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1. This test booklet contains 150 test questions. Examinees shall manage to use the two hours.
2. Read INSTRUCTIONS TO EXAMINEES printed on your answer sheet.
3. Shade only one (1) box for each question on your sheets.
4. Two or more boxes shaded will invalidate your answer.


1. Detach one (1) answer sheet from the bottom of your Examinee ID/Answer Sheet Set.
2. Write the subject title SOCIAL SCIENCE on the box provided.
3. Shade Set Box A on your answer sheet if your test booklet is Set A; Set Box B if your test booklet is Set B.


1. A sea is a significant body of salty water smaller than an ocean, landlocked. Which does land partly enclose a
large part of the ocean or sea?
a. lake
b. gulf
c. canal
d. strait
2 is derived from the Latin word “sedes,” which refers to the seat or chair of Saint Peter.
a. Holy Faith
b. Kingdom
c. Holy See
d. Caliphate
3 Is a guarantee given by the constitution to specific units of government where their approved
annual appropriations shall be automatically regularly released.
a. Fiscal autonomy
b. Basic adequacy
c. Annual budget
d. Information disclosure
4. On January 21, 2019, a referendum took place with the majority of voters deciding to ratify the ________
paving way to the creation of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region and abolition of the Autonomous Region
in Muslim Mindanao.
a. Bangsamoro Autonomy Law
b. Bangsamoro Republic Law
c. Bangsamoro Organic Law
d. Bangsamoro Independence Law
5. Despite strong protestations from jimmy, the government took away his private property for public use upon
payment to him or just compensation. What power of the state was involved in the case?
a. The absolute power of the state
b. The police power
c. The government’s power
d. The power of eminent domain
6 _________ refers to a direct measure of competence wherein one of its weaknesses is the large amount of
work involved in transcribing the data.
a. Standardized test
b. Personality test
c. Performance test
d. Paper-pencil test
7. On September 24, 622, the prophet Muhammad completed his Hegira, or “flight,” from Mecca to Medina to
a. build followers of his religion
b. escape persecution



c. organize a community
d. gain a significant power as a prophet
8. An ancient Sanskrit epic that follows Prince Rama's quest to rescue his beloved wife Sita from the clutches of
Ravana with the help of an army of monkeys.
a. The Ramayana
b. The Beowulf
c. The Terra Cotta
d. The Epic of Gilgamesh
9. On May 18, 2018, this museum was opened to the public for the first time. It is hosted inside the building
formerly occupied by the Department of Tourism within Rizal Park near Agrifina Circle.
a. National Museum of Natural History
b. Museo Pambata
c. National Museum of the Philippines
d. Museum of Contemporary Arts and Design
10. King Hammurabi of Babylonian was known in Mesopotamia and West Asia. How is he remembered?
a. He married 4 Muslim princesses
b. He spread his religion
c. He gathered the laws
d. He discovered a system of writing
11. Sometimes people have to go to a new place to get a better job. Which theme does this situation represent?
a. Movement
b. Region
c. Place
d. Environment Interaction
12. The government imposed a new tax on imported milk, which decreased the supply of this product. What
factor of supply is described in this situation?
a. The price of related product
b. The cost of production
c. The seasonal product
d. The expectation of future price
13. In Christianism, the belief that there are three persons in one God: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,
is called _______ _.
a. The Body of Christ
b. The Holy Rosary
c. The Holy Trinity
d. The Holy Communion
14. In Vietnam, as a protest against the Christian policy of President Ngo Dinh Diem against the Buddhists, one
Buddhist monk burns himself to death. The famous act of burning oneself is known as ________ _.
a. self-mortification
b. self-annihilation
c. self-immolation
d. self-condemnation
15. All the following are characteristics of classical civilizations, except for _________.
a. The organized bureaucracy
b. The social stratification
c. The central government
d. The democratic institutions
16. Globes are essentially an essential tool in the study of geography. A map is more convenient to use, but all
map projections have some errors in the presentation of distance and shapes. Given these conditions, which
among the known mapping projections will we use to give the actual size and shape of the earth’s land
a. The Equidistant Mapping
b. The Conformal Mapping
c. The Azimuthal Mapping
d. The Equal Area Mapping
17. Operant conditioning of behavior is an excellent example of a ________
a. Nomothetic Approach
b. Causation Approach
c. Ideographic Approach
d. Non-spurious Approach
18. Why did the highly pigmented, dark skin evolve in the tropics?
a. as protection against intense sunlight



b. consequence of mild sunlight

c. for absorption of more light
d. crucial for the body’s ability to make vitamin D
19. In the theory of evolution, Australopithecus undergo physical and biological changes to adapt to the new
environment where they live, except for _______ _.
a. changes in the size of teeth
b. bipedalism
c. changes in blood pressure
d. changes in the size of the brain
20. Benham Rise is a 13-million-hectare underwater plateau located near Aurora. The area is solely claimed as
part of its continental shelf by the Republic of the Philippines, which the United Nations Commission
confirmed on the Limits of the Continental Shelf on April 12, 2012. Thru Executive Order No. 25, President
Duterte renamed the underwater plateau. What do we call Benham Rise now?
a. Maharlika Shelf Island
b. Philippine Rise
c. Aurora Rise
d. Benham Continental Shelf
21. Empirical inquiry is derived from or relates to experiment and observation rather than theory. Which of the
following issues would a sociologist likely make an empirical investigation on?
a. Advantages and disadvantages of democracy as an ideology
b. Crowd behavior during rallies
c. Medical effect of contraceptives on health
d. Church doctrine behind Pope Francis wanting priests to forgive abortion sinners
22. This is the prevailing cosmological model explaining the existence of the observable universe from the earliest
known periods through its subsequent large-scale evolution.
a. Plate Tectonics Theory
b. Land Bridge Theory
c. Big Bang Theory
d. Continental Drift Theory
23. In the Philippines, the best candidates for a position or a job do not always get hired. Which practice prevents
the “best and the brightest” from hiring for a position?
a. a merit system
b. networking
c. nepotism
d. meritocracy
24. You need to find out why dumping plastic bags in landfills is a problem for the environment. You choose a
general science book in the library and locate the index. Plastic bags and landfills are not listed in the index.
It would help if you had a broader term. Which term below should you try next?
a. Dumps
b. Bags
c. Trash
d. Solid waste
25. Which is proof that the Philippines was inhabited as early as 21 000 years ago?
a. skull cap discovered in Tabon Cave, Palawan
b. mummies found in Timbac Cave in Benguet
c. chinaware unearthed in Calatagan, Batangas
d. boat fragments excavated in Butuan riverbanks
26. When I conclude that my students are cheaters because I caught one of them cheating, I commit the fallacy
of _______ _.
a. faulty analogy
b. false cause
c. accident
d. hasty generalization
27. The principle of Yin and Yang is that all things exist as inseparable and contradictory opposites. To practice
the Yin-Yang principle, a person must _______ _.
a. lives a simple life.
b. Be kind
c. Be disciplined
d. lives in a natural environment
28. Protestant Reformers were those theologians whose careers, works, and actions brought about the
Protestant Reformation of the 16th century. What was a consequence of the Protestant Reformation?
a. The Holy Roman Empire became a republic



