CPM Group-1 Assignment-2 Final

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Student name: DANG THI NGOC ANH Student ID number: 22004125

Student name: NGUYEN PHU QUOC HUY Student ID number: 22003990

Student name: CAO MINH NHAN Student ID number: 22004190

Student name: LE TAN TAI Student ID number: 22004223


Unit name: Contemporary People Management Unit number:

Tutorial/Lecture: Class day and time: Saturday afternoon
Lecturer or Tutor name: Dr. Xuan Le



Length: Due date: 13/05/2023 Date submitted: 13/05/2023
Home campus (where you are enrolled): ISB – Tran Quang Khai, Ho Chi Minh City

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Student’s signature: DANG THI NGOC ANH
Student’s signature: NGUYEN PHU QUOC HUY
Student’s signature: CAO MINH NHAN
Student’s signature: LE TAN TAI
Note: An examiner or lecturer / tutor has the right to not mark this assignment if the above declaration has
not been signed.

1. DANG THI NGOC ANH – 22004125
2. LE TAN TAI - 22004223
3. CAO MINH NHAN – 22004190
4. NGUYEN PHU QUOC HUY - 22003990
Table of Contents

HR Function
Company performance
01 Brief and overview 02
Aspects and measures

Effect of HRM How HR create

03 on turnover, productivity,
04 Competitive advantage
knowledge sharing,
financial performance
1. HR Functions

What are HR FUNCTIONS in an organization? List out these functions.

Strategic Human Resources Management
Analysis and
design of work

Employee relations HR Planning

Compensations HR Functions Recruiting


Training and
1. HR Functions

Analysis and design of work HR planning

● Systematically considering tasks, duties and ● Developing systematic plan to achieve optimum

responsibilities of a certain position and also use of an organization workforce (quality

essential skills, knowledge, qualifications and employees)

characteristics of a person to adequately perform ● Based on company strategic and business

this job planning

● Giving assistance to all HRM activities

1. HR Functions

Recruiting Selection

● Attracting qualified applications ● Identifying and selecting the right candidate for that

● Screening candidates for a job role job in the light of knowledge, skills and abilities

● Other supports of hiring suitable candidates

1. HR Functions
Training and development Performance management

● Helping employees increase their knowledge ● Monitoring and evaluating employees’ work (performance)

and update their skills ● Promotion, salary raise, and career plans
● Engaging employees stay longer, actively involve
themselves in the workplace and produce better results.
1. HR Functions
Compensation Employee relations

● Including payments like bonuses, profits sharing, ● Building and maintaining a positive relationship

overtime pay,...(monetary/ financial) and also with employees

company-paid car, company-paid housing,

vacations,... (non-monetary/ indirect financial)
● Ensuring that employees are paid lawfully and
equitably for their work, attracting and retaining
the best talent.
1. HR Functions
Analysis and design of work Examining and identifying relevant aspects (duties, tasks, skills and knowledges,
essential qualifications,…) for a certain position needs hiring

HR planning Developing systematic plan to achieve optimum use of an organization workforce

(quality employees)
Recruiting Attracting applications, screening candidates and other supports of hiring the
suitable ones
Selection Helping choosing and hiring appropriate employees

Training and development Instructing employees to increase their knowledge and update their skills

Performance management Monitoring and evaluating employees’ work (performance)

Compensation Ensuring that employees are paid lawfully and equitably for their work, attracting
and retaining the best talent.
Employee relations Building and maintaining a positive relationship with employees

Contributing to Company Performance

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• Each group – 1 device (please use your group name in game)
• Get access to Blooket (play.blooket.com and enter Game ID)
• At the beginning of the game, choose your password
• Start answering questions
• After 4 minutes, group with highest crypto win
Group discussion

Which function is the most important one in HRM? Why?

Get access to Padlet and post your group opinions
2. Company performance:
Aspects and Measures


Company performance can be defined as the creation process highlights the importance of creating

alignment as a basic condition for an efficient use of resource an an effective trend towards the

fulfillment of strategic intent (1)

=> Performance management is process of creating alignment

2. Company performance: Aspects and Measures

● Financial Performance

● Operational Performance

● Innovation

Aspects ● Market Share

● Corporate Social Responsibility

● Human Resource Management


Financial Performance Revenue, Profit, ROI, Cash Flow,..

Productivity, Efficiency, Quality, and

Operation Performance
Customer Satisfaction

New products or services, Improvement of

existing products,

Market Share Total marketing company control

Reducing environment impact, Promoting

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) diversity and inclusion, supporting social

Employee engagement, Turnover Rate,

Positive Working environment, Employee
Human Resource Management (HRM)
Satisfaction, Time to fill a vacant position,
Training hours per FTE
Performance Measurement Framework

The most popular of the performance measurement frameworks has been the balanced
scorecard proposed by (2).

The balanced scorecard identifies and integrates four different ways of looking at
performance (financial, customer, internal business, and innovation learning perspectives)
Principle of measurement

● Performance should be clearly defined

Measurement ● Performance should be accurately measured

● Rewards should be contingent on measured performance

The Balanced Scorecard
Balanced Scorecard Strategy Map (3)
Example: Measure Marketing Performance (4)
The SMART (Strategic Measurement and Reporting Technique) pyramid developed
by Doran (5) also supports the need to include internally and externally focused
measures of performance.

It adds the notion of cascading measures down the organization so that measures at
department and work-center level reflect the corporate vision as well as internal and
external business unit objectives
3. Effect of HRM on turnover, knowledge
sharing and financial performance
What is Human resource management?

