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Qualification BTEC Level 4 HND Diploma in Business

Unit number and title Unit 6: Management a Successful Business Project (491)

Submission date June 27, 2021 Date received (1st submission)

Re-submission date Date received (2nd submission)

Student name ONG THI HUYEN TRANG Student ID GBD191096

Class GBD0805B Assessor name BADRAOUI BADR

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

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Grading grid

P5 P6 P7 M3 M4 D2
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Unit 6: Managing a Successful Business Project
Assignment 1 : Project implementation and report
Assessor Name : BADRAOUI BADR
ID Student : GBD 191096

I. INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................................................5
II. REPORT.......................................................................................................................................................5
1. Statement of purpose ..............................................................................................................................5
1.1. Aim ............................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2. Objectives .................................................................................................................................................... 5
2. Study methologies ...................................................................................................................................6
3. Definitions of talent management ...........................................................................................................6
4. Research findings and Data analysis .........................................................................................................7
4.1. Online research ............................................................................................................................................ 7
4.2. Survey .......................................................................................................................................................... 7
4.3. Data analysis .............................................................................................................................................. 11
5. Recommendation .................................................................................................................................. 18
III. EVALUATION AND REFLECTION ................................................................................................................ 19
1. Reflection on value of project management process .............................................................................. 19
1.1. On project prospective .............................................................................................................................. 19
1.2. On individual prospective .......................................................................................................................... 20
2. Evaluation of project ............................................................................................................................. 21
2.1. Evaluation of tools and techniques use ..................................................................................................... 21
2.2. Evaluation of the project management process ....................................................................................... 22
IV. CRITICAL EVALUATION AND REFLECTION.................................................................................................. 24
1. Project findings...................................................................................................................................... 24
1.1. Findings ...................................................................................................................................................... 24
1.2. Recommendations ..................................................................................................................................... 25
2. Management process ............................................................................................................................ 25
V. CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................................ 27
VI. REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................ 28
After completing project management planning and implementation for project research on the role of talent
management from companies in the media and technology industries, the next important step is to report the
results and include recommendations for revising company TM policy. This report will present the following

1. Present and discuss research results and data on the role of TM from employees in multinational
companies in the media and technology industry.
2. Communicate appropriate recommendations based on the results of findings and data analysis
to draw valid and meaningful conclusions.
3. Reflect on the value of project management process.
4. Evaluate the selection of appropriate tools and techniques for accuracy and authenticity to
support and justify recommendations.
5. Critically evaluate and reflect on the benefits of the project’s findings and recommendations.
6. Critically evaluate and reflect on the benefits of the project’s findings and recommendations.
7. Critically evaluate the project management process by giving detailed answers to all questions in
the weekly logbooks.

1. Statement of purpose

1.1. Aim
The purpose of this project is to collect talent management information from companies in the media and
technology industries. Specific work, conducting a survey with 15 questions within 18 days at a cost of 3 million
VND to collect data accurately. That is the goal of the project, from which the leadership can evaluate and
choose the best methods of talent management to recommend and apply for the company.

1.2. Objectives
The project is designed to pursue several specific objectives related to the collection and analysis of
information from multinational companies in the technology and media industries, as follows:

• Create a working environment with the best talents at a reasonable cost.

• Motivate employees with attractive benefits packages to retain talents.
• Learn more ways to attract talent from multinational companies in the fast food sector industry.
• Encourage, inspire, and motivate employees to achieve their maximum potential and fully commit to
the company. Human resource learning and practice, interaction, expertise, and expertise are all
improved. As a result, the company's worth is increased as well.
• The ability to compete in the work of employees for the company to increase work productivity.
• Employee satisfaction survey.
• Bring experience to retain talent.

2. Study methologies

During the project implementation, the online research method was applied from the second week. This
research is based on information sources on the internet read by the researcher and quality sources selected
through numbers and data with high accuracy and verified by the surveyor. In addition, making it easier for
managers to find information faster and save time and money, from which researchers can refer to apply and
carefully evaluate the collected information. Thanks to online research, the project was carried out smoothly
and had the expected results.