b. Secular rulers became more powerful

c. Judaism dominated Southern Europe
d. Religious differences were peacefully settled
29. What was the name of the killing machine used to behead traitors during the French Revolution?
a. The Grand Blancs
b. The Guillotine
c. The Bourgeoisie
d. The Sans-Culottes
30. The sexagesimal system originated with the ancient Sumerians in the 3rd millennium BC, was passed down
to the ancient Babylonians, and is still used in a modified form for measuring time, angles, and geographic
coordinates. Sexagesimal, also known as ________ _.
a. base 50 or sexagenary
b. base 60 or sexagenary
c. base 70 or sexagenary
d. base 80 or sexagenary
31. You are writing a paper on the effects of high-energy drinks. You found a website listing the benefits. Which
of the following would best help you verify the accuracy of the information?
a. Research articles and facts from a government agency
b. Advertisements and celebrity endorsements
c. articles and advertisements
d. Facts from a government agency and celebrity endorsements
32. What was the term for the traditional Chinese concept that the powers of the emperor came from heaven
and emperors should then be regarded as Sons of Heaven?
a. Confucianism
b. Taoism
c. Chung Kuo
d. Mandate of Heaven
33. The Hittites were an Anatolian people who played an essential role in establishing first a kingdom in Kussara
before 1750 BC, then the Kanesh or Nesha kingdom, and next to an empire centered on Hattusa in north-
central Anatolia around 1650 BC. What were the secrets of the Hittites for their success in warfare?
a. Iron implements and war chariots
b. Warships and high-powered guns
c. Plunder and intimidation
d. Consulting the stars before going to war
34. Some schools patterned their school mission and vision after the Greek ideals like excellence, courage, and
honor in Homer’s epic poems, namely the _______ _.
a. Dialogue and Republic
b. Iliad and Odyssey
c. Works and Days
d. Aeneid and Eclogues
35. Which statement does not describe the Spartans?
a. The people had a militaristic orientation
b. They led the Peloponnesian League
c. The valued Golden Mean.
d. They trained their warriors not to fear death
36. The Arab oil embargo against the United States in 1973 was initiated because of U.S. support for _______ _.
a. Israel in the Yom Kippur war.
b. Egypt in the Suez crisis.
c. Iraq in its conflict with Iran
d. Greece in its conflict with Turkey
37. When Actual aggregate demand is more than the planned aggregate demand to maintain full economic
employment. It is called _______ _.
a. Deflationary Gap
b. Excess Demand
c. Inflationary Gap
d. Deficient Demand
38. Architecture is an aspect of Greco-Roman culture that is a legacy in our modern society. Jewish and Christian
beliefs differ from the Greco-Roman tradition in matters concerning the importance of _______ _.
a. The individual morality
b. The rule of law
c. The family unit
d. The belief in one God


39. Most Japanese constitutional scholars believe that the people's sovereignty, fundamental human rights, and
pacifism are the essential features of the Constitution of Japan. Which of these is a source for the ideas
outlined in the Japanese Constitution?
a. The legal writings of Thomas Hobbes
b. The charter of the United Nations
c. The United States Constitution
d. The writings on constitutions by Voltaire
40 _________ is an act regulating and supervising the practice of teaching in the Philippines and prescribing
Licensure Exam for teachers.
a. Republic Act 7836
b. Republic Act 6655
c. Republic Act 7798
d. Republic Act 7784
41. John Locke is an English philosopher. He pioneered the ideas of natural law, social contract, religious
toleration, and the right to a revolution that proved essential to the American Revolution and the U.S.
Constitution. He argued that life, liberty, and property are ________ _.
a. political rights to be granted as determined by law.
b. economic rights earned in a capitalistic system.
c. social rights guaranteed by the ruling class
d. natural rights that the government should protect.
42. Both the United States Declaration of Independence and the French Declaration of the Rights of Man
emphasized the idea that governments must _______ _.
a. guarantee economic prosperity
b. protects the rights of people
c. support established religious beliefs
d. operates on a system of checks and balances
43. What document best exemplifies the natural rights philosophy, “Emphasizes individual rights to life, liberty,
and property?”
a. Luther’s Ninety­five Theses
b. The Communist Manifesto
c. Plato’s Republic
d. The Declaration of Independence
44. In economics, the circular flow model, also known as the circular flow of income, describes how money and
economic resources flow in cycles between different sectors in a financial system. This statement means that
a circular flow model is showing_________.
a. The Households generate the revenue necessary for firms to produce.
b. The Household demand outputs and supply outputs.
c. The Firms demand resources and supply outputs.
d. The Firms generate the income necessary for households to consume
45. The Magna Carta in 1215 is a charter of liberties to which the English barons forced King John to give his
consent in June 1215 at Runnymede. How did the Magna Carta in 1215 contribute to the development of the
English government?
a. It created a two-house parliament.
b. It extended voting rights.
c. It provided for a bill of rights.
d. It limited the power of the monarch.
46. Which theory of Marx states that the difference between commodity price and production cost belongs to
the workers?
a. The theory of exploitation
b. The theory of labor rights
c. The theory of price control
d. The theory of economic difference
47. In November 1799, in an event known as the coup of 18 Brumaire, Napoleon was part of a group that
successfully overthrew the French Directory. What was one factor that enabled Napoleon to seize control of
a. The vital democratic reforms Napoleon advocated
b. The weakness of the French government
c. The endorsement by foreign governments
d. The support Napoleon received from French autocrats
48. Colonial powers often rationalized their subjugation of colonized peoples based on the latter's alleged
cultural inferiority. Economically, what enabled Japan to become a colonial power after 1894?
a. Japanese trade wars against the United States removed regional competition for colonies.



b. Agricultural advances increased the population and forced Japan to look for new land.
c. The Japanese were forced to acquire colonies in Asia when European trade was banned
d. Industrialization allowed Japan to expend resources on military and colonial expansion.
49. In the late nineteenth century, the British commonly referred to the Suez Canal in Egypt as the “Lifeline of
the Empire” because it _______ _.
a. served as a ship-building center for the British navy.
b. provided a strategic shipping route to British
c. irrigated several cash crops in the British colonies.
d. held large deposits of coal needed by British industries.
50. The collapse of the last Chinese Empire in 1912 was caused by the imperial government’s failure to _______ _.
a. repels communist guerrillas.
b. controls foreign influence
c. educates the masses
d. enters alliances with other nations.
51. The Triple Entente describes the informal understanding between the Russian Empire, the French Third
Republic, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. Why did Great Britain, France, and Russia
form the Triple Entente in 1907?
a. to develop an economic alliance based on open markets
b. to suppress minority nationalists in their own countries
c. to protect their colonies from invasion by other nations
d. to respond to the increased military power of Germany
52. During World War I, U.S. propaganda posters often portrayed German soldiers as________ _.
a. violators of human rights
b. unbeatable enemies
c. honorable opponents
d. liberators of oppressed peoples
53. Great Britain’s stated reason for declaring war on Germany in 1914 was the ________ _.
a. The French attacks on German colonies.
b. The United States’ entry into the war.
c. The German invasion of Belgium
d. The Serbian assassination of Archduke Franz
54. In the U.S., prices of goods and services are forty to fifty times higher than those in the Philippines, but
Americans do not feel the impact of high prices because the _________ of the dollar is similarly high.
a. stock exchange
b. dividend return
c. currency float
d. exchange value
55. What basic idea was shared by Britain and France at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919?
a. German military power should be permanently restricted.
b. Italy should give up its colonies in Africa.
c. Germany should be divided into occupation zones.
d. The Central Powers should divide the cost of the war equally.
56. On his 3rd SONA, President Duterte told the Members of the Senate to urgently pass this law to put in place
a policy that will address our competing land requirements for food, housing, businesses, and environmental
a. Anti-Illegal Land and Conversion Act
b. National Land Use Act
c. Philippine Agrarian Reform
d. Comprehensive Land Reform Law
57. Fascist, a political system headed by a dictator in which the government controls business and labor, and
opposition is not permitted. One-way fascist leaders in the 1920s and 1930s gained popular support was by
a. promising to maintain peace with other countries.
b. limiting military influence in the government.
c. appealing to national pride.
d. attracting foreign investment for industrial development.
58. In the 1930s, Stalin began jailing political enemies en masse and carrying out a campaign of terror against
certain Soviet citizens deemed enemies of the party. Stalin’s “Great Purge” from 1934 to 1939 ________ _.
a. eliminated the army’s dominance in state decisions.
b. brought about the death of millions of people.
c. replaced agricultural workers with technology
d. expanded Soviet agriculture at the expense of industry