Human resource management (HRM) is defined as the practices, policies, and

systems that influence employee’s behavior, attitude, and performance.
Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, & Wright, 2007, p. 5
3. Effect of HRM on turnover, knowledge
sharing and financial performance
There are some researches about show the relationship between HRM
practice and Firm’s performance
3. Effect of HRM on turnover, knowledge
sharing and financial performance

HR value chain: it is one of the best-known models in HR. (Paauwe and Richardson, 1997).
3. Effect of HRM on turnover, knowledge
sharing and financial performance

Source: Ruzic (2015)

Group discussion

1. What is the link between HRM practices and their effect on company performance?

2. From your perspective, How HR functions affect on Growth rate? Or financial

performance? Or employee engagement?

3. Could you please give some example about current HRM practice at your company that
you think it will affect to individual performance?
Goal: We aim to make a positive contribution to people’s everyday lives by
offering products and services of great quality build with our innovate technology
by our talented workforce.

With philosophy “People first” and strive to reflect our respect for human
rights, diversity, and inclusion in all our day-today activities.
Provide comprehensive support for our employee to develop their skills and
reach their potential

In 2022, Samsung achieved a revenue of $234 billion, indicating a growth of

over 8% compared to the previous year.

(Samsung Electronics Sustainability Report 2022).

Labor & Human rights Human Resource Development
● Conduct Operation of Labor and Human rights ● Career development training
training for all employees (2020) ● External fostering & In-house school
● Develop an Anti-discrimination and Anti- ● Opportunities to change jobs
Harassment Policy (2022) ● Regional expert program
● 50 employees overseas mainly personnel, Labor- ● Talent cultivation system
management relations
● Continue to update the internal wage policy to
better support the basic living needs of our
employee and their families.
● 32 labors union representing around the world.
● Equal pay policy
(Samsung Electronics Sustainability Report 2022).
Organizational Culture
● Horizontal structure
● Internal communication
● Programs to ensure a healthier work-life balance
● Welfare benefits (Healthcare, support for congratulations and
condolences, education, entertainment and recharging, other.)
● Work efficiency improvement
● Samsung culture index survey
● Metal health promotion programs for employees

(Samsung Electronics Sustainability Report 2022).

4. How HRM create competitive advantage
What is Competitive advantage?

● To succeed, an organization must gain and maintain an edge over its competitors. (8)
● Firms can accomplish this aim in one of two ways: through cost leadership or product differentiation. (9)
Cost leadership
• A firm provides the same services or products as its competitors, but produces them at a
lower cost. By doing so, the organization earns a better return on its investment in capital and
human resources. (10)

• A per unit cost is the cost of producing one unit of product or service. It can be reduced by
increasing the number of units produced relative to the total cost of producing them. A firm
can reduce its per unit cost by increasing the value of the following ratio:
Number of units produced/Total cost of production

• The key question is “How could a firm accomplish this aim?”

Product Differentiation

Product differentiation occurs when a firm produces a product or service that is preferred by
buyers. A firm can accomplish this aim by: (11)

• Creating a better quality product or service than its competitors

• Providing innovative products or services that are not offered by its competitors
• Choosing a superior location — one that is more accessible to its customers
• Promoting and packaging its product to create the perception of higher quality
Evidence linking HRM practices to
Competitive Advantage
• Study 1: The effectiveness of each company’s set of HRM practices was rated based on the
presence of such things as incentive plans, employee grievance systems, formal performance
appraisal systems, worker participation in decision making. (12)

• Study 2: Improving HRM practices from average to highly effective leads to a five percent
productivity increase. (13)

• Study 3: evaluated the impact of a broad range of HRM practices on shareholder return. They
concluded that 15–30 percent of the total value of a company could be attributed to the quality of its
HRM practices. (14)
The direct impact of HRM practices on
competitive advantage

• Firms can achieve cost leadership through the use of effective HRM practices. HRM-related costs
associated with recruitment, selection, training, compensation, and so forth comprise a significant
portion of a firm’s expenditures.
The direct impact of HRM practices
on competitive advantage
A Model Linking HRM Practices to Competitive Advantage

• HRM practices -> Employee-centered outcomes

• Employee-centered outcomes -> Organization -

centered outcomes

• Organization-centered outcomes -> Competitive

HRM Practices and Sustained
Competitive Advantage
• Creating a competitive advantage is one thing, but maintaining it over the long term is another. Many of the
strategies used to gain a competitive advantage are difficult to maintain because they can be easily imitated.

• Human Resource Management is less likely to be imitated, so the competitive advantage gained through HRM
activities can be more sustainable than the advantage gained by other means. (8)

1. Competitors rarely have access to the company's human resource management activities; that is, these practices
are not conspicuous to outsiders and, therefore, cannot be easily imitated.

2. Even if these methods are visible, their impact may be unfavorable when used by competitors. HRM practices
represent an interrelated system. A particular HRM practice can only be successful when used in conjunction with
other HRM practices.

• The secret of Google’s success is its

innovative work culture. Its culture
drives innovation and performance
which is exemplary and a source of
inspiration for others.

• At the centre of its smart culture and

structure is the strategic role of the HR.
Group discussion

1) What are HR competitive advantage that contribute to the organizations?

2) What is The Manager’s HRM Role?
3) Could you please give some other examples that HR practices contribute to build the
advantage to the firm?
Team discussion recap HR Functions
Question: Which function is the most important one in HRM? Why?
Team discussion recap HR Functions
Question: Which function is the most important one in
HRM? Why?
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