Besides, the method implemented in this project is the online survey method. By creating a survey
questionnaire on the topic of talent management, the survey was conducted and completed in week 2 and
week. In week 4 survey data was collected and analyzed. Online surveys are one of the most efficient ways to do
online research that yields highly effective results and is easily performed on all personal devices such as
electronic, laptop and computer. survey table. In addition, we can be sent to participants by a brief link via
Gmail or text message, and the response rate received for online research is high. More, Online Surveys are very
convenient in data selection and analysis because the answers are clear and detailed below the chart and
spreadsheet rankings. Online surveys are a good idea for research, and through surveying, a project manager
can get a lot of data to come up with a reasonable idea for a project.

3. Definitions of talent management

Talent management is an integral part of human resource management. Talent management can be defined as
a deliberate approach taken to recruit or hire, develop and retain people have the aptitude or skills necessary to
meet the current and future goals or needs of the organization (Ghosh, 2021). It is about creating and
maintaining an organizational culture that is supportive and supportive of people. Competence, therefore, is the
commitment of an organization to recruit, develop and retain the most talented and qualified employees
available in the job market.
Talent management has almost become an inevitable management process in modern times. Due to stiff
competition in every area of today's business world, organizations are competing to get the best people from
the job market. However, attracting the best talent from the job market is not easy. It requires a lot of
competence, expertise and experience on the part of the organization to hire the best in the industry. The main
part of the Human Resources Department is devoted to talent management, much of it dedicated to the
purpose of identifying, finding and hunting down the best talent.

4. Research findings and Data analysis

4.1. Online research

According to Heathfield (2019), talent management is a business strategy that organizations hope will enable
them to retain their topmost talented and skilled employees. It is the stated business plan, just as employee
involvement or employee recognition, that will assure the attraction of top people in a competitive market. An
effective strategy also involves the sharing of information about talented employees and their potential career
paths across the organization. This enables various departments to identify available talent when opportunities
are made or arise.

An organization that does this kind of effective succession planning makes sure that the best talent is trained
and ready to assume the next position in their career path. Succession planning benefits the employees and it
benefits the organization. Managers across the organization are in touch with the employees you are grooming
for their next big role. In larger organizations, talent management requires Human Resources Information
Systems (HRIS) that track the career paths of employees and manage available opportunities for talented

4.2. Survey
In the survey, if you want to provide complete information and do not want to waste time of employees in the
company, the survey is the most reasonable method to evaluate objectively and accurately. Surveys are also
clear evidence of the role of talent management from employees in multinational companies in the same
technology and media industry. The company created a 15-question survey (including 3 on demographics and
12 on talent management). These are the questions we asked for the survey:
4.3. Data analysis
Data analysis is defined as a process of cleaning, transforming, and modeling data to discover useful information
for business decision-making. The purpose of Data Analysis is to extract useful information from data and taking
the decision based upon the data analysis (guru99, 2020).
After collecting data from the survey, the statistics will be presented in the form of charts for easy reading and
analysis. The two types of statistics used in the survey are demographic statistics and inference statistics. All
data were collected from 20 participants.

a. Demographics statistics

Demographic analysis is the study of a population based on factors such as age, race, and sex. Demographic
data refers to socio-economic information expressed statistically including employment, education, income,
marriage rates, birth and death rates and more (Hayes, 2021).
We created 3 demographic questions and were answered by participants as follows:

The first question of the survey was about age, the age of 18 to 25 years old accounted for the highest
proportion with 40%, followed by the age group from 25 to 30 with 25%. The remaining participants aged 30 to
40 and over 40 accounted for 20% and 15%, respectively. In this survey, the young age accounts for a high
proportion, so it can significantly affect the evaluation and making of project recommendations. Because, at a
relatively young age, they will lack experience and expertise.

