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The Great Pyramids - Hidden Manifest


Nice to meet you, inquisitive mind.

I am glad to share my discoveries without hiding anything from
the reader. All that I knew at the time of writing the book - I
said. I tried to set out all the thoughts, show the calculations,
and illustrate with images what you need to see.
Looking ahead, I’ll say that you should not be afraid of formulas or
calculations, since there is nothing complicated there, everything
is elementary.
With this material, I want to show you how advanced the Creator-
Architect was of the only wonder of the World that has come
down to us - the Great Egyptian Pyramids.
We will talk about the complex of pyramids in Giza, in particular
the pyramid of Cheops, it is also known as the Pyramid of Khufu.
This will be the subject of our in-depth study.
In this book you will find unique information that has become a
product of my thoughts, comparison of data, and also thanks to
the craft of non-random accidents that inspired, and perhaps
“chosen” me to reveal these secrets.
I wish you a pleasant reading and the emergence of interesting
thoughts during and after reading the material.
All the best!


Author's Preface_________________________________________________2 page

Content________________________________________________________3 page
Data on the pyramid of Cheops_____________________________________4 page
The speed of light in vacuum and coordinates_________________________7 page
Sphinx________________________________________________________10 page
Fibonacci Spiral_________________________________________________13 page
New coefficient and location of the pyramid of Cheops_________________16 page
The speed of light in air __________________________________________18 page
Calculation of the height of the pyramid_____________________________20 page
Calculation of the area and volume of the pyramid ____________________23 page
The King's Chamber_____________________________________________27 page
Queen's Chamber ______________________________________________31 page
The Greatest Secrets of the Name _________________________________33 page
Starting point of the spiral _______________________________________39 page

Official data on the Pyramid of Cheops:

• Height (starting): 146.60 m (calculated) or 280 king's cubits (1 king's cubit = 52.920
• Height (today): ≈ 138.75 m
• Angle: 51° 50'
• Side face length (original): 230.33 m (calculated) or about 440 King's cubits
• Side face length (now): approx. 225 m
• The length of the sides of the base of the pyramid: south - 230.454 m; north -
230.253 m; west - 230.357 m; east - 230.394 m.
•Base area (originally): ≈ 53,000 m² (5.3 ha)
• Area of the pyramid: (originally) ≈ 85,500 m²
• Perimeter: 922 m.
• Total volume of the pyramid excluding cavities inside the pyramid (initially): ≈ 2.58
million m³
• Total volume of the pyramid, after subtracting all known cavities (initially): 2.50
million m³
• Average size of observed stone blocks: 1.0m wide, high and deep (but most are
• Average weight of stone blocks: 2.5 tons
• Heaviest stone block: 15 t
• Number of blocks: about 2.5 million.
• Estimated total weight of the pyramid: about 6.25 million tons

It is not possible to accurately determine the original parameters of the pyramid,

since its edges and surfaces are currently mostly dismantled and destroyed. This
makes it difficult to calculate the exact angle of inclination. In addition, its symmetry
itself is not perfect, so that deviations in numbers are observed with different
measurements. In the literature on Egyptology, Peter Jánosi, Mark Lehner, Miroslav
Verner, Zahi Hawass and Alberto Siliotti came to the same measurement results.
They believed that the length of the sides could be from 230.33 to 230.37 m.
Knowing the length of the side and the angle at the base, they calculated the height
of the pyramid - from 146.59 to 146.60 m. The slope of the pyramid is 51 ° 50 ',
which corresponds to secedu in 5 1/2 palms,

Ancient Egyptian unit of slope, which is defined as the ratio of half the base to
the height. Taking into account the fact that there are 7 palms in one cubit (qubit), it
turns out that with such a chosen seked, the ratio of the base to the height is 22/7, a
well-known approximation of the number pi since antiquity. Which, apparently,
happened by chance, since other pyramids had different values seked.[1]
The base of the pyramid rests on a natural rocky elevation about 9 m high in
the center.
Having studied the official data, you can see that they differ in many sources, since
the original dimensions of the pyramids have been lost due to deformations, erosion
and other destruction.
Therefore, it is worth concluding that even official data should be taken with
extreme caution if we are faced with the goal of accurate calculations.
I want to assume that the Great Architect, when planning the construction, took into
account that his creation would stand for millenniums and the dimensional accuracy
could be lost, so all the values were selected by special ratios, including using the PHI
number - 1.618 and the number PI = 3.1415.
In addition to ratios of magnitudes, I suggest that rechecking the data can be done
automatically by the result, namely, by alternating repeated digits two or more
times, making up a "beautiful" number. This can be seen in many of the examples
Before starting the story of discoveries, I will add interesting facts:
over the past year, the numbers 1318, 138, 831 and similar variations that come
down to alternating the numbers 1,3,8 often follow me.
By the way, 138 more are connected with my date of birth and Rev. 13:18.
In the coordinates of the longitude of the pyramid, in the volume of the king's
chamber and other data, these combinations are often found, pay attention to them.
Are coincidences random?

Let's start the analysis of the pyramid of Cheops more carefully. The first thing that
was not said was the coordinates of the pyramid. It is the key that will remove the
locks from the first door of secrets. Cheops pyramid center coordinates:

We write the coordinates in two ways - in integer (standard) and decimal

coordinates. I will show all actions with numbers transparently.
Let's write in text format:
29° 58’44’’/45’’ N – North latitude (N)
31° 08’03’’ E – East longitude (E)
For understanding: there are 60 minutes in one degree, 60 seconds in one minute.

