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Rekindling Interest in Seismic While Drilling

Seismic while drilling promises elegant solutions to some limitations of conventional borehole seismics.

But so far, it has failed to grab a significant slice of the market. Recent advances may create new opportu-

nities for the technique.

Richard Meehan
Douglas Miller
Cambridge, England

Jakob Haldorsen
Masahiro Kamata
Bill Underhill
Hannover, Germany

For help in preparation of this article, thanks to Andrew nThe concept: to image the subsurface using normal bit noise and surface geophone.
Kurkjian, Schlumberger Wireline Services, Houston,
Texas, USA.
In this article, TOMEX is a mark of Western Atlas Interna-
tional, Inc.
The aim is to turn conventional borehole example, in jungle roads built specially to
1. The principles, history and use of borehole seismics
are covered by: seismics on its head. Instead of locating seis- accommodate sources. Despite these
Hardage BA: “Vertical Seismic Profiling. Part A: Prin- mic sources on the surface and conveying advantages, a widely-used seismic-while-
ciples,” Handbook of Geophysical Exploration, Sec-
tion 1. Seismic Exploration vol.14A, Helbig K and Tre-
receivers downhole, seismic while drilling drilling service has so far proved elusive.
itel S (eds): London, England: Geophysical Press, uses bit vibrations as a downhole source and This article outlines the principles of seis-
1983. surface geophones to measure signals (above ). mic while drilling and its potential uses,
Oristaglio ML: “A Guide to Current Uses of Vertical This inversion promises timely seismic looks at developments to date, and exam-
Seismic Profiles,” Geophysics 50 (December 1985):
2473-2479. information without interrupting drilling and ines how recent research initiatives are
2. Babour K, Joli F, Landgren K and Piazza J-L: “Ele- without deploying any downhole hardware. rekindling interest in the technique.
ments of Borehole Seismics Illustrated With Three Further, the service may be employed in
Case Studies,” The Technical Review 35, no. 2 (April
1987): 6-17. environmentally sensitive areas where sur-
3. Oristaglio M, Beylkin G and Miller D: “The General- face seismic sources are disruptive—for
ized Radon Transform: A Breakthrough In Seismic
Migration,” The Technical Review 35, no. 3 (July
1987): 20-27.

4 Oilfield Review
Standard VSP


Downgoing multiple

Direct wave

Geophone position Time

Subsurface Reflected primary
reflector Reflected upgoing multiple

Walkway VSP
Source positions
Well S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6
nConventional mics. Good quality data, sampled finely and
borehole seismics. in sufficient depth, enable a vertical reflec-
A basic vertical tion image or vertical seismic profile (VSP)
seismic profile
(VSP) survey to be created. In a basic VSP survey, the
employs a static seismic source is static and the geophone is
Geophone seismic source moved to different levels in the well. The
while the geophone image may be displayed either in time, to
is moved to differ-
Fault match the surface seismic section, or in
ent levels in the
well (top). To create depth, to match wireline logs.2
a lateral image of Alternatively, the geophone location may
the formation, be fixed and the surface source moved
Well S
walkaway VSP uses along a line that “walks away” from the rig.
1 S2 S3 S Hyperbolic a fixed geophone
4 S5
S6 direct arrival location and a sur- Walkaway VSP produces an image of the
face source that is subsurface with lateral coverage that is typi-
moved along a line cally between half and a quarter the well
that extends from depth (left ). In deviated wells, various com-
the well (bottom).
binations of VSP and walkaway VSP may be
employed to provide the required images.3
Today, borehole seismics delivers a range
of high-resolution images. However, like all
wireline-delivered services, drilling must
stop and the drillstring must be removed
prior to running the survey. Therefore, bore-
hole seismics is typically carried out during
openhole logging, usually just before casing
is run. The results certainly offer useful
The Principles of seismic waves through the formation. information, but this may be too late. The
Well location is usually selected using sur- Velocity varies significantly with rock type well may already be in the wrong
face seismic images. Once drilling is under- and usually has to be measured, rather than place—for example, on the wrong side of a
way, it is useful to know the bit’s position modeled, using a combination of sonic logs fault subsequently revealed by walkaway
relative to the seismic section. However, this and borehole seismics of a well after it has VSP—and a costly sidetrack may be
information is not easily available because been drilled. needed. Furthermore, it may be expensive
the vertical axis of the seismic section is The theory of borehole seismics has been or impossible to locate sufficient surface
measured not in distance but in “two-way known for many decades.1 At its simplest, a sources to create a satisfactory walkaway
time”—the time the seismic waves take to geophone deployed on wireline records the VSP image.
travel through the earth, bounce off a sub- time that seismic waves take to travel from a In seismic while drilling, compressional
surface reflector and return to surface. surface source to a receiver at known depth waves emitted by the active bit radiate both
To relate the position of the bit to the seis- in the well. These times are doubled to tie directly to surface and downward from the
mic section, it is necessary to convert the in with two-way time on the surface seismic bit, reflecting off formation boundaries. By
vertical axis from time to depth. This con- section. This simple service is known as a
version requires knowledge of the velocity “checkshot” survey.
But there are subtleties that add signifi-
cantly to the usefulness of borehole seis-
January 1993 5
using surface geophones to detect this made processing more straightforward New Systems
sound, the inverse of checkshot, VSP and because it applies force to the formation Given the promising potential of seismic
walkaway VSP surveys may be obtained. through discrete impacts creating a pulsed while drilling, Schlumberger researchers
These techniques offer several advantages signal. The technique failed to mature as have developed two prototype real-time sys-
over conventional borehole seismics: rotary drilling became the norm. tems that mirror conventional techniques of
drilling need not stop and, because the Three decades later, rollercone bit vibra- borehole seismics and may promote more
measurements are made continuously, the tions were analyzed, initially to assess their widespread use of the technology.
information allows well trajectory decisions effects on the drillstring and the rig. But this First, this article looks at an experimental
to be made before it is too late. Further, work also showed that the vibrations pos- continuous checkshot system designed to be
using the bit as a source may make it practi- sess sufficient energy and bandwidth to be permanently on site delivering time-to-
cal to perform large-scale borehole seismic used as a seismic source.4 Then, in 1985, depth conversions. Then, it examines an
jobs where surface sources are impracti- Société Nationale Elf Aquitaine, Paris, imaging-while-drilling system being devel-
cal—for example in towns or environmen- France, patented “instantaneous acoustic oped to deliver an image comparable to
tally sensitive areas. logging in a wellbore” using a drill bit as walkaway VSP. This system uses a large
However, seismic while drilling presents source. The technique overcomes the con- array of geophones and is designed to be on
significant technical challenges. The signal tinuous nature of the source by relating the site for only a few days.
emitted by conventional seismic sources is signal measured by surface geophones to a Continuous checkshot: A key to a viable
well controlled—either an impulsive explo- signal measured on the drillstring using a continuous checkshot service is cost-effec-
sion or a sweep from a vibrator of known crosscorrelation technique.5 tiveness. If large quantities of equipment and
signature—making the time between its Geophones near the rig measure the seis- many people are permanently required on
emission and detection relatively easy to mic signal and an accelerometer at the top site, costs are generally high. No matter how
determine. On the other hand, the bit’s sig- of the drillpipe measures bit vibrations good the product, it will be too expensive.
nal is essentially continuous and uncontrol- transmitted through the drillstring. The With this in mind, GECO-PRAKLA Engi-
lable. A geophone on surface records con- accelerometer receives a continuous signal neering, Hannover, Germany, is testing a
tinuous seismic radiation as it is transmitted similar to that reaching the geophones. But fully automated system that keeps the num-
through the ground. the speed of the signal through the drillstring ber of data-gathering channels to a mini-
In addition, the environment around a is different from that through rock, so the mum. Currently undergoing research trials
drilling rig is very noisy. The comparatively two traces will be time shifted. By using in the field, the system also employs new
low-level energy of the drillbit seismic signal crosscorrelation, the value of this shift may processing techniques to ensure that perfor-
is often completely submerged in noise. be estimated. mance and real-time product delivery are
Onshore, the geophone traces include sev- If the time shift and the velocity of the sig- not sacrificed when hardware is simplified.
eral noise components. Some noise that cor- nal through the drillstring are known, the The system employs 12 or fewer geo-
relates with the seismic signal is caused by travel time of the signal in rock may be cal- phones, deployed radially starting about
bit vibrations travelling up the drillstring and culated. But components in the drill- 200 m [656 ft] from the rig. There are two
the fluid-filled annulus and then “rolling” string—drill collars, stabilizers and tool accelerometers on the swivel—the lowest
along the air-ground interface to the geo- joints for example—affect propagation of part of the drilling equipment not rotating.
phones—this is called correlated ground roll. the signal, distorting the signature and mak- Data are transferred via cable to the rig-
Uncorrelated ground roll comes from the ing drillstring velocity difficult to calculate. based recording unit. Reducing the number
vibrations of surface equipment like the mud One proposal by Elf exploits differences in of geophones improves system economics
pumps and engines. Random noise is caused drillstring travel time before and immedi- and makes automation feasible, but presents
by events like a passing truck or train. ately after a new joint of pipe has been con- a signal processing challenge.
The challenge is to recognize the unknown nected to the string. A crosscorrelation Uncorrelated noise has traditionally been
and variable signature of the bit, to improve between the accelerometer and geophone reduced by summing the responses from a
the signal-to-noise ratio and to convert a signals is made before the connection. large number of independent receivers—an
continuous emission to one in which dis- Another crosscorrelation is made after the irreversible process. With sufficient traces,
crete seismic events may be recognized. connection but before any hole has been the in-phase signal is satisfactorily reinforced
drilled. These two crosscorrelations are then and the out-of-phase noise attenuated—the
The History crosscorrelated with each other, giving a bigger the array, the better the data. Corre-
The idea of using drill bit vibrations as an time shift attributed to the extra joint of lated ground roll is more troublesome. But,
energy source for subsurface investigation drillpipe. By successively combining these, by deploying sufficient geophones in arrays
dates back to the 1930s. The original con- the drillstring velocity may be calculated. with carefully chosen directions, correlated
cept was proposed for cable drilling, which Since the initial Elf patent was filed, a seis- noise may be attenuated.7
mic-while-drilling-service has been devel- However, the effectiveness of this direc-
oped and offered under license as the tional attenuation technique is limited, par-
TOMEX survey by Western Geophysical. ticularly when there are few geophones. To
Time-to-depth conversions have been car- facilitate more sophisticated noise removal,
ried out and images comparable to VSP sur- the continuous checkshot system preserves
veys have been produced.6 Despite these individual geophone data, rather than
results, seismics while drilling has so far instantly summing them (next page).
failed to capture a significant share of the The first task in this method is to remove
potential market. ground roll from the individual geophone

6 Oilfield Review
Accelerometer signal



Deconvolved signal—
reflections removed


Drillstring image
nDrillstring image.
Drillstring vibra-
tions measured at
surface are used to
Filtered signal
calculate the
Adaptive filter changes in
impedance that
the vibrations
Crosscorrelation encounter as they
travel from the bot-
tom of the drill-
string to the top.
By deciding what
Time shift bit part of the image
corresponds to the
bit, it is then possi-
ble to work out the
drillstring travel

Time of signal Time of signal

in formation Computation
through drillstring

4. Deily FH, Dareing DW, Paff GH, Ortloff JE and Lynn 5. Staron P, Arens G and Gros P: “Method for Instanta- 7. Hardage BA: Crosswell Seismology and Reverse VSP,
RD: “Downhole measurements of Drill String Forces neous Acoustic Logging Within a Wellbore,” Interna- vol. 1. London, England: Geophysical Press Limited
and Motions,” Transactions of the American Society tional Patent Application under the Patent Coopera- (1992): 79-101.
of Mechanical Engineering for Industry (1968): 217-225. tion Treaty No. WO 85/05696 (May 20, 1985).
Lutz J, Raynaud M, Gstalder S, Quichaud C, Raynal J 6. Rector JW: “Utilization of Drill Bit Vibrations as a
and Muckelroy JA: “Instantaneous Logging Based on a Downhole Seismic Source,” PhD dissertation submit-
Dynamic Theory of Drilling,” Journal of Petroleum ted to Stanford University Department of Geophysics,
Technology 24 (June 1972): 750-758. September 1990.
Rector JW and Marion BP: “MWD VSP and Check-
shot Surveys Using the Drill Bit as a Downhole Energy
Source,” paper OTC 6024, presented at the 21st
Annual Offshore Technology Conference, Houston,
Texas, USA, May 1-4, 1989.
Rector JW and Marion BP: “The Use of Drill-Bit
January 1993 Energy as a Downhole Seismic Source,” Geophysics 7
56 (May 1991): 628-634.
traces. Signal processing experts at Schlum- approaches the geophones from the side with the average of the two traces measured
berger Cambridge Research (SCR), Cam- and exhibits moveout across the array. by the accelerometers on the drillstring. This
bridge, England, have developed adaptive However, the wavefront of the seismic sig- crosscorrelation also gives the time shift
noise filters to do this. Adaptive filters have nal approaches the array from below, has between accelerometer and geophone sig-
been used for many purposes since the zero moveout and is in phase (next page, nals—the difference in signal velocity
1970s—current examples include telephone bottom). By using these differences in move- through the drillstring and formation. The
channel equalization to prevent echoes on out to distinguish between different parts of time shift is then used to calculate the signal
long-distance telephone lines and antinoise the trace, the adaptive filter effectively atten- velocity through the formation.
systems to reduce environmentally undesir- uates the ground roll, while allowing the Determining formation velocity also
able sounds.8 seismic signal to pass (see “Cutting Noise requires knowing the drillstring travel time.
For seismic while drilling, the filter with an Adaptive Filter,” below ). As already noted, the many components in
exploits differences in the moveout of com- Random noise may be removed by cross- the string complicate calculation of this
ponents within the traces. Ground roll correlating the individual geophone traces travel time and a number of methods have
been proposed—like Elf’s double crosscor-
relation process.
Cutting Noise with an Adaptive Filter
The continuous checkshot system uses a
new technique called drillstring imaging,
Filtered signal also devised at SCR, to model changes in the
acoustic impedance of the drillstring, giving a
Adaptive better understanding of the velocity of the
signal through the drillstring (next page,
Geophone 1 signal Geophone 2 signal top). The time shift and the drillstring travel
d time are then used to compute the forma-
tion travel time.
Ground roll
Imaging while drilling: The continuous
checkshot system employs a relatively small
number of geophones to gather data
throughout drilling. It is not designed to
deliver complex images like those produced
by walkaway VSP. This requires a large
data-gathering exercise employed for a short
time and different processing techniques.
Researchers at both SCR and GECO-
nAn adaptive filter at work. PRAKLA Engineering are constructing com-
plex images using long data records
To illustrate how an adaptive filter removes The time-delayed first trace is then weighted obtained by large arrays of surface geo-
phone at a range of radial offsets. The scale
unwanted noise, consider an array of two geo- by an adaptive filter and subtracted from the sec-
of data gathering rivals that used for con-
phones (above). The seismic signal from the drill ond trace. Because the filter input contains an ventional 2D surface seismics, employing
bit arrives at both geophones virtually simultane- advanced version of the ground roll, it can suc- arrays of 40 to 220 stations with up to 48
ously. But the wave front of the ground roll arrives cessfully remove ground roll from the second geophones per station.
at the geophone closest to the rig before it arrives geophone. But because it contains only a delayed The imaging technique is based on
research started at Schlumberger-Doll
at the second geophone. Therefore, the trace from version of the seismic signal, the signal in the
Research, Ridgefield, Connecticut, USA.
the first geophone contains an advanced version second geophone’s trace cannot be removed. The
of the ground roll with respect to the trace from filter weights are adapted so that the total power
8. Widrow B, Glover JR, McCool JM, Kaunitz J,
the second geophone. The size of this advance of the output signal is minimized. When the mini- Williams CS, Hearn RH, Zeidler JR, Dong E and
Goodlin RC: “Adaptive Noise Cancelling: Principles
depends on the speed of the wavefront and the mum power has been achieved, as much of the and Applications,” Proceedings of the Institution of
separation of the geophones. ground roll as possible has been removed. Electrical and Electronic Engineering 63 no. 12
(December 1975): 1692-1716.
To remove the ground roll component from the A similar technique may be used even if the 9. Desler JF, Farmer PA and Haldorsen J: “Method of
second trace, the output from the first geophone seismic signals do not arrive simultaneously, so and Array for Vertical Seismic Profiling,” European
Patent No. 0 294 158 A2 (May 31, 1988).
is delayed by a short time d—where d is less long as the seismic signal has a different move- Miller D, Haldorsen J and Kostov C: “Methods for
than the advance. Now the trace from the first out across the array compared to the ground roll. Deconvolution of Unknown Source Signatures from
Unknown Waveform Data,” U.S. Patent No.
geophone contains a delayed version of the seis- And for the continuous checkshot system, the fil- 4,922,362 (May 1, 1990).
mic signal compared to the second geophone, but ter is extended to cover all the geophones and not 10. Oristaglio M, Beylkin G and Miller D, reference 3.
Miller D, Oristaglio M and Beylkin G: “A New Slant
still has an advanced version of the ground roll. just two. on Seismic Imaging: Migration and Integral Geome-
try,” Geophysics 52 (July 1987): 943-964.

8 Oilfield Review

Ground roll Seismic signal

nContinuous checkshot data gathering and processing. Geophone

signals are filtered and crosscorrelated with the deconvolved
accelerometer signal. This yields the time shift—the difference in
travel time taken by the signal through the formation and its time
up the drillstring. The accelerometer signal is also used to create
a drillstring image. The time shift and the image may then be used
to compute the time the signal takes to travel through the formation.

The processing capitalizes on the relative nHow geometry

abundance of geophone data and tracks the affects moveout.
Ground roll
wavefront as it travels through the forma- approaches the

tion, potentially estimating the bit signal and geophones from the
the earth’s response without using side and exhibits
accelerometer data.9 However, by employ- moveout across the
ing the accelerometer input, data may be array—the wave
front reaches the
compressed, making it feasible to store the geophone nearest
massive volume of information collected to the rig first, then
over three or four days. travels to the next
Each trace contains a common bit signa- Surface geophone and so
equipment forth. The wave-
ture, and noise that varies from trace to front of the seismic
trace. With time-delay curves, stacking and signal approaches
deconvolution filtering, new signals are cre- the array from
ated that represent what the traces would below. Because the
have looked like if the source had been a distance between
Drillpipe the nearest and far-
noiseless pulse—the earth impulse thest geophone is
response. This converted form is then small—typically
migrated to create an image (see “Spiking about 20 m [66 ft]—
the Traces,” page 10).10 relative to the

depth of the well,

The feasibility of imaging while drilling the seismic signal
has been demonstrated by a number of arrives at each geo-
research experiments. For example, in phone virtually
Mulmshorn, Germany, in 1991, images Heavyweight simultaneously.
were created using 240 groups of 24 geo-


Change in impedance

January 1993 9
Walkaway VSP Drill bit seismic
–500 m 500 m –500 m 500 m
3500 Spiking the Traces
Depth, m

Starting with signals created by a noisy continu-

Gamma ray log ous source, the objective is to create the earth
4500 impulse response—the traces that would result if
the source had been a noiseless pulse. This
involves a number of steps (next page, left).1

Estimation of source signal—In contrast to the

continuous checkshot system where the seismic
signal arrives virtually simultaneously at a short
array of geophones, the imaging system uses an
array spanning a large distance—kilometers—so
nWalkaway VSP image (left) and a seismic-while-drilling image the signal does not arrive at each geophone at
(right) obtained using similar processing, from a research experi- the same time. Each trace measurement contains
ment carried out in Germany in 1991—the gamma ray log is
shown for reference. The strong reflector at about 4700 m is the a replica of the source signal that must be time
Zechstein salt formation. The reservoir is in the thin sands visible shifted to make them appear to arrive at surface
in the gamma ray log at about 5000 m. Hints of the sands may be
seen in both images. However, the reflector directly above the simultaneously. These shifted traces may then be
Zechstein is better revealed by the seismic-while-drilling image stacked to create a single trace, which represents
although this may be partially a function of the different source
an estimate of the source signal.
array employed for the wireline survey.
Finding the time delays assumes that the bit
phones that compare very favorably with Surface VSP Walkaway Drill bit signal travels to surface as an approximate spher-
walkaway VSP images of the same interval seismic VSP seismic
ical wave and is received by the array as an
(above ).11 0
approximate hyperbola. Best-fit analysis may be
A rigorous way of assessing the resolution
of seismic images is to analyze the distribu- used to find the hyperbola that fits the data. How-
tion of the signal across the frequency range ever, if geophone data are correlated with
0 to 100 hertz. Four types of seismic image accelerometer data, the signal-to-noise ratio is so
resulting from the Mulmshorn experiment improved that the time-delay curve is much more
have been compared. The spectrum from a
obvious, making best-fit analysis redundant.
conventional VSP-derived image was
almost uniformly distributed—the ideal. The Deconvolution and filtering—Once the traces
spectrum for walkaway VSP was almost as
Frequency, hertz

have been shifted and stacked, a process called

good. Both surface and seismic-while-
deconvolution is carried out. This removes the
drilling surveys show some deficiencies at
the higher frequencies, although the images source signature and reduces each signal’s first
are still acceptable (right ). arrival to a spike. Additional copies of the source
A subsequent test, at Voelkersen, Ger- signature are present in the data because of
many, further revealed the scope of the reflections in the earth. A single filter is applied
technique. In March 1992, an experiment
to all the traces, so these additional signals are
also converted into spikes, with amplitude and
11. Haldorsen JBU, Miller DE, Walsh JJ and Zoch H-J:
“Multichannel Approach to Signature Estimation and time delay relative to the first arrivals. The spikes
Deconvolution for Drill Bit Imaging,” paper BG5.5,
presented at the 62nd Annual International Meeting
provide the basis for the seismic-while-drilling
and Exposition of the Society of Exploration Geo- 100 image.
physicists, New Orleans, Louisana, USA, October
25-29, 1992. The deconvolution filter is similar to a conven-
tional noise-reducing Wiener filter and is data-
Spectral distribution
adaptive—its nature changes according to the
nComparing the spectra of four seismic data.2 Wiener deconvolution requires an estimate
techniques used on the same well.