Most of the respondents to this survey are Marketing, Service, Excecutive, VP with rates of 27.3%, 22.7%,
18.2%, and 13.6%, respectively. After that, 9.1% of the participants were Manager and Director.
In this survey, the main participant belongs to the group who work for 3 - 5 years with the rate of 54.5%. Then,
there are employees who participate in a working time of 1-3 years with a rate of 27.2%. Finally, the rate is
18.2% of those who have worked more than 5 years.

b. Inferential statistics

Inferential statistics are tools that statisticians use to draw conclusions about the characteristics of a population
from the characteristics of a sample and to decide how certain they can be of the reliability of those conclusions
(Chappelow, 2021).

We created 12 questions about talent management and were answered by the participants as follows:

For the first question “Are you satisfied with your current job position at the company?”, The project team used
a linear scale in the survey to easily see the extent of the answer. Accounting for the highest rate of 40% is
number 3, equivalent to the normal level. Next, 35% of the participants choose the level of relative satisfaction.
The level of slight dissatisfaction at 20% and finally the high level of satisfaction with current job is only 5% out
of 20 % respondents.

Almost 75% of the participants can negotiate a salary with the company. This shows that participants are
working at good companies because they are respected and paid for what they did. Besides, however, 25% of
respondents cannot negotiate salaries. This is not a small number. Companies need to have appropriate policies
in place to treat their employees.

20 answers about the working environment in the company with the degree of dissatisfaction to satisfaction
are 0%, 0%, 5%, 20% and 75% respectively. This may indicate that most large companies have the best working
environment for employees to feel excited about .

35% of 20 respondents rated their company performance as fair, consistent and impartial; 45% think that the
fairness of the company is case-by-case and they judge it on the level between bias and unfairness; The
remaining 20% said that the company they are working for is quite unfair and biased.
20 responses on company co-worker relationship with degree of dissatisfaction to satisfaction were 0%,
0%, 5%, 25% and 70% respectively. Therefore, the majority of companies have the harmony, link the
relationship between employees and when there is a bad situation among employees together, the leadership
always seek to resolve and establish the agreement between them on the basis of their own company culture.

Giving rewards to high performers motivates them to be more motivated to work because they feel respected
and well paid. Therefore, it seems that companies are also aware of this, so in the survey 85% companies have a
policy of rewarding good employees; only 15% do not have this policy, equivalent to 3 out of 20 survey
Most companies today have plans to train and develop talent when accounting for 70% of the votes from the 20
survey participants. The company does not have plans to train and develop talent and may have plans of 10%
and 20% respectively.

Out the 20 answers about whether employees feel professionally developed in the company, 50% of employees
answered “Yes”, 30% of employees answered “Yes”, 20% of employees said the word "May be". This shows that
big companies always create all conditions and opportunities for employees to perfect and develop to their
fullest. However, there are still some employees whose professional abilities have not been developed, so the
ratio between employees is different.

The survey shows that in big companies, managers are always enthusiastic, caring and supportive of their
employees in their work, so employees respond comfortably to direct managers. So, the levels from dissatisfied
to satisfied are 0%, 0%, 5%, 4% and 75%, respectively.
20 responses to the direct management's ability to recognize the employee's contribution to the job with levels
from dissatisfied to satisfied are 0%, 0%, 5%, 25% and 70%. Therefore, it shows that companies continually apply
accreditation programs to their businesses to help them grow and thrive.

20 answers on how to build an effective team in the company or not. The levels from dissatisfied to satisfied
were 0%, 0%, 10%, 20% and 70% respectively. Therefore, most of the big companies are always strengthening to
build a good team because this is also the decisive factor for the success or failure of an enterprise.

20 answers on whether the management team communicates well with employees about the company's
situation. From dissatisfied to satisfied are 0%, 0%, 5%, 20% and 75% respectively. This shows that the staff
understands the words that the manager convey. From there, it is easier to work effectively and help the
company grow.
5. Recommendation

In the technology and communication industry in the 4.0 era, with the trend of globalization and increasingly
fierce competition, it is considered an invaluable asset. It is the most basic factor determining the existence and
development of a business. In order to continue to stand out in the fiercely competitive environment, which
requires businesses to develop their talent management Therefore, after collecting the results of data discovery
and analysis, it is necessary to make recommendations for the talent management topics, the group needs to
have the best and appropriate policies for improvement.

