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BAS Session 8

Improving group presentation outlines

Team members:
Le Nguyen Ngoc Mai - 22004285
Vo Hong Quang - 22003375
Nguyen Le Giang Linh-22004143
Nguyen Van Duc-22002388
Nguyen Hoang Khanh Trang - 22002284
Team number: 1
Class code: BAS-T123WSB-13
Homework number: 7
Big topic: Leadership
Specific Topic: Are leaders born or made?

Elements Our content

Presentation topic Leadership

Audience analysis info The class and the lecturer

Specific purpose statement (for Are leaders born or made?

presenters only)

Central idea Great leaders are made, not born

Main points to include (3-5) Even though a natural ability to lead is always a plus, many
employees need regular practice and ways to improve their skills to
become good leaders.
Leadership is not about control


Hook Leaders are developed rather than born. And like all other things,
they require effort to create.

Need for information

Central idea Great leaders are made, not born

Summary of main points This article will present a more specific expansion of how a leader is
made, not born talent.

Main point #1 Leaders come in all shapes and sizes. They can be anyone, even
introverts or extroverts

Support Because leaders:

1. come from all parts of your organization

Support (not more than 3) 2. have different strengths (Whether a leader is strategic,
administrative or relational) and characteristics (introvert or
extrovert) that make them stand out from each other and help them
in their specific industries

Transition Therefore, they have to train their traits consistently to improve their

Main point #2 Leaders require training and guidance

Support Learning and honing new knowledge and skills with discipline also
improves leadership.

Support (not more than 3) A strong leader is aware of their own limitations and strives to
overcome them in order to advance in their career.

Transition Furthermore, as a leader grows, so does his capacity for compassion.

Main point #3 Leaders Can Possess Empathy

Support As a leader with empathy, one must be able to comprehend the

requirements of others and be conscious of their emotions and ideas.

Support (not more than 3) When making hard decisions or setting limits with workers, it can be
hard for managers to be too sympathetic. Also, it might be hard for
them to give staff members constructive criticism or hold them

Transition As a result, the leader has experience dealing with every situation or
receiving guidance that will determine whether or not he or she is an
effective leader.

Main point #4 Experience influence leadership

Support The great leaders learn from their work challenges and surrounding

Support (not more than 3) The leaders can potentially teach leadership qualities to their

Transition In addition, leaders need to understand their final goal and value

Main point #5 Leadership Needs Purpose and Context

Support Many leaders require a goal in order for their leadership abilities to

Support (not more than 3) Yet just as effective leaders need a purpose, some also require
particular conditions to thrive. A leader is in their ideal circumstance
when they feel comfortable in their environment and have the
knowledge and abilities necessary to complete their task.


Summary of main points Anyone can become a leader, but they need to have a clear vision, a
lot of knowledge, and a lot of real-world experience. They also need
to be able to show empathy.

Restate central idea Leaders are more often developed than born.

Meaningful closure Leadership is not about titles, positions, or flowcharts. It is about the


Purpose: To prove leaders are made, not born.

Audience: Lecturer and class

Information: Including Leaders come in all shapes and sizes, with training, guidance,
empathy, experience, purpose, and context, which show that, through the main point, leaders
are created, not born.

Benefits: The possible benefits for the reader might be to show the audience how to become
a great leader from a different viewpoint. It might encourage people to take charge, practice
self-discipline, and grow as individuals over time.

Objection: Some negative elements for the reader are that it might come from people with
different opinions.

Context: The presentation was made in class so the reader could more easily convince the
audience than in a public place.

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