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¡No to pyrotechnics!

Convince people that they should not throw fireworks or explosive

materials, as these cause reactions and negative effects in dogs.

• It generates fear and anxiety.

REASONS: • It causes gastrointestinal discomfort.
• It generates unreality, loss of control and, in some cases, death.

SLOGAN: What to you amuses, to hurts me.

We are going to organize a carrot mob, in the restaurant "The

Minced", where everything we raise on the 22nd of the 8th will be
donated to the residence "Dogs always", this residence is
characterized by sheltering dogs that have suffered trauma due
to pyrotechnics. When people finish their meal we will give them a
brochure with information about the pyrotechnics in this one.

The carrot mob is on 22nd August at the local The Minced, all
day long.

NUMBER OF We plan to have around 200 people and expect to have very
PARTICIPANTES: good results.

We believe our
KIND OF PEOPLE: Carrot mob will appeal to people who care about the welfare of

PUBLIC We would love for the public's reaction to be one of empathy and
REACTION/DESIR understanding towards the animals. We hope that people will
ED EFFECT: never practice pyrotechnics again.

We will use Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp to encourage

people to come to the restaurant.

10 T-shirts ($150) - 200 leaflets ($20) - 50 Posters ($15)

Total $185.
We chose to justify the third reason:
It causes them unreality, loss of control and, in some cases, death.

From an ethical perspective, we consider that it is our duty to treat animals with
respect and care for their welfare, so, by practicing such acts we are causing
unnecessary suffering, negatively affecting their quality of life, and in some cases
even causing death.
This could be considered morally incorrect from an ethical perspective, since it
implies causing avoidable harm to a sentient being.

Escogimos justificar la tercera razón:

Les provoca irrealidad, pérdida de control y, en algunos casos, la muerte.

Desde una perspectiva ética, consideramos que es nuestro deber tratar a los
animales con respeto y velar por su bienestar, por lo que, al practicar este tipo de
actos, les estamos causando un sufrimiento innecesario, afectando
negativamente a su calidad de vida y, en algunos casos, incluso provocándoles la
Esto podría considerarse moralmente incorrecto desde una perspectiva ética, ya
que implica causar un daño evitable a un ser sintiente.

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