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Transforming Lives through Research

TO: Consulting Director IRC

CC: Field Manager, IRC

FROM: Baka Joshua –Consultant -IT (Expert).

REPORT DATE: 20th, November, 2022.

SITE(S): East, Karamoja and Northern Uganda.

FIELD DAYS: 7 November– 20th November, 2022.


Main Data collection for Feed the future Study in selected districts had commenced on 28 th October,
2022. This exercise requires me to provide IT Support and supervision, for all teams. The objective
of the trip was achieved.

7th November, 2022  Worked with team 6 on confusing household where a lady was interviewed after
confirmation from the chairman that she was the rightful respondent and a day
after the interview the real man owner of the name appears within the same
compound. So, I handled the matter after consultation from Field Manager.
 Worked on team 3 to harmonize a GPS taken from a wrong household.

8th November, 2022  Resolved GPS issues for team 6 as they had taken one for a wrong household.
 Ensured the team had updated their CAPI to the latest version. This I achieved by
confirming with each team member of team 6 to be sure they had the right

9th November, 2022  Resolved Joselyn’s Team issue where a house that had been marked absent for a
long-extended period of time as confirmed from neighbors and chairman but later
the respondent appears when data had been sent to Central office. I managed to
guide them through the tablet to get this interview done.
10th November 2022  Worked on team 5 on cluster errors that were coming from revisiting cluster, so I
managed to resolve them and the cluster was closed successfully.

11th November, 2022  Resolved freezing issues for team 6 supervisor tablet during data transmission.

12th November, 2022  Team 5 had freezing issues on transmission of data where some data files could
hang hence showing incomplete household.
 Corrected interviewer errors on one tablet where a member was not available for
resilience module and it was beyond there scope of training but I managed to
resolve them.
13th November,  Worked Remotely on team 15 issue where the completed interview from one
interviewer tablet was not complete on the supervisor tablet, I managed to
troubleshoot it and data was retrieved.
 Partly worked on Joselyn’s team issue where Interviewer B’s tablet was having
empty responses even after sending the completed module to Interviewer A, so we
addressed the issue and sorted it, the following day.
14th November, 2022  Resolved Data files on team 6 supervisor tablet and data was transmitted to the
central server successfully.
 Troubleshooted Non updating data from the interviewer tablet on the supervisor
tablet of Joslyn’s team
15 November
 Worked with Team 11 on Closing the cluster issue that the cluster was not closing
yet all the necessary processes had been followed and it’s still pending until I go
there physically to assess the tablet.

16th November, 2022  Worked with Team 15 on Closing the cluster issue that the cluster was not closing
yet all the necessary processes had been carried out. I advised them to re - the
WIEA module so it worked successfully.

17th November, 2022  Worked on Joselyn team to harmonize are-assignment issue.,

 Freezing issues of Joselyn during data transmission.

18th November, 2022  Resolved Hanging files data files from 2 interviewer tablets and I managed to iron
them out and housed showed completed for team 6
19th November, 2022  Resolved a double assignment of an already finished interview team 6.
 Worked on general IT issues for the team 6 since I was in the team in the field

20th November, 2022  Worked on Errors in the last cluster for team 3 where Suzan brought the tablets to
Moroto when the cluster could not close. Managed to troubleshoot them and closed
that cluster successfully.
 Worked remotely on team 8 in Lamwo where the Midline interviews have
completely disappeared from the supervisor’s tablet. I partially troubleshooted but I
could not solve it remotely and I need to physically reach them.

Report prepared by: Reviewed & approved by

___________________________ _________________________
BAKA JOSHUA Daniel Kibuuka Musoke
Consultant IT Support Consulting Director IRC

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