be grounded in a an auction gallery where bargains in flesh
My story isn’t unusual. There are and political will to fulfill them, remain in A 2016 study by the Rand Corp. conclud- week or two,” Lt. Col. Lukas B. Berg of the were consummated.
many like me in this country. People doubt. And nowhere are those doubts ed that Russian ground forces could cap- U.S. 3rd Infantry Division, the helicopter Only the haunted gallery remains, thought
who could not wait to put their small deeper than in the Baltic states, where ture Riga and Tallinn, capital of neighbor- task force commander, told me. to be the lone surviving building in the state
hometowns in the rearview mirror Russia’s threat is existential. ing Estonia, in two to three days. “Without NATO retains enormous power, as it where enslaved people were auctioned. In
because they couldn’t or wouldn’t “If you want to prove that the alliance is U.S. support, we are done,” said Andis demonstrated this spring with its largest- 1988, the city government acquired the prop-
fall in line. People who dreaded the real and credible, this is the place,” said Kudors, a Latvian scholar. ever air exercise, which included erty, eventually opening it to the public as the
thought of going back to them on Kristine Berzina of the German Marshall The Pentagon has deployed more than 10,000 personnel and 250 aircraft, about Old Slave Mart Museum to tell the story of
holidays because, at the moment Fund, which organized a research trip to 20,000 additional troops to European bas- 100 of them from the United States. The slavery in Charleston. Last month, the new,
your feet land on the ground where Latvia for several transatlantic security es since Russia’s full-scale invasion of alliance gained more muscle in the Baltic more comprehensive International African
you were raised, the memories come experts and me this month. Ukraine, bringing U.S. strength across the region when Finland joined this spring American Museum opened a mile away at the
flooding back. You dread the mo- The Baltic states — colonized by imperi- continent to at least 100,000. U.S. Gen. and will be further bolstered by Sweden’s site of Gadsden’s Wharf, where more en-
ment when you run into someone al Russia, then subjugated by the Soviet Christopher G. Cavoli, the supreme allied likely accession later this year. slaved Africans were brought ashore than
from high school who wants to talk Union for much of the 20th century — have commander Europe, is leading an effort to Nonetheless, Cavoli and his successors anyplace else in the country.
about how great it was. But you have been warning for years that Putin would muster some 300,000 rapid-reaction have their work cut out, and the urgency is I have looked through the new Florida
nothing to add to this conversation not be content to live within Russia’s exist- NATO troops, roughly eight times the clear. Without renewed resolve from curriculum to see whether that sentence
because you don’t remember the ing borders. They were ignored in Wash- strength of the current force. The goal is Washington and major European capitals, about “personal benefit” might be a singular
glory days in quite the same way. And ington, London, Paris and Berlin. that they could deploy to defend front-line the Kremlin is likely to regard NATO’s aberration, and it is not. Yes, the standards do
you dread the assumption that many Today in central Riga’s handsome Art states in 10 to 30 days. front-line states as tempting targets — and require that students be taught about the
will make that you somehow think Nouveau center, a two-story banner of Pu- The problem is aligning the massive soft ones. horrors of slavery. But they also leave some
you’re a big shot simply because you very wrong impressions.
ran for your life. The curriculum mandates that teachers
You were the “weird girl” who had RamEsh PonnuRu “examine the various duties and trades per-
an opinion and had no interest in formed by slaves (e.g., agricultural work,
being a cheerleader. You were the boy
who couldn’t play sports. You were
the one who thought just a little too
The future isn’t what it used to be painting, carpentry, tailoring, domestic serv-
ice, blacksmithing, transportation).” That
suggests a smorgasbord of career options, but

much outside the box. I see you. You in fact the vast majority of enslaved African
were different. For you, these places merican politics is awash in nos- wonder why we are so ungrateful. May- even those of us with no personal memo- Americans were forced to do backbreaking
represent the mind-set and mores talgia. It’s bipartisan, and it be it’s the negative bias of the news ry of it. work as field hands. Very small numbers were
you were so keen to put behind you. starts at the top. All of our recent media, they speculate, or the natural This idea of progress was not merely employed otherwise.
You can see our national mythol- presidents have trafficked in it. wistfulness of an aging society. Or may- material. The civil rights revolution was Florida wants students to study “how trad-
ogy around small towns shot through Donald Trump’s inaugural address in be our unhappiness is not mostly a making our society more just. Most ing in slaves developed in African lands (e.g.,
our culture. It is everywhere, in every 2017 portrayed a nation that had fallen matter of economics. Social conserva- Americans trusted the government to Benin, Dahomey)” and “the practice of the
Hallmark movie where the success- from its peak because “a small group in tives point to declining rates of church solve problems and work in the public Barbary Pirates in kidnapping Europeans
ful, young city woman returns to her our nation’s capital” had plundered the attendance and marriage as causes of interest. During the 1960s and 1970s, that and selling them into slavery in Muslim coun-
hometown because her urban life is country for years while “struggling fami- lamentation, although they cannot pine confidence cratered. (It partly recovered tries.” In other words, I guess, “Black people
an empty one full of loneliness and lies” were left with “little to celebrate.” for the higher divorce and abortion rates in the 1980s and early 1990s and then started it” and “White people were slaves,
streetlights. In this version, the real President Biden says our economy has we had 50 years ago. resumed its downward trajectory.) Even too.” Students are also to be taught that the
meaning of life comes from being been lagging behind other countries, at if that confidence was misplaced, as it first Africans brought to Jamestown in 1619
surrounded by men in boots and least until he took office, and that mis- certainly was in the 1960s, it’s under- were technically indentured servants. Show
women in housedresses. Nothing guided policies have been impoverishing standable that we would regret losing it. me the indenture documents.
could be further from the truth. the middle class for 40 years. Most Americans used to trust Social changes have continued, often The problem with all of this is that it seeks
I have had awful things happen to Americans agree that the present using the civil rights struggle as a model. to contextualize American slavery as some-
me in the city. But nothing more doesn’t measure up to the way things the government to solve But even as most Americans see same-sex thing other than what it was: a unique
awful than things that have hap- used to be. In April, the Pew Research marriage as a social advance, the convic- historical crime, perpetuated over 21/2 cen-
pened to me in the country. And we Center reported that 58 percent of re- problems and work in the tion that the arc of history bends toward turies. Slavery was practiced here on an
need to start shedding this idea that spondents to its survey said life for people justice, as the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. industrial scale, based on race and the belief
purity and goodness reside only in like them is worse than it was 50 years public interest. During the liked to say, has faltered. in white supremacy, with not just individu-
the places with one stoplight. ago. The sheer size — and current age — of als but also their descendants consigned to
So, all you weirdos out there who There’s some debate over what ac- 1960s and 1970s, that the baby boom generation is surely re- lifelong servitude.
escaped your small town? I see you. I counts for this sentiment. One school of sponsible for some of today’s nostalgia. The Florida curriculum does a similar trick
know what you went through. And I thought holds that economic trends am- confidence cratered. But not all of it. When its members were in interpreting the Jim Crow period. It calls
hope you have found a place where ply justify the public’s sense of decline. kids, the country really did look forward for studying “acts of violence perpetrated
you feel at home and comfortable According to this view, wages have stag- to what lay ahead more than we do now. against and by African Americans” — blam-
enough to be yourself. You were nated for decades, making it harder for I have a tentative theory about the hold The problem isn’t that we’re idealizing ing both sides — but then mentions the “1906
never a weirdo. There was never young people to marry and to start fami- the “good old days” seem to have on us. the past. It’s that the future’s not what it Atlanta Race Riot, 1919 Washington, D.C.
anything wrong with you. You are not lies. But the best evidence contradicts this Yes, we have more material possessions, used to be. Race Riot, 1920 Ocoee Massacre, 1921 Tulsa
depraved. Sometimes we’re just born story. The Congressional Budget Office more wealth, more access to medicine If I’m right, then convincing Ameri- Massacre and the 1923 Rosewood Massacre.”
where we don’t belong. And someone reports that households in the middle of and more educational opportunities for cans that we were poorer than we remem- All of those atrocities, and many more, were
creating an idyllic and violent fanta- the pack had income growth of 26 percent our children than we did 50 years ago. But ber in the old days will not suffice to White riots against innocent Black victims.
sy of “community” of the place you from 1990 to 2019 — and of 55 percent if living standards were rising more rapidly change our mood. We will have to find a What happened happened. We will not
had to leave behind doesn’t change you count taxes and government benefits. back then. And that steady upward move- way to recapture yesterday’s way of look- move forward until we truthfully acknowl-
that one bit. Those impressed by such statistics ment is a large part of what we miss — ing at tomorrow. edge where we’ve been.
A20 eZ Re the washington post . tuesday, july 25 , 2023

Netanyahu coalition approves measure to initiate overhaul of judicial system

ISrAel from A1 Protesters, some of whom have
been camping in the heat of
independent, and no side will central Jerusalem for days,
take it over,” Netanyahu said in poured into the parks and plazas
an address to the nation monday around the Knesset after mon-
evening, adding that he was open day’s vote, joined by throngs get-
to compromise on other parts of ting off trains from Tel Aviv.
the judicial overhaul. Police used water cannons and
The prime minister and some horse patrols to disperse crowds
of his allies signaled that the vote that tried to block roads into the
was necessary to appease his parliament compound through-
most extreme coalition partners out the day. They dragged dem-
and that there were no imminent onstrators out of roadways, in-
plans to push through the rest of cluding military veterans and
the legislative package. But other reservists who linked arms as
coalition partners said they were they lay on the hot pavement.
just getting started. more than 2,000 demonstra-
“We will, God willing, respon- tors marched along a Jerusalem
sibly continue to pass these laws,” highway at rush hour, according
finance minister Bezalel to media reports. By nightfall,
Smotrich told reporters outside crowds had gathered in Tel Aviv,
the Knesset after final passage of the center of the protest move-
the first bill. ment, and other cities.
The mixed messaging high- Conservatives contend that
lighted concerns that Netanyahu, monday’s change was crucial to
beholden to Smotrich and others reining in a judiciary that has
for his narrow majority and beset usurped parliamentary authority
by health concerns, is not in and is hopelessly biased toward
control of events, as the country Israel’s leftist elite. Critics say it’s
is rocked by domestic instability a power grab that would gut the
and a resurgence of violence long-standing balance of power
across the occupied West Bank. between the legislative and judi-
“We have no prime minister,” cial branches.
opposition leader Yair Lapid said The division reflects a widen-
in a televised statement. “Netan- ing gap in Israelis’ view of their
yahu has become the doll of country and vision for its future.
messianic extremists.” for the ultra-orthodox and
The effort to weaken the judici- ultranationalist parties that gave
ary has split the country since the Netanyahu his four-seat majority
proposal was launched unexpect- ammaR aWad/ReuteRs in the Knesset — bringing him
edly just days after Netanyahu’s demonstrators assemble on the street in Jerusalem. The legislative effort to weaken the judiciary has split Israel since the proposal was back to power after a year and a
new right-wing government took launched unexpectedly just days after Prime Minister benjamin netanyahu’s new right-wing government took office in late december. half on the sidelines — the courts
office in late December. Yariv have been a barrier to their long-
Levin, the justice minister, intro- homes of government ministers. warnings from top generals that Netanyahu to temporarily pause was at risk. The Israel Business standing ambition of centering
duced a package of Knesset bills In allowing the measure to Israel’s defensive readiness could the judicial overhaul. forum, a federation of 150 of the religious conservatism in public
that would give the ruling parties proceed, Netanyahu brushed be impaired if enough reservists Bankers said deposits and in- country’s largest companies, spaces and government policy.
more power to override Supreme past a remarkable and growing follow through on the threat. vestments had already begun to shuttered malls, law firms and The court has limited draft ex-
Court decisions and select judges. chorus of entreaties from busi- The country’s largest labor fed- flee the country. The shekel and gas stations. emptions for Yeshiva students,
The package included legisla- ness and security leaders, includ- eration, whose own compromise the Tel Aviv stock exchange plum- Several advocacy groups said for example, and been a check on
tion that would stop the Supreme ing a rebuke late Sunday from proposal was rejected on Sunday, meted. they were preparing to challenge the confiscation of land in the
Court from blocking politicians President Biden, who told Israeli has said it may call a general High-tech leaders warned that the move in a petition to the West Bank, where some cabinet
convicted of crimes from serving media, “It doesn’t make sense for strike — a move that paralyzed Israel’s reputation as an open and Supreme Court, though it was members are pushing for de facto
in top government jobs under the Israeli leaders to rush this.” Israel in late march and forced innovative start-up incubator unclear what powers the court annexation.
judicial standard of “reasonable- After the vote monday, the now has to review the challenge for Israel’s more liberal resi-
ness.” That authority was White House reiterated its disap- to its authority. Scholars warned dents in the tech and cultural
stripped from the court in mon- proval: “As a lifelong friend of of a protracted legal crisis with- hubs along the mediterranean
day’s vote. Israel, President Biden has pub- out precedent in Israeli history. coast, the courts have been one of
Without a written constitu- licly and privately expressed his Hopes for a last-minute deal the few counterweights to the
tion, the courts have used the views that major changes in a rose and fell several times growing power of the right wing.
reasonableness doctrine to block democracy to be enduring must throughout the day. Herzog — reducing judicial authority, they
certain decisions and appoint- have as broad a consensus as who has warned that Israel is at say, risks putting Israel on the
ments. Earlier this year, in a case possible,” press secretary Karine risk of “civil war” — met with path to autocracy and even theoc-
that infuriated conservatives, the Jean-Pierre said in a statement. Netanyahu at the hospital after racy, with religious leaders dic-
court forced Netanyahu to fire a “It is unfortunate that the vote returning late Sunday from a visit tating more aspects of civic life.
key political ally — ultra-ortho- today took place with the slim- to Washington. Netanyahu also Nadav Argaman, the head of
dox party leader Aryeh Deri — mest possible majority.” talked to Lapid on monday, but Israel’s Shin Bet security agency
from his twin appointments as Across Israeli society on mon- the opposition leader announced until 2021, lamented that Netan-
health and interior minister. Deri day, the fallout was fast and shortly before voting began that yahu had been “captured by the
was convicted of tax fraud in far-reaching. compromise talks had collapsed. hands of a coalition that has lost
2021. more than 10,000 military re- organizers of demonstrations touch with the people.”
Critics said Netanyahu could serve pilots, cyber experts and that have drawn tens of thou- “We will fight with all the tools
now not only reappoint Deri but other service members pledged sands of Israelis into the streets at our disposal,” he told demon-
also fire Israel’s independent at- to skip their training duties if the week after week since January — strators in Jerusalem.
torney general, Gali Baharav-mi- coalition pushed the legislation a grass-roots spectrum of veter-
ara, who has angered coalition through. Netanyahu was sched- KoBi Wolf/BloomBeRg NeWs ans, academics, tech workers and Rubin reported from tel aviv. miriam
members by not prosecuting peo- uled to meet after the vote with Police arrest protesters outside the Knesset, where lawmakers doctors — said passing the bill Berger in Washington contributed to
ple who have demonstrated at the the army’s chief of staff amid voted to strip some authority from Israel’s Supreme Court. would unleash even greater fury. this report.

A longtime friend of Israel, Biden grapples with navigating its sharp right turn
bIden from A1 invited to Washington since Ne- has never been enough for law- elite judges. monday’s action was ent leaders in Israel.” long-persecuted people.
tanyahu regained the prime min- makers or the White House to just the first step, they add, “President Biden, more than In recent years, Israel has
While Israelis have taken to ister’s office in November. take significant steps toward cut- saying they also plan legislation anyone I know, is in his gut become more powerful, its treat-
the street by the hundreds of As Netanyahu has pressed ting aid. allowing the Knesset to overturn committed to Israel’s security, ment of the Palestinians has
thousands to declare the judicial ahead with his judicial overhaul, The Washington Post and oth- court opinions with a simple and that will never change,” become more controversial, and
overhaul vote “undemocratic,” in part at the urging of his er outlets reported in 2021 on the majority. Blinken said friday. “But as such its government has moved sharp-
Jean-Pierre would use no such right-wing coalition partners, use by several nondemocratic The Supreme Court has long close partners and friends, we ly to the right. Netanyahu was
word. Biden has spent weeks trying to governments of Israeli-devel- been an irritant to Israel’s right share the concerns that we have central to all these shifts, at
In an early indication of how navigate the increasingly turbu- oped Pegasus spyware to hack wing. But Netanyahu’s overhaul with Israel, and I think it’s also times openly aligning himself
Biden will seek to navigate this lent moment in the U.S.-Israeli the phones of journalists and has torn the country apart, with born of our own experience as with the GoP — prompting a
diplomatic and political mine- relationship. Biden has been a political dissidents. Israel’s top hundreds of thousands of Is- democracies.” growing number of Democrats to
field, the White House said plans staunch supporter of the Jewish three defense export markets — raelis pouring into the streets for Netanyahu had a notably openly criticize Israeli policies.
for the president to meet with state for 50 years, often recount- India, Azerbaijan and Vietnam — months of protests. Numerous fraught relationship with former Dissent, too, has cropped up
Netanyahu sometime this year ing his meeting with former have independently drawn scru- reservists have said they will not president Barack obama, whom more often in the American Jew-
remain intact — but declined to prime minister Golda meir, and tiny from human rights organi- report for duty if the law went the Israeli prime minister fa- ish community.
specify when, where or how the he shares the view of many U.S. zations for their own abuses. through, an unprecedented ges- mously offended in 2015 by deliv- Biden has long been viewed as
two leaders might meet. The politicians that Israel is a vital more recently, some lawmak- ture in a country that puts the ered an address to a republican- an old-school Democratic Israel
encounter is likely to take place democratic ally in an often- ers, including Sen. Lindsey o. military at the center of its held Congress condemning backer, coming from a time when
sometime this fall, a National hostile region. Graham (r-S.C.), have com- national life. obama’s forthcoming Iran nu- support for Israel was more bi-
Security Council official said, But Netanyahu’s moves, which plained that Israel has not shown While liberal Democrats have clear deal. Tensions between the partisan than ever.
speaking on the condition of could greatly weaken the inde- enough support to Ukraine since become more willing to criticize two leaders simmered publicly “Biden’s experience with Israel
anonymity to preview future pendence of Israel’s judiciary, the russian invasion in 2022. Israel, republican figures, during the obama administra- is an Israel that just doesn’t exist
events. The official added that have challenged Biden’s agenda Israel has rebuffed Ukrainian backed by evangelical leaders, tion over the Iran deal and over any longer,” said Steven Cook, a
“the details will be worked out by of promoting democracy, putting requests for broader military have embraced the Jewish state Washington’s displeasure with senior fellow for middle East and
our teams to see what is feasible.” the president in a difficult situa- assistance, including advanced all the more closely. David fried- Israel’s expansion of settlements Africa Studies at the Council on
recent shifts in American pol- tion as he seeks to rebuke Netan- in the occupied West Bank and foreign relations.
itics appear to be complicating yahu while affirming his support its use of deadly force against Cook and other experts said
Biden’s position. rep. Pramila for Israel itself. Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Netanyahu is a savvy operator
Jayapal (D-Wash.) recently called Before monday’s vote, Biden “It is unfortunate that the vote took place today. Strip. with the political acumen to get
Israel a “racist state,” and it is found various ways to signal his obama and Netanyahu, at what he wants despite the public
clear a growing number of mem- displeasure without issuing an It happened with the slimmest possible majority.” turns, snubbed each other’s disagreement with Biden. But
bers of Biden’s own party are overly harsh statement. He told Karine Jean-Pierre, White House press secretary meeting invitations. And the ac- they also warned that the Israeli
questioning whether Netanyahu, New York Times columnist rimony culminated when the prime minister could be mis-
at least, fully shares those values. Thomas L. friedman, for exam- United States abstained from a judging the current moment.
Jayapal apologized for her re- ple, that his “recommendation to missile defense systems, citing a man, who served as U.S. ambas- 2016 U.N. Security Council reso- Shalom Lipner, senior fellow
marks, but while she declared in Israeli leaders is not to rush.” on desire to avoid an Israeli conflict sador to Israel under President lution calling for an immediate for the middle East Programs at
doing so that “I do not believe the other occasions, he has said with russia. Donald Trump, said in an inter- halt of Israeli settlement con- the Atlantic Council, said that
idea of Israel as a nation is simply that in democracies it is And liberal activists are in- view that Biden’s reprimands of struction in occupied Palestinian monday’s vote is a “watershed
racist,” she added, “I do, however, best not to make fundamental creasingly vocal about Israel’s Netanyahu were a “mistake from territory — the sort of resolution moment” and that it would be
believe that Netanyahu’s ex- changes unless they have wide- policy toward the Palestinians, the get-go,” given Israel’s precari- the United States consistently wise for Netanyahu to pay atten-
treme right-wing government spread support. including the construction of a ous position in the middle East. vetoed in the past. tion to how public opinion
has engaged in discriminatory for the moment, a significant large number of settlements in “Israel just needs a friend,” But through all that, the flow forms, especially in the United
and outright racist policies.” alteration in U.S. policy toward the occupied territories, which friedman said. “Support them, of aid from the United States to States, where a growing share of
republicans — seizing the mo- Israel appears unlikely. they say puts a two-state solution help them, make sure they have Israel remained strong. And the Democrats have expressed
ment to question whether Biden Israel has been Washington’s increasingly out of reach. what they need to defend them- obama administration in 2016 doubts about the direction of
is supporting Israel strongly biggest foreign aid recipient monday’s vote by the Israeli selves and to meet their security signed a 10-year memorandum Israel.
enough — held a vote after since the Jewish state’s founding Knesset, or parliament, stripped requirements. make it clear of understanding with Israel, The decision by Netanyahu to
Jayapal’s comment to reaffirm in the aftermath of World War II, the Israeli Supreme Court of its there’s no daylight between which pledges $38 billion in U.S. move so clearly toward the re-
U.S. support for Israel, a resolu- most of it through military aid. A power to overturn government America and Israel. And maybe military assistance from 2019 to publican Party was a strategic
tion that passed with an over- standing memorandum of un- decisions for being “unreason- behind the scenes you can be 2028 — the largest such security error, he added.
whelmingly bipartisan vote. derstanding between the two able.” In the absence of a written encouraging.” assistance package to date. “It would be shortsighted of
In the lead-up to the conten- countries provides for an annual constitution or a bicameral legis- The administration has Still, there is little doubt the Israeli decision-makers to put all
tious vote, Biden last week wel- average of $3.8 billion in military lature, that power has been a key framed Biden’s comments as the U.S.-Israel relationship is chang- their eggs in one basket,” Lipner
comed Israeli President Isaac and defense aid through 2028, check on a ruling coalition’s kind of honest criticism that can ing, a seismic if slow-moving said. “I don’t think the Israelis
Herzog to the White House and according to a report this year by ability to force measures through be made only by close friends shift in American politics and want to be in a situation where
restated his strong support for the Congressional research the Knesset, including by a very whose underlying bond is un- diplomacy. for decades, the emo- there’s a Democrat in the White
the Jewish state. Still, Herzog’s Service. narrow majority. questioned. Secretary of State tional bond between the two House and they broke those
role is largely ceremonial, and This is not the first time Supporters of the judicial Antony Blinken told NBC News countries was powered in part by ties.”
Biden’s invitation contrasted American politicians and activ- overhaul say it promotes democ- that Biden’s public remarks re- Israel’s creation shortly after the
pointedly with his approach to ists have raised serious concerns racy, elevating the power of elect- flect what “he’s shared privately Holocaust, when it was widely abigail Hauslohner contributed to
Netanyahu, whom he has not about Israel’s conduct. But that ed lawmakers over unelected, on several occasions with differ- seen as a crucial haven for a this report.

METRO tuesday, july 25 , 2023 eZ SU B

high today at JOhN KeLLY’s WAshiNGtON the District the District

approx. 1 p.m.
a story passed down over Camera enforcement of as a new police chief
8 a.m. Noon 4 p.m. 8 p.m.
88° generations may be bus-only lanes begins with awaits confirmation, the
precip: 80% memorable, but it doesn’t a warning period before city continues to see an
76° 86° 83° 75° Wind: s
6-12 mph mean it’s true. B3 fines of up to $200. B3 increase in homicides. B3

Hyundai Thieves
o≠ers free
anti-theft lift keys
upgrades at valets
Carmaker will run D.C.
drive-through clinic in
in D.C.
light of hot-wiring wave SECURITY REMINDER
Vehicle owners line up
Hyundai Motor Co. is opening new fobs and lock resets
a drive-through clinic in D.C.
offering owners of certain mod-
els free anti-theft software up- BY P ETER H ERMANN
grades to curtail a wave of thefts
inspired by social media reports James Bernard Tyler III said he
showing how to hot-wire the cars doesn’t like to be in D.C. too late at
with a UsB phone charger cord. night. But with friends visiting
The clinic will be open from 8 from out of state, the Maryland
a.m. to 7 p.m. July 27-31 at Lot 8 at resident made an exception on
the old RFK stadium, 2400 Inde- saturday.
pendence Avenue se. Officials As the group’s $765 dinner at
who announced the initiative on Del Frisco’s Double eagle steak-
Monday said the upgrades are phOTOS by JONaThaN NeWTON/The WaShINGTON pOST house on I street nW in the
expected to take less than an Oysters are headed to a man-made reef next to Fort Carroll. Last year, the Oyster Recovery Partnership provided 5 million CityCenter area drew to a close,
hour to install. oysters to the marylanders grow Oysters program’s volunteers to keep over the winter and plant in reefs this summer. police said someone swiped four
While a statement from the keys or key fobs from the valet

For volunteers, repopulating

D.C. government says the clinic is stand in front of the restaurant.
for District residents, a Hyundai If the theft was a precursor to a
spokesman said anyone who broader automobile heist, it
owns or leases a Hyundai that fits didn’t come to fruition. none of

bay with oysters is personal

the criteria will be not turned the vehicles were taken. But the
away, no matter where they live. victims, including Tyler, a 50-
no appointment is necessary. year-old retired D.C. police offi-
The program is being offered cer, now have to get new keys and
through a partnership with the reprogrammed locks, an inconve-
D.C. government. nience that Tyler said has re-
D.C. Mayor Muriel e. Bowser quired his time and could cost
(D) told reporters at Monday’s BY J OE H EIM Programs connect residents to essential to repopulate native oysters him money, depending on how
announcement that police are
work for the Chesapeake’s ecosystem in the Chesapeake and its much his insurance and the valet

focused on “pushing down vio- urt Koenig spent about tributaries. Koenig, who grew company cover.
lent crime.” But, the mayor said, nine months taking up in Texas but came to love Tyler said he had told his
“stealing people’s property is also loving care of his baby the Chesapeake when he was guests from Mississippi before
something we’re going to fight to oysters. They weren’t much in the navy, is one of approxi- the night began: “I don’t like to be
defeat in our city.” she said that to look at but he was deter- mately 1,500 volunteers in out this late in D.C. because stu-
having a car stolen is “stressful, mined to keep them safe. Maryland taking part in pid stuff happens.”
frustrating, maddening and cost- Last fall, Koenig picked up Marylanders Grow Oysters, a “Then it happened,” he said.
ly.” three five-gallon buckets full nonprofit group that helps Car thefts and robberies are up
Auto theft in D.C. has spiked of spat — oyster larvae at- residents raise oysters and precipitously in D.C. this year
117 percent this year, compared tached to oyster shells — and participate in the repopula- over last, and restaurant valets
with this time in 2022, according brought them to his home on tion plan. have occasionally been targeted,
to police statistics. so far this nabbs Creek in Glen Burnie. “I’m just trying to do my including in February and during
year, 4,048 vehicles have been He emptied the buckets into part to keep the bay clean,” Christmastime last year, accord-
stolen in the District. Acting D.C. six cages and lowered them Koenig, 60, said in a recent ing to police. Authorities record-
police chief Pamela A. smith said from his dock. each week he interview. “When I first was ed another incident on Thursday
about 1,400 of those were Hyun- knocked the cages about to introduced to the Chesa- night at Kitchen + Kocktails in
dais. keep them clean. In the cold peake in the mid- to late ’90s, the 1300 block of I street nW, on
“some of those are being used weather he dropped them to it still had a lot of problems. Franklin square.
by individuals to commit other warmer water depths. When … In the 10 years I’ve been on A police report in that case says
crimes,” smith said. Auto thefts it got warm he raised them nabbs Creek I’ve seen the four people in a black Infiniti
have risen in other cities as well. again. creek really starting to flour- pulled up to the valet stand. As
In Prince George’s County in The goal was to keep the ish.” one person distracted the door-
Maryland, police have said thefts spat alive and thriving so marylanders grow Oysters program coordinator Carl Water pollution, disease man, others broke into the valet
of Kia and Hyundai vehicles they could be relocated to a Treff dumps oysters into buckets on the maryland Yacht and overharvesting in the box and stole keys to several
accounted for nearly one-sixth of reef in the Chesapeake Bay as Club’s dock. “Anybody that participates in these programs, 20th century devastated the vehicles, according to the report.
all thefts in 2022. part of a broad, ongoing ef- they get a much better understanding of what’s wrong with Chesapeake’s oyster popula- They jumped back into the
Videos on social media fort in Maryland and Virginia the bay and what needs to be done to help it,” he said. see OYsTeRs On B2 Infiniti and the driver took off.
showed people how to take apart But police said a valet chased the
steering columns that exposed a vehicle on foot to 13th and K
nob that could be turned using a streets nW, where a BMW be-
UsB cable, igniting the ignition. “I’m just trying to do my part to keep the bay clean.” longing to a patron had been
Hyundai officials said the soft- parked. Police said the valet was
Kurt Koenig, one of about 1,500 volunteers taking part in Marylanders Grow Oysters
ware upgrade makes it so locking beaten while trying to stop at
the vehicle with a key fob will set least one person from getting into
see hYunDAi On B3 see TheFTs On B3

He was there when JFK was shot, DOrOthY GOODMAN | 1926-2023

and he’s over the conspiracy theories Co-founder likened the Washington
Those three shots in recent years, fueled by the
International School to a mini U.N.
— and the MAGA movement’s embrace of
conspiracy “alternative facts” and denial of BY A DAM B ERNSTEIN American universities and grew
theories that election results. Amplified by convinced that American public
followed — have keyboard warriors who’ve never Dorothy Goodman, who co- schools were failing to teach es-
haunted him for heard fatal gunshots or knocked founded the Washington Interna- sential language skills and pre-
Petula decades. on a door to ask questions, the tional school in 1966 to foster pare children for college and the
Dvorak now 91, Joe lies rage on — resulting in a what she called the “Wilsonian world beyond. As a young wom-
Carter was on the different type of harm. And now dream” of world peace, in part by an, she had seen the conse-
press bus in the Dallas the flash of conspiracy theories is disintegrating national barriers quences of such shortcomings in
motorcade that day in 1963. He being reignited by Kennedy’s through education, died July 23 a dangerous world, writing of her
has struggled in the 60 years own nephew, Robert F. Kennedy at her home in the District. she generation, “Upon us lies the
since, troubled by people whose Jr., who is challenging President was 97. responsibility of winning the war
wild ideas clashed with the Biden to become the Democratic The cause was congestive heart and winning the peace.”
dogged reporting he did in those Party’s presidential nominee in failure, said her son Matthew With the help of World Bank
early, raw moments after the 2024. Goodman. wives and Bryn Mawr alumni
assassination of President John A vocal anti-vaxxer who A native Minnesotan who bris- with teaching experience, Dr.
F. Kennedy. suggested the coronavirus was tled at the provincial world in Goodman opened what she called
“I didn’t know at that moment JOSeph CarTer engineered to spare Ashkenazi which she had grown up, Dr. the Little Language Class in the
how deadly those shots were,” Joseph Carter was a reporter Jews and Chinese people, Goodman left for postwar europe basement of her home in D.C.’s
Carter said. And by deadly, he’s on the scene when President equated mask mandates with the after college at Bryn Mawr to Cleveland Park neighborhood,
talking about more than the John F. Kennedy was Holocaust and said chemicals in work with refugee and relief or- initially with three 4-year-old pu-
clanging violence, more than the assassinated in Dallas in 1963. the nation’s water supply are ganizations. she trained in eng- WaShINGTON INTerNaTIONal SChOOl pils. enrollment reached 250 stu-
blood and brain matter he saw turning people transgender, land as a historian on a Fulbright Dorothy goodman initially dents by the early 1970s and more
on Jackie Kennedy’s clothes in not mention his role. “When I Kennedy is also reviving the scholarship before settling in the opened what she called the than double that by the end of the
the hospital, more than the did, very often some nitwit theory that the CIA had Washington area in 1956 with her Little Language Class in the decade, with children represent-
nation’s massive spasm of grief at would tell me what really something to do with his uncle’s husband, a British-born World basement of her home in D.C. ing more than 75 countries. “Our
his death. happened. shouting loudly. not assassination, that Lee Harvey Bank official. main thrust,” she later told The
“To me, it unleashed an daring to call me a liar, but Oswald was working for them. Their social life centered on sional life starting in the late Washington Post, “is that educa-
ugliness in the American people,” insinuating.” Beloved in his luxe circle of the international community in 1950s focused on the classroom. tion should not be parochial. In
he said. For decades, he would The cancer has metastasized see DvORAK On B2 Washington, while her profes- she taught history at Howard and see gOODmAn On B4
B2 eZ re the washington post . tuesday, july 25 , 2023

Oyster restoration links Md. residents to Chesapeake Bay

oysters From B1 better understanding of what’s
wrong with the bay and what
tion and oysters remain at histor- needs to be done to help it,” Treff
ically low levels, according to said. “So they just become gener-
organizations that monitor the ally good stewards of their local
bivalve mollusks. Water quality waterway, which ultimately is
continues to be a significant is- good for the bay itself.”
sue. A may report by the federal The replenishment effort is
Chesapeake Bay Program found about more than just increasing
that in 2020 the share of the bay numbers. oysters filter and clean
that met water quality standards the water and oyster reefs pro-
was in the mid 30 percent range, vide a welcome habitat for crabs,
not that much better than it was fish and other denizens of the
in the mid-1980s. Chesapeake.
But there are some encourag- And there’s a significant mon-
ing signs that community, state etary interest as well. oysters are
and federal oyster repopulation a $27 million-a-year industry in
efforts begun in the 1990s are maryland, according to the
making an impact. maryland Department of Natural
“I don’t know if we’re ever resources, and increasing their
going to get back to the way it was numbers is essential to the water-
pre-Colonial era … but it’s not men and processors who collect
like the future is bleak,” said and prepare them.
olivia Caretti, coastal restoration one aspect of the oyster re-
program manager for the oyster covery Partnership that is often
recovery Partnership, a mary- overlooked, Caretti said, is its
land nonprofit that helps oversee oyster shell recycling program.
oyster restoration projects in the The organization coordinates
Chesapeake Bay and its tributar- with seafood restaurants in
ies. maryland, the District, Northern
“We are making a really big Virginia and as far west as Pitts-
difference through all the part- burgh to collect used oyster
nerships that we have and all the shells so that they can be used in
effort that is going into this.” the seeding process when larvae
The oyster restoration pro- are attached to the shells and to
gram is the biggest of its kind in add to existing reefs. The part-
the world, Caretti said. Since it nership also purchases millions
began its work in 1994, the part- of oyster shells from shucking
nership has worked with the houses.
University of maryland Center “We’re trying to keep shells out
for Environmental Science Horn of the landfill any way we can
Point Lab and the maryland De- because it’s really valuable and
partment of Natural resources to PhoTos By JoNaThaN NeWToN/The WashiNgToN PosT critical for our operations,” she
plant more than 10 billion oysters said.
in reefs in the Chesapeake. By the gives them a deeper understand- aBove: Jason and tanya Last month, Koenig got re-
end of this year the total will ing of all of the critical issues krauch, owners of Pasadena warded for his diligent oyster
eclipse 12 billion. affecting the bay and what they seafood, dump thousands of care.
marylanders Grow oysters is can do to address them. “The oysters at the man-made oyster He delivered 2,400 healthy
one of the smaller programs run people who participate are really reef near Fort Carroll for the spat to the dock of the maryland
by the oyster recovery Partner- proud of the time that they put Marylanders Grow oysters Yacht Club in Pasadena where a
ship, which gets its funding from into maintaining the oysters that program. LeFt: oyster larvae boat waited to take them into the
grants and donations from feder- they’re growing,” Caretti said. attached to other oyster shells, Chesapeake. There, it will take
al, state and local government as “And there is a huge education are known as spat. the oyster two to three years for them to
well as corporations and individ- engagement component of that recovery Partnership reach market size.
uals. Last year, the partnership project.” coordinates with seafood As he thinks about his role in
provided 5 million oysters to the Carl Treff, who grew up on restaurants in Maryland, the returning oysters to the Chesa-
volunteers with marylanders maryland’s waterways and orga- district, Northern virginia and peake, Koenig said he recalled
Grow oysters to keep over the nizes volunteers and oyster col- as far west as Pittsburgh to reading passages about early ex-
winter and plant in reefs this lection for the marylanders Grow collect used oyster shells so that plorers who described the crystal
summer. That’s a drop in the oysters program, agrees that get- they can be used in the seeding clear blue water of the bay and
bucket in terms of the overall ting ordinary people involved in process when larvae are oysters the size of dinner plates.
numbers, but the program is oyster restoration increases their attached to them and to add to “You just gotta think,” Koenig
essential, Caretti said, because it overall interest in the health of existing reefs. said, “that one day, maybe not get
connects marylanders to the es- the bay. back to crystal clear blue water,
sential work being done to re- “Anybody that participates in but we can keep getting better
build the oyster population and these programs, they get a much and better than we are.”

Petula dvorak

Reporter balks at Kennedy falsehoods

dvorak From B1 and 31 years old working as a something nasty along that
police reporter in United Press fence. Nothing happened. They
conspiracy-theory-embracing International’s Dallas bureau were great.”
friends in malibu and Napa when his editors asked him to He boarded the press bus and
Valley, Calif., Kennedy also join the presidential team sensed the relief of the White
doubts that Sirhan B. Sirhan covering Kennedy’s visit on Nov. House press corps. “There were
acted alone in the assassination 22, 1963. no nasty signs as we drove
of his father, Sen. robert F. He remembers the tension toward downtown,” he said.
Kennedy, in 1968. He even told among the press corps that day. Then suddenly, the caravan
The Washington Post’s Tom Texans weren’t supposed to stopped. “We all leaped to our
Jackman about his prison visit have high regard for the feet,” he said. They anticipated a
with Sirhan. Kennedys and their Camelot. conflict.
Kennedy family members During the campaign in 1960, a “But Kennedy stopped to talk
were denouncing his claims all hostile, conservative crowd and to, you know, shake hands
week. swarmed and harassed then- with some school kids,” he said.
Jack Schlossberg, John F. Senate majority Leader Lyndon Again, they exhaled.
Kennedy’s grandson, called his B. Johnson and even grabbed Then, those three shots.
cousin’s campaign an Lady Bird’s gloves and threw Carter had recently left the
“embarrassment” and a “vanity them in the gutter. Two years Army, where he was trained to
project” in an Instagram post. before he was assassinated, the same level of marksmanship
“I’ve listened to him. I know him. Kennedy was rebuked by Ted that oswald, the shooter, had
I have no idea why anyone thinks Dealey, then the publisher of the reached in the marine Corps.
he should be president,” he said. Dallas morning News, who said He ran toward the front of the JaBiN BoTsford/The WashiNgToN PosT

Schlossberg accused him of at a White House luncheon “that bus, toward the gunshots. The democratic presidential hopeful robert F. kennedy Jr. testifies at a congressional hearing last month.
“trading in on Camelot, celebrity, the country needs a man on other reporters, used to covering John F. kennedy’s nephew has amplified conspiracy theories about his uncle’s assassination.
conspiracy theories, and conflict horseback, and Kennedy is riding policy and politics, looked at him
for personal gain and fame.” around on Caroline’s tricycle,” in horror and awe as he tried to Carter and an entire nation of Washington after that questioning their origin — keep
Carter said he places him in Stephen Fagin, curator of the stop the bus and get off. journalists followed tips and tumultuous year. He eventually Carter from exhaling.
the “nitwit class,” but said his Sixth Floor museum at Dealey Instead, the bus sped on and leads after oswald was arrested. retired in his native oklahoma, “Let me say, there are not
name gives his lies a larger Plaza, told The Post. Carter followed the story, The work in those days — back where he was born during alternative facts. What
platform and a “funky “Now I was being a very winding up in the hospital, knowing how hard everyone ran the Dust Bowl, where his dad was happened, happened,” he said.
credibility.” cautious reporter,” Carter said, where he watched a bronze down every possibility, triple- a cowboy trying to feed eight kids “But you know, with Bobby
“He undermines much more remembering the people casket wheeled out and a stoic, checked every fact — and the during the Great Depression. Kennedy Jr. … I know the pangs
in America’s democratic system, gathered along a barricade to blood-spattered first lady follow exhaustive investigation by the But those three shots — and of losing your father and he lost
in my view,” Carter said. “This greet the Kennedys as they it. He used his last dime to phone Warren Commission convinced the idea that popular culture’s his father and that’s so sad. But
part I take personally.” arrived at Love Field. “I was that scene in. Carter that oswald acted alone. obsession with conspiracy that doesn’t mean he gets to twist
Carter was an Army veteran waiting for someone to do In the days that followed, Carter had a long career in theories began with a nation history.”


Suspect in fatal shooting charged with hate crimes argument about a parked car
blocking Smith’s driveway. The
the front window at people,
killing mario mireles’s father,
men “tussled over the gun.” Nicolas, who came to his son’s
BY J ASMINE H ILTON del County state’s attorney’s of- mireles, 27-year-old mario Anto- Smith’s indictment included “During the tussle, mr. Smith aid, the charging documents
fice. nio mireles ruiz and 24-year-old charges involving six surviving shot mario mireles. He also shot said.
A 43-year-old man has been Charles robert Smith, who is Christian marlon Segovia, ac- victims, including three who Christian Segovia,” police said in The investigation is ongoing.
charged with three hate-crime White, faces 42 counts in total in cording to a state’s attorney’s were shot and another three who the charging documents. “mr. Smith is currently being jailed
counts in the fatal shooting of an indictment filed Friday, in- office news release. mireles and were uninjured. Smith then stood over mario without bond.
three Hispanic men over a park- cluding first-degree murder, at- mireles ruiz were father and According to charging docu- mireles and shot him several An attorney listed in online
ing dispute at a large party in tempted murder, assault and son. The victims’ families had ments, on June 11, Smith con- more times.” court records for Smith said he
Annapolis in June, according to firearms offenses in the shooting called for hate-crime charges at a fronted mario mireles before Smith went inside his house to was no longer representing
court filings and the Anne Arun- that killed 55-year-old Nicolas vigil last month. pulling out a gun during an grab a rifle before shooting out Smith.

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tuesday, july 25 , 2023 . the washington post eZ sU B3

Every family has

the District

Four killed in another

stories. Some are violent D.C. weekend
too good to be true. The city is on track
did not comment on a possible
motive; efforts to reach the vic-
tims’ families were not success-
to record its most ful.
Every family has Church. “Hacker’s family hopped Earlier on Saturday, about 6:45
them: stories that the first ship to the colonies.”
homicides since 2003 a.m., police said Antoine Ealey,
have been passed Except, roger wrote: “right 43, of Southeast Washington was
down from name, wrong Hacker.” found fatally stabbed in the 2300
generation to diane Maddex’s mother liked BY P ETER H ERMANN block of L’Enfant Square SE, just
John generation, to tell people that her own AND O LIVIA D IAZ off Pennsylvania Avenue SE, near
Kelly's shared at mother, born Myrtle McCarroll Anacostia Park.
Washington holidays, reunions in 1886 in Topeka, Kan., was four people were killed in D.C. Police said he had been
and funerals. almost adopted by Mark twain. since friday, including two men stabbed multiple times with a
But just “In researching our family shot in the same incident in the sharp object. Authorities did not
because a story is memorable, it history, I solved this intriguing Columbia Heights neighborhood, describe a possible motive.
doesn’t mean it’s true. I asked mystery,” wrote Diane, who lives as the city continues to see in- Ania Ealey, Antoine Ealey’s
readers to share these faulty outside of Tucson. creasing homicides with a new younger sister, said her brother
family memories. It’s true that myrtle had a police chief on board. was the kind of person who put
Johnny Bilheimer’s complicated childhood. Her D.C. had recorded 138 homi- everyone before himself, and
grandmother, aleta Jessup (nee mother had taken off for the cides this year as of midnight worked hard to care for his sib-
Aleta Garrison), was a dyed-in- bright lights of Los Angeles, monday, an 18 percent increase lings and his daughter.
the-wool Southern girl who leaving behind three daughters. over this time last year. The city is “He was known as the golden
never wholly reconciled to the And there was a mr. Clemens in on track to record its deadliest child growing up,” Ealey, 35, said.
fact that the South had lost the Topeka around that time. year since 2003. July has been “He was very hard on us. He
Civil War — which, Johnny said, “But he was Gaspar particularly violent, with 21 ho- wanted us to be better.”
she often pronounced WAW-uh. Christopher Clemens, a micides in 24 days. Ania Ealey said her brother
Aleta’s father, sam, was from crusading lawyer who styled on July 17, mayor muriel E. had worked as a plumber, herbal-
Georgia. The youngest in the himself as a humorist and a Bowser (D) named Pamela A. ist and a naturalist, but he strug-
family, Sam had been too young writer in the vein of his Smith acting police chief while gled with depression.
to fight in the war. His next doppelgänger,” Diane wrote. “If she awaits D.C. Council confirma- “They last time I talked to him,
oldest brother was too young, anyone had attempted to do the tion for the permanent role. She he was very frail,” she said. “And
too. But the five oldest Garrison good deed of adopting a young inherits a shrinking police force the last time I talked to him, he
boys were old enough. In a girl in Topeka in the 1890s, it is a and a city facing increasing crime was doing drugs to cope with
memoir that Johnny’s safe bet that it was G.C. rather in almost every category. whatever he was fighting. … But
grandmother dictated into a tape than Samuel Langhorne No arrests have been made in he never gave up. I feel like he
recorder in 1979, she said the five Clemens.” the killings since friday. was getting to the point where he
of them went off to fight for the Growing up, the story Kathy The latest fatal shooting oc- was about to awaken to some-
South, “never to return.” Riley always heard about her curred Saturday night in the 1400 thing powerful, but before that
Wrote Johnny, of Silver grandfather Kline Ober was that block of Girard Street NW, in could happen, someone took his
Spring: “That’s a precise quote after World War I he was Columbia Heights. Police said the life.”
from my grandmother.” personally discharged from the victims were found a block apart; on friday, police said malik
Never to return. But Johnny Army by Gen. John “Black each was shot shortly before 10 Haggans, 27, of Bowie was found
also has a copy of a letter Sam Jack” Pershing. The tale was p.m. and pronounced dead on the fatally shot in the hallway of a
wrote in 1923 to his two children, that his wife, Kathryn, was so scene. residential building in the 600
including Johnny’s grandmother angry that he’d been stuck in Police identified the victims as block of 46th Place SE in the
Aleta. In it, Sam mentions that france after the war processing Luke Whitaker, 29, who had ad- Benning ridge neighborhood.
after fighting for the other soldiers as they went dresses in Northwest Washing- Police did not comment on a
Confederacy, four of his five home, she sent a strongly ton and in Prince George’s possible motive, and efforts to
brothers did return to Georgia, worded letter to the general. FaMily PhoTo County, and Zion Hollingsworth- reach family members were not
where they lived out their lives. Last year, Kathy, of marstons Joseph hauser was court-martialed for “missing movement” — his Hayes, 19, of Silver Spring. Police successful.
And the one who was “never mills, mass., found her navy boat left without him after he had to go to the bathroom.
to return?” He resettled in grandfather's discharge papers.
minnesota. And? “No personal discharge,” matt got a copy of his great- coxswain if he could use the
from one civil war to another: she wrote. grandfather’s court-martial “head” — a.k.a. the bathroom — the District
Roger feeley is descended from Matt Mcdonell’s great proceedings from the Navy. It because he’d been stricken by
an Englishman named francis
hacker. That was not a name
you’d want to utter around
grandfather, Chief Gunners
Mate Joseph hauser, was a
legendary family figure, the
turned out that Hauser did not
shoot an officer but had been
busted for a pretty egregious
what is identified in the trial as
“montezuma’s revenge.” While
he was in the bathroom, the boat
Warnings going out for
London in 1600. Col. francis
Hacker was in Oliver
Cromwell’s inner circle and was
subject of many stories,
including one that as a Navy
sailor he had deserted, shot an
offense known as “missing
movement.” That’s when a sailor
or marine doesn’t get back to his
matt wrote: “As I tell people,
he missed a ‘movement’ because
bus-only lane violations
among the men who signed the officer, been court-martialed — ship on time, and it sails off he had a movement.”
death warrant for Charles i. and was acquitted. without him. Despite the court-martial, BY L UZ L AZO tion said.
“When Cromwell died, “Even my grandmother’s best Hauser had been selected by a Hauser spent 32 years in the The enforcement strategy,
Charles ii returned from exile friend told me that story in 2007 coxswain to help get other Navy; though, matt said, “It took D.C. transit users have long known as Clear Lanes, is a part-
and Hacker was drawn and after my grandmother’s death,” sailors to a ship. After landing on him 12 years to get a Good complained about cars and trucks nership between metro and
quartered,” wrote roger, of falls wrote matt, of oakland, Calif. shore, Hauser asked the Conduct medal.” blocking the red-painted bus DDoT to reduce the number of
lanes in downtown and other vehicles blocking bus lanes and
parts of the city. Those days may bus zones — the areas around bus
soon be over. stops. The city has 12.7 miles of bus

Thieves grab keys at D.C. valet stands The District and metro this
week are beginning to use camer-
as on 140 buses to ticket motorists
who drive, idle or park in bus-only
lanes, which are painted red and
feature signs that show the times
of day and the days of the week
when the lane is operating as bus-
lanes throughout the city. A warn- only.
thEfts from B1 places to keep boxes and keys “so operated by building manage- Tyler said he learned of the theft ing period began monday, with Cars are generally allowed to
they’re not readily accessible for ment. The statement says that no from an acquaintance at another fines up to $200 expected to start enter bus lanes within 40 feet of
the customer’s vehicle, and the someone to just walk by and grab vehicle was stolen and building table and headed outside, where in September. an intersection or driveway to
assailants escaped with that car. them.” officials “took protective mea- he found a scene of “chaos.” Transportation officials said make a turn or to enter a parking
The valet was treated at a hos- mayor muriel E. Bowser (D) sures … to reimburse guests any Tyler said the valet company is they expect the program to send a space. Bus lanes are open to bikes,
pital for head and facial injuries, said, “If you make it less easy to valet charges, pay for key replace- in contact with his car dealership message to drivers that the city’s scooters, emergency vehicles and
authorities said. Police said there steal your keys, then we’ll prob- ments, and offered Uber rides.” to work out an agreement to pay bus lanes are not to be used for other transit vehicles.
was a Glock handgun and ammu- ably have fewer keys stolen.” Efforts to reach a representa- for a new fob, which he said could parking, to pick up or drop off DDoT Director Everett Lott
nition in the vehicle. Attempts to “That’s not to say we don’t tives for Kitchen + Kocktails were cost up to $2,000. passengers, or to get ahead of said the enforcement will ensure
reach the valet and the owner want to live in a place where you not successful monday afternoon. He said his friends returned to other traffic. better accessibility at bus stops,
were not successful. can’t leave your valuables out and Tyler said Del frisco’s should their hotel after the dinner while Transit officials also hope the where he said parking “even a
At a news conference monday expect that nobody will steal have secured keys in a box inside he waited an additional two enforcement will speed up buses, minute” can disrupt bus opera-
to discuss ways to curtail auto them,” she said. “But this isn’t the restaurant. The valet told hours for his son to drive from which are subject to crawling traf- tions, such as preventing a bus
thefts, acting D.C. police chief mayberry. There are really no police that customer keys were on D.C. to his home in maryland, and fic, especially during rush hour. from being able to fully pull up to
Pamela A. Smith said officers mayberrys anymore.” a table in front of the restaurant, then return with spare keys. He The average speed of metrobuses the curb to pick up riders in wheel-
have been visiting city businesses Tim Whitlock, chief operating and that someone walked past said his vehicle had been parked has declined 9 percent in 15 years chairs or with mobility devices.
that use valet parking to discuss officer of Del frisco’s, said in a and grabbed several while he was securely in an underground ga- to less than 10 mph, transit offi- It’s not known how much mon-
crime prevention. She said they statement that the parking valet busy with a patron. The valet rage. cials said, slowed by an explosion ey the project could generate —
are advising valets to find secure station at its D.C. restaurant is could not be reached monday. “Times are just bad,” Tyler said. of delivery and ride-hailing vehi- none of which metro would re-
cles on city streets. ceive. DDoT spokesman German
“Keeping our bus lanes and bus Vigil said the agency doesn’t have
stop zones clear of traffic is a revenue estimates, adding that

Hyundai to o≠er free anti-theft upgrades in D.C. significant step to creating a bet-
ter bus experience,” metro Gener-
al manager randy Clarke said in a
the “program is the first of its
The bus-lane cameras are part
statement. The enforcement, he of a large-scale modernization
hyundai from B1 and Hyundai vehicles. said, will help keep bus riders and expansion of the city’s auto-
James Bell, head of corporate “moving safely and reliably, while mated enforcement program,
an alarm and activate an “igni- communications for Kia Ameri- positioning metrobus as one of which includes the rollout of cam-
tion kill” feature so it cannot be ca, said that company also held a the most sustainable and most eras that will look for violations
started without the key. software upgrade program for its cost-efficient ways to travel in DC.” regarding speed, red lights, stop
A Hyundai spokesman said vehicles at some D.C.-area dealer- The cameras aboard metrobus- signs and oversized vehicles. may-
that D.C. is the first location for ships. He said that if Hyundai’s es operating in D.C. will send im- or muriel E. Bowser’s budget for
the rollout of the drive-through drive-through clinic at rfK is ages of cars parked in bus lanes the fiscal year starting in october
clinic and that plans are to repli- successful, Kia may follow suit. and at bus stops to the city for projected using $578 million in
cate it elsewhere if successful. The Hyundai vehicles eligible ticketing. The city will mail warn- expected revenue from more than
Police officials credited the for the upgrade are: 2018-2022 ings to drivers starting this week, 300 new automated traffic camer-
organization of the event to Lt. Accent; 2011-2022 Elantra; 2013- while fines ranging from $100 to as, including the bus-mounted
megan mulrooney, who they said 2020 Elantra GT; 2013-2014 Gen- $200 will begin Sept. 18, the Dis- cameras, to help close a budget
thought of the idea while earlier esis Coupe; 2018-2022 Kona; trict Department of Transporta- shortfall.
distributing steering wheel locks 2020-2021 Palisade; 2013-2022
to drivers of Hyundais and Kias, Santa fe; 2013-2018 Santa fe
another company whose vehicles Sport; 2019 Santa fe XL; 2011-
are impacted by thefts. Wheel 2019 Sonata; 2011-2022 Tucson; MaTT MCClain/The WashingTon PosT

locks are still available at D.C.

police stations for 2011-2021 Kia
2012-2017 and 2019-2021 Ve-
loster; and the 2020-2021 Venue.
d.C. Mayor Muriel E. Bowser (d) is shown a hyundai at the end of
a Monday news conference announcing an anti-theft mobile clinic. take The Post for a run
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The reGion

Washington-area trails receive $25 million for construction and renewal

BY L ATESHIA B EACHUM been a recipient of a federal to the U.S. Department of Trans- previously received $20.5 million have been part of the chorus
rAISE grant.” portation. in rAISE grant funding for the Alsobrooks and the maryland
At least 15 miles of trails will
Federal funding will Alsobrooks’s office applied for The funds are part of a broad- construction of the New Carroll- delegation have been singing for
be constructed or revitalized in support Md.’s Central the grant in late february on er vision for connecting mary- ton multi-modal Transportation years as they wait on a decision
communities spanning Prince behalf of the Prince George’s landers under the administra- Station Project. about where the next fBI head-
George’s County, montgomery
Avenue Connector Trail County Department of Parks and tion of Gov. Wes moore (D) and miller on monday said the quarters will be placed — in one
County and D.C. with help from a recreation, montgomery Parks Lt. Gov. Aruna miller (D), which rAISE grant’s equity lens has of two Prince George’s locations
$25 million federal grant that and the District Department of has seen the relaunch of Balti- ushered in revitalization of his- or a spot in fairfax County.
local leaders highlighted on tive Angela Alsobrooks (D) has Transportation. Congressional more’s red Line and other proj- torically disinvested areas, and Standing on the site where the
monday. laid out to bring amenities to members and maryland Depart- ects, said Sen. Ben Cardin (D), she noted that trails can offer Central Avenue Connector Trail
The investment — part of a parts of the county that histori- ment of Transportation officials who lauded the Biden adminis- benefits such as reducing traffic, will be, longtime rep. Steny H.
competitive Department of cally have gone overlooked. wrote letters emphasizing the tration’s investments in mary- decreasing pollution and pre- Hoyer (D-md.) gave directions to
Transportation program that tar- “The completion of this proj- importance of the application. land. moore and miller joined serving the environment. where he grew up and attended
gets projects with national or ect will provide cyclists and pe- federal Highway Administra- Biden and Department of Trans- “The new trails and renova- school as a child, underscoring
regional impact — will advance destrians an alternative to high- tor Shailen Bhatt at the news portation Secretary Pete Butt- tions will provide access to our that he was delighted to see
more than $70 million in efforts way travel and will also provide conference underscored the igieg in January to launch the regional historically disadvan- “regeneration” in a familiar area.
to enhance recreational and eco- convenient access to the new competitive nature of the grants, B&P Tunnel replacement Pro- taged communities whereby “As the congressman who
nomic opportunities, local lead- regional hospital in downtown adding that $2.2 billion rAISE gram in Baltimore, which offi- 80 percent of the households grew up … just a couple of miles
ers said, improving trail access Largo, as well as schools and grants have been awarded out of cials said then would receive identify as Black or Hispanic and away from here, who went to
for nearly 300,000 residents. regional parks,” Alsobrooks said $15 billion for projects around more than $4 billion in federal where 90 percent of the house- high school here, who played
The award will support con- at a news conference, noting that the nation in the most recent support. holds are low income,” she said. baseball,” he said, “I am so glad to
struction of the Central Avenue it is the second rebuilding Amer- round of the grant’s funding. The list of projects federal “Equitable transportation is a see this $25 million, which seems
Connector Trail along the Blue ican Infrastructure with Sustain- Seventy percent of the grants officials announced this summer critical aspect of a just and like at the federal level, a rela-
Line Corridor, a key component ability and Equity (rAISE) grant are going to projects in places also included $20 million for thriving society as it enables tively modest sum, will have such
of the economic and community for the county in the past calen- defined as an Area of Persistent improvements at the mondaw- individuals to participate fully in a great impact, such a tremen-
development strategy that dar year. “I want everyone to Poverty or a Historically Disad- min Transit Station in Baltimore social, economic and civic life.” dous impact on this neighbor-
Prince George’s County Execu- hear that our county had never vantaged Community, according County. Prince George’s County Equity and more investment hood and our families.”

Co-founded ‘pilot school for the planet’

goodmAn from B1 heirs of the Tregaron property senting more than 100 countries. In 1953, she married raymond
when some wanted to sell the 21 Despite Dr. Goodman’s success J. Goodman, who retired as direc-
every way, we try to be a world bucolic acres to developers. A in getting WIS well underway, the tor of the World Bank’s East Asia
school.” long-running family dispute end- board forced her aside as head of and Pacific department. He died
Likening the Washington In- ed in 1980, with a sale that al- school in 1983. She stayed to work in 2016. In addition to her son, of
ternational School (WIS) to a lowed the school to take owner- on fundraising and curriculum, Washington, survivors include
mini United Nations, she empha- ship of the mansion and six acres Stephenson said, but Dr. Good- three other children, Jeremy
sized a functionally bilingual ap- of the immediate surrounding man tended to micromanage be- Goodman of Princeton, N.J., Har-
proach to all subjects. She called property. In 1997, the school sold yond her duties. That further riet Goodman of London and
her initiative “a pilot school for inflamed tensions that had earli- Sophia Goodman of Blooming-
the planet” because it offered a er stemmed from Dr. Goodman’s ton, Ind.; two sisters; nine grand-
broad-based, multilingual curric- unsuccessful effort to stop teach- children; and a great-grand-
ulum and insisted on a teaching “I was instinctively ers from unionizing. daughter.
staff with international back- Even if Dr. Goodman’s depar- After she left WIS, Dr. Good-
grounds. “She did not want Amer- against the Horace ture in 1985 was not on friendly man helped start short-lived
icans teaching french,” another terms, Stephenson said that “she charter schools in Washington.
founder, Cathya Stephenson, said Mann, Founding was an entrepreneur and vision- matthew Goodman said she grad-
in a phone interview. The pro- ary. Her vision has sustained the ually reconciled with WIS be-
gram attracted many children Fathers tradition that school ever since: the same at- cause of outreach by successor
whose parents were diplomats or mosphere, the same ethos.” heads of school.
worked for nongovernmental or- children must be Dorothy Bruchholz, the daugh- She made a video in which she
ganizations. ter of a banker and a homemaker, reiterated a long-standing impe-
Dr. Goodman oversaw the exposed only to was born in minneapolis on Jan. tus for the school: “I was instinc-
school’s acceptance into the elite 15, 1926, and graduated in 1942 tively against the Horace mann,
International Baccalaureate pro- Americans … and from miss Harris’ florida School founding fathers tradition that
gram, helped obtain vital grants for girls in miami and in 1946 children must be exposed only to
to keep the operation running taught American from Bryn mawr College, the Americans … and taught Ameri-
and looked for space to hold the women’s college in Pennsylvania can things.”
rapidly expanding student body. things.” where she helped bring former Suzanna Jemsby, the current
Its first formal home was an old dorothy Goodman first lady Eleanor roosevelt to head of school, said in a state-
elementary school on olive Street campus. ment: “The fact that the School
in Georgetown, which Dr. Good- Her post-college experience thrived is testament to Dorothy’s
man was able to obtain with the olive Street building and used working with relief organizations foresight, particularly in regard
$500,000 in ford foundation the money to buy a property for a in war-ravaged Europe inspired to the importance of being able to
support. In 1972, WIS also began new primary school on reservoir her further study of the Balkans, communicate in more than one
leasing space for upper grades in road in Georgetown. WIS, with and she obtained a fulbright language. … Her vision has en-
a stone-columned Georgian man- the middle and upper school still scholarship to attend the Univer- sured that thousands of students
sion on the Tregaron Estate in at Tregaron, now has more than sity of London’s School of Slavon- have developed an inclination to WaShIngTon InTernaTIonal SChool

Cleveland Park. 900 students and a community of ic and East European Studies. She engage with the world as true “our main thrust,” dorothy goodman said, “is that education
Dr. Goodman engaged with the parents, staff and students repre- received a doctorate in 1955. global citizens.” should not be parochial. In every way, we try to be a world school.”