Now we represent these coordinates as decimal degrees, that is, we translate

minutes and seconds into tenths of a degree: 9° + (44/60 = 0.7333 minutes) + (58
minutes + 0.7333 minutes = 58.7333/60 = 0.97888 degrees) = 29° + 0.97888° =

Similarly, we translate the coordinates of longitude into decimal:
31° + (3/60 = 0.05' minutes) + (8 + 0.05 = 8.005/60 = 0.1341666°) = 31.13416° E (E)
You can already notice a feature, both longitude and latitude coordinates in decimal format
are mirroring of numbers:
Latitude: 29 - 92°
Longitude: 31- 13°
The second feature is that the coordinates of the latitude of the center of the
pyramid in decimal format represent the approximate value of the speed of light in
vacuum, in meters per second. At this point, the reader will have surprise, mixed
with disbelief and juggling of facts. And this is absolutely true! Let's check it out
Official speed of light in vacuum = 299,792,458 m/s
Pyramid center coordinates = 29.97888° N
Please pay attention to the fact that in future calculations the "shift" of the comma or its
removal will be repeated, this is one of the tricks that the Architect used.
We have the following number: = 1,0000119 , hence the error is 1 thousandth of
a percent (rounded). And here comes an even more interesting point.
The coordinates above were only accurate to 1” (one geographic second), which in turn is
30 meters.
Therefore, let's look at the coordinates of the center of the pyramid on Google Maps, where
the coordinates are initially presented in decimal format for high accuracy in determining
the location.

On the screenshot, we see that the speed of light in vacuum is indicated with an
accuracy of 100% for the first 6 digits, and for the value in m/s it is 99.99% correct.
Coincidence? We will find an unambiguous answer to this question.
Next interesting fact:
The orientation of the pyramid of Cheops in 4 cardinal directions (North-South-East-
West) is made with no less accuracy than the value of the speed of light. Moreover,
ahead of you are facts that were not known before, which will raise even more
questions about the origin of this wonder of the world.
It is worth noting that the orientation of the Sphinx also has a strict East-West direction (He
is looking to the East), and the grid of the geographical minute of longitude divides the
body of the Sphinx exactly in half. This can still be attributed to a coincidence, since we
assume that the Architect could not know the exact position of either the pyramids or the
Sphinx, and at the moment we attribute the fact of the speed of light in latitude coordinates
to an accident, since we do not see a second confirmation.
If we look at the screenshot below, we will see how the geographic latitude grid passes
exactly through the top of the Cheops pyramid, and the southern face of the Khafre
(Khafra) pyramid miraculously coincides with the minute parallel of latitude.

Let's look at the screenshot from the Planet Earth application with the geographic grid

The upper arrow shows the passage of the parallel of latitude through the top. The arrow to
the left shows the parallelism of the western side of the pyramid with the geographical
north (the map has a northern orientation).
The lower red arrow shows that the south side of the pyramid of Khafre lies exactly on the
parallel of latitude.
The blue arrow shows the splitting of the Sphinx in half and its East-West orientation.
The Sphinx is located strictly to the east so that in the morning it looks at the sunrise, and
at night it watches the rising of the stars, including the constellation Leo. And who is the
Sphinx? A hybrid of a lion and a human. I suggest to look at the constellation Leo:

Let's superimpose one image on another and get an amazing match of nodal points on the

Little known public fact: The Sphinx has a hole in its head:

It is believed that there was some kind of altar inside it.

Personally, my assumption is that a rotating element could stand on the head, which
directed a beam of light to the pyramids through a lens or a mirror, since its orientation to
the East and West is not accidental and could be directly related to the use of sunlight.
I think that everyone has repeatedly asked the question: “Why are the pyramids not located
in one straight line?
Maybe they repeat the position of the stars from Orion's belt? and other similar questions.
Undoubtedly, they repeat the stars of Orion, since Orion at certain moments is directly
above the pyramids.
An illustration from the internet below:

This theory is called: Orion Correlation Theory, you can read about it here:
From this we can conclude that the orientation of the pyramids by three stars from Orion's
belt is not accidental, since the Sphinx also has an astronomical and geographic reference.

Now I will reveal the secret to you from an "earthly" point of view.

I declare that the three pyramids all lie on the same line, or to be more precise, on
the curved line of the "Golden Spiral" of Fibonacci, where the height of this spiral is
equal to 1 minute of the length of the meridian, which is approximately 1.85 km.
This fact now removes any doubt about the understanding by the Architect of the
calculation of coordinates on the earth's surface, and also transfers the
geographical orientation of the pyramids from the category of chance to the
category of "such is the intention."
The first screenshot with a scale, which shows the parallels of the latitude of the
geographic grid:

The second screenshot on the scale of half of the parallels for clarity:

The third screenshot, which reveals an interesting fact to us:

This picture demonstrates the construction of the Fibonacci spiral, where the first
point is located in the king's chamber.

I can predict that after viewing these figures, you have a question: “What is at the starting
point of the spiral?”
That’s interests me no less, perhaps in the next century this secret will be revealed.
Toward the end of this article, I will present a more detailed location of the "zero point", this
will help to more accurately understand where it is now.
Fortunately, my interesting discoveries do not end there, we have even more interesting
facts ahead of us, which are noticeably at odds with today's statements about assessing
the development of the Egyptian civilization.
Yes, you are right, it is not a fact that it was the Egyptian civilization that built this complex.
After we understand that the Architect knew the geographic grid of our planet, we can
assume that not only the speed of light is encrypted in the coordinates of the pyramids, but
also something else.
I propose to calculate at what distance (in km) the center of the pyramid is located from the
North and South Poles.
To do this, we need to make simple calculations using the well-known data on the size of
our planet.
Find the difference in latitude between the center of the pyramid of Cheops and the North
Latitude: 29° 58’44’’ N
North Pole coordinates: 90°00’00’’ N
90°0’00’’- 29°58’44’’ N = 61°1'16''
Let's translate everything into minutes for the accuracy of the result: 60° * 60 = 3600’
16’’/60 = 0.2666’
1’+0.2666’=1.2666’+3660’=3601.2666’ (pay attention on 666)
Knowing that 1 'between the parallels on average = 1.852 km (the officially accepted value
of the length of one geographic minute in kilometers), we find out the distance in km by
multiplying the minutes by 1.852
3601,2666 * 1,852 = 6669,54 км.
Interesting result, isn't it? Again contains the "evil" 666!
Firstly, the length of one minute of the meridian, which is considered to be 1852
meters, is an approximate value, since the Earth has a flattened position at the
poles. According to information from the Internet, we learn:

