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UJCV 03-2022

Intermediate 1 Unit 9

Unit 9


a. Complete the dialogue with the correct words and phrases.

cash dispensers • checking account • debit card • deposit • maintenance fee • withdraw

checking account
Customer: I’d like to open a basic (1)__________________.
Bank Clerk: Sure. That would be our Essentials account. And that comes with a free
credit card
Customer: withdraw
Can I use the card to (3)__________________ money from the ATM?
cash dispensers
Bank Clerk: Yes, and there’s no fee when you use our bank’s (4)__________________.
Customer: maintenance fee
Does the account have a monthly (5)__________________?
Bank Clerk: There is a $12 fee. But you can avoid it if you keep a balance of $1000
in your account.
Customer: deposit
How much money do I need to (6)__________________ when I open the
Bank Clerk: A minimum of $100.

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UJCV 03-2022
Intermediate 1 Unit 9

b. The sentences in the chart below all include modals. Mark whether the sentences
express possibility, necessity, or advice.

Possibility Necessity Advice

1. I can deposit the money directly into your account.

2. You must make at least two deposits a month.

3. Do I have to pay with cash?

4. I should do more banking online.

5. You can’t use a credit card or debit card.

6. I need to find a bank with fewer fees.

7. You ought to open a savings account.

c. Complete the sentences below by choosing the correct modals.

1. You need / must/ can to keep $200 in your account if you don’t want to pay a fee.

2. You can/ should/ have to withdraw money from any ATM in the country without a fee.
3. Ought to/ Should/ Have to we open a checking account and a savings account?
4. If you’d like, you should/ can/ must do direct deposit into your checking account.
5. If I decide to buy a car, I’ll have to/ must to/ able to take out a loan from the bank.

6. With my banking app, I‘m should/ able to/ ought to deposit a check using my smartphone.

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UJCV 03-2022
Intermediate 1 Unit 9

Seaview National Bank

a. Match the bank clerk’s responses to the customer’s statements or questions.

1. I would like my paycheck to go straight into my bank account. ________
2. I would like an account that earns money. ________
3. How much money do I have left in my account? _________
4. Banking hours are very inconvenient. _________
5. I like the idea of doing banking from home, but I don’t have an Internet connection.

a. With our Secure Savings account you can earn compound interest
b. OK, we’ll sign you up for direct deposit.
c. Your balance is $500.
d. Well, you can also do text or phone banking.
e. You should do Internet banking. All you need is a computer and an Internet

b. You are a bank clerk who has to explain banking terms to a customer. Define the
following terms.
payment you make once a year
1. Annual fee ____________________________________________________________
cash dispenser
2. ATM ________________________________________________________________
It's the credit or interest produced by a person or an institution
3. Compound interest _____________________________________________________

4. Debit card ____________________________________________________________

It´s a financial instrument related to a bank account, which allows you to operate with the entity through ATMs

c. You are a bank clerk and your partner is a customer. Tell him or her the benefits of
banking at your bank. Then, switch roles.

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UJCV 03-2022
Intermediate 1 Unit 9

The Machine Ate My Bank Card!

a. Do you remember the video from the computer lesson? Max goes to the ATM machine
to take out money, then returns to the restaurant. Read the new dialogue between Max
and Thea, and answer the questions.

Max: You were right, Thea! This banking app is great.

Thea: So, you were able to do a card-less cash withdrawal?
Max: Yes. And here’s cash to pay for your food.
Thea: Thank you!
Max: Thank you—for telling me about banking apps. Did you know that my
app shows you where the nearest ATM is?
Thea: That’s great. I wonder if my bank’s app does that. Does your app let you
deposit checks?
Max: It sure does!

1. What does Max think of the banking app?

They are great

2. What does Max give Thea?

_ to pay for her food

3. Max mentions two things his banking app does. What are they?
_ where is the nearest ATM
_ a card-less cash withdrawal

4. How would you describe Max’s mood during the conversation?

Very Happy

b. Practice the conversation from activity a. with a partner.