10 Oilfield Review
-200 0 200
of the noise. In this case, because the filter is Refining the result—The earth impulse response
optimized to work uniformly on all traces, noise may be refined using an improved time-delay
1 estimation is carried out implicitly by considering curve obtained by picking new break times on the
Time, sec

the ratio of coherent energy—the signal that is deconvolved data. Stacking and deconvolution may
aligned across the array—and the total energy at then be repeated using the new time-delay curve.
each frequency.
Processing—These traces may then be processed
The filter enhances everything coherent with
3 as normal walkaway VSP data using conventional
the signal—like reflections—and suppresses
incoherent noise, while preserving relative arrival
Offset, m
times (below). Built into the filter is a natural 1. Haldorsen J, Walsh J, Miller D and Zoch H-J: “Optimal Array
Time shifting to
noise suppressor, attenuating the energy at fre- Focusing in Deconvolution for VSP,” to be presented at the 55th
align direct Annual Meeting and Technical Exhibition of the European Associ-
arrivals quencies where the signal-to-noise ratio is poor. ation of Exploration Geophysicists, Stavanger, Norway, June 7-
Shifting Once the traces have been spiked, the filter 11, 1993
0 2. Wiener N: Extrapolation, Interpolation and Smoothing of Station-
automatically reverses the shift to create the ary Time Series. New York, New York, USA: John Wiley & Sons,
earth impulse response. 1949.
Time, sec

2 Stack of 302 one-minute field Deconvolved data from five

correlated records hours of recording
West East West East
3 –1000 m Well 1000 m –1000 m Well 1000 m

Applying the
Time, sec


-200 0 200

Time, sec

4 2
Offset, m
nBefore and after deconvolution. The left image shows the equivalent of five
nThe deconvolution process. hours of data. Some 302, one-minute bit-noise records have been correlated,
truncated and stacked—representing a compression of more than four orders
of magnitude of the drill bit waveform. These data have then been treated
using the deconvolution filter (right). This removes noise incoherent with the
source signature, leaving a sharp direct arrival together with additional sharp
arrivals from subsurface reflectors and coherent seismic sources.

January 1993 11
was carried out using 7 kilometers (km) [4 The geophones were laid out in three sur-
miles] of surface geophones in a suburban face lines. There were 140 channels, each
area (left ). Data were collected over four consisting of 24 vertical geophones (next
days, during which a rollercone bit drilled page). Information from two accelerometers,
89 m [292 ft] of formation to a depth of mounted on the rig swivel, was used to
3075 m [10,090 ft]. A preliminary image compress the sampled data by crosscorrela-
was produced in the field after only 25 m tion. Before processing, data were stacked
[82 ft] of drilling and within a couple of for each 1-m [3-ft] interval that was
hours of acquiring the data. drilled—except for 11 m [36 ft] of drilling
The target for this well was about 5 km [3 where seismic-while-drilling data could not
miles] deep. Sand layers below the Zech- be collected. The 78 stacked records,
stein salt are typically porous and gas-filled. deconvolved and corrected for time delay,
However, wells completed close to faults were then imaged using standard VSP
have proved unproductive because of low migration. The images show good agree-
permeability. The available 2D surface-seis- ment with the surface seismic sections, but
mic data had been interpreted showing a also increased detail (below ). This detail
graben below the Zechstein, but the image allowed the driller to plan the well location
was not clear. The goal of the experiment with greater precision.
was to obtain a better image of the target So far, the feasibility of both continuous
zone to clarify the structure and guide checkshot and imaging while drilling has
drilling to potentially productive locations. been demonstrated, but only in a few envi-

–1500 m West Well East 1500 m


Time, sec

nGeophone locations used for the Voelk-

ersen experiment. If conventional borehole
seismics had been used, seismic sources,
rather than geophones would have been
deployed in this suburban environment. 2.5


nSeismic-while-drilling image superimposed on the conventional surface seismic

12 Oilfield Review
ronments. To date, the systems are limited to As researchers gather field experience, it
onshore applications in wells with low devi- will be possible to better define the limits of
ation being drilled through hard formations the technology. This may then allow
with rollercone bits, without topdrives and deployment of systems that minimize poten-
without mud motors. tially costly missed targets and subsequent
Some other environments and applica- sidetracks, and identify possible hazards
tions are not expected to cause too many ahead of the bit. For the explorationist, these
problems. Offshore use will necessitate systems offer the chance to refine the final
rethinking of hardware requirements and target while the well is being drilled and
different processing, but these are not before it is too late. —CF
expected to be insurmountable. And, while
topdrives have not been used yet, no major
problems are anticipated.
However, other cases are more daunting.
Polycrystalline diamond compact (PDC) bits
do not produce the same signal as roller-
cone bits. Horizontal wells will need a dif-
ferent arrangement of sensors and new pro-
cessing techniques. And operating with mud
motors is an unknown quantity.

nHow the Voelk-

ersen geophones
N were laid out. Two
parallel 3-kilometer
(km) [1.9-mile]
strike lines were
joined by a 1-km
[0.6-mile] dip line.
The dip line ran
radially from the
rig from about 600
m [1970 ft]. At 50-m
[164-ft] intervals
along these lines,
there were 140
channels, each
consisting of 24 ver-
tical geophones
placed every 2 m
[6.5 ft].

Well site

500 m

January 1993 13

Going For The Play:

Structural Interpretation in Offshore Congo

Nigel Platt Stewart Walter

Peter Philip ARK Geophysics Limited
Woking, England Milton Keynes, England

Petroleum exploitation begins nThe coastline of

the Congo, show-
with geologists and geophysicists Gabon ing survey lines

(red) of the deep-
exploring unknown territory with water nonpropri-
0m etary survey run

few wells for guidance and no visi- Riv by GECO-PRAKLA

in 1990 and lines
ble sign of oil and gas. Their task from a previous
survey (blue) run
is to uncover the best prospects two years earlier.
0m Current offshore
and decide whether oil companies fields are near the
coast in water
should commit to millions of 2000m depths less than
100 m [330 ft]. Line
exploration dollars. A key tool is Pointe direction for the
Noire deepwater survey
structural interpretation of seismic was chosen mostly
perpendicular to
data. A survey shot in deep waters Cabinda the coast—that is,
(Angola) parallel to the
off the Congo mainland shows how regional dip, the
direction most
geologists apply this technique. likely to give
insight into struc-
ture and plays.
Orthogonal lines
Producing fields parallel to regional
For help in preparation of this article, thanks to John strike completed
Booth, Amerada Hess, Libreville, Gabon, and 0 km 50 seismic coverage.
Dominique Pajot and Phil Trayner, GECO-PRAKLA, Sta- Zaire
vanger, Norway.

Given the difficulty of finding oil and gas, it what exploration geologists spend most of
is strange that the spirit of exploration geol- their professional lives looking for.
ogy is captured by the word play. No Until oil or gas is discovered, plays exist
connection here with frivolous wanderings mostly in the mind. Focusing on one or
through exotic lands by geological super- another of the earth’s basins, explorationists
sleuths. Play in the exploration context search for that seemingly impossible con-
describes a geological configuration that catenation—source rock, migration path,
favors the accumulation of hydrocarbons. reservoir and seal.1 Each vital ingredient
Plays and their associated prospects are must be present, both at the correct physical
location and at the right time.

14 Oilfield Review
Source rocks rich enough in organic
material must have been buried and heated
to sufficiently high temperature and long
enough to form petroleum. Petroleum
migrates upward, so there must have been a
conduit to guide it. And a porous, perme-
able reservoir rock capped by impermeable
rocks is required to receive and trap the
fluid. Finally, the ensuing geological evolu-
tion—commonly several tens or even hun-
dreds of million years—must have left the
reservoir and seal intact.
As explorationists focus on a sedimentary
basin, this juxtaposition of geological coin-
cidence occupies the mind. Every scrap of
evidence is used to refine the notion of how
the basin might have evolved and whether
the structural and sedimentary history might
favor a play. Outcrop geology, satellite
imagery, magnetic and gravity surveys, and
especially seismic data contribute to the
interpretation process. This article shows
how various plays in offshore Congo crystal-
lized in the minds of GECO-PRAKLA geolo-
gists as they reviewed a nonproprietary seis-
mic survey shot in West African waters.
Geologists first became interested in the
Congo in 1928, attracted by tar seepages
near Pointe Noire on the coast and knowl-
edge that the subsurface contained thick
deposits of salt—salt intrusions provide a
classic trapping mechanism for hydrocarbon
accumulation (previous page ). The salts had
been identified in numerous boreholes
nSatellite gravity map of West African coast and mid-Atlantic,
showing dense oceanic crust (red) to the left and less dense fill of
drilled for potash mining exploration. sedimentary basins (blue) along the coast. The southwest-north-
Oil was discovered at Pointe Indienne, 20 east lineations are transform faults accommodating the differen-
kilometers [12 miles] north of Pointe Noire, tial spread of the mid-Atlantic and African plates. The map was
derived from satellite measurements of mean ocean height, a
in 1959. But further onshore exploration parameter dependent on the cumulative mass distribution and
proved fruitless—some oil shows, but noth- density of the underlying rock. Dense rock such as basement
ing of commercial value. In the late 1960s, attracts water from the surroundings and creates a bulge in the
an Elf/AGIP partnership discovered oil off- ocean, increasing ocean height. Less dense rocks such as sedi-
shore. Further successes yielded five off- ments give rise to a depression in the ocean surface. (Courtesy of
ARK Geophysics Limited.)
shore fields and oil production from the
Congo now exceeds 115,000 barrels per
day. Recoverable reserves are currently esti- ration wells where precise lithological data West African geological history, briefly
mated at more than a billion barrels. would be available. described here:
The GECO-PRAKLA nonproprietary sur- In preparation for designing and then The offshore basins of the Congo form
vey of 1990, which forms the basis of the interpreting the survey, the GECO-PRAKLA part of the West African Salt Basin, a large
interpretation described in this article, cov- interpreters amassed and absorbed an enor- collection of basins stretching 2000 km
ered 15,000 square kilometers [5800 square mous variety of data, including satellite sur- [1250 miles] from south Cameroon to
miles]. The survey ventured from shallow veys showing the gross underlying structure Angola. The salt was deposited during
water at the edge of the continental shelf, extending from the African continent to the Aptian times about 120 million years ago
where oil plays were known to exist, to mid-Atlantic, and data from wells in the when the rifting of South America from
depths up to 2000 m [6560 ft]. This is area (above). Gravity and magnetic surveys
deeper than the current limit of commercial helped determine regional fault patterns and 1. For more on petroleum plays:
exploitation, but the deepwater data were thus the optimal directions for seismic sur- North FK: Petroleum Geology. Boston, Massachusetts,
USA: Unwin Hyman, 1985.
nevertheless crucial for elucidating basin veying. Estimates of geothermal gradients
Allen PA and Allen JR: Basin Analysis: Principles and
structure and migration pathways from deep through geological time were made avail- Applications. Oxford, England: Blackwell Scientific
in the basin. The survey lines were designed able for evaluating the thermal history of Publications, 1990.
to connect with previous surveys conducted organic-rich formations and the consequent
closer to the coast and intersect any explo- probability of hydrocarbon generation.
Finally, the interpreters had to bone up on

January 1993 15
Structural History of West Africa

Structural history of offshore Congo illustrating basin evolution during

the last 150 million years, with three paleogeographic maps—rift in the
Late Jurassic, transition in the Aptian and drift in the Late Cretaceous—
Early extension and sequence of southwest-northeast transects from ancient to present
(transect position marked red on maps).
From “Hydrocarbon Potential of the West
African Salt Basin, Regional Exploration
Report, Volume III: Congo.” Pinner, England,
Early rift

Cratonic rifting 1987. Courtesy of Fairway Exploration Ltd.

Nigerian Lake
Shield Chad
Rift subsidence: lacustrine and fluvio-deltaic deposition Western African Shield

Guiana Paranaiba Afro-Brazil


Shield Sag



Guapore Basin
Late rift

Major rifting Shield


Lacustrine marl deposition and clastic infill Pacific

120 to 150 million years

West Africa gradually evolved into a full- rift along the future western African and Later, during the mid- to Late Cretaceous,
fledged drift. Later salt movement would eastern Brazilian margins. A modern paral- the area was definitively submerged and
create anticlinal folds capable of trapping lel is the Great Rift Valley extending from continental breakup of Gondwana led to a
hydrocarbons. the Red Sea to the Zambesi River. separation, or drift, of South America from
The story, however, begins thirty million Initially, the rift and its basins were above Africa.2 Whereas the basins had previously
years earlier during the Late Jurassic (see sea level and isolated from the ocean. Large been linked on one continental plate, now
“Structural History of West Africa,” above ). lakes formed in which sandstone and shales they were separated by a widening tract of
At this time, extensional faulting and subsi- accumulated. Some shales were deposited ocean, as the Atlantic opened through injec-
dence took place in the part of the Gond- in oxygen-deficient water, allowing preser- tion of new oceanic crust at the mid-ocean
wana supercontinent that would eventually vation of organic matter. These formations ridge. Sedimentation was now marine, with
become both the east coast of South Amer- are the source for the billions of barrels of thick deposits of limestone, sandstone and
ica and the west coast of Africa. Further oil found in the West African basins. shale. Further subsidence took place in the
stretching or extension in the Early Creta- By Aptian times, continued subsidence Late Tertiary and was probably associated
ceous led to the formation of a large-scale and a rise in global sea level permitted with faulting related to the collision of the
incursion by the sea. At first, this was inter- Eurasian and African plates.
mittent, with the sea alternately entering This big picture the interpreters learned
and receding from the basins. This created from extensive research into the region’s
ideal conditions of repeated evaporation
and marine flooding to create thick deposits
of halite, the Aptian salts.

16 Oilfield Review
SW NE Micro

Erosion and peneplanation


Evaporite phase: restricted marine transgression

120 to 110 million years


Subsidence and open marine deposition


Rio Grande
Rise Walvis
Westward tilt and subsidence
110 million years to present

geological history. Another card in their transition-phase Aptian salts. Noncommer- tions and begin the critical task of identify-
hand was knowing which formations had cial oil shows have been found aplenty in ing formation tops—the lengthy data pro-
produced oil shows during drilling in the rift and transition rocks of the Lower Creta- cessing was previously accomplished at a
area, which of these had produced com- ceous, but no oil has been tested in Upper GECO-PRAKLA data processing center. 3
mercially, and which formation was the Cretaceous or Tertiary formations. Increasingly today, the interpreter’s main
most likely source for the shows—the most The interpreters knew the source of oil, tool is the workstation. Workstations offer
important was the Marnes Noires, or black therefore, and in general how it most likely many advantages over traditional eyeballing
marls, continental deposits formed under migrated and became trapped (next page). along paper sections. They offer versatile
lacustrine conditions late in the rift phase What they did not know—and what they
and prior to the invasion of sea water. sought during the interpretation—was infor- 2. Terms for geological time units have both physical
The majority of commercial reservoirs in mation on the three-dimensional structure and temporal meanings. Early or Late Cretaceous, for
example, refer to early or late in the Cretaceous
offshore Congo occurs in sandy and of the deepwater Congo sediments— specif- period. But Lower and Upper Cretaceous refer to the
dolomitic rock deposited during the early ically the location, general distribution and lower or upper part of the Cretaceous rock sequence,
also called system.
drift phase in the mid-Cretaceous, with size of likely hydrocarbon prospects. Their
3. For a review on seismic data processing:
structural traps created by movement of the immediate goal was to identify target areas
Boreham D, Kingston J, Shaw P and van Zeelst J: “3D
suitable for detailed mapping with more Marine Seismic Data Processing,” Oilfield Review 3,
closely spaced surveys. no. 1 (January 1991): 41-55.
We rejoin our interpreters as they inspect
the survey’s processed and migrated sec-

January 1993 17
Time Period Epoch Age SW NE Phase data manipulation, real-time processing of
Ma Quat. Pleistocene attributes—computed parameters that help
Pliocene interpretation—and faster map generation.

Paper sections may still used for two-dimen-
Miocene e sional (2D) surveys with exceptionally long

sections separated by great distances.4


The first task always is to review all the

data, checking that intersecting lines


lf a
Oligocene tie—meaning that the same reflectors

appear at the point of intersection at the


40 same two-way time on both sections. This is

Eocene performed by comparing reflector patterns

50 at the point of intersection. Scanning the

Late drift
sections, the interpreter will also note major
structural features such as listric faulting and

60 Paleocene
e eros

salt bodies, and begin the highly skilled task

Maastrichtian of constructing a picture of the subsurface,

all the time drawing and updating conclu-


sions on a working map. Perhaps the inter-

80 preter’s most cherished skill is this ability to

Santonian visualize in three dimensions.
90 Coniacian The basis of structural seismic interpreta-

Early drift
tion is the loop method, in which a seismic
reflector representing a geological horizon is

mapped around a series of intersecting sec-

tions and then back to the original section
(next page). If the reflector checks against
Aptian Trans.
itself, then all is well. But if the reflector

Barremian arrives back higher or lower than its original
Late rift
Marnes Noires position, then an error has crept in and every
130 step around the loop must be checked. Clos-
Valanginian ing the loop is easier said than done. Tracing
Early rift

the continuity of a reflector can be tricky
across a fault and sometimes impossible if
Jurassic the formation pinches out laterally or has
been eroded to form an unconformity. Prob-

Oil tested
Permian Possible play lems may also occur in areas of steep dip,
where 2D migration on each section fails to
P∈ image complex three-dimensional structure
correctly, producing a slight mistie.
nStratigraphic summary of the Congo sedimentary basin along a southwest-northeast Once all major reflectors have been suc-
transect. Older rift sediments are clearly separated from younger drift sediments by the
Aptian sandstone and salt formations. The key hydrocarbon source rocks are Lower cessfully mapped around one loop, the inter-
Cretaceous Marnes Noires below the Aptian. Proven oil shows are indicated by black preter then moves to an adjacent loop and
dots, possible plays by open circles. begins again. Mapping reflectors is complete
only after all loops have been analyzed and
found to tie with each other. The starting
point for this exercise is always where the
interpreter feels most confident, generally
where geological control is available from
log data. Well logs are measured versus
depth, so they must be rescaled versus two-
way seismic time using check-shot data.
Typically, the interpreter plots the major
geological units from the logs on the seismic
section at the well location to obtain the
best correlation. Lithology changes
observed on the logs assist the correlation

18 Oilfield Review
process. For example, a slow formation Some interpreters identify all faults on the
such as mudstone overlying a fast formation section (red markings) and then track reflec-
such as a tight limestone typically correlates tor continuity. Others may concentrate on
with a white band or trough on the seismic reflectors and reflector terminations—onlaps
section.5 Conversely, a fast formation over- and truncations— concentrating on the
lying a slow formation generally correlates stratigraphy and marking in only those faults
with a black band or peak. Once the best that bear on the work at hand.
correlation is found, the interpreter colors In this case, the interpreter marks in the
the section at the well location according to main faults and then concentrates on reflec-
the geological units on the log. tor continuity between the two wells. Later,
Our first example section from the survey as the picture between the wells clarifies,
(next page, top) intersects two wells. A sea deeper faults are marked in and reflector
of black and white traces, it awaits the inter- continuity mapped away from the wells,
preter’s color coding. Interpretation tech- southwestward—left on the section—to
niques vary, but the result is little different. reach a line intersection.
To the layperson, some of these markings
may appear hard to follow—for example, 4. For seismic interpretation:
the continuity across deep fault blocks McQuillin R, Bacon M and Barclay W: An Introduc-
between the wells (next page, bottom). The tion to Seismic Interpretation. London, England: Gra-
ham and Trotman Limited, 1979.
interpreter, however, brings to bear various
5. This follows the SEG “normal polarity” convention. In
tricks of the trade and an abundance of the “reverse polarity” convention, slow formation over
experience in outcrop and subsurface geol- fast formation produces a black peak.
ogy. The layering that varies so dramatically 6. Bell DG, Selnes H, Bjoroy M, Grogan P, Kileyni T and
Trayner P: “Better Prospect Evaluation with Organic
on either side of the deep faults is surmised Geochemistry, Biostratigraphy and Seismics,” Oilfield
from the rather consistent pattern of nearby, Review 2, no. 1 (January 1990): 24-42.
parallel, high-amplitude reflections. More
insight into fault interpretation can come
from laboratory experiments that simulate
millions of years of basin evolution—see
“Analog Modeling of Basin Evolution,” page
At each line intersection, formation tops
are transferred to the new section (page
21)—in this case running in a northwest-
southeast direction—and the interpretation
process moves toward another line intersec-
tion. And so on around the loop. Then the
interpreter moves to an adjacent loop, and
the process is repeated. Once all loops have
been interpreted, the sections can be col-
nPrinciple of the loop method for seismic ored to highlight the geology (pages 22 and
structural interpretation—area shown is
detail from northwest corner of survey 23, top ).
map. Within a given loop, a geological In both example sections, the thin Aptian
horizon is mapped on one section until it sand (orange) forms a boundary between
meets an intersecting section. It is then the rift sediments below and the drift sedi-
mapped on the new section until it meets ments above. Overlying the sandstone, the
another section. Once around the loop,
the horizon must map onto itself. If it does salt (purple) intrudes into the overlying sedi-
not, every step around the loop must be ments, creating structural traps for oil gener-
re-examined for error. The interpreter then ated in the Marnes Noires below (brown).
moves to an adjacent loop. Interpretation The first section that lies parallel to the
confidence builds as more and more
loops check out for internal consistency. direction of geological dip clearly shows
fault blocks in the deep rift sediments and
large-scale listric faults in the shallower drift
sequences. A listric fault has a pronounced
curved slip face. In this example, the sedi-
ments to the left (southwest) of the fault
have been displaced downward and rotated
clockwise. The second section that parallels
the coast appears simpler, but is no less
(continued on page 22)

January 1993 19

0 km 5

nTop: a southwest-northeast section along the regional dip line, nBottom: the same section with tentative interpretation
tying with two wells 13.5 km [8.4 miles] apart. First step was cor- extended toward intersection with orthogonal strike line,
relating the seismic section to data from the two wells. Next, marked by red arrow.
major faulting and formation tops were interpreted between the
20 Oilfield Review

0 km 5


nThe strike section, oriented northwest-southeast. Following correlation at the point of

intersection with the previous dip section (red arrow), interpretation is continued toward
another intersection to the left (blue arrow). The sedimentary layering is more uniform
than in the previous section because the orientation is parallel to the coast, perpendic-
ular to direction of greatest geological dip.