Source 1. “Everything is simple here: the circumference (meridian) is constant - 40,008.55
km, divided by 360 °, we get: 111.134861111 km in one degree, divided by 60 minutes:
1.85224768519 km in one minute, we divide for 60 seconds: 0.0308707947531 km
(30.8707947531 m) in one second."
Source 2. Since the Earth is not actually a sphere, but flattened at the poles (the shape of
the Earth is called a geoid), one minute between the parallels corresponds to
approximately 1862 m and 1843 m between the meridians at the equator (about 1852
m on average).
Attention! I propose to find the coefficient that could be laid down by the Architect to
get the exact distance from the center of the pyramid to the North Pole. To do this,
we solve a simple equation:
k’ = 6666.666 км / 3601,2666’ = 1,8512000 km
For further calculations, we accept the new length of the geographic minute =
1851.20 meters.
Let's calculate the difference between the official value of the minute length and the
found one:
1.852 - 1.8512 = 0.0008 km = 0.8 meters
Remember! The difference between the officially accepted value and our value is 80
Consequently, due to the introduction of a new value, we will change the
circumference, diameter and radius of the Earth.
I do not want to scare you with calculations, but we must find out the new
dimensions of the “blue ball”.
Therefore, if we multiply the longitude coordinates of the pyramid by 4 (removing
zeros), then we get the diameter of the Earth: D= 3183*4 = 12732 km
Earth official diameter = 12742 km (10 km difference or 0.08%)
Of course, the question will arise: “what will latitude give us when multiplied by 4?”
Here our surprise will be even stronger:
295844*4 = 1 183 376, if we represent these figures as 1/1840 (round off), then this is the
ratio of the mass of an electron to the mass of a neutron and a proton. That is, the mass of
an electron is only 1/1840 of the mass of a proton and a neutron.
If you add up the digital series of coordinates: 295844 + 310803 = 606647 (again 666).

One more note: in Germany there is a so-called "Pyramid of Time"

It will be completed in 1190 years from the date of commencement of construction, while
the date of completion of construction is 3183, which exactly repeats the longitude
coordinates of the pyramid of Cheops: 31°08’03’’E.
By analogy, we calculate the distance from the center of the Cheops pyramid to the South
Distance = Pyramid Latitude + 90°
Distance = 29°58'44''+ 90°00'00'' = 119°58'44''
Convert to minutes:
44'' / 60 = 0.733'
58' + 0.7333 = 58.733'
58.733 / 60 = 0.97888°
Total 119.97888° * 111.072 km = 13326.29 km
Since as we move away from the equator, the circumference changes, we will calculate the
radius, diameter and circumference of the Earth at the latitude of the Cheops pyramid:
R = R * cos (latitude - 29.97888)
R = 6363.958 * cos (2997888) = 5511.97 km
D = 5511.97 * 2 = 11,023.94 km
L = 11023.94 * 3.141592 = 34632.72
Therefore, the speed of rotation of the Earth for this point is 1443.03 km / h (The
circumference divided by 24 hours will give the speed of rotation of the Earth around
its axis in km / h.
By the way, knowing the new circumference, we can calculate the speed of rotation of the
Earth around its axis at the equator, with the largest circumference.
V = 39 985.92 / 24 = 1666.08 km/h (666 again)
At the same time, it is worth remembering that the circumference was calculated for the
poles, and the rotation goes along the equatorial circumference, but taking the same
coefficient k’ = 1.8512 km for calculations, the result will be the same.
And now let's calculate how long it will take the light to cover the distance from the north
pole to the south, as well as from the center of the Cheops pyramid to the poles:
The distance between the poles is equal to half the circumference of the planet,
respectively: 39,985.92 km / 2 = 19,992.96 km - the distance between the poles in an arc.

between poles = 19992.96 / 299792.458 = 0.066689 seconds (666 again)
t between the pyramid and the northern pole. = 6666.66 / 299792.458 = 0.022237 s
t between the pyramid and South pole. = 13326.3 / 299792.458 = 0.044451 s.
Here you can see once again that the location of the center of the pyramid was not chosen just like
that. Firstly, the center of the pyramid lies at a latitude that corresponds to the speed of light, and
secondly, this position divides the arc that runs from the north to the south pole into 6 parts.

Arc length = 180° / Pyramid latitude = 180 / 29.97 = 6.006006006

If calculated with maximum accuracy, using the converted coordinates to distance, then:

180° / 29,9792458 = 6,0041 , so that is 1/6 part of an arc.

Just for information: 1 / 6 = 0,166666
If we divide the length of the arc in km by the latitude of the pyramid corresponding to the speed of
light, then:
19992,96 / 29,9972458 = 666,49

We will also calculate the difference between the coordinates of latitude and longitude,
although this action does not carry a logical load (in the usual sense, of course, my goal is
31°08’03’ - 29°58’44’’ = 01°09’19’’ (again we see an interesting alternation of
When converted to minutes, this is 69.3166’
Now I propose to consider another interesting fact, which illustrates the deliberate insertion
into the parameters of the pyramid of the speed of light in air. Let me remind you that in the
first example, the speed of light in vacuum was found.
To do this, you need to calculate the length of the inscribed and circumscribed circle
around the base of the pyramid.
Side of the pyramid (a) = 230.33 m (please note the alternation of numbers, this is also not
done by chance)
Since the base of the pyramid is a square, therefore the diameter of the circle = side of the
pyramid, and the radius = side / 2
1) The formula for finding the length of a circle inscribed in a square:
L= a*π , where we take the number pi up to 6 decimal for accuracy.
L=230,33*3.1415 = 723.5817 m
1) The formula for finding the circumference of a circle describing a square:
2) L= 2* π*R, where the radius is found by the formula: a/2* √2