Firstly, they not only want to be paid well for what they do, but they also want to be recognized and rewarded
for doing well. Remuneration and benefits for maintaining minimum living standards (meals, sleep, rest,
activities ...) is the most basic of 5 needs of employees (according to Maslow's need theory). Therefore, the
company needs to meet the most basic needs of employees by offering a good and fair salary policy based on
criteria for performance evaluation such as: KPI, work attitude, time, work relationship with superiors and

In addition, the company can also respond by ensuring Does your company provide rewards to employees who
work well? Benefits such as: bonus ideas, employee health care program, annual travel, bonuses according to
company revenue, ... For new employees, one of the most important ways to keep them in the company longer
is to recognize their efforts and reward their accomplishments.

Secondly, Instead of focusing on exclusive-elitist Talent Management that only targets high-potential and high-
performing employees, who often are recruited externally – the inclusive talent management approach targets
all potential employees, based on strength-based approach to talent management. Inclusive Talent
Management is linked to opportunity via participation – rather than meeting a preset threshold that reflects an
organisations vision of talent – which also marks a shift from performance driven to learning-oriented talent
management. It perceives talent as including everyone in the organisation, seeing every employee as having his
or her own strengths (and weaknesses), and has the potential to create added value for the organisation.
Inclusive Talent Management is believed to benefit the organisation by bringing about a more pleasant, collegial
and motivating working climate by treating everyone as equals, striving for more equal distribution of resources
and possibilities across all employees rather than a subset of elite performers (Futures, 2020).

The third is the recruitment stage, right at this stage the company should have a clear promotion route when
they come to work; know when and how to discuss an employee's career path; teach employees on how to
support their career goals; Regularly monitor progress to evaluate employee progress to help them refine and
grow better in their career path over time. In addition, from time to time, talk to and ask employees about what
their future goals are, whether they want to increase their income or just a living wage. Let's share the
responsibility, give them more power, autonomy and self-determination so they can express themselves, bring
into full play their abilities, be creative for the development of the business, leaders respect and listen to them.
This is a matter of solving their "me".

Finally, training high-quality, effective employees will bring specific benefits to the business such as improving
the productivity of each individual, creating a professional working environment with great advantages to
compete with companies (Acabiz, 2020). Therefore it is recommended that the company have training in
employee development activities from time to time. Organize short-term training courses, invite experts to
teach; professional training or investment in staff schools; organize experience sharing programs or create
opportunities for employees to have more challenges at work ... are suggestions or training for employees to
develop as well as can help the company retain talents ambitious.


1. Reflection on value of project management process

1.1. On project prospective

This project was created to collect talent management information from companies in the media and
technology industries within 18 days at cost not to exceed 3 million VND. evaluate and make recommendations
to improve the company's TM policy. To gather specific information quickly and quickly, the company created a
survey with carefully selected questions. Then, from the findings, recommendations can be made to improve
Facebook's TM policies. It shows that the project has completed all 5 steps of the project management
process: initiation, planning, execution, control and close. For a successful project, it involves 4 things: the
project is budgeted, completed and maintained on time, meets business requirements and delivers expected
business value and Return on Investment fourth. For reflection and evaluation, the project was successful with
all its goals. Firstly, the project was completed on schedule and cost no more than 3 million VND. Secondly, the
company creates a survey and research, learns, chooses to ask questions that are closely related to the topic of
the role TM should collect information and increase the rate of full response from people joining is easy. One of
the risks identified in the project is the risk of participants not answering all the questions or sending the survey
in the spam section due to negligence so staff cannot see it to respond. However, these mass reactions can be
considered quite complete and can provide data for research. company in the future. In addition, all steps to
complete the proposed project are carried out on schedule thanks to the strict management of the Company.
Moreover, the preparation and implementation steps are quite clear and thorough, all data such as costs,
completion time, which department is in charge of that work is shown through WBS, CBS, Gantt Chart, etc
Finally, the recommendations made to the company are based on the TM questions and are explicitly

