MoS Bored Pile Site UDA

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ECONPILE (M) SDN. BHD. «:5:205-) 5 oy ned usin f cp His Bra 6449 | Level Tower Block, Plaza Dua Jan Se Pome Projet mneciecanecon my Tend tandrBacon com ny Proje Alo mat ecraoopa8@ona om (ue Ref EPAos/040$20.084 6" August 2020 GSP Grotechnics Sa, Bh Wisma GAP, 239-5 Jalan Tasik Selatan 3, ‘Bandar Tasik Sel S700 Kus Lampe ‘Tel No: 1603.00595306 Fax No :+603.00595669 Attn Me. Derrek Tan Wee Keon, Dest Sir, CADANGAN PEMBANGUNAN 2 BLOK KONDOMINIUM (44 ‘TINGKAT DAN 40 TINGKAT ) YANG MENGANDUNGI =-MENARA A- 45 TINGKAT KONDOMINIUM (159) UNIT) DAN MENARA.B- 40 TINGKAT KONODOMINIUM (138 UNIT) TERMASUK 2 ‘TINGKAT TEMPAT LETAK KERETA BAWAI RENDAH DAN § TINGKAT POSIUM, (CTERMASUK 7 TINGKAT TEMPAT LETAK KERETA DAN 1 TINGKAT KEMUDAHAN REKREASD DIATAS LOT 1597, JALAN KIARA 4, MUKIM BATU, LUMPURUNTUK TETUAN ALL Submission of Method Statement for Bored Piling Work = Rey 2 We refer tothe above meationed and comments fom GAP Geotechnies Sdn. Bhd ems KUALA with reference: I9GI46MEAI8S20CCMiye dated 3" August 2020 we would keto submit the above ‘documents as pe equred fer you approval. ‘Your sincerely, ECONPILE (M1) SDN BHD “Muhamad Hazig Bin Kuiradain Project Manager 7 al ce[AlevinSinht [cong Csi Wer | Alevndevauensnvaccon | Y sash ME Zana he sati@paom y TFS Caaing een [Devine | imdewindomion | Y | ‘eon Pew |g, simu | ashiniihoncanmy | _¥ ‘Baharuddin Ali & Low 2 2 _ ae Mm Kin tn Wialloiagtalowonny | ¥ ECONPILE (M) SON BHD WORK METHOD SUBMISSION os. Coding No; EPMSIFWIBP ‘Scope of work: | FOUNDATION WORKS | Rev. No. 0 Date: S17/2017 ‘CADANGAN PEMBANGUNAN 2 BLOK KONDOMINIUM (45 TINGKAT Project tite: DAN 40 TINGKAT ) DI ATAS LOT 1597 JALAN KIARA 4 MUKIM BATU.KUALA LUMPUR UNTUK TETUAN ALLEVIA SDN. BHD Wathad Statement for BORED PILING WORKS-REV 1 AMENDMENT RECORD Rev. Details Rov. Date Re 30 | Work mothodaiogy = 5.1 Ganeral, 5.2 Boring . §3 Down - The- Hole (OTH) Driling Works. | 17/7/2020 56 Cleaning of ple too and 5.8 Cancreing 1_[53 | Point oad Test 11835 | Polymer Test - ‘var2020 tem NoteiDeseription Remarks 10 | opsecrive The method statement for bored pling below describes the whole consiructon procedures including material and equipment required for the Consucton of bored eastn-sty plas Detail of the procedures contained herein may be reviewed periodically and modiiad based on actual requiromont 20 | SCoPE OF WoRK ‘The bored pling works shall be cared out as per the approved consiucton drawings. “The piles to be constructed shall be as per the dameters specie in the ‘drawings, bored through overying sous to found inthe bedrock strata or Tamain in the sol fo act as shaft Fiction. The piles are designed by the Engineer to resist anal compressive loads 30. | REFERENCES 7 Technical specifications and drawings % Project ually Pian 40 | RESOURCE PLANNING 44) Materials No. [Type of material ‘Approved ready mixed concrete 2 [s | Bar (Refer fo constuction drawing) |__| machinery Toots / Equi - PREPARED BY: _~ revieweD ev: ECONPILE (M) SON BHD 42 (No. [Type of material iG 1. __|Hydraulic driling rig attached with telescopic Kelly bar 2.__|Service crane of minimum required capacity 3. [Temporary casings 4. [Boring tools — Auger, Bucket, Cleaning Bucket, Rock Tools 5. [Excavator (6. [Polymer plant — to be decided after trial bore 7. [Tremio pipes: [8.__ [Water pumps 8. Welding sets 10._[Gen-seis “11. Mibro-hammer ciw power pack 12. _|Lghting equipment 113. [Portable Point load Tester Machine 14. Hydraulic Jack 15. \ernier Caliper scale 16._|Air compressor with pneumatic hammer 17. Hydraulic excavator 18. ydraulic breaker [19.