Borang LI-FKM-03B-2018 - Industrial Supervisor Report BAC

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Student Name:

Matric No.: Session/Seksyen:

Company Name:

Company Category/Status: Government Multi-National Company Private Sector

GLC Company SME Statutory Body

* To be filled by Industrial Supervisor :-
* Cross (X) or Circle (O) only one option for each question :-

Q.1 Communication skills (LO 5, PO 9) - 10 Marks (Observation and Logbook)

The ideas are delivered clearly and focused; relevant, well-organized / well-structured and
details 9 10
Mampu menyampaikan idea dengan ayat yang jelas, berkaitan, tersusun, dan terperinci
The delivery is good in term of contents, method and quality but lack of details
5 6 7 8
Penyampaian idea yang baik berkaitan kandungan, cara dan kualiti tetapi kurang terperinci
The delivery is weak; in term of contents, method and quality
1 2 3 4
Penyampaian idea yang lemah berkaitan kandungan, cara dan kualiti
Not capable of delivering ideas
Tidak berupaya menyampaikan idea dengan jelas, tersusun, dan lancar

Q.2. Technical knowledge (LO 2, PO2) - 14 Marks (Observation and Logbook)

Excellent in demonstrating technical skills and knowledge with additional / detail information
Bagus dalam menunjukkan kebolehan teknikal, kemahiran & pengetahuan dengan 13 14
maklumat tambahan / terperinci
Good in demonstrating technical skills and knowledge
9 10 11 12
Bagus dalam menunjukkan kebolehan, kemahiran & pengetahuan teknikal
Good in demonstrating technical knowledge but lack of technical skills
5 6 7 8
Bagus dalam menunjukkan pengetahuan teknikal tetapi kurang kemahiran teknikal
Capable in demonstrating technical knowledge but lack of contents
1 2 3 4
Berupaya menunjukkan kebolehan & pengetahuan teknikal tetapi kekurangan isi / idea
Not capable of demonstrating technical knowledge
Tidak mampu untuk menunjukkan kebolehan & pengetahuan teknikal

Q.3. Critical thinking and problem solving (LO 4, PO 2) - 13 Marks (Observation and Logbook)

Actively looks for, analyze and suggest solutions to problems.

Aktif mengenalpasti masalah, menganalisis dan mencadangkan penyelesaian
Analyze the given problem and suggest solutions to problems.
9 10 11 12
Menganalisa masalah yang diberi dan mencadangkan penyelesaian
Refine solutions suggested by others.
5 6 7 8
Mengenalpasti masalah dan memperhalusi cadangan penyelesaian yang diberikan
Does not suggest or refine solutions, but is willing to try out solutions suggested by others.
1 2 3 4
Menyelesaikan masalah melalui cadangan orang lain
Does not try to solve problems or help others solve problems. Lets others do the work.
Tidak cuba menyelesaikan masalah dan membiarkannya sahaja
Q.4. Team Spirit (LO 5, PO 10) - 3 Marks (Observation and Logbook)

Almost always listen to, share with, and support the efforts of others. Tries to keep people working
well together.
Selalu mendengar, berkongsi dan menyokong usaha ahli kumpulan. Sentiasa menggalakkan kerja
Listen to, share with, and support the efforts of others.
Selalu mendengar, berkongsi dan menyokong usaha ahli kumpulan.
Often listen to, share with, and support the efforts of others, but sometimes is not a good team
member. Boleh mendengar, berkongsi dan 1
menyokong ahli kumpulan. Kadangkala bukan ahli kumpulan yang bagus.
Rarely listen to, share with, and support the efforts of others. Often is not a good team member.
Jarang menunjukkan minat kerja berkumpulan. Bukan ahli kumpulan yang baik.

Q.5. Etiques and Moral / Discipline (LO 1, PO 8) - 6 marks (Observation and Logbook)

List down and well understood the rules and etiquettes. Obey the rules.
Menyenaraikan dan mengetahui etika dan moral tugasan serta pelajar mengikuti arahan- 5 6
arahan keselamatan dengan tepat.
Know and well understood the rules and etiquettes. Obey the rules.
3 4
Tahu dan mematuhi arahan-arahan keselamatan dengan tepat.
Know but not well understood the rules and etiquettes. Refuse to obey the rules.
1 2
Tahu serba sedikit mengenai arahan-arahan keselamatan tetapi tidak mematuhinya.
Don't know about rules and etiquettes.
Pelajar tidak mengetahui dan tidak mengikuti arahan-arahan keselamatan.

Q.6. Lifelong learning (LO 3, PO 11) - 4 Marks (Observation and Logbook)

Capable of searching information, manage and formulate

3 4
Berkemampuan mencari, mengurus dan mengelola maklumat

Capable of manage information and formulate

1 2
Berkemampuan mengurus dan mengelola maklumat
Not capable of searching and manage information
Tidak tahu dalam mencari dan menguruskan maklumat

03B ( / 50 )

Evaluated by: Date:

Company Stamp:

Proposed Result: Pass / Fail

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