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Topik : noice induce hearing loss

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1 Health Scope Prevalence and Cross-sectional study, 890 Of the 890 selected students,
2019 february ; 8(1):e65901 Pattern of Using students were ran- 866 participated in the
Asghar Mohammadpoorasl, Headphones and domly selected from five study and filled out the
Mohammad Hajizadeh, Its Relationship schools at QUMS (Medicine, questionnaire
Soudabeh Marin, Payam with Hearing Loss Den- Notably, 60.2% (95% CI: 56.9 -
Heydari and among Students tistry, Nursing and 66.4) of the stu-
Mehran Ghalenoei Midwifery, Public Health, dents reported a history of
and Paramed- hearing loss and hearing im-
ical Sciences schools) using a pairments.
proportional cluster sam- Audiometry test was
pling method in April and performed in 256 students
May 2015. The sample size and
was the results showed that 25
calculated based on the (9.8%) students had hearing
estimation of the prevalence loss
headphone use (more than
one hour in each day)

2 The 7th International RISK FACTORS OF This was a cross-sectional. Distribution of hearing loss
Conference on Public NOISED INDUCED The population to frequency based on the
Health HEARING LOSS be studied is all workers in examination results
Solo, Indonesia, November IN WORKERS AT the beveling section shows that 16 workers
18-19, 2020 |196 BEVELING UNIT IN of Manufacturing Company (59.3%) Of the 27
Annisaur Rohmatun Jannah, INDUSTRY X, X in Bekasi in workers as respondents
Aulia Chairani, Yanti BEKASI, WEST 2020. A sample of 27 experienced hearing
Harjono JAVA respondents was loss, and 11 workers (40.7%)
selected using simple others did not
random sampling. The experience hearing loss or had
sample selected using normal
probability sampling hearing
technique, namely simple statistically there is no
random sampling relationship between work
with sample criteria, namely duration (p = 0.16).
the respondent is Noise-related hobbies are
an active worker in the known to increase
beveling section, is the risk of hearing loss up to
male, is willing to be the 3,611 times (p =
research sample, has 0.206; OR = 3.611; 95% CI =
no history of hearing loss, a 0.642 – 20.320)
history of but statistically there was no
congenital deafness or significant
anatomical relationship either
abnormalities and is not

3 Environmental Health and An overview of In preparing this review, we A total of 1230 documents
Preventive Medicine occupational searched several online were retrieved from the
Chen et al (2020) 25:65 noise-induced data- abovementioned sources. All
Kou-Huang Chen hearing loss bases, including MEDLINE titles and abstracts from
, Shih-Bin Su and Kow-Tong among workers: (National Library of the literature search were
Chen epidemiology, Medicine, assessed by two investigators
pathogenesis, and Bethesda, Maryland, USA), against the inclusion criteria
preventive PubMed, Embase, Web of for possible relevance inde-
measures Sci- pendently. ONIHL is still the
ence, and Google Scholar. most prevalent occupa-
The references listed in the tional disease in the world.
retrieved studies were The findings from this review
also searched in an attempt provide guidance to
to find additional relevant policymakers in terms of
stud- where re-
ies. The steps of the review sources might best be used
process followed the and can provide insight into
preferred the effectiveness of other past
reporting items for interventions. Treatment
systematic reviews and strategies are still in the
meta-analysis developmental stages; before
(PRISMA) guidelines they become universally
available, the main strategy
reducing the prevalence of
ONIHL is prevention.

4 Acta Medical and Health Noise induced he design of this study was Of the 66 people who were
Sciences hearing loss cross screened, there were 37
June 2022 1 (1): 10-18 among furniture sectional with descriptive (56%) people who
(2022) factory workers PT observation. The experienced noise-induced
Yanti Nurrokhmawati, Chitose research was conducted the hearing loss
Desire M Nataliningrum, Cimahi furniture from the results of the
Dian Anggraeny. industry workers of PT audiometric
Chitose in Cimahi examination.
Indonesia. Research was the work duration
conducted in range is about 0.3 years (4
December 2021. The months) to 30
population of this years. NIHL commonly
study were all PT Chitose happens on the
furniture workers duration of 5-15 years, but in
who met the inclusion PT Chitose
criteria, by aged 15 - Cimahi it happened with a
64 years; never worked in shorter duration,
other noisy depend on the loud intensity
places; have no history of and other risk
hearing disease; factors. The habitual pattern
and willing to be a of using
respondent. The data personal protective equipmen
obtained were worker Symptoms
characteristics, due to NIHL are divided into
length of work, PPE use auditory and
habit, smoking non-auditory symptoms. Most
status and auditory/non- of the workers
auditory symptoms said there were no auditory
and audiometric test for symptoms (62%),
both ears among 24% of workers experienced
workers at PT Chitose in tinnitus, 14% of
Cimahi, West workers symptomed of
Java. The data collection hearing loss and 8%
technique was symptomed of difficulty
carried out by interview understanding
using a speech. 73% of workers said
questionnaire and there were no
audiometric examination non-auditory symptoms, 19%
with an audiometer of workers
symptom of insomnia, 5% of
workers had
concentration problems.