January 1993 21

nCompleted interpretation of the previously illustrated sections. The next step in the interpretation process is to digitize two-way
times to the formation tops and create maps for each formation top.

important. Here, it is vital to determine that The technique for both data types is to however, shallow volcanics are not impor-
traps apparent on the previous section show create a 2D model of the subsurface from tant, so the magnetic data can be used
four-way closure—that is, they truly form a the seismic interpretation, compute the exclusively to fine-tune the structure and
trap for hydrocarbons. On this example, the magnetic and gravity responses at the sur- depth of the crystalline basement.
complex structure around the well at the far face and then compare with actual data. Interpreters next turn to the gravity data,
right is probably due to listric faulting seen The position of formation tops and faults in which are influenced by the entire geologi-
on the previous section. the model and perhaps also the subsurface’s cal section, and use them to constrain inter-
The interpretation seems clean and fin- varying magnetic susceptibility and density pretations of the deep sedimentary structure.
ished, yet questions often remain. Forma- are then adjusted to ensure the best possible For the Congo survey, gravity firmed up the
tion tops may be uncertain, particularly in match. Adjustments to the model geometry structural interpretation of the rift-stage sedi-
the deeper section beyond the range of well must be carefully cross-checked with the ments—that is, the Upper Jurassic and
control and where seismic data lose their seismic data. Initial estimates for rock sus- Lower Cretaceous deposits, including the
resolution. The exact shape of the all- ceptibility and density come from laboratory Marnes Noires, resting on the basement but
important salt intrusions may be subject to measurements and logs. beneath the Aptian salt. Gravity modeling
different interpretations. A solution for The usual strategy is to work upward was also critical in defining the geometry
resolving these cases lies with magnetic (next page, bottom). Interpreters start with and distribution of the salt structures. But
and gravity data, acquired concurrently the magnetic data since metamorphic and the original seismic interpretation was
with the seismic data.7 igneous basement rocks commonly domi- assumed to provide a reliable picture of the
nate the magnetic response—practically all younger formations, which for the Congo
7. For a review of magnetic and gravity techniques: sedimentary rock is nonmagnetic. Excep- survey meant all formations above the salt.
Dobrin MB and Savit CH: Introduction to Geophysi- tions are volcanics that are interbedded with Obtaining a consistent interpretation on
cal Prospecting, 4th ed. New York, New York, USA:
McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1988.
sedimentary formations—a crucial point in all sections and fine-tuning that with mag-
the North Sea, for example, where volcanics netic and gravity data took the GECO-
and volcaniclastic sediments can be interca- (continued on page 26)
lated in reservoir horizons. In West Africa,

22 Oilfield Review

Magnetic Gravity
Magnetic Field, nT

Gravity Field, mGal


-10 0

-30 -10
0 0
2.35 2.57
2.4 2.57 2.15
2000 2.57 2.5
Depth, m

Depth, m

4000 4000 2.7
.01 .009 .01 2.7
.013 2.72
6000 6000
10 20 30 10 20 30
Distance, km Distance, km

nMagnetic and gravity modeling in two dimensions for fine-tuning the seismic interpretation. Magnetic modeling is first used
to constrain the interpretation of the deep igneous and metamorphic basement structure. Then gravity modeling is used to
refine interpretations of the deep rift sediments and salt intrusions. (Courtesy of ARK Geophysics Limited.)

January 1993 23
Analog Modeling of Basin Evolution

Ken McClay
Royal Holloway, University of London
Egham, England

Plastic detachment Deformable hanging wall

Searching for plays depends on a deep under- nSchematic of a deforma-

standing of how sedimentary basins form, then tion apparatus used to
simulate basin evolution.
tying that understanding to the available data,

10 cm
which is usually seismic. While there is no sub-
Rigid footwall
stitute for first-hand geologic experience, experi-
mental tools have been developed that shed light
on basin evolution and complement the geolo-
gist’s field-based knowledge. One such tool can
simulate the complete life of a basin in less than The hanging wall is then slowly moved right- The sequence of snapshots shows the develop-
an hour. Developed during the last ten years at ward in simulation of extending the basin. The ment of a rift basin formed by stretching sedi-
Royal Holloway, University of London, England, sand particles subside and fault, as in real life, ments over a listric fault and basement inclined
the analog basin modeling apparatus described and the experimenter records the events through downward at 10° (next page, left). First, a depres-
here was initially sponsored by BP. Funding now the glass side with time-lapse photography. As sion develops against the listric fault and is filled
comes from a consortium of six oil companies.1 the sand surface subsides, the experimenter with synrift sediments. Next, a V-shaped fault pat-
The simulation takes place inside a long box refills the depression with sand of a different tern termed a crestal collapse zone appears, fol-
comprising two ends—one fixed at the left, repre- color, mimicking the accumulation of so-called lowed by another farther to the right. Each of
senting the upthrown or footwall side of the fault, synrift sediments that are deposited during exten- these is bounded to the left by an accompanying
and one movable in the horizontal direction, rep- sion. In less than an hour, the complete history of synthetic fault, meaning a fault with the same
resenting the upthrown or hanging-wall the basin is on film. At any stage, the action may displacement direction, and to the right by an
side—and two glass sides to allow observation be stopped and frozen by impregnating the sand antithetic fault, meaning a fault with the opposite
and recording of what happens inside (above).2 A box with epoxy and allowing it to set. Cuts of any displacement direction. The synthetic faults
membrane runs along the bottom of the box and orientation can then be made through the basin to rotate as extension proceeds becoming quite
is attached to the hanging wall moving with it. examine structure and fault pattern deformation. curved or listric, while the antithetic fault
With the hanging wall positioned about midway To simulate different geological conditions, the remains straight. Between the two crestal col-
along the length of the box, the experimenter fills footwall can be constructed in a variety of lapse zones, a high-standing zone termed a horst
the box with horizontal layers of alternately col- shapes: vertical to observe plane extension, dif- remains relatively unrotated.
ored sand particles simulating layers of sedimen- ferent molds in the shape of curved or listric fault As extension continues, faulting in the left col-
tary rock. Mica can be substituted to model surfaces to observe lower angle fault detach- lapse zone becomes more complex and begins to
anisotropic formations, and clay can be substi- ment. The membrane may be plastic, or rubber, affect the synrift sediments. Because of their
tuted to achieve a different composition. Typi- or a combination of both. Plastic conveys the shorter history, though, the synrift sediments are
cally, the sand layers are 30 centimeters (cm) [12 hanging wall’s lateral movement to all the sand, less faulted than the rift sediments, a clue to the
in.] in length and10 cm [4 in.] in depth, equiva- while rubber spreads the extension interpreter trying to distinguish the synrift from
lent to a sedimentary section between 1 and 10 uniformly—these configurations mimic differing rift. Meanwhile at depth, the layers rotate dramat-
km [0.6 to 6 miles] thick. structural styles in basin development. And the ically yet seem completely unfaulted. Since the
1. ARCO British Limited, BRASOIL U.K. Ltd., BP Exploration, bottom of the box can be inclined to simulate lat- seismic record at depth is often noisy and hard to
Conoco (U.K.) Limited, Mobil North Sea Limited and Sun Oil eral variations in basin thickness. interpret, this analog result may provide the inter-
Britain Limited.
2. McClay KR: “Extensional Fault Systems in Sedimentary Basins: A
Review of Analogue Model Studies,” Marine and Petroleum
Geology 7, no. 3 (August 1990): 206-233.

24 Oilfield Review
nExtension of sediments
up to 100% over a listric
fault and basement
inclined downward at 10°.
Blue, white and black lay-
ers are sand particles, sim-
ulating rift sediments,
sieved into the box before
any extension. Red, white
and black layers simulating
synrift sediments are
sieved in as extension
causes a depression near
the listric fault.
0 km 5

nSection from a GECO-

PRAKLA nonproprietary
survey shot in the Gulf of
Mexico showing extreme
rotation above a listric
fault—compare with the
simulation. The right of the
section is bounded by a
salt intrusion.

preter with likely scenarios for fault geometries.

The validity of these experiments may be appreci-
ated by noting the similarity of the fully extended
model to an actual seismic section shot over listric
faulting in the Gulf of Mexico (above).
Over 400 analog simulations have been run at
Royal Holloway, University of London with a vari-
ety of geometries and sedimentary cover. Simula-
tions have been run in which a basin is first
extended, then compressed, resulting in uplift
and fault reversal, a process called basin inver-
sion. Other experiments have simulated strike-
slip faulting, in which a sedimentary basin is
sheared by opposing horizontal movements. Salt
intrusions have also been modeled—these exper-
iments help understand structural trapping.

January 1993 25
N PRAKLA interpreters most of three months.
0 km 10
The next task, which took one month more,
was to map two-way times to formation tops
and assess plays. This would formalize the
working maps they had been constantly
updating while interpreting the sections.
Mapping 2D seismic events is half
mechanical and half art and experience.
The mechanical part, comprising digitizing
the location of formation tops and interpo-
lating between sections, is greatly facilitated
by the workstation. But resolving ambigui-
ties in the large areas between the sparse
lines of a 2D survey—for example deciding
if a fault seen on one section is the same as,
or different from, that seen on another—
requires considerable geological expertise.
Thus, interpreters generally take the com-
puter-generated maps as a starting point and
then manually adjust the results to achieve a
geologically valid interpretation of the struc-
ture that is consistent with all available data.
Mapping not only elucidates structure but
also permits the creation of time-thickness
maps, by subtracting the two-way times of
consecutive geological tops (left ). Knowing
the seismic velocities of the formations, it is
then possible to compute actual thickness.
Thickness is one parameter that determines
potential reservoir size, a key factor in evalu-
nTwo examples of two-way time maps obtained from the structural seismic interpretation. ating pay. Thickness is also important for
Left: two-way time to the base of the Right: a two-way time thickness map, reconstructing the sediments’ burial history.
Aptian, showing the geological structure between the seabed and the This describes how quickly the sediments
at the base of the Aptian salt. Miocene—darker color at the bottom indi- were deposited and how each formation’s
cates greater thickness. Thickness maps,
temperature evolved throughout geological
obtained by subtracting two-way times to
consecutive layers, provide an indication time. It then becomes straightforward to
of differential subsidence and its control check whether formations deemed likely to
on sedimentation. These factors help pre- form hydrocarbons, such as the Marnes
dict potential reservoir distribution, geom- Noires, actually experienced the requisite
etry and thickness.
temperature conditions (below, left ).

nBurial histories for offshore Congo forma-
tions based on one well’s lithologic col-
umn. The oil window, indicating suitable
Plio./ Pleist. conditions of temperature and time for oil
Miocene generation, covers the rift sediments that
include the Marnes Noires, the most likely
2000 Paleocene oil source for the area. Temperature is
Cenomanian derived from depth using a variable pale-
Depth, m

otemperature gradient. The ocean (top)

Albian can be seen to enter the study area about
130 million years ago, regress and then
Oil window
re-enter permanently.
4000 Late Rift
Early Rift


140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0
Time, millions of years before present

26 Oilfield Review
Post-Aptian nSummary of
SW NE N 0 km 10 likely plays in part
formit of the Congo off-
iocene U shore survey, color-
Base M coded according to
geological age.
Schematics show-
ing source, migra-
tory path and
reservoir trap for
reservoirs in the
pre- and post-
Aptian sediments.
Pre-Aptian Brown formation
with dots is the
Marnes Noires
source rock.

At this point, all the factors necessary to

pinpoint plays are at hand. The burial his-
tory confirms the potential of organic-rich
horizons as source. Detailed comprehen-
sion and mapping of basin structure reveals
likely migratory paths and trapping mecha-
nisms. The thickness maps indicate the dis-
tribution and geometry of sediment bodies
and assist in recognizing commercially
interesting reservoirs. Deciding the location
of plays now demands of the interpreter a
juggling of these factors and the picking of
locations and depths where all indications
appear simultaneously favorable. The result Post-Aptian
is a play map that oil companies can use to Salt-induced structures, Albian to Neogene
decide on concession bidding, or perhaps to Salt-induced structures, Albian to Maastrichtian
design further seismic surveys with closer Salt-induced structures, Albian to Turonian
line spacings or even 3D surveys. The same
Salt diapirs with crestal anticline or flank structure
interpretation concepts apply throughout
Base Aptian structure
the exploration phase and ultimately permit
the selection of favorable sites for explo- Rift section structure
ration drill holes (above ). Pre-Aptian
These first steps in the search for new dis- Migrating Miocene channels
coveries occur years, sometimes even a Tertiary graben collapse zone
decade or more, before hydrocarbons come
Limit of surface outcrop
on stream and repay the exploration invest-
ment. Just as an infant learns to walk—one
step at a time until confidence builds—so
geologists feel their way into frontier areas.
They tread carefully at first, but then rapidly
advance to the best areas as more informa-
tion becomes available. In the search for
plays, the geologist is king. —HE

January 1993 27

Structural Imaging:
Toward a Sharper Subsurface View

Paul Farmer You’re trying to fix the location of a star using a telescope with optics
Stavanger, Norway
that distort the image. Sometimes you can’t see the star, but when you
Sam Gray can, it might look fuzzy or appear to be the wrong size or in the wrong
Dan Whitmore
Amoco Production Company place. Structural imaging is like fitting the telescope with lenses that
Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA bring the image into crisp focus at the right location.

Graham Hodgkiss
Ask a geophysicist for a simple definition of amplitude with spacing between source and
Orpington, UK
structural imaging and you might get an receiver, called offset (see “Hydrocarbon
analogy like this, echoing the parallel Detection With AVO,” page 42). The quality
Andy Pieprzak
between optics and acoustics. But in direct of these finer-scale techniques rests largely
Houston, Texas, USA
terms, structural imaging boils down to this: on the quality of structural imaging.
the branch of seismology in which pro- Today, structural imaging is advancing on
Davis Ratcliff
cessed seismic data undergo additional two fronts. One is improving image quality
Amoco Production Company
passes to create a large-scale picture of the of conventional structures—their position
Houston, Texas, USA
subsurface. Its goal is to provide a map to and shape become known with greater
locate traps and plan a drilling strategy for accuracy. The other is the ability to image
David Whitcombe
optimal drainage.1 areas of more complex structure associated
BP Exploration
Structural imaging lays the foundation for with large, rapid changes in velocity. Exam-
Houston, Texas, USA
other seismic techniques that investigate ples are low-velocity layers, structure below
progressively smaller features ( pages 30- salt or gas, or multiply folded and faulted
31). After structural imaging, seismic stratig- formations. Understanding of these difficult
raphy jumps to the next level of detail, settings promises to better quantify reserves
characterizing the arrangement of layers in established fields and help define new
within rock formations (see “Sequence prospects that eluded more conventional
Stratigraphy—A Global Theory for Local approaches.
Success,” page 51). Next, lithostratigraphic In all but the simplest geologic settings,
inversion attempts to describe lithology of imaging with seismic energy has three fun-
individual rock layers and evaluate proper- damental problems: the image starts out
ties and distribution of pore fluids, through blurry, has the wrong shape and is in the
analysis of variation of seismic signal wrong place (next page). These problems are
(continued on page 31)

For help in preparation of this article, thanks to AJ 1. For a general review of the literature: Sheriff RE: A First Course in Geophysical Exploration
Berkhout, Delft Technical University, The Netherlands; Fagin SW: Seismic Modeling of Geologic Structures: and Interpretation. Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Inter-
Phil Christie and Doug Miller, Schlumberger Cambridge Applications to Exploration Problems: Tulsa, Okla- national Human Resources Development Corpora-
Research, Cambridge, England; Cengiz Esmersoy and homa, USA: Society of Exploration Geophysicists, tion, 1978.
Lisa Stewart, Schlumberger-Doll Research, Ridgefield, 1991. Yilmaz Ö: Seismic Data Processing. Tulsa, Oklahoma,
Connecticut, USA; Kjell Erik Fagertun, Jan Farestveit, USA: Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 1991.
French WS: “Practical Seismic Imaging,” The Leading
Gary Hutton, Ottar Sandvin and Alan Strudley, GECO-
Edge 9 (August 1990): 13-20. For a review of processing:
PRAKLA, Stavanger, Norway; Niels Kinneging, GECO-
PRAKLA, Delft, The Netherlands; Phil Kitchenside, Diz Johnson JD: “Structural Imaging in the Real World,” Boreham D, Kingston J, Shaw P and van Zeelst J: “3D
MacKewn and Richard Woods, GECO-PRAKLA, Orping- The Leading Edge 11 (January 1992): 32-36. Marine Seismic Data Processing,” Oilfield Review 3,
ton, England; Roland Marschall, GECO-PRAKLA, Han- Redshaw T and Lasseter L: Seismic Migration no. 1 (January 1991): 41-55.
nover, Germany; Terence Redshaw, BP-Statoil R&D Explained! and Seismic Migration Defined! Houston,
Alliance, Trondheim, Norway. Texas, USA: BP Complex Structures Group, 1991.

28 Oilfield Review
Depth, m

a 1000
Time, sec
Time, sec

January 1993





Stack section

After migration
Distance, m




Smearing of event

End of reflector found

by following raypath
back to surface

nThree common curses of unmi-

Acquisition geometry


After stacking

After migration
vel flecto
oci r i


grated seismic data. Events that

end abruptly (left), such as a fault,
may not be sharply imaged by
stacking because energy at the ter-
mination of the event is diffracted,
smearing the image over many
traces (inset above). Migration col-
lapses these diffractions to sharply
render the reflector.

these points

ty e n c
art ons

l re

mig pos rrect


refle Reco


rat ition ly
ed ed
Real end of

ctor rded



Reflected rays

stack section

Event plotted
vertically below
where reflection
is recorded

Migrated section

A syncline may appear as a “bowtie”


on the stacked section (above). Migra-

tion moves the events so the section
looks like a syncline. Dipping reflec-
tors (below, left) present several prob-
lems: the reflector is misplaced later-
ally and vertically, it appears longer
than the actual reflector and dips less
steeply. The steeper the dip, and more
complex the velocity field, the more
difficult the solution to these problems.


As shot-receiver
separation increases,
reflection point moves

The inset (above) shows that reflec-

tion points move updip because dif-
ferent offsets do not image the same
point. Stacking them will therefore
move the reflection point updip. This
is corrected with dip moveout
(DMO), a simple type of migration—
sometimes considered to be “premi-
gration”—that transforms data so
each common midpoint gather con-
tains reflections from the same
depth point. (After Redshaw and Lasseter,
reference 1. Inset after Sheriff, reference 1.)

Seismic Data Processing

Seismic company and oil company processing groups

Quantify survey geometry, select CMP intervals for velocity analysis

(2 to 5 km)

Optimization of Processing Parameters

Gain removal and amplitude correction, statics correction, mute test,
deconvolution, noise suppression, multiple attenuation, matching filter

Conventional Processing

(NMO, DMO correction, etc.) (CMP stack, etc.)