59. A map shows U.S. states’ borders and the state capitals’ locations, including highways, roads, and cities.
a. physical map
b. road map
c. climatic map
d. political map
60. Following the United States’ entry into World War II, American and British leaders decided that their highest
priority would be to _______ _.
a. recapture Pacific possessions lost to the Japanese.
b. invades Europe and defeats Germany.
c. strike directly at the Japanese home islands.
d. sends armies to the Russian Front to help the Soviet Union.
61. Which of the following legislations made the advocacy of independence treasonable during the Filipino
American War?
a. Brigandage Act
b. Sedition Law
c. Traitor Ship Act
d. Eating Habit Law
62. What crisis brought the Soviet Union and the United States to the brink of nuclear war in 1962?
a. the creation of East Germany as a separate Soviet military occupation zone
b. an invasion of South Korea by armed communist forces from North Korea
c. the installation in Cuba of Soviet offensive intermediate-range missiles
d. an attempt by leaders in communist Hungary to withdraw from the Warsaw Pact
63. The Central bank accepts deposits and advances loans to commercial banks. Which of the following function
is highlighted in this statement?
a. Banker to Government
b. Bankers’ bank
c. Budgetary instrument
d. Bank of issuing currency
64. Roman Architecture is the classic architectural style of the Roman Empire that was marked using the orders,
pediment, arch, dome, and vault. One of the contributions of the Romans is seen in terms of architecture.
The open theater where the battle of the gladiators is fought is known as _______ _.
a. Hippodrome
b. Pantheon
c. Colosseum
d. Triumphal Arch
65. Ukraine has been independent of Russia since the breakup of the Soviet Union, and its current president is
Volodymyr Zelenskyy. The territory of modern Ukraine has been inhabited since 32 000 BC. When did Ukraine
separate from Russia?
a. an independent country on 27 August 1994
b. an independent country on 26 August 1993
c. an independent country on 25 August 1992
d. an independent country on 24 August 1991
66. The cornerstone of all systems of effective administration of justice is _______ _.
a. Rules of procedure
b. Judicial practice
c. Tenure of office
d. Executive clemency
67. What is the route name that connected China to the rest of the world through trade and the spread of
a. Hindu Kush pass
b. Silk Road
c. Caravan
d. Great Wall of China
68. Abraham Lincoln was an American lawyer and statesman who served as the 16th president of the United
States from 1861 until his assassination in 1865. The most important achievement of Abraham Lincoln was
a. the establishment of a robust military command
b. the abolition of slavery
c. the strengthening of democracy
d. the establishment of the supremacy of the north over the south


69. In criminal justice systems, a youth detention center, known as a juvenile detention center, is a secured
housing facility for juvenile offenders. What can be done to prevent the detention of juveniles with adult
a. the separate cells of juveniles and adults
b. the alternative learning system in prisons
c. the upgrade juvenile penology program
d. the lesson years of detention for juveniles
70. The inauguration of the First Philippine Assembly in 1907 paved the way for the country's independence from
American rule as it provided the Filipino legislators to have hands-on in local political affairs. The formal
inauguration of the Philippine Assembly was held at _______ _.
a. the Cultural Center of the Philippines
b. the Grand Opera House
c. the Malacañang Palace
d. the session hall of the Philippine Commission
71. Which of the following was a primary cause of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union?
a. A direct, armed conflict between the two nations
b. a profound reduction in military expenditures
c. the founding of the United Nations
d. a competition for political influence over other countries
72. The first Sulu-United States Treaty concluded on August 20, 1899, allowing American presence in Sulu.
a. Murphy Treaty
b. Jones Treaty
c. Bates Treaty
d. Forbes Treaty
73. Ides referred to the first new moon of a given month, which usually fell between the 13th and 15th. The Ides
of March signified the new year, which meant celebrations and rejoicing. Ides of March of 44 BC was marked
in the history of the Romans as _______ _.
a. A change in the Roman calendar
b. The 15 th day of March.
c. A tragic event of March
d. A day of sorrow brought by the death of Julius Caesar
74. "Egypt is wholly the gift of the Nile," means that the Nile River made civilization in Egypt possible. It provided
the people with means of transport and helped with irrigation for farming, food such as fish, and even fertile
soil for growing crops. Why is Egypt called the Gift of Nile?
a. Many were fascinated by the ancient civilization of Egypt
b. Egypt’s civilization lasted for thousands of years
c. The monuments of Egypt still stand today
d. Without the Nile, it would not have been possible to establish a civilization
75 _________ is a natural disaster that is not caused by shifts in the tectonic plates.
a. Earthquakes
b. Avalanche
c. Hurricane
d. Volcanic Activity
76. A socialist country is a sovereign state in which everyone in the society equally owns the factors of
production. What core principle has remained unfulfilled in socialist countries like Russia and China?
a. the rule of the working–class
b. the class struggles
c. the revolutionary conflict
d. the state ownership of industries
77. The Scientific Revolution was a series of events that marked the emergence of modern science during the
early modern period when developments in mathematics, physics, astronomy, biology, and chemistry
transformed society’s views about nature. Which of the following was not part of the development during
the Scientific Revolution?
a. Laws of planetary motion
b. Social contract
c. Microbiology
d. Heliocentric view of the universe
78. All these are reasons why the United Nations was established, except for________ _.
a. Improve the state of health
b. Promote economic progress
c. Spread the word of God
d. Prevent wide-scale conflict


