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Friends-HD videos-Ross and Rachel first met at the Central P…


JOEY: This guy says, "Hello," I want to kill myself.

MONICA: Are you okay, sweetie?

ROSS: I just feel like someone reached down my throat, grabbed my

small intestine, pulled it out of my mouth and tied it around my neck.


MONICA: Carol moved her stuff out today.

ALL: Ohh.

MONICA: Let me get you some coffee.

ROSS: Thanks.

PHOEBE: Oh, ugh.

ROSS: Uh-oh, no. No, don't. Stop cleansing my aura. Don't. Just leave
my aura alone, okay? I'll be fine, alright? Really, everyone,I hope she'll
be very happy.

MONICA: No, you don't -

ROSS: No, I don't. To hell with her, she left me!

JOEY: And you never knew she was a lesbian.

ROSS: No, okay? Why does everyone keep fixating on that? She didn't
know, how should I know?

CHANDLER: Sometimes, I wish I was/were a lesbian. Did I say that out


JOEY: Alright, Ross, look, you're feeling a lot of pain right now. You're
angry. You're hurting. Can I tell you what the answer is? Strip joints!
Come on, you're single. Have some hormones..
ROSS: But I don't want to be single, okay? I just, I just, I just want to be
married again.

CHANDLER: And I just want a million dollars.

MONICA: Rachel?

RACHEL: Oh, God, Monica, hi. Thank God. I just went to your building
and you weren't there. And then this guy with a big hammer said you
might be here and you are. You are.

WAITRESS: Can I get you some coffee?

MONICA: Decaf. Okay, everybody this is Rachel, another Lincoln High

survivor. This-this is everybody. This is Chandler, and Phoebe and Joey.
And you remember my brother, Ross?

RACHEL: Sure! Hi. - Hey.

MONICA: So you want to tell us now, or are we waiting for four wet

RACHEL: Oh, God! Well.. .it started about a half-hour before the
wedding. I was in this room where we were keeping all the presents and
I was looking at this gravy boat. This really gorgeous Limoges gravy
boat. When all of a sudden - sweet’n low - I realized, I realized I was
more turned on by this gravy boat than by Barry. And then I got really
freaked out. And that's when it hit me how much Barry looks like Mr.
Potato Head. You know, I mean, I always knew he looked familiar, but..
Anyway, I just had to get out of there and I started wondering "Why am I
doing this?" and "Who am I doing this for?" So, anyway, I just didn't
know where to go and I know that you and I have kind of drifted apart but
you're the only person I knew who lived here in the city.

MONICA: Who wasn't invited to the wedding.

RACHEL: Oh, I was kind of hoping that wouldn't be an issue.

Grab (verb) : take hold of something or someone suddenly and
roughly. Liz grabbed the ball and ran to the goal. 2.opportunity (informal)
: to take the opportunity to get, use or enjoy something quickly. We’d
better get there early, or someone else will grab the best seats.

Tie (verb) : to fasten together two ends of a piece of string or other long,
thin material or to (cause to) hold together with a long thin piece of
string, material, etc. Tie up your shoelaces, or you’ll trip over them.

Pull out: to extract, remove. The dentist pulled out the infected tooth.

Cleanse (verb) : to clean, remove sin or guilt from. Confession is meant

to cleanse you of your sins.

Fixate on (verb + preposition ) : be obsessed. You need to stop fixating

on the small details and try to look at the big picture.

I wish I were (expression) = this expression is used to express a wish in

the present. I wish you were here.

Strip joint (noun) : a place where people go to watch performers take

their clothes off in a sexually exciting way. The bride and her friends
went to a strip joint last night.

Turn on (phrasal verb): excite or stimulate the interest of someone or

something. If that's what turns you on, that's fine by me. x

Freak out (phrasal verb): to enter into or cause a period of irrational

behavior or emotional instability. Tina freaked out when she saw the

All of a sudden (idiom): quickly and without warning. All of a sudden we

heard a loud noise.

Sweet’n low (noun) also: sweetener: a product name for an artificial

sweet substance used instead of sugar in drinks and food. Excessive
use of any artificial sweetener is unwise.
Bridesmaid (noun): a girl or woman who during the marriage ceremony
helps the woman who is getting married. The wedding party was large,
with twelve bridesmaids.

Wonder (verb): ask yourself questions or express a wish to know

about something. I wonder what the future holds for you and me.
2.surprise: to feel or express great surprise at something. I don’t wonder
that she burst into tears after the way you spoke to her.

Drift apart: (phrasal verb): when two persons become less friendly and
their relationship ends. Sometimes friends will drift apart over time.

➢ Complete the sentences with the missing vocabulary in the correct

verb tense.

1.I have some bad news. Please, don’t ______. The thing is…

2.This song really ____ me ____ on. I feel like dancing every time I listen
to it.

3.You need to stop ________ the little details and try to look at the big

4.I ______ if you’d like to come to the movies with me this evening ?

5. He _____ his child’s arm to stop her from running into the road.

6.Many people usually ________ after they graduate from high school.

7.She worked in a ______ before she became a model.

8.It seemed to happen _________ . I felt dizzy and collapsed.

9.Traditionally, ______ were chosen from unwed young women of

marriageable age.

10.She _____ my hair back when it’s hot.

11.Ryan doesn’t like to use any ______ in his food.

12.As soon as she arrived at work, she _______ her laptop from her
backpack and started to work.
13.In the dark of night, I wish you ____ by my side.

14.Confession _____ the soul.

➢ Write (at least) five (5) sentences using the vocabulary from






➢ Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or Past Continuous


She (wait) to pay for her shopping when somebody (steal) her purse

She was waiting to pay for her shopping when somebody stole her purse

1- How fast (he/drive) when he (hit) the other car?

2- The phone (ring) while we (watch) a programme about surfing.

3- As he (get) ready to dive, somebody (push) her in.

4- I (not go) very fast when I (fall) off my motorbike.

5- (you/live) in Spain when you (meet) your girlfriend?

6- As they (leave) the beach, they suddenly (hear) a scream.


7- He (take) my bag while I (not look)

➢ All of the following sentences are wrong. Find the mistakes and
correct them.
1.She ran when she broke her leg.

2.I didn’t worked yesterday because I wasn’t feeling well.

3.Oliver and his friends win the last match.

4.They were watching a movie while the lights went off.

5.Pheobe were cleansing Ross’s aura when he asked her to stop.

6.It was a rainy day so he grab his umbrella and left the house.

7.While Tim tied his shoelaces the team scored a goal.

8.Her mother was waiting at the bus stop while she came.

9.I was wonder if you have any plans for the weekend.

10.I didn’t knew anything about her after we broke up. We just drifted

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