R = 230.33 / 2 * √2 = 162.867905 m
L = 2*3.1415 * 162.867905 = 1023.299 m

1) Calculate the difference between the two circumferences:

L desc. – L fit. = speed of light
1023.328 - 723.6029 = 299.71735
Let's compare the result with the speed of light in air: 299,704 km/s
Accuracy = 299717 - 299704 = 0.004%
The second result shows us that either the Egyptians owned the metric system, or
understood the world harmony, which is revealed by the ratios. We will find
confirmation of these lines in the calculations below.
Let's calculate the areas of circles, the lengths of which were calculated above:
S sircumscribed = π × r2
S sirc = 3.141592 * 115.165^2 = 41666 m2
S insphere = 3.141592 * 162.868 = 83333 m2
Interesting results were obtained, which demonstrate the non-randomness of the
chosen value of the length of the side of the pyramid.
With the length of the side, we don’t particularly have any questions, since we are given the
official value, which shows the alternation of numbers, and at the same time, the side of the
pyramid exists to this day, and the top of the pyramid has been destroyed today. The
height of the pyramid is, according to various sources, 137-138 meters, but what about the
initial height (h) of the pyramid?
On the Internet, we can find a large amount of different data, for example, Wikipedia claims
that the original height of the pyramid = 146.6 meters.
Excerpt from Wikipedia: “The angle of inclination. It is not possible to accurately
determine the original parameters of the pyramid, since its edges and surfaces are
currently mostly dismantled and destroyed. This makes it difficult to calculate the

exact angle of inclination. In addition, its symmetry itself is not perfect, so
deviations in numbers are observed with different measurements.
In the literature on Egyptology, Peter Janoshi, Mark Lehner, Miroslav Werner, Zahi
Hawass, Alberto Sigliotti came to the same results in measurements, who believe
that the length of the sides can be from 230.33 to 230.37 m. Knowing the length of
the side and the angle at the base they calculated the height of the pyramid - from
146.59 to 146.60 m.
This fact can be double-checked in an interesting way, even without resorting to
calculation through the angle of inclination. (Remember now the Architect's
knowledge of ratios)
If we multiply the side of the pyramid by 2 and divide by pi, we get:
H = 2a / 3.141 = 146.66 m
With a more accurate PI number: H = 2a / 3.141592 = 146.632 m
I propose to find the height of the pyramid by an alternative method, since I do not
exclude the option that the pyramid could be truncated.
My method will be "very strange", but we will see that it is consistent not only with
the number of pi, which the Architect knew (official Egyptology does not deny this
fact), but also with the coordinates of the pyramid!
Please note that the top of the pyramid and its center are not on the same axis, as a
result of which they have different coordinates.
The coordinates of the top of the pyramid lie at a latitude that differs by only 1'' on
the geographic grid.
Now stay tuned for the next step! The architect knew what he was doing.
Let's repeat the coordinates of the center of the pyramid:
29° 58’44’’/45’’ N – North latitude (N)
31° 08’03’’ E – east longitude (E)
Now imagine that we have just a set of numbers in front of us, first in latitude, then
in longitude:
Latitude 2,9,5,8,4,5. Now let's multiply them together: 2*9*5*8*4*5 = 144
Longitude: 3,1,0,8,0,3. Since multiplying by 0 will give 0, we remove the zeros. It
remains: 3*1*8*3 = 72 (By the way, 144/2 = 72 and the number 144 is the thirteenth
number of the Fibonacci series).
Where do I make the assumption that the height of the pyramid is 144.72 meters.
And now let's look at the first fact, which will turn out to be an unambiguous confirmation of
the theory of finding the height of the pyramid, using its coordinates.
If we take the height h2 for our calculations and repeat the same action by doubling the
side and dividing it by the new height, we get:
A*2 / h = ?
(230.33*2) / 144.72 = 3.1831 !!! Which is the longitude of the top of the pyramid! Let me
remind you: 31 ° 08’03’’ E - east longitude (E)
We remove the zeros and get the match of all digits, that is, accurate to the geographic
The question arises: what will the inverse equation give us when we divide the
height by twice the side?
Before answering, I will remind you that the Architect knew the law of ratios.
h/2*a = ?
144.72 / (230.33*2) = 0.314157947
We move the comma and see the exceptional accuracy of the number Pi up to 4
decimal places, which gives us an accuracy of 99.999% of the official Pi number!
And if we multiply the length of the side by the height, we get:
230.33 * 144.72 = 33333.3 m
In conclusion, we can say that the "new" height is a unique number, since it is
consistent not only with the exact value of the Pi number, but also with the
coordinates on the earth's surface, but that's not all, we'll see that ahead.
It is interesting to note that the angle of inclination of the faces of the pyramid =
51°50’ can be obtained through the formula: Phi (1.618) / Pi (3.1416) = 0.5150, from
which we obtain a digital series corresponding to the angle of inclination: 51°50’
In order to make everything transparent, I will make further calculations for two
height parameters: for the official one, which we will call h1 - 146.6 m and for my
calculated h2 - 144.72 m.
This action will allow us to compare the practical benefits of each height value.
By the way, the difference between these two heights is:
146.6 - 144.72 = 1.88 m or 1.28%
The height value will directly affect the calculation of the length of the faces, the area of the
sides, the volume and further relationships that hide secrets in themselves.
Let's find the length of the edge of the pyramid (apothem) for h1 and h2 using the
Pythagorean theorem.


А = 230,33/2 = 115,165 m
Н1 = 146,6 m
С² = 115.165^2 + 146.6^2 = 13262,98 + 21491,56 = 34754,54
C = √34754,54 = 186.425 m

Now let's find the apothem for the height h2

А = 230,33/2 = 115,165 m
Н1 = 144.72 m
С² = 115.165^2 + 144,72^2 = 13262,98 + 20943,8784 = 34206,86
C = √34206,86= 184,95 m
And here is another interesting fact.

If we multiply the length of the apothem by 2 and divide by Phi (1.618), we get the

speed of light in ice:

(184.95*2)/1.618 = 228.615

Official value: 225341

Compare: 228615 - 225341 = 3274 km or 1.45%.