79. Which theory states that enlightenment and later thinkers often speculated that societies progressed through
a. Stadial Theory
b. Linear Theory
c. Cyclical Theory
d. Social Change Theory
80. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right includes the freedom to hold opinions and to
receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers.
Which responsibility goes with my right to speak?
a. not to speak because of fear
b. to tell only what is true
c. not to hurt others
d. to keep quiet when what I say incriminates me
81 _________ can help us restore our planet's health moving into the future, and its benefits include carbon
sequestration, improving biodiversity in wildlife habitats, and increasing soil fertility.
a. Reforestation
b. Seeding
c. Soil erosion
d. Deforestation
82. In the moral life, responsibility depends on one's knowingly and freely doing an act. In which of the following
situations would you attribute responsibility?
a. an insane person strikes someone's head with a hammer
b. four-year-old fires a loaded gun, killing his father.
c. a person unknowingly passes counterfeit money
d. a nurse administers a medicine despite strong doubts about it
83. The physical phenomenon which raises the temperature of the earth’s surface through the emission of carbon
dioxide and other greenhouse gases, mainly from industrial centers, is called _______ _.
a. Global warming
b. Hurricane
c. Ocean heat
d. Atmospheric winds
84. Cultural differences and signals may cause miscommunication. Normally, other families go to kiss one
another. But this is taboo to some families who _______ _.
a. Takes as an affront
b. Disrespect for elders
c. Losing virginity
d. Believed it’s unsanitary
85. Which of the following statements is not an acceptable inference on culture and individual personality?
a. Culture isolates individuals from the group.
b. Socialization process develops a culture
c. Culture develops an individual personality
d. Childrearing practices can form distinct personality types.
86. A bill becomes a law even if the President does not sign it after _________ days.
a. 60 days
b. 45 days
c. 90 days
d. 30 days
87. Comprehensive tax is an income tax for which the tax base consists of income and capital gains and other
accretions of wealth, such as legacies. The comprehensive tax law allows no investigation and audit of assets
and income if ______ _.
a. they declare only what is earned for the year
b. they file their income tax on time
c. they pay in two installments
d. they avail 20% in addition to their declared taxable income
88. Nebuchadnezzar of the Chaldean Empire built a terrace of plants and flowers called ___________.
a. The Great Wall
b. Leaning Tower
c. Rice Terraces
d. Hanging Gardens
89. Social inequality is the existence of unequal opportunities and rewards for different social positions or
statuses within a group or society. Social inequality is evident in the situation to ________ _.
a. The ruling class dominates the culture.



b. Communication is accessible
c. Management is participatory
d. Decision has been reached by consensus.
90. What natural disaster can bring havoc to the country’s long coastline twice if that of the continental United
a. Tidal waves
b. Flooding
c. Ocean heat
d. Atmospheric winds
91. The principle of checks and balances is intended to maintain harmony among the government’s executive,
legislative and judicial departments. Which one is a check on the executive department by the judiciary?
a. Declaring an act of the President unconstitutional.
b. Declaring a legislative measure unconstitutional
c. Impeaching the President
d. Determining the salaries of the President and the Vice President.
92. A doctrine that prohibits a European nation from becoming more potent than the other that existed during
the reign of Queen Elizabeth I of England is called _______ _.
a. Balance of power
b. Mercantilism
c. Buffer zone
d. Encomienda system
93. Why is it that despite Southeast Asia's natural resources richness, the countries that belong here still have
slow economic progress compared to those in Europe and America?
a. The people do not have innate intelligence and ability to put up industries
b. The region has a hot climate not fit for employment
c. The people cannot exploit natural resources and put-up industries
d. The region is experiencing calamities such as typhoons, tsunamis, and earthquakes which destroy crops
and industries.
94. All children in the same classrooms, in the same schools. Flexible and individual support for children with
special needs is part of _______ _.
a. Exhaustive education
b. Inclusive education
c. Exclusive Education
d. Conclusive education
95. While authority should be respected, its opinion may be an error. Which of the following represents a better
avenue to the truth?
a. Fallacious reasoning
b. Overgeneralization
c. Replication
d. Selective observation
96. When we consider the famous Fall of Rome in 476 A.D., we refer to the destruction of _______ _ .
a. The fall of the Western Roman
b. The entire Roman Empire
c. The fall of the Roman City
d. The fall of the Eastern Roman Empire
97. When you tell your grounded child that he can go out. What does this statement imply?
a. reprieve
b. execution
c. pardon
d. commutation
98. “Your honor, how can the prosecution dare try to send this poor, defenseless child to jail for the murder of
his father and mother? Have a heart! The boy is now an orphan.” Is this argument valid?
a. No, this is faulty reasoning; appeal to force.
b. Yes, nobody can disagree.
c. No, this is a fallacy, an appeal to pity.
d. No, this violates the rules of logic, an appeal to trendy belief.
99. War, torture, genocide, murder, and homicide are examples of_______ _.
a. structural violence
b. physical violence
c. ecological violence
d. socio-cultural violence


100. What constitutional right is violated without the lawful order of the court or cause prescribed by law? The
National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) agents wiretapped, heard, and made public your confidential
telephone conversations with your religious adviser.
a. The Right to information on public matters of public concern
b. The Religious freedom
c. The Right to religious beliefs
d. The Right to privacy of communication and correspondence
101. Which duty do you fulfill if you give information to the authority on the whereabouts of the wanted criminals
of the country?
a. to exercise rights responsibility
b. to uphold the constitution
c. to engage in gainful work.
d. to cooperate with duly constituted authorities
102. Which paradox argued that the faucet water is a most valuable commodity but is priced lower than diamonds
disproves the principle that the price of commodities is based on how useful it is or the utility?
a. water-diamond
b. price-priceless
c. liquid- solid
d. useful-not useful
103. Constitutional rights are granted to individuals by their citizenship or residence in a particular country,
whereas human rights are inherent and held as attributes of the human personality. The following are our
constitutional rights, except for _______ _.
a. right to due process and equal protection of the law
b. be presumed guilty until proven otherwise
c. right of abode and the right to travel
d. right to information on matters of public concern
104. The non-debatable evidence left by Rizal proving his faith in God despite his being estranged from his religion
is ________.
a. El Filibusterismo
b. Mi Ultimo Adios
c. Noli Me Tangere
d. Refraction paper from estranging beliefs
105. In 1885, Rizal decided to return to the Philippines through his friends and supporters were unanimous in
urging him not to go, as _______ _.
a. he would be the enslaved Spanish person
b. he would be arrested
c. he would be exiled.
d. he would be teaching at the University of Sto. Tomas
106. How long can an elected president of the Philippines serve under the 1987 constitution?
a. two terms for six years
b. one term for six years
c. one term for eight years
d. two terms for eight years
107. A colony is a distant territory belonging to or under the control of a nation. The Americans acquired the
Philippines as their colony because _______ _.
a. They helped Filipinos fight the Spaniards and consider their colony
b. They invaded the Philippines in 333 years
c. They defeated the Spaniards and made an agreement
d. Spain ceded the Philippines by the treaty of Paris of 1898.
108 is participation in governance, including the right to vote and seek public office, which is secured
within the citizenry.
a. The right to due process
b. The right of suffrage
c. The political rights
d. The socio-economic rights
109 is a deliberate deception made by advertisers who say, “people are more likely to vote for the
candidate that they think is winning.”
a. Circular thinning
b. Bandwagon
c. Personal attack
d. Falsehood or the Big Lie


