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Cheops pyramid center coordinates:

We write the coordinates in two ways - in integer (standard) and decimal

coordinates. I will show all actions with numbers transparently.

Let's write in text format:
29° 58’44’’/45’’ N – North latitude (N)
31° 08’03’’ E – East longitude (E)
For understanding: there are 60 minutes in one degree, 60 seconds in one minute.

Now we represent these coordinates as decimal degrees, that is, we translate

minutes and seconds into tenths of a degree: 9° + (44/60 = 0.7333 minutes) + (58
minutes + 0.7333 minutes = 58.7333/60 = 0.97888 degrees) = 29° + 0.97888° =

Similarly, we translate the coordinates of longitude into decimal:

31° + (3/60 = 0.05' minutes) + (8 + 0.05 = 8.005/60 = 0.1341666°) = 31.13416° E (E)
You can already notice a feature, both longitude and latitude coordinates in decimal format
are mirroring of numbers:
Latitude: 29 - 92°
Longitude: 31- 13°
The second feature is that the coordinates of the latitude of the center of the
pyramid in decimal format represent the approximate value of the speed of light in
vacuum, in meters per second. At this point, the reader will have surprise, mixed
with disbelief and juggling of facts. And this is absolutely true! Let's check it out
Official speed of light in vacuum = 299,792,458 m/s
Pyramid center coordinates = 29.97888° N
Please pay attention to the fact that in future calculations the "shift" of the comma or its
removal will be repeated, this is one of the tricks that the Architect used.
We have the following number: =¿1,0000119 , hence the error is 1 thousandth
of a percent (rounded). And here comes an even more interesting point.
The coordinates above were only accurate to 1” (one geographic second), which in turn is
30 meters.
Therefore, let's look at the coordinates of the center of the pyramid on Google Maps, where
the coordinates are initially presented in decimal format for high accuracy in determining
the location.

On the screenshot, we see that the speed of light in vacuum is indicated with an
accuracy of 100% for the first 6 digits, and for the value in m/s it is 99.99% correct.
Next interesting fact:
The orientation of the pyramid of Cheops in 4 cardinal directions (North-South-East-
West) is made with no less accuracy than the value of the speed of light. Moreover,
ahead of you are facts that were not known before, which will raise even more
questions about the origin of this wonder of the world.
If we look at the screenshot below, we will see how the geographic latitude grid passes
exactly through the top of the Cheops pyramid, and the southern face of the Khafre
(Khafra) pyramid miraculously coincides with the minute parallel of latitude.

Let's look at the screenshot from the Planet Earth application with the geographic grid

The upper arrow shows the passage of the parallel of latitude through the top. The arrow to
the left shows the parallelism of the western side of the pyramid with the geographical
north (the map has a northern orientation).
The lower red arrow shows that the south side of the pyramid of Khafre lies exactly on the
parallel of latitude.

The blue arrow shows the splitting of the Sphinx in half and its East-West orientation.
The Sphinx is located strictly to the east so that in the morning it looks at the sunrise, and
at night it watches the rising of the stars, including the constellation Leo. And who is the
Sphinx? A hybrid of a lion and a human. I suggest to look at the constellation Leo:

I think that everyone has repeatedly asked the question: “Why are the pyramids not located
in one straight line?
I declare that the three pyramids all lie on the same line, or to be more precise, on
the curved line of the "Golden Spiral" of Fibonacci, where the height of this spiral is
equal to 1 minute of the length of the meridian, which is approximately 1.85 km.
This fact now removes any doubt about the understanding by the Architect of the
calculation of coordinates on the earth's surface, and also transfers the
geographical orientation of the pyramids from the category of chance to the
category of "such is the intention."
The first screenshot with a scale, which shows the parallels of the latitude of the
geographic grid:

The second screenshot on the scale of half of the parallels for clarity:

The third screenshot, which reveals an interesting fact to us:

This picture demonstrates the construction of the Fibonacci spiral, where the first
point is located in the king's chamber.