__|Suction exhaust fan | 20. Water pipe | 21. [Oxy cuttor '22._ [PPE (personal Protective Equipment) 23.__|Mud Balance 24, [March Funnet [25._ [Sand Content Kit 26. [pH Stip | ‘The numbers ofthe equipment above shall be reviewed periodical to suit, ‘the Work program and available work areas, ‘4a | Manpower No. [Designation 1._| Project Engineer _| 2._| Site supervisor 3._ | Surveyor 4. | Boring/CranerExcavator operators 5._ | Welders 6. | General workers PREPARED BY: +4 REVIEWED By: 30 54 52 oo PREPARED BY: ECONPILE (M) SDN BHD WORK METHODOLOGY General “The pile boring operations shall be performed using the suitable rotary dell figs depending on the diameter, deph, soll condon and construction method ‘The bore-holes shall be stabllzed with @ temporary casing in the upper layer (depends on soll and ste condition) The length ofthe casing wil be determined from the actual sol condtion encounered on site. Water oF polymer shall be used for unstable subeci condition. Contractor wil Provide an adequate malarial labour and plant for maintaining the ‘Slabilly of bore hole dung the whole process of work. Boring Pror to commencing any operation, the client representative wil be ‘required to verity al associat technical information such as presence of ‘services, pile coordinates, platform and cuto levels,vaiy of cravings “Then, after accurately soling out ofthe pile location by a land surveyor, @ temporary casing wit be set in postion with length of easing to be determined from ground condiven, The verScal accuracy ofthe casing vill | be checked ducing the installation process using 2 numbers of plumb beb. | Sighng plumb ine shell be used to check the vrticaty ofthe Key bar of boring machine agains! 2 major axis Excavation of the sol inside the casingibored holes wil be carried out Using the rotary Kel-bar andthe auger or bucket method. “The boring process wil be continued tothe designed founding depth or ta the commancemant of rock head level by using augers. and boring buckets. Pie lengths shall be as per the current constuction drawings or as ‘otherwise instructed by te elenvEngineer [At the point of encountering the rock head lvel, for examples, where the ‘cing tools are unable to penetrate tne straia any further, boring shall ‘cease in order thatthe cfent's represeniative may verily the occurrence, ‘and confirm the rock secketing teria For drling through rock, rock ding tools shall be applied. This shall Include rock auger, core barels, cose cutters and other necessary tole {hal suit the borehole Boring willbe ceased once the agreed depth of rock boring has been ‘reached and Point Load Tost has bean carrid out (Please roter Append: 2). The dopth of the hole can be measted by using maasuring tone under supervision and witnesses by clerk of werk (COW) before further works can be proceed. Refer to attached - Appendix 2 reweweo ey: _[ ECONPILE (M) SDN BHD 54 55 54 55 ‘The point lo lest is carted out for determining the point load strenth index of rock. The minimum index strength lef 3.0 MPa, Contractor wil provide minimum two(2) st sample of rock specimen for each plo. 1 s0t of sampla consate thee (3) nos of rock for every 7m rock coring Pile Length Determi ‘The final foe level of tho plo shall be vertied by the clents representative. & detaled record of all encountered gratnd condtions together with the associated times and type of equipment