110. Almost one­half of the world’s population is found in Asia. What is the implication of this information to the
continent’s economic status?
a. The need for employment and food in Asia is more significant than in the other continents.
b. The population increase in Asia is the key to the continent’s industrialization.
c. countries in Asia have high per capita income
d. people in Asia have more ability to create ideas and products than the other continents in the world.
111. What do we call those to revive the classics in social trends and stand for building a more humane, just,
compassionate, and democratic society using pragmatic ethics based on human reason, experience, and
reliable knowledge?
a. Essentialists
b. Reformists
c. Humanists
d. Existentialists
112. Judiciary is called the guardian of the constitution because it has only the right to advocate for it and
safeguards the fundamental rights from being exploited. In what instance is the independence of the judiciary
a. The Supreme Court is given authority to appoint all officials and employees of the judiciary
b. The Supreme Court is beyond criticism
c. The Congress can change the qualification of the justices of the Supreme Court
d. The salaries of the members of the Supreme Court and the lower courts can be decreased during their
continuance in office.
113. What characterizes good thinkers who desire to understand and search for answers and solutions?
a. Mythmakers
b. Innovators
c. Rationalists
d. Crowd followers
114. Human rights are moral principles for specific standards of human behavior protected by the law. Which of
the following statements on human rights is correct?
a. Human rights are limited to every individual.
b. Human right is might.
c. All rights are inalienable.
d. Refers to moral power, not physical power.
115. The book’s author found a typo error in his newly published book. Errors that creep into the newly published
book are called _______ _.
a. news stories
b. erratum
c. commentary
d. news photos
116. The 21 st century is the current century of the Anno Domini era, or the Common Era by the Gregorian calendar.
And the development of 21 st-century teaching and learning skills is a contemporary trend. Which elements
are interconnected in the process of teaching and learning?
a. Education for all and literacy
b. Professional development
c. High budgetary appropriations
d. student outcomes and support systems
117 _________ is the name for the estimated measurement of the ground motion that occurs during an
a. Richter scale
b. critter scale
c. reactor scale
d. Homerian scale
118. Hindus believe in one God and worship that one God under many manifestations, deities, and images. Which
of the following is not in line with the teachings of Hinduism?
a. The lowest member of the Caste System is the Untouchables
b. The doctrine of Hinduism is the Four Noble Truths
c. The main gods of Hinduism are Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva
d. They believe in a continuous cycle of life and death of man to make the soul pure.
119. Which is not among the significant-good traits of cultural communities in highland regions?
a. industry
b. patience
c. frugality
d. extravagance



120. Which explains Spencer's theory of the progressive evolution of human societies?
a. Human individuals adapt but not human societies.
b. Societies inevitably progress.
c. Societies have to compete to survive
d. Societies have to adapt to survive or else perish
121. What best describes the form of government of England with its parliament, a prime minister, and a queen
or a king?
a. Ethnocracy
b. Demarchy
c. Anarchism
d. Constitutional monarchy
122. Maps have several advantages over the globe, but this is not one of them.
a. They can show details of the earth’s surface.
b. They can be folded, carried, and stored.
c. They are round with accurate scales
d. They give an accurate picture of one or two earth features.
123. Which best describes the division of the legislature into the Senate and the House of Representatives?
a. Unicameralism
b. Bipartisanship
c. Bicameralism
d. Co-legislative powers
124 demonstrates interconnectedness between social and environmental injustices.
a. Temperature warming and rise of sea level
b. Desertification of verdant regions
c. Extinction of rare animal species.
d. Highly industrialized countries’ toxic waste is disposed to poorer countries.
125 is the most violent yet the miniature storm, typically only 30 meters in diameter.
a. Cyclone
b. Typhoon
c. Tornado
d. Tsunamis
126. The world population is growing larger every day, while the fertile soil of the earth is getting the smaller
cause of human practices which do not include _______ _.
a. sustainable agriculture
b. overgrazing
c. cutting of trees
d. overuse of soil through planting
127 _________ refers to an extension of the term hypertext, which is a nonlinear medium of information that
includes graphics, audio, video, plain text, and hyperlinks.
a. MIDI Service
b. Scanner
c. Hypermedia
d. World Wide Web
128. Which is the primary cause of the death of women in childbirth, estimated at 500 000 each year as reported
by the World Health Organization?
a. Lack of good obstetrician
b. Lack of facilities
c. poor nursing education
d. Poor reproductive health system
129 _________ can be identified with a public purpose, public interest, and public convenience.
a. Eminent Domain
b. Public Use
c. Property
d. Just Compensation
130. Athens was the largest and most influential of the Greek city-states and had many fine buildings; and was
named after Athena, the goddess of wisdom and warfare. Which of the following is a concept from classical
Athens central to Western political thought today?
a. Individuals should fight against nature and society to achieve greatness.
b. Individual achievement, dignity, and worth are of immense importance.
c. Individual recognition impedes societal progress.
d. Individuals play an insignificant role in shaping ideas, society, and the state.
131. What is the sociological foundation of the Philippines under the 1987 constitution?



a. Cultural heritage
b. Family
c. Folklore
d. Arts and sciences
132. What is manifested by the practice of a group of people of different lifestyles, ways of living together, value
systems, traditions, and beliefs?
a. Condition of culture shock
b. Cultural diversity
c. Confusion in mores
d. Problems in a cultural experience
133. What kind of prejudice has been overcome in the Philippines by including the Muslim holidays that have
gained national respect aside from the Catholic holidays like Christmas, Lenten Season, etc.?
a. Heterosexualism
b. Sexism
c. Lookism
d. Religious Intolerance
134. The world’s oldest cat died at 15 years in 2014. And made it into the Guinness World Records in 2012 for the
world’s oldest cat. Where was the name Janus derived from?
a. A Greek God with three faces
b. A Greek God with two faces
c. A Roman God with two faces
d. A Roman God with three faces
135. The research objective is balanced, and responsible use of current research and the best available data to
guide policy and practice decisions, improving consumer outcomes. What do you call the basis of scientific
theory that can be empirical and not merely speculative or opinionated?
a. Logical reason
b. Authority
c. Tradition
d. Evidence-based
136. The “Writ of Amparo” grants the fundamental right to _______ _.
a. To be defended by a public attorney
b. Right for Self-defense
c. Right to gather information
d. Right to life, liberty, and security
137. The United Nations (UN) recognizes the “right to have a family,” but a social program modifies this, departing
from the traditional religious belief to “go and multiply.”
a. Same-gender marriage
b. Gay rights
c. Planned Parenthood
d. Law against female circumcision
138. According to the Department of Foreign Affairs, what is needed by the Philippines against the reclamation
activities of China in the Philippine seas threaten our freedom of navigation, cause irreparable damage to the
marine environment and infringe on the rights of other states?
a. Military Power
b. Police Power
c. Judicial Power
d. Emergency Power
139. What makes an autocratic government different from a genuinely benevolent authoritarian government?
a. It is a ‘one­man rule.’
b. It controls media
c. It uses technology
d. It decides automatically
140 _________ religious institution, which is the only living remnant of the Philippine Revolution of 1896 today.
a. Unitarian Church of the Philippines
b. Philippine Independent Church
c. Roman Catholic Church
d. United Church of Christ in the Philippines
141. To help global climate change and live an eco-friendlier life which is the best practice that uses less water in
washing plates is _______ _.
a. Using a dishwater
b. Recycling water
c. Using a pail



