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Stress is a common phenomenon among students, and it can significantly impact their
academic performance, mental health, and overall well-being. Stress management
among students is a hit-or-miss matter. In order to tackle the horrible matter most of the
educational institutes schedule optional stress management classes, but students often
lack the time to attend. In general, people have a common mind-set that stress is only
caused by a sad happening, but the truth is that stress can occur through a good
experience as well. Stress is a condition of mental pressure for a particular individual.
According to the study made by (YASMİN et al;2020), stress has become an
inseparable part of everyday life, affecting people of all ages. In today's fast-paced
world, proper management of stress has become increasingly difficult, with parents
struggling to provide enough time and attention to their children. The misconception that
stress only arises from adverse experiences has led to many ignoring the importance of
stress management in their daily lives facing problems from environmental and social
well-being which leads to so many diseases. Stress management techniques are
available to help students cope with stress, but it is unclear how widely they are used. In
this study, we aim to explore the extent of stress management use among students.
Stress has become the number one reported impediment to academic performance.
Stress management behaviors are defined as behaviors people often use in the face of
stress to help manage painful or difficult emotions. Some levels of stress can actually be
good for us, as the right kind of stress can sharpen the mind and reflexes and
encourage us toward change and growth.Stress management is a crucial skill for
students to have in order to cope with the demands of academic and personal life. It is
important to know the extent of its use among students in order to determine the
effectiveness of stress management programs, policies, and interventions. It is difficult
to provide a precise estimate of the extent of stress management use among students,
as it can vary widely depending on various factors such as demographics, culture,
educational institutions, and personal circumstances. Addressing barriers such as lack
of time and stigma associated with seeking help for mental health issues is critical in
ensuring that students can manage stress effectively. Schools can provide flexible
schedules that allow students to engage in stress management practices, and they can
work to reduce the stigma associated with seeking help for mental health issues.
Schools can also provide resources such as online counseling services that are easily
accessible for students. In conclusion, stress management is a critical aspect of student
life that can help students cope with various stressors and improve their overall well-

Stress is a common experience among graduating students. The demands of

completing assignments, exams, and future uncertainties can cause anxiety and stress
levels to rise. Managing stress is crucial for graduating students to maintain their well-
being, academic performance, and future success. Mindfulness- based interventions,
cognitive-behavioral therapy, exercise, time management, and social support are
effective best practices that graduating students can implement to manage stress.
According to the American Psychological Association, it is essential to distinguish the
signs and symptoms of stress in children and teens. Some of the symptoms are
behavioral, physical, emotional, and cognitive. In a paper studied by (Yasmin et al.;
2020) stress can be positive or negative.Some stressors can bring encouragement and
determination to students to study harder. However, it can be a problem once the stress
becomes a burden, affecting the child’s behavior, emotions, social and physical well-
being.They recognized the signs and symptoms of stress among students with
information from the American Psychological Association. Additionally, they concluded
three levels of stress and various types of stress. There are stressors that most
students face: academic, financial, social, and emotional. These stressors suggested
ways to manage and overcome them and address unhealthy and healthy stress
management. Although stress is almost inevitable, there is no significant way to
determine the stress level because of people’s various perceptions of their stress.
Stress management is essential for graduating students as they navigate the transition
from school to the workforce. The most common stress management practices reported
by students are exercise, talking to friends or family, and listening to music, which are
moderately effective in managing stress. However, more effective practices such as
mindfulness and meditation are used less frequently. One of the best practices in stress
management is effective time management. Graduating students can reduce their
stress levels by creating a schedule, setting priorities, and avoiding procrastination. By
managing their time effectively, they can make the most of their time and reduce the
pressure of meeting deadlines. Effective time management can increase productivity
and reduce stress levels, making it an essential practice for graduating students.
Promoting effective stress management practices such as mindfulness and meditation
is also critical in helping students manage stress. These practices have been shown to
be highly effective in reducing stress and improving mental health. Schools can offer
mindfulness and meditation classes or incorporate these practices into the curriculum to
help students develop these skills. Positive thinking can help graduating students to
manage stress. Research has shown that positive thinking can improve mental health
outcomes, including reduced levels of stress and depression. Graduating students
should focus on their strengths, set achievable goals, and avoid negative self-talk. By
adopting a positive mindset, they can reduce their stress levels and improve their
overall well-being. This study aims

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