5 Annals of Global Health. Noise Exposure This was a cross-sectional A total of 106 workers out of
John, W, et al 84(3), pp. and Self-reported conducted in three gas-fired 160 employees in the three
523–531 Hearing electric plants (named A, B gas-fired electric plants
Witness John, Gloria Impairment and C) in Dar es Salaam. participated in this study.
Sakwari and Simon Hendry among Gas-fired Plant Workers in gas-fired electrical
Mamuya Electric Plant A has an installed capacity of plants are exposed to sig-
Workers in 105 Megawatts (MW) con- nificant high noise levels,
Tanzania sisting of three open cycle above 85dB(A), which could
gas turbines, SGT–800 indus- impair their hearing capacity.
trial type turbines of 35 MW Artisans and technicians
each. Plant B is installed received significantly higher
with amounts of exposure than
five generating units giving a other job categories. The
total installed capacity of 45 measured noise levels (TWA
MW. Plant C is installed with and
twelve generating engines peak level) were found to be
each with a capacity of 8.73 higher than the TBS and
MW totaling an installed WHO acceptable limit in some
capacity of 104 MW. All production sections. This
plants use natural gas in suggests that specific
their intervention is required to
operations protect
Participants were randomly workers exposure to noise and
selected from administra- health effects at the work
tive list in each plant based place.
on the number of workers in
operation and maintenance
departments. Proportional
sampling method was used
to insure weighted participa-
tion from each plant.

6 Jurnal Kedokteran Hubungan Lama enelitian ini adalah Pengumpulan data pada
Nanggroe Medika Paparan penelitian analitik penelitian ini dilaksanakan
e-ISSN: 2615-3874 | p-ISSN: Penggunaan korelasional pada bulan Desember 2011 –
2615 3882 Earphone Musik dengan studi cross sectional Januari 2012 di Fakultas
Juni 2018 Terhadap mengenai hubungan Kedokteran Universitas Syiah
Lily Setiani, Nurul Syakila, Terjadinya lama paparan penggunaan Kuala Banda Aceh
Yusni Gangguan earphone musik terhadap dari hasil pengisian
Pendengaran terjadinya gangguan kuesioner.Jumlah sampel yang
Akibat Bising pendengaran akibat bising digunakan sebagai
pada Mahasiswa pada responden dalam penelitian
Fakultas mahasiswa Fakultas ini yaitu sebanyak 51
Kedokteran Kedokteran UnsyiahP o p u l orang.
Universitas Syiah asi erdapat hubungan antara
Kuala diambil dari seluruh lama paparan
mahasiswa Pendidikan penggunaan earphone
Dokter minimal selama 3-4 jam
preklinik di lingkungan dan maksimal mencapai > 4
Fakultas Kedokteran Unsyiah jam dalam sehari
yang terdiri dari 4 angkatan dengan volume yang
aktif, yaitu 2008, 2009, intensitasnya > 85 dB
2010, dan 2011. Sampel terhadap
penelitian adalah mahasiswa terjadinya gangguan
kedokteran yang pendengaran akibat bising
menggunakan earphone kemudian dengan lama
yang paparan penggunaan
memenuhi kriteria inklusi earphone maksimal yang
yaitu dengan penggunaan sudah mencapai lebih
>2 jam sehari & volume > 85 dari 5 tahun lebih cenderung
dB dan tidak ada riwayat terjadi gangguan
penyakit yang berhubungan pendengaran akibat
dengan THT. bising.Pada penelitian ini
Teknik pengambilan sampel didapatkan 17,6% mahasiswa
yang digunakan dalam pengguna earphone
penelitian ini adalah quota menderita gangguan
sampling pendengaran akibat bising
ringan dan didapatkan
bahwa pengguna earphone
lebih banyak pada
perempuan daripada laki-laki.
doi: 10.18689/mjol-1000101