d. Washing by hand
142. In teaching democratic beliefs in the classroom, which of the following is the most consistent with the current
educational thought?
a. Democratic beliefs can be taught by assuring that celebrations are observed to honor national heroes.
b. The teacher should effectively lead the discussion on current affairs in the classroom.
c. Democracy as the smoothest form of government is emphasized.
d. Democratic belief can be taught based on respect for individual worth and faith in the ability of people to
govern themselves.
143. Under the American regime, they were the first professional American teachers sent to the country.
a. The La Sollitas
b. The Priests
c. The Illustrados
d. The Thomasites
144. A parliamentary government is a system of democratic governance of a state where the executive derives its
democratic legitimacy from its ability to command the legislature’s support, typically a parliament, to which
it is accountable. By France parliament, which bill was passed recently?
a. Asylum and Immigration Bill
b. Right to make mistakes
c. Sweeping Immigration Law
d. Landmark bill to reform state rail company
145. What place in the Philippines is also known as the "walled city?"
a. Fort Santiago
b. Intramuros
c. Luneta
d. Plaza Miranda
146. This term influences if someone votes and believes in making a political difference.
a. Political Governing
b. Political Efficacy
c. Political Pandering
d. Political Governing
e. Political Socialization
147. Lee was born a Chinese national and planned to run as a congressman. He was naturalized at age 18. Can he
run for a congressional seat?
a. No, because his parents are already a citizen
b. Yes, because he was a naturalized citizen
c. Yes, because he is a citizen
d. No, because a naturalized citizen cannot run for congress
148. The Philippine Navy ship made history by completing the country’s first-ever port call in Russia.
a. BRP Ramon Alcaraz
b. BRP Tarlac
c. BRP Davao del Sur
d. BRP Gregorio del Pilar
149. On February 2, 2018, President Rodrigo Duterte signed ________ or the Free Irrigation Service Act, a law that
waives irrigation fees for farmers who own 8 hectares of land or less.
a. Republic Act 11969
b. Republic Act 10169
c. Republic Act 10969
d. Republic Act 12969
150. What is the local name of this native vine featured on the newly designed 5-peso coin recently released by
the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas? It is commonly known as the jade vine.
a. Kapa-kapa
b. Katmon
c. Tayabak
d. Waling-waling
151. Ethnocentrism is the tendency to look at the world primarily from the perspective of one's own culture.
Which of the following represents ethnocentric behavior?
a. A tourist who lectures his foreign hosts on the "uncivilized" nature of their marriage customs.
b. A Peace Corps volunteer who helps dig wells in Central Africa.
c. A student who tutors an immigrant in English.
d. A Hispanic community group demands that public aid forms be published in English and Spanish.
152. By the mid-1980s, crop yields in India fell from 4% - 6% a year to only 2% or less by late 1980 (FAO report);
what increased its demand?



a. Population
b. Services
c. Food
d. Infrastructure
153 _________ refers to the ratio of tax collection to gross domestic product (GDP) or the total value of goods and
services produced and paid for within an economy in each period and measures the government’s ability to
shore up tax collection commensurate with the growth of the economy.
a. Tax collection
b. Tax effort
c. Tax measure
d. Tax remittance
154. How can Filipinos overcome weak points in our culture, e.g., credit card over-spending?
a. Use scientific reasoning
b. Cultivate positive traits
c. Observe business ethics
d. Copy economic models of other nations
155 _________ is a mentality that makes Filipinos think that imported products are superior to Filipino products
which do not help the country’s economy at all.
a. The spendthrift habits
b. The luxurious living
c. The passivity attitudes
d. The colonial mentality
156. An essential component of democracy guarantees equal social opportunities and protection under the law,
regardless of race, or religion, and the most basic right to form a family is _______ _.
a. the human right
b. the legal right
c. the civil right
d. the religious right
157 _________ aims to equip people in low-income provinces with relevant technical skills and practical know-
how on starting a small business as the Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corp. (PAGCOR) and the Technical
Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) launched this project.
a. Distance Learning Program
b. Alternative Learning System
c. Outreach Programs
d. Mobile Training Laboratories
158. Human dignity recognizes that human beings possess a unique value intrinsic to their humanity and are
worthy of respect simply because they are human beings. What correlates best with the right to human
a. Position and prestige
b. Celebrity status
c. Family name
d. Honor and reputation
159. Knowing the purpose of the research topic, the next step in social research is ________ which clarifies
concepts. e.g., reproductive health, contraceptives, natural birth control, etc.
a. operationalization
b. data processing
c. conceptualization
d. population sampling
160. A teacher in Social Studies wants to show the difference between a unicameral and a bicameral system of
legislation and the merits or demerits of both. What is a visual way of charting useful?
a. Comparison and Gannt chart
b. Pareto and Gannt chart
c. Time and contrast chart
d. Comparison and contrast chart
161. A partnership is an arrangement where parties, known as business partners, agree to cooperate to advance
their mutual interests. Which of the following is a disadvantage of organizing a business partnership?
a. Each partner is responsible for business actions taken by the other partner.
b. The Taxes are higher than on proprietorships.
c. It is easier to raise investment capital when the business is a proprietorship.
d. If one partner dies, the remaining partner is responsible for continuing the business.
162. The actual democratic transformation of the country commenced within the movement, resulted in
Ferdinand Marcos’s exile in 1986, and Corazon Aquino’s assuming the presidency was ________ _.



a. People power
b. Prayer power
c. Military power
d. Government’s power
163. Make an analog clock from a paper plate, brass fastener, and two strips of paper in the shape of arrows.
Students make the clock face, then learn how to tell time. What is the statement referring to?
a. Hands-on experience
b. Complex directions
c. Active learning
d. Step-by-step directions
164. We might measure religiosity by adding the number of religious events the respondent engages in during an
average month. The statement refers to _______ _.
a. Distance measure
b. Index measure
c. Scale measure
d. Relative intensity measure
165. In connection with government transactions involving public interest, which policy is adopted in the
constitution to assure the public of accountability and transparency?
a. rural development and agrarian reform
b. balanced and healthful ecology
c. full public disclosure
d. public enterprise and incentives for needed investments
166. The critical factors which have contributed to the weakness in the internalization of desirable social values
are the ______ _.
I. lack of follow-up systems from one grade level to another
II. use of approaches that are mainly cognitive rather than effective
III. lack of models among the people expected to exemplify these values.
a. III only
b. I and II
c. II and III
d. I, II, and III
167 _________ is an act of forgetfulness, putting to oblivion the offense of which one is charged.
a. Amnesty
b. Pardon
c. Reprieve
d. Commutation
168. The earliest people showed their scientific ability when they _______ _.
a. discovered the use of copper
b. began to use bronze
c. discovered the use of iron
d. started using polished stone tools
169. If they were to come back to life, who among the following would be the most vocal to speak against the
country’s foreign policy of close association with the United States?
a. Leon Ma. Guerrero and Jose P. Laurel
b. Jose P. Laurel and Elpidio Quirino
c. Claro M. Recto and Jose P. Laurel
d. Claro M. Recto and Leon Ma. Guerrero III
170. The following are forms of authentic assessment, which use the collection of students’ reflections on learning.
a. Rubrics
b. Journal
c. Portfolio
d. Essay Test
171. Native culture relates or belongs to a person or thing by conditions existing at birth. a native language. The
fundamental focus of ritual activities in native culture is the _______ _.
a. belief that the place or shrine for ritual gives special protection to the family
b. belief that it can drive away evil spirits
c. belief that the human body is ugly and must be healed
d. belief that the more tools and charms the family possessed, the more family would be protected
172. The 1974 pardon of Richard Nixon by President Gerald Ford is an example of _________.
a. Rules of procedure
b. Tenure of office
c. Judicial practice