Compared to other values, the error here is "large", so we do not deny the fact

that this may be a coincidence.

And let's calculate the same example for the apothem found from the official height:
(186.425 *2)/1.618 = 230.438 , which is noticeably larger than the previous value.
However, if the length of this apothem is multiplied by 2 and divided by the length of
the side of the pyramid, then we get the exact value of the Phi number:
(186.425*2)/230.33 = 1.61876 , which is 0.05% different from Phi.
For the second apothem:
(184.95*2)/230.33 = 1.6059 , which is 0.75% less than the true number.
Now let's move on to calculating the areas of the base, face, faces and the total area
of the Cheops pyramid.
Calculate the base area:
1) S base = a*2
S base = 230.33*230.33 = 53051,9 m2
2) Calculate the area of all the faces of the pyramid::

S side = Formula for the area of side surface of a regular pyramid in terms of
perimeter and apothem: S = ½: S = ½ * P * apothem

P = 230.33*4= 921.32 m
S side = 0.5*921.32*184.95 = 85 199.07 m2
S base + S edge = 53051,9 + 85 199.07 = 138 250,97 m2
Let’s calculate for official hight:
S side = 0.5*921.32*186,425= 85 878,54 m2
S base + S граней = 53051,9 + 85 878,54 = 138 930,44 m2
Let’s calculate volume for hight h1:
V = 1/3 * h * a^2
V = 1/3*146,6*230,33^2 = 2 592 469.94 m3
Let’s calculate volume for hight h2:
V = 1/3 * h * a^2
V = 1/3*144,72*230,33^2 = 2 559 224,08 m3

Calculate the angle at the base Alpha and the angle at the top Beta, the natural leg A
= 230.33/2 and the value of the hypotenuse (apothem) C = 186.425 (for the official

Angle Alpha (the angle at the base or the angle at which the faces of the pyramid are
inclined)) = 51.8476° , which is translated into degrees, minutes and seconds:
51°50'51'' (interesting recurring values)
The Beta angle must be multiplied by 2, since we took only half of the face of the
pyramid, therefore the angle at the top = 38.1523 * 2 = 76.3046° , translated into
degrees and minutes: 76 ° 18'16'' Interesting fact: in radians 38.152° = 0,666

Now we should think about what to do with the second calculation, since the angle
of inclination of the pyramid can be the same, but as a result of the truncated top,
the height of the pyramid will be less than the scientists previously assumed.
And also the fact that the Beta angle at the vertex in radians is 0.666, gives one more
confirmation that the angle of inclination of the face is 51°50'.
I am inclined to assume that this was exactly what happened, but still we will carry
out a similar calculation, assuming that the official data on the inclination of the
faces of the pyramid may be erroneous (in this case, this is unlikely, of course)

Calculate the angle at the base Alpha and the angle at the top Beta, knowing the leg
A = 230.33/2 and the length of the hypotenuse (apothem) C = 184.95

Angle Alpha (the angle at the base or the same angle at which the faces of the
pyramid are inclined) 51.488 °, which is translated into degrees, minutes and
seconds: 51°29'17''
The Beta angle must be multiplied by 2, since we took only half of the face of the
pyramid, therefore the angle at the top = 38.5122 * 2 = 77.0244 °, translated into
degrees and minutes: 77 ° 01'28''
We see that the value of the angle of inclination of the faces of the pyramid is not as
beautiful as in the first version.
It can be concluded that the pyramid was truncated, then all calculations converge
well, and the angle of inclination is consistent with official data.

This fragment is an insert that I made while translating the book into English. I
noticed that I didn't do any calculations with the relationships of the perimeter and
other data, and when I did them, I realized that I needed to publish them.
Find the perimeter for side lengths of 230.33 meters:
Р = а*4 , Р = 230.33*4 = 921,32 m
Multiply the perimeter by the height we get: Р * h = 921.32 * 144.72 = 133333.43
Calculate the diagonal of the base using the data above, where we found the radius of the
circumscribed circle around the square of the base of the pyramid and multiply it by 2:
R = 230.33 / 2 * √2 = 162.867905 * 2 = 325.73 m

Interestingly, if the perimeter is multiplied by the diagonal: P * diag = 921.32 *
325.73 = 300 101.56 meters, which is again close to the speed of light, the error is
0.11%, which can hardly be called an accident.
If the perimeter is multiplied by the length of the inscribed circle:
R / l inscr = 921.32 * 723.58 = 666648.72, again a sequence of sixes, and ALL
calculations are interconnected, and if somewhere there is an error of a few
centimeters, then all calculations can be synchronized and then the results will be
666666 and the speed of light with high precise, if all this was laid down by the
Architect. By the way, the result obtained shows the distance from the center of the
pyramid to the North Pole with an error of 17 meters.

King's Chamber

Some official data that we subsequently use:
The room consists of the walls of the king's chamber, the floor of the king's chamber
and the ceiling of the king's chamber.
Currently, the King's Chamber has a floor located at a height of 43 meters from the base of the
pyramid and measures 10 meters 48 centimeters in the east-west direction, 5 meters 24 cm in the
north-south direction, and the ceiling height of the king's chamber is on average about 5 meters 81
- 5 meters 83 cm. It is very difficult to name the exact height of the ceiling, because in addition to
the fact that the floor of the king's chamber has very significant deformations and a slope, the floor
slabs themselves are by no means perfectly even. Absolutely all parts of the King's Chamber are
made of Aswan granite, the walls were polished. In the King's Chamber, there are absolutely no
decorations, inscriptions or bas-reliefs on the walls or floor or ceiling.