and materials sed wll be recorded in tha Pile Bore Log ‘Sloping Rock Profile ‘Where sloping rock profile is encountered, the slope is minor the dling works shall continue stow and the vericaliy ofthe Kely bar is chacked bby measuring the centre ofthe Kelly bar tothe edge of he easing, Hf the slope i stoop and vertcaliy ie affected, lean concrete Grado 15 shall be poured into get a at eurface for citing to re-commenc the next say. (Cleaning of Pile Too {Upon reaching the final depth, loose and re-molded materi and debris willbe removed using ‘cleaning bucket. The cleaning bucket fs @ specially ‘design flat bottom bucket wich wil pick Up all the loose material et the bottom ofthe hale “The base ofthe hole shall be checked by the measuring the dopth of the base using a measuring ‘ape weighted down wih an epproxmately 6° long rebar. Polymer Test Polymer Testi cared out during dling and before concreting . There ‘are_several test need to be conducted to ensure the qually of polymer ‘during boring work 4) Densit =" Objective: Use the mud balance is a 4 scale balance designed to ‘measure the slury specie gray and dotermine amount of sole in suspension and adjust the slury characterise as needed. Equipment: 4 scale of Mud Balance — Material: Driting Fluid = Procedure 1. lace the mud balance a at surface. 2. Fill he cup of mud balance with ding fui that need to be testi the top of mud balance 3, ul the cap on the filed ailing fd cup and rotated the cap ntl tis firmly seated, 4. Ensure thee is some dling fluid is expelled though the hole in fder fo free any trapped at and gas. Refer to attached ‘Appendix 2 5. Goan and make it dry the cup of mud balance {8.__Pjace the beam on the bass support and balanoe I by moving PREPARED BY: reveweo ey: Vb ECONPILE (M) SON BHD the rider along the graduated scale. Balance & achiaved when the bubble us under the centre line 7. Read the scale at balancing mud ) Viscosity Test: = Objective : Use the Marsh Funnel to determine the viscosity of the slurry at any pont inthe excavation ~ Equipment : The marsh Funnel, graduated funnel , graduated test cup and stop watch ~ Material = Dring Fis = Procedure 41 Pour the ding fui nthe measuring cup. 2. filthe funnel by pouring the mud through the screen tothe line near the op of he funnel when we test the fifi the funnel til graduation mark Measure the tm i takes forthe diling Tui to flow out of the funnel othe one - quart ine ofthe measuring cup 5. Now we wil use the stop watzh to measure how many ‘seconds i takes forthe fio flow out of the one- qua line the measuring cup. 3 4 ©) Sand Content Test = Objective : Messure Sand content of tiling fhid. Send in size more than seventy four (74) Mirons or two hundreds (200) mesh wil be measured in this tet Equipment : Sand Content Kit contains 600 ml wash bottle , @ {Tunnel , 200 mesh sand sereon , plastic funnel and graduated glass sand tbe read percent (4) by volume, ~ Material Dring Fu, water © Procedure 1.” Filth drilling fue in the graduated glass sand tube tothe line wth mark "Mud to Here 2. Then add dition water to "Water to Here” fine 3. Shake the graduated glass sand tube well {0 mix the dling ‘uid and ator 4, Pour this moture across the 200 mesh sand screen to callct ‘he faction of drilling ld tha is greater tan 74 mirons, 5. I there is some sand left in the gradusted glass sand tube ‘ad rinsed water, shake again ana pour over the sczeen 6. Allach the funnet| invert tover the 200 mash sand sorean tube land rinse the sand off the screen