d. Executive clemency
173. An increase in the price of gasoline affects the demand for cars is called __________ _.
a. Income elasticity of demand
b. Cross elasticity of demand
c. Price elasticity of demand
d. Quantity elasticity of demand
174. Amphitheaters were used for gladiator combats, chariot races, animal slaying, and executions. When Rizal
was in Rome, his favorite places were _______ _.
a. The Appian Way and the Arch of Constantine
b. The Amphitheater and the Forum
c. The Different Temple of Vestee
d. St. Peter Basilica and the Sistine Madonna Chapel
175. The choice of the nation’s economic system is essential because it determines _______ _.
I. how goods are produced
II. the distribution of goods and services
III. the quantities of each good that will be produced
a. II only
b. I and II
c. II and III
d. I, II, and III
176. The law of supply and demand is essential in the Philippine economy because it is________ _.
a. A command economy
b. A mix of economies
c. A traditional economy
d. A market-oriented economy
177. A foreign loan is a loan to or from a government or organization in another country where officials
acknowledge that the country needs foreign loans to keep its economy going. The government tends to
borrow foreign loans due to _______ _.
a. its deliberate use of the budget to invest in the national market
b. the necessity to pay the interest of previous foreign debts
c. its reluctance to raise taxes on its labor
d. a desire to accelerate capital spending to a policy of economic stabilization
178. Manufacturing is integral to the economy, and most products were handmade using human labor and
essential tools before the Industrial Revolution. Manufacturing is considered superior to agriculture in terms
of trade because _______ _.
I. it brings higher income
II. it is not subjected to adverse weather conditions.
III. it could be easily transported for trade to other countries
a. II only
b. I and II
c. II and III
d. I, II, and III
179. The Supreme Court of the Philippines abolished the PDAF, otherwise known as the 'pork barrel.’. PDAF means
a. Program Development Allotment Fund
b. Program Development Annual Fund
c. Priority Distance Allotment Fund
d. Priority Development Assistance Fund
180 ___________ is the first political party in the Philippines and was organized on December 23, 1900, by wealthy
Filipino Illustrados?
a. Nacionalista Party
b. Liberal Party
c. Federal Party
d. Partido Nacional Progresibo
181. Narco-state is a political and economic term applied to countries where all legitimate institutions become
penetrated by the _______ _.
a. of the government’s corrupt officials
b. of the plunderer’s politician
c. funding gain of drug money
d. power and wealth of the illegal drug trade


182. Which problem is created when Filipinas are legally and illegally sent to other countries as mail-order brides
and involves using force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some labor or commercial sex act and end up in
a. Human Piracy
b. Prostitution
c. White Slavery
d. Human Trafficking
183. A propagandist deliberately spreads ideas, facts, and allegations to further a cause or to damage an opposing
cause left. Which of the following was not reform the propagandists sought from the Spanish government?
a. The equality of the Filipinos and Spaniards before the law
b. The fundamental human rights of the Filipinos
c. The restoration of Filipino representation in the Cortes
d. The change of government from absolute to the limited monarch
184. The latitude and longitude for the state capital of Washington, Olympia, is 46.97 N, 122.90 W. Which theme
is described?
a. Region
b. Place
c. Location
d. Environment
185. All the following are reasons behind the failure of the reform movement, except for ________ _.
a. Spain's preoccupation with her internal problems
b. petty quarrels among reformists and military junta
c. lack of finances to support propaganda activities
d. failure of the friars to counter attacks on the clergy
186. Passed on 26 August 1903 by Governor-General William Howard Taft's government through the Philippine
Commission, this act provided funds for such students, called _________, to acquire their college degrees at
American schools. 103 students comprised the first wave.
a. Commisionados
b. Aficionados
c. Pensionados
d. Philippine Scholars
187. Ozone depletion and global warming are artificial and interconnected, constituting the most serious
environmental crises ever. Which statement best describes the relationship between global warming and
ozone depletion?
a. Greenhouse gases absorb heat at low altitudes and warm the surface.
b. The global warming and ozone depletion have different effects
c. The Ozone (O 3) depletion does not cause global warming
d. The ozone depletion is masking global warming because ozone depletion cools the stratosphere
188. The Einstein Middle School students are in the 7th and 8th grades. The school has several open spaces with
plants growing in them. This referred to _______ _.
a. Movement
b. Location
c. Place
d. Human Interaction
189. The national government’s budget involves four distinct phases: budget preparation, budget authorization,
budget execution, and accountability. The budget execution stage is when funds are raised and spent to
implement the policies, programs, and projects outlined in the enacted budget. What is the common problem
in the budget execution of the government?
a. The allocation of the budget will go directly to each agency of the government for project implementation
b. resources are used to implement policies incorporated in the budgeting
c. the funds have no proper document transparency and liquidity problems.
d. possible to implement a well-formulated budget; it is impossible to implement a poorly formulated
budget well.
190. On February 20, 2019, President Duterte signed Republic Act 11210, granting additional leave benefits for
working mothers from 60-78 days to 105 days.
a. Expanded Maternity Leave Law
b. Extra Maternity Leave Law
c. Extra Mother’s Leave Law
d. Extended Maternity Leave Law
191. Which of the following company has set up the world’s largest mobile phone factory in Noida?
a. Xiaomi
b. Oppo



c. Apple
d. Samsung
192. His Excellency Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte signed Executive Order No. 02, also known as the
Freedom of Information (FOI) Program, on July 23, 2016, in Davao City for an essential objective to _______ _.
a. established a representative democracy with power and act our freedom to information secrecy
b. strengthens the right to information as enshrined by the constitution.
c. investigate complaints of information violations, protection of, and respect for civil and political rights.
d. permits information, ideas, and opinions without the government’s interference, constraint, or
193. When we talk about a place by describing the kinds of food people eat and the way they celebrate holidays
and family traditions, we are describing _______ _.
a. physical characteristics
b. social characteristics
c. spiritual characteristics
d. cultural characteristics
194. In Philippine history, Dr. Jose P. Rizal’s greatest dissatisfaction during his student days that inspired him to
work harder was _______ _.
a. The unequal treatment of students by the Jesuits
b. The prevailing discrimination
c. The passivity of the Filipino students
d. The use of the Spanish language as a medium of instruction
195. During World War II, the Bataan Death March occurred in April 1942. Approximately 75 000 Filipinos and
American troops captured by the Japanese in the Philippines were made to march from Maraviles, Bataan to
Capaz, Tarlac. Why is it called the death march?
a. The Japanese tested their prisoner’s energy and survival
b. a way to sacrifice and kill their prisoners
c. a way to starve and ill-treat their prisoners
d. the prisoners being forced to march despite many dying on the journey.
196. Two changes can be introduced to the Philippine Constitution: amendments and revisions. Which of the
following is not a characteristic of revision?
a. changing the Filipino values, way of living, and freedom of choice
b. changing the structure of the government
c. changing of powers of the branches of government
d. shifting from a unitary centralized system to another form of government
197. Which are “cha­cha” and “con ass” associated?
a. return to the dictatorial form of government
b. amendment of the present constitution
c. imposition of martial laws
d. division between senate and house of representatives
198. In the Midwest, there are very large fields and very large farms. The people who live there could say they live
in a farming _______ _.
a. Location
b. Place
c. Region
d. Movement
199. The West Philippine Sea is the official designation by the Philippines government for the parts of the South
China Sea that are included in the country's exclusive economic zone. What is the leading cause of the West
Philippine Sea disputes?
a. The Philippine fishers were prohibited by the Chine in the West Philippine Sea fishing zone
b. The West Philippine Sea is under the Philippines’ territorial sovereignty
c. The Chinese occupation of Scarborough Shoal is an invasion of Philippine territory
d. The Philippines could not bring China to compulsory arbitration on a territorial sovereignty dispute
without China's consent.
200. An Executive Order issued by President Duterte allows accessibility of documents and other transactions in
the government to ensure transparency and accountability.
a. Freedom of Information
b. Anti-Dynasty Law
c. Reproductive Health Law
d. Education and Scholars Act
201. Gender sensitivity is how people are made aware of how gender plays a role in life through their treatment
of others. Based on this statement, what should a teacher do to be able his classroom gender-sensitive?
I. design a plan for the seating arrangement in a girl-boy-girl pattern.



