Brand-Product Summary Info V7

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公司名称/Company Name/Nama Syarikat:


产品清单摘要表/Product Info Summary FormBorang/Ringkasan Maklumat Produk

产品代码 *主要成分
产品照片 产品名称 纸箱条形码 产品出口 HS 码
序号 Product 货品条形码 Main ingredients/Materials & Percentage
Product Photo/ Product Name/ Barcode for Carton Box Export HS Code
No. Code / Kod Barcode (with Photo) (13 number) (If have INS No, please provide the
Foto Produk Nama Produk (with Photo)
Produk number)

Water (92.4%), Sugar(5.79%), Acid

Regulators(E330, E331)(1.0%), Taurine (0.2%),
Flavour (0.2%), Glucuronolactone (0.1%),
Guarana Extract (0.06%), Choline Extract
(0.06%), Maltodextrin (E1400) (0.05%),
1 PM - STW 01 <Product Photo> ABC Brand 9 555855 400907 1 95 55855 40090 4 2202.99.0019.105 Preservative (E202)(0.04%), Caffeine(0.03%),
Inositol (0.03%), Sucralose (E955)(0.012%),
Niacinamide (0.012%),
Cyanocobalamin(0.0012%), Riboflavin
(0.0015%), Pyroxine Hydrochloride (0.0015%),
Colours (E110,E150d) (0.001%.)


淨重 (单件) 产品毛重(单件) 产品包装尺寸(单件) 产品有效期
Product Size/SKU Product Shelf Life
Net Weight(SKU) Gross weight (SKU) Jangka hayat
Saiz Produk / SKU
任何过敏原 Any Allenge Berat Bersih(SKU) Berat Kasar (SKU) Produk

长 宽 高
g/ml g/ml month/year
Length (mm) Width (mm) Height (mm)

300g (30*10g) 400g 100 100 150 24 months

产品毛重 20尺货柜可裝多少大箱
Total Carton Qty in One pallet
出口包装(大箱) 大箱內含单件数 Gross weight per Total Carton Qty inside
单位包装 Export Carton/SKU Total SKU in Carton carton 20' Container
Unit Packaging Penbungkusan Export (Karton Size/SKU) Jumlah SKU dalam Karton Berat Kasar Satu Jumlah Karton dlm 20'
Jumlah Karton dlm Satu pallet
Jenis Karton Kontainer
大箱 Carton
长 Length (mm) 宽 Width (mm) 高 Height (mm) 件数 Packs/pcs 公斤 KG
With Pallets

Box/Can/Foil 310mm 270mm 300mm 30 packs 50 kgs 104 carton / pallet 800 carton/ palletise
20尺货柜可裝多少大箱 零售价 出厂价
Total Carton Qty inside 20' Retail Price in Msia Ex-Factory Price
Container 获得证书 Harga Runcit di for Export (RM)
Jumlah Karton dlm 20' Certificate Msia. Harga Kilang utk
Kontainer Obtained (RM) Export (RM)
Sijil Diperolehi
大箱 Carton
马币 RM 马币 RM
Without Pallets

1000 carton/ unpalletise JAKIM, MESTI, ISO RM1.20/pack RM0.50/pack

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