Prestack time migration Poststack time migration


Interpretation of important velocity interfaces

Conversion of time maps to depth maps Image-ray depth conversion

using “apparent velocities” (depth stretch)
Seismic processing team and

control/interpretation teams

Velocity verification: check of

Macro model wavefronts using layer stripping in
oil company quality

subset of data.


Poststack Prestack

Increasing detail

Structural Imaging
company interpretation teams

Provides large-scale arrangement of velocity layers


Seismic processing and oil

Seismic Stratigraphic Interpretation

Displays section in depth and time; provides detail in each velocity layer
& qualitative evaluation of depositional environment

Lithostratigraphic Inversion and AVO

Provides elastic parameters, porosity, density, fluid type

30 Oilfield Review
caused mainly by refraction—bending of Types of migration are applied in a poststack imaging, but with the potential to
rays as they pass through rocks of different broader category of migration called class: retain amplitude variation with offset (AVO)
velocity2 —and diffraction of seismic energy poststack or prestack, two-dimensional or and phase changes useful for later analysis
as it passes through rocks of different veloci- three-dimensional (2D or 3D), time or (page 33, top ). Prestack time migration is
ties, shapes and thicknesses. To make the depth. These classes form eight possible preferred when two or more events occur at
image interpretable, seismic energy must be combinations. The trend in imaging is from the same time but with different stacking
focused into a sharp, correctly shaped poststack to prestack, 2D to 3D and time to velocities (page 33, bottom). Prestack depth
image, and the image moved to the correct depth migration. This trend is best under- migration is advantageous when velocities
lateral and vertical position. The sharper the stood by examining the strengths and weak- in the overburden or the target are complex,
image of a structure and truer its shape and nesses of these classes. but requires large computer resources and
position, the more accurately the structure Poststack migration, still the most com- remains rare. However, as massively paral-
can be evaluated and drilled. The method of mon form, assumes the section built of lel computers become more widely avail-
sharpening, shaping and relocating images stacked traces is equivalent to a zero-offset able, migration technology will shift toward
is loosely termed migration, often consid- section, meaning each trace is made as if prestack depth migration.
ered synonymous with structural imaging. the source and receiver are coincident (see In 2D migration, energy reflected only in
Mathematically, migration is performed “Seismic Basics,” next page). Chief advan- the plane of the section is correctly imaged,
by various solutions to the wave equation tages of poststack migration derive from whereas 3D migration uses energy from
that describe the passage of sound through stacking: compression of data, removal of both in and out of the plane of the section.
rock. Called migration types, these numer- multiples and other noise, and fast, inexpen- In general, 3D migration will have higher
ous solutions or algorithms often take the sive processing. Poststack migration holds resolution because it can move energy from
name of their authors (Gazdag, Stolt) or the up even in fairly strong lateral velocity vari- outside the plane back to its correct position.
type of solution (finite difference, integral). ation, but at some level of velocity variation, The cost of higher resolution, however, is
Migration types may be thought of as a fam- stacking breaks down and prestack process- (continued on page 34)
ily of tools, each with shortcomings and ing is required. A limitation of stacked data
advantages. Choice of the optimal type is is its removal of true amplitude information. 2. For a classic work on time migration:
not always obvious and relies on the experi- Prestack imaging is done on unstacked Hubral P: “Time Migration—Some Ray Theoretical
Aspects,” Geophysical Prospecting 25 (1977): 738-
ence of the seismic practitioner. traces, taking 60 to 120 times longer than 745.

Velocity Model Verification

Image-ray depth conversion

Initial macro model

nSteps in seismic
data processing and
interpretation. Struc- Depth migration Adjust macro model
tural imaging is a
2D prestack migration: revise common
precursor to other
methods of seismic image point so traces are flat
investigation. 3D poststack migration: revise model to
Compare depth migration with input focus energy on boundary, converging the
velocity model, using full data set image section and the model.


Yes No

Velocity model satisfactory

January 1993 31
Seismic Basics

The basic principle in seismic surveying is that

sound is reflected at an interface of materials that
have sufficiently different acoustic properties.
Reflectivity is determined by density and acoustic
velocity, which vary greatly with lithology and less
so with pore fluid composition. Seismic reflec-
tions, therefore, are used mainly to map the shape
and position of formation boundaries and some-
times to identify fluid type.
Sound energy is generated at sea by an explo-
sive or a burst of air bubbles from an air gun, and
on land usually by an explosive charge or a vibra-
tor. Sound reflected back to the surface is detected
and converted into an electrical impulse and dis-
played as a seismic trace. This is a curve in which
the vertical axis is two-way travel time (from sur-
face to reflector and back to surface) and the hori-
zontal axis represents distance from the source.
The position of reflectors in time is represented as
wiggles in the trace, with wiggle amplitude repre-
senting energy. Once the rock velocity is known,
time measurements can be converted to depth.
a Each trace is made from one recording of a
source-receiver pair in one position. For efficiency,
traces from one source are recorded at several
receivers simultaneously. The source and
receivers are moved a certain distance along the
survey line and another recording made. For imag-
ing, traces are usually sorted into a collection
called a common midpoint gather, in which all
traces have a common midpoint. Each gather is
often summed into a stack, a single trace averag-
ing wiggles of the entire gather. Stacking com-
presses data into a more manageable volume and
increases signal-to-noise ratio. Stacked traces from
many gathers are grouped into a stacked section—

1. Sometimes erroneously called root-mean-square (RMS)

velocity, because it is the root-mean-square average of
velocities in a model of parallel horizontal layers. Stacking
velocity approaches RMS velocity as offset approaches
zero only if layers and reflectors are parallel and layers are
isotropic. Seismics often has many names for the same
thing and confusion may arise because different mean-
ings for the same words are not clearly communicated.
Two-way time
Two-way time



Shot #


Shot #

CMP gather


Offset x

+ Stacking =

a 2D slice of the earth in which the vertical axis is

time. Each trace is located midway between the
source and receiver, called the midpoint.

The goal is to make the stacked section appear

similar to the geologic cross section. Take the sim-
ple case of one source and three receivers over a
flat reflector (top). The distance between source
and receiver—called offset—increases with
receiver number. As offset increases, so does the
Shot #


NMO corrected
CMP gather


nBasic seismic acquisition geometry and processing

for a flat reflector and uniform velocity. For simplicity,
only three receivers are shown, but there may be hun-
dreds of receivers. The green ray always bounces off
the same point, which is always halfway between
source and receiver. The green rays are said to have a
common midpoint (CMP), although they have differ-
ent distances—or offsets—between source and
receiver. Traces sorted to combine reflections from the
same midpoint are called CMP gathers. Reflections
come later in time for farther offsets. This time delay
is called normal moveout (NMO) and is corrected by
using stacking velocity. Finally, these traces are
stacked into a single trace. Stacked traces from hun-
dreds or thousands of CMP gathers are used to create
a CMP section. (After Redshaw and Lasseter, reference 1.)

Zero offset

nPrinciple of stacking
velocity calculation.
Zero-offset velocity is
determined as if the
source and receiver
were at the same point.

time for sound to travel through the earth to the

receiver. Wiggles at increasing offsets therefore
appear later in time, a phenomenon called move-
out. The wiggles form a hyperbola, making a flat
reflector appear to dip and curve. This is called
hyperbolic moveout. How can the wiggles be
realigned so that when they are stacked they indi-

Oilfield Review
nComparison of 2D
Poststack depth migration poststack and
0.05 prestack depth
migration, with the
macro model of
0.35 velocity layers, for

Time, sec
the Ouachita for-
mation (Texas/
Oklahoma, USA).
0.65 The prestack depth
migration provides
a more easily inter-
pretable image in
cate the true shape of the reflector? They are lined up 1.0
the middle of the
using stacking velocity.1 This can be calculated as: interval.
Distance from zero offset to offset X
[(Travel time at offset X)2 - (travel time at zero offset)2]1/2

Depth, ft
Applying the Pythagorean theorem to the result
provides the (essentially horizontal) velocity of 10000
rock between zero offset and offset X (previous
page, bottom).
Stacking velocity is the beginning rather than
Macro model Distance, ft
the end of the quest for velocity, ultimately needed 0 1000 2000 3000
to convert time measurements to depth. As a first 16000

approximation of the velocity of rock above the 12000



reflector, stacking velocity allows reflections to be 5000
Depth, ft

moved near their true positions. This approxima- 14000 17000

tion begins to fail as the earth grows more com- 0 0
185 00
plex—many reflectors, dipping beds, faults, 10000 0 17


strongly folded or tilted reflectors or lateral or ver-

ft/sec 19000
tical variation in velocity between reflectors. Nev- 15000
ertheless, stacking velocity provides a foundation
Two reflections arrive at the same Two reflections arrive at the same
for more sophisticated methods. time from the same horizon time from different horizons

DMO required Prestack time migration required

nHow more than one event can arrive at the same point on the
surface from different points in the subsurface. Two reflections
arrive at the same time from the same horizon (left). Standard
normal moveout (NMO) corrections will have stacking velocity
conflicts because stacking velocity varies with dip. The solution
is dip moveout (DMO) correction (see pages 30-31). At right, two
reflections arrive at the same time from different horizons. Nei-
ther DMO nor NMO will work. Prestack time migration is the
solution. (After Redshaw and Lasseter, reference 1.)

January 1993 33
greater acquisition costs with longer pro- Original poststack time migration Shot points ( 25 meters between points )
8600 8700 8800 8900 9000 9100
cessing time—what takes days in 2D might 0
take weeks in 3D.
The choice of 2D or 3D migration is first
determined by acquisition geometry. Data
acquired with a 2D scheme—a single
acquisition line with shot and receivers in a 1

line—can only be 2D migrated, but 3D data

can undergo 2D or 3D migration. An inex-
pensive, fast approximation to 3D migration

Time, sec
is 2D migration in orthogonal directions, 2
called two-pass 3D migration. It is strictly
correct only for a constant-velocity earth,
but errors are small if the vertical velocity
gradient and dip angle are small.
Time and depth migration differ on sev- 3
eral levels. In simplest terms, time migration
locates reflectors in two-way travel
time—from the surface to the reflector and
back as measured along the image ray— 4
whereas depth migration locates reflectors
in depth. A migrated seismic section with a Prestack depth migration
time axis, however, is not necessarily a time
migration. A depth migration may be con-
verted to time. This is sometimes done to
compare velocity modeling for depth migra-
tion with velocity assumptions used for time 1
migration (right).
The significant difference between time
and depth migration is the detail with which
Depth, km

they view the behavior of sound in the 2

earth. To time migration, the earth is simple
in both structure and velocity; to depth
migration, it may be complex. Time migra-
tion assumes negligible lateral variation in
velocity and therefore hyperbolic moveout. 3
Using only stacking velocity, or some
approximation, time migration can make
sharp and correctly shaped and positioned
images—if structure and velocity are gener- 4
ally simple. Time migration can handle
some complexity of structure, but only lim- Prestack migrated depth-to-time conversion
ited variation in velocity.
When velocity and structure become
obviously complex, rays are bent, produc-
ing nonhyperbolic arrival times and distort-
ing the results of time migration (next page, 1
above). Reflectors become blurry, move to
nVisualizing a North Sea salt diapir struc-
Time, sec

ture with 2D time migration, depth migra-

tion and depth migration output in time. 2
Colors denote the interval velocity field
determined prior to depth migration. The
velocity model permits a more certain
migration by including lateral variations.
In the poststack time-migrated section,
reflectors are poorly defined, on both the
flanks and base of the diapir. Definition
improves in the prestack depth migration,
performed with the velocity field shown.
Finally, for comparison between the Velocity, meters/sec
prestack depth and time migrations, the 4900 3200 1500 0 meters 500
depth migration output is converted back
to time, revealing a marked improvement
in definition of the diapir flanks and base.
34 Oilfield Review
the wrong place or become too long. Simple velocities + simple Simple velocities + complex
structure = poststack time migration structure = prestack time migration
Accounting for this ray bending requires
what is called a macro model—a model of
velocities between reflectors. This is needed
mainly to eliminate lateral positioning error
caused by refraction, but also to sharpen the
image. Construction, revision and verifica-

Increasing velocity
tion of this macro model are the goals of
depth migration, and are the main contribu-
tors to its difficulty and cost. Depth migra- Complex velocities + simple Complex velocities + complex
structure = poststack depth migration structure = prestack depth migration
tion is also more sensitive to errors in veloc-
ity than time migration.
Although time migration handles only
simple problems exactly, it remains the
dominant technique in exploration, and
usually lays the foundation for the depth
migration macro model. In the production
setting, some operators prefer to stretch time
migration to the limit before jumping to
depth migration (see “Misconceptions in nA general scheme for selection of migration class.
(From Redshaw and Lasseter, reference 1.)
Structural Imaging,” page 39). Still, depth
migration has become a valuable tool
Poststack time migration
because it is the only one that can handle 0 nA salt flank
the most difficult problem in imaging— conundrum in the
strong, rapidly varying lateral changes in Barents Sea. The
Breakup of
velocity. Depth migration also remains the 1 poststack time
focus of most imaging research.3 migration
(stretched to
Depth, km

When is depth migration needed? Or, to depth with ray

put it another way: When is the velocity 2 tracing) shows
field complex enough to mislead time two weaknesses
migration? For many operators, a step common to the
technique: breakup
before depth migration is a processing step 3
of near-vertical
to convert the time-migrated section to reflectors and,
depth using image-ray depth conversion. marked by the
This procedure uses an image ray, which is 4 lower oval, “push
shot downward perpendicular to the surface down” of reflec-
Poststack time migration
tors due to the
and is bent by an amount predicted by 0
large lateral
Snell’s law applied to the velocity model. velocity contrast
The ray passes through the correct lateral Near vertical
between rock
1 (1800 to 3000
position of an event, which in the time reflectors
m/sec) and salt
migration would appear vertically below the imaged better
Depth, km

(4000 m/sec). A
starting point of the ray. If the image ray good interpreter
strikes the reflector a considerable lateral Push-down will spot this fea-
distance from the starting point, velocity effect less ture as a result of
variation may be interpreted to be sufficient pronounced the reflector
3 being under the
to warrant depth migration. lip of the salt. In
In many areas, the decision to use depth this case, the
migration usually arises when imaging the 4
next step was
near-vertical flanks of salt domes (right ). In poststack time
Prestack depth migration migration. The
this setting, BP tests the macro model with broken reflector
ray tracing.4 If the depth or lateral position on the upper right
of the image is not displaced far enough to flank is holding
affect well placement, then BP does not Accurate together a little
1 better. Below, the
bother with depth migration. To preserve imaging
of near-vertical push-down effect
Depth, km

reflectors is reduced, but

3. Berkhout AJ: “SEG Annual Meeting ’92: A Successful 2 the reflector is
Meeting Characterised by Progress and Uncertainty,” still somewhat
Journal of Seismic Exploration 1 (November 1992): Push-down broken. Finally, a
311-314. Berkhout notes that 50 of 400 papers con- effect resolved prestack depth
cerned migration, most of them depth migration. 3 migration clearly
4. May BT and Covey JD, “Structural Inversion of Salt images reflectors
Dome Flanks,” Geophysics 48 (August 1983): 1039- flanking the salt.

January 1993 35
steep-dip events, BP is careful not to finish U K North Sea
Global Depth Horizon
processing with a low-cut filter (5 to 40 Hz). and Velocity Field
In removing noise, the filter may inadver- Layer 4
tently erase low-frequency, steep-dip events.5 Row 700
Selection of the appropriate type and class 500
2000 Co
of migration is only half the story of imag- 300 n
ing, however, and probably the less impor- 1500
tant half. The main concern in imaging is
the engine that drives the depth migration 1000

Depth, km
algorithm—the velocity macro model.
The Macro Model nInterval velocities
“Imaging practitioners often state that we (top) corresponding
really have a velocity problem, not a migra- to the time slice
tion problem.” (bottom) developed
4 using GECO-
Jeff Johnson PRAKLA’s VELMOD
Manager of Geoscience 3D ray-tracing and
Amoco Production Company velocity inversion
2200 program. The top
Interval velocity

figure shows the

The macro model is a numerical description topography of the

of the subsurface on the scale of hundreds horizon containing

of meters. It contains either two-way travel three salt domes.
time or depth to the main reflectors and the Color variation rep-
velocities and densities between them. It resents computed
interval velocities.
describes the acoustic propagation charac-
teristics of the subsurface and is used for
depth migration to include ray bending. In
other words, the macro model functions as
the air traffic controller for the migration
algorithm. It tells the algorithm how far to
move the reflector—up a little, down, to the
left or right, or hold that line. Inadequate
knowledge of velocity results in the image
being under- or overmigrated, misplaced or
blurred. Even the most advanced migration
algorithm will fail to focus the image if
directed by a flawed macro model.
Techniques of macro model building are
controversial, proprietary and fast evolving.
It remains the weak link in depth migration,
so attention today focuses on increasingly
sophisticated ways to model, update and
verify velocity for depth migration.6 The cost
and computation time of these techniques
increase with their capability to handle
large, rapid changes in velocity.
A starting point is stacking velocity,
obtained for conventional time processing.
Stacking velocity is calculated from the dif-
ference in arrival time at different offsets,
assuming the layers over the reflector have a
constant velocity. Stacking velocity values 5. Sugrue MJ and Rockliff DC: “Depth Migration of 7. Common image point gathers go by several other
Diapirs from the Central Graben of the North Sea,” names, among them coherency panels. See Versteeg
are often inaccurate because they are an Technical Programme and Abstracts of Papers, 53rd RJ: “Analyse du Problème de la Détermination du
average over a large volume of rock, which EAEG Meeting and Technical Exhibition, Florence, Modèle de Vitesse pour l’Imagerie Seismique,” PhD
Italy (May 26-30, 1991): 100-101. thesis, University of Paris VII, 1991.
often has nonuniform velocity. Stacking
6. Marschall R: “Macro Model Optimization and Depth- 8. Stork C: “Making Depth Migration Work in Complex
velocities may be constrained with data Migration,” Expanded Abstracts, 2nd International Structures,” Expanded Abstracts, 62nd SEG Annual
from sonic logs or previous seismic data. Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society, Sal- International Meeting and Exposition, New Orleans,
Still, stacking velocities may provide the vador-Bahia (October 27–November 1, 1991): 944- Louisiana, USA (October 25-29, 1992): 939-943.
best, first macro model.
A first-guess model of the earth is usually
developed by picking main reflectors from a

36 Oilfield Review
poststack time migration. Times are assigned Common midpoint gather
to each reflector and velocities to intervals
between reflectors (previous page). A first-
order approximation is the computation of
constant velocity values between reflectors.
Now, workstations readily permit estimation
of velocity gradients vertically between
reflectors and sometimes horizontally along
the event. The macro model may then be
used to make a synthetic seismogram based
Common image point gather
on part of the model, which is iteratively
modified until the synthetic matches the
measured seismic data.
From here, the main challenge is to find a
fast, accurate way to update and verify the
model, usually starting with a time-
migrated section. Three approaches are
used—curvature analysis, layer stripping
and focusing analysis.
Curvature analysis can be done several CIP
ways. One approach uses so-called com- nComparison of common midpoint (CMP)
mon image point (CIP) gathers, which can and common image point (CIP) gathers.
be made by selecting prestack data, depth A CMP gather is made prestack and
migrating it, then creating a section made before migration. If events are nonhyper-
bolic, stacking will not work and prestack
from offsets that image the same subsurface processing is required. A CIP gather is
points7 (above, right ). If the same event on also made prestack, but after migration.
all the traces lies on a flat line, then each The degree of curvature in the gather
migration has imaged the event at the same indicates error in the velocity model.
location and the macro model is correct. If
the same event on all the traces is curved,
there is an inconsistency in the migration, Common image point
gathers lie on curve
indicating that a velocity variation needs to nMacro model
be accounted for (right ). The degree of cur- update using cur-
vature provides a measure of the velocity vature analysis on
a prestack depth
error. However, formulas for updating veloc- migration. Velocity
ities are normally based on curvature of CIP picks in the sec-
gathers, which assume a horizontally lay- tion, V1 and V2, do
ered earth, or at best, slightly dipping layers. not result in a flat
The method therefore breaks down in com- event, shown at
left. The degree of
plex subsurface structures. Nevertheless, curvature in the
curvature analysis at least gives an indica- gather is used to
tion of the error, and a satisfactory result can update the veloc-
usually be obtained in no more than four or ity. After updating,
the upper reflector
five iterations. is flattened slightly
An alternative that is attractive mainly Common image point and the lower
gathers lie on straight line
because it is free from dip limitation is reflector brought
adjustment to the macro model based on higher in the sec-
ray tracing, determining the arrival time of tion. Events in the
common image
rays through the macro model and adjusting point gathers now
velocity boundaries accordingly. The main lie on a flat line,
limitation to this method is rapid variation in indicating that the
lateral velocity. Ray tracing works for both update achieves a
correct macro
time and depth domains, whereas curvature model.
analysis on image point gathers is limited to
the depth domain.8
Because curvature analyses may fail in
settings of complex structure or large veloc-
ity contrast, the time-migrated image may
not clearly show boundaries needed to
develop the macro model. An alternative
with 2D data is layer stripping with prestack