An interesting fact about the location of the King's Chamber is that it is said that the
King's Chamber is located at a height of 43 meters from the base of the pyramid.
Let's see what happens if we take the height not 43 meters, but 42 meters 81.5 cm
(18.5 cm less than the declared one) and divide by this value by the height of the
pyramid found by us:
42,815 / 144,72 = 0,295845 , which corresponds to the coordinates of the latitude
of the center of the pyramid - 29° 58'44''/45'' N - north latitude (NL)
Reverse meaning:
144,72/42,815 = 3,3801
When dividing by the official height, we will not get interesting results, but I will give
43 / 146,6 = 0,293315
42,815 / 146,6 = 0,292053
146,6 / 42,815 = 3,4240
146,6 / 43 = 3,4093023

Let us now turn to the calculation of the volumes of the chamber of the king and the
Chamber length (a) = 10.48 m
Width (b) = 5.24 m
Height (h) = 5.81 - 5.83 m (Official values have a spread of 3 cm)

I propose to take an alternative value 1 cm less than the official values, namely =
5.797 m, which differs by 0.22% from the official value, which has a spread of 0.34%.
V = a*b*h
V = 10,48*5,24*5,797 = 318,34 m3 , which is a coincidence with the coordinates of
the longitude of the top of the pyramid: 31° 08’03’’ E - east longitude (E)
If we multiply the result by 40, then we get the approximate diameter of the Earth =
The ratio of the volume of the pyramid to the volume of the chamber:
For V1 = 2 592 469.94 / 318,34 = 8143,714
Reverse: 318,34 / 2 592 469,94 = 0,012279
For V2 = 2 559 224,08 / 318,34 = 8039,279
Reverse: 318,34 / 2 559 224,08 = 0,00012438
Cameras area: S = a*b; S = 10.48*5.24 = 54.91 м2
The ratio of the area of the base of the pyramid to the area of the king's chamber:
53051.9 / 54.91 = 966.1611
Reverse meaning:
54.91 / 53051.9 = 0.001035
The volume of the sarcophagus.
External dimensions:
А = 2,28 м; B = 0,98 м ; Н = 1,05 m ; V = a*b*h
V = 2.28*0.98*1.05 = 2.346 m3
Area: S = a*b
S = 2,28 * 0,98 = 2,2344 m3 (23.44° - this is the tilt of the earth's axis, but this result
can be attributed to a coincidence). By the way, the volume of the sarcophagus also
has similar numerical values, but with insufficient accuracy. To be accurate, you
need to have all the data, preferably personally measured.

Calculate the internal volume of the sarcophagus: А = 1,98 m ; B = 0,68 m; Н = 0,87
V = 1.98*0.68*0.87 = 1.1713 m3
S = 1.98*0.68 = 1.3464 m2
It is worth noting that the ratio of the entire volume of the sarcophagus refers to the
internal one as 2:1
2,346 / 1,346 = 2,003

Queen's Chamber:

Behind the western wall of the passage there are cavities filled with sand. The second chamber is
traditionally called the "Queen's Chamber", although according to the rite, the wives of the
pharaohs were buried in separate small pyramids. The "Queen's Chamber", lined with limestone,
has 5.74 m from east to west and 5.23 m from north to south; its maximum height is 6.22 m.
Let's make similar calculations of volume, area and ratios:
V = 5.74*5.23*6.22 =186,72 m3
S = a*b = 5.74*5.23 = 30.0202 m2
However, these calculations can hardly be considered reliable, since the queen's chamber has
sloping ceilings.
The ratio of the volume of the king's chamber to the queen's chamber:

318,34 / 186,72 = 1,705

186,72 / 318,34 = 0,5866
Area ratio:
54,91 / 30 = 1,83
30 / 54,91 = 0,5463
The ratio of the areas of the base of the pyramid to the queen's chamber:
53051,9 / 30 = 1768,4
30 / 53051,9 = 0,0005655
The ratio of the volume of the pyramid and the chamber of the queen:
For V1 = 2 592 469.94 / 186,72 = 13884,26
Reverse: 186,72 / 2 592 469,94 = 0,000072024
For V2 = 2 559 224,08 / 186,72 = 13706,21
Reverse: 186,72 / 2 559 224,08 = 0,0000729596

In conclusion, I will show a fact that should “blow up” the minds of scientists.
The speed of light was specified only in the second half of the 20th century,
however, the pyramids stand for at least several centuries, and at most for more
than one millennium, while the latitude at which the Great Pyramid of the Architect
stands remains unchanged for as long as it stands there, since the latitude of the
place does not change relative to the poles, only longitude can change
places due to a change in the reference point of longitude, for example, today
longitude is measured from the Greenwich meridian.
That is, the speed of light, which was shown repeatedly in the pyramid, could not be
understood until mankind acquired knowledge about this value.
The same applies to me, I could not discover any knowledge until I knew it earlier.
So now I will show another “screaming” fact, which has been in the sight of all
mankind for at least two thousand years.
There is a magic name that simultaneously contains the number Pi (3.14), the
number Phi (1.61), Sommerfeld's fine structure constant discovered in 1916 (1/137),
and, most interestingly, the longitude coordinates of the Cheops pyramid.
Impressive? What is this word?
This word is one of the majestic names of the Lord. Which is known to all Jews, some
Christians, all occultists and is written in the Bible. This name is Jehovah (Heb. ‫)יהוה‬
is one of the names of God in Judaism and Christianity, which is found just in the third book of the Bible –
Exodus, chapter three, fourteenth and fifteens verse (Exodus 3:14,15) which is the first reference to Pi –
3.1415, the first 5 numbers of Pi.

A few lines to describe and understand what is at stake:

The name Yahweh was revealed to the children of Israel through Moses. The text of the Book of Exodus
makes it possible to explain the name of Yahweh. In it, the Divine name is connected with the verb
haya(h) - to be. The construction ehye(h) aser ehye(h) used in Exodus 3:14 is translated as God's
testimony of Himself: "I AM THAT I AM", abbreviated as "I AM" (in Russian translation: "THE IS").
The name "Yahweh" is, as it were, a response (He is Existing), repeated by people in the third person,
to the Revelation expressed by God in the first person about Himself. The name Yahweh contains a
mystery and a gift. It is not a simple pronoun, noun or adjective, but contains a verb and is therefore
perceived as a mysterious refusal of God to fit into human ideas. At the same time, the verb in the name
points to the fact of living existence, always present and always active, testifies to God as a Personal
Being entering into communion with a person. The name Yahweh was considered as the proper name
of God, so over time it ceased to be pronounced and was only written with 4 consonants YHWH.