and into the graduated glass | Sand tube, 7. Allow the sand to sete, 8. Read the sand content from the scale on the tube. ) pH Test: = Objective : Use pH Strips that mest al testing guidlines (required ph scale : 7 to 12). pH slips are non bleeding, mul ~ colour Stipa! They have a range 0-14 witha 1.0 pH unt ~ Material = pH Stip (0-14 scale) & Dring Fad ~ Procedure 41.” Pulpit Stipin the ding tid 2. Compare te actual pH stip with pl strip chart PREPARED BY: 2 revieweo oy: \f 87 60 ECONPILE (M) SDN BHD 2 oi ‘The reinforcement cage wil be fabricated in lay-down sections, The length, type and. size of the stool cage wil be according to the consiructon drawings and specications, ‘The cages wil be provided with sifening rings and other accessors to enable handling, iting and instalation without permanent deformations, Cages wil be installed into the bored hole using a service crane of the required iting capacity Concrete spacers wired to the cage shall provide lateral support and censure adequate concrote cover. Conereting ‘The pile shall be concroted using "romie" method. For dry hol, Tremie | | concrete shall be used. Where water ar stabizing fd fs used, Tremie I ‘concrete which is concrete with higher siump (=175mme25mm) shal be led. The selF-compacting mixed conerete wil be diechargad through & tremi pipe, which is lowered contraly to the bottom af the bored hole prior oiling it with concrete, (One length shal be continuously embedded in atleast 1.5 meter below the surface the concrete curing tis process to ensure thatthe discharge of ‘concrete is below the level of te impure, which might be present h the top part of the rising head of concrete Install barter at discharge outlet of the tremie pipe to prevent direct Contact between the fst charge of coneete inthe tremia pipe and ling fa ‘All testing and sampling of the conerete shall be cared out as instructed by the Engineer or Engineer's representative. Cube sirength test wil be Caried out by thre (3) set of cubo ane (1) eat of eample consist three (3) nos of cube, The cube shal be tested af seven(7) day and twenty eight (28) days ater casting ‘A complete record of al cubes taken shal be maintained in a proper frm and slump test results shall be recorded on the ‘Delvery Order and the ‘Pile Bore Log’ All comprossive coneroto testo wil be carried out atthe Independent laboratory: The client wil be noted of tha dates of the test by regular issuance in order te ets maybe witnessed, For a continuous assurance of concrete cual and integrity, concrete wil bbe poured to minimum 1.0m above the theoratical cut of level Propari cut-off 2) The bored pile shall be exposed and further excavated tothe required level ) Hacking shall be carried out after al eafe access and enough lighting provided. fo ensure all the workers wearing PPE Refer to attached - ‘Appendix 1 PREPARED BY: REVIEWED BY: ECONPILE (M) SDN BHD \When breaking the piles, cutoff level of the pile will checked by the surveyor and shal be marked using spray pai 4) Start hacking bored ple with hydraullc bresker ple about 1 meter from cu of level ©) The exposed pile shall be hacked til ple starter bar length. Continue hacking the bored pile using pneumatic hammer at bored ple marked ‘at off level to expose reinforcement and hyéraulle excavator to break, remove and dispose off site 1) Excossive dust during hacking work shall be water down by hose to reduce the dust. 9 Pile breaking wil be stopped when it reached tothe pile cut of lava. Pile head shal be