January 1993 37
data (right ). In this procedure, the interpreter Iteration for boundary 2 Iteration for boundary 3
starts with a picked interval velocity (often 1500 m/sec 1500 m/sec
derived from stacking velocities) and a
major reflector near the top of the section.
2000 m/sec 2000 m/sec
The section just below this reflector is depth
migrated with a sequence of trial interval 1

Depth, km
velocities, one of which clarifies the next
velocity boundary below. Then another
sequence of interval velocities is picked Second boundary 3000 m/sec
from this boundary down and this new 2
interval is migrated. The process is repeated, Third boundary
picking interval velocity and migrating a
layer at a time until the entire section is
complete. Velocities can be verified using
moveout analysis. The layer stripping 3

approach proved successful for Conoco in nMacro model building by layer stripping. Based on stacking velocities, the
the Marmousi Workshop, a migration con- velocity field in the upper section is chosen as 1500 m/sec, and migration per-
test sponsored by Institut Français du Pét- formed. This gives the flat reflector at the top of the section. The velocity field
role, in which eight oil companies below this reflector is then chosen as 2000 m/sec and it is stacked, revealing the
second, more jagged boundary. The process is repeated to find the third boundary.
attempted to produce the best image possi-
ble for a synthetic example.9
Focusing analysis attempts to determine
errors in the macro model for prestack

Dept Dept

migration, usually 2D.10 The wave equation h h

is used to show what a gather would look
0 0
like if the source and receiver were moved
to the depth of the reflector. Under this con-

dition, the macro model is correct if diffrac-
tions collapse to a point—that is, if they
focus. But if the model is wrong, the focus
may fall above or below the depth of the
source and receiver to the so-called focus
depth (right ). For a flat reflector, the real
depth of the reflector lies about halfway Focusing depth
between the focus depth and the migration Real depth Real depth
and focusing depth
depth with the provisional velocity model. Migration depth
This real depth is then used to update the
macro model.
Opinion on focusing analysis is divided.
nPanels explaining focusing analysis, which indicate when the velocity model is cor-
rect (left set) and when velocity is overestimated. (After Faye and Jeannot, reference 10.)
On the plus side, the method has no dip lim-
itation; maximum dip is determined by the
migration algorithm. On the minus side, ties are obtained along only a few lines of The choice is partly constrained by the
results are difficult to interpret. Complex sub- different azimuth, and often on short sections data acquisition scheme. Two-dimensional
surface structure and gross error in the of the lines.11 The practitioner usually limits data can undergo only 2D migration. Sam-
macro model create spurious focus energy the area of interest to the peak of a structural ple density and, in 3D surveys, proximity of
that may mislead interpreters. high, which presents the challenge of high other lines, can affect accuracy of the macro
State-of-the-art velocity model building dips. But even if this area can be reliably model and therefore the choice of algo-
uses layer stripping with 3D rather than 2D imaged, expanding the local result to the rithm. Some algorithms are more tolerant of
prestack data. This can take 10 to 100 times whole area of interest is difficult. There is no macro model error than others.
longer to compute than with 2D prestack good method for this. Practitioners tend to Selection of a migration algorithm is
data, and so has limited application. Its revise the macro model by trial and error. always a balancing act (next page). Influ-
advantage is its superior capability in han- Verification, however, is easier, using the encing the decision are special problems of
dling complex velocity fields. Because same discrepancy between common depth the structure being imaged (such as steep
prestack data are so large—even a small point gathers as in moveout analysis. dip or complex overburden velocity), eco-
survey of 40 square miles [100 square kilo- nomics, computer resources, available time,
meters] can have 10 million traces— veloci- Which Migration Algorithm? availability of expertise and certainty of the
To perform migration, the seismic practi- macro model. The ideal migration algorithm
tioner has two choices: the class of migra- has the following characteristics:
tion (meaning 2D or 3D, prestack or post-
stack, time or depth) and the type of
migration algorithm.

38 Oilfield Review
2D Seismic Data
Prestack depth Misconceptions in
y hig Structural Imaging
Cost Ver
we Limited offset stack +
Overburden lex r
p poststack depth Depth migration improves the accuracy of reflectors.
Velocities C om
True—sometimes. Time migration coupled with
ple Prestack time + image-ray depth conversion may give as good a
h poststack depth
Hig section as depth migration at a fraction of the cost.

Lo Prestack time Depth migration is generally superior only in the


presence of rapid changes in lateral velocity. In

DMO + poststack time

general, depth migration costs about ten times
more than image-ray depth conversion.
DMO + poststack depth

Prestack depth migration generally gives infe-

H igh Poststack depth

Cost rior results compared to poststack depth migration

Lo DMO + poststack time
w because prestack migration is more sensitive to
m ple Poststack time
Co errors in the velocity model.

Stage in exploration/appraisal/development process

Overburden Sim Prestack migration is more sensitive to errors in
ple DMO + poststack time
Velocities w the macro model and will give inferior results—if
Cost Ve Poststack time the macro model is wrong. If the macro model is

Knowledge of data increases

low correct, prestack depth migration can give superior
No migration
Depth migration-based velocity analysis (high
tech) is better than image ray-based velocity anal-
ysis of a time migration (low tech).
3D Seismic Data Prestack depth This high-tech approach offers no significant
ic al
n om Cross-line time + inline depth advantage where velocities or structures are simple.
Cost As Prestack time + The high-tech approach is advantageous when there
Hig poststack depth
h is complex structure, complex velocity, or both.
lex Poststack depth
Velocities mp
Co Velocity derived from well data should be con-
Sim sidered the true velocity.
ple Prestack time
igh True, in the absence of significant velocity
Cost Ver
anisotropy. But where there is velocity anisotropy,


h use of well velocity—which is often the vertical


DMO + poststack time

component of velocity—may allow focusing the
image, but at the wrong depth—or moving the
DMO + poststack depth image to the right depth, but out of focus. Today,

h Poststack depth
Hig most commercial techniques achieve a compro-

Cost Cross-line time + inline depth

Lo DMO + poststack time mise between focusing and positioning an image.
m ple Poststack time In the future, depth migration will include esti-
mates or even measurements of velocity anisotropy.
Overburden Sim
ple DMO + poststack time
Cost Poststack time
No migration

nBP’s guidelines for selecting migration strategies for 2D and 3D data, and (next page)
comparison of three migration algorithms. (From Redshaw and Lasseter, reference 1.)

9. Wang SS, Baumel RT, Hanson DW, Bell DW, Boyd M, 10. Faye J-P and Jeannot J-P “Prestack Migration Veloci- 11. Routine 3D-prestack Kirchhoff imaging is done on
Cavanaugh TD, Cox VD, D’Onfro PS, Durrani JA and ties from Focusing Depth Analysis,” Expanded limited regions of interest, using small scalar com-
Standlee LA: “Common-Offset Depth Migration as a Abstracts, 56th SEG Annual International Meeting puters. See Hutton GD and Berg KI: “3D Local
Velocity Analysis Tool,” in Versteeg R and Grau G and Exposition, Houston, Texas, USA (November 2- Imaging Utilizing Paraxial Ray Traced Green’s Func-
(eds): The Marmousi Experience, in Proceedings of 6, 1986): 438-440. tions,” Expanded Abstracts, 62rd SEG Annual Inter-
the 1990 EAEG Workshop on Practical Aspects of national Meeting and Exposition, New Orleans,
Seismic Data Inversion, Copenhagen, Denmark (May Louisiana, USA (October 25-29, 1992): 1007-1009.
30, 1990): 139-158.

January 1993 39
Comparison of Common Migration Algorithms
Type Advantage Limitation Imaging in the Future
Perhaps the most significant research in
Kirchhoff • Nonrecursive Kirchhoff • More expensive than finite- imaging today concerns introduction of
accurate for steep dips difference methods
velocity anisotropy into macro model build-
• Migrates selected time • May generate false events
ing. In some rocks, especially shales, veloc-
ity measured horizontally may vary from
Phase shift • Accurate to 90° dip if • Expensive that measured vertically by up to 50%. This
(Gazdag) velocities vary only vertically • Not widely available anisotropy can profoundly affect velocity
• May be extended to include measurements made on core, by well logs,
lateral velocity variation
vertical seismic profile and estimates from
• Generates no noise artifacts
stacking. Of interest are the effects of two
f-x • Accurate for steep dips and • Cannot perform common
types of anisotropy: that associated with
(frequency-space) vertical and lateral velocity offset migration depositional fabric, called layer induced,
variations • Although more accurate and that associated with postdepositional
• Can be fast for large, 3D than Kirchhoff migration, too deformation, called azimuthal or fracture
poststack data computationally intensive induced. These effects have been recog-
for 3D prestack migration nized for at least 20 years, but have escaped
routine measurement.13 The hope is that
Kirchhoff Migration performs a weighted sum (an integral) along diffraction curves and positions the sum at the apex of the curve better characterization of these anisotropic
in the migrated section. It is based on Kirchhoff’s solution to the wave equation and requires ray tracing for computation of travel velocity fields will lead to better location of
times, which may give inferior results in complex velocity fields.
structures. Improved image resolution will
Phase shift migration, also called Gazdag migration, uses Fourier transform to convert space and time axes to wavenumber and
frequency, respectively. It is nearly exact in the absence of lateral velocity variation. be a secondary effect.
f-x migration, also called omega-x and recursive Kirchhoff migration, is used for almost all 2D prestack and 3D poststack depth In highly anisotropic formations, better
migration. See reference 11, page 39. knowledge of anisotropy may also lead to
improved ties between seismic and log
•Handles any range of dips image resolution. But it can image reflectors velocities. In the late 1980s, BP discovered
•Handles large velocity changes—more dipping only to 80°. On the other hand, that in the North Sea closely tying seismic
than 30 to 40%, possibly up to 100% in nonrecursive (integral) Kirchhoff migration velocity to well logs resulted in undermigra-
any direction handles dips to 90° and provides excellent tion by 7%. Velocity anisotropy was the
•Given a correct velocity field, accurately resolution, but has problems with large cause—horizontal velocity, measured by
positions images in all three coordinates velocity changes.12 seismic methods, was 7% greater than verti-
•Preserves amplitude and phase Production specialists use several algo- cal velocity, which dominates the log read-
•Generates no artifacts rithms. Amoco, for example, may use one ing.14 However, this discrepancy may also
•Is inexpensive and fast. algorithm for the top of the salt, another for be caused by seismic surveys and well logs
No algorithm can do all of these. Some the flanks, and a third for imaging the base sampling at different frequencies, and there-
can do only one adequately (above ). For of the salt and below. In complex velocity fore measuring different velocities. Until this
example, f-x migration easily handles large fields, GECO-PRAKLA may employ several sampling discrepancy and effects of aniso-
changes in velocity and provides excellent algorithms in layer stripping. tropy can be resolved, some operators
choose not to constrain seismic velocity by
well velocity, but to use log velocity only as
a guide.
Better accounting for anisotropy may also
improve an emerging method called turning
ray imaging. 15 A turning ray is one that
passes through horizontal, goes up to hit the
reflector then down before returning to the
surface (next page). These rays are useful in
imaging beneath and around salt overhangs.
Current imaging processing assumes veloc-
ity increases smoothly with depth and is

40 Oilfield Review
Unmigrated 2D-stack Turning ray time migration

Turning ray reflection

Constant velocity

Varying velocity


nWhat’s hiding under the salt? Use of turning ray migration to image the flanks of a salt wedge in the Gulf of Mexico. In the unmi-
grated 2D stack (left), part of the steeply dipping energy, visible on the right, has traveled along turning raypaths and reflected from
a salt overhang. The overhang is not clearly imaged. In the migrated section (right), the image produced by turning ray time migra-
tion clearly shows the right side of the salt overhang.

isotropic. Consequently, turning ray paths gigaFLOP machine to handle data often on migration, from poststack to prestack.18 The
are assumed to be arcs of circles, which per- the order of terabytes (one trillion bytes).16 future will probably see closer linkage of
mits easy conversion from travel time to When this becomes possible, the macro velocity model estimation with migration,
depth. But often velocity is anisotropic and model could be built with prestack 3D data, which will expand its role to include lithol-
the arcs are not circles, making time-depth allowing accurate description of abrupt lat- ogy and pore fluid identification. These pos-
conversion more difficult and reflector loca- eral variations in velocity.17 sibilities pivot on advancement of massively
tions less certain. Better knowledge of aniso- Structural imaging is both pushing and parallel computation, the tool that will
tropy may help account for noncircular arcs being pushed by advances in computer sci- allow seismics to see ever more clearly.
and allow better positioning of reflectors. ence. Increased computer power has been —JMK
The chief computational challenge is 3D linked with the trend from 2D to 3D, from
prestack depth migration, which requires a time migration to first-generation depth

12. Integral and recursive approaches are both based on 14. Whitcombe DN and Collyer VA: “Evidence for the Cabrera JJ, Perkins WT, Ratcliff DW and Lynn W:
the same wave equation that governs transmission of Existence of Anisotropy Beneath the Southern North “3D Prestack Depth Migration on a Massively Paral-
energy in the earth. Recursive migration propagates Sea,” presented at the 50th meeting of the EAEG, lel Computer: Implementation and Case History,”
the recorded data back into the earth one depth-step The Hague, The Netherlands, 1988. Technical Programme and Abstracts of Papers, 54th
at a time, typically every 10 meters [33 ft]. This pro- 15. Hale D, Hill NR and Stefani J: “Imaging Salt with EAEG Meeting and Technical Exhibition, Paris,
cess gives data that would have resulted from having Turning Seismic Waves,” Geophysics 57 (November France (June 1-5, 1992): 268-269.
sources and receivers located at the current depth. 1992): 1453-1462. 17. Landa E, Kosloff D, Keydar S, Koren Z and Reshef M:
By comparison, the integral approach migrates data “A Method for Determination of Velocity and Depth
Ratcliff DW, Gray SH and Whitmore ND: “Seismic
at each image point directly via a weighted sum of from Seismic Reflection Data,” Geophysical
Imaging of Salt Structures in the Gulf of Mexico,”
the recorded data that reside on a travel-time curve. Prospecting 36 (1988): 223-243.
The Leading Edge 11 (April 1992): 15-31.
This curve is assumed to be hyperbolic in time
16. One gigaFLOP is 1 billion floating point operations 18. Berkhout AJ: “Massively Parallel Processing in E&P:
migration implementation, although not in depth
per second, a measure of computational speed. Geoscience or Computer Science?” Journal of Seis-
migration implementation.
mic Exploration 1 (1992): 119-120.
13. Vander Stoep DM: “Velocity Anisotropy Measure- Highnam PT and Pieprzak A: “An Implementation of
a Fast Accurate 3-D Migration on a Massively Paral- Berkhout AJ: “Trends in the Seismic Industry,” Jour-
ments in Wells,” Geophysics 31 (October 1966):
lel Computer,” Expanded Abstracts, 61st SEG nal of Seismic Exploration 1 (1992): 3-8.
Annual International Meeting and Exposition, Hous-
ton, Texas, USA (November 10-14, 1991): 338-340.
Kao JC: “A Practical Implementation of the Multi-
processing 3D Kirchhoff Prestack Migration Scheme
on the Cray Y-MP Systems,” Technical Programme
and Abstracts of Papers, 54th EAEG Meeting and
Technical Exhibition, Paris, France (June 1-5, 1992):

January 1993 41

Hydrocarbon Detection With AVO

Edward Chiburis Scott Leaney Chuck Skidmore
ECGeo Jakarta, Indonesia Amoco Production Company
Houston, Texas, USA Houston, Texas, USA

Charles Franck Steve McHugo

Royal Oil & Gas Corporation Orpington, England
Corpus Christi, Texas, USA

Imagine a geophysical technique with the volumetric coverage of surface seismic that could delineate zones

of gas, oil and water. In many ways, that summarizes the potential of interpreting seismic reflection ampli-

tude variation with offset, or AVO.

nBright spots—from
150 130 110 90 70
In the late 1920s, the seismic reflection 0
technique became a key tool for the oil a gas sand, and
from a high veloc-
industry, revealing shapes of subsurface ity basalt. Numbers
structures and indicating drilling targets. 0.5 at top are shot
This has developed into a multibillion dollar points. (Courtesy of Bill
business that is still primarily concerned Ostrander and Chevron
Corporation, reference 5.)
with structural interpretation. But advances

Time, sec
in data acquisition, processing and interpre- 1.0
tation now make it possible to use seismic
traces to reveal more than just reflector
shape and position. Changes in the charac-
ter of seismic pulses returning from a reflec-
tor can be interpreted to ascertain the depo-
sitional history of a basin, the rock type in a
layer, and even the nature of the pore fluid. 2.0
This last refinement, pore fluid identifica-
tion, is the ultimate goal of AVO analysis. Gas
Early practical evidence that fluids could
be seen by seismic waves came from “bright 170 150 130 110 90
spots”—streaks of unexpectedly high ampli- 0

tude on seismic sections—often found to

For help in preparation of this article, thanks to Jack 0.5

Caldwell, Barry Donaldson and Jim Hovland, GECO-
PRAKLA, Houston, Texas, USA; Al Frisillo, Amoco Pro-
duction Company, Tulsa Research Center, Tulsa, Okla-
homa, USA; Michael Mikulich, Chevron Corporation,
San Francisco, California, USA; Bill Murphy and Andy 1.0
Time, sec

Reischer, Schlumberger-Doll Research, Ridgefield, Con-

necticut, USA; Bill Ostrander, Benecia, California, USA.
* In this article, DSI (Dipole Shear Sonic Imager) and
ELAN (Elemental Log Analysis) are marks of Schlumberger.
1. An intermediate step called normal moveout correc- 1.5
tion is omitted here for brevity, but described in
“Structural Imaging: Toward a Sharper Subsurface
View,” page 28.


42 Oilfield Review
signify gas. Bright spots were recognized in
the early 1970s as potential hydrocarbon
indicators, but drillers soon learned that
hydrocarbons are not the only generators of
bright spots. High amplitudes from tight or
hard rocks look the same as high amplitudes
from hydrocarbons, once seismic traces
have been processed conventionally (previous
page ). Only AVO analysis, which requires
special handling of the data, can distinguish
lithology changes from fluid changes.
An analogy for the physics of AVO is the
skipping of a stone across a pond. Everyone
knows that if a stone is dropped or thrown
into water from directly above, it sinks
instantly. But skimmed nearly horizontally, it
bounces off the surface of the water. The
amplitude of the bounce, which was zero at
vertical incidence, increases with the angle
of incidence.
Now replace the water with rubber and
repeat the process. This time the vertical
bounce is high, and the high-angle bounce
is low. The amplitude of the bounce
decreases with angle of incidence, a dramat-
ically different behavior from the water case.
Analogous concepts applied to seismics
form the basis for inferring formation prop-
erties—density and compressional and
shear velocities—from seismic reflection
amplitude variation with angle of incidence.
And because formation density and velocity
depend on the fluid saturating the forma-
tion, reflection amplitude variation also per-
mits identification of pore fluid.