1.2. On individual prospective

Through this project, I learned a lot from both strengths and weaknesses. According to Gaddis (1959), a
successful project is defined as “an organization unit dedicated to the attainment of a goal— generally the
successful completion of a developmental product on time, within budget, and in conformance with
predetermined performance specifications." I have evaluated as well as made recommendations and reports to
the top managers of the company. Besides, the project has also completed on schedule and did not exceed the
budget of 3 million VND. The questionnaire for data collection is the best completed part of the project. The
project team spent a lot of enthusiasm and thoughtful time to pose each question to the questionnaire
questioned, with careful research to create the most appropriate questionnaire. The responses were collected
on schedule as previously set out as well as the participants fully answered the answers. In addition to the
feedbacks, it seems that the progress management aspect of the project is also seen as a success, with work
being done on schedule and without delay. In addition, all metrics are clearly shown through WBS, Gantt chart,
Network, Risk response Matrix.

Besides the advantages, in the process of implementing the project team, there are also some big and small
problems. In particular, making recommendations to the company was the most difficult process. The reason
may stem from disagreeing from members of the project team as well as in lack of experience. This took a long
time to complete, but fortunately it did not go beyond the required progress. However, partial
recommendations will not be appropriate when put into practice.

Through this project, I learned the lesson of listening and respecting the opinions of others while working in
groups. When facing difficulties, stay calm and discuss together to come up with the most appropriate solution
for the project to be completed on schedule. In particular, through the above problem, the project team has a
better understanding of the importance of creating a risk response matrix that is really necessary when starting
any project.

My strength as well as the members of the project team is always trying my best to complete the project best
and on schedule, when facing difficulties, I know how to find solutions, not easily give up. Along with the
strengths, there are a few drawbacks that focus too much on the form when presenting the project, which takes
a lot of time; has not yet determined which jobs should be given more priority, so it takes time in the initial
planning as well as lack of experience in making recommendations. In future projects, I will focus carefully on
work planning as well as read a lot of books to improve my knowledge to make the most realistic
recommendations for the project.

2. Evaluation of project

2.1. Evaluation of tools and techniques use

a. Online research

• The Internet has a lot of potential and • We don't know the exact source when looking
information to offer. Online research method for data on the Internet. Hence, we cannot
helps researchers become easier and faster, determine the exact source to test its
from there, researchers refer to carefully apply objectivity. Therefore, we must determine the
and evaluate collected information. exact source of the document before using it.
• Online book research also allows researchers • Offer general solutions and do not focus on a
to locate information with high accuracy, certain range, have unnecessary information.
authority, and some books that do not require Therefore, we must be selective.
access. Therefore, it saves costs. • There are a number of books online that
• Save time on searching. require the user to pay the purchase price in
order to read the book's contents.

b. Survey

Survey type Advantages Disadvantages

1. Mail • Easy and cost efficient. • Response rates are typically low.
• No interview, respondents may be • Not appropriate for low literacy audiences.
more willing to share information . • No interview, respondents cannot be

2. Phone • Large scale accessibility in many • Lack of visual materials.

countries. • Call screening is common.
• Rapid data collection, particularly • Limited open-end questions or time
with the integration of CATI constraints due to more limited survey
(computer assisted telephone length.
• Quality control.
• Flexibility
3. Online • Low cost. • Limited sampling and respondent
• Automation and real – time availability.
access. • Possible cooperation problems.
• Less time needed. • No interview, respondents cannot be
• Convenience for respondents. probed.
• Design flexibility, survey can be
programmed even if they are very
• No interview, respondents many
be more willing to share

4. Face to face • Good response rates. • Expensive.

• Longer interviews more likely • Time – consuming.
to be tolerated. • May produce a non – representative
• Attitude can be observed. sample.