inspected aflor hacking work and to ensure any loose concrete and sharp edge shall be removed Fh) Ones the pile hacked, as bull for bored pile shall be taken and to ‘submit for engineer review Spoil Re Spl arising rom pies wll be cleared from the boring locations by means ofan excavator as boring proceed. Depending on the quantiy of spol excavated, it wil be removed to a iockplle area or spol pit, for dying Before loading into lores and Femoved of-site INSPECTION AND TESTING ‘Allinspection and testing involved shal bein accordance tothe Inspection land Test Plan and the Project Qualiy Plan, Related QAQG forms are Altached for reference, ‘SAEETY AND HEALTH (HAZARD and HIRARC) HIRARC is a safely management tol in which the risks or hazards of a pectic job in the workplace are idenifed, and. then measures. to eliminate or conirl those hazards are determined and implemented. Pease refer to Append 3 or HAZARD ang HIRARC for Bored Pe work. RONMENTAL ASPI "act Please refer to Appendx 4 for Environmental Aspect & Impact ‘Aseossment, Rofer to attached - ‘Appendix 3 Refer to attached - Appendix 4 PREPARED BY: reveweo sy: ly ECONPILE (M) SDN BHD APPENDIX 1 (BORELOG, STEEL CAGE INSTALLATION& CONCRETE PROGRESS CHART FORMS ) PREPARED BY: 4 reveweo oy: Vi lao RewwdNo | EPRI Remo | oneb PLE Re Ef Date | 20a Pane ra rape cna ‘CADANGAN PEMBANGUNAN 2 BLOK KONDOMIIUM (44 TINGKAT DAN 40 TINGKAT) DI ATAS LOT 1597. JALAN KIARA 4MUKIM BATUMUALA LUMPUR UNTUK TETUAM ALLEVIA SON. BH PROJECT REF: EP483 onrcors Reprsettve = rane Rerecerave esr ger Clr ot ons Reacano, EPPITFTO E ECONPILE (M)SDN BHD <%= et Dae [poo STEEL CAGE RECORD ace [rors nan Blok Kondoinum 44 okt Dan 49 Taka Aas Lot 87 Jalan Klara Prec Ret _ pa STEEL GAGE CHEGKLST fc owe ot nepesion bring Reno ee tocatowct ENTER | pial SORES BELOW IF SATIFAGTORY DESCRIPTION specie Waiue | cases | caoe2 | caoe | cacee Danie ora a TAT ars tm ae Tot ano 95 (AT Diet os Spacing of in Tas wng of in ae OS aceauai? op enh Gra a Tackling stops acest? Canines cae ato? an og We A WEE satsacoy? late neAoy Fon cononere Sanaa Wes ca ater brekog Gown ples Deo esd fe Cone angean coumn te) Creare [if applicabie) - NOT OK Pe Der re Lath PG Extn Fa Conactors Representative Engineers Represetaive Sie Engineer! Ste Supervisor Resident Engineer Clerk of Wore [boone [erravere ECONPILE (M) SDN BHD re FRevino. —_[o let.oae _foomre ‘CONCRETE PROGRESS CHART Page [rors ‘CADANGAN PEMBANGUNAN 2 BLOK KONDOMINUM (4 TINGKAT DAN 9 INGKAT DIATAS LOT 1857, JALAN KARA "aMUKIM BATURUALA LUMPUR UNTUK TEYUAN ALLEVA SON 0 LecaTion oF PLE puso proscreer £489 ConcReTs ART — eno Te anim CONCRTE. GRADE Trak 12 Ts [« [ele [a [elspa] nal alu] eo] ope] ele Val of coessi(an ‘url Valen one. esi Gone. Tou) — =e TOP OF CONCRETE FROM TOE ( (CUMULATIVE VOLUME OF CONCRETE eum) Contactar Rprntainn Sngnecs Rapeenaive Sto Engineer! Ste Spero ‘eset ger Cro Woke ECONPILE (M) SDN BHD APPENDIX 2 (POINT LOAD TEST) — E 3 reveweoe._lk =e —are =a ee we Se smarty en 1 Lilith # . iy Designation: 0 5731-95 ‘Standard Test Method for Determination of the Point Load Strength Index of Rock’ “Tad eed ogi tr i engine eo 1. Spe reo fr dining he ped stat nex ‘Sa Spc term of ek ere eco eg ips on be est by tise. Th te ad ae 1 pee ine fll sotry eas the ing ‘chine spl Tis no an endo 096 ‘Solfo say ani chewctoiae ok 12 This tt meh aps to Fed Yok Gompesive veg ve 15 MPa @200 TicToc sed eS ui eto be repens Te Ths sad dts mt pe tain al fe safety cone if ey acted i ee It te ‘aoa of hese of hs tad ih op rte agen hes