January 1993
Single-layer geometry—Direct relationship between θ and offset


Offset 1




midpoint (CMP)

Synthetic traces—CMP gather

Offset 2
Offset 3
Offset 4
Offset 3
Offset 2
Offset 1


made in the horizontal distance between


Conventional treatment of seismic data,

however, masks this fluid information. The
problem lies with the way seismic traces are
manipulated in order to enhance reflection
visibility. In a seismic survey, as changes are

source and receiver, called offset, the angle

at which a seismic wave reflects at an inter-
face also changes (above ). Seismic traces—
recordings of transmitted and reflected
sound—are sorted into pairs of source-
receiver combinations that have different
offsets but share a common reflection point
midway between each source-receiver pair.
This collection of traces is referred to as a
common midpoint (CMP) gather. In conven-
tional seismic processing, in which the goal
is to create a seismic section for structural or

Offset 4

Amplitude increases with offset


Multilayer geometry— Complex relationship between θ and offset


Gas sand



Shale 1

Shale 2

Gas sand
acquisition geome-
try, associated syn-
thetic traces show-
ing AVO effect of
gas sand, and a
multilayer geome-
try. Synthetics show
amplitude increas-
ing with offset
(deflections to the
left becoming more
negative). Although
seismic coordinates
are based on offset,
theory relating
changes in ampli-
tude with material
properties of the
reflector is based
on angle ( θ).
Because the reflec-
tion point is mid-
way between
source and receiver,
and common to all
traces, it is called
the common mid-
point (CMP). A col-
lection of traces is
known as a gather,
in this case a CMP
gather. In simple
cases (top) with lay-
ers of uniform den-
sity and velocity, a
direct relationship
exists between off-
set and angle of
incidence. But most
of the time (bottom),
variations in den-
sity and velocity
bend rays, requir-
ing ray-trace mod-
eling to relate
angle to offset.

stratigraphic interpretation, traces in a

gather are stacked—summed to produce a
single average trace.1
Stacking enhances signal at the expense
of noise, making reflections visible, and
compresses data volume. But it destroys
information about amplitude variation with
offset. Consider two reflections in the sec-
tion: one has amplitude increasing with off-
set, such as in the case of the stone bounc-
ing off the water, and the other has
amplitude decreasing with offset, similar to
the stone bouncing off rubber. Once the
reflection traces are stacked, they may have

identical amplitudes—they may even be Synthetic AVOs from Logs
bright spots—while their AVO signatures are In much the same way that a blindfolded using theoretical or empirical equations.
completely different. AVO analysis can usu- expert can identify a wine and its vintage, or The synthetic traces show the expected
ally distinguish fluid contrasts from lithology an X-ray diffraction lab technician can iden- AVO effect for each fluid type.
contrasts, but it requires carefully processed tify mineral components in a rock sample, Take, for example, the AVO effect of gas
gathers that have not been stacked. the key to using AVO for fluid identification in sandstone predicted from logs in a gas
is comparison of real data with a stan- field operated by Texas-based Royal Oil &
A Little Theory dard—in this case a synthetic seismogram (a Gas (next page, top ). Here, acoustic veloci-
Attempts at practical application of AVO “synthetic” for short). This is an artificial ties were measured with the DSI Dipole
began about 15 years ago, but the physics seismic trace manufactured by assuming Shear Sonic Imager tool. The seismic event
was understood around the turn of the cen- that some pulse travels through an earth of interest is the circled blue reflection cor-
tury (see “History,” below, right ). The gen- model—rock layers of given thickness, den- responding to the interface between an
eral expressions for the reflection of com- sity and velocity—and returns to be overlying shale and the gas sand. The trace
pressional and shear waves at a boundary as recorded. The earth model that produced recorded at zero offset—0° from vertical,
a function of the densities and velocities of the synthetic can be modified, sometimes directly above the reflecting point—begins
the layers in contact at the boundary are repeatedly, until the synthetic matches the with a small negative amplitude (trace
credited to Karl Zoeppritz.2 Zoeppritz found measured data, indicating the earth model is deflects to the left). The amplitude becomes
that amplitudes increase, decrease or a reasonable approximation of the earth. more negative as offset increases. The AVO
remain constant with changing angle of The densities and velocities of fluid-satu- response to oil is the same (next page, mid-
incidence, depending on the contrast in rated rocks necessary for the creation of dle ). But when hydrocarbons are replaced
density, compressional velocity, Vp , and synthetic traces preferably come from logs with water, the AVO response changes (next
shear velocity, Vs , across the boundary. or cores. Missing data can be estimated page, bottom ). Now polarity becomes posi-
Conventional seismic surveys deal exclu-
sively with the reflection of compressional
waves. When a compressional seismic
wave arrives vertically at a horizontal inter-
face, the amplitude of the reflected wave is Attempts at practical application of AVO began 1. Green G: “On the Laws of Reflexion and Refraction of Light,” in
proportional to the amplitude of the incom- about 15 years ago, but the physics draws on 19th Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 7 (1839):
ing wave, according to the normal inci- century advances in optics and electromagnetic
245. Reprinted in Mathematical Papers of the Late George
Green. London, England: Macmillan, 1871.
dence reflection coefficient:3
wave theory. In the 1800s, Green and Kelvin spec- Kelvin WT: “Reflexion and Refraction of Light,” Philosophical
ρ2V p2 - ρ1V p1 ulated about the similarity of the reflective
Magazine, Fifth Series 26 (1888): 420-422.

ρ2V p2 + ρ1V p1 '

2. In the 1620s, Snell observed that light refracts at different angles
behavior of light and elastic waves.1 Using through different materials. In 1657, Fermat postulated the cor-
in which ρ is density and 1 and 2 signify the Snell’s law, Knott in 1899, and Zoeppritz in 1919,
rect expression for its reflection and refraction.
Knott CG: “On the Reflexion and Refraction of Elastic Waves,
top and bottom layer, respectively. When developed general expressions for the reflection With Seismological Applications,” Philosophical Magazine, Fifth
the seismic wave arrives obliquely, the situ- Series 48 (1899): 64-97.
of compressional and shear waves at a boundary
ation is more complicated. The compres- Zoeppritz K: “Über Erdbebenwellen, VIIB: Über Reflexion und
sional reflection coefficient is now a tortu- as a function of the densities and velocities of the Durchgang seismischer Wellen durch Unstetigkeitsflächen,”
layers in contact.2 Although Zoeppritz was not the Nachrichten der Königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschften zu
ous function of the angle of incidence, the Göttingen, Mathmatisch-physikalische Klasse (1919): 57-84.
densities, and Vp and Vs of the two layers in first to publish a solution, his name is associated 3. Macelwane JB and Sohon FW: Introduction to Theoretical Seis-
contact. The simplest useful approximations with the cumbersome set of formulas describing mology. New York, New York, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
to the Zoeppritz theory comprise the normal (1936): 147-179.
the reflection and refraction of seismic waves at 4. Muskat and Meres published hand-calculated reflection coeffi-
incidence reflection coefficient written
an interface. In 1936, Macelwane and Sohon cients in 1940, assuming Poisson’s ratio was a constant 0.25
above plus at least three other terms—func- across the interface. Koefoed, in 1955, and Bortfeld, in 1961,
tions of angle and contrasts in density and recast the equations to gain insight into the simplified the Zoeppritz expressions by assuming that changes
physics and facilitate calculations.3 in material properties across the interface are much smaller than
the two velocities. Nevertheless, the depen-
the average value of the properties on each side and that the
dence of reflectivity on density, Vp and Vs Before computers were widespread, AVO incident angle does not exceed 30°.
makes it possible to deduce fluid and rock effects were incorporated into synthetic seismo- Muskat M and Meres MW: “Reflection and Transmission Coeffi-
type. Gas, oil and water have different den- cients for Plane Waves in Elastic Media,” Geophysics 5 (1940):
grams and other calculations using approximated 115-148.
sities and acoustic velocities. They insinuate
this difference on the rocks they saturate. Zoeppritz equations.4 Today, personal computers Koefoed O: “On the Effect of Poisson’s Ratios of Rock Strata on
the Reflection Coefficients of Plane Waves,” Geophysical
can generate synthetics based on the full Zoep- Prospecting 3 (December 1955): 381-387.

2. Zoeppritz K: “Über Erdbebenwellen, VIIB: Über

pritz formalism, but approximations are still used Bortfeld R: “Approximation to the Reflection and Transmission
Coefficients of Plane Longitudinal and Transverse Waves,” Geo-
Reflexion und Durchgang seismischer Wellen durch to gain physical insight into the relative influence physical Prospecting 9 (December 1961): 485-502.
Unstetigkeitsflächen,” Nachrichten der Königlichen
Gesellschaft der Wissenschften zu Göttingen, Math- of velocity and density changes on seismic ampli- 5. Aki K and Richards PG: Quantitative Seismology, Theory and
matisch-physikalische Klasse (1919): 57-84. Methods Vol. 1. San Francisco, California, USA: WH Freeman
tudes, and in the attempt to back out lithology and Co. (1980): 123-155.
3. This is strictly true only if transmission effects, such as
spherical spreading and attenuation, are neglected. It and fluid type from AVO data.5 Shuey RT: “A Simplification of the Zoeppritz Equations,” Geo-
also holds when the layers are not horizontal, as long physics 50 (April 1985): 609-614.
as the angle between the wave and the interface is 90°.

44 Oilfield Review
Vp Vs ρb Offset (horizontal distance
kft/sec kft/sec g/cm3 between source and receiver), ft
8 9 3 4 2 2.25 0 1000 5000



Time, sec

Shale Bound Quartz

Calcite Oil Moved
hydr Offset, ft
Matrix, % 0 3280 6560
nSynthetic traces showing AVO effects of
gas, oil and water, and an ELAN Elemen-
tal Log Analysis output. The negative
polarity event at the top of the gas
becomes more negative with increasing
offset, a signature of gas (top). In this ideal
1.0 case, the synthetics are created from an
earth model based on measured logs con-
Time, sec

verted from depth to time. Velocities were
measured using the DSI Dipole Shear Sonic
Imager tool. In the less desirable but more
common situation, all three log measure-
ments are not available. Missing data are
created using empirical relations. Mea-
1.1 sured logs (middle) from an African oil
sand at 0.97 sec, as identified by ELAN
calculation, have an AVO effect similar to
gas, but in some cases, AVO can distin-
Vp Vs ρ b guish the two. Water sands identified by
kft/sec kft/sec g/cm3 Offset, ft the ELAN log deeper in the section show
8 9 3 4 2 2.25 0 1000 5000 no amplitude increase with offset. The
AVO signature of water is virtually always
different from that of oil or gas, making
AVO a hydrocarbon indicator (bottom). In
this example, water is substituted for gas


1.5 in the sand of the top figure using empiri-

cal and theoretical equations.
Time, sec


January 1993 45
Offset, ft
0 1000 5000
Angle, deg
0 8 16 24 32
No fluid change


1.0 -0.1

Angle, deg

Time, sec
0 8 16 24 32
0 Angle, deg
Top gas sand 0 8 16 24 32

-0.05 0.15
Bottom gas sand


-0.15 0.05

nQuantitative Zoeppritz prediction of AVO effects for three reflections in the Texas gas field of Royal Oil & Gas. At top of gas sand (left),
amplitude doubles, from slightly negative to very negative, as offset increases. At the gas-water contact near the bottom of the sand
(lower right) amplitude increases 50%, from slightly positive to more positive. Most reflections that do not involve a fluid change (upper
right) show negligible amplitude change.

Gradient (G )

Intercept ( P)
tive (amplitude deflection to the right), and
amplitude decreases with offset.4

The AVO effect at any interface can be Offset, ft
quantified with the Zoeppritz formulas, and 0 1000 5000
plotted as a curve (above ). At the top of the nSynthetic traces
gas sand in Royal Oil & Gas’ well, and for from page 45, top
and associated
most gas sands, Zoeppritz calculations pre-
AVO composite
dict an increasingly negative amplitude with Gas traces—gradient,
offset. In this case, the predicted negative 1.0
intercept and their
amplitude increases 100%. Also shown are product (GxP). Wig-
the Zoeppritz-predicted AVO effects for the gles in the G trace,
for example, have
gas-water contact deeper in the sand, and amplitudes equal to

Time, sec
for a nonfluid, lithologic contact higher in the best-fitting gra-
the section. dient computed for
These curves of amplitude versus angle of every time level in
the gather. Reflec-
incidence can be used to make quantitative
tors emerge as neg-
comparisons between synthetic predictions ative or positive
and amplitudes from real data, once the wiggles, easily dis-
data have been processed for true ampli- 1.1 tinguishable from
tudes. This is made easier by plotting ampli- noise, which stays
around zero. Posi-
tude versus angle of incidence squared, tive product indi-
which converts Zoeppritz curves to straight cates hydrocarbon,
lines. AVO behavior can then be succinctly in this case gas.
described by the line’s gradient, G, and nor-
Offset, ft
mal incidence intercept, P. 0 2200 4400 6600
For typical reservoir rocks, the reflection 0.55 nThe measured
at an interface between a water-bearing AVO gather from
layer and a hydrocarbon-bearing layer is Royal Oil’s Texas
such that a negative polarity reflection gas well. Ampli-
tude of the small
becomes more negative—intercept and gra- negative (blue)
dient both negative—or a positive polarity 0.8 reflection at the top
reflection becomes more positive—intercept of the gas becomes
more negative as
Time, sec

and gradient both positive (above, right ).

offset increases.
The seismic data
have undergone
true amplitude pro-
1.03 cessing described
in “Processing for
AVO Interpretation,”
(page 48).

46 Oilfield Review
Offset, ft
The simplest indicator of hydrocarbons is 0 2200 4400 6600

therefore the product of gradient and inter-

0.55 nAVO data, gradient and intercept
calculation and product section for the
cept. A positive product most likely indi- Texas gas field. On the top, amplitudes
cates oil or gas. A product trace for the are measured across data traces from
Royal Oil & Gas example clearly reveals 0.8 page 45, top. Amplitudes are fit to a

Time, sec
gas. G traces, P traces or product traces can straight line (middle)—by changing
axes in the original Zoeppritz predic-
be plotted next to each other to produce tion plot from amplitude vs. angle to
sections, similar to stacked sections, for amplitude vs. angle squared—with a
AVO interpretation. corresponding gradient and intercept.
Traces containing the values of the
gradient, intercept, or the product of
Interpretation of Actual AVOs
the two form a seismic section, in this
How do real AVO gathers compare with 1.3
case, a product section from the Texas
synthetics? The real gather (previous page, Angle 2 gas field (bottom). The region between
bottom) observed at the Texas gas well and CMP 70 to 100 shows a positive AVO
carefully processed by GECO-PRAKLA (see product (red), and corresponds to the

gas-producing sand. A second well
“Processing for AVO Interpretation,” next 4400 ft to the left has confirmed this
page ) shows the same AVO signature as the gas extent.
synthetic gather generated using log data
from the well (page 45, top ). Both gathers
show a small negative reflection at normal
incidence that becomes more negative with
offset. This signals hydrocarbons, and sure
enough, the well did produce gas. The gra- G x P Section
dient and intercept are both negative, and
their product positive. A section composed
of product traces from every gather in the
seismic line shows a zone of positive prod-
uct (right ). A second well drilled in the zone 1.0
confirmed the presence of gas.
Because the synthetic was built from log
data—density, compressional velocity and

Time, sec
shear velocity—rather than estimated val-
ues, it closely matches the observed gather. 1.1
Often estimated is shear velocity, and this
creates a common stumbling block to AVO
modeling. Dramatic AVO effects appear in
gas sands where the shear velocity is often
too slow to be measured with conventional 1.2
sonic tools. Introduction of the DSI tool
removes this impediment.
Once the AVO signature of hydrocarbons
is known, seismic data can be examined for
fluids. For example, what would AVO anal- 0 50 100 150 200
ysis have revealed about the two bright CMP
spots—one from gas, the other from -2 0 2 0 ft 5000
basalt—described on pages 42-43? The
answer was published in 1984 by Bill
Ostrander, then at Chevron USA (below ).5 Gas Basalt
shot point 81 shot point 127
4. Velocities and density for this example were com-
puted using a technique described in “Taking Advan-
tage of Shear Waves,” Oilfield Review 4, no. 3, (July
1992): 52-54.
For further reading see Murphy W, Reischer A and
Hsu K: “Modulus Decomposition of Compressional
and Shear Velocities in Sand Bodies,” Geophysics 58,
no. 2, (February 1993): 227-239.
5. Ostrander WJ: “Plane-Wave Reflection Coefficients
for Gas Sands at Nonnormal Angles of Incidence,”
Geophysics 49 (October 1984): 1637-1648. nGathers from well locations in two
bright spots seen on page 42, showing
different AVO signatures. At left is the
gather from shot point 81 of top section.
Negative amplitude becomes more
negative with offset in gas sand. On the
right is a gather from shot point 127 of
bottom section. Amplitude decreases
January 1993 with offset, indicating no hydrocarbon. 47
Carefully processed gathers from the well
Processing for AVO Interpretation locations show the difference between the
AVO signature of gas and that of high-veloc-
Any properly acquired seismic survey, new or old, can be processed for AVO analysis. The goal of ity basalt. Gas shows the now-familiar
processing is to preserve reflected pulse shape and amplitude. Changes in pulse with offset can then increase of amplitude with offset, while
basalt shows a decrease.
be interpreted in terms of lithology or fluid contrasts at the reflector. Data destined for stratigraphic
AVO effects may also be tracked across a
interpretation or lithostratigraphic inversion (see “Structural Imaging: Toward a Sharper Subsurface reservoir to delineate a fluid contact. A tech-
View,” page 28) also benefit from true amplitude processing. Every seismic data set creates its own nique developed by Ed Chiburis, while at
processing problems, requiring a tailor-made processing sequence. Here is a typical AVO processing Saudi Aramco, has had remarkable success
sequence, one that works for the data sets described in this article. delineating Saudi Arabian oil reservoirs.6 In
26 of 27 cases, the technique predicted the
presence or absence of oil, which was later
Basic Steps
confirmed by drilling (next page, bottom).
True Amplitude Recovery (TAR)—compensates Surface-consistent scaling and residual statics— The technique identifies changes in AVO
correct amplitudes and arrival times of raypaths
behavior along a seismic line, and associ-
for amplitude loss caused by wavefront spreading
ates those changes with changes in fluid
and low transmission quality (Q) of the rock distorted by near-surface anomalies, such as
composition. Once a given fluid has been
through which the seismic wavefront travels. those caused by the unconsolidated (“weath- identified in a well, the AVO behavior of the
ered”) zone on land or a rough ocean bottom. gather at the well is defined as the standard
Frequency wave number (F-K) filtering—is
to look for elsewhere in the section.
required to attenuate coherent noise generated Velocity analysis and Normal Moveout (NMO)— To overcome the lack of true amplitude
by near-surface or seabed features such as rigs, create and apply the velocity model that aligns processing in most data, Chiburis developed
buildings and seabed channels. Ground roll, or wiggles from all offsets. In conventional seismic a normalization technique using another
surface waves, common in land data, cannot usu- processing, velocity analyses are made every 2 to reflection that shows consistent amplitude
in the section as a reference. Peak ampli-
ally be removed with this method. Correctly 3 km [1.2 to 1.8 miles]. Because most AVO
tudes of the target reflection in each AVO
designed receiver arrays can solve this problem. anomalies are caused by velocity variation,
gather are picked interactively on a worksta-
closely spaced velocity analyses are required tion and normalized trace by trace to the
Generalized Radon Transform (GRT) demultiple—
every 0.25 km [0.15 mile]. reference event. Use of a reference event
reduces amplitude of multiples (interbed or water
removes or minimizes amplitude distortion
column reverberations) relative to primary associated with flaws in acquisition and
energy. Conventional demultiple techniques do Fine-Tuning Steps processing. The technique also circumvents
not preserve true amplitudes, nor do they elimi- the need for synthetics. The measured AVO
CMP-consistent statics—sometimes called non- response at the well serves as the standard.
nate all multiples. The GRT demultiple separates
surface consistent statics or trim statics, forces The major limitation of this method is that
seismic arrivals by differences in their apparent
alignment of selected events that have not been the geology and stratigraphy must be well-
velocities, then suppresses multiples by an known in order to associate changes in
properly aligned by standard processing, on a
inverse transform of only part of the data.1 AVO with changes in fluid type.
CMP-by-CMP basis. This is a compromise, and
Another clever AVO analysis technique
Deconvolution—creates a new trace with wiggles considered unscientific by purists. practiced by Amoco is to display and com-
that indicate the location (in time) and the pare seismic sections made up of partial
Dephasing—attempts to restore each trace to
strength of each reflector. Surface-consistent stacks (next page, top). Here, AVO informa-
zero phase so reflection events can be tracked
deconvolution reduces pulse shape distortion tion—or fluid discrimination informa-
and their amplitude changes quantified. tion—masked by a full stack, is retained in a
because the filter is the same for each shot and
partial stack of the far offsets. A partial stack
receiver location. Mixing and median filtering—attenuate random
is similar to a full stack, except that each
noise and reinforce signal. In median filtering, trace is the average of traces in a small
1. The GRT technique is described in Beylkin G, Miller D and
traces within a small offset range are summed or range of offsets rather than all offsets in the
Oristaglio M: “The Generalized Radon Transform: A Break- stacked. Mixing does the same kind of summing CMP gather.
through in Seismic Migration,” The Technical Review 35, no. 3
(July 1987): 20-27. over a small range of CMPs.
6. Chiburis EF: “Studies of Amplitude Versus Offset in
Bandpass filtering—removes high- and low-fre- Saudi Arabia,” Expanded Abstracts , 57th SEG Annual
International Meeting and Exposition, New Orleans,
quency noise from traces. Louisiana, USA (October 11-15, 1987): 614-616.

48 Oilfield Review
Far offset stack Near offset stack Full stack

Time, Sec


nNow you see it, now you don’t—a far offset stack of 2D offshore
data reveals hydrocarbons masked in conventional full stack.
Plotted in two-way time, brighter colors indicate higher reflection
IRAQ amplitude. Red and yellow are positive polarity, green and blue
IRAN negative. Insets show offsets stacked to create each section. Beds
A dipping to the right are the only structure visible in all but the far-
KUWAIT offset case. A flat spot is circled (above, left), indicating a fluid-

fluid contact cutting across the dipping layers. (Courtesy of Rod VanK-

oughnet and Chuck Skidmore, Amoco Production Company.)


Where is AVO going?



Some companies use AVO routinely in an


attempt to reduce risk associated with


Dhahran potential drilling locations. Others have
tried the technique and found the process-
ing too time-consuming or too difficult. An
increasing number of practitioners is insist-
QATAR ing on quantitative agreement between syn-
thetic and observed data before they will
use the technique. Currently, most examples
0 km 200 of AVO interpretation are qualitative. In the
0 miles 125 Royal Oil & Gas example (page 46, middle
and bottom), the qualitative match between
the two is good, but quantitatively, the syn-
Line 1

thetics predict a 100% increase in ampli-

tude with offset while the data show an
increase of more than 200%.
Eliminating the discrepancy between
Line 2 observed and synthetic data is therefore a
Known reservoirs focus of AVO-related research, and touches
AVO locations on five main topics—processing, synthetic
Line 3 modeling, petrophysics, interpretation and
nSaudi reservoirs, showing Line 4 inversion.
delineation of spatial Researchers seek a true amplitude pro-
extent of a hydrocarbon Line 5
discovery using Chiburis’ cessing scheme to produce AVO data traces
relative event AVO tech- Known extent that can be compared quantitatively to com-
nique. In the inset, the yel- of reservoir puter-perfect synthetics. Conventional pro-
low area under the curves cessing for structural imaging does not pre-
shows where AVO indicates 0 km 10 serve amplitudes. Researchers are revisiting
hydrocarbon. Based on
AVO analysis and the local 0 miles 6.2
geology, the interpretation
of the reservoir extent is
shaded in dark green.

