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Level I: In groups.

During these Project you are going to learn a bit more about the most famous psychologists
and their theories.

Planning stage:

1. There are ten different topics. Each group will choose a number from 1 to 10 to know
which topic investigate about.
2. Investigate: Biography, main work or theory.
3. Make a presentation in Geneally
4. The presentation must have images and little text but must be clear and concise.
5. Practice the pronunciation of your presentation.
6. Each group will have 5 minutes for their presentation.
7. Upload the presentation in PDF.

Presenting the project:

8. Every student must speak the same amount of time (about 1 minute each).
9. Share your presentation with the other groups.
10. You will be evaluated:
- 2 points the presentation in Geneally.
- 1 point team-work (group organization)
- 7 speaking: a) 4 pronunciation; b) 1 fluency; c) 2 content.

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