prc eerie te op ‘iif etary toe pir to ‘3 Toil Relaing to Soi Rak, nd Conan io 2G Te Mat fr Labery Daemon o War (Stee) Cnet of Sai ad Rk” ‘295 Tat hd fr Ucafiged Compeie Steg 3 Terminology 11 Deft of Tee Spc hi Stood: Ch fea et de eat fe, (resis conenatel potas apd oss pio ‘rei ec pltr l alre 9e3" 4 Sammary of Ts Met “AI This ldo at poral by meting ck sedien to tei conse Toa ul Ta Peo tiny pend xa by ting the specimen The contd land trai gh cout, il ple The are tea ud nected soe inde ao ‘site wal samp een Sinise and Use 1 Thal bmpesion est est Mebod D 2938) Shesinen pera. When extaie esting eure fee lim td ecaaiance frmaon, ate oe Ine ates of contresive seh "The pit nd engh tt ae aninde tetor sec heaton of ck ater The treated ote wd fr esp fami pros “Ths tt mead pred dcemine the pit Jno seth in (50) of ek spin ned ps Io ssh ney ex 460 at thea pst i eg i ssa et nt i Reskpesinens ia the fm oer ee (he sane sol cl tet lk he ok ta) epi ome {he epi ap tt ae tet apes of concer frtodosh rou apa one l pnem itl 61 Genrat—A poi aud ste (Fi 1) xs of yl Me a ihe specie), aed « mes for mosuig sane, ‘wen pnencmt poe. The sue si ‘Toot nivel ase by roped ein (22 Lang Stn 1:1 The eating ter oa ave eating re wi perpen clewance ht alows ea ockspecens Inthe reed sie ane, Type hs ange wa 300 ‘nso ht an jn sane> ata som thts smal sad lye seinen 1622 The ning apy sal be lie obra he lost else spines beste dh osr34 Pa. An ef Lag stan (Pi Ld “Senor at docs ot praetor dig pad pe Ui te matt et od the os ‘esa wi 28 mn thro eng. Nope ot rater nigh cps i yomiel in he Tog Ss: Loan pt ghy fi av ipa ‘ho spina of egg ae ee (62. Trent cnal pen shown i210 ‘ww The 60 oe and Semi spree Sp Shit eget he pus sal fed teria {ctv 3 HRC) a gy ui or hr Stel Sot vain uaa rin ne 3 ta Marine Ste $5.1 Send mening som fr compe soa lr ye reir tat wil ne sre tea Fei break sete, The em shel ofa he 5 Mesineent ofle lou. 7, sal ew a pe aot 25% or bene of flaca oamearing sem, ‘upto te sn and srengh frien el cS A i Fo, 2Pin Bien (Pt La Sg ot 633 Palle soc sain nd pk a ner 6 (S34 The stem shud be eb ing tease atte manning enviar be coat wi ‘mated stent of rock (et Toa sre of rock sly se oer of magne Toner ban the comprsine song fo TE Ditence Nesarng See 641 Me dita mesg sen we det ed ing mal shoul sons he ang ae fr ese, the dmice, . tetween seinen sme! pl a Snfoe reitenens 43nd 633, 1642 Mewar of D skal bet an asuaey of 2 9% Slee sath of snes th 1243 Themowaring syn Sl low a cek ofthe" em lopcenet ae on th tn i nt td Seuiincie a abo requ mesure the wih, (in cay af 5%) {Specimen fora te Smee 1 Ms Species 21 Sapling Reck ample oe soup the asc of fot rk pes tied sent Wh esting ceo Bik specimens tft ta apsinens we Slee. When ‘eg psp snc si he na te pete for more rete den, Peefene dimension shat S73 Ser and Shp" sand ape erent So tsa so rept an eng sa anor ‘site oonimendtons swt on Fi. Te sds of he “perineal te ee fem tat frp that can ‘Prente es concenans. No spon pepsin “Ter Cnt ting Tet Met! D206, etemne the wate ott of ech seinen afer tes Sine Hs the vale of th tad eh 13 Marking and Mecning Spinone species ‘ate propery mak nd mer "7S Haring The dtr te rsa of he si. Ths es sol for ein he spin ih tng ‘nthe andi nse proper oon igen Tse ‘Satna lanter "182 MeoaringMeaare each dineson of pines sc edict pats nd sae he eae ghd einen i ite ger dh os734 6) O) 13050 fo o} | (ey Loo 2 to ow tte a = it = o3W<0>W Tei LA Baie Core a das, = pn ee 91) "3 and contneton Sod pines Sapa gum a) th Di eT eB Ye od Sh Tmivaent Core oswW be Exot ore De ur w = Wi 03WW 4 io 42, A ‘slrmpen mn ‘Src hems he oe alah eas td iat ast te these Ge LIS" Dasmie and enor ts Dan 1 Fi > 14 sual ines te ed mh tat le oss iti 10 6 and ea li nT be Teer ihe acre srt er woogie ‘shang im Ge Fi "213 The pees in 12-814 ae raped fr ech sole ee £82, Core specimens i Ingham io 1 are tae or cia ing Ges Fig. 0) Sal spines keaey mecca. ts ak con sons i pepe te coc es (ae om of ope ek, the cra, Dt 8 1 fer anor). 