2.2. Evaluation of the project management process

a. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

The WBS provides the project manager and team with the necessary framework of Google form tasks going
forward to create detailed cost estimates and also to provide a major input to project task scheduling at the
most detailed and accurate level possible. By going through the WBS motions, the project manager and team
will have a pretty good idea whether or not they’ve captured all the necessary tasks, based on the project
requirements, that are going to need to happen to get the job done (Egeland, 2011).

However, a poorly constructed WBS can result in adverse project outcomes including ongoing, repeated project
re-plans and extensions, unclear work assignments, scope creep or unmanageable, frequently changing scope,
budget overrun, missed deadlines, and unusable new products or delivered features (PMI, 2020).

Through the WBS hierarchy, it helps managers make project plans and project overviews. From there, the
manager knows how to effectively divide the work, ensure that human resources are used rationally and
optimally easily. However, a poorly constructed WBS can lead to adverse project outcomes including
continuous, repetitive project expansions and extensions, unknown work tasks, scope that escalates or becomes
unmanageable, scope changes frequently, budgets are exceeded, deadlines are missed, and new products or
delivered features become unusable. This is also because the group of people and tools are not suitable to solve
the problem. This can result in a burden on management functions, in particular planning, organizing,
monitoring and reviewing.

b. Gannt chart
Gantt charts are useful for planning and scheduling projects. They help assess how long a project should take,
determine the resources needed, and plan the order in which you'll complete tasks. They're also helpful for
managing the dependencies between tasks. Gantt charts are useful for monitoring a project's progress once
it's underway, too. The project team can see immediately what should have been achieved by a certain date
and if the project is behind schedule so action can be brought back on schedule (MindTools, 2020).

Otherwise, for extremely complex projects with lots of tasks, side-work, and resources, the Gantt chart can
get cluttered and overly complicated. Another downside of Gantt charts is that they need to be updated
frequently as things change during the implementation of a project. The main focus of a Gantt chart is time,
and the bars on the chart represent the time period over which tasks will be completed, rather than how
much work is required to complete a task. This makes is more difficult to know at a glance how many resources
are required to complete any given task. A shorter bar can actually represent more work than a longer bar on
a Gantt chart (Donnelly, 2019).

A Gantt chart is a tool that helps users specify a start and end date for each period in a given time period. The
scheduled time interval for each period is displayed as a table or an elegant schedule. When any of these dates
are updated, all data for the affected time periods must be re-imported to create a new Gantt chart. Otherwise,
the Gantt chart would not be able to capture the actual risk or timing and cost of changes. Therefore, in
addition to Gantt charts, some other tools such as Risk Management need to be applied and will be described
and evaluated in the next section. In addition, it is a tool to track the progress of a project as it is being worked
on. Managers can immediately see what needs to be achieved at a given time, and if a project falls behind
schedule, the team can take action to get the project back on track. From there, it will help launch the project
more effectively. On the other hand, Gantt charts only show a single scenario, so it cannot be used if multiple
projects are coordinated and executed at the same time. However, this project is still considered a stand-alone
project. So this drawback is not really noticeable.

c. Network

The project network diagram is an important tool because it helps project teams visualize all the activities that
need to be completed over the duration of a project. It also gives crucial context like task duration, sequence,
and dependency. Research also shows that depicting data in a visual way can improve comprehension and
enhance retention, meaning that a network diagram can also boost performance and productivity while
reducing stress among team members (wrike, 2020).
Probably any project management tool has even small limitations. Project network diagrams are not exclusion.
Creating such a diagram takes time and costs money to produce it. Sometimes network diagrams can be too
complex and difficult to discern visually. There can also be errors when making it or other factors that can
influence (Kukhnavets, 2020).

d. Risk response matrix

The Risk Response Matrix provides a good graphic description of the risks in a project / task; simplify the risk
management process; help identify areas to minimize risks; provides full risk analysis as well as allows for
more detailed analysis to focus on high risk areas (Wilson, 2020). Essentially, the risk response matrix acts as
a complement to other resources such as the WBS, network, and Gantt chart, as it gives a sense of reality to
the project. However, it is time-consuming and expensive to create a risk response matrix and it is not possible
to identify any risks or risks identified as insignificant.

e. Google form

Since this is a research project in the form of a survey to collect data, it is extremely important to adopt a tool
that can help create the questionnaire. Google form is a free online tool that allows easy and efficient crawl.
With Google forms, a survey can be created in minutes to ask and store responses received so the project
team can analyze in detail. However, it requires users to know how to use it in order for it to fully perform its
functions. Google form has some security concerns, users have to create a good password and protect it to
increase the security level (Melo, 2018).

