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The job interview


Nearly 50 percent of North American college students have an internship
at some point during college. In Canada, internships are called co-ops. A
co-op, or internship, is like a temporary job, usually related to the student’s
major. Internships often take place during the summer when students
are not in school. Others may be part-time during the school year. Some
colleges offer course credit for doing an internship, and some employers
pay interns a small wage. All internships allow students to gain experience
in a new field. Interning is a great way to break into a company because
employers often hire the former interns after they graduate.

Have you ever had a part-time job or internship? What did you do?
Where would you like to work?

2 VOCABULARY Getting a job

PAIR WORK What questions would a job interviewer ask at a
fast-food restaurant? Match the parts of the sentences. Then
add two questions of your own.
1. Where did you want to work here?
2. What are your find out about this job?
3. Why do you well with children?
4. Do you like qualifications?
5. Do you get along good with money?
6. Are you working with people?


PAIR WORK What do you think each job candidate
is like? Write a few words for each person.

Susan Scott

Susan Scott

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Watch the video


Complete the sentences. Then compare with a partner.
1. Mario Verdi is the .
2. Danielle Derby is the .
3. Susan and Scott are applying for an .
4. Susan is quite skilled with .
5. Scott enjoys working with .
6. Mario likes . Danielle prefers .


A Who said the sentences below? Check (✓) the correct answers. Then
compare with a partner.

Danielle Susan Scott Mario

1. I know all of the main design programs. ✓

2. Would you be able to create a banner
ad for a web page?
3. I love sports, and I love marketing.
4. I see you’re quite skilled with computers.
5. Do you have any sales experience?
6. I can sell anything.
7. I love being busy.
8. I don’t mind trying new things because
I’m a very fast learner.

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A What skills does the internship require? Write two more skills in the chart.

Job skills Susan Scott

Design skills
Computer skills

B Does Susan have the skills? Does Scott have the skills? Check (✓) the correct answers.

C PAIR WORK Discuss who you think is best for the job and why.
A: I think Scott has more of the skills the job needs. He said he’s good with numbers.
B: Oh, I don’t think so. I think when he says he’s good at computers, he’s exaggerating.


PAIR WORK Interview a classmate for an internship. Use the questions
in Exercise 2 and in the video to help you. Start like this:
A: Why do you want an internship here?
B: Well, I’m very creative. . . .

A PAIR WORK What do a salesperson and a graphic designer
need to be good at? Choose from these phrases and add other
ideas of your own.
managing money using their visual sense
solving problems getting along with people
using computers

B GROUP WORK Now play a game. What skills do people with

these jobs need? Take turns giving your ideas. Think of as many
things as you can. The person with the most ideas wins.
a chef a firefighter a teacher

C What are you good at? Tell your group. Your classmates
will suggest an appropriate career for you!

A manager needs to be good

at managing money.

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Language close-up


Watch the video and complete the conversation. Then practice it.
Danielle and Mario interview an internship candidate.

Mario: You have a very impressive résumé, Susan. us about .

Susan: Well, Mr. Verdi, I’m and I that my artistic
would well here.
Danielle: I see you’re quite with .
Susan: Yes. I all the design . And I’m actually
a for my father’s , and I’m
a 3-D software this .
Danielle: Excellent! But won’t you be
for an internship?
Susan: Oh, no. I busy.

10 SHORT RESPONSES Giving personal information

A Write personal responses to these statements, choosing from
the expressions below. Then compare with a partner.
I can
So am I. Neither am I. I am. I’m not. design an ad. So can I.
So do I. Neither do I. I do. I don’t.
So can I. Neither can I. I can. I can’t.

1. I like working with numbers.

2. I enjoy working with computers.
3. I’m not good at managing money.
4. I don’t like doing office work.
5. I can sell anything.
6. I can’t type very fast.

B Now write four new statements about yourself and read them to your
partner. Your partner will respond with one of the expressions above.
1. 3.
2. 4.

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