Inspector general says EPA failed at driving Chesapeake Bay cleanup e≠ort
BY C HRISTINE C ONDON an exploration of potential differ- tion, maryland Department of the
ent or additional accountability Environment spokesman Jay Ap-
The Environmental Protection mechanisms” for nonpoint pollu- person did not directly address
Agency “did not fully embrace its tion. the inspector general’s recom-
leadership role” in the 2025 Ches- The inspector general’s office mendations.
apeake Bay cleanup effort, con- said ortiz’s responses did not re- He noted that “new leadership
tributing to its failure, according solve the concerns. Namely, its at the state and federal level pre-
to a report released Tuesday by staff members believe ortiz sents an opportunity to accelerate
the federal agency’s inspector hasn’t committed to establishing progress toward our shared clean
general. a new “assurance mechanism.” water goals” and emphasized
The report comes in the wake “our recommendations specif- working in partnership to ad-
of a painful consensus on the bay ically state that the regional ad- dress the challenge of nonpoint
cleanup: The states in the Chesa- ministrator should lead the Ches- pollution.
peake Bay watershed won’t meet apeake Bay Program,” the report As of 2021, only two of the
their promised goals to reduce read. seven jurisdictions involved in
pollution by 2025. “We’re not saying this is easy,” the bay cleanup effort were on
According to the office of In- Bergstrand told the Baltimore pace to meet their goals: D.C., and
spector General report, some of Sun. “There’s a lot of partners, West Virginia. And they have far
the blame falls at the feet of the there’s a lot of types of ‘nonpoint’ smaller roles to play in the overall
EPA, specifically the agency’s and it’s different for every state. … restoration, compared with key
mid-Atlantic region. It’s in charge What we’ve done with our report states like maryland, Pennsylva-
of the states that surround the is highlight the issue — the chal- nia and Virginia.
nation’s largest estuary and funds lenge — and make some recom- The EPA’s mid-Atlantic region
the Chesapeake Bay Program of- mendations to help the agency encompasses maryland, Dela-
fice in Annapolis, which coordi- address the challenge.” ware, D.C., Pennsylvania, West
nates the bay cleanup. The EPA has previously come Virginia and Virginia. New York is
The EPA had data as early as under fire for a perceived lack of part of the EPA’s region 2, but
2018 showing the bay restoration strong enforcement of the bay because it’s in the bay watershed
effort was off track, according to agreement, particularly during it works with the Chesapeake Bay
the report. But the agency was not President Donald Trump’s admin- Program on the cleanup effort.
able to steer the bay states in the MaTT MCClaIn/The WaShIngTon PoST istration. Pennsylvania is the furthest
right direction, said Paul Berg- The Chesapeake Bay Bridge is seen from Sandy Point State Park in Anne Arundel County last year. The In 2020 the state of maryland, from reaching its goals, due in
strand, who oversaw the team states in the Chesapeake Bay watershed won’t meet their goals to reduce pollution by 2025. alongside environmental groups large part to its high density of
that conducted the analysis from as well as Delaware, Virginia and agricultural operations, which
June 2022 to march of this year. “nonpoint” pollution, which in- The report called for the agen- restoration. D.C., sued the EPA over its han- send damaging pollution from
“once there’s data indicating crease with development and cy to “lead the Chesapeake Bay “It should be understood that dling of bay pollution from Penn- animal waste and fertilizer down-
that the goals are not going to be population growth, has been Program in developing a new ap- EPA alone does not have authority sylvania. They took that step after stream and into the Chesapeake.
met — which was in 2018 — as the much more vexing, imperiling the proach to specifically address to simply ‘set’ goals or target an EPA official under Trump stat- The state has more than 30,000
leader of the partnership, it’s real- progress of the bay cleanup. nonpoint source pollution” and to dates,” ortiz wrote. “EPA will con- ed publicly that the agreement small farms and dairies, most of
ly then incumbent on them to To a certain extent, the EPA is develop an “assurance mecha- tinue active engagement in the was an “informational docu- which are not federally regulated,
think through: ‘okay, what do we handcuffed by the federal Clean nism” to hold states accountable CBP partnership’s efforts to revis- ment” and “not enforceable.” according to Tuesday’s report. By
need to do now?’” said Berg- Water Act, which gives states for reducing nonpoint pollution. it the existing target date for In contrast, under President 2021, Pennsylvania had accom-
strand, assistant inspector gener- most of the control over nonpoint The inspector general also achieving the water quality goals.” Biden, the agency said in April plished 22 percent of its promised
al for special review and evalua- pollution, according to the in- called for the EPA to work with The committee’s recommenda- 2022 that it planned to increase reductions for nitrogen, 48 per-
tion at the office of Inspector spector general’s report. the Chesapeake Bay Program to tions, which could include a new the pace of environmental inspec- cent for phosphorous and 45 per-
General. But the report also points to set new goals for the bay states target date, are expected by late tions and penalties in Pennsylva- cent for sediment.
Namely, the EPA needed to con- President Barack obama’s 2009 and a new deadline for the clean- 2024. nia. And maryland and the rest of reducing nutrient pollution in
vince states to prioritize curtail- executive order focused on the up effort. ortiz sought to highlight the the litigants settled their lawsuit the bay is seen as critical to the
ing “nonpoint” sources of pollu- bay cleanup, which put the EPA in In a written response to a draft limitations of the Clean Water Act with the EPA this April. restoration because, in excess, ni-
tion, such as runoff that carries the driver’s seat, Bergstrand said. copy of the inspector general’s when it comes to addressing Under a settlement agreement, trogen and phosphorous contrib-
contaminants from farmland, ur- To that end, the agency could do report, Adam ortiz, the adminis- “nonpoint” pollution, and the fact the agency promised greater scru- ute to the overgrowth of algae,
ban and suburban areas, Berg- more to push states to address trator for the EPA’s mid-Atlantic that states participate in the bay tiny of agricultural operations which eventually starves the estu-
strand said. nonpoint pollution despite its region 3, noted that the latter cleanup on a voluntary basis. He and storm water pollution in ary of oxygen.
So far, the bulk of the pollution limitations. recommendation is underway. stated that the EPA’s role in the Pennsylvania, as well as funding maryland has achieved 58 per-
reductions the bay states have “There is an executive order Last year, the Chesapeake Bay Chesapeake Bay Program is as a assistance to help that state reach cent of nitrogen reductions, 74
achieved came from easy-to-iden- giving them a leadership role in Program’s Principals’ Staff Com- “partner, not a regulator.” its goals. percent of its phosphorous reduc-
tify “point” sources, such as the partnership. And so that is for mittee, of which ortiz is chair- He wrote that the EPA would be Asked if maryland would ben- tions and all of its sediment re-
wastewater treatment plants. Ad- them to take and run with, so to man, was tasked with reevaluat- willing to “lead, in collaboration efit from increased EPA leader- ductions.
dressing the large amounts of speak,” Bergstrand said. ing the 2025 deadline for the with the seven bay jurisdictions, ship on nonpoint source pollu- — Baltimore Sun
tuesday, july 25 , 2023 . the washington post EZ RE B5



The members of the Retired Suzanne Marie Johnson, formerly O’ Meara Elizabeth M. Smith “Betty” transitioned
Firefighters Association of of Washington DC and Lincoln Virginia, age peacefully on July 14, 2023. She was born
Washington, DC regret to an- 80, died July 10 in INOVA Fairfax Hospital to Effie and Napoleon Martin in Decherd,
nounce the passing of Cecil after a brief illness. She was born July 25, Tennessee and raised in Gary, West Vir-
M. Basinger, Sr. on July 20, 1942, in Boston, Massachusetts, to Yvonne ginia. She was baptized at an early age in
2023. Brother Basinger was and Daniel O’Meara. In approximately the Gary Apostolic Temple. She left Gary
appointed in November 1963 to Truck 16 1950 she moved with her family to Rock- for Washington, DC at the age of 18 and
and retired on January 8, 1994, from Truck ford, Illinois, where she attended school, made the District her home for the next
79 years. Upon arriving in Washington, DC,

better out
1, Captain. followed by a degree program in journal-
ism from Marquette University. In Wash- she joined the Metropolitan Baptist Church
ington she worked as an aide to former where she met her future husband Davie
Senator Joseph Clark of Pennsylvania and E. Smith.
served on the staffs of various committees
headed by Senator McGovern and others Elizabeth was, for many years, a member
addressing hunger in America. Govern- of the Metropolitan Baptist Church, serv-
ment service was followed, inter alia, by ing in many groups including the Women’s
BENNETT dedicated service supervising the care of
elderly family members. She was devoted
Club, Helping Hands Club, and Deaconess
Board. She later joined the Emmanuel

to opera and subscribed to the Washington Baptist Church and became a hardworking
GEORGE E. BENNETT National Opera since its first performances committee and dedicated Women’s Club
The members of the Retired at the Kennedy Center. She is survived by member.
Firefighters Association of her husband of 53 years, Richard; by her
Washington, DC regret to an- brother Peter O’Meara and two sisters in Elizabeth was preceded in death by her
nounce the passing of George law, Betty A. Johnson of Weymouth, Mas- parents, six brothers and a sister, and her
E. Bennett on July 22, 2023. sachusetts, and Susan O’ Meara of Orleans, beloved husband, Davie E. Smith, Sr. She
Brother Bennett was appoint- Massachusetts. Interment will be private. is survived by her children, Davie, Jr. (Jon-
ed on December 17, 1961, to Engine 31 Contributions in her name may be made to ica), and Keith (Amy); and her siblings, Alice
and retired on October 18, 1991 from Opera Lafayette, 921 Pennsylvania Ave. SE, Martin, Fanny Martin Smith, McKinley Mar-
Truck 11, Captain. Washington DC 20003. tin, and Pamela Butts; as well as numerous
nieces and nephews.

BOOKER MORTIMER A memorial service will be held 12 p.m. on

Friday July 28, at Emmanuel Baptist Church

Only one way

Washington, DC, followed by internment at
GISELE MURPHY BOOKER Lincoln Memorial Cemetery.
Gisele Murphy Booker of Clinton, MD, tran-
sitioned to “eternal life” during July 11,
2023. She was the loving wife of Ronald
Booker, the mother of Christine Booker
and Danielle Booker, and the grandmother
of Danielle G. Booker and Yanni Scott.
Family and friends are invited to Gisele’s

to find out.
Visitation on Monday, July 31 from 10 a.m.
until her Funeral Mass offered at 11 a.m.
at Holy Family Catholic Church, 2210 Call-
away St, Hillcrest Heights, MD 20748. Her
funeral arrangements are being conducted
by Kalas Funeral Home, 6160 Oxon Hill Rd.,
Oxon Hill, MD 20745.

On May 30, 2023, David Lee Coleman, 67, MARYJANE CANALE MORTIMER
passed away. He was the beloved son of 8/12/1957 - 7/22/2023
the late Ronald and Geraldine Coleman. MaryJane Canale Mortimer, 65, passed

Survivors include his brother Alan Coleman away peacefully on July 22, 2023 in Myrtle
and sister Gale Prisaznick. A private me- Beach, South Carolina from complications
morial is yet to be held in Lovettsville, VA. of Alzheimer’s. Born in New York City on
August 12, 1957, she grew up in Syosset
and Manhasset on Long Island and grad-
EAGLE uated from Marymount University in Ar-

Have you looked today?

lington, Virginia. After college, she met


Scott Mortimer of Springfield, Virginia; they
married in 1980 and settled in Bethesda,
Maryland where they raised three sons—
Edna Louise Eagle was born in Ansley, Ne-
braska on March 27, 1940 to Charles I. and Gregory, Christopher, and Michael—and
Edna Grayce Brown. Edna died suddenly lived for nearly 40 years before moving
on April 18, 2023 in Arlington, VA. She was to South Carolina. She is remembered for
preceded in death by her parents and her her extraordinary kindness, her timeless
brother “Bobby Brown.” Edna leaves to elegance and passion for style, her love of
mourn her husband of 62 years, Retired traveling, and her devotion to family. She
ACPD Detective Roscoe Eagle, her sister is predeceased by her parents, Robert and
Betty Hughes, and her sister-in-law Nellie. Charlotte Canale, and is survived by Scott
A graveside service will be held on Friday, and her sons; two grandchildren, Lydia
July 28, 10 a.m. at Arlington National Cem- and Evan; siblings Joan (DeSantis), Robert,
etery, Administration Building. For the full Susan (Wilhouski), David, and Christine
obituary, please visit (Amorosana); and seven nieces and neph-
www.adventfuneral.com ews. A memorial service in Manhasset,
New York will be held on Friday August
4, 10:15 a.m. at St. Mary’s Roman Cath-

HERMANN olic Church, 1300 Northern Boulevard.


FEBRUARY 17, 1933 - JULY 21, 2023
When the
J0711 3x9

Rodney Martin Hermann was born in 1933 THOMAS A. GAY M.D.

need arises,
in Callicoon, NY. He was raised there and
Bay Shore, NY. He graduated with a B.S. in CAPTAIN, US NAVY (RET.)
Commerce and Finance from Bucknell Uni- November 21, 1942 - July 25, 2003

let families
versity in 1955 and then served on active As the second decade of your final depar-
duty as an officer in the U.S. Army for two ture home is upon us, we continue to cel-
years, followed by a 35 year career in Con- ebrate you and hold you in loving memory.
tract Management positions in the defense
industry for Litton, Sperry, and Unisys. find you in the Your love, character, duty, sacrifice, and
vision here on earth are forever revered.
Your Loving Family
Survived by his spouse of 45 years, Claire
Tansill Hermann; their son, Rodney Martin Funeral Services Thomas A. Gay, M.D. Memorial Scholarship

Hermann II and grandchildren, James,
Bailey, and Ryleigh Hermann; and two
daughters by a prior marriage, Lynne
Fabiszewski and Karyn Leins and grand-
children Maxwell and Hannah Fabiszewski
To be seen in the
and Casey, Matthew, and Spencer Leins.
Rodney loved to spend time with his family Funeral Services
and enjoyed sailing, boating, travel, includ-
ing numerous cruises, and sports. He had Directory, please call
been active in community organizations.
paid Death Notices at
Burial will be at Gate of Heaven in Silver
Spring, MD in a private family ceremony. 202-334-4122.
In lieu of flowers, please donate to your fa-
vorite animal rescue organization.

Dr. Margaret R. Dear, Ph.D., former professor Dr. Dear was preceded in death by her lov-
of nursing at George Mason, Georgetown, ing husband, David R. Dear, her parents John
and Johns Hopkins universities, passed and Catherine Regan, and a brother, John
away on Wednesday, July 19, 2023 in Dan- Regan. She is survived by a brother, George
bury, Conn. She was 91. Regan, of Columbia, MDd., four sons, David
Dear, Jr. (Karen) of Danbury, CT, Fr. John Dear
Dr. Dear was born Margaret Catherine Re- of California, Brian Dear (Patricia), Stephen EVA VERDELL GRAHAM

Here’s the scoop.

gan in Manhattan on June 13, 1932. She Dear (Janet) of Elmira, OR, and three grand- JULY 18, 1930 - SEPTEMBER 16, 2022
grew up in Brooklyn. After graduating from children, Patrick Dear (Christina) of Sunny- Happy 93rd Birthday
St. John’s University and St. Vincent’s Hospi- vale, CA., Katherine Dear of Worcester, MA.,
tal School of Nursing, she quickly became a and Jennifer Dear of Milford, PA. Your family and friends miss you,
head nurse at St. Vincent’s Hospital, super- your sons and daughter
vising hundreds of nurses. A visitation will be held at Joseph Gawler’s
Sons Funeral Home, Washington, DC, on Garrick C. Graham
She and newspaper publisher David Reid Monday, July 24 from 5 to 7 p.m. A Mass February 11, 1951 - January 3, 2008
Dear, Sr., of Jersey City, NJ were married for in celebration of her life will be held at Our
57 years before his death in 2014. Lady of Mercy Catholic Parish, Potomac, MD.
on Tuesday, July 25 at 11 a.m. Interment will
She earned a Ph.D. in sociology from The take place at Gate of Heaven Cemetery, Sil-
Catholic University of America. As a profes- ver Spring, MD. on Tuesday, July 25 at 1 p.m.

Leigh Ann Caldwell joins Theo Meyer sor of nursing in the 1970s, Dr. Dear taught
at Georgetown University, then Johns Hop-
kins University. She conducted research on
In lieu of flowers, donations may be sent to
Pax Christi USA or the Nursing Foundation
of Maryland. PIRO
staff of the National Institutes of Health. She

to bring you all the predawn scoops from

published academic articles on a wide vari-
ety of topics related to nursing. She ended
her career in the 2000s at George Mason
University. She co-founded the Nursing
Foundation of Maryland.

the power centers of the nation’s capital.

Learn more and register at wapo.st/early202 1962, after which he joined the World Bank
working on issues of poverty and develop-
ment. Throughout his career at the World
Bank, he held increasingly senior roles. In
1997 he retired as the World Bank’s His-
torian, the only person to have occupied
this position, where he authored Bankers
with a Mission, the story of the first seven
Presidents of the World Bank. He met Huda
Qubein at the World Bank in 1966 and she AMANDA CAITLIN PIRO
became the love of his life. They made their Dearest Amanda,
home in the Washington, DC area and also It has been two long, hard years without
spent many years living in New Delhi, India. you. You touched so many people during
Jochen was known and loved for his irre- your short life and saved five others
pressible spirit and sense of humor, for his through the gift of transplanted organs.
love of the outdoors and the game of Bridge. You certainly saddened so many with your
premature death. While you are now in
Jochen is survived by his wife Huda and his Heaven with mom, you are always in our
children, Anna and Paul; and granddaugh- thoughts and will be loved eternally by all.
ters, Piper, Cleo, Maya and Marley. He is Love,
also survived by his sisters Friderike Kraske Ernie and Abbey Piro
JOCHEN CHRISTIAN FRIEDRICH KRASKE Quinnan of Orinda, CA and Ludovika Kraske
Of Chevy Chase, Maryland, 90, passed away Vahlenkamp of Freiburg, Germany. A celebra-
on July 22, 2023 surrounded by friends and tion of Jochen’s life will be held on Sunday,
family. August 20, 2023 at 3 p.m. at the Episcopal
Church of the Redeemer, 6201 Dunrobbin
Born on Christmas Day, 1932 in Berlin, Ger- Drive, Bethesda, Maryland 20816. In lieu of
many, Jochen survived World War II as a child
and went on to earn a PhD in Economics at
flowers, the family requests donations be
made in his name to the Episcopal Church DEATH NOTICE
the University of Freiburg. He was awarded of the Redeemer (www.redeemerbethesda.
a scholarship for post-doctoral study at Yale
University and came to the United States in
Harry Edward Brook Sullivan, 90, was born took command of the regiment’s 2nd Ar-
on February 7, 1931 in Springfield, MO to mored Squadron in Bamberg, Germany. In
Harry and Lillian Sullivan, and passed away 1974 he attended the National War College,
January 26, 2022. He graduated from Green- where he was designated a “distinguished
wood High School in Springfield, MO. He graduate” in 1975. In 1976 he served as Bri-
was appointed to the West Point Military gade Commander of the Armor School at Ft.
Academy in 1950 by Congressman George Knox, KE until his retirement in 1978. After
H. Christopher. In 1954 Sullivan graduated retirement Harry, who had always loved to
from West Point. Commissioned in Armor, help others, chose to work for his fellow vet-
he reported to Ft. Knox, KE and to Ft. Bragg, erans at the American Legion in Washington,
GA for basic courses, and ended up at Ft. DC “Harry was the love of my life.” In their
Hood, TX. In 1956 he was transferred to long marriage was a loving, wonderful, reli-
Landshut, Germany. He met his wife Ellen in able husband to Ellen. He was also an out-
Bad Kissingen, where they were married in standing beloved father to his sons Brook
1958. In 1959 Harry was selected to attend and Mark. He welcomed our daughters-
Harvard University, where he was awarded in-law Eve and Francoise with open arms. KARL RODNEY PERSON
a master’s degree in Public Administration. From the moment his granddaughters, Gil- Karl Rodney Person, age 74, of Mitchell-
From 1961-64 he taught at West Point in the lian, Stella and Lydia were born, he doted on ville, Maryland, passed away on Monday,
Social Science Department. After this as- them. Loving his family meant much to him, July 17, 2023, at Doctor’s Hospital in Lan-
signment he served in Vietnam from 1966- as ever showed to his sister Shirley, and his ham, MD.
N0292 3x12

67 where he earned the Bronze Star with many nephews and nieces. He was a fine Funeral arrangements provided by Lat-
“V” device. In 1968 he attended the Com- officer, scholar and friend. Harry requested ney’s Funeral Home, Inc. Funeral services
mand and General Staff College at Ft. Leav- a celebratory full military interment of his will take place at the Berean Baptist
enworth, Kansas. From there he transferred ashes at Arlington National Cemetery. It will Church, 924 Madison St, NW, Washington,
to Nuremberg, Germany, becoming the Ex- take place on July 26, 2023 at 3 p.m. Dona- DC, 20011, on Thursday, July 27, 2023.
ecutive Officer of the 2nd Armored Cavalry tions may go to the Sheherd’s Table. Viewing will start at 11 a.m. and the ser-
Regiment. Following this assignment he vice will start at 12 noon.
B6 EZ RE The washingTon posT . Tuesday, july 25 , 2023

The Weather
washingTonposT.com/weaTher . TwiTTer: @capiTalweaTher . facebook.com/capiTalweaTher

Storm threat Today Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday O FFICIA L REC O RD
Heavy t‑storm Mostly sunny Hot, humid Mostly sunny, T‑storm T-storm
Showers or storms are possible in hot Temperatures AVERAGE RECORD ACTUAL FORECAST

the early afternoon, but more likely

from midafternoon to mid-evening.
Some downpours could cause
localized flash flooding, and there’s a
risk of isolated damaging wind gusts. Before the
storms, highs should be around 90 degrees.
88° 68 ° 93° 75 ° 96° 78 ° 100° 78 96° 75 ° ° 89° 70 °

FEELS*: 101° FEELS: 98° FEELS: 104° FEELS: 107° FEELS: 104° FEELS: 99°
CHNCE PRECIP: 80% P: 0% P: 25% P: 15% P: 65% P: 55%
WIND: S 6–12 mph W: SSE 6–12 mph W: SSW 7–14 mph W: SSW 7–14 mph W: W 6–12 mph W: WNW 6–12 mph
HUMIDITY: High H: High H: High H: High H: High H: High
Th F Sa Su M Tu W Th F Sa Su M Tu W Th
Statistics through 5 p.m. Monday

REGION N ATION Weather map features for noon today.

National Dulles BWI
High 86° 5:00 p.m. 87° 4:00 p.m. 86° 1:46 p.m.
Low 73° 8:00 a.m. 74° 1:00 a.m. 68° 6:04 a.m.
Harrisburg Philadelphia
88/69 Normal 90°/73° 88°/67° 89°/68°
86/65 Record high 101° 2010 99° 2010 101° 2010
Hagerstown Record low 57° 1947 48° 1985 55° 1985
88/65 Dover Difference from 30–yr. avg. (National): this month: +0.2° yr. to date: +2.3°
Davis Cape May Precipitation PREVIOUS YEAR NORMAL LATEST
Washington Annapolis
79/57 88/68 84/69
84/67 OCEAN: 76°

Charlottesville Ocean City

90/64 83/68
OCEAN: 78°
91/68 Virginia Beach
85/76 National Dulles BWI
Norfolk OCEAN: 79°
87/75 Past 24 hours 0.05" 0.00" 1.97"
Total this month 5.27" 4.64" 6.34"
Kitty Hawk
Normal 3.44" 3.27" 3.40"
OCEAN: 81° Total this year 17.59" 16.92" 20.67"
Normal 23.77" 24.81" 24.61"
Pollen: High Air Quality: Moderate
Grass Low Dominant cause: Ozone
Trees Low
Weeds Low UV: Very High Moon Phases Solar system
Mold High 10 out of 11+
Rise Set
Sun 6:03 a.m. 8:26 p.m.
Blue Ridge: Today, partly sunny, a stray thundershower in Moon 1:26 p.m. none
T-storms Rain Showers Snow Flurries Ice Cold Front Warm Front Stationary Front July 25 Aug 1 Aug 8 Aug 16
the afternoon. High 73 to 79. Winds west–southwest 6–12 Yesterday's National World
First Full Last New
Venus 8:22 a.m. 9:21 p.m.
mph. Tonight, mainly clear. Low 60 to 64. Winds west 6–12 High: Needles, CA 113° High: Basrah, Iraq 120° Mars 9:08 a.m. 10:13 p.m.
Quarter Quarter
<–10 –0s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110+ Low: Gothic, CO 36° Low: El Calafate, Argentina 6° Jupiter 12:48 a.m. 2:31 p.m.
mph. Wednesday, partly sunny; a thunderstorm in spots, for the 48 contiguous states excludes Antarctica Saturn 10:04 p.m. 8:58 a.m.
except dry in central parts.
NATIONAL Today Tomorrow Des Moines 92/74/pc 94/72/s Oklahoma City 101/74/s 100/74/pc WORLD Today Tomorrow Islamabad 91/76/pc 91/77/t Rio de Janeiro 80/68/s 80/70/pc
Atlantic beaches: Today, a stray afternoon thunderstorm, Detroit 88/67/t 88/71/t Omaha 91/73/pc 96/72/s Addis Ababa 71/56/sh 70/55/sh Istanbul 91/76/s 100/79/s Riyadh 113/87/pc 114/87/pc
humid. High 83 to 87. Winds east 6–12 mph. Tonight, a Albany, NY 85/63/t 90/70/c El Paso 104/79/s 106/81/s Orlando 92/76/t 91/76/t Amsterdam 66/53/pc 67/56/c Jerusalem 94/72/s 95/73/s Rome 92/74/s 85/66/pc
thunderstorm, except dry in the south. Low 68 to 75. Winds Albuquerque 101/73/s 100/73/c Fairbanks, AK 83/65/t 87/66/pc Philadelphia 88/69/t 92/75/pc Athens 96/76/s 100/83/s Johannesburg 66/44/pc 65/46/pc San Salvador 90/69/t 90/69/t
south–southwest 4–8 mph. Wednesday, partly sunny. High Anchorage 66/54/s 67/53/pc Fargo, ND 91/66/t 94/68/s Phoenix 116/93/pc 117/92/pc Auckland 59/48/pc 56/46/sh Kabul 91/68/pc 92/67/s Santiago 62/38/pc 62/39/pc
85 to 90. Atlanta 95/73/s 96/74/s Hartford, CT 86/67/t 92/69/pc Pittsburgh 84/64/t 88/72/t Baghdad 115/87/pc 114/87/pc Kingston, Jam. 91/80/t 93/81/t Sarajevo 95/64/s 76/51/t
Austin 101/75/s 103/76/c Honolulu 88/77/pc 89/75/pc Portland, ME 82/66/t 86/67/pc Bangkok 92/79/t 95/80/t Kolkata 93/81/t 91/81/t Seoul 86/75/t 85/74/t
Waterways: Upper Potomac River: Today, partly sunny, a heavy Baltimore 88/65/t 90/74/pc Houston 98/77/s 99/77/pc Portland, OR 82/58/pc 84/58/s Beijing 92/74/c 93/75/t Kyiv 87/68/t 84/64/t Shanghai 92/81/c 92/78/t
t-storm in the afternoon. Wind south 4–8 knots. Waves under a foot. Billings, MT 95/64/pc 95/64/s Indianapolis 90/71/pc 89/72/t Providence, RI 83/68/pc 89/71/pc Berlin 71/54/pc 70/53/t Lagos 84/77/sh 84/77/r Singapore 91/79/t 90/80/t
• Lower Potomac and Chesapeake Bay: Today, partly sunny, a heavy Birmingham 96/72/s 96/72/s Jackson, MS 96/71/s 97/73/s Raleigh, NC 93/71/s 96/74/pc Bogota 66/50/r 69/53/sh Lima 73/67/pc 73/66/pc Stockholm 68/51/r 69/49/c
thunderstorm in the afternoon. Wind south 4–8 knots. Waves 0–1 Bismarck, ND 87/63/t 94/62/s Jacksonville, FL 91/72/t 91/73/pc Reno, NV 97/63/pc 94/62/pc Brussels 67/53/pc 70/58/c Lisbon 79/62/pc 87/63/s Sydney 66/47/s 70/48/s
Boise 94/62/s 96/63/s Kansas City, MO 99/79/pc 100/75/pc Richmond 91/68/t 92/73/pc Buenos Aires 57/51/pc 61/42/c London 69/52/pc 72/61/r Taipei City 94/80/c 86/80/r
foot on the Lower Potomac; 1–2 feet on the Chesapeake Bay.• River
Boston 84/70/t 87/71/pc Las Vegas 109/88/s 109/87/s Sacramento 96/63/s 91/57/pc Cairo 102/80/s 103/82/s Madrid 89/62/s 93/68/s Tehran 102/82/s 101/80/s
Stages: The stage at Little Falls will be around 2.90 feet today, with Buffalo 82/66/t 89/71/t Little Rock 98/74/s 99/77/pc St. Louis 95/78/t 96/79/t Manila 89/79/t 87/78/t Tokyo 93/78/s 95/79/s
Caracas 79/65/t 78/67/c
no change of 2.90 Wednesday. Flood stage at Little Falls is 10 feet. Burlington, VT 84/66/t 86/72/t Los Angeles 90/68/s 93/71/s St. Thomas, VI 90/81/t 89/81/sh Copenhagen 69/53/pc 66/55/sh Mexico City 73/55/t 77/57/t Toronto 81/66/t 90/69/pc
Charleston, SC 92/75/t 91/75/pc Louisville 93/75/pc 92/78/pc Salt Lake City 97/75/c 98/75/pc Dakar 89/81/r 90/82/t Montreal 82/66/t 83/71/t Vienna 70/61/t 70/56/pc
Charleston, WV 85/64/s 92/72/t Memphis 94/76/pc 95/78/pc San Diego 81/68/pc 81/68/pc Dublin 65/53/pc 65/60/r Moscow 75/62/sh 76/62/r Warsaw 78/59/pc 69/55/pc
Today’s tides (High tides in Bold)
Charlotte 94/69/s 93/71/pc Miami 95/81/t 91/79/t San Francisco 73/57/pc 70/56/pc Edinburgh 63/49/sh 67/57/r Mumbai 82/79/t 85/79/t
Key: s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, r-rain,
Washington 1:30 a.m. 8:23 a.m. 1:48 p.m. 8:23 p.m. Cheyenne, WY 91/64/t 89/62/t Milwaukee 88/74/pc 83/70/t San Juan, PR 89/79/t 88/79/t Frankfurt 64/49/r 68/52/t Nairobi 74/56/c 75/54/c sh- showers, t-thunderstorms, sf-snow flurries,
Chicago 92/74/pc 90/73/t Minneapolis 95/73/pc 96/74/s Seattle 73/55/pc 75/54/pc New Delhi 91/81/t 89/80/t sn-snow, i-ice
Annapolis 5:21 a.m. 10:22 a.m. 5:17 p.m. none Geneva 70/54/t 72/55/pc
Cincinnati 90/69/t 89/75/pc Nashville 94/71/pc 96/76/pc Spokane, WA 79/53/pc 81/58/s Oslo 68/53/r 66/49/c Sources: AccuWeather.com; US Army Centralized
Ocean City 1:01 a.m. 7:19 a.m. 1:37 p.m. 7:57 p.m. Ham., Bermuda 87/79/t 86/78/s Allergen Extract Lab (pollen data); airnow.gov (air
Cleveland 86/68/t 90/73/t New Orleans 94/76/t 94/76/pc Syracuse 84/63/t 92/72/pc Helsinki 70/53/c 70/52/t Ottawa 81/61/t 85/67/sh quality data); National Weather Service
Norfolk 2:52 a.m. 8:59 a.m. 3:26 p.m. 9:55 p.m. Dallas 103/80/s 103/81/pc New York City 85/70/t 88/74/s Tampa 92/79/t 95/79/t Ho Chi Minh City 86/76/t 87/77/sh Paris 70/55/pc 76/63/pc * AccuWeather's RealFeel Temperature®
combines over a dozen factors for an accurate
Point Lookout 1:38 a.m. 6:38 a.m. 12:54 p.m. 7:58 p.m. Denver 99/67/t 92/68/pc Norfolk 87/75/t 90/74/pc Wichita 101/76/s 100/76/pc Hong Kong 95/84/c 96/87/c Prague 71/53/t 66/50/pc measure of how the conditions really “feel.”

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Style tueSday, july 25 , 2023 . SeCtion C eZ re

Ileana Ros-Lehtinen,
a former GOP lawmaker
whose son is transgender,
tries to sway conservatives

sHuran Huang for tHe WasHington Post

Lobbying the right for trans rights


ll of these headlines, they’ve both- her. He’s stocky and slightly bearded, wearing she’s talking about the animosity toward
ered me greatly,” Ileana Ros- a navy button-down with little trees under an transgender people — and criticizing it more
Lehtinen says. oat-colored cardigan. He can’t contain his harshly than you might expect from a woman
she is 71, short, with a big voice. laughter. who, as recently as the Trump administration,
A former congresswoman, a Republican. The car comically backs in and out, in and was a Republican member of Congress. on
“They, they, they affect me emotionally. out. the other hand, Rodrigo is transgender. He
And I don’t think …” “I mean, this is not —” Ileana began her came out as trans to his parents when he was
she is looking out at the street in front of Le quip with a straight face, but she’s giggling in college, in 2007, a piece of news that came
Bon Café, on Capitol Hill, where a compact now, too. “You gotta measure it. not enough as “a shock” to Ileana. But she and her
sUV is trying to complete a feat of parallel room.” husband had embraced their son’s identity,
parking. But the headlines. And the laws. and they have since encouraged other parents
“ … that, that car’s not going to make it …” “But it’s just never-ending, the onslaught of to do the same — a sharp contrast to the
Her 37-year-old son, Rodrigo Heng-Lehtin- bills and the press conferences and the dominant view in her party, which is openly
en, is sitting in the blue bistro chair next to hateful words. It impacts me emotionally.” see rOs-lehtinen on C2

Former representative ileana ros-lehtinen and her trans son rodrigo heng-lehtinen at their home in washington.

Opera review retrOpOlis

‘Faust’ brings Oppenheimer:

a hard bargain ‘I have blood
to the Big Easy on my hands’

on sunday, a matinee of Wolf Trap The atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshi-

opera’s “Faust” didn’t feel all that far ma had pulverized life and changed the
removed from the muggy afternoon world, and J. Robert oppenheimer cel-
beyond the sturdy walls of the Barns, set ebrated by clasping his hands like a prize
as it was in the deep heat of fin de siècle fighter, soaking in the roaring applause
new orleans. from the crowd in Los Alamos, n.M. It
But director Alison Moritz’s smartly was a thrilling time for oppenheimer,
refined production of Charles Gounod’s who told the crowd in August 1945 in the
1859 mainstay proved immediately place where the bombs were designed
transportive, casting the opera in an and built about his only regret: not that
alluring new light and concentrating its thousands of people had been killed, but
grandeur into a potent potion. that “we hadn’t developed the bomb in
This “Faust” — the tale of an aging time to use it against the Germans”
scholar who strikes a deal with the devil earlier in World War II.
for another taste of youth — had its own But oppenheimer’s feeling of triumph
fateful bargain to strike: For the cozy Jenna scHoenefeld for tHe WasHington Post evaporated in the months after the
purposes of the 382-seat Barns and its Cierra Fraser, left, and Joslin Farley before a screening of “barbie” in los Angeles. destruction of nagasaki, caused by an-
modest pit, conductor Geoffrey McDon- other atomic bomb three days after

The allure of Barbenheimer

ald led his lean 26-piece orchestra in a Hiroshima, which the scientist believed
reduced orchestration of the opera by was unnecessary and unjustified. His
Francis Griffin. revulsion was so evident on his face that
McDonald handled his short staff ably President Harry s. Truman asked him
and energetically, filling in gaps of antici- what was the matter when they met at
pated intensity and approximating va- BY A LLIE J ONES Towson, Md., all the way to Beaver- do so this past weekend. the White House for the first time in
cancies of scale wherever he reasonably AND H ANNAH B EIER ton, ore., to meet her husband’s What began as a joke about october 1945.
could, and otherwise offering a sensitive, family for a five-hour cinematic counterprogramming is now very, “Mr. President, I feel I have blood on
responsive and clearly endeared reading When salimah Ismail was mak- journey. They caught the noon “op- very real: Barbenheimer took over my hands,” oppenheimer told Truman,
of the score. (Admittedly, I’d have traded ing plans for her husband’s 36th penheimer” showing, took a few the weekend box office with a com- according to “American Prometheus,” the
both of my shoes to the devil for a single birthday on July 21, she knew the hours to walk around and grab a bined $244.4 million domestic haul, 2005 oppenheimer biography from au-
trombone.) perfect way to celebrate: with a meal, then settled back into the breaking all kinds of records in the thors Kai Bird and Martin J. sherwin.
This tamping of Gounod’s roaring Barbenheimer doubleheader. same Cinemark theater for a process. While Truman assured oppenheimer
flame put added pressure on the singers Ismail, 34, and her husband, 7:35 p.m. screening of “Barbie.” And Greta Gerwig’s “Barbie” brought that he should not carry the burden of
see OperA review on C4 seth, traveled from their home in they were far from the only group to see bArbenheimer on C8 see retrOpOlis on C3
C2 eZ re the washington post . tuesday, july 25 , 2023

“One on one, they’re more compassionate ... and they get the family dynamics.
But then when you get this herd mentality, it’s very difficult to cut through all the fog.”
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, talking about her republican colleagues

Ros-LeHTInen from C1

fighting the mainstream accep-

tance of transgender people.
Ileana and rodrigo both have
been working the other side of
that battle in their own Washing-
ton ways.
He is the executive director of
the National Center for Trans-
gender Equality, an influential
advocacy group that lobbies the
Biden administration on issues
related to transgender Ameri-
cans. (“Being trans is on my
business card,” he jokes.)
She has been trying to change
minds in closed-door conversa-
tions with republican officials.
(She declined to get into details,
saying she didn’t want to make
anyone uncomfortable by nam-
ing names.)
“What do you want for your
child, do you want your child to
be happy?” Ileana says she asks
them. “And if this is how your
child is happy, and he’s not harm-
ing anyone, is leading a produc-
tive life — what is the harm in
love and acceptance and think-
ing that every person that you
see, that’s somebody’s family?”
She has a place around the
corner from the cafe, from when
she was in Congress; rodrigo
now lives there with his husband,
and Ileana — a lobbyist for Akin
Gump who lives part-time in
miami — stays there, too, when
she’s in town. She still knows a lot
of people on the Hill. Earlier, she
had spotted a familiar face hurry-
ing along on the cobblestone
“rutherford!” Ileana had
called out from her seat.
A mustached man in a suit had
turned toward his name.
“Good to see you my friend!”
she said.
“Give me a hug, girl!” he re-
plied. They kissed cheeks, with sHuran Huang for THe WasHIngTon PosT

the congressman theatrically Former congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Fla.) and son Rodrigo Heng-Lehtinen outside their home in Washington.
enunciating, “Mwah!” She
cooed: “I miss you, I miss you!”
and rodrigo had risen from his days, some of the headlines were progress, right?” said rep. mark questions on the subject sent via
chair. about HIV/AIDS, and same-sex Pocan (D-Wis.), the co-chair of email.
“my son, rigo,” Ileana said. marriage was just becoming a the LGBTQ+ Equality Caucus, rodrigo also declined to an-
“Hiii, nice to meet you,” said political wedge issue. In 1996, referring to Ileana’s efforts to swer questions about these ties
rodrigo. Ileana voted — along with 118 dissuade her fellow republicans over email. In an earlier inter-
“Hey! How are you? Nice to Democrats — to send the Defense from challenging the legitimacy view, he said there was little
meet you,” the congressman of marriage Act to Bill Clinton’s of transgender people. “If they friction between him and his
smiled before hurrying along. desk, which he signed. don’t amend every appropria- mother on transgender rights
“He’s a florida republican Around 2001, chatter spread at tions bill to have this junk, that’s besides disagreements about the

Ros-Lehtinen is
member,” Ileana told her son as rodrigo’s high school that he progress.” fine print of some policies.
the man headed off toward the liked both men and women. of Being a pro-trans republican “But those are details,” he said.
Capitol campus. his feelings around gender, he remains a knotty paradox. The fundamentally, he thinks Ileana
“ohhh.” recalls: “The only way I can really party’s presidential candidates is unwaveringly on the side of

hopeful she can

“John rutherford.” describe it is like being in a fog.” know that bashing the politics of transgender people. “At the end
These days, being a republi- The rumor prompted a family gender identity is a good way to of the day, we’re trying to secure
can lawmaker means there’s a sit-down in the living room. fire up the base. “I’m talking trans rights,” rodrigo said, “and
decent chance you’ve voted for an When rodrigo acknowledged about cutting taxes, people go she’s so bought in on that and the

sway colleagues
anti-transgender rights bill in the that it was true, he says, his like that,” Donald Trump said at a kind of violence that we face.”
recent past. As of may, GoP state parents treated it “as no big deal, republican event in June, mim- one rainy morning in late
legislators have introduced more which is the best-case scenario.” icking polite applause. “Talk June, Ileana came back home
than 400 anti-trans bills, many of In interviews at the time, Ilea- about transgender, everyone from a breakfast meeting at the

on Capitol Hill
which have become law in at least na cited both rodrigo and his goes crazy.” republican Capitol Hill Club.
21 states. In Washington, Demo- sister — along with shifting views florida Gov. ron DeSantis (r), The ohio House of representa-
cratic control of the Senate and in her district — as influences on who is also running for presi- tives was scheduled to vote that
the White House makes support her evolution on gay rights. She dent, recently signed a law mak- day on a bill that would restrict
for such bills merely culture-war co-sponsored unsuccessful legis- ing it a trespassing offense for health care for trans minors and
nectar for conservative hard-lin- lation repealing “Don’t Ask, trans adults to enter restrooms prevent some trans athletes from
ers, for the time being. Still, Don’t Tell” in 2005 and then that align with their gender — a participating in women’s sports.
House republicans in march opposed a constitutional ban on measure that LGBTQ advocates She said that she’d texted three
passed the Parents Bill of rights same-sex marriage in 2006. Two worry will lead to arrests. This lawmakers to see whether she
Act, which would, among other years later, she became a found- raised an unsettling question for could get them to change their
provisions, condition federal ing member of the House LG- rodrigo: Was it safe for him to vote.
funds on schools providing for BTQ+ Equality Caucus. In 2011, visit the state? “We’ll have the “That was a no-go.”
parental consent to allow chil- Ileana became the first republi- bail money,” Ileana quickly said. rodrigo tilted his head, re-
dren to change their names on can to support the respect for “That would be an interesting plied with resignation: “oh. Yeee-
school forms or use locker rooms marriage Act, which would allow test case, though.” ah.”
and bathrooms that align with same-sex couples to wed. “Somehow, she always re- The bill passed, 64-28.
their gender identity. In April, In an NPr interview last De- mains positive and optimistic It’s hard to change minds, no
they passed the Protection of cember, after Congress finally about it,” Ana Navarro, former matter how personal the connec-
Women and Girls in Sports Act, passed the respect for marriage republican strategist and a long- tion. Being in the same party, or
which defines sex “solely” on Act with bipartisan support, Ilea- time family friend, said of Ileana. even the same family, is no guar-
“reproductive biology and genet- na described engaging in a “quiet “But I’d be mad as hell at these antee that two people will end up
ics at birth” and restricts the campaign” by the group Con- awfully bigoted people that are, on the same page.
ability of transgender girls and servatives Against Discrimina- frankly, putting a target on my “I don’t know if you remember
women to compete on their tion to get republicans on board. child’s back.” this,” rodrigo said, turning to
teams. “People are coming to under- Since becoming a lobbyist, Ileana. “There was like, a few
rutherford voted for both of stand that they have someone in Ileana has taken on work that months, where I got a job on
those bills. their own family or someone may put her in tension with the campus that I didn’t tell my
A few weeks after his chance with whom they work or some- cause of transgender rights. In parents about, in order to save up
encounter with Ileana outside one who is — even someone in 2020, she registered as a foreign money, in case they kicked me
the cafe, The Washington Post sTefan ZaklIn/geTTy Images their church — who may be gay,” agent for the United Arab Emir- out.”
found the florida republican in she said. ates, where being transgender is Her eyebrows pinched togeth-
the rayburn building, a floor Ileana and rodrigo hope that punishable by a year in prison, er. “oh, rigo!”
above Ileana’s old office. social proximity, that personal according to Human rights “Well, and thankfully you
“my stand on the LGBTQ com- touch, will eventually persuade Watch. Earlier this year, she took didn’t, right? Thank you, thank
munity,” rutherford said, “has republicans on issues relating to as a client the conservative net- you.”
always been, I don’t think any- transgender people. work Americano media, which “Ay, Dios mío!” Unfathomable,
body should be discriminated About 1.6 million people in the touts itself as the Spanish-lan- to her.
against because of who they love United States are transgender, guage twin of fox News and runs They had known he was work-
and want to associate with.” according to an estimate by the analysis and opinion pieces that ing on the side, but not why.
But. Williams Institute. It sounds like criticize transgender activism. “Y estabas ahorrando el dine-
“I can love the sinner, hate the a large number, but it’s only The federal disclosure notes the ro?” she asked. The money — was
sin, because I think it’s wrong. I about half a percent of the popu- lobbying issues as “relationship he saving it?
think it’s a sin. Years ago, it was lation. building.” Apart from her profes- “Yeah! Yeah, and so I had
even considered a mental ill- “one of the challenges that I sional work, she donated $1,000 opened a bank account that you
ness.” think the trans community faces each this cycle to the reelection all didn’t know about, that was
Two days later, he would vote is that there just aren’t that many campaigns of reps. Elise Stefanik Citizens Bank.”
for a defense bill that bans gen- [of them],” says Trey Grayson, (r-N.Y.) and Virginia foxx He’d also scoped out a local
der-affirming health care for Kentucky’s republican former (r-N.C.) — former colleagues who LGBTQ-friendly clinic. Thought
trans people in the military. CHIP somodevIlla/geTTy Images secretary of state, who was co- have been outspoken against about how he’d pay tuition, his
Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Fla.), at top at a news chair, with Ileana, of Conserva- transgender women playing in bills. “The fundamentals for liv-

ne on one, they’re more conference on Capitol Hill in 2003 with other lawmakers tives Against Discrimination. women’s sports. “Sorry, they’re ing,” he called it, “if they rejected
compassionate, under- and above in 2011. That year, she became the first “And so,” he says, “you don’t get to males,” foxx, who chairs the me.”
standing, and they get Republican to support the Respect for Marriage Act, which benefit as much from the, ‘oh House Committee on Education “Well, I commend you for be-
the family dynamics,” Ileana says would allow same-sex couples to wed. that’s my co-worker, that’s my and the Workforce, said during ing so organized! El alquiler, la
of her republican colleagues. aunt, that’s my uncle, that’s my an April hearing. salud.”
“But then when you get this herd boss.’” When The Post contacted Ilea- “Like a prevention strategy,” he
mentality, it’s very difficult to cut At the moment, progress on na to ask about whether she said.
through all the fog.” the republican side might not be thinks those ties run counter to They’re both cracking up
When she came to Washington measurable in acceptance but her advocacy for transgender again. How dire, how sad it all
in 1989 as the first Cuban elected rather the absence of hostility. people, the ex-congresswoman looked in the rear view.
to Congress, few people in na- “If you can make it so that they said she was traveling and un- “Que triste,” said Ileana. “I
tional politics knew what being don’t bring up a bill every week available for an interview. And mean, we’re laughing, pero que
transgender meant. In those or two that is in this area, that’s she did not respond to a list of triste.”
tuesday, july 25 , 2023 . the washington post eZ Re C3

John Rooney/AP

Bombings in Japan left Oppenheimer shattered

reTrOPOlIS from C1 realizing he didn’t have many FrOM TOP: Truman’s responsibility for the
chances left,” oppenheimer’s Physicist J. robert bombing,” monk said.
the bombs — “I told him the grandson said. Oppenheimer, Truman still honored oppen-
blood was on my hands, to let me oppenheimer was perplexed known as “the father heimer in 1946 with a presiden-
worry about that” — the presi- when Truman asked him to guess of the atomic bomb,” tial citation and a medal for
dent was privately infuriated by how long it would take for the in 1957. A mushroom merit, with Stimson describing
what he described to aides as a russians to develop their own cloud rises after an the development of the atomic
“crybaby scientist” and the regret atomic bomb. When oppenheim- atomic bomb bomb as “largely due to [oppen-
he had over the decimation, ac- er said he did not know, histori- explodes over the heimer’s] genius and the inspira-
cording to author ray monk’s ans say Truman offered a one- Japanese city of tion and leadership he has given
2012 biography, “robert oppen- word answer: “Never.” Nagasaki on Aug. 9, to his colleagues.”
heimer: A Life Inside the Center.” It was around this time that 1945. President Charles oppenheimer said
“Blood on his hands, dammit, oppenheimer wrung his hands Harry S. Truman that he had asked his father, Peter
he hasn’t half as much blood on together and told the president speaks in April 1945. — J. robert oppenheimer’s eldest
his hands as I have,” Truman said that it felt as if he had blood on Truman and child — about the exchange, and
afterward. “You just don’t go his hands. A long and incredibly Oppenheimer met that his father’s theory was that
around bellyaching about it.” awkward silence followed. for the first time in the physicist was “trying to im-
Truman later told Dean There are differing accounts of October 1945, during press” Truman on some level.
Acheson, his secretary of state: “I how Truman responded, accord- which the physicist “With Truman, he thought he
don’t want to see that son of a ing to “American Prometheus.” reportedly said: was a peer,” Charles oppenheim-
bitch in this office ever again.” one account had Truman reply- “Mr. President, I feel er said. “There were certain peo-
It was the only time the two AP ing to oppenheimer by saying, I have blood on my ple who oppenheimer felt he
would meet, and oppenheimer “Never mind, it’ll all come out in hands.” could talk to like that. … But he
believed he had missed perhaps the wash.” Another account that was overruled by a high-school-
his only chance to avert a poten- Bird and Sherwin detailed had educated gut feeling from Tru-
tial nuclear arms race that could Truman pulling out a handker- man.”
slaughter hundreds of millions of chief from his breast pocket and He added: “I care a lot about
people. offering it to oppenheimer. this when people are portraying
“He didn’t convince the presi- “Well, here, would you like to my grandfather as a crybaby and
dent, and the president didn’t like wipe your hands?” Truman asked. not recognizing the reality of
him, unfortunately,” Charles op- The meeting concluded after what happened.”
penheimer, the physicist’s grand- oppenheimer voiced his concern. monk, who spent 11 years writ-
son, told The Washington Post. They shook hands, and Truman ing his book, said interest sur-
“my grandfather gave the right left oppenheimer with reassur- rounding J. robert oppenheimer
advice, and the president didn’t ance, Bird and Sherwin wrote, is “higher than it’s ever been.” for
take it. What he said about having reportedly saying: “Don’t worry, Charles oppenheimer, the in-
blood on his hands was clearly we’re going to work something creased attention has been sur-
something Truman didn’t like.” out, and you’re going to help us.” real. He has seen the movie — and
Almost 80 years after the nu- The experience stayed with loved it. The spotlight on the
clear weapons were detonated in Truman, who wrote months later grandfather he never met, and
Japan, the life and legacy of the that oppenheimer had “spent the meeting with Truman, has
man known as “the father of the most of his time wringing his been a reminder that being an
atomic bomb” is being reexam- hands and telling me they had oppenheimer means “there is a
ined thanks to Christopher No- blood on them because of the duty and heaviness to use the
lan’s new film, “oppenheimer,” AP discovery of atomic energy,” ac- name to deal with the problems
which premiered nationwide fri- cording to “American Pro- in the world.”
day and depicts the Truman still occupying us.” which he argued was not justified metheus.” “He was the type of guy to do
meeting. The film, based on Bird Charles oppenheimer, 48, who from a military perspective. The “Truman was incredibly an- his duty,” Charles oppenheimer
and Sherwin’s Pulitzer Prize-win- never met his grandfather but second atomic bomb was noyed that oppenheimer would said. “And whether it succeeded
ning biography, won early critical has become a family spokesman dropped on Aug. 9, 1945, and take responsibility when it was or failed, he needed to try.”
acclaim as a “supersize master- and a founding member of the another estimated 64,000 people
piece” that Nolan says left some oppenheimer Project, added: were killed.
moviegoers exiting the theater “He saw how the world had oppenheimer, whose crippling
feeling “absolutely devastated.” changed, and he saw it coming. It remorse had him smoking con-
“I view oppenheimer as the wasn’t a surprise. The reason he’s stantly after the Nagasaki bomb-
most important person who ever so relevant is not related to just ing, delivered a letter to Secretary
lived,” Nolan told CBS’s “Sunday atomic bombs but also the state of War Henry Stimson on Aug. 17,
morning.” “oppenheimer’s story of humanity.” 1945, urging that nuclear weap-
is one of the biggest stories imag- The depression and over- ons be banned. oppenheimer re-
inable. By unleashing atomic whelming anxiety J. robert op- signed as director of the Los
power, he gave us the power to penheimer felt during the devel- Alamos Laboratory after the war
destroy ourselves that we never opment and testing of the bombs ended.
had before, and that changes the appeared to dissipate on Aug. 6, The White House meeting with
human equation.” 1945, after one word was shouted Truman on oct. 25, 1945, was
The interest surrounding op- by the announcer at the Los oppenheimer’s opportunity to
penheimer, who died in 1967, hit a Alamos Laboratory. persuade the president to ad-
fever pitch in the run-up to the “Now!” dress a potential international
movie. Some historians say the A tremendous burst of light issue with russia over the use of
war between russia and Ukraine was followed by a deep growling nuclear weapons. Truman was
— and russia’s repeated threats roar of the explosion over Hiro- curious to meet oppenheimer,
that it could use nuclear weapons shima, according to author fer- who he heard was charismatic
— make oppenheimer’s outlook enc m. Szasz’s 1984 book, “The and eloquent, and he hoped he
on such weaponry as relevant Day the Sun rose Twice.” An could get oppenheimer’s support
today as it was decades ago. estimated 135,000 people were in helping Congress pass the
“The movie is generating a dead. oppenheimer was relieved may-Johnson Bill, which would
huge amount of interest, because — and feeling himself. give the U.S. Army permanent
oppenheimer now is, in some “I’ll never forget his walk,” control over atomic energy.
ways, a figure of our times,” Isidor rabi, a close confidant and “The first thing is to define the
monk, the biographer and a pro-
fessor emeritus of philosophy at
the University of Southampton,
told The Post. “Because of his
colleague of oppenheimer’s, re-
counted in monk’s book. “I’ll
never forget the way he stepped
out of the car. … His walk was like
national problem, then the inter-
national,” Truman told oppen-
heimer, according to monk.
The physicist thought what the
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atomic bomb in years following His mood changed three days pushed for international controls
the Second World War, interest in later, when the fBI described over all atomic technology.
him has been revived as someone oppenheimer as a “nervous “He went into the october
who symbolizes an issue that is wreck” over bombing Nagasaki, meeting with strung-out nerves
c4 eZ re the washington post . tuesday, july 25 , 2023

7/25/23 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30
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Wolf Trap Opera o≠ers new take on Gounod’s grand classic

OpErA rEviEW from C1 mario manzo gave strong per-
formances and likable energy to
to sing — not to mention the the duo of Valentin and Wagner,
intimacy of the space raises the the former admirably rising to
stakes on those singers to act. the required swagger and dying
fortunately, all aspects were in one of the slowest deaths I’ve
order on Sunday: moritz’s vision ever seen onstage. I left the hall
is graced by a keenly cast ensem- wanting to hear more of mezzo-
ble of talented singers, well-com- soprano Kathleen felty, whose
plemented by a chorus of Wolf voice was warm and rich, and
Trap studio artists, its ranks ef- gave more than the average
fervescently present and (for the marthe.
most part) dynamically sound. The opera’s NoLA vibe was
(Here and there, the orchestra helped along with costumes by
didn’t stand a chance.) Lynly Saunders and lights by
Tenor Eric Taylor made a force- Colin K. Bills, whose golden-hour
ful and compassionate Dr. faust, sunsets and crimson underworld
his “rien! En vain j’interroge” a bestowed the action with a poetic
rending introduction of a man halo. Lawrence E. moten III’s
broken by longing and (here) scenic designs were clean and
jonesing for poison. A remaining clever — the wrought-iron rails
fleck or two of the youthful vigor and balconies of a New orleans
to which he was trying to bargain court quickly transforming into a
his way back would have been chapel (complete with an effec-
welcome, but it was still an as- tive shock of organ). A signpost in
sured demonstration of the grace front of marguerite’s home reads
and control Taylor wielded “1020 rue Saint Ann” — a nod to
through all five acts. marie Laveau, a 19th-century free
Certainly soprano Brittany Lo- woman of color who became
gan was the afternoon’s standout known as the “Voodoo Queen of
singer as marguerite — her voice New orleans” that here serves as
clear and rich, capable of bur- a spiritual template of sorts for
nished color and shocking light- our troubled heroine.
ness. She has this way of tighten- At times, moritz’s vision of the
ing her voice around a particular- Big Easy felt a touch congested
ly aching word; you can hear the onstage, and I wondered whether
stone in her throat. It’s not that more routine use of a central
she’s superhuman; she’s extra- platform thrust into the front
human, a quality that made her rows might have helped. But
marguerite magnetic. This was Scott SuchMaN/Wolf trap opera these were small distractions in a
especially so in her lithe and Brittany Logan as Marguerite and Eric Taylor as Dr. Faust in Wolf Trap Opera’s “Faust,” directed by Alison Moritz. production that otherwise wick-
lilting jewel aria (“Ah! je ris de me ed uncanny power from a limited
voir si belle”) and her anguished finery and impressively sung by apparently specializes at mining stand in the demonic fifth act, charming take on the crushingly palette. Even in reduced form, it
pleas (and chilling heights) in the bass Wm. Clay Thompson. Part a sinister undercurrent in his presiding in a horned mask over dorky and perpetually friend- felt like a deal worth striking.
final trio (“Anges purs anges unholy spirit and part Deep voice, his lows smoldering like an eerie mob of revelers in a zoned Siébel, skillfully girding
radieux”). South mob boss, he lent the devil magma.) I loved his cloying faux- humid-looking bordello. the young rival’s nervous voice Faust repeats thursday and
méphistophélès was convinc- suitably skeevy form and re- serenade in Act IV (“Vous qui In a pants role, mezzo-soprano with a thin rod of earnest nobili- Saturday at the Barns at Wolf trap in
ingly embodied in white linen strained vocal power. (Thompson faites l’endormie”) and his last mary Beth Nelson offered a ty. Baritones Kyle White and Vienna, Va. wolftrap.org/opera.

How to intervene when you encounter ‘othering’? them, all under the age of 10.
Neither the happy couple nor my
husband and I feel comfortable
You are actually issuing two
hospitable invitations here, not
one that is positive and one that is
having little ones at a large event negative.
Dear Miss He and I shared a be other considerations before defense and allowed her to save — with alcohol, near water — for Save-the-dates are informal.
Miss Manners: I was in commiserating look while she escalating a situation into a face. This could be accomplished obvious reasons. miss manners suggests sending
Manners line at the grocery bagged her groceries, but I public scene. by saying, “I’m sure you didn’t However, we live in an area two: one addressed to the adults,
JudIth store behind an wanted to do more — either to tell You did signal sympathy to the mean it this way, but when you that is a popular family alerting them to the wedding and
MartIN, elderly woman. her it’s impolite to ask people cashier. But would it further question people’s origins, they destination, so if people wanted the other arrangements for the
JacobINa She looked at the where they are from or to say embarrass him, and perhaps feel you are saying they don’t to bring their kids, they could children; and one addressed to
MartIN aNd cashier and asked something sympathetic to the endanger his position, if you did really belong here.” make an extended vacation of it. the children, outlining the
NIcholas him, out of the cashier. so more conspicuously? He is the Were you too indignant to We’d be happy to have them at the activities planned for them
Ivor MartIN blue, “What’s your I live in a very diverse area, so best judge of that, and his finally manage that? Then it is well that lake before or after the wedding during and around the wedding.
background?” He encountering blatant “othering” answering the question suggests you stopped when you did. day, when the kids can be safely
was obviously surprised by her of someone was surprising. I’d he just wanted to get the supervised. I am more than New Miss Manners columns are
question. She kept going: “You’re appreciate guidance on how I interaction over with. Dear Miss Manners: my willing to obtain responsible posted Monday through Saturday on
obviously not Latino, but you should have handled it. Next, would you have been able daughter will be getting married sitters for them on the wedding washingtonpost.com/advice. You can
have a very interesting face.” The to change the offender’s mind? at our lakefront home next year, day, at my expense. send questions to Miss Manners at
whole thing was very The question was improper, and This cannot be done angrily; which will be a destination Can we possibly convey this in her website, missmanners.com. You
uncomfortable. I could see the miss manners appreciates your people do not respond well to wedding for most of our very a save-the-date? A separate can also follow her
cashier shrink from her wanting to stand up for someone embarrassment and scolding. You large, close-knit family. Although correspondence? Not at all? We @realMissManners.
questions. He eventually did tell who was not in a position to stand would have had to ask politely for we would love to invite the are not sure what to do here, but
her where he was “from.” up for himself. But there should her attention, listened to her children, there are nearly 20 of I’d sure love to see all our kiddies! © 2023 Judith Martin
tuesday, july 25 , 2023 . the washington post EZ RE C5

Siblings fell out over draft-dodging husband about scores on tests that she
took in school. When I asked my
son about it, he said, “It’s none of
your business.” This was the last
entitled to put boundaries on
“extra” guests. If others want a
different concept with an open-
door policy, they can arrange
Dear Amy: More personally, because I was married dodger into the family (after you Dear Amy: My son married straw. their own dinner party.
Ask Amy than 50 years ago, and living with my wife and son, have served), you are reacting to “Marian,” who made it clear that My husband has had it and is Many years ago, I was part of a
Amy my sister married and the invitation should have the far less serious matter of he was too close to his mom (me) done with them. I feel the same. similar group. Only the hosts
Dickinson a guy who skipped been sent to our home address. I where your sister left a wedding and that this must stop. She But now they won’t let the (who provided the main course
the States after did not attend the ceremony. invitation. wants no part of us except for children have contact with us. and theme) were at liberty to
being drafted into They still live outside the But you know this is not just when she needs a babysitter. — Hurting invite extra guests. It’s
the U.S. Army. (It was during the country, but their children — my about an invitation, but about Despite her attitude toward us, unfortunate that you singled
Vietnam War.) I was also drafted nephews and nieces — are events that shook your family and we have been very generous Hurting: Your son and his wife out this letter-writer for
and served, including going to American citizens and live here. removed your sister from your with them, because we adore have used you for years. And now judgment.
Vietnam. They are grown and have kids of family’s life. Your sister’s husband our three grandchildren and that they have the house, the — Disappointed
My mother was totally against their own. They greet me with chose to leave the country rather have a great relationship with extras and probably limited need
my sister marrying this guy, respect and call me uncle. than serve in the military in a war them. for a babysitter, they are done Disappointed: This neighbor
because he was on the lam. I was My sister and I never got close that divided the country along We’ve paid for summer camp with you. seemed extremely rigid, but I take
asked to meet with his parents again. I have yet to meet my justified matters of conscience. and all the extracurricular Of course they won’t let you see your point.
when they came to my mom’s brother-in-law in person. They If you want to try to restore and activities for the children, along the kids! They’ve been using these
house, with instructions from my are now alone in a foreign rebuild a relationship, you should with the down payment for their kids as leverage, and they don’t Amy’s column appears seven days a
parents to make it very clear that country with no intention of reach out. A good way in might be house. However, we are not seem to care about the effects of week at washingtonpost.com/advice.
they were totally against this coming back. What steps can I to let them know that you enjoy allowed to buy the grandchildren this loss on their own children. Write to askamy@amydickinson.com or
marriage, making me the bad guy take to build a better relationship having a relationship with their gifts. I know I put up with too I’m very sorry. Amy Dickinson, P.O. Box 194, Freeville,
in this scenario. with them? children and grandchildren, and much disrespect from both of N.Y. 13068.  You can also follow her
My sister told our mom that if I — The Older Brother that this has motivated you to try them for many years, just to be Dear Amy: I disagree with your @askingamy.
wanted to attend the wedding, to build a better relationship able to see the grandchildren. advice to “Fun Neighbor,” who
the invitation was left on top of Older Brother: When faced with with their parents, before it is too Recently, our young planned progressive dinners. As © 2023 by Amy Dickinson. Distributed by
my mom’s refrigerator. I took it the prospect of welcoming a draft late. granddaughter seemed proud the primary organizer, she is Tribune Content Agency.