I propose to calculate at what distance (in km) the center of the pyramid is located from the
North and South Poles.
To do this, we need to make simple calculations using the well-known data on the size of
our planet.
Find the difference in latitude between the center of the pyramid of Cheops and the North
Latitude: 29° 58’44’’ N
North Pole coordinates: 90°00’00’’ N
90°0’00’’- 29°58’44’’ N = 61°1'16''
Let's translate everything into minutes for the accuracy of the result: 60° * 60 = 3600’
16’’/60 = 0.2666’
Knowing that 1 'between the parallels on average = 1.852 km (the officially accepted value
of the length of one geographic minute in kilometers), we find out the distance in km by
multiplying the minutes by 1.852
3601,2666 * 1,852 = 6669,54 км.
Firstly, the length of one minute of the meridian, which is considered to be 1852
meters, is an approximate value, since the Earth has a flattened position at the
poles. According to information from the Internet, we learn:
Source 1. “Everything is simple here: the circumference (meridian) is constant - 40,008.55
km, divided by 360 °, we get: 111.134861111 km in one degree, divided by 60 minutes:
1.85224768519 km in one minute, we divide for 60 seconds: 0.0308707947531 km
(30.8707947531 m) in one second."
Source 2. Since the Earth is not actually a sphere, but flattened at the poles (the shape of
the Earth is called a geoid), one minute between the parallels corresponds to
approximately 1862 m and 1843 m between the meridians at the equator (about 1852
m on average).
Attention! I propose to find the coefficient that could be laid down by the Architect to
get the exact distance from the center of the pyramid to the North Pole. To do this,
we solve a simple equation:
k’ = 6666.666 км / 3601,2666’ = 1,8512000 km
For further calculations, we accept the new length of the geographic minute =
1851.20 meters.
1.852 - 1.8512 = 0.0008 km = 0.8 meters

Therefore, if we multiply the longitude coordinates of the pyramid by 4 (removing
zeros), then we get the diameter of the Earth: D= 3183*4 = 12732 km
Earth official diameter = 12742 km (10 km difference or 0.08%)
By the way, knowing the new circumference, we can calculate the speed of rotation of the
Earth around its axis at the equator, with the largest circumference.
V = 39 985.92 / 24 = 1666.08 km/h (666 again)
At the same time, it is worth remembering that the circumference was calculated for the
poles, and the rotation goes along the equatorial circumference, but taking the same
coefficient k’ = 1.8512 km for calculations, the result will be the same.
And now let's calculate how long it will take the light to cover the distance from the north
pole to the south, as well as from the center of the Cheops pyramid to the poles:
The distance between the poles is equal to half the circumference of the planet,
respectively: 39,985.92 km / 2 = 19,992.96 km - the distance between the poles in an arc.
between poles = 19992.96 / 299792.458 = 0.066689
Here you can see once again that the location of the center of the pyramid was not chosen just like
that. Firstly, the center of the pyramid lies at a latitude that corresponds to the speed of light, and
secondly, this position divides the arc that runs from the north to the south pole into 6 parts.

Arc length = 180° / Pyramid latitude = 180 / 29.97 = 6.006006006

If calculated with maximum accuracy, using the converted coordinates to distance, then:

180° / 29,9792458 = 6,0041 , so that is 1/6 part of an arc.

If we divide the length of the arc in km by the latitude of the pyramid corresponding to the speed of
light, then:
19992,96 / 29,9972458 = 666,49

It is interesting to note that the angle of inclination of the faces of the pyramid =
51°50’ can be obtained through the formula: Phi (1.618) / Pi (3.1416) = 0.5150, from
which we obtain a digital series corresponding to the angle of inclination: 51°50’

Screenshot 1: Fibonacci spiral and yellow ray from pyramid to zero point:

Screenshot 6: After doing additional lines on the pyramids, I found another pattern
of the Golden Mean, which is illustrated by vertical lines passing through the
centers of the pyramids:


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