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Donot give a gender to a neutral situation (generally speaking ) use one – one is happy or they their
not his/her or she/ he
Don’t use a as a filler uh

we often use it, this dishwasher - what i said , But if you say it you don’t have to say this
dishwasher, We know it is a dishwasher bcz you told us in the begining

When you are asked about something say i personally think

Don’t do ……………… and




Dreamed of

In pursuit of

In turn


The arduous journey

The influx of population

Psycho matic diseases

Full of flavours


It fills me with happiness

Avid reader

He has got a positive area


In addition to, moreover, other than that, besides, along with

However, nonetheless, nevertheless,

Such as, for eg

Happy - content

The excitement of the unknown

Dreamed of

In pursuit of


In turn


The arduous journey

The influx of population

Hustle and bustle

Equipment - gizmos, gadgets

in/ during pandemic

We are rarely at ease so many untensils can be washed

Do the dishes

By hand - manually


Pose a threat to human health

Psycho -somatic disease

Detrimental effects

Insulated properly

It might increase the temperature

Hustle Bustle - Youngster are attracted to the city life, full of hustle bustle
Placard - name likha hunda airport te
Modern and unorthodox
Generous, charitable and he works in NGO
Plight - bad situation
Bed ridden

Got heated
I had to intervene
I step out of cafe
I take a sigh of relief
Little things leads to bif fights I am so glad this was not the case

Eventhough it rained, I enjoyed alot

Sturn - sturn with oriminals
Egalitarian society - gender basis

Even Though the all information is available on the internet, it is good to have a hard copy
that interests you. Some people collect magazines in their personal collection.

I will feel like I am on the top of the world; therefore, full of joy and bliss.
I will feel on the top of world

Where you bound to bump into someone you might know

Many amenties - good hospital

Boutiques who turn raw material into beautifully customized dresses.

I catch a movie if I can with my family and friends

If they had not come across , the international news. They would have been aware of what’s
going in the world.
It is easier for countries to be unified so crime and war will reduce

Patriotic sentiments towards their nation.

People are more keen about farming
I didn’t even know how to thread the needle.
How to work with the needle.

I am a person of faint heart

violent/gruesome scenes

I took a vow to alway search a movie

It’s so gratifying to know.

Outside their company
It could have accused a rift btw us forever
I have done master in business administration with specialist in human resource
Differences - difference themselves
Intentional - intentionally
I went to restaurant - I went to a restaurant
I made sure - I have made sure
Sculpture - sculpture making
Hand in hand
It is grey in color
There are many tools

It affects on environment - it affects the environment

A activity - an activity
We all do gardening together there - we all do gardening together.
Adrenaline rush pronunciation
Rather than depending upon gender - irrespective of gender

It lasts from june to Aug

I go for walks when it dizzles
Dust from the environment settles down. Everything looks very clean and clear.

I get to know about her when she made her bollywood debut
She won the miss world crown
Admiration from indian people
Aspire to be like her

I am competelely in a state of shock

I was devastated
I had to do the tedious work all over again
She approaches every situation in a very calm and composed manner.
I strive to be like her

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