MOVIE DIRECTORY (!) No Pass/No Discount Ticket

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

DISTRICT Indiana Jones and the Dial of

Destiny (PG-13) 11:20-3:10-
AMC DINE-IN Rio Cinemas 18
9811 Washingtonian Center
Mission: Impossible - Dead
Reckoning Part One (PG-13)
The Blackening (R) 10:30
Joy Ride (R) 9:45
Spider-Man: Across the
Spider-Verse (PG) 4:10
Oppenheimer: The IMAX 2D
Experience (R) CC: 11:00-3:00-
Mission: Impossible - Dead
Reckoning Part One (PG-13)
Mission: Impossible - Dead
Reckoning Part One (PG-13)
Elemental (PG) 12:25-3:00-
AMC Georgetown 14 5:50-9:30 Barbie (PG-13) CC: 4:15-7:15- 9:35-12:00-12:20-1:15-3:40- Cobweb (2023-I) (R) 11:05-1:40- Oppenheimer (R) 10:00-1:20- 7:00-11:00 CC: 10:30-3:45-7:15-10:30 9:55-12:00-1:35-3:40-5:15-7:20- Insidious: The Red Door
3111 K Street N.W. Sound of Freedom (PG-13) 10:15 4:00-4:55-7:20-7:40-8:35-11:00 4:15-6:50-9:25 2:00-5:30-6:00-9:30-10:00 The Blackening (R) CC: Oppenheimer (R) CC: 10:30- 8:55-11:00 (PG-13) 11:30-2:20-4:55-7:30-
Barbie (PG-13) CC: 1:00-3:45- 10:55-2:20 Transformers: Rise Of The Spider-Man: Across the Sound of Freedom (PG-13) The Little Mermaid (PG) 1:40 8:15-10:50 11:30-2:15-3:15-6:30-7:30- Insidious: The Red Door 10:25
10:15 Mission: Impossible - Dead Beasts (PG-13) CC: 10:00-1:10- Spider-Verse (PG) 9:00-12:25- 12:00-3:15-6:30 Elemental (PG) 10:30-1:30-4:30- Joy Ride (R) CC: 3:15-8:45 10:15 (PG-13) 9:10-11:55-2:40-5:25- Indiana Jones and the Dial of
Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One (PG-13) 4:10-7:10-10:15 3:55-7:15-10:40 Toy Story (1995) - Disney100 7:30-10:15 Cobweb (2023-I) (R) CC: 4:30- Elemental (PG) CC: 10:00-3:00- 8:10-10:55 Destiny (PG-13) 11:50-3:20-
Reckoning Part One (PG-13) 12:40-6:50-8:15-10:30 Mission: Impossible - Dead Oppenheimer (R) 9:00-9:55- (G) 11:40-2:10-4:40-7:10-9:40 Insidious: The Red Door (PG-13) 7:00-9:30 4:00-6:45 Indiana Jones and the Dial of 6:45-10:05
CC: 12:00-3:30-4:00-7:00-7:30- Oppenheimer 70mm (R) 10:40- Reckoning Part One (PG-13) 11:00-11:25-12:40-1:55-3:25- Oppenheimer (R) OC: 7:00 7:40-10:30 Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken Insidious: The Red Door (PG-13) Destiny (PG-13) 9:00-12:30- Sound of Freedom (PG-13)
9:50-10:30 2:40-6:40-10:30 CC: 11:00-12:30-2:45-4:30-6:30- 4:40-6:00-7:30-8:40-10:00 Indiana Jones and the Dial of (PG) CC: 2:30-8:45 CC: 5:15-8:45-11:00 4:00-7:30-11:00 3:35-9:35
Regal Germantown
Spider-Man: Across the Oppenheimer (R) OC: 6:10 8:15-10:15 Elemental (PG) 9:15-10:00- 20000 Century Boulevard Destiny (PG-13) 11:40-3:20- Sound of Freedom (PG-13) CC: Indiana Jones and the Dial of Sound of Freedom (PG-13) 9:35- Barbie (PG-13) 10:45-11:10-
Spider-Verse (PG) CC: 12:30- Mission: Impossible - Dead The Flash (PG-13) CC: 10:45AM 12:45-3:30-6:30-9:15 6:50-10:25 12:30-3:45-7:00-10:15 Destiny (PG-13) CC: 12:35-3:00- 12:45-3:55-7:05-10:15 12:10-12:40-1:10-1:40-2:10-
3:35-6:45 Reckoning Part One (PG-13) Insidious: The Red Door (PG-13) Barbie (PG-13) 10:50-11:30- 6:45-9:30 Barbie (PG-13) 9:05-10:00-
Spider-Man: Across the 12:10-12:50-1:30-2:00-2:30- Oppenheimer: The IMAX 2D Oppenheimer 70mm (R) CC: 3:10-4:10-4:40-5:10-6:10-6:40-
Oppenheimer (R) CC: 6:30 OC: 4:30 Spider-Verse (PG) CC: 10:00- 9:10-10:55-1:45-4:45-7:35- Experience (R) 10:40-2:50-7:00 12:15-4:15-8:15 Sound of Freedom (PG-13) CC: 10:30-11:00-11:25-12:50-1:20- 7:10-7:40-8:10-9:10-10:15
10:30-10:50 3:10-3:40-4:20-4:50-5:20-6:10- 10:45-2:00-6:15-9:15 1:50-2:15-3:40-4:10-4:40-5:05-
No Hard Feelings (R) CC: 2:05 1:15-4:30-7:40-10:30 Sound of Freedom (PG-13) Barbie (PG-13) CC: 11:00-11:30- Mission: Impossible - Dead
The Little Mermaid (PG) CC: MARYLAND Oppenheimer (R) CC: 12:00 Indiana Jones and the Dial of
Destiny (PG-13) 12:05-3:35-
Paws of Fury: The Legend of 12:40 12:00-1:15-2:15-2:45-4:15-4:30- Alamo Drafthouse Cinema - 6:30-7:00-7:30-7:55-9:20-9:50-
10:20-10:50 Reckoning Part One (PG-13)
11:05AM AFI Silver Theatre No Hard Feelings (R) CC: Hank (PG) 11:20AM Barbie (PG-13) 11:10-12:10- 5:00-6:00-7:00-7:10-8:00-9:00- One Loudoun 12:00-1:00-3:30-4:30-7:25-8:30
Insidious: The Red Door (PG-13) 5:15-10:45 7:05-10:35 1:10-2:10-3:10-4:10-5:10-5:40- 9:45-10:00-11:00 20575 East Hampton Plaza Oppenheimer (R) 9:20-12:00-
Cultural Center
Sound of Freedom (PG-13) Sing 2 (PG) 11:00AM 1:20-4:00-5:20-8:00-9:20 Oppenheimer (R) 11:40-1:50-
CC: 2:10-4:45-7:35-10:10 8633 Colesville Road The Little Mermaid (PG) CC: Mission: Impossible - Dead 6:10-7:10-8:10-8:40-9:10-10:10 Oppenheimer (R) CC: 1:30- Mission: Impossible - Dead 3:50-6:00-8:00-8:55-10:10; 5:00
Indiana Jones and the Dial of Rio Bravo (NR) OC: 4:15 2:00 9:10-10:05-1:00-1:25-4:10-4:35- Regal Westview & IMAX 10:15 Reckoning Part One (PG-13) Regal Ballston Quarter
7:20-7:45-10:55 Reckoning Part One (PG-13) Regal Manassas & IMAX
Destiny (PG-13) CC: 11:20-2:40- Oppenheimer (R) 12:00-3:45- Elemental (PG) CC: 11:00-1:30- 11:25-3:00-6:50 5243 Buckeystown Pike Barbie (PG-13) OC: 1:30 11:45AM 671 North Glebe Road
6:05-9:25 4:15-7:00-9:45 Barbie (PG-13) XD: 10:50-1:40- Oppenheimer (R) OC: 9:30 Oppenheimer (R) 11:00-1:45 Barbie (PG-13) 10:50-11:10- 11380 Bulloch Drive
7:30 4:30-7:20-10:10 Spider-Man: Across the Spi- Barbie (PG-13) 11:20-12:20-
Asteroid City (PG-13) CC: Insidious: The Red Door (PG-13) der-Verse (PG) 11:50AM 1:40-2:20-3:20-5:30-6:40-8:00- Barbie (PG-13) 5:30-8:30 Jaws 2 (PG) 7:30 12:10-1:10-1:40-2:10-3:10-4:10- Barbie (PG-13) 10:30-11:10-
Finding Fela (NR) 6:45 CC: 10:00-11:30-2:15-5:00-7:45- Transformers: Rise Of The 12:10-1:00-1:40-3:10-4:10-
11:00-1:30 Oppenheimer (R) 11:40-2:50- 8:40-9:40 Oppenheimer (R) 5:30 Barbie (PG-13) 2:15-3:15- 4:40-5:10-6:10-7:10-7:40-8:10-
Asteroid City (PG-13) 2:30-9:30 11:00 Beasts (PG-13) 10:40-1:50
Oppenheimer: The IMAX 2D Ex- 3:30-7:00 Paws of Fury: The Legend of AMC Potomac Mills 18 4:30-6:00-6:45-8:00-9:10-9:55; 9:10-10:10-10:40 4:40-6:10-7:10-7:40-9:10-
perience (R) CC: 1:15-5:15-9:15 What Ever Happened to Baby Indiana Jones and the Dial of Oppenheimer (R) XD: 12:00- 10:10-10:40-10:55
Jane? (NR) 1:20 Elemental (PG) 11:10-2:10- Hank (PG) 11:00AM 2700 Potomac Mills Circle 11:15-1:00 Mission: Impossible - Dead
Theater Camp (PG-13) CC: Destiny (PG-13) CC: 10:45-2:45- 4:00-8:00 Reckoning Part One (PG-13) Paws of Fury: The Legend of
12:25-2:45-5:15-7:25-9:40 Past Lives (PG-13) 12:15-4:35 6:15-10:00 Cobweb (2023-I) (R) 5:00- 5:00-7:50 Sing 2 (PG) 11:00AM Barbie (PG-13) CC: 10:00-12:45- Oppenheimer (R) 7:00
Insidious: The Red Door (PG-13) Mission: Impossible - Dead 7:30-10:15 The Secret Life of Pets 2 (PG) 11:00-1:30-2:40-5:20-6:30- Hank (PG) 11:00AM
Past Lives (PG-13) CC: 11:35AM Pierrot le fou (1965) (NR) 7:00 Oppenheimer: The IMAX 2D 7:25-9:55
9:30 Reckoning Part One (PG-13) 11:30AM 9:00-10:20 Transformers: Rise Of The
Band of Outsiders (Bande à Experience (R) CC: 10:30-2:30- Oppenheimer 70mm (R) 10:45- Transformers: Rise Of The
Joy Ride (R) CC: 10:50 Indiana Jones and the Dial of 1:30-5:40-9:30 Beasts (PG-13) CC: 10:15- Indiana Jones and the Dial of Spider-Man: Across the Beasts (PG-13) 6:30-9:40
part) (NR) 11:20-9:15 6:30-10:30 2:45-6:45-10:45
Sound of Freedom (PG-13) CC: Destiny (PG-13) 12:20-3:50-7:20 Oppenheimer (R) 12:10-8:20 1:20-4:30 Destiny (PG-13) 3:30-5:15- Spider-Verse (PG) 1:00 Sing 2 (PG) 11:00AM
1:20-4:20-10:20 AMC Academy 8 Joy Ride (R) CC: 12:15 The White Storm 3: Heaven or 7:15-9:45 Oppenheimer (R) 10:40-1:50- Mission: Impossible - Dead
Hell 9:10 Sound of Freedom (PG-13) Elemental (PG) 11:10-1:50-2:40- Mission: Impossible - Dead
Barbie (PG-13) CC: 11:00-11:45- 6198 Greenbelt Road Cobweb (2023-I) (R) CC: 3:20-6:30 4:30-7:10 Barbie (PG-13) 3:50 2:50-7:00-10:00 Reckoning Part One (PG-13)
Hidimbha 3:55-10:25 Reckoning Part One (PG-13)
12:45-1:45-2:30-3:30-4:30-5:15- Barbie (PG-13) CC: 10:30-1:15- 5:45-8:15 Oppenheimer (R) OC: 7:30 Insidious: The Red Door (PG-13) CC: 10:40-12:10-2:20-3:45-6:00- Indiana Jones and the Dial of Elemental (PG) 12:00-3:00- 11:30-12:20-2:50-3:30-6:40-
6:15-8:00-10:00-10:45 3:00-4:45-7:45-9:00-11:15 Sound of Freedom (PG-13) CC: Annapurna Photo Studio 9:20- Destiny (PG-13) 1:15 6:20-9:20 7:20-10:30-10:50
12:35-7:10 Regal Hyattsville Royale 5:20-8:10-9:50 7:20-9:30-11:00
Oppenheimer (R) CC: 12:15- Transformers: Rise Of The 10:15-12:45-3:50-7:10-10:15 Insidious: The Red Door (PG-13)
Toy Story (1995) - Disney100 6505 America Blvd. Indiana Jones and the Dial of The Flash (PG-13) CC: 10:10AM Barbie (PG-13) 12:40 Spider-Man: Across the
8:15-10:00 Beasts (PG-13) CC: 4:10-10:10 Toy Story (1995) - Disney100 Destiny (PG-13) 11:40-3:30-7:20 Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Man: Across the 4:50-7:50-10:30 Spider-Verse (PG) 2:45
No Hard Feelings (R) OC: 7:10 Mission: Impossible - Dead (G) 12:30-2:45-5:00-7:15-9:30 (G) 9:30-11:50-2:10-4:30-6:50 Barbie (PG-13) 11:20-11:50- Spider-Verse (PG) 12:00 Indiana Jones and the Dial of
12:20-12:50-2:50-3:20-3:50- Oppenheimer: The IMAX 2D Spider-Verse (PG) CC: 10:10- Oppenheimer (R) 11:40-1:50-
Past Lives (PG-13) OC: 4:35 Reckoning Part One (PG-13) Barbie (PG-13) CC: 10:00-11:15- Cinépolis Gaithersburg Experience (R) 11:30-3:30-7:40 1:20-4:40-7:50-11:00 Mission: Impossible - Dead Destiny (PG-13) 11:40-3:30- 6:00-8:00-10:10
Barbie (PG-13) OC: 7:15-9:00 CC: 10:10-1:20-4:30-7:20-10:40 12:15-12:45-2:15-2:45-3:45- 629 Center Point Way 5:50-6:20-6:50-8:50-9:20-9:50- 6:50-10:20
10:20 Sound of Freedom (PG-13) 4:50 Oppenheimer (R) CC: 3:30 Reckoning Part One (PG-13) Elemental (PG) 12:00-3:00-
Sound of Freedom (PG-13) Spider-Man: Across the 5:15-5:45-6:15-6:45-8:15-8:45- Barbie (PG-13) 11:00-11:40- 3:45-7:45-9:00 Oppenheimer (R) OC: 6:00
9:15-9:45 Paws of Fury: The Legend of Mission: Impossible - Dead No Hard Feelings (R) CC: 5:50-8:40
OC: 7:20 Spider-Verse (PG) CC: 10:20- 12:40-2:00-3:00-4:00-5:00-6:20- Hank (PG) 10:00AM Reckoning Part One (PG-13) Oppenheimer (R) 3:00-5:30
1:40-7:00-10:20 Oppenheimer (R) CC: 11:30- 2:40-5:20 Regal Dulles Town Center Indiana Jones and the Dial of
Oppenheimer (R) OC: 4:15 7:20-8:00 12:10-3:50-7:50 The Little Mermaid (PG) CC: Angelika Film Center Mosaic 21100 Dulles Town Circle Destiny (PG-13) 10:50-2:30-
Oppenheimer (R) CC: 11:00- 3:30-7:30-8:30 Sing 2 (PG) 10:00AM
Alamo Drafthouse Cinema - 1:00-4:00-7:30-10:30 Mission: Impossible - Dead Mission: Impossible - Dead Oppenheimer (R) OC: 4:10 11:30-2:50-6:20-9:40 2911 District Ave Barbie (PG-13) 12:15-1:15-2:15- 6:20-10:00
Barbie (PG-13) OC: 3:15 Reckoning Part One (PG-13)
DC Bryant Street
Elemental (PG) CC: 10:50-1:30- Reckoning Part One (PG-13) Xscape Theatres Elemental (PG) CC: 10:30-1:15- Mission: Impossible - Dead 3:15-4:15-5:15-6:15-6:45-7:15- Oppenheimer: The IMAX 2D
630 Rhode Island Ave NE AMC Loews 12:00-2:40-3:40-7:00-9:00 11:00-12:50-2:40-4:30-6:30- Brandywine 14 4:00-6:40-9:20 Reckoning Part One (PG-13) 8:15-9:15-9:45-10:15 Experience (R) 10:40-2:40-
5:00-7:40 St. Charles Town Ctr. 9 Oppenheimer (R) 12:20-1:40-
Jaws 2 (PG) 7:30 Insidious: The Red Door 8:30-10:10 7710 Matapeake Business Drive Indiana Jones and the Dial of 12:40-4:15-7:45 Mission: Impossible - Dead 6:50-10:50
11115 Mall Circle 4:40-6:00-9:00
Barbie (PG-13) 1:45-2:45- (PG-13) CC: 10:40-1:50-4:50- Barbie (PG-13) CC: 10:15-12:15- Spider-Man: Across the Friday the 13th (1980) (R) 1:00- Destiny (PG-13) CC: 12:45-4:10- Spider-Man: Across the Spi- Reckoning Part One (PG-13) Sound of Freedom (PG-13)
4:15-5:00-6:00-8:15-8:45-9:15; 8:00-11:00 Indiana Jones and the Dial of Spider-Verse (PG) 12:10-4:00- 4:00-7:00 7:40-11:00 der-Verse (PG) 10:45-4:25 11:30-3:05-5:30-9:00 4:00
10:30-11:30 12:45-1:15-3:15-4:15-6:15-7:15- Destiny (PG-13) 1:40-3:20-8:40 7:10-10:15 Insidious: The Red Door (PG-13) Spider-Man: Across the
Sound of Freedom (PG-13) CC: 9:00-10:00 The Croods: A New Age (PG) Asteroid City (PG-13) 1:55- Barbie (PG-13) OC: 2:10-8:05
Spider-Man: Across the Spi- Sound of Freedom (PG-13) Oppenheimer (R) 11:30-12:30- CC: 11:20-2:00-4:40-7:15-10:00 7:40 Spider-Verse (PG) 2:25
10:00-5:45 Mission: Impossible - Dead 11:20-5:20-7:40
9:30AM Mission: Impossible - Dead
der-Verse (PG) OC: 12:30 3:30-8:00-9:00 Barbie (PG-13) 11:00-1:00-1:40- Oppenheimer: The IMAX 2D Indiana Jones and the Dial of Oppenheimer (R) 10:45-1:05- Reckoning Part One (PG-13)
AMC Annapolis Mall 11 Reckoning Part One (PG-13)
Oppenheimer PLF (R) 2:30-7:00
1020 Annapolis Mall Road CC: 10:30-2:15-6:00-9:30
Landmark Elemental (PG) 11:40-2:30-5:10- 2:20-3:40-4:20-5:00-6:20-7:00- Experience (R) CC: 10:30-2:30- Destiny (PG-13) 10:20-1:30- 2:45-5:30-7:00-9:30 OC: 8:20
Indiana Jones and the Dial of Bethesda Row Cinema 7:50-10:30 7:40-9:00-9:50-10:20 6:30-10:30 4:55-8:15 Elemental (PG) 12:00-2:55- Oppenheimer (R) OC: 3:50
Destiny (PG-13) OC: 2:45 Barbie (PG-13) CC: 9:00-3:50- Spider-Man: Across the 7235 Woodmont Avenue Insidious: The Red Door (PG-13) Mission: Impossible - Dead Joy Ride (R) CC: 10:20AM Barbie (PG-13) OC: 12:40 5:45-8:30
Spider-Verse (PG) CC: 11:45- Sound of Freedom (PG-13)
Theater Camp (PG-13) 12:15- 10:20 3:45-6:00-10:00 Barbie (PG-13) 11:15-12:00- 12:40-3:15-6:00-9:30 Reckoning Part One (PG-13) Cobweb (2023-I) (R) CC: 10:15 The Miracle Club (PG-13) Insidious: The Red Door (PG-13) 11:20-7:30-11:00
3:15-7:15-10:15 Mission: Impossible - Dead 12:30-1:45-3:00-4:15-5:00-5:30- Indiana Jones and the Dial of 11:40-2:30-3:10-6:10-6:50- Sound of Freedom (PG-13) CC: 10:10-6:00 2:00-5:00-7:45-10:30
Oppenheimer (R) CC: 10:30- Barbie (PG-13) 5:10
Oppenheimer PLF (R) 10:00AM Reckoning Part One (PG-13) 2:30-3:30-6:30-7:30-9:15
7:00-8:00-8:45 Destiny (PG-13) 11:10-3:00- 10:00-10:30 10:10-1:15-4:20-7:40-10:50 Theater Camp (PG-13) 10:30- Indiana Jones and the Dial of Mission: Impossible - Dead
The Secret Life of Pets 2 (PG) CC: 10:05 Elemental (PG) CC: 11:30-2:15-
Mission: Impossible - Dead 6:40-10:00 Spider-Man: Across the Spi- Oppenheimer 70mm (R) 12:15- 12:45-3:00-5:15-7:30 Destiny (PG-13) 10:55-2:35-
Reckoning Part One (PG-13)
11:45AM Spider-Man: Across the Spi- Reckoning Part One (PG-13) Sound of Freedom (PG-13) der-Verse (PG) 3:15-6:25-9:25 4:15-8:15 Barbie (PG-13) 10:00-11:45- 6:30-9:55
5:00-7:45-10:30 4:20
Indiana Jones and the Dial of der-Verse (PG) CC: 5:10-10:10 Insidious: The Red Door (PG-13) 12:05-3:20-6:30 2:20-7:00-7:20 Oppenheimer (R) 11:20-3:20- Toy Story (1995) - Disney100 2:15-3:25-4:45-5:45-7:15-8:30 Sound of Freedom (PG-13)
Destiny (PG-13) 10:45-6:30- Oppenheimer (R) CC: 12:00- Oppenheimer (R) 11:30-2:00- Oppenheimer (R) OC: 4:40 7:20 (G) 12:00-2:15-4:30-6:45-9:00 Oppenheimer (R) 10:15-11:30- 11:05AM Regal Springfield Town Center
6:30 CC: 10:15-1:00-3:20-7:00-10:30 3:45-7:30 Barbie (PG-13) OC: 11:15AM 6859 Springfield Mall
10:30 Regal Laurel Towne Centre The Little Mermaid (PG) 11:25- Barbie (PG-13) CC: 10:45-11:45- 2:00-3:15-7:00-8:15
Mission: Impossible - Dead No Hard Feelings (R) CC: 10:40 Indiana Jones and the Dial of Asteroid City (PG-13) 12:45-7:45 3:35-6:35-9:35 12:30-1:30-2:45-3:30-4:15-5:45- Regal Fairfax Towne Center Barbie (PG-13) 10:10-12:10-
14716 Baltimore Avenue CMX Village 14
Reckoning Part One (PG-13) Elemental (PG) CC: 9:00-12:30- Destiny (PG-13) CC: 11:45-3:00- Indiana Jones and the Dial of Barbie (PG-13) 11:00-11:30- Elemental (PG) 10:25-1:05-3:45- 7:00-9:00-9:45 4110 West Ox Road 1:10-2:10-2:40-3:10-3:40-4:10-
4:15-6:50 6:30-9:45 1600 Village Market Boulevard
11:30-3:00-6:15-10:15 Destiny (PG-13) 12:30-3:35-6:45 12:10-1:10-2:10-3:10-4:10-5:20- 6:35-9:15 Oppenheimer (R) CC: 1:30- Barbie (PG-13) 12:10-1:20-2:20- 5:10-6:10-6:40-7:10-8:10-8:50-
Insidious: The Red Door AMC Magic Johnson Barbie (PG-13) 11:30-5:50
Oppenheimer (R) 12:00-3:45- The Miracle Club (PG-13) 6:10-6:30-7:10-8:15-9:10-10:00 Insidious: The Red Door (PG-13) 5:30-7:45 3:30-4:10-5:10-6:20-7:10-7:30- 9:10-9:50-10:10-11:00
4:30-9:00 (PG-13) CC: 9:20-1:20-2:30- Capital Center 12 3:15-6:30 Mission: Impossible - Dead 11:30-2:00-4:50-7:30-10:40 Cobweb (2023-I) (R) OC: 8:00 Mission: Impossible - Dead 8:00-9:10-10:00-10:30 Mission: Impossible - Dead
7:40-11:00 800 Shoppers Way Theater Camp (PG-13) 12:00- Reckoning Part One (PG-13) Barbie (PG-13) OC: 6:15 Reckoning Part One (PG-13)
Angelika Sound of Freedom (PG-13) 11:05-12:25-2:15-2:50-4:10- Paws of Fury: The Legend of Reckoning Part One (PG-13)
Indiana Jones and the Dial of Barbie (PG-13) CC: 11:00-12:00- 2:45-5:30-7:20 11:50-1:10-4:10-7:10-10:10 Oppenheimer (R) OC: 9:30 10:30-11:30-12:00-2:20-3:20-
Pop-Up at Union Market Destiny (PG-13) CC: 9:00-11:40- 1:00-1:45-2:45-3:45-4:30-6:30- 11:50-12:50-3:30-4:30-8:30- 6:35-7:45-8:45 Hank (PG) 11:30AM
550 Penn Street NE - Unit E Landmark at 10:00 Oppenheimer PLF (R) 2:10- Barbie (PG-13) 8:45 The Little Mermaid (PG) Sing 2 (PG) 11:30AM 6:00-7:00-10:00-10:40
3:10-6:40-10:05 7:15-8:15-9:15-10:00 6:00-9:40 Spider-Man: Across the Spi-
Mission: Impossible - Dead Annapolis Harbour Center Spider-Man: Across the Spi- AMC Shirlington 7 12:00-3:00 Mission: Impossible - Dead
Sound of Freedom (PG-13) CC: Transformers: Rise Of The 2474 Solomons Island Road Unit H-1 der-Verse (PG) 10:50AM
Reckoning Part One (PG-13) 10:00-1:00-4:00-7:00-9:45 Beasts (PG-13) CC: 3:30-6:45 der-Verse (PG) 1:30-4:45-8:00 iPic Pike & Rose 2772 South Randolph St. Oppenheimer (R) 11:20-12:35- Reckoning Part One (PG-13)
11:40-3:00-6:30 Top Gun (1986) (PG) 1:30- Oppenheimer (R) 11:45-12:40- 11830 Grand Park Avenue Barbie (PG-13) CC: 9:50-11:10- 1:30-3:10-4:35-5:20-7:00-8:30- 1:40-3:50-5:30-7:00-10:20 Oppenheimer (R) 10:40-11:40-
Oppenheimer 70mm (R) 9:40- Mission: Impossible - Dead 2:30-3:30-6:20-8:00-10:10
Barbie (PG-13) 11:20-2:15- 1:30-5:30-9:30 Reckoning Part One (PG-13) 4:30-7:30 3:45-5:00-7:40-9:00 Barbie (PG-13) (!) 2:45-3:15- 11:45-2:00-2:30-4:45-5:20-6:50- 9:10 Oppenheimer (R) 11:50-1:50-
4:45-7:20 Barbie (PG-13) CC: 10:00- CC: 11:10-2:45-6:30-10:10 Mission: Impossible - Dead Elemental (PG) 12:10-3:10- 3:30-6:15-6:45-7:00-9:45-10:15- 7:30-8:10-10:15-11:00 Elemental (PG) 11:40-2:25- 3:40-7:40-9:20-9:50 Elemental (PG) 10:00-12:50-
Oppenheimer (R) 11:30-3:15- 11:00-12:00-12:45-1:45-2:45- Spider-Man: Across the Reckoning Part One (PG-13) 6:00-8:45 10:30 Mission: Impossible - Dead 5:00-7:40 The Little Mermaid (PG) 2:30 3:50-6:50-9:40
7:00 3:30-4:30-5:30-6:20-7:20-8:15- Spider-Verse (PG) CC: 11:45- 12:40-4:00-7:20 Insidious: The Red Door (PG-13) Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One (PG-13) Indiana Jones and the Dial of Elemental (PG) 1:10-4:00- Insidious: The Red Door (PG-
Avalon Theatre 9:10-9:40 3:00-6:15-9:45 Barbie (PG-13) 12:15-12:45- 1:00-3:45-6:45-9:30 Reckoning Part One (PG-13) CC: 11:30-12:35-3:20-7:00-10:30 Destiny (PG-13) 12:20-3:45- 6:40-9:30 13) 10:20-1:30-4:30-7:30-10:30
5612 Connecticut Avenue Mission: Impossible - Dead Oppenheimer (R) CC: 11:30- 1:40-2:10-3:00-4:15-5:15-6:00- Indiana Jones and the Dial of 2:15-3:00-6:30-7:15-10:30-10:45 Oppenheimer (R) CC: 11:40- 7:10 Indiana Jones and the Dial of Indiana Jones and the Dial of
Reckoning Part One (PG-13) 1:45-5:00-9:00-9:45 7:10-7:45 Destiny (PG-13) 12:30-4:00-7:50 Oppenheimer (R) (!) 2:30-3:30- 3:30-7:20-9:40-10:30 Sound of Freedom (PG-13) Destiny (PG-13) 12:00-3:00- Destiny (PG-13) 11:10-3:00-
Oppenheimer (R) 12:00-3:45- Oppenheimer (R) 1:30-3:15- Sound of Freedom (PG-13) 6:30-10:10
7:30 10:40-2:20-6:10 Elemental (PG) CC: 11:00-1:45- 6:00-7:45-10:15 Elemental (PG) CC: 9:35-11:45- 12:10-3:20-6:05-7:20-9:20 7:20-10:50
5:30-7:00 2:50-7:30 Elemental (PG) 2:45 2:30-5:10-7:50-11:05 Barbie (PG-13) 11:10-11:30- Sound of Freedom (PG-13) Sound of Freedom (PG-13)
Asteroid City (PG-13) 2:45-7:45 Oppenheimer (R) CC: 10:40- 4:30-7:15-10:00
Indiana Jones and the Dial of 12:20
Past Lives (PG-13) 12:15-5:15 3:00-8:20 Insidious: The Red Door (PG-13) Regal Rockville Center Insidious: The Red Door (PG-13) Asteroid City (PG-13) CC: 4:10 11:50-12:45-1:10-2:00-2:40- 11:20-5:30
CC: 11:45-2:30-5:10-8:00-10:45 Destiny (PG-13) 1:00-4:20-7:30 199 East Montgomery Avenue 7:30-11:15 Indiana Jones and the Dial of 3:30-4:00-4:45-5:30-5:50-6:15- Oppenheimer (R) OC: 6:00
AMC Center Park 8 Regal Virginia Gateway & RPX
Oppenheimer: The IMAX 2D Sound of Freedom (PG-13) Barbie (PG-13) 11:45-12:30- Destiny (PG-13) CC: 12:10-3:40- 6:45-7:30-8:15-9:00-9:30 Regal Fox & IMAX 8001 Gateway Promenade Place
Atlantic Plumbing Cinema
807 V Street Northwest
4001 Powder Mill Rd.
Barbie (PG-13) CC: 10:15-11:30- Experience (R) CC: 12:15-
1:10-4:05-7:05 1:10-1:50-2:30-4:00-4:40-5:20- VIRGINIA 7:10-10:35 Cinema Arts Theatre 22875 Brambleton Plaza Barbie (PG-13) 3:40
4:15-8:15 Old Greenbelt Theatre 7:00-7:40-8:20-9:20-10:00 AMC Courthouse Plaza 8 AMC Tysons Corner 16 9650 Unit 14 Main St. Barbie (PG-13) 9:50-12:10- Paws of Fury: The Legend of
Barbie (PG-13) 4:00-4:30-5:00- 1:15-2:30-4:45-5:30-7:45-8:30- The Blackening (R) CC: 11:15- 129 Centerway Mission: Impossible - Dead
7:10-8:00 11:15 2150 Clarendon Blvd. Barbie (PG-13) 9:40-1:15-3:30-
7850e Tysons Corner Center 12:55-3:10-6:10-9:10 Hank (PG) 10:30AM
Mission: Impossible - Dead 10:00 Barbie (PG-13) 6:30 Reckoning Part One (PG-13) Barbie (PG-13) CC: 9:20-9:50- Barbie (PG-13) CC: 4:00-7:00- 7:10-9:25 Paws of Fury: The Legend of
Mission: Impossible - Dead 11:55-2:00-3:30-5:40-7:20-9:30 Sing 2 (PG) 10:30AM
Reckoning Part One (PG-13) Joy Ride (R) CC: 2:30 Oppenheimer (R) 6:00 10:35-11:50-1:20-2:30-4:10- 9:50 Mission: Impossible - Dead Hank (PG) 10:30AM
Reckoning Part One (PG-13) Spider-Man: Across the Mission: Impossible - Dead
7:20 CC: 10:30-1:10-4:30-7:15-10:10 Sound of Freedom (PG-13) CC: Phoenix Theatres Marlow 6 5:15-6:30-7:20-8:00-10:05- Transformers: Rise Of The Reckoning Part One (PG-13) Sing 2 (PG) 10:00AM Reckoning Part One (PG-13)
Spider-Man: Across the Spi- 11:15-12:45-4:00-7:15-10:30 3899 Branch Avenue
Spider-Verse (PG) 11:30-2:40- 10:45-11:10 Beasts (PG-13) CC: 9:25-2:55- 9:50-4:10-7:20-10:20 Mission: Impossible - Dead
Oppenheimer (R) 7:00-7:50 Barbie (PG-13) OC: 5:30 6:10-9:40 11:00-12:50-3:00-6:50-10:30
9:35 Oppenheimer (R) 9:45-12:05- Reckoning Part One (PG-13)
Indiana Jones and the Dial of der-Verse (PG) CC: 10:00-7:45 Oppenheimer (R) OC: 5:45 Barbie (PG-13) 12:00-2:35-5:15- Oppenheimer (R) 12:10-12:50- Mission: Impossible - Dead
3:35-6:00-9:25 Spider-Man: Across the Spi-
Destiny (PG-13) 4:40-7:40 Oppenheimer (R) CC: 10:45- 8:00-10:30 Reckoning Part One (PG-13) Mission: Impossible - Dead 10:30-2:15-6:20-10:00 der-Verse (PG) 10:25AM
1:00-2:30-4:00-7:30-9:00-10:30 4:10-4:50-8:30-8:50 CC: 12:35-3:45-7:30-10:05 Reckoning Part One (PG-13) Asteroid City (PG-13) 2:30- Spider-Man: Across the Spi-
Mission: Impossible - Dead AMC Montgomery 16 Transformers: Rise Of The Oppenheimer (R) 10:40-7:00-
Elemental (PG) CC: 10:20-1:30- 7101 Democracy Boulevard Elemental (PG) 12:10-3:00- Spider-Man: Across the Spi- CC: 11:30-1:15-3:10-4:55-7:05- 5:00-9:45 der-Verse (PG) 10:20AM
Reckoning Part One (PG-13) Beasts (PG-13) 11:00-1:45-4:30- 5:50-8:40 11:00
4:10-6:15-10:30 Barbie (PG-13) CC: 10:00-11:30- 7:15-10:05 der-Verse (PG) CC: 11:10AM 8:30-10:40 Indiana Jones and the Dial of Oppenheimer (R) 9:40-12:00-
4:10 Insidious: The Red Door (PG-13) Destiny (PG-13) 12:45-3:45- Elemental (PG) 11:30-3:30-
Oppenheimer (R) 4:20 Insidious: The Red Door 12:15-1:45-2:30-3:15-4:00- Mission: Impossible - Dead Oppenheimer (R) CC: 10:45- Spider-Man: Across the 1:50-4:20-6:00-8:30-10:10
12:40-3:40-6:30-9:55 Spider-Verse (PG) CC: 9:55- 7:00-10:00 Elemental (PG) 1:30-4:15-7:30- 5:30-8:15
(PG-13) CC: 10:35-2:00-4:40- 4:45-5:30-7:00-7:45-8:30-9:15- Reckoning Part One (PG-13) 12:00-2:35-3:50-7:00-9:20
Landmark E Street Cinema Indiana Jones and the Dial of 1:10-4:25-7:40 The Miracle Club (PG-13) 10:30 Insidious: The Red Door (PG-
8:00-11:00 10:00-10:30 2:00-5:30-9:00 Insidious: The Red Door (PG-13) 13) 10:35
555 11th Street Northwest Indiana Jones and the Dial Destiny (PG-13) 11:40-3:10-6:40 CC: 9:15-2:20-5:00-7:35-10:20 Oppenheimer (R) CC: 11:15AM 10:00-12:00-2:00-4:00-6:10- Indiana Jones and the Dial of
Mission: Impossible - Dead Spider-Man: Across the Sound of Freedom (PG-13) Indiana Jones and the Dial of
Top Gun (1986) (PG) 3:00-7:00 of Destiny (PG-13) CC: 10:10- Reckoning Part One (PG-13) Spider-Verse (PG) 12:05-3:00- 2:20-6:00-9:10 Indiana Jones and the Dial of No Hard Feelings (R) CC: 10:55 8:00-9:55 Destiny (PG-13) 11:40-3:30-
Barbie (PG-13) 12:30-2:00-3:00- 12:50-4:20-6:45-10:50 Destiny (PG-13) CC: 9:00-12:20- The Little Mermaid (PG) CC: Past Lives (PG-13) 9:40-12:05- 7:05-10:45 Destiny (PG-13) 11:50-3:20-
CC: 10:15-12:00-2:00-3:45-5:45- 6:00-9:05
4:30-5:30-7:00-8:00 Regal UA Snowden Square 4:05-7:40-10:50 10:10AM 7:30 Oppenheimer: The IMAX 2D 7:20-10:55
AMC Columbia 14 7:30-9:30 Oppenheimer (R) 11:00-2:45-
Mission: Impossible - Dead Spider-Man: Across the 9161 Commerce Center Drive Sound of Freedom (PG-13) CC: Elemental (PG) CC: 9:10-1:25- Cinemark Centreville 12 Experience (R) 10:40-2:50- Sound of Freedom (PG-13)
10300 Little Patuxent Parkway 6:25-10:00
Reckoning Part One (PG-13) 9:45-12:50-3:55-7:00-11:00 4:20-7:10-9:55 7:00-11:10 1:00-4:20-7:30-10:40
Barbie (PG-13) CC: 4:00-9:45 Spider-Verse (PG) CC: 12:30- Insidious: The Red Door (PG-13) Barbie (PG-13) 12:40-1:00- 6201 Multiplex Drive
3:30-7:15 3:45-7:15-10:15 11:45-2:15-4:45-7:15-9:45 2:10-3:40-3:50-4:10-5:10-6:10- Insidious: The Red Door (PG-13) Barbie (PG-13) 9:00-9:10-9:50- Cobweb (2023-I) (R) 4:00- Oppenheimer (R) 11:40-1:50-
Mission: Impossible - Dead AMC Hoffman Center 22 3:50-6:00-8:00-10:10
Oppenheimer (R) 12:00-3:00- Oppenheimer (R) CC: 10:00- 6:40-7:10 206 Swamp Fox Rd. CC: 9:00-11:50-2:35-5:20-8:05- 10:30-10:50-11:20-11:55-12:40- 6:40-9:20
4:00-6:30-7:30 Reckoning Part One (PG-13) Regal Cinemas Majestic 10:45 Sound of Freedom (PG-13) Barbie (PG-13) 11:10-12:10-
CC: 11:15-3:00-7:45-10:15 12:00-2:00-3:00-4:00-7:00-7:30- Stadium 20 & IMAX Paws of Fury: The Legend of Barbie (PG-13) CC: 12:30-3:30- 1:20-1:40-2:10-2:50-3:30-4:10-
Asteroid City (PG-13) 7:25 8:30-10:30 Hank (PG) 12:40 Indiana Jones and the Dial of 4:30-5:00-5:40-6:20-7:00-7:50- 2:45-6:05 12:40-1:10-1:40-2:10-2:40-
Theater Camp (PG-13) 1:45- Spider-Man: Across the 900 Ellsworth Drive 10:30 Ajmer 92 2:20-5:20-8:30 3:10-4:10-4:40-5:10-5:40-
No Hard Feelings (R) CC: Sing 2 (PG) 12:40 Destiny (PG-13) CC: 9:40-12:20- 8:30-9:10-9:50-10:45
3:45-5:45-7:45 Spider-Verse (PG) CC: 12:10- Barbie (PG-13) 10:00-10:30- Transformers: Rise Of The 3:55-7:25-11:00 Hidimbha 12:20-3:40-6:50- 6:10-6:40-7:10-7:40-8:10-
3:30-7:00-10:15 11:00-1:00 Mission: Impossible - Dead
11:00-11:30-12:00-12:25-12:45- Reckoning Part One (PG-13) Beasts (PG-13) CC: 12:30- Mission: Impossible - Dead
Past Lives (PG-13) 12:25 The Little Mermaid (PG) CC: Oppenheimer: The IMAX 2D Reckoning Part One (PG-13) 10:10 8:40-9:10-9:40-10:10-10:50
Oppenheimer (R) CC: 12:00 1:25-1:55-2:20-2:50-3:20- 3:45-7:00 Mission: Impossible - Dead
Barbie (PG-13) 2:30 11:45-1:00 12:50-4:30-8:00 Experience (R) CC: 10:30-2:30- 10:15-12:10-1:55-3:50-5:35- Smithsonian -
The Little Mermaid (PG) CC: 3:50-4:20-4:50-5:15-5:45-6:15- Mission: Impossible - Dead 6:30-10:30 Reckoning Part One (PG-13)
Mission: Impossible - Dead Elemental (PG) CC: 10:45-1:45- 6:45-7:15-7:40-8:10-8:40-9:10; Oppenheimer (R) 1:10-1:50- Reckoning Part One (PG-13) 7:30-9:15 Airbus IMAX Theater
Reckoning Part One (PG-13) 11:50-3:05 Joy Ride (R) CC: 9:30-12:10 11:30-3:20-7:15
2:50-5:20-6:00-7:00 Oppenheimer (R) 9:10-10:40-
12:15 Elemental (PG) CC: 10:30-1:10- 4:30-7:15-10:00 9:35-10:05-10:30 CC: 11:30-12:45-2:15-3:15-4:30-
Sound of Freedom (PG-13) CC: 12:00-1:15-2:40-4:00-5:20-6:40- Baby (Telugu) 9:30
14390 Air and Space Museum Parkway
3:50-6:40-9:20 Insidious: The Red Door (PG-13) Mission: Impossible - Dead Elemental (PG) 1:00-4:00-6:50 6:00-7:00-9:45-10:45 Flight of the Butterflies (G)
Asteroid City (PG-13) 4:55 CC: 10:30-1:30-4:30-7:25-10:25 Insidious: The Red Door (PG-13) The Flash (PG-13) CC: 11:00- 9:45-12:55-4:05-7:20-10:35 8:00-9:20-10:05 Elemental (PG) 10:00AM 2:00
Insidious: The Red Door Reckoning Part One (PG-13) Barbie (PG-13) 10:10-11:10-
5:00-7:40 Toy Story (1995) - Disney100 Insidious: The Red Door (PG-13)
Regal Gallery Place (PG-13) CC: 11:10-2:00-4:45- Indiana Jones and the Dial of 11:20-12:20-1:20-3:05-4:05- 5:00
(G) 9:20-11:25-1:30-3:40-6:05- 9:05-7:20-10:40 1:10-1:40-2:10-4:10-4:30-5:10-
Journey to Space (NR) 10:20-
701 Seventh Street Northwest 7:40-10:20 Destiny (PG-13) CC: 11:30-2:55- 5:05-6:50-7:50-8:50-10:30 Indiana Jones and the Dial of Spider-Man: Across the 2:55-4:55
Destiny (PG-13) 1:30-5:10 8:10-10:25 Indiana Jones and the Dial of 7:10-8:10-10:10-11:10
Barbie (PG-13) 11:00-11:30- Indiana Jones and the Dial of 6:45-10:15 Spider-Man: Across the Spi- Spider-Verse (PG) CC: 12:30-
Barbie (PG-13) CC: 9:15-10:00- Destiny (PG-13) 9:15-11:50- Mission: Impossible - Dead Aircraft Carrier: Guardian of
12:30-12:50-2:00-2:30-3:40- Destiny (PG-13) CC: 11:20-2:50- Joy Ride (R) CC: 10:30-4:15 der-Verse (PG) 10:00AM Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken 4:00-7:30-11:00 the Seas 12:25-4:15
10:45-12:05-1:00-1:45-3:00- Reckoning Part One (PG-13)
3:50-4:40-5:00-5:30-6:45-6:50- 6:25-10:05 Sound of Freedom (PG-13) CC: Oppenheimer (R) 10:40-11:40- (PG) 2:20 Oppenheimer (R) CC: 6:30 3:20-6:50-10:20
4:30-5:00-6:00-7:30-7:55-8:55- Sound of Freedom (PG-13) 9:00- 12:45-4:30-8:20 To Fly! (1976) (NR) 10:55-3:35
7:40-8:00-8:30-9:10-9:35-9:50- Oppenheimer: The IMAX 2D 12:05-3:15-6:00-9:15 12:40-2:50-3:50-4:50-8:00-9:00 Sound of Freedom (PG-13) 5:50 No Hard Feelings (R) CC: 10:20 Blue Planet (Il pianeta azzurro)
10:20-10:40 Experience (R) CC: 10:30-2:30- Barbie (PG-13) OC: 6:15 The Little Mermaid (PG) 10:05- Mission: Impossible - Dead 12:30-6:00 12:45-3:55-7:10-10:25 Regal Kingstowne & RPX
Reckoning Part One (PG-13) Oppenheimer (R) CC: 9:05- (NR) 11:30AM
Mission: Impossible - Dead 6:30-10:30 Oppenheimer (R) OC: 6:30 1:10-4:15-7:25 The Little Mermaid (PG) CC: Cinemark 5910 Kingstowne Towne Center
1:05-9:00 The Dream is Alive (NR) 1:05
Reckoning Part One (PG-13) Sound of Freedom (PG-13) CC: Cinemark Egyptian 24 and XD Elemental (PG) 10:20-1:05-4:10- 1:50-2:40-6:20 12:45-4:00-7:15-10:30
Oppenheimer 70mm (R) 12:00-
Fairfax Corner and XD Barbie (PG-13) 3:40-10:45
10:50-2:40-6:20-10:00 10:30-12:30-4:00-6:45-10:00 7000 Arundel Mills Circle 7:00-9:55 Regal Waugh Chapel & IMAX Elemental (PG) CC: 11:45-2:30- 11900 Palace Way Paws of Fury: The Legend of University Mall Theatres
Spider-Man: Across the Spi- 1419 South Main Chapel Way 4:00-8:00 Barbie (PG-13) XD: 9:30-12:20- Hank (PG) 10:00AM 10659-A Braddock Road
Barbie (PG-13) CC: 11:15-12:15- Barbie (PG-13) 10:30- Insidious: The Red Door (PG-13) 5:15-8:00-10:45
der-Verse (PG) 10:45AM Insidious: The Red Door (PG-13) Barbie (PG-13) OC: 10:50 3:10-6:00-8:50 Sing 2 (PG) 10:00AM Barbie (PG-13) CC; DVS: 12:20-
2:00-3:00-4:45-6:00-7:30-8:45- 1:20-4:10-7:00-9:50; 10:35-1:25-4:25-7:05-9:50 Paws of Fury: The Legend of
Oppenheimer (R) 1:10-2:10- 10:15 Indiana Jones and the Dial of Hank (PG) 10:00AM CC: 11:30-2:15-5:00-7:45-10:30 Oppenheimer (R) OC: 5:05 Oppenheimer (R) XD: 10:45- Mission: Impossible - Dead 2:40-5:00-7:30-9:45
5:10-9:10-10:10 Mission: Impossible - Dead 10:30-1:20-4:10-7:00-9:50; 9:05- Destiny (PG-13) 11:10-2:55- Sing 2 (PG) 10:00AM Indiana Jones and the Dial of AMC Worldgate 9 2:45-6:45-10:45 Reckoning Part One (PG-13) Mission: Impossible - Dead
Elemental (PG) 10:40-12:20- Reckoning Part One (PG-13) 9:45-10:10-11:10-11:30-11:55- 6:20-9:55 Mission: Impossible - Dead Destiny (PG-13) CC: 11:00-2:30- 13025 Worldgate Drive Elemental (PG) 9:00-10:20- 11:00-2:30-6:20-9:50 Reckoning Part One (PG-13)
3:10-6:00 OC: 6:45 1:00-2:00-2:20-2:45-3:00-3:50- Oppenheimer: The IMAX 2D Reckoning Part One (PG-13) 6:15-10:00 Barbie (PG-13) CC: 10:00-11:00- 1:05-3:50 Spider-Man: Across the Spi- CC; DVS: 12:45-4:05-7:15-10:20
Insidious: The Red Door (PG-13) Oppenheimer (R) CC: 1:30-3:20- 4:50-5:10-5:35-5:50-6:40-7:40- Experience (R) 10:00-2:00- 10:30-1:30-2:30-5:20-6:20- The Miracle Club (PG-13) CC: 12:00-1:00-2:00-3:00-4:45-6:00- Hidimbha 10:25 der-Verse (PG) 10:30-1:35 Elemental (PG) CC; DVS: 12:15-
1:30-4:40-7:30 5:30-7:40-9:30 8:05-8:25-8:45-9:30-10:30-10:55 6:00-10:00 9:20-10:20 11:30-2:00 7:00-8:00-9:45-10:45 Annapurna Photo Studio 7:10 Oppenheimer (R) 10:40-7:00 2:30-4:45-7:00-9:20

heal h & welln ss?

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C6 EZ RE the washington post . tuesday, july 25 , 2023




♠ Q5
♥ K64
♦ AQJ3
♣ J753
♠ 743 ♠ 962
♥ Q J 10 8 5 3 ♥ A92
♣ K92 ♣ A86
♠ A K J 10 8
♥ 7
♦ K965
♣ Q 10 4

The bidding:
1 ♠ Pass 2 NT Pass
3 ♦ Pass 4 ♦ Pass
4 ♠ All Pass

T he player we call
“Secondhand Rose”
showed up at my club today.
When the lesson about “sec-
ond hand low” on defense
was taught, Rose must have
been out with Jiggs the
Rose was East. South’s
bid of four spades suggested
a strong five-card suit, and
West led the queen of
hearts and continued. South
ruffed and had only nine
top tricks; he needed a club
trick. If he drew trumps, leav-
ing him with one at most,
and led a club, the defense
would force with a third heart
lead, and South might never
score a club trick.
So South led a trump
to dummy (not best) and
Secondhand Rose ... with
the ace! Rose then led the
ace of hearts. South ruffed,
drew trumps and ran the
diamonds, but West won the
last two tricks with the king
of clubs and a heart.
South succeeds if Rose
ducks the first club. West
takes the king and forces
with a heart, but South
diamonds and leads a club.
Rose must concede Trick 13
to South.
You hold:
Both sides vulnerable. The
dealer, at your right, opens
one spade. What do you say?
ANSWER: I know experts
(and many brave souls below
unhesitatingly double. Still,
the hand has only three-card
support for the other major
and minimum high-card
strength including a queen
of spades that may be worth-
less for offense. I would pass.
I would double with 4 2, K Q
4, A Q J 3, J 7 5 3.
— Frank Stewart





tuesday, july 25 , 2023 . the washington post EZ RE C7



You are idealistic and
have a keen sense
of purpose. You have
strong personal
integrity, and you expect
the same of others. This is
the perfect year to have fun,
socialize and let your hair
down! Nurture the happiness
and beauty that you have
within yourself. Old friends
might reappear.
Moon Alert: Avoid shopping or
making important decisions
from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. today.
After that, the Moon moves
from Libra into Scorpio.
(MARCH 21-APRIL 19).
Grab every opportunity to
play and be creative today.
Enjoy sports events and fun
activities with kids. However,
avoid intense disputes with
partners and close friends this
morning. Let sleeping dogs lie.
Family discussions are
important, including home
repairs. Be patient with co-
workers and issues related
to a pet this morning. Later
in the day, rational, practical
discussions with partners and
close friends will seal the deal.
(MAY 21-JUNE 20).
Parents need to be patient
with their kids this morning.
Likewise, romantic partners
should be patient with each
other, because intense
Later in the day, it’s easy to
be productive and practical
at work.
(JUNE 21-JULY 22).
Be patient with family
members this morning.
Problems at home are a tough
way to start your day. Later
in the day, you might hone
a particular skill in the arts,
music or sports. Whatever
you’re doing, you will be
focused and disciplined.
Resist the urge to win an
argument this morning. In the
long run, it doesn’t matter.
Keeping the peace is more
important. Later in the day,
family solutions, perhaps due
to the advice of someone
older or more experienced, will
come in handy. Be grateful.
(AUG. 23-SEPT. 22).
Money squabbles are likely
this morning. Keep in mind
that with fiery Mars in your
sign, you might come on
others. Later in the day,
research, learning and serious
discussions will yield some
practical information.
(SEPT. 23-OCT. 22).
With the Moon in your
sign, it’s easy for you to be
overly emotional. This might
happen this morning through
confrontations with others.
Later in the day, financial
discussions and work will yield
positive, practical results.
You might be upset by
something this morning. It
might even be a feeling that
sets you off. Pay no attention.
It will be gone by the time the
Moon enters your sign. After
that, you will have the patience
to deal with anything.
(NOV. 22-DEC. 21).
Avoid squabbles with a friend
or a member of a group;
they’re just not worth it. Why
get on the wrong side of
someone when later none of
(DEC. 22-JAN. 19).
Steer clear of difficulties with
parents, bosses, teachers
and the police this morning.
(Admittedly, it’s hard to keep
your shirt on when you have to
get something off your chest.)
Nevertheless, keep your cool.
(JAN. 20-FEB. 18).
Avoid controversial subjects
this morning, because these
disputes will make you
unhappy. Later in the day,
figures will yield positive
advice and send you in the
right direction.
(FEB. 19-MARCH 20).
Squabbles about shared
property, taxes and debt will
be unpleasant this morning.
Avoid these. Later in the
day, plans for travel or future
education will excite you.
— Georgia Nicols



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C8 eZ re the washington post . tuesday, july 25 , 2023

pHotos By HannaH Beier for tHe WasHington post

abOVE: From left, Linda mcLeary, Shayla robinson, myzah Smith, Felicia Frazier, Shana Williams and roberta
Williams, before a screening of “barbie” in Philadelphia. riGHT: Josh Crump and his daughter, Ellie, after a
“barbie” screening in Somerdale, N.J.

Where ‘Barbie’ and ‘Oppenheimer’ intersect

barbENHEimEr from C1 and Ellie play with Barbies daily. among them. Variety reports that who braved Barbenheimer in that she took to her sewing ma- look to seamlessly transition
“She loved it. She’s ready to go the director first saw “oppen- Winston-Salem, N.C., on Thurs- chine. She stitched part of the from Los Alamos, N.m., to Bar-
in $162 million, which is the see it again. . . .I think that [the heimer” at the Westwood Village day evening recommended see- phrase J. robert oppenheimer bieland. (The user, who goes by
largest domestic opening to date ‘Barbie’ movie] had a great mes- theater in Los Angeles, then ing the films the other way has said ran through his mind Danielle on social media, tweeted
this year as well as the largest sage in it. We will probably watch walked across the street to the around: “Barbie” first, then “op- during the atomic bomb testing that her look, which flipped from
domestic opening for a solo fe- it a couple of times as she grows regency Bruin to buy tickets to penheimer.” Jane Kane, 57, and — “DESTroYEr of WorLDS” black to pink, was “heavily in-
male director ever. Christopher up, too.” “Barbie.” (The theater choice pro- mary Carolyn Kane, 21, caught a — in Barbie-pink fabric onto a spired” by “ruPaul’s Drag race”
Nolan’s “oppenheimer,” mean- mother and daughter Jane vided some subtle promotion for 5:30 p.m. “Barbie” showing fol- T-shirt for the occasion. star Violet Chachki, who debuted
while, raked in $82.4 million, Williams, 53, and Angel Wil- Tarantino’s own work: “Barbie” lowed by “oppenheimer” at 8:45 Brukx saw “oppenheimer” a similar outfit on the show. “I
making this the first weekend in liams, 20, of the Port richmond star margot robbie shot a memo- p.m. and told The Post that they first, then “Barbie,” with a dinner wanted to create a fun campy two
Hollywood history for two films neighborhood of Philadelphia, rable scene in the Bruin for “once could not have imagined doing it break in between to decompress in one look,” she wrote.)
to open over $100 million and coordinated their outfits for their Upon a Time … In Hollywood.”) otherwise. and discuss the first film. But Several moviegoers told The
$50 million at the same time. Saturday screening at Land- There is no hard data available “‘oppenheimer’ is so long and “Barbie” was surprisingly emo- Post that Barbenheimer simply
“Barbie” mania drove much of mark’s ritz five. “We had to get on the order in which Barben- dense and mentally taxing to tional for Brukx, too: “It left me a provided an opportunity to
that success: fans across the matching Barbie outfits, because heimer fans saw the films, but watch that after it, you don’t sobbing mess walking out of the spend a whole day with family
country showed up to screenings she has about 50 Barbie dolls,” Tarantino seems to have followed want to watch a ‘palate cleanser.’ theater,” she said. (Those poi- and friends, and for that, it was
in full costume, turning ordinary Jane told The Post. the consensus plan: an “oppen- You want to leave the movie gnant mother-daughter scenes worth it. Ismail, who planned the
cineplexes into seas of pink, pink But plenty of those dressed for heimer” shot with a “Barbie” theater and process for a little will get you.) double screening for her hus-
and more pink. the Dreamhouse found their way chaser. while,” the younger Kane said. Brukx was one of many movie- band’s birthday, said her whole
Josh Crump attended “Barbie” to “oppenheimer” showings, too. At the London premiere of Her mother concurred: “I don’t goers who dressed up for this group enjoyed both films and
with his 4-year-old daughter, El- According to the National Associ- “Barbie,” star Issa rae told the think I would have laughed as five-hour expenditure of emo- stayed engaged throughout the
lie, at the Cinemark Somerdale 16 ation of Theatre owners, more Associated Press this is the view- robustly during the ‘Barbie’ mov- tional energy: fans across the marathon day. But she did per-
in Somerdale, N.J. “There were than 200,000 U.S. moviegoers ing order that makes the most ie if I had seen ‘oppenheimer’ country have posted photos of sonally cop to closing her eyes for
parts in there that were for par- bought tickets to see “Barbie” and sense. “If you see ‘oppenheimer’ first.” their Barbenheimer outfits on 10 minutes during “oppenheim-
ents and for kids,” Crump, who is “oppenheimer” on the same day last then you might be a bit of a Julia Brukx, a 21-year-old from social media, including one Twit- er.”
a high school culinary teacher, this weekend. psychopath,” she joked. Northern Virginia, had so much ter user who went viral after “When I woke up, I didn’t feel
told The Washington Post. He Even Quentin Tarantino was But a mother-daughter pair excitement for the double feature creating a custom two-in-one like I missed much,” she said.