7 Madridge J Noise induced cross sectional descriptive The basic demographic,

Otorhinolaryngol. 2016; hearing loss and study was carried out in professional data and smoking
1(1): 1-11 its determinants in December 2011 in an habits of 272 workers
Jamal A, Tanoli Q, Putus T, workers of an automobile manufacturing participating in the study is as
Savolainen H, Liesivuori J. Automobile unit in follows: 34.92% of workers
manufacturing Karachi, Pakistan. Written belong to 41-50 years of age,
unit in consent was obtained from 58.8% belong to Mohajir
Karachi, Pakistan Chief ethnic group, 19.1% were
Executive Officer of the smoker/ex-smokers, 62%
company. Verbal consent earned
was taken less than Rs 10,000/month,
from subjects who were 87.5% received education for
workers in different 0-10 years and 40% had work
departments.We used experience of 0-10 years. The
random method of majority of the workers were
sampling. 272 workers exposed to noise level higher
participated in questionnaire than the safe limit of 85 dBA
study. 206 workers i.e.76% 61% of the workers were
of suffering from hearing loss.
the sample underwent Those who were suffering
audiometry.Noise level from hearing loss were further
meter was placed at evaluated according to Cole’s
shoulder criteria for NIH. Of the total
level of the worker. Nine number of workers who
readings were measured at underwent audiometry
three 25% fulfilled the Coles’ criteria
different times on the same for NIHL.
day. The minimum and
were noted and average of 9
readings was calculated.

8 JURNAL KEDOKTERAN HUBUNGAN Metode penelitian ini adalah Penelitian dilakukan pada medico

DIPONEGORO ANTARA LAMANYA studi cross sectional, Subjek pekerja pabrik industri tekstil
Volume 6, Nomor 2, April PAPARAN BISING penelitian adalah pekerja di PT. Panca Tunggal Jaya
2017 DENGAN pabrik tekstil PT. Panca Semarang selama bulan Juli
Rona Elfiza, Dwi Marliyawati GANGGUAN Tunggal Jaya Semarang 2016. Sampel penelitian ini
FISIOLOGIS DAN dengan populasi 42 orang, sebanyak 42 sampel terdiri
PENDENGARAN Sampel penelitian dari 2
PADA PEKERJA diambil secara consecutive kelompok perlakuan yang
INDUSTRI TEKSTIL random sampling, penelitian bekerja kurang dari 5 tahun
ini menggunakan data (21) dan yang bekerja lebih
tekanan darah, dari 5
nadi dan tes fungsi tahun (21)
pendengaran dengan alat Hasil analisis hubungan antara
OAE. Analisis bivariate lamanya paparan bising
dilakukan uji Chi- dengan gangguan fisiologis
square dengan signifikan dan pendengaran pada
p<0.05. pekerja industri tekstiidak
terdapat hubungan bermakna
antara lamanya paparan bising
dengan gangguan
pendengaran (p=1,000).
DOI: 10.7759/cureus.37111

9 Al zahrani et al. Cureus The Relationship A cross-sectional survey was Almost 22% of the study had
15(4): e37111. 2023 Between Noise- performed in December mild-to-severe hearing
Faisal Alzahrani , Saad M. Induced Hearing 2022 by sending an online impairment. Hearing issues
Alharthi , Sanad M. Alharthi Loss Awareness survey on various social were especially common
, Abdulrahman F. Kabli , and the Use of media applications. An among male individuals. A
Abdulrahman Personal Listening electronic Arabic higher incidence of hearing
Baabdullah , Alwaleed S. Devices in Makkah questionnaire with a total of impairments was seen in
Alzahrani , Emad Baatiyyah , Region, Saudi 37 questions was designed individuals who were
Abdulaziz F. Altowairqi , Arabia to explore utilizing a sound degree of
Shahd Alshareef , the participants' more than 80%. The causes
Razan M. Jan , Abdullah A. demographic data, history of for NIHL comprised exposure
Khafagy , Mokhtar M. hearing loss, risk factors, to occupational noise,
Shatla attitudes, and awareness of duration of the listening
NIHL. session per day, and the level
to which the sound of the
television or the
broadcasting was raised.
Approximately 77% of the
participants preferred to
reduce the sound of their
personal audio devices (PADs)
to prevent NIHL.