Google forms is the best option on a research project with this kind of survey. Because it is used to create
questionnaires and is very easy to use, for both parties to submit questionnaires and the other to answer the
questionnaires. The collected information can be automatically entered into the spreadsheet. From there, it
makes it easy to analyze in detail and clarity to make TM recommendations. However, it does not have many
customization options to make the form look as unique as other form services and requires users to know how
to use it in order for it to fully perform its functions.


1. Project findings

1.1. Findings
From the above project, through the process of collecting and researching, it is successful precisely by using
methods such as Gannt charts, WBS, CBS,... From there analyzing and making appropriate recommendations for
improvement. Facebook's corporate business policy. Besides, thanks to the use of google form to ask questions
in a clever, appropriate and logical way, the survey is also clearer and more reliable in the research. However, if
we could redo this Talent Management project, we would fix the imperfections, and make it even better. In fact,
there are some shortcomings that need to be acknowledged and corrected to make this study more academic.

1.2. Recommendations
Recommendations for attracting and retaining talent are presented and addressed in detail and thoroughness.
On the other hand, the company should innovate to make question types more diverse instead of more multiple
choice or yes-no questions. Instead, image selection questions can also be added to stimulate the survey,
making the survey more lively. Or an open-ended question that requires multiple responses from the
participants. Furthermore, the recommendations are not yet comprehensive, and based on this article alone,
some people will be unsure of how to incorporate and apply new ideas. Another study on policy editing and
new policy making will be proposed in the future. The sole purpose of this project is to study TM and come up
with new ideas for future improvement. Finally, in addition to listening and the support of the analyst to make
recommendations according to the collected data, it is important to consult the managers in the companies for
specific advice. more realistic and realistic.

2. Management process

Week 4

Name: Ong Thi Huyen Trang

Project title: The role of talent management from companies in the media and technology industry

Date: June 25th ,2021 – June 5th ,2021

Update on weekly research/tasks achieved

Points to consider:
I have completed the questionnaire and sent it to the 20 survey participants as well as the collected and
listed data. I have completed the task requests. I am on the right track and in the deadline. I don’t need to
make any changes to the project management plan.
Any risks and/or issues identified?

Points to consider:
I didn’t identify with a lack of skills require for undertaking tasks. I didn’t identify any additional
issues that have an impact on the project management plan .

Problems encountered

Points to consider:

Difficulty in choosing the right question as well as making recommendation for the project. Research evaluates
similar to find the core problem that needs research to provide appropriate questions and recommendations.

New ideas and change of project direction

Points to consider:

Solving risks changed direction of my work. After solving the problems, the direction of the project becomes
clearer. The change in direction has enhanced my work because I was able to provide the appropriate
questions and recommendations for the report.

What have you learned about yourself through your work ?

Points to consider :

This work has helped me to be more meticulous in the research process and to gain more
experience in making recommendations. I feel that I need to do better, that’s the driving force. All of
my assignments are completed as expected and completed well. I can improve my ability to choose
the right and necessary things for the job. Besides, I can improve my ability of team – work .

Next steps for your work

Points to consider :

I allowed sufficient time for completion.

Project plan status to date

Points to consider :

I have felt that I am on track to completed every thing on time. My work has shown my
achievement of the learning outcomes.

Tutor Feedback

This report outlines the project plan as well as the survey questionnaire. Using instruments such as project
scopes, WBS, CBS, Communication Plan, Risks, etc., all plans have been carefully and thoroughly prepared. In
addition, it has also illustrated the critical evaluation of research methods and project management processes,
ensuring that the project is under control and will be smoothly implemented in the future.
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