January 1993 49
basic processing steps such as deconvolu- dated sands, or overpressured zones, the
tion, velocity analysis and migration with a AVO response is about the same for all satu-
view to AVO applications. rations. Drilling will confirm the presence of
Current research in synthetic modeling gas, but it might be just “fizz water.” Labora-
addresses a wide range of topics. Synthetics tory and field measurements on reservoir
are only as good as what goes into them. rocks, and especially nonreservoir rocks,
How should logs sampled every 6 inches under in-situ conditions, are crucial to the
[15 cm] be “averaged,” or blocked, to pro- construction of a reliable earth model.
duce layered earth models? Different block- Improved understanding of rock properties
ing techniques produce different synthetics. at core, log and seismic scales will lead to
What is the effect of layer thickness on AVO more unambiguous AVO interpretation.
synthetics? The right combination of layer Standard AVO interpretation fits reflection
thickness and seismic wavelength gives rise amplitudes to straight line approximations
to reverberations in the layer that alter of Zoeppritz prediction curves. More refined
reflected amplitude. Can seismic energy be interpretations quantify goodness-of-fit or
modeled as simple rays, or is it better to use other statistical analyses of the fit. Work is
seismic wave theory? In the examples pre- under way to abandon the straight-line
sented above, ray theory was enough. But approximation and fit the real curve.
when angles become large and velocity A great deal of research is devoted to
variations complex, more computer-inten- inversion, the attempt to derive a likely
sive wave theory is necessary. How does earth model starting with real data—the
velocity anisotropy affect AVO? As angle of inverse of synthetic modeling. To date,
incidence increases, differences between results indicate that knowledge of the Vp /Vs
horizontal and vertical velocities cannot be ratio is required for stable inversion. Some-
ignored in earth models. times V p can be estimated from seismic
In general, petrophysics is the link stacking velocities, but Vs cannot. Full inver-
between earth models and any seismic sion of AVO data for material properties
interpretation, but it is particularly important continues to intrigue researchers, but it has
in AVO interpretation. Changes in porosity, yet to be proven feasible.
mineralogy, cementation, stress, com- What is the future in AVO? One hot topic
paction or other properties that modify the is three-dimensional (3D) AVO. Many oper-
velocity or density of the rock, can give rise ators have already successfully interpreted
to AVO signatures that mask fluid effects. 3D seismic data sets for AVO by assembling
Changes in fluid saturation, on the other two-dimensional (2D) AVO sections in
hand, may exhibit no change in AVO signa- series. Few have tried real 3D AVO, that is,
ture. For example, in shallow or unconsoli- considering source-receiver paths in differ-
ent azimuths. This requires knowing veloc-
ity anisotropy in the horizontal plane.
Time-lapse AVO is another topic that
shows promise. As a reservoir is produced,
fluid contacts will move. Seismic surveys
shot at different times can be analyzed for
fluid changes using AVO techniques. Infor-
mation about drained and undrained vol-
umes can affect development and produc-
tion plans.
AVO can be a powerful tool for hydrocar-
bon detection. Although experts may com-
prehend the theory behind AVO interpreta-
tion, unwary practitioners make mistakes.
Progress has been made in modeling, pro-
cessing and interpretation, but improve-
ments need further joint efforts from the seis-
mic, logging and petrophysics communities.

50 Oilfield Review

Sequence Stratigraphy—
A Global Theory for Local Success

No exploration technique flawlessly locates a potential reservoir, but sequence stratigraphy may come close.

By understanding global changes in sea level, the local arrangement of sand, shale and carbonate layers can

be interpreted. This enhanced understanding of depositional mechanics steers explorationists toward

prospects missed by conventional interpretation.

Jack Neal
00 miles
miles 11
Rice University
Houston, Texas, USA

David Risch
Houston, Texas, USA

Peter Vail
Rice University
Houston, Texas, USA
Time, sec

For help in preparation of this article, thanks to Scott

Bowman, Marco Polo Software, Houston, Texas, USA;
Carlos Cramez and Bernard Duval, TOTAL Exploration,
Paris, France; Andrew Hannan, GECO-PRAKLA, Hous- 2.0
ton, Texas, USA; Ulrich Möller, GECO-PRAKLA, Han-
nover, Germany; and John Sneider, Rice University,
Houston, Texas, USA.


nA seismic section interpreted to show the sandy interval (yellow) predicted using
sequence stratigraphy. The heavy vertical line shows the well location.

Conventional lithologic correlation maps of reservoirs, source rocks and seals, even if
formation tops by interpreting well log data none of them intersect the well (above ).
alone. It looks at what is there without tak- Sequence stratigraphy is used mainly in
ing into account how it got there. Sequence exploration to predict the rock composition
stratigraphy combines logs with fossil data of a zone from seismic data plus distant,
and seismic reflection patterns to explain sparse well data. It also assists in the search
both the arrangement of rocks and the for likely source rocks and seals. Experts
depositional environment. Understanding believe that as more people learn the tech-
the relationships between rock layers, their nique, it will become an exploitation tool
seismic expression and depositional envi- for constraining the shape, extent and conti-
ronments allows more accurate prediction nuity of reservoirs.
January 1993 51
Sequence Stratigraphy, Seismic Stratig- to basins, causing sea level rise; glacio- Building Blocks
raphy—How Many Stratigraphies Can eustasy, controlled by climate, lowering sea The concepts that govern sequence strati-
There Be? level during glaciation and raising it during graphic analysis are simple. A depositional
Stratigraphy is the science of describing the deglaciation. He recognized that all these sequence comprises sediments deposited
vertical and lateral relationships of rocks.1 causes may be partially applicable, and are during one cycle of sea level fluctuation—
These relationships may be based on rock not mutually incompatible. He believed by Exxon convention, starting at low sea
type, called lithostratigraphy, on age, as in that while eustatic hypotheses apply world- level, going to high and returning to low.
chronostratigraphy, on fossil content, wide, tectonic hypotheses do not and vary One cycle may last a few thousands to mil-
labeled biostratigraphy, or on magnetic from region to region. Fairbridge summa- lions of years and produce a variety of sedi-
properties, named magnetostratigraphy. rized the perceived goal at the time: “We ments, such as beach sands, submarine
Stratigraphy in one form or another has need therefore to keep all factors in mind channel and levee deposits, chaotic flows or
been around since the 1600s. In 1669, and develop an integrated theory. Such an slumps and deep water shales. Sediment
Nicholaus Steno, a Danish geologist work- ideal is not yet achievable and would type may vary gradually or abruptly, or may
ing in Italy, recognized that strata are involve studies of geophysics, geochemistry, be uniform and widespread over the entire
formed as heavy particles settle out of a stratigraphy, tectonics, and geomorphology, basin. Each rock sequence produced by one
fluid. He also recognized that some strata above sea level and below.”3 cycle is bounded by an unconformity at the
contain remnants of other strata, and so This brings us nearly to the present. In bottom and top.8 These sequence bound-
must be younger. This conflicted with the 1977, Peter Vail at Exxon and several col- aries are the main seismic reflections used
widely held view that all sediments were leagues published the first installments of to identify each depositional sequence, and
deposited during the flood at the time of such an integrated theory.4 Vail developed a separate younger from older layers every-
Noah. Steno developed three principles that new kind of stratigraphy based on ideas pro- where in the basin.
form the basis of all stratigraphy—younger posed by L. L. Sloss—the grouping of layers Composition and thickness of a rock
layers lie on top of older layers, layers are into unconformity-bound 5 sequences based sequence are controlled by space available
initially horizontal, and layers continue until on lithology—and by Harry E. Wheeler— for sediments on the shelf, the amount of
they run into a barrier. His work was neither the grouping of layers based on what has sediment available and climate. Space
widely publicized nor remembered and is become known as chronostratigraphy. 6 available on the shelf—which Vail calls
often credited to James Hutton (1726-1797) Vail’s approach allowed interpreting uncon- “shelfal accommodation space”—is a func-
or Charles Lyell (1797-1875). formities based on tying together global sea tion of tectonic subsidence and uplift and of
For 300 years after Steno, stratigraphers level change, local relative sea level change global sea level rise and fall on the shelf. For
worked at unraveling the history of the and seismic reflection patterns. This instance, subsidence during rising sea level
earth, correlating fossils from one continent methodology, named seismic stratigraphy, will produce a larger basin than uplift dur-
to another, assigning names, ages and even- classifies layers between major unconformi- ing rising sea level. The distribution of sedi-
tually physical mechanisms to the creation ties based on seismic reflection patterns, ment depends on shelfal accommodation,
of rock layers. By 1850, most of the major giving a seismically derived notion of lithol- the shape of the basin margin—called depo-
geologic time units had been named. By ogy and depositional setting. sitional profile—sedimentation rate and cli-
1900, most layers had relative ages, and Subsequent seismic stratigraphic studies mate. Climate depends on the amount of
rock types had been associated with certain in basins around the world produced a set heat received from the sun. Climate also
positions of the shoreline, which was of charts showing the global distribution of influences sediment type, which tends
known to move with time. Fine-grained major unconformities interpreted from seis- toward sand and shale in temperate zones
rocks such as siltstones and shales were mic discontinuities for the past 250 million and allows the production of carbonates in
associated with calm, deep water, and years. 7 An understanding emerged that the tropics.
coarse-grained, sandy rocks with energetic, these unconformities were controlled by rel- As an exploration tool, sequence stratigra-
shallow environments. ative changes in sea level, and that relative phy is used to locate reservoir sands. In
At the turn of the century, shoreline move- changes in sea level could be recognized on deep water basins with high sedimentation
ment was attributed to tectonic activity—the well logs and outcrops, with or without seis- rates, sands are commonly first laid down as
rising and falling of continents. This view mic sections. This led to the interdisci- submarine fans on the basin floor ( next
was challenged in 1906, when Eduard plinary concept of sequence stratigraphy—a page, “A” ) and later as deposits on the con-
Suess hypothesized that changes in shore- linkage of seismic, log, fossil and outcrop tinental slope or shelf (next page, “B” ). But
line position were related to sea level data at local, regional and global scales. as sea level starts slowly rising onto the con-
changes, and occurred on a global scale; he The integrated theory sought by Fairbridge tinental shelf, sands are deposited a great
called the phenomenon eustasy.2 However, had arrived. lateral distance from earlier slope and basin
Suess was not able to refute evidence pre- This article focuses on the subset of deposits. 9 Deposits during this time are
sented by opponents of his theory—in many sequence stratigraphy that includes seismic deltaic sediments that build into the basin
locations there were discrepancies between data, and so falls under the heading of seis- and deep water shales (next page, “C” ). If
rock types found and types predicted by sea mic sequence stratigraphy. The technique the sediment supply cannot keep pace with
level variation. has been shown to work in a variety of set- rising sea level, the shoreline migrates land-
In 1961, Rhodes W. Fairbridge summa- tings, in some better than others. Attention ward and sands move progressively higher
rized the main mechanisms of sea level here is on an environment where it has up the shelf (next page, “D” ). Once sea
change: tectono-eustasy, controlled by proved successful—sand and shale deposi-
deformation of the ocean basin; sedimento- tion on continental margins.
eustasy, controlled by addition of sediments

52 Oilfield Review

shore sands

and levee


January 1993

floor fan

Barrier bar


Fan lobe

sea level

sea level
nSequence compo-
nents in order of
deposition, from
bottom to top. The
sequence begins
when sea level rela-
tive to the basin
floor begins to fall.
The first deposits,
sand-rich fans, are
laid down while sea
level is falling to its
lowest point (A).
As sea level bot-
toms out and begins
to rise (B), sands
and shale are
deposited in fans on
the continental
slope. Submarine
channels with lev-
ees may meander
across the fan.
Slumps are common.
The continuing
rise in sea level (C)
allows wedges of
sediment to build
into the basin, with
sands near the
shore, siltstones and
shale basinward.
A rapid rise in sea
level (D) moves
sandiest sediments
landward as beaches
and sandbars.
Sea level then
rises at a lower rate
(E), allowing sedi-
ments to build basin-
ward again. Sandy
sediments are usu-
ally restricted to the
nearshore margin.
Colors follow a
convention used by
Vail. In order of
deposition, basin
floor fans are yel-
low, slope fans are
brown and subma-
rine slumps are pur-
ple. River deltas
that build out dur-
ing low relative sea
level are pink. Rocks
associated with
higher relative sea
level—and usually
less likely to be
sandy—are green
and orange. Within
every part of a
sequence, sand-
prone zones are
level reaches a maximum for this cycle,
sands will build basinward as long as sedi-
ment remains available ( left, “E” ). The
sequence ends with a fall in relative sea
level, marked by a break in deposition. The
sequence repeats, however, as long as there
is sediment and another cycle of rise and
fall in relative sea level that changes the
shelfal accommodation space (see “A
Detailed View of Sequence Stratigraphy,”
next page).

1. For a review:
(continued on page 56)

Schoch RM: Stratigraphy: Principles and Methods.

New York, New York, USA: Van Nostrand Reinhold,
2. Suess E: The Face of the Earth, vol 2. Oxford, England:
Clarendon Press, 1906.
3. Fairbridge RW: “Eustatic Changes in Sea Level,” in
Ahrens LH, Press F, Rankama K and Runcorn SK (eds):
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, vol. 4. London,
England: Pergamon Press Ltd. (1961): 99-185.
4. Vail PR and Mitchum RM: “Seismic Stratigraphy and
Global Changes of Sea Level, Part 1: Overview,” in
Payton CE (ed): AAPG Memoir 26 Seismic Stratigra-
phy—Applications to Hydrocarbon Exploration
(1977): 51-52.
Mitchum RM, Vail PR and Thompson S: “Seismic
Stratigraphy and Global Changes of Sea Level, Part 2:
The Depositional Sequence as a Basic Unit for Strati-
graphic Analysis,” in Payton CE (ed): AAPG Memoir
26 Seismic Stratigraphy—Applications to Hydrocar-
bon Exploration (1977): 53-62.
Vail PR, Mitchum RM and Thompson S: “Seismic
Stratigraphy and Global Changes of Sea Level, Part 3:
Relative Changes of Sea Level from Coastal Onlap,” in
Payton CE (ed): AAPG Memoir 26 Seismic Stratigra-
phy—Applications to Hydrocarbon Exploration
(1977): 63-82.
Vail PR, Mitchum RM and Thompson S: “Seismic
Stratigraphy and Global Changes of Sea Level, Part 4:
Global Cycles of Relative Changes of Sea Level,” in
Payton CE (ed): AAPG Memoir 26 Seismic Stratigra-
phy—Applications to Hydrocarbon Exploration
(1977): 83-98.
Vail P, Todd RG and Sangree JB: “Seismic Stratigraphy
and Global Changes of Sea Level, part 5: Chronos-
tratigraphic Significance of Seismic Reflections,” in
Payton CE (ed): AAPG Memoir 26 Seismic Stratigra-
phy—Applications to Hydrocarbon Exploration
(1977): 99-116.
Sangree JB and Widmier JM: “Interpretation of Depo-
sitional Facies From Seismic Data,” Geophysics 44
(February 1979): 131-160.
5. An unconformity is a surface separating younger from
older layers, along which there is evidence of erosion
or a significant break in deposition.
6. Sloss LL: “Sequences in the Cratonic Interior of North
America,” Geological Society of America Bulletin 74
(1963): 93-113.
Wheeler HE: “Time Stratigraphy,” American Associa-
tion of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin 42, no. 5 (May
1958): 1047-1063.
7. Haq BU, Hardenbol J and Vail PR: “Chronology of
Fluctuating Sea Levels Since the Triassic,” Science 235
(1987): 1156-1166.
8. In some cases the unconformity may correlate later-
ally with a conformity. A conformity is a surface that
conforms to those above and below it, with no evi-
dence of erosion or nondeposition.
9. In the case of the Gulf of Mexico, a 100-m rise in rel-
ative sea level would cause a 150-km landward shift
of the shoreline:
Matthews RK: Dynamic Stratigraphy. Englewood
Cliffs, New Jersey, USA: Prentice-Hall, Inc. (1984):

A Detailed View of
Sequence Stratigraphy

The components of depositional sequences are eral darcies.2 It may be overlain by a thin clay- ing shoreline (next page, “C”). Log response
called systems tracts. Systems tracts are divided rich layer that can act as a seal, but more often it shows more sand higher in the section and less
into three groups according to relative sea level is overlain directly by the next depositional unit. sand basinward, indicating a coarsening upward.
at the time of deposition—lowstand at low rela- In these cases, the basin floor fan acts as a The seismic signature shows moderate- to high-
tive sea level, transgressive as the shoreline hydrocarbon migration pathway. Fossil content is amplitude continuous reflectors that downlap
moves landward, and highstand at high relative minimal, since deposition rates are often very onto the basin floor. This depositional unit often
sea level. Systems tracts are depositional groups high. Basin floor fans derive their hydrocarbon contains ample sand, especially near the sedi-
that have a predictable stratigraphic order and from previous sequences. ment source. Updip seals are typically poor, how-
predictable shapes and contents. A close look at In areas of high deposition rate, the major ever, and structural trapping is required for hydro-
systems tracts, their geometries and lithologies, component of the lower lowstand systems tract is carbon accumulation.
shows how sequence stratigraphy can be used to the slope fan complex. Slope fans can be exten- The transgressive systems tract represents
foretell reservoir location and quality. sive and can exhibit several depositional styles, sedimentation during a rapid rise in sea level
Each systems tract exhibits a characteristic log depending on the vertical gradient of the slope (next page, “D”). The shoreline retreats landward,
response, seismic signature and paleontologic face and on the sediment source (next page, “B”). depriving the basin of sediment. SP and gamma
fingerprint, and performs a predictable role in the The complex may include submarine channels ray logs show a fining upward. Retreat of the
oil and gas play—reservoir rock, source rock or with levees, overbank deposits, slumps and shoreline gives rise to seismic patterns that
seal. Gamma ray (GR) and spontaneous potential chaotic flows. Log responses commonly are cres- appear to truncate basinward. In practice, this
(SP) logs are expected to read low in sands and cent shaped. A sharp base within the crescent systems tract is commonly thin, and such pat-
high in shales. Resistivity logs show the reverse, commonly indicates sand in a channel, with a terns are usually imperceptible on typical seis-
reading high in hydrocarbon-filled sands and low bell shape indicating fining upward as the chan- mic sections. Basal transgressive sands derived
in shales. nel is abandoned. On the other hand, channels from reworked lowstand sands can be excellent
Apparent layering interpreted on seismic sec- may fill with mud. On seismic sections, leveed reservoirs, except where shell fragments may
tions—called stratal patterns—is determined by channels in the fan show a characteristic mound later cement the sands. Shoreface sands will fol-
tracing seismic reflections to their terminations. with a slight depression in the top. Sand-filled low strike-oriented trends.
The termination is categorized by its geometry channels make excellent exploration targets, but The top of the transgressive systems tract is
and associated with a depositional style. Fossils may be difficult to track.3 Sands flowing over the limit of marine invasion, and is called the
are described by their abundance, diversity and channel levees may be deposited as overbank maximum flooding surface. Widespread shale
first or last occurrence, allowing dates to be deter- sheets and alternate with shales, creating sub- deposition results in a condensed section. Abun-
mined based on correlation with global conditions. parallel reflectors. Such sands can provide dant fossils provide ages and well ties across the
Starting with the lower lowstand systems tract stacked reservoirs with porosities of 10 to 30%, seismic section. This clay-rich layer shows low
at the bottom of a sequence, basin floor fans are but are usually very thin. Slumps from shelf edge resistivity and high gamma ray readings. The
typically isolated massive mounds of well-sorted deltas create a chaotic or jumbled pattern— seismic pattern of this surface is downlap, which
grain flows or turbidite sands1 derived from allu- “hummocky” in interpreter’s vernacular—easily becomes conformal—parallels adjacent reflec-
vial valleys or nearshore sands (next page, “A”). identifiable on seismic data. Hydrocarbon tors—basinward, and disappears above the shelf.
Log responses are blocky, with a sharp top and sources for channel and overbank reservoirs are This surface is usually a very continuous reflec-
bottom bracketing clean sand. Seismic reflec- deeper sequences. Seals are provided by a tor. At the shelf edge, it can commonly be identi-
tions curve down and terminate on the underlying widespread “condensed” section of shale, a thin fied by changes in reflection patterns above and
sequence boundary—a feature called down- layer representing prolonged deposition at very below.
lap—while the top may form a mound. The low- low rates that comes with the rise in sea level.
stand facies makes an excellent reservoir, with The sealing shale also contains abundant marine
porosity often over 30% and permeability of sev- fossils used for dating.
Part of the upper lowstand, the prograding
wedge complex derives its name from shallow-
ing-upward deltas that build basinward from the
shelf edge and pinch out landward at the preced-

54 Oilfield Review
aa E

a Deposition
cross section

ally shaly. The late highstand complex, deposited

as the rise in sea level slows, contains silts and
sands. Some late highstand sediments are
deposited in the open air as fluvial deposits.
Gamma ray and SP responses show a gradual
decrease in gamma ray, indicating coarsening
upward associated with decreasing water depth.
Seismic reflections are characterized by sig-

January 1993
or SP Resistivity
reflection patterns

nComponents of sequences, their log responses, and predicted and observed seismic reflection patterns.
Layers deposited during highest relative sea
level are known as the highstand systems tract
(above, “E”). Early highstand sediments are usu-
moidal—S-shaped—stratal patterns, similar to
prograding wedge reflections. There may be
deltaic and shoreface sands at the top of the sec-
tion, but in general, this systems tract has poor
reservoir sands, and updip seals are uncommon.
Fossil abundances diminish as the marine envi-
ronment becomes restricted to the deeper parts
of the shelf.
Seismic example

1. A turbidite is a rock deposited from sediment-laden water

moving swiftly down a subaqueous slope.
2. Sangree JB, Vail PR and Sneider RM: “Evolution of Facies
Interpretation of the Shelf-Slope: Application of the New
Eustatic Framework to the Gulf of Mexico,” paper OTC
5695, presented at the 20th Annual Offshore Technology
Conference Proceedings, Houston, Texas, USA, May 2-5,
3. Sometimes channels can be seen in slices of 3D seismic
volumes, but sequence stratigraphic studies are not com-
monly done on 3D data. An exception is the study
described on page 62.

