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Submitted To: - Prof. Aditya Mishra

Submitted By: -

M072-22 Chhavi Kansal

M074-22 Siddhesh Dehankar
M085-22 Harshit Arora
M089-22 Kritibandhu Swain
M112-22 Shashwat Choudhary
M117-22 Vaibhav Bhargava

Executive Summary: 
It is our group's intention to present the findings of research related to the integration of the
Instagram payment system and the market demand for the services offered by Instagram
vendors. In order to gain a better understanding of consumers, we are adopting exploratory,
descriptive, and causal research methods. Various methods will be used to conduct the
research, including online surveys, personal interviews, and mail surveys.

By the end of the research, we will be able to determine whether management will
implement a payment system for Instagram.

With the company gaining staggering momentum within a few short months, the story of
Instagram’s explosive rise reads like a Silicon Valley fairy tale. In October 2010, the social
media application for sharing photos and videos was launched on Apple's mobile operating
system after only eight weeks of development by software engineers. The company had
been acquired by Facebook (META) for $1 billion in cash and stock in less than two years.

Problem Definition:
Management Decision Problem (MDP): Should we incorporate an online payment
system on Instagram?

Management Research Problem (MRP):

Management wants to know, how many people want to buy directly from Instagram?

How many businesses are registered on Instagram?

How frequently do people buy from Instagram pages?

What is the market share of social media businesses?

How well has WhatsApp's payment system performed?

Approach to the Problem:

Research Question 1: What are the products consumers usually buy on Instagram

Hypothesis 0: There is no risk associated with shopping on Instagram,

Hypothesis 1: Buying from Instagram sellers involves some risk.

RQ2: How often do consumers buy products from Instagram

H0: The number of times consumers purchase products from Instagram is less than
five per month.

H1: A consumer buys a product from Instagram more than five times per month. 
Research Design-

1. We will perform exploratory, descriptive, and causal research to understand the

research questions and the logic behind buying products from instagram. The focus
would revolve around understanding what a payment system would change for the
2. For a deeper understanding of consumer behavior, personal interviews can be
conducted with industry experts, as well as focus group discussions.
3. In order to administer the survey, a mobile survey, as well as a mail survey, will be
4. An analysis of industry reports, data provided by previous research, and customer
feedback will be conducted as part of secondary research.
5. To conduct user research, online surveys, such as web-based surveys and email
surveys, are used.

Fieldwork/ Data Collection: 

A variety of methods including mail, online surveys, and personal interviews will be
used by the members of the group to collect the data. There will be focus groups
based on people who have purchased products from Instagram sellers.

Data Analysis:
 Excel will be used to analyze the data.

After conducting data analysis and hypothesis testing, we will present our final report
from which we will be able to determine whether Instagram should incorporate a
payment system or not.

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