125 "Reomd estes, D between late ott pois (ec ig Res the pine ih, pepe © Se tig econ wisn eaey of 23 4 Sealy ines Oe od sh hat le csr within 0605 and leas od FT hl Tetrgeced fh fase srace poses Ovegh On one ad fens abou ted fo ech spine of he oat ope 13.1 Rost ol 500 fm, of the sap sh ng 1 (re dk Grey hoe Ih em sa Us Ae Gh osz3t om) E Sov 4) Wh mal ew i et (valk a) i lr sh i Gi eg "ype Mads aol nie at platens 1 make ese with te set dso of the Fano oc, sony fo sand comer =P 3) ed a. ening etn ies en pri hilt {rn ay2 shown ce Fig Ti wt ae Stig oi nl seth nee eps oft ta ‘mee offre oe Fi 3 ad Fig 4). within 16360 ed he laa To et sal ‘ret fhe Ene sie pas taut non Todi poi te xanga er ater spin i oc 133 Procedures 432-834 ae tepals a Ee sorepe ok cxseis taerabiy aman sel be tel ee ‘ta ta wal pee etd lon eng vale ‘npr on oc ote ples of anno, "E42 [fe sanpl crate dle rag wees les st of deren coled spd ‘ers at wl yl pes tan a eee aly 1 Sgt an td won Hee fe etn i an The de ‘og sald pry nt ced 3 "344 Por measuetent ofthe oi ed en inde) ‘al inthe tng of as seg ee that oad ‘pling singe eaten ane Sua, whe xing ier, aue nthe doin of get ery rt a @ vs7s1 te toa is spled perpen the dein of lent ste TES de sample cons flo or eg Ferenc, hen lng thease pero et fe, Api enquired minim eg ae oe ‘te te plas ae cnt and ede arson, ingle plane of ween 13 signa pen pneaton oss, fe neon D ede usd in cledtng ptt ions arengh nade te vase ‘mas a he of tre be a on ‘he nia! ae agate in 42" and BT oe St ssumingD te ial a engi whee he ‘asin pe or sng. 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THe ae Of ny SGruending $2500 (2,30 mn) cn h ‘hie by inrpatsion and ne ft since pit Ted rea nde elt’ ow in 923, 025 When maha 92 or et racial (oe cane hen eng snes core ta mr ter thn 5 ‘realy br anal pes we alle) seein ay oxy = FD veg o poses ome See Tan from the Fa @s0r o or tet nate stn $0 si, ely igh emo it lode yas oposite expen oo » 53 tan De Catan 2.0 Mua nae f yy at fed i 9.2 ae to be sed wn caifjing sie trae oh pe Seg pate kd enh macys nds "Ta the enn ve of yo ltd by deting the wo ight sd ost als er te ore “ade ese te men oe eas ves 1 Sosy ec ted a etd 3 Pat a Srey Inex—The sent galt Tyg BER = Neo z| ‘T L, ae Gina, unt Saray 90am Or agp i ie af | ace zy | & sab A : | 220 40 60 AO 100 120 140 Dy (equivalent) CORE OTAMTTER (oer ese canetn Fs Ch ER epee oe “als mare pepe pre pe mek Sex tt ha of pent po el sgh 5 Faison of Caps, Sigh ete tes cmpreniv send can ene ng Fp 8 ‘asin te aig forma tC ° © itor ta dpe on especie coaaton Caren opt agye-m ce a HR “SEW ec stespaite eran fcr °C ot vai, the seer! valu of > sn oT ifn spin a 3c ps 11a = 107 = HS BT Spae Mah rl 7 aaa Been Pot on ng ne nt Tn Coens Som bes 16, Rept 10, typ ep spe shonin Fig 8) mp nt TOL Sc of sage iiing es amr, eon, tnd. oun srg iene Te aan my be pei nen ble net add of pele ‘om the col ofthe se, TO.L3 Ril eption of sump icing ck pe ‘Toon a etn of dni mo 0p {St em ple bein ane sony, tds inch rani. sgecinens eine of stn, ue, state. 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