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Past or Present Perfect Tense – Simple form

1. The President ___________________ (just come) out of the building and will make a speech in a

2. _________________________ (you ever be) to America?

3. ______________________________ (Churchill ever go) to America? – No, not that I know of.

4. ___________________________ (you see) this week’s magazine?

5. ________________________ (you wash) the car yet? – No, I haven’t. But I

__________________________ (already mow) the lawn.

6. We ___________________ (not have) many visitors last year; we ___________________ (have)

a lot more this year.

7. The last time I ___________________ (go) to Brighton was in August.

8. A few days ago I ___________________ (learn) that someone is planning to tear down the old

9. We __________________________ (always be) poor. We _____________________ (never

have) any money.

10. I love this film. I think it’s the fourth time I ___________________ (see) it.

11. It ___________________ (be) very dry so far this week, but it ___________________ (rain) a lot
last week.

12. I would like to meet a ghost but I _________________________ (never see) one before.

13. Marylyn Monroe ___________________ (play) in about 30 films.

14. _________________________ (you ever bake) your own bread? –Yes I ___________________
(try) it when I ___________________ (be) in high school but I ___________________ (not bake)
anything since then.

15. Janet ___________________ (be) very ill three years ago.

16. We ___________________ (move) here in 1993. We ___________________ (be) here for a long
time now.

17. Two people ___________________ (die) in a fire on Elm Street last night.

18. It ___________________ (take) ages to repair the car. I’m glad we’re finished now.

19. I ___________________ (find) the wallet I ___________________ (lose) yesterday.

20. The runner ___________________ (break) the world record in Frankfurt. Two days later he
___________________ (run) even faster.

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