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Fractional Distillation Research

There are about 8 fractions in a fractionating tower, and as you go up in the column, the
temperature of each column decreases, and this is so different chain hydrocarbons can be
filtered and collected separately as normal crude oil is pretty useless.

The first layer is for anything that has a boiling point of >350°C and in here residue is
collected, this is used to make bitumen (used to make roads) and asphalt which can also be
used to make roads and in some cases waterproofing and insulation products.

The second fraction is for anything with a boiling point of between 350°C and for this
fraction, fuel oil is collected, fuel oil is used for ships and factories and central heating as well
for heating homes and buildings and sometimes electricity in power plants.

The third fraction is for molecules that have a boiling point of between 300°C and in this
fraction lubricating oil, waxes and polishes are collected. Lubricating oils are for reducing
friction and heat between mechanical components which is why they are used in cars.

The fourth fraction is where diesel fuels are collected and this has a boiling point of about
270°C. Diesel fuels are really important as they are what fuels 39% of all cars. Diesel also
fuels most of the power of farms and construction equipment.

The fifth fraction has a temperature of 170°C and collects Kerosine. This is an important
molecule and is used to fuel aeroplanes, jet engines, kerosene lamps and domestic heaters
or furnaces. 

The sixth fraction is responsible for collecting naphtha, this has a boiling point of 120°C.
Naphtha is used to make chemicals as it is used as a solvent, it is also used to make
varnishes, and sometimes as fuel for camp stoves nd as a solvent for paint

The seventh fraction has a temperature  of 70°C and collects petrol for vehicles, petrol
accounts for 55.5% of fuel that cars run on. Lawnmowers and bikes as well use up petrol.

The last fraction in the fractionating tower has a temperature of 20°C and here the molecules
don’t reach their boiling point, they pass through as gases and an example of molecules that
go through are methane, ethane, propane and butane. Refinery gases are used as portable
fuel for domestic heating and cooking or for light industrial use.

At the Top of the fractionating tower, there are small molecules and their properties are:
-Low boiling point     -Very volatile      -Flows easily      -Ignites easily

At the bottom of the fractionating tower, there are large molecules and their properties are:
-High Boiling Point   -Low Volatility     -Thick (high viscosity)     -Hard to ignite

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