II. make all students participate in all activities, whether boys or girls.
III. structure the room that would cater to the specific needs of boys and girls.
a. III only
b. I and II
c. II and III
d. I, II, and III
202. Yearly, the government employees must submit an annual Statement of Assets and Liabilities (SALN), which
declares all their assets, including investments at market value, interest receivable, and prepaid expenses.
What is the primary reason for doing so?
a. To be objective in performance evaluation
b. To determine who deserves the promotion
c. To determine who is fit for the job
d. To safeguard the people against corruption
203. Primitive means belonging to a society where people live straightforwardly, usually without industries or a
writing system. What did primitive humans learn first?
a. Learning a script
b. To grow crops
c. Hunting animals
d. Preparing the fire
204. The fundamental insight of sociology is that human behavior is shaped by the groups people belong to and
by the social interaction within those groups. If lethargic and dishonest individuals surround a person, will
that person be influenced by them?
a. Yes, because the environment can influence the development of the person.
b. It depends on the personality types of the person.
c. No, he can choose to be different since man has free will.
d. It depends on the strength of influence by the individuals where that person is in.
205. The teacher often conducts competitions as part of their academic mastery in a science class. What is
considered a good reason for engaging in competitions?
a. achievement is stimulated
b. cooperation is reduced
c. stress is heightened
d. inequalities are high lightened
206 _________ involves the combination of two or more academic disciplines into one activity, for example, a class
studying the New Testament from both the literary and historical points of view.
a. Multiculturalism
b. Multidisciplinary
c. Interculturalism
d. Interdisciplinary
207. When does a school’s mission say that it offers a holistic approach to education, and which goal in peace
education are they helping to achieve?
a. Full development of human personality
b. Respect for human rights
c. Friendship among different cultural groups
d. Promotion of understanding and tolerance
208. The Bhopal disaster, also referred to as the Bhopal gas tragedy, was a gas leak accident on the night of
December at the Union Carbide India Limited pesticide plant in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India. The industrial
disaster is considered the world's worst in history. What was the date of the “Bhopal Disaster?”
a. December 2, 1983
b. December 2, 1984
c. December 2, 1985
d. December 2, 1986
209. Cultural relativism is the idea that a person's beliefs and practices should be understood based on that
person's culture. Which of the following is the best example of cultural relativism?
a. ethnic group and religion being the elements of their identity.
b. Food choices or people tolerant of food
c. Americans tend to value technological advancement
d. European Renaissance artists desire to emulate ancient Greek artwork.
210. Democracy faced its most serious crisis in decades in 2017 as its basic tenets include the following, except
for _______ _.
a. the freedom of the press and the rule of law
b. the rights of minorities
c. the guarantees of free and fair elections



d. the freedom of marriage of the same sexes

211. In some other countries, their citizens may be jailed without being charged. What right is being violated in
this statement?
a. Right to liberty and security
b. Right to a fair trial
c. Right to asylum
d. Right to be recognized as a person and nationality
212. Much of eastern Washington is relatively hot in the summer, cold in the wintertime, and gets little rain. This
described to ________.
a. Region and Environment Interaction
b. Location and Human Interaction
c. Place and Regional Interaction
d. Human and Environment Interaction
213. Absolute Location describes the precise locations of a place based on a fixed point on earth. The most
common way to identify a location is by using coordinates such as _______ _.
a. The Equator and Prime meridian
b. Aerial and Latitude
c. Latitude and Longitude
d. Longitude and Prime Meridian
214. In 1900, a Chinese secret organization called the Society of the Righteous and Harmonious Fists led an
uprising in northern China against spreading Western and Japanese influence there.
a. The Boxer Rebellion
b. The Nian Rebellion
c. The Sepoy Rebellion
d. The Taiping Rebellion
215. The United Nations (UN) approved a non-proliferation treaty (NPT) for world peace (NPT). What is the primary
goal of this said treaty?
a. to reject the membership of some countries in the United Nations (UN).
b. to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and weapons technology
c. to limit the country’s economic vulnerability to the national market
d. to safeguard the allies' freedom and security by political and military means.
216. When we describe a place by saying "it has a beautiful lake and mountains in the background," we are
describing it by its _______ _.
a. cultural characteristics
b. aesthetic characteristics
c. social characteristics
d. physical characteristics
217. Nevertheless, throughout the 20th century, many scholars in both the Philippines and the United States
accepted Marco's pre-colonial “source materials” at face value. Chief among these was the Code of
Kalantiyaw, which _______ _.
a. listed 18 orders to punish particular moral and social transgressions properly.
b. Parents shall no longer take of their children who beget illegitimate children
c. served as a set of rules for the inhabitants of Panay Island.
d. established standards for commercial interactions and set fines and punishments to meet justice’s
218 _________ aims for outcomes that require student application and creation.
a. Field Study Method
b. Reflective Method
c. Project Method
d. Rote Memory Method
219. Which shows a desirable relationship between teachers and other groups of people?
a. Gladys, a newly assigned principal to Barangay San Andres calls on the barangay chairman.
b. The barangay council requested a new teacher in a case involving one of her students, but she declined.
c. Gladys feels that the barangay council is against his plans, so he does not consult the board even if it is
d. The principal does her way of campaigning for cleanliness in and outside the school; she never gets
involved with the same campaign of the barangay officials.
220. A March 5, 2013, press release from the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP): The Philippines’
high economic growth under the Aquino administration got an added boost after the International Civil
Aviation Organization (ICAO) of the United Nations officially lifted the significant safety concerns it had earlier
cited as requiring urgent solutions from the government. The ICAO cited the Philippines’ “active


commitment” and “positive response” to international efforts to upgrade standards in aviation safety. For
which of the following is CAAP not responsible?
a. The agency operates and maintains national airports, air navigation, and other similar facilities in
compliance with ICAO
b. The agency investigates aviation and land accidents via its Aircraft Accident Investigation and Inquiry
c. Implemented policies on civil aviation to assure safe, economical, and efficient air travel.
d. The agency establishes and prescribes the corresponding rules and regulations for the enforcement of
laws governing air transportation


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