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Mulindwa 1

English 4 Part 1
Mrs. Thompson
28 July 2022
Legends’s essay: Importance of Believing in Legends.

A Legend is a traditional story sometimes popularly regarded as historical but not

authenticated. It is as be an extremely famous or notorious person, especially in a particular field

(Oxford Languages). “It’s a form of social myth based, in part on historical facts, dealing chiefly

with heroes and events related to the successes and failures of a group of society” (Kimball

Young). In this way legends are connected to events and heroes. And these heroes, in majority of

cases, are religious, or at least believed to be so. And these events that deserve to have legends

said about them are usually of a divine supra – social or extraspcial naturel. It is true these

legendary stories have less or no proven truth in vested in them as many are always referred to as

mental elusions, but these heroes to whom legends are attached to, continue to command great

respect and influence in modern day society even if they imaginary pictures. Often the mass of

humanity attempts to mould its life along the lines led by legendary heroes like Britain the story

of king Arthur, His achievements and values are told, making them important to people since

they after reflect the up todate situation.

In the real world, we have role models and mentors that define, shape and pool our life

goals, skills, careers, talents, resilience charisma, hard work and self-discipline to mention but a

few. In the same way, legends myths and storytelling play the same roles to our curiosity,

ideologies, ideas, emotions, callings and spiritual purposes as we mentioned earlier that these

legendary heroes and events are religious or believed to be so, helping humans today to have
Mulindwa 2

inspiring imaginary grounds because of the existence and achievements of legends from

generation to generation hence worth importance to be believed. Worth more for one to believe

legends is the fact that they in the form of human expressions which duly deserve respect and

validation (Archetypes) since the earlier generations, the society has been made up of varying

human expressions and ideologies. Legends represents the ideals and values of the society

Although someone may decide to differ from my opinion not to believe in importance of

legends due to the fact that some just refer to them as fake stories, one should not eliminate the

fact thar story telling while passing time gives birth to a million possibilities to ponder about by

us humans as things in the modern society yeas passed were only imaginations but now a reality.

To legends are attached the emotions, feelings and assumptions of individuals of a particular

society, Customs and Traditions evolved on the basis of legend. Correctly gauging their

importance Kimball Young has written “We must remind ourselves that man does not live alone

in a colorless universe of passive objectivity but in a subjectively, emotionally toned world of

attitudes and images, and that myths, ideology and legends determine his conduct more than does

the purely physical universe.”

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Works Cited

Oxford Languages, Legend – Meaning

Accesses July 20, 2022.

“Common Archetypes and Symbols in Literature.” Brightspace. James Madison High School. Accessed June 22,


legends. Accessed July 12th 2022.

Kimball Young, Social psychology An analysis of Social Behavior, January 1, 1936, Accessed July 22, 2022

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