1 Spelman or
Morehouse, for
5 Fluffy scarves
9 “Surely, you __!”
13 List-ending abbr.
14 Texter’s
“What’s up?”
15 Black-and-white
16 Denomination
of most of the
world’s Muslims
18 Genesis twin
19 Zesty flavor
20 Saloon
22 “GMA” TV
nick galifianakis for tHe WasHington post
23 Teacup pig, e.g.
25 Spiced cold
drink made
with sweetened
Groom says no to inviting all of the
condensed milk
29 “Dracula”
novelist Stoker
cousins, and his parent feels torn
31 Doc intended to
protect confi- Adapted from an most whom you can invite to be part of her nature. How do I
dentiality online discussion. without directly hurting someone deal with it?
32 Eggs purchase else. If you’re under your — Avoiding Mompetition
33 Spicy pizza © 2023 Tribune Content Agency, LLC. 7/25/23 Dear Carolyn: my allotment, then so be it. Bask in
topping son just got your son’s gratitude. Assure any avoiding mompetition:
69 Dalmatian mark 27 “Very relatable” move, for short 51 Minnesota’s engaged, and we complainers (ugh) that your Sympathetically, maybe? It’s
36 Clumsy oaf 70 Actress Ward 28 Nylabone, e.g. 43 LP’s 33 1/3 state bird Carolyn are all thrilled. He allotment was so small, you chose obnoxious, I’m with you there. And
37 Pro on the
30 “The Marvelous 44 Discipline 52 Hither and __ Hax is giving me such a not to pick and choose. maybe you aren’t meant to be
slopes taught by 57 School support small list, though, friends. But maybe, too, it’s less her
DOWN Mrs. __”
41 __-mo replay a sensei orgs. that I can only re: Quandary: Would your son need to feel superior than her need
1 “__ So Shy” 34 Rice dishes
42 Host, as guests 45 Filled and folded 59 Undercover include some first cousins and not be okay with your using the extra to stop feeling inferior. Assuming
2 AC meas. 35 Experimental others. I hate to hurt anyone’s money for an engagement party the latter might soften her
44 Divided Asian musician Brian brunch order agent
peninsula 3 “No time to feelings, but we are closer to some or a celebration of their marriage company.
chat!” 36 Hon 46 Indy 500 61 Jeff Lynne’s than others. I’d be happy to give my afterward with the family? Beneath the competitive child-
47 Nape tickler 38 Music featuring entrants band, informally
4 Forearm bone son and daughter-in-law more — Anonymous rearing kale rodeo is a lot of panic
48 Sharp cry sitars 47 Prepare for com- 62 Feline money, but my son says it’s about and self-doubt. So try tuning out
5 Fenway team:
49 Coastal resort Abbr. 39 Like Pyrex pany, in a way 63 Cartoon frame the space, and even more than that, anonymous: That could work, the braggy noises and train your
town southeast 40 Work-related 50 Things 64 Defunct airline he just wants to keep numbers thanks. Though it should be ears for vulnerability, and see
of Naples 6 Duo, the
Duolingo down. He doesn’t want his wedding afterward. An engagement party whether that changes how you
53 __ de plume mascot, for one filled with people he doesn’t really would mislead people into respond to her. E.g., she tells you
54 TiVo button 7 Saudi __ MONDAY’S LA TIMES SOLUTION know. (our family is quite spread thinking they’re invited to the how many books he gets or sugar
55 Normal: Abbr. out geographically now, but I grew wedding. grams he doesn’t get, and you say:
8 Poison shrub up with most of them.) “moms are under so much
56 “Silly me!” 9 Actor Pesci I don’t know what to do. Dear Carolyn: I am forging a pressure. I hope you aren’t tough
58 Brewpub 10 Not genuine Inviting some cousins but not delicate new friendship with my on yourself.” If she denies she is and
options their siblings feels wrong, but not brother’s wife. She’s a lovely you don’t believe her one bit, say,
11 “We build, we
60 Nonverbal fight” military doing what my son wants for HIS person, and I’ve been in the “Yay, glad to hear that,” because
communication member wedding feels more wrong. I feel market for new friends for a being right or wrong is beside the
concern, and a paralyzed and hate that this is while. They just moved close, and point. The tone change is the point.
phonetic hint 12 Big-billed bird
already an issue in what should it’s now possible for us to spend or, counterintuitively, giving
to a feature of 14 Low’s opposite be a joyful time. time together. But my sister-in- her the approbation she craves
16-, 25-, 37-, and 17 Loan — In a Quandary law is relentlessly competitive could ease her craving: “You’re
49-Across payment pt. about our children (who, let it be doing a great job with him.” Some
65 U. of Maryland 21 Decrease in a Quandary: How about no known, are both under 2). It is parents don’t ever hear that.
athlete 23 Kid-friendly cousins at all? Just because you very important to my sister-in-
66 Disney warrior sandwich, have these slots doesn’t mean you law that I know how little screen Write to carolyn Hax at
played by informally have to use them. time her son gets, how many tellme@washpost.com. get her column
24 History chapters obviously, you want to, for books they read together, all the delivered to your inbox each morning
Liu Yifei good reason. But it’s his party. gourmet organic meals he eats at wapo.st/gethax.
67 Some 26 Actresses
It’s also a reasonable thing he’s and so on. I try my best, but I am
68 Online artisan Sothern and asking, but “it’s his party” means not an Instagram-worthy mom.  Join the discussion live at noon
marketplace Jillian it doesn’t have to be reasonable. It’s making it hard for me to feel fridays at washingtonpost.com/live-
So, choose the people you want comfortable with her, but it seems chats.

SPORTS tuesday, july 25 , 2023 m2 D

can return,
but Fountas
remains out
D.C. United forward
has not been reinstated
following altercation


Major League soccer on Mon-

day gave D.C. United forward
nigel Robertha permission to re-
sume team activities but did not
reinstate teammate Taxi Fountas,
three days after both were placed
on administrative leave following
what people familiar with the
situation described as a locker
room confrontation.
The league and United an-
nounced late Friday night that
Robertha and Fountas had been
placed on leave as MLs investi-
gated “possible violations of
league policy.” Though the league
did not provide further details,
four people familiar with the
situation told The Washington
Post that the investigation
stemmed from an altercation be-
tween the players following Unit-
ed’s 4-0 loss to the new England
Revolution on July 15 at Gillette
stadium in Foxborough, Mass.
According to two people, who
hannah mckay/reuters spoke on the condition of ano-
“Aussies love their sport, don’t they?” said Australian soccer star Sam Kerr, who missed her squad’s first game — a victory over Ireland — because of a calf injury. nymity because the probe was
ongoing, the incident occurred
when Fountas grew frustrated

A warm winter welcome

with Robertha’s second-half per-
formance. They exchanged words
on the field, and the issue escalat-
ed in the locker room. One person
said Robertha struck Fountas
with a foam roller used for
stretching. Fountas then berated
his teammate with expletives,
The World Cup feels appreciated and right at home in Australia, the globe’s most sports-mad country two people said.
Robertha, who is Black, ac-
cused Fountas, who is White, of
BY C HUCK C ULPEPPER using a racial slur, two people
SYDNEY — Hop a mere 14-hour flight from Los Angeles to here in July, returned a global sporting event to its sports-fondest, sports-maddest A United spokesman said the
and it’s as if the sun has decided to renege. Where it toiled past 8 p.m. country. It calls to mind the words of a pundit in 2010 after Qatar got team had no additional comment
back up and over there, it knocks off at just after 5 down here, even in a the 2022 men’s World Cup over the United states, south Korea, Japan on the matter. An MLs official did
land it legendarily adores. All of a sudden the physiology must grapple and Australia, whereupon the pundit said, “Any vote for a sporting not immediately respond to a
with the weaker winter light, even if pleasant days in the high 60s make event in which Australia gets only one vote is automatically rigged.” request for comment.
it more “winter” than winter. The women’s World Cup feels right and well-done and appreciated and Robertha, a reserve forward
Life can seem a notch slower than peak in the great metropolis, even in a proper setting because of course it would, even if it can’t hog the from the netherlands who re-
if not in the case of the Australian white ibis who walks right through attention as could World Cups in Qatar or Russia because here it joins cently returned from a long-term
the door of the Royal Botanic Gardens’ indoor cafe to mill around, the usual and bountiful sports smorgasbord. ankle injury, has scored one goal
scavenging. There’s not a lot of skin showing on Bondi Beach, but four A World Cup can’t have unfettered attention when, for one thing, in seven appearances this year
women on the balcony of the restaurant at the famed Bondi Icebergs Collingwood and Port Adelaide just played an 85-83 Australian rules and six over three seasons with
swimming Club on sunday had thrown on enough pink to make football goose bump that one headline called a “ripper” — a word United. Fountas, a Greece nation-
themselves commendable versions of Barbie. utterly superior to its synonym “classic” — but a World Cup certainly al team regular, a 2022 MLs
none of this qualifies as even a hint of hardship, for the world has sEE AuStrAlIA On d3 all-star and United’s third-high-
est-paid player, has six goals in 17
matches this season after leading
World cup: United States vs. Netherlands tomorrow, 9 p.m., Fox | Hello, Morocco: In a historic debut, the atlas Lionesses fall to germany. D3 the club with 12 tallies last year.
sEE unIted On d2

Leagues cup:
D.c. United at cF Montreal
tomorrow, 7:30 p.m., apple tV Plus

Decades ago, U-Va.’s Douglass and Walsh shine on global stage Corbin has
Chamberlain’s a rough night;
power play Cavaliers standouts
finish 1-2 in 200 IM
Nats’ streak
set a precedent at world championships ends at three
on the all-time great BY D AVE S HEININ Rockies 10,
nBa scorer decided he nationals 6
Ben wanted to leave Anybody who witnessed Kate
Golliver Philadelphia for Douglass and Alex Walsh going at
Los Angeles. He each other for the past three years BY A NDREW G OLDEN
issued a trade request shortly in practice at the University of
after an inexplicable playoff Virginia Aquatic and Fitness Cen- Patrick Corbin stood between
collapse against the Boston ter in Charlottesville — or at col- the pitcher’s mound and home
Celtics and during a dispute with legiate meets across the United plate, his shoulders slouched as
the 76ers over his compensation. states — might have predicted nolan Jones rounded the bases
Critics derided him as a selfish how Monday’s final in the wom- and Jones’s Colorado Rockies
loser and a choker, but he en’s 200-meter individual medley teammates cheered from the visi-
pressed ahead, undeterred by halfway around the globe at the tors’ dugout.
the backlash and negative world swimming championships One out from escaping the sixth
headlines. would go: inning with a manageable two-
A full 55 years before 76ers Walsh, a rising senior at Vir- run deficit Monday night, Corbin
guard James Harden tied up the ginia, would sprint to the lead at left a slider out over the plate and
nBA offseason with his desire to the halfway point, but Douglass, a Jones blasted it to center, one of 16
be shipped to the Clippers, Wilt 21-year-old recent graduate, Rockies hits in a 10-6 win at na-
Chamberlain wrote virtually the would make a huge move in the tionals Park that snapped Wash-
same story. breaststroke leg, then run down ington’s three-game winning
The Hall of Fame center got her former college teammate in streak.
his way with a July 9, 1968, trade the closing freestyle leg. “It was down middle, trying to
to the Lakers that set him up for And that, more or less, is how it sEE nAtIonAlS On d4
a historic 1972 title run and a played out, with Douglass and
sunny retirement marked by Walsh, stalwarts for the three- Rockies at Nationals
beach volleyball games, time defending national cham- today, 7 p.m., masn
Hollywood cameos and manan Vatsyayana/agence France-Presse/getty Images pion Cavaliers, finishing 1-2 in Prospect central: three keys to the
sEE on the nbA On d5 Alex Walsh had to settle for silver after Kate douglass grabbed the gold Monday in Fukuoka, Japan. sEE SWIMMIng On d2 nats’ future are at harrisburg. D5

SocceR SocceR coLLegeS

Folarin Balogun was a pivotal addition for the u.s. men, First cristiano ronaldo, now kylian mbappé? saudi club things continue to spiral at northwestern, where two
but the arsenal striker’s club future is still unsettled. D2 al-hilal bids a record $332 million for the French star. D2 more lawsuits are filed alleging hazing at the school. D6
D2 eZ su the washington post . tuesday, july 25 , 2023

U.S. squad newcomer Balogun tackles a promising future

BY T HOMAS F LOYD opportunity to impress in the
United States, when Arsenal fac-
When the public address an- es Barcelona on Wednesday in
nouncer introduced the Arsenal Inglewood, Calif. The Gunners
players and mLS standouts com- then return to London ahead of
peting in the All-Star Game skills their Premier League opener
challenge last week at Audi Aug. 12.
field, the loudest ovation came “obviously he’s done incred-
not for an internationally recog- ibly well,” Arteta said. “Now we
nized star such as Aaron rams- have to think, ‘What is best to
dale or a local favorite such as do?’ But we want to see him . . .
D.C. United’s Christian Benteke. and then we’ll make the best
rather, the cheers came for a decision.”
22-year-old Gunners forward It’s easy to see why Balogun’s
with two English Premier talents are so beguiling: At
League appearances to his name. 5-foot-10 with defense-splitting
Such is the allure of folarin speed, slick footwork and an eye
Balogun, the Brooklyn-born, for the goal, he is a well-rounded
London-raised striker of Niger- center forward with an enticing
ian parentage who recently de- ceiling. In the Nations League
lighted stateside supporters by final, Balogun showed off his
committing to the U.S. men’s ability to break down a back line
national team and promptly lift- when he made a run in Canadian
ing the Concacaf Nations League defender Scott Kennedy’s blind
trophy. A month removed from spot, pointed to where he want-
his debut U.S. appearances in ed teammate Gio reyna to slot
Las Vegas and his first interna- the pass, muscled Kennedy off
tional goal — a crisply taken the ball and fired home a one-
opener in that Nations League time finish.
final win over Canada — Balogun “He can do a lot of different
has felt the love from the Ameri- things well,” said U.S. defender
can faithful during Arsenal’s pre- Walker Zimmerman, who start-
season tour. ed alongside Balogun in the
If all goes according to plan, Nations League final. “He has
Balogun should be spending a pace to get in behind. He’s got
lot of time on American soil in good enough holdup play. He’s
the coming years — for friendlies strong, decent in the air and
and Nations League matches, obviously a good finisher. You
which resume this fall, as well as combine those things, and that’s
next summer’s Copa América the reason why he’s in preseason
and, ultimately, the 2026 World with [Arsenal] and hopefully can
Cup in the United States, Canada sort out a good club situation.”
and mexico. After fellow U.S. attackers
“It is one of the best feelings Christian Pulisic (AC milan) and
ever to be a part of it,” Balogun Tim Weah (Juventus) found new
said of the buildup to 2026. “Just homes this offseason, Balogun
tIm Nwachukwu/Getty ImaGes
to come out here and see the fans could be next in heading to Italy
and the emotion is something Arsenal’s Folarin Balogun, pictured in last week’s mLs All-star Game, scored 21 goals last season while on loan to French club Reims. in search of club stability.
that a lot of people don’t realize. Whether he spends the 2023-24
With U.S. soccer in general, the french club reims — good for adding that Balogun is “very after the Brazilian suffered a utes as possible — and I’m no season with Inter, Arsenal or
fans are really, really passion- fourth in Ligue 1 and outpacing hungry to improve all the time.” knee injury at last fall’s World different. I’ve definitely shown another club entirely, the striker
ate.” the likes of Lionel messi and Said forward Eddie Nketiah: Cup. reports in the Athletic and last year with minutes I can knows this campaign is a pivotal
Although Balogun settled his Neymar. “We followed his progress last the Evening Standard have produce good things.” opportunity to build on last
international future by choosing With his stock rising, the season — he had a really good linked Balogun to Inter milan, Arteta deployed Balogun off season and prove his prolific
the United States over England striker finds himself back in the season — so it’s good to have him the Italian power fresh off a run the bench in Arsenal’s first two Ligue 1 production was no fluke.
and Nigeria, this preseason finds Arsenal fold with a chance to win back.” to the UEfA Champions League friendlies this preseason: 34 “Every year in football, you
him at an early career cross- over manager mikel Arteta in But breaking into the Gun- final. minutes against Nuremberg in have to prove yourself,” Balogun
roads. A part of the Arsenal training and preseason exhibi- ners’ sharpshooting forward “I’d be lying if I said I didn’t Germany and 25 against the said. “I’m trying to improve on
organization for more than a tions — or, perhaps, impress corps will be no easy task. Gabri- want to play,” said Balogun, mLS all-stars in Washington. what I did. That was my first
decade, since he joined the club’s transfer suitors ahead of a big- el Jesus is entrenched up top whom Arsenal reportedly values The forward, who was an unused season in professional football,
academy as a child, Balogun money move. after a solid first season in North at around $65 million. “for every sub Saturday against man- so I’m expecting a lot more than
broke out last season with 21 “He’s a big talent,” Arsenal London, and Nketiah earned young player, it should be the chester United in East ruther- myself. I mean, I’m sure I can do
goals during a loan stint with captain martin odegaard said, plaudits for admirably filling in aspiration to play as much min- ford, N.J., will have one more it.”

MLS reinstates United’s Robertha, but Fountas is still out following altercation
united from d1 mabika, then with Inter miami, the season after being granted leave, United fired athletic trainer Wednesday night when it plays at rooney’s team, which sits in the
accused him of using a racial slur additional time off by Coach reade Whitney for displaying a Cf montreal in the Leagues Cup, a ninth and final Eastern Confer-
This is not the first racial alle- during a matchup at Audi field. Wayne rooney. “discriminatory hand gesture” — vastly expanded edition of a tour- ence playoff spot with 10 regular
gation to be aired against foun- mLS launched an investigation off-field issues have cast a pall the “okay” sign, which has increas- nament featuring every team season matches remaining,
tas, who came to D.C. in march and said it found the allegation to over United since the mLS All-Star ingly been adopted by white su- from mLS and mexico’s Liga mX. doesn’t resume mLS action until
2022 on a transfer from Austrian be “credible” but could not “inde- Game returned to Washington premacists and the far right — in a D.C. will host mexican club Pumas Aug. 20.
club rapid Vienna. fountas’s de- pendently verify” it. fountas de- last week for the first time in 19 staff photo taken at an All-Star on Saturday night at Audi field to
but season was marred by a Sep- nied the accusation but did not years. Hours before announcing Game training session. conclude the tournament’s two- steven Goff and Bailey Johnson
tember incident in which Aimé play in United’s final two games of robertha and fountas were on United returns to the field game group stage. contributed to this report.

Ex-Virginia star Douglass owned the top time in the world

this season (2:06.89 at the Cana-
dian trials in march), scratched to
Douglass and Walsh, 21, are two
of four members of the 2022-23
Cavaliers women’s team on Team
having won seven individual na-
tional titles and having set NCAA
records in four events.
After returning to racing the
200 Im this summer, Douglass
won it at last month’s U.S. nation-

is golden in the 200 IM focus on other races, and Aus-

tralia’s Kaylee mcKeown, ranked
third in the world (2:07.19), was
USA’s roster in Japan, along with
Gretchen Walsh (Alex’s younger
sister) and sprinter maxine Park-
Though she is seen as some-
thing of a unicorn as a swimmer —
with world-class speed in free-
als, telling reporters afterward
that she had made peace with the
event. “I think I’m in a pretty good
disqualified during Sunday’s er. style, butterfly and breaststroke, place with it right now,” she said.
swimminG from d1 “We do this in practice a lot,” semifinals for an illegal turn. In march, that quartet helped strokes where there is not typical- “I think taking some time off from
Douglass told reporters in Japan The rest of the week could still Virginia to a runaway victory at ly such overlap — Douglass has it was a good idea.”
fukuoka, Japan. Douglass’s gold of her frequent duels with Walsh. bring an avalanche of golds for the NCAA championships, sweep- had a complicated relationship Having already won gold in the
medal, in 2 minutes 7.17 seconds, “We know how each other swims Team USA, with Tuesday’s slate ing all five relays and becoming with the long-course 200 Im. Af- 200 Im and silver in the women’s
was the first for Team USA the race, and we know it’s going to alone featuring Katie Ledecky the first program since Stanford ter winning bronze at the Tokyo 4x100 freestyle relay, and with
through nine medal events at the come down to that last 50 free. . . . (women’s 1,500-meter freestyle), from 2017 to 2019 (behind olympics two summers ago, she two more individual swims (the
eight-day meet. Walsh (2:07.97) I kind of knew going into the race Lilly King (women’s 100 breast- Ledecky and Simone manuel) to essentially abandoned the race 100 free and 200 breast) and as
led her teammate by more than a it was going to be me or Alex on stroke), regan Smith (women’s win three straight national titles. for the next year, saying she had many as three relays still to come,
second but faded in the freestyle top, getting a gold for the U.S.” 100 backstroke) and ryan mur- Douglass, a native of Pelham, grown weary of the training. In Douglass is positioned for a mas-
and settled for silver, with China’s monday’s final went off with- phy (men’s 100 backstroke) — who N.Y., is considered one of the her absence, Alex Walsh took gold sive haul of medals this week —
Yu Yiting (2:08.74) earning out two medal contenders: Cana- own 24 olympic medals among greatest female college swimmers at last summer’s world champion- and a starring role next summer
bronze. da’s Summer mcIntosh, who them — with chances for golds. of all time; she departed Virginia ships in Budapest. at the 2024 Paris olympics.


DI gEst MlB
6:30 p.m. Baltimore at Philadelphia » masN2, wIyy (97.9 Fm), wsBN (630 am)
sOCCER The bid for mbappé would a transfer. . . . the NCAA tournament. They 7 p.m. Colorado at Washington » masN, wJFk (106.7 Fm)
make him the most expensive trevor Francis, a former reached the final four, losing to 7 p.m. New York Mets at New York Yankees » tBs
Saudi club bids $332M soccer player in history, England forward who became eventual champion LSU in the 10 p.m. toronto at los angeles Dodgers » mLB Network

for PSG star Mbappé overtaking the $262 million PSG Britain’s first 1 million pound national semifinals. WNBa
paid for neymar, who joined player when he moved to Brooks is 155-74 in eight 7 p.m. las Vegas at Chicago » esPN
After missing out on Lionel from Barcelona in 2017. Nottingham forest from seasons with the Hokies, 10 p.m. Indiana at los angeles » NBa tV
messi, Saudi Arabian club Al- mbappé has said he plans to Birmingham in 1979, died. He was including 62-56 in ACC play. . . .
Hilal made a record 300 million see out the final year of his 69. men’s powers Kansas and
4 a.m. group a: switzerland vs. Norway » Fox sports 1, telemundo
euro (about $332 million) bid for contract, which would leave PSG francis died in Spain after a North Carolina will play each
1 a.m. (wed.) group C: Japan vs. Costa Rica » Fox sports 1, universo
Kylian mbappé on monday, an powerless to prevent him from heart attack, his family said. other in regular season games in 3:30 a.m. group C: spain vs. Zambia » Fox sports 1, telemundo
offer which could see the france leaving for nothing next year. . . . Shortly after his record move 2024 and 2025, the schools (wednesday)
striker join Cristiano Ronaldo in fIfA, soccer’s international to Nottingham forest, francis announced.
the oil-rich kingdom. governing body, won the latest headed in the winner in a 1-0 The first meeting will be Nov. 8, sOCCER
Paris Saint-Germain confirmed ruling of an international, multi- victory over malmo in the 1979 2024, in Lawrence, Kan., with the 7:30 p.m. leagues Cup: D.C. United at CF Montreal » apple tV Plus
the offer for its player and has case fight by player agents to European Cup final. second set for Nov. 14, 2025, in 8:30 p.m. leagues Cup: santos laguna at Houston » Fox sports
given Al-Hilal permission to open block rules that would regulate francis made 52 appearances Chapel Hill, N.C. Kansas has 2,385 10:30 p.m. Friendly: Manchester United vs. Wrexham » esPN2
10:30 p.m. leagues Cup: león at la galaxy » Fox sports 1
negotiations directly with their industry and cap their fees. for England’s national team and all-time wins, most in college
mbappé. The Court of Arbitration for later guided Sheffield Wednesday basketball history. North Carolina tENNIs
The 2018 World Cup winner is Sport said it “dismissed in their and Birmingham to major finals ranks third with 2,347. 5 a.m. atP/Wta: Hamburg European Open, early rounds;
in a contract standoff with PSG entirety” arguments put forth by as a manager. atP: atlanta Open and Croatia Open, early rounds; Wta: Poland Open
after his decision not to take up the Zurich-based Professional francis made his debut at 16 COllEgE FOOtBall and ladies Open lausanne, early rounds » tennis channel
the option of a 12-month football Agents Association, for Birmingham in 1970. Louisville and miami will 7 p.m. atP: atlanta Open, early rounds » tennis channel
extension on his deal. Instead, he which brought the case. begin competing annually this COllEgIatE sUMMER BasEBall
plans to walk away as a free agent The most controversial aspect COllEgE BasKEtBall fall with the stakes including a
7 p.m. Northwoods league all-star game: great lakes Division » esPNu
at the end of the upcoming of the rules limit an agent’s Virginia Tech women’s coach trophy named for Howard
season, at which point he is earnings at 10 percent of a Kenny Brooks signed a three- schnellenberger, the legendary
expected to join real madrid. transfer fee when they act for the year contract extension, Athletic coach who guided both programs tiffani-dawn sykes said the deAngelo to a one-year deal
PSG cut mbappé, 24, from its selling club. Elite agencies have Director whit Babcock to national prominence. team will be allowed to resume worth $1.675 million. DeAngelo,
preseason tour of Japan on earned tens of millions of dollars announced. miami hosts Louisville on using its facilities as the 27, played with the Hurricanes in
Saturday, with the french club from transfers for players such as The extension will keep Brooks Nov. 18. . . . university investigates the 2021-22. Carolina traded him to
determined to sell him unless he erling Haaland and Paul Pogba. with the Hokies through march Duke extended Coach mike unauthorized filming of a rap Philadelphia last summer, and he
can be convinced to sign a new fIfA has said agents earned $622 2029. It is valued at $6.4 million elko’s contract through 2029 video, featuring some rattlers had 11 goals and 31 assists in 70
contract. million from international cross- over six years. after he led the Blue Devils to players, in the locker room. games with the flyers. . . .
Earlier this year, Al-Hilal failed border transfer deals in 2022. The move comes after the nine wins and was named ACC Dallas Stars General manager
in an attempt to sign messi, with fIfA also wants to prohibit Hokies’ best season — a 31-5 coach of the year in his first HOCKEY Jim nill signed a two-year
the Argentina great choosing to player agents from representing record, the ACC tournament season. . . . The Carolina Hurricanes contract extension.
join Inter miami of mLS instead. the buying and selling clubs in championship and a No. 1 seed in florida A&m Athletic Director signed defenseman tony — From news services
tuesday, july 25 , 2023 . the washington post eZ m2 d3

world cup

Morocco has a major moment — even in a loss


goal sparks Germany 6,
morocco 0

blowout MElBOurNE, australia — The

walk into the stadium here at late
afternoon monday brought a
whoa. It looked as if last Decem-
Brazil 4, ber in the middle East had flowed
Panama 0 directly into this July Down Un-
der, as if the lifeblood of the men’s
World Cup back then in Qatar
A SSOCIATED P RESS had relocated about 7,500 miles
to stir some energy at this wom-
Bia Zaneratto’s spectacular fin- en’s World Cup just now in ocea-
ish will be tough to beat as the goal nia. Where moroccan fans in
of the tournament at the World thundering droves had formed
Cup. And based on its 4-0 win over the soundtrack of that first Arab
Panama on monday, Brazil will be World Cup, moroccan fans in a
tough to beat, too. large cluster on the corner beside
Ary Borges scored a hat trick in melbourne rectangular Stadium
her World Cup debut, but her fed the soundtrack of this first
assist for Zaneratto’s second-half women’s World Cup with an Arab
strike was the standout moment team — which is, of course,
of the match in Adelaide, Aus- morocco.
tralia. So this chillier air, too, filled
When Debinha’s cross landed with drums, songs, cheers, red
at Borges’s feet toward the end of a and green.
sweeping move, the forward, who “It’s happening, and it’s never
had struck twice in the first half, happened before,” said Hasnaa, a
looked set to add a third goal. moroccan woman from Casa-
Instead, she wrong-footed Pana- blanca and an eight-year mel-
ma’s defense and back-heeled to bourne resident, who declined to
Zaneratto, who lifted her shot into share her last name. “And we are
the top corner. so happy to support the moroc-
It was a goal full of the flair that can team and for them to be the
Brazilian soccer is famed for. only Arab team in the World
“The first game is always diffi- Cup.” for young moroccan girls,
cult,” Brazil Coach Pia Sundhage she said: “It’s really important
hannah mckay/reuters
said. “four goals — and some- and it’s like they’re the idols for
times we played quite well.” them. The young girls are watch- Germany’s lea schüller consoles Hanane ait El Haj of Morocco, the first team from an arab country to play in the women’s World Cup.
A win against france on Satur- ing this moroccan team in the
day will ensure Brazil advances to World Cup, and they want to be Scores and schedule precise, and Popp looked very the crowd before the referee’s flag came in from the left and
the knockout stage. like them.” much like Popp. gave the offside frown again. skimmed it back along the grass
Panama, making its debut at After the national anthems, of Monday’s results With appearance No. 129 for As a team that reached the into the goal.
the tournament, could do little to course, a grudging type of ladder group g: italy 1, argentina 0 Germany at 32, and with goals final of the Africa Cup of Nations own goals that clearly
keep the 2007 runner-up at bay, usually awaits such debuts. group H: germany 6, morocco 0 Nos. 63 and 64 for her country, and played that before 50,000 in stemmed from the German pres-
with Borges ruthless in front of There’s a reality. That reality group F: Brazil 4, Panama 0 she thrived even as she stated a rabat, morocco has nine players sure got it to 5-0, and substitute
the goal. would come in the ensuing hours, group H: colombia 2, south korea 0 title as her only intent. She scored who play at home, six who play in Lea Schüller’s rebound after a
for Borges, her introduction to when morocco’s first women’s in the 11th and the 39th minutes france, two each in Spain and hectic save by morocco goalkeep-
the World Cup could hardly have World Cup match looked very Tuesday for a 2-0 lead that seemed lock- Belgium and one each in Italy, er Khadija Er-rmichi got it to
been more emphatic. much like the budding against group a: new Zealand vs. Philippines, solid even among 2-0 leads. England, Switzerland and the 6-0. That made it the second
She struck twice in the first half the established, with the estab- 1:30 a.m., Fox sports 1, universo She scored when 20-year-old United Arab Emirates. It has the match in this tournament with a
and completed her hat trick in the lished, Germany, ranked No. 2 in group a: switzerland vs. norway, Wolfsburg teammate Jule Brand pride the country feels after its difference of five goals or more,
70th minute after providing her the world behind only the United 4 a.m., Fox sports 1, telemundo grabbed a stray morocco pass men’s team reached that semifi- perhaps a byproduct of an event
inspired assist for Zaneratto in the States, posting the kind of score, Wednesday
and fed Kathrin Hendrich up the nal last December while decking expanded from 24 teams to 32.
48th. 6-0, that sometimes marks such right side, whereupon Hendrich European snobs Spain and Portu- The previous World Cup, in
group C: Japan vs. costa rica,
Borges headed Brazil in front in arrangements. took a turn with it before cross- gal, and it has the idea that soccer france in 2019, had only two such
1 a.m., Fox sports 1, universo
the 19th from close range after By the end of the first-ever ing gorgeously to Popp’s head in just got even bigger in morocco, finals — Italy’s 5-0 win over
meeting a cross from Debinha. Group H match in a women’s group C: spain vs. Zambia, the center, whereupon Popp di- but it has a ranking of No. 77 and Jamaica and the United States’s
3:30 a.m., Fox sports 1, telemundo
She got her second in the 39th World Cup, before a spirited rected it in easily, and she scored doesn’t have (yet) the familiarity notorious 13-0 win over Thai-
when turning in the rebound after 27,256 in a 28,870-seat stadium, group B: canada vs. ireland, when she wriggled between de- with playing a team like Germany land.
8 a.m., Fox sports 1, universo
her initial header was saved by with German flags waving and fenders to set her shoulder upon as the countries met for the first Now Germany seemed to score
Panama goalkeeper Yenith Bailey. moroccan roars greeting any ad- group E: united states vs. a corner. Each time, her team- time. again in the harsh added time
Her third was another header, vancement by the Atlas Lioness- netherlands, 9 p.m., Fox, telemundo mates surrounded her in a man- So the gates of its defense before referee overrule kept it
this time from Geyse’s cross. es, the public address announce- ner that looked more formulaic withered and then withered ut- 6-0, and the moroccan players
“I’ve waited a long time for this ment of nine minutes of added 2011 as a host in the quarterfinals than frantic, as if they under- terly. right out of the tunnel at had the look of excellent athletes
moment. It’s a dream to be able to time could have brought a sigh of (to Japan), in 2015 in the semifi- stood their superiority in season- halftime, Germany scored to who have found something un-
be here, playing in a World Cup,” sympathy for the players in red nals (to the United States) and in ing. make it 3-0, when another stray solvable for the night. Still, the
Borges said. “It’s one of the best and green, who looked weary 2019 in a stunner in the quarterfi- morocco tried commendably. morocco pass found its way to big screen showed fans late in the
days of my life. I’m very, very even with the five substitutions nals (to Sweden). They would like It made occasional threats. It got Germany’s Klara Bühl, who match, and those included Haas-
happy for the three goals, but the summoned by manager reynald to build on their advancement to a breakaway in the 41st minute charged up the left with it before na, still smiling. Back when the
main thing was a debut in which Pedros. the 2022 Euro final, which they for fatima Tagnaout that caused belting it across the goal to Atlas Lionesses arrived to Aus-
we imposed ourselves.” The Germans, after all, have a lost to England after a pre-match German goalkeeper merle Brand, who nudged it to Lina tralia, she had joined volunteers
Borges was replaced by Brazil purpose and a mission and a bit muscle injury to longtime star frohms to come out and thwart magull, whose quick shot hit the welcoming them to their base city
legend marta late in the match. It of a chip. They would like to Alexandra Popp that caused her Tagnaouti before the referee’s right post. Somehow a certain at the melbourne airport. “It was
was the 37-year-old’s sixth World return to the concept of winning absence. flag scrubbed it anyway. And it justice turned up, though, be- something we were so proud to
Cup, and she is the competition’s this thing, as their teams did in Die Nationalelf, as the German got the ball into the back of the cause after morocco couldn’t do,” she said, “because we’re do-
all-time leading scorer with 17 2003 and 2007, after going out in team is called, looked primed and net in the 54th minute to rev up clear it, it rolled to Bühl, who ing it for love.”
l ITalY 1, aRGENTINa 0: In
the space of four minutes,
Cristiana Girelli made history.
After coming on as a substitute,
Girelli became the first Italian to
In sports-mad Australia, soccer is only one part of the landscape
score in two women’s World Cups
with her goal in the 87th minute aUsTRalIa from D1 and here comes the Ireland team The sports heritage, of course,
that gave Italy a win in its tourna- in its home-base city, heading to lurks everywhere. The stadium in
ment opener against Argentina in can mine the Australian enthusi- the World Cup security line be- which the matildas played Ire-
Auckland, New Zealand. asm with that enthusiasm so fore heading clear to Perth, all the land would be the same one in
“There’s nothing special — it’s ample. way across a land only slightly which the Aboriginal Australian
just that I did my duty,” Girelli “Aussies love their sport, don’t smaller than the 48 U.S. contigu- Cathy freeman electrified a
said. “I did my best. I was really they?” said Sam Kerr, the Aussie ous. country from Lane 6 in the
willing to help my teammates.” soccer North Star, who missed In a big country, besides a 400 meters at the 2000 olympics,
Italy put the ball in the back of her squad’s first game with a calf Collingwood-Port Adelaide strug- the same freeman who surprise-
the net twice in the opening half, injury and is expected to miss its gle atop the football “ladder” — a visited the matildas pre-World
but both plays were offside. Girelli second. “more than 90 percent of word utterly superior to its syn- Cup. “I don’t really get star-
came into the match as a substi- adults have an interest in sport,” onym “standings” — there’s what struck,” Kerr said, “but when
tute in the 83rd minute. saith the government after cull- looks like a furious scrap for the Cathy walked in the room, I was
The Italians have never ing the statistics. The TV ratings finals series that will feature the pretty star-struck, to be honest,
dropped an opening match at the for the matildas’ opener against top eight teams between teams because she has such a presence.”
World Cup. But this time they Ireland on Thursday night bunched together from fifth to outside the Sydney football
faced tenacious Argentina, eager smashed various records for 12th, from Western Bulldogs to Stadium stand statues of runners
for its first-ever win in the tourna- women’s sports even without the St. Kilda to GWS Giants to Gee- marlene mathews and the late
ment. enthralling Kerr, snaring long Cats to Carlton to richmond Betty Cuthbert, the latter the only
“We will try to leave this game 4.88 million viewers across the to Essendon to Sydney Swans to person ever to win gold medals in
behind us, learn from what hap- platforms of the Seven Network. maybe more hopefuls. It looks the 100, 200 and 400 meters, the
pened and continue reinforcing Some 75,784 watched in the david gray/agence France-Presse/getty images like fun even if you have no idea two presences snugly fit with the
the positive,” Argentina forward stadium, and some 44,369 saw sydney’s stadium australia welcomed 75,784 for the Matildas’ what any of it means. events about to go on behind
Estefanía Banini said. “We need to England-Haiti in 49,461-seat opener in the World Cup, a 1-0 victory against Ireland last week. Then, here in this dreamy them. Down the way there’s a
clear our minds, look at what Brisbane Stadium, and about place to be a novice fan, there’s statue of Paul Kelly, the 10-season
comes next and take on the 17,000 wedged into 18,727-seat before England-Haiti felt like the Cup. “Kerr’s calf has become Da- the National rugby League with Sydney Swans captain called
group.” Perth rectangular Stadium for streets before any you-name-it vid Beckham’s foot,” Swanton the Penrith Panthers and Bris- “Captain Courageous” and born
l COlOMBIa 2, sOUTH Denmark-China, and so on. The big game, even as some of the bar wrote, soon adding, “Now we will bane Broncos up top of the lad- in Wagga Wagga, and up in Bris-
KOREa 0: In moore Park, Aus- run-ups to such occasions have TVs showed the National rugby be watching every step Kerr takes der. There’s cricket’s 141-year-old bane, outside that stadium, there
tralia, Colombia beat South Korea boasted their mirth: trains roll- League match between mel- and every move she makes for the Ashes tussle, between Australia stands John Eales, the most suc-
on Tuesday as the final two teams ing from central Sydney out to bourne and Newcastle. foreseeable future.” and England as always, carrying cessful captain in Australian rug-
to kick off at the World Cup got the olympic stadium where Aus- more acutely, the country, Calf injuries, he noted, can lack on in England even as enthusi- by history, kindly called “No-
their tournament underway. tralia played Ireland brimmed which is co-hosting the event for gentility. asm seems mild. Up in Japan in body” because, of course, No-
The Colombians went ahead on with Aussies and Irish, with the with New Zealand, will follow the A women’s World Cup retains the pool, Aussie marvel Ariarne body’s perfect. There’s too much
Catalina Usme’s 30th-minute former laughing along with one plight of Kerr’s injured calf an intimate vibe. Walk the prom- Titmus, still 22 after all this time, to learn in the best sports place to
penalty kick. Nine minutes later, crooner from the latter as he among all the things it’s follow- enade under the famed Harbour just busted the 400-meter free- learn it, even as the matildas have
they doubled the lead through thought up songs and belted ing, such that Will Swanton in the Bridge in Sydney, and you might style record while representing joined the national heart to such
Linda Caicedo’s strike that slipped them out, maybe even buttressed Weekend Australian likened it to find yourself milling among the her medals-per-capita jugger- degree that people just want to
through the hands of South Korea by beverage. The streets and bars David Beckham’s metatarsal in Colombian team taking a stroll. naut of a homeland. Horse racing learn what’s going on with that
goalkeeper Yoon Young-geul. near the stadium in Brisbane England before the 2002 World Check in at the Brisbane airport, still looks abundant. damned calf.

ST an di n gS

group a group B group C group d group E group F group g group H

switzerland 1 1 0 0 2 0 3 australia 1 1 0 0 1 0 3 Japan 1 1 0 0 5 0 3 denmark 1 1 0 0 1 0 3 united states 1 1 0 0 3 0 3 Brazil 1 1 0 0 4 0 3 sweden 1 1 0 0 2 1 3 germany 1 1 0 0 6 0 3
new Zealand 1 1 0 0 1 0 3 canada 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 spain 1 1 0 0 3 0 3 england 1 1 0 0 1 0 3 netherlands 1 1 0 0 1 0 3 France 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 italy 1 1 0 0 1 0 3 colombia 1 1 0 0 2 0 3
norway 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 nigeria 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 costa rica 1 0 1 0 0 3 0 china 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 Portugal 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 Jamaica 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 south africa 1 0 1 0 1 2 0 south korea 1 0 1 0 0 2 0
Philippines 1 0 1 0 0 2 0 ireland 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 Zambia 1 0 1 0 0 5 0 haiti 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 vietnam 1 0 1 0 0 3 0 Panama 1 0 1 0 0 4 0 argentina 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 morocco 1 0 1 0 0 6 0
d4 eZ m2 the washington post . tuesday, july 25 , 2023

national league american league
EaSt W l pct Gb l10 Str cEntral W l pct Gb l10 Str WESt W l pct Gb l10 Str EaSt W l pct Gb l10 Str cEntral W l pct Gb l10 Str WESt W l pct Gb l10 Str
atlanta 64 34 .653 — 4-6 W-1 milwaukee 56 45 .554 — 7-3 W-1 x-los angeles 57 41 .582 — 7-3 l-1 Baltimore 62 38 .620 — 7-3 W-3 minnesota 54 48 .529 — 8-2 W-4 texas 59 42 .584 — 7-3 l-1
miami 54 47 .535 111/2 2-8 W-1 cincinnati 55 47 .539 11/2 5-5 l-1 x-arizona 54 46 .540 4 2-8 l-4 tampa Bay 61 42 .592 21/2 3-7 l-2 cleveland 49 51 .490 4 4-6 l-2 houston 57 44 .564 2 7-3 W-2
Philadelphia 53 47 .530 12 5-5 l-1 chicago 48 51 .485 7 6-4 W-3 san Francisco 54 47 .535 41/2 4-6 l-6 x-toronto 55 45 .550 7 6-4 W-1 Detroit 46 54 .460 7 6-4 W-2 los angeles 51 49 .510 71/2 6-4 W-1
new york 46 53 .465 181/2 4-6 l-2 x-st. louis 44 56 .440 111/2 6-4 l-3 x-san Diego 48 52 .480 10 5-5 l-1 Boston 53 47 .530 9 6-4 W-2 chicago 41 60 .406 121/2 3-7 l-3 seattle 50 50 .500 81/2 5-5 l-2
Washington 41 59 .410 24 5-5 l-1 x-Pittsburgh 43 56 .434 12 3-7 l-1 colorado 40 60 .400 18 6-4 W-1 new york 53 47 .530 9 4-6 W-3 Kansas city 29 73 .284 25 3-7 W-1 oakland 28 74 .275 311/2 3-7 l-1
x-Late game x-Late game

rockies 10,
nationals 6 Rockies dent n ot ES

Corbin’s line
rOckiES Ab r h bi bb SO Avg
Profar lf ..............4 1 0 0 1 0 .240 pErSonnEl dEpt.
Tovar ss ..............5 1 3 0 0 2 .261
Díaz c ..................3 1 0 0 2 0 .264 braves: acquired RhP
Grichuk dh ..........5 2 3 1 0 1 .309

to end Nats’
Jones rf...............4 1 2 2 1 0 .282 Pierce Johnson from
Toglia 1b .............4 1 1 1 0 1 .163
Trejo 3b...............5 2 4 1 0 1 .256
colorado and lhP taylor
Doyle cf...............4 0 1 1 1 1 .202 hearn from texas to boost
Castro 2b ............4 1 2 2 0 0 .270

surge at three
tOtALS 38 10 16 8 5 6 — an injury-plagued bullpen.
NAtiONALS Ab r h bi bb SO Avg cardinals: activated RhP
Abrams ss...........4 1 1 0 1 1 .256 adam Wainwright from
Thomas rf ...........3 0 0 0 0 0 .293
Vargas pr-lf ........0 1 0 0 0 0 .270 the 15-day injured list and
Candelario 3b......4 2 2 3 0 0 .257
Meneses dh ........3 0 0 0 1 1 .275 nAtIonAls from D1 moved RhP Ryan helsley
Ruiz c ..................4 1 2 1 0 0 .248 to the 60-day il.
Smith 1b .............3 0 0 0 0 1 .269
Dickerson lf ........2 0 1 0 0 0 .252 get it a little more away,” Corbin said. Guardians: selected the
Garrett ph-lf-rf...1
García 2b.............4
0 0 1 1 .260
0 0 0 1 .266
“maybe a little too much middle of the contract of lhP Daniel
Call cf..................4 0 1 2 0 1 .210 plate there. . . . I thought I made some norris and transferred
tOtALS 32 6 7 6 3 6 —
good pitches, got some weak contact RhP shane Bieber to the
cOLOrADO...... 000 202 222 — 10 16 1
wAShiNgtON 000 000 132 — 6 7 2
and . . . they seemed to get that big hit 60-day il.
E: Castro (2), Call (1), Candelario (6).
when they needed to to put up a couple
LOb: Colorado 7, Washington 4. runs.” tigers: Put RhP mason
2b: Trejo (10), Abrams (18), Candelario
(28), Call (11). hr: Jones (9), off Corbin; Corbin’s teammates nearly helped englert on the 15-day il
Candelario (16), off Hollowell. him get out of the sixth. Lane Thomas with left hip tightness and
rbi: Grichuk (25), Jones 2 (22), Castro 2
(25), Doyle (26), Toglia (2), Trejo (16), recorded the second out with a missile optioned RhP alex Faedo
Ruiz (38), Candelario 3 (50), Call 2 (31).
Sb: Tovar (5).
of a throw from right field to get Eze- to class aaa toledo.
rOckiES iP h r Er bb SO NPErA quiel Tovar at home to keep the score twins: Placed oF Byron
Bird....................2 1 0 0 0 0 283.90 2-0. one pitch later, Jones made it 4-0. Buxton on the paternity
Kauffmann .......4 2 1 1 1 0 438.72
Hand..................1 1 0 0 0 1 124.54 By the time Corbin was lifted with one list and called up oF
Hollowell...........1 1 3 3 1 2 265.93
Koch ..................1 2 2 2 1 3 321.42
out in the seventh, it was 5-0 and the trevor larnach.
NAtiONALS iP h r Er bbSO NPErA
left-hander’s ErA sat at 5.01.
Corbin ............61/3 10 6 5 2 5 935.01 “It’s tough to see the offense come bY thE numbErS

Garcia ................1 3 2 2 1 0
Abbott............12/3 3 2 2 2 1
alive late,” Corbin said. “Those are
wP: Kauffmann (1-3); LP: Corbin (6-11).
some games maybe you can sneak away
inherited runners-scored: Hand 2-1, with a win if you just throw up some mitchell layton/getty images
Garcia 1-1, Abbott 2-2. hbP: Kauffmann
(Smith), Hollowell (Thomas), Abbott more zeros.” Patrick Corbin’s ERA rose to 5.01 after he was tagged for 10 hits and five earned runs in 61/3 innings Monday night. the Rays’ July record,
(Toglia). wP: Garcia, Abbott. t: 2:55.
A: 17,194 (41,376).
With the Aug. 1 trade deadline loom- which is the worst in the
hOw thEY ScOrED
ing, many expect the Nationals to be nationalS on dEck batter later. got to forget this one and come back american league. after
rOckiES FOUrth
selling — even if the sell-off will lack the Entering the season, the Nationals tomorrow.” starting the year 13-0,
Jurickson Profar walks. Ezequiel Tovar big names of the past two seasons. vs. colorado rockies hoped the defense behind Corbin tampa Bay trails
singles. Jurickson Profar to second.
Third baseman Jeimer Candelario, would improve. He had a 6.31 ErA last Injury updates
Elias Diaz flies out. randal grichuk sin-
today 7:05 masn Baltimore in the al east.
gles, advances to second, Ezequiel to- their most obvious trade candidate, hit year, but his fielding Independent outfielder Victor robles walked into
var scores, Jurickson Profar scores.
Fielding error by Alex call. Nolan Jones a three-run homer in the eighth to trim tomorrow 12:05 masn Pitching (fIP) — which accounts only the clubhouse before the game with a
singles, advances to second. Randal Gri-
chuk out at home. Michael Toglia pops
the deficit to 8-4. The homer was No. 16 for plays within a pitcher’s control — smile on his face and greeted team- to da Y
out. for the 29-year-old on a one-year deal. at new York mets was 4.83, meaning his defense didn’t mates. robles said he was feeling
rockies 2, Nationals 0
rOckiES SiXth He is hitting .257 and has 50 rBI. do him any favors. “much better” after back spasms sent
Ezequiel Tovar singles. Elias Diaz pops Another name to consider: Thomas, thursday 7:10 masn The Nationals’ offense was slow to him back to the injured list June 21. nl games
out. Ezequiel Tovar steals second. Ran-
dal Grichuk singles, advances to second. though General manager mike rizzo Friday 7:10 masn2 get going monday. CJ Abrams led off martinez said robles will continue to rOckiES At NAtiONALS, 7:05
Ezequiel Tovar out at home. Nolan
Jones homers, randal grichuk scores. said last week he views Thomas as an the first inning with a double; that was rehab in Washington, including when w-L ErA tEAM
Michael Toglia grounds out. all-star-caliber player and would want saturday 7:10 masn the only hit the team would manage the team travels, before going on a Gomber (L) 8-8 6.18 11-9
rockies 4, Nationals 0
rOckiES SEvENth a quality return. (Thomas was hit by a until Corey Dickerson singled to put rehab assignment. Williams (R) 5-5 4.38 10-10
sunday 1:40 masn
Alan Trejo doubles. Brenton Doyle
strikes out. harold castro singles, Alan
pitch on the left knee in the eighth two runners on in the fifth. Luis García Tanner rainey (Tommy John sur- rEDS At brEwErS, 8:10
trejo scores. Jurickson Profar flies out. inning and was taken out as a precau- grounded into an inning-ending dou- gery) threw another bullpen session
Wild pitch, Harold Castro to second. vs. milwaukee brewers Abbott (L) 5-2 2.10 7-2
Ezequiel tovar singles, harold castro tion.) Kyle finnegan is also an option as ble play to end the rally. monday in West Palm Beach, fla. fel- Burnes (R) 9-5 3.49 12-8
scores. throwing error by Jeimer can- a hard-throwing reliever with two monday 7:05 masn2 Keibert ruiz got the Nationals on the low relievers Carl Edwards Jr. and PirAtES At PADrES, 9:40
delario. Elias Diaz walks. Ezequiel Tovar
to second. Randal Grichuk flies out. more years of team control. board with an rBI single in the seventh Thaddeus Ward — both sidelined with
aug. 1 7:05 masn2 Hill (L) 7-9 4.84 9-11
rockies 6, Nationals 0
Corbin could be a possibility, but he before Candelario’s three-run shot in right shoulder inflammation — will Snell (L) 6-8 2.67 7-13
Jeimer Candelario doubles. Joey Mene- is owed $35 million next season, a aug. 2 1:05 masn the eighth. Call added a two-out, two- throw bullpen sessions Tuesday; Ward
ses walks. keibert ruiz singles, Joey Me- cArDiNALS At DiAMONDbAckS, 9:40
neses to second, Jeimer candelario major obstacle to any deal. He has run double in the ninth. threw long toss monday. Paolo Espino
Matz (L) 1-7 4.67 5-8
scores. Dominic Smith lines out. Keibert
Ruiz doubled off first. Joey Meneses to
pitched better of late — monday’s start Radio: WJFK (106.7 FM) “We made some mistakes, couple of (right flexor strain of his finger) got a
TBD ---- ---- ----
third. Stone Garrett strikes out swinging. notwithstanding — and any trade part- mistakes uncharacteristic of our- shot in his hand over the weekend.
rockies 6, Nationals 1
rOckiES Eighth
ner probably would ask the Nationals open the fourth. After Corbin got Elías selves,” manager Dave martinez said.
Nolan Jones grounds out. Michael To- to pay down some of his remaining Díaz to fly out to center field, randal “We’ll have to bounce back tomorrow. Zimmerman visits nl scores
glia singles. Alan Trejo singles. Michael
Toglia to second. Balk, Michael Toglia salary. Grichuk singled to score two. Jurickson The good thing was we started swing- ryan Zimmerman was in the club- SUNDAY’S rESULtS
advances to third, Alan Trejo to second.
brenton Doyle singles, advances to sec-
Corbin cruised through the first Profar was going to score regardless, ing the bats there at the end. . . . The house catching up with players and on at Washington 6, San Francisco 1
at Cincinnati 7, Arizona 3
ond, Alan trejo to third, Michael toglia three innings, facing the minimum and but when Alex Call bobbled the ball in bats came alive; we just didn’t have the field during batting practice. He at Miami 3, Colorado 2
scores. harold castro grounds out,
brenton Doyle to third, Alan trejo allowing just one hit. center, Tovar scored as well. Call threw enough. also spent some time in the mASN Atlanta 4, at Milwaukee 2
at Chicago Cubs 7, St. Louis 2
scores. Jurickson Profar flies out. The first two rockies reached to out Grichuk at home to save a run one “We gave up a bunch of runs, so we booth during the game. MONDAY’S rESULtS
rockies 8, Nationals 1
NAtiONALS Eighth Colorado 10, at Washington 6
Luis Garcia flies out. Alex Call strikes at Milwaukee 3, Cincinnati 2
out. CJ Abrams walks. Lane Thomas hit Pittsburgh at San Diego, late