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UJCV 03-2022
Intermediate 1 Unit 9

Opening a Bank Account

a. Do you remember the dialogue from the computer lesson? Which of these sentences
would a bank clerk say and which would a customer say?

Bank Clerk Customer

1. This account has no ATM fees.

2. Our Premiere savings account will earn you interest.

3. I’d like to open a checking account.
4. Will you be able to keep a minimum balance of $500 in your
5. Can I deposit checks using my smartphone?

6. I want an account with no monthly fee.

7. Our Rewards Plus savings account has a high interest rate.

b. Write a new dialogue between a bank clerk and a customer. Use words and phrases from
activity a.
Bank Clerk: Hello. How can I help you?
Customer: I'd like to open a checking account with no monthly fee.
Bank Clerk: Our Rewards Plus savings account has a high interest rate.
Customer: I like these idea.
Bank Clerk: Will you be able to keep a minimum balance of $500 in your account? It's necessary.
Customer: Of course.

c. With a partner, take turns acting out your dialogues.

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Intermediate 1 Unit 9

E-mails of Inquiry and Response

a. Another customer e-mails DBHI Capital. Read the e-mail and answer the question below.

From: Trey Nuno

To: DBHI Capital Bank Customer Service

Subject: Couple of Questions

I am a DBHI customer. I have a Primary checking account and a Basic savings
account, and I have a couple of questions:

What happens if I make a purchase and there isn’t enough money in my checking
account to cover the purchase?

In addition, my checking account has a maintenance fee of $12 a month. I’m a

22-year-old college student, and that’s a high fee for me. (And I won’t be able to
keep a $500 minimum balance in the account to avoid it.) Is there any way you can
lower the fee?

Thank you,
Trey Nuno

b. Correct the sentences according to what you read in the e-mail.

1. Trey Nuno is a wealthy businessman.

Trey Nuno is a college student
2. Trey wants to open a savings account.
Trey wants to solve a problem
3. Trey has to pay a monthly maintenance fee of $500.
They has to pay a monthly maintenance fee of $12
4. Trey is interested in working for DBH bank.
Trey is interested in solving his problems

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UJCV 03-2022
Intermediate 1 Unit 9

c. The bank e-mails Trey back. Read the email. Then answer the questions that follow.

From: DBHI Customer Service

To: Trey Nuno

Subject: Couple of Questions

Dear Trey,

First of all, you should sign up for overdraft protection. With overdraft
protection, if you don’t have enough money in your account, we’ll cover the
purchase. Then, we’ll take the money you owe out of your savings account. Our
overdraft protection is free. You only have to pay a fee when you use it.

Secondly, since you’re a student under 23 years old, we can drop the monthly
maintenance fee, and you’ll be able to bank for free!

Give us a call for more information. 1-800-555-6555.

Best regards,
The DBHI Capital Bank Customer Service Team

1. What is an overdraft?
It is a situation in which the savings account has a balance less than zero
2. How can Trey Nuno avoid an overdraft?
Sign up for overdraft protection
3. Why doesn’t Trey Nuno have to pay a monthly maintenance fee?
Because he is a student

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UJCV 03-2022
Intermediate 1 Unit 9

Banking Trends
a. Below is an advertisement for a mobile banking app. Read the advertisement and do the
activities that follow.

Singer International Bank Mobile Banking App

• Singer International Bank’s mobile banking app was rated best in the country
by Finance News magazine.
• Our app is simple to use, yet allows you to do almost everything on your phone
that you can do in a branch.
• You can send money to friends, deposit checks, see account statements, make
payments at stores, and more.
• No need to remember complicated passwords. Our mobile app uses Touch
ID, which identifies you from your fingerprint. Touch ID is not only convenient
-- it prevents other people from accessing your account.
• We're committed to keeping your private information secure. Our security
systems help protect you with the latest encryption technology

1. The advertisement mentions two methods of improved security. What are they?
_Touch ID

2. What are four things that you can do with this app?
_Send money to friends
Deposit checks
See account statements
Make payments at stores

b. Underline all the modals used in the advertisement from activity a.

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