Find Someone Who For The Teacher

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Find Someone Who . . .

For the Teacher

The following seven “stand-up” activities correspond to Units 2, 3, 5, 8, 9, 11, and 14 in the
Top Notch Fundamentals, Student’s Book Third Edition and are designed to be used with the
units. Notes in the Teacher’s Edition indicate when a “Find Someone Who . . . Activity”
should be used. These activities are designed to get your students to stand up and mingle in
order to talk with and get specific information from each other. More than just information
gathering, the goal is to practice the language learned in each Top Notch unit in an enjoyable
and relaxed atmosphere.

In each activity, each student is given a strip of paper (the worksheet) with one or more
specific tasks. In some activities, all students have the same task, and in others each student
gets a unique set of tasks. Sometimes students are provided additional strips of paper
(information strips) to prompt what they will say in response to their classmates’ questions.

Most activities can be done in about 5 to 10 minutes. In larger classes, you may or may not
wish to extend the time so students can talk to more classmates.

Materials Preparation
Before class, you will need to make enough copies of the worksheets (and information strips)
for all of your students. You will need to cut them into individual strips, as shown by the
dotted lines, so each student has one worksheet/information strip. You may wish to ask your
students to help do this. Unless stated otherwise, it’s OK if two or more students end up with
the same information strip.

Within the Teacher’s Edition and Lesson Planner, the icon along with the note “Find
Someone Who . . . Activity” indicates the suggested point of use for the activities.

Student Preparation
Explain the goal and the specific task or tasks for each activity. Write the example questions
on the board and review their structures if necessary. Explain or elicit the meanings of
unfamiliar vocabulary.

Class Management for Larger Classes

In larger classes, you may wish to try this approach to ensure a smooth-flowing and
successful activity. Divide the class in two groups. Half of the class are the questioners, the
other half the respondents. The questioners mingle with the respondents and ask their
questions. Then they switch roles.

Top Notch Fundamentals, Third Edition For the Teacher

Give each student his or her worksheet and information strip. Ask students to stand up and
go around the room to ask classmates their questions. Make sure students mingle and don’t
spend the entire time talking to only one student.

Set a time limit. When time is up, have students go back to their seats. Call upon volunteers
to share their results with the class. Ask them what pieces of information were difficult to get
or which ones they were not able to get names for.

Top Notch Fundamentals, Third Edition For the Teacher

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