We reveal the secret knowledge that has swept through the centuries further.
Consider how the spelling of the name of the Lord looks larger:

Suppose a person does not know the letters of Hebrew, but knows mathematics.
Looking at the name of the mathematician will see: "Pi / Pi squared"
Let's check this equation: 3.1415/3.1415^2 = 0.31832 , which is the longitude
coordinates of the Cheops pyramid. 31° 08’03’’ E – (E)
The reverse equation will give the number Pi.
Let's check another version of the equation: « Pi * 7 / Pi ^ 7"
(3,1415*7) / 3,1415^7 = 0,0072824
Reverse: 3,1415^7 / (3.1415*7) = 137.31
It is this equation that is the quantity called the Fine Structure Constant, which is
expressed as 1/137.
A few words about what it is: It determines the size of a very small change in the
magnitude (splitting) of the energy levels of an atom and, consequently, the
formation of a fine structure - a set of narrow and close frequencies in its spectral
lines, proportional to Alpha^2. The splitting occurs due to the quantum effect - the
interaction of two electrons of an atom as a result of the exchange between them of
virtual (unobservable) photons, which occurs with a change in energy.
Official meaning:
α = 7.297 352 569 3(11) 10. or its inverse: 1/ α = 137.035 999 084(21). The relative
measurement error of α and 1/ α for 2020 is 1.5 10−10; it is one of the most
accurately measured physical constants.
Let's compare it with the official one:
1/137.036 = 0.00729735
137.036 / 137.31 = 0.2% error.
Let's compare the reciprocals:
0.00729735 (of) / 0.0072824 (found) = 0.2% error.
Does it surprise you?
Now let's talk about the next interesting chain of relationships.
In every language there is such a thing as gematria. No, not geometry, but gematria. Gematria is
the numerical value of each letter of the language, or rather the sum of all the numbers or numbers
in the word.

For example, in English, the letter A has the value 1, B-2, C-3, etc. Since the name of
the Lord is written in Hebrew, we need to know the gematria of these
‫א‬ 1 four letters:

‫ב‬ 2 We see that the order of letters for the name Yahweh is as follows:

‫ג‬ 3 10, 5, 6, 5. (read from left to right in Hebrew), sum = 26.

‫ד‬ 4 From here we can find out the numerical value of the number Phi,
namely, divide the first two digits by the next two, that is:
‫ה‬ 5
105/65 = 1.615
‫ו‬ 6
True Phi = 1.618, which means the error is 0.18% of the found one.
‫ז‬ 7
The next interesting fact that will make you think: if the name, written in
‫ח‬ 8 Hebrew, contains clues, including the coordinates of the longitude of the
‫ט‬ 9 Cheops pyramid, then how are the pyramids associated with this name?

‫י‬ 10 And then let's look at the ratio of the coordinates of the pyramid as a
numerical equation:
Longitude / latitude = ?
29° 58’44’’/45’’ N – North latitude (N)
31° 08’03’’ E – east longitude (E)
310803 / 295844 = 1.05056 (we see the same numbers as in the gematria of the name
of God)
If we remove one zero from the longitude, then we get the following:

31083 / 295844 = 0,105065 , which fully corresponds to the order of the gematria
numbers of Yahweh = 10/5/6/5 (we skip zero, in gematria it acts as a space).

Another interesting note: the passages inside the pyramid of Cheops to the cameras
resemble the letter Shin, highlighted the passages in the pyramid in black and
mirrored the image for easy perception.
Interestingly, this letter is given great importance, for example, in the book Sefer
Yetzirah - this letter is one of the three letters - foremothers, possibly symbolically
refers to the trinity. Also, this letter is present on Tefillin and its image is drawn on
the hand when Tefillin is wound around the hand.

It seems to be that at the end of this book we should have more answers than
questions but we can see how strange it is and we have more and more questions.
Firstly, how was the speed of light available to the Architect, also in meters per
Here I can assume that ancient civilizations knew the laws of nature much better
than modern society. As a result, the laws of ratios were known, as well as the
architectural scheme of nature itself (the number series and the Fibonacci spiral).
Moreover. Since the Architect chose a certain latitude, it means that He knew the
exact dimensions of our planet and the speed of light could be measured
experimentally, for example, by arranging a large number of lenses / mirrors around
the circumference of our planet, but it was still necessary to measure the exact time,
which is a more difficult task.
As for meters per second, this issue can be closed when humanity understands the
laws of ratios and world harmony. It doesn't matter what the units of measurement
will be, even meters, even rabbits,

ratios show interdependencies in the number of times between one and the second
For example, the average distance from the Earth to the Moon = 108 Moon
diameters, and the distance from the Earth to the Sun = about 108 Earth diameters,
and the Sun's diameter is about 108 Earth diameters. Earth volume = 1.083*10^12 m3
And the speed of light in km/h = 1.08 billion km/h
The most ancient principles say: as above, so below, as within, so without.
The principle of similarity: Great in small and small in great. Having drawn an
analogy between the hydrogen atom, which has one proton and one neutron with
the Earth and the Moon, we will notice some similarities, although the difference
between their sizes is measured in tens of zeros after one.
To finally give the reader an understanding of the units of measurement used by the
architect, I will say: it does not matter which unit of measurement to use, if all dimensions
are selected so as to obtain the desired ratio as a result. That is, 10 meters will refer to 5
meters in the same way as 10 conventional unit (CU). to 5 CU, namely 2:1. Here is such a
cunning decision made by the Architect.
You can also add the following: no matter how many meters the distance between two
parallels on the earth's surface will be equal. From this, the physical distance between
them will not change. Therefore, if the architect measured the arc passing through the
three pyramids in units that are tied to the geographical dimensions of the planet, then we
will get the same result as He did, only in other units.
Secondly: how was the initial point of reference for the longitude of the pyramid
chosen? I have no answer to this question, except perhaps an assumption: the
priests, who to this day have the knowledge that were laid in the pyramid, could
specifically instruct to take the zero meridian exactly as it is today, so as not to
violate the plan for which they were erected pyramids. (not for burial).
Thirdly: why are they located exactly on the branch of the spiral, why exactly at this
longitude and what is at the zero point?
The 21st century will answer these questions. If you are reading these lines, then the
knowledge has already been published and somewhere there are already thoughts about
how to find out the coordinates of the starting point with maximum accuracy and how to
conduct research there.
I promised that I would give more precise coordinates of the starting point of the spiral, the
curved line of which passes through the three pyramids.

