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Name: Jonathan
It produces an immense sadness to think that nature speaks while the human being
does not listen to it (Victor Hugo)
Environmental impact It is undoubtedly a problem that concerns all of us human
beings, since we are the cause of this problem. This problem arises from the need of
the human being to create products that are capable of satisfying their whims, in the
world there is a large amount of garbage produced by people and nobody does
anything to avoid this contamination.
Two years ago, when I was in school, my school started a campaign to reduce the
garbage inside the school, my class had a project to build ecological garbage cans, in
the first month we had been taking cardboard and notebook sheets to start the
construction of these garbage cans.
My classmates had been finding all the necessary materials in less than two weeks, we
had started to make the cans but a problem arose, the trash cans made of cardboard
were not very resistant, so after thinking about it for many hours we decided to use
plastic bottles. plastic as a base, this was a great idea because it was much more
resistant, firm and could store toxic waste.
At the end of the school year, we won second place in this campaign, we were all very
happy to create this fantastic ecological project.
In conclusion, we created this project in order to avoid litter, toxic waste, energy
consumption and the use of material that pollutes the environment, with this ecological
project we try to raise awareness in the small generations.

It produces an immense sadness to think that nature speaks while the human being
does not listen to it (Victor Hugo)
Environmental impact It is undoubtedly a problem that concerns all human beings,
since we are the cause of this problem. This problem arises from the need of the
human being to create products that are capable of satisfying their whims, currently the
campaigns in favor of the environment are not working because people do not take the
time to read and reflect on the pollution that exists.
Around the world there are many ecological campaigns such as "save the bees", "no to
the felling of trees", "no to the hunting of animals", among many others, but sadly these
campaigns are useless because many people don’t, they listen and continue damaging
and killing the environment
In conclusion, ecological campaigns don’t help much because people continue to
pollute, however if these companies that are in charge of protecting the environment
had the support of the government, it would be much easier for the population to listen
and reflect.

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