10 Jurnal e-Biomedik (eBm), Hubungan Metode penelitian yang Hasil penelitian menunjukkan
Volume 4, Nomor 1, kebisingan digunakan yaitu bahwa terdapat gangguan
Januari-Juni 2016 terhadap fungsi metode analitik dengan pendengaran sebesar 30%
Ramdan P. I. Timang, pendengaran menggunakan rancangan pada seluruh pekerja. Hasil
Vennetia R Danes, Fransiska pekerja mesin potong lintang. Sampel analisis
Lintong pembangkit listrik berjumlah 20 orang bivariat didapatkan bahwa
tenaga diesel di yang diambil dari pekerja terdapat hubungan bermakna
PLTD Suluttenggo mesin pembangkit listrik antara tingkat kebisingan dan
kota Manado tenaga diesel di PLTD gangguan pendengaran
Suluttenggo Kota dengan nilai p = 0,015 ( p <
Manado. Data diperoleh 0,05). Gangguan pendengaran
melalui kuisioner dan yang paling
pemeriksaan fungsi banyak diderita oleh pekerja
pendengaran dengan ialah tuli campuran (Mixed
menggunakan audiometri. Hearing Loss).Pekerja
Data dianalisis dengan yang bekerja pada intensitas
menggunakan Statistical bising yang tinggi memiliki
Program Product resiko lebih besar menderita
and Service Solution (SPSS) gangguan pendengaran.
dan menggunakan uji

11 eBiomedik HUBUNGAN Metode penelitian yang Hasil penelitian

Vol. 2 No. 1 (2014) ANTARA digunakan yaitu metode menunjukkan bahwa terdapat
Fauziah N Manoppo, Wenny KEBISINGAN DAN analitik dengan gangguan pendengaran
Supit, Vennetia R Danes FUNGSI menggunakan sebesar 20% pada seluruh
PENDENGARAN rancangan studi cross petugas. Hasil
PADA sectional. Sampel berjumlah analisis bivariat menunjukkan
PETUGAS PT. 20 orang. Pengukuran tidak adanya hubungan yang
GAPURA ANGKASA tingkat bising di bermakna antara gangguan
DI BANDAR lakukan berdasarkan unit pendengaran dengan tingkat
UDARA SAM kerja yaitu pada bagian intesitas bising (p=0.591). Dari
RATULANGI Operation didapatkan 75 dB hasil penelitian ini dapat
MANADO dan bagian disimpulkan bahwa petugas
Loading 85 dB. Dari hasil yang bekerja pada intensitas
yang didapatkan dari 20 bising yang tinggi lebih
orang petugas hanya 8 orang beresiko
saja yang mengalami gangguan
bekerja melebihi NAB pendengaran dibandingkan
kebisingan yang telah dengan petugas yang bekerja
ditetapkan. pada tingkat
intesitas bising yang rendah.
Selain itu faktor-faktor seperti
lama bekerja, lama
bising, penggunaan Alat
Pelindung Telinga (APT) juga
sangat berpengaruh terhadap
gangguan pendengaran pada

12 eBiomedik EFEK BISING Metode penelitian yang Hasil penelitian menunjukkan

Vol. 1 No. 1 (2013) MESIN digunakan yaitu metode bahwa : Terdapat
Hardini Tjan, Fransiska ELEKTRONIKA analitik dengan gangguan pendengaran
Lintong, Wenny Supit TERHADAP menggunakan rancangan sebesar 75 % pada seluruh
GANGGUAN cross sectional study. pekerja. Hasil analisis bivariat
FUNGSI Sampel berjumlah 20 orang menunjukan
PENDENGARAN yang diambil dari pekerja di ada hubungan yang bermakna
PADA PEKERJA DI tempat bermain timezone antara gangguan pendengaran
KECAMATAN dan amazone. Data dengan tingkat intensitas
SARIO diperoleh melalui bising
KOTA MANADO, kuisioner dan pemeriksaan (p = 0,032). Gangguan
SULAWESI UTARA fungsi pendengaran dengan pendengaran yang paling
menggunakan Audiometri. banyak diderita oleh pekerja
Data adalah tulisensorineural
dianalisis dengan (persepsi) yang umumnya
menggunakan Statistical terjadi pada kedua telinga.
Program Product and Dari hasil penelitian ini
Service Solution (SPSS) dan dapat disimpulkan bahwa
menggunakan uji Fisher pekerja yang bekerja pada
Exact. intensitas bising yang tinggi
resiko lebih besar menderita
gangguan pendengaran