I repeated the construction of the spiral in the high-resolution screenshot and

realized that due to the fractality of the spiral itself, the pyramids may not be in the
ninth square, but in the fourth, eighth, thirteenth and so on, the main thing is that
the height of the spiral is equal to the distance of one minute of the meridian, then
in In any case, the distance from the extreme left pyramid to the zero point will be
about 2 km. Why exactly two km? Because the side of the last square will in any case
be equal to the length of one minute of the meridian, which is approximately 1852
Compiling a Fibonacci series, where the extreme number is 1852, you can calculate
the sum of those squares through which the ray passes, connecting the far side of
the square (in our case, this is the extreme small pyramid), a specific example:
Below we see a screenshot in which the pyramids are located in square 34, or 9 in a
row. If we draw a ray from the extreme pyramid to the zero point, we will see that
the ray will pass through only two squares: 34 and 5, therefore the distance from the
extreme pyramid to the zero point is the sum of the two sides of the squares, where
the first sum = 1852 (34), and the second = 272.25 m, we get the total distance from
the extreme pyramid to the zero point = 1852 + 272 = 2124 meters. The calculation
was performed using Excel, a screenshot is attached:

Screenshot 1: Fibonacci spiral and yellow ray from pyramid to zero point:

Screenshot 2: Refinement of the starting point in the screenshot:

Screenshot 3: calculating the distance of two squares.

The found coordinates of the starting point of the spiral are:

25°58'17''N 31°08'56''E

Unfortunately, today this place is a built-up residential area and a mosque in the
immediate vicinity. Screenshot attached below:

Screenshot 4: Estimated calculated point of the spiral, demonstration of the
development of the area and the presence of a mosque in the immediate vicinity.
It would be interesting to know when and why this mosque was built on this site.

Another interesting fact that I didn’t mention is that the Sphinx bisects the last
square, I can’t do exact calculations, but I attach a screenshot with a schematic

Screenshot 5: The beginning of the line of the square is the Sphinx, which almost
bisects the side of the square in all four directions.

Screenshot 6: After doing additional constructions on the pyramids, I found
another pattern of the Golden Mean, which is illustrated by vertical lines passing
through the centers of the pyramids:

Screenshot 7: Using the available reference points: the centers of the pyramids and
their sides, I assume that during the construction, the area was divided into
squares, guided by which the construction was carried out. The accuracy in the
figure leaves much to be desired, it can be considered a schematic example.

Having three reference points (the Pyramid of Cheops, the Pyramid of Menkaure and the starting
point of the spiral), you can draw lines that will unite them.
It looks like this:

Screenshot 8: building a triangle through anchor points

It is worth paying attention to the interesting area values approximately 888 km2, as well as
the length (perimeter) of the triangle 4884 m, where mirroring of numbers is again observed.

My calculations do not claim to be mathematical "jewelry" accuracy, however, I give an idea to
scientific minds that have at their disposal the necessary equipment, satellite measurements and
other delights of the 21st century, which will allow determining the accuracy up to 1 meter.

Fourth: Is there really a connection between the pyramids and the name written in the Old
Testament, the Pentateuch of Moses? If you study this issue, then you can find out that Moses was
born in Egypt, moreover, due to certain circumstances, he was picked up by the daughter of the
pharaoh in infancy and brought up in the circles of the Egyptian elite. I suppose that Moses could
inherit the "secret" knowledge at that time and seal it for centuries by encryption. This encryption
is Hebrew gematria, through which you can open the deeper secrets of the universe.
One of the facts: the first word in the Bible-Tanakh, namely in the book of Genesis / Bereishit (at
the beginning), is the word “beginning”, whose gematria = 911. This shows a deep understanding
of the Fibonacci number series and the mirror-fractal construction of our reality.
Fifthly, I said that the Sphinx could have had a lens on its head that directed the light. I can assume
that the light was directed to the crystals that were located at the top of the pyramid (s), a
reference to this is in the book "The Emerald Tablets of Thoth Atlanta", Tablet No. 1:
“Rising above the entrance, I, a mighty pyramid, use the power that overcomes the Earth's power
(gravity). Deeper and deeper I placed the house or chamber of power; from it I cut a circular
passage, almost reaching the very great peak. There, on the axis, I installed a crystal that sends a
beam into "Space-Time", drawing power from the ether, concentrating at the entrance to Amenti.
(See Doreal's "Great Pyramid")."
These lines say that the beam came from the pyramid, but it can be assumed that it could be vice
Great emphasis should be placed on the area where the pyramid is located, tectonic activity, the
properties of granite saturated with quartz, from which the main elements of the pyramid are
made (see piezoelectric effect) and the acoustic effect of the king's chamber with the resonator
property. Everything is interconnected.
Moreover, there are drawings and finds that show us the use of electric current by the Egyptians
and not only, for example, the "Baghdad battery" is a good proof of the use of electricity in
Mesopotamia more than 2000 years ago. And the "Pharaoh's rod", which is a copper and zinc
cylinder in the hands of statues from the times of Ancient Egypt, is another proof.

We are on the threshold of great discoveries and the New Era is knocking on our window.

Thanks for reading, good luck!


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