Components of a sequence may be which was the direction of the sediment diversity and abundance are measured ver-
repeated or missing, depending on local source. Layers dip and thicken to the south. sus depth, which is converted to seismic
conditions and the rate of sea level change, Initially, seismic data and logs were inter- travel time for easy comparison with the
but the basic sequence structure is pre- preted independently to identify sequences seismic section. Fossils of planktonic (float-
dictable. Computer-generated models of and their bounding unconformities. Log- ing) organisms are more widespread than
sequence cycles are used to show the derived boundaries were compared with those of benthic (bottom-dwelling) organ-
effects of sea level change, sediment supply those from seismic data and the interpreta- isms and are therefore more useful in estab-
and depositional profile (below ).10 These tion refined iteratively. Detailed seismic lishing regional time correlations. However,
inputs can be varied to test their relative interpretation began with the most easily in shallow-water environments, benthic fos-
importance, or to produce stacks of interpreted reflection patterns, and was sils are used because nearshore conditions
sequences in an attempt to match real data. pieced together—working upward, down- may be too variable for planktonic fossils.
ward and back toward the wells—respect- Fossils are also indicators of relative sea
Searching for Sand—A Case Study ing the stratigraphy suggested by the level. High fossil counts, or peaks, are asso-
Sequence stratigraphy was applied in 1992 sequence model. ciated with shales deposited during low sed-
in the East Breaks area, offshore Texas (next Logs from wells on the seismic lines were imentation. Such conditions occur in the
page, top ). Data included a two-dimen- converted from depth to time using the basin during time of high relative sea level,
sional (2D) seismic line and logs from seven nearest check shot—here, 3 miles [4.8 km] but also in deep water between fan deposits
wells. The seismic line was processed for away.11 Sands interpreted on spontaneous and outbuilding delta deposits (page 58,
structural imaging (see “Structural Imaging: potential, gamma ray and resistivity logs top). Two shale sections are expected within
Toward a Sharper Subsurface View,” page were associated with seismic reflections at each sequence, one at the top of the slope
28) and the structural interpretation used the well and tracked along the seismic sec- fan and the other at the maximum flooding
four other lines to view the basin as a whole tion. Shales indicated by logs were noted for surface, associated with the furthest land-
(see “Going for the Play: Structural Interpre- correlation with fossil data from cuttings. ward position of the shoreline. Biostratigra-
tation in Offshore Congo,” page 14). In this Next was integration of biostratigraphy.12 phy also holds the key to paleo-
case, the big picture shows a basin con- Fossils from cuttings help identify and date bathymetry—a measure of topography of
trolled by normal faulting to the north, boundaries of each rock sequence. Fossil the ancient ocean floor—needed to interpret

Distance, km
0 15 30
nSequences simu-
0 35 0 lated using Scott
Bowman’s tech-
30 40 nique, showing all
Relative sea level the components on
80 page 53. Inputs are
3 2 1 0
100 initial basin shape,
20 Age, Ma
sedimentation rate
15 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 and relative sea
Layer number level. Geologic time
200 lines are numbered
from 5 to 35, oldest
to youngest. The
Depth, m

sequence begins at
Lithologies indicated by logs Expected 5. Expected log
300 10 responses are plot-
gamma ray, SP
Gamma ray ted at ten locations.
or SP Resistivity and resistivity
responses The left curve is SP
or gamma ray, the
400 right curve resistivity.



56 Oilfield Review

amplitude reflections may be highlighted
with hatching. These so-called bright spots
are analyzed for anomalies in amplitude

variation with offset associated with hydro-

carbons (see “Hydrocarbon Detection With
AVO,” page 42 ). In the East Breaks exam-
ple, the most promising prospect is a large,
sandy basin floor fan. Shales interpreted
above and below could provide seal and
source rock, respectively.
10. Bowman SA and Vail PR: “Computer Simulation of
Stratigraphy,” American Association of Petroleum
Geologists Bulletin (1993): in preparation.
11. A check shot is a wireline survey that checks the
seismic travel time from the surface to a chosen

depth in a well. Depths are chosen from logs. A geo-

phone is conveyed by wireline to the desired depth
and a seismic source is set off at the surface. The
travel time is recorded and doubled to compare with
the surface seismic travel time.

January 1993

shown are not necessarily from the same sequence, which is why D appears stratigraphically above E.

the depositional environment. Paleodepth is

derived from benthic fossils with known
depth habitats (next page top, right curve ).
Knowing water depth helps to interpret deep
or shallow water rock types and expected
layer thicknesses.
Once seismic, log and biostratigraphic
data are combined, a final, color-coded
interpreted section is made. Very high
Overcoming Limitations of Sequence
Sequence stratigraphy has proven useful for
petroleum exploration, but it is commonly
misapplied. 13 There is controversy over
whether the technique can be applied to
carbonate systems since it was designed to
explain sand-shale systems. Some experts
maintain that sequence stratigraphy is easier
in carbonates because carbonates are
extremely sensitive to sea level change.14
There is unanimous agreement, however,
that low sedimentation rates often pose spe-
cial problems. When sedimentation rate is
moderate to high, layers within a sequence
are tens to hundreds of meters thick, com-
fortably within the resolving power of a typ-
ical seismic wave (next page, bottom ). But

12. For an integrated biostratigraphic study:


Bell DG, Selnes H, Bjorøy M, Grogan P, Kilenyi T

and Trayner P: “Better Prospect Evaluation with
Organic Geochemistry, Biostratigraphy and Seismics,”
Oilfield Review 2, no. 1 (January 1990): 24-42.
13. Posamentier HW and James DP: “An Overview of
Sequence Stratigraphic Concepts: Uses and Abuses,”
in Posamentier HW, Summerhayes CP, Haq BU and
Allen GP (eds): Stratigraphy and Facies Associations
in a Sequence Stratigraphic Framework, Interna-


tional Association of Sedimentologists Special Publi-

cation, 1992.
H. sellii

C. macintyrei

G. miocenica

D. tamalis


nEast Breaks, offshore Texas, seismic line with sequence components interpreted in color, SP log and fossil abundance curves. Block
diagrams from page 53 point to representative examples on the section. This seismic section has nine sequences. Sequence components



East Breaks

0 km



Time, sec




when sedimentation rate is low, several

sequences might fit within a seismic wave-
length. Sequence stratigraphy cannot be
confidently applied here, but it has been





done countless times. A useful interpretation

in thinly-bedded regions requires abandon-

14. Vail P, Audemard F, Bowman SA, Eisner PN and

Depth, ft

Green Canyon

Perez-Cruz C: “The Stratigraphic Signatures of Tec-

tonics, Eustasy and Sedimentology—An Overview,”
in Einsele G et al. (eds): Cycles and Events in Stratig-
raphy. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag (1991):

Plankton nTypical Gulf of ing small-scale features and concentrating
Depth, ft Mexico fossil abun- on larger scale, longer term processes that
Foram Nannofossil Paleodepth dance peaks and control the generation of sequences.
abundance abundance ft x 100 paleodepth curve.
1 6 30 Fossil abundance With this in mind, Vail and coworkers
3000 proposed a hierarchy of stratigraphic cycles
curves based on
H. sellii analysis of cuttings based on duration and amount of sea level
for foraminifera— change. 14 Duval and Cramez at TOTAL
protozoa with cal-
C. macintyrei careous external Exploration worked with Vail to provide
5000 skeletons—and subsurface examples and to expand the
D. brouweri nannofossils, a application to hydrocarbon exploration.15
broad category of The hierarchy assigns frequencies to the
D. brouweri “A” extremely small, mechanisms of eustasy enumerated by Fair-
usually algal fossils.
7000 G. miocenica Peaks indicate the bridge (page 52), viewed in light of plate
D. pentaradiatus presence of shales tectonics (next page, top). The first-order
at the top of the cycle, which is the longest, tracks creation
slope fan complex of new shorelines resulting from the
(brown) and at
9000 maximum sea breakup of the continents. Although this
level (green). The breakup does not follow a cycle, it has hap-
H. emaciatum D. tamalis
right curve indi- pened twice, with a duration of over 50 mil-
cates fossil habitat lion years. The second-order cycle is land-
depth, in which ward and basinward oscillation of the
11000 dark blue is deep
water and light shoreline that lasts 3 to 50 million years.
blue is shallower. This oscillation is produced by changes in
the rate of tectonic subsidence and uplift,
caused by changes in rates of plate motion.
13000 Both first- and second-order cycles may
(?) R. pseudoumbilica
cause changes in the volume of the ocean
basins resulting in long-term variations in
global sea level. The third-order cycle is the
High sedimentation rate Distance, km sequence cycle, lasting 0.5 to 3 million
0 30 60
years. Fourth- and higher order cycles may
be correlated with periodic climatic changes.
The following example, with its low
Depth, m

deposition rate, approaches the limit of

interpretation in terms of third-order cycles.
It comes from the Outer Moray Firth basin
600 in the UK sector of the North Sea, where the
initial basin shape, tectonic activity and
variation in the rate of deposition add a
Low sedimentation rate
0 30 60 twist to the interpretation (pages 60-61).
0 Stratigraphic interpretation of the last 65
million years of sediments in the Outer
Moray Firth is more difficult than in the Gulf
Depth, m

of Mexico because slower deposition in the

Central North Sea resulted in thinner units,
many of which cannot be resolved by seis-
600 mic waves. During this period, the Outer
Moray Firth has 17 sequences totaling 5000
nHigh (top) and low (bottom) sedimentation rates, shown on synthetic sequences. The feet [1524 meters] of sediments (pages 60-
basic shape of each layer follows the initial basin shape, but layer thickness varies 61, middle and bottom ), compared to the
with sedimentation rate. Only thick layers can be resolved with seismic methods. Gulf Coast, with 10 sequences totaling 9000
ft [2750 m]. In the North Sea, however,
depositional processes juxtaposed a variety
of lithologies, providing reliable calibration
points for accurate conversion of logs from

58 Oilfield Review
1 order Continental breakup
depth to time using synthetic seismograms nHierarchy of
cycles, decreasing
(right, bottom ). In the Gulf of Mexico, this downward in the
conversion is typically done with only duration of sea
nearby checkshots; sands and shales com- level change and

> 50 Ma
monly show periodic alternation with depth in area of influence.
at wavelengths that make comparisons At the top, the first-
order cycle lasts at
between seismic sections and synthetic seis- least 50 million
mograms nonunique. years and is
Stratigraphic study is always preceded by caused by major
structural interpretation. In addition, a pale- changes in the con-

Increasing time
figuration of tec-
ogeographic interpretation of the Outer 2nd order— Movement of shoreline tonic plates. The
Moray Firth shows that late in the Creta- second-order cycle,
ceous period—when the sequences under Basinward lasting 3 to 50 mil-
study began to be deposited—a smooth lion years, is also
basin floor sloped gently from northwest to controlled by plate
motion. It involves
southeast. During a relative fall in sea level, Landward movement of the

3-50 Ma
sediments were deposited as slope fans. shoreline landward
Their seismic expressions indicate lobes and basinward, on
with channels and some chaotic flows— the scale of conti-
nents. The white
large-scale slumps with jumbled seismic area shows the
character. As sea level rose, a wedge of out- time in which there
building deltas was deposited. Sea level is no rock record,
maximum is associated with a depositional usually due to lack
hiatus, shown only as a thin line. Deposits of depostition. The
third-order cycle, of
synchronous with this surface may be found 3rd order— Sequence cycle 500,000 to 3 million
on what is now land in Europe, but in the years, is the
basin, sediments that correspond to periods sequence cycle
of high relative sea level are rare. described in the

0.5-3 Ma
main text. It is
Why are elements of the classic Vail caused by long-
model missing from this sequences in this term tectonic activ-

Increasing thickness
basin? One explanation is the competing ity and short-term
influences of tectonic uplift and sea level global sea level
change. As global sea level rose and fell, changes. Fourth-
and higher order
continual regional uplift kept the sea from 4th + order— Parasequence cycle (periodic) cycles, of 10,000 to
reaching levels high enough to allow forma- 500,000 years, are

0.01-0.5 Ma
tion of units typical of high relative sea of shortest duration.
level. Only once, at the top of the third They are driven by
sea level changes
sequence, does a thin layer of high relative caused by periodic
sea level sediments appear (orange). climatic variation.
Another interpretation is that thin, high rela- Distance Cycles of this order
tive sea level sediments were deposited, but are called parase-
eroded, and so are not preserved in the sec- quence cycles.
tion (pages 60-61, bottom ).
15. Duval B, Cramez C and Vail P: “Types & Hierarchy 0 nSynthetic seismo-
of Stratigraphic Cycles,” presented at the Interna- grams and gamma
tional Symposium on Mesozoic and Cenozoic ray logs from two
Sequence Stratigraphy of European Basins, Dijon, wells tying with the
France, May 18-20, 1992. Outer Moray Firth
seismic line. Syn-
thetics, based on
sonic and density
logs, provide a
depth-to-time corre-
lation for integra-
Time, sec

tion of log, paleo

and seismic data.
(Courtesy of Amoco UK.)


January 1993 59

Synthetic Gamma 0 km 5
W Raw seismic
This section can also be interpreted in
terms of second-order cycles (page 62, top ).
The entire set of 17 depositional sequences
can be bracketed by five second-order
cycles, based on physical stratigraphy and
biostratigraphy. Major biostratigraphic gaps
exist at the boundaries of each second-order
cycle, and the boundaries can be seen to

Time, sec
represent major changes in the depositional
style of basin fill.

Studies in 3D
If the volume of earth in a study area is
small enough, workstations can add a new
dimension to sequence stratigraphy. In the
Green Canyon area of the Gulf of Mexico,
interpreters concentrated on a fan deposited
in a syncline on the continental slope 1 to 2
million years ago. Regional sequence
Interpreted seismic
stratigraphy was established using 2D seis-
mic data and paleontologic control from six
nearby wells. Zooming in on a subset of this 0
data, interpreters assembled a series of 2D
panels for 3D interpretation.
The top and base of the slope fan were
interpreted over a six-block area (54 square Time, sec
miles [138 km2]). The thickest part of the
slope fan coincides with the stacked chan-
nels that carried shallow-water shelf and
delta sands into deep water, greater than
200 m [656 ft] (page 62, middle ). A series of
stacked channels, possibly filled with sand,
is visible within the slope fan interval.
The goal of this interpretation is to identify
exploration targets. Although lithology of the
channel deposits is difficult to identify in the
horizon slice, geology predicts that the chan- Geologic cross section
nel will terminate in a sand-rich fan.16 The 0
channel was tracked south, and a fan was
discovered in the next block of seismic data.

16. A horizon is the surface separating two rock layers.

In seismic data, a horizon shows up as a reflection.
A reflection tracked in a 3D cube of seismic data
Depth, m

and displayed in plan view is called a horizon slice.

Depths or times to the reflection are contoured or


60 Oilfield Review

0 km 10

nComparison of seismic and log data from the Moray Firth, North Sea, including the original seismic line (top), the interpreted line (mid-
dle) and the geologic cross section with gamma ray logs. Permian and Carboniferous basement (green) are followed by Jurassic to
Lower Cretaceous sediments (purple). Both show evidence of rifting during and after deposition. In the Upper Cretaceous, chalk (blue)
filled the earlier rifts. The chalk was deposited in open marine conditions, with no land exposed nearby. On the left (west) edge, a Pale-
ocene (Danian) chalk debris flow appears as a chaotic zone on top of the earlier chalk. Basin relief was minimal and sea level was high
at the onset of the first sequence in the Tertiary. Low relative sea level deposits—slope fans and chaotic flows—are brown (color conven-
tion is the same as in the Gulf of Mexico example). River deltas building out during low relative sea level are pink. Sea level maxima
appear as thin green lines.

January 1993 61
Lower Eocene Middle Eocene Lower Oligocene

Paleocene Upper

nOuter Moray Firth data reinterpreted in terms of second-order cycles. Basinward movement of the shoreline is orange and landward
movement is green. Colors correspond to second-order cycles (page 59, top).
Cross section

Sequence stratigraphy continues to evolve.
One area of investigation is high-resolution
sequence stratigraphy, which is performed
G U L F O F at a higher resolution than seismic wave-
I C O lengths, usually with log and outcrop stud-
ies. ARCO, TOTAL and Esso scientists per-
East Breaks formed a very high-resolution sequence
Green Canyon stratigraphy study on a roadside ditch,
0 miles 100
0 km 161 which served as an analog of an incised val-
ley and delta system. The system measured
nSeismic line and horizon slice from a only 50 cm [20 in.] from bottom to top but
cube of 3D data in Green Canyon, offshore obeyed the same physical laws as systems
Louisiana. The top (yellow line) and bottom
(red) of a slope fan were interpreted using hundreds of meters thick.17
sequence stratigraphy. A stack of subma- Sequence stratigraphy is achieving some
rine channels can be seen in the seismic success in areas where it was not designed
line (oval). Normally, channels like these to work. Studies in carbonates show that
would be difficult to track, but in 3D the
although the depositional layering patterns
task is simple. The 3D data can be flat-
tened at the top of the fan, and sliced hori- are different from sand-shale systems, the
zontally to reveal a map (bottom). Here, the technique has the power to explain and pre-
channel can be seen to meander from Horizon slice dict sediment distribution and lithologic
north to south around an emerging salt content.18 Sequence stratigraphy has also
dome. A slump off the flank of the salt (cir-
cle) has fallen into the channel. This chan- been applied with success to nonmarine
nel was tracked to the next block south, deposits in continental basins and in marine
where it terminated in a slope fan lobe, basins isolated from continental sediments.
predicted to be sandy. Sequence stratigraphy, as proposed by the
Exxon group, is not without controversy.
Salt Some alternative schemes to explain
sequences place more emphasis on sedi-
ment supply19 or tectonic activity.20 What-
ever their area of expertise, stratigraphers
agree on the main problem in sequence
stratigraphy—overextending the model to fit
every study area. Bilal Haq, while at the
National Science Foundation in the USA,
17. Posamentier HW, Allen GP and James DP: “High 19. Galloway WE: “Genetic Stratigraphic Sequences in compiled ten commandments for sequence
Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy—The East Coulee Basin Analysis I: Architecture and Genesis of Flood- stratigraphers21 and Henry Posamentier of
Delta, Alberta,” Journal of Sedimentary Petrology 62 ing-Surface Bounded Depositional Units,” American
(1992): 310-317. Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin 73, no.
ARCO Oil and Gas Company has written
18. Jacquin T, Garcia J-P, Ponsot C, Thierry J and Vail PR: 2 (February 1989): 125-142. on the uses and abuses of the technique.13
“Séquences de Dépôt et Cycles Régressif/Transgres- 20. Sloss LL: “Tectonics—The Primary Control on They approach the subject from different
sifs en Domaine Marin Carbonaté: Exemple du Dog- Sequence Stratigraphy: A Countervailing View,” Dis- perspectives, but their message is the
ger du Bassin de Paris,” Contes Rendues de tinguished Lecture Tours Abstracts, American Asso-
l’Académie des Sciences de Paris 315 (1992): 353- ciation of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin 74, no. 11 same—where sequence stratigraphy works,
362. (November 1990): 1774. use it; if it doesn’t work, the problem is with
21. Hag BU: “Ten Commandments for Sequence Stratig- the application, not the theory. —LS
raphers,” presented at the International Symposium
on Mesozoic and Cenozoic Sequence Stratigraphy
of European Basins, Dijon, France, May 18-20,

62 Oilfield Review

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