13 Jurnal e-Biomedik (eBm), HUBUNGAN Penelitian ini menggunakan Hasil penelitian

Volume 3, Nomor 3, BISING DENGAN metode observasional menunjukkan, dari 20
September-Desember 2015 GANGGUAN analitik dengan desain responden terdapat 3 orang
Ria M. Rantung, Fransiska PENDENGARAN potong lintang. Responden (15%) mengalami gangguan
Lintong, Vennetia R. Danes PADA PEKERJA ialah 20 pekerja Game pendengaran,
GAME CENTRAL Central Area MTC yang 2 orang (10%) tuli ringan, dan
AREA bersedia mengisi 1 orang (5%) tuli sedang. Hasil
DI AREA MANADO informed consent, kusioner, analisis bivariat dengan uji
TRADE CENTER serta dipilih berdasarkan Chi-
kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. square mendapatkan adanya
Analisis hubungan bermakna antara
data dilakukan dengan uji tingkat kebisingan dan
statistik Chi-square dengan gangguan
menggunakan SPSS. pendengaran baik pada
telinga kiri maupun kanan
dengan nilai p = 0,002 < α =
0,05Terdapat hubungan
bermakna antara tingkat
kebisingan dengan gangguan
pendengaran baik pada
telinga kiri maupun kanan
pada pekerja Game Central
Area di
Manado Trade Center

14 Jurnal e-Biomedik (eBm), HUBUNGAN Penelitian ini menggunakan Hasil pengukuran kebisingan
Volume 3, Nomor 3, BISING DAN metode mendapatkan intensitas bising
September-Desember 2015 FUNGSI survei analitik dengan 87 dB dan 93 dB. Dari 20
Nina P. Lumonang, Maya PENDENGARAN pendekatan potong petugas hanya 7 orang yang
Moningka, Vennetia R. PADA TEKNISI lintang. Penelitian dilakukan bekerja
Danes MESIN KAPAL di Pelabuhan melebihi NAB kebisingan yang
YANG BERSANDAR Laut Kota Bitung Sulawesi telah ditetapkan. Hasil
DI PELABUHAN Utara pada pemeriksaan dengan
BITUNG bulan November 2014. audiometri
Populasi adalah mendapatkan 3 orang (15%)
semua teknisi kapal di yang menderita tuli dan 17
Pelabuhan BitungVariabel orang (85%) normal. Analisis
penelitian terdiri dari bivariat
variabel menunjukkan terdapat
bebas yaitu kebisingan dan hubungan bermakna antara
variabel terikat gangguan pendengaran dan
yaitu fungsi pendengaran. intensitas bising
Pengumpulan (p=0,008).Terdapat hubungan
data diperoleh dari bermakna antara bising dan
kuesioner, pemeriksaan fungsi pendengaran
fisik telinga dan audiometri. pada teknisi mesin kapal di
Data dianalisis pelabuhan Bitung.
dengan uji Spearman (rho)
dan program

15 International Journal of Noise Pollution This study was conducted in he results of the noise level
Environmental Research and Its November 2018 at one surveillance in one cement
and Public Health 2021, 18, Correlations with cement plant (S1) and three plant and three cement
4229. Occupational cement grinding stations reveal that
Thai, T, Kuˇcera, P, Noise-Induced grinding stations (S2, S3, S4) the equivalent noise level in
Bernatik, A. Hearing Loss in located in the South of many processes of cement
Cement Plants in VietnamFirstly, the noise man-
Vietnam level was measured for 30 ufacturing exceeded the
cement manufacturing sub- permissible exposure limit for
processes at the an 8-hour shift, regulated by
study sites in November the
2018. At each measurement Vietnamese Standard (85
site, the noise level was dBA). The processes with an
measured in excessive noise level at the
the workers’ hearing zone first
for three minutes during study site (S1) included
each of 5 different working quarry, coal mill, cement mill,
hours placed at the worker’s kiln, air compressor, and co-
working position and at a waste-
height of 1.4 m processing area. The
from the ground. Secondly, processes with an excessive
the authors worked with the noise level at the second
health practitioners who are study site (S2)
in charge of included cement ball mill, air
occupational health checks compressor room, and packer.
at the plants. In 2018, 418 The processes with an exces-
workers (60.67% of sive noise level at the third
excessive noise- study site (S3) was the vertical
exposed workers) at the cement mill, and at the fourth
study sites were sent to the study site (S4) this included
Institute of Public Health, Ho the vertical cement mill and
Chi Minh compressor room. The noise
City for NIHL test. Then, the levels in the main processes of
percentage of cement manufacturing plant
impairment loss was ranged between 68.8 dBA and
compared to WHO NIHL 103.3 dBA, which workers
criteria to define were exposed to every single
occupational NIHL. The day.
grades of hearing
impairment included slight
or mild impairment with a
hearing loss range
from 26 to 40 dB; moderate
impairment with a hearing
loss range from 41 to 60 dB;
impairment with hearing
loss range from 61 to 80 dB;
profound impairment with a
loss range of 81 dB or
greaterThirdly, the authors
worked with Human
Resources Departments at
study sites to
survey the age, working
department, and length of
service of occupational NIHL
casesFinally, the correlation
between occupational NIHL
and the noise level in the
stages of the
cement-making process was

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