Kremer, Westburg, Cowser lift O’s in Philadelphia thriller

by pitch. CJ Abrams to second. Jeimer St. Louis at Arizona, late
candelario homers, ildemaro vargas
scores, cJ Abrams scores. Joey Mene-
ses strikes out.
rockies 8, Nationals 4 interleague games
rOckiES NiNth
Ezequiel Tovar strikes out. Elias Diaz
walks. Randal Grichuk singles. Elias OriOLES At PhiLLiES, 6:40
Diaz to second. Nolan Jones walks. Mi- Los Angeles Dodgers, pitched brilliant- hits and two walks, striking out three. eighth on a two-out single by Nick w-L ErA tEAM
chael toglia hit by pitch, Nolan Jones to
second, randal grichuk to third, Elias orioles 3, ly. Jordan Westburg, a 2020 first-round Westburg gave the orioles an early Castellanos. But Cowser — who had Gibson (R) 9-6 4.76 12-9
Diaz scores. Alan trejo singles, Michael
toglia to second, Nolan Jones to third, Phillies 2 pick, hit his first home run. And, most lead with a shot down the right field entered in the third inning after center Walker (R) 11-4 4.11 14-6
randal grichuk scores. Brenton Doyle pivotally, Colton Cowser — the No. 5 line in the second inning. His previous fielder Aaron Hicks suffered a left ham- MArLiNS At rAYS, 6:40
grounds into double play. Alan Trejo out
at second.
pick in 2021 — helped keep the go- long ball came June 23 for Class AAA string cramp — cut off the line drive in Cabrera (R) 5-5 4.50 8-7
rockies 10, Nationals 4 BY H AYES G ARDNER ahead run from scoring in the eighth Norfolk. the left-center gap, then fired a quick Glasnow (R) 3-3 3.62 5-5
Keibert Ruiz singles, advances to sec- inning, then hit an rBI double in the In the sixth, ryan mountcastle end- throw to shortstop Jorge mateo, who MEtS At YANkEES, 7:05
ond on error by Harold Castro. Dominic
Smith strikes out. Stone Garrett walks.
PHILADELPHIA — In the city that intro- ninth to give Baltimore a 3-2 win over ed a drought of his own. The first gunned down Bryce Harper trying to Verlander (R) 4-5 3.47 6-8
Luis Garcia strikes out. Alex call dou- duced “the Process” to the NBA, the the Philadelphia Phillies. baseman, who had not homered in the score from first. Germán (R) 5-6 4.52 9-9
bles, Stone garrett scores, keibert ruiz
scores. CJ Abrams strikes out. Baltimore orioles displayed the con- Kremer, who was tagged for five majors since may 24, blasted the first In the ninth, Cowser lined a two-out brAvES At rED SOX, 7:10
rockies 10, Nationals 6 tinued success of their rebuild monday. runs in his previous outing, was excep- pitch he saw 451 feet to center, putting double to score Gunnar Henderson, Morton (R) 10-7 3.36 11-8
Dean Kremer, acquired in the 2018 tional monday. He completed seven Baltimore ahead 2-1. and that was all the orioles needed. TBD ---- ---- ----
trade that sent manny machado to the innings, allowing just one run on three The Phillies knotted the score in the — Baltimore Sun
nl leaders cUbS At whitE SOX, 8:10
Hendricks (R) 3-4 3.38 7-4
Entering Monday’s games.
Kopech (R) 4-8 4.29 7-11
bAttiNg orioles 3, phillies 2 tigers 5, Giants 1 royals 5, Guardians 3 twins 4, brewers 3, reds 2 astros 10, rangers 9
AthLEticS At giANtS, 9:45
Arraez, Mia ...................................... .379
Acuña Jr., Atl ................................... .332 OriOLES Ab r h bi bb SO Avg tarik skubal struck out salvador Perez became mariners 3 (10) christian yelich hit a chas mccormick Waldichuk (L) 2-6 6.75 6-7
Freeman, LA .................................... .331 Hays lf.................4 0 0 0 0 3 .293 nine while recording his the 10th player in major carlos correa’s flare to game-winning single, sal homered and had a career-
Santander rf .......4 0 0 0 0 1 .262 Cobb (R) 6-3 3.15 13-5
hOME rUNS Mountcastle 1b...3 1 1 1 0 1 .236 first win in more than a league history to hit 200 right field scored automat- Frelick launched his first high six RBi before a single
bLUE JAYS At DODgErS, 10:10
Olson, Atl ............................................ 32 Frazier ph-2b ......1 0 0 0 0 0 .237 year as Detroit handed home runs as a catcher, ic runner Donovan solano major league home run, by yainer Díaz with one out
Betts, LA ............................................ 27 Henderson dh......3 1 0 0 1 0 .244 Bassitt (R) 10-5 3.92 13-8
Alonso, NY .......................................... 26 Westburg 2b .......3 1 1 1 0 1 .266 san Francisco its season- and Ryan yarbrough al- as minnesota beat seattle and milwaukee beat in the ninth inning lifted
worst sixth consecutive lowed one run in six in- cincinnati. houston past texas. Urías (L) 7-6 5.02 8-6
Schwarber, Phi ................................... 26 O'Hearn ph-1b ....1
Hicks cf ...............1
0 0 0 0 .311
0 0 0 0 .252
for its second consecutive
rbi Cowser cf ............3 0 1 1 0 1 .128 loss. nings to lift Kansas city to win in extra innings. Devin Williams pitched a Ryan Pressly pitched a
Olson, Atl ............................................ 80 Urías 3b...............4 0 1 0 0 2 .251 skubal held the giants a victory over cleveland. MAriNErS Ab r h bi bb SO Avg perfect ninth for the scoreless ninth for the win. interleague scores
Arenado, StL ....................................... 76 McCann c.............3 0 1 0 0 2 .198
Martinez, LA ....................................... 73 Mateo ss .............3 0 0 0 0 0 .212 scoreless on two hits over Perez hit a two-run shot Crawford ss ......... 5 0 2 0 0 1 .260 Brewers. rANgErS Ab r h bi bb SO Avg
Rodríguez cf ........ 5 0 1 0 0 0 .244 SUNDAY’S rESULtS
tOtALS 33 3 5 3 1 11 — five innings in a game that in the sixth inning off Suárez 3b............. 5 0 1 0 0 0 .225 rEDS Ab r h bi bb SO Avg Semien 2b...........5 0 2 0 0 1 .273
at Detroit 3, San Diego 1
Jankowski rf .......5 1 2 1 0 1 .319
Snell, SD .......................................... 2.67 PhiLLiES Ab r h bi bb SO Avg was a makeup of an logan allen to put Kansas Hernández rf ....... 5 0 0 0 0 2 .242 De La Cruz ss ......4 1 1 2 0 1 .273
Lowe 1b ..............3 2 1 1 2 1 .284 Philadelphia 8, at Cleveland 5 (10)
Ford dh................. 4 0 0 0 0 3 .254 Friedl cf...............4 0 0 0 0 0 .288 at Texas 8, L.A. Dodgers 4
Steele, Chi ....................................... 2.95 Schwarber lf .......1 1 0 1 2 0 .185 april 16 rainout. city ahead 4-0. overall, he France 1b ............. 3 0 0 0 1 0 .247 McLain 2b ...........3 0 0 0 1 0 .301
Jung 3b ...............5 2 2 2 0 3 .275
at L.A. Angels 7, Pittsburgh 5
Stroman, Chi .................................... 3.09 Turner ss ............3 0 0 0 0 1 .247 Heim c.................4 0 0 1 1 1 .279
Sosa ss ...............1 0 0 0 0 0 .249 giANtS Ab r h bi bb SO Avg has 240 home runs in his Murphy c.............. 4 1 2 1 0 2 .277 Fraley rf ..............4 0 1 0 0 0 .268
Duran ss .............4 0 1 0 1 0 .297 at Boston 6, N.Y. Mets 1
SAvES Moore 2b-lf.......... 2 0 0 0 1 2 .128 Steer 3b-1b.........4 0 1 0 0 1 .276
Harper dh............4 0 2 0 0 0 .293 Slater lf ................3 0 0 0 0 2 .303 12 seasons. Raleigh ph............ 1 0 1 0 0 0 .225 Votto 1b..............4 0 0 0 0 2 .178
Miller dh .............1 1 0 0 1 1 .226 MONDAY’S rESULtS
Doval, SF ............................................. 30 Castellanos rf .....3 0 1 1 1 0 .283 Yastrzemski ph ....1 0 0 0 0 0 .225 Trammell pr-lf..... 0 1 0 0 0 0 .130 Garver ph-dh.......2 0 1 1 1 0 .243 Baltimore 3, at Philadelphia 2
Stott 2b ..............4 0 0 0 0 1 .301 rOYALS Ab r h bi bb SO Avg Senzel 3b ............0 0 0 0 0 0 .233
Díaz, Cin .............................................. 29 Flores dh...............4 1 1 1 0 2 .295 Marlowe lf ........... 2 0 1 0 0 0 .167 Taveras cf ...........3 1 0 1 1 2 .281 at Detroit 5, San Francisco 1
Harrison 3b.........4 0 0 0 0 0 .210 EncarStrand dh...3 0 0 0 0 2 .269 J.Smith lf............4 2 1 1 0 1 .207
Williams, Mil ...................................... 25 Davis 3b................3 0 0 0 0 2 .261 Garcia 3b.............4 1 1 1 0 0 .279 Caballero ph-2b ... 1 0 0 0 0 0 .227 Stephenson c......3 1 2 0 0 1 .252 Toronto at L.A. Dodgers, late
Cave 1b ...............3 0 1 0 0 1 .216 Pederson ph..........1 0 1 0 0 0 .247 Witt Jr. ss...........4 1 2 0 0 0 .255 Wong ph-2b......... 1 1 1 2 0 0 .162 tOtALS 36 9 10 8 7 11 —
StrikEOUtS Bohm ph .............1 0 1 0 0 0 .279 Benson lf ............3 0 1 0 0 1 .287
Bailey c .................3 0 1 0 1 1 .265 Melendez lf.........4 0 0 0 0 1 .213
Stubbs c..............3 1 0 0 0 0 .214 Matos cf ...............3 0 1 0 0 0 .259 tOtALS 38 3 9 3 2 10 — tOtALS 32 2 6 2 1 8 —
Strider, Atl ....................................... 189 Perez c ................4 1 1 2 0 3 .246 AStrOS Ab r h bi bb SO Avg
Luzardo, Mia ..................................... 144 Realmuto ph .......0 0 0 0 1 0 .244 Sabol ph................1 0 0 0 0 1 .252 Duffy 1b..............4 1 0 0 0 0 .264
twiNS Ab r h bi bb SO Avg Dubón 2b .............. 5 1 1 0 0 1 .268
Snell, SD ........................................... 143 Rojas cf...............4 0 2 0 0 0 .333 Conforto rf............3 0 0 0 0 1 .238 Pratto 1b.............0 0 0 0 0 0 .241
Correa ss.............5 0 1 1 0 2 .231
brEwErS Ab r h bi bb SO Avg
Bregman 3b .......... 5 2 3 0 0 1 .254 al games
tOtALS 31 2 7 2 4 3 — Villar 2b ................3 0 0 0 0 2 .145 Isbel cf ................4 1 2 0 0 1 .215 Yelich lf...............3 1 1 1 2 1 .289 Tucker rf ............... 2 4 1 0 3 0 .303
Schmitt ss ............3 0 0 0 0 2 .210 Olivares dh .........4 0 1 2 0 2 .250 Julien 2b .............1 0 0 0 2 0 .305 Contreras c .........3 0 1 1 1 0 .270
Farmer 2b-3b......1 0 0 0 0 0 .251 J.Abreu 1b ............ 2 2 0 1 3 2 .241 ANgELS At tigErS, 6:40
bALtiMOrE... 010 001 001 — 3 5 0 Wade Jr. 1b...........3 0 0 0 0 2 .272 Blanco rf .............3 0 0 0 0 0 .220 Adames ss ..........4 0 0 0 0 3 .208
Kirilloff 1b ..........4 1 1 0 0 1 .282 McCormick lf-cf.... 3 1 2 6 1 1 .282
PhiLA............. 000 010 010 — 2 7 2 tOtALS 31 1 4 1 1 15 — Lopez 2b .............4 0 0 0 0 0 .204 Frelick rf .............3 1 1 1 1 1 .556 w-L ErA tEAM
Diaz dh.................. 4 0 1 2 0 1 .266
al leaders E: Turner 2 (12). LOb: Baltimore 4, Phil- tOtALS 35 5 7 5 0 7 —
Kepler rf..............4 1 3 1 0 0 .230 Monasterio 3b ....2 0 2 0 2 0 .292
Peña ss ................. 4 0 0 1 0 0 .232
Wallner dh ..........4 0 0 0 0 3 .279 Miller 1b .............4 0 1 0 0 1 .270 Canning (R) 6-4 4.52 9-6
adelphia 7. 2b: Cowser (1). hr: West- tigErS Ab r h bi bb SO Avg Meyers cf.............. 3 0 0 0 0 3 .222
Entering Monday’s games. Castro 3b-cf........3 0 0 0 1 0 .242 Turang 2b ...........4 0 0 0 0 2 .199 Rodriguez (L) 6-5 2.69 7-7
burg (1), off Sánchez; Mountcastle (12), McKinstry ss ......3 0 0 0 0 0 .242 gUArDiANS Ab r h bi bb SO Avg Larnach lf............3 1 1 1 0 2 .213 Julks ph-lf ............ 1 0 0 0 0 1 .260
off Sánchez. rbi: Westburg (8), Mount- Jones dh .............2 0 0 0 0 2 .250
bAttiNg Báez ph-ss ..........1 0 0 0 0 1 .226 Kwan lf ...............5 0 0 0 0 1 .271 Taylor cf..............0 0 0 0 0 0 .219 Maldonado c ......... 4 0 1 0 0 2 .165
castle (42), Cowser (4), Schwarber (62), Perkins ph-dh .....0 1 0 0 2 0 .217 rOYALS At gUArDiANS, 7:10
Greene cf ............4 2 3 0 0 0 .309 Rosario ss...........4 1 3 0 0 0 .265 Solano ph-2b ......1 1 0 0 0 1 .265 Wiemer cf...........3 0 0 0 0 1 .205 tOtALS 33 10 9 10 7 12 —
Díaz, TB ........................................... .317 Castellanos (59). Sb: Rojas 2 (3). Torkelson 1b.......4 0 2 1 0 0 .233 Ramírez 3b .........4 0 0 0 0 0 .288 Vázquez c............3 0 1 1 0 1 .217 Winker ph ...........1 0 1 0 0 0 .199 Greinke (R) 1-10 5.40 4-15
Yoshida, Bos .................................... .315 SF: Schwarber. tEXAS............ 230 100 300 — 9 10 1
Carpenter rf........4 0 2 2 0 1 .271 J.Naylor 1b .........4 0 1 0 0 0 .306 Gallo cf-lf............3 0 0 0 0 2 .176
Bichette, Tor .................................... .308 tOtALS 29 3 7 3 8 11 — hOUStON ...... 400 020 301 — 10 9 2 Civale (R) 3-2 2.71 5-6
OriOLES iP h r Er bb SO ErA Ibáñez 2b ............4 1 1 0 0 0 .237 Bell dh.................4 0 1 1 0 0 .241 Jeffers ph ...........1 0 1 0 0 0 .276
hOME rUNS Kremer ................ 7 3 1 1 2 3 4.59 Cabrera dh ..........4 0 1 0 0 1 .249 Giménez 2b.........4 0 1 0 0 0 .244 One out when winning run scored.
tOtALS 33 4 8 4 3 12 — ciNciNNAti ... 002 000 000 — 2 6 1 MAriNErS At twiNS, 7:40
Coulombe ........... 2/3 2 1 1 1 0 3.12 Maton 3b ............3 0 0 0 0 1 .162 Fry c ....................3 1 0 0 1 0 .290 E: Duran (5), J.Abreu (4), Meyers (3).
Ohtani, LA .......................................... 36 MiLwAUkEE . 100 001 001 — 3 7 0
Baker .................. 1/3 1 0 0 0 0 3.79 Short 3b..............1 1 1 2 0 0 .204 Brennan rf ..........4 1 2 0 0 1 .260 SEAttLE.......000 010 002 0 — 3 9 0 LOb: Texas 8, Houston 7. 2b: McCormick Kirby (R) 9-8 3.23 10-9
Robert Jr., Chi ..................................... 28 Baddoo lf ............4 0 0 0 0 1 .209 Straw cf ..............4 0 2 2 0 0 .245 No outs when winning run scored.
Devers, Bos ......................................... 24 Pérez ................... 1 1 0 0 1 0 4.54 MiNNESOtA.000 020 001 1 — 4 8 0 (11), Bregman (14). hr: Jung (20), off López (R) 5-6 4.22 11-9
J.Rogers c ...........3 1 2 0 0 0 .216 tOtALS 36 3 10 3 1 2 — E: Steer (8). LOb: Cincinnati 4, Bielak; J.Smith (4), off Bielak;
García, Tex .......................................... 24 PhiLLiES iP h r Er bb SO ErA One out when winning run scored. Milwaukee 10. 2b: Monasterio (6).
tOtALS 35 5 12 5 0 5 — McCormick (13), off Chapman. rANgErS At AStrOS, 8:10
Sánchez ............... 7 4 2 2 0 8 2.98 kANSAS citY 020 002 100 — 5 7 1 LOb: Seattle 8, Minnesota 6. 2b: Mur- hr: De La Cruz (6), off Rea; Frelick (1),
rbi phy (10), Crawford (22), Kirilloff (13), rANgErS iP h r Er bb SO ErA
Hoffman .............. 1 0 0 0 0 2 2.70 SAN FrAN. .... 000 001 000 — 1 4 0 cLEvELAND... 000 001 200 — 3 10 1 off Ashcraft. TBD ---- ---- ----
García, Tex .......................................... 80 Kimbrel................ 1 1 1 1 1 1 3.43 DEtrOit ........ 101 010 02X — 5 12 0 Kepler (9). 3b: Larnach (3). hr: Murphy rEDS iP h r Er bb SO ErA Gray ..................... 5 7 6 6 3 6 3.66
Ohtani, LA .......................................... 77 E: Duffy (7), Ramírez (8). LOb: Kansas (7), off Maeda; Wong (2), off Jax. Leclerc ................. 1 0 0 0 0 2 2.97 France (R) 5-3 3.13 7-6
Naylor, Cle .......................................... 76 wP: Baker (4-3); LP: Kimbrel (6-2); LOb: San Francisco 4, Detroit 6. City 4, Cleveland 7. 2b: Witt Jr. (17), Ashcraft ........... 51/3 5 2 2 4 8 5.64
MAriNErS iP h r Er bb SO ErA Chapman ............. 1 1 3 3 2 2 3.38
S: Pérez (1). inherited runners-scored: 2b: Greene (11), Ibáñez (16). hr: Flores Olivares (14), Rosario 2 (19), Brennan Farmer................ 2/3 0 0 0 0 2 3.78 Burke ................... 1 0 0 0 0 1 2.63
ErA Baker 2-1. wP: Kremer, Kimbrel. (13), off Cisnero; Short (5), off Walker. (16). hr: Perez (17), off Allen; Garcia Castillo ................ 7 4 2 2 2 9 3.02 Young ................. 2/3 0 0 0 1 0 2.27
Topa..................... 1 0 0 0 0 1 2.77 Speas.................. 1/3 1 1 1 2 1 13.5
Cruz .................... 1/3 0 0 0 0 0 4.72
Eovaldi, Tex ..................................... 2.69 t: 2:41. A: 44,043 (42,901). giANtS iP h r Er bb SO ErA (4), off Allen.
Muñoz ................. 1 2 1 1 1 2 2.95 Law...................... 1 0 0 0 2 1 3.60 AStrOS iP h r Er bb SO ErA
al scores
Cole, NY ........................................... 2.78 Stripling .............. 6 10 3 3 0 3 5.77 rOYALS iP h r Er bb SO ErA Sewald................ 1/3 2 1 0 0 0 2.85 Díaz ..................... 0 2 1 1 1 0 2.22 Bielak ............... 42/3 6 6 3 4 5 3.62
McClanahan, TB ............................... 2.89 Alexander ......... 11/3 0 0 0 0 1 3.45 Yarbrough............ 6 6 1 1 0 1 4.70 SUNDAY’S rESULtS
OriOLES’ LEADErS Walker................ 2/3 2 2 2 0 1 2.93 Cuas..................... 1 2 2 2 1 1 4.24 twiNS iP h r Er bb SO ErA brEwErS iP h r Er bb SO ErA Mushinski......... 11/3 0 0 0 0 3 3.18 Baltimore 5, at Tampa Bay 3
SAvES Hernández ........... 1 0 0 0 0 0 3.78 Maeda............... 61/3 6 1 1 2 8 4.62 Maton.................. 0 2 3 3 2 0 3.00 at N.Y. Yankees 8, Kansas City 5
Entering Tuesday’s game. tigErS iP h r Er bb SO ErA Rea ...................... 6 5 2 2 1 5 4.53
Bautista, Bal ....................................... 28 Barlow ................. 1 2 0 0 0 0 5.15 Moran ................. 2/3 0 0 0 0 0 4.24 Stanek ................. 1 0 0 0 1 0 4.63 Chicago White Sox 5, at Minnesota 4 (12)
batters Avg r h 2b hrrbi bb Milner.................. 1 1 0 0 0 1 2.21
Clase, Cle ............................................ 27 Skubal.................. 5 2 0 0 0 9 3.71 Balazovic ............. 1 1 0 0 0 1 1.29 B.Abreu ............... 1 1 0 0 0 2 2.61 Houston 3, at Oakland 2
O'Hearn .311 23 51 11 8 32 11 gUArDiANS iP h r Er bb SO ErA Payamps.............. 1 0 0 0 0 0 1.71
Romano, Tor ....................................... 27 Cisnero ............. 12/3 1 1 1 0 2 3.96 Jax ....................... 1 2 2 2 0 1 3.19 Pressly................. 1 1 0 0 0 1 2.78 Toronto 4, at Seattle 3
Hays .293 47 96 24 9 38 20 Williams .............. 1 0 0 0 0 2 1.60
Holton .............. 11/3 0 0 0 0 2 1.70 Allen .................... 7 7 5 4 0 5 3.39 J.López ................ 1 0 0 0 0 0 5.09 wP: Pressly (3-2); LP: Speas (0-2).
StrikEOUtS Rutschman .269 48 97 17 13 43 60 Foley.................... 1 1 0 0 1 2 2.03 Norris .................. 2 0 0 0 0 2 0.00 wP: Williams (5-2); LP: Díaz (3-2). MONDAY’S rESULtS
wP: J.López (4-2); LP: Sewald (3-1). Maton pitched to 4 batters in the 7th.
Westburg .266 10 17 4 1 8 4 inherited runners-scored: Farmer 1-0, Kansas City 5, at Cleveland 3
Gausman, Tor ................................... 162 wP: Skubal (1-1); LP: Stripling (0-4). wP: Yarbrough (3-5); LP: Allen (4-3); inherited runners-scored: Moran 2-0. inherited runners-scored: Mushinski
Santander .262 51 96 25 17 55 38 Cruz 1-0. wP: Farmer, Law. t: 2:52. at Minnesota 4, Seattle 3 (10)
López, Min ........................................ 152 inherited runners-scored: Alexander S: Barlow (12). hbP: Norris (Blanco). ibb: off Muñoz (Castro). t: 2:37. 1-0, Stanek 3-2. wP: Bielak. t: 3:17.
Mullins .259 33 65 16 9 47 35 A: 29,216 (41,700). at Houston 10, Texas 9
Ohtani, LA ........................................ 148 1-0. t: 2:16. A: 16,907 (41,083). t: 2:19. A: 19,630 (34,788). A: 22,969 (38,544). A: 37,973 (41,000).
McKenna .253 16 20 5 2 11 5
tuesday, july 25 , 2023 . the washington post eZ sU D5

Ready to grow, Nats prospects House, Wood and Hassell link up in Harrisburg
BY A NDREW G OLDEN the Senators. hitting .208 with a .733 oPS in All of that, however, will be
“It was crazy — I wasn’t ex- 41 games with the Senators. All determined at some point in the
Batting practice was in full pecting it at the time that I was three have some adjustments to future.
swing at Prince George’s Sta- told,” House said last week of his make before they get promoted. Before they took batting prac-
dium, home of the Class AA rapid promotion. “I was super “The age thing, too, is great tice, the team took part in defen-
Bowie Baysox, this past Thurs- happy that I had the opportunity because, speaking for me person- sive drills on the field. The crack
day, when suddenly a series of to come up here and play. So I’m ally, seeing older [pitchers], it’s of the bat sent Hassell to his left
loud thwacks cut through the going to make the most of it and been great for me,” Hassell said. as a coach near the infield yelled
background music. Harrisburg enjoy my time here.” “It’s been a challenge and it’s “Third base!” He fielded a
Senators outfielder James Wood House and Wood, a 6-foot-6 been an everyday grind, and I grounder and fired a one-hop
sent a line drive into center field, outfielder who is Washington’s really have benefited from it and toss to third that House snagged
then another. top prospect, represented the learned a lot. I can’t speak for before applying a phantom tag.
Wood walked out of the cage Nationals at the futures Game in those guys, but I assume it’s the Then came Wood’s throw. He
and toward infielder Brady Seattle during all-star festivities. same for them. They’re going to glided toward the ball, fielded it
House. They exchanged a few House called it “one of the best enjoy being at this level and and threw a two-hopper that got
words and shared a laugh. House things I’ve ever done” and said he competing. Looking forward to on House’s body quicker than he
twirled his bat, waiting his turn. had never played in front of that the rest of the year.” expected. His eyes widened. His
A few moments later, he crushed many people. It was also the first Wood and Hassell play center cheeks swelled. And then he
a few line drives of his own. time House and Wood had field and have split reps there leaned back to snag the ball and
Then came robert Hassell III. caught up since spring training. with Harrisburg. Elijah Green apply another tag. House will get
He lined a ball off the wall in Wood said he knew it was only a and Dylan Crews — Washington’s used to those throws over the
center field before sending the matter of time before House two most recent first-round coming weeks.
rest of the pitches he saw on a would get called up. A few days JoNaThaN NeWToN/The WashiNgToN PosT picks — also man center. “I’m glad that I get to get up
line into left field. later, Wood noticed that one of Brady House, 20, was promoted to high Class A Wilmington in House’s promotion does have here and get experience and get
House, 20, was promoted to Harrisburg’s trainers added a early June, then was called up to Class AA Harrisburg last week. an impact on Trey Lipscomb, a some time in at third base in
high Class A Wilmington in early new number to their group chat. 2022 third-round pick who Double-A,” House said. “Every-
June, then was called up to Then House’s name popped up. we’ll start clicking and it’s going son in Class AA, then rejoined played third base at the Univer- where you go, you have to take
Class AA Harrisburg last week. “Having to go through our to be really fun to see.” the Senators this year after inju- sity of Tennessee. Lipscomb will reps there to start feeling more
He joined Hassell and Wood, lineup, I think our lineup’s pretty Hassell, a 21-year-old outfield- ries delayed his start. Hassell is still get some time there; House comfortable. So it’s going to take
forming a trio of promising play- deep,” Wood said. “It’s definitely er, has the most experience of the hitting .226 with a .628 oPS in 60 won’t play every day. But as time. And I’m sure it takes time
ers in the Washington Nationals going to be tough throughout the three at this level. He landed games with Harrisburg. Wood, House gets acclimated to third, for everybody.
system who will have the chance game, throughout the season. with Washington as part of the 20, joined him in late may after Lipscomb has sometimes shifted “Just getting reps in, but I’m
to learn and grow together with once we play together more, too, Juan Soto trade, ended last sea- mashing in Wilmington — he’s to second. feeling good.”

oN the NBA Chamberlain and raised his NFL Notes

profile, but it didn’t pay

In ‘Goliath,’ immediate dividends on the

court. Los Angeles had to
overcome some early chemistry
Bills’ Hines
one star’s concerns and a knee injury that
cost Chamberlain most of the
1969-70 season before winning a
out for year
might is on record 33 straight games en
route to the 1972 title. That
triumph gave Chamberlain his
after jet ski
full display second ring and West his only
championship. Without
Chamberlain, Philadelphia
didn’t return to the East finals
ON tHE NBA from D1 until 1977, and it didn’t win A SSOCIATED P RESS
another championship until
debaucherous house parties. 1983. The Buffalo Bills will have to
That landmark deal is explored “[That trade] would have shelve plans to incorporate Ny-
at length in “Goliath,” a new changed the course of history,” heim Hines’s versatility into their
Showtime documentary that West said in the documentary. offense after the running back
argues Chamberlain was a “If that [76ers] team could have was struck by a jet ski and
founding father of basketball’s stayed together and stayed suffered a season-ending knee
player empowerment era. healthy, no one would have injury, a person with knowledge
“He was the NBA’s first rock beaten them for a few years. of the situation told the Associat-
star,” said Hall of fame forward They had it all.” ed Press on monday.
Kevin Garnett, an executive The impact of Chamberlain’s Word of Hines’s injury came as
producer on the project. “Wilt power play extended far beyond the Bills began reporting for
was the first pure athlete — his the short-term fates of the training camp, which is set to
leaping ability, running ability. Lakers and 76ers. Abdul-Jabbar open Wednesday in the roches-
He was a track star, and that followed in Chamberlain’s ter, N.Y., suburbs.
made him a super weapon. I see associaTed Press footsteps by forcing a trade to Hines was sitting on a station-
similarities [between our games] Wilt Chamberlain once declared, “I’ll trade myself ” — and he did, leaving the 76ers for the Lakers. the Lakers in 1975 and, much ary jet ski when he was struck by
obviously, but I was no athlete later, Anthony Davis did the another water scooter, according
like that. . . . The first thing [my for a change of scenery. In those without a binding contract. reluctance to participate in same in 2019. The stigma that to the person who spoke on the
uncles and grandfather] would days, star players had relatively With no better alternative, media projects following his greeted Chamberlain’s trade condition of anonymity because
always tell me about was little sway compared with their Chamberlain decided to flex his 1999 death. request has faded; Harden, the Bills had not made an an-
[Kareem Abdul-Jabbar’s] teams and tended to remain power in the media by declaring, “Goliath” traces Kevin Durant, Kyrie Irving and nouncement about his injury.
skyhook and Wilt’s 100 points, with the same franchise “I’ll trade myself.” He eventually Chamberlain’s childhood in Damian Lillard have asked to be Hines will require surgery, the
and how the young boys would throughout their careers. got his wish when the Lakers Philadelphia, his college years at moved over the past year. person said.
never break that.” Chamberlain, a Philadelphia acquired him for Darrall Imhoff, the University of Kansas, his 14 A superstar pulling levers to l LIONS: Detroit defensive
Chamberlain towered over his native, had been assigned to the Archie Clark, Jerry Chambers seasons in the NBA and his determine his own fate has back C.J. Gardner-Johnson does
contemporaries and his record Philadelphia Warriors in the and cash, thereby forming a retirement in Los Angeles across become the norm rather than not have structural damage to his
100-point game has never been 1959 draft because the franchise superstar trio of Chamberlain, three hour-long episodes. At the exception, while former right knee after going down with
seriously challenged, but he successfully argued it held his Jerry West and Elgin Baylor. each step, director rob ford said players such as michael Jordan a noncontact injury, a person
spent the 1960s living in the territorial rights. He went on to “I feel very, very happy that the documentary aimed to and o’Neal have claimed the familiar with his test results told
shadow of Bill russell’s Celtics. play his entire career before the I’ve been traded to a team that provide a “humanizing” type of ownership stakes that the AP.
After the 76ers took a 3-1 lead in NBA instituted free agency in has a chance to go down as one portrayal of Chamberlain while Chamberlain was denied in The person spoke to the AP on
the 1968 Eastern Division finals, 1976 under mounting legal of the best teams in basketball revealing how he was ahead of Philadelphia. the condition of anonymity be-
Boston stormed back to win in pressure from players. ever,” Chamberlain said at the his time. “We got to see what it was like cause the team had not an-
seven games. Chamberlain, a Still, Chamberlain sought to time. When Chamberlain sprouted to be the first of firsts,” director nounced an update on Gardner-
seven-time scoring champion maximize his earning power by Chamberlain acknowledged to 7 feet as a teenager, he drew Christopher Dillon said when Johnson’s injury, which occurred
who had once averaged 50 signing one-year contracts, and that his headstrong behavior, his national interest like Victor “Goliath” premiered in Las Vegas on the second day of training
points for a season, managed he cultivated a close friendship clashes with coaches and his Wembanyama. Upon his 1956 this month. “He was a super camp. Gardner-Johnson, a key
only 14 points on 4-for-9 with 76ers co-owner Ike struggles against russell, arrival in Kansas, his star power athlete and an African-American addition this year, was carted off
shooting in the finale as russell richman, who verbally promised combined with his playboy enabled him to integrate Whites- giant at a time when the world the field after grabbing his right
eliminated him from the playoffs to give Chamberlain a share of lifestyle and flashy personality, only restaurants. During and was set up to stop him and they knee during a noncontact drill.
for the sixth time in nine years. the organization. After richman made him a “classic bad guy” after his professional career, he changed the rules to prevent his l BRONCOS: The NfL indefi-
Even though Philadelphia had suffered a heart attack and died throughout his career. And his wore showy outfits like russell success. He got recruited to nitely suspended Denver defen-
just won 62 games and had during a 1965 game against the boastful claim that he had slept Westbrook, appeared in movies Southern colleges. Jim Crow just sive end Eyioma Uwazurike for
assembled Hal Greer, Billy Celtics, Irv Kosloff, with 20,000 women, made in the like Shaquille o’Neal and sought stepped back and said, ‘You’re betting on games during the
Cunningham and Chet Walker Philadelphia’s other co-owner, 1991 book “A View from Above,” to build a business empire like too good.’ I didn’t ever think of 2022 season.
around its star center, an refused to honor the equity sparked a frenzy that LeBron James. him as that revolutionary, but Uwazurike, a fourth-round
unhappy Chamberlain was ready agreement with Chamberlain contributed to his family’s moving to the Lakers enriched his greatness made him so.” draft pick from Iowa State in
2022 who played in eight games
as a rookie, is the 10th player this
offseason to be suspended for

Three key holdovers, freshman talent lift the Terps’ hoops hopes gambling on games or betting on
other sports while in NfL locker
He will be eligible to petition
BY D AMON B ROOKS J R. David Cox said. “So it’s about one of Young’s backcourt He has been lauded as a poten- on the stat sheet,” reese said. for reinstatement no earlier than
development here, [which is] a mates will be Harris-Smith, a 6-5 tial NBA prospect thanks to his “You wouldn’t think even though July 24, 2024.
At Kevin Willard’s introducto- huge part of our culture.” freshman whose explosive talent slashing ability, three-point they’re in the league, they still do l RAIDERS: Las Vegas signed
ry news conference in march The Terps’ hopes for improve- should lead to “heavy minutes” shooting and pro-ready size, and little things, like hustle, talk and two-time all-pro cornerback
2022, the maryland men’s basket- ment in 2023-24 start with the right out of the gate, Cox said. after posting a career-high 12.6 the little things that help their marcus Peters in an effort to
ball coach vowed to bring local return of three key players from Harris-Smith is dynamic in points per game in 2021-22, he teams win.” address one of its most pressing
recruits to College Park and con- last season. transition and can score on all entered the draft. But he with- reese doesn’t need to look far needs.
tinue building a staff with local Young, a 2023 second-team all- three levels. Going into his first drew his name and played his for motivation. He and his moth- The 30-year-old will be among
ties. Big Ten guard who transferred to season, he has worked heavily first season under Willard. er traveled to the final four in the veterans who report to the
Willard landed three local re- maryland before last season, with Cox and Jones on developing Last season, the 6-8 forward Dallas in April to watch his older club Tuesday.
cruits for his 2023-24 roster: brings experience to the back- consistency with his midrange averaged 11.3 points but had sev- sister, Angel, help LSU win the Las Vegas’s training camp
guards DeShawn Harris-Smith of court. The 6-foot-1 lefty was effec- and three-point shots. eral moments of scoring trouble. national title. opens Wednesday.
Paul VI and Jahnathan Lamothe tive in manipulating pick and He also has learned from In the Terps’ NCAA tournament “She’s a motivating factor for The raiders are hoping to get
of St. frances Academy, as well as rolls but wants to improve his Young how to prepare his body second-round loss to Alabama, he him, [especially with] all the suc- the version of Peters who has 32
ImG Academy forward Jamie assist-to-turnover ratio. for the rigors of a long season by had three points and shot 0 for 7 cess that she’s had,” Cox said. career interceptions, including
Kaiser, who hails from Northern “[I’m just] slowing down some- spending hours in the weight from the field. If Scott can have a maryland forged chemistry by six returned for touchdowns.
Virginia. Then in April, maryland times in the lane [and] being sure room. solid season, it could bode well spending long summer days in l SEAHAWKS: Seattle locked
hired mike Jones, a former with every pass that I make,” said “I’m just trying to learn as for maryland — and his profes- the gym and wants to take the up edge rusher Uchenna Nwosu
Dematha coach with a history of Young, who will play his fifth much as possible [from Young] sional aspirations. next step in Willard’s second sea- for the next three seasons, agree-
producing professionals. college season. “I’m working to because . . . he’s been through the Junior forward Julian reese, son at the helm. The Terps have a ing to an extension worth up to
After two down seasons and a make sure my teammates are in fire [and] knows what’s best, and who doubled his scoring average chance to grace the Associated $59 million on the cusp of train-
coaching change, maryland sur- the right places so I can deliver he’ll point me in the right direc- from 5.7 points to 11.4 last season, Press preseason top 25 and be a ing camp.
passed expectations in 2022-23 the basketball accurately.” tion,” Harris-Smith said. leads maryland’s frontcourt. The team to contend with in the Big Nwosu’s deal includes $32 mil-
with a 22-13 record and a trip to The Upper marlboro native To assist in player develop- 6-9 Baltimore native is working Ten. lion guaranteed and was con-
the NCAA tournament. The watched games from last season ment, maryland recently broke on his ballhandling skills in “We spend a lot of time togeth- firmed by his agents with rosen-
Terps’ intent to secure DmV re- to pinpoint areas where he can ground on a 44,000-square-foot hopes of using his quickness to er, so I feel like that’s one of the haus Sports representation.
cruits paid dividends as they kept make the defense pay with his facility with a new practice court breeze past slower defenders. best parts of the year, just getting l DOLPHINS: miami wide re-
players from their local talent playmaking skills. He believes and upgraded technology that is In the summer of 2022, he to know each other and grinding ceiver Tyreek Hill resolved his
pool. video study and experience will scheduled to be ready by the fall played pickup ball with former together in the summer,” Young dispute with a man he was
The return of starters and local help him play at different speeds of 2025. The Terps are the only NBA all-star Carmelo Anthony said. accused of assaulting at a mari-
players Jahmir Young and Julian and be decisive when delivering Big Ten team without a basketball and NBA forward rudy Gay at The Terps hope their early- na.
reese alongside Donta Scott pro- the ball to teammates. facility dedicated to the men’s St. frances Academy. There, An- morning sessions of weightlift- Hill had been under investiga-
vides leadership for a team with Young could play off the ball and women’s teams. thony and Gay emphasized the ing, shooting and yoga will result tion by miami-Dade police for
lofty expectations for next sea- more next season, and he has Scott, maryland’s longest-ten- importance of being versatile and in more victories. In just a short assault and battery after it was
son. been working on catch-and-shoot ured player, won’t be around impacting the game outside of time, Willard has delivered on his reported that he got into an
“[The] wins are a byproduct of jump shots. The added dynamic when that opens, but he sur- the box score. promise of recruiting local play- argument with an employee that
the work that we put in on a daily would force defenses into tough prised many when he returned to “[They implored me] to do ers to “bring the swag back to apparently ended with Hill hit-
basis,” associate head coach decisions. College Park for his fifth season. more things that [won’t] appear maryland basketball.” ting the man.
d6 eZ M2 the washington post . tuesday, july 25 , 2023


PR O BAS keT BA LL SO CC eR Ten n iS gO LF

WnBA World Cup ATP PgA Tour

east w l pct gb italy 1, Argentina 0 HambuRg euROpeaN OpeN feDex cup leaDeRs
New York .................................... 16 5 .762 — At Am Rothenbaum Rot-Weiss Tennis Club Through Sunday.
Connecticut ................................ 17 6 .739 — aRgeNtINa 0 0 0 in Hamburg, Germany points money
Atlanta ....................................... 12 10 .545 41/2 ItalY 0 1 1 purse: $2,029,849 1. .................................Jon Rahm 3,320 $16,295,608
Washington................................ 12 10 .545 41/2 first Half: None. surface: Red clay 2. ..................... Scottie Scheffler 3,146 $19,138,342
Chicago ......................................... 9 13 .409 71/2 second Half: 1, Italy, Girelli, (Boattin), 87th minute. 3. ............................ Rory McIlroy 2,304 $11,771,008
Indiana.......................................... 6 16 .273 101/2 goalies: Argentina, Vanina Correa, Lara Esponda, Abigail
sINgles — ROuND Of 32 4. ............................... Max Homa 2,128 $9,132,081
Chaves; Italy, Francesca Durante, Laura Giuliani, Rache- Luca van Assche, France, def. Alexandre Muller, France, 5. ....................... Wyndham Clark 1,944 $10,384,690
le Baldi. 7-6 (7-3), 6-4; Laslo Djere, Serbia, def. Tomas Martin 6. .......................... Brian Harman 1,827 $8,245,023
west w l pct gb
Yellow cards: Larroquette, Argentina, 12th; Caruso, Etcheverry (6), Argentina, 7-6 (7-2), 6-3; Guido Pella, 7. ........................ Viktor Hovland 1,795 $10,125,568
Las Vegas ................................... 21 2 .913 —
Italy, 25th; Mayorga, Argentina, 68th; Bonsegundo, Argentina, def. Thiago Monteiro, Brazil, 6-3, 4-6, 6-4; 8. ....................... Keegan Bradley 1,774 $8,676,697
Dallas.......................................... 13 9 .591 71/2
Argentina, 76th; Bonansea, Italy, 85th; Stabile, Argenti- Daniel Altmaier, Germany, def. Richard Gasquet, France, 9. ........................... Rickie Fowler 1,732 $7,624,286
Minnesota .................................. 10 13 .435 11
na, 90th+6. 7-5, 6-4. 10. ............................. Tony Finau 1,570 $5,472,202
Los Angeles .................................. 7 15 .318 131/2
Phoenix......................................... 6 16 .273 141/2 a: 30,889. DOubles — ROuND Of 16 11. .............................. Jason Day 1,506 $6,798,358
Seattle.......................................... 4 18 .182 161/2 12. .............................Nick Taylor 1,463 $5,783,585
Robin Haase, Netherlands, and Nikola Mektic, Croatia,
12. .................Xander Schauffele 1,351 $7,644,570
satuRDaY’s Results def. Bernabe Zapata Miralles, Spain, and Sebastian
13. ...................... Patrick Cantlay 1,443 $7,880,998
Baez, Argentina, 6-4, 6-4; Sander Gille and Joran Vliegen
Connecticut 86, at Atlanta 78 germany 6, Morocco 0 (4), Belgium, def. Hendrik Jebens and Constantin
14. ................................ Tom Kim
15. ........................... Sepp Straka
Las Vegas 98, at Minnesota 81 Frantzen, Germany, 6-2, 6-4.
at Dallas 98, Los Angeles 84 mOROccO 0 0 0 17. ........................Tyrrell Hatton 1,381 $8,150,779
geRmaNY 2 4 6 18. ............................ Si Woo Kim 1,351 $4,889,642
Chicago 90, at Seattle 75
first Half: 1, Germany, Popp, (Hendrich), 11th minute; 2, 19. ............................. Sam Burns 1,284 $6,637,150
suNDaY’s Results Germany, Popp, (Buehl), 39th. atlaNta OpeN 20. .....................Collin Morikawa 1,246 $5,476,781
second Half: 3, Germany, Buehl, (Brand), 46th; 4, At Atlanta Station 21. ....................... Kurt Kitayama 1,216 $6,565,702
at Washington 84, Phoenix 69
Germany, Ait El Haj, 54th; 5, Germany, Redouani, 79th; 6, purse: $737,170 22. .........................Adam Schenk 1,209 $4,139,665
at New York 101, Indiana 83 23. .......................Emiliano Grillo 1,205 $4,686,352
Germany, Schuller, 90th. surface: Hardcourt outdoor
mONDaY’s Results goalies: Morocco, Khadija Er-Rmichi, Assia Zouhair, Ines 24. .................Tommy Fleetwood 1,184 $5,170,891
Arouaissa; Germany, Merle Frohms, Ann Katrin Berger, sINgles — ROuND Of 32 25. ....................Denny McCarthy 1,179 $5,927,812
No games scheduled. 26. ............................... Chris Kirk 1,161 $3,629,834
erin Hooley/associated Press Stina Johannes. Aleksandar Vukic, Australia, def. Ethan Quinn, United
tuesDaY’s games Yellow cards: Anyomi, Germany, 75th. States, 7-6 (7-5), 6-3; Lloyd Harris, South Africa, def. 27. ......................... Taylor Moore 1,156 $4,062,261
Attorney Ben Crump is representing former quarterback Lloyd Las Vegas at Chicago, 7 a: 27,256. James Duckworth, Australia, 3-6, 6-3, 6-2; Thanasi 28. .......................Seamus Power 1,133 $3,682,007
Kokkinakis, Australia, def. Gael Monfils, France, 1-6, 6-3, 29. ....................... Corey Conners 1,103 $4,456,597
Yates, who alleges the coaching staff was aware of hazing incidents. Phoenix at Atlanta, 7
7-6 (7-5); Jeffrey John Wolf (8), United States, def. 30. ........................ Jordan Spieth 1,099 $6,533,758
Seattle at New York, 7 Jason Jung, Taiwan, 6-2, 6-1. 31. ............................Justin Rose 1,088 $4,173,120
Connecticut at Dallas, 8 32. .................... Sahith Theegala 1,065 $4,941,293
Brazil 4, Panama 0

More suits filed

Indiana at Los Angeles, 10 DOubles — ROuND Of 16 33. .......................Russell Henley 1,051 $4,301,096
Marcelo Melo, Brazil, and John Peers (3), Australia, def. 34. .................... Matt Fitzpatrick 1,049 $6,343,743
weDNesDaY’s game paNama 0 0 0 Luis David Martinez, Venezuela, and Reese Stalder, 35. .............................Sungjae Im 1,047 $5,084,635
Washington at Minnesota, 8 bRazIl 2 2 4 United States, 6-1, 7-6 (7-3); Evan King, United States, 36. .....................Adam Svensson 917 $3,585,002
first Half: 1, Brazil, Borges, (Debinha), 19th minute; 2, and Constant Lestienne, France, def. Miguel Angel 37. ........................ Adam Hadwin 908 $3,404,395
tHuRsDaY’s games Brazil, Borges, 39th. Reyes-Varela, Mexico, and Andre Goransson, Sweden, 38. ..................... Patrick Rodgers 897 $2,837,083
39. ........................ Brendon Todd 884 $3,081,844

at Northwestern
Indiana at Los Angeles, 3:30 second Half: 3, Brazil, Bia Zaneratto, (Borges), 48th; 4, 6-7 (7-3), 7-6 (7-2), 10-8; Yuki Bhambri and Saketh
Atlanta at New York, 7 Brazil, Borges, (Geyse), 70th. Myneni, India, def. Kevin King and Andres Martin, United 39. ........................Harris English 893 $4,978,351
goalies: Panama, Yenith Bailey, Sasha Fabregas, Farissa States, 6-3, 6-4. 41. ..................... Cameron Young 889 $4,890,155
Cordoba; Brazil, Leticia Izidoro, Barbara Micheline do 42. .................... Andrew Putnam 889 $3,450,453
Monte Barbosa, Camila Rodrigues. 43. ................................. Eric Cole 875 $2,887,527
Au TO R AC i n g Yellow cards: None. cROatIa OpeN 44. ................ Mackenzie Hughes
45. ..........................Alex Smalley
a: 13,140. At ITC Stella Maris; in Umag, Croatia 46. .............................. Tom Hoge 857 $4,134,485
purse: $623,762 47. ...............Taylor Montgomery 823 $2,541,522
nASCAR Cup Series surface: Red clay 48. ........................Thomas Detry 808 $2,238,925
BY M ATT B ONESTEEL rassment, hazing, and retalia- scHeDule-wINNeRs MLS sINgles — ROuND Of 32 49. ......................Byeong Hun An 796 $2,379,360
50. ............................. Nick Hardy 786 $2,358,801
tion” and that she was punished feb. 5: x-Heat Race 1 (Aric Almirola)
feb. 5: x-Heat Race 2 (Martin Truex Jr.) east w l t pts gf ga
Dino Prizmic, Croatia, def. Duje Ajdukovic, Croatia, 6-1,
6-2; Alexei Popyrin, Australia, def. Benjamin Bonzi, 51. .............................Davis Riley 768 $2,673,111
Two more lawsuits that allege for breaking the team’s corona- feb. 5: x-Heat Race 3, (Denny Hamlin) Cincinnati ........................15
New England ...................12
France, 6-4, 7-5; Dominic Thiem, Austria, def. Facundo 52. ..................... Hayden Buckley
53. ...........................Brandon Wu
feb. 5: x-Heat Race 4, (William Byron) Bagnis, Argentina, 6-4, 7-5; Taro Daniel, Japan, def.
hazing in the Northwestern Uni- virus policies after she became feb. 5: x-Last Chance Qualifying Race 1 (Michael Philadelphia ....................12 7 4 40 39 26 Martin Landaluce, Spain, 1-6, 7-5, 6-2; Flavio Cobolli, 54. ................ Hideki Matsuyama 718 $3,500,284
Nashville .........................11 8 5 38 31 22 55. ........................Mark Hubbard 697 $2,368,186
versity athletic department ill in February 2021, causing the McDowell)
feb. 5: x-Last Chance Qualifying Race 2 (Chase Orlando City ....................10 6 7 37 34 28
Italy, def. Marin Cilic, Croatia, 6-4, 6-3.
56. .......................... Matt Kuchar 669 $2,735,832
were announced Monday. program to shut down. (The Elliott) Columbus ........................10 7 6 36 45 33 DOubles — ROuND Of 16 57. ................ Matthew NeSmith
58. ...............................Aaron Rai
feb. 5: x- Clash at the Coliseum (Martin Truex Jr.) Atlanta..............................9 7 8 35 42 39 Guillermo Duran, Argentina, and Nicolas Barrientos,
One of the lawsuits involves lawsuit says the player followed feb. 16: x-Duel at Daytona 1 (Joey Logano) Chicago..............................8 7 8 32 31 31 Colombia, def. Zvonimir Babic and Luka Mikrut, Croatia, 59. ................... Vincent Norrman 623 $1,504,992
former Wildcats quarterback team guidelines.) According to feb. 16: x-Duel at Daytona 2 (Aric Almirola) D.C. United ........................8
CF Montreal ......................9
6-2, 6-1. 60. .............................J.T. Poston
61. ..................... Stephan Jaeger
feb. 19: Daytona 500 (Ricky Stenhouse Jr.)
and wide receiver Lloyd Yates, the lawsuit, Davis and assistant feb. 26: Pala Casino 400 (Kyle Busch) New York...........................6 9 8 26 22 26 62. ......................... Beau Hossler 605 $2,014,195
Charlotte FC ......................6 9 8 26 30 40 63. .............................. J.J. Spaun 602 $2,174,768
who alleges that members of the coach Kristen Kelsay allowed march 5: Pennzoil 400 (William Byron)
march 12: Work United 500 (William Byron) New York City FC ..............5 8 11 26 25 30 ATP 64. ......................... Sam Stevens 600 $1,860,120
football team’s coaching staff the team captains to select the march 19: Ambetter 400 (Joey Logano) Toronto FC ........................3
Inter Miami CF ..................5
sINgles RaNkINgs 65. .......................Austin Eckroat
66. ........................Keith Mitchell
march 26: EchoPark Automotive Grand Prix (Tyler
not only were aware of the player’s punishment and that Reddick)
Through Sunday. 67. ............................. Ben Taylor 589 $1,769,225
1. Carlos Alcaraz, Spain, 9375 68. ............................. Ben Griffin 577 $1,767,830
hazing incidents but were some- they forced the player to run april 2: Toyota Owners 400 (Kyle Larson)
april 8: x-Qualifying Race 1 (Austin Dillon)
St. Louis City SC .............13
w l
27 2. Novak Djokovic, Serbia, 8795 69. .................. Kyoung-Hoon Lee 567 $2,426,972
times hazed themselves. An- “suicides” that involved diving april 8: x-Qualifying Race 2 (Ryan Blaney) Los Angeles FC................10 6 7 37 34 25 3. Daniil Medvedev, Russia, 6520
4. Casper Ruud, Norway, 4905
69. ............................. Sam Ryder 575 $1,968,542
Real Salt Lake .................10 7 7 37 35 34 71. ....................David Lingmerth 561 $2,200,702
other lawsuit was filed on behalf to the floor when she reached a april 8: x-Qualifying Race 3 (Kyle Larson)
april 8: x-Qualifying Race 4 (Bubba Wallace) Seattle ............................10 8 6 36 29 23 5. Stefanos Tsitsipas, Greece, 4850 72. ....................Davis Thompson 559 $1,785,610
of a former volleyball player line on the court. april 9: Food City Dirt Race (Christopher Bell) Austin FC ..........................9
San Jose............................8
6. Holger Rune, Denmark, 4825
7. Andrey Rublev, Russia, 4730
73. ..........................Shane Lowry
74. ............................ Lee Hodges
april 16: NOCO 400 (Kyle Larson)
who alleges she required medi- The former player said she april 23: Geico 500 (Kyle Busch) Vancouver .........................8 7 7 31 38 32 8. Jannik Sinner, Italy, 3975 75. .......................Justin Thomas 546 $3,052,903
9. Taylor Fritz, USA, 3310 76. ..............................Justin Suh 538 $2,348,551
cal attention after a hazing needed medical attention after april 30: Würth 400 (Martin Truex Jr.)
may 7: AdventHealth 400 (Denny Hamlin)
FC Dallas ...........................8
Houston ............................8
31 10. Frances Tiafoe, USA, 3130 77. ...................... Cameron Davis 535 $2,900,812
incident in early 2021 and that the incident, the athletic depart- may 14: Goodyear 400 (William Byron) Minnesota United .............7 8 7 28 26 30 11. Karen Khachanov, Russia, 2945
12. Felix Auger-Aliassime, Canada, 2770
78. .........................Garrick Higgo 533 $1,516,463
may 20: x-Heat Race 1 (Daniel Suárez) Sporting KC .......................6 11 8 26 31 36 79. .........................Matt Wallace 527 $1,335,004
Coach Shane Davis retaliated ment investigated the program may 20: x-Heat Race 2 (Chris Buescher) Portland ............................6 9 8 26 26 33 13. Cameron Norrie, Great Britain, 2610 80. ............................Adam Scott 517 $2,827,561
14. Tommy Paul, USA, 2345
against her after she reported for hazing in March 2021 and may 21: x-NASCAR All-Star Open (Josh Berry) LA Galaxy ..........................5
Colorado ............................3
30 15. Borna Coric, Croatia, 2225
81. ..........................Joel Dahmen
82. ....................Seonghyeon Kim
may 21: NASCAR All-Star Race (Kyle Larson)
the incident to school officials. Davis was suspended during the may 28: Coca-Cola 600 (Ryan Blaney)
weDNesDaY, JulY 12
16. Hubert Hurkacz, Poland, 2195 83. ........................ Danny Willett 511 $1,791,651
17. Alex de Minaur, Australia, 2150 84. .............................. Harry Hall 499 $1,400,424
Civil rights attorney Ben investigation as school officials June 4: Enjoy Illinois 300 (Kyle Busch)
June 11: Toyota/Save Mart 350 (Martin Truex Jr.) at New England 2, Atlanta 1 18. Lorenzo Musetti, Italy, 1880 85. ....................Joseph Bramlett 489 $1,597,911
Crump and Chicago law firm classified the incident as hazing. June 25: Ally 400 (Ross Chastain) Cincinnati 2, at New York 1 19. Alexander Zverev, Germany, 1755
20. Grigor Dimitrov, Bulgaria, 1600
86. ....................... Robby Shelton
87. ...........................Michael Kim
July 2: Grant Park 220 (Shane van Gisbergen) at Chicago 3, CF Montreal 0
Levin & Perconti are represent- Nonetheless, in December 2021 July 9: Quaker State 400 (William Byron) Minnesota 3, at Houston 0
21. Francisco Cerundolo, Argentina, 1565 88. ..........................Nate Lashley 443 $1,421,609
22. Denis Shapovalov, Canada, 1515
ing Yates, while Salvi, Schostok the school extended Davis’s con- July 16: Crayon 301 (Martin Truex Jr.) Real Salt Lake 2, at Sporting KC 2 23. Pablo Carreno Busta, Spain, 1505
89. ............................Will Gordon
90. ......................Gary Woodland
July 23: HighPoint.com 400 (Denny Hamlin)
& Pritchard is representing the tract. July 30: Cook Out 400 Richmond
Philadelphia 2, at Nashville 0
at Colorado 0, Portland 0
24. Jan-Lennard Struff, Germany, 1500 91. ........................... Chez Reavie 435 $2,177,101
25. Roberto Bautista Agut, Spain, 1480 92. ....................... Akshay Bhatia 435 $1,913,058
volleyball player. Three other The former volleyball player aug. 6: FireKeepers Casino 400, Brooklyn, Mich.
aug. 13: Verizon 200 at the Brickyard, Speedway, Ind. at San Jose 2, Seattle 0 26. Alexander Bublik, Kazakhstan, 1384 93. .......................... David Lipsky 429 $1,476,259
lawsuits against Northwestern alleges in the lawsuit that Davis aug. 20: Go Bowling at the Glen, Watkins Glen, N.Y. at Vancouver 2, Austin FC 1 27. Adrian Mannarino, France, 1376
28. Sebastian Korda, USA, 1365
94. .................................Kevin Yu
95. ........................ Callum Tarren
aug. 26: Coke Zero Sugar 400, Daytona Beach, Fla. Los Angeles FC 3, at St. Louis City SC 0
were filed last week by individu- retaliated against her for report- sept. 3: Southern 500, Darlington, S.C. 29. Nicolas Jarry, Chile, 1339 96. ..........................Justin Lower 419 $1,213,974
satuRDaY, JulY 15 30. Daniel Evans, Great Britain, 1321 97. .................Nicolas Echavarria 417 $951,627
al football players represented ing the hazing, keeping her off sept. 10: Hollywood Casino 400 , Kansas City, Kan.
sept. 16: Bass Pro Shops Night Race, Bristol, Tenn. at New England 4, D.C. United 0 31. Yoshihito Nishioka, Japan, 1315 98. .................................Zac Blair 412 $2,246,566
by the Salvi firm. the court during games and not sept. 24: AutoTrader EchoPark Automotive 400, Fort Orlando City 2, at Atlanta 1 32. Christopher Eubanks, USA, 1300
33. Jiri Lehecka, Czech Republic, 1233
98. .................Maverick McNealy 414 $1,309,696
100. ....................... Greyson Sigg 405 $1,234,396
Yates, the first former North- allowing her to travel on road Worth
Oct. 1: YellaWood 500, Talladega, Ala.
at Cincinnati 3, Nashville 1 34. Tomas Martin Etcheverry, Argentina, 1231 101. ..................... Andrew Novak 403 $1,079,128
at CF Montreal 2, Charlotte FC 0
western football player to be trips. The former player said she Oct. 8: Roval 400, Concord, N.C. at Philadelphia 2, New York City FC 1
35. Nick Kyrgios, Australia, 1175
36. Tallon Griekspoor, Netherlands, 1149
102. .... Christiaan Bezuidenhout
103. ............................. Dylan Wu
Oct. 15: South Point 400, Las Vegas
named in his lawsuit, describes met with Athletic Director Der- Oct. 22: NASCAR Cup Series Race, Homestead, Fla. at Chicago 1, Toronto FC 0 37. Matteo Berrettini, Italy, 1112 104. ...................... Carson Young 394 $1,335,474
Los Angeles FC 1, at Minnesota 1 38. Ugo Humbert, France, 1102 105. ...........................Ben Martin 387 $1,222,219
a practice called “running” in rick Gragg during the 2021-22 Oct. 29: Xfinity 500, Ridgeway, Va.
Nov. 5: NASCAR Cup Series Race Championship, at St. Louis City SC 3, Miami 0 39. Alejandro Davidovich Fokina, Spain, 1095 106. ..................Tyson Alexander 386 $1,117,857
which players forcibly held academic year and that he did Avondale, Ariz. at Austin FC 2, Sporting KC 1 40. Miomir Kecmanovic, Serbia, 1090
41. Ben Shelton, USA, 1075
107. ........................ Lucas Glover
108. ....................Taylor Pendrith
x-Non-points race
down a nonconsenting individu- nothing in response. The former Houston 0, at Colorado 0
at Real Salt Lake 3, New York 1
42. Andy Murray, Great Britain, 1030 109. ................... Aaron Baddeley 373 $1,001,215
43. Lorenzo Sonego, Italy, 1025
al and “[rubbed] their genital player said the bullying and at Portland 3, Columbus 2
110. ...........................Alex Noren
111. .........................Chad Ramey
areas against the [person’s] gen- harassment continued until she nASCAR Cup Series FC Dallas 1, at Seattle 1 112. ...................... Peter Malnati 354 $1,108,848
at Vancouver 4, LA Galaxy 2 113. ........................Tyler Duncan 349 $1,087,746
itals, face, and buttocks while retired because of medical is- pOINts leaDeRs WTA 114. ............................MJ Daffue 319 $772,163
weDNesDaY, JulY 19
rocking back and forth.” Yates sues in December 2022. Through Sunday.
mls all-staR game laDIes OpeN lausaNNe 115. .............................. Luke List
116. ........................... Doug Ghim
1. Martin Truex Jr, 711.
said a strength and conditioning “Jane Doe 1’s case is an exam- 2. William Byron, 681.
at auDI fIelD At Stade-Lausanne Tennis Club
in Lausanne, Switzerland
117. ......................Patton Kizzire 303 $946,292
Arsenal 5, MLS all-stars 0 118. ................................C.T. Pan 301 $1,016,641
coach — unidentified in the ple of how an enabled culture 3. Denny Hamlin, 656.
4. Christopher Bell, 636.
purse: $259,303 119. ...................... Billy Horschel 297 $1,302,761
lawsuit — was subjected to “run- and an enabled coach had be- suNDaY, aug. 20 surface: Red clay 120. ..................Kevin Streelman 297 $1,027,228
5. Ross Chastain, 613.
D.C. United at New York, 7:30 sINgles — QualIfIcatION ROuND 121. ..................... Jimmy Walker 294 $1,043,309
ning” in front of the entire team come accustomed to practices of 6. Kyle Busch, 609.
7. Kyle Larson, 601. Cincinnati at Columbus, 7:30 Valentini Grammatikopoulou (3), Greece, def. Valentina 122. ........................Zecheng Dou 283 $861,162
and coaching staff during a hazing and abuse for years, if 8. Kevin Harvick, 601. Charlotte FC at Miami, 7:30 Ryser, Switzerland, 6-1, 6-3; Chloe Paquet (4), France, 123. ............... Harrison Endycott
123. ..........................Aaron Wise
9. Ryan Blaney, 591. Minnesota at New York City FC, 7:30 def. Carol Zhao, Canada, 6-2, 6-4; Reka Luca Jani (2),
training session in the fall of not decades. We see in Jane Doe 10. Joey Logano, 575. FC Dallas at Philadelphia, 7:30 Hungary, def. Amandine Hesse, France, 6-0, 6-3; Dalila 125. .......................Trey Mullinax 280 $1,378,087
126. .....................Scott Stallings 277 $1,172,950
2015 or spring of 2016. And Yates 1’s story how hazing and abuse 11. Tyler Reddick, 563.
12. Brad Keselowski, 560.
CF Montreal at Toronto FC, 7:30 Jakupovic, Slovenia, def. Jenny Duerst, Switzerland, 6-4,
127. .................. Erik Van Rooyen 275 $748,601
said he was subjected to “run- causes physical and emotional 13. Chris Buescher, 549.
Orlando City at Chicago, 8:30
Portland at Houston, 8:30
128. ..........................Harry Higgs 274 $684,386
14. Ricky Stenhouse Jr, 494. sINgles — ROuND Of 32 129. ......................... Scott Piercy 270 $657,225
ning” by 12 to 15 teammates harm. Her story is sadly not 15. Bubba Wallace, 465. New England at Nashville, 8:30 Anna Bondar, Hungary, def. Aliona Bolsova, Spain, 6-1, 130. .........................Troy Merritt 268 $758,024
during an off-campus preseason uncommon, and it permeates 16. Michael McDowell, 455. Austin FC at St. Louis City SC, 9:30 6-3; Elina Avanesyan (8), Russia, def. Evgeniya Rodina, 131. ............Austin Smotherman
132. ................... Chesson Hadley
17. AJ Allmendinger, 438. Real Salt Lake at LA Galaxy, 10:30 Russia, 6-2, 2-0, ret; Julia Riera, Argentina, def. Patricia
camp in August 2015. across sports, men and women, 18. Daniel Suárez, 432. Colorado at Los Angeles FC, 10:30 Maria Tig, Romania, 6-2, 6-1; Mirra Andreeva (6), 132. .........................Mito Pereira 236 $789,784
133. ................. Henrik Norlander 224 $551,623
“When I read the complaint, I and across campuses,” Salvi said 19. Ty Gibbs, 427.
20. Alex Bowman, 409.
Atlanta at Seattle, 10:30 Russia, def. Dayana Yastremska, Ukraine, 6-0, 6-2; Jil
Teichmann, Switzerland, def. Erika Andreeva, Russia, 133. ............................Paul Haley 249 $713,242
San Jose at Vancouver, 10:30
was overcome with disappoint- in a statement released Monday. 21. Chase Elliott, 399. 6-2, 6-2. 134. .......................Will Zalatoris
136. .................. Cameron Champ
22. Austin Cindric, 395.
ment, frustration and shame. “Here, we have a university 23. Justin Haley, 393. DOubles — ROuND Of 16 137. ................... Richy Werenski 215 $531,041
We were conditioned to believe where many brave young men 24. Todd Gilliland, 358. mls leaDeRs Valentini Grammatikopoulou, Greece, and Jasmijn Gim-
brere, Netherlands, def. Bibiane Schoofs and Eva Ved-
139. ........................Russell Knox
140. ..................... Kramer Hickok
25. Aric Almirola, 352.
this behavior was normal, which and women are standing up for 26. Corey LaJoie, 351. Through Sunday. der, Netherlands, 7-5, 7-5; Elixane Lechemia, France, and 141. ........................ Cody Gribble 209 $576,738
Quinn Gleason, United States, def. Andrea Gamiz, 142. .......................... Kevin Tway 207 $720,772
is sickening and unacceptable,” themselves, and we hope it’s a 27. Ryan Preece, 341.
28. Erik Jones, 322.
gOals Venezuela, and Aliona Bolsova (4), Spain, 4-6, 6-2, 10-7. 142. ...........................Adam Long 205 $590,105
Yates said Monday at a news sign of things to come, where 29. Harrison Burton, 297. Hany Mukhtar, NSH......................................................13 143. ......................... Ryan Moore
144. ................ Matthias Schwab
30. Austin Dillon, 295. Luciano Acosta, CIN ......................................................12
conference. student-athletes are not abused 31. Chase Briscoe, 257. Denis Bouanga, LFC ......................................................12 145. .....................Cameron Percy 199 $502,108
146. ....................... Ludvig Aberg 199 $597,850
Yates’s lawsuit, which names in the pursuit of wins for the 32. Ty Dillon, 200.
33. Noah Gragson, 190.
Cristian Espinoza, SJ ....................................................11
Julian Carranza, PHI......................................................10 HambuRg euROpeaN OpeN 147. ...................... Lucas Herbert 199 $1,010,103
only Northwestern University as school but treated like the hu- 34. BJ McLeod, 116. Jesus Ferreira, DAL.......................................................10 At Am Rothenbaum Rot-Weiss Tennis Club
in Hamburg, Germany
148. ............................. Carl Yuan 197 $501,320
Giorgos Giakoumakis, ATL ...........................................10 149. .......................Zach Johnson 196 $807,499
a defendant, accuses longtime man beings they are.” 35. Cody Ware, 65.
36. Shane Van Gisbergen, 55. Alan Pulido, KC..............................................................10 purse: $250,960
surface: Red clay
assistant coach Matt MacPher- The lawsuit, filed in Cook 37. Jenson Button, 36. Lucas Zelarayan, CLB....................................................10
38. Travis Pastrana, 26. sINgles — ROuND Of 32
son “of witnessing acts of hazing County Circuit Court, names 39. Jordan Taylor, 16.
Noma Noha Akugue, Germany, def. Laura Pigossi, Brazil,
LPgA Tour
and not stopping them or re- Davis, Gragg, school president 40. Ryan Newman, 16.
41. Andy Lally, 13.
Carles Gil, NE ................................................................ 12
Thiago Almada, ATL ..................................................... 10 7-5, 6-4; Yulia Putintseva (6), Kazakhstan, def. Elsa mONeY leaDeRs
Jacquemot, France, 6-2, 6-4; Diana Shnaider, Russia, def.
porting them.” It also includes Michael Schill, former school 42. Jimmie Johnson, 12. Juan Hernandez, CLB.................................................... 10
Polina Kudermetova, Russia, 6-0, 4-6, 6-1; Julia Grabher
Through Sunday.
43. Kimi Raikkonen, 8. Daniel Gazdag, PHI ......................................................... 9 trn money
an account from an unidentified president Morton Schapiro, for- 44. Jonathan Davenport, 1. Hector Herrera, HOU ...................................................... 9 (5), Austria, def. Miriam Bianca Bulgaru, Romania, 6-4, 1. ...........................Allisen Corpuz 14 $2,641,767
6-4; Kaia Kanepi, Estonia, def. Kaja Juvan, Slovenia, 6-1,
player who claims he was a mer athletic director Jim Phil- Luciano Acosta, CIN........................................................ 8
Leo Chu, SEA................................................................... 8 6-4; Camila Osorio (8), Colombia, def. Kamilla Rakhimo-
2. ...............................Ruoning Yin
3. ..............................Ayaka Furue
minor when sexually abused lips and the school’s board of Brian Gutierrez, CHI........................................................ 8 va, Russia, 6-4, 6-3; Nadia Podoroska, Argentina, def.
Viktoriya Tomova, Bulgaria, 6-1, 7-5; Jule Niemeier,
4. ................................. Yuka Saso 12 $1,282,917
Nico Lodeiro, SEA ........................................................... 8 5. .............................. Charley Hull 10 $1,259,627
and suffered “an injury as a trustees as defendants. Formula One Alexandru Irinel Matan, CLB .......................................... 8 Germany, def. Ella Seidel, Germany, 7-6 (7-5), 1-6, 6-3; 6. ..................................... Xiyu Lin 11 $1,188,823
Bernarda Pera (3), United States, def. Zeynep Sonmez,
result of the violent hazing.” In December, Northwestern pOINts leaDeRs Hany Mukhtar, NSH........................................................ 8
Turkiye, 6-2, 1-6, 6-4.
7. ............................. Jin Young Ko
8. ...................................... Lilia Vu
Martin Ojeda, ORL .......................................................... 8
The lawsuit also says North- hired a law firm to investigate a Through Sunday.
DOubles — ROuND Of 16 9. .............................. Hyo Joo Kim 10 $1,057,121
1. Max Verstappen, 281. sHOts
western players were forced to hazing allegation lodged by an 2. Sergio Perez, 171. Denis Bouanga, LFC...................................................... 89
Vivian Heisen, Germany, and Ingrid Neel (3), Estonia, 10. ........................ Leona Maguire
11. ......................... Nasa Hataoka
def. Rosalie Van Der Hoek, Netherlands, and Magali
take part in “naked rope swings, unidentified former football 3. Fernando Alonso, 139.
4. Lewis Hamilton, 133.
Hany Mukhtar, NSH ..................................................... 88 Kempen, Belgium, 6-3, 4-1, ret; Melanie Klaffner and 12. ............................Hae Ran Ryu 14 $902,204
Juan Hernandez, CLB ................................................... 83 13. ............................. Rose Zhang 3 $899,666
naked pull ups, naked center player at the end of the 2022 5. George Russell, 90. Thiago Almada, ATL ..................................................... 82
Sinja Kraus, Austria, def. Michaela Bayerlova, Czech
14. .......................Carlota Ciganda 13 $876,447
Republic, and Nika Radisic, Slovenia, 6-4, 6-1; Alexandra
and quarterback exchange, na- season and then suspended 6. Carlos Sainz Jr, 87.
7. Charles Leclerc, 80.
Christian Benteke, DC .................................................. 73 Panova, Russia, and Anna Danilina (1), Kazakhstan, def. 15. ........................Ashleigh Buhai
16. ............................. Nelly Korda
Lucas Zelarayan, CLB ................................................... 66
ked one on one drills, and naked Fitzgerald for two weeks with- 8. Lando Norris, 60. Julian Carranza, PHI..................................................... 65
Despina Papamichail, Greece, and Nuria Brancaccio,
Italy, 6-0, 6-2. 17. .................................Angel Yin 9 $830,807
9. Lance Stroll, 45. 18. .....................Cheyenne Knight 13 $801,116
pass rush drill”; that Black play- out pay after releasing an execu- 10. Esteban Ocon, 31.
Bongokuhle Hlongwane, MIN ...................................... 62
Riqui Puig, LA ............................................................... 62 19. ......................... Celine Boutier 13 $751,834
ers were subject to racist re- tive summary of the law firm’s 11. Oscar Piastri, 27.
12. Pierre Gasly, 16.
Erik Thommy, KC .......................................................... 62 20. ................................Grace Kim 11 $747,662
Brian White, VAN......................................................... 62 21. ............. Brooke M. Henderson 15 $730,109
marks from the coaching staff; findings July 7. The next day, the 13. Alexander Albon, 11. WTA 22. ...............................Minjee Lee 10 $723,307
14. Nico Hulkenberg, 9. sHOts ON gOal
that underage players were Daily Northwestern student 15. Valtteri Bottas, 5. Hany Mukhtar, NSH ..................................................... 37
sINgles RaNkINgs 23. ......................... Hannah Green
24. ............................. Aditi Ashok
forced to drink alcohol; and that newspaper detailed additional 16. Guanyu Zhou, 4. Denis Bouanga, LFC...................................................... 34
Through Sunday.
25. .......................... Megan Khang 12 $652,290
17. Yuki Tsunoda, 2. 1. Iga Swiatek, Poland, 9315 26. .......................Anna Nordqvist 11 $642,224
injured players were “treated as allegations of hazing within the 18. Kevin Magnussen, 2.
Thiago Almada, ATL ..................................................... 30
Luciano Acosta, CIN ..................................................... 29 2. Aryna Sabalenka, Belarus, 8845 27. .............................. Maja Stark 12 $634,017
worthless to the team until they program; the school fired 19. Logan Sargeant, 0.
20. Nyck De Vries, 0.
Juan Hernandez, CLB ................................................... 28 3. Elena Rybakina, Kazakhstan, 5465
4. Jessica Pegula, USA, 5395
28. ............................ Georgia Hall 13 $622,656
Julian Carranza, PHI ..................................................... 27 29. ..................... Atthaya Thitikul 11 $617,326
could get healthy.” Fitzgerald on July 10. 21. Daniel Ricciardo, 0. Bongokuhle Hlongwane, MIN....................................... 26 5. Caroline Garcia, France, 4865 30. ................................Amy Yang 11 $525,067
6. Ons Jabeur, Tunisia, 4846
During the news conference Fitzgerald has denied having gOals allOweD aVeRage 7. Coco Gauff, USA, 3390
31. ............................ Bailey Tardy
32. .................... Ariya Jutanugarn
Monday, Crump said he plans to knowledge of the hazing inci- indyCar Andre Blake, PHI........................................................ 0.85 8. Petra Kvitova, Czech Republic, 3341
9. Maria Sakkari, Greece, 3310
33. ............................... Linn Grant 6 $516,996
Stefan Frei, SEA ........................................................ 0.86 34. .................Stephanie Meadow 11 $499,036
file more than 30 individual dents and has retained a lawyer. pOINts leaDeRs Joe Willis, NSH .......................................................... 0.92 10. Marketa Vondrousova, Czech Republic, 3106 35. ...............................Ally Ewing 11 $478,850
lawsuits against Northwestern. Phillips was Northwestern’s ath- Through Sunday. David Bingham, POR.................................................. 1.00 11. Daria Kasatkina, Russia, 3015
12. Barbora Krejcikova, Czech Republic, 2840
36. ............................Hye-Jin Choi
37. ...................... Jennifer Kupcho
1. Alex Palou, 477. Roman Celentano, CIN............................................... 1.09
“This will be acknowledged as letic director from 2008 to 2021 2. Josef Newgarden, 397. Pedro Gallese, ORL .................................................... 1.10 13. Beatriz Haddad Maia, Brazil, 2745 38. ............Pajaree Anannarukarn 14 $432,986
14. Veronika Kudermetova, Russia, 2570
college sports’ #MeToo move- — overlapping with nearly the 3. Scott Dixon, 357.
4. Marcus Ericsson, 330.
Maarten Paes, DAL .................................................... 1.10
15. Belinda Bencic, Switzerland, 2560
39. ..................... Elizabeth Szokol
40. ................. Jodi Ewart Shadoff
ment,” Crump said at the news entirety of Fitzgerald’s 16-year 5. Scott McLaughlin, 329. 16. Madison Keys, USA, 2535
17. Liudmila Samsonova, Russia, 2315
41. .................. Albane Valenzuela 11 $388,027
42. .......... Nanna Koerstz Madsen 13 $380,051
conference. tenure as the Wildcats’ football 6. Pato O’Ward, 329.
7. Will Power, 316.
nWSL 18. Karolina Muchova, Czech Republic, 2304 43. .............................. Jenny Shin 13 $369,825
19. Victoria Azarenka, Belarus, 2235
In a statement Monday, coach — before departing to 8. Colton Herta, 276. w l t pts gf ga 20. Jelena Ostapenko, Latvia, 2165
44. ..................... Perrine Delacour
45. ..........................Danielle Kang
9. Christian Lundgaard, 275.
Northwestern said it has insti- become commissioner of the 10. Alexander Rossi, 265.
North Carolina...................8
Portland ............................7
21. Ekaterina Alexandrova, Russia, 2125 46. .........................Sei Young Kim 12 $323,725
22. Donna Vekic, Croatia, 2075 47. ..................................Narin An 12 $318,479
tuted anti-hazing measures and ACC. 11. Kyle Kirkwood, 237.
12. Felix Rosenqvist, 233.
Gotham FC ........................7 4 4 25 17 14 23. Karolina Pliskova, Czech Republic, 2040 48. ...................... Matilda Castren 15 $315,608
OL Reign............................7 5 3 24 23 18
begun an examination of athlet- He said in a statement Thurs- 13. Romain Grosjean, 212. Washington ......................6 3 6 24 22 21
24. Zheng Qinwen, China, 1903
25. Magda Linette, Poland, 1835
49. ...................................... Yu Liu 14 $299,537
14. Callum Ilott, 185. 50. ............................... A Lim Kim 11 $296,543
ic department culture. It’s also day that he never “condoned or 15. Rinus VeeKay, 183.
San Diego ..........................6
26. Anastasia Potapova, Russia, 1785
27. Elina Svitolina, Ukraine, 1578
“reviewing the claims made tolerated inappropriate con- 16. Graham Rahal, 182. Orlando .............................6 8 1 19 15 21 28. Anhelina Kalinina, Ukraine, 1567
17. David Malukas, 176. Houston ............................4 5 6 18 10 12
against Coach MacPherson,” the duct” while at Northwestern. 18. Marcus Armstrong, 156. Angel City .........................4 6 5 17 18 23
29. Marie Bouzkova, Czech Republic, 1480 TR A n SAC TiO n S
30. Elise Mertens, Belgium, 1479
statement said. Three days after Northwest- 19. Santino Ferrucci, 151.
20. Helio Castroneves, 143.
Chicago..............................5 9 1 16 19 33 31. Mayar Sherif, Egypt, 1326
Kansas City .......................5 10 0 15 17 26
The unidentified former vol- ern fired Fitzgerald, the school 21. Agustin Canapino, 132. 32. Sorana Cirstea, Romania, 1316
33. Paula Badosa, Spain, 1302 Nfl
22. Devlin DeFrancesco, 128. satuRDaY, JulY 8
leyball player, referred to in the fired baseball coach Jim Foster 23. Jack Harvey, 124. Washington 2, at San Diego 2
34. Marta Kostyuk, Ukraine, 1300 arizona cardinals: Signed LB B.J. Ojulari to a four-year
35. Petra Martic, Croatia, 1268 contract.
lawsuit as “Jane Doe 1,” was a for “engaging in bullying and 24. Conor Daly, 120.
suNDaY, JulY 9 36. Katerina Siniakova, Czech Republic, 1257 Indianapolis colts: Signed CB Julius Brents, QB Anthony
25. Sting Ray Robb, 92.
member of the team from 2019 abusive behavior,” according to 26. Benjamin Pedersen, 90. at Gotham FC 2, Portland 1
37. Anna Blinkova, Russia, 1253
38. Zhu Lin, China, 1227
Richardson and OT Blake Freeland to rookie contracts.
minnesota Vikings: Signed TE Colin Thompson.
through this past academic year. a Northwestern human resourc- 27. Simon Pagenaud, 88.
28. Takuma Sato, 65.
at Angel City 2, North Carolina 1 39. Ana Bogdan, Romania, 1214 New York giants: Signed DT Brandin Bryant. Waived
She alleges Davis “enabled a es document obtained by the 29. Ryan Hunter-Reay, 62. fRIDaY, aug. 18 40. Sloane Stephens, USA, 1210
41. Irina-Camelia Begu, Romania, 1197
WRs Dre Miller and Makai Polk. Named Mike Adams
assistant special teams coach.
30. Ed Carpenter, 40.
culture of racism, bullying, ha- Chicago Tribune. OL Reign at Kansas City, 8 42. Elisabetta Cocciaretto, Italy, 1170 tennessee titans: Signed WR DeAndre Hopkins.
EZ CLASSIFIED zone EZ | 2023-7-25 | D 7 | BLACK



washingtonpost.com/classifieds TUESDAY, JULY 25, 2023 EZ


Montgomery County 850
Montgomery County 850
Montgomery County 850
Montgomery County 850
Montgomery County 850
Montgomery County 850
Montgomery County 850
Montgomery County
Newspapers carriers Rosenberg & Associates, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC
4340 East West Highway, Suite 600 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101
needed to deliver Bethesda, MD 20814 Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852
(301) 907-8000 (301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555
SILVER SPRING, MD 20904 Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust
Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust dated June 15, 2018, recorded in Liber 56451, Folio 207 dated March 3, 2003, recorded in Liber 24228, Folio 776 dated December 27, 2006, recorded in Liber 33769, Folio
Excellent part-time income from Brian Barnett and Tiffany Scott-Barnett f/k/a Tiffany Patrice among the Land Records of Montgomery County, MD, with among the Land Records of Montgomery County, MD, with 703 among the Land Records of Montgomery County, MD, with
Scott dated April 28, 2006 and recorded in Liber 34327, an original principal balance of $256,000.00, default having an original principal balance of $147,000.00, default having an original principal balance of $242,500.00, default having
opportunity! folio 231 among the Land Records of Montgomery County, occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell at occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell at occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell at
MD, default having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. public auction at the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, at the public auction at the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, at the public auction at the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, at the
Transportation required Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Court House Door, 50 Maryland Ave., Rockville, MD 20850, on Court House Door, 50 Maryland Ave., Rockville, MD 20850, on Court House Door, 50 Maryland Ave., Rockville, MD 20850, on
Montgomery County, at the Court House Door, 50 Maryland Ave., JULY 28, 2023 AT 3:41 PM JULY 28, 2023 AT 3:35 PM JULY 28, 2023 AT 3:39 PM
Rockville, MD 20850, on
JULY 28, 2023 AT 3:47 PM any buildings or improvements thereon located in Montgomery any buildings or improvements thereon located in Montgomery any buildings or improvements thereon located in Montgomery
deliverthepost.com ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with the County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of
buildings and improvements thereon situated in Montgomery Trust. Trust. Trust.
County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in
Cars 852
Anne Arundel County Trust. Tax ID #05-00290153. an "as is" condition and subject to conditions, restrictions and an "as is" condition and subject to conditions, restrictions and an "as is" condition and subject to conditions, restrictions and
IN THE The property, which is improved by a dwelling, will be sold in agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and with no agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and with no agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and with no
an "as is" condition and subject to conditions, restrictions and warranty of any kind. warranty of any kind. warranty of any kind.
ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and with no Terms of Sale: A deposit of $24,000 in the form of certified Terms of Sale: A deposit of $7,000 in the form of certified Terms of Sale: A deposit of $13,000 in the form of certified
EDITION 3 available. Need work & James E. Clarke, et al.
warranty of any kind. check, cashier's check or money order will be required of the check, cashier's check or money order will be required of the check, cashier's check or money order will be required of the
paint. $18,000 for all 3 .
Call 540-720-8547 leave message
Substitute Trustees Terms of Sale: A deposit of $28,000 in the form of certified purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase
check, cashier's check or money order will be required of the price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money at price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money at price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money at
LEXUS Richard L. Taylor Jr.
Defendant purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase
price to be paid in cash within ten days of final ratification of
the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or any
modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date funds
the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or any
modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date funds
the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or any
modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date funds
No. C-02-CV-23-000285
NOTICE sale by the Circuit Court for Montgomery County. Interest to are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash within ten are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash within ten are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash within ten
Notice is hereby issued this, Tues- be paid on the unpaid purchase money at the rate pursuant days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court. There days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court. There days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court. There
day, July 18, 2023 that the sale of to the Deed of Trust Note from the date of sale to the date will be no abatement of interest due to the purchaser in the will be no abatement of interest due to the purchaser in the will be no abatement of interest due to the purchaser in the
the property in the proceedings
LEXUS 1996 400 - Gray, 39k miles, mentioned, made and reported funds are received in the office of the Sub. Trustees. There event additional funds are tendered before settlement. TIME IS event additional funds are tendered before settlement. TIME IS event additional funds are tendered before settlement. TIME IS
excellent condition. $5,500.
Call 917-593-0082
by Christine M. Drexel et al., Sub- will be no abatement of interest in the event additional funds OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all
stitute Trustee BE RATIFIED AND
CONFIRMED, unless cause to the are tendered before settlement or if settlement is delayed for real property taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable, real property taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable, real property taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable,
VOLKSWAGEN contrary thereof be shown on or
before the 17th day of August
any reason. The noteholder shall not be obligated to pay interest
if it is the purchaser. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE
and any and all public and/or private charges or assessments,
to the extent such amounts survive foreclosure sale, including
and any and all public and/or private charges or assessments,
to the extent such amounts survive foreclosure sale, including
and any and all public and/or private charges or assessments,
2023 next; provided, a copy of this to the extent such amounts survive foreclosure sale, including
Notice be inserted in some news-
paper published in Anne Arundel
PURCHASER. Adjustment of all real property taxes, including water/sewer and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to water/sewer and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to water/sewer and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to
County, once in each of three agricultural taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser
successive weeks before the 17th
day of August 2023 next. The
private charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts is responsible for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All is responsible for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All is responsible for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All
VOLKSWAGEN 2013 GOLF - 1 owner,
14K mi, 4 dr, offers over $8000
report states that the amount of survive foreclosure sale, including water/sewer charges and transfer taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. transfer taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. transfer taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser.
Contact 1st annwood32 @gmail.com
sale of the property at 35 BURNS
ground rent, to be adjusted to date of sale and paid at execution Condominium fees and/or homeowners association dues, if any, Condominium fees and/or homeowners association dues, if any, Condominium fees and/or homeowners association dues, if any,
or 202-232-0670 to be $201,131.89. of the deed, except where the secured party is the purchaser, and shall be assumed by the purchaser from the date of sale. shall be assumed by the purchaser from the date of sale. shall be assumed by the purchaser from the date of sale.
1447 Autos Wanted Scott A. Poyer thereafter assumed by the purchaser. Condominium fees and/or Purchaser is responsible for obtaining physical possession of the Purchaser is responsible for obtaining physical possession of the Purchaser is responsible for obtaining physical possession of the
Circuit Court for
Anne Arundel County, M.D. homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed by the property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property
July 25, 2023 purchaser from the date of sale forward. Cost of all documentary from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit
August 1, 8, 2023 12429800 stamps, transfer taxes and settlement expenses shall be borne of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but
by the purchaser. Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining not limited to, determination of whether the borrower entered not limited to, determination of whether the borrower entered not limited to, determination of whether the borrower entered
Lutheran Mission Society of MD
CIRCUIT COURT physical possession of the property. Purchaser assumes the risk into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off the loan into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off the loan into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off the loan
Compassion Place ministries FOR of loss or damage to the property from the date of sale forward. prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be null and prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be null and prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be null and
help local families with food,
clothing, counseling. Tax deductible. Additional terms to be announced at the time of sale. void, and the Purchaser's sole remedy, in law or equity, shall be void, and the Purchaser's sole remedy, in law or equity, shall be void, and the Purchaser's sole remedy, in law or equity, shall be
MVA licensed #W1044. James E. Clarke, et al.
If the Sub. Trustees are unable to convey good and marketable the return of the deposit without interest. If purchaser fails to the return of the deposit without interest. If purchaser fails to the return of the deposit without interest. If purchaser fails to
410-228-8437 Substitute Trustees
www.CompassionPlace.org title, the purchaser's sole remedy in law and equity shall be settle within ten days of ratification, subject to order of court, settle within ten days of ratification, subject to order of court, settle within ten days of ratification, subject to order of court,
825 limited to a refund of the deposit without interest. If the purchaser agrees that property will be resold and entire deposit purchaser agrees that property will be resold and entire deposit purchaser agrees that property will be resold and entire deposit
Bids & Proposals Kathleen L. Lupinek AKA
Kathy Lupinek, AKA purchaser fails to go to settlement, the deposit shall be forfeited, retained by Sub. Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses retained by Sub. Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses retained by Sub. Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses
Kathleen Lupinek, AKA
Kathleen Sinnott to the Trustees for application against all expenses, attorney’s occasioned by the purchaser's default and purchaser shall have occasioned by the purchaser's default and purchaser shall have occasioned by the purchaser's default and purchaser shall have
Defendant fees and the full commission on the sale price of the above- no further liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any no further liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any no further liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any
No. C-02-CV-18-004061 scheduled foreclosure sale. In the event of default, all expenses papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten
NOPA, The National Oilseed
NOTICE of this sale (including attorney’s fees and the full commission days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service by first days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service by first days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service by first
Processors Association, is Notice is hereby issued this, Tues- on the gross sale price of this sale) shall be charged against class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser as identified class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser as identified class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser as identified
seeking contractors for Microsoft
Access design, programming,
day, July 18, 2023 that the sale of
the property in the proceedings and paid out of the forfeited deposit. The Trustees may then on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted purchaser shall not on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted purchaser shall not on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted purchaser shall not
cloud hosting, management, mentioned, made and reported
re-advertise and resell the property at the risk and expense of be entitled to any surplus proceeds resulting from said resale be entitled to any surplus proceeds resulting from said resale be entitled to any surplus proceeds resulting from said resale
by Christine M. Drexel et al., Sub-
administration, and updating for
a 3-year period for a new Certifi- stitute Trustee BE RATIFIED AND the defaulting purchaser or may avail themselves of any legal even if such surplus results from improvements to the property even if such surplus results from improvements to the property even if such surplus results from improvements to the property
cation Automation System. The CONFIRMED, unless cause to the
or equitable remedies against the defaulting purchaser without by said defaulted purchaser. Sub. Trustees will convey either by said defaulted purchaser. Sub. Trustees will convey either by said defaulted purchaser. Sub. Trustees will convey either
RFI is available by emailing contrary thereof be shown on or
CIO@NOPA.ORG. Response Due before the 17th day of August reselling the property. In the event of a resale, the defaulting marketable or insurable title. If they cannot deliver one or the marketable or insurable title. If they cannot deliver one or the marketable or insurable title. If they cannot deliver one or the
Date: 8/1/2023 at 5:00 PM East- 2023 next; provided, a copy of this
purchaser shall not be entitled to receive the surplus, if any, even other, or if ratification of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court other, or if ratification of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court other, or if ratification of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court
ern. Please send inquiries to Notice be inserted in some news-
CIO@NOPA.ORG. paper published in Anne Arundel if such surplus results from improvements to the property by said for any reason, the Purchaser's sole remedy, at law or equity, is for any reason, the Purchaser's sole remedy, at law or equity, is for any reason, the Purchaser's sole remedy, at law or equity, is
County, once in each of three
defaulting purchaser and the defaulting purchaser shall be liable return of the deposit without interest. (Matter No. 359579-1) return of the deposit without interest. (Matter No. 155007-1) return of the deposit without interest. (Matter No. 362143-1)
Montgomery County successive weeks before the 17th
day of August 2023 next. The to the Trustees and secured party for reasonable attorney’s fees Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Substitute Trustees Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Substitute Trustees Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Substitute Trustees
report states that the amount of
sale of the property at 328 TEN- and expenses incurred in connection with all litigation involving
21122 to be $395,000.00.
the Property or the proceeds of the resale. Trustees' file number
Scott A. Poyer
Circuit Court for
Anne Arundel County, M.D.
The property will be sold subject to a 120 day right of redemption
July 25, 2023
by the Internal Revenue Service.
CARRIE M. WARD, et al.
August 1, 8, 2023 12429799 Diane S. Rosenberg, Mark D. Meyer, et al., Substitute Trustees
6003 Executive Blvd, Suite 101
Rockville, MD 20852
Frederick County
Substitue Trustees/Plaintiffs,
July 11, 18, 25, 2023 12428304 July 11, 18, 25, 2023 12428099 July 11, 18, 25, 2023 12428301
vs. FOR
422 Girard Street MARYLAND
Unit 301 a/k/a Unit 142 100 West Patrick Street
Gaithersburg, MD 20877 Frederick, Maryland 21701
Defendants(s). Clerk of the Court: 301-600-1976
Assignment Office: 301-600-2015
Case No. C-15-CV-22-004041
Case Number: C-10-CV-22-000759 July 11, 18, 25, 2023 12428185
Other Reference Numbers:
872 610
Notice is hereby given this 7th day
of July, 2023, by the Circuit Court
SYDNEY ROBERSON Fairfax County Dogs for Sale
for Montgomery County, Maryland, VS. TRUSTEE’S SALE OF CAVACHON PUPPIES Rosenberg & Associates, LLC
that the sale of the property men- CHARLES HOLLINGSWORTH, JR. IN VIRGINIA
tioned in these proceedings and 13609 VENTURI LN, UNIT 154, Adorable baby doll faces. Ready 4340 East West Highway, Suite 600
Date: 7/6/2023
described as 422 Girard Street, Unit OAK HILL, VA 20171 weekend. M/F. Local breeder Bethesda, MD 20814
301 a/k/a Unit 142, Gaithersburg,
MD 20877, made and reported by
In execution of a Deed of Trust
raised in home. 703-362-8718
www.dcdogfinders.com (301) 907-8000 BWW Law Group, LLC
the Substitute Trustee, will be RAT- Notice is hereby issued by the in the original principal amount
www.rosenberg-assoc.com 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 BWW Law Group, LLC
Circuit Court for Frederick County
this 6th day of July, 2023 that
of $311,992.00, with an annual
interest rate of 5.375000% dat- Rockville, MD 20852 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101
cause to the contrary thereof be
shown on or before the 7th day of the sale made and recorded by ed November 9, 2006, recorded
pure bred puppies, short legged, 2
SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES’ SALE (301) 961-6555 Rockville, MD 20852
August 2023, provided a copy of Nicole Lipinski for the sale of among the land records of the w/ unusual merle markings. Ready OF IMPROVED REAL PROPERTY (301) 961-6555
this NOTICE be inserted in some the property described in these Circuit Court for the County of to go 8/13. $1200 cash. Deposit SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES' SALE
daily newspaper printed in said proceedings Fairfax as Deed Book 18907,
Page 1812, the undersigned
County, once in each of three suc- Church, VA. 804-994-3088 after 6pm
cessive weeks before the 7th day
11705 Bunker Hill Court, appointed Substitute Trustee or email jratkinson01@aol.com SILVER SPRING, MD 20910 OF REAL PROPERTY AND ANY IMPROVEMENTS THEREON
of August, 2023.
Union Bridge, MD 21791 will offer for sale at public auc- 3940 CHESTERWOOD DR. 73
be ratified and confirmed thirty tion all that property located in Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust from SILVER SPRING, MD 20906 9805 FREESTATE PL.
The report states the purchase the County of Fairfax, on the
price at the Foreclosure sale to be
(30) days from the date of this
courthouse steps at the front
MINIATURE POODLES PUPS AKC Denise Andrea Smith dated March 25, 2005 and recorded in GAITHERSBURG A/R/T/A MONTGOMERY VILLAGE, MD 20886
Notice, unless cause to the con-
trary be shown, provided a copy of the Circuit Court building for
hand raised,
skyechasepoodles.com Liber 29669, folio 203 among the Land Records of Montgomery Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust
Karen A. Bushell of this Notice be inserted in some the County of Fairfax located at 703-303-8174 County, MD, default having occurred under the terms thereof, dated August 16, 2005, recorded in Liber 31359, Folio 473 Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust
4110 Chain Bridge Road, Fairfax,
Clerk, Circuit Court for
Montgomery County, Maryland
Newspaper published in this
County, once in each of three Virginia on September 26, 2023 the Sub. Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court among the Land Records of Montgomery County, MD, with dated July 29, 2005, recorded in Liber 30630, Folio 271
(3) successive weeks. The report at 11:00 AM, the property with MINI PIN - Red, male. $1000. Reg,
for Montgomery County, at the Court House Door, 50 Maryland an original principal balance of $233,600.00, default having among the Land Records of Montgomery County, MD, with
improvements to wit: and almost potty trained, 10wks old,
July 11, 18, 25, 2023 12428731
states the amount of the sale to
be $343,000.00. docked tail, declawed. All vaccina- Ave., Rockville, MD 20850, on occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell at an original principal balance of $342,000.00, default having
Sandra K. Dalton
COPPERMINE CROSSING CONDO tions. pups and parents in Fredricks- public auction at the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, at the occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell at
Clerk of the Circuit Court
Tax Map No. 0154 07 0154
burg VA. 540-993-1021 AUGUST 4, 2023 AT 2:17 PM Court House Door, 50 Maryland Ave., Rockville, MD 20850, on public auction at the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, at the
July 11, 18, 25, 2023 12428726
THIS COMMUNICATION IS FROM Old English Sheepdog pups, ready to ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with the AUGUST 4, 2023 AT 2:05 PM Court House Door, 50 Maryland Ave., Rockville, MD 20850, on
A DEBT COLLECTOR. go, vet check, microchipped, utd buildings and improvements thereon situated in Montgomery AUGUST 11, 2023 AT 4:21 PM
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT CIRCUIT COURT on vac, delivery, avail for more info
County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with
TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. call 540-493-1104
A bidder’s deposit of 10% of Trust. Tax ID #13-01148675. any buildings or improvements thereon located in Montgomery ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with
MARYLAND FREDERICK COUNTY, the sale price, will be required County, MD and described as Unit No 3940, in a Condominium any buildings or improvements thereon located in Montgomery
100 West Patrick Street
in cash, certified or cashier’s
check. Settlement within fif-
ROTTWEILER: Prime 2 yr old male
130 lbs housebroken crate and
The property, which is improved by a dwelling, will be sold in known as Montgomery Chase Condominium and more fully County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of
CARRIE M. WARD, et al.
6003 Executive Blvd, Suite 101 Frederick, Maryland 21701 teen (15) days of sale, otherwise obedience trained, $2400. an "as is" condition and subject to conditions, restrictions and described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust. Trust.
Clerk of the Court: 301-600-1976 703-258-2483
Rockville, MD 20852 Trustees may forfeit deposit. Ad- agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and with no
Substitue Trustees/Plaintiffs, Assignment Office: 301-600-2015 ditional terms to be announced
at sale. Loan type: Conventional. warranty of any kind. The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in
vs. Case Number:
C-10-CV-22-000778 Reference Number 20-286587. SHICHON TEDDY BEAR an "as is" condition and subject to conditions, restrictions and an "as is" condition and subject to conditions, restrictions and
ALEXANDRE R. VIANA Other Reference Numbers: PROFESSIONAL FORECLOSURE PUPPIES in Virginia Terms of Sale: A deposit of $34,000 in the form of certified agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and with no agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and with no
CORPORATION OF VIRGINIA, Adorable little cuddle bugs. Rdy wkd.
1617 Farragut Avenue JOHN ANSELL Substitute Trustees, C/O LOGS 10wks old. All colors. M/F. Local check, cashier's check or money order will be required of the warranty of any kind. warranty of any kind.
Rockville, MD 20851 VS.
LEGAL GROUP LLP, 10021 Balls breeder raised in home. 703-362- purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase
Ford Road, Suite 200, Manassas, 8718 www.dcdogfinders.com
price to be paid in cash within ten days of final ratification of Terms of Sale: A deposit of $24,000 in the form of certified Terms of Sale: A deposit of $35,000 in the form of certified
ANDREW ALACCA ESTATE OF Virginia 20109 (703) 449-5800.
Case No. C-15-CV-22-001925 sale by the Circuit Court for Montgomery County. Interest to check, cashier's check or money order will be required of the check, cashier's check or money order will be required of the
Date: 7/7/2023 Jul 25,Aug 22,29 2023 L0011022
ASDR, wormed, shots, vet checked. be paid on the unpaid purchase money at the rate pursuant purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase
Notice is hereby given this 7th day
Notice is hereby issued by the
MARYLAND Available 8/16 & 8/31.
to the Deed of Trust Note from the date of sale to the date price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money at price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money at
of July, 2023, by the Circuit Court
for Montgomery County, Maryland, Circuit Court for Frederick County Roommates 620
Call 540-327-5911
funds are received in the office of the Sub. Trustees. There the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or any the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or any
that the sale of the property men- this 7th day of July 2023, that the
sale made and recorded by John Cats will be no abatement of interest in the event additional funds modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date funds modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date funds
tioned in these proceedings and
described as 1617 Farragut Ansell for the sale of the property
are tendered before settlement or if settlement is delayed for are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash within ten are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash within ten
Avenue, Rockville, MD 20851, described in these proceedings Kittens ArtInMotionPersians.com
any reason. The noteholder shall not be obligated to pay interest days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court. There days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court. There
made and reported by the Substi- 4504 Valley View Rd, has several Persian and Exotic Kit-
tute Trustee, will be RATIFIED AND Middletown, MD 21769
BOWIE - Share furn house, Room for
1, pref M. Internet, nr shops, Sat tens Available, CFA papers, chipped, if it is the purchaser. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE will be no abatement of interest due to the purchaser in the will be no abatement of interest due to the purchaser in the
CONFIRMED, unless cause to the
be ratified and confirmed thirty TV, kit/laund priv, conv. Must have vaccinated. 757-870-5918 or
PURCHASER. Adjustment of all real property taxes, including event additional funds are tendered before settlement. TIME IS event additional funds are tendered before settlement. TIME IS
contrary thereof be shown on or ArtInMotionPersians@yahoo.com
before the 7th day of August 2023, (30) days from the date of this trans. Avail now. $850. 240-687-1519
agricultural taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all
provided a copy of this NOTICE be
inserted in some daily newspaper
Notice, unless cause to the con-
trary be shown, provided a copy
Electronics Pet Services private charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts real property taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable, real property taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable,
printed in said County, once in of this Notice be inserted in some
DISH Network. $64.99 for survive foreclosure sale, including water/sewer charges and and any and all public and/or private charges or assessments, and any and all public and/or private charges or assessments,
Newspaper published in this
each of three successive weeks
before the 7th day of August, 2023. County, once in each of three 190 Channels! Blazing Fast Internet, Are you a pet owner? Do you want ground rent, to be adjusted to date of sale and paid at execution to the extent such amounts survive foreclosure sale, including to the extent such amounts survive foreclosure sale, including
$19.99/mo. (where available.)
The report states the purchase
(3) successive weeks. The report
states the amount of the sale to Switch & Get a FREE $100 Visa Gift
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of the deed, except where the secured party is the purchaser, and water/sewer and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to water/sewer and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to
Bills? Physicians Mutual Insurance
price at the Foreclosure sale to be be $327,795.00. Card. FREE Voice Remote. FREE HD Company has pet coverage that thereafter assumed by the purchaser. Condominium fees and/or date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser
DVR. FREE Streaming on ALL
Sandra K. Dalton Devices. Call today! 1-855-407-6870.
can help! Call 1-888-928-1656 to
homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed by the is responsible for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All is responsible for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All
Karen A. Bushell get a free quote or visit
Clerk, Circuit Court for
Clerk of the Circuit Court
FREE high-speed internet for those insurebarkmeow.com/mddc purchaser from the date of sale forward. Cost of all documentary transfer taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. transfer taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser.
Montgomery County, Maryland July 11, 18, 25, 2023 12428727
that qualify. Government program stamps, transfer taxes and settlement expenses shall be borne Condominium fees and/or homeowners association dues, if any, Condominium fees and/or homeowners association dues, if any,
BWW#MD-123910 872
Fairfax County
for recipients of select programs
incl. Medicaid, SNAP, Housing Assis- by the purchaser. Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining shall be assumed by the purchaser from the date of sale. shall be assumed by the purchaser from the date of sale.
July 11, 18, 25, 2023 12428730 tance, WIC, Veterans Pension, Sur-
physical possession of the property. Purchaser assumes the risk Purchaser is responsible for obtaining physical possession of the Purchaser is responsible for obtaining physical possession of the
vivor Benefits, Lifeline, Tribal. 15 GB
internet service. Bonus offer: of loss or damage to the property from the date of sale forward. property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property
Android tablet FREE with one-time
Additional terms to be announced at the time of sale. from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit
$20 copay. Free shipping & handling.
Call Maxsip Telecom today! of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but
1-888-592-5957 If the Sub. Trustees are unable to convey good and marketable not limited to, determination of whether the borrower entered not limited to, determination of whether the borrower entered
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT In execution of a Deed of Trust
265 title, the purchaser's sole remedy in law and equity shall be into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off the loan into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off the loan
in the original principal amount
of $223,720.00, with an annual Home & Garden limited to a refund of the deposit without interest. If the prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be null and prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be null and
interest rate of 5.875000% dated
December 15, 2004, recorded
Eliminate gutter cleaning forever! purchaser fails to go to settlement, the deposit shall be forfeited, void, and the Purchaser's sole remedy, in law or equity, shall be void, and the Purchaser's sole remedy, in law or equity, shall be
LeafFilter, the most advanced
CARRIE M. WARD, et al.
6003 Executive Blvd, Suite 101
among the land records of the
Circuit Court for the County of
debris-blocking gutter protection. INSURANCE to the Trustees for application against all expenses, attorney’s the return of the deposit without interest. If purchaser fails to the return of the deposit without interest. If purchaser fails to
Rockville, MD 20852 Fairfax as Deed Book 16851, Schedule a FREE LeafFilter estimate
today. 15% off Entire Purchase. SERVICES fees and the full commission on the sale price of the above- settle within ten days of ratification, subject to order of court, settle within ten days of ratification, subject to order of court,
Substitue Trustees/Plaintiffs, Page 0758, the undersigned
appointed Substitute Trustee 10% Senior & Military Discounts. DENTAL INSURANCE from Physicians
scheduled foreclosure sale. In the event of default, all expenses purchaser agrees that property will be resold and entire deposit purchaser agrees that property will be resold and entire deposit
vs. will offer for sale at public auc- Call 1-844-566-3227.
Mutual Insurance Company. Cover- of this sale (including attorney’s fees and the full commission retained by Sub. Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses retained by Sub. Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses
DIAN UNA AWKWARD, JR. tion all that property located in
the County of Fairfax, on the
Dogs for Sale age for 350 plus procedures. Real
dental insurance – NOT just a dis-
on the gross sale price of this sale) shall be charged against occasioned by the purchaser's default and purchaser shall have occasioned by the purchaser's default and purchaser shall have
114 Geneva Avenue courthouse steps at the front count plan. Do not wait! Call now! and paid out of the forfeited deposit. The Trustees may then no further liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any no further liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any
of the Circuit Court building for
Silver Spring, MD 20910
the County of Fairfax located at
1 female, 7 months old.
Get your FREE Dental Information Kit
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re-advertise and resell the property at the risk and expense of papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten
Case No. C-15-CV-23-000406
4110 Chain Bridge Road, Fairfax, All shots. $200. dental50plus.com/MDDC#6258 the defaulting purchaser or may avail themselves of any legal days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service by first days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service by first
Virginia on September 26, 2023
NOTICE at 11:00 AM, the property with
Call 301-633-7372 Cliff or equitable remedies against the defaulting purchaser without class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser as identified class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser as identified
Notice is hereby given this 7th day
improvements to wit: reselling the property. In the event of a resale, the defaulting on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted purchaser shall not on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted purchaser shall not
of July, 2023, by the Circuit Court VILLAGE AT GUM SPRINGS LT purchaser shall not be entitled to receive the surplus, if any, even be entitled to any surplus proceeds resulting from said resale be entitled to any surplus proceeds resulting from said resale
for Montgomery County, Maryland,
that the sale of the property men-
60 PH 1 if such surplus results from improvements to the property by said even if such surplus results from improvements to the property even if such surplus results from improvements to the property
tioned in these proceedings and
described as 114 Geneva Avenue,
Tax Map No. 101-2-15-0060 snow day defaulting purchaser and the defaulting purchaser shall be liable by said defaulted purchaser. Sub. Trustees will convey either by said defaulted purchaser. Sub. Trustees will convey either
Silver Spring, MD 20910, made and THIS COMMUNICATION IS FROM to the Trustees and secured party for reasonable attorney’s fees marketable or insurable title. If they cannot deliver one or the marketable or insurable title. If they cannot deliver one or the
reported by the Substitute Trustee,
A DEBT COLLECTOR. or and expenses incurred in connection with all litigation involving other, or if ratification of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court other, or if ratification of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court
unless cause to the contrary there- TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. the Property or the proceeds of the resale. Trustees' file number for any reason, the Purchaser's sole remedy, at law or equity, is for any reason, the Purchaser's sole remedy, at law or equity, is
of be shown on or before the 7th
day of August 2023, provided a
A bidder’s deposit of 10% of
the sale price, will be required school day? 22-003279-MD-F-1. return of the deposit without interest. (Matter No. 350465-1) return of the deposit without interest. (Matter No. 353532-1)
copy of this NOTICE be inserted in
some daily newspaper printed in
in cash, certified or cashier’s
check. Settlement within fif-
Diane S. Rosenberg, Mark D. Meyer, et al., Substitute Trustees Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Substitute Trustees Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Substitute Trustees
said County, once in each of three teen (15) days of sale, otherwise
successive weeks before the 7th Trustees may forfeit deposit. Ad-
day of August, 2023. ditional terms to be announced Stay one step ahead of the weather with the
at sale. Loan type: Conventional.
The report states the purchase
price at the Foreclosure sale to be
Reference Number 23-292873.
Karen A. Bushell Substitute Trustees, C/O LOGS
Clerk, Circuit Court for LEGAL GROUP LLP, 10021 Balls washingtonpost.com/news/capital-weather-gang
Montgomery County, Maryland Ford Road, Suite 200, Manassas,
Virginia 20109 (703) 449-5800. @capitalweather
July 11, 18, 25, 2023 12428729
Jul 25,Aug 22,29 2023 L0010999 S0141 2x2 July 18, 25, August 1, 2023 12429128 July 18, 25, August 1, 2023 12429104 July 25, August 1, 8, 2023 12429681

D 7 | EZ
EZ CLASSIFIED zone EZ | 2023-7-25 | D 8 | BLACK


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Montgomery County Montgomery County Montgomery County Montgomery County Montgomery County Montgomery County Montgomery County Montgomery County Montgomery County Montgomery County
BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC Friedman Vartolo LLP
6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 1325 Franklin Avenue Suite
Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852 Garden City, NY 11530
(301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555 212-471-5100
Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust
dated September 6, 2006, recorded in Liber 33124, Folio dated April 10, 2007, recorded in Liber 34203, Folio 8 among dated March 23, 2017, recorded in Liber 54256, Folio 68 dated January 30, 2004, recorded in Liber 26670, Folio 570 from Lysander Domally, dated June 8, 2018 and recorded in
337 among the Land Records of Montgomery County, MD, with the Land Records of Montgomery County, MD, with an original among the Land Records of Montgomery County, MD, with among the Land Records of Montgomery County, MD, with Liber 56370, folio 131 among the Land Records of Montgomery
an original principal balance of $250,000.00, default having principal balance of $315,000.00, default having occurred an original principal balance of $321,772.00, default having an original principal balance of $429,448.00, default having County, MD, default having occurred under the terms thereof and
occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell at under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell at public occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell at occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell at at the request of the parties secured thereby, the undersigned
public auction at the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, at the auction at the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, at the public auction at the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, at the public auction at the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, at the Substitute Trustees will offer for sale at public auction at the
Court House Door, 50 Maryland Ave., Rockville, MD 20850, on Court House Door, 50 Maryland Ave., Rockville, MD 20850, on Court House Door, 50 Maryland Ave., Rockville, MD 20850, on Court House Door, 50 Maryland Ave., Rockville, MD 20850, on Circuit Court for Montgomery County, at the Court House Door,
AUGUST 11, 2023 AT 4:17 PM AUGUST 4, 2023 AT 2:12 PM AUGUST 4, 2023 AT 2:09 PM JULY 28, 2023 AT 3:42 PM 50 Maryland Ave., Rockville, MD 20850, on
any buildings or improvements thereon located in Montgomery any buildings or improvements thereon located in Montgomery any buildings or improvements thereon located in Montgomery any buildings or improvements thereon located in Montgomery ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND AND THE IMPROVE-
County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of MENTS THEREON situated in Montgomery County, Maryland
Trust. Trust. Trust. Trust. and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust. The
The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in property is improved by a dwelling.
an "as is" condition and subject to conditions, restrictions and an "as is" condition and subject to conditions, restrictions and an "as is" condition and subject to conditions, restrictions and an "as is" condition and subject to conditions, restrictions and Property Address (for Informational Purposes): 18154 Royal
agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and with no agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and with no agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and with no agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and with no Bonnet Cir., Montgomery Village MD 20886
warranty of any kind. warranty of any kind. warranty of any kind. warranty of any kind. Tax ID Number: 09-03057445
Terms of Sale: A deposit of $25,000 in the form of certified Terms of Sale: A deposit of $21,000 in the form of certified Terms of Sale: A deposit of $31,000 in the form of certified Terms of Sale: A deposit of $38,000 in the form of certified The foreclosure sale advertised herein has been docketed in the
check, cashier's check or money order will be required of the check, cashier's check or money order will be required of the check, cashier's check or money order will be required of the check, cashier's check or money order will be required of the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, Maryland, as Case No. C-
purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase 15-CV-23-000300
price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money at price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money at price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money at price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money at
the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or any the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or any the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or any the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or any The property, will be sold in an "as is" condition and subject
modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date funds modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date funds modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date funds modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date funds to conditions, restrictions, easements, encumbrances and agree-
are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash within ten are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash within ten are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash within ten are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash within ten ments of record affecting the subject property, if any, and with
days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court. There days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court. There days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court. There days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court. There no warranty of any kind.
will be no abatement of interest due to the purchaser in the will be no abatement of interest due to the purchaser in the will be no abatement of interest due to the purchaser in the will be no abatement of interest due to the purchaser in the Terms of Sale: A deposit in the form of cashier's or certified
event additional funds are tendered before settlement. TIME IS event additional funds are tendered before settlement. TIME IS event additional funds are tendered before settlement. TIME IS event additional funds are tendered before settlement. TIME IS check, or in such other form as the Substitute Trustees may
OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all determine, at their sole discretion, for $26,000 at the time
real property taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable, real property taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable, real property taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable, real property taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable, of sale. If the noteholder and/or servicer is the successful
and any and all public and/or private charges or assessments, and any and all public and/or private charges or assessments, and any and all public and/or private charges or assessments, and any and all public and/or private charges or assessments, bidder, the deposit requirement is waived. Balance of the
to the extent such amounts survive foreclosure sale, including to the extent such amounts survive foreclosure sale, including to the extent such amounts survive foreclosure sale, including to the extent such amounts survive foreclosure sale, including purchase price is to be paid within fifteen (15) days of the
water/sewer and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to water/sewer and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to water/sewer and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to water/sewer and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court for Montgomery
date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser County, Maryland. Interest is to be paid on the unpaid purchase
is responsible for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All is responsible for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All is responsible for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All is responsible for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All price at the rate of 5.25000% per annum from date of sale to
transfer taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. transfer taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. transfer taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. transfer taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. the date the funds are received in the office of the Substitute
Condominium fees and/or homeowners association dues, if any, Condominium fees and/or homeowners association dues, if any, Condominium fees and/or homeowners association dues, if any, Condominium fees and/or homeowners association dues, if any, Trustees, if the property is purchased by an entity other than
shall be assumed by the purchaser from the date of sale. shall be assumed by the purchaser from the date of sale. shall be assumed by the purchaser from the date of sale. shall be assumed by the purchaser from the date of sale. the noteholder and/or servicer. If payment of the balance does
Purchaser is responsible for obtaining physical possession of the Purchaser is responsible for obtaining physical possession of the Purchaser is responsible for obtaining physical possession of the Purchaser is responsible for obtaining physical possession of the not occur within fifteen days of ratification, the deposit will
property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property be forfeited and the property will be resold at the risk and
from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit cost of the defaulting purchaser. There will be no abatement
of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but of interest due from the purchaser in the event settlement is
not limited to, determination of whether the borrower entered not limited to, determination of whether the borrower entered not limited to, determination of whether the borrower entered not limited to, determination of whether the borrower entered delayed for any reason. Taxes, water rent, and all other public
into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off the loan into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off the loan into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off the loan into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off the loan charges and assessments payable on an annual basis, including
prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be null and prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be null and prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be null and prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be null and sanitary and/or metropolitan district charges to be adjusted for
void, and the Purchaser's sole remedy, in law or equity, shall be void, and the Purchaser's sole remedy, in law or equity, shall be void, and the Purchaser's sole remedy, in law or equity, shall be void, and the Purchaser's sole remedy, in law or equity, shall be the current year to the date of sale, and assumed thereafter
the return of the deposit without interest. If purchaser fails to the return of the deposit without interest. If purchaser fails to the return of the deposit without interest. If purchaser fails to the return of the deposit without interest. If purchaser fails to by the purchaser. Condominium fees and/or homeowners
settle within ten days of ratification, subject to order of court, settle within ten days of ratification, subject to order of court, settle within ten days of ratification, subject to order of court, settle within ten days of ratification, subject to order of court, association dues, if any, shall be assumed by the purchaser
purchaser agrees that property will be resold and entire deposit purchaser agrees that property will be resold and entire deposit purchaser agrees that property will be resold and entire deposit purchaser agrees that property will be resold and entire deposit from the date of sale. The purchaser shall be responsible for
retained by Sub. Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses retained by Sub. Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses retained by Sub. Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses retained by Sub. Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses the payment of the ground rent escrow, if required. Cost of
occasioned by the purchaser's default and purchaser shall have occasioned by the purchaser's default and purchaser shall have occasioned by the purchaser's default and purchaser shall have occasioned by the purchaser's default and purchaser shall have all documentary stamps, transfer taxes (including agricultural
no further liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any no further liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any no further liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any no further liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any transfer taxes, if applicable), and all settlement charges shall be
papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten borne by the purchaser. If the Substitute Trustees are unable to
days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service by first days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service by first days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service by first days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service by first convey good and marketable title, the purchaser’s sole remedy
class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser as identified class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser as identified class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser as identified class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser as identified in law or equity shall be limited to the refund of the deposit to
on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted purchaser shall not on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted purchaser shall not on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted purchaser shall not on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted purchaser shall not the purchaser. Upon refund of the deposit, the sale shall be void
be entitled to any surplus proceeds resulting from said resale be entitled to any surplus proceeds resulting from said resale be entitled to any surplus proceeds resulting from said resale be entitled to any surplus proceeds resulting from said resale and of no effect, and the purchaser shall have no further claim
even if such surplus results from improvements to the property even if such surplus results from improvements to the property even if such surplus results from improvements to the property even if such surplus results from improvements to the property against the Substitute Trustees. Purchaser shall be responsible
by said defaulted purchaser. Sub. Trustees will convey either by said defaulted purchaser. Sub. Trustees will convey either by said defaulted purchaser. Sub. Trustees will convey either by said defaulted purchaser. Sub. Trustees will convey either for obtaining physical possession of the property. The purchaser
marketable or insurable title. If they cannot deliver one or the marketable or insurable title. If they cannot deliver one or the marketable or insurable title. If they cannot deliver one or the marketable or insurable title. If they cannot deliver one or the at the foreclosure sale shall assume the risk of loss for the
other, or if ratification of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court other, or if ratification of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court other, or if ratification of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court other, or if ratification of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court property immediately after the sale.
for any reason, the Purchaser's sole remedy, at law or equity, is for any reason, the Purchaser's sole remedy, at law or equity, is for any reason, the Purchaser's sole remedy, at law or equity, is for any reason, the Purchaser's sole remedy, at law or equity, is Adam Friedman, Ralph Vartolo, Catherine Aponte,
return of the deposit without interest. (Matter No. 316183-2) return of the deposit without interest. (Matter No. 355566-1) return of the deposit without interest. (Matter No. 332180-1) return of the deposit without interest. (Matter No. 77498-10) Rachel Kiefer, Substitute Trustees
Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Substitute Trustees Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Substitute Trustees Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Substitute Trustees Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Substitute Trustees

July 25, August 1, 8, 2023 12429679 July 11, 18, 25, 2023 12428186
July 18, 25, August 1, 2023 12429108 July 18, 25, August 1, 2023 12429106 July 11, 18, 25, 2023 12428305

BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC
6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101
Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852
COHN, GOLDBERG & DEUTSCH, LLC (301) 961-6555
(301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555 1099 WINTERSON ROAD, SUITE 301
Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust
2623 BLUERIDGE AVENUE dated November 23, 2018, recorded in Liber 57397, Folio
dated May 17, 2006, recorded in Liber 32555, Folio 660 dated December 15, 2006, recorded in Liber 33738, Folio dated August 15, 2008, recorded in Liber 36050, Folio 296 SILVER SPRING, MD 20902
among the Land Records of Montgomery County, MD, with 20 among the Land Records of Montgomery County, MD, with among the Land Records of Montgomery County, MD, with 378 among the Land Records of Montgomery County, MD, with
an original principal balance of $427,500.00, default having an original principal balance of $429,345.00, default having By authority contained in a Deed of Trust dated April 24, an original principal balance of $100,000.00, default having
an original principal balance of $286,400.00, default having 2007 and recorded in Liber 34353, Folio 541 among the
occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell at occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell at occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell at occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell at
public auction at the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, at the public auction at the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, at the Land Records of Montgomery County, Maryland, with an original public auction at the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, at the
public auction at the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, at the principal balance of $286,500.00, and an interest rate of
Court House Door, 50 Maryland Ave., Rockville, MD 20850, on Court House Door, 50 Maryland Ave., Rockville, MD 20850, on Court House Door, 50 Maryland Ave., Rockville, MD 20850, on Court House Door, 50 Maryland Ave., Rockville, MD 20850, on
4.000%, default having occurred thereunder, the Substitute JULY 28, 2023 AT 3:37 PM
AUGUST 11, 2023 AT 4:19 PM AUGUST 11, 2023 AT 4:15 PM AUGUST 4, 2023 AT 2:10 PM Trustees will sell at public auction at the Courthouse door for
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with the Circuit Court for Montgomery County (Maryland Avenue ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with
any buildings or improvements thereon located in Montgomery any buildings or improvements thereon located in Montgomery any buildings or improvements thereon located in Montgomery entrance), 50 Maryland Avenue, Rockville, MD 20850, on any buildings or improvements thereon located in Montgomery
County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of
July 28, 2023 AT 3:52 PM Trust.
Trust. Trust. Trust.
ALL THAT FEE-SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND and the improvements The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in
The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in thereon situated in Montgomery County, MD and more fully
an "as is" condition and subject to conditions, restrictions and an "as is" condition and subject to conditions, restrictions and an "as is" condition and subject to conditions, restrictions and an "as is" condition and subject to conditions, restrictions and
described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust. The property is agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and with no
agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and with no agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and with no agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and with no improved by a dwelling.
warranty of any kind. warranty of any kind. warranty of any kind. warranty of any kind.
Terms of Sale: The property will be sold “as is” and subject Terms of Sale: A deposit of $10,000 in the form of certified
Terms of Sale: A deposit of $26,000 in the form of certified Terms of Sale: A deposit of $32,000 in the form of certified Terms of Sale: A deposit of $49,000 in the form of certified to conditions, restrictions, easements and agreements of record
check, cashier's check or money order will be required of the check, cashier's check or money order will be required of the check, cashier's check or money order will be required of the check, cashier's check or money order will be required of the
affecting same, if any and with no warranty of any kind. A purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase
purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase deposit of $30,000.00 by certified funds only (no cash will
price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money at price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money at price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money at price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money at
be accepted) is required at the time of auction. Balance of the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or any
the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or any the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or any the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or any the purchase price to be paid within 10 days of ratification of
modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date funds modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date funds modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date funds modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date funds
sale by the Court. The purchaser, other than the holder of the are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash within ten
are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash within ten are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash within ten are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash within ten Note, its assigns, or designees, shall pay interest on the unpaid
days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court. There days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court. There days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court. There days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court. There
purchase money at the note rate from the date of sale to the date will be no abatement of interest due to the purchaser in the
will be no abatement of interest due to the purchaser in the will be no abatement of interest due to the purchaser in the will be no abatement of interest due to the purchaser in the funds are received by the Substitute Trustees. If settlement
event additional funds are tendered before settlement. TIME IS event additional funds are tendered before settlement. TIME IS event additional funds are tendered before settlement. TIME IS event additional funds are tendered before settlement. TIME IS
is delayed for any reason, there shall be no abatement of OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all
OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all interest or taxes. Real estate taxes and all other public charges,
real property taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable, real property taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable, real property taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable, real property taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable,
or assessments, including water and sewer facilities charges, and any and all public and/or private charges or assessments,
and any and all public and/or private charges or assessments, and any and all public and/or private charges or assessments, and any and all public and/or private charges or assessments, ground rent, condo/HOA assessments, private utility, or front
to the extent such amounts survive foreclosure sale, including to the extent such amounts survive foreclosure sale, including to the extent such amounts survive foreclosure sale, including to the extent such amounts survive foreclosure sale, including
foot benefit payments, not otherwise divested by ratification of water/sewer and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to
water/sewer and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to water/sewer and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to water/sewer and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to the sale, to be adjusted as of the date of auction, unless the
date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser
purchaser is the foreclosing lender or its designee. Cost of is responsible for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All
is responsible for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All is responsible for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All is responsible for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All all transfer and recordation taxes and settlement expenses, and
transfer taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. transfer taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. transfer taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. transfer taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser.
all other costs incident to settlement, shall be borne by the Condominium fees and/or homeowners association dues, if any,
Condominium fees and/or homeowners association dues, if any, Condominium fees and/or homeowners association dues, if any, Condominium fees and/or homeowners association dues, if any, purchaser. Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining physical
shall be assumed by the purchaser from the date of sale. shall be assumed by the purchaser from the date of sale. shall be assumed by the purchaser from the date of sale. shall be assumed by the purchaser from the date of sale.
possession of the property. Purchaser is responsible for obtaining physical possession of the
Purchaser is responsible for obtaining physical possession of the Purchaser is responsible for obtaining physical possession of the Purchaser is responsible for obtaining physical possession of the
property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE. If the purchaser fails to go property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property
property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property to settlement within ten (10) days of ratification of the sale,
from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit
of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but or otherwise fails to comply with the terms of the sale, the of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but
of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but Substitute Trustees may declare the entire deposit forfeited and
not limited to, determination of whether the borrower entered not limited to, determination of whether the borrower entered not limited to, determination of whether the borrower entered not limited to, determination of whether the borrower entered
into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off the loan into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off the loan resell the property at the risk and expense of the defaulting into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off the loan
into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off the loan purchaser, and the purchaser agrees to pay reasonable attorneys'
prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be null and prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be null and prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be null and prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be null and
void, and the Purchaser's sole remedy, in law or equity, shall be void, and the Purchaser's sole remedy, in law or equity, shall be fees and costs for the Substitute Trustees, if the Substitute void, and the Purchaser's sole remedy, in law or equity, shall be
void, and the Purchaser's sole remedy, in law or equity, shall be Trustees have filed a motion with the Court to resell the
the return of the deposit without interest. If purchaser fails to the return of the deposit without interest. If purchaser fails to the return of the deposit without interest. If purchaser fails to the return of the deposit without interest. If purchaser fails to
settle within ten days of ratification, subject to order of court, settle within ten days of ratification, subject to order of court, property. Purchaser waives personal service of any paper filed in settle within ten days of ratification, subject to order of court,
settle within ten days of ratification, subject to order of court, connection with such a motion on themself and/or any principal
purchaser agrees that property will be resold and entire deposit purchaser agrees that property will be resold and entire deposit purchaser agrees that property will be resold and entire deposit purchaser agrees that property will be resold and entire deposit
retained by Sub. Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses retained by Sub. Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses or corporate designee, and expressly agrees to accept service retained by Sub. Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses
retained by Sub. Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses of any such paper by regular mail directed to the address
occasioned by the purchaser's default and purchaser shall have occasioned by the purchaser's default and purchaser shall have occasioned by the purchaser's default and purchaser shall have occasioned by the purchaser's default and purchaser shall have
no further liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any no further liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any provided by said bidder at the time of foreclosure auction. no further liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any
no further liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any If the Substitute Trustees cannot convey insurable title, the
papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten
days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service by first days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service by first purchaser's sole remedy at law or in equity shall be the return days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service by first
days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service by first of the deposit without interest. The sale is subject to post-
class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser as identified class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser as identified class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser as identified class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser as identified
on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted purchaser shall not on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted purchaser shall not sale confirmation of the status of the loan with the loan servicer on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted purchaser shall not
on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted purchaser shall not including, but not limited to, determination of whether the
be entitled to any surplus proceeds resulting from said resale be entitled to any surplus proceeds resulting from said resale be entitled to any surplus proceeds resulting from said resale be entitled to any surplus proceeds resulting from said resale
even if such surplus results from improvements to the property even if such surplus results from improvements to the property borrower entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or even if such surplus results from improvements to the property
even if such surplus results from improvements to the property paid off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale
by said defaulted purchaser. Sub. Trustees will convey either by said defaulted purchaser. Sub. Trustees will convey either by said defaulted purchaser. Sub. Trustees will convey either by said defaulted purchaser. Sub. Trustees will convey either
marketable or insurable title. If they cannot deliver one or the marketable or insurable title. If they cannot deliver one or the shall be null and void, and the Purchaser's sole remedy, in law or marketable or insurable title. If they cannot deliver one or the
marketable or insurable title. If they cannot deliver one or the equity, shall be the return of his deposit without interest. (CGD
other, or if ratification of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court other, or if ratification of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court other, or if ratification of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court other, or if ratification of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court
for any reason, the Purchaser's sole remedy, at law or equity, is for any reason, the Purchaser's sole remedy, at law or equity, is File #: 459637) for any reason, the Purchaser's sole remedy, at law or equity, is
for any reason, the Purchaser's sole remedy, at law or equity, is
return of the deposit without interest. (Matter No. 333564-1) return of the deposit without interest. (Matter No. 68566-1) return of the deposit without interest. (Matter No. 196122-1) Richard E. Solomon, et al., return of the deposit without interest. (Matter No. 359307-1)
Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Substitute Trustees Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Substitute Trustees Sub. Trustees Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Substitute Trustees
Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Substitute Trustees

July 25, August 1, 8, 2023 12429680 July 25, August 1, 8, 2023 12429678 July 18, 25, August 1, 2023 12429107 July 11, 18, 25, 2023 12428327 July 11, 18, 25, 2023 12428100

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850 850 851 851 851 851 852 852 853 853
Montgomery County Montgomery County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Anne Arundel County Anne Arundel County Calvert County Calvert County
Rosenberg & Associates, LLC Samuel I. White, P.C. Samuel I. White, P.C. GREENSPOON MARDER, LLP McNamee Hosea, P.A.
4340 East West Highway, Suite 600 596 Lynnhaven Parkway, Suite 200 596 Lynnhaven Parkway, Suite 200 201 International Circle, Suite 230 6404 Ivy Lane, Unit 820
Bethesda, MD 20814 Virginia Beach, VA 23452 Virginia Beach, VA 23452 Hunt Valley, MD 21030 Greenbelt, MD 20770
OF IMPROVED REAL PROPERTY 1416 Fairlakes Place 5920 Plata Street 789 ANNAPOLIS NECK ROAD
Bowie, MD 20721 Clinton, MD 20735 Annapolis, MD 21403 8537 SUNSET DRIVE
301 PALMSPRING DR., UNIT #12 Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain By virtue of a power of sale contained in a Deed of Trust from BROOMES ISLAND, MARYLAND 20615
DEVAN AND DORE, Trustee(s), dated January 30, 2015, and November 9, 2016, and recorded among the Land Records of UNDER ALICE JAMES LIVING TRUST DATED DECEMBER 2,
Under a power of sale contained in a certain recorded among the Land Records of PRINCE GEORGE'S
Deed of Trust from John E. Karaian and Horem PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY, MARYLAND in Liber 39045, folio 1994, dated March 24, 2015 and recorded in book 28267 (Case No. C-04-CV-23-000246 in the Circuit Court for
COUNTY, MARYLAND in Liber 36759, folio 73, the holder 193, the holder of the indebtedness secured by this Deed of , page 080 among the Land Records of ANNE ARUNDEL Calvert County)
Karaian dated August 2, 2005 and recorded of the indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust having
in Liber 30529, folio 521 among the Land Trust having appointed the undersigned Substitute Trustees, by COUNTY, Maryland, default having occurred thereunder (Fore- Under a power of sale contained in a certain Purchase Money
Records of Montgomery County, MD, default appointed the undersigned Substitute Trustees, by instrument instrument duly recorded among the aforesaid Land Records, closure Case docketed as Case No. C-02-CV-21-001793; Tax
duly recorded among the aforesaid Land Records, default having Deed of Trust (Deed of Trust) from Monster Investments, Inc.,
having occurred under the terms thereof, the default having occurred under the terms thereof, and at the ID No. 06-000-90021001) the Substitute Trustee will sell at a Maryland Corporation dated May 24, 2019 and recorded
Sub. Trustees will sell at public auction at the occurred under the terms thereof, and at the request of the party request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned Substitute public auction ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY courthouse located
secured thereby, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer in Liber 5370, folio 471 among the Land Records of Calvert
Circuit Court for Montgomery County, at the Trustee will offer for sale at public auction at THE PRINCE at 8 CHURCH CIR, ANNAPOLIS, MD 21401 . County, MD, to WCP Fund I LLC, a Delaware limited liability
Court House Door, 50 Maryland Ave., Rockville, for sale at public auction at THE PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY GEORGE'S COUNTY COURTHOUSE LOCATED AT FRONT OF
COURTHOUSE LOCATED AT FRONT OF THE DUVAL WING AUGUST 3, 2023 at 4:00 PM company and subsequently assigned to Toorak Capital Partners
MD 20850, on THE DUVAL WING OF THE COURTHOUSE COMPLEX 14735 LLC, a Delaware limited liability company on June 28, 2019
MARLBORO, MD 20772 ON, thereon situated in ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY, MD and more and recorded in Liber 5390, Folio 365 default having occurred
AUGUST 11, 2023 AT 4:26 PM AUGUST 3, 2023 at 2:30 PM under the terms thereof, the Substitute Trustees will sell at
AUGUST 10, 2023 at 10:00 AM fully described in above referenced Deed of Trust.
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND and improvements public auction at the Circuit Court for Calvert County, 175 Main
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND and improvements The property will be sold in an "as is" condition and subject to St., Prince Frederick, MD 20678 on
together with the buildings and improvements thereon situated in PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY, MD and conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the
thereon situated in Montgomery County, MD thereon situated in PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY, MD and described as follows: TUESDAY, AUGUST 8, 2023 AT 4:00 PM
described as follows: same, if any and with no warranty of any kind.
and described as Unit numbered twelve (12) SITUATED, LYING AND BEING IN THE 9TH DISTRICT OF Property Description:
in Building numbered four (4) in the plat of BEING KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS LOT NO. 9, IN BLOCK Terms of Sale: A deposit of $ 33,000.00 will be required
PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY, MARYLAND, NAMELY; LOT NUM- at the time of sale, such deposit to be in CERTIFIED CHECK All those parcels of ground and improvements situate, lying and
Park Summit Condominium” and more fully "PLAT ELEVEN, NEWBRIDGE", WHICH PLAT IS RECORDED OR BY CASHIER'S CHECK, CASH WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. being in the First Election District of Calvert County, State of
described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust. Tax AS PER PLAT ENTITLED "PLAT ONE, SINGER'S ADDITION Balance of the purchase price to be paid in cash within ten Maryland and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of
ID #09-02714194. MARYLAND IN PLAT BOOK 128, FOLIO 19. BEING IN THE days of final ratification of sale by the Circuit Court for ANNE Trust.
The property, which is improved by a dwelling, PLAT RECORDS OF PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY, MARYLAND, ARUNDEL COUNTY. Time is of the essence as to the purchaser.
will be sold in an “as is” condition and subject MARYLAND. If the purchaser defaults, the deposit shall be forfeited and the
to conditions, restrictions and agreements of EASEMENTS, COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESERVATIONS, property shall be resold at the purchaser's risk and expense. The Premise Address:
record affecting the same, if any, and with no THE PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO AN IRS RIGHT OF REDPEM- LEASES AND RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD, ALL LEGAL HIGH- purchaser waives personal service and accepts service by first 8537 Sunset Drive, Broomes Island, MD 20615 (i/r/t/a 8537
warranty of any kind. TION. WAYS, ALL RIGHTS OF WAY, ALL ZONING, BUILDINGS class mail and certified mail addressed to the address provided Sunset Lane)
Terms of Sale: A deposit of $19,000 in The property will be sold in an "AS IS WHERE IS" condition AND OTHER LAWS, ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS, ALL by said Purchaser as identified on the Memorandum of Sale for
the form of certified check, cashier’s check or RIGHTS OF TENANTS IN POSSESSION, AND ALL REAL The property and improvements will be sold in an “AS IS”
without either express or implied warranty or representation, any Motion or Show Cause Order incident to this sale including condition and subject to conditions, restrictions, covenants,
money order will be required of the purchaser including but not limited to the description, fitness for a ESTATE TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS NOT YET DUE AND a Motion to Default Purchaser and for Resale of the Property.
at time and place of sale. Balance of the PAYABLE. encumbrances, easements, right of ways, existing building
particular purpose or use, structural integrity, physical condition, In the event of a resale, the defaulting purchaser shall not be and/or environmental violations, violation notices, agreements of
purchase price to be paid in cash within ten construction, extent of construction, workmanship, materials, THE PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO A PRIOR MORTGAGE. IF entitled to receive any benefit from the resale, including, but
days of final ratification of sale by the Circuit record affecting the same, if any, and with no warranty either
liability, zoning, subdivision, environmental condition, mer- AVAILABLE THE AMOUNT WILL BE ANNOUNCED AT THE not limited to, additional proceeds or surplus which may arise expressed or implied as to the description of the condition of the
Court for Montgomery County. Interest to TIME OF THE SALE therefrom. Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase money at
be paid on the unpaid purchase money at chantability, compliance with building or housing codes or other property or improvements.
the rate pursuant to the Deed of Trust Note laws, ordinances or regulations, or other similar matters, and The property will be sold in an "AS IS WHERE IS" condition five percent (5%) from the date of sale to the date funds are
subject to easements, agreements and restrictions of record received by the Substitute Trustee. There will be no abatement of Terms of Sale: The Property will be offered as an entirety
from the date of sale to the date funds are without either express or implied warranty or representation, only. These Terms of Sale are a pre-condition to bidding at the
received in the office of the Sub. Trustees. which affect the same, if any. The property will be sold including but not limited to the description, fitness for a interest in the event additional funds are tendered at the time of
subject to all conditions, liens, restrictions and agreements of sale or any time prior to settlement or if the settlement is delayed aforementioned sale of the property, and any person submitting
There will be no abatement of interest in the particular purpose or use, structural integrity, physical condition, a bid at the sale shall be deemed to have accepted these Terms
event additional funds are tendered before record affecting same including any condominium and of HOA construction, extent of construction, workmanship, materials, for any reason. In the event that the Secured Party executes
settlement or if settlement is delayed for any assessments pursuant to Md Real Property Article 11-110. a forbearance agreement with the borrower(s) described in the of Sale. A deposit in the form of cashier’s or certified check or
liability, zoning, subdivision, environmental condition, mer- in such other form as the Substitute Trustees may determine,
reason. The noteholder shall not be obligated TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of $20,000.00 PAYABLE ONLY BY chantability, compliance with building or housing codes or other above-mentioned Deed of Trust, or allows the borrower(s) to
to pay interest if it is the purchaser. TIME IS execute their right to reinstate or payoff the subject loan, at their sole discretion, for $30,000 at the time of sale. If the
certified funds, shall be required at the time of sale. CASH WILL laws, ordinances or regulations, or other similar matters, and note holder and/or servicer is the successful bidder, the deposit
OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. NOT BE AN ACCEPTABLE FORM OF DEPOSIT. The balance subject to easements, agreements and restrictions of record prior to the sale, with or without the Substitute Trustee's prior
Adjustment of all real property taxes, including knowledge, this Contract shall be null and void and of no effect, requirement is waived. The balance of the purchase price is to
of the purchase price with interest at 2% per annum from the which affect the same, if any. The property will be sold be paid in immediately available funds, within twenty (20) days
agricultural taxes, if applicable, and any and all subject to all conditions, liens, restrictions and agreements of and the Purchaser's sole remedy shall be the return of the deposit
public and/or private charges or assessments, date of sale to the date of payment will be paid within TEN after the final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court for
DAYS after the final ratification of the sale. There will be no record affecting same including any condominium and of HOA without interest. Purchaser shall pay for documentary stamps,
to the extent such amounts survive foreclosure transfer taxes and settlement expenses. Taxes, ground rent, Calvert County. If payment of the balance does not take place
sale, including water/sewer charges and ground abatement of interest for any reason. Adjustments on all taxes, assessments pursuant to Md Real Property Article 11-110. within twenty (20) days after ratification, the deposit will be
public charges and special or regular assessments will be made water rent, condominium fees and/or homeowner association
rent, to be adjusted to date of sale and paid TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of $20,000.00 PAYABLE ONLY BY dues, all public charges/assessments payable on an annual forfeited and the property will be resold at the risk and expense
at execution of the deed, except where the as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. There certified funds, shall be required at the time of sale. CASH WILL of the defaulting purchaser. The defaulting purchaser shall not
will be no abatement of taxes, public charges and special or basis, including sanitary and/or metropolitan district charges, if
secured party is the purchaser, and thereafter NOT BE AN ACCEPTABLE FORM OF DEPOSIT. The balance of applicable, shall be adjusted to the date of sale and assumed be entitled to any surplus proceeds or profits resulting from any
assumed by the purchaser. Condominium fees regular assessments for any reason. If applicable, condominium the purchase price with interest at 4.65% per annum from the resale of the property. In the event the property is purchased by
and/or homeowner association dues and assessments that may thereafter by the purchaser. Purchaser shall be responsible
and/or homeowners association dues, if any, date of sale to the date of payment will be paid within TEN for obtaining physical possession of the property. Purchaser someone other than the note holder or an affiliate, interest shall
shall be assumed by the purchaser from the become due after the time of sale will be the responsibility of DAYS after the final ratification of the sale. There will be no be paid on the unpaid purchase money at the rate of 24% per
date of sale forward. Cost of all documentary the purchaser. Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue assumes the risk of loss or damage to the property from the date
abatement of interest for any reason. Adjustments on all taxes, of sale forward. If the Substitute Trustee is unable to convey annum from the date of sale to the date funds are received in
stamps, transfer taxes and settlement expenses stamps, transfer taxes, title insurance, and all other costs public charges and special or regular assessments will be made the office of the Substitute Trustees. In the event the settlement
shall be borne by the purchaser. Purchaser incident to settlement are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is insurable title for any reason, the Purchaser's sole remedy in
as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. There law or equity shall be limited to a refund of the aforementioned is delayed for any reason and the property is purchased by
shall be responsible for obtaining physical of the essence for the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be will be no abatement of taxes, public charges and special or someone other than the note holder or an affiliate, there shall be
possession of the property. Purchaser assumes forfeited, and the property may be resold at risk and costs of the deposit without interest. In the event the sale is not ratified
regular assessments for any reason. If applicable, condominium for any reason, the Purchaser's sole remedy, at law or equity, is no abatement of interest caused by the delay. Taxes, agricultural
the risk of loss or damage to the property from defaulting purchaser and the purchaser agrees to pay reasonable and/or homeowner association dues and assessments that may
the date of sale forward. Additional terms to be the return of the deposit without interest. (File # 44377.0343) taxes, water, sewer, ground rent, condominium fees, and/or
attorneys' fees for the Substitute trustees, plus all cost incurred, become due after the time of sale will be the responsibility of homeowners association dues, if applicable, are to be adjusted
announced at the time of sale. if the Substitute Trustee's have filed the appropriate motion with SYDNEY E. ROBERSON,
If the Sub. Trustees are unable to convey good the purchaser. Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue to the date of sale and assumed thereafter by the purchaser.
the Court to resell the property. The purchasers waives personal stamps, transfer taxes, title insurance, and all other costs NICOLE LIPINSKI, All other public charges and assessments payable on an annual
and marketable title, the purchaser’s sole service of any papers filed in connection with such a motion MARC MEDEL,
remedy in law and equity shall be limited to incident to settlement are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is basis, including sanitary and/or metropolitan district charges
and expressly agrees to The purchaser agrees to accept service of the essence for the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be Substitute Trustee (s) are to be adjusted for the current year to date of sale and
a refund of the deposit without interest. If
the purchaser fails to go to settlement, the by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser as forfeited, and the property may be resold at risk and costs of the assumed thereafter by the purchaser. Cost of all documentary
deposit shall be forfeited, to the Trustees for identified on the Memorandum of Sale. If the sale is not ratified defaulting purchaser and the purchaser agrees to pay reasonable stamps, recordation taxes and transfer taxes shall be borne by
application against all expenses, attorney’s fees or if the Substitute Trustees are unable to convey marketable attorneys' fees for the Substitute trustees, plus all cost incurred, the purchaser.
and the full commission on the sale price of the title in accord with these terms of sale, the purchaser's only if the Substitute Trustee's have filed the appropriate motion with
remedy is return of the deposit. The property will be sold in an "AS IS" condition and without
above-scheduled foreclosure sale. In the event the Court to resell the property. The purchasers waives personal any recourse, representations or warranties, either express or
of default, all expenses of this sale (including The sale is subject to post-sale confirmation and audit of the service of any papers filed in connection with such a motion implied, as to its nature, condition or description.
attorney’s fees and the full commission on the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but not and expressly agrees to The purchaser agrees to accept service www.hwestauctions.com
gross sale price of this sale) shall be charged limited to, determination of whether the borrower entered into by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser as A181, A316, A311, A183, A425, A426, A461, A463, A508 Potential purchasers are responsible for conducting their own
against and paid out of the forfeited deposit. a repayment agreement, reinstated, or paid off the loan prior to identified on the Memorandum of Sale. If the sale is not ratified due diligence regarding the condition, location, permissible
The Trustees may then re-advertise and resell July 18, 25, August 1, 2023 12426931 uses, and value of the property. Neither the Substitute Trustees,
sale. In any such event, this sale shall be null and void, and the or if the Substitute Trustees are unable to convey marketable
the property at the risk and expense of the Purchaser's sol remedy, in law or equity, shall be the return of the title in accord with these terms of sale, the purchaser's only 853
Calvert County 853
Calvert County the secured party, the note holder nor any other party makes any
defaulting purchaser or may avail themselves deposit without interest. Trustee's File No. (72718) remedy is return of the deposit. warranty or representation of any kind or nature regarding the
of any legal or equitable remedies against physical condition of, the description of, or title to the property.
the defaulting purchaser without reselling Robert A. Jones, et al SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES The sale is subject to post-sale confirmation and audit of the The purchaser at the foreclosure sale shall assume the risk of
the property. In the event of a resale, the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but not GREENSPOON MARDER, LLP loss for the property immediately after the sale.
defaulting purchaser shall not be entitled to limited to, determination of whether the borrower entered into 201 International Circle, Suite 230
receive the surplus, if any, even if such surplus a repayment agreement, reinstated, or paid off the loan prior to Hunt Valley, MD 21030 If the Substitute Trustees are unable to convey the property as
results from improvements to the property by sale. In any such event, this sale shall be null and void, and the described above, by reason of any defect in the title or otherwise,
said defaulting purchaser and the defaulting SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S SALE the purchaser's sole remedy at law or in equity shall be limited
Purchaser's sol remedy, in law or equity, shall be the return of the OF IMPROVED REAL PROPERTY
purchaser shall be liable to the Trustees and deposit without interest. Trustee's File No. (80574) to the refund of the aforementioned deposit. Upon refund of
secured party for reasonable attorney’s fees KNOWN AS the deposit to the purchaser, the sale shall be void and of no
and expenses incurred in connection with all www.hwestauctions.com Robert A. Jones, et al SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES 2921 Deep Landing Road effect, and the purchaser shall have no further claims against
litigation involving the Property or the proceeds July 25, August 1, 8, 2023 12426910 Huntingtown, MD 20639 the Substitute Trustees or the secured party. The conveyance
of the resale. Trustees’ file number 22-001665- By virtue of a power of sale contained in a Deed of Trust from of the property by the Substitute Trustees to the purchaser
MD-F-1. SHIRLEY J. NAUGHTON, dated June 27, 2013 and recorded at settlement shall be by Substitute Trustees' Deed without
in book 4237 , page 0270 among the Land Records covenant or warranty.
Diane S. Rosenberg, Mark D. Meyer, et al., The purchaser is responsible for, and the property is sold subject
Substitute Trustees of CALVERT COUNTY, Maryland, default having occurred
thereunder (Foreclosure Case docketed as Case No. C-04-CV- to, any environmental matter or condition, whether latent or
22-000049; Tax ID No. 02-099292) the Substitute Trustee will observable, if any, that may exist at or affect or relate to the
July 18, 25, August 1, 2023 12426907 sell at public auction CALVERT COUNTY courthouse located at property and to any governmental requirements affecting the
175 MAIN ST, PRINCE FREDERICK, MD 20678 . same.
201 International Circle, Suite 230 JULY 27, 2023 at 9:30 AM Note: The information contained herein was obtained from
Hunt Valley, MD 21030 ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND and improvements sources deemed to be reliable, but is offered for information
Jul 25,Aug 1,8 2023 L0011000 thereon situated in CALVERT COUNTY, MD and more fully purposes only. The Auctioneer, the Substitute Trustees, the
SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S SALE Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid & Crane, LLC Deed of Trust holder and the secured party do not make any
OF IMPROVED REAL PROPERTY described in above referenced Deed of Trust.
11350 McCormick Road, EP 1, Suite 302 representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy of the
KNOWN AS Hunt Valley, MD 21031 The property will be sold in an "as is" condition and subject to information contained herein. Prospective purchasers are urged
15933 LIVINGSTON ROAD 470-321-7112 conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the to make their own inspection.
Accokeek, MD 20607 TRUSTEES' SALE OF same, if any and with no warranty of any kind.
Aaron D. Neal, Esquire
By virtue of a power of sale contained in a Deed of Trust from VALUABLE FEE SIMPLE PROPERTY Terms of Sale: A deposit of $ 40,000.00 will be required at the Michael L. Brown, Esquire
ROBERT M. ALLEN JR AND GERALDINE H. ALLEN, dated KNOWN AS time of sale, such deposit to be in CERTIFIED CHECK OR BY Substitute Trustees
October 20, 2008 and recorded in book 30179 , page 329 605 68TH STREET CASHIER'S CHECK, CASH WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Balance
among the Land Records of PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY, CAPITOL HEIGHTS, MD 20743 of the purchase price to be paid in cash within ten days of final
Maryland, default having occurred thereunder (Foreclosure Case ratification of sale by the Circuit Court for CALVERT COUNTY.
Under a power of sale contained in that Deed of Trust dated Time is of the essence as to the purchaser. If the purchaser
snow day docketed as Case No. CAEF22-00431; Tax ID No. 05-0355420)
the Substitute Trustee will sell at public auction PRINCE October 31, 2019, and recorded in Liber 42881, folio 518, defaults, the deposit shall be forfeited and the property shall
of the land records of PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY , with be resold at the purchaser's risk and expense. The purchaser
or GEORGE'S COUNTY courthouse located at FRONT OF THE
an original principal balance of $196,377.00, default having
DUVAL WING OF THE COURTHOUSE COMPLEX 14735 MAIN waives personal service and accepts service by first class mail
occurred under the terms thereof, the appointed Substitute and certified mail addressed to the address provided by said
school day? ST, UPPER MARLBORO, MD 20772 .
Trustees will offer for sale at public auction at THE PRINCE Purchaser as identified on the Memorandum of Sale for any July 18, 25, August 1, 2023 12429581
JULY 27, 2023 at 2:00 PM GEORGE'S COUNTY COURTHOUSE LOCATED AT FRONT OF Motion or Show Cause Order incident to this sale including a
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND and improvements THE DUVAL WING OF THE COURTHOUSE COMPLEX 14735 Motion to Default Purchaser and for Resale of the Property.
Stay one step ahead of the weather with the thereon situated in PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY, MD and more MAIN ST, UPPER MARLBORO, MD 20772 ON, In the event of a resale, the defaulting purchaser shall not be
fully described in above referenced Deed of Trust. JULY 27, 2023 at 10:15 AM entitled to receive any benefit from the resale, including, but
Capital Weather Gang The property will be sold in an "as is" condition and subject to not limited to, additional proceeds or surplus which may arise
conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the any buildings or improvements thereon situated in PRINCE therefrom. Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase money at
washingtonpost.com/news/capital-weather-gang five percent (5%) from the date of sale to the date funds are
same, if any and with no warranty of any kind. GEORGE'S COUNTY, MD, located at the above address and more
@capitalweather fully described in the aforementioned Deed of Trust. received by the Substitute Trustee. There will be no abatement of
Terms of Sale: A deposit of $ 24,000.00 will be required interest in the event additional funds are tendered at the time of
S0141 2x2 at the time of sale, such deposit to be in CERTIFIED CHECK TAX ID# - 18-2012151 sale or any time prior to settlement or if the settlement is delayed
OR BY CASHIER'S CHECK, CASH WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. for any reason. In the event that the Secured Party executes
Balance of the purchase price to be paid in cash within ten The property and improvements will be sold in an "AS IS"
physical condition without warranty of any kind and subject to all a forbearance agreement with the borrower(s) described in the
days of final ratification of sale by the Circuit Court for PRINCE above-mentioned Deed of Trust, or allows the borrower(s) to
GEORGE'S COUNTY. Time is of the essence as to the purchaser. conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the
same, including any condominium or homeowners association execute their right to reinstate or payoff the subject loan,
If the purchaser defaults, the deposit shall be forfeited and the prior to the sale, with or without the Substitute Trustee's prior
assessments pursuant to MD Real Property Article § 11-110

property shall be resold at the purchaser's risk and expense. The knowledge, this Contract shall be null and void and of no effect,
purchaser waives personal service and accepts service by first and § 11B-117 .
TERMS OF SALE: A non-refundable bidder's deposit of and the Purchaser's sole remedy shall be the return of the deposit
class mail and certified mail addressed to the address provided without interest. Purchaser shall pay for documentary stamps,
by said Purchaser as identified on the Memorandum of Sale for $19,000.00 by cashier's/certified check or such other form as
the Substitute Trustee may determine, in their sole discretion, transfer taxes and settlement expenses. Taxes, ground rent,
any Motion or Show Cause Order incident to this sale including water rent, condominium fees and/or homeowner association
a Motion to Default Purchaser and for Resale of the Property. required at time of sale except for the party secured by the Deed
of Trust. Risk of loss on purchaser from date and time of auction. dues, all public charges/assessments payable on an annual
In the event of a resale, the defaulting purchaser shall not be
P litics?

The balance of the purchase price together with interest thereon basis, including sanitary and/or metropolitan district charges, if
entitled to receive any benefit from the resale, including, but applicable, shall be adjusted to the date of sale and assumed
not limited to, additional proceeds or surplus which may arise at 3.625% per annum from date of sale to receipt of purchase
price by Substitute Trustees must be paid by cashier's check thereafter by the purchaser. Purchaser shall be responsible
therefrom. Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase money at for obtaining physical possession of the property. Purchaser
five percent (5%) from the date of sale to the date funds are within 10 days after final ratification of sale. The noteholder
shall not be obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. There assumes the risk of loss or damage to the property from the date
received by the Substitute Trustee. There will be no abatement of of sale forward. If the Substitute Trustee is unable to convey
interest in the event additional funds are tendered at the time of will be no abatement of interest due from the purchaser in the
event that additional funds are tendered before settlement or if insurable title for any reason, the Purchaser's sole remedy in
sale or any time prior to settlement or if the settlement is delayed law or equity shall be limited to a refund of the aforementioned
for any reason. In the event that the Secured Party executes settlement is delayed for any reason. All real estate taxes and
other public charges and/or assessments to be adjusted as of the deposit without interest. In the event the sale is not ratified
a forbearance agreement with the borrower(s) described in the for any reason, the Purchaser's sole remedy, at law or equity, is
above-mentioned Deed of Trust, or allows the borrower(s) to date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. If applicable,
any condominium and/or homeowners association dues and the return of the deposit without interest. (File # 44377.0360)
execute their right to reinstate or payoff the subject loan,
prior to the sale, with or without the Substitute Trustee's prior assessments that may become due after the date of sale shall SYDNEY E. ROBERSON,
knowledge, this Contract shall be null and void and of no effect, be purchaser's responsibility. Purchaser shall pay all transfer, MARC MEDEL,
and the Purchaser's sole remedy shall be the return of the deposit documentary and recording taxes/fees and all other settlement NICOLE LIPINSKI,
without interest. Purchaser shall pay for documentary stamps, costs. Purchaser is responsible for obtaining possession of the Substitute Trustee (s)
transfer taxes and settlement expenses. Taxes, ground rent, property. Time is of the essence for the purchaser. If purchaser
water rent, condominium fees and/or homeowner association defaults, deposit will be forfeited and property resold at the risk
dues, all public charges/assessments payable on an annual and cost of the defaulting purchaser who shall be liable for any
basis, including sanitary and/or metropolitan district charges, if deficiency in the purchase price and all costs, expenses and
applicable, shall be adjusted to the date of sale and assumed attorney's fees of both sales. If Substitute Trustees do not convey
thereafter by the purchaser. Purchaser shall be responsible title for any reason, purchaser's sole remedy is return of deposit
for obtaining physical possession of the property. Purchaser without interest. This sale is subject to post-sale audit of the
assumes the risk of loss or damage to the property from the date status of the loan secured by the Deed of Trust including but not
of sale forward. If the Substitute Trustee is unable to convey limited to determining whether prior to sale a bankruptcy was July 11, 18, 25, 2023 12426928
insurable title for any reason, the Purchaser's sole remedy in filed; forbearance, repayment or other agreement was entered

law or equity shall be limited to a refund of the aforementioned into; or loan was reinstated or paid off. In any such event this
deposit without interest. In the event the sale is not ratified sale shall be null and void and purchaser's sole remedy shall
for any reason, the Purchaser's sole remedy, at law or equity, is be return of deposit without interest. File No. (22-037678)
the return of the deposit without interest. (File # 58342.0223) KEITH YACKO,

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853 853 856 856 856 856 857 857 872 872
Calvert County Calvert County Frederick County Frederick County Frederick County Frederick County Howard County Howard County Fairfax County Fairfax County
Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid & Crane, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC Pardo & Drazin, LLC NOTICE OF CREDITOR’S SALE OF COOPERATIVE HOUSING UNIT AT
11350 McCormick Road, EP 1, Suite 302 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 Russell S. Drazin, Attorney 10340 REIN COMMONS COURT, #2F,
BURKE, VA 22015
Hunt Valley, MD 21031 Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852 4400 Jenifer Street, NW, Suite 2 NOTICE OF BURKE CENTER STATION, INC.’S (a/k/a BURKE CENTER STATION
470-321-7112 (301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555 Washington, DC 20015 COMMONS) (the “Cooperative Corporation”) SALE OF THE COOPERATIVE
TRUSTEES' SALE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES' SALE SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES' SALE 202-223-7900 Burke, VA 22015 (the “Unit” and the “Coop Share Interest”), in execution
of liens for assessments imposed pursuant to Va. Code Ann. § 55.1-2148
KNOWN AS 11523 HANDBOARD RD. 204 WINTER BROOK DR. OF REAL PROPERTY Corporation and the owner of the Coop Share Interest attributable to
the right to occupy the Property, the Cooperative Corporation will offer
12280 CATALINA DR UNION BRIDGE, MD 21791 WALKERSVILLE, MD 21793 15125 Devlin Drive, for sale at public auction at the offices of the Cooperative Corporation,
located at 10315 Luria Commons Court, Burke, VA 22015, on Wednesday,
LUSBY, MD 20657 Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust dated Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust dated Glenelg (Howard County), MD 21737 August 16, 2023, at 11:45 a.m., the Unit (consisting of the membership
Under a power of sale contained in that Deed of Trust dated August 8, 2003, recorded in Liber 4188, Folio 279 among the August 27, 2007, recorded in Liber 6810, Folio 348 among the Account ID 04-342453 certificate and proprietary lease evidencing the right to occupy the
Unit), to wit: The membership certificate of that cooperative housing
April 16, 2018, and recorded in Liber 5179, folio 0423, of the Land Records of Frederick County, MD, with an original principal Land Records of Frederick County, MD, with an original principal Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust corporation known as Burke Center Station, Inc. (a/k/a Burke Center Station
Commons) and the proprietary lease, occupancy agreement, ownership
land records of CALVERT COUNTY , with an original principal balance of $184,950.00, default having occurred under the balance of $540,000.00, default having occurred under the (“Deed of Trust”) from CTLC, LLC, as grantor, to RUSSELL S. contract or such other evidence of rights to occupy 10340 Rein Commons
balance of $222,222.00, default having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell at public auction at the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell at public auction at the DRAZIN (“Trustee”), as trustee, for the benefit of WCP FUND Court, #2F, Burke, VA 22015, which is among the property owned by Burke
Center Station, Inc.
terms thereof, the appointed Substitute Trustees will offer for Circuit Court for Frederick County, at the Court House Door, 100 Circuit Court for Frederick County, at the Court House Door, 100 I LLC, as beneficiary, dated February 24, 2022 and recorded TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH.
sale at public auction at THE CALVERT COUNTY COURTHOUSE W. Patrick St., Frederick, MD 21701, on W. Patrick St., Frederick, MD 21701, on on March 1, 2022 in Book 21365 at Page 438, securing A bidder’s deposit of $10,000.00 or 10% of the sale price, whichever is
LOCATED AT 175 MAIN ST, PRINCE FREDERICK, MD 20678 AUGUST 11, 2023 AT 12:17 PM AUGUST 11, 2023 AT 12:15 PM the principal amount of $350,000.00, default having occurred lower, will be required in cash, certified or cashier’s check, payable to
ON, under the terms thereof, Trustee will sell at public auction at the National Capital Title & Escrow, llc. Settlement within fifteen (15) days
of sale, otherwise the Cooperative Corporation may declare a forfeiture
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any front entrance of the Circuit Court for Howard County, located at of the deposit. The purchaser shall be responsible for all assessments,
AUGUST 3, 2023 at 10:00 AM buildings or improvements thereon located in Frederick County, buildings or improvements thereon located in Frederick County, from and after the date of sale, for the Monthly Housing Charges allocated
9250 Judicial Way, Ellicott City, Maryland, on to the Coop Share Interest and utility expenses for the Unit attributable
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND together with any MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust. MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust. to the period from and after the date of sale. In addition, the purchaser
buildings or improvements thereon situated in CALVERT COUN- AUGUST 3, 2023 AT 2:00 PM shall be responsible for settlement charges and the cost of conveyance
The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in documents. The Unit/Coop Share Interest will be sold subject to a lien
TY, MD, located at the above address and more fully described in an "as is" condition and subject to conditions, restrictions and an "as is" condition and subject to conditions, restrictions and ALL THAT FEE-SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND AND ANY IMPROVE- securing the payment of an existing indebtedness and also subject to
the aforementioned Deed of Trust. agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and with no agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and with no MENTS THEREON situated in Howard County, Maryland, com- an indebtedness secured by the real property owned by the Cooperative
Corporation. Time is of the essence. Sale is subject to post sale
TAX ID# - 01-223887 warranty of any kind. warranty of any kind. monly known as 15125 Devlin Drive, Glenelg (Howard County), confirmation that the debtor did not file for protection under the U.S.
MD 21737, and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of Bankruptcy Code prior to the sale which affects the validity of the sale. If
The property and improvements will be sold in an "AS IS" Terms of Sale: A deposit of $14,000 in the form of certified Terms of Sale: A deposit of $23,000 in the form of certified Trust, as well as ALL PERSONAL PROPERTY encumbered by
the sale is set aside for any reason, the purchaser shall be entitled to a
return of the deposit paid but shall have no further recourse against the
physical condition without warranty of any kind and subject to all check, cashier's check or money order will be required of the check, cashier's check or money order will be required of the the Deed of Trust (collectively, “Property”). Cooperative Corporation or its representative(s). Additional terms may be
conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase announced at the sale.
same, including any condominium or homeowners association price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money at price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money at The Property will be sold in an “AS IS” condition and subject This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be
assessments pursuant to MD Real Property Article § 11-110 the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or any the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or any to recorded covenants, conditions, restrictions, agreements, and used for that purpose.

and § 11B-117 . modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date funds modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date funds senior liens, if any, and with no warranty of any kind (except as Sale to be conducted by, and for further information contact Michael
William Sacks, National Capital Title and Escrow, LLC at 301-948-2300.
are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash within ten are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash within ten required by the Deed of Trust). Cooperative Corporation (Creditor/Lien Holder)
TERMS OF SALE: A non-refundable bidder's deposit of Burke Center Station, Inc.
$22,000.00 by cashier's/certified check or such other form as days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court. There days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court. There TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of $50,000.00 by cashier’s check
July 25, August 1, 2023 12429950
the Substitute Trustee may determine, in their sole discretion, will be no abatement of interest due to the purchaser in the will be no abatement of interest due to the purchaser in the will be required of the purchaser at the time and place of sale.
876 876
required at time of sale except for the party secured by the Deed event additional funds are tendered before settlement. TIME IS event additional funds are tendered before settlement. TIME IS The balance of the purchase price to be paid in cash or certified Loudoun County Loudoun County
of Trust. Risk of loss on purchaser from date and time of auction. OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all funds within ten (10) days of final ratification of the sale by
The balance of the purchase price together with interest thereon real property taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable, real property taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable, the Circuit Court for Howard County. Interest to be paid on the
at 4.625% per annum from date of sale to receipt of purchase and any and all public and/or private charges or assessments, and any and all public and/or private charges or assessments, unpaid purchase money at the rate in effect under the debt
price by Substitute Trustees must be paid by cashier's check to the extent such amounts survive foreclosure sale, including to the extent such amounts survive foreclosure sale, including instrument secured by the Deed of Trust from the date of sale to NOTICE OF TRUSTEE SALE
within 10 days after final ratification of sale. The noteholder water/sewer, ground rent and front foot benefit charges, to be water/sewer, ground rent and front foot benefit charges, to be the date of settlement. Secured Party, if a bidder, shall not be 604 South King Street
shall not be obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. There adjusted to date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. adjusted to date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. required to post a deposit or to pay interest. Leesburg (County of Loudoun), Virginia 20175
will be no abatement of interest due from the purchaser in the Purchaser is responsible for any recapture of homestead tax Purchaser is responsible for any recapture of homestead tax Purchaser shall settle within ten (10) days of final ratification of
Tax Map # 232-47-2957-000

event that additional funds are tendered before settlement or if credit. All transfer taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by credit. All transfer taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by the sale by the Circuit Court for Howard County. TIME SHALL
In execution of a Deed of Trust from Waverly Mansion, LLC and Waverly
Park Limited Partnership dated December 12, 2018, and recorded at
settlement is delayed for any reason. All real estate taxes and Purchaser. The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment Purchaser. The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment BE OF THE ESSENCE WITH RESPECT TO SETTLEMENT BY Instrument #20181213-0071412 in the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Court of
Loudoun County, Virginia, as subsequently modified by that certain Partial
other public charges and/or assessments to be adjusted as of the of the ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/or of the ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/or PURCHASER. Cost of all documentary stamps (recordation Release of Collateral Certificate of Satisfaction dated July 7, 2023, and
date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. If applicable, homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed by the homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed by the taxes), transfer taxes and settlement expenses shall be borne by recorded at Instrument #20230710-0026724 also having been recorded
in the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Court of Loudoun County, Virginia
any condominium and/or homeowners association dues and purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is responsible for purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is responsible for purchaser. Taxes, ground rent, water, and sewer, if applicable, (collectively the “Deed of Trust”), Mark C. Hayes, Substitute Trustee, will
assessments that may become due after the date of sale shall obtaining physical possession of the property, and assumes risk obtaining physical possession of the property, and assumes risk are to be adjusted for the current year to the date of sale and on August 3, 2023 at 11:30 A.M. by the main entrance to the Loudoun
County Courthouse, 18 E. Market Street, Leesburg, Virginia 20178, offer
be purchaser's responsibility. Purchaser shall pay all transfer, of loss or damage to the property from the date of sale. The sale of loss or damage to the property from the date of sale. The sale assumed thereafter by purchaser. for sale at public auction to the highest bidder the following property with
documentary and recording taxes/fees and all other settlement is subject to post-sale audit of the status of the loan with the loan is subject to post-sale audit of the status of the loan with the loan improvements thereon:
servicer including, but not limited to, determination of whether servicer including, but not limited to, determination of whether In the event purchaser does not settle as required for any reason, LOT 1 CONTAINING 57,571 SQUARE FEET OR 1.32164 ACRES, MORE OR LESS,
costs. Purchaser is responsible for obtaining possession of the purchaser shall be in default. Upon such default, Trustee may WAVERLY PARK SUBDIVISION, AS DEPICTED ON A PLAT BY CHAMBERLIN
property. Time is of the essence for the purchaser. If purchaser the borrower entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated the borrower entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated ASSOCIATES, ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS, PLANNERS, DATED MAY 4, 1984, AND
or paid off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this or paid off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this file a motion to resell the Property at the risk and expense RECORDED WITH CERTIFICATE OF CONFIRMATION BY OWNER AND PLAT IN
defaults, deposit will be forfeited and property resold at the risk of defaulting purchaser. Purchaser hereby consents to entry of DEED BOOK 852, AT PAGE 1004, AMONG THE LAND RECORDS OF LOUDOUN
and cost of the defaulting purchaser who shall be liable for any sale shall be null and void, and the Purchaser's sole remedy, sale shall be null and void, and the Purchaser's sole remedy, COUNTY, VIRGINIA.
in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without such resale Order without further notice. Defaulting purchaser
deficiency in the purchase price and all costs, expenses and shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds or profits resulting
AND BEING the same property conveyed to Charles Matheson Jr., Trustee for
attorney's fees of both sales. If Substitute Trustees do not convey interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of ratification, interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of ratification, Charles T. Matheson Crummey Trust U/A 12/21/92 by virtue of a Deed from

subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that property will be subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that property will be from any resale of the Property, and the deposit shall be Waverly Mansion LLC, a Virginia limited liability company, dated August
31, 2016 and recorded as Instrument 20160901- 0057950 among the Land
title for any reason, purchaser's sole remedy is return of deposit forfeited to the Trustee and all of the expenses of this sale Records of Loudoun County, Virginia.
without interest. This sale is subject to post-sale audit of the resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. Trustees as liquidated resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. Trustees as liquidated
damages for all losses occasioned by the purchaser's default and damages for all losses occasioned by the purchaser's default and (including attorneys’ fees and full commission on the gross sale With a street Address: 604 South King Street, Leesburg, Virginia 20175
status of the loan secured by the Deed of Trust including but not price) shall be charged against and paid out of the forfeited This sale is subject to all restrictions, rights of way, conditions, easements,
limited to determining whether prior to sale a bankruptcy was purchaser shall have no further liability. The purchaser waives purchaser shall have no further liability. The purchaser waives mechanic's liens, and encumbrances, if any, whether of record or not of
personal service of any papers filed in connection with its failure personal service of any papers filed in connection with its failure deposit. Purchaser shall pay all attorneys’ fees and costs, and record, to the extent any of the foregoing apply and take priority over the
filed; forbearance, repayment or other agreement was entered all other damages of any kind or nature, incurred by Trustee lien of the Deed of Trust.
into; or loan was reinstated or paid off. In any such event this to settle within ten days of ratification and expressly agrees to to settle within ten days of ratification and expressly agrees to
accept service by first class mail at the address provided by accept service by first class mail at the address provided by and the secured party, and their respective agents, employees, Deposit of $25,000.00 by cashier's or certified check shall be required to
sale shall be null and void and purchaser's sole remedy shall successors and assigns, in connection with any such default. qualify as a bidder prior to the sale, except from Noteholder. The deposit,
be return of deposit without interest. File No. (22-053420) the Purchaser as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The the Purchaser as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The without interest, is applied to purchase price at settlement. Settlement
will be held on or before 15 days after sale. If purchaser defaults, the
defaulted purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds defaulted purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds If Trustee is unable to convey title, purchaser’s sole remedy at deposit shall be forfeited, and the property resold at the risk and cost of
KEITH YACKO, DAVID WILLIAMSON, resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from law and in equity shall be limited to a refund of the deposit the defaulting purchaser.
BRYSON STEPHEN, THOMAS GARTNER, improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. Sub. improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. Sub. and the sale shall be considered null and void and of no effect. The balance of the purchase price shall be in cash or its equivalent.
Substitute Trustees Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable title. If they Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable title. If they
Settlement shall be at the Substitute Trustee’s office or other mutually
Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining physical possession agreed location. The property and any improvements thereon shall be
cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification of the sale is cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification of the sale is of the Property. Purchaser assumes the risk of loss or damage to
sold in "as is" condition without any warranties. Successful bidder shall
assume all loss or damage to the property from and after the time of the
denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the Purchaser's sole denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the Purchaser's sole the Property from the date of sale forward. sale. Purchaser shall be responsible for all costs of conveyance, which
shall be by special warranty including, but not limited to, preparation
remedy, at law or equity, is return of the deposit without interest. remedy, at law or equity, is return of the deposit without interest.
(Matter No. 305020-2) (Matter No. 356230-1) Trustee reserves the right, in his sole discretion, to reject any of the deed and grantor's tax. Real estate taxes shall be adjusted as of
the sale date. Sale is subject to such additional terms as the Substitute
and all bids, to withdraw the Property from sale at any time Trustee may announce at the time of sale. Purchaser will be required
Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Substitute Trustees Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Substitute Trustees before or at the auction, to extend the time to receive bids, to to sign a Memorandum of Sale incorporating all the terms of the sale.
MARK C. HAYES, Substitute Trustee
waive or modify the deposit requirement, to waive or modify the
For information contact noteholder counsel:
requirement that interest be paid on the unpaid purchase money, Kevin M. O’Donnell
July 18, 25, August 1, 2023 12426603 and/or to extend the period of time for settlement. Henry & O'Donnell, P.C.
300 N. Washington St., Suite 604
855 855
Charles County Charles County Additional terms may be announced at the sale. Purchaser will Alexandria, Virginia 22314
Phone 703-861-2662
be required to execute and deliver to Trustee a contract of the July 18, 20, 25, 27, 2023 12429564
sale at the conclusion of the bidding.
July 25, August 1, 8, 2023 12429677 July 25, August 1, 8, 2023 12429676 Russell S. Drazin, Trustee

We want
Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid & Crane, LLC
11350 McCormick Road, EP 1, Suite 302
Hunt Valley, MD 21031 Rosenberg & Associates, LLC
470-321-7112 4340 East West Highway, Suite 600

TRUSTEES' SALE OF Bethesda, MD 20814 www.hwestauctions.com
KNOWN AS www.rosenberg-assoc.com July 18, 25, August 1, 2023 12429216

We want
Under a power of sale contained in that Deed of Trust dated 1099 WINTERSON ROAD, SUITE 301
October 14, 2016, and recorded in Liber 9613, folio 392, of THURMONT, MD 21788
the land records of CHARLES COUNTY , with an original www.cgd-law.com/sales Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust from
principal balance of $279,837.00, default having occurred

Deborah Barth and Kenneth Barth dated April 1, 2005 and
under the terms thereof, the appointed Substitute Trustees will SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES’ SALE recorded in Liber 5879, folio 199 among the Land Records of
offer for sale at public auction at THE CHARLES COUNTY OF IMPROVED REAL PROPERTY Frederick County, MD, default having occurred under the terms
COURTHOUSE LOCATED AT 200 CHARLES STREET ( IN THE thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit
BREEZEWAY BETWEEN CIRCUIT AND DISTRICT COURTS ), LA 130 STONEGATE Court for Frederick County, at the Court House Door, 100 W.
PLATA, MD 20646 ON, DRIVEFREDERICK, MD 21702 Patrick St., Frederick, MD 21701, on
AUGUST 3, 2023 at 12:30 PM AUGUST 4, 2023 AT 12:05 PM
By authority contained in a Deed of Trust dated
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND together with any February 16, 2019 and recorded in Liber ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with Rosenberg & Associates, LLC Search our database of tested
buildings or improvements thereon situated in CHARLES 12850, Folio 24 among the Land Records of the buildings and improvements thereon situated in Frederick 4340 East West Highway, Suite 600
COUNTY, MD, located at the above address and more fully Bethesda, MD 20814 recipes by ingredient or name.
Frederick County, Maryland, with an original County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of
described in the aforementioned Deed of Trust. principal balance of $204,000.00, and Trust. Tax ID #15-362154. (301) 907-8000 washingtonpost.com/recipes
TAX ID# - 08-022186 an interest rate of 4.625%, default having www.rosenberg-assoc.com
occurred thereunder, the Substitute Trustees The property, which is improved by a dwelling, will be sold in
The property and improvements will be sold in an "AS IS" an "as is" condition and subject to conditions, restrictions and SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES’ SALE
will sell at public auction at the Courthouse OF IMPROVED REAL PROPERTY
physical condition without warranty of any kind and subject to all door for the Circuit Court for Frederick County, agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and with no
conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the 100 W. Patrick Street, Frederick, MD 21701, warranty of any kind. 7105 COLLINGWOOD CT.
same, including any condominium or homeowners association on Terms of Sale: A deposit of $45,000 in the form of certified ELKRIDGE, MD 21075
assessments pursuant to MD Real Property Article § 11-110 check, cashier's check or money order will be required of the Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust from
and § 11B-117 . August 11, 2023 AT 12:10 PM purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase Marilyn D. Rawlings and Mark D. Rawlings dated November 29,
TERMS OF SALE: A non-refundable bidder's deposit of price to be paid in cash within ten days of final ratification 2000 and recorded in Liber 5293, folio 90 among the Land
$24,500.00 by cashier's/certified check or such other form as ALL THAT FEE-SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND of sale by the Circuit Court for Frederick County. Interest to Records of Howard County, MD, default having occurred under
the Substitute Trustee may determine, in their sole discretion, and the improvements thereon situated in be paid on the unpaid purchase money at the rate pursuant the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell at public auction
required at time of sale except for the party secured by the Deed Frederick County, MD and more fully described to the Deed of Trust Note from the date of sale to the date at the Circuit Court for Howard County, at the Court House Door,
in the aforesaid Deed of Trust. The property is funds are received in the office of the Sub. Trustees. There 9250 Judicial Way, Ellicott City, MD 21043, on
of Trust. Risk of loss on purchaser from date and time of auction. improved by a dwelling.
The balance of the purchase price together with interest thereon Terms of Sale: The property will be sold will be no abatement of interest in the event additional funds JULY 28, 2023 AT 9:25 AM
at 3.25% per annum from date of sale to receipt of purchase “as is” and subject to conditions, restrictions, are tendered before settlement or if settlement is delayed for
price by Substitute Trustees must be paid by cashier's check any reason. The noteholder shall not be obligated to pay interest ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with the
easements and agreements of record affecting buildings and improvements thereon situated in Howard County,
within 10 days after final ratification of sale. The noteholder same, if any and with no warranty of any kind. if it is the purchaser. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE
shall not be obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. There PURCHASER. Adjustment of all real property taxes, including MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust. Tax
A deposit of $19,000.00 by certified funds ID #01-286668.
will be no abatement of interest due from the purchaser in the only (no cash will be accepted) is required at agricultural taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or
event that additional funds are tendered before settlement or if the time of auction. Balance of the purchase private charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts The property, which is improved by a dwelling, will be sold in
settlement is delayed for any reason. All real estate taxes and price to be paid within 10 days of ratification survive foreclosure sale, including water/sewer charges and an "as is" condition and subject to conditions, restrictions and
other public charges and/or assessments to be adjusted as of the of sale by the Court. The purchaser, other than ground rent, to be adjusted to date of sale and paid at execution agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and with no
date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. If applicable, the holder of the Note, its assigns, or designees, of the deed, except where the secured party is the purchaser, and warranty of any kind.
any condominium and/or homeowners association dues and shall pay interest on the unpaid purchase thereafter assumed by the purchaser. Condominium fees and/or Terms of Sale: A deposit of $76,000 in the form of certified
assessments that may become due after the date of sale shall money at the note rate from the date of sale to homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed by the check, cashier's check or money order will be required of the
be purchaser's responsibility. Purchaser shall pay all transfer, the date funds are received by the Substitute purchaser from the date of sale forward. Cost of all documentary purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase S0115-2x6
documentary and recording taxes/fees and all other settlement Trustees. If settlement is delayed for any stamps, transfer taxes and settlement expenses shall be borne
reason, there shall be no abatement of interest price to be paid in cash within ten days of final ratification
costs. Purchaser is responsible for obtaining possession of the by the purchaser. Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining of sale by the Circuit Court for Howard County. Interest to
property. Time is of the essence for the purchaser. If purchaser or taxes. All due and/or unpaid private utility, physical possession of the property. Purchaser assumes the risk
water and sewer facilities charges, or front foot be paid on the unpaid purchase money at the rate pursuant
defaults, deposit will be forfeited and property resold at the risk of loss or damage to the property from the date of sale forward. to the Deed of Trust Note from the date of sale to the date
and cost of the defaulting purchaser who shall be liable for any benefit payments, are payable by the purchaser Additional terms to be announced at the time of sale.
without adjustment. Real estate taxes and funds are received in the office of the Sub. Trustees. There
deficiency in the purchase price and all costs, expenses and
attorney's fees of both sales. If Substitute Trustees do not convey
title for any reason, purchaser's sole remedy is return of deposit
all other public charges, or assessments,
ground rent, or condo/HOA assessments, not
otherwise divested by ratification of the sale,
If the Sub. Trustees are unable to convey good and marketable
title, the purchaser's sole remedy in law and equity shall be
limited to a refund of the deposit without interest. If the
will be no abatement of interest in the event additional funds
are tendered before settlement or if settlement is delayed for
any reason. The noteholder shall not be obligated to pay interest
Take The Post
without interest. This sale is subject to post-sale audit of the
status of the loan secured by the Deed of Trust including but not
limited to determining whether prior to sale a bankruptcy was
to be adjusted as of the date of auction, unless
the purchaser is the foreclosing lender or its
designee. Cost of all transfer and recordation
purchaser fails to go to settlement, the deposit shall be forfeited,
to the Trustees for application against all expenses, attorney’s
fees and the full commission on the sale price of the above-
if it is the purchaser. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE
PURCHASER. Adjustment of all real property taxes, including
agricultural taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or
for a trip
filed; forbearance, repayment or other agreement was entered taxes and settlement expenses, and all other scheduled foreclosure sale. In the event of default, all expenses private charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts
into; or loan was reinstated or paid off. In any such event this costs incident to settlement, shall be borne by of this sale (including attorney’s fees and the full commission survive foreclosure sale, including water/sewer charges and
sale shall be null and void and purchaser's sole remedy shall the purchaser. Purchaser shall be responsible
for obtaining physical possession of the
on the gross sale price of this sale) shall be charged against ground rent, to be adjusted to date of sale and paid at execution Washington Post
be return of deposit without interest. File No. (22-089276) and paid out of the forfeited deposit. The Trustees may then of the deed, except where the secured party is the purchaser, and
KEITH YACKO, DAVID WILLIAMSON, property. re-advertise and resell the property at the risk and expense of thereafter assumed by the purchaser. Condominium fees and/or podcasts go with
Substitute Trustees
purchaser fails to go to settlement within
the defaulting purchaser or may avail themselves of any legal
or equitable remedies against the defaulting purchaser without
homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed by the
purchaser from the date of sale forward. Cost of all documentary
you everywhere
ten (10) days of ratification of the sale, or reselling the property. In the event of a resale, the defaulting stamps, transfer taxes and settlement expenses shall be borne
otherwise fails to comply with the terms of the purchaser shall not be entitled to receive the surplus, if any, even
sale, the Substitute Trustees may declare the by the purchaser. Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining
entire deposit forfeited and resell the property if such surplus results from improvements to the property by said physical possession of the property. Purchaser assumes the risk
at the risk and expense of the defaulting defaulting purchaser and the defaulting purchaser shall be liable of loss or damage to the property from the date of sale forward.
purchaser, and the purchaser agrees to pay to the Trustees and secured party for reasonable attorney’s fees Additional terms to be announced at the time of sale.
reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs for the and expenses incurred in connection with all litigation involving If the Sub. Trustees are unable to convey good and marketable
Substitute Trustees, if the Substitute Trustees the Property or the proceeds of the resale. Trustees' file number title, the purchaser's sole remedy in law and equity shall be
have filed a motion with the Court to resell the 22-001867-MD-F-1. limited to a refund of the deposit without interest. If the
July 18, 25, August 1, 2023 12426911 property. Purchaser waives personal service Diane S. Rosenberg, Mark D. Meyer, et al., Substitute Trustees purchaser fails to go to settlement, the deposit shall be forfeited,
of any paper filed in connection with such a to the Trustees for application against all expenses, attorney’s
motion on themself and/or any principal or fees and the full commission on the sale price of the above-
corporate designee, and expressly agrees to scheduled foreclosure sale. In the event of default, all expenses
accept service of any such paper by regular of this sale (including attorney’s fees and the full commission
mail directed to the address provided by said on the gross sale price of this sale) shall be charged against
bidder at the time of foreclosure auction. If the
Substitute Trustees cannot convey insurable and paid out of the forfeited deposit. The Trustees may then
title, the purchaser’s sole remedy at law or re-advertise and resell the property at the risk and expense of
in equity shall be the return of the deposit the defaulting purchaser or may avail themselves of any legal
July 18, 25, August 1, 2023 12429127 or equitable remedies against the defaulting purchaser without

bo ks?
without interest. The sale is subject to post-
sale confirmation of the status of the loan with reselling the property. In the event of a resale, the defaulting
the loan servicer including, but not limited to, purchaser shall not be entitled to receive the surplus, if any, even
determination of whether the borrower entered if such surplus results from improvements to the property by said
into any repayment agreement, reinstated or defaulting purchaser and the defaulting purchaser shall be liable Politics • History
paid off the loan prior to the sale. In any such to the Trustees and secured party for reasonable attorney’s fees
event, this sale shall be null and void, and the and expenses incurred in connection with all litigation involving Culture • More

Purchaser’s sole remedy, in law or equity, shall the Property or the proceeds of the resale. Trustees' file number
be the return of his deposit without interest. 22-001478-MD-F-1.
(CGD File #: 459520) Diane S. Rosenberg, Mark D. Meyer, et al., Substitute Trustees
Washington Post newsletters Richard E. Solomon, et al., Sub. Trustees wpost.com/podcasts
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D 10 | EZ

HEalth&Science tuESday, july 25 , 2023 . SEction E eZ ee


I quit my
life and got

The glaring downside of

My name is Janet. I’m a recovering
Almost two years ago I quit working
full time and transformed my life. After

energy-e∞cient LED lights

decades as a frazzled, 24-7 Washington
political reporter I retired and became a
freelance writer, leaving more time to
cultivate other interests and try new
things. It’s been great for my physical and
mental health.
I loved my career, but it consumed me.
Phone calls came and went at all hours.
Pinging texts and news alerts relentlessly
jangled my nerves. All my waking hours, I
checked Twitter as reflexively as I used to
check my watch (remember wristwatch-
es?). During frequent road trips, I ate too
much bad food and exercised too little.
Then, in fall 2021, for a variety of
personal and professional reasons, I de-
cided it was time for something different.
I didn’t call it retirement, because I
planned to keep writing — just not on
deadline, not all the time and not exclu-
sively about politics.
But I had turned 67, so people inevita-
bly concluded I was retiring. My pre-
ferred description of my new chapter: “I
quit my job, and I’m not looking for
another one.” I was grateful to have the
financial security to do so.
Having thrived for so long under daily
work pressure, I’m shocked at how easy it
has been to change the tenor and tempo
of my life.
There’s been no identity crisis after
dropping my affiliation with a major
newspaper. No painful withdrawal from
the adrenaline rush of deadline writing.
No FoMo — fear of missing out — when I
am not on the front lines of major
political news, such as the indictments of
former president Donald Trump or Rus-
sia’s invasion of Ukraine or the supreme
Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade.
My friends and colleagues, many of
whom are at a similar career juncture,
are amazed that I could actually pull this
off. some research on working and retire-
ment suggests that quitting work entirely
can be bad for your well-being, if it
source: national Park service (2019)

ClImaTE SoluTIonS

They make the night sky brighter. They also can affect our health. In summer,
5 cool ways
n recent years, cities, towns and small commu- circadian rhythms, lower the performance of our
nities across the world have taken part in a
radical revolution — of our lightbulbs. Tradi-
tional orange-tinged high-pressure sodium
immune systems and increase the occurrence of
certain diseases, including cancer.
“People need to understand LED lights are being
to sleep better
bulbs are being swapped for more energy-efficient,
whiter and brighter LED (light-emitting diode)
lights. But the rise of LEDs is also illuminating new
installed everywhere, not just streetlights, but
they’re blasting up in all directions,” said Jim
White, senior energy efficiency engineer with the
on hot nights
problems for our night sky, as well as our health. Chelan County Public Utility District who helped
over the past decade, scientists found, the night with the LED transition in the Washington state BY A LLYSON C HIU
sky has become nearly 10 percent brighter each year county.
because of artificial lights, mainly LEDs emitting But he added, “It’s one form of pollution that we If you’re tossing and turning trying to
too much glare. streetlights are part of the problem, could solve.” fall asleep on a hot summer night, you’re
as are sources such as illuminated billboards and Agencies and organizations such as the National not alone.
stadium lights. Park service and the American Medical Association sleep experts say a cool environment
Those same outdoor lights are also affecting our have recommended ways to reduce light pollution helps you drift off and stay asleep. But in
health. Common types of LED lights contain higher and its harmful effects on life. The changes begin many places around the world, nights
proportions of bluer wavelengths, which can affect with what type of LED light to buy in the first place. have warmed faster than daytime tem-
people’s nighttime patterns. They disrupt our sEE LED oN E6 peratures — and research suggests the
heat could be leading people to lose hours
of shut-eye. one recent study, for in-
stance, estimated that people are losing
an average of 44 hours of sleep per year.
on nights above 86 degrees Fahrenheit,
people slept about 14 minutes less on
“We may not feel as restored in the
morning as we should,” said Mathias

Seniors should consider costly Basner, a psychiatry professor in the

Division of sleep and Chronobiology at
the University of Pennsylvania Perelman

weight-loss drugs with care school of Medicine.

While air conditioning might seem like
a simple solution to this problem, experts
say it’s not the answer. High tempera-
Corlee Morris has dieted of hunger and generate a sensation of tures tax air conditioners, which guzzle
Navigating throughout her adult life. fullness; they have been shown to help energy and can place additional strain on
Aging Her weight began people lose an average of 15 percent or the electricity grid, and there are people
Judith climbing in high school, more of their weight. who don’t have access to it. Here are five
graham and she spent years losing “It takes your appetite right away. I tips to help you sleep better on hot nights.
dozens of pounds, then wasn’t hungry at all, and I lost weight
gaining them back. like mad,” said Morris, who has shed Keep your bedroom as cool as
Morris, 78, was at her heaviest in her 40 pounds. possible
mid-40s — at 5 feet 101/2 inches tall, she But how these medications will affect The process of falling asleep and your
weighed 310 pounds. The Pittsburgh older adults in the long run isn’t well body’s core internal temperature are con-
resident also has had diabetes for more understood because clinical trials of the nected, experts say. When it’s time to
than 40 years. medications haven’t included significant sleep, the body begins cooling down by
Managing her weight was a losing numbers of people 65 and older, leaving Chelsea Conrad/the Washington Post dissipating heat, which is largely lost
battle until Morris’s doctor prescribed gaps in the available data. Beyond that, oCEanS
through your head, arms, hands, legs and
the Type 2 diabetes medication ozempic how seniors will pay for these expensive feet. Lowering your body’s temperature is
four months ago. It’s one in a new drugs is another big question. take a quiz to test your knowledge about sharks. E2 necessary for your brain to transition to
category of medications changing how Given these uncertainties, how are sleep, Basner said.
ordinary people as well as medical experts approaching the use of the new YouR moVE “If the bedroom is so hot that there’s
experts think about obesity, which obesity medications in older people? not a big difference between skin and
affects more than 4 in 10 people 60 and Although opinions and practices vary,
easy weight training done right can work wonders. E5 room temperature, then it gets harder
older. several themes emerged in nearly two mEnTal HEalTH
just to dump temperature quickly,” he
ozempic and similar drugs target dozen interviews. said.
receptors in the brain to reduce feelings sEE WEIgHt oN E4 a photography project helped one man manage his anxiety. E6 sEE HEAt oN E4
e2 eZ ee the washington post . tuesday, july 25 , 2023

WeLL+beiNg Sc ieN ce N eW S

‘Oppenheimer,’ a film about first atomic bomb,

sparks conflicting feelings for residents in N.M.
BY S USAN M ONTOYA B RYAN off the land anddrew water from
cisterns and holding ponds. They
The movie about a man who had no idea the fine ash that
changed the course of world his- settled on everything in the days
tory by shepherding the develop- following the explosion was from
ment of the first atomic bomb is the world’s first atomic blast.
expected to be a blockbuster. The U.S. government initially
On the sidelines will be a tried to hide it, saying that an
community downwind from the explosion at a munitions dump
testing site in the southern New caused the rumble and bright
Mexico desert. The movie based light, which could be seen more
on the life of scientist J. Robert than 160 miles away. It wasn’t
Oppenheimer and the top-secret until the United States dropped
work of the Manhattan Project bombs on Japan weeks later that
sheds no light on those residents’ New Mexico residents realized

Are you a shark expert? pain.

“They’ll never reflect on the
fact that New Mexicans gave
their lives. They did the dirtiest of
what they had witnessed.
According to the Manhattan
Project National Historical Park,
large amounts of radiation shot
Before you take a dip in the ocean, take our quiz to learn the truth about the famous fish jobs. They invaded our lives and
our lands and then they left,”
up into the atmosphere and fall-
out descended over an area about
Tina Cordova, a cancer survivor 250 miles long and 200 miles
and founder of a group of New wide. Scientists tracked part of
BY T EDDY A MENABAR getting bitten, and they have an odd way of [shark bites] are mistakes, and they’re rare,” Mexico downwinders, said of the the fallout pattern as far as the
reassuring you. Chances are, they say, that said Greg Skomal, a senior fisheries scientist officials who established a secret Atlantic Ocean, but the greatest
White sharks are returning to Cape Cod to you’ve already been swimming with sharks with the Massachusetts Division of Marine city in Los Alamos in the 1940s concentration settled about
lunch on seals. Sand tiger sharks reportedly and didn’t even know it. Fisheries. “If they were intentional, we’d have and tested their work at the 30 miles from the test site.
were biting July Fourth swimmers off the One of the reasons researchers are so a hell of a lot more.” Trinity Site some 200 miles away. For Cordova and younger gen-
coast of Long Island. And sharks have been confident humans aren’t “on the menu” is Still not convinced? Take the quiz below Cordova’s group, the Tularosa erations who are dealing with
spotted swimming next to people in Florida because they’ve tracked how often sharks before you head to the beach. Basin Downwinders Consortium, cancer, the lack of acknowledg-
and California. swim near people without biting them. has been working with the Union ment by the government and
Ask shark researchers about the risk of “We really try to impress on folks that these of Concerned Scientists and oth- those involved with the film is
ers for years to bring attention to inexcusable. “We were left here to
what the Manhattan Project did live with the consequences,” Cor-
to people in New Mexico. dova said. “And they’ll overglorify
1. of the more than 500 species of sharks, 2. What was the shark bite capital of 3. What is the best way to tell if a shark While film critics celebrated the science and the scientists and
only three are responsible for most the world last year? is swimming nearby? “Oppenheimer,” advocates held make no mention of us.”
shark bites. Which of these sharks is not vigils in July to mark the 78th In Los Alamos, more than 200
a frequent biter? anniversary of the Trinity Test, in miles north of the Tularosa Basin,
New Mexico and New York. reaction to the film has been
a. Florida a. Taste the water. If it’s salty, Lilly Adams, a senior outreach much different.
there are sharks. coordinator with the Union of The legacy of Oppenheimer
a. White Concerned Scientists, said the and the Manhattan Project
New York vigil was meant to means Los Alamos is home to one
b. New York show support for New Mexicans of the nation’s premier national
b. Scan the ocean and look for a shark’s who have been affected. laboratories. and has the highest
b. Hammerhead fin above the water. “The human cost of Oppen- percentage of people with doctor-
heimer’s Trinity Test, and all nu- ate degrees in the United States.
c. Australia clear weapons activities, is a cru- There’s a pride that’s woven
cial part of the conversation into the town’s DNA, and it re-
c. Tiger c. Check for notices from the around U.S. nuclear legacy,” she volves around the lab’s work to
lifeguards on duty. said in an email. address national security and
d. Cape Cod Government officials chose the global concerns, said Kelly Stew-
Trinity Test Site because it was art, who works with Los Alamos
d. Bull remote, flat and had predictable County’s economic development
d. Play the “Baby Shark” song and winds. Due to the secret nature of division and was the film liaison
see if one shows up. the project, residents in sur- when director Christopher Nolan
rounding areas were not warned. and his crew were on location at
The Tularosa Basin was home historic sites around town.
to a rural population that lived — Associated Press
4. Which one of these statements 5. true or false? Sharks are scared 6. When a shark bites a human, how
about sharks is true? of dolphins? many bites does the shark typically take?

Sc ieN ce Sc a N
a. Sharks have one set of teeth for life. a. True a. One.

b. Sharks are the ocean’s best sniffers b. False b. Two.

and can smell a drop of blood in an
Olympic-size pool of water.

c. Three.

c. Peeing in the ocean or swimming

during your period can attract sharks.
d. There’s no discernible pattern.

d. Some sharks can actually get

a tan in the sun.

esme Ashe-Jepson

1. Which of these sharks is not a frequent 2. What was the shark bite capital of the 3. What’s the best way to tell if a shark is A Juditha caucana butterfly from the Riodinidae family in Panama.
biter? Answer: b. The hammerhead shark has world last year? Answer: a. Last year, 57 nearby? Answer: c. The best way to check on
been implicated in 18 unprovoked shark bites people around the world were bitten by sharks shark activity at your beach is a notice from
since the early 1960s, according to the Inter- in unprovoked bites, according to the Interna- the lifeguard authority or an alert via a LepidopteroLogy
national Shark Attack File, a database from tional Shark Attack File. Most of those bites, 72 shark-tracking app. The Atlantic White Shark
the Florida Museum of Natural History and percent, happened in the United States. And Conservancy developed a shark-tracking app Smaller, lighter-colored butterflies may lose out
researchers at the University of Florida. (In Florida’s Volusia County is the international
capital of shark bites with seven unprovoked
to map sightings of white sharks along the
Eastern Seaboard.
as global warming increases, scientists say
“Finding Nemo,” the hammerhead shark
named Anchor is a vegetarian.) bites last year. There were 16 unprovoked bites Check for shark sightings as you’d check for BY E RIN B LAKEMORE tropical butterflies use thermal
White sharks (351 bites), tiger sharks (142 in Florida, none of which were fatal. traffic or the weather, said John Chisholm, an buffering and thermal tolerance
bites) and bull sharks (119 bites) are responsi- Meanwhile, New York had eight unpro- adjunct scientist at the New England Aquari- A recent analysis published in as alternative strategies to cope
ble for the most “unprovoked” shark bites, voked shark bites and Australia had nine. um who verifies white shark sightings submit- the Journal of Animal Ecology with temperature increase
according to the database. (A bite is counted There were no recorded shark bites in Cape ted to the Sharktivity app. finds that smaller, lighter-col-
Cod last year. “Finning,” in which a shark’s dorsal fin cuts ored tropical butterflies might Journal of Animal ecology
as provoked when humans are fishing near,
feeding, harassing or harming the shark.) It’s also worth noting that in the battle through the water as it swims, rarely happens, lose out in a warming world.
between humans and sharks, the sharks are experts say. Researchers caught over family, Lycaenidae, also known
losing. One-third of all sharks are under the “It’s not like ‘Jaws,’” said Sarah Waries, the 1,000 tropical butterflies in Pan- as gossamer-wing butterflies,
threat of extinction because of overfishing. chief executive of Shark Spotters, a nonprofit ama, then measured the temper- had the worst time withstanding
group in Cape Town, South Africa, that trains atures of 54 species of the insect, the heat. Petite and fragile, the
staff to spot sharks from the cliffs above homing in on 24 species for iridescent insects make up as
nearby beaches. “Most of the time, it’s just a additional experiments. In the much as 40 percent of all butter-
dark shadow underneath the water.” lab, they put captured butter- fly species around the world.
flies in glass jars with water, “Lycaenidae are likely to be
4. Which statement is true? Answer: d. 5. Answer: False. Contrary to popular 6. How many bites does a shark typically then simulated human-caused ‘losers’ under future climate
Yes, sharks can get a sun tan. Scientists belief, dolphins do not ward off sharks. (The take? Answer: a. One. Most bites are “single climate change and extreme change, and as a species-rich
studying hammerhead sharks discovered that myth may have been perpetuated by the TV hit and run bites,” said Gavin Naylor, director of weather events by raising the family, there may be high species
shark pups hanging out in deeper water were series “Flipper,” where the dolphin enlisted the Florida Program for Shark Research at the water’s temperature. Over time, losses in the tropics,” the re-
lighter in color than those in a shallower pond, his dolphin pals to beat up some sharks.) University of Florida. The vast majority of they pushed the temperature searchers warn. But while small-
where their skin tanned and turned dark Actually, if you see a dolphin, “it’s a pretty 2,060 documented shark bites — 85 percent — from about 82 to 158 degrees er, lighter butterflies are at par-
brown or black in the sun. good sign” there may be a shark around, said from 1960 to 2015 were not fatal. Fahrenheit, observing the point ticular risk, they note, the dan-
Sharks are the subject of a number of Catherine Macdonald, the director of the Sharks learn about their environment “by at which the insects could no ger doesn’t stop there.
myths, including that they are these super Shark Research and Conservation Program at biting things,” said Culum Brown, a professor longer function. “Ultimately all insects, includ-
sniffers able to detect scant amounts of blood the University of Miami. in the School of Natural Sciences at Macquarie A butterfly’s family, wing ing butterflies, the world over
from open wounds or menstruation. Sharks “Dolphins are not going to altruistically University in Sydney. length and wing color were all are likely to be affected by
do have a strong sense of smell, but it’s no protect you from sharks,” Waries said. “Human toddlers do the same thing,” Brown associated with its ability to climate change,” said Esme
better than other fish in the sea, said Tricia said. “Kids are always shoving stuff in their adapt to heat by adjusting its Ashe-Jepson, a postgraduate
Meredith, the director of research at Florida mouth when they’re young. They’re trying to behavior — changing position, student at Cambridge Univer-
Atlantic University’s Lab School. figure out: Can I eat this or can I not?” perhaps, or attempting to find a sity’s Department of Zoology
And “sharks are constantly replacing their shadier habitat. Some insects and the study’s first author, in a
teeth” throughout their lives, cycling out dull were also better at physically news release. “Adaptation to cli-
teeth for sharp ones ready for the “task at tolerating the heat than others. mate change is complex and can
hand” — which is biting prey. Bigger, darker butterflies be impacted by other factors
from the Pieridae family were such as habitat destruction. We
the most adaptive. But members need to address these two global
of the second-largest butterfly challenges together.”
Score: So how many questions did you answer correctly?
6 — Great job! You’ve been paying attention during Shark Week!
3-5 — Not bad, but you probably won’t win on shark trivia night.
0-2 — Needs work. “Jaws” is not a documentary. hea Lt h & Sc ieN ce
And remember: The ancestors of today’s sharks were swimming in the oceans before dinosaurs
roamed. The sharks were here first. editors: margaret shapiro, mary-ellen deily •
art director: elizabeth von oehsen • photo editor: maya Valentine •
copy editor: ron Jones • advertising information: ron ulrich,
202-334-5289, ronald.ulrich@washpost.com • to contact us:
illustrAtions by ChelseA ConrAd/the WAshington post email: health-science@washpost.com. mail: the Washington post, health,
1301 K st. nW, Washington, d.C. 20071
tuesday, july 25 , 2023 . the washington post EZ EE e3

b ig n u m b eR FRom ConSumeR RepoRtS

Older people who take a low-dose aspirin
daily may be 20 percent more likely to
develop anemia than those who do not,
according to research published in the
journal Annals of Internal Medicine. Anemia
develops when a person has an inadequate
number of healthy red blood cells, which are
percent needed to carry oxygen to tissues throughout
the body. People with anemia often feel tired
and out of breath. The research finding stems from the re-analysis of
data from a study involving 19,114 people, most 70 or older, who did
not have anemia and were generally healthy. They had been randomly
assigned to take either 100 milligrams of aspirin or a placebo daily for
about five years. In that time, participants’ blood tests showed that
the levels of hemoglobin and ferritin — proteins that help indicate the
amount of iron in the blood — had declined more steeply among those
taking a daily low-dose aspirin than they had among those not taking
aspirin. The researchers attributed the increased risk for anemia
among aspirin-takers to this iron deficiency. Aspirin of 100 mg or less
is considered low-dose, with 81 mg being the most common dosage
available for over-the-counter aspirin. For years, people often took
low-dose aspirin, which can thin the blood and help prevent clots, in
hopes of preventing a heart attack or stroke. In 2022, however,
medical advice changed. Now, taking low-dose aspirin is not
considered medically appropriate for most adults who have not
already had a cardiovascular issue. The researchers wrote that their
findings suggest that “periodic monitoring of hemoglobin should be
considered in older persons on aspirin” to guard against the
development of iron-deficiency anemia.
— Linda Searing

h eAl t h n ew S
Some new hearing aids require that you use a cellphone app to set them up.

WHO urge countries to keep watch on at-risk

people as heat wave hits Northern Hemisphere BY CATHERINE ROBERTS they may suit your specific hearing meet standards about minimum Pros: Price (PSAPs can be found

needs better. Self-fitting aids can technical specs and maximum safe for less than $20). Other devices
The World Health Organiza- health department at the WHO, hanks to rules the Food be significantly less expensive than volume. broadly known as “hearables” tend
tion last Wednesday urged gov- told journalists on July 19. and Drug Administra- prescription hearing aids. (They to have many functions, including
ernments and local authorities While the El Nino weather tion put in place last fall, start at about $699 per device.) Other options some hearing-aid-like features.
to set up a strong surveillance phenomenon has been seen as hearing aids are now di- Cons: While you’ll probably be Prescription hearing aids For instance, with Apple’s AirPods
system for people who are most the reason for the heat wave this vided into two key cate- guided by an app to set up your Where to buy them: From an Pro ear buds, you can listen to
at risk of severe symptoms from year, global warming has been gories: prescription and over-the- aids, the self-fitting process might audiologist; an ear, nose and music, reduce unwanted back-
a heat wave that was baking the further exacerbating the issue, counter. OTCs can be further divid- be challenging for some people, throat specialist; or a licensed ground noise and amplify sounds
Northern Hemisphere. causing erratic weather patterns ed into two types: self-fitting and particularly those who are less hearing aid dispenser. you want to hear (like a lecture).
People with cardiovascular globally. preset. technologically inclined. Pros: Those professionals vet Cons: PSAPs, which are meant
and respiratory diseases and dia- While some are facing heat You may also come across devic- Preset hearing aids and can help ensure to be used by people without hear-
betes, as well as pregnant wom- waves, heavy rains have pum- es known as personal sound ampli- Where to buy them: In a retail quality and that the aids work ing loss to amplify sound in situa-
en, children and homeless peo- meled central and southern re- fication products (PSAPs) and setting, such as a drugstore or properly for you. As part of the tions such as birdwatching, aren’t
ple, are seen as the most vulner- gions of South Korea in recent “hearables” in retail stores and electronics store, or online. buying process, you’ll also receive hearing aids — and aren’t subject
able to heat waves that scorched weeks while in northern India, online. These aren’t considered Pros: With prices starting at a professional hearing test and to FDA rules about hearing aid
parts of Europe, Asia and the flash floods, landslides and acci- hearing aids but could be helpful about $199 per device, some of help selecting a hearing aid. And safety and quality. Hearables
United States last week. dents related to heavy rainfall in some instances. these are less expensive than many the hearing care provider will pro- aren’t allowed to be marketed for
“We are very concerned about have killed more than 100 people Here’s what you need to know of the self-fitting OTC and pre- gram your device so it treats your hearing loss.
those who are most vulnerable. since the onset of the monsoon about each of these kinds of hear- scription options. Because these specific hearing problems. Follow-
And clearly, the heat waves can season on June 1. ing devices. types of aids usually come with just up adjustments are often included.
exacerbate all of those preexist- “In the medium and long term, a handful of preset audio pro- Cons: Price. A pair can cost
ing diseases,” Maria Neira, direc- we need to decarbonize our soci- OTC hearing aid details grams, they may also be easier to about $1,000 to $6,000 and is usu- consumer Reports is an
tor of the public health, environ- ety as well,” Neira said. Self-fitting set up than self-fitting OTC hear- ally not covered (or not fully cov- independent, nonprofit organization
ment and social determinants of — Reuters Where to buy them: In a retail ing aids. ered) by insurance. In addition, that works side by side with
setting, such as a drugstore or Cons: The preset audio pro- you’ll have to go to the provider’s consumers to create a fairer, safer,
electronics store, or online. grams may not match your hearing office or a retail location for in-per- and healthier world. cR does not
Pros: Currently, self-fitting loss as closely as a prescription or son appointments. endorse products or services, and
h eAl t h S CAn hearing aids must be cleared as self-fitting aid would. And these PSAPs and other ‘hearables’ does not accept advertising. cR has
both safe and effective by the FDA. don’t need to be cleared by the FDA Where to buy them: In a retail no financial relationship with
Because they’re far more customiz- for efficacy before being sold over setting, such as a drugstore or advertisers in this publication. Read
pediAtRiCS able than preset OTC hearing aids, the counter, although they must electronics store, or online. more at ConsumerReports.org.

After watching a short video on gun safety,

children were more cautious around firearms
BY E RIN B LAKEMORE effect of a gun Safety Video on
Children’s behavior Around Real
Could a short video save lives? guns
That’s the implication of a new
JAMA Pediatrics
analysis published in JAMA Pedi-
atrics, which observed children’s
behaviors after they watched a
brief gun-safety video. them for an average of one minute
In the study, researchers at Ohio and nine seconds. Trigger sensors
State University investigated recorded that about 9 percent of
whether safety videos could de- those who had watched the gun-
crease children’s unsafe behaviors
around guns — a timely topic given
safety video and found the guns
pulled the trigger, compared to
what’s for
that firearms are the leading cause 29.8 percent of the others. dinner?
of death among U.S. children ages Overall, the researchers write, Search our database of tested
1 through 17. They had 226 8-to-12- the children pulled the triggers recipes by ingredient or name.
year-olds watch either a randomly 1,222 times — and in 34.4 percent wpost.com/recipes
assigned, minute-long gun-safety of those trigger pulls, children ei-
or car-safety video at home. ther pointed the disabled guns at
A week later, the kids were themselves or at the other child in
S0315 1x3.5

paired up in the lab and shown the room.

20 minutes of a violent PG-rated
movie with or without guns. After
that, the children were left in an-
Being male, consuming more
age-inappropriate movies and re-
porting higher interest in guns
The difference between
other room with toys and games —
and two unloaded and disabled
were all associated with more gun
handling and trigger pulls. Living finding a place and finding
the perfect place
9mm handguns hidden in a file in a home with guns, taking a
cabinet drawer. The guns were real previous gun-safety course and re-
but had been modified so they porting negative attitudes toward
couldn’t fire, and they had been guns were associated with safer
tricked out with a sensor that behavior.
counted the number of times a The researchers cite the content
trigger was pulled with sufficient of the gun-safety video, which fea-
force to discharge the gun. The tured a uniformed police officer, as
children were told to play with a possible reason for its effective- We know that finding the right senior care for your mom or
whatever they wanted, then left ness. Children find uniformed au-
alone for 20 minutes while a hid- thority figures persuasive, they dad is a big decision. That’s where A Place for Mom comes
den camera recorded their ac- write, suggesting that law enforce-
tions. ment get involved in promoting
in. Our senior living advisory service ensures you’ll get a full
Although the guns were out of safe gun behavior for children. understanding of all the options in your area based on your
sight, that didn’t stop the preteens Most parents and guardians in
from finding them: 216 kids, or the study thought their child loved one’s care needs and budget.
95.6 percent of them, discovered would be safe around guns, the
the firearms. Watching the video researchers write. Yet fewer than a You’ll get more than just expert advice and recommendations.
appeared to affect what the kids quarter total told the adults they
did next. Preteens who had seen had found a gun, while more than You’ll also get peace of mind.
the gun-safety video were much half touched the firearms.
likelier to tell an adult they had “We recommend that adults Start the conversation with one of our expert Senior Living
found a gun: 33.9 percent of those
who watched the gun-safety video
teach children about gun safety
and reduce their exposure to age-
more tech? Advisors today.
told an adult vs. 10.6 percent of inappropriate media,” the re- Have you discovered our
those who had watched the car- searchers write. “It is well past newsletters yet? Our service comes at no cost to your family.
safety video. time for the US to also take steps to
Over half of the children ended reduce firearm-related injuries in wpost.com/newsletters Connect with us at 866.206.3186.
up handling the guns, touching children and adolescents.”


N0302 1x7


Watching a gun-safety video appeared to affect kids’ behavior.

E4 eZ ee the washington post . tuesday, july 25 , 2023

nAvigAting Aging

What older people should know about Ozempic and new weight-loss drugs
wEIgHt from E1 myself,” she told me.
When adults with obesity lose
will Medicare pay for weight, their risk of dying is
Ozempic? reduced by up to 15 percent, said
The food and Drug Dinesh Edem, Branch’s doctor
Administration approved and the director of the medical
ozempic, an injectable weight management program at
semaglutide, to treat diabetes in the University of Arkansas for
2017. Wegovy, a weight-loss drug medical Sciences.
with identical ingredients to
ozempic, was approved by the why weight loss is different
fDA in 2021. mounjaro, whose for seniors
key ingredient is tirzepatide, was Still, weight loss alone should
approved as a diabetes treatment not be recommended to older
in 2022. Several other drugs are adults, because it entails the loss
in development. of muscle mass as well as fat,
While the drugs appear to be experts agree. And with aging,
safe — the most common side the shrinkage of muscle mass
effects are nausea, diarrhea, that starts earlier in life
vomiting, constipation and accelerates, contributing to falls,
stomach pain — “they’ve only weakness, the loss of functioning
been on the market for a few and the onset of frailty.
years and caution is still needed,” Between ages 60 and 70, about
said mitchell Lazar, founding 12 percent of muscle mass falls
director of the Institute for away, researchers estimate; after
Diabetes, obesity and 80, it reaches 30 percent.
metabolism at the University of To preserve muscle mass,
Pennsylvania Perelman School of seniors losing weight should be
medicine. prescribed physical activity —
In the near term, because both aerobic exercise and
medicare doesn’t cover weight- strength training, experts agree.
loss medications and these new Also, as older adults taking
drugs can cost more than $10,000 weight loss drugs eat less, “it’s
a year, seniors’ ability to get the critically important that their
medications is restricted. diet includes adequate protein
There is an exception: isTock and calcium to preserve bone and
medicare will cover ozempic and a patient prepares a semaglutide-injecting pen. muscle mass,” said Anne
mounjaro if an older adult has Newman, director of the Center
diabetes, because the insurance If all beneficiaries with an If she gains more weight, she of the Comprehensive Diabetes for Aging and Population Health
program pays for diabetes obesity diagnosis took brand- said, her care will cost much Center at the University of miami at the University of Pittsburgh.
therapies. name semaglutide drugs, annual more. Health System. ongoing monitoring of older
“We need medicare to cover costs would top $13.5 billion, Dennis Kerrigan, director of adults having gastrointestinal
these drugs,” said Shauna matilda according to a recent analysis in who should take weight-loss weight management at Henry side effects is needed to ensure
Assadzandi, a geriatrician at the the New England Journal of drugs? ford Health in michigan, they are getting enough food and
University of Pittsburgh who medicine. If all older obese adults While acknowledging difficult suggests physicians also examine “My concern is, once we water, said Jamy Ard, co-director
cares for morris. recently, she on medicare — a significantly policy decisions lie ahead, waist circumference in older of Wake forest Baptist Health
said, she tried to persuade a larger population — took them, experts voiced considerable patients because abdominal fat put patients on these Weight management Center.
medicare Advantage plan the cost would exceed the total agreement on which older adults puts them at higher risk than fat Generally, the goal for older
representative to authorize spent on medicare’s Part D drug should take the drugs. carried in the hips or buttocks — obesity drugs, are we adults should be to lose 1 to 2
Wegovy for a patient with high program, which was $145 billion Generally, the medications are for men, a waist over 40 inches is pounds a week, with attention to
blood pressure and cholesterol in 2019. recommended for people with a of concern; for women, 35 is the supporting lifestyle diet and exercise accompanying
who was gaining weight rapidly. Laurie rich, 63, of Canton, body mass index over 30 (the threshold. medication management.
“I’m just waiting for this mass., was caught off guard by World Health organization’s fatima Stanford, an obesity changes that will “my concern is, once we put
patient’s blood sugar to rise to a medicare’s policies, which have definition of “obese”) and those medicine scientist at patients on these obesity drugs,
level where diabetes can be applied to her since she qualified with a BmI of 27 or above and at massachusetts General Hospital, maintain their health?” are we supporting lifestyle
diagnosed. Wouldn’t it make for Social Security Disability least one obesity-related said the new drugs are “best changes that will maintain their
Sukhpreet Singh, system medical
sense to intervene now?” she Insurance in December. Before condition, such as diabetes, high suited for older patients who health? medication alone won’t
director at Henry Ford’s weight
remembered saying. The that, rich took Wegovy and blood pressure or high have clinical evidence of obesity,” be sufficient; we will still need to
management program
representative’s answer: “No. We another weight-loss medication cholesterol. There are no such as elevated cholesterol or address behaviors,” said
have to follow the rules.” — both covered by private guidelines for their use in people blood sugar, and people with Sukhpreet Singh, system medical
Seeking to change that, a insurance — and she had lost 65 and older. (BmI is calculated serious obesity-related director at Henry ford’s weight
bipartisan group of lawmakers nearly 42 pounds. Now, rich can’t based on a person’s weight and conditions such as osteoarthritis management program.
introduced the Treat and reduce get Wegovy, and she has regained height.) or heart disease.
obesity Act, which would require 14 pounds. But those recommendations Since going on mounjaro three kFF Health news, formerly known as
medicare to cover weight-loss “I haven’t changed my eating. are problematic because BmI can months ago, muriel Branch, 73, of kaiser Health news or kHn, is a
drugs. But the proposal has The only thing that’s different is under- or overestimate older Perryville, Ark., has lost 40 national newsroom that produces in-
languished amid concerns over that some signal in my brain is adults’ body fat, the most pounds and stopped taking three depth journalism about health issues
enormous potential costs for telling me I’m hungry all the problematic feature of obesity, medications as her health has and is one of the core operating
medicare. time,” rich said. “I feel horrible.” noted rodolfo Galindo, director improved. “I feel real good about programs at kFF.

I was a workaholic. Quitting my job has made my life better in so many ways.
wORKaHOLIC from E1 weight and have kept (most of it) New Year’s resolutions, but they
off. my chronic headaches have suddenly seemed more achiev-
undercuts your sense of purpose gone away. able: Travel and hike more. Ex-
and motivation to stay active and And psychologically, fellow plore different writing genres.
connected to a community. workaholics may be able to learn Learn Spanish. Do more volun-
“The people who have the from my experience. Quitting my teer work. Exercise daily.
hardest time are the people who full-time job gave me the exhila- my overriding commitment:
have been over-involved in work rating freedom to rethink bigger As often as possible, try new
and not invested in any other questions: What are the compo- things.
kinds of activities, and don’t have nents of a good life? of a fulfilling I’m convinced I have learned
a community to get involved in day? How do I make a meaningful more from this chapter of trying
when the work community is no contribution to a struggling new things — writing book re-
longer there,” said Jacquelyn B. world that plainly needs everyone views, nature essays and travel
James, founder of the Sloan re- to pitch in? articles; advising young writers;
search Network on Aging & Work I’m not going to lie: It was not learning how to rescue myself
at Boston College. But if done easy to quit being a reporter when from an overturned kayak;
right, other research shows, quit- I did, in october 2021, during the studying Zen Buddhism — than
ting or scaling back work im- run-up to a fascinating midterm I would have if I’d stayed on the
proves well-being by allowing election. one strategy that helped front lines of covering a couple
more time for health-enhancing with the transition: I immedi- more elections, as interesting
activities such as exercise, sleep ately left D.C. rather than stay in and important as they might be.
and passion projects. the home where, for decades, I’d Those 2022 midterm elections
“Getting more sleep, eating leaped out of bed and gone to came and went. Another presi-
better, making more connections, work, I made a fast getaway to dential election is looming, and I
going back to hobbies you have spend the fall at our house on am not sorry I’m not going to be
not done in a while — most people Great Cranberry Island, maine — covering full time what could
find that incredibly rewarding a place I associate with a simpler, possibly be another Biden-Trump
and enriching,” said Kenneth S. healthier life. race.
Shultz, professor of psychology at I can almost feel my blood So workaholics of the world
California State University at San pressure drop the moment I step take heed: Quitting a full-time job
Bernardino. off the ferry. I spend more time Bill PaTTerson
is not necessarily the end of a
for me, the health rewards outdoors, hiking and kayaking. Former self-described workaholic Janet Hook at the Frida Kahlo Museum in Mexico City. career. for me, it was the begin-
were immediate and unmistak- All meals are home-cooked. An- ning of another growth spurt.
able. other important decision I made held off on seeking freelance as- instead of doing it, I’d put it on a who had quit daily journalism
I’ve never been in better shape, was to set aside the first three signments. Any time I had a list of things to do after Jan. 1, the before me: make a list of four to Janet Hook is a former political
physically. I’m at a 6:15 a.m. boot months after I quit as a sabbatical work-related idea — “Have a three-month mark. five things I wanted to do after reporter for the los angeles Times
camp four times a week. I lost — a completely work-free zone. I brainstorming lunch with X” — I got good advice from a friend quitting. mine read a little like my and Wall street Journal.

You don’t need to constantly blast the air conditioner to keep cool in summer
HEat from E1 for Disease Control and Preven- sleep medicine specialist at Stan- a basement if you have one, said
tion. ford University’s School of medi- Kathryn reid, a neurology pro-
To keep your space cool: cine. “You don’t want anything to fessor at Northwestern Univer-
l Keep blinds or shades closed Don’t ditch all blankets make your heart race.” sity feinberg School of medicine
during the day. Although you might be tempt- Leaving your hair and skin who studies sleep medicine.
l Increase air flow and ventila- ed to go without any covering on damp can help you feel cooler, he
tion. Depending on how much a hot night, your body tempera- added. Practice good sleep habits
temperatures drop at night, ture changes while you’re asleep, You can also try to target areas on hot nights when it might
opening windows could help. so some experts recommend opt- where the most heat is lost, be difficult to achieve the ideal
l If you don’t want to or can’t ing for a lighter blanket or just a Pelayo said. He recommends temperature for sleeping, ex-
open your windows, Basner sug- sheet on hot nights. placing cool washcloths on your perts recommend focusing on
gested leaving your bedroom “oftentimes when you’re lying forehead, hands and feet. doing other things to promote
door open. “That way you profit a for a while, you actually then do sleep, such as creating a dark and
little bit from the cooler air in the start to feel cool, so it’s good to Change your sleeping quiet environment, preparing
rest of the house,” he said. have something to cover you up arrangement for bed by unplugging from
l fans can improve air flow with,” Basner said. If you’re sharing a bed with screens and winding down with
and help you feel cooler as long someone who is warm or sweats relaxing activities.
as it isn’t too hot inside. When Don’t take a cold shower in their sleep, try sleeping apart “It certainly can’t hurt to
indoor temperatures reach the A cool shower could help, but from them, Pelayo said. Consider weigh the different factors in
high 90s, electric fans, which make sure the water isn’t too sleeping on the floor, which is your favor,” reid said.
move air around but don’t cool it, cold, experts say. “You don’t want often cooler, he said.
won’t prevent heat-related ill- to be uncomfortable,” said rafael It may also help to move to a kasha Patel contributed to this
ness, according to the Centers Pelayo, a clinical professor and cooler spot in your home, such as isTock report.
tuesday, july 25 , 2023 . the washington post eZ ee E5

Need a break from running in the heat? Try aqua jogging.
BY K ELYN S OONG Work your legs up to a running the same workout schedule,
motion. A cycling action of the which consisted of alternate hi-
The suffocating summer heat legs is easier to start with and will gh-intensity interval sessions and
and humidity can make even the get your heart rate up, Heywood moderate-intensity recovery ses-
most dedicated outdoor runner said, but practice replicating a sions. Researchers found no dif-
feel unmotivated. For those who running motion with your legs ference between the groups in
want an alternative to running when you feel more confident in glucose concentration and maxi-
on the roads without losing your balance and core control. mal lactate levels, suggesting that
their fitness, deep water run- “Imagine extending the foot aqua jogging can be an effective
ning — or aqua jogging, as it’s down and behind as if you were training alternative to land-based
more commonly known — could pushing off the ground as you running.
be a useful supplementary would in a run,” she said. Aqua jogging is not meant to
cross-training exercise, experts replace all of your regular run-
say. Try it several times ning, though, Killgore said. Typi-
Studies have shown that a Getting used to running in the cally, your heart rate will be slight-
well-trained runner can main- pool takes time. Runners should ly lower while aqua jogging for
tain their cardiorespiratory fit- treat their first three sessions as a the same intensity of exercise on
ness for up to four to six weeks learning experience and not as a land because of the compression
with aqua jogging. really hard workout, Heywood of water pushing more blood and
I first tried aqua jogging sev- said. fluid back to your central circula-
eral years ago after spraining Workouts can be continuous, tion, Heywood said. To increase
my ankle. My doctor told me I easy running or intervals that intensity, increase your speed.
could not run on land for six alternate a minute or so at a
weeks. Aqua jogging, however, comfortably hard pace and then Make it social
was allowed because it is not 30 seconds at an easier active Aqua jogging can sometimes
weight-bearing. recovery pace. The sessions can be monotonous, so bring your
Many runners turn to deep be as short as 20 minutes, Killg- headphones or a friend.
water running as a last resort ore said. Susanna Sullivan, a full-time
when they are injured, but Experts say aqua jogging is a elementary school teacher and
healthy individuals can also cHelSea conrad/tHe WaSHington poSt; Hydro FUnctional; UnSplaSH helpful supplement to land run- elite marathon runner based in
benefit aerobically, said Sophie ning. In one small study, 11 com- Reston, has incorporated deep
Heywood, a sports and aquatic a USA Track & Field certified Heywood said. “I think people said. Runners typically move petitive runners trained with water running into her routine
physical therapist based in Mel- coach. feel like they’re being pushed into back and forth in the pool during deep water running instead of since high school. Sullivan is in
bourne, Australia. “Someone who is 5-foot-5 can a strange position.” their workout. on-land training for four weeks. the pool about five days a week
We asked exercise scientists run in 5-feet deep water,” she said. Some regular aqua joggers Everything except your head Researchers found that the run- for 30 to 45 minutes as a supple-
and running experts about how A flotation belt around your choose to run without a flotation and the top part of your shoul- ners maintained their 5K tread- ment to her training on the road.
to get into aqua jogging and how waist will help your running tech- belt. “It’s harder,” though, Con- ders should be underwater. mill race performance with this She is set to compete for the
runners can use it to their nique, Conroyd said. There are royd said. “You can hold onto Swing your arms from your method and that there were no United States in the marathon at
advantage. different kinds of flotation belts proper land running form for shoulders, keep your elbows at a statistical differences in perform- the World Athletics Champion-
available to buy or rent online only about a minute.” 90-degree angle and put your ance markers such as maximal ships next month in Budapest.
Find the right pool and belt and at swimming pools. Experi- thumbs on your forefingers with oxygen consumption and lactate Recently, Sullivan started
You will need access to a pool ment to find the right belt, Hey- Mimic how you run on land a slightly clenched fist, said Garry threshold. wearing AirPods during her pool
that is deep enough so that your wood said. Wear one that is The best way to aqua jog is to Killgore, the director of athletics In another study, researchers sessions: “I’ve ripped through so
feet don’t touch the ground. The comfortable and has a similar mimic running on land, experts at Linfield University in Oregon. examined the effect of a six-week many books in the past year.”
depth of the water should be at shape all the way around, she say. Style instructions may vary, Killgore also serves as a professor deep water running program. She also enjoys aqua jogging
least five inches less than your suggested. but you should lean forward of human performance at Lin- They separated 16 runners into with other people.
height, said Jennifer Conroyd, “I think some of the belts that slightly. The movement of the field and is the author of a 2012 two groups — one did treadmill “I love it when pool running
founder of the deep water exer- have a bigger sort of volume of arms and legs should look similar review that looked at the biome- running and another did water ends up being my social hour,”
cise program Fluid Running and foam at the back can be difficult,” to land-based running, Heywood chanics of deep water running. running. Both groups followed she said.

How to make weight heavy they can heft them only a

few times before their muscles
give out.
basic weight-training moves.)
After 10 weeks of twice-a-week
workouts, the researchers
sessions to produce the greatest
gains in strength and muscle
How to start lifting weights
Ready to start or rejigger your
current resistance training now?

training work for you But this practice is built more

on tradition than science,
Balachandran and his colleagues
rechecked everyone’s muscles.
Uniformly, they were stronger,
larger and more durable now.
But there wasn’t one. Any type
and amount of training worked
to build strength and mass, they
“Start slow,” Currier said. Try a
few basic resistance exercises
once a week to build strength
realized, with relatively few “There weren’t meaningful found, and to about the same and assurance.
If you’ve ever felt nudge to anyone who rarely, if head-to-head studies of beefy differences” between the two extent. Whether people lifted Most gyms have trainers
apprehensive ever, lifts, which, according to a weights vs. lighter ones, groups Balachandran said. The heavy weights or much lighter available who can show you a
about weight study published this year, is especially among lifters who heavy lifters’ legs were slightly ones, several times a week or simple, full-body program using
training, or about 70 percent of American aren’t young and male, the stronger, while the light lifters only once, repeating their sets of the equipment at that facility.
worried it’s too adults. population most often recruited showed a bit more full-body, exercise once or twice or thrice, You can also join group classes,
complicated or “Anything at all was better for past experiments. muscular endurance. and whether they were men or in person or online.
Your Move physically than doing nothing,” said So, for their new study, “This was a small, pilot study,” women, 18 or 80, they generally None of the studies in the new
GRetchen demanding, new Bradley Currier, a graduate published in Experimental Balachandran said. “But what it gained substantial strength and review included bodyweight
Reynolds research about student of kinesiology at Gerontology, the scientists shows is that there are different, muscle mass. exercises, “but bodyweight
lifting practically McMaster University in Canada, turned to middle-aged and older feasible options” for anyone training is just fine,” for adding
bulges with and co-lead author of the new men and women, all new to who’s considering lifting. “Use strength and mass, Currier said.
encouraging news for you. review. weight training. the traditional approach, if you Once you can easily complete
In one new study, middle-aged The studies did find, though, After assessing everyone’s want,” and lift heavy weights, he “You can choose an exercise more than about 25
men and women who started that certain tweaks and muscular strength, mass and said, or go lighter and longer, if times, increase the weight,
lifting light weights gained about technique tips can help ensure endurance (a measure of how that’s more appealing. “Maybe whatever appeals Balachandran said.
the same amount of strength and we get the most out of our weight long muscles can stay active), the you have joint problems,” he said, Try to reach “volitional
mass as others who used much training. researchers started half of these “or just worry about heavy loads.” to you.” failure” with each exercise, he
heavier weights, despite volunteers on a program using You could also use light Jonathan Mcleod, a co-lead continued, so the work feels like
widespread beliefs in the Weight training can be easy traditional heavy weights that dumbbells or resistance bands at author of the review about a 7 or 8 on a scale of 1 to 10.
training world that only hefty “A lot of people find the idea of they could lift at most 8 to 12 home, he said. Some of the This effort strains your muscles
weights can be effective. strength training intimidating,” times. The rest used much weights lifted by the study’s enough to prompt them to adapt
That finding dovetails with said Anoop Balachandran, an lighter weights, which they could participants were that low. “The As in Balachandran’s study, and strengthen.
the results of another new study, assistant professor of exercise hoist 20 to 24 times. point is, you can pick the there were trivial variations. Don’t worry about growing
the largest meta-analytical science at the City University of approach you prefer.” Generally, people grew swole. Few of us, due to our
review to date involving New York in Flushing, and lead Lifting light weights works marginally stronger using genetics, will look like Dwayne
resistance training. It found that author of the new study of light Both groups lifted to The best way to lift weights heavier weights and added a “The Rock” Johnson. But almost
the best way to lift weights is any and heavy lifting. “volitional fatigue,” meaning The new large-scale review of little extra muscle mass if they all of us, at any age, can add some
way at all. Every version of He sympathizes, he continued, until they felt they couldn’t raise past research, published in the completed more than one set of muscle with resistance training
resistance training the since weight training often is or lower the weight again. Once British Journal of Sports each exercise, but the additional and, just as important, stave off
researchers considered, whether structured around complicated they could lift for more than Medicine, reached the same gains were small. muscle loss with aging — a
it involved heavy weights or light formulas involving percentages either 12 or 24 repetitions, the conclusion. Its authors analyzed “The takeaway is that you can process that otherwise begins “in
ones, frequent weekly sessions of someone’s one-rep max (1RM), weights were increased. (Their 192 past studies comparing choose whatever appeals to you,” your late 20s,” Currier said.
and sets or few, resulted in or the maximum weight full-body workout consisted of different versions of weight in terms of how much and how
improvements in muscular someone can lift once. In eight exercises: the leg press, leg training to no resistance often you lift, said Jonathan do you have a fitness question?
strength and mass, whatever standard training, people lift extension, leg curl, chest press, exercise, hoping to tease out the Mcleod, also a graduate student email yourMove@washpost.com and
someone’s age or gender. weights representing 80 to 90 shoulder press, seated row, arm single, most effective at McMaster University and co- we may answer your question in a
The findings could be a useful percent of their 1RM, meaning so curl and triceps pushdown, all combination of weights, sets and lead author of the review. future column.

A simple solution to your nocturnal leg cramps), a stint of

magnesium (although a recent
meta-analysis found that this
for nocturnal leg cramps is not
approved by the Food and Drug

leg cramps: Pickle juice probably does very little) or a

sprinkle of vitamin B complex
(which showed promise in a
Some might make the logical
leap to propose a nightly gin
and tonic to ease cramping. But
small study from the 1990s). prescribed doses of quinine are
Q: I often have Evidence on how best to treat Your physician may also try around 300 mg, and the FDA
Ask A leg cramps. What leg cramps is weak. But after swapping out any medications restricts the amount of quinine
Doctor causes them, and reviewing the state of the that are implicated in in tonic water to 83 mg per liter
tRisha what can I do to medical literature, I often cramping, including long- — far more than you’d get from
PasRicha alleviate them? recommend trying two simple acting beta-agonists like those a standard cocktail.
A: Leg cramps solutions: gently stretch the found in Advair or Symbicort Considering leg cramps are
can happen to muscle or take a sip of pickle and diuretics like associated with alcohol
anyone — often in the middle of juice. spironolactone. consumption, I’d say we all just
the night without warning or Yep, pickle juice. The funny thing here is that hold our charley horses on that
around the time of exercise — there’s a chance one of these idea.
and doctors don’t usually know Talking about pickle juice will work — despite much of
why. For cramping, athletes have the data screaming that it What I tell my patients
We do know muscle cramps long sworn by pickle juice shouldn’t. Case in point: A 2017 Supplements are popular for
occur more frequently among (strained from jars of dill or cHelSea conrad/tHe WaSHington poSt; iStock double-blind randomized all kinds of reasons, including
the elderly and among athletes, kosher pickles) and other acidic controlled trial published in when evidence-based medicine
during pregnancy and dialysis, substances such as mustard or cirrhosis. Remember: No need to JAMA Internal Medicine found doesn’t provide great solutions.
and in those with certain health apple cider vinegar. Researchers believe this overdo it. that taking magnesium oxide Don’t hide what supplements
conditions such as diabetes, Experimental data in healthy improvement is due to a similar “A sip is all it takes. We’re not for a month reduced the you’re taking from your doctor,
cirrhosis or amyotrophic lateral college-aged men suggests that reflex that occurs almost telling people to chug pickle number of night leg cramps by even if you think they won’t
sclerosis. If you’re experiencing pickle juice inhibits muscle immediately, rather than by juice,” said Elliot Tapper, a about three times per week. “approve.” I’d always rather
cramps often, be sure to check cramps through a reflex how pickle juice is metabolized hepatologist at the University That’s a huge win to go from, know and work with you to find
with your doctor to rule out any involving a nerve in our by the gut. of Michigan and the 2022 say, having a cramp wake you safe choices.
concerns. throats. It’s why a tablespoon of More rigorous research is study’s lead author. up every single night to having Many supplements interact
Leg cramps seem to peak in pickle brine hitting the back of needed on pickle juice’s effect one every other night instead. with common prescriptions,
the midsummer and decrease in the throat seemed to bring on muscle cramps. And this Preventing leg cramps Guess what, though? The and some may have unintended
the winter, according to one relief within seconds. strategy might be less helpful Doctors often suggest a trial- placebo did the same thing. — and potentially harmful —
study. Cramping among athletes Pickle juice may also work for people whose leg cramps and-error approach for Studies have also suggested effects.
also tends to increase during for cramps that aren’t induced are rare or disappear on their preventing leg cramps, quinine can reduce the
periods of hot weather, but it by exercise. A randomized own too quickly to justify including a few weeks of daily frequency and intensity of Meet the doctor: trisha S. pasricha
seems these cramps aren’t controlled trial published last keeping pickle juice handy. But calf and hamstring stretching muscle cramps. But because of is a physician at Massachusetts
related to dehydration and year found that a sip of pickle it’s safe and cheap enough that (which might reduce the serious safety issues associated general Hospital, an instructor in
electrolyte imbalances from juice reduced muscle cramp I’d feel comfortable severity, although not with its use, including an medicine at Harvard Medical School
sweating, as some have thought. intensity in patients with recommending it to anyone. necessarily the frequency of increased risk of death, quinine and a medical journalist.
e6 EZ EE the washington post . tuesday, july 25 , 2023

LED lights can cause sleep problems. But there are fixes.
LED from E1 county completed the switch in Melanopsin’s sensitivity to blue Led light pollution is to be intentional slow to move to warmer hues,
2019 compared with 2018. The about where lighting is located: said mario motta, a retired cardi-
Shedding light on the issue new artificial light stood at 3.69 melatonin is suppressed Brighter Is a light really needed in that ologist who helped write the
The concern has come to light times the natural light level after when the light-sensitive spot? And what’s the appropriate AmA’s recommendations on re-
in recent years with the emer- the transition; before the transi- melanopsin is activated. brightness for that light use? ducing light pollution. When he
gence of new LED technology. tion, artificial lights generated Pipkin explained that we typi- was writing the recommenda-
LED lights are the olympic 2.30 times the natural light. cally think of lightbulbs based on tions more than five years ago, he
marathon runners of lightbulbs: White said the increased pollu- Melanopsin wattage, or how much energy the recalled getting pushback from
They consume up to 90 percent tion was “a total surprise” be- sensitivity bulb consumes, but our focus companies that already bought a
less energy and can last up to cause the Public Utility District needs to change with LEDs. surplus of the lights with the
25 times longer than traditional had tried to direct lights toward Cooler Warmer amber Led LEDs use fewer watts than tradi- highest level of blue light.
incandescent lights. the ground, but the light still blue Led tional incandescent lightbulbs, Chelan County’s White said
Because LEDs are the most scattered. and people should choose a light there isn’t enough demand for
energy-efficient bulb on the mar- Detailed nightglow data from based on lumens, often marked manufacturers to produce many
ket, it’s no surprise that so many individual cities is hard to come as brightness. lights as low as 2,000 Kelvin yet.
people are adopting the technol- by, making the transition in many people use much bright- “We need more people asking for
ogy. The Energy Department es- Chelan County an important Less bright er LED lights than necessary, it and insisting on it,” he said.
timated LEDs made up about case study in understanding especially outside. Ideally, you Block or limit the light: In
19 percent of all lighting installa- both the good and bad effects of can buy a much lower-wattage your home, blackout curtains
tions in 2017, saving about 1 per- LED lights. Yet observations and 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 LED and still have the same level can prevent streetlights spilling
cent of total energy consumed in anecdotes indicate Chelan Coun- Wavelength (nanometers) of brightness as an incandescent into bedrooms, which can help
the United States. By 2035, the ty is not alone. from 2011 to lightbulb. A 30-watt LED bulb curb the effects on your sleep.
lights are expected to amount to 2022, reports from citizen scien- source: manuel spitschan (Technical University of munich and mPi) has the same number of lumens motion detectors, timers and
84 percent of lighting installa- tists indicated the average night as a 250-watt incandescent bulb, dimmers can also reduce the
tions. roadways, parking, build- sky got brighter by 9.6 percent retinal ganglion cell, or iprGC. such as breast cancer, and la- according to the National Park hours of unnecessary light while
ing exteriors and area lights — each year, which researchers at- These photoreceptors are sensi- beled probably carcinogenic by Service. However, Pipkin added, saving more energy.
which are applications typically tribute to LED light replace- tive to shorter wavelengths and the World Health organization. “the industry does not often Direct light beams down: for
high in lumens, a measure of ments. Some cities, such as D.C., help keep people alert by sup- other research has shown inter- provide enough options with low lights outside your home or in
brightness — are expected to see paused a transition to LEDs after pressing a hormone called mela- ruptions to our circadian rhythm lumens.” public spaces, experts say to
nearly full conversion to LED residents complained about the tonin, which plays a role in our are linked to some heart prob- Additionally, replacing every direct light downward. Avoid
lights by 2035. bright lights disrupting their sleep. lems. traditional bulb with an LED uncovered or exposed lights that
White was excited to have sleep. “one of the hallmarks of our “We’re more sensitive to blue bulb may be unnecessary. “You emit light upward and horizon-
Chelan County, located in the But why does light from LED circadian clock is this time pro- light at night than we are during don’t need a whole lot of wattage tally. The angle and height of the
middle of the state with a popu- bulbs appear more prominent in duction of melatonin. melatonin the daytime,” said Chris Kyba, to light up the street corner,” light can also affect the spread of
lation of about 80,000 people, be the night sky than other types of is correlated with sleepiness,” who quantifies artificial light in White said. the beam.
part of the LED light revolution. lighting? The answer lies in said manuel Spitschan, a neuro- the night environment at the Use warmer LED lights: Not While directing LED light
Starting in 2014, the Chelan LED’s blue light. scientist at the Technical Univer- GfZ German research Center all LED lights are the same. beams down can help reduce
County Public Utility District sity of munich and the max for Geosciences. When you go to the store, you light pollution, it may not neces-
began meeting with local govern- The problems with blue light Planck Institute for Biological may see some LED lights labeled sarily eliminate it — as seen in
ments, communities and agen- LED lights emit more blue Cybernetics. “When you expose Solutions to light pollution at 4,000 Kelvin, 3,000 Kelvin or Chelan County. Bright light with
cies to discuss what it would take light than regular bulbs. Blue people to light at night or in the There is a world where more even 2,000 Kelvin. These temper- a lot of blue, Pipkin said, can
to replace their streetlights. In light travels at shorter wave- evening, you will suppress the energy-efficient LED lights exist atures correlate with the light’s bounce off the ground and scat-
2018, it embarked on a $1.9 mil- lengths (450 to 495 nanometers) production of melatonin.” and don’t significantly disrupt appearance of warmth (yellower) ter into the night sky, still con-
lion project, partially funded by a and higher frequencies, causing When bluer light hits our eye, nightscapes or our health. or coolness (bluer). tributing to light pollution.
state grant from the Washington air particles to oscillate faster Spitschan said, the iprGCs start Light pollution “can get better Because our eyes are sensitive That’s why it’s important to buy
State Department of Commerce, and scatter in the atmosphere firing rapidly because of a light- with LEDs, but there has to be a to blue light at night, doctors LEDs at warmer temperatures,
to replace nearly 3,700 high- more than other colors. The blue sensitive molecule called melan- lot of attention paid to the de- recommend buying LED lights with low lumens.
pressure sodium streetlights is redirected in several different opsin, which converts photons sign,” said the National Park with warmer-color hues, such as Since transitioning Chelan
(about 60 percent of its outdoor directions across the sky. That’s into an electrical signal to the Service’s Ashley Pipkin, a biolo- yellow or amber. That means County’s streetlights to LEDs,
street and area lights) with also why our sky appears blue. brain to suppress melatonin pro- gist and co-author of the Chelan using LED lights below 4,000 White and his colleagues haven’t
LEDs. The human eye is also acutely duction. The more photons cap- County light pollution study. Kelvin. on average, LED lights at yet implemented further altera-
The energy savings were dis- sensitive to the wavelength of tured by the iprGC, the stronger These solutions, from buying a 4,000 Kelvin are about 29 per- tions. They plan to make changes
cernible. After the transition, the bluer lights. You may recall two the signal produced by the pho- certain type of LED light to cent blue. Lights at 3,000 Kelvin after more-advanced commer-
new lights conserved 2,612,491 types of photoreceptors in our toreceptor, leading to the sup- making changes that block the are about 21 percent. These days, cial products become available,
kilowatt-hours — enough to pow- eyes called rods and cones, which pression of melatonin. glare, can happen at the city level there are LED lights available as some that could allow the lights
er about 120 all-electric homes in help us recognize colors and Without melatonin to trigger and for individual homes. low as 2,000 Kelvin. Warmer to dim after a set time at night or
the county for a year. shades. In recent decades, scien- sleepiness, people are more like- Choosing the right light, and hues also scatter less in the brighten when vehicles are ap-
But there were downsides, tists have identified the function ly to stay awake longer. Disrup- brightness, for your needs: The atmosphere than the cool blue proaching.
too: researchers with the Na- of another photoreceptor called tions in our circadian rhythm National Park Service says one light. With better changes in the
tional Park Service found the the intrinsically photosensitive have been linked to cancer cases, way to reduce night sky light But light manufacturers are future, White said he hopes night
LED lights washed out more of stars will fill the sky once again.
the stars, particularly near the How to limit light pollution “I love to get my telescope out
horizon. and see the rings of Saturn and
“You can tell the lighting gets the stars and the moons on the
bigger, so it extends higher into other planets. We tried every-
the sky . . . the entire sky got thing we could using the best
brighter,” said Li-Wei Hung, an available technology to do this,”
astronomer with the National said White. “It’s a common prob-
Park Service who published a lem for everyone to be aware of.”
study on the LED transition in
Chelan County. “Just a few years about the cover art: The National
ago, this [was] really new knowl- Park service created a full picture of
edge for us. Does the change to the night sky by stitching together
LEDs really decrease the light 47 photographs, a process that can
pollution or increase it? We hooded street lamps Use timers or Blackout curtains can Use more amber or apply motion leave seams between individual
[didn’t] exactly know.” can help direct dimmers on lights prevent outside light lower-temperature detection or dimming images, some of which are still
Camera data showed the sky and contain light from entering your home (such as 2,700 Kelvin) to light fixtures visible. The trees in the foreground
over Burch mountain was LED bulbs of the image on the cover do not
60 percent brighter after the source: National Park service appear in the original images.

inspired Life thing up super slowly.” said, explaining that looking at Soon enough, he was back on twinging up, and dropping a re-
Then, Kam hatched a plan: Giv- the vast expanse of nature offered track, taking day trips along the ward on it to make him feel suc-

His photography helped him en his love of landscape photogra-

phy, every day for the month of
him perspective on his own life.
The beauty of what he was look-
coast for his project.
By the 29th day, Kam was able
cessful for doing it.”
“It becomes a self-perpetuating

fight panic attacks, anxiety

September, he would visit a new ing at — running water, blooming to travel 157 miles from home to positive cycle,” he explained, add-
site and capture a photo — ventur- flowers and mountain peaks — Newman, Calif., and capture a ing that taking tiny steps in the
ing to more distant destinations was both stunning and humbling. photo of hilly terrain with a cell- right direction each day can make
each week. The fresh air was invigorating in phone tower in the distance. for a meaningful and lasting impact
BY S YDNEY P AGE camping trip, but he became too His goal was to “push myself his lungs. The trail under his feet his final destination, he made it on mental health.
afraid to leave his family’s home further and further, to test my was grounding. 508 miles from home to the Cerro reinecke said one of the most
Chris Kam remembers his first altogether. anxiety,” said Kam, who recorded The more he drank in his sur- Gordo mines. After spending effective ways to combat anxiety
panic attack with unsettling clari- “over the span of the next week, his daily efforts on his video cam- roundings, the more photos he more than eight hours driving, he and panic disorders is through
ty. my life closed down,” he said, not- era, with the aim of being able to took, and the more motivated he snapped a shot of the sun setting exposure therapy, which is when
“It felt like my head was discon- ing that while he had experienced look back at his progress, and was to continue exploring. Each over the Inyo mountains. In that someone faces the source of their
nected from my body,” said Kam, anxiety at other points in his life, it capture some of the landscapes on day, the fear was a little less. He moment, Kam said, he recalled anxiety to reinforce that it does
who was 19 at the time. had never been this acute. “I film. decided to push himself even fur- feeling lighter. He realized the not cause them danger.
It was June 2022, and he was at would get lightheaded. I couldn’t on the first day, Kam visited the ther. looming feelings of panic and un- “That which you fear is what
a camping store in Santa rosa, drive anywhere.” Armstrong redwoods State Natu- About halfway through the ease he’d been carrying were not you should do,” reinecke advised.
Calif., near his house, getting for a full month, Kam said, he ral reserve — about 28 miles from month, though, he faced a set- there. He felt peace. “If you’re afraid of something, you
some gear for an upcoming trip. barely stood up from his couch. home — and took a photo of the back. He had a panic attack during “The project changed my life,” need to approach it and master it.”
out of nowhere, his surroundings Even getting up to brush his teeth park’s towering trees. one of his excursions, after he set Kam said. After seeing the film, Colette
blurred. felt like a daunting task. He con- In the beginning, “I wasn’t even up his camera on a tripod at the He wanted to share his experi- Kane — Kam’s friend — decided to
“I got dizzy, and then my heart sulted with several therapists, and that motivated to start the proj- bottom of a rock, then ran to the ence to possibly help others strug- try the same method to mitigate
rate started to rise,” Kam said. it took weeks before he found one ect,” he said, adding that he hyper- top to pose. His heartbeat quick- gling with mental health chal- her own mental health challeng-
“That was the start of my panic who felt like a good fit. mean- ventilated during the car ride to ened, and panic set in. lenges, so he decided to create a es, including attention-deficit/hy-
disorder.” while, he was lost and scared. the first destination. But by the It lasted for a while, and then documentary called “The 30 Proj- peractivity disorder. She began
Kam was set to start film school “I thought I would never be able second day, as he shot a photo of when he was thinking about it the ect.” In the 23-minute film, which writing a poem every day.
at Chapman University in orange, to work again,” said Kam, who at someone paragliding off a cliff following day as he sat at his he released on YouTube in may, “It really helped me, in terms of
Calif., in the fall — which was a the time was fearful of most 35 miles from his house, his anxi- computer, that triggered another Kam shares his journey — from finding ways to soothe myself
long-held dream of his. things outside of his home. ety began to lessen a bit. one. experiencing persistent panic at- through my creative passion,” said
He had been rejected from the He began seeing a therapist, on the seventh day, Kam Kam decided to regroup and tacks to exploring mountain Kane, who is studying film and
same program the year before. first virtually and later in person, pushed himself more: He drove ask himself if he was still commit- peaks with ease. also enjoys poetry.
“It was a big deal that I finally which became a motivation for 40 miles from home to the Sono- ted to finishing what he started. Initially, “I didn’t want to open “Seeing how Chris was able to
got in and was going to go that him to leave the house. Although ma Coast. That day, he felt a shift. He was. up because the stigma is so bad,” focus on one step at a time, really
fall,” he said, explaining that pho- he was making small strides, he “In a time where I was so stuck His next excursion was just a said Kam, explaining that he wor- breaking things down, it just
tography and filmmaking have al- didn’t feel strong enough to at- in my head, landscape photogra- mile from home. ried that publicizing his panic dis- shows you how even the most
ways been his passions. tend film school in the fall, which phy gave me the opportunity to “I’m a very stubborn person, order might lead to judgment and tumultuous of times are not for-
Kam was working as a free- was “another hard blow for me,” view my outside world in a way and I didn’t see giving up as a perhaps limit his career pros- ever,” she added. “A diagnosis
lance photographer and videogra- he said. that I hadn’t seen it in a while,” he possibility,” he said. pects. doesn’t define you or the trajecto-
pher during the summer months His friends had all moved away Still, he decided that staying ry of your life.”
to save money for school, but he for college. silent was not the solution, espe- “Being open and vulnerable
took on more work than he could “All of a sudden, it was just me cially knowing that 1 in 5 adults in about my story was freeing,” Kam
handle. The mounting pressure at home,” Kam said. the United States lives with a men- said.
pushed him to a breaking point. Despite his loneliness and de- tal illness, and roughly 50 percent Just over one year since his first
“I didn’t know how to regulate spair, Kam was determined to get of adolescents have had a psychi- panic attack, Kam — who is head-
the amount of work I was doing,” better. He just didn’t know how. atric disorder. ing to film school at the end of the
said Kam, now 20. “I was missing “I was like, ‘I have this beautiful “I realized that other people summer — is coping far better
meals, not really hanging out with life ahead of me, and I can’t just let could get something out of this,” than he imagined possible.
friends. That started to kind of that go to waste,’” he said. he said. “I’m hoping people can “I’ve been able to go on long-
build up over time.” His therapist was working with watch the movie and feel less distance plane rides, solo road
Soon, his energy crashed. He him on exposure therapy to slowly alone.” trips and speak in front of
lost his creativity. He thought he increase his tolerance to anxiety- mark reinecke, professor crowds,” Kam said.
might find a reset in nature, he inducing situations — which, for emeritus of psychiatry and behav- At the end of the film, Kam adds
said, so he planned a camping trip Kam, included simply stepping ioral science at Northwestern that cognitive behavioral therapy
to clear his head. That’s when he outside of his house. University, said Kam’s method can and medication were also part of
found himself spiraling at the He started off with short walks be adapted to help anyone dealing his recovery.
camping store. He had no idea at to the end of his street, accompa- with anxiety or panic disorder. He still has anxiety, but he
the time that it would be the be- nied by his father. It took about a “What Chris did was exactly hasn’t had a panic attack since
ginning of severe panic attacks — month before he had the confi- what he should do,” reinecke said. September.
something Kam had never experi- dence to go farther. Chris Kam “Small steps, mastering the ex- on difficult days, “I watch the
enced in the past. It was terrifying. “I just slowly added streets,” Chris Kam became too anxious to leave his home. He turned to perience each time, persisting movie, and it reminds me of what I
Not only did he not go on the Kam said. “I had to build every- photography to help him overcome his mental health challenges. even when he felt